One of a Rediscovering kind feature Camp Ramah Ora Markstein’s What happened to prized possessions P10 Hamilton enrolment? P14 Hamilton Jewish News THE VOICE OF JEWISH HAMILTON HAMILTONJEWISHNEWS.COM APRIL 2016 VOL 30:3/ NISSAN 5776

AGREEMENT #40007180

Our Future. Powered by you. by BARB BABIJ, CEO, Hamilton Jewish Federation Moved by he town of Berdichev was why this stingy man was receiv- buzzing with the news ing so much respect and honour. of the death of a certain When the funeral was over, moral imperative very wealthy Jew. The people approached the rabbi and townspeopleT didn’t shed a tear; asked the reason for such a show for this man, who had been so SYRIAN REFUGEE SPONSORSHIP of honour to such a person. blessed in his life shared not a “No one knew him like I did,” IN THE JEWISH COMMUNITY penny of his great wealth. The was his reply. “Everyone took rabbi of the town, the renowned and saintly Rabbi Levi Yitzchak, him to be a miser, but I came to however, was deeply grieved by discover his true character. Your the passing of the wealthy miser, assessment of the deceased was and even planned to attend his very wrong. He was no miser. On funeral. The townspeople were the contrary, he was a great and incredulous. However, because saintly person who practiced the the rabbi was attending, they too giving of charity on the highest decided to attend and discover level.”


Members of Beth Jacob Synagogue’s Refugee Sponsorship Committee include those seated above: Back row, l to r, Yael Reznick DeMarco, Ahmad Musa, an interpreter from the Muslim Association of Hamilton ; Middle row, l to r, Judi Caplan, Elissa Press, Shelley Sender; Front row, l to r: Marvin Caplan, Rabbi Hillel Lavery-Yisraeli and Laura Ludwin.

Story and photos by WENDY SCHNEIDER, the Hamilton Jewish News Federico Treguer, 20, who leads tours at Buenos Aires’s Jewish museum, represents the city’s thriving and pluralistic Jewish community. Photo by Wendy Schneider t was the photograph that changed everything. The image of drowned Syrian toddler Alan Kurdi lying face down in the sand on a Turkish beach that The of Argentina appeared on the front page of newspapers throughout the country virtually The history of Argentina and its Jews reflects the complex overnight changed the way Canadians thought about the Syrian refugee and fascinating character of a country once envisioned as crisis last September. the new Jewish state while Russian and Eastern European ISuddenly, Canadians from across the country overrun by radical Islamists, for the most pogroms were raging, but whose traditions of liberalism and were galvanized into action, either offering part, the Jewish community is playing a leniency allowed for an influx of Nazi war criminals in the to volunteer or trying to find information significant role in bringing Syrian refugees to 1940s and 1950s. At least 250,000 Jews live in Argentina, about privately sponsoring a Syrian refugee. Canada, according to the Jewish Immigrant The plight of Syrian refugees has had Aid Society (JIAS), under whose auspices making it the seventh largest community in the world and the a particularly strong impact on Jewish some 35 Jewish organizations, including largest in Latin America. Its heart is the vibrant city of Buenos Canadians, many of whom see their own synagogues, schools, private groups and Aires, where Jews have played a prominent role in the arts, past reflected in the surge of mostly Muslim refugees fleeing war and tyranny in the individuals have submitted applications for journalism, commerce and politics throughout the ages. Middle East. While some have questioned private sponsorship. Here in Hamilton, two Exploring Buenos Aires through a uniquely Jewish lens is the the wisdom of taking in a population from synagogues and a book group are also doing their part. subject of our travel feature, found on page 22. a country that is both hostile to Israel and See MOVED BY MORAL IMPERATIVE page 7

Passover Fun Crossword Puzzle P12 2 HAMILTON JEWISH NEWS • APRIL 2016 Editorial 905-547-3211 | 350 Parkdale Ave. N,Hamilton cieowners. respective a their Inc., of Canada property Waterhouse the are TD trademarks of All division Fund. a Protection is Investor Advice Canadian Advisor. Investment the Investment of Private CFA, Member Wealth Thomson, – TD Scott Inc. Advice. Canada and Investment Waterhouse Advisor ® Private TD Investment Wealth Bank. Fowler, Toronto-Dominion TD Shane The of Advisor, part Investment is and President Associates Vice and Fowler, Fowler Dwight of consists Associates and Fowler Fax: Free: Toll 905-528-6349 Planning Estate and Investment Complete Advice Investment Private Wealth TD Associates and Fowler netetAdvisor Investment Thomson Scott /TheTDlogoandothertrade-marksarethepropertyofTheToronto-DominionBankorawholly-ownedsubsidiary,inCanadaand/orinothercountries. 905-528-6897 1-800-775-0037 Accountability Dependability, 905-528-4254 Advisor Investment President, Vice wgtA olrSaeFowler Shane Fowler A. Dwight & Trust 905-528-0113 Advisor Investment usdayof subsidiary ELISSA PRESS Jacob Synagogue. Elissa Press is chair of the Social Justice andSyrianRefugee Committee at Beth future. abetter shape actions Let our free. can call themselves too they until have ofthem in front others many so that journey the letusnotforget freedom, to ourjourney about asJews. obligations andour ourfaith to iscentral inJudaism justice Social land. inthe strangers Torahin the we were once because love we commandedto stranger, are the times six place.Thirty abetter world canbecome the Through ouractions afuture. We people. very least, oratthe future, us better canchangethe make a‘deliverer.’ iscalledonto be to Ourcollective experience/memory ofmutuality, network ofdestiny.” garment an inescapable inasingle tied We everywhere. justice to caughtin are anywhere isathreat Jr., “Injustice King, Luther leaderDr. Martin words ofcivilrights Inthe oppressed. being is whileanother free be Onecannottruly we slaves. Until we allfree, are are how we present. shape actinthe to revenge, butrather seek notto remember andtyranny. injustice against action isanongoingcallto WePassover story Passover story. inthe TheWe present ourselves imagine commandedto are landofEgypt.” the from went asifwe forth ourselves ourselves regard to We obliged may we free.” allofusare allbe “Inevery generation taught are ( children. are world’s refugees Over halfofthe few, ofrefugees. andthousands hundreds ledto hasalso namebuta andSudan to ofCongo, Republic Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, as such countries inother conflict people, ofdisplaced number largest the org/558193896.html) for accounts currently While inSyria conflict the (http://www.unhcr. asylum. or seeking displaced, internally a refugee, Oneinevery 122 level ever isnowhighest recorded. humanbeings either crisis? child labour, hungerandpoverty? What refugee canwe helpendthe doto oppression? justice. ofsocial triumph the of story isthe ofExodus The story forrefugees. reality analternate is there too so slaves neednotalwaysbe asslaves Just AndHope. andsalvation. tion PERSPECTIVES T Give now families. Changehardshipintohope today. your help, shelterisprovided for homeless our community. and with Through ourefforts isthesafety netforThe JewishFederation hardships. grim face Others herbs. We bitter taste weAt recline. seder the Many table have no bed. As we eat the bread of affliction, taste the bitter herbs ofslavery, herbs bitter the andthink taste ofaffliction, As we bread eatthe power eachoneofushasthe we that learn Passover story Through the We Next year by “This our Passover seder reading year we slaves. are start hasnow the worldwide displacement reached UNHCR, the to According violence,humantrafficking, asdomestic such issues How dowe address modern-day fightagainst deliverance andthe how dowe But understand relating to social justice: oppression, homelessness, hunger,- redemp homelessness, oppression, justice: social to relating themes the are itself exodus large-scale ofthe story the than Even greater Bible. inthe well-known most story ofPassover isthe refugee he story

7 2016 PASSOVER HJN Table ofContents purposes. reject anycontributionforbrevity orlegal reserves condenseor therightto edit, indicated ineachissue.This newspaper must beforwarded by thedeadline Writtensubmissionsor guesteditorials. articles community tocontributeletters, invitesmembersoftheThe HJN EDITORIAL POLICY Circulation 2,000 Hamilton JewishFederation News Inc.andfundedbythe year byHamiltonJewish is publishedfourtimesa NEWS HAMILTON JEWISH Agreement #40007180 Ancaster ONL9G4X1 1030 LowerLionsClubRoad P.O. Box81203 CANADIAN TO: ADDRESSES UNDELIVERABLE RETURN PLEASE Hamilton JewishNews 22 14 9

his wife of 68 years. the words to ‘Siman Tov U’Mazal Tov.” Above: A youthful looking Hanover with Helen, Tov during morning minyan; follwed by, “Here I am 90years of age and I don’t know all Yisraeli to the accompaniment of hand clapping and the singing of Siman Tov u’Mazel girl in my arms is a boy,” he said, about his impromptu dance with Rabbi Hillel Lavery- of the one-liner with these two quips: “I’m dancing with tears in my eyes because the to 1982. Asked how he felt about turning 90, Hanover proved that he is still the master “Mayor of theMorning,” Hanover was a fixture on CHML Radio’s morning show from 1945 in his honour at Beth Jacob last month. Known to generations of Hamiltonians as the Paul Hanover celebrated his 90th birthday at a Sunday morning breakfast organized

Syrian refugee sponsorshipinthecommunity A lamentfordecrease inHamiltonenrolment COVER STORY Jewish tourcovers highlightsofafascinatinghistory ARGENTINA OF JEWS THE TRAVEL CAMPREDISCOVERING RAMAH VOICES Chava Rosenfarb’sTree ofLife UPCOMING EVENTS MAC LECTURE MAC MOVED BY MORAL IMPERATIVE 90 YEARS YOUNG 90 YEARS

Photos of courtesy Beth Jacob Synagogue Barb Babij CEO Larry Szpirglas IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Carl DeLeon PRESIDENT HAMILTON JEWISH FEDERATION 905-627-7099 FAX 905-628-0058 TELEPHONE [email protected] Wendy Schneider EDITOR Wendy Schneider PUBLISHER

IN THIS ISSUE: THIS IN COMING UP • • • • SUMMER ISSUE Special Mentschen Arts 17 Israel Travel Community 19-21 Cover Stories Federation Editorial DEPARTMENTS Shalom Village Voices 14 Passover Feature Profile Upcoming Events Celia Rothenberg Wade Hemsworth Brenda Deskin Aviva Boxer COMMITTEE HJN ADVISORY & EDITORIAL Ira Rosen Yael Reznick DeMarco Orkin ​Andrew Daniel Hershkovitz Mark Gould Vadim Gershkovitz Frank-Davis ​Marla Howard Eisenberg Dressler ​Mike ​Janis PCriger Yves Apel BOARD MEMBERS Estimated Date ofArrival copy ad receiving for Deadline May 2016 20, forDeadline editorial receiving copy space ad booking for Deadline June 22, 2016 22, June 2016 1, June May 2016 9, 16 22-23 PAGE 5 4,5

