Orthodox, Diverse Yet Alike Examining different sects of religious shows similarities By LAWRENCE H. those in the more rightwing groups SCHIFFMAN but who accept the importance of a ne of the things that strikes wider secular education and the me every time I am in resulting interaction with the world OIsrael is the disparity around. The males of this group between the nature of the Orthodox (and this is even true of some to the communities of the United States right of them) mostly do not cover their heads at work, and maybe not even in the street. They eschew tra- PERSPECTIVE ditional hats, except some wear and . There is a general them on Shabbat. assumption by many people that the Day School education through Orthodox in both countries can be high school is considered essential divided into the Modern Orthodox for this group. Virtually all high and the Haredim, usually translated school graduates go off to spend a as Ultra-Orthodox, and that those year or two in Israel before college. labeled by these sobriquets in these This experience is regarded as two very different environments formative in terms of preparing stu- truly must be equivalent. Both of dents for continuing either at these assumptions are false. University or at the various Understanding how and why these colleges with large Orthodox stu- communities are so different is a dent populations. Allegiance to tremendous help in grasping the their Israeli continues religious issues that separate Israel throughout life as this time in Israel and the American Jewish commu- is considered a formative experi- nity and that periodically lead to ence. major public spats. nstitutionally, this group draws American Modern Orthodoxy Imost of its rabbis from the Isaac A replica of 770 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, the Chabad headquarters, locatd in Kfar Chabad, Israel. Modern Orthodoxy in the United Elchanan Theological Seminary of States may be looked at from one of Yeshiva University and they are Dati-Leumi community are about A further division is between set- standards with right-wing, some- two perspectives, ideology or prac- organized in the Rabbinical Council half as many as in the American tlers and urban bourgeois Dati- times extreme, nationalism. tice. From the point of view of ide- of America (RCA). Their syna- Modern Orthodox group. Leumi who tend to be less to the The stricter Dati-Leumi, most of ology, Modern Orthodoxy supports gogues are organized through the It should be noted, however, that political right regarding opposition whose males participate in the attainment of high levels of secular Orthodox Union (OU) and the Dati-Leumi participation in higher to a Palestinian state and the Hesder yeshivah program, combin- education at universities. Further, it Young Israel movement. Open education is not much different demand for increased settling of ing yeshiva study with army serv- believes strongly in the sanctity of Orthodoxy, to which other Orthodox from that of the so-called secular Judea and Samaria. Further, not all ice, strongly support settlement the State of Israel and its religious leaders have raised many objections, public. It is simply a reality that the married women in the bourgeois activity and are generally opposed significance. From the perspective would be regarded by most as the many fewer Israelis pursue college group cover their hair all the time to the two-state solution. Orthodox of practice, while strict Modern left of the American Orthodox and university studies than do and some wear only slight cover- women are exempt from army serv- Orthodox adherents observe in a spectrum. The decision of this American Jews. ings. ice completely. Further, the absence of liberal Certain settler groups take This exemption is accepted by arts and general studies require- most National Religious women Modern Orthodoxy in the United States ments in Israeli universities, which The largest group who choose instead one or two are for the most part structured on years of “National Service” known may be looked at from one of two the European system, means that of Orthodox Jews in Hebrew as Sherut Leumi. About for most students secular education a quarter of National Religious perspectives, ideology or practice. may not include the humanities and in America is Orthodox women serve in the regu- social sciences that help to shape Hasidim, with the lar army and this has been a source the world outlook of American of great controversy within this way similar to those to the right of group to discard the adjective Modern Orthodox Jews. anti-Zionist community. them, the community includes “open” and to define itself as “mod- For the stricter Dati-Leumi, cov- many who do not necessarily fol- ern,” indicates its desire to maintain sraeli National Religious Jews Satmar group the ering the hair by married women low Orthodox standards of mod- a place within the mainstream Idivide according to certain lines: largest within and observance of traditional laws esty, including covering the hair for Modern Orthodox community. on the left you have the group of modesty, including wearing of married women, who may partici- called Dati-lite who are in many the Hasidic skirts, is virtually ubiquitous. pate in certain mixed activities Israeli Dati-Leumi` ways like the more liberal Modern However, as distinguished from eschewed by those to their right, The group often assumed to be Orthodox American Jews we have community. women to the right of them in what and whose style of dress typifies equivalent in Israel is that generally described. is generally called the Israeli Haredi that of the American upper middle termed Dati-Leumi, National Then there is a larger group of extremely strong negative positions