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Chemical Mediation of Host-Plant Specialization: The Papilionid Paradigm


Understanding the physiological and behavioral mecha- chemistry throughout the life cycle are central to these nisms underlying host-plant specialization in holo- debates. Almost 60 years ago, Dethier (1948) suggested that metabolous species, which undergo complete development “the first barrier to be overcome in the -plant relation- with a pupal stage, presents a particular challenge in that ship is a behavioral one. The insect must sense and discrim- the process of host-plant selection is generally carried out inate before nutritional and toxic factors become opera- by the adult stage, whereas host-plant utilization is more tive.” Thus, Dethier argued for the primacy of adult [AQ2] the province of the larval stage (Thompson 1988a, 1988b). preference, or detection and response to kairomonal cues, Thus, within a species, critical chemical, physical, or visual in host-plant shifts. In contrast, Ehrlich and Raven (1964) cues for host-plant identification may differ over the course reasoned that “after the restriction of certain groups of of the life cycle. An organizing principle for the study of to a narrow range of food plants, the formerly repel- host-range evolution is the preference-performance hypoth- lent substances of these plants might . . . become chemical esis (Jaenike 1978). According to this hypothesis, oviposit- attractants,” arguing for the primacy of shared allomonal [AQ3] ing females should maximize their fitness by selecting phytochemistry and larval detoxification in initiating host plants on which offspring survival will be high; in other shifts (with the evolution of kairomonal responses follow- words, over a range of potential host plants, adult female ing). Oviposition “mistakes,” in which females lay eggs on preference should be correlated with larval performance. host plants that do not support larval growth (e.g., Beren- Evidence in support of this hypothesis has been mixed baum 1981b), are cited as evidence for the importance of (Thompson 1988a, 1988b; Scheirs and deBruyn 2002). Poor behavioral cues in initiating host shifts; colonization of correlations have been attributable in some cases to oppos- novel host plants that share the same range of defense com- ing evolutionary forces that include conflicting selection pounds is claimed as evidence of the primacy of larval per- pressures exerted by trophic factors such as predation and formance in the process (see Berenbaum 1990 for a review). parasitism (Camara 1997; Heisswolf et al. 2005); ecological In view of the fact that the physiological and behavioral factors such as relative rarity of most-suitable hosts (Rausher changes necessary to effect a host shift arise by random 1980), recent invasion of less-suitable hosts into an other- mutation, primacy is in a sense irrelevant; host shifts are wise coevolved community (Wiklund 1975), or thermal completed when the necessary behavioral and physiological constraints on voltinism patterns (Scriber 1996, 2002); phe- traits are in place, irrespective of the order in which they notypic plasticity of host-plant selection (Mercader and occur (Berenbaum 1990). Complicating the resolution of [AQ1] Scriber 2005); or parent-offspring conflict in the case of this issue are recent experimental studies indicating that species in which adults are also phytophagous (Roitberg and preference and performance traits involved in host shifts Mangel 1993). Although positive correlations are frequently may not be entirely under heritable genetic control and are found in other taxa (viz., Craig and Itami, this volume), instead influenced by epigenetic and even nongenetic fac- such correlations are exceptional in lepidopterans. tors. Evidence suggests that larval feeding experience in at The dichotomy between adult behavioral preference and least some taxa may influence adult oviposition preference larval physiological performance in is key to either via “chemical legacy” (retained chemical signals) or longstanding debates over the evolution of specialization in via some form of retained memory (Barron 2001; Rietdorf general. The timing and nature of adaptation to plant and Steidle 2002; Akhtar and Isman 2003; but see van

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Emden et al. 1996). No real resolution of such debates can lepidopterans; whereas “tasting” by ovipositing females is take place until the biochemical and genetic bases of prefer- intermittent and brief, foraging larval lepidopterans may be ence and performance are elucidated for a broad array of in constant contact with surface chemicals. Moreover, for species. species hatching from eggs laid within plant tissues, neonates are essentially immersed in a chemical cauldron How Lepidopterans Prefer and are potentially exposed to locally high concentrations of phytochemical cues (Kreher et al. 2005). A priori prediction of which chemicals influence oviposi- The neurological burden imposed by the necessity of dif- tion preference and larval performance and whether link- ferentiating among host and nonhost signals has been sug- ages in chemical perception or processing between develop- gested to represent a constraint on the evolution of host pref- mental stages exist is hampered by the fact that, within the erences in insects (Bernays 2001). In what was purportedly a Lepidoptera, caterpillars and adults experience very differ- test of the so-called information processing hypothesis, Janz ent chemical environments, with very different attendant and Nylin (1997) compared the discriminatory capacity of behavioral and physiological consequences. Adult females, two monophagous nymphalids, Polygonia satyrus and Vanessa with relatively few exceptions, search for host plants while indica, with that of the polyphagous nymphalids P. c-album flying; complementing visual cues for identifying host and Cynthia cardui. As adults, the specialists were better able plants are volatile odorant cues. Long-distance orientation to distinguish and discriminate against “bad-quality” nettle to host plants by female butterflies is generally mediated by than were the generalists, consistent with the idea that gen- volatile signals detected by antennae (Feeny et al. 1989); in eralists are well equipped to sort through a large number of that this process involves upwind anemotaxis, it might be signals but less capable of evaluating subtle differences in expected to resemble pheromone plume-following behavior particular signals. In this study, the fact that larvae of the and rapid antennal processing in males. Male orient- generalist species displayed no growth impairment on the ing in an odor plume benefit from the ability to assess “poor-quality leaves” makes interpreting these results more changes in ambient pheromone concentrations and accord- ambiguous in that so-called poor quality did not manifest ingly rely on rapid processing of signals to facilitate rapid itself in performance differences. assessment (Wang et al. 1999). How female butterflies process volatile kairomonal cues is virtually unexplored. How Lepidopteran Larvae Perform Once host plants are encountered, suitability assessment generally involves contact chemoreception, mediated by Allomones, or deterrent compounds, as well as kairomones, tarsal and in some cases ovipositor receptors. Oviposition or attractants, play a role in determining preference and kairomonal cues tend to be contact chemical cues restricted to performance in both larval and adult Lepidoptera. Toxico- plant surfaces or tissues close to the surface (Heinz and Feeny logical consequences of exposure to plant chemicals, how- 2005). In contrast with volatile cues, rapid clearance may not ever, differ dramatically between larval and adult stages, due be of such paramount importance in the absence of upwind to qualitative differences in composition of toxins and anemotaxis, nor is directionality of the signal at issue. As well, quantitative differences in toxicological loads. Whereas the plant chemicals present on the surface constitute a small sub- exposure of an ovipositing female to particular host-plant set of the total allelochemical inventory of the plant, and chemicals may be on the order of seconds or minutes, cater- these chemicals tend to be present on the plant surface in pillars are exposed to host-plant chemicals more or less con- concentrations orders of magnitude smaller than those in tinuously for the duration of larval life, which can extend internal tissue (Brooks et al. 1996; Brooks and Feeny 2004). for days or weeks. Caterpillars that are capable of ingesting Signal sorting differs qualitatively and quantitatively their body weight in plant material are potentially exposed between immature and adult stages of Lepidoptera. The abil- to enormous quantities of compounds that often possess ity to fly exposes ovipositing females to a far more chemi- detrimental biological activities at high concentrations. cally complex environment than that experienced by the Moreover, by virtue of consuming leaf or other plant tissue vast majority of lepidopteran larvae. Adult females must in its entirety, in all but a few cases caterpillars are exposed locate and identify particular host plants within a commu- to a much broader inventory of host-plant chemicals. Skele- nity of dozens or even hundreds of potential nonhosts; the tonizers and leaf miners may avoid indigestible plant mate- ability to differentiate among complex chemical signals is at rial, but even so, their intake of plant allomones is a premium. In contrast, caterpillars, with few exceptions, are extremely likely to exceed that of ovipositing adults. restricted to walking and thus “sample” a vastly smaller sub- Although chemical complexity has been thought to act as section of the plant community. In most species, caterpillars a constraint on ovipositing adults via limits on neural infor- remain on the plant on which they hatch and are rarely if mation processing, the idea that chemical complexity acts ever called upon to differentiate among potential host-plant as a constraint on larvae via limits on detoxification pro- species. Host-plant acceptance is mediated primarily by con- cessing has received considerably less attention of late. tact chemoreception. Yet there is a fundamental difference There has been a longstanding assumption that the princi- even in contact chemoreception between adult and larval pal detoxification enzymes in Lepidoptera (e.g., cytochrome

