"Slavery and War." tSwShorniitii'a Brigade-- , at Mansfield, is ttarTho New York Evening Pout loam MEDICINAL. goods & croccrino mciiisY iMPoWArit. Wo surrender most of our first page to aid to bo fast filling p. that Mr. Ward, late U. 8. Minister to China, fa oomo ayeh's TBI WOULD RliD, -- jmTiurnKvrisr tho publication of Dr. Bronson'a masterly BfJU Warren Thornborry appointed who hn been reportod by of our jour II argument on tho "Slavery and War" ques- Burvoyor of Paducah, Ky. nals as bearer of dispatches for tho Confed- CATHARTIC Till IlSOAl. OCT. IT, MOI. tion, which wo hope will receive tho care Ktk.S.mdusky county rolls up a Union erate Government to Europe, has been call- AKD ful attention of every reader of tho Journal majority of two hundred and fifty-fou- r. ed thither by a terrible domostio calamity, PILLS. G ARIITAt yoa lick. Danger. Oominjr, as it does, from "Dronnon's Quar- tX-Th- o returns from tho Iowa election, which made It impossible for him to hesitate Art 6bU, Aristocracies in Complaining t An yim out of If there rro no other evidences, the tone terly Review;" th ablest and moRt cfliutrtit indicate tho of Gov. Kirkwood. a moment in making tho effort, at whatever order, with yonr rulca S FOR THE BEST fit CHEAPEST GOODS stif. rUKl, ni T"r (rlii if the Eurojirnn pie, nlotie, would be organ of the Catholic Clint rli in the 8uThe f)5th, at Norwalk, is filling up poril to himself, to reach hia ofllicted family 1 TnM rmp-U- often U pratad lo firictit to warrant the belief of a steady gnin it f--.'l at- and will soon bo ready for service. rt United States, cannot to arrest tho rapidly, iu Florence. mmUmt lllnaM. Som Hi of o r of Ilepublican princii!a in the OKI World. tention of thiukb'g men everywhere. It toy Gen. MuCall's division now occupies rknM lurrmplnt npon Jim, Cleveland leader nays Dr. J. M. and nboulil h started bj Nor haa the heat effort of (ho privileged would uot lie safe to say, however, that hin Longley, eight miles from tho Washington fiarThe timeljr im of tho right rem-eilj- r. OO TO THt STCtt Of Christian ami Thomas Hopper of Marion, Tik Ayer'i I'll!, and ef- s class been aMe to neutralize the popular vier-- on this question or an other are ne- Chain Bridge. elinnM out the ilUnrilered wore arrested and brought to that city for purify III liloott, and fect of the American example of free gov. cessarily adopted by a majority of tho clor-g- y g&.Iinmciise quantities of army stores being implicated In tho order of tho Knights let the Muldi mora on nmib spr;no ernment. These efforts have chiefly con. or laity of the powerful organization of are passing over our western roads, destined trnrted In health amln. AMD SUMMER GOODSI of the Golden Circle in that county. They ThPT tlmiilate Hie function w. nisted of satire upon our rcptiUican inMitu-tion- a, th!ch he is a distinguished champion, but for St, Louis. of til body Into r Igoro ac- j. iiiTcncooK. are members of tho same castle of which tivity, pin If th nj.iem from and in oracular assurance thot they his article may bo taken simply ns an index tta)rThe bark Mary Stockton went ashore tli oinlructlon nmVtt nik Court, who was nr. ested two days before, A amnewlier In the anil soon nmat end. As, however, the lapse of a very striking one of the movement go- on Lake Michigan during the storm of Fri dlWDM. cold ieltle lly, officer. Hoddi r is the of the IU natural function. Tli", If no reltored, three-quarter- was an editor Hi iirronudlng organ, fire-- rearly s of a century only nug-racnt- on and conscientious day night last. react upon tlieinmlre and ing among intelligent innerlng, and til . KftW OOODtl KCW rare Democratic Mirror which has been strong rliirlnc general aggravation, A T our felicity, the bitterness of this men, not only in the Catholic Church, but Vlm"h Lady," as she simply announced While In till con'liuun, opprewn ny m ui.ir'uih. nrw eoonst rti w nicM in opposition to tho war policy of the Gov- Ink AyorM I'llla, and liow dlrctly lliey rrctor 111 hrw goods MRW PRICES ridicule and the confidence of these viticin-ation- s and classes. it has herself, ia delivering war loctures in Wabash Willi It Hi buoyant among all crceda That natural action of Hi ylem, ind krw ooons I MW MICKS I ernment. I o apparent la diminixhed. unex- feeling of health again. What trnanl NRW UOODSl greatly Monarch and met with a warm response in many, county, Indiana. thl trivial and common complaint, i alio tru In many krw rsicnl Appointments. of th deep mated anil dngron dlleniper. Th am KCW GOODS new raicsat lord were