4.14 Allelochemicals in Plant– Interactions Keiichi Honda and Hisashi Oˆ mura, Hiroshima University, Higashihiroshima, Japan Masatoshi Hori, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan Yooichi Kainoh, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan

ª 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

4.14.1 Introduction 563 4.14.2 Host Selection 563 Phytochemicals Involved in Oviposition 563 Feeding Attractants and Stimulants 570 4.14.3 Flower-Visiting and Foraging 580 Floral Volatiles 580 Attractants in nursery pollination 580 Attractants in sexual mimicry 581 Attractants in abiotic mimicry 582 Repellent volatiles in floral scents 583 Transfer of volatiles from flowers to 583 Food Constituents Affecting Foraging 584 Sugars 584 Amino acids 584 Toxic components 584 4.14.4 Insect–Plant Interface in Multitrophic Interactions 585 Parasitic Wasps 585 Parasitic Flies 588 Predators 588 Elicitors 589 References 590

4.14.1 Introduction

The majority of insects are herbivores that depend on plants for their nutrients. The chemicals produced by plants and insects can have significant effects on their lives, and insect–plant interactions have therefore been of long- standing interest in chemical ecology. Biological and chemical analyses of the interplay between insect pests and crops are of great importance from the perspective of future agriculture as the need to develop environmentally benign pest control agents for practical use continues to grow.1 Phytochemicals, particularly secondary metabolites, play important and often crucial roles in many types of insect behaviors, and can even regulate their growth and reproduction in various ways, thus ultimately exerting considerable influence on their fitness. The abilities of insects to counteract the plants’ chemical barriers, which might have developed through coevolutionary interactions between insects and plants, allow them to make use of certain phytochemicals as cues to locate and recognize suitable food or host plants. Various attractants, stimulants, repellents, and deterrents are usually involved in this process. Some insects even sequester and store noxious phytochemicals to use for their own chemical defenses. Owing to the complexity of insect–plant relationships, the allelochemicals mediating these interactions include a wide array of chemical compounds with a variety of ecological functions. In this chapter, we have focused our attention on selected topics in which significant progress has been made during the last decade, and have not discussed those chemicals of little or no ecological relevance. Since antifeedants are covered in another chapter, plant chemicals that deter food ingestion have also been omitted. This chapter initially deals with plant constituents involved in host selection: those affecting oviposition by females and those stimulating feeding by both larvae and adults. Later, pollination strategies of plants involving

563 564 Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions manipulation of their floral scents to lure or repel insects are reviewed, along with the gustatory responses of foragers to a few groups of nutrients and other chemicals in the nectar. Finally, we have addressed the multitrophic interactions among plants, insects, and their parasitoids, which have aroused increasing interest in recent years, and further commented on induced plant volatiles that mediate the attraction of predators to prey-infested plants.

4.14.2 Host Selection

Host selection by phytophagous insects usually consists of two phases: food choice through preimaginal feeding (also feeding by adults in certain insect taxa) and host-plant seeking and assessment by ovipositing females. Among the most important factors influencing host selection by insects are the chemical constituents present in the plants, although other factors such as visual and/or mechanical stimuli also act concurrently on deciding whether to accept potential host plants or not. Phytochemicals Involved in Oviposition Behavioral, sensory, and phytochemical bases for egg-laying by moths and butterflies have previously been fully reviewed.2,3 Subsequently a number of newly identified plant chemicals serving as oviposition stimulants or deterrents have been reported for many lepidopterans and other insects. The majority of swallowtail butterflies of the genus (family Papilionidae) exclusively utilize plants of the family as hosts, with a few species exploiting limited plant species of the families Apiaceae or Lauraceae. The North American black , Papilio polyxenes, a specialist on members of carrot family (Apiaceae), has already been shown to lay eggs in response to a mixture of two chemotactile stimulants, luteolin 7-O-(699 -O-malonyl)--D-glucoside and trans-chlorogenic acid, identified from one of its major host plants, Daucus carota (wild carrot). Further study revealed that the oviposition response by the butterfly to another host plant, Pastinaca sativa (wild parsnip), was evoked by a combination of tyramine (1), trans- chlorogenic acid, and a neutral fraction from the plant.4 The zebra swallowtail butterfly, Eurytides marcellus, is an Annonaceae-feeding specialist. One of three hydroxycinnamoyl derivatives of 1,3,4,5-tetrahydroxycyclohexane-1-carboxylic acid, that is, 3-caffeoyl-muco- quinic acid (2), isolated from the foliage of its primary host plant, Asimina triloba, was active alone in stimulating oviposition.5 The action of compound 2 is unique because other papilionid butterflies for which oviposition stimulants have been reported are induced to oviposit by the synergistic action of multiple components.3 However, E. marcellus females were deterred from egg-laying by flavonoids (rutin and nicotiflorine) co-occurring in the host plant, thus using both qualitative and quantitative information about these compounds to assess host quality.6 Interestingly, the same compound (2), also identified from Sassafras albidum (Lauraceae), was found to act as an oviposition stimulant for the spicebush swallowtail, Papilio troilus, which feeds exclusively on plants of the family Lauraceae. This compound was inactive alone, but increased the oviposition activity of the females when combined with other as yet uncharacterized stimulant(s).7 Two oviposition stimulants, ()-4-(E)-caffeoyl-L-threonic acid (3) and ()-2-C-methyl-D-erythrono-1,4- lactone (4), have been reported8,9 for a Rutaceae-feeding swallowtail butterfly, Papilio bianor, which preferen- tially utilizes as its principal host in the western districts of Japan. The former compound singly stimulated egg-laying by the females to a certain extent, while the latter on its own evoked no oviposition response, but turned out to be active when assayed in combination with other fractions derived from a methanolic extract of the plant. However, no synergistic action of the two compounds in stimulation of oviposition was shown. Papilio macilentus also feeds specifically on O. japonica, which ovipositing females chemically recognize as a host, partly by foretarsal detection of a benzofuran derivative, cnidioside A (5). Although a few species of Japanese swallowtail butterflies exploit O. japonica as larval food, the plant is rejected by many other swallowtails. Papilio xuthus, a typical Citrus feeder, never accepts O. japonica. The inhibition of colonization of this plant by the butterfly has been attributed to the presence of at least two compounds, 3,4-O-disyringoylaldaric acid (6) and 5-{[2-O-(-D-apiofuranosyl)--D-glucopyranosyl]oxy}-2- hydroxybenzoic acid (7), which potently deter both larval feeding and female oviposition.10 Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions 565

Papilio polytes is a tropical swallowtail butterfly specializing on only a few rutaceous plants in Japan, such as Toddalia asiatica and Citrus depressa, while another sympatric potential host, Murraya paniculata (Rutaceae), remains entirely unexploited by the butterfly in its natural habitat. Strong oviposition responses to T. asiatica were found to be elicited by synergism between trans-4-hydroxy-N-methyl-L-proline (weakly active alone) (8) 11 and 2-C-methyl-D-erythronic acid (9). On the contrary, trigonelline (10) present in M. paniculata was partly responsible for the avoidance of the plant by ovipositing females.12 Glycosmis citrifolia, a relatively rare rutaceous plant occurring in sympatry with the above plants, is occasionally infested by P. polytes in nature. Oviposition on this plant also proved to be due to the presence of compounds 8 and 9.12

Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are a typical class of plant secondary metabolites, which certain butterflies and moths in particular groups, that is, Danainae, Ithomiinae (Nymphalidae), and Arctiidae, sequester as larvae or adults and utilize as chemical defensive substances against predatory enemies, probably due to their bitter taste and hepatotoxicity.13 PAs also serve as precursors of male pheromones of PA-storing lepidopterans. The primitive danaine butterfly, Idea leuconoe (occurring in the Old World tropics), is a specialist on plants of the genus Parsonsia (Apocynaceae), which contain PAs, and uses the alkaloids as crucial cues in host recognition. The females were induced to oviposit by host-plant-specific macrocyclic PAs, including parsonsianine, parsonsianidine, and 17-methylparsonsianidine (Figure 1), each of which individually showed significant 566 Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions