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TABLE 1.1 Phenotypic Correlations Between Leaf and Fruit Furanocoumarin Content of Pastinaca Sativa (From Berenbaum et al. [1986], Zangerl et al. [1997], and Unpublished Data). N 124, Values are Correlation Coefficients, and Significant Correlations ( p 0.05) are in Bold

Seed Content

Leaf Content Imperatorin Bergapten Isopimpinellin Xanthotoxin Sphondon

Imperatorin 0.022 0.016 0.033 0.032 0.258 Bergapten 0.016 0.045 0.068 0 0.003 Isopimpinellin 0.046 0.051 0.157 0.01 0.067 Xanthotoxin 0.031 0.106 0.142 0.077 0.035 sphondin 0.061 0.006 0.032 0.156 0.134

P450 monooxygenases) are broadly substrate specific, as do respond behaviorally to octyl esters, which are present in they generally are in vertebrates (Berenbaum 1999), and reproductive tissues that serve as food and absent in foliage, thus well designed to accommodate novel substrates; even though, upon ingestion, these compounds are toxic indeed, this idea is the basis for the hypothesis that (Carroll et al. 2000). The within-plant distribution of these enzymes that process plant allelochemicals are preadapta- compounds may allow larvae to move from oviposition sites tions for the evolution of insecticide resistance (Gordon on the leaves to feeding sites within the reproductive struc- 1961). In fact, as more detoxification enzymes are character- tures. This example also illustrates the difficulty of classifying ized at the biochemical and molecular level, it has become plant infochemicals as either kairomones (host-recognition abundantly clear that broad substrate specificity is the cues) or allomones (plant-defense compounds). exception, particularly in oligophagous species (Berenbaum 2002; Mao et al. 2005). Preference-Performance Relationships Thus, chemically mediated interactions between host in Lepidoptera plant and lepidopteran differ profoundly over the course of development. In addition, by virtue of the fact that in essen- An enormous amount of information exists about preference tially all plants, chemistry changes with time and develop- and performance in lepidopterans (Table 1.2); over a dozen ment, ovipositing females must make choices based on studies have been conducted to determine the relationship chemicals that may not be predictive of the chemistry that between oviposition preference and larval performance. In will be experienced by their progeny. The time between egg over half of these studies, no correlation could be found. The deposition and egg hatch can be on a scale of hours, in which lack of correlation may result from any number of possible case chemical changes in host plants may be trivial. However, explanations, not the least of which is the difficulty in meas- for eggs that undergo seasonal diapause, the time displace- uring these attributes. Thompson’s (1988a, 1988b) definition ment between oviposition and hatch can be on a scale of of preference as the “hierarchical ordering of plant species by months, in which case chemical changes in host plants may ovipositing females when the plants are presented in equal be dramatic. The parsnip webworm Depressaria pastinacella, abundance and availability” is widely but not universally [AQ4] for example, feeds as a caterpillar exclusively on the develop- accepted (Singer et al. 1992). As such, “preference” is in real- ing buds, flowers, and fruits of the biennial forb Pastinaca ity a series of behaviors, including orientation in flight, deci- sativa. Larval performance in this species is profoundly sion to land, and decision to oviposit. “Performance” is even affected by furanocoumarin content of the reproductive tis- more nebulous experimentally, generally measured by sur- sues of its host plants (Berenbaum and Zangerl 1993), yet the vival but also by such fitness proxies as development time, number of eggs laid by ovipositing females is independent of growth rate, or pupal weight (Moreau et al. 2006). the furanocoumarin chemistry of foliage (Zangerl and Beren- Operational problems notwithstanding, the underlying baum 1992). Adult females oviposit in late spring before this genetics of preference and performance characterized in biennial plant has produced a flowering stalk; the only tissue numerous systems offer little support for a mechanistic link available at the time of oviposition for assessment is foliage. between these attributes. In general, interspecific differences Furanocoumarin content of foliage present before produc- in female preference are associated with the X chromosome tion of the flowering stalk is in virtually no case significantly (Thompson 1988a, 1988b; Thompson and Pellmyr 1991); in correlated with furanocoumarin chemistry of the reproduc- Lepidoptera the female is the heterogametic sex, and in recip- tive structures in this plant (Table 1.1). Larvae of this species rocal crosses oviposition preferences map onto the male [AQ5]

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TABLE 1.2 Tests for Significant Positive Correlations Between Preference (pref) and Performance (perf) Involving Lepidopterans

Family Taxon Pref/perf Correlation Author______

Papilionidae machaon No Wiklund 1974 Papilio glaucus Yes (Ohio population) No (Florida population) Bossart 2003 Scriber 1996, 2002 philenor No Rausher 1980 Eurytides marcellus Yes Damman and Feeny 1988 Ed: Pls Pieridae Ascia monuste No Carta-Preta and Zucoloto 2003 check TB alignment. Eucheira socialis No Underwood 1994 Pieris rapae crucivorae Yes Chen et al. 2004 Pieris rapae melete,napi Yes Ohsaki and Sato 1999

Nymphalidae Polygonia c-album Yes Nylin and Janz 1996 Polygonia c-album No Nylin and Janz 1996 Junonia coenia No Prudic et al. 2005 Junonia coenia No Camara 1997 Melitoea cinxia No Van Nouhuys et al. 2003 Danaus plexippus Yes Mattila and Otis 2003 Danaus plexippus Yes DiTommaso and Losey2003 Danaus plexippus No Ladner and Altizer 2005

Lycaenidae Polyommatus icarus Yes Bergstrom et al. 2004 Mitoura spp. Yes Forister 2004 Glaucopsyche lygdamus Carey 1994 Noctuidae Spodoptera exigua No Berdegue et al. 1998

