Some Visualization Challanges From
' $ Some visualization challenges from SNA Vladimir Batagelj University of Ljubljana Slovenia Workshop on Network Analysis and Visualisation In conjunction with Graph Drawing 2005 September 11, 2005, Limerick, Ireland & version: November 6, 2015 / 02 : 03% V. Batagelj: Some visualization challenges from SNA I-2 ' $ Outline 1 Some Examples..................................1 13 Networks...................................... 13 15 Types of networks................................. 15 20 Large Networks.................................. 20 21 Pajek ....................................... 21 23 Analysis and Visualization............................. 23 25 Representations of properties............................ 25 35 Large networks................................... 35 39 Dense networks.................................. 39 44 New graphical elements.............................. 44 46 Dynamic/temporal networks............................ 46 51 Challenges..................................... 51 Workshop on Network Analysis and Visualisation, September 11, 2005, Limerick, Ireland & s s y s l s y s s *6% V. Batagelj: Some visualization challenges from SNA 1 ' $ Some Examples The use of networks was introduced in sociology by Moreno developing the sociometry (1934, 1953, 1960). An overview of visualization of so- cial networks was prepared by Lin Freeman(1,2). The Ars Electronica 2004 in Linz, Austria gave special attention to networks by the exhibition Lan- Moreno guage of Networks (1,2,3,4). Some of the following examples are from the Gerhard
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