Figure 1 Oviposition stimulants for Idea leuconoe (danaine butterfly; upper) and Tyria jacobaeae (arctiid moth; lower) feeding on pyrrolizidine alkaloid-containing plants. stimulatory activity.14 The cinnabar moth, Tyria jacobaeae (Arctiidae), also depends exclusively on the PA- containing plant, Senecio jacobaea (Asteraceae), for larval growth. Two PAs of host-plant origin, senecionine and seneciphylline (Figure 1), and monocrotaline of nonhost origin stimulated oviposition by the females,15 although they strongly preferred to oviposit on substrates treated with a PA mixture derived from S. jacobaea over single PA, suggesting the involvement of multiple PAs in oviposition preference. A different group of alkaloids has been shown to mediate egg-laying by another danaine butterfly, Ideopsis similis, which exclusively exploits Tylophora plants as hosts (Asclepiadaceae), known to contain various phenanthroindolizidine alkaloids. Of 12 tested alkaloids isolated from one of its host plants, Tylophora tanakae, at least five components, that is, isotylocrebrine, its N-oxide, 3-demethyisotylocrebrine, 6-demethyltylocrebrine, and 7-demethyltylophorine (Figure 2), individually stimulated oviposition,16 although an equivalent blend of these five compounds was much preferred by ovipositing females to any one of them alone. This clearly indicates that synergism in stimulation of oviposition occurs not only among structurally unrelated compounds (papilionid butterflies) but also among those with structural similarities. The chestnut tiger, Parantica sita, is also an Asclepiadaceae-feeding danaine butterfly, which, along with the monarch butterfly, is known to migrate northwards in spring and southwards in late autumn in Japan. From one of its major host plants, Marsdenia tomentosa, three unsaturated cyclitols have been identified as oviposition 17 stimulants: conduritol A, conduritol F, and conduritol F 2-O--D-glucoside (Figure 3). Of these, conduritol F 2-O--D-glucoside (trace component) was most active by itself, conduritol A (predominant cyclitol) showed moderate activity, while conduritol F was inactive alone. However, a combination of these cyclitols evoked the highest oviposition responses from females. Plants of the Crucifer family (Brassicaceae) are characterized by the presence of peculiar secondary metabolites called glucosinolates, which are thought to be defensive chemicals against herbivores.18 The diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Plutellidae), a notorious worldwide pest of cruciferous crops, has previously been shown to lay eggs in response to diverse glucosinolates (sinigrin, etc.) present in crucifers, synergized by leaf epicuticular waxes. A recent study has reported new oviposition stimulants for the moth from cabbage (Brassica oleracea), which fall into the chemical group of isothiocyanates. Among others, those with a sulfur atom in the side chain, such as iberin, iberverin, and sulforaphane (Figure 4), elicited significant behavioral and electroantennographic responses.19 Females of other pests on crucifers, Hellula undalis Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions 567

Figure 2 Oviposition stimulants for Ideopsis similis from Tylophora tanakae.

Figure 3 Oviposition stimulants for Parantica sita from Marsdenia tomentosa.

Figure 4 Oviposition stimulants for crucifer pests, Plutella xylostella (upper) and Hellula undalis (lower). 568 Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions

(Pyralidae) and Mamestra brassicae (Noctuidae, polyphagous moth), were attracted to substrates treated with allyl isothiocyanate (breakdown product of allylglucosinolate) through upwind orientation flight, while benzyl- and allyl-glucosinolates (Figure 4) exerted potent stimulatory activity on egg-laying by H. undalis.20 (E)-Capsaicin (11) has been identified from the fruits of red pepper, Capsicum annuum (Solanaceae), as a principal oviposition stimulant for the oriental tobacco budworm, Helicoverpa assulta (Noctuidae), an oligopha- gous moth infesting primarily solanaceous plants.21 Another related moth, Heliothis armigera, is a polyphagous pest utilizing a wide variety of plants as hosts, such as pigeon pea, cotton, tobacco, maize, and sunflower. A sesquiterpene hydrocarbon, -bulnesene (12),22 green leaf volatiles (GLVs) ((E)-2-hexenal and esters of (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol), and monoterpenes including -pinene, -myrcene, limonene, and linalool, were found to be electrophysiologically active to gravid females of H. armigera. The European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Crambidae), is also a highly polyphagous moth, which attacks several major crops including maize, tomato, and cotton. Each of the n-alkanes (C26–C29) and tritriacontane (C33) present in the leaf epicuticular wax of corn, Zea mays, was shown to be responsible for eliciting oviposition on the plant.23 In the oligophagous Ostrinia moth, Ostrinia latipennis, feeding on knotweeds (Fallopia spp.) in Japan, females were stimulated to oviposit by a mixture of leaf epicuticular wax chemicals present in Fallopia japonica (Polygonaceae) consisting of n-alkanes of C16–C33 (nonacosane (C29) being dominant) and free fatty 24 acids of C9–C22 (hexadecanoic acid (C16) being dominant). The spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus (Pyralidae), and Sesamia nonagrioides (Noctuidae) are serious pests of maize and sorghum. Their oviposition responses to maize, however, have been reported to differ greatly in different cultivars; some compounds that deter female oviposition have been suggested to occur in resistant cultivars. Oviposition deterrence evoked by resistant cultivars of Z. mays was attributed partly to larger quantities of specific components: 1-nonadecanol and 1-heptadecanol for C. partellus, and aldehydes of 25,26 C9–C14, for S. nonagrioides. The host orientation of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (Tortricidae), a major pest of apple (Malus domestica; Rosaceae) and stone fruit, is thought to be guided by volatiles emitted from larval host fruit. Although some fruit odors (-farnesenes, (E)--farnesene, acetic acid, ethyl (2E,4Z)-deca-2,4-dienoate), which may act as larval feeding attractants, have been demonstrated to attract adult males and/or females, little information is available on the phytochemicals involved in host finding and oviposition by females. Recently, a female-specific attractant from apple fruit was identified as butyl hexanoate (13).27 In addition, certain sugars and sugar alcohols detected from the surfaces of apple fruits and foliage, particularly fructose, sorbitol, and myo-inositol, were shown to stimulate egg-laying by the moth.28 A more recent investigation has revealed that gravid females of the oriental fruit moth, Cydia molesta, which also causes severe damage to stone fruit and pome fruit, were attracted to a mixture of three GLVs ((Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, (E)-2-hexenal, and (Z)-3- hexenyl acetate), benzaldehyde, and benzonitrile29 identified from peach shoot extract. The synthetic mixture was as attractive as the natural peach shoot volatiles. The antennae of mated females of the European grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana (Tortricidae), sensitively responded to many components of host-plant (grape; Vitis vinifera) odor, including (E)-4,8-dimethylnona-1,3,7-triene (DMNT), -caryophyllene, (E,E)--farnesene, (E)--farnesene, 1-octen-3-ol, 2-ethyl-1-hexanol, linalool, (E)- and (Z)-linalool oxide furanoside, methyl salicylate, and they were actually attracted to a synthetic 10-component blend in flight tunnel experiments. However, ternary, but not binary, mixtures of these compounds were sufficient to release upwind flight of females, suggesting synergism and redundancy in host-plant volatiles that lure females.30 L. botrana females make use of sugars as cues for oviposition site choice, that is, fructose and glucose (much less active), which are perceived not by tarsal sensilla but by ovipositor sensilla. The banded sunflower moth, Cochylis hospes (Cochylidae), is an important pest of cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus, Asteraceae) and the larvae are restricted to feeding on several sunflower species. Two diterpenoid alcohols, ent-kauran-16-ol (14) and ent-atisan-16-ol (15), isolated from prebloom sunflower heads, were identified as oviposition stimulants for the moth.31 These compounds individually induced egg- laying, with linear dose responses. The former was more stimulative than the latter and they had no synergistic effect on oviposition. Females of the pyralid moth, Ephestia kuehniella (Mediterranean flour moth), which infests cereal products, were stimulated to lay eggs by each of three electrophysiologically active (antennae used) volatile components from chocolate products, namely, benzyl alcohol, nonanal, and phenylacetaldehyde. Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions 569