population, almost none of the class to which they belong. Religious. Because of the different Dati-Leumi who, in contradistinc- regarding materialism and are high- National Religious women wear Essentially, we can say that the economic circumstances, and the tion to their American counterparts, ly opposed to compromise posi- stockings regularly and most prefer Modern Orthodox divide into two need for army service, at least for are virtually universal in male tions taken by the religious parties. kerchiefs or hats of some kind to groups in North America, those males, fewer Israelis in this group attendance at daily services. A further subgroup on the wigs (sheitlach, singular sheitel), who are in this community because have completed university or col- Further, and of course this is a National Religious right is termed unless they work in certain types of of its toleration of some halachic lege education than those in the result of living in a Jewish state, Hardal, meeting Haredi-Leumi. occupations for which such cover- leniencies (even violations) and a American Modern Orthodox com- almost all Dati-Leumi males wear These are strongly nationalistic ings are unacceptable. second group of those who aspire to munity. In fact, those reaching the kippot full-time, almost all of Jews whose lifestyle is essentially a The major exception here would the very same halachic standards as level of a Bachelors’ degree in the which are knitted and not black. combination of Haredi halachic be American Israeli women who 8 JEWISH TRIBUNE • SEPTEMBER 22-28, 2017 On the other hand, certain strin- many secular degrees earned by from army service and do not do well. In many cases, the women Orthodox gencies that are the norm in Israel Yeshivish Jews, male and female, national service. work, even in modern technological are treated much more leniently in may have heavy doses of transfer careers. The economic status of may continue to wear sheitlach, the US, for example, requiring credit of yeshiva or seminary stud- he Lita’i type Orthodox males these Jews is way below that of the having been accustomed to doing Chalav Yisrael Kosher supervised ies counted towards the degree. Tand American Yeshivish both American Yeshivish, so many of so in America. Almost none of the fresh milk and requiring that Nonetheless, degrees are valued as wear black hats but increasing num- whom are involved in business, males of this group, except rabbis, baked goods only be made by a means of training for occu- medicine, law, wear suits on Shabbat. The largest Jews. pations, and the expertise of Like modern Orthodox Jews, etc., similar to number of Dati-Leumi Israelis vote American Yeshivish those who hold degrees is their Modern valued by people seeking Yeshivish Jews are total Israel Orthodox neigh- services, even beyond health bors. services. There are some supporters, although this On the other American Yeshivish circles support is not buttressed hand, Lita’im that completely avoid higher and Hasidim in secular education but studies theologically. Israel, unless show these to be the minori- they discharge ty. bers of the Israeli equivalents wear army service obligations at a later long coats, like those of Hasidic age, tend to be unable to climb eshivish males generally wear Jews. Many of them have peyos above a kind of subsistence econ- Ywhite shirts, even during the (side curls) which in America are omy as a result of their long years week, and dark suits. They are of almost entirely limited to Hasidic of study in the yeshiva. However, course distinguished by their black Jews. contrary to the prevailing false hats, which have become a uniform. Universal yeshiva until the age assumption, the majority of Like Hasidim, they wear black when army service is no longer Israeli Haredi men do work for a cloth or velvet kippot. The married required is practiced by most living. women almost all wear wigs to Lita’im and by most Hasidim as continued on page 10 cover their hair at all times and strictly observe modesty rules, including for the most part wearing stockings. The men attend minyan certainly every morning and evening, and Best Wishes for a attempt to make the afternoon serv- ice as well, depending on work schedules. They virtually all partic- Happy and Healthy ipate in regular Torah study ses- sions at synagogues or yeshivahs. Where in America, all Orthodox New Year Jews only eat Glatt Kosher, Yeshivish will in many cases only eat Chalav Yisrael, milk and milk Gov. Andrew Cuomo meets with Orthodox leaders in Boro Park. The leaders have lobbied for aid to Yeshivas. The issue has been controversial for decades, but products that are rabbinically Cuomo has expressed support for some aid to religious schools. supervised from the milking. Such products are unanimously required for the Habayit Hayehudi (Jewish In America, to the right of the by the Hasidic Jews. Like modern Home) Party but many vote for Modern Orthodox is the Yeshivish. Orthodox Jews, Yeshivish Jews are Likud. While the self-image, and even the total Israel supporters, although this outside image, of this group is as support is not buttressed theologi- ne of the distinguishing marks part of , they have cally. For this group, yeshiva study Oof Israeli Orthodox Jews is the many similarities to the right side of for men and seminary for women in types of rabbinical supervision they the Modern Orthodox spectrum. Israel for one or two years is con- require. Many of the Dati-Leumi This group, as its name indicates, sidered now de rigueur, although Israelis accept the standard rab- sees the yeshiva, the advanced rab- the Yeshivish students usually go at binate certification that is required binical academy, and study in it as a later age than the Modern in all