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3 HAMILTON JEWISH NEWS • APRIL 2016 4 HAMILTON JEWISH NEWS • APRIL 2016 in place on Marchat Jewish 10. Social Services Cohen Ellison holding James’ Purim maskDora-Ann Federation mobile at a community-wide programmobile on a community-wide 24. Miriam Sandilands displays her Tu B’Shevat PJ from theHamilton isagift Jewish Library “Mitzvah” on Feb. crafts 7. resident Russell their McLelland their show off Aaron and Dylan Ginsberg and Shalom Village F PJ L Federation, theLionsofJudahDivision, mainstream. mainstream. Israeli teensandenablingthemtorejointhe jobtrainingandbymentoringat-risk vital • StrengtheningIsrael’spromisethrough education. Jewish Library programandbysupporting • AwakeningJewishidentitythroughthePJ with dignity. and deserve toliveouttheirlivesincomfort their footingandtoHolocaustsurvivorswho • Restoringhopetofamilieswhohavelost Community is… the Shirley andMorrisWaxman Family, ree Join usatanupcomingevents sure you areonthePJ Library and meet other families with [email protected]. Donate email list,contactElaineat Support theCommunityCampaign Support

young children!To make Harold GrinspoonFoundation. ibrary PJ monthevents Library 6 an anonymous donorandthe books Federation-sponsored are opento everyone.

months continues

monthly and


6.5 6.5 in Photos by Elaine Levine 2016! s


f or years

children !

their community.”their of ownership take ...andthey year. community on campusthis their “They about care were welcome. middle. Everyone perspectives andtheir orinthe right it was left, whether feelings, their about could come andtalk people affected. were very Students Israel. placethroughout taking stabbings ofrandom of anoutbreak be?” would there “Why responded. she not,” ofcourse “No, Dayprogram. Israel the during incidents were any there of whether question the to was clear by Dworkin’s reaction significantly Itwasvery successful.” mediaportrays. the notwhat likethat’s isreally imageofwhatIsrael positive this Sowe present news. the hearon exceptforwhatthey atMac...don’tknow Israel anything about students `“Most response. common most wasthe That’s amazing,” “NoIdidn’tknow that. were madeinIsrael. ports the knewthat ifthey them asking atrium, Centre Student inthe passersby to ports USB handedout students and technology. onCampus(IOC) HillelandIsrael latter, Atthe culture food, Israeli showcased dinner, Daythat andanIsrael interfaith well-attended Toronto’s from Bakery, sandwiches 70, ofkosher Hermes twice-weekly shipments a acrowd of attract regularly that Shabbatdinners year students: campus this forJewish on ishappening newsthat good the share to recently HJN down the Dworkin sat with Hillel. fit for McMaster made her a perfect universities at two American as a Hillel director experience Dworkin’s prior atMcMaster. aposition wasoffered ageneticist, husband, They’ve officefor20or30years.” have oncampus. hadthat space T McMaster Hillel director, Judith Dworkin

DALYA COHEN M it bringstogether studentsfrom across campus evening fortheMcMasterJewish community, as such a culturally diverse landscape. guests abouthowwecanseeCanada within Heposedmanyinterestingend. questions to look likewith100 millionpeoplebythecentury’s spoke tothecrowd aboutwhatCanadawould ashe talk wasinsightfulandthought-provoking, asourspeakerfortheevening. Studin’s tions, and president, Institutefor 21st Century Ques ofGlobal Brief Magazine editor-in-chief Studin, dinner. We were honoured towelcomeDr. Irvin 5 atMcMasterHillel’sannualInterfaithShabbat members celebratedShabbattogetheronFeb. Hillel’s Interfaith ShabbatHillel’s Dinner Interfaith Dworkin says she’s extremely impressed by the work done by Jewish students groups groups by work doneby students the Jewish impressed extremely she’s Dworkin says We Dworkin. ...where said anddiscussion were very upset,” heldavigil “Students wake inthe fall, heldlast wasadinneranddiscussion program successful Another have down to quieted appears atMcMaster activity whichanti-Israel The to extent whenherToronto-born moved spring Dworkin andherfamily Dundaslast to InterfaithShabbatdinnerisan important JEWISH LIFE ON CAMPUS director Judith Dworkin, is well loved. “It’s actually rare for a student group to to group forastudent iswell rare Dworkin, loved. actually Judith “It’s director newHillel says space, the Wednesday during bagellunches, capacity afternoon andfilledto groups student AhubforJewish source. another light comingfrom of plenty but there’s windowless, Hillel may be office of McMaster he basement administration andcommunity university professors, students, ore than100 Jewishandnon-Jewish by WENDY the Hamilton Jewish News SCHNEIDER,

- Photo by Wendy Schneider program. McMaster University’s Dalya Cohen is a fourth year student in who makeupthefibre ofCanadiancitizenship. but alsoamongthediverse group ofindividuals not onlyamongJewishcommunity members, what multiculturalism means in Canada today, lyst toopeningupnewconversations about WeCanadian. hopethatthisdinnerwasacata inthecontextofbeing cultural backgrounds, discuss thevaryingexperiencesfrom different The dinneritselffacilitatedthisopportunityto come tocreate amore inclusive community. in meaningfuldiscussionsabouthowwecan andengage such asthosesuggestedbyStudin, attendance theopportunitytoreflect onideas, of different faithsandcultures. Itaffords allin Arts and Science - ext. 305 to make your gift. Thank you. make your 305 to gift. ext. office at 905-648-0605, Federation the call Please YOU. cannot doitwithout Wevery muchappreciated! simply andyour is annualdonation need us, W act. a deliberate makethis Please Campaign. the ing to donat you be should Jew inHamilton, Ifyou a are park. awalkinthe hardly agencies. ficiary - bene Jewish connectto donors Jewish Hamilton’s that effort their through some experience ourfundraisers situations, slapstick outright to ofheartache, ies stor to conversations, inspired From incontradictions. isastudy canvasser The work ofavolunteer mselves. the calls early, give of andwhoselflessly who maketheir volunteer canvassers really, I’minawe ofafewsuper-star and, grateful, Iamespecially itself. raise ity. just moneydoesn’t the But insurmountable. not are butthey comeup, to continue Newobstacles agencies. beneficiary moneyforallthe more raise to desire We inour trying! are relentless are Well,for it. you we allIcantell isthat show muchto without Campaign, the we’ve formany grow that years to tried $875,000about today. of$1,028,000pledges with compared year last wetime hadalready received year’s level, asby last this reach goto to butwe’ve gotalongway our donors, ongoing— we allof haven’t contacted approaches. fundraising modern and introduce ideas, best borrow We campaign, tweak the to continue canvassers. recruit to and continue newyounger to donors, on appealing $1.2million). raise Weto working are $1million every year aim (with the cant amountofmoney, than more - asignifi raise we to continue changes, many andeconomic so demographic despite that, fact the celebrate must doing aswell we aswe’d like.Still, evolve.we to continue and by institutions, vibrant supported community. We have tradition arich andasdynamiccoherent asourJewish is as that in Hamilton community orreligious ethnic another isn’t there my from observation, that declare to andIamproud 50staff, of about life,Iwork inanoffice professional family,ism, Inmy olam. andtikkun volunteer resourcefulness, values that Weprovide relief. acommunity are and sustain, entertain, educate, aim to the with —mostly wonderful services well: we of deliverpretty amultitude we doing?” really “How asked: are constantly are teers ourvolun- answer question like to the ollars in our community is inourcommunity dollars Raising This commun- isavery generous say, Sceptics not wrong, are and they The Campaignisstill Community The Campaignisnot Community Asacommunity, we doing are Campaignchair,As Community I’d Campaign Community Campaign Chair pretty interesting calls, anditis calls, interesting pretty Report YVES APEL, APEL, by YVES e needyou andyou - - - Federation CROSS-COMMUNITY PROGRAMMING ATCROSS-COMMUNITY BEST ITS arts and crafts activity had students use different different use hadstudents activity andcrafts arts An couldnotgetover photos. family student the ondisplay. plates One typesetting sample the ated - appreci really Others most. the outforthem stood Second World the during War, that story asthe down pilotshot anairforce Alex, eulogy forhisson page front Balinson’s many Henry cited Museum, Rosenshein the wander through had achanceto students the After them. outto stood really that exhibit inthe find one thing to asked were then and “typesetting,” language, about Yiddish the They about learned Balinson. publisher, Henry its and languagenewspaper Yiddish one-time ton’s hearHamil- to Chapel Richter Schneider inthe joinedWendy students the Uponarrival, past. Jewish inHamilton’s chapter afascinating about learning inFebruary anafternoon spent students Jacoband Temple 60 Beth fund, programming ity - cross-commun Federation’s the from With support RODAKRINA Canadian Jewish Federations and theJewish Agency T that would otherwise not be possible. and seeding new and innovativetion services, projects to peer relationships, strengthening health and educa Israeli counterparts for thepurposeofbuildingpeer continues totwinDiasporacommunities withtheir I highlight three. egies. is accomplished through many programs and strat Thisfamily, and Israel to Jews. Jews to Israel, bringing Jewish people in Israel and worldwide. ing withcontemporaryidentitychallengesfacingthe in Israelwithsupportforsocialprograms anddeal between Israel and Diaspora Jewish communities. ton Jewish Federation serves is a part, as a living bridge the CanadianFederation ofwhichtheHamil system, partnershipwith waves Itsstrategic ofolimtoIsrael. andresettlement sible forimmigration ofsignificant zeh b’zeh–weare allresponsible foroneanother”. work holdsdeartothevaluethat“‘YisraelArevim Jews inIsraelandallover This theJewishworld. relationshipsof strategic thatconnectandcare for program Aaron Yellin signs the guest book at the Rosenshein Museum at Beth Jacob during a joint Temple /Beth Jacob Hebrew School 1.The Partnership Together platform(P2G) The Jewish AgencyconnectstheglobalJewish —buildingabettersociety The missionistwo-fold Since 1929, the Jewish Agency has been respon live. Federation isalsopartofanetwork for Jewswhoneedhelpwherever they large Jewishenterprisedevoted tocaring he HamiltonJewishFederation ispartofa LINDA KISLOWICZ Jewish Federations Canada KISLOWICZ by LINDA - - - - - a memory. oflove labour isnolongerjust patriarch’s their that feelproud should The family Balinson program. same inthe participating AcademyHebrew willbe news headlines.” —we andmadeourownafter gotourown stamps age 10. we project did Hemsworth, liked the “I also Toby by said makealotofthem hand,” hadto they andthat makeawhole newspaper to tiny stamps over. were intrigued. start The students to them forcing any aligneachletter, error stamp, inkeach carefully hadto students asthe lenging chal- more wasslightly you here like.The task asmany as save andprint copies edit, creatively highlight, easy—type, task makethe computers days, headline. These own their newspaper create to stamps alphabet and Hebrew ofEnglish types Ethiopian teens and youth. Photo Credit: JDC-Israel make it all happen. make it all happen. the Canadianfederationsanddiaspora communities. Itscontribution togetherwiththatofall plishments. collective effort andcanbeproud ofallitsaccom own their heritage and become a part of it. educate andempowerouryoung adultgenerationto Israel experienceprograms designedtoinspire, and minds of their host families. discover thatIsraelisinthehearts ities andtheyinturn, exciting personalexperiencesinCanadiancommun Andthey offerare thecontemporaryface ofIsrael. Thesesynagogues andsummercamps. emissaries diaspora communities to young emissaries in schools, ingful Israelengagementopportunitiesbyexposing In the coming months, KehilaandHamilton comingmonths, In the all those used they that it was cool “I thought The HamiltonJewishFederation ispartofthis 3.The JewishAgency provides arichplatformof 2.The regional emissary programs provide mean - - - HAPPY PASSOVER charcoal rotisser Fresh BBQchick 1050 KingStreet West Hamilton,ON Deliver Hamilton, Ont home madepir @c Char har 244 JamesSt.N., y andcat (289) 396-0662 c har 905.525.0788 r ed Chic r edc boutique from ie wit r en cookedonour ar er i pir io, L8R2L3 hic ing av h oursignature i sauce ke ke ailable n n