Certain species of Diptera have been shown to be of considerable importance in terms of agricultural damage and their indirect impacts on other herbivores. The cabbage root fly, Delia radicum (Anthomyiidae), attacks crucifers, with the larvae feeding on the roots and stems of the plant and often causing serious damage. To locate potential hosts, gravid females of the fly use visual and olfactory (isothiocyanates, etc.) cues, while the final decision on host acceptance is mediated by chemotactile stimuli, evoked by specific phytochemicals detected by taste receptors located on the tarsi during walking on the leaf surface and stem after alighting on the plant. Apart from glucosinolates, which have long been known to be important cues allowing females to recognize suitable host plants, two new and more powerful oviposition stimulants have been identified from cabbage leaves, B. oleracea (Brassicaceae): 1,2-dihydro-3-thia-4,10,10b-triazacyclopenta[.a.]fluorene-1- carboxylic acid (major) and its glycine amide32 (Figure 5). The major component occurs at a very low concentration (1 ng per leaf) on the leaf surface. Subsequently, another structurally related and very active stimulant, 1,2-dihydro-6-methoxy-3-thia-4,10,10b-triazacyclopenta[.a.]fluorene-1-carboxylic acid (Figure 5), was found from the roots of Brassica napus, together with the above two compounds.33 The turnip root fly, Delia floralis, a close relative of D. radicum, has also been reported to positively respond to glucosinolates and thia- triaza-fluorenes in host assessment.34 The Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Cecidomyiidae), is a major pest of wheat, Triticum aestivum, but occasionally infests rye, barley, and a number of wild grasses in the genera Elymus, Aegilops (Poaceae), and others. Two oviposition stimulants, octacosanal and 6-methoxy-2-benzoxazolinone (Figure 5), have been identified from wheat leaves upon which females deposit eggs. These compounds exert a synergistic effect on elicitation of oviposition.35 The American serpentine leafminer, Liriomyza trifolii (Agromyzidae), is a worldwide generalist pest attack- ing plants of more than 21 families, including Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae. The sweet pepper, C. annuum (Solanaceae), is fiercely infested in its young stages by L. trifolii, but becomes resistant to the insect at more mature stages. One apolar component, (E)-phytol, three water-soluble components, namely, 4-aminobutanoic acid, trans-4-hydroxy-N-methyl-L-proline, and cytidine, and a flavonoid, luteolin 7-O--D-apiofuranosyl- (1!2)--D-glucopyranoside (Figure 6), have been identified as oviposition deterrents from the foliage of mature C. annuum, accounting for the chemical defense of the plant from L. trifolii.36,37 Interestingly, 4-hydroxy- N-methyl-L-proline serves as an oviposition stimulant for the Rutaceae-feeding swallowtail butterfly, P. polytes (see Section, whereas it acts as an oviposition deterrent to this polyphagous fly. Bitter gourd, Momordica charantia, belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family, is widely cultivated in tropical Africa and Asia, but rarely infested by L. trifolii. Several key substances that deter oviposition by L. trifolii on this plant were identified as cucurbitane triterpenoids and their glucosides, including 7,23-dihydroxy-3-O-malonylcucurbita-5,24-dien-19- al, momordicine I, momordicine II, momordicine IV, and momordicine V38,39 (Figure 6). The cerambycid beetle, Monochamus alternates, is a vector of the pine wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Mortality of pines is caused by the combination of beetles and nematodes. The following 10 570 Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions

Figure 5 Oviposition stimulants for the cabbage root fly (Delia radicum) and the Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor).

compounds have been isolated from Pinus densiflora and identified as oviposition stimulants for M. alternates 40 (Figure 7): (þ)-catechin, ()-2,3-(E)-dihydroquercetin-39-O--D-glucopyranoside, polymeric proanthocya- 41 nidins, procyanidin B-1, procyanidin B-3, dihydroconiferyl alcohol-9-O--D-glucopyranoside, cedrusin-49-O--D-glucopyranoside, cedrusin-49--L-rhamnopyranoside, 7-O-methylcedrusin-49-O--L- rhamnopyranoside, and 1-(49-hydroxy-39-methoxyphenyl)-2-[40-(3-hydroxypropyl)-20-hydroxyphenoxy]- 42 1,3-propanediol-49-O--D-xylopyranoside. These individual compounds do not stimulate oviposition, but some combinations of them are active. Feeding Attractants and Stimulants Many coleopteran beetles use host-plant volatiles for host location. Strawberry leaf beetle, Galerucella vittati- collis, feeds on polygonaceous plant leaves and also on strawberry leaves. The main component of both polygonaceous plant and strawberry leaf volatiles is the compound, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate.43 (Z)-3-Hexenyl acetate attracts G. vittaticollis at concentrations of 0.01–0.05%. Quercetin glycosides are also characteristic components of polygonaceous plants, as well as organic acids, and are also found in strawberry leaves. The quercetin glycosides, quercitrin, rutin, avicularin, hyperoside, and isoquercetin, stimulate G. vittaticollis feeding (Figure 8).44 Thus, both (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate as the feeding attractant and quercetin glycosides as feeding stimulants play important roles in the host selection of G. vittaticollis for polygonaceous plants and strawberry. The Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, is one of the most serious pests of potato. Two- component blends of three chemicals, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, ()-linalool, and methyl salicylate, are attractive to L. decemlineata when (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate is one of the components of the blend,45 but individual compounds are inactive. Low levels of (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol and (E)-2-hexen-1-ol can substitute for (Z)-3-hexenyl Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions 571

Figure 6 Oviposition deterrents to the American serpentine leafminer (Liriomyza trifolii).

acetate when combined with ()-linalool. However, blends containing relatively high amounts of (E)-2- hexen-1-ol and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol are unattractive. Emission of these compounds is greatly increased by the feeding L. decemlineata larvae, which may alert predators or parasitoids to the presence of potential prey. Many specific plant odors are achieved by combinations of widely distributed constituent components in specific ratios characteristic to particular plant species.46 Therefore, many insects that use general compounds as feeding attractants, such as L. decemlineata, are attracted to blends of several components, but not to the individual compounds. Fifteen compounds, (Z)-3-hexenal, (E)-2-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, (E)-2-hexen-1-ol, 572 Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions

Figure 7 Oviposition stimulants for Monochamus alternatus contained in Pinus densiflora. Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions 573

Figure 8 Quercetin glycosides as feeding stimulants for Galerucella vittaticollis.

