Action Spring 2006 Happy 140th, ASPCA! Celebrating 140 Years of Enlightening America for Animals

Spring 2006 1 >> PRESIDENT’S NOTE 140 Years of Compassion Board of Directors As a member of the ASPCA, you are part of a unique group of Officers of the Board individuals who have chosen to act Hoyle C. Jones, Chairman, Linda Lloyd Lambert, Vice Chairman, William Secord, Secretary, on their convictions—to help James W. Gerard, Treasurer defenseless animals find peace, comfort, and healing. I am truly Members of the Board grateful for your activism and compassion—highly Penelope Ayers, Alexandra G. Bishop, J. Elizabeth commendable qualities that are truly inspiring. Bradham, Reenie Brown, Wendy H. Carhart, Patricia Qualities not unlike those of Bergh, the ASPCA J. Crawford, Jonathan D. Farkas, Franklin Maisano, William Morrison Matthews, Sean McCarthy, Founder. Gurdon H. Metz, Michael F.X. Murdoch, James L. As we make our way into 2006, I look back with Nederlander, Marsha Reines Perelman, George great pride on our 140-year history as America’s first Stuart Perry, Helen S.C. Pilkington, Gail Sanger, organization. 2005 alone was a year Richard Silverman, Sally Spooner, Richard C. filled with planned and unplanned challenges on our Thompson, Cathy Wallach time and resources. Yet, through the unrelenting Directors Emeriti commitment and support of ASPCA staff, volunteers, Steven M. Elkman, George Gowen, Alastair B. and members we were able to make great strides this Martin, Thomas N. McCarter 3rd, Schiller, past year in improving across the James F. Stebbins, Esq. country. We have created and are implementing some very ambitious initiatives in conjunction with local The ASPCA 424 East 92nd Street animal shelters and rescue groups all across America. , NY 10128-6804 And I’m certain you’ll agree they are all worthy and (212) 876-7700 deserving of your support—for they are saving animals’ E-mail: [email protected] lives every day. Volume 2, Number 1 I hope you too are proud of your membership in the ASPCA Action ASPCA and will show your support on April 10 by is published four times a year by helping to enlighten your community. Please join us in The American Society for celebrating 140 years! the Prevention of 424 East 92nd Street New York, NY 10128-6804

Postmaster— Send address changes and undeliverable copies to: ASPCA Action Returns P.O. Box 97288 Edwin Sayres Washington, DC 20090-7288 ASPCA President & CEO Copyright © 2006 The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and ASPCA Action ASPCA are registered trademarks. Editorial created by Rebus LLC, 632 Broadway, 11th Floor, For permission to reprint material from ASPCA Action, New York, NY 10012. please direct requests to: ASPCA Action Cover photo illustration by Aaron Goodman 110 Fifth Avenue Second Floor Send subscription inquiries to: ASPCA Action, 424 East 92nd Street, New New York, NY 10011 York, NY 10128-6804. E-mail for ASPCA Action: This newsletter is not intended to provide advice on personal health matters [email protected] or to substitute for consultation with a veterinary doctor.

2 ASPCA Action >> COVER STORY Happy 140th Birthday, ASPCA! Celebrating 140 Years of Enlightening America for Animals It was on a warm spring evening in 1866 to spark recognition of our that ASPCA founder Henry Bergh first anniversary year and to heighten took to the streets of , awareness of the ways Americans can boldly stopping a cart driver from beating help end the suffering of those who his weary horse. Just days before, on April have no voice.” 10, the ASPCA had received its official charter. So began the ASPCA’s 140-year 140 Years Ago mission to provide effective means for When world traveler Henry Bergh first the prevention of cruelty to animals spoke up for animals in Civil War-era throughout the United States—an effort New York, America was not an that continues today. animal-friendly place. Workhorses To commemorate that watershed event, hauled overloaded carts, only to be on Monday, April 10, 2006, the ASPCA whipped or abandoned to die in plans to “go orange” in a big way with its the gutter if they grew too lame orange-themed, animal-centered to work. Dogcatchers, paid by “Enlighten America for Animals” the animal, rounded up pets in celebration [see sidebar, page 5]. Animal cages and tossed them in the river. supporters around the country will don “Sportsmen” openly bet on orange bracelets bearing the ASPCA logo. animals that took hours to fight to Evening skies over New York, Chicago, Los the death. Angeles, Miami, Philadelphia, and countless With a knack for oratory and communities in between will glow orange friends in high places, Bergh’s to heighten awareness of the ASPCA’s impassioned accounts of the horrors ongoing commitment to the care and inflicted on animals led the New York welfare of animals. state legislature to pass the charter “Orange is the color of life-saving gear, incorporating the ASPCA on April 10, and saving lives is what the ASPCA has 1866. Nine days later, the first effective been doing since its founding 140 years anti-cruelty law was passed and, with a ago,” says ASPCA Senior VP Jo Sullivan. “It staff of three, the ASPCA began its work seemed particularly fitting to use this color to enforce it. TIMELINE ASPCA: 140 Years of Compassion for Animals

ASPCA Leads First Ambulance Humane Care the Way The ASPCA ASPCA veterinarians Henry Bergh founds operates the first advance the use of 1866 1920 the ASPCA, the 1867 ambulance for anesthesia in animal country’s first injured horses in surgery and first use humane organization. New York City, two radium to treat The Society also years before cancer in pets. prompts the New Bellevue Hospital York State legislature put the first to pass the country’s ambulance for first effective anti- humans into service. cruelty law.

