IV...,, Artn.Nr Kankln
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TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 13, 1921 1 hW jMrj&r, . , , - KJ V."V II 11 a . A rflSJ1 . "3 lit . till 1 - - i- I . '- - " I T'lUSSXr- ' ' iTsV H I i'--t .1111 I. ':V:'! ,r ' - ....... 5 cullar intuitive powers which enable her to foretell certain future happen- ings. She la known as "the girl who tees around corners." A childhood romance develops In later years into a real love affair, but a misunderstanding results in the parting of Miriam and her lover, Clyde Urunton. He marries another woman, but quickly regrets the step he has taken, TODAY'S F1XH FEATURES. and when be comes upon Miriam in Ubrty Wesley Barry. "Dint y. New York, where she has gained fame Columbia Lionel Barrymora, for the great services site has per- "The Devil's Garden." formed for humanity through b Elvoll ylvla Breamer. "Un- wonderful gift, he knows that he rlh seen Forces." loves her. aiajestlc Wh-ltma- Bennett's A lounge lizard who has beon pes- - The Truth About Husbands." icriny nor is me least or Miriams Peoples Anita Stewart. "Har- troubles, but in her heart eho has a riet and the Piper." real problem to solve, and she does Bta.r Eleanor Hallowell Ab- solve it as only a "girl who sees bott's -- Old Dad." around corners" could do. Clrele-Patt- y" Arbnckle. "The 'The Punch of the Irish," a comedy: Round-up- ." a Fox news reel and the music of the Hippodrome Ina Claire, "Polly Rivoli orchestra complete tho Itlvoll With a Past." bill. Globe Don't ETer Marry." 1ICSBAXJ) Today's Slasle Feature. FILM AT MAJESTIC Biroll Orchestra concert un- der direction of Salvatore Truth About llins 8antaella at H:tO o'clock. Liberty Organ concert by Vividly Told. Henri Keates at 12:30 o'clock. "The Truth IliiKhands," Ce- About Majestic Organ concert by ftdapted from Sir Arthur Wing Pin-ero'- B cil Teague at 1:30 o'clock. brilliant stage play "The Prof- ligate," ia the feature at the Majejitio. i It Is a whitman Bennett production BY DOX and has an exceptionally GEENB. cast headed by May McAvoy. nKBGrON scenlo beauties will It deals In an Interesting way with knows to the world the ape-ol- d problem of how a man, through a series of compre-- beiiore marriage, cannot have his fling fisnslTs motion picture productions, without the dfinger of his escapades according to announcement last week confronting him after marriage. 11. E. Herbort plays Hunstan Kenshaw, a by officials of a newly organized wealthy bachelor who Is supposedly Portland company. typical of his claja. He is not vicious. Fred Klser, Portland photographer merely worldly. with a national reputation, will head Under an assumed name ha mMli the new concern, known as the Klser Janet i'reece, played by Ann Lehr, who Is a librarian, living In a suburb, Studloc, Inc., and will supervise the m - V.V r. -- f aud makes love to her. Later ha . - .. taking of all scenes. The settings mission would be made tip of citizens a i - marrii- Leslie BrownelL nortravert bv number of little tickets as edles and also supervises the shorter in the near future featuring Chris- Pi?t . May will be for the most part In Oregon, of high standing and modeled some- minder that winning photoplaye are features. He edited "Mickey," "Yan-k- e McAvoy, a young bocioly girl, although some the scenes will be what after the child welfare commis easier to pick than racing thorough- Doodle in Berlin." "Down on the I , V & and takes her abroad. of But it so happens (hat laid In other western scenic centers. sion and similar organizations. This breds, as far as he is concerned. Farm." and "The Small Town Idol." The concert arranged by Salvatore - I.eelie'i suggestion was sent to Representa Plans for the building of Loew's and helped In the cutting of "The Santaella for the Rivoli today noon brother, Wilfred Brownell, enartcd by Wlnthln to days work will be started tive Childs In a letter indorsed by State are progressing Douglai been chosen Over- IV...,, Artn.nr Kankln. Is acotiainted with picturesque theater here Mark of Zorro," starring has as follows: on a picture with the Ralph C McAfee, Rev. Monroe G. as rapidly as possible for such Fairbanks. McNeil's last visit to ture "Ruy Bias" (F. Mendelsohn) Janet Preeee, the librarian, but Is not Columbia gorge as a setting. The Everett, chairman of the church large undertaking. Mr. Ely announced Portland was three years ago. "Good-Bye- " (F. Paola Tosti), selec cognizant of lh fact that Dunstan. scenario of this production wllr be federation committee on moving pic- A deal Is being completed for a suit tion "The Spring Maid" (H. Rein his sister's husband, has ever met her. fnrolehed by Anne Shannon Monroe tures; Mrs. J. K. Hall, president