forced to yield still more to tha pected quarters we have reason to know. BUSuBaron Vegesank, of Sweden, has been I Recent Ohio Military Mirgfttlva (Twct tpel lliem. vanno ny aimimr uuairw KKW 0001)8 new rnicEsI increasing demand of the people for a Just (Tho Wheeling Intelligencer, fur instance, appointed Aid to Major-Goner- Wool, with inna ami rionturamnnta of th natural function of th William Mungen, Findlay, Lieutenant Col- body, tliey ar rapidly, and many of them nrly, enrd ahare in their own government. The hole with approving comment.) That tho rank of Captain. who know th irtue of copios it Kilty-sevent- h Regiment. hy the tarn mmna. None thM "HEAD QUARTERS!" onel, neglect employ mom uuvring or Col. Bcatty, Col- Fill, writ te wun iron European continent has exhibited, more it will have a marked influence in shaping fcaTThe 19th, at Alliance, is I. N. Hathaway, Toledo, Lieutenant the dlaorder they cure. y, Sixty-sevent- phynlHan In of th less, this diatingniahing tendency of the age. no one can doubt who be- nearly full, an is also the ICth, Col. DcConr-ce- onel. h Regiment. Statement, from leading tout public sentiment principal aud from other well koowu putllo per. The largost stocks of Rorxt off ere4 in this Sixty-sevent- h Regi- elite, trtr This grand movement was still progressing lieves in the power of truth wielded by so at Wooster. John R. Bond, Major, on. market, embracing an endless variety of articles ment. SgL-Col- . Do a Mtrchant Loui; ftb. 4, U64. ngainst strenuous opposition, when the pres- able a logician as Dr. Branson. Villera has been made a Brig, Lieuten- from Fnrmriig rSt. Samuel II. Steadman, Napoleon, Da. Your Till r the paragon of all that I STAPLE, FANCY AND FASHIONABLE, develop-e- d in com- Aint PERRYSBURG, OHIO. ent rebellion broke out and swiftly The principal points taken up and agued adior Genoral. He assigned to tho ant Colonel, Sixty-eight- h Regiment. great In nieillcmn. They hav cured my Hill daughter P. of ulceron oraa noon her liamlii and feet that had proved effort in gigantic proportions. However the mand under Roaecranz. Robert Scott, Napoleon, Major, Sixty y In the selection of which no has been snar are ns follow: The Constitution is not to Sir year. Her mothor ha been long grler-oual- eighth Regiment. Incuralile ed to render it as attractive as possible, is now be issue might be diguised from multitudes be nppcaled to by those who have kicked ItaJrTho cold rains of tho past few weeks afflicted with hlotchea and pimple on hr akin and 8. Baily Walker, Sidney, Major, Fifth-seven- th In her hair. Alter onr ciiitu wna cureu, an aiao irieu ing opened at tne here, tho world abroad saw that the rebel- it off and torn into In point of have been very severe upon the troops in lour Pills, aud they hav cured her. it shreds. Regiment. ASA. MORQRIOQR. lion was one against popular freedom appealed to it; they the Mountains of Virginia. L. V. Blessing, Lieut. Colonel, Thirteenth CHEAP DRY GOODS STORE fact, they have not As a Family Pliyle. against tho supreiucy of the people at. a na- JUayAnother German regiment, the 58th, Regimen. scorn to do so. Slavery is the cause of tho .Trout Dr. K. IK Qirlurrigld, Ktn Ortr.anu of W.J. Hitchcock, on the corner of Front and Lou elated J. Hun.er Odlin, Dayton, Major, Sixty-fir- st tional ballot box. Everywhere the rebellion, and hence slavery has estopped is being formed at Cleveland, Bauscwin, Tour Pill ar th prlnc of purge. Thlr excellent isiana Avenue, rerrrsburg, Ohio. My i we pneae. They ar stock new and well selected and mbrac foes of Btich pr o'.iiinad tti.it it formerly of Garibadi's Staff, is the Colonel. Regiment. analltle aurpaa any cathartic suprem:i'y from complaining of its consequences. The L. 11. Leland, Defiance, Adjutant Thirty mild, but very certain and effectual lit their action on th fall forever. With many grateful ex- ftjrRoss and Thomas Winans of Balti- bowel, wlrlch make them InvalnaWe to ia In tli dally the best, latest and cheapest styles of must rebellion must be put down at all hazards, eighth Regiment. treatment of d lieate. the European press have since more, going abroad to Europe A.- - ception, and to put it down wo must employ such arc about Peter Bishop, Elyria, Quartermaster, Headache, glckIIealncfirFoal Stomach. QUALITY is the BEST TEST of CHEAPNESS, dei-lnrin- Fifty-eight- h Regiment. been and are still incessantly thnt means ns will do it, rathor than than those with their families, to make an oxtendod stay, Vi Dr.
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