Spring 2006 3 >> COVER STORY

operating the first ambulance service in New York City within a year of its founding, two years before Bellevue Hospital adopted a similar idea for people. And by 1874, child advocates, emboldened by Bergh’s dramatic street rescues of mistreated horses and , turned to the famous leader to help found the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children on behalf of a horribly abused nine-year-old, Mary Ellen McCormack. By the time Bergh died in 1888, 37 of the 38 states in the Union had passed anti-cruelty laws. He The ASPCA first began operating a motorized horse ambulance in 1902. left his mark not just on the streets of New York City but throughout “Day after day I am in quickly took hold and spread. the nation. , or lying in wait at Within five years of the ASPCA’s midnight with a squad of police founding, humane societies had Furthering Bergh’s near some dog pit,” wrote Bergh, sprung up in such far-flung cities Mission whose lean and well-tailored as Boston, Buffalo, and San Throughout its history, the figure became a familiar sight on Francisco. Many adopted the ASPCA has continued Bergh’s the city’s streets. “Lifting a fallen ASPCA seal depicting an angel efforts to end cruelty and protect horse to his feet, penetrating with upraised arm and sword and care for animals. Highlights buildings where I inspect collars standing guard over a symbolic include: and saddles for raw flesh, then carthorse under attack from a Humane Communities In lecturing in public schools to stick-wielding driver. 1894, the ASPCA assumed the job children, and again to adult Bergh’s pioneering animal work of caring for New York City’s stray societies. Thus my whole life is translated into benefits for human animals from the city government. spent.” society as well. To transport Since then, the ASPCA has helped Bergh’s compassionate ideas injured horses, the ASPCA began millions of unwanted animals find TIMELINE continued

Obedience Spay & Neuter Training The ASPCA Adoptions The ASPCA department begins a 1973 1992 1944 1928 inaugurates compulsory spay and obedience training neuter program for all classes for dogs and animals. their owners. A New Generation Greyhound Rescue The ASPCA expands its The ASPCA begins humane education program promoting the adoption of with demonstrations in retired greyhounds to help public school classrooms rescue groups across the and summer playgrounds. country.

4 ASPCA Action loving homes through its city shelter and mobile adoption Enlighten America for Animals programs and by sharing adoption It takes a band of animal lovers to build a humane community. On April 10, go expertise and funds with shelters orange for animals and join us in celebrating the ASPCA’s 140th birthday: large and small from Maine to Wear an orange wristband, or join a Display ASPCA Anniversary posters . A $5 million ASPCA city wristband brigade in New York, at school or work. grant in 2005 helped launch Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, or Tie an orange bow to your front door, Maddie’s Fund (named for a Miami. Tell everyone to watch the evening tree, or mailbox. Wear orange shirts or skyline as the Empire State Building and beloved miniature schnauzer) in pants, and accessorize yourself or your other city landmarks glow orange. New York, with a five-year goal of pet with orange jewelry or collars. making the city a model humane Light up in orange. Replace the lights Offer orange cupcakes or orange-ade on your porch or driveway with an community, where homes are at a bake sale to benefit your local shelter. available for every adoptable orange bulb, deck your shrubs with animal that needs one. orange string lights, organize a glow- For more ideas, to download posters, light parade, or ask your town board and to order wristbands, T-shirts, caps, Animal Wellness The ASPCA or local shelter to light up in orange and more, visit opened its first veterinary facility, a for animals. free horse dispensary, in 1912 and advanced the use of anesthesia and cancer treatments for animals in Humane Education In 1916, preventing abuse through such the 1920s. In 1976, ASPCA the ASPCA began a formal animal programs as the Henry Bergh veterinarian Dr. Gordon Robinson education program for school- Children’s Book Awards and the and vet tech Louis McCoy children, raising money to help reality TV show Animal Precinct on developed the Bergh bandage, a care for the 934,000 horses Animal Planet. highly efficient design still used serving in World War I. The These are just a few of the ways across the country. Today, the full- ASPCA expanded its educational the ASPCA has continued to build service Bergh Memorial Hospital outreach in the 1920s, holding a better future for animals since its in Manhattan provides hands-on demonstrations in public school founding as the first animal critical care to tens of thousands of classrooms and summer welfare organization in the injured and abused animals each playgrounds and beginning a Western Hemisphere. There is still year, while nationwide more than weekly series of talks over the much work to do. Join us on April 90,000 pet parents make use of newest communications 10 to “Enlighten America for around-the-clock, life-saving advice medium—radio. Today, millions of Animals” and celebrate the from the ASPCA Animal Poison Americans young and old learn ASPCA’s 140 years of humane Control Center in Urbana, IL. about fighting cruelty and compassion. ■

24/7 Poison Control Disaster Relief The ASPCA acquires the The ASPCA Disaster Relief Fund National Animal Poison (established after the terrorist 1996 2005 Control Center, the only 2001 attacks of September 11, 2001) veterinary toxicology receives an unprecedented telephone service in the outpouring of support from ASPCA United States operating members after Hurricanes Katrina 24 hours a day, 365 days and Rita devastate the Gulf Coast. a year. Animal Precinct The ASPCA helps rescue thousands The reality TV show Animal Precinct premieres of animals and commits millions to on Animal Planet, taking viewers on patrol with rebuild shelters and restore animal ASPCA Humane Law Enforcement agents. control programs throughout the storm-ravaged region.

Spring 2006 5 >> NEWS Katrina Update Months later, the ASPCA helps reunite pets with loved ones and rebuild shelters

Birthday Bonanza Monroe shelter. Ross dipped into her savings The ASPCA isn’t the only one to fly both Morrell and celebrating a special birthday. herself to celebrate Sir Romeo, a black Lab stranded Romeo’s birthday in in New Orleans by rising Wilmington—a birthday floodwaters during Hurricane treat none of them will Katrina, celebrated his ninth ever forget. birthday on Friday, January 13, in Wilmington, NC. Sir Romeo was Christmas reunited with his pet parent, Reunion Lenniece Morrell, who had lost nearly everything in the storm. Noland Allemand of Chalmette, LA, was devastated when his 10- year-old white Lab- Katrina dog Sugar enjoys a special Xmas visit. Dalmatian mix Sugar leapt dogs. “They got the animals to us, through a window to escape the paid for heartworm and medical rapidly rising waters from treatments, and made reunions Hurricane Katrina and was lost in possible via train, plane, and the storm. When he finally automobile.” tracked her down months later at “The ASPCA has disbursed or Animal Companion Network in pledged over $10 million in Asheville, NC, Allemand drove 13 rescue, recovery, and rebuilding Romeo, one of thousands of hours so he and his cherished pet efforts to hundreds of groups animals rescued from the wouldn’t have to spend the across the country, with millions devastated region after their pet Christmas holiday apart. more committed to restore parents were forced to flee “I realized right away that shelters and to spay and neuter without them, spent a month someone had taken care of her animals throughout the storm- recuperating at the emergency and loved her very much,” says ravaged region,” says Julie Morris, shelter run by United Animal Joan Worth, Sugar’s foster mom in ASPCA Senior VP of National Nations (UAN) in Monroe, LA. North Carolina. “When her daddy Outreach. “We are committed to With the help of the ASPCA, walked in the door on Christmas the long term.” Romeo then boarded a van to Eve and called out ‘Suga-doo,’ she “Sugar is doing great,” says North Carolina, where he was leapt off the couch, tail wagging. Allemand. “It’s God’s gift to cared for by foster mom, Pat It was a very happy reunion.” animals that we have a lot of Nowak, of Carolina Canines for “The ASPCA made it possible wonderful people that would Service. for us to do as much as we did,” leave their homes and families to The happy reunion was made says Eileen Bouressa, executive go save dogs and cats. Four and a possible by UAN volunteer Debra director of Animal Compassion half months after the hurricane, Ross, who had fallen in love with Network, whose volunteers took they’re still saving animals in my Romeo while helping out in the in more than 100 Katrina cats and backyard.” ■

