Muskogee Phoenix Comics Monday, June 28, 2021 DENNIS THE MENACE FAMILY CIRCUS PB Hank Ketcham Jeff and Bil Keane Bleak outlook on marriage Dear Annie: I’m in cial settings, as he says love, 50 years old and Dear it’s simply easier than frustrated. Annie explaining 10 years of I’ve been with my dating. wonderful boyfriend Annie I love him, but this for 10 years now. My ex Lane breaks my heart, and tragically died a year now I’ve become inse- before we met, and the cure for the first time current relationship that he would one day in our relationship. I’m was completely unex- ask me the big ques- not sure what’s next, pected and refreshing, tion when he got his considering that I in- as I had no plans to ev- finances in order, as he creasingly feel more er love again. He, too, confessed he felt emas- like a casual compan- had been single (for a culated by my income. ion than anything year) prior to our dat- Since his confession, more significant. Our ing. I’ve made every effort conversations regard- During our first year to routinely express ing this issue are cycli- of dating, we agreed how much I need and cal, yet 10 years have that neither of us was appreciate him, and passed, and the only looking for marriage. now finances are only progress we’ve made is Our guards were clear- brought up by him. that we still love each ly on display because Three years ago, other and we have a PEANUTS Charles Schulz of previous relation- while on our yearly decade of shared mem- ship heartbreak. We Jamaica getaway, ories. are both single par- there were two spec- I understand ev- ents, homeowners, tacularly beautiful erything in life is educated, never pre- beach weddings for all temporary, and one viously married and bystanders to enjoy. should just enjoy life’s working in the same Through all the oohs moments while they’re career field. and aahs, he stated happening. Is it time However, we’ve rou- that “marriage is a for me to eat my own tinely and favorably contract and some- words? — Disheart- discussed marriage thing people only ened since then. During a feel obligated to do Dear Disheartened: birthday dinner, sur- as a rite of passage.” While you are correct Stephan Pastis prisingly, he shared Confused, I initiated that we should enjoy life’s PEARLS BEFORE SWINE that he had selected the obvious conver- moments, we should not the restaurant as sation, to which he hide our achievements a gorgeous, quaint proclaimed that he’ll or desires just to make venue that could ac- get married if it’s our partner not feel inse- commodate both our something I want, be- cure. It is admirable that desires for a romantic, cause he’s not going he was honest with you small wedding. I was anywhere. Every year about feeling emasculated pleasantly surprised, after this comment over you making more and it appeared that about his seemingly money than he does, but we were moving in bleak outlook on mar- he needs to work on that, the direction we had riage, he refers to me maybe in therapy or cou- planned. He suggested as his wife in public so- ples counseling.

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