group. and$40,000bycase, Bergart’s Jacob’s —$50,000inBeth family and friends canvassing personally eachmember’s through of time period inavery short was raised dealofmoney agreat cases, both In ofNiagara. Anglican Diocese the of four through found a family They background. diverse from 35people by to word ofmouth club, meanwhile, had grown, book Bergart’s program. cation Working unifi- family Centre’s Immigrants based Hamilton the through needed a sponsor that of seven a family and identified JIAS through application sorship - spon 11 aprivate hadsubmitted of committee Press’s period, short Within avery was enthusiastic. response the cases, club. Inboth ofhisbook members to question same the wasputting Bergart Jerome members, fellow board her from sponsorship refugee for support was seeking Press board.” the “And it to when I brought that’s coulddosomething. herself she moment itdawnedonherthat next butinthe thinking, recalled she dosomething,” needto really ...People ofourtime crisis the fall. last one day newspapers morning the wasreading asshe herself inside voice deep asmall from from came refugees of Syrian behalf acton to decision the Press, Elissa member, Jacobboard For Beth help.” to wanted people as muchwe didbecause iswe raise were ableto reality the “Ithink Press. said ibly generous,” currently residing inLebanon, residing currently are families club-sponsored Cover Stories MOVED BY MORAL IMPERATIVE from page1 IMPERATIVE BY MORAL MOVED in theJewishSyrian refugee sponsorship community

Around the same time that time same the Around isreally this “This ishorrible, - incred “People have been just Both the Beth Jacob and book Jacobandbook Beth the Both Wishing youpeace,health andhappiness on Passover and always. themselves.” themselves.” canbelieve it they “I don’tthink Bergart. said have gonethrough,” released. been but hassince by inSyria, agroup kidnapped come backin.” goout and to forced “so they’re Bergart, said 30 days,” longer than inLebanon stay allow to them over year. last times the several andLebanon Syria between forth backand travel hashadto family hersister’s that Bergarts the told immigrant, arecent who isherself The woman, hasfaced. family the ordeal the about alittle learn to able whomthey’ve been through sponsoring, they’re family of the mother ofthe sister the ings with have meet already hadseveral and his wife, Maureen, Bergart asaco-sponsor. who isacting livinginHamilton, currently memberand have afamily assisted refugees whohave been refugees assisted Itisgovernment- government. pickedupby the ment expenses - power resettle havingtheir are government Trudeau cameinto the Canadasince to brought whohave been refugees Syrian luckyones. the them makes that point, this up to been lives have astheir As traumatic arrival. a year their for at least after well-supported be to can expect families two refugee the cation, busy.particularly With dedi- such be to expects groups, of both whoisamember Bergart, ments. - fillingoutdocu with and assisting medical education, as housing, such areas with assisting action, will kick into subcommittees whentheir families, of their arrival the awaiting still are tees As of this writing, both commit both writing, As ofthis whatpeople unbelievable “It’s husbandwas the At onepoint, “They to don’t have a permit More than half of the 25,000 halfofthe than More From our family toyours. - - Rabbi Jordan Cohen clear. As Jews, community has been supportive supportive hasbeen community onWednesdaydren afternoons. chil- refugee with time recreation and snacks sharing students school envisions Temple Hebrew who Cohen, Jordan Rabbi said process,” settlement the ficial to - bene canbe itinawaythat share why so not located, is centrally language tutoring. homework andEnglishwith getassistance to children refugee for program ing anafter-school ofcreat possibility the discussed Canadiansociety.”to adapting andbasically shopping, school, kidsto taking out forms, ...filling helpwith to we hope Wesley “Byworking with tee. ... commit action Temple’s social chairof Rodin, Irwin said ones,” sponsored privately the help than needmore goingto probably are refugees ment sponsored Ministries. Wesley with Urban a partnership through efforts humanitarian its Sholomwilldirect Temple Anshe whom to inHamilton settled are absolutely obligation to Not everyone in the Beth Jacob Not everyone Beth inthe “We which have facility this hasalsoThe Templeboard “We govern the - foundoutthat “Our values we have an help.” - - congregants. congregants. ofconcerned number a small with has fieldedconversations chair, Press ascommittee role family. aSyrian sponsor In her to synagogue’s decision of the to help.” to We anobligation have, asJews, imperative. is amoral refugees Syrian helping hand to minimal responsibility.” is a this world, of the citizens As meaningjustice. ‘tzedakah,’ is forcharity term Hebrew the and proper; correct is simply project inthis Our participation nations.’ the a‘lightunto be to us intended as we God believe increased, significantly are tions obliga- andreligious our moral a helping hand, refugees these to extend to reluctant are people where and aworld-atmosphere “Inanera HJN. the to he wrote homes,” their from displaced whohave been those especially for ourfellow humanbeings, itself. tradition the to looks he initiative, gogue sponsorship syna- forthe case the In arguing very start. the from committee sponsorship of the member tic anenthusias hasbeen Yisraeli answer.” right by the fearisn’t To help. to lives their paralyzed be who…risked were those there “and society, them, still tells “she to we that were athreat thought peopleaust Holoc the “During point. down one essential to come basically at reassurance seriously,” Her attempts said. she we’ve that very taken something ...andthat’s security ily about “People are worried primar worried “People are “Our values are absolutely clear. absolutely are “Our values a extending For Cohen, Rabbi care enjoins us to “Judaism HillelLavery- JacobRabbi Beth social action committee. Temple Anshe Sholom’s Rodin, Irwin who heads up Rabbi Jordan Cohen with - - Barb Babijat905-648-0605,ext305. Barb orcall onlineat can donate year, If you have notmadeyour pledgethis future. the into ourcommunity shape to Itisyou whohave power the agencies. fundourbeneficiary will enableusto we that Itisyour needyour gift help. thrive, to continue isto community the today, exists that Hamilton butif Jewish You extreme. inthe generous builtthe for allocations. amountavailable inthe areduction be however, term, will short inthe result The net future. the into community the offundingfor source asustainable tion makingFedera- toward policy isastep This received. changein be to expected be have received orcanreasonably been onlyfundsthat allocate voted to board This notcollectible. year, are pledges our some reasons, for various as, sustainable This isnot letter. model on apresume based recorded were pledges allocated be amountto the increasing Further received. actually ofdollars instead on pledges funds based allocating acampusconcept. toward steps baby first the moving taking together, willbe The andJCC Federation uration. config- inadifferent and willre-emerge doors its isclosing The JCC is changing. Hamilton The ofJewish changed. face have Hamilton ofJewish demographics the isthat The reality reasons. health economy,the and planning, retirement population, an aging $50,000, due to than of more a decrease experience we that will we estimate In addition, overour campaignislagging year. last year year.from to However, year this stable relatively our campaignhasbeen adecade, For than more reduced. be would giving total that potential the with own, on their fundraise would left to be would andagencies cease support this above, story inthe miser rich like the andprograms. 25 agencies than more —inall, needs programming andspecial highschools, Jewish to dren chil - their send to whochoose families Toronto busto ashuttle supporting tion, PJLibrary, educa- program, Holocaust ahighschool Va’adHakashrut, the for developmentally challengedadults, a home JSS, the JCC, the schools, noon two after We two dayschools, support and programs. individual agencies to funds the distribute to oftrustees board Federation the to a recommendation makes then Committee The Allocations budgets. individualoperating on their based an allocation request agencies ary - Ourbenefici campaign. our community promise. its realize andhelpIsrael tion, educa- Jewish through identity Jewish awaken vulnerable, for the hope restore that organizations community Jewish fundsto allocating hasbeen Federation miser. Since1916 rich a bitlikethe the from page1 FUTURE OUR new policy funding drives More sustainable We live community, in anincredible hasbeen Federation the For decades, “pass were to away”If Federation Each year, you to we during appeal is Federation The Jewish Hamilton please consider making it now. consider please You -

