"Slavery and War." tSwShorniitii'a Brigade-- , at Mansfield, is ttarTho New York Evening Pout loam MEDICINAL. goods & croccrino mciiisY iMPoWArit. Wo surrender most of our first page to aid to bo fast filling p. that Mr. Ward, late U. 8. Minister to China, fa oomo ayeh's TBI WOULD RliD, -- jmTiurnKvrisr tho publication of Dr. Bronson'a masterly BfJU Warren Thornborry appointed who hn been reportod by of our jour II argument on tho "Slavery and War" ques- Burvoyor of Paducah, Ky. nals as bearer of dispatches for tho Confed- CATHARTIC Till IlSOAl. OCT. IT, MOI. tion, which wo hope will receive tho care Ktk.S.mdusky county rolls up a Union erate Government to Europe, has been call- AKD ful attention of every reader of tho Journal majority of two hundred and fifty-fou- r. ed thither by a terrible domostio calamity, PILLS. G ARIITAt yoa lick. Danger. Oominjr, as it does, from "Dronnon's Quar- tX-Th- o returns from tho Iowa election, which made It impossible for him to hesitate Art 6bU, Aristocracies in Complaining t An yim out of If there rro no other evidences, the tone terly Review;" th ablest and moRt cfliutrtit indicate tho of Gov. Kirkwood. a moment in making tho effort, at whatever order, with yonr rulca S FOR THE BEST fit CHEAPEST GOODS stif. rUKl, ni T"r (rlii if the Eurojirnn pie, nlotie, would be organ of the Catholic Clint rli in the 8uThe f)5th, at Norwalk, is filling up poril to himself, to reach hia ofllicted family 1 TnM rmp-U- often U pratad lo firictit to warrant the belief of a steady gnin it f--.'l at- and will soon bo ready for service. rt United States, cannot to arrest tho rapidly, iu Florence. mmUmt lllnaM. Som Hi of o r of Ilepublican princii!a in the OKI World. tention of thiukb'g men everywhere. It toy Gen. MuCall's division now occupies rknM lurrmplnt npon Jim, Cleveland leader nays Dr. J. M. and nboulil h started bj Nor haa the heat effort of (ho privileged would uot lie safe to say, however, that hin Longley, eight miles from tho Washington fiarThe timeljr im of tho right rem-eilj- r. OO TO THt STCtt Of Christian ami Thomas Hopper of Marion, Tik Ayer'i I'll!, and ef- s class been aMe to neutralize the popular vier-- on this question or an other are ne- Chain Bridge. elinnM out the ilUnrilered wore arrested and brought to that city for purify III liloott, and fect of the American example of free gov. cessarily adopted by a majority of tho clor-g- y g&.Iinmciise quantities of army stores being implicated In tho order of tho Knights let the Muldi mora on nmib spr;no ernment. These efforts have chiefly con. or laity of the powerful organization of are passing over our western roads, destined trnrted In health amln. AMD SUMMER GOODSI of the Golden Circle in that county. They ThPT tlmiilate Hie function w. nisted of satire upon our rcptiUican inMitu-tion- a, th!ch he is a distinguished champion, but for St, Louis. of til body Into r Igoro ac- j. iiiTcncooK. are members of tho same castle of which tivity, pin If th nj.iem from and in oracular assurance thot they his article may bo taken simply ns an index tta)rThe bark Mary Stockton went ashore tli oinlructlon nmVtt nik Court, who was nr. ested two days before, A amnewlier In the anil soon nmat end. As, however, the lapse of a very striking one of the movement go- on Lake Michigan during the storm of Fri dlWDM. cold ieltle lly, officer. Hoddi r is the of the IU natural function. Tli", If no reltored, three-quarter- was an editor Hi iirronudlng organ, fire-- rearly s of a century only nug-racnt- on and conscientious day night last. react upon tlieinmlre and ing among intelligent innerlng, and til . KftW OOODtl KCW rare Democratic Mirror which has been strong rliirlnc general aggravation, A T our felicity, the bitterness of this men, not only in the Catholic Church, but Vlm"h Lady," as she simply announced While In till con'liuun, opprewn ny m ui.ir'uih. nrw eoonst rti w nicM in opposition to tho war policy of the Gov- Ink AyorM I'llla, and liow dlrctly lliey rrctor 111 hrw goods MRW PRICES ridicule and the confidence of these viticin-ation- s and classes. it has herself, ia delivering war loctures in Wabash Willi It Hi buoyant among all crceda That natural action of Hi ylem, ind krw ooons I MW MICKS I ernment. I o apparent la diminixhed. unex- feeling of health again. What trnanl NRW UOODSl greatly Monarch and met with a warm response in many, county, Indiana. thl trivial and common complaint, i alio tru In many krw rsicnl Appointments. of th deep mated anil dngron dlleniper. Th am KCW GOODS new raicsat lord were forced to yield still more to tha pected quarters we have reason to know. BUSuBaron Vegesank, of Sweden, has been I Recent Ohio Military Mirgfttlva (Twct tpel lliem. vanno ny aimimr uuairw KKW 0001)8 new rnicEsI increasing demand of the people for a Just (Tho Wheeling Intelligencer, fur instance, appointed Aid to Major-Goner- Wool, with inna ami rionturamnnta of th natural function of