6 ASPCA Action >> RESCUE

Nothing has exposed the face of animal cruelty like the reality TV series Animal Precinct on Animal Planet. For one aged and abused horse named , rescue provided a deserving retirement. Greener Pastures

ASPCA Humane Law was so happy. She Enforcement agents Tina Salaks adopted that colt as her and Joe Pentangelo, former own. People would mounted police officers with the drive by and ask if the NYPD, knew right away that the big white horse was old white Appaloosa left without the mother. We told food or water in a vacant, nail- them she was the strewn lot in Queens, NY, was in .” serious trouble. She was horribly “Blondie liked being thin, with a weeping puncture out on the grass, wound and painful, untended getting groomed, being hooves and teeth. “There’s no with other horses, excuse,” says Salaks. “If you can’t doing horse stuff,” keep a horse, you shouldn’t have Dana recalls. “Being in one. It’s a huge responsibility, like Vermont was a perfect having 10 dogs.” retirement for her.” The ASPCA rescued the horse and, thanks to member donations, A Fitting Legacy had the resources to nurse her The old horse had back to health. Her neglectful slowed down owner was tracked down and considerably before, placed under arrest. After the sadly, dying suddenly gentle horse, named Blondie, was last May. “Our vet told Blondie enjoyed her last years in the country. featured on Animal Precinct, the us she was quite aged. Dana family of Randolph, VT, It was cancer, and she didn’t we know adopted a special needs adopted her. “After watching the suffer,” says Janet Dana, Erica’s dog, something she had never show and seeing her kind mother. “We feel so lucky to have thought of before meeting Blondie. expression and everything she’d known her and to have been able She regularly shows Blondie’s been through, we knew we had to to give her a good life after she Animal Precinct episode to her high have her,” Erica Dana explains. arrived here. She was a funny old school class,” Janet Dana adds. Blondie settled in well to life on thing and deserves to be “Another friend is working towards the farm, putting on weight and remembered.” adopting donkeys because she’s seen sleeping in the sun. Elderly and Blondie’s story has been an it can be done. We like to get the slow moving, she was put in a inspiration to many. The Danas word out about adopting and stable with a pregnant mare. “They have rescued four horses from the helping animals, even big hay-eating got along really well,” Dana says. pregnant mares’ urine industry and ones, because bit by bit, one by one, “When the colt was born, Blondie two abandoned cows. “One teacher people do come through.” ■

Spring 2006 7 The ASPCA Henry Bergh Legacy Society

The ASPCA Henry Bergh Legacy Society was established to recognize and thank those who participate in our Charitable Gift Annuity Program or have provided for the ASPCA in their estate plans. Through their thoughtfulness, they have made a timeless commitment to continue the work of the founder of the ASPCA in combating animal cruelty.

For more information on becoming a member of the ASPCA Henry Bergh Legacy Society, please contact Marsha Pierson, CFP, at 212-876-7700, extension 4505, or [email protected].

The ASPCA is proud to list, with appreciation, the following members of the ASPCA Henry Bergh Legacy Society as of December 31, 2005.

Ms. Phyllis J. Abbott Ms. Lela Bishop Ms. June Dettore Mr. Gerard Abdo Mr. Charles Blake Mr. B. Gordon Dickey Mrs. Jean Adamiec Ms. Nadine Blancato Ms. Carol Dillon Ms. B. Jean Adams Ms. Betty J. Boone Mrs. Dorothy V. Dillon Ms. Ethel Adler Mrs. Lauretta Borgman Ms. Carol DiNolfo Mr. William Akel Mr. Rick Boston Ms. Levona Dollins Ms. Veronica Alcarese Mrs. Sheila Bowdish Ms. Ellen Donahue Ms. Susan Alden Ms. Ada-Marie Bowers Ms. Stephanie Donnelly Ms. Nancy L. Alexis Ms. Bernadine Boysen Mrs. Martha R. Dorsett Ms. Jean Allen Ms. Jennifer Brazil Mrs. Inez S. Dossett Ms. Jeane Allen Ms. Vickie Breiten Mrs. Anita Drittel Norma J. Allred, MSN, PhD Ms. Diana Brozas Miss Anthea Duron Mr. William A. Anderson, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth Buley Ms. Leslie Farer Mrs. Julie Anderson-Smith Mrs. Patricia L. Burgmyer Ms. Helen Farr and Mr. Ronald Smith Mr. William H. Burkhardt Ms. Deborah Farrington Ms. Frances Andracchi Mr. Michael Burry Mrs. Edith Fath Mr. and Mrs. John Appleton Mr. Loren Carlington Ms. Cynthia L. Faunce Ms. Donna J. Armstrong Ms. Susan Alexis Ceballos Ms. Pat Feisthamel Mrs. Dorothea Arnold Mr. Paul Chaliff Ms. May Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Arpin Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Chambers Miss Eloise Fennenberg Ms. Gracee Arthur Ms. Patsy Champion Mrs. Clara Feuer Ms. Page I. Austin Ms. Mary Lou Ciborek Mrs. Mary C. Fey Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Avila Mrs. Linda L. Clark Mr. John Fichtner Ms. Betty J. Baer Ms. Dorothy M. Clendenen Ms. June Fields Ms. Ilene Bahr Mrs. Barbara P. Clites Ms. Helen Filler Mr. Erik Banks Mrs. Carol Close-Regeski Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Fischer Ms. Lauren Basham Laura and Greg Coleman Miss Patricia Forbes Mr. Alan W. Baumgardner Ms. Lavinia Coleman Mrs. Joyce E. Ford Judith & John Behren Ms. Ann Collins Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Foreman Dr. John Behrman Ms. Barbara Cooper Mr. Gerald Forman Ms. Barbara Bell Mr. Steven Cooper Mrs. Rose Franken Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bennett Ms. Christine M. Crocco Dr. Benjamin Friedman Mr. Peter Berman Ms. Kathleen Daniels Ms. Mignon Ganne Mrs. Sharon Berner Ms. Janey Dean Ron and Nancy Garret Mr. L. Edward Bevins Ms. Rayna Decotis Ms. Lois Gartlir Ms. Terrie Bingham Ms. Irene DeFelice Mr. Robert C. Gaskell

