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By Greg Stafford Book of Armies By Greg Stafford Layout: David Zeeman Assistance from: Chris John Payne, Sven Lugar, Jeff Richard, Philippe Auirbeau, Gianfranco Geroldi, Daren Hill Special thanks to the emergency eschille: Chip Hausman, Robert Saint John, Martin Miller, Taheka Harrison, Newton Phyllis, Bob Schroeder, Ben Quamt All photos, pictures and illustrations are original or from royalty-free sources, such as (, Liam’s Pictures from Old Books (, and the Historic Tale Construction Kit ( by Björn Karnebogen This book is a fan production of Greg Stafford Publications, under license from Nocturnal Media, LLC. © 2009 by Greg Stafford. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written permission of the author is expressly forbidden, except for the purpose of reviews, and for any record sheets, which may be reproduced for personal use only. 1 Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................5-8 Tribal Picts .........................................................................49-50 A Pict Army .......................................................................49 Interpreting the Army Tables ..................................................6-7 Leaders & Alternatives ......................................................50 Passions for Opponents ..............................................................7 Lowland Troops ................................................................ 50 Cultural Specialties & New Weapons ........................................8 Peasant Army ....................................................................51-52 The Great Pendragon Campaign Battles ...................................8 The Ragged Mob ...............................................................51 Arthurian Armies ...................................................9-39 Leaders & Alternatives ......................................................52 The All-Knight Army ............................................................9-10 Bandit Gang ............................................................................53 Generic Noble Leaders ............................................................ 10 The Bandit Gang ............................................................... 53 King Uther Period .............................................................11-12 Leaders & Alternatives ......................................................54 Dark Ages Army .................................................................11 Faerie Army .......................................................................55-57 Leaders .............................................................................. 12 King Oberon’s Army .........................................................55 Anarchy Period .................................................................13-14 Leaders, Four Leaders & Alternatives .............................. 56 Local Defense Force ......................................................... 13 The Dead ........................................................................... 57 Leaders & Alternative Troops ........................................... 14 ...........................................58-84 Boy King Period ................................................................15-25 Continental Armies Vassal Army ...................................................................... 15 Aquitainians.......................................................................59-60 Gascons ............................................................................. 60 Leaders .............................................................................. 16 Rebellion Era Regional Special Units ......................................17 Byzantines ..........................................................................61-62 Byzantine Field Army ....................................................... 61 Round Table & Broken Round Table Knights ......................... 18 Leaders .............................................................................. 62 The Battle of Terrabil ...............................................................19 Norgales Army .................................................................. 20 Danes ..................................................................................63-64 The Royal Danish Army.................................................... 63 Malahaut Army.................................................................. 21 Tribal & Feudal Leaders ................................................... 64 Lothian Army .................................................................... 22 French ................................................................................65-67 The Battle of Badon ................................................................. 23 Local French Defending Army.......................................... 65 Day 3 Wounded & Healthy Knights ................................. 24 Local French Attacking Army ...........................................66 The Rivals ................................................................................ 25 Leaders .............................................................................. 67 Conquest Period ................................................................26-30 A Logres Army ..................................................................26 Germans .............................................................................68-69 German Royal Army ......................................................... 68 The Roman War ........................................................................28 Tribal & Feudal Leaders & Alternatives ........................... 69 Giants ................................................................................ 28 Roman Army ..................................................................... 29 Huns ...................................................................................70-71 Hun Raiding Army ............................................................ 70 Roman Leaders.................................................................. 30 Leaders & Hun Knights .................................................... 71 Romance & Early Tournament Periods ..........................31-32 Defending Army ................................................................31 Italians ................................................................................72-73 Defending Ostrogoth/Italian Army ................................... 72 Attacking Army .................................................................32 Leaders & Condottieri .......................................................73 Late Tournament & Grail Quest Periods .......................34-35 A Professional Feudal Army ............................................. 34 Occitanians ........................................................................74-76 Occitanian Army ............................................................... 74 Alternatives ....................................................................... 35 Leaders & Alternatives ......................................................75 Twilight Period ..................................................................36-39 A Logres Army ..................................................................36 Spanish ...............................................................................77-78 Spanish Army ....................................................................77 The Battle of Camlann ............................................................. 38 Visigoth Leaders ................................................................78 Seven Special Units........................................................... 39 Zazamancs .........................................................................79-81 British Armies .........................................................40-57 Zazamanc Army ................................................................ 79 Tribal Cymri ......................................................................41-42 Leaders...............................................................................80 Cambrian Hill Tribe Army ................................................ 41 Alternatives ....................................................................... 81 Leaders .............................................................................. 42 Routiers ..............................................................................82-83 Tribal Saxons .....................................................................43-46 A Routier Gang ................................................................. 82 Defending Saxons Army (Weak)....................................... 43 Leaders .............................................................................. 83 Attacking Saxon Army ......................................................45 Five Rennaissance Troops ..................................................... 85 Leaders & Alternatives ......................................................46 Appendices ..........................................................................86-88 Tribal Irish .........................................................................47-48 Troop Types: A Glossary of Warriors ..................................86-87 A Native Irish Army ..........................................................47
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