source population (Scriber et al. 1991; Thompson and dated for only a handful of groups. One group in which Pellmyr 1991). X-linked traits are thought to evolve rapidly if host- utilization patterns are closely associated with particu- mutations are recessive because such traits are exposed to lar plant allelochemicals is the family Papilionidae, the selection in the heterogametic sex (Charlesworth et al. 1987); swallowtail butterflies (Fig. 1.1). The swallowtails have been this idea has lent support to the idea that adult preference is a paradigm group for the study of chemical coevolution for key to initiating host shifts. In addition, the disproportionate over 50 years (Feeny 1991, 1992; Scriber et al. 1995). In this influence of X-linked traits on oviposition preferences may cosmopolitan family with over 500 species, host-plant use facilitate the evolution of adaptive gene complexes due to patterns are remarkably conservative. Only 21% of the 281 reduced recombination (Jaenike 1989). Within-species varia- species with known host associations use more than a single tion in preference, however, does not appear to be predomi- plant family (Scriber et al. 1991). Of the plant families [AQ6] nantly sex-linked (Janz 1998). Low levels of additive genetic utilized by papilionids, five dominate; these are the variance for within-species variation in oviposition prefer- Annonaceae, Apiaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Lauraceae, and ence argue for involvement of major genes. In the rare cases . Two tribes, Troidini and Zerynthiini, are restricted in which larval preference has been genetically mapped, it is to Aristolochiaceae; caterpillars in these groups sequester not necessarily genetically correlated with adult preference, toxic aristolochic acids from their host plants and acquire although it can be X-linked (Nylin and Janz 1996). chemical defense against predators that is carried over to the adult stage. In contrast, over 75% of species in the tribe Chemical Mediation of Preference and Papilionini, comprising the genus Papilio, utilize host plants Performance: Papilionids as Paradigm in the families Rutaceae and Apiaceae, with the North American P. machaon complex of approximately a dozen Despite the fact that butterflies have been the subject of species accounting for most of the specialists on Apiaceae chemical ecology studies for over a century, the chemistry (Sperling 1987). The genus Papilio also contains the most of host-plant preference and performance has been eluci- polyphagous of papilionids: species in the P. glaucus com-

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Baroniinae Baronia (1)

Parnassiini Parnassius (32) Zerynthiini (3) FIGURE 1.1. Phylogeny of the family Papil- Bhutanitis (4) ionidae, based on Hancock (1983), Miller [AQ32] Allancastria (4) (1987), and Caterino et al. (2001). Figures in Zerynthia (3) parentheses indicate approximate numbers of species in each genus. Not listed are several small genera, each containing one or two Graphiini Eurytides (52) species. Recent molecular evidence (Caterino Graphium (87) et al. 2001) suggests that the subfamily Par- nassiinae is not monophyletic and that the Teinopalpini Teinopalpus (2) tribe Zerynthiini, with or without Luehdorfia (cf. Zakharov et al. 2004), and the subfamily Papilioninae may be sister taxa. Troidini Battus (14) (45) (32) Pachliopta (17) Atrophaneura (26)

Papilionini Papilio (210)

plex. Papilio glaucus and P. canadensis have distinct but over- learning (Papaj 1986). Since the relative availability of the lapping host ranges encompassing several families of early two host species as suitable oviposition substrates changes successional trees, including species in Rosaceae, Oleaceae, seasonally, short-term learning of leaf shapes can result in and Tiliaceae. greater searching efficiency (Rausher 1995). Papilio species possess six classes of spectral receptors, including UV, violet, blue, green, red, and broadband Host Search and Oviposition (Arikawa 2003). Physiological receptivity to colors is rein- Long-distance orientation to host plants by papilionids forced by chemical cues; B. philenor displays the capacity to involves the processing of visual cues. Females of the zebra learn to associate different color cues with sucrose (represen- swallowtail, Eurytides marcellus, approach understory shrubs tative of nectar plant chemistry) and leaf extracts (representa- of various nonhost species as well as shrubs of their larval host tive of oviposition substrate chemistry). Landings and probes plants (Asimina spp.). After close-range inspection by a slowly on nontrained colors were biased toward the training alterna- fluttering female, a nonhost shrub is about twice as likely as is tives, suggesting neural limitations on processing visual a host shrub to be rejected by a female without landing. Nev- information (Weiss and Papaj 2003), akin to that proposed ertheless, about one-third of nonhosts approached are not for processing chemical information (Kelber and Pfaff 1999). rejected until after a female landed and had access to contact The role of olfaction in the oviposition behavior of swal- chemical cues (Damman and Feeny 1988). Although E. mar- lowtails has remained less clear despite the early demonstra- cellus females are strongly attracted to host-plant volatiles, at tion by Saxena and Goyal (1978) that volatile extracts of the least at short range (Haribal and Feeny 1998), the initial host plant limettioides (lime) elicited significant process of filtering potential oviposition sites from surround- oviposition by P. demoleus females. In laboratory bioassays ing vegetation is strongly dependent on responses to visual with model plants, females of the black swallowtail, P. polyx- cues such as the ratio of young to mature leaves and the pres- enes, were significantly more active when host volatiles were ence of leaf buds (Damman and Feeny 1988). added to artificial leaves treated with contact stimulant Females of the pipevine swallowtail, , in extracts. They also landed more frequently and laid more southeast Texas lay small batches of eggs on two herbaceous eggs (Feeny et al. 1989). Activity levels and landing rates species in the forest understory. Individual were significantly reduced, however, in the presence of females can be found landing preferentially either on narrow- volatiles from cabbage, a nonhost (Feeny et al. 1989). In leaved or on broad-leaved plants, the large majority of comparable experiments with E. marcellus, females were which are nonhosts (Rausher 1978). A female’s leaf shape highly responsive to model leaves treated with both contact preference is determined by her recent contact experience stimulants and volatiles but volatiles alone were sufficient with the narrow-leaved host, A. serpentaria, or the broad- (in combination with visual cues) to stimulate some ovipo- leaved host, A. reticulata. Contact alone, even without sition (Haribal and Feeny 1998). Recently, Heinz (2002) has oviposition, is sufficient to bring about this associative shown that responses to volatiles by P. polyxenes females are

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largely innate but that the females are capable of learning tions of active material are typically much smaller. Elec- combinations of volatile and leaf-shape cues. troantennogram recordings revealed that the antennae of Once a female has landed on a leaf, contact stimulants are females of P. polyxenes, P. machaon, and P. troilus respond of crucial importance in determining whether a potential selectively to several compounds in the volatiles of their oviposition site is accepted or rejected (Städler 1992; Renwick host plants (Baur and Feeny 1995). Cis- and trans-sabinene and Chew 1994). The stimuli are perceived by tarsal contact hydrate, 4-terpineol, and cis-3-hexenyl acetate are among chemoreceptors during drumming behavior, in which the the dozen or so components of carrot volatiles that evoke females “taste” the leaf surface with their forelegs (Ilse 1956; responses in P. polyxenes antennae, but their role in oviposi- Feeny et al. 1983). In the pierid butterfly Pieris brassicae, Ma tion behavior is not yet known; several of the compounds and Schoonhoven (1973) showed that each taste sensillum evoke antennal responses in males as well as females (Baur on the foretarsi of females contains five receptor cells, includ- et al. 1993). More likely candidates for volatile oviposition ing at least one cell that responds to the glucosinolates that kairomones should perhaps be sought among the volatile characterize the crucifer host plants. Among swallowtails, phenylpropanoids and other compound classes that are cells responding to contact stimulants from carrot, Daucus more characteristic of the Apiaceae, Rutaceae, and other carota, have been detected in the foretarsi of Papilio polyxenes typical swallowtail host families. females (Roessingh et al. 1991). The stimulant activity of Although they have to date eluded chemical characteriza- host-plant extracts typically results from synergistic interac- tion, it is becoming clear that volatile stimulants may be no tions between several ingredients that are seldom active less significant than contact kairomones in the evolution of alone (Honda 1986; Feeny et al. 1988; Ohsugi et al. 1991; host preference in swallowtails. First, there is increasing Sachdev-Gupta et al. 1993; Nishida 1995). Contact receptors experimental evidence that host volatiles represent a major in butterflies, including swallowtails, can also respond to component of the oviposition-stimulant profiles to which compounds that inhibit rather than stimulate oviposition many swallowtails respond. Second, the work of Heinz (Nishida et al. 1990; Sachdev-Gupta et al. 1990). Although a (2002) indicates that responses to volatile stimulants are particular compound or class of compounds may contribute heritable and hence potentially more conserved during the major sensory cue, it is the total complex that forms the swallowtail evolution than previously suspected. And third, basis for perception and behavioral response (cf. Dethier the circumstantial evidence is compelling; the host plants of 1976; Renwick and Chew 1994). swallowtails are commonly aromatic, and both terpenoid Responses of P. polyxenes females to contact chemical cues and phenylpropanoid volatiles have been reported from vir- are innate and not altered by specific host-plant experience. tually all the major food-plant families (Feeny et al. 1983 Females responded to extracts of two host plants, carrot (D. and references therein). Moreover, several reports of ovipo- carota) and poison hemlock (Conium maculatum) differen- sition “mistakes” by swallowtails are suggestive of a role for tially but without regard to the plant previously experi- a common theme in the volatile profiles of swallowtail food enced (Heinz and Feeny 2005). The postalighting response plants. Within the genus Papilio, in particular, there have is unaffected by host-plant experience; however, Heinz been numerous observations of females of one species lay- (2002) has shown that the females are capable of learning ing eggs on host plants used more typically by larvae of all three major cue types (contact stimulants, volatile stimu- other species (references in Feeny et al. 1983). Stride and lants, and visual cues) in free-flight bioassays, especially Straatman (1962), for example, found that females of P. when the cues were presented in pairs. Females also demon- aegeus, a Rutaceae feeder, would oviposit on Cinnamomum strated learning in whole-plant bioassays, being most likely camphora (Lauraceae), a larval food plant of Graphium to approach and land on the same species with which they species. Berenbaum (1981) found two eggs of P. glaucus on [AQ7] had prior oviposition experience (Heinz 2002). Such chemi- leaves of Angelica atropurpurea, a most unusual food plant cally mediated learning is likely to enhance the rate of egg for this tree-feeding generalist, but a potential food plant of laying in an oligophagous species such as P. polyxenes, suc- P. polyxenes and other umbellifer-feeding Papilio species. D. A. cessive generations of which may encounter shifting arrays West (personal communication) found an egg of P. troilus, a [AQ8] of potential host-plant species that differ significantly in Lauraceae-feeding species, on Aristolochia macrophylla, a chemistry and leaf shape (Heinz 2002). host plant of the pipevine swallowtail, Battus philenor. In such examples, it seems more plausible to invoke a role for Identifying the Chemical Cues: shared volatiles, rather than similar contact stimulants or Kairomones and Allomones visual cues, in triggering the mistakes.