8 ASPCA Action Allen and Judith Gehrig Ms. Hildegard Katz Ms. Rosalie Miranda Ms. Helen Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Geverts Ms. Mildred E. Katzell Mr. Luis Monje Jack Scott, M.D. Mrs. Dorothy Geyer Ms. Loriann Kazmercyk Ms. Claire Montgomery Jeff and Tracy Sebben Mrs. Barbara K. Gilbert Mrs. Jean R. Kelley Mr. Steven D. Montrouil Mr. William Secord Ms. Deborah Gilbert Mrs. Richard B. Kemp Mrs. Ethel Marie Muse Ms. Sandra Seubert Ms. Henriette Gill Ms. Mari A. Kennedy Ms. Marie Myers Mr. Donald Shea Ms. Nancy Glamore Ms. Audrey King Ms. Lorraine Odom Myrick Ms. Kathryn E. Shepard Mrs. Betty I. Glass Ms. Janet Klein Ms. Cathy Nagle Ms. Daisy Silveira Ms. Eleanor Gochenaur Mr. Robert L. Klingenburg Ms. Evelyn Nelson Mrs. Stephen M. Simons Ms. Christine Goguen Mr. J. C. Knapp Ms. Gloria A. Nelson Mr. Bruce Sokoloff Mrs. Barbara E. Goldstein Mrs. Brigitte M. Knickelbein Mrs. Judith Nystul Ms. Benita Somerfield Ms. Jerri M. Graves Ms. Shari Kochman Ms. Peggy Ogden Mr. John S. Soubik Ms. Rochelle Green Mr. Richard Koerner Ms. Norah Olivastro Ms. Sally Spooner Ms. Joanne M. Gregory Ms. Wanda Kosinski Mr. and Mrs. Richard Osborne Ms. Carolyn N. Stafford Mr. and Mrs. John Gribbin Miss Jane C. Koutnik Mr. Saul Ostrow Ms. Marian Stanley Mr. Thomas M. Griffing Ms. Deborah Krotzer Ms. Ann Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Jay Steinberg Ms. Gloria Gurney Ms. Angela Lamicella Mr. William F. Pane Mrs. Anna Stephan Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Haas Ms. Claire Lang Ms. Antoinette Panico Ms. Barbara Stott Colonel Iris M. Hageney Mr. and Mrs. Dean T. Langford Ms. Melissa Paul Mrs. Maria K. Street Mr. Ryan J. Hagewood Ms. Joanne Langley Ms. Carol Ann Payne Ms. Phyllis R. Strickler Ms. Virginia M. Hannah Ms. Sharon Larando Annette and Jay Pennock Ms. Emma J. Stuart Ms. Janna Hardy Ms. Billie Larsen Ms. Theresa A. Perenich Ms. Alice Stuart Ms. Frances A. Harris Ms. Joan Leonard Ms. Lisa Perniciaro Ms. Marilyn Suthers Mr. and Mrs. Rich Hartman Mr. Donald Levin Ms. Camille Perrin Mr. Charles Suttoni Mr. Donald Heim Ms. Michele E. Liana Ms. Olga Peters, R.N. Mr. Michael L. Thornton Miss Gabriele Heinicke Mrs. Claire K. Lindgren Mr. Edgar Pfarre Ms. Jennie Tichenor Mrs. Bernice T. Hemmert Ms. Diane Lirhus Mr. Robert F. Pikor Mr. Scott E. Troy Dr. Frederick Hendricks Mrs. M.H. Guertin Lock Miss Jacqueline G. Pippin Ms. Barbara V. Tufts Mrs. Gloria A. Hibbard Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Loesche Ms. Mary Pitts Mrs. Audrey Tuteur Mrs. Renee M. Hill Mr. Frank Logue Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poignant Ms. Patricia Tyler Miss Margaret Hodges Ms. Jeanne M. Lucenti Ms. Sharon Polo Mrs. Helen Unterleitner Mrs. Martha M. Hoess Ms. Nancy Ludwig Mr. Norman Pos Mrs. Greta Uphouse Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hommey Mr. Chris Lynch Ms. Linda Powell Ms. Tilla Van Biema Mrs. Dorothy P. Hoover Ms. Christie Lyons Mr. Neale A. Quinn Ms. Elizabeth L. Van Duzer Ms. Elvira Hovan Ms. Marie Lyons and Miss Kelly Quinn Dr. Robert K. Vartanian Mrs. Linda Howard Mr. Rodger Lysiak Mrs. Edna Randolph Ms. Kristina Verna Mr. and Mrs. W. Norman Hudnett Ms. Kathleen Maher Mrs. G. Raumann Ms. Catherine V. von Schon Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Ms. Alice Maloney Ms. Joan Rawlins Mrs. Mildred Ward Hudson, Jr. Ms. Cynthia Manseau Ms. Carol Remy & Ms. Ada W. Warner Ms. Janet Hughes Mr. R. Jennings Mangum Mr. Nasir Wajihuddin Ms. Andria Watson Ms. Diana Hulet Ms. Lila M. Manor Ms. Valerie Retter Ms. Carrie J. Webster Dr. Patricia Susan Ms. Anastasia Manukian Mr. Art Reynolds Ms. Barbara Westall Humphrey-Rushing Ms. Sandra Marcelle Ms. Marilyn Richman Ms. Annah White Mrs. Elizabeth Hurd Ms. Betty Marks Mrs. Gloria Riddall Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. White Mr. Jerome Hutcheson Ms. Margaret H. Marshall Ms. Adela Rivas Ms. Elizabeth Whitehill Ms. Laila Monia Ingemansson Ms. Ann Martini Mrs. Mary Ellen Robinson Mrs. Marie Whitlatch Dara and Rick Jennings Ron and Sheryl Martinson Ms. Joanne K. Rodwell Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wickworth Ms. Kathryn M. Jennings Mr. Garry Matney Ms. Clorinda Romano Ms. Regina Williams Ms. Virginia Jernstrom Ms. Jane McCune Ms. Carol J. Ross Mr. Charles C. Williams Ms. Arlene Jerstad Ms. Suzanne McCune Mr. Donald G. Ross Ms. Pamela Winter Mrs. Lincoln Johnson Mr. Ronald W. McNew Ms. Patricia B. Roth Ms. Vivian Winterman Ms. Marie Johnston Ms. Ruth Medici Mrs. Carmen St. Claire-Rourke Ms. Nancy Wintner Mr. Charles Jones Mr. John V. Meeks Ms. Melissa Ruck Ms. Susan D. Wisniewski Ms. Frances A. Jones Ms. R. Rosalie Metzger Ms. Mindy Ruzumna Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wulff Mrs. Helen Karageorges Ms. Linda Miller Ms. Gertrude Salzer Ms. Charlotte R. Yater Mr. George Karnoutsos Mrs. Monica Miller Ms. Karen Schaffer Ms. Marilyn Young Ms. Roberta Karsch Ms. Paula Miller Ms. Evelyn Schiesl Ms. Monika F. Zuckerman Ms. Meredith Kattke Ms. Nancy Minosola Mrs. Joan F. Schmidt