7 HAMILTON JEWISH NEWS • APRIL 2016 8 HAMILTON JEWISH NEWS • APRIL 2016 for the party.for the buytickets to or [email protected] enjoy. Jacob Synagogueat905-522-1351 Beth Contact forallto bash aBarMitzvah willmakethis nosh some andeven afewsurprises ofmusic, Lots entertaining! be to anditpromises bandhasdonebefore anything the from different be goingto It’s time! 10 itisparty at2p.m., evolve. to OnApril continues repertoire musical but the have changedover faces Someofthe time and universal. isatonceunique that something and even create swingto Latin Gypsy, ofcantorial, Mediterranean, elements Turkish, with isinfused music the tradition, Jewish European ern onEast allover ever Based tive audiences since. Ontario T Upcoming Events Ron Foxcroft headlines Negev Dinner Photo of Hamilton courtesty Spectator and Fox 40 905.648.4451 TOUCH OF KLEZ BAR MITZVAH BASH - apprecia to klezmermusic traditional performing JacobSynagogue,TouchBeth ofKlezhasbeen Conceived 13 years agoby MichaelGlogauerat year. BarMitzvah its ouch OfKleziscelebrating Sales Representative Jordan Guest Wishing you aHappy Passover! Master University andtheQueen’sJubilee Doctorateincluding anHonorary from Mc and Burlington. tional, andculturalframework ofHamilton educa tions to thebusiness,sporting, Group. Foxcroft hasmadegreatcontribu and ChairmanoftheFluke Transportation of Fox 40International, aswell asCEO becoming Chairman,Founder, andCEO invented the“pea-lesswhistle,”later p.m. atLiunaStationonJamesSt.North. Negev DinneronMay 16, 2016 at5:30 honour Ron Foxcroft annual atthe64th Foxcroft hasreceived many awards, As anNCAAbasketball referee, Foxcroft This year, JNFHamilton ispleasedto Helping you iswhat we do. Sales Representative Tanis Hall


and Jordan Abraham. Abraham. Jordan and Touch of Klez band members: Back row, l to r: Rick Black, Alan Livingston, Charlotte Price, David Ludwin; Front row, l to r, Ron Richter Richter Ron r, to l row, Front Ludwin; David Price, Charlotte Livingston, Alan Black, Rick r: to l row, Back members: band Klez of Touch - - - ation site atYad LaYeled –achildr theconstructionofrecre support the State ofIsrael. munity, of aswell asanongoingsupporter great friendoftheHamilton Jewish Com- nationally respected businessman,anda of Canada(PrincessLouise’s). of theArgyllandSutherlandHighlanders Foxcroft Colonel isalsoformer Honorary HallofFame.and theHamilton Sports the CanadianBasketball HallofFame, the Burlington EntrepreneurHallofFame, ofthedecade,andinductedneurs into as oneofthetop 10 Canadianentrepre Meda The proceeds ofthi He isanoutstandingCanadian,inter l. Hewas namedby Profit Magazine Sales Representative Judy Rosen s year’s dinnerwill en’s - - - 905-527-5516, ext. 1. chase tickets, pleasecontactourofficeat Weisz. For moreinformation, orto pur event, co-chairedby BillMorrisandTom world’s best-known singers. world over withhisimpersonations ofthe voices, whohasenthralledaudiencesthe gnon, known asthemanofathousand and impressionist André-PhilippeGa are excited to have Canadiancomedian wenationally acclaimedentertainment, be complete withoutmemorable,inter Israel. complex innorthern museum attheGhetto Fighters’ Museum Don’t missoutonthisyear’s dinner Because theNegev Dinnerwould not 1122 WilsonStreet West Ancaster, OnL9G 3K8 Larry Szpirglas Larry Broker - - - McMaster lecture ofLodz ghetto subject Epic Yiddish novel the about I horrific nightmares. My mother’s My mother’s nightmares. horrific by belied hisfrequent attitude an past, the to was notahostage and helived present that inthe claim to hewasnotaffected, that pretend wasto trauma the with andDachau. witz aswell- asAusch ghetto, Lodz the survived on my whoalso father, onher, mark asitdid ence left its That experi and Bergen-Belsen. Sasel campsofAuschwitz, tion - concentra inthe andlater ghetto Lodz inthe wasincarcerated she war, the when during experiences novelthree-volume onher based The of Life,a Tree writing to would she devote herself years, World War For next25 ended. the Second was 22 years old when the streets. in the nodemonstrations newspapers, inthe noheadlines followers, committed from no applause was For kind. herthere a quieter of albeit courage, required also what my accomplished mother But hewasjailedforthem. all, After ofhisconvictions. courage helackedthe that argue to hard itwas abortion, about my father wars. two world the Poland between and life in Holocaust the portray century, 20th of the novels whose half second ofthe writers Yiddish major oneofthe Chava Rosenfarb, and theimplications ofwritinginYiddish. will discussthenovel, hermother’s life and lish attheUniversity ofLethbridge, Alberta, Dr. GoldieMorgentaler, aprofessor ofEng available inEnglishuntil2006. written andpublishedinYiddishwas not not widelyknown, becauseitwas originally nal works ofHolocaustliterature, butitis Tree ofLife hasbeencalledoneofthesemi ences ofincarceration inthatghetto. The the Lodzghetto, basedonherown experi- Tree ofLife isherthree-volume novel about ghetto, Auschwitz andBergen-Belsen.The century, aswell oftheLodz asasurvivor dish writers ofthesecondhalf20th Chava Rosenfarb was oneofthegreatYid Goldie Morgentaler recalls her two famous parents My father’s way of dealingMy father’s My mother, whodiedin2011, Whether with or not one agreed On June9,2016 Rosenfarb’s daughter, advocate. My mother was Mymother advocate. rights abortion taler, the - Morgen was Henry father My parents. had two famous Chava Rosenfarb’s by GOLDIE MORGENTALER, Special to the Hamilton Jewish News Tree ofLife - in Yiddish in1972in Yiddish received she The ofLifewere published Tree anddescribing. bering - wasremem painful events she the to was related moodiness this that Irealized anadultthat became Itwas onlywhenI years. those during moody was unpredictably inhernovel. use She for possible itdownwould jumpupand write clever, something she of ussaid Wheneverwas busywriting. one she because us, wouldshe shush When came over they play, to herasalwayswriting. remember friends Mychildhood ghetto. the herlifein about my wrote mother I was growing up years that the Through all ghetto. Lodz in the lived On another, she children. her war, the andraised survived ailing mother, whohadalso ofher care took in Montreal, asanimmigrant herfamily with ofreaders. number the limited Yiddish that given choice,world –aproblematic lost that to outoffidelity Yiddish itin about wrote she Yiddish, hadlived lifeincommunity its Jewish Sincethis lived through. had ofhercommunity members know and the world to what she the Shewanted exist. to ceased had genocide years ofdrawn-out whichinfive Poland, long Lodz, ofhernative community Jewish the memorialize to wanted she asimportantly, just And, it. with terms cometo to inorder horror the face to had lived through, whatshe about write way wasto When the three volumes of volumes When three the On onelevel my lived mother - - - A 2006 photo of Morgentaler with her mother Chava Rosenfarb. Cunnington [email protected]. 4:30 p.m.For more information contact John University Club atMcMaster University at atthe Great Hall, place take will Ghetto,” Tree ofLife: AnEpicaboutLife intheLodz The lecture,“Chava Rosenfarb’s The published. published. be to translation English the 30years for ittook But awards. as well of other as a host ature, liter forYiddish award highest Israel’s She won MangerPrize, the world hailingherachievement. allover from the ofletters a flood accomplishment. accomplishment. That isnosmall exist. to continue itwould onpaper atleast that so destroyed, violently so had been what recreate to yet determined and by encouraged fewreaders demons, by private propelled insilence, toiled all writers, Mymother, likeby media. the widelycoveredpublic campaign, andcontroversial protracted endofa atthe laws occurred Canadian abortion changing know Idonothave. I that afortitude required paper iton recreate to ence andthen - experi have this lived through choice.To ofthe randomness the – andunderlines life ordeath for selection the going through of horrors the Itdescribes witz. - Ausch headedtowards people 70 boxcar with otherstifling ina be ingly whatitwasliketo - unflinch Itdescribes beast. of the belly the enters Abrasha to Letters describe, to was impossible wards whatcameafter that indicating followed byghetto, blankpages, ofthe liquidation the ended with Unlike The of Life, which Tree whichIamnow translating. sha, - Abra to novel, another Letters ten In the meantime, she hadwrit she meantime, In the My father’s contribution to contribution My father’s Photo credit: Joanne Marquis - - - 105 MainStreetEast,7thFloor, Hamilton,ONL8N1G6 3410 SouthServiceRd,Suite103,Burlington,ONL7N3T2 insolvency andbusinessadvisoryservices. Accounting, audit,tax,businessvaluations, Bean Counting... Beyond · 905-523-0000 · 905-637-9959

9 HAMILTON JEWISH NEWS • APRIL 2016 10 HAMILTON JEWISH NEWS • APRIL 2016 Profile ORA MARKSTEIN to all who know her, Ora Markstein isindeed... allwhoknowto her, Markstein Ora andaninspiration tenacious Strong-willed, renewal. love, andspiritual loss, pain, of humanexperiences universal the represent pieces of herown Markstein’s hand, The work galleries. prestigious world’smost ofthe rooms the grace aseasily could just ShalomVillageapartment Markstein’s inOra ondisplay carvings stone The beautiful would be able to study with a master teacher. was by then demonstrating considerable musical talent, Eventually, the Marksteins moved to Holon where Igor, who age of a fellow Hungarian refugee and well known sculptor. began dabbling in clay and casting in plaster under the tutel from place to place. It was during this period that Markstein years and spent their first in the country moving viable living, Theworld. Marksteins found it very to eke out a difficult thousands of Jewish refugees from Europe and the Arab War,1948 Arab-Israeli it also had to absorb hundreds of as having to recover from the devastating effects of the economic crisis in the early years As well of statehood. Israel faced a deep with challenges. life was filled too, starting Ora’s art career. theatre director at Stratford, would be instrumental in kick Some 30 yearsJohn Hirsch. later, then a well known Hirsch, Marksteins befriended a 16-year-old orphan by the name of was destined to be providential, for it was there that the Igor, The was born in a German hospital. year in the camp in Germany, where they would stay for a year. Ora’s son, sponsored refugeeMarksteins would end up in a UN camp in Eastern Europe. The anti-Semitism violent post-war became a major destination for Jewish refugees fleeing in one of history’s great ironies, Germany and, limited, opportunities for displaced Jews wereemigration extremely there years were In the immediate post-war few options. with the birth of the State of Israel still two years away, were hardly 10 ” Jewish men for a minyan. return from at a wedding in which “there Bergen Belsen, The two were married just days after Ora’s own miraculous when Ora’s mother nursed him back to health after the war. sent into forced labour. Francis Markstein was near death man who captured her heart just four months before he was of her immediate family survived the war, as did the young and I woke up in Auschwitz,” she said. ment’s alliance with Nazi Germany. was shattered at the age of 15 with the Hungarian govern But Ora’s carefreea small city near Budapest. adolescence family in charmed lives in the warm embrace of a close-knit stein’s life. As children, she and her sister lived seemingly One A series that profiles our community’s most interesting people . The Marksteins stayed in Israel for 26 years until their In 1949 Ora and Francis reached but there finally Israel, Ora found life in Hungary after the war unbearable, but Somehow, Ora and every and against all odds, member I was just dreaming“I always say that until the Holocaust, Darkness and light have always coexisted in Ora Mark of a of - - - - Story and photo by Wendy Schneider, the Hamilton Jewish News Delaware Avenue that would set her career JCC, in motion. for a show at the arranging Ora’s greatest champion, family.into their lives like long-lost The latter would become I have will be alright. my best friends in Hamilton.” “Now,heard he said, they would be moving to Hamilton, you Whenof their arrival in Canada. their old friend John Hirsch school that brought the Marksteins to Hamilton within a year I felt so happy.”so elevated. just work.” “Youlooked at what she had done and said, don’t need me, Whenof blunt carving tools. he returned after an hour, he as he handed her a used piece of soapstone and a couple receive a scholarship at the Saidye Bronfman Centre. true to her word, arranged for Ora to and, you,” she said, reassured Rosenfield that medium, her. “I’m going to help put her hands on stone, nor could she ever afford to work in feel in stone!” When Ora replied that she had never even “But you exclaimed. areRosenfield thinking in stone! You of plaster casts she had made in Israel, her photographs at a dinner party,life. Ora met Rosenfield and after showing would mark a turning point in her sculptor Ethel Rosenfield Ora’s chance encounter with well known Polish Canadian In 1975,of it in Canada. they moved to Montreal, where son’s move to Illinois prompted them to try and make a go Curator Sarah Knelman Auschwitz.” impossible to write poetry after Adorno’s famous idea that “it is in Hungary, Theodor and defies experiences during the Holocaust faith in humanity after her painful Larry and Sharon Enkin would welcome the Marksteins It was a job offer at Beth Jacob Synagogue’s Hebrew “because said Ora, “I’m still crying when I think of it,” I felt class, her instructor said at Ora’s first “Make something,” Her legacy silently restores