th William Mungen, Findlay, Lieutenant Col- body, tliey ar rapidly, and many of them nrly, enrd ahare in their own government. The hole with approving comment.) That tho rank of Captain. who know th irtue of copios it Kilty-sevent- h Regiment. hy the tarn mmna. None thM "HEAD QUARTERS!" onel, neglect employ mom uuvring or Col. Bcatty, Col- Fill, writ te wun iron European continent has exhibited, more it will have a marked influence in shaping fcaTThe 19th, at Alliance, is I. N. Hathaway, Toledo, Lieutenant the dlaorder they cure. y, Sixty-sevent- phynlHan In of th less, this diatingniahing tendency of the age. no one can doubt who be- nearly full, an is also the ICth, Col. DcConr-ce- onel. h Regiment. Statement, from leading tout public sentiment principal aud from other well koowu putllo per. The largost stocks of Rorxt off ere4 in this Sixty-sevent- h Regi- elite, trtr This grand movement was still progressing lieves in the power of truth wielded by so at Wooster. John R. Bond, Major, on. market, embracing an endless variety of articles ment. SgL-Col- . Do a Mtrchant Loui; ftb. 4, U64. ngainst strenuous opposition, when the pres- able a logician as Dr. Branson. Villera has been made a Brig, Lieuten- from Fnrmriig rSt. Samuel II. Steadman, Napoleon, Da. Your Till r the paragon of all that I STAPLE, FANCY AND FASHIONABLE, develop-e- d in com- Aint PERRYSBURG, OHIO. ent rebellion broke out and swiftly The principal points taken up and agued adior Genoral. He assigned to tho ant Colonel, Sixty-eight- h Regiment. great In nieillcmn. They hav cured my Hill daughter P. of ulceron oraa noon her liamlii and feet that had proved effort in gigantic proportions. However the mand under Roaecranz. Robert Scott, Napoleon, Major, Sixty y In the selection of which no has been snar are ns follow: The Constitution is not to Sir year. Her mothor ha been long grler-oual- eighth Regiment. Incuralile ed to render it as attractive as possible, is now be issue might be diguised from multitudes be nppcaled to by those who have kicked ItaJrTho cold rains of tho past few weeks afflicted with hlotchea and pimple on hr akin and 8. Baily Walker, Sidney, Major, Fifth-seven- th In her hair. Alter onr ciiitu wna cureu, an aiao irieu ing opened at tne here, tho world abroad saw that the rebel- it off and torn into In point of have been very severe upon the troops in lour Pills, aud they hav cured her. it shreds. Regiment. ASA. MORQRIOQR. lion was one against popular freedom appealed to it; they the Mountains of . L. V. Blessing, Lieut. Colonel, Thirteenth CHEAP DRY GOODS STORE fact, they have not As a Family Pliyle. against tho supreiucy of the people at. a na- JUayAnother German regiment, the 58th, Regimen. scorn to do so. Slavery is the cause of tho .Trout Dr. K. IK Qirlurrigld, Ktn Ortr.anu of W.J. Hitchcock, on the corner of Front and Lou elated J. Hun.er Odlin, Dayton, Major, Sixty-fir- st tional ballot box. Everywhere the rebellion, and hence slavery has estopped is being formed at Cleveland, Bauscwin, Tour Pill ar th prlnc of purge. Thlr excellent isiana Avenue, rerrrsburg, Ohio. My i we pneae. They ar stock new and well selected and mbrac foes of Btich pr o'.iiinad tti.it it formerly of Garibadi's Staff, is the Colonel. Regiment. analltle aurpaa any cathartic suprem:i'y from complaining of its consequences. The L. 11. Leland, Defiance, Adjutant Thirty mild, but very certain and effectual lit their action on th fall forever. With many grateful ex- ftjrRoss and Thomas Winans of Balti- bowel, wlrlch make them InvalnaWe to ia In tli dally the best, latest and cheapest styles of must rebellion must be put down at all hazards, eighth Regiment. treatment of d lieate. the European press have since more, going abroad to Europe A.- - ception, and to put it down wo must employ such arc about Peter Bishop, Elyria, Quartermaster, Headache, glckIIealncfirFoal Stomach. QUALITY is the BEST TEST of CHEAPNESS, dei-lnrin- Fifty-eight- h Regiment. been and are still incessantly thnt means ns will do it, rathor than than those with their families, to make an oxtendod stay, Vi Dr. tdm n J Uoyd, UaUinan. is nt hand, D. N. Darkness, Bollev-uo- , Quartermastci l).illno. Arr.it: I cannot anawor vott ioiaf wnrrptalrrt Inspection and Comparison will prove that for va. the end of the American Kepublic thnt will not do it. Slavery and freedom BPftThe rebels on the Kanawha, but. a have etrrof wild your I'llla butter than to ray all Oiat STAPLE Seventy-secon- d Regiment. I at rietr, elegance, riclincs.t, cheapness, beauty and AND FANCY DRY GOODSJ that '"tho democrats bubblo has burst,' few miles from the Ohio, came near captur- etier trait with a Mrcfteiti. I place great depeu always have quarreled and alwoys will. S. F. Forbes, Toledo, Surgeon Fiftieth denre on an enoctiml irr my dally contest with rjMantity, this stock la unsurpassed by any now of- that the folly of nt is nt lust Their antagonism is innate, and it