public contexts in Israel. the central core of Orthodox life. It Orthodox. However, many members of this is organized primarily around group, in varying permutations, yeshivas that are regarded as to the Israeli Lita’im require Mehadrin (literally, “those religious right of Yeshiva hat might be considered the who are strict”) supervision. This University, such as Yeshiva Torah Wequivalent of this group in can be provided by the local or Vodaath in Brooklyn, Ner Israel in Israel, the Lita’im (“Lithuanians”), chief rabbinate or by separate Baltimore, and the Lakewood is actually radically different. To a organizations that are based in the Yeshiva. But unlike the Hasidic great extent, this is caused by the Haredi community. Jews to the right of them in the U.S. fact that in Israel there is a universal All Israeli Haredim require these or the so-called Lita’im military draft that can only be Mehadrin certifications. To illus- (“Lithuanians,” derived from the avoided by yeshiva deferments, that trate the disparity between America geographical area in which the are eschewed by the Dati-Leumi and Israel, note that to maintain the large modern yeshivas developed) but that, until recently, had been standards followed by American in Israel, who are mistakenly near universal for Haredim. THOMAS P. DINAPOLI Kosher certifying agencies, includ- believed to be the Israeli equivalent Recently, there has been an increase ing those under Modern Orthodox of American Yeshivish, the educa- in Haredi military service. NEW YORK STATE leadership, one would have to for tional, occupational and financial However, this increase has been COMPTROLLER the most part avoid the regular characteristics of the Yeshivish mainly around the edges, and has Israeli Chief Rabbinate certification group are much closer to that of the yet to permeate the mainstream on food establishments, meat, and Modern Orthodox. Lita’i or Hasidic populations. All some dairy products. This is true, despite the fact that Israeli Haredi women are exempted JEWISH TRIBUNE • SEPTEMBER 22-28, 2017 9 sub-groups within them, besides women tend towards navy and black knowledge of the secular world cessful within the American polit- Orthodox differences between Israeli and clothes, and many wear symbolic tends to be much less for Israeli ical process. American versions. hats or kerchiefs on top of their Chabad men. Chabad women, for continued from page 9 The spectrum in the US ranges sheitlach. Whereas Chabad women the most part, complete the stan- ______In some cases, the total secular from the very pro-Israel and quite will wear regular stockings, for most dard Israeli high school educa- education of these people amounts modernized Chabad Hasidim, of the other groups thicker, nontrans- tion. Because of the international I have tried here to lay out some to reading and writing in Hebrew through groups like Bobov and parent stockings are required. This is character of Chabad there is much sense of the fundamental differ- and arithmetic. For them, the entire Belz, who along with the Yeshivish the group of American Orthodox more exposure to English for both ences between groups of Orthodox curriculum tends to be Torah study, group are organized around Jews that is growing at the largest men and women. Jews along two different axes. The whereas the equivalent in the US Agudath Israel, an overall Haredi rate, as a result of the very large fam- Among Hasidic Jews, Israeli first is that of the spectrum moving will have full secular education umbrella group. The largest group ilies that are so common. Chabad is unique in having an from those who are more modern from nursery through high school, of Orthodox Jews in America is Further, in the US, Hasidic Jews arrangement that brings the vast and more integrated into the sur- even if less time is devoted to secu- Hasidim, with the anti-Zionist are increasingly involved in the gen- majority of young men into army rounding society to those who are lar studies than in a Modern Satmar group the largest within the eral business world even if they for service. However, Chabad has more closed off and see themselves Orthodox school. Females, howev- as separatists resisting the trends of er, do get better secular education the overall society. than males in all Israeli Haredi groups. he second axis is the geograph- Tic one, America versus Israel. Israeli Sefardim (We apologize to our European Whereas in America, Sephardic coreligionists since including them Jews tend to divide according to would have made this even more the same lines as their Ashkenazic complex.) The combination of brethren, this is not the case in political, social, and religious Israel. Closely linked to the Israeli aspects of living in a Jewish state Lita’im is the Sephardic Haredi causes all kinds of differences to group who are the core supporters come to the fore between groups of the party. They are widely that might otherwise be considered described as ultra-Orthodox, but to be similar. It is impossible to differ from many Haredim in that Students at the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County, a Modern Orthodox day school. understand what is going on in the vast majority of Sephardic either community, American or Haredim have served in the army. Hasidic community. These Jews the most part are absent from profes- sought an arrangement that would Israeli, without realizing that every- Younger Sephardic Haredim, how- can generally be distinguished by sions that require secular education. allow this service to be delayed thing is always more complex and ever, are avoiding army service in their long coats, and Sabbath finery There is now a movement to until after age 26 and fulfilled in diverse than meets the eye. great