1-hexanol, heptanal, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, octanal, (E,E)-2,4-heptadienal, benzyl alcohol, nonanal, decanal, (2E,6Z)-2,6-nonadienal, indole, and (E,E)--farnesene, from saltcedar, Tamarix spp., which is the host of the leaf beetle, Diorhabda elongate, induce antennal response in this beetle.47 A natural ratio blend of four GLVs, (E)-2- hexenal, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, (Z)-3-hexenal, and (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, strongly attracts the beetles. The Fuller’s rose weevil, Pantomorus cervinus, which is a polyphagous weevil, is also attracted to the blend of general compounds.48 The headspace of clover, which is one of the weevil’s hosts, contains two GLVs, (Z)-3-hexen- 1-ol and (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate. The weevils are attracted to a synthetic blend of these GLVs over a range of concentrations (0.01, 0.1, and 1 mg ml1), as strongly as to clover leaves. The Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica,is a polyphagous insect feeding on the fruit, flowers, or foliage of about 300 species of plants. It is attracted to many naturally occurring plant volatiles, including phenylacetonitrile, (Z)-3-hexenyl benzoate, nerolidol, (Z)-3-hexenyl hexanoate, (Z)-3-hexenyl 2-methylbutyrate, (þ)-limonene, and (þ)--pinene, with the attrac- tion increasing as the number of components in a volatile blend increases49 (see Chapter 2.02). Some plant volatiles, however, are highly specific and composed of compounds not found in unrelated plant species.46 Allyl isothiocyanate, a specific odor component, is a breakdown product of glucosinolates in oilseed rape, B. napus. This compound attracts the crucifer flea beetle, Phyllotreta cruciferae, which is consistently found feeding in oilseed rape or canola fields.50 The blossoms of Cucurbitaceae are well known to be highly attractive to many species of Diabrotica beetles. However, the volatile compounds that act as attractants differ in different Diabrotica species. Cinnamaldehyde strongly attracts the spotted cucumber beetle, Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi, whereas 4-methoxycinnamaldehyde is a specific attractant for the western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera.51 The northern corn rootworm, Diabrotica barberi, and Diabrotica cristata are attracted to eugenol, cinnamyl alcohol, and 2-(4-methoxyphenyl)ethanol. Volatiles of maize, one of the host plants, also attract D. v. virgifera 574 Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions and D. barberi. Diabrotica barberi is strongly attracted to the maize volatiles geranylacetone52 and syn- benzaldoxime,53 while D. v. virgifera is attracted to (þ)--terpineol, linalool,52 and -caryophyllene.53 Attraction of D. v. virgifera to ()-linalool, (þ)--terpineol, or -ionone is enhanced by methyl salicylate.53 Dendroctonus beetles are one of the most serious pests of coniferous trees. Dendroctonus valens is attracted to ()--pinene, (þ)--pinene, and (þ)-3-carene from the resin volatiles of its hosts, Pinus ponderosa and Pinus lambertiana.54 Three sympatric coniferous nonhost species have the same attractive monoterpenes, but produce less resin. Dendroctonus pseudotsugae is attracted to the synthetic bole volatile of its coniferous host, Pseudotsuga menziesii (a blend of ()--pinene, (þ)--pinene, and ()--pinene).55 On the other hand, Dendroctonus rufipennis is attracted to the synthetic bole and/or foliage volatiles of its coniferous host, Picea glauca (bole: a blend of ()--pinene, (þ)--pinene, ()--pinene, and (þ)-3-carene; foliage: a blend of (þ)--pinene, (þ)-camphene, myrcene, ()-limonene, and ()-bornyl acetate). Dendroctonus pseudotsugae can discriminate among volatiles of sympatric host and nonhost conifers. The attraction of this beetle to aggregation pheromone traps is increased by coniferous host volatiles, but decreased by nonhost volatiles. These results indicate that pioneers of some Dendroctonus beetles can locate their coniferous hosts by attraction to the host volatiles, even without the aggregation pheromone, and followers can quickly locate the hosts by using pheromones and by discriminating between sympatric host and nonhost conifers. Constituents of plant volatiles change according to plant age and developmental stage, sometimes causing changes in the behavioral responses of the insects to the host plants. The concentration of (E)-2-hexenal in the volatile component of 1.5-year-old red clover roots is higher than that in 2.5-year-old roots.56 Conversely, the limonene content of 1.5-year-old plants is lower than that of 2.5-year-old plants. (E)-2-Hexenal attracts the root borer, Hylastinus obscurus, which feeds on the clover roots, whereas limonene repels it and H. obscurus therefore shows different behavioral responses to red clover, depending on plant age:57 an increase in limonene content and a decrease in (E)-2-hexenal content correlate with reduced attractiveness of 2.5-year-old clover roots. The balance of attractants and repellents is also important in the orientation of insects to the plants. Volatile extracts from storage roots and aerial plant parts of sweet potato are attractive to female sweet potato weevils, Cylas formicarius.58 Three oxygenated monoterpenes from storage roots, nerol, (Z)-citral, and methyl geranate, are responsible for attracting the female weevils, while sesquiterpenes, such as -gurjunene, -humulene, and ylangene, from storage roots and aerial plant parts repel them. Differences in the relative attractiveness of sweet potato cultivars are inversely correlated with the composite concentration of headspace sesquiterpenes. Host- finding behavior in the granary weevil, Sitophilus granarius, also depends on the balance of positive and negative volatile stimuli from grain.59 Sitophilus granarius adults have the ability to respond behaviorally to a wide range of cereal volatiles. However, 1-hexanol, butanal, hexanal, heptanal, (E)-2-hexenal, (E,E)-2,4-nonadienal, (E,E)- 2,4-decadienal, 2-pentanone, 2-hexanone, 2-heptanone, 2,3-butanedione, and furfural repel the weevils, while 1-butanol, 1-pentanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, pentanal, (E,E)-2,4-heptadienal, maltol, phenylacetaldehyde, and vanillin attract them. Among the latter components, 1-pentanol, (E,E)-2,4-heptadienal, and phenylacetaldehyde also repel them at relatively high concentrations. The response of weevils to the cereal odor may change according to storage period because relative concentrations of individual cereal volatiles change during storage. Some plant volatiles act synergistically with aggregation pheromones. Aggregation of the American palm weevil, Rhynchophorus palmarum, on host plants is mediated by host-plant volatiles and a male pheromone (rhynchophorol).60 Acetoin, one of the major volatile components of the host plants Cocos nucifera, Saccharum officinarum, Jacaratia spp., and Elaeis spp., plays an important role in the aggregation of weevils on these plants. Although the pheromone alone is weakly attractive, its attraction is enhanced by acetoin. Several reports have revealed that host-plant volatiles show synergistic attraction with host visual cues:61 cinnamyl alcohol and (E)-anethole, common flower scent components, attract Epicometis hirta (which damages the reproductive parts of flowers of several orchard trees and many ornamental bushes62) and enhance the attractiveness of light blue color.63 Leaf surface compounds provide important information about host-plant acceptability to coleopteran insects. Although the tortoise beetle, Cassida canaliculata, is only weakly attracted to odors from host plants, it shows strong preferences for host plants when additional contact cues are provided.64 The cottonwood leaf beetle, Chrysomela scripta, which is a pest of cottonwood, poplar, and willow, is stimulated to feed by leaf surface chemicals produced by a beetle-preferred poplar clone.65 The feeding stimulants have been isolated and identified as 1-docosanol, 1-tetracosanol, 1-hexacosanol, 1-octacosanol, 1-triacontanol, and Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions 575

-tocopherylquinone (-TQ) (16). Beetle feeding is not stimulated by fatty alcohols and -TQ alone, but is synergistically stimulated by a mixture of alcohols and -TQ. The beetles prefer to feed on Populus clones with -TQ, rather than clones without -TQ.66 As the amount of -TQ increases, the feeding preference increases, but it then decreases again as the amount of -TQ increases further. The potato leaf surface contains kunzeaol (17),67 which acts as a feeding stimulant for L. decemlineata. Large aggregations of L. decemlineata have been observed on potato varieties that produce relatively high amounts of kunzeaol.

It is well known that cucurbitacins act as feeding stimulants for cucurbitaceous-feeding beetles (Figure 9). Aulacophora indica and Aulacophora lewisii are strongly stimulated to feed by cucurbitacin B, E, I, and E-glucoside, at concentrations ranging from 0.001 to 0.5 mg ml1, while Aulacophora nigripennis is weakly stimulated to feed only by 0.01 mg ml1 of cucurbitacin B.68 Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi, whose adults feed on leaves of many crops such as cucumber, soybean, cotton, and bean, is stimulated to feed by cucurbitacin E-glucoside.69 Epilachna admirabilis and Henosepilachna boisduvali are cucurbitaceous-feeding lady beetles, and cucurbitacin B stimulates feeding of both adults and larvae of both species. Cucurbitacin E, I, and E-glucoside do not stimulate feeding of adult H. boisduvali although these three cucurbitacins stimulate larvae of both species and adults of E. admirabilis.70 Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata and Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata, which attack both sola- naceous and cucurbitaceous plants, also are stimulated to feed by cucurbitacin B, E, I, and E-glucoside. Although cucurbitacins play an important role in the host selection of many cucurbitaceous-feeding beetles, their activities differ among species, or between adults and larvae within species. The differences in host ranges among the beetle species may be related to the differences in responses to cucurbitacins. The striped cucumber

Figure 9 Structures of cucurbitacins that act as feeding stimulants. 576 Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions beetle, Acalymma vittatum, sequesters cucurbitacins from cucurbitaceous plants. However, the response of A. vittatum to cucurbitacin diminishes with continued sequestration.71 The beetles ingest cucurbitacins until they have sequestered enough to make them sufficiently bitter to repel enemies, but sequestration of additional cucurbitacins entails a fitness cost. Lignans and neolignans are a widely distributed and structurally diverse class of phytochemicals. Most of them and their intermediate products exhibit various biological activities such as fungal-growth and insect- growth inhibitory activities, as well as insecticidal and antifeeding activities. Lignan biosynthesis plays important roles in the host-plant defense system. However, two minor lignans, 1-acetoxypinoresinol and ()-olivil (Figure 10) from olive trees, act as feeding stimulants for the olive weevil, Dyscerus perforates, which feeds on the leaf and bark of the olive tree.72 This weevil uses the compounds, which inhibit many herbivores from attacking the plants, as key stimulants for feeding. A secoiridoid glucoside, oleuropein (Figure 10), has also been known to stimulate feeding of this weevil on olive trees.73 Mixtures of dominant amino acids, such as proline, alanine, asparagine, and -aminobutyric acid, contained in pollens from plants such as sweet corn, winter squash, sunflower, and Canada goldenrod, stimulate feeding in the pollen-feeding beetle, D. v. virgifera.74 The beetle’s feeding is stimulated by three major sugars, fructose, glucose, and sucrose.75 In pollen, the flavonoids, isorhamnetin 3-O-neohesperidoside from maize pollen75 and isoquercetin from sunflower pollen,76 have been identified as feeding stimulants for D. v. virgifera (Figure 11). Isorhamnetin 3-O- neohesperidoside interacts additively with the mixture of three sugars and 21 amino acids. From sunflower pollen, N1,N5,N10-tri[(E)-p-coumaroyl]spermidine, -linolenic acid, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidic acid, phos- phatidylcholine, and 1,2-dilinolenoyl-3-palmitoylglycerol also have been identified as feeding stimulants (Figure 11).76 -Linolenic acids are essential nutrients for almost all insects, including Diabrotica. Linolenoyl-rich lipids could serve as appropriate pollen-selective taste cues for pollen-feeding specialists.