ISRAEL AND AROUNDTHE WORLD QUALITY OFJEWISH LIFEINGREATER HAMILTON, PRESERVING AND STRENGTHENINGTHE Kind terrible memories, they haveterrible memories, made my life beautiful.” course but these have been a horrible ugly days that I have seen ... It’s always there of she replies. “Toafter the Holocaust,” try to get rid of all the and months of physical and emotional labour? life surrounded each piece the result by her work, of months heard “It’s almost as if they’re it again and again. alive.” “These Ora has arises, are Indeed, not inanimate objects.” pieces are illuminated by the late afternoon sun the thought here.” precious possessions “makes it possible for me to stay but the fact that she was able to bring along her most cult, Ora to move to Shalom Village. The transition has been diffi of Hamilton show, health challenges made it necessary for every possible way because he believed in my talent.” “He supported me, encouraged me. He helped me in said. 1991. poetry from Francis 45 languages into English, died in her beloved Francis had not lived to see it. sense of accomplishment was tempered by the fact that after Auschwitz.’” Adorno’s famous idea that ‘it is impossible to write poetry ences during the Holocaust in Hungary, Theodor and defies silently restores faith in humanity after her painful experi unwieldy slabs of stone into images of beauty. Her legacy shape of the sculpture slowly reveal itself, transforming alabaster in every colour, imaginable Markstein lets the by curator Sarah Knelman at the time when she wrote, scendent quality of her sculptures was beautifully captured The exhibit featuring Ora’s stone carvings. tran one-woman at the age of 83, the Art Gallery of Hamilton organized a tures sought out by collectors and galleries alike. In 2008, Over the next 30 years, Ora worked prolifically, her sculp Ora Watch WEB EXCLUSIVE “I made something that made it possible for me to live What does it mean to her to live days of her out the final As one’s breath is literally taken away by the way Ora’s In the eight years that have passed since the Art Gallery “Without him I would never have gotten anywhere,” she writer and accomplished linguist who translated A poet, At 83, Ora had reached the pinnacle of her career, but her “Carved by hand from blocks of soapstone, marble and One ofaKind online:Aninterviewwith balance in my life. With all the - - - - 11 HAMILTON JEWISH NEWS • APRIL 2016 12 HAMILTON JEWISH NEWS • APRIL 2016 Passover Feature 57. 56. 55. 54. 53. 52. 46. 45. 43. 42. 39. 38. 36. 35. 34. 33. 32. 28. 27. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 18. 17. 16. 15. 12. 7. 1. Across

Let my People

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Peek Ozone pollutant,for Writer Doctorow,and Han Solocarriedone Star of Big lug Jordan preceder "Aladdin" princevoiced Big Cubanname Subway alternative Nosh Father ofsinfulsonsin Second Temple___ "Death ofaSalesman" Atlanta Life lines? Mahmoud Abbas'sgrp. Many Fl.Jews Scientology, tosome Bring uptocode, 53 33 19 49 -based channel 64 16 7 43 26 - Across 23 8 44 62 63. 62. 61. 59. 58. 57. 55. 51. 50. 49. 48. 56 38 9 Local foryoung Moses orDavid covers Israel thatoften Int'l. service news Cheshvan orIyar: abbr. (var.) "Fiddler" atadiscount NYC Booththatmighthave Teen affliction Diane inPolanski's Chinatown Wet, asmorninggrass Storyteller Familiarize with YU Thought thesameasLeonard Maltin Off themark 31 69 66 34 10 50 or David 63 often coversIsrael 62 (var.) 61 have "Fiddler"atadiscount 59 58 "Chinatown" 57 55 51 50 Leonard Maltin 49 48 of theGalaxy" 47 ...... Local foryoungMoses Int'l. news servicethat Cheshvan orIyar:abbr. NYC Booththatmight Teen affliction Diane inPolanski's Wet, asmorninggrass Storyteller Familiarize withYU Thought the same as Off themark Rocket of"Guardians 27 11 51 45 24 63 Answers on page 12 17 12 57 39 20 13 58 40 14 59 41 Passover: Enjoy the journey and the destination andthe journey Enjoythe Passover: • • • • • • • • 2 tbspoilormore forfrying 1½ tspfresh groundblackpepper 2 tspsalt 4 -5eggs 3 largepotatoes whitepartonly, andthenintothinslices 2 bunchesofleeks, slicedinhalflengthwise washed, A Turkishrecipe Leek Patties andPotato grandchildren. day, theSolandLouiseAlgranti host“Turkishstyle”familysedersfor theirfour children andfive zucchiniandspinachare sherecalled, sinceleeks, considered Tothis mix, tobebitterherbs. Her grandmotherwouldincludea spinachkugelinthe and hardboiled shetoldtheHJN. eggs,” zucchinikugel in saltwater, istobeginthesederwithleekpatties, butourminhag(custom) while shewasgrowing upinTurkey. “Ashkenazis begintheirsederwithsoupandslicedeggs Louise Algranti shared thefollowing TurkishJewish recipe thatwasatraditionwithherfamily aswe amajorchore Shopping becomes by Passover dishes.” replaced “the year putawayand ofthe are rest the during andpansused pots dishes, good Perfectly “spring cleaningtime.” Weeks experince. Sederit’s the before forPassover isademanding Preparing event. beautiful this went creating into that andeffort Seder, time at the isthe year from little mayvary that traditions we joinedby observing are ourfamily Seder, Atthe many happymemories. Lester Krames Lester Wendy Schneider [email protected]. your recollectionsofHamilton Jewishlifeandhistory, pleasecontact you’d like oryouwouldlike toshareonvideo, tobeinterviewedabout that etc., historical incidents, families, communityleaders, personalities, sociallife, communalinstitutions, Jewishorganizations, Hamilton shuls, Ifyouhaveanystoriesabout of interviewswithlong-timeHamiltonians. The JewishHamiltonProjectCommitteewouldlike toadditscollection What apparent isnotimmediately holidaywith Passover isafamily JEWISH HAMILTON JEWISH THE Freezes well. Fry thepattiesuntilgoldenbrown andserve. Beat theremaining eggsanddipeachpattyintheeggmixutre. 2eggsand seasoningandformthemintopatties. Combine thepotatoes, theleeks, Grate thepotatoesoruseapotatoricerforsmoothertexture. Boil thewashedandunpeeledpotatoesuntilforktender. Removeevaporated. from heat. until theleeksareOver sautétheleeksinoil, wiltedandthejuicehas mediumheat, Soak thechoppedleeksinsaltwaterandrinse.Drainwell. A Passover Recipe PROJECT 26 miles long and reach MachuPicchu longandreach 26 miles beautiful atthe river andarrive scenic you follow a right, Ifyou choose path. inthe you afork cometo trail, the gate Asyou navi- inPeru. located Inca Trail legendary the about told astory from like slaves. butwork ourfreedom, celebrating be plans we wonder? We to supposed are w this Can we andtired. feeldrained arrives over. any burn left we ceremoniously sure be anywhere, andto isnobread there that us Sederassures the nightbefore the house ofthe Amadsearch memories. wonderful family those helpre-create to we use products kosher outthe search If you choose left, you follow left, atrail If you choose we insight Perhaps cangainsome No wonder Sederfinally whenthe ork and effort be part of Hashem’s ofHashem’s part be andeffort ork 2.0 land directly. sent they Apprehensive promised the enter wasto One path road. inthe afork cameto they escape, Following drowned. ing enemies their - pursu landwhiletheir ondry of Reeds Sea the They crossed by divinemiracles. years ofslavery from were freed Israel we more. achieve valueitfar something whenwe to isthat work hard lesson city. ofthe appreciation The simple agreater longerandexpress stay they overwhelmed by beauty. its However, are too they route, arduous longer more comeviathe When visitors visit. a brief leave ready to after andare by beauty its overwhelmed are they arrive when they route direct shorter the travel people when They that observe longroad. the choose native guides visitors, escorting When ofstairs. ninemiles up about and walking over passes fourmountain f our days later. This route includes includes our dayslater. This route T. 905-5226555F:905 52265746thFloor, OneJamesStreetSouth, HamiltonON support services including expert testimonyincourt. including expert services support Mastroluisi Valuations Inc., provides theFirm valuation andlitigation clients grow their businesses profitably. Throughitsaffiliate, Pettinelli andautomotive.service Pettinelli MastroluisiLLPiscommitted tohelping industries, includingmanufacturing, healthcare, construction, retail, of toclientsinavarietyaccounting, incometaxandestateplanningservices For morethan25years, Pettinelli MastroluisiLLPhas provided auditing, In the Passover story,In the of Children the Chag Sameach! Chag Donors, SupportersandFriends And aHealthyPassovertoallour Toll-free: 1-800-731-2848 Toll-free: Ambassador Rosen, Hilda CHAPTER HAMILTON V342 VineandPartnersAd-B&W_5x3.5.ai115-07-164:09PM Protecting YourProtecting Wealth. Growing Your Business.