Spring 2006 9 >> OUTREACH $10,000 BORN TO BE WILD ■ South Dakota A $10,000 grant from the ASPCA Equine Fund will help the International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros preserve and promote understanding of wild horses and burros throughout the United States. Situated on 680 acres in Lantry, SD, the organization cares for three separate and unique wild horse herds and continues to play a vital role in saving animals’ lives, protecting habitats, and promoting equine adoptions.

✷ ✷ 300+ TRAINING POLICE OFFICERS & OTHERS ■ Oregon to New York Hundreds of attorneys, law students, veterinarians, police, and animal control officers attend dozens of talks given by ASPCA anti-cruelty experts each month to learn more about protecting animals in their communities. Recent topics ranged from “Circuses: ✷ Recent Legal Challenges & Evolving Standards of Animal Cruelty,” presented at the Lewis & Clark College School of Law in Portland, OR, to “Advocating for Animals: Effective Use of the Legislative Process” at the Empire State Animal Protection Forum in Albany, NY. $10,000 ANIMAL UPGRADE ■ San Antonio Animal Care Services received a $10,000 ASPCA grant to train staff, purchase equipment, and provide more humane methods of euthanasia. Funds will help to improve the level of care and service at the agency, which serves animals throughout the city of San Antonio, TX. It’s just one of the ways the ASPCA is reaching out to shelters across America to promote adoptions and raise the standards for homeless pets, one animal at a time. Your Dolla 10 ASPCA Action $7,500 FIX’M NOW! ■ Ohio A $7,500 grant from the ASPCA will go a long way toward helping PetFix Northeast Ohio of Chagrin Falls stem pet overpopulation in a nine-county area in the northeastern part of the state. The funds will help pay for surgical supplies for the 33-foot mobile clinic on wheels, adorned with colorful “fix’m now!” graphics, designed to perform dozens of low-cost spay and neuter surgeries a day. The ASPCA served as advisors to help get the program up and rolling this past December. $5,000 ✷ ✷ TO THE RESCUE ■ West Virginia When the Mason County Animal Welfare League in Point Pleasant, WV, suffered a devastating fire and explosion while a new heating system was being installed in November, the ASPCA was there to help. A $5,000 grant will help the organization to recover ✷ and build a new no-kill shelter on the site. It’s just one of the many ways ASPCA Disaster Relief aids animals impacted by hurricanes, wildfires, and other disasters, both natural and man-made.

$10 million and counting STORM RECOVERY AND REBUILDING ■ Gulf Coast Months after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated the Gulf Coast, the ASPCA continues to provide on-site expertise and to disburse millions of dollars to aid animals displaced by the storms. Efforts to rebuild such shelters as The of South Mississippi in Gulfport, MS, and the Louisiana SPCA in New Orleans are underway. Millions more have been awarded to hundreds of animal protection agencies nationwide to rescue, reunite, and re-home pets displaced by the storms and restore animal control programs throughout the area. rs At Work Spring 2006 11 >> ADVOCACY Protect Pets in Emergencies Support the Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act (PETS)

The ASPCA’s Allison Cardona helps rescue pets left behind after Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Many Katrina disaster victims behind, but the burden placed on it has become shockingly apparent were forced to leave their pets animal rescuers was overwhelming. that provisions must be made for behind when they evacuated Many risked their lives saving as our trusted companions in major their homes because no provisions many abandoned animals as disasters and emergencies. ASPCA had been made to evacuate possible. This could have been legal experts have been working companion animals along with avoided if state preparedness plans closely with lawmakers to draft a their families. The emotional had taken people with pets and bill that would protect both people trauma and suffering was service animals into account prior and animals in the event of similar compounded by the health and to the disaster. major disasters. safety risks that resulted from so The PETS bill would help The Pets Evacuation and many abandoned animals in one ensure that this situation does not Transportation Standards Act area. Moreover, many pet owners, repeat itself if another major (PETS) would require the Director knowing their companion animals disaster strikes. Take action now. of FEMA, in approving standards could not accompany them, opted Write your representatives and for state and local disaster to stay in their homes with their urge them to support and preparedness plans, to ensure that pets, further complicating human cosponsor this important the plans take into account the rescue efforts. legislation. For contact needs of individuals with The humane community was information and sample letters, household pets and service animals. able to rescue many pets left visit ■