Figure 10 Structure of feeding stimulants identified from olive tree. Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions 577

Figure 11 (Continued) 578 Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions

Figure 11 Feeding stimulants for Diabrotica virgifera virgifera identified from maize and sunflower pollen.

Some compounds show feeding stimulatory activity when mixed, even though they show no, or weak, activity alone. Methanol extract of one of the asteraceous plants, ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, stimulates feeding in the asteraceous-feeding leaf beetle, Ophraella communa. -Amyrin acetate, -amyrin acetate, chloro- genic acid, and 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid have been isolated as feeding stimulants from this extract (Figure 12). Both triterpenoid derivatives, -amyrin acetate and -amyrin acetate, show feeding stimulatory activities when combined with chlorogenic acid or 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid, even though the activities of individual triterpe- noid derivatives are weak.77 Methyl linolenate from potato leaves has been identified as the feeding stimulant for H. vigintioctomaculata.78 Although methyl linolenate alone is inactive, it acts synergistically with sugars. The feeding activity stimulated by methyl linolenate combined with sugars is maximal at the concentration found naturally in potato leaves. Feeding stimulation of the mustard leaf beetle, Phaedon cochleariae, is also based on a combination of biosynthetically distinct metabolites.79 The glucosinolate and flavonoid fractions from Sinapis alba, which is a host of this leaf beetle, stimulate it to feed, while the combination of both fractions evokes higher feeding stimulatory activity than the individual fractions. The flavonoid fraction has only weak stimulatory activity, while sinalbin (18), the most abundant glucosinolate in S. alba, induces approximately 50% of the beetles to feed. Hence, sinalbin might be the active stimulant in the glucosinolate fraction, and flavonoids might act synergistically with sinalbin.

The balance of feeding stimulants and deterrents is important for host selection by insects. Salix integra leaves contain both feeding stimulants and deterrents for the willow beetle, Plagiodera versicolora, which feeds on several species of willow, including S. integra. 1,2-Di[(9Z,12Z,15Z)-octadeca-9,12,15-trienoyl]-3--D- galactopyranosyl-sn-glycerol (MGDG) (19) acts as a feeding stimulant and 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid acts as a Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions 579

Figure 12 Feeding stimulants for Ophraella communa identified from Ambrosia artemisiifolia. deterrent.80 In Japan, chlorogenic acid from S. integra stimulates feeding in P. versicolora on the island of Honshu, but deters them on the island of Hokkaido. The balance between feeding deterrence and stimulation by these compounds plays an important role in the acceptance of S. integra by P. versicolora. Luteolin 7-O-glucoside (20) contained in the leaves of Physalis alkekengi acts as a feeding stimulant for the two related lady beetle species, H. vigintioctopunctata and H. vigintioctomaculata.81 However, H. vigintioctopunctata feeds on P. alkekengi, while H. vigintioctomaculata cannot feed on this plant at all. Feeding deterrents contained in P. alkekengi cause its rejection by H. vigintioctomaculata; for H. vigintioctomaculata, the activities of feeding deterrents in P. alkekengi overcome the activities of feeding stimulants, such as luteolin 7-O-glucoside (see Chapter 1.25 for feeding deterrents). 580 Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions

4.14.3 Flower-Visiting and Foraging Floral Volatiles Many species of insects visit angiosperm flowers to acquire nutrition or reproductive reward and coincidentally contribute to pollination. The scents, as well as the colors, of angiosperm flowers serve as primary cues for mediating the long-range attraction of insects.82 In general, floral scents are composed of a number of compounds belonging to different chemical classes, and the chemical composition of floral scents varies greatly among plant species. To understand the ecological significance of these variations, characterization of floral scents and their relationships with different types of insect pollinators has been attempted for many years (Table 1).83 Thus far, more than 1700 compounds from around 1000 plant species have been identified as floral volatiles.84 Twelve compounds in particular, namely, limonene, (E)--ocimene, -myrcene, -pinene, -pinene, linalool, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, -caryophyllene, benzyl alcohol, 2-phenylethanol, benzaldehyde, and methyl salicylate, have been found to occur in more than 50% of the plant families investigated, and these are regarded as the most common floral volatiles. Various insects use these ubiquitous volatiles for flower selection, for example, honeybee, butterfly, and moth commonly show preferential responses to linalool, benzaldehyde, and/or phenylacetaldehyde contained in the floral scents of various plants.85–87 These volatiles not only serve as important floral cues by themselves but also contribute to the floral scents unique to each plant species, which are distinguishable for flower visitors. On the other hand, it has recently been revealed that several plant species are pollinated exclusively by particular insect species, and that the floral scents play important roles in such pollination. Attractants in nursery pollination Nursery pollination systems are examples of reciprocal mutualism between pollinators and plants, in which the female pollinators oviposit on the ovaries of plants and the hatched larvae feed on pollinated fruits and seeds. At least 13 nursery pollination systems have been identified.88 Floral volatiles significantly contribute to attracting specific pollinators in several systems. Fig–fig wasp interactions are an example of highly specialized and diversified mutualism. Approximately 900 species of Ficus (Moraceae), when receptive, release floral scents that attract specific wasps (Agaonidae) for pollination. The chemical compositions of the floral scents differ considerably among different Ficus species, and several volatiles such as (E)--ocimene, -pinene, linalool, trans-linalool oxide furanoside (21), 1,8-cineol, -caryophyllene, germacrene D, -copaene, and benzyl alcohol have been identified as the dominant compo- nents of these scents.89 Such differences in composition of the floral scents of figs induce species specificity in the attraction of fig wasps.90 In addition, in fig flowers, the scent composition differs between the receptive and

Table 1 Characteristics of floral volatiles of general-, coleopteran-, dipteran-, hymenopteran-, and lepidopteran- pollinated plants

Types of insect pollinators Traits of floral volatiles

Generalist (diverse insects) Fatty acid derivatives, terpenoids, and benzenoids Coleoptera Tropical scarab beetles Methoxylated benzenoids Other tropical beetles Fatty acid esters, benzenoid esters, and terpenoids Temperate beetles Variable, with N-compounds frequently Diptera Typical flies and hoverflies Fatty acid derivatives (acids and alcohols) and N-compounds Hymenoptera Bees Variable, with terpenoids commonly abundant Wasps Variable Butterflies Benzenoids and terpenoids, with N-compounds occasionally Settling moths Benzenoids and terpenoids, with fatty acid esters and N-compounds occasionally Hovering moths Benzenoids, terpenoids, and N-compounds Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions 581 the postpollinated states, for example, in Ficus hispida, the amounts of several dominant components, such as linalool and linalool oxide, decrease and disappear after pollination by wasps, while that of 1-hydroxylinalool increases.91 Yucca plants (Agavaceae) are distributed in the arid areas of North and Central America and rely exclusively on Tegeticula and Parategeticula yucca moths for pollination. The floral scent of Yucca filamentosa consists mainly of homoterpenes and long-chain aliphatic hydrocarbons, among which DMNT (22) has been identified as the dominant component, and two dioxygenated compounds with unknown structures have also been found. Since no compositional differences in floral scents have been observed among various yucca populations pollinated by different Tegeticula moths, a stable combination of unique compounds may contribute to the highly selective attraction of yucca moths.92 Hadena moths use Silene flowers (Caryophyllaceae) as both nectar sources and as host plants for depositing larvae. The floral scent of Silene latifolia is characterized by the presence of several fatty acid derivatives, benzenoids, and monoterpenoids, while the most abundant compounds are the lilac aldehyde isomers ((2S,29S, 59S), (2R,29S,59S), (2S,29R,59S), and (2R,29R,59S)) (23), veratrole, and benzyl acetate.93 However, several chemotypes of these dominant components are found in S. latifolia, suggesting variability in attracting pollina- tors. Wind tunnel experiments have revealed that Hadena bicruris is strongly attracted by lilac aldehyde isomers; although the moths respond electrophysiologically to all eight stereoisomers of lilac aldehyde, only four are present in the floral scent.94 More than 300 species of Glochidion trees (Phyllanthaceae) are pollinated at night exclusively by local species-specific moths of the genus Epicephala. The floral scents of the five Glochidion species contain mainly (R)-()- and (S)-(þ)-linalools, (E)- and (Z)--ocimenes, as well as another 6–20 minor components. The compositions of the scents are species specific, especially in terms of their minor components, and two-choice bioassays indicated that Epicephala moths selected their host on the basis of floral scent.95 Attractants in sexual mimicry Several orchids have remarkably characteristic pollination systems employing sexual deception; in this system, the flowers mimic the visual, tactile, and olfactory traits of the females of particular hymenopteran species and so deceive conspecific males into attempting to mate with the flowers. In particular, the floral scent, which has a composition identical to that of female sex pheromones, is a key mediator of this exclusive and species-specific mode of pollination. The flowers of Ophrys sphegodes produce the same compounds as those found in the female sex pheromone of the solitary bee Andrena nigroaenea (Table 2).96 The floral scent triggers copulation behavior and significant electrophysiological responses in male bees.97 Ophrys fusca and Ophrys bilunulata are specifically pollinated by A. nigroaenea and Andrena flavipes, respectively. The two sympatric and closely related orchids differ in the relative amounts of alkenes present in their floral scents, which are responsible for the selective attraction of pollinators.98 After pollination, O. sphegodes shows a significant change in the chemical composition of the floral scent and an increase in the amount of (E,E)-farnesyl hexanoate (24), which serves as a repellent volatile for the bee pollinators.99 Male adults of the scoliid wasp Campsoscolia ciliate are strongly attracted to the flowers of Ophrys speculum, and attempt to copulate with the flower labellum. The floral scent contains many volatiles, including trace amounts of (!-1)-hydroxy and (!-1)-oxo acids, especially 9-hydroxydecanoic acid (R:S ¼ 6:4) (25). These characteristic substances are the major components of the female sex pheromone in the scoliid wasp and induce copulatory behavior by male wasps.100 The Australian orchid Chiloglottis trapeziformis relies on exclusive pollination by the thynnine wasp Neozeleboria cryptoides. The flowers have been found to release 2-ethyl-5-propylcyclohexane-1,3-dione, called chiloglottone (26), which is responsible for attracting male wasps and is also produced by female wasps as a sex 582 Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions

Table 2 Chemical compositions of extracts of virgin Andrena nigroaenea females and Ophrys sphegodes flower labellum

Abundance (%)

Compounds Andrena bee Ophrys flower

Heneicosane 1.6 1.8 Docosane 0.6 0.5 Tricosane 28.7 30.6 Tetracosane 2.0 3.1 (Z)-9-Pentacosene 3.4 0.6 Pentacosane 34.9 20.2 Hexacosane 1.6 2.1 (Z)-12þ(Z)-11-Heptacosenes 0.7 6.0 (Z)-9-Heptacosene 5.1 7.6 Heptacosane 11.2 11.5 (Z)-12þ(Z)-11-Nonacosenes 3.7 6.7 (Z)-9-Nonacosene 6.6 9.4 pheromone.101 Interestingly, the closely related orchid Chiloglottis valida also uses the same compound for attracting the specific wasp Neozeleboria monticola. Although both wasps are attracted to dummies scented with chiloglottone, N. cryptoides preferentially attempted copulation with dummies a few centimeters above the ground, while N. monticola preferred those closer to the ground. Since the two orchids differ with regard to flower height, that is, C. trapeziformis is nearly twice the height of C. valida, these behavioral differences between two thynnine wasps are responsible for the reproductive isolation of the orchids.102 Attractants in abiotic mimicry Not all floral scents consist of fragrant volatiles. Unpleasant odors associated with dung, carrion, urine, rotting fungi, and decaying cabbage and onion have been found in abiotic mimicry in many plant families such as Araceae, Aristolochiaceae, Orchidaceae, and Apocynaceae.103 Several saprophagous insects are attracted to these flowers and act as selective pollinators. The inflorescence of the dead horse arum Helicodiceros muscivorus (Araceae), distributed in the western Mediterranean regions, mimics a dead mammal and emits an oligosulfide odor, which includes dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, and dimethyl trisulfide.104 The flower odor is crucial for attracting blowflies, which serve as important pollinators for this flower. In addition, the thermogenesis and respiration of the inflorescence reinforce the stimulation for fly pollination.105 The stapeliad flowers (Apocynaceae) that inhabit the regions from the African continent to India are known as ‘carrion flowers’ due to their strong fetid scents and their exclusive pollination by flies. However, the floral scents of 15 stapeliad species are highly diverse in their compositions, and on this basis, the species can be divided into four groups that appear to reflect different types of mimicry: species with p-cresol (27) as the dominant component of their scent (herbivore feces mimicry); species with dimethyl oligosulfides as the major scent components (carnivore/omnivore feces or carcass mimicry); species with large amounts of heptanal and octanal (carnivore/omnivore feces or carcass mimicry); species with scents in which hexanoic acid is the major component (urine mimicry).106 Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions 583

The genus Amorphophallus (Araceae) is well known for large-sized flowers in some of its species and for very strong and obnoxious floral scents. The floral scents of 12 Amorphophallus species have gaseous or carrion-like odors with a simple chemical composition consisting mainly of dimethyl oligosulfides. Floral scents containing dimethyl oligosulfides are also found in the closely related genus Pseudodracontium (Araceae). Several Amorphophallus species produce different floral scents: the strong fried fish odor of Amorphophallus brachyphyllus in which trimethylamine is the dominant component; the strong cheesy odor of Amorphophallus elatus in which 4- methylpentanoic acid (28) is the main component; an unusual banana-like odor of Amorphophallus haematospadix, which contains large amounts of isoamyl acetate and ethyl acetate; and the anise-like odor of Amorphophallus albispathus containing 2-(4-methoxyphenyl)ethanol (29).107 Repellent volatiles in floral scents Several insects exert negative effects on plant fitness by behaving as nectar robbers, opportunistic flower visitors, and flower-tissue feeders. Recently, it has been revealed that floral scents can act not only as attractants but also as repellents to specific flower visitors. The flowers of the sweet olive Osmanthus fragrans (Oleaceae) attract few species of lepidopteran adults despite their strong scents. The major floral volatiles, namely, -decalactone (30) and linalool oxide isomers (furanoside (21) and pyranoside), discourage flower visiting by the cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae.108 Wild tobacco, Nicotiana attenuate (Solanaceae), produces flower nectar that is rich in nicotine (31), which comprises 1% of the floral headspace and acts as a deterrent for the hawkmoth, Manduca sexta, so reducing nectar removal.109 Transfer of volatiles from flowers to insects Several insects collect floral oils (scent components) as rewards for pollination and utilize them for their intraspecific communications. For pollination, the flowers of several Bulbophyllum orchids (Orchidaceae) attract males of Bactrocera fruit flies with characteristic fragrances rich in several phenylpropanoids. Although these orchid species never produce nectar, the fruit flies are rewarded by the uptake of floral phenylpropanoids from the orchids, and these compounds are the raw materials of their pheromones. The fruit flies can be classified into two groups based on their sensitivities to the two phenylpropanoids, methyl eugenol (ME) (32) and raspberry ketone (4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-butanone; RK) (33). The ME-sensitive fruit fly species convert the ingested ME into male sex pheromonal components, such as trans-coniferyl alcohol and 2-allyl-4,5-dimethoxyphenol, while the RK-sensitive species directly sequester and use the ingested RK as a component of male phero- mones.110 Both the ME- and RK-sensitive species are attracted by zingerone (4-(4-hydroxy-3- methoxyphenyl)-2-butanone) (34), which is responsible for the pungent odor produced by the ginger orchid Bulbophyllum patens. Further, Bactrocera papayae takes up zingerone, a precursor of sex pheromones.111 In addition, other phenylpropanoids analogous to sex pheromones, for example, rhododendrol (4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2- butanol), trans-3,4-dimethoxycinnamyl alcohol, and euasarone (5-allyl-1,2,4-trimethoxybenzene), have been detected in floral scents.112 The differential compositions of the floral scents of orchids mediate species-specific pollination by fruit flies. 584 Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions

Males of neotropical euglossine bees (Apidae), called orchid bees, collect odoriferous substances from flowers of orchids and other plants. The floral scents of these species display relatively simple chemical compositions dominated by one or two major components, mostly terpenoids and aromatic compounds such as -pinene, 1,8-cineol, eugenol, p-dimethoxybenzene (35), 2,3-epoxygeranyl acetate (36), nerolidol, 4-methoxycinnamaldehyde (37), and benzyl benzoate.113 Since the orchid bees have odor preferences, their collection of fragrances leads to specialized pollination of particular plant species. Male bees absorb the floral volatiles with their tarsal hairs, form species-specific bouquets, and finally accumulate them in their hind tibial pouches. These bouquets have potential roles in courtship displays and marking territories.114,115 Food Constituents Affecting Foraging Floral nectar and pollen have ecological significance as food resources for various insects. There is quantitative and qualitative variability in the nutrients (including sugars, amino acids, sterols, lipids, and vitamins) found in the floral nectar and pollen of different plant species. In addition, other minor components, including organic acids, terpenes, alkaloids, flavonoids, and glycosides, are also present. Most flower-visiting insects assess the nutritional values of foods and demonstrate food selection by gustatory perception of these constituents. Sugars Sugars are the main floral nectar solutes and represent the major energy source for flower-visiting insects. Sucrose, glucose, and fructose are the most frequent nectar sugars. However, the sugar composition of floral nectars varies greatly among plant species and the concentrations of each sugar and the sucrose/hexose ratio are strongly related to pollinator type.116,117 Recently, xylose has been identified as the fourth major nectar sugar, but honeybees and beetles show weak preference for this pentose sugar.118 In sweet corn (Z. mays) pollen, sucrose is the predominant sugar, comprising 98% of the total sugars. Amino acids Amino acids, as well as sugars, have received considerable attention in terms of their role in flower–insect interactions. All 20 of the normal amino acids found in proteins have been identified in various floral nectars, where alanine, arginine, serine, proline, glycine, isoleucine, threonine, and valine are the most prevalent.119,120 Despite their low levels in floral nectar, several amino acids significantly affect flower selection by insects. Honeybees prefer proline-rich nectar because they are thought to utilize this amino acid as fuel for the initial stages of flight.121 Butterflies also display a foraging preference for floral nectar containing large amounts of amino acids, and the uptake of amino acids enhances fecundity in several butterfly species.122 In sweet corn pollen, proline has been identified as the most abundant free amino acid, followed by serine and alanine.123 Toxic components Many plants produce floral nectar-containing components that are toxic or repellent to some visitors. Particular minor components, including alkaloids, phenolics, glycosides, and sometimes sugars and amino acids, have been Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions 585 described as being responsible for this toxicity and repellency. Several hypotheses have been proposed for the possible roles of these components, including encouraging specialist pollinators, deterring nectar robbers, preventing microbial degradation of nectar, and altering pollinator behavior.124 Alkaloids in nectar are typically toxic or repellent to several flower-visiting insects. Nicotine (31) is contained at variable concentrations in the floral nectar of Nicotiana spp. and the floral nectar with a high concentration of nicotine discourages visiting or nectaring by moths and ants.109 In the toxic nectar of Carolina jessamine, Gelsemium sempervirens (Loganiaceae), gelsemine (38) has been identified as the major repellent, not only for nectar robbers but also for most potential pollinators.125 Triptolide (39) found in the nectar of the perennial vine, Tripterygium hypoglaucum (Celastraceae), negatively affects visiting frequency and nectaring time of honeybees126 (see Chapter 4.08).

4.14.4 Insect–Plant Interface in Multitrophic Interactions

As a response to feeding damage or egg-laying by herbivores such as insects and mites, plants emit various volatiles called herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs).127–129 The composition changes in HIPVs can be exploited by the natural enemies of these herbivores, that is, parasitoids and predators, to locate the plant on which the hosts or prey are feeding. Therefore, plants indirectly attract natural enemies to defend them- selves.127,129 Release of HIPVs occurs a few hours after the initial damage. Emission of HIPVs is not limited to the site of feeding but can systemically occur from the whole plant,130,131 so even undamaged leaves of a damaged plant release volatiles.130,132–134 The timing and location of the emission of HIPVs from corn plants have been studied by chemical analysis.135–137 Immediately after leaf damage, the corn plant releases several typical octadecanoid-derived GLVs from the damaged leaf. Additionally, elicitors in the herbivore’s oral secretions induce a systemic release of volatiles that are mainly composed of terpenoids but also include some phenolics, such as indole and methyl salicylate. Parasitic Wasps A number of hymenopteran parasitoids are attracted to herbivore-infested plants that emit HIPVs.127 In several species of Cotesia spp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), the damaged plant volatiles attractive for these wasps are emitted when the plant is damaged by the host herbivores. Among these species, it was first demonstrated that Cotesia marginiventris is responsive to HIPVs from corn seedlings damaged by Spodoptera exigua.138 Artificially damaged seedlings did not release these volatiles in significant amounts, but HIPVs were released in significant enough amounts to become attractive to the wasps if oral secretions from the caterpillars were applied to the damaged site. Cotesia kariyai is the dominant braconid parasitoid of the common armyworm Mythimna separata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The female wasp uses chemical cues from the host and host–plant complex to find their hosts.139,140 A wind tunnel was used with conditioning method to evaluate the learning of different synthetic blends such as host-infested and unspecific blends.141 A blend of four chemicals, geranyl acetate, -caryophyllene, (E)--farnesene, and indole (Figure 13), known to be specifically released from corn plants infested with host larvae (host-infested blend) (Figure 14) elicited a flight response in naı¨ve C. kariyai, but did not enhance the response after conditioning. Another blend of five chemicals, (E)-2-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, -myrcene, and linalool (Figure 15), known to be released not only from plants infested by host larvae but also from artificially damaged or undamaged plants (unspecific blend) (Figure 16), elicited 586 Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions

Figure 13 Volatiles selected as ‘host-infested blends’ specifically released from corn plants infested with host larvae.








0 In 2-Methylprodole 2 Bu -Methy 2 -Methylbutanetan 2 -Methy al lbutanal un O panal (3 k -me β E nown t -Sesquiphellandrenelpropanen , thyloxime O (E 7 O -methylox β )- E -methyloxime -Caryophylleneβ )-4,8,12-Trimethyl-1erpenoid nnitrile (E -Farnesene Linalo )- α α itril -Copaene -Bergamotene e ime (3 ol o Z (3 )-4,8 2 E x -Phe )-4,8-Dimethyl-1 ide Geranyl acetate -Dim ,3,7,11 Benzyl acetate nylethyl e Hex-2-en thyl-1,3,7-nonatriene (E -tri 2-Methylbutyl)-H acetate aceta decatetraene Isopen ex -1-yl acetate ,3,7-no 1-Pen -3 te -en-1-y 3 -Hydroxy-2-bu tyl acetate natriene UD 2-Methyl- ten (E e-3-ol acetate l acetate ADL 2-Penten)-2-H 3-Methylbutanal 1-propanol 3rd exe 1st/2nd 2-Methyl-2-prop tan 6th al no l one


Figure 14 Volatile compounds identified from headspace of infested corn leaves but not (or in trace amount) in uninfested leaves. UD: undamaged leaves; ADL: artificially damaged leaves; 1st/2nd, 3rd, 6th: host instars infesting corn leaves. Reproduced from J. Takabayashi; S. Takahashi; M. Dicke; M. A. Posthumus, J. Chem. Ecol. 1995, 21, 273–287. Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions 587

Figure 15 Volatiles selected as ‘unspecific blend’ released from artificially damaged or undamaged corn plants.









0.0 Methyl sali Linalool Limonene Myrcene β cylate α -Pinene -Pinene Hexyl acetate (Z Butyl acetate)-3-Hexenyl acetate Octanal 2-Nonanone 6-Methyl-5-hepten-2- 1-Penten-3-one 3-Pentanone 4-Methyl-2-penta 1-Octanol 1-Hexanol 1-Pe one (Z )-3-Hexen-1-olntanol UD Heptanal none 2-Hexenals ( ADL Hexanal 2-Pentenal 3rd 1st/2nd Pentanal 6th E /Z )

Figure 16 Volatile compounds identified from headspace of uninfested, artificially damaged, and infested corn leaves. Reproduced from J. Takabayashi; S. Takahashi; M. Dicke; M. A. Posthumus, J. Chem. Ecol. 1995, 21, 273–287. little response in naı¨ve wasps, but significantly enhanced the responses of wasps after conditioning. Wasps could learn a blend of the above nine chemicals at lower concentrations than they did the nonspecific blend.141 These results indicate that both the host-induced and unspecific volatile compounds are important for the female C. kariyai to learn the necessary chemical cues for host location. 588 Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions

Aphidius ervi (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), a parasitoid of the pea aphid, responded more to aphid-infested plants than to an uninfested plant. The gas chromatography–electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) active compounds were identified and candidate compounds were further tested by electroantennography (EAG) and wind tunnel assays. For A. ervi females, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one (40) was most attractive with linalool, (Z)-3- hexenyl acetate, (E)--ocimene (41), (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, and (E)--farnesene, all eliciting oriented flight behavior.142

