260 Franklin Street BROOKS & DERENSIS Suite 700 ro Boston, MA 02110 (857) 259-5200 (857) 259-5212 fax Paul R. DeRensis, Esq. pdet·ensis@ bd boston.com March 21, 2021 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL AND FIRST-CLASS MAIL to
[email protected] Select Board Town of Cohasset 41 Highland Ave Cohasset MA 02025 RE: Response to RFQ for Legal Services Town of Cohasset Dear Members of the Select Board: We submit this application to continue to provide legal services for the Town of Cohasset. Our response to this RFQ includes a unified encompassing proposal to provide comprehensive legal services as we have in the past, so that we propose to provide legal service areas combined with other legal service areas labelled in the RFQ as "A" through "E", (Town Counsel, Labor & Employment, Environmental and Land Use, and Litigation and Special Counsel) or some combination of areas, or each of these areas separately. I, Paul DeRensis, have been Town Counsel for the Town of Cohasset for twenty-five years, with responsibility (except in the last few years), for comprehensively all legal services needed by the Town. As was required by the Agreement between the Town and Town Counsel, and by the General Bylaws of the Town regarding Town Counsel, whatever area of legal practice has been needed by the Town, I made sure was supplied to the Town. You know our accomplishments including successfully extracting the Town from some precarious situations, and you know that the Town of Cohasset has been safe from harm for that entire period. The Agreement for Legal Services currently in place with the Town of Cohasset has been with me personally, and names me as a primary obligor but allows me to draw upon others that I am working with for additional legal support.