Oviposition Kairomones: Volatile Attractants Oviposition Kairomones: Volatile Attractants [AQ9]

Little is known about the identities of volatile compounds Contact oviposition stimulants have been at least partially used as oviposition kairomones by swallowtails, probably characterized for eight species (genus Papilio) in the tribe because bioassays of volatiles are much more time-consum- Papilionini, two species (B. philenor and Atrophaneura alci- ing than are those for contact stimulants and concentra- nous) in the tribe Troidini, and one species each in the

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OH HO HO OH OH FIGURE 1.2. Examples of classes of HOOC - CH - COO - CH 2 2 compounds identified as contact O O O COOH oviposition stimulants for swallowtail OH CO-O butterflies. A. Luteolin 7-O-(6-O-mal- HO onyl)--D-glucopyranoside, a flavonoid O ABOH OH HO glycoside (Papilio polyxenes); B. trans- OH chlorogenic acid (5-caffeoylquinic acid), an hydroxycinnamic acid deriv- ative (Papilio protenor, P. polyxenes); C. tyramine, a simple base (P. polyxenes); + OCH - 3 D. stachydrine, a zwitterion com- N COO HO OH pound related to proline (P. xuthus, P. H C CH OH HO 3 3 protenor); E. sequoyitol, an inositol OCH D 3 O NO2 (Atrophaneura alcinous, Battus philenor); CH CH NH HO F. aristolochic acid I, an aristolochic 2 22 OH O COOH acid (A. alcinous, B. philenor). C EF

Graphiini (Eurytides marcellus) and Zerynthiini (Luehdorfia family (Nishida 1995). Of particular interest, therefore, is the japonica) (Nishida et al. 1994; Honda 1995; Nishida 1995; finding that a primary contact oviposition stimulant for Honda et al. 1997; Carter et al. 1998, 1999; Haribal and females of L. japonica (tribe Zerynthiini), which oviposit on Feeny 1998; Ono et al. 2000a, 2000b; Nakayama et al. 2003; Heterotropa aspera (Aristolochiaceae), is a flavonoid (Nishida Nakayama and Honda 2004). In the genus Papilio, host 1994). Luehdorfia japonica does not respond to aristolochic recognition is mediated by a mixture of compounds belong- acids, nor are these present in the Heterotropa host plants ing to at least two of several chemical categories (Fig. 1.2). (Nishida 1994, 1995). This suggests that responses to These include flavonoid glycosides (e.g., Fig. 1.2A), hydrox- flavonoids may be quite ancient in the swallowtail lineage ycinnamic acid derivatives (e.g., Fig. 1.2B), simple bases and that their absence from the stimulant profiles of troidine (e.g., adenosine, bufotenine and tyramine, Fig. 1.2C), swallowtails represents a secondary loss. amphoteric substances (e.g., proline and stachydrine, Fig. The primary contact oviposition stimulant for Eurytides 1.2D), and simple aliphatic hydroxy compounds such as marcellus (tribe Graphiini) in foliage of its major host inositols (e.g., (+)-chiro-inositol and sequoyitol, Fig. 1.2E) plant, pawpaw (Asimina triloba, Annonaceae), is 3-caffeoyl- and organic acids of low molecular weight (e.g., quinic acid muco-quinic acid (3-CmQA) (Haribal and Feeny 1998; and 2-C-methyl-D-erythronic acid) (Nishida 1995; Nakayama Haribal et al. 1998). Surprisingly, this compound alone et al. 2003). In P. polyxenes, for example, specific compo- accounted for the activity of host-plant extracts and nents of the mixture eliciting oviposition include the required no synergists (Haribal and Feeny 1998). The same flavonoid luteolin 7-O-(6-O-malonyl)--D-glucopyranoside compound is also an oviposition stimulant for the spice- (L7MG) (Fig. 1.2A), trans-chlorogenic acid (5-caffeoylquinic bush swallowtail, , from the foliage of sassafras acid) (Fig. 1.2B), and tyramine (Feeny et al. 1988; Carter et (Lauraceae), although in this case as part of a synergistic al. 1998). Roessingh et al. (1991) identified contact mixture (Carter et al. 1999). The strong responses of E. mar- chemoreceptors responsive to L7MG on the female foretarsi cellus females to host volatiles may compensate for the of P. polyxenes; the specificity of this receptor is suggested by absence of other contact stimulants for this species (Haribal the fact that luteolin glucoside, lacking the malonyl moiety and Feeny 1998; Heinz 2002). There is evidence for stere- of L7MG, is ineffective in stimulating a response. Ono and ospecificity in the responses of swallowtails to caffeoyl- Yoshikawa (2004) characterized a tyramine receptor quinic acid (CQA) isomers. Of several isomers occurring in (PxTYR1, AB182633) from cDNA from female foretarsi of pawpaw extracts, 3-CmQA significantly stimulated oviposi- the related species P. xuthus, which feeds on rutaceous host tion while other diastereomers did not (Haribal and Feeny plants. This receptor may play a role in recognizing bases in 1998). Neither E. marcellus females (Haribal and Feeny 1998) the multicomponent oviposition stimulants. nor those of P. troilus (Carter et al. 1999) responded to 5- In the Troidini, sister tribe to the Papilionini (Miller 1987), CQA (chlorogenic acid), a stimulant for P. polyxenes (Feeny the picture is quite different. Females of both species so far et al. 1988) and P. protenor (Honda 1990). The use of CQA examined are stimulated by a mixture of aristolochic acids isomers as contact stimulants by species in both the Papil- (alkaloid derivatives, e.g., aristolochic acid I, Fig. 1.2F) and a ionini and Graphiini suggests that the use of hydroxycin- methylinositol (pinitol and/or sequoyitol) (Nishida and namic acid derivatives as oviposition stimulants may have Fukami 1989a; Papaj et al. 1992; Sachdev-Gupta et al. 1993). been an ancestral feature of the subfamily Papilioninae. The lack of responses by troidines to flavonoids is curious in Consistent with this suggestion is the finding by Nishida view of the general occurrence of such compounds in that (1995) that 3-hydroxy-4-methoxycinnamoylmalic acid is an