would ing a steamboat loaded with army stores, a Regimont. diaeaae, and believing a I do that your Pills afford V tto fered in the West. beat we hav, 1 of courts value them highly. ami that the "Expi-rime- nt W. M. C.ike, Fostoria, Surgeon Fifty-thir- d lemonstruled, seem that one or the other must finally con- few days since. May 1, Ti65. Regiment. rirrannno. Pa., ALL GOING, GOING of Freedom" has utterly failed. must last B9uMcBRr8. Owes, Steel nnd Holman, of Dr. J. C. Ayr. Plr: I have been repeatedly cured of quer. Tho thought that slavery W. C. Payne, Elmore, Assistant Surgeon the worxt Artu'tftVi any liody run have by a doe or two Clearly, however, these nveruu nts nro based tho Vun Wyck House Commit- of your I'lUa, aeetn to from foul atoniach, LADIES' FASHIONABLE DRESS forever, that we .must forever exist in the Investigating Forty-sixt- h Regiment. It aria a GOODS! Which they clean at once. upon the assumption that tho insurrection turmoil which is ftt tee, have gone to St. Louis to look after tho H. R. Spooner, Republic, Assistant Sur- Your with groat ro.pect, EO. W. rttEHI.R, its pretence creates, In this department great advantage mar be obtain- Fifty-sevent- h CfrrJ- nf Womer Clarion. M ill not bo crushed. Fhould it be, republi least not very encouraging. If wo do not government contracts. geon Regiment. ed by close cash buyers, from the fact that the goods Forty-nint- h CHEAP FOR can institutions ami principles will have flqyA gentleman stopping at tho Sherman Erastiu II. B.ibIi, Chaplain Dillon Disorder Liver Complaint. sre bouKhtfor cash directly of the eastern dealers CASH rid ourselves of the curso now, while the Regiment. Vhih Dr. Thendore Bttt, nf K'vt York Cly. thin war a lease of the world and manufacturers, and all imported goods are bot from means are in our hands, we uevor can. The Rouso, iu Chicago, was robbed n few days GHth, Samuel II. Stevens, Colonel, Camp Not only ar yonr Pllla admirably adapted to their pur- at just what it costs to import tl.em, hence he can will nt once upon pose aa nn aperient, but I find llielr lieneliciiil cRcct tiKn anora to sen forever, they be placed right to remove it now is Identical with the sinco of 82G,000. A reward of $ 1,000 is (jiitta, Napoleon. tho I.ivor very marked Indeed. They hiiv In my prac- goods at swift march to supremacy everwhere 69th, L. D. Campbell, Colonel, Camp tice proved more effectual for th cure of ttli'om cam the right to take life or property on the battle- offered for its recovery. 1 Hamilton, Hamilton. pluinti than any one roiuudy can mention. I ainceruly MUCH LOWER PRICES lor it wnuldjtheii be conclusively shown that field. Slaves arc either property or citizeim. fi'iyTlio election for members of the city rejoice that we have nt length a purgative which la wor- 70th, J. R.Cockerill, Colonel, West Union. thy the couudeuc of th proR-atio- aud the piple. 11 be grand and than poods are generally sold, which genuine republic can also a If they are property, they are liable to con council, in Baltimore, on Wednesday of last ,1'olonel. Camp Todd, Troy. is an item of 71st, Dr.PAHTMf.NT or TH IftTgnlOS, t great interest to the people or Wood county. A CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, nalion.gnarantoeing t!ie equal elec- I). Till )S.'H. enduring fiscation; if they nro citizens the Govern- week resulted in the success of tho Union 721, R. P. Buckland, Lieutenant Colonel, WaahiiiKlon, C, leb., in duccment, we take it, Perrvs-bur- BiRt I have lined your i'llla in my general and huepilal to make ciii.-- n, inuin-Uinin- g the . tive franchise of every and ment has a right to employ their loyalty ticket, without opposition. Camp Croghan, Fremont. practice ever nine you made them, aud cannot heaitule to trading point. itself ns well against internal as fl!ayThe military authorities belicvo that 7ild, Orltind Smith, Colonel, Camp Worth ay they aro the bust cathartic we employ. Their regu- and their enormous strength in putting down ington, Chillicotho. lating action on the liver Is quick nnd decided, cotiae ug:iinst foreign foes. Aristocracies, could and peace. the there uro Hebels in considerable numbers on queutly they am an atliuiruUlu remedy fur dernugenieiit tho rebellion restoring lint 71th, A. S. Ballard, Colonel, Camp Lowe, of that organ. Indeed, 1 hnve suhloni found n case of HATS AND CAPS not delight in such n solution of the Ameri- slave is a man he has u soul he has a li the wh'de line of our army, or within six Act ia. oth'ows diKait o obstinate that It did not readily yield to READY MADE CLOTIIIXG t N. C. Ihetu. fraternally yours, AI.ON7.U UAI.I, M. I, can problem. Any probability of a result vine ri(j;lit to freedom, and '"he lights at ter miles of its entire front. 75th. McLcan,Colonel, Camp Mcl.ean, iliyticiun of On ilariut UotpilaU I e ( In this department, we hare the largest and most must till them with alarm. In proportion God steC" Another comet has been seen by tr incinnati. Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Relax, 'Worms. rible odds who has the infinite and just 7(th. C. K. Wood, Colonel, Newark. complete assortment in Northern Ohio. Made up All of the latest and very best fabric. ilrend, anil iVom Dr. J. 0. Oieen, nf Chicago. according to the latest fashions and in In its probability, would be their against him." London Astronomers. It appears fast ap Camp Putnam, the most sub 77th.J. Ilildebrand.Colonel, Your Pills hav had a long trial in my practice, nd I stantial manner, warranted to give the rcry best their efforts to avert a consummation so proaching the earth, and will shortly be per hold them In esteem as one of the best aperients 1 hav Let not its length prevent any one from Marietta. sausiaciion, or no sale. to their hereditary interests. ceptible to tho naked eye. ever found. Their altoi olive effect UKin the liver make reading the article, licad und judge yc for them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses for their inlliieiice would lie cast into BFifc,Tho New York correspondent of the Forts about Washington. &i7tou tlyuHttrif and dian'ttaa. Their sugar-coatin- g yourselves. makes them very acceptable aud couveuient lor th us the scale for the rebellion, and their forces I'll ladelphia Inquirer, rather a sensational The works for the protection of Wnshin of women aud children. HARDWARE. CROCERIES, &C. Would especially be devoted, ingeniously authority, asserts positively that Kussell of ton arc said to number between forty und Dyspepsia, Imparity of the Blood. Foreign From llev. J. V. Himet, ititor qf Admit Cliureli, UotUm. DOOTS AND and powerfully, to the "aid and comfort" of Trade. tho Loudon Times has sailed for home. fifty. Wo give a few of them below. If SHOES, It is now estimated that the total impor- Dr. Arm: I hav used your Pills with extraordinary Those wishing to purchase anything in this line the traitors to freedom. Hero is an expla- tho reader will get a map of the seat of war, success in my family and among those 1 am culled lo visit will find it to their advantage to pay my Store a visit to the States BMi .Hon. John A. McClcrnund, of Illinois, In diatreas. To regulate tho orgnns of digestion aud tations of merchandise I'nited recent issue, the exact position of works before purchasing elsewhere. The attention of the nation of the Itrilish sympathy with the having to a of purify the blood, they are the very best remedy I liar public respectively invited to my and for the year ending on the 31st of December been appointed command ns ever and 1 can conildciitly recommend them to is extensive stock Confederates. The supressiou of the rebel- may be traced out by the following inscrip known, feeling assured it will be time profitably spent. next, will be some $1 75,0(1(1.(1(10, or lil'ly per Brigadier General of the V. S. troops, has myfrieuds. Yours, J. V.1UMK3. lion in I'nitod will be followed tions: Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1855. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER tho rt:itrs 1 resigned his Congressional seat. Kight. cent, less th. in that in SCO. This leaves a The work south of Hunting creek, "Fort Dkar Sir: I nut using your Cathartio I'ills In my prac- world-wid- e triumph of republican by the heavy debt due us in specie, the import of JtoVThe liliuli' says large quantities of Lvon. tice, nuil find Ihetu an excellent putirntlve to cleans th "Produce taken in exchange for fronds. I'nrticularly in England, where system aud purify Uit fowttami uf thr. Maul. on institutions. which for this year will be over 50,(100,000. merchandise arc arriving daily at Toledo, "That on Shnter.s Hill, ".' JOHN O. MliACIIAM, M. D. W. J. HITCHCOCK. short notice and parties are now opposed on the question of That to tho left of tho Seminary, "Fort Perrysburg, January 2d, 1861. Last year we exported iprifi.OOO.IiOtl in spe- by lake; and that wholesalers are filling Constipation, Coat Irenes, Suppression, the extension or limitation of the people's Worih." ltlkeumatlain, (.out, Neuralgia, Drop- - cie over imports, to caned the balances up their houses in anticipation of doing a That in fron t of Blenkcr's brigade, "Fort ay, Paralysis, Fits, etc. lights, would the moral effect be immediate From Vaughn, Mmtreal, TO F I T us. Thus there is a difference, in a big business. Blenker." Dr. J. 1'. Oinod. WARRANTED and irrvsistable. The liberal party, whose Ton much cannot e said of ynur Pills for the cur of single year, in the exchanges between our Bf tX.Cupt. Thomas J. Woo.l and Lieut. Col- That in front of Lee's housn, "." coiliecii'M. if others of our fraternity have luuiid them RAND OPENING OF urgans now embrace the Federal cause, That near tho mouth of Four Milo crack, a efllcncinus as I havo, they should Juiu me in proclaim- fi own und foreign countries, of more than onel Richard W. Johnson, of the cavalry, ing it fur the henclltof the multitudes who suffer from oppo- "Fort Scott." would ride rough slmd over their Brigadier- - that complaint, which, although bad enough In itself, Is STAPLE AND FANCY DRY 1(10,000,000 in specie in our favor. both Kentuckians, are appointed on Ficlmn!