12 ASPCA Action State Highlights

Fighting Cruelty by the Book the truck. Many thanks to check their choice on line 17C of Illinois Governor Rell for signing this state tax forms. Donations go The ASPCA and the Regional humane measure! directly to fund the Louisiana Institute of Community Policing Animal Welfare Commission, which have partnered to bring police Fingerprinting Abusers, supports such worthy initiatives as officers and prosecutors a new Controlling Pet Overpopulation spay and neuter, public education, and anti-cruelty enforcement. For tool to fight animal cruelty: the New York more info, visit Illinois Cruelty Investigation The past year has been a good Manual. The guide, written by one for animal-friendly legislation in Fear-Free Reporting Madison County Assistant State’s New York State. Highlights include Attorney Amy Maher, is a valuable new laws aimed at cracking down Colorado addition to on-site ASPCA anti- on animal abusers and stemming In order to stop animal cruelty and cruelty training and has been the problem of pet overpopulation, abuse, animal lovers must be able mailed to law enforcement issues vital to the ASPCA. to report suspected cruelty without agencies and shelters throughout A.1011-A, newly effective fear of civil or criminal liability for the state. Remember: Illinois legislation written and reporting the incident. Thank Cruelty Law pocket cards are also spearheaded by the ASPCA, Governor Bill Owens for signing now available through the ASPCA requires that individuals arrested House Bill 1202 into law, granting resource guide. Call Tawnya at for misdemeanor animal cruelty be immunity from liability for reporting (217) 337-9821 for more info. fingerprinted and photographed as animal cruelty to authorities. Thanks for taking action! required for other misdemeanor crimes. Up until now, there was no Ban Leghold Traps Picking Up on Pet Safety means to ensure accurate criminal Rhode Island Connecticut history records for these offenders. Steel-jawed leghold traps cause In recognition of the avoidable The law also makes misdemeanor excruciating pain not only to injuries and deaths that have cruelty a “Class A” rather than an wildlife but to “nontarget” animals occurred to dogs riding in the unclassified misdemeanor. like household dogs and cats. back of pick-up trucks, Governor Another law that was written Though Rhode Island law currently M. Jodi Rell has signed Senate Bill and spearheaded by the ASPCA, prohibits the use of these traps, 1116. This bill prohibits the A.7644, expands the coverage of special permit exceptions may be transport of a dog in the back of a New York’s low-cost spay and obtained for “nuisance” animals. pick-up truck unless the dog is neuter program to low-income House Bill 5533 would eliminate secured or otherwise protected New Yorkers regardless of where the possibility of obtaining a from jumping or being thrown from they obtain their pets. The previous special permit to use leghold traps. Animal Population Animal Control Urge your House leaders to Program was limited to residents support this bill and release it for a who adopt dogs and cats from vote by the full House; for contact shelters and humane societies info and a sample letter, visit within the state.

Tax-Season Benefits TAKE ACTION IN Louisiana YOUR STATE Now you can donate all or part of To learn more about important your income tax overpayment to animal welfare bills in your state help promote the proper treatment and find contact info and sample and well-being of animals in the letters for your state lawmakers, join Bayou State. To take part, the ASPCA Advocacy Brigade at Louisiana residents can simply

Spring 2006 13 >> PET PARENTS A Pet-Safe Garden Many plants and garden products can be harmful, even toxic, to pets. Some extra care can help keep your pets safe this planting season.

Plants that can be toxic Pesticides and fertilizers If you suspect your pet has to the heart Make sure your pets do not go on ingested a poisonous plant: Lily of the Valley (Convallaria lawns or in gardens treated with Contact your veterinarian majalis) fertilizers, herbicides, or insecticides immediately. Bring part of Oleander (Nerium oleander) until the time listed on the label by the plant to a nursery for Rhododendron, Azalea, and the manufacturer has elapsed. If you identification if you’re unsure of Rosebay are uncertain about any product, the exact species. Symptoms of Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) call the manufacturer before using poisoning can include not just Kalanchoe it. Always store products in areas digestive upset or loss of appetite that are inaccessible to your pets— but almost any clinical sign. The Plants that could cause read the label carefully for proper animal may even appear kidney failure usage and storage instructions. completely normal for several Lilies (Lilium and Hemerocallis Although you could train your hours or days. species, in cats only) pets to avoid certain areas of the For more toxicology tips or to Rhubarb (Rheum species, leaves home or yard where poisonous view a toxic and non-toxic plant only) plants grow, the safest method is to list, visit the ASPCA Animal Shamrock (oxalis species) prevent exposure by not planting Poison Control Center on the hazardous species or removing Web at Plants or fungi that could them if they are already there. cause liver failure Cycads (Cycad species, such as Sago Palm) Mushroom (Amanita phalloides)

Plants that could damage multiple organs Autumn Crocus (Colchicum species, may damage the GI tract, bone marrow, kidneys, or liver) Castor Bean (Ricinus species, can cause kidney or liver failure, convulsions, and death)

Mushrooms ALWAYS assume that any ingested wild mushroom is highly toxic until a mycologist positively identifies it. Toxic and non-toxic mushrooms can grow in the same area.

14 ASPCA Action >> ASK OUR EXPERTS Canine The Truth about Cats & Dogs

Good Citizen Pamela Reid, Ph.D., is VP of the ASPCA Animal Behavior Center and a certified applied animal behaviorist.

Jacque Lynn Schultz, M.A., Q. I have a dog and was hoping to adopt a CPDT, is Director & homeless cat rescued from Katrina. Can a cat Companion Animal and a dog get along fine? L.B., Altoona, PA Programs Advisor for ASPCA Shelter A. Absolutely! Dogs and cats can become fast friends. It is

Photo by Jack Deutsch Outreach. usually necessary for them to be accustomed to the other species when they are youngsters. This early exposure teaches them that it is normal to Q. What is a “canine good co-exist in a household together. If possible, select a cat that is confident citizen”? J.J., Mobile, AL and curious about dogs. When you introduce them, the dog should be leashed and under control. Allow the cat A. The moniker Canine Good to explore the room. If the cat approaches the dog and Citizen (CGC) is one that is he doesn’t try to grab the cat, they should be fine awarded to a dog that has passed a together. Sometimes the cat will need to give the dog ten-item canine etiquette test, a swat or two for the dog to be gentler. You can help thus proving itself to be safe and by verbally discouraging the dog if he gives chase or responsive to obedience cues such gets too rough. If the cat is afraid of the dog, give the as “sit,” “down,” and “stay” in cat a few days to become comfortable in part of public. Designed by the American the home before introducing them Kennel Club (AKC) in 1989 as a again. If the cat ends up hiding for tool to fight breed-specific more than a couple of weeks, you legislation, the CGC program may need to find a dog-free stresses the importance of home for this particular cat. responsible pet guardianship and basic training for dogs and is the only AKC program that welcomes both mixed breed and purebred Easter Bouquet dogs. Some pet therapy Steven Hansen, D.V.M., is Senior VP of the ASPCA organizations use the test as a Animal Poison Control Center. partial screening tool, and 4-H groups have designed pet-training Q. Is it OK to send my sister lilies this programs for kids around it. Easter? She just got a cat. G.X., Austin, TX Throughout the country, state legislators have recognized the A. No. Lilium spp. (Easter Lily, Lily, Asiatic Lily and other ‘true’ CGC program as a way to lilies) and Hemerocallis spp. (Daylily) are both highly toxic to cats, advocate responsible pet producing life-threatening kidney failure. All parts of these plants are toxic, ownership and 22 states now have and even ingestion of small pieces of plant material can produce clinical Canine Good Citizen resolutions. effects. Therefore, it is critical that these lillies never be brought into a home with cats.