Chartered Professional Accountants 1 866549 8463 and ATESLLP PARTNERS self-compassion. self-compassion. his exploration intomindfulnessand whose workhasbeeninfluencedby Lester Krames isaclinicalpsychologist, and the destination! and the forPassover. prepare to strength us the give to continue delivery MayHashem aswell as a spirited preparations solid on Sederrelies the we remember must way. aneasier be hasto there However, andthink ofstairs climbninemiles to we have whenitseems also times are Israel. andentered Jordan the crossed eagerly they which, 40years after another andjourney path other the take to fear. were forced The ofIsrael children were overcome doubtand they with honey. alandofmilkand whodescribed spies Happy Passover-- enjoy the journey journey enjoythe Happy Passover-- There forPassover iswork. Preparing However, easy;and itallcametoo


HAMILTON JEWISH NEWS • APRIL 2016 Dundasrather were from they “peoplegoing that would you tell were area the many from children at one point so that reminisced camper, Ramah Hamilton a current of alum andparent Ogus, Matthew eachyear CampRamah. dren to 50chil- than more wassending ton Why? to. used likethey Hamilton from coming aren’t campers numbers, enrollment increasing the despite asToronto. such cities Yet from ers incamp- increases large to in part summer, thanks this near capacity willsit andRamah rise to continues ever. than excitement Enrollment and activity more camp isseeing the ofMuskoka, heart Lake inthe campus on Skeleton and a beautiful facilities art ofthe Withing. state gone? campers have Hamilton … where allofthe question myself the help butask ofcampage,Ican’t be shortly young who willwith children andaparent As analumofRamah 1980s hasvanished. ’90s, andearly the throughout for many summers prevalent This so scene, ing areas. - surround andthe Hamilton from children full complement of Jewish a inCanadawith CampRamah to Then busdrove the off goodbyes. waved eyed their parents and teary friends, their with reunited as they excitedly kidsscreamed around, Duffelbagswere tossed bus. the swarmed ofchildren asscores rush wasafrantic Jacob synagoguethere Beth lotofthe year parking inthe Voices At its peak around 1990, around peak At its Hamil- Today,- isboom CampRamah Towards endofJuneeach the Rediscovering thetreasure ofCamp Ramah Former camper laments the decrease in Hamilton enrolment at the Jewish summer FEAR Introducing CoolSculpting® atTheCosmeticSurgery Clinic. Visit usinWaterloo for your customized CoolSculpting® 50 Albert Street, Waterloo,50 Albert ON519.746.1132 Get ridofunwanted fat by freezing ...for good. Stubborn fat hasaway ofbeing...stubborn. No downtime. Noticeable results. NO treatment plan. in the last few years. fewyears. last in the resurgence arecent decade until following the and throughout ’90s late dwindled in the numbers Jacob.Those Beth atthe programs school after the attending children of were hundreds there time, the At atRamah. summers their spend to school JacobHebrew Beth at the would children encourage Gloria, Hermother alumni. four Ramah of alumandparent Goldberg, Lanie says a legacyatRamah”, hadquite summer. “Ourfamily incampeach andpresent ity commun- Ramah ofthe part a large They Silverman. were and Gloria by Israel Rabbi and particularly Jacob, Beth the through time the at andorchestrated was fostered in Hamilton? we keepyoungensure Jewsliving What doto canourcommunity today. area livesinthe still ers camp- Hamilton Not oneofthose age attended. same of the children 10years asacamper, atleast local ofmy eight course Throughout the ageofseven. atthe Ramah attended I first changed since community. Jewish Hamilton greater inthe we today see trends challenging ofthe ofsome cosm - isamicro population Ramah ton Hamil- the to whathappened that evidence mightsuggest anecdotal at some Alook So whathappened? went decline. inHamilton into tion popula- Ramah Jacob,andthe Beth the comingto stopped busses the ’90s by late the But differentiate.” could they so just Hamilton than Much of the traffic to Ramah to traffic Much ofthe have demographics Local by ARI LEVIN, Special to the Hamilton Jewish News month (notincluding HST). month and$5,400forone summer entire $8,400 for the are fees Ramah spend. they dollars the prioritize to parents whichforces ming, - andprogram education of Jewish cost inthe rise dramatic the been camps? summer Jewish to children their send to families encourage to today schools inourJewish more Can we did. do numbers school declinedasthe steadily lation popu- Ramah Hamilton the that Goldberg. says Ramah” hit to movement wasabig inHamilton A 1996 photo of Ari Levin sitting on his bunk at Camp Ramah. Photo of courtesy Ari Levin Perhaps most pertinent has pertinent most Perhaps acoincidence than more It’s “The after-school decline of the


Chag CHW National President 1.855.477.5964 , andWomen, Healthcare Children inIsrael andCanada. Claudia Goldman CHW passionately supports programsCHW passionately for supports andservices to achieve inthe Matthew difficultifnotimpossible can be that life,anexperience a Jewish myself in immerse completely to priorities? competing despite campexperiences summer fundJewish to in ourcommunity Can we, we andshould domore onfamilies. financialburden the reduce canhelpto campthat the availablethrough scholarships Thankfully,obligations. are there and programs community other and camp, summer day school, forJewish nearfuture bills inthe way,on the atlarge Iam staring For wasachance me,Ramah andathird With two children, CHW Board ofDirectors CHW National Executive Director the lives ofchildren, patients, and women atCHWprojects your generosity andsupport of ourmission,whichmakes a tremendous difference in We are deeplygrateful for Canadian Hadassah-WIZO joyous Passover Holiday! members and friends amembers andfriends (CHW) wishesallour (CHW) firm. firm. at Accenture,aglobalconsulting the way).Levin isaseniormanager with their two children (with one on moved toHamiltonthreeyearsago years. few short ina own willjointhem children year campthis andmy attending willbe campers a dozenHamilton Half investment. is well the worth and community this revitalizing continue to opportunity perfect a are camps like Ramah kids to Sendingour optimism. cautious my Iexpress time, same at the yet inHamilton, campers Ramah ent place”. would have atadiffer happened that andIdon’tthink at Ramah, were childhood of my entire times “Someofmy favourite most words, community. Jewish the InOgus’s within responsibility of social sense and astrong long friendships butinlife- inspades), experiences orcamping(ithadthose sports, playing waterfront, onthe spent insummers notjust itself fested your wholebeing.” it can be times, on at certain brain your ofturning part little separate a lifeisnotjust “living aJewish ideathat the teaches Ramah dren. chil- to identity ofJewish a sense impart to model as aneducational believed inRamah truly parents her that remembers Goldberg Lanie experience”. day Jewish “every asthe this - Ogus describes Ari Levin andhiswifeLaura, declineof Ilament the And so mani- For experience me,this Alina Ianson in Israel. [email protected] Wome Healthcar Childre n n e - Shalom Village Queen’s Park toPay Tribute toHeleneGoldflus Shalom Village Chai Tea: Save theDate was at a farm near Arquian, France, where to themselves. and nunsinaconvent—allatgreatperil They weresavedbyneighbours,farmers family spentthewarhiddeninFrance. attendance. Consul GeneralofIsraelwillalsobein Canadian Societyfor Yad Vashem. The officeandthe sponsored bythePremier’s The initiativeisjointlyorganizedand of OntarioattheQueen’s Park Tribute. and fortheircontributionstotheProvince for rebuildingtheirlivesaftertheShoah Holocaust survivorshavebeenrecognized Survivors. Formorethan20years, Queen’s Park Tribute toOntarioHolocaust honoured byPremierKathleenWynne in resident, HeleneGoldflus,willbe Tea atShalomVillage Village. You won’twanttomissthe35th Annual Ladies Auxiliary hats marktheheightofsummersocialseasonatShalom Tea andscones,elegantdesserts,tinysandwichesbeautiful Chai Tea Celebration this annualtradition. and informationabout Foundation forupdates Village Charitable news fromtheShalom July 6,2016.Watch for Auxiliary Tea willbeon The 35th Annual Ladies Save theDate! Honouring OurFathersand Mothers Goldflus recallsherlasthidingplace Helene CantkierGoldflusandher On April 14,2016,ShalomVillage Helene CantkierGoldflusingradeschoolphotobeforetheHolocaust . Shalom Village commitment toHolocausteducationand receives fromthestaff andherfriends. because ofthecareandsupportshe fortunate tobelivingatShalomVillage this stageofherlife,Goldflusfeelsvery a newgreat-grandchild,”shesaid. At of wonderfulchildren,grandchildrenand Canada. the freedomsofheradoptedcountry, enjoys theloveoffamilyandfriends righteous gentilesthatHeleneGoldflus entire.” Itisthroughthekindnessofthese saves asinglelife,theworld because oftheircourage”. me liketheirown,”shesaid.“Iamalive for threeandahalfyears.“Theytreated They remainedtogetherwiththefamily she was reunited with her younger brother. Goldflus hasdemonstratedaprofound “I amtrulyblessedtohavethelove The Talmud teachesus,“Hewho Shalom Village. support thePossibilitiesFund at All proceedsfromcarddonations and colourfulcards. your friendsreceivetheseattractive residents. You willbeproudtohave featuring originalartcreatedbyour We areoffering beautifulHolidaycards care oftherestforonly$10percard. Just sendusyourlistandwewilltake help supportShalomVillage possibilitiesatthesametime! You cansendPassovergreetingstoyourfamilyandfriends Beautiful GreetingCardsFeaturingResident Art Passover Cards Chag Sameachfromyour FriendsatShalomVillage! [email protected]. Charitable FoundationOfficeat905-529-1613ext.264oremail Tea, ortooffer yoursupport,pleasecontacttheShalomVillage For moreinformationaboutthe35th Annual Ladies Auxiliary Hope toSee You There! residents andstaff. transfers, ensuringasaferandmoresecureenvironmentfor provide ShalomVillage residentswithsafer, morecomfortable with itsunrivaledflexibility, stability, andreliability. Theseliftswill Maxi MoveLiftsarethemostcompletemobileliftersystem, Resident CareandSafety residents. earmarked toacquiremissioncriticalliftsforourmostvulnerable Proceeds fromthe35th Annual Ladies Auxiliary Tea havebeen Support aGoodCause all thepasthonourees. Jeannette O’Leary her nomination,”saidShalomVillage CEO this greathonour. We areproudtosupport Goldflus willbeamongtherecipientsof privileged thatourresident,Helene survivors. ShalomVillage isdeeply has beenhometomanyHolocaust with communitygroups. in classrooms,atcommemorationsand generations bysharingherpersonalstory torch ofHolocaustremembrancetofuture remembrance, educatingandpassingthe Helene GoldflusandherdaughterSuzanneshareamomentwithphotosfromthepast Yasher KoachtoHeleneGoldflusand “Through theyears,ShalomVillage Making Possibilities Possible