-son.- " progenitor worse. 1 cog. GOODS making im- Tint Richardson's Hill, "Fort the of others that aro believe nents, whose organs arc sinli Gonornls of Volunteers, to serve under Gen. tieeiiMi to originate in the liver, hut your Pills affect that The diminution of importations has cost organ aud cur Ilia mense efforts to prevent the success of that Sherman. That now known as Fort Albany, "Fo. t disease. A GOOD ASSORTMENT F us no iueovenience that merits attention, From Mri. K. Stuart, Pliyiician tlitlteife, Bottm. HATS, CAPS, of the small-potat- and cause. This is doubtless the secret BiSonie very o rascal has Albany." .it: but has rendered us more iiidendcut and That near the end of Long Bridge, "Fort 1 find one or two large doses nf your Tills, taken at th ni i in us of the London Times and kindred counterfeited the shinplasters of tho South- proper lime, Are excellent promotives of the natural Here-to- We can find or make in our Runyoii." when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very L T II N is wielded . liOOTSy SHOES, U 0 l 0, prints, whose intluence daily ern Confederacy. It is a question which effectual to cfaittge the ilouuKh aud rj-i- i wmn-f- They own contry whatever is ni eded for health, Tho work next on tho right of Fort Alba- GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS against our government. The lesson is a are worth the most, tho shinplastcr or the are so much the best physic wo hnve that I recommend comfort or delectation, and this is the grand ny, ". no other to my patients. dain and deeply impressive one to every The work next on the right of Fort Craig, Crockery and Glassware, secret of our strength. Our exports goon counterfeit, From ttie Rev. Dr. lawka,of the ilrthotliri Kpit. Church. citizen, ami especially each citizen fioin a yX..Tho London Times, which predicted "," Pui.aski IIoiisr. Hnvannah.Oa.. Jan. 8, 1850. with liitle diminution, and we have to be The work next on tho right of Fort Tilling- IlniroRrD Sir: I should he niiRinlvful for the relief always on hand. foreign land. Our cause is that of mankind. that wo could raise neither men nor money your skill has hmiight me If I did not report my case to YVOODENVAREHARDVVARE. paid for them largely in specie. hast, "Fort Ramsay." in of that glorious free- you. A cold settled In mv limbs nnd brought on excru- Defeat it is the ruin to defend the government, says, "In some The work next on tho right of Fort ciating nrurnliic piiint, which ended in Wineia-linn- . Tho from New York city are es- 1 dom, purchased by the blood of ancestral exports respects wo must admit that we a little un- "." Notwithstanding had the taxt of physicians, th Farming Tools, at 01,000,000 for the current year, That, disease grow worse and wort.e, until by the advice of your heroes, whose utrong arm conquered it timated derrated their power." next on tho rightof Fort Woodbury, excellent agent in Italtiinore, lr. Mackoniie, I tried your ' effects slow, Ily now struggling while those for the previous year were but Fort DeKulb." Pills. Their were hut sure. persevering I am receiving this spring the largest stock' ef Iroin the very aristocracy b?&,A monkey owned by an lvlinburg in in the use of them, I am now entirely well. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC. fit,0W,IMIl). At least 100,000,000 of our The work rear of and with traitors to destroy it. We have come shopheeper lately snatched from its mother's near the ca.ial, "Fort Haggerty." BsRiTs Chshbir, Baton Rouge, La., S Dec. 1965. imports this year, uro sugar, tea, coffee, to- Sr. Atsr: I hav been entirely cured, by yonr Pllla, of down to the comer stone of tho Hepublic, anus a baby twolvo tu uit'is ol l.and with its That now known as Fort Corcoran, "Fort Shcumatic Gu a paiuful disease that had afflicted tne G R O C E R I E etc. Another large for years. VINCKNT 8L1IHSLL. and are fighting around that. The question bacco, wines, spirits, toeth and nails nearly tore it to pieces be- Corcoran." proportion consists of silks, hides, mid arti- That to tho north of Fort Corcoran, "Fort sWMoat of th Pitts In market contsin Mercury, differs from that of '75 in this, that then the 1 Ladles' Dress Goods, fore It could bo roscued. Bennett." which, although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, toriea assisted the aristocracy, and now the cles not produced here. Tho falling off has dangerous In a public pill, from th dreadful conse- ever brought to this city, which I intend to iFTho Wheeling Intelligencer says that That south of Chain Bridge on the height, quences that frequently follow Its Ineautions use. The in and wollen fa- nristocracy r.ro assisting the