HAVE A QUESTION? ASK OUR EXPERTS E-mail: [email protected], or write: ASPCA Action, 424 East 92nd Street, New York, NY 10128 Visit for more answers about your companion animal health and behavior questions from the ASPCA experts.

Spring 2006 15 >> PEOPLE & EVENTS

Nintendo, makers of the Nintendogs computer game that Readers’ Choice lets virtual pet parents train, care for, and play with lifelike puppies on their computers. ASPCA hounds found loving homes after donning fashions from Little Lily, the designer to the stylish pups of stars like Paris Hilton, Britney Dogs Hit Catwalk Spears, Lindsay Lohan, and Hilary Duff. In recognition of the Adoptable pups from the ASPCA ASPCA’s life-saving work for hit the catwalk in New York’s animals, Nintendo and the Riverside Park this fall for the computer game retailer Nintendogs Doggy Fashion Show. GameStop donated $50,000 to The celebration was hosted by the ASPCA. ■ Living a Dog’s Life In her new book Living a Dog’s Life (March 2006, St. Martin’s Press), New York Post gossip columnist and bestselling author Cindy Adams shares the big life lessons she has learned from her tiny Yorkies Jazzy and Juicy. Just when life was at its best, Cindy suffered a terrible tragedy when her first Yorkie, Jazzy, died unexpectedly. Cindy was devastated and certain she would never love again. But as her relationship grew with her second Yorkie, Juicy, and the loving, single-minded pooch claimed her rightful place in the center of Cindy’s lap, she realized that once again a wise furry companion had shown her that “Life Carriage reasonable position is to keep them is good. Life goes on.” in Central Park and out of traffic.” With her trademark wit, Cindy Horse Safety The ASPCA continues its 140- tells hilarious stories from her Horse lovers were shocked by year tradition of protecting working glamorous life: covering the Tony January’s news that one of New animals by continuing to lobby for Awards, dating a baron, being a bridesmaid at Liza Minnelli’s York City’s graceful carriage horses laws restricting carriage horses to wedding. But Cindy soon realized and its driver were critically injured the park, away from hazardous that not even the most glamorous after the animal bolted in midtown urban traffic. ASPCA officers also celebrity gala can compare to the traffic and collided with a car. “A routinely monitor the animals’ intimate heartfelt joy she receives horse can be spooked and no one health and living conditions and are from parenting two little “hairballs” is sure why — with all that stimuli, authorized to order carriages off the that warm her bones and share her home. anything can do it,” said ASPCA streets if temperatures climb too President Ed Sayres. “We think a high or low. ■

16 ASPCA Action World’s Coolest Pets Celebrity Corner Maureen McGovern Singer, Actress with Nicky (who has since passed away) and Rocky Best Biker Q. What was the name of your first pet? Best Cats Best Dog A. Tinkerbell, a Boxer.

Q. What’s your fondest “pet memory”? A. Nicky, my late Yorkie, accompanied me to President Clinton’s first inauguration. While his Sherpa bag went through the security x-ray machine, the Best Yawn secret service remarked, “Well, this is a first!” Best Friends Thanks to all of you who voted in and Q. Cats or Dogs?’s “World’s Coolest Dog & Cat Show,” A. Big dog lover…sadly, allergic sponsored in part by the ASPCA. to cats.

Q. Why are groups like the ASPCA so important? A. Since Henry Bergh’s passionate and hard work in April establishing the ASPCA in 1866, many organizations have Is Anti-Cruelty followed suit in providing care and protection for all animals. Month! The ASPCA remains the leader in its passionate and steadfast commitment to eradicating Join us on this 140th Anniversary Year by doing your part to fight animal cruelty to animals and protecting cruelty in your home town. their quality of life. Cheers to the * Be aware. Without phone calls from concerned citizens, humane ASPCA! organizations wouldn’t know about most instances of abuse. * Learn what constitutes cruelty. Possible signs include wounds, thinness, limping, or dogs left chained in yards without food or water. Q. Do you share your life * Know who to call. In some towns, police investigate animal cruelty; in with pets now? others, it’s local animal control. A. Yes. With Rocky, my 11-year- old Yorkie, and Hannah, my To learn more about ways you can join the fight to end animal cruelty, 7-year-old Silkie. visit Together we can make a difference.

Spring 2006 17 >> YOUR STORIES

Shorty are THE happiest cats in the world, so happy to be alive. As Artist’s Corner for me, I could not have asked for better friends, and they are my Brandy showed up as a puppy on our kids, too. What would the world doorstep after nearly getting run over by a be without animals? car. Cute and frisky, he tumbled over to my son and licked his face. The week before we had been to our local shelter and adopted Mae, a shepherd pup who had spent her life tied to a tree before being rescued by an animal rescue team. The ropes had grown into her neck, and she needed surgery to repair the damage. Brandy and Mae, now seven years old, are wonderful dogs and best friends who do everything together. Yvonne M. Ward, Bronx, NY