P: 905-529-1613 F: 905-529-7542 2013 FrankJunger 2012 EmmyandErichWeisz 2011 Dr. NadiaRosa 2011 Dr. Arthur Weisz 2005 Anne andMarkMandell Past HonoureesfromHamilton: 2015 LoreSusanJacobs 2010 OraMarkstein Shalom Village: Past Honoureesfrom Mitchnick, andJoeyCohen requesting donationstoShalom programs andservicespossible Memorial donationssupportthe Grateful thankstothefamilies Village, makingmany special Possibilities Fund Hamilton, OntarioL8S3S1 Thank You Lax, JohnKelly, Eleanor 70 MacklinStreet North Village inlieuofflowers. E: [email protected] of MaryShields,Sally Shalom Village Like usonfacebook @ShalomVillage Follow uson Twitter for ourresidents. atShalom for 15 HAMILTON JEWISH NEWS • APRIL 2016 16 HAMILTON JEWISH NEWS • APRIL 2016 Israel * Included in Family Rates, Excluding Rates,Excluding Family in * Included Air Bar/Bat MitzvahChildFREE More daysofsightseeing All-inclusive deluxehotels Bar/Bat MitzvahCeremonyincluded Family, Bar/Bat Mitzvah Tours BEST FAMILY TOURS INNORTH FAMILY TOURS AMERICA BEST Our teamcombinesthewisdomandingenuityofourpartners [email protected] www.peerlesstrav Hamilton, OntarioL8N3P9 P.O. Box926,Depot1 1 JamesSt.S.,14thFloor with theenergy andenthusiasmofourassociates. We’re a and salesofbusinessesproperty, commercialleasing, We areasclosetoafull-service lawfirmasyouwillfind shareholder agreementsanddisputes,landdevelopment in theregion. We covermanyareasincludingpurchase hard-working clientfocusedfirmwithacan-doculture.

25th Anniversary • 350groups andprivatetoursperyear isourtestimony BEST! ISRAEL KNOW WE We emphasizeabsoluteconfidentialityanddiscretion We We doallthework! helpyou your design ownexclusiveitinerary COMPARE APPLES TO APPLES -NEWITINERARIES&LOWERPRICES 2016 We areamid-sizedlaw firmthathasearnedan CONFIDENTIALITY /DISCRETION Lawyers andTrade MarkAgents • Don’t may MORE forLESS! Don’tmayMORE BEATOFFER!! ANY WILL WE • • • TICO Insurance (Not availabletoaonemanoperation) Insurance(Not TICO Don’t be tempted by a guide, a one-man operation. operation. byaguide,one-man tempted Don’t be enviable reputationforexcellence. We planaccording toyour budgetandpreferences ISRAEL PRIVATE TOURS •A truefamilyitinerary We inIsrael employthemostexperiencedguides • Free -Exclusive $2,000,000LiabilityInsurance Business andRealEstateLaw on behalfofourvaluedclients. Joseph G.Speranzini and corporaterestructuring. * Preferred rooms ineveryhotelforless!!