lories. It is been principally cotton the gallent Gen. Kolley is confinod to his "Fort Ethan Allen." Contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. New, Chaste, Rich and Elegant Patterns, self-flam- e su- brics, and iron, till of which we can produce near the Chain Bridge, on tho SB cents par Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. the fight for the constitutional room at Grafton, by a lare ahsoesi on his That Price, SELL VERY LOW FOR CASH. premacy of . The tirst grand tri- abundantly at home. The exports from Liv- "Fort Marev." Prepared by Or. J. C. AYEB U CO., Lowell, Kass. Just received by shoulder or back, just below tho place whore cliff" Bridge, erpool to this country, in August, 18(i0, That on the north of tho Chain lyFnr sale at Peck &, Hamilton's Drug Store, umph established this nation as "a beacon the ball was extracted. "Battery Martin Scott." were 8,.'I50,000; (hose for August this year Perrysburg, Ohio. of liberty to the world," and, ns such, it has fifj"Tho Vallaiidighamites met with a That on the height near tne reservoir, uctober, litn, iBui ziyi A. G. WILLIAMS & BRO. now, were but or Sli.100,000 less! For Battery Vermont." shed a kindly and increasing light till signal rebuke, iu Montgomery county, at the FLOURi solici-tud- one year, the for port alone near Georgetown, "Battery Camer I 1 ! when the world is gazing in deepest o dimiuufon that late election. The county gave a Union ma That rpO ARMS TO ARMS TO ARMS 70,000,000. on. to see if graceful beams are to be would amount to Rome a-- its jority of near a thousand. The majority That on the left of Tcnrally town,, "Fort The undersigned has been duly commissioned keep on hand PEARL MILLS XX FlOtl forever extinguished or to glow with o new guinst Val. in his own district is 1700. Gaines." and authorized to raise a Company of Volunteers Sugars, Amber Syrup; African, Rio and immortal radiance. Our Superior Strength. Tuat at Tcnnallytown, "Fort PennRy - tor the Bf3uFive hundred thousand dollars were SIXTY-S- E VESTll REG IMEST The Superintendent of the Census Bureau which always gives the very bst satisfaction. sent to Chicago to be distributed as follows; O. V. U. S. Infantry, to go into camp at CAMP and Java Coffees, The Governor's Proclamation. reports that in the State of New York there ul.iv c u, near Toledo. Quartermaster Department, 8175,000; addi :o: Elsewhere will bo found tho Governor's nro 706,3-1- white male persons between tho NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. tional expenditure, $100,000; horses for dra I am stationed at Perrvsburir. and am authorized Layer and Seedless Raisins, very nice, Prunes and Proclamation, directed to the various Mili ages of eighteen and forty-liv- e. Such is the I VERY AND STABLING. to muster in recruits as fust as they enlist, and they goons, S'25,000; transportation of the army, J will therefore draw Rations and Par from the time COFFEES; tary Committees of the Stale. The Govern- "effective arms-bearin- g population" of tho $100,000; clothing, $180,000. H. C. LAWRENCE Mill krapsliis Livery of enlistment, and furnished with subsistence until Currants. or gives us to understand that the National Empiro State alone. Tint, number is about Hirlimuut ojHiti fur ttic accommodation of the public sent into camp. As soon as five or six men have HmyTho Washington correspondent of be fur-Jii- at Uit) been enlisted their uniforms will ordered, and Santoes Rio. government has found itself unable to h half of tho same element of military DYE-STUFF- S, SPICES, Java, sad that tho Now York Tribune savs: "Tho adminis for every S or 8 men thereafter that are enlisted. GLASS, socks, on account of the strength in all States south of Mason's OLD STAND! No could possibly be offered to blankets, Ac, the tration, and especially Gen. Cameron, desires hotter inducements inability of the mills and manufactories for and Dixon's line. It is fully equal to that of Corner of Front nd Walnut streets, rerrrsburg, Young Men to Volunteer in the defense of the Kerosene Oil. to give Gen. Fremont every . opportunity Ohio. STARS AND STRIPES," performing the work and procuring suitable the States of Louisiana, Tennessee, Georgia, HOKSRS. BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES consistent with tho public interest, to restore And aid in sustaining it, raw material. In this emergency the Gov- Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, of Tea at 60 cents, and $1 tea for 75 cents; try Till Missouri to the Union cause." Furnished at reasonable prices at all hours the THE CONSTITUTION AND THE UNION. ernor niowt appropriately appeals to the Alabama, Arkansas and Florida. The dnv or niirlit. CnV-lllino- is field - The pay is fmm (13 to $21 per month and $100 has now actually in tho Having- m.olo largo auditions to his barn, he it Imperial, Black and Young Hyson. people of Ohio in behalf of our own troops. population of Pennsylvania, New