Deposition of insect eggs induces plant volatiles that attract egg parasitoids in elm,143,144 pine,145 and beans.146 In Brassica, Pieris, and Trichogramma, egg deposition appears to induce changes in plant surface chemicals and arrest the egg parasitoids by contact chemical cues near the host eggs.147 An egg parasitoid Oomyzus gallerucae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) attacks the elm leaf beetle Xanthogaleruca luteola (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) that feeds on the field elm (Ulmus minor). Before laying eggs, the female elm leaf beetles gnaw a groove into the undersurface of the leaf, and then glue an egg mass into this groove with oviduct secretions. The leaf begins to emit volatiles that attract O. gallerucae, caused by egg deposition not by feeding.143 Parasitic Flies Compared to parasitoid wasps, only a few species of dipteran parasitoids are reported to respond to HIPVs.148–153 Host-habitat location remains largely unknown in parasitoid flies. The parasitic fly, Exorista japonica (Diptera: Tachinidae), is a gregarious and polyphagous parasitoid that attacks a number of lepidopteran pests, particularly noctuid larvae. Females of E. japonica lay heavy-shelled macrotype eggs on last instar host larvae. The first instar larvae emerge and penetrate the host integument after incubating for approximately 4 days. A previous study showed that E. japonica females were attracted to odors from corn plants infested with final instar larvae of M. separata.151,153 When corn plants are infested with final instar larvae of M. separata, the plants release a nonspecific blend ((Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, (E)-2-hexenal, hexanal, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, and linalool) (Figure 16) and a host-induced blend that includes the homoterpene DMNT (22), indole, 3-hydroxy-2-butanone (42), and 2-methyl-1-propanol (43)(Figure 14). E. japonica females show a high response to a synthetic mixture of the nonspecific and host-induced blends, but not to the nonspecific blend or the synthetic host-induced blend separately.153 This suggests that the fly uses a mixture of nonspecific and host-induced blends as an olfactory cue for locating host-infested plants and may well explain the situation in nature. Predators Compared to parasitoid wasps, relatively fewer studies have been reported on the attraction of predators to prey-infested plants. Among those predator species, the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis was first reported to be attracted to volatiles from lima bean leaves infested with the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae.154 Those prey-induced volatiles were identified as linalool, methyl salicylate (44), (E)--ocimene (41), and DMNT, all attractive to P. persimilis.155 Similar attraction was demonstrated in the predatory mite Amblyseius womersleyi156 and insect predators Scolothrips takahasii (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)157 and Oligota kashmirika benefica (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae).158 In a generalist predator mite, Neoseiulus californicus, among Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions 589 the chemicals identified from T. urticae-infested and artificially damaged lima bean leaves, linalool, methyl salicylate, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, (E)-2-hexenal, and (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate were active in Y-tube olfactometer bioassays.159 Elicitors Feeding by herbivorous insects results in mechanical damage and adhesion of regurgitant to the wounded leaves, which cause the emission of HIPVs from the plant. The regurgitant is called an elicitor. First, -glucosidase was isolated and identified as an elicitor from Pieris brassicae larvae that causes the 160 release of volatiles from Brassica plants. Volicitin (N-[(S)-17-hydroxylinolenoyl]-L-glutamine) (45)was identified as the active substance from the larval regurgitant of S. exigua.161 Application of this elicitor to mechanically damaged maize plants activated the same biochemical response in the plant as crude larval regurgitant, causing the plant to release the attractant volatiles.162

Another elicitor called inceptin was identified from Spodoptera frugiperda larval secretions.163 Inceptin promotes cowpea ethylene production and triggers increases in the defense-related phytohormones, salicylic acid (SA), and jasmonic acid (JA) (Figure 17), then elicits the release of HIPVs. Inceptin is a peptide derived from the proteolytic cleavage of chloroplastic ATP synthase -subunits (cATPC) that elicits a plant defense response in cowpea leaves during herbivory by sixth-instar fall armyworms.163 If the larvae contact damaged cowpea leaves, inceptin elicits increased production of JA, ethylene, SA, and HIPVs commonly associated with attracting predators and parasitoids. Those HIPVs are methyl salicylate (44) and DMNT.163,164 Interestingly, the neonate fall armyworm exploits inceptin-treated plant volatiles as host- plant location and recognition cues.165 Studies on induced resistance against insects and pathogens have clarified the roles of SA and JA, revealing that SA regulates resistance to pathogens and JA resistance to herbivory. Treatment of plants with SA, JA, and synthetic mimics elicits the same metabolic changes that lead to resistance induced by pathogens and insects.127 Under field conditions, treatment of tomato plants with JA increased parasitism of caterpillars (S. exigua)by Hyposoter exiguae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). This may be due to JA-induced increase in odor emissions166 (see Chapter 1.20).

Figure 17 Phytohormones closely related to the production of HIPVs. 590 Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions


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Biographical Sketches

Dr. Keiichi Honda is a professor of ecological biochemistry in the Department of Biofunctional Science and Technology, Hiroshima University, where he has been since 1991. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in hydrocarbon chemistry from Kyoto University in 1971 and 1973, respectively. His research has consistently focused on the chemical ecology of butterflies, especially on larval defensive strategy, phytochemical mediators in host selection, the role of Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions 593 floral scents in foraging, and alkaloid-derived sex pheromones. He obtained his Ph.D. in zoology at Kyoto University in 1983, while working at Kanebo Ltd., where he engaged in the identification and synthesis of bioactive natural products for 18 years before moving to Hiroshima University. He served as a councillor of the International Society of Chemical Ecology for 4 years (1999–2002) and is currently serving as a councillor of the Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology and on the editorial board for Applied Entomology and Zoology. He has edited two books entitled Environmental Entomology and Biology of Butterflies,and received an AEZ-Award in 2007 for his pioneering work on chemical ecology of butterfly host selection. His current research interests include the evolution of host-plant selection, male sex pheromones, and flower-visiting behavior in butterflies.

Dr. Hisashi Oˆ mura is assistant professor of ecological biochemistry in the Department of Biofunctional Science and Technology, Graduate School of Biosphere Sciences, Hiroshima University. He graduated from Hiroshima University in 1993 and received his M.S. degree from the Graduate School of Biosphere Sciences, Hiroshima University in 1995. He worked at Kunimine Industries Co., Ltd. from 1995 to 1997. Then, he joined the doctorate course of Hiroshima University and investigated on flower scent and sap odor, which mediate foraging behavior of adult butterflies under the supervision of Professor Keiichi Honda. After receiv- ing his Ph.D. in 2000, he served as a postdoctoral researcher at Kyoto University (2000) and research assistant in the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences (2000–2006) and in the Graduated School of Biosphere Sciences (2006–07) at Hiroshima University. His research interests are chemical ecology of plant–insect interactions and neurophysiology of chemical sense of insects. His current works include a series of behavioral and electrophysiological studies on gustatory adaptation of sap-feeding butterflies to utilize rotting foods.

Dr. Masatoshi Hori is assistant professor of insect science and bioregulation in the Department of Applied Life Science, Graduate School of Agricultural Science at Tohoku 594 Allelochemicals in Plant–Insect Interactions

University. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in chemical ecology of Henosepilachna from Tohoku University in 1990 and 1992, respectively. He worked at the Leaf Tobacco Research Center of Japan Tobacco Inc. from 1992 to 2003 and his research focused on the chemical ecology of aphids and stored product insects, especially on their olfactory behaviors to the host-plant odors. He received his Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Tokyo University in 2001 working on the aphid repellents from nonhost-plant volatiles. In the autumn of 2003, he moved to Tohoku University from Japan Tobacco Inc. He is currently serving on the editorial boards of Applied Entomology and Zoology, House and Household Insect Pests, and Annual Report of The Society of Plant Protection of North Japan. His current research interests are phytochemicals involved in the host-plant selections of various insect species, for example, the rice bugs, the phytophagous coleopteran insects, and the stored product insects.

Dr. Yooichi Kainoh is associate professor of Applied Entomology and Zoology Laboratory in the Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, where he has been since 1983. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) in 1979 and 1981, respectively. During these years, he did intensive work on the host location behavior of a parasitic wasp (Ascogaster reticulata) and chemical analysis of kairomones. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Tsukuba in 1986, where he worked as a research associate after a one year postdoctoral fellowship. He has served as a councillor of the Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology for 8 years (2001-till date) and is currently an editor of Applied Entomology and Zoology. He received an AEZ-Award in 2005 for his work on parasitoid behavior and chemical signals in tritrophic interactions. His present research interests include the manipulation of parasitoid behavior with semiochemicals, and how to use associative learning for biological control.