Emergency Plan of Action Operation Update Somalia: Drought
Emergency Plan of Action operation update Somalia: Drought Emergency appeal n° MDRSO005 GLIDE n° DR-2015-000134-SOM Operations update n°: 5 Timeframe covered by this update: 31 March – 31 December 2016 Date of issue: 13 February 2017 Operation timeframe: 15 months (New end date 21 June 2017) Overall Operation budget: CHF 1,291,576 DREF amount initially allocated: CHF 129,394 Total estimated Red Cross and Red Crescent Appeal coverage: 54 % response to date: CHF 694,761 N° of people being assisted: 78,990 beneficiaries (13,165 households). Red Cross Red Crescent Movement partners currently actively involved in the operation: British Red Cross, Japanese Red Cross Society, Red Cross of Monaco, Swedish Red Cross, The Canadian Red Cross Society, The Netherlands Red Cross. Other partner organizations actively involved in the operation: NERAD(Somaliland) and Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management Agency (HADMA), UNOCHA, CARE International, SCI, DRC, ADESO, UNHCR, TASS, UNDP, WFP, UNICEF, FAO IRC, SCI, NRC, CARE International, Concern Worldwide, ISLAMIC RELIEF, ADESO, ADRA, ACF, DRC, UNDP, TASS, ECHO. Summary of major revisions made to emergency plan of action: This Emergency Appeal seeks 1,291,576.00 Swiss francs in cash, kind or services to support the Somali Red Crescent Society assist 78,990 beneficiaries (13,165households). Following the needs on the ground and the increased need to assist with negative coping strategies related to health, the Emergency Appeal seeks an additional 6 months to achieve its goal. The new end date is 21 June, 2017. A DREF loan of 129,394 Swiss francs was processed at the beginning of the APPEAL to support the start-up activities by SRCS.
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