now able to oiler to all coming to town with teams, Rounty ai the close of the war, it is also expected Prime Live Geese Featheis, 37,500 men. In addition to this, she has '20 each volunteer will receive 160 acres of land. Shall the appeal go unheeded? W II the ci- Yolk and .Massachusetts alone, are greater with. that regiments of infantry and 8 of cavalry now STAULINQ OF THE BEST KIND. Active menus are being taken to fill this regiment than (hat of the south, including Ken- ia thought it will be got to from $1 ill up. tizens of Ohio turn a deaf or indifferent car entire Men always in no pains will mpiiily and it ready Retailed forming making (i5,000 men. Her quota are attendance, and take up the line of march soon, if you are to this call? It cannot, must not be. Our tucky and Missouri. New England and the be ttriurvd to file sntUfaction. anxious ia 1 1,400, making 21,100 more men in the to serve your country voluntarily, ana avoid oeing SUGARS! und free Slates of the center and west then Uct. It, 11. C. LAW ltli.Ut. is'earnestly to be hoped will not Mackerel and Cod Fish, Looking Glasses, etc. lirave loyal troops, our own brothers ot than she bus been lnl. drafted which it service the Government havo to oe resorted to in this state and eons, must not feel that Ohio has forgo- come to augment immensely the disparity "VJOTICE. lost bv the subscriber near asked to furnish. in Lucas (bounty, Ohio, large cull'-hVi- n Up Voirn Name tten them w hen the Government cannot sup of numerical strength between the States 1 via, a Walk and rut Your I Crushed, CoflVre Sugar, Common te Prim Inlet is becoming famous for I'tH'ket Hook, coniaiiiine 'a Droinisory note acuinst Jd Lieut. JOHN n. PPAVKORD. ply. Patriotism, family affection, and the true to the Cnion and those of the bogus Joseph t 'lark, calling for ten dollars; also au order fighting. The rebels bcciu to be more stung Perrysburg, Oct., 1861. Ollicer, HATS AND CATS, of humanity, nil prompt to a free, Confederacy. Still greater is the disparity on the Ireagurrrot otxl county tor the sum of CLOTHING, instincts siipposod. $100,00 payable out of Ditch number 14; by its capture than was at first the fund of ARMS! DON'T WAIT TO BE DRAFTED. cheerful, liberal and abundant response to in wealth, and yi t greater that in the pow ami other valuable papers, and $1 in money. The W The rebels made a despera'e attempt to re T New Spring and Summer styles, TOBACCOS: contained in the proclamation. er of producing weulih. While tho south tnuler will lie liberally rewarded by leaving; duly Commissioned tho appeal pun McDonald, or at tho The undersicrncd has been take the forts; and met with a terrible same with J. near Monelovia, Oen. of the Stale of We believe that our people will freely give; is distinctively agricultund, tho business of olllee of the I'robale Judge in this countv. and authorized by the Adit. ishment from our guns, Ohio, u raise a company ol voiuutcers, lor tne Strong and Cheap for Cash; for sale by WillianiS. All kinds from Twist te tke finest Cavcndi free is more evenly UCt. 01 A. A. t. KA.MIA1X. hence the great duty will devolve upon the the States distributed im li, fiO" By way of ludianupolis we have Sixty-Seven- th Regiment military committees. Let them judiciously between agriculiural, manufacturing and UERIKK'S SALE. portant news from Western Virginia. The to Camp at SECESSION PRICES ystematizo their work, and then execute it. commercial pursuits. The superior poten- s 0. V. V. S. Infantry, go into GOODS AT In thort, every thing usually kept is a whol rebels, under Lee, General Heyonlds tele Dennis Perkins vs. Ilearb A Wescott. CAMP OLIVER, NEAR TOLEDO, OHIO. und cy of the latter Slates is evinced by the pa- FOR THE LADIES. u so doing they will do the State its graphs, have been driven twenty miles be Ry virtue of a decretal ordor ol sale to mo to: and retail dry goods and grocery slere. loyal troops imtotimuhlu service, tent fact that we have the whole southern ami delivered from the court of common I am stationed at Perrysburg, and am authonxed French Printed Bareges, very cheap. vond their late rendezvous. The roads iu pleas of Wood eouuty, Ohio, 1 shall offer for salo tn mi'strr ts mcntUTs as past as thy bmlist, French Printed Organdies, beautiful designs. coast under a blockade respected by foreign at the door of the court house, in Perrysburg, Wood Rations and Pay from tho direction of the enemy are impassable and they will therefore draw Printed Lawns, Printed a, Refugees powers, a state of things tending still more county, Ohio, on tlie time of enlistment, and furnished with subsist- Gingham Lawns, in Canada. for wheels. This, wo suppose, will prevent Saturday, November lrtth, 1881, 30 enlisted when they all entirely new styles. notices the settlement to the means of the ence until or more men have The Montreal Herald restrict enemy, while our between tho hours' of 13 in. and 2 p. ill. of said