Our 3 Sons Greg F., Teagan B., and Ben W., Coopersburg, PA Forever Home Parents from write: Debbie A. and Bailee, The tragedy that hit the Gulf Pittsfield, MA Coast region earlier this year struck Bailee had been left at a “high- a particular chord with our three kill” shelter in Ohio but rescued boys—Greg, Ben, and Teagan. As by a Connecticut group called news of the devastation unfolded, Amanda Connections. When I got our children, who are friends and him, he didn’t want to go outside neighbors, watched with quiet or get in the car because he was concern, unsure of what to feel or My 3 Kids afraid I was going to leave him do. Yet they wished to help. Olga A., Fall River, MA somewhere. But once he realized All three boys have birthdays Lady (left), my first cat, arrived he had a “forever” home with my around the same time of year. This hungry, dirty, and homeless after year, in lieu of gifts, they asked her previous owner abandoned cats and me, his self-confidence their friends and families to her after an apartment fire. Two grew daily. Now he loves going donate money to the ASPCA months later, my vet showed me for rides and walks. Adopting a Disaster Relief Fund at a joint two tiny kittens whose owner had dog through a shelter has really birthday party held September 23, wanted them killed because each opened my eyes. I hope sharing 2005. They collected $1,128.56! had only one eye. I fell in love “our” story will help other pets Greg’s dog Parker, rescued by with those two balls of fur and find a home where they can count caring hands after the took them home. Today, Julia and on being loved and taken care of. hurricanes, was our “poster dog.” We know that there are many more Parkers out there. Please use FUN FACT: this money to care for and save the displaced animals of Louisiana People who have pets live longer, and and Mississippi and to help find have less stress and fewer heart attacks. them homes.

18 ASPCA Action distinctly lost. I came back with a In Memory cat carrier and in she marched. of Magnum When I took her to my vet in the morning, it turned out she’d Hidden beneath the rubble belonged to one of the vet techs! and the trash, a black dog’s What are the odds? The tech had eyes flash. named her Pez but had to give Paws tied behind a deeply her to the pound for adoption scarred and burnt body, a because of an allergy. She was sad looking little tottie. visibly upset how thin Pez was Wagging his tail from left to after living on the streets for three right, this guy had to fight. Smiling Giant He only lived a few days more, months, declawed. but his memory will kick Morgan and Alexis W. That’s the train of coincidences with Isabelle, down the door. that let me fulfill my promise to So…As he was laid to rest, Minneapolis, MN save a life. My Pez is soft as let’s not forget the quest, We had wanted a dog for the and that is to fight and fight longest time when we spotted some more, Isabelle at our local shelter. She was To end animal cruelty and a Great Pyrenees, a breed our shove it out the door. mother had been researching to — Jessie N., Wichita, KS buy. Campers had found her wandering with no tags in the cashmere and keeps my older cats northern woods. She was so thin on their toes. Every day I wake up and her fur was shaved where burrs and find her in the trio of waiting had clung to her, but she seemed faces (feed us!), I’m so grateful we so gentle and loving. We had no found each other. choice but to bring her home. Five years have now passed, and Isabelle is one very big, furry six- year-old. We are certain that Therapy Team sometimes she looks as though she is smiling, happy in her new home. Thanks to all of you who shared your tales for our ASPCA Therapy Dog contest! Cat Coincidence Kay and Elvis, Encinitas, CA Heather R. and Pez, San Marcos, TX Pet parent Kay Mangio learned the I try to do something charitable value of therapy dog work after her whenever I get some luck in my father developed Parkinson’s disease and moved to an assisted-living facility. She would take him on outings, but “he always had to be back life. So when I was given a by 2 p.m. to visit with the dogs.” After she adopted a special needs generous break on renting a house, older mutt from the Rancho Coastal Humane Society, a cocker-Bassett I decided to adopt a third cat. hound mix named Elvis, she was delighted to be able to spread the My first day in the house, I went warmth by joining the shelter’s pet therapy program. She and Elvis now to check my rental mailbox late at make regular visits to a local nursing home. “We may be the only night. There I found this dark, big- visitors that some of these patients receive,” she says. Although Mangio calls Elvis “a bit of a drama king” because of his need for attention, eyed tabby without a collar singing together the team is making a big difference in the lives of others. her heart out and looking

Spring 2006 19 YOUR STORIES

Angel Annie of the camera or flirt her way into someone else’s Jackie K. and Annie game of fetch. Sadly, Annie’s time with us ended all too soon. ASPCA Member, San Bernardino, CA Shortly after her second birthday I noticed her “Never judge a book stomach felt tight. Exploratory surgery revealed her by its cover,” I often organs were riddled with cancer and her prognosis quoted. But one cold grim. and rainy morning a Brokenhearted, we let her go. We received floods of few short years ago, I e-mails from those who knew Annie and shared our was challenged to sorrow. Prior to Annie’s death we’d rescued our second pit bull, Hannah. We visited a local shelter the “practice what I day after we lost Annie and adopted our third, Gracie. preached.” As I leaned It was then I’d realized Annie was very special through the window indeed. Annie saved lives, including the lives of of my husband’s truck Hannah, Gracie, and others we’ve adopted as our for a quick kiss as he rescue efforts continue. Sometimes I wonder who left for work, the kiss I rescued whom, but deep in my heart I know the received in return came not from my husband but answer and it puts a smile on my face: Angel Annie. from a small brown and white bundle of canine fuzz seeking refuge from the elements under our truck. I quickly scooped up the pup, only to discover the little stray was a pit bull terrier. Suddenly every horror story I ever heard about the breed flashed through my mind. She could stay until we found her a home…but she would have to go! Luckily we found her the perfect home—our own! I had fallen madly in love. We named her Annie—not a red-head, but a red-nosed orphan just the same. I spent hours researching the breed, and trips to the dog park were met with disbelief when I revealed that this exuberant, overly friendly dog was indeed a pit bull. Annie made friends wherever we went, and never passed up an opportunity to ham it up in front Annie (photo, left) inspired many subsequent rescues.

Have a rescue tale? Send us YOUR STORIES E-mail us: [email protected], or write: ASPCA Action, 424 East 92nd Street, New York, NY 10128. Please include your name, address, and a photo (high-resolution digital or print) we can keep. Stories will be edited to fit.

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals NON PROFIT ORG. ASPCA Action Returns U.S. POSTAGE P.O. Box 97288 PAID Founded in 1866, the American Society for the Prevention of PPCO Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) was the first humane organization Washington, DC 20090-7288 established in the Western Hemisphere and today has one million supporters. The ASPCA’s mission is to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the U.S. The ASPCA provides national leadership in humane education, government affairs and public policy, shelter support, and animal poison control. The NYC headquarters houses a full-service animal hospital, animal behavior center, and adoption facility. The Humane Law Enforcement department enforces New York’s animal cruelty laws and is featured on the reality TV series Animal Precinct on Animal Planet. Visit for more information.