of the able downtown location for the n W. W. Cooley of Silverton. has com hardt), Egyptian dance (Rudolph Janet Is engaged as secretary to Mm. Parent-Teacher- s' association; Mrs. J. house, which will cost about $750,000 pleted extensive renovations of the Friml). valse ''Springtime" (George ance of his brief but brilliant career. great problem and a means of atone- hionenay, played by Elizabeth Garri noted western writer. The second F. Thomas, Mr. Wesley ment bis wrongs of past. son, whose daughter Irene Is a friend by president of the associated and will present moving picture Gem theater, and has Installed some JJrumm), "American Patrol' (V. W. Neilan has surrounded for the photoplay will be furnished Walter collegiate alumnae; Mrs. Mabel Mer first-cla- ss pro Barry an cast of play- The Columbia picture, players fur- of Janet Li taken abrond New York features and musical projection innova Meacham). The concert number to with excellent Prichard Eaton. dramatic win and Mrs. A, C. NewilL grammes, under the direction of tions: be played during this week, after- ers, including such favorites as Col- nish the musical entertainment of tie with tho Stonehnys. Irene ftonehav. erJtic and author of outdoor fiction Marcus Loew and Ackerman Harris, a a a noons and evenings. Is "Bacchsnalc" leen Moore, J. Barney Sherry, Mar-jorl- o new programme. role enacted by Lorraine Frost, ii The location for Mr. Eaton's story C S. Jensen left Portland Wednes The proposed house will most Daw, Pat O'Malley, Noah Beery, engased to Lord Dexter Randolph in Glacier National park. Be be the Miss Alene Maupln arrived In Port from the opera "Samson and Delilah," will be day night for Seattle for an 4m costly enterprise of kind In Port by C. Saint-Saen- s. Tom Gallery, Kate Price, Tom Wilson "trXSEEN' FORCES" AT KIVOLI lvo Dawson The latter an old ac Bides photoplays with plot and action, its land last week from Los Angeles, quaintance of portant conference with J. G. Von land. pic a a and Newton Hall. Dunstan's. short scenic features will be made. Herberg on plans for tho opening where she has been engaged in The balance of the cast Includes Then follow a series ct dramntl't Plans are being made to release the tures. She will appear in an atmos The duties of a concert master as Chung, young Chinaman, Childhood Romance Develops lulu Hituaiion.s ending in a UuUllns of the firms new theater at Great Ralph Wrasor has completed exten pheric soon, Walter a Kliter films on a national scale. Falls, Mont., about May 1. The prologue at the Liberty ihey pertain to ths successful func- and Aaron Mitchell, a pickaninny, limax. George Natanson, well-know- n as a sive repairs in the realms behind the and tn the meantime will open an tioning of a modern orchestra are Real Love Affair. manager for the new house has not scenes Star theater. He an - who play the parts of Barry's chums member of the Alcazar btock at the academy of dancing at the Multno- not generally by aver- W 1 ! former been selected yet. but will probably nounced last week an unusual lineup understood the In "Dlnty." Heralded as one of the mnrl re- TOLLY' ITH A PAST" AT H company here, has wn chosen to dt be chosen from the ranks of the or- man hotel. age layman, but they are of the ut- "Dinty" Is ths tale of a fighting pictures. It. J. Grace will of feature pictures for his bouse a a a most Importance, according markable photodramas of the season. rect the ganization in Seattle or Portland. to Albert San Francisco newsboy, "Dinty" "Unseen' Forces," all-st- ar which Includes Tom Mix in "The with an 1 ii u Ilcla.-o- o bave charge of the technical end of Henri Keates, Liberty organist, will rCreitz, who holds this position with O'Sullivan. It with his rise to cast, headed by Sylvia Breamer, Is on Oalrp, Mar, rini Productions. Texan," Blanche Sweet and Mahlon present Klvoli dals Bill Ely. mani5r of the Hippo In Montana," the following selections at the orchestra. The concert the head of the newsboys' trust, and the Rivoli screen bill this week. "The tendency of film producers com Hamilton That Girl the regular noon concert today master is the first violin and the other run- Country Girl Role. drome, returned Tuesday from a Frank Mayo In "Tiger. True," and the prominent part he plays in Supporting Miss Breamer in the t today seems to be toward the outdoor "American (Meacham). "The Instruments cues well-know- blned business and pleasure trip Dow- - Patrol" obtain their from ning down a band of Malay highbind- cast are such n celluloid Ina Claire, Belasco stage star, trill aettlng, and Oregon offers a wealth "The Devil to Pay," with Joseph Rosary" (Nevin), "Les Patineurs' him and not altogether dis- through California.