numbers as a result of the featuring for most of them fur hats increase the secular education of special units. One can write a similar article on vehement opposition of their known as streimlach. Hasidic children in New York State One has to clearly distinguish Israeli Hilonim (so-called “secular” yeshivah heads. This group has and there actually may be some Satmar with its anti-Israel ideolo- Israelis) and American Jews who come into being in the image of the habad needs to be distinguished improvement in this regard. gy and its Israeli ally Neturei are either unaffiliated, Reform or late Sephardic Chief Rabbi Ovadia Cas not only more open to the Karta, and some small groups Conservative who for some Yosef who successfully led a re-sur- general culture but also because of Israeli Hasidim allied with them, from the main- unknown reason are often lumped gence of strict Sephardic Orthodoxy its distinctly pro-Israel stance as well One can argue that there is little stream of Hasidic groups in Israel together as parallel to one another. and Sephardic pride. as its enormous outreach activities. difference between the Israeli and who accept the government, vote Any serious discussion would From its inception, the Shas Further, the dissemination of Jewish American Hasidic groups within the in elections, and feel that they immediately lead to the deconstruc- party has been strongly involved in mysticism remains much more same Hasidic court. But this is not have a stake in what the state tion not only of the assumed unity Israeli government affairs and takes does. The Lita’im and Hasidic of each group but of the possibility positions on foreign relations and It is impossible to understand what is groups actually constitute two of comparing diverse segments of security related matters, seeing going on in either community, American small political parties that run as Israeli and American Jewish socie- itself as a full partner in the state. one, Yahadut Hatorah (United ty. Its stricter adherents tend to dress or Israeli, without realizing that Torah Judaism, UTJ). It generally The Bible tells us that the Jewish like Israeli Haredim, hats and suits represents all of Ashkenazic people in biblical times was divid- for men, head covering for married everything is always more complex Haredim. ed into twelve tribes (really thirteen women, except that many if not with the split of Joseph into most follow the ruling of Rabbi and diverse than meets the eye. n this respect it is almost the Ephraim and Manasseh). Our tradi- Yosef that forbids the use of wigs prominent in Chabad than in other really true. Both Israeli Hasidim and Iequivalent of American tion teaches that when the Jews and insists on hats or kerchiefs. Hasidic groups. While many of Lita’im share the closedness Agudath Israel except that crossed the Red Sea each tribe had This group includes as well many those who participate in American towards the secular world that we Agudah represents Sephardic its own path through the waters. who in their appearance resemble Chabad activities resemble more the have described. American Hasidim Haredim as well as Ashkenazim. Whether we agree or disagree more the strict Dati-Leumi group, Modern Orthodox in their personal tend to be much more involved in Members of UTJ actually serve in with this or that approach to even while voting for Shas and lives and observance, the actual business and even professions than the cabinet so that they cannot be Judaism or with the lifestyle of this sending their children to Shas affil- Lubavitcher Hasidim, whether Israeli, and even though they have seen as anti-Zionist. or that group, we have to recognize iated schools. involved in outreach or in other much less secular education than They term themselves “non- that, as we tried to show here, the occupations, do differ greatly from Modern Orthodox or Yeshivish, it is Zionist,” because they reject the Orthodox community is a very var- American Hasidim other Hasidic groups. During the much more than would be found in idea that the State of Israel repre- ied group of groups. hen it comes to Hasidim, it week American Chabad men wear the Israeli context, even for Lita’im sents in any way a religious or Indeed, in a strange, almost mys- Wis necessary to realize that dark suits, most white shirts but and Sefardi Haredim. One cannot messianic phenomenon. But they tical way the Jewish people retains this is a wide spectrum, reaching many do sport colored shirts. compare the total lack of secular do indeed see themselves as loyal an amazing unity while being enor- from more modernized to less Chabad Women wear stylish clothes education beyond reading, writing participants in the state who seek mously diverse within. modernized groups, and from and wigs. In this respect, they and arithmetic among Israeli to influence its government extremely pro-Israel positions to resemble the American Yeshivish Hasidim to the American situation, through the normal legislative and Lawrence H. Schiffman is Judge positions that are negative about except that most of the latter do not deficient as it is. Further, most governmental processes, albeit Abraham Lieberman Professor of the state, both on the theoretical have beards and of course Lubavitch Israeli Haredim never study English usually for the self-interest of Hebrew and Judaic Studies and and practical level. men all do. in school. their group. In this respect, they Director for Advanced Research in Further, most of the major In some Hasidic groups of Polish, Israeli Chabad shares most of resemble American Hasidic Jewish Studies at New York Hasidic groups have competing Beyelorussian and Hungarian origin, these characteristics. However, groups that have been highly suc- University.