MAPS FINDING AID Albert H. Small Washingtoniana Collection Contents
Page 1 of 15 MAPS FINDING AID Albert H. Small Washingtoniana Collection Contents: 17th Century, page 2 18th Century, page 2 19th Century, Pre-Civil War, page 3 19th Century, Civil War, page 6 19th Century, Post-Civil War, page 7 20th Century, page 12 21st Century, page 15 THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY MUSEUM & THE TEXTILE MUSEUM | 701 21st NW | Washington, DC 20052 | 202-994-5200 | Page 2 of 15 17th CENTURY 1606 Virginia (modern reproduction). Captain John Smith’s map engraved by William Hole. Date of original map: 1606. Reproduced by the Library of Congress. AS 977. 1651 Historical Maps of Maryland (modern reproductions). Four historical reproduction maps of Maryland and Virginia reprinted from Atlas of Maryland, 1608-1908. Original maps date to 1651,1671, 1678, and 1752. AS 974. 1671 Noua Terrae-Mariae, Tabula. Date: 1671. This map appeared in John Ogilby’s Atlas America. It is the second edition of a 1635 map. AS 707. 1673 The Herman Map of Virginia and Maryland, 1673 (facsimile from the original at Brown University, published 1967). Original title, Virginia and Maryland, Original publisher Augustin Herrman. AS 853. 18th CENTURY 1750 Pas Kaart van de Zee Kusten van Virginia. Published by Johannis van Keveen in the Netherlands. Date: ca. 1750. AS 805. 1765 A Map of North America, 1765. Published by L. Delarochette, London. Hand colored engraving – outline showing North America, Mexico, Central America, and parts of Canada. AS 948. 1766 A Plan of My Farm on Little Hunting Creek & Potomac River, G.W., 1766. Modern digital copy of a map drawn by George Washington of one of his farms at Mount Vernon.
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