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oviposition stimulant, along with sequoyitol and aris- nocoumarins (with the furan ring attached at the 6,7 posi- tolochic acids, for Atrophaneura alcinous (tribe Troidini). tions of the benz-2-pyrone nucleus), which cross-link Whereas the oviposition kairomones of butterflies in opposing strands in DNA helices, and angular fura- some other families, such as the Pieridae, include com- nocoumarins (with the furan ring attached at the 7,8 posi- pounds used by the host plants as allomones, those used by tions), which form only monoadducts with DNA. Linear most swallowtails studied thus far belong to classes of com- furanocoumarins occur in over 10 plant families and are pounds that are typically innocuous to insects. A conspicu- most abundant in the Rutaceae and Apiaceae, the preferred ous exception is the use of aristolochic acids as kairomones hosts for most Papilio species. Angular furanocoumarins are by troidine swallowtails. These compounds can serve as restricted to a few genera in three families and are most powerful feeding deterrents and toxins for insects (Miller abundant in two tribes in the Apiaceae (Murray et al. 1982). and Feeny 1983). Sequestration of aristolochic acids and Among the swallowtails, only species in the tribe Papil- their role in insect defense may have provided strong selec- ionini, which normally encounter furanocoumarins, can tion for the use of these plant allomones as oviposition tolerate ecologically relevant concentrations of these com- kairomones (Nishida and Fukami 1989a, 1989b). It is proba- pounds in their diet; representative troidine and graphiine bly not a coincidence, however, that many of the com- larvae die when confronted with host-plant foliage supple- pounds characteristic of swallowtail food-plant families are mented with xanthotoxin (Heininger 1989). Within the derived biosynthetically from the phenylpropanoid path- genus Papilio, the ability to tolerate furanocoumarins is way (Feeny et al. 1983). The central compounds in phenyl- commensurate with the frequency with which they are propanoid biosynthesis are the hydroxycinnamic acids, encountered within host plants. Whereas P. troilus, a special- derived from phenylalanine. Several such compounds are ist on lauraceous host plants lacking furanocoumarins, can- known to be oviposition kairomones for swallowtails. not consume these compounds, the polyphagous P. glaucus Umbelliferone, the basic hydroxycoumarin, is simply and to a lesser extent P. canadensis, which occasionally derived from a hydroxycinnamic acid and in turn serves as encounter at least one rutaceous host, containing fura- precursor for the furanocoumarins, among the notable nocoumarins, have an intermediate ability to tolerate these allomones of many swallowtail food plants. Although the compounds. By comparison, Rutaceae and Apiaceae special- same compounds may not typically serve as both kairomones ists within the genus (including P. multicaudatus and P. and allomones, it is nevertheless curious that these fre- polyxenes) can tolerate concentrations exceeding 1% of the quently share a common biosynthetic ancestry, perhaps dry weight of food ingested (Berenbaum 1981; Mao et al. [AQ10] increasing the probability of biochemical linkages between 2006). In at least one species, P. polyxenes, the presence of performance and preference in swallowtails. furanocoumarins in the diet is associated with enhanced Deterrent compounds also play a role in mediating ovipo- survivorship, although these compounds do not appear to sition (Haribal and Feeny 2003). Papilio polytes is a specialist act directly as feeding stimulants (Berenbaum 1981). [AQ11] on a narrow range of rutaceous hosts; whereas methanolic Adaptation also occurs in swallowtails to combinations of extracts of acceptable hosts stimulated oviposition (Toddalia chemicals in their host plants. Myristicin, an essential oil asiatica, a major host, as well as the marginal host Melicope constituent of many apiaceous hosts of papilionids, is a triphylla), methanolic extracts of host plants not normally methylenedioxyphenyl derivative; many such compounds utilized in the field did not stimulate oviposition (e.g., Mur- act as toxin synergists by virtue of their ability to inhibit raya paniculata). Larval mortality was also higher on the cytochrome P450–mediated detoxification enzymes. Papilio rutaceous species not normally utilized in the field, suggest- polyxenes, which routinely encounters both fura- ing the possibility that the same or similar compounds nocoumarins and myristicin in its many apiaceous hosts deterring oviposition also act as larval antifeedants (Harborne et al. 1969), displays relative immunity to the (Nakayama et al. 2002). Ono et al. (2004) confirmed that a synergistic potential of myristicin (Neal and Wu 1994). hydroxybenzoic acid derivative in the foliage of the non- Retention of the ability to detoxify or otherwise tolerate host rutaceous species acts as both oviposi- chemical defenses associated with ancestral host plants is a tion deterrent and antifeedant in P. xuthus. recurrent pattern within the Lepidoptera. Janz et al. (2001) determined that within the Nymphalini most species, irre- spective of contemporary host-plant use, can survive on Larval Allomones species in the ancestral host family Urticaceae. Similarly, P. In terms of allomones, of the more than 200 species in the polyxenes larvae, restricted to feeding on Rutaceae and Api- genus Papilio, over 75% use plants containing allomones aceae, nonetheless can tolerate the benzylisoquinoline alka- called furanocoumarins (Berenbaum 1983). These plants loids characteristic of lauraceous host plants (Miller and present a toxicological challenge to herbivores because UV- Feeny 1989), and P. canadensis, a polyphagous species with a activated furanocoumarins covalently bind to DNA and northern distribution mostly beyond the range of fura- protein and interfere in cellular processes in a broad range nocoumarin-containing rutaceous host plants, nonetheless of organisms (Berenbaum 1991, 1995). Furanocoumarins can metabolize these compounds (Li et al. 2001). Mechanisti- occur in two structural configurations: linear fura- cally, retention of the capacity to detoxify allomones charac-