day will be sent into Camp. As soon as five or six men Mourning Goods, Embroideries, Berege de Laioes a forward movement on part. and and in that city of some wealthy citizens from to ua remain open the ports and commerce the following described lands tenements, have enlisted their uniforms will be ordered, Summer Dress Silks, north-eas- enlist- The Highest Market Price -i . f. 11 CffluThere are 7,017 postoffices in the The SJUth $ uf the t i of section num- for every five or six men thereafter that are the United States. une gouueman irom..!i.loi me worm Ours has the further advan ber 21, fracUoual towa 0 north of range number 11 ed. No better inducements could possibly be Linen Lustres, Yalenciaa, Foulard Silks, Marseilles, - States. Of these 1,848 have made Florida is there, who fled because of his tage of the- itspect, sympathy and best seceded east. G. E. GUY bit, Sheriff. ed to Young Mou to Volunteer in tne defense of the Lawn Robes, Organdie Robes, returns from the first and for whole or M. R. A R. Wiitic. pltffs attvs. Grenadines, Challiea, Counterpanes, Napkins, IN CASH OR TRADE, recently u wishes mankind, while 18dl-24w- STARS AND STRIPES, Northern sympathies; another, of abroad tho foe Oetober loth, :i,7 banker in New York, doing business mainly has no friends except those who are such part of the second quurter of 1861, leaving And aid lu sustaining Doylies, Damask Cloths, Moreens, Flannels, Lace Veils, for produce ef all kinds. with the south, who takes hiuiseli, his son. out of hatred to republican institutions or 6,7(14 which have made no returns for this gllEKlFF'S SALE. THE CONSTITUTION AND THE UNION. Ruffling, Edgings, raid The pay is from $13 to $21 per month, and $100 Cotton Sheetings, to Montreal, in fear of lodging for lucre and cotton. period. The indebtedness of Southern post Williaui Raigual Vs. Ruftis Little et at. und $250,000 oe llmiutv. at tho close of the war. It ia also expect Dress Buttons and Trimmings, a handsome who made master for stamps and envelopes Ry virtue of au order of sate to tu directed aud ed each Volunteer will receive in Fort Lafayette; a third, a delivered from the court of common picas of Wood that ment, all new. is $195,671 66. I largo deposit in one of the city banks, Change of Commanders. county, Ohio, in the above cause, 1 shall offer for 16J ACRES OF LAND Bonnets snd Ribbons, Misses' and Childrcna Flats to obtain naturalization as a British Deuuvegard is no longer &i3rln every county that has given ma sale at tho door of the court house iu IVnysburg, in Active means are being taken to fill this Regiment and Hats, NOTICE. organ- said couulr, co rapidly, aud it is thought it will be got realty to chief of the rebel forces i:i front of Wash jorities for the Jewett ticket, the are Paraaola, the newest and richest out 1 Shawls of subject, and to invest his capital in ahips; Saturday, November loth, 181, take up the liuo of march soon, if you are anxious isations of "Knights of tho Golden Circle." between the aud p. very description, awtieJ and a fourth, whose brother is iu the rebel ington Gen. Joseph Johnson having taken hours of It m. I ui., of said day to serve yonr country voluntarily, and avoid being Persona Winging im Core will take the following described lands and tenements, be-- hia place. Tho were Is it not time that the people were waking drafted whicn it la earnestly to o uopea win not Manillas and Raglans: please call and axamine ' array, and who settle down with his fami- Ilichinoud cospiratora The aouih-ea- of section number 14, town num- i have to be resorted to in this State. for purchasing elsewhere. H Boost be irsi tboroegkly eJoaacd. . to out of harm'a way. apparently afraid Beauregard would be t o up to tho importance of crushing out the ber 3, range niue cast, couUiutng 00 acre, aud tVjfl shall be at Woodville, Stony Ridge, ly and fortune, be I I A good all kinds oca popular to subserve nests of treason iu tltcir very midst? V. 9. at $420. Also, th north. i of th north, Green, and Fremont to receive recruits during Fita Tub supply of The "Emsaa Bows too" is new reviag their purposes. If he vast V of seelion 33, town 3, rang 9 cast; contain- alauuy sept on nana at our store. S. E,arl Bill has commenced the good the coming week. fi?The cash disburscucnU of the U, should appear in th,c .west, there will be an Marshal ing 80 acres, and appraised at fMO. Produce taken ia exchange for goods. regularly at the Frryburg Dock. U, K. OUYER, Sherikj Walk Up and .Eul Dowh Yonr Nam I Iif during Bepteiulier, were 812,000.. opportunity afforded to- - extract a liltlo of work, and we hope it will continue until it A. O. WILLIAMS fc BRO. Treasury, M. R. &.R..W.in, attvs for pltff. Jd Lieut. ARTHUR B. PIERCB, HOTJSTO) . WM. Li completed. ltil-J4'$$- 3,d froea poet effiee. (WO, This include oil expense. that bugaboo from name. is fully Wetobcr lo;h, . Perrysburj,', Ocl.j lttol. RecrvsitiDg Officer. ;4 door the