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teristic of ancestral plants could arise in at least two ways: performance was consistent across host plants, independent ancestral detoxification enzymes may be retained unmodi- of adult preferences. Although preference-performance cor- fied as new enzymes evolve by gene duplication events; alter- relations were in the expected direction in the Ohio popula- natively, gene duplication events may lead to the acquisition tion (whereby performance measures were correlated with of novel substrates without a loss of the ability to metabolize preference for the typical host), in Florida, the correlation ancestral allomones because the genetic changes facilitating was in a direction opposite to that expected. Ovipositing novel substrate acquisition occur in places in the protein that females with the strongest preference for the unusual host are not involved in ancestral allomone metabolism. plant (Liriodendron tulipifera) produced progeny attaining the greatest pupal weight. Based on their findings, “multiple Preference and Performance Genes genetic control mechanisms (e.g., pleiotropy and coadapta- tion)” were invoked to account for preference-performance [AQ14] Even less well understood than the chemical cues mediating relationships (Bossart 2003). preference and performance are the actual genes influenc- ing the processing of chemical signals. Although the process Candidates by which host-plant shifts occur is widely recognized to involve genetic changes, documenting such genetic change In terms of characterizing specific genes mediating host-plant has proved difficult. Examples are vanishingly rare, even specialization, one gene superfamily—the cytochrome P450 among the well-studied butterflies. The idea that independ- monooxygenases (P450s)—appears to play a role in both pref- ent gene complexes regulate preference systems in larval erence and performance in lepidopterans in general and swal- and adult swallowtails has been embraced for over a quarter lowtails in particular. P450s catalyze the NADPH-associated century (Wiklund 1975), at least in part because of the reductive cleavage of oxygen to produce a functionalized abundance of evidence that host-plant ranges of larvae and product and water. The genes encoding these enzymes consti- adults are generally not congruent. tute one of the largest superfamilies known (Nelson et al. In swallowtails, what little genetic work has been done 1996; CytochromeP450.html). with respect to mapping preference and performance genes The enormous proliferation of these proteins is in part a provides support for the idea of independent gene com- reflection of their functional versatility. Reactions catalyzed plexes. The adult oviposition preference hierarchy in P. zeli- by P450s include such oxidative transformations as caon is controlled by at least one locus on the X chromo- monooxygenations, dehydrogenations, and peroxidase-type some and at least one locus that is on an autosome oxidations (Mansuy 1998), so P450s participate in a wide vari- [AQ12] (Thompson 1988, 1993; Thompson et al. 1994). Indications ety of biosynthetic and detoxification reactions. In insects, are that preference strength is not regulated by a locus on P450s are involved in the biosynthesis of pheromones, cuticu- the X chromosome. In contrast, hybridization studies lar hydrocarbons, and hormones and are also responsible for demonstrate no X-chromosome contribution to any com- metabolism and detoxification of exogenous substrates such ponent of larval performance; thus, X-linkage of preference as insecticides and plant allomones (Feyereisen 1999). and performance is eliminated as a possibility. Pupal mass Gonzalez and Nebert (1990) suggested that the P450 and development time and survival on host and nonhosts superfamily began to diversify over 400 million years ago, may be Y-linked or the result of nongenetic maternal effects concomitant with the colonization of terrestrial habitats by (Thompson et al. 1990). plants and herbivorous . Rapid diversification via a In the polyphagous tiger swallowtail P. glaucus, Scriber series of gene duplication events may have been a conse- [AQ13] et al. (1991) demonstrated X-chromosome influence over quence of reciprocal selection pressures whereby plants oviposition preference. Bossart and Scriber (1995) evaluated evolved biosynthetically novel defense compounds, and variation in oviposition preference and found differences insects (and other herbivores) overcame the toxins with not only in relative fidelity to specific host plants, but also novel detoxification pathways. Multiple gene duplication differences in the preference rank of particular host plants. events allowed P450s to acquire new functions in the pres- Heritable variation was detectable in relative fidelity toward ence of new environmental stress factors while retaining less-preferred hosts but not in preference rank. That host- ancestral metabolic capabilities. Protein diversification is, plant choice is influenced by past experience and physiolog- however, only one of several possible evolutionary mecha- ical state in this species argues against strict genetic correla- nisms; evolution may also proceed by alterations in gene tion between adult preference and larval performance. expression. In insects, P450 expression is regulated in Bossart (2003) examined covariance between preference response to a wide range of factors, including developmen- and performance (as evidenced in the proxy measures of lar- tal stage and exposure to both endogenous and exogenous val development time, relative growth rate, pupal mass, and substances. Examining P450-mediated metabolism of host- mortality) in strains of P. glaucus that differ in fidelity—a plant chemicals within a group of closely related species locally monophagous population from Florida and a locally with well-characterized host-utilization patterns can pro- polyphagous population in Ohio. Covariance was detected vide insights into how P450s evolve and diversify in independently within each population, although relative response to environmental selective agents.

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CYP4G28 Maibeche-Coisne et al. (2002) report that CYP4L4 is CYP4G20 expressed preferentially in the antennae of the Mames- CYP4G25 tra brassicae, and CYP4S4 expression is limited to the sensilla CYP4G15 trichodea in the antennae responsible for odor detection. CYP4G29 In the most compelling study to date implicating P450s in CYP4G11 odorant degradation, Leal (2001) showed that enzymatic CYP4G19 degradation of the sex pheromone of the scarabaeid beetle CYP4G1 Phyllopertha diversa is mediated by P450s (Wojtasek and Leal CYP4S4 1999). Subsequent work (Maibeche-Coisne et al. 2004) led to CYP4L4 the cloning of three P450s from male antenna cDNA: CYP4AW1 CYP4AW1, which is antenna specific, CYP4AW2, and CYP341A2 CYP6AT1, which is antenna rich. To date, there have been CYP19A1 no reports on female-specific expression of P450s associated CYP6W1 with sensory organs involved in perceiving chemical cues CYP6AT1 from plants. For Lepidoptera, then, chemical mediation of preference and performance should converge when adults and larvae assess the same host-plant tissues—when oviposi- 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 tion is directly on tissues eventually consumed by the larvae [AQ33] FIGURE 1.3. Simple amino acid distance tree of putatively and when the time between egg hatch and larval develop- [AQ34] chemosensory P450s (CYP4G28 from Papilio polyxenes [Mao et al. in ment is short (so that chemical changes associated with preparation]; sequences other than P. polyxenes from Genbank). plant maturation are minimal). Kairomone-degrading P450s, by virtue of exposure to lower and less toxic concentrations P450s contribute to preference and performance in her- of plant chemicals than larval midgut allomone-degrading bivorous insects in two ways. Along with glutathione-S- P450s, should have broader substrate specificity. As well, transferases and carboxylesterases, they are the principal kairomone-degrading P450s, by virtue of encountering only detoxification system for metabolizing plant allelochemicals a subset of the chemical content of host-plant foliage, in caterpillar midguts (Berenbaum 2002). They are also key should be fewer in number than allomone-degrading P450s. enzymes in chemosensory systems of adults, functioning as The nature of P450s contributing to allelochemical pro- degradative enzymes that break down plant and other odor- cessing in both larval and adult preference remains a subject ants bound to receptors, thereby regenerating these receptors for speculation. To date, one P450, CYP4G28, has been char- (Vogt 2003). How P450s that function as degradative acterized from female Papilio polyxenes adults that has highest enzymes in insect chemoreception relate to those involved in identity (ca. 85%) with two other lepidopteran P450s in the larval midgut detoxification is subject to speculation; in no CYP4 subfamily that have been implicated in chemosensory one species has the full inventory of P450s been character- processing (Fig. 4). Expression patterns of CYP4G28 are con- ized functionally. Perireceptor phenomena are not involved sistent with a chemosensory function. Real-time polymerase [AQ15] in the signal transduction cascade per se but rather are chain reaction analysis with head, thorax, abdomen, wing, involved with the disposition of the chemical signal itself— antennae, and thorax transcripts showing highest levels of uptake, delivery to neuronal receptors, and eventual release expression in tarsi and antennae, structures that in adult of chemicals to regenerate the system. In both vertebrate and females are associated with detection of plant kairomones. invertebrate systems, proteins mediate these processes. The precise substrate specificity of CYP4G28 and, indeed, Whereas odorant-binding proteins play a role in transporting other CYP4 P450s expressed in tarsi awaits characterization. relatively lipophilic signal substances through the aqueous medium bathing the sensory neuron to receptor proteins in P450s IN LARVAL SWALLOWTAIL PERFORMANCE the membrane, degradative enzymes may act extracellularly to facilitate termination of signals by breaking down the P450s in Papilio display differences both in constitutive odorant. Among the odorant-degrading enzymes, including activity against furanocoumarins and in inducibility in esterases, glutathione-S-transferases, epoxide hydrolases, and response to furanocoumarin ingestion (see Berenbaum 1995 aldehyde dehydrogenases, P450s contribute to chemical sig- for a review). In general, these differences correspond to the nal clearance in both vertebrates and invertebrates (Gu et al. frequency of ecological exposure to furanocoumarins. The 1999) (Fig. 1.3). While the specificity of P450s involved in genus Papilio has historically been divided into five sections degrading pheromones has not been widely assessed, it is (Munroe 1961). Of these, sections II, III, and IV have some assumed that activity and specificity levels are high. With association with furanocoumarin-containing plants. Con- respect to insects, cytochrome P450 and NADPH-P450 reduc- stitutive activity against xanthotoxin, a linear fura- tase genes have been identified that are preferentially nocoumarin, is high in P. cresphontes, a section IV specialist expressed in antennae of Drosophila melanogaster (Hovemann on linear furanocoumarin-containing Rutaceae, the puta- et al. 1997), suggesting a function in odorant clearance. tive ancestral host-plant family of the group. Activity is

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CYP9A17 Helicoverpa armigera Helicoverpa armigera CYP9A12 Helicoverpa armigera CYP9 Mamestra brassicae Spodoptera litura Helicoverpa armigera Helicoverpa armigera CYP9A5 Manduca sexta CYP9A4 Manduca sexta CYP9A1 Heliothis virescens CYP9A1v2 Heliothis virescens Xenobiotic Plutella xylostella Plutella xylostella Ecdysone CYP306A1 Bombyx mori Antennal or tarsal Bombyx mori CYP303A1 Drosophila melanogaster Bombyx mori Bombyx mori CYP4G28 Papilio polyxenes CYP4 Mamestra brassicae CYP4G25 Antheraea yamamai CYP4S4 Mamestra brassicae CYP4M6 Helicoverpa zea CYP4M7 Helicoverpa zea Manduca sexta CYP4L4 Mamestra brassicae CYP341A2 CYP314A1 Drosophila melanogaster Bombyx mori CYP12D1 Drosophila melanogaster CYP12A5 Drosophila melanogaster CYP302A1 Bombyx mori Bombyx mori CYP321A1 Helicoverpa zea CYP6G1 Drosophila melanogaster CYP6A8 Drosophila melanogaster CYP6A2 Drosophila melanogaster CYP6AB6 Papilio multicaudatus CYP6AB3 Depressaria pastinacella CYP6AE1 Depressaria pastinacella Helicoverpa armigera Plutella xylostella Plutella xylostella Plutella xylostella

CYP6B5v1 Papilio glaucus CYP6B4v2 Papilio glaucus CYP6B5 Papilio glaucus CYP6B4 Papilio glaucus Papilio glaucus Papilio glaucus CYP6B11 Papilio canadensis Papilio canadensis CYP6B17 Papilio glaucus Papilio canadensis Papilio glaucus CYP6B37 Papilio multicaudatus CYP6B33 Papilio multicaudatus CYP6B35 Papilio multicaudatus CYP6B36 Papilio multicaudatus CYP6B3V2 Papilio polyenes CYP6B3 Papilio polyenes CYP6B3V1 Papilio polyenes CYP6B1 Papilio polyxenes CYP6B1v1 Papilio polyxenes CYP6B29 Bombyx mori Bombyx mori CYP6B2 Helicoverpa armigera CYP6B10 Helithis virescens CYP6B27 Helicoverpa zea CYP6B6 Helicoverpa armigera Helicoverpa armigera Helicoverpa armigera Helicoverpa armigera CYP6B7 Helicoverpa armigera CYP6B7v1 Helicoverpa armigera Helicoverpa armigera Helicoverpa armigera CYP6B28 Helicoverpa zea CYP6B8 Helicoverpa zea Helicoverpa zea Helicoverpa zea

FIGURE 1.4. Rooted tree of lepidopteran P450 proteins generated with the CLUSTALW program in Biology Workbench (ver. 3.2), employing [AQ35] defaults for all settings except that the “Blosum series” was employed for the weight matrix. Known or putatively xenobiotic-metabolizing P450s (involved in larval performance) are represented by dots, known or putatively kairomone-processing P450s (involved in adult preference) by long dashes, and P450s involved in processing endogenous substrates (e.g., hormone or pheromone synthesis) by short dashes.

high as well in P. polyxenes and P. brevicauda, section II The molecular basis of furanocoumarin resistance has specialists on Apiaceae containing furanocoumarins. In been investigated extensively in P. polyxenes. CYP6B1 tran- contrast, P450-mediated metabolism of xanthotoxin is scripts are inducible by xanthotoxin (Cohen et al. 1992), undetectable in P. troilus, a section III specialist on Lau- and the protein it encodes metabolizes linear and to a lesser raceae, which lack furanocoumarins (Cohen et al. 1992). degree angular furanocoumarins (Ma et al. 1994).

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[AQ16] Transcripts of another P450, CYP6B3 (Hung et al. 1995), are within a lineage requires comparative analysis of promoter induced by a wider range of linear and angular fura- regions of these genes (Hung et al. 1996). The CYP6B1 pro- nocoumarins but encode a P450 capable of only low levels moter possesses a xanthotoxin-responsive regulatory element of furanocoumarin metabolism (Wen et al. 2003). Consis- required for basal transcription and xanthotoxin inducibility tent with a function of allelochemical detoxification, both (Prapaipong et al. 1994; Petersen et al. 2003). XRE-xan of these genes are expressed only in feeding stages of the life appears to be conserved in all swallowtail CYP6B genes and cycle; no expression is detectable in eggs, pupae, or adults, may account for the furanocoumarin inducibility of these which do not consume furanocoumarin-containing host- genes even in species that rarely encounter furanocoumarins plant tissue (Harrison et al. 2001). in their host plants (McDonnell et al. 2004). Coexpression of CYP6B1 and P450 reductase (Wen et al. In addition to these elements, the CYP6B1 promoters also 2003) resulted in high turnover rates for the linear fura- contain putative XRE-AhR elements identical to the aryl nocoumarins xanthotoxin and psoralen; in contrast, sub- hydrocarbon–response elements present in mammalian strate binding and turnover rates for angular fura- phase I detoxification genes. Transfections of CYP6B4 and nocoumarins are low to undetectable in heterologous CYP6B1 promoters containing EcRE/ARE/XRE-xan and XRE- expression systems (Ma et al. 1994; Wen et al. 2003). This AhR elements indicate that both are induced significantly by relative ranking is consistent with the relative frequency of benzo()pyrene, an aryl hydrocarbon widespread in the occurrence of these furanocoumarins in host plants; linear environment, as well as by xanthotoxin, an allelochemical furanocoumarins such as xanthotoxin and bergapten are encountered in their host plants (McDonnell et al. 2004). In widespread among apiaceous as well as rutaceous host the mammalian CYP1A1 gene, the benzylisoquinoline alka- plants, whereas angular furanocoumarins are restricted to a loid berberine interacts with XRE-AhR (Vrzal et al. 2005); if handful of genera in the Apiaceae (Berenbaum 1983). the promoter elements function similarly in the CYP6B Comparing two closely related CYP6B4 and CYP6B17 genes, the presence of XRE-AhR may reflect conservation groups in the polyphagous congeners P. glaucus and P. from ancestral species within the genus associated with mag- canadensis, Li et al. (2003) found that, generally, P450s from noliaceous host plants, possibly contributing to the ability of P. glaucus, which feeds occasionally on furanocoumarin-con- other section II Rutaceae-feeding swallowtails (e.g., P. aegeus) taining host plants, displays higher activities against fura- to feed and develop on such ancestral host plants as Magno- nocoumarins than those from P. canadensis, which normally lia vriginica, Michellia champaca, and Cinnamomum camphora does not encounter furanocoumarins. These P450s in turn (J. M. Scriber, personal communication) and may share regu- [AQ17] catalyze a larger range of furanocoumarins at lower effi- latory elements responsive to ancestral toxins. ciency than CYP6B1 from P. polyxenes, a specialist on fura- nocoumarin-containing host plants. Reconstruction of the P450s and Host-Use Evolution ancestral CYP6B sequences using maximum likelihood pre- dictions and comparisons of the sequence and geometry of The potential involvement of P. polyxenes cytochrome P450s their active sites to those of contemporary CYP6B proteins in both host-plant selection by adults and host-plant uti- indicate that substrate specificity is related to host-plant lization by larvae provides an extraordinary opportunity to diversity; P450s of oligophagous swallowtails have a nar- examine within a single gene superfamily some of the rower range of substrates, but higher activity toward those mechanistic bases for host-use evolution. Although progress substrates, than do P450s of polyphagous swallowtails. is being made in understanding the genetic architecture of The broadening of P450 substrate specificity that appears host-race formation within the Rhagoletis pomonella com- to have accompanied the evolution of polyphagous feeding plex with respect to odor perception (Linn et al. 2003), com- within the genus Papilio is associated with remarkably few parable studies have not yet been done within the Lepi- genetic changes. Substitution of aliphatic amino acids for doptera, and to date there have been no studies examining the aromatic Phe484 and Phe371 of CYP6B1 results in an the involvement of allelochemical metabolism in host- enzyme with a more open and accessible catalytic pocket plant perception and host-plant consumption within the and, as a consequence, a broader range of substrates in these same species. Whether P450s recruited as degradative polyphagous species. Along the lineage leading to Papilio enzymes in chemoreception are similar in function to those P450s, the ancestral, highly versatile CYP6B protein pre- recruited as degradative enzymes in allelochemical detoxifi- sumed to exist in a polyphagous ancestor evolved through cation remains an open question. Rapid evolution of host time into a more efficient and specialized CYP6B1-like pro- shifts may be facilitated if in fact these two groups of P450s tein in Papilio species with continual exposure to fura- share similar substrate specificities or regulatory pathways. nocoumarins. Further diversification of Papilio CYP6Bs has Chlorogenic acid, a component of the oviposition stimu- likely involved interspersed events of positive selection in lant for P. polyxenes, is in fact a substrate for CYP6B8, a P450 oligophagous species and relaxation of functional con- in the midgut of the generalist Helicoverpa zea. Extensive straints in polyphagous species (Li et al. 2003). background information on the chemical mediation of Determining whether changes in the specificity of regula- oviposition behavior and larval performance in P. polyxenes tory pathways accompanies change in substrate specificity coupled with the unique inventory of cytochrome P450s

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characterized from the genome of this species provide a protection for eggs and adults, among other things (Nishida unique and timely opportunity to investigate the mechanis- 2002). Because of these commonalities, it is a reasonable tic basis of host-use patterns in Lepidoptera. expectation that certain sensory and physiological traits Among the other groups of environmental response will be shared across life stages. Just how many are held in genes (Berenbaum 2002) that are likely to influence both common is likely a function of the specific ecological associ- preference and performance are olfactory and gustatory ation. As both preference and performance are more pre- receptor genes. The absence of a Papilio genome project cisely defined at the genetic level, and as more Lepidoptera presents a tremendous obstacle to characterizing these genomes become available, the specific linkages are likely to genes. In Drosophila melanogaster, for example, odor percep- be uncovered, to shed new light on questions that have tion depends on activation of a family of receptors sharing bedeviled investigators for the better part of a century. [AQ18] seven transmembrane domains; 60 Or genes have been Acknowledgments [AQ19] identified in the D. melanogaster genome (Clyne et al. 1999; Only a subset of these genes This work was supported in part by NSF grants IOB0614726 expressed in larvae are also expressed in adults: 13 in adult (to MRB) and IBN-9986250 (to PF). We thank Mark Scriber antennae and 1 in the maxillary palp (Kreher et al. 2005). and an anonymous reviewer for helpful comments on our The intriguing possibility exists that genes such as these manuscript, and Kelley Tilmon for her extraordinary edito- may provide a mechanistic link between larval and adult rial patience. preference. Gustatory receptors are less well characterized, but these genes may also have conserved function through- References Cited

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[AQ1]Mercader and Scriber 2005 is not in the reference list. Please provide full publication information. [AQ2]Please provide the page number for this quote by Dethier. [AQ3]Please provide the page number for this quote from Ehrlich and Raven. [AQ4]Please provide the page number for this quote from Thompson. [AQ5]Which Scriber et al. 1991 is meant here? Scriber, J. M., R. Lederhouse, and R. Hagen, or Scriber J. M., B. L. Giebink, and D. Snider? [AQ6]Which Scriber et al. 1991 is meant here? Scriber, J. M., R. Lederhouse, and R. Hagen, or Scriber J. M., B. L. Giebink, and D. Snider? [AQ7]Is Berenbaum 1981a or 1981b meant here? [AQ8]Please provide the year of the personal communication with West. [AQ9]This heading is a duplication of the one above. Please review and revise. [AQ10]Is Berenbaum 1981a or 1981b meant here? [AQ11]Which Berenbaum 1981 is meant, a or b? [AQ12]Is Thompson 1988a or 1988b meant here? [AQ13]Which Scriber et al. 1991 is meant here? [AQ14]Please provide the page number for this quote from Bossart. [AQ15]Correct that “RT-PCR” means “real-time polymerase chain reaction”? If not, please spell out. [AQ16]There is only one Hung et al. 1995 in the reference list. Correct that that one is meant? If not, please provide full pub- lication information. [AQ17]Please provide the year of the personal communication by Scriber. [AQ18]Correct that you mean “sharing seven transmembrane domains”? If not, please clarify. [AQ19]Correct that you mean Clyne et al. 1999 here? If not, please provide full publication information. [AQ20]Please provide the page number for this quote from Nishida. [AQ21]Is Nishida and Fukami 1989a or 1989b meant here? [AQ22]Caterino and Sperling 1999 is not cited in the text. Please indicate point of citation, or delete. [AQ23]For Honda et al. 1997, please provide the name and location of the publisher. [AQ24]Janz et al. 1994 is not cited in the text. Please indicate point of citation, or delete. [AQ25]Mercador and Scriber 2004 is not cited in the text. Please indicate point of citation, or delete. [AQ26]For Murray et al. 1982, please confirm the location of the publisher. Is this Bristol, UK? [AQ27]Nylin and Janz 1993 is not cited in the text. Please indicate point of citation, or delete. [AQ28]Nylin and Janz 1999 is not cited in the text. Please indicate point of citation, or delete. [AQ29]Nylin et al. 1996 is not cited in the text. Please indicate point of citation, or delete. [AQ30]For Vogt 2003, please provide the name of the chapter. [AQ31]Wiklund 1973 is not cited in the text. Please indicate point of citation, or delete. [AQ32]Caterino et al. 2001 is not in the reference list. Please provide full publication information. [AQ33]Mao et al., in prepartaion, is not in the reference list. Please provide full updated publication information. [AQ34]Please provide full source information (publication info or other access info) for Genbank, for inclusion in the refer- ence list. [AQ35]Please provide full publication information for this software, for inclusion in the reference list.