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Second the with case aswasthe injured or thousands of deaths hundreds about we nottalking Albeit are we helpless. are We intifada, ism. this with admitthat must of terror acts current these thwart swiftly to method normilitary political proof personnel. security and not armed average citizens are targets asthe prevent, isvery difficultto model This chaotic goes. Everything weapons. and devices make- shift scissors, knives, using actaloneorinpairs isto operandi Their modus imitated. be to models into acts their turning well media, asonmass mediaas onsocial andintensified spread wide is instantly terrorists of any of these over, randomly. and shoot The success run gooutandstab, to incentives extreme provided with young are These people inception. its and after before enced, the illusion) ofsecurity. illusion) the feeling(orperhaps the publicwith general the bestowing thus personnel; defense andarmed trained with terrorist ing the other confrontations that Israel has experi Israel that confrontations other from isdifferent which we findourselves tality, afa wounded. firearms; andcritically Knives and intwo days. incidents spread Five wide- intifada. ofatrue threshold the we on definition: are correct way for the the clearing The quietcollapsed, relative backinto Notoncebuttwice. week 7 slammed events of the ofMarch the awave. itwasjust But believed that who those to especially was receding, wave the asthough decline. Itseemed was on the Terror of quiet. illusion the On thethreshold ofathird intifada If the State of Israel cannot yet accurately cannotyet ofIsrael accurately State If the hasnotfoundafool ofIsrael The State The spontaneous “youth intifada” in “youth intifada” The spontaneous We itwasover. thought There was by YOSSI TANURI, Special to the Hamilton Jewish News Crossword PuzzleSolution ------Canada UIA Photo of Yossi Tanuri of courtesy Jewish Federations of United Israel Appeal. general of Jewish Federations of Canada- Yossi Tanuri, based inIsrael, is the director Forces. Defense Israel ofthe n that tha important is no less victory and its front international the today that say to It is not exaggerating This operation. isnotasimple position. defensive the assume must and in Europe USA the inCanada, lobbyists Israeli the such.” be should too, tion, preven its therefore one result; toward andmotivation concentration an intense isoneof put, simply intifada, ofthis ator The gener andcultural. religious logical, incitement. the which spread media, and Palestinian Arab andthe networks social Palestinian andinhomes. streets the in commerce, Itisinuniversities, arena. academic, and public relationslegal, economic, political, campaign isinthe This Israel. campaignagainst international combined the ignites fuelthat They the are it easily, newaudiences. itto exposing control networks News mediaandsocial is reckless. it that butrather isnotheroic, eous terror persuade the Palestinians that spontan that Palestinians the persuade to in an attempt for a cognizant attack This calls formulated. be each onemust down In this campaign, Diaspora Jewry and Jewry Diaspora campaign, In this psycho are motivations This intifada’s the block to impossible It isvirtually own. onits cannotstand Terrorism st be broken broken be must The conceptofterror to its elements and a response for andaresponse elements its to (from page12) - - - - Arts and so forth. I’lltellyouthe whole megillahand soforth. Comelisten tomybeaking. allye brave lads, Cape Horn tuches downonthatchair and butIremember.much, story. Because Iremember. Sometimes too They tellsomeBut me?Listentomywords. Maybehe’llneverwake. there towakeup. wait foryouralterkakerold gramps over novel:ning ofthe parrot. bawdy ex-seafaring ofhisgrandfather’s Yiddishkeit nautical spicy the he’dencounter Zaide issloffing, because butinstead, hisgrandfather, from forinformation Shalom Villagelooking aplacelike goingto aboy with begin history. would family their my story So, about relative anaging interview kids must where assignments school Hebrew those remembered come over Ialso andfixit. to hecouldpaymy son so eight-year-old control his remote deprogram to used Frank Grandpa great-grandparents. their visit ShalomVillageto goto to used dren Ladino. Jewsspoke the Spainwhere placein takes story muchofthe though even Yiddish speak my maincharacters have awayto In my novel, Iengineered world. the with wayofengaging ofits sense geta you know canstill much Yiddish, Somehow,and space. even if you don’t time usthrough with and ithastravelled As longaswe have aglass. Full-shmull. halffullorempty? glass Isthe people. optimistic pessimistically We’re it. about a jokes often and cantell family. we’re around butstill, Lifeishard and food good with lived andcelebrate we killusbutinstead humour. to They tried yet celebratory irony and afatalistic Jewish a quintessentially expresses me, Yiddish language.Andfor their brought also they possessions, orwithout with Jews went, Wherever being-in-the-world. and Jewish ofexperience richness upthe sum to ity vitality, ofits Because humour, abil- its its bird. ofa coot oldJewish kaker, acantankerous analter he’dbe meethim, when we first And IcallhimMoishe). (though “Moses” “Aaron” orating the mybe to protagonist’s Torah, the alluding to would my parrot And, owner its andremembers. from language learns Aparrot voice ofaparrot. story,pirate my novel inthe would told be “sense” ofJewishness. on that we pass also But stories. andfamily jokes to kugelrecipes to tragedies great from andculture, onourstories pass to our best we “neverthat should andwe do forget” We afeeling. also butit’s Jews, feeldeeply retrieve. difficultto vague,orare become disappear, to words begin the Sometimes we words. can’t put it all into Sometimes and stories. emotions, of memories, library anentire anencyclopedia, book, how about eachofusisa made methink alifeandit into likeaporthole seemed To dark. the against me, each window andship-like large Shalom Village,lit-up, mepast took route Myregular about. be would book whatthe about and think I’dwalkmy dog nights, idea?Most better you Sonu, have a pirates. Jewish about anovel write Idecidedto A fewyears ago, So, nu, bench your fatlittleoysgepasheter nu, So, Hello? Ifyouwantthestoryof alife,don’t - begin near the anexcerptfrom Here’s howOn myI’d recall my walk, own chil- ofourexperiences isalibrary Yiddish And naturally, Why? Yiddish. he’dspeak itwasa because that, Irealized In time, conceptfor isanimportant Memory Pirate stories, Shalom Village, ShalomVillage, Pirate stories, Memory andYiddish by GARY BARWIN, Special to the Hamilton Jewish News your skinny-dick shmeckel. your and above hair between ears some Itputs andshtupping. books, dangerous kishkas—guts— blood, you hearabout to what happened? Andthen ofallstories: bigquestion the isitburied? where and whatisthis you nu, ask, So, treasure. be ithasto you, so I’mtelling tale foryou. tell stories the remember, you remember. stories the tell to easier it’s Though, nu, andforgetting. bering - remem inboth andI’mfluent languages many butIspeak language offorgetting, confused farmisht inthe told are people old nudnik. be uponhim, Alavinvading armada. Peace ha’shalom. he’s inacrow’snestandiswarningof an so whoknows?Maybetheshlemielthinks hello orgoodbye?Ptuh!It’sanold agehome, Ishewavingbetween theorange curtains. geezer onthefifthfloor, squintingoutfrom farkakteh wavingof somepoultry-skinned goodbye,peace.Imaginethecrazyhello, such grey. Ayoungbirdwouldbeproudoffeathers. chicken Though oritsgizzards. look atthese it’s true, most of us look like yester¬day’s Butnu, in thisbirdhouseof leftoverYids. overs—wizened chicken-gizzard pupiklech TheyMaybe not treatuslikeleft- evenyou. bone coveredinfleshlikemangybeefjerky. of astolen acutlassof frock acollar coat, - fussy withepauletteshangingoff the rigging that worldhadbutoneshoulder, blueand And foratime,I hadn’tsailedrightintoit. jungle. AworldIwouldn’thavebelievedif A wonder tale. TheThe deep glintywaves. would yoube? Andsoulless creaturescrawl. thenwhere hisself atthebottom of theseawhere beside myscurvycaptainandDavyJones Youth Iwouldrest hundredsof yearsago, I not noshedfromtheFountain of Eternal girl. Gold. Gefilte TheJewels. A fish. Inquisition. story fromforetoaft. A beginning. A beginning. what wasthere? beginning inthe nu, So, like mazel for a pimply boy it brings Yes, answer. to This Aswell I’lltry asanother, isapirate this And whatdidwe find?Ach, Andwhatyou don’t to. Or pretend of lost library in this Too stories often, Shalom? InHebrew, “shalom”means The ShalomHome fortheAged. these days noone wants to hear.Feh, My captain’sshoulder. That life.Itwasabook madeintoalife. Without astory. Boychik, Iwasapirate’s andhad parrot, What’s itabout?Pirates.Parrots. Jews. You’ll likeit. *Offer valid for one qualifying purchase upon presentation of this piece. Not redeemable for cash. Not valid in conjunction with any other offer. 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17 HAMILTON JEWISH NEWS • APRIL 2016 18 HAMILTON JEWISH NEWS • APRIL 2016 Special Mentschen Register now! musical serviceforfamilieswithyoung children. Religious School weekly Parent &Tot Drop toage4) In(birth JK/SK @TAS JK/SK Explore HolidaysandHebrew through our and participateinTorah Tunes, ourweekly for Sept’16 For more informationpleasecontact Saturday mornings@11 a.m. [email protected] to study the Holocaust, aweekinGadna to studytheHolocaust, out thesemester, includingatrip toPoland are tripsthrough also numerous week-long Thereoutside theclassroom trips. onfield Approximately three daysaweekare spent requirements of theirhomehighschools. thelar generalstudiescoursestofulfill advanced Hebrew andtheirregu Ulpan, anan advanced Jewish history class, students takesizes, With very small class grades high schoolstudents forter longprogram School is asemes High theNFTY Tzuba, January through May. fromIsrael program ence) High School in International Experi (Eisendrath NFTY-EIE 63 teensfrom across NorthAmericaonthe Temple AnsheSholomare partofacohort URJ/NFTY-EIE SCHOOL HIGH IN ISRAEL Hamilton teens experience Israel the Children’s Hospital of Western Ontario. ofWestern Ontario. Hospital Children’s the from andmedicalresidents administrator atranslator/ anurse, dentists, pediatricians, Dr. FabianGorodzinsky, includes team the pediatrician by Ontario London, Established areas. remote from children Honduran to providing care year ofamedicalteam aspart for his fourth April this Honduras ling to - istravel developmental rehabilitation, ric between their centre in Honduras and inHonduras centre their between an ongoing connection establish to be onewayoranother. The wouldthat vision Ifeellikewe’ve accomplished treatment. and whoneedassesments people and see deliver patients want to ourequipmentto daywe endofthe Atthe want. what they and needsare alotonwhattheir depend how andsee whichwill we ments canhelp, doassess clinics, operate isto and ourintent in Brantford, Lansdowne Centre Children’s from therapist occupational by apediatric We’ll kids. serves joined that be Honduras in centre rehabilitation alocal with tion you do? What’s impactofwhat thelongterm equipment. andrehab have surgery cardiac We’ve for kids services. to local arranged with connectthem to andtry basis term cover to medication alonger with them we’ll leave child needsongoingtreatment, deficiency. andiron parasites Ifa diahrrea, infectious malnutrition, pneumonia, asthma, infections, like skin conditions What doyou kindofproblems see? shows onadailybasis. languageradio ish Span- to byup his language skills listening in2004.Toin Bolivia dayKleinkeeps this hospital inarural medical elective hetook improved a Klein’s Spanish during Spanish. in sity, acoupleof courses hetook where Univer atDalhousie as anundergraduate hisyears backto dates America inLatin est WENDY SCHNEIDER Based onKibbutz Nathan ApelandSamuelGencherof Dr. Benjamin Klein, a specialist inpediat aspecialist Dr. Klein, Benjamin Born and raised in London, Klein’sinter inLondon, andraised Born This year we hope to establish aconnec- This year establish we to hope We medical basic really kids with see Tikkun Olam in Honduras - - Samuel and Gencher Nathan Apel Photo High in School Israel credit URJ/NFTY-EIE ------(a si (a More informationcanbefound at sessions. Summer 2016, Fall 2016, andSpring 2017 isopenforEIE’s ant tome.”Registration a lifetime, something that is very import I willformbondswithothers thatwilllast peers thathave Ibelieve similarviews. that culture and heritage while interacting with it allowsmetoconnectmore withmyJewish isimportanttomebecause “Going onEIE sea to sea. ence), and a hike across the country from Dr. Benjamin Klein examines a Honduran child [email protected]. [email protected]. Kleinat oremailBenjamin https://hondurasmission2014. visit Mission, How peoplecanhelp like. are people know offerandgetto what to something andhave country inaforeign be to ing just For exhilarat meit’s them. with solidarity of sense and I felt a real genuine interaction, Itwasareal, do. to thing itwasagood that town andwere happywe their cameto they that expressing just us, with talking and sitting elders local and acoupleofthe abreak taking Irecall andasthma. infections people’s mind;oftreating cometo seen be eagerto clinic,ofpeople the go through you’ve out? hadthatstands encounter oneparticular Is there notpossible. just is whichinmany cases disease their cure to trying than rather andparticipation tion func- people’s optimizing change towards a has undergone rehabilitation pediatric The world of andexpertise. experience, Lansdowne, exchangeknowledge, andto To 2016 ofthe keepabreast Honduras and kids as they of parents A lot of images mulated Israeli army training experi Photo by Omar Enamorado says Gencher other people,” Judaism, andJudaism, myself, Israel, learning about simultaneously in Israelwhile ity tospendtime time opportun once in a life feel as if it is a because I EIE participate in “I choseto - - - - - the third Friday of each month, usually followed usually by ofeachmonth, a Friday third the placeon whichtake of ourFamilyShabbatservices, music The the lar JamBand. JamBandaccompanies Temple’spopu- the form to bandedtogether members ofinstrument-playing anumber at CampGeorge, retreat ofafamily by spirit the inspired Seven years ago, events. andspecial services during music instrumental and ofchoral arenaissance witness to delighted are synagogue. inthe presence anaccepted become to retreats camps andNFTY movement’s summer moved Reform the from 1970s the butduring orpiano, organ guitar the Traditionally, accompaniment was provided by asLouisLewandowski andSalomonSulzer.such composers Jewish German by outstanding pieces choral andrich inornate choirspecialized the time, Atthat organ. the before formally posed and children, ofmenandwomen, adults comprised group choral 1870s the from Aphoto Daniels. shows aserious 1865around Bernard andwasledby choirmaster history.musical choirwasformed The Temple’sfirst PAULA BARUCH TAS then and now choir Community how surrealism blendsdream and Grade 5 students learned about Dali, ial way. - alive and multi-sensor in an engaging room core teachers, curriculacomes as well asincredible home Lawton, sity, experiencedArtInstructor, Gila Eliora Wolfe, Harvard Ed. Univer M. - experience. Undertheleadershipof together tocreate a richer learning has woven artsandOntariocurricula Hebrew Academy (HHA)! Just askthestudentsatHamilton with Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky? ian artistRomero Britto?Or, geometry Dali? Or, TuBishvatwiththeBrazil to dowithSpanishpainterSalvador YAACOV MOREL Great artists come alive at theHHA Great artists Today Sholom ofTemple Anshe members the long of its Sholomisvery proud Temple Anshe In delvingintothehistoryandartof This past academic year, the HHA What doesGrade5French have NWH 041BridgewaterConstruction JewishNews_BW_FNL.indd 1 Brian Gluckstein,BridgewaterResidencesist��lyredefining downtown lux�r�onthewater’sedge suite, andexquisiteunobst��ctedviewsofthelake.Plus,with interiorsdesig�edbyaward-winning development joinedwithaworld-classfour-starconciergehotel , with24-hourroomser�icetoyour Const��ction hasbeg�nonBridgewaterResidences-Burling�on’s onlylux�riouscondominium LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS FROM THE $500’S TO OVER 3.5 MILLION. EXPERIENCE LUXURY LAKEFRONT LIVING AT BURLINGTON’S MOST PRESTIGIOUS ADDRESS. O V ER 70 ER % SOLD!

- - LAST CHAN ined apaintingbyRomero Britto soft watches. tions of Dali-inspired French andcreated theirownrendi theirfavouritethen identified hourin they studiedtimeinFrench. Students artist’s rendition of“soft” watchesas reality. Studentswere exposedtothe Romero Britto's famous painting of flowers Aaron Ginsberg with their renditions of Mendel Zaltzman, Emet Mendelson and During TuBishvatstudentsexam Call orregisterforyourpersonal appointment 905-68 CE TO GET IN ON PRE-CONSTRUCT music tradition continues to inspire at Anshe Sholom. atAnshe inspire to continues tradition music The Shabbatservices. High HolyDaysandmonthly the throughout congregation the voices have stirred andsoaring spirit andyoung whose adults people, ofmenandwomen, awonderful group together TAS the hasreformed Choir,Paula Baruch, bringing recently, soloist, Temple’scantorial the dinner.ity More commun- on this g�oundbreaking development. 1 - 3300 We’ve broken g�ound We’vebroken - - the photos and videos section at www. visit students, artofHHA magnificent Forthe brain. onlinegalleriesofthe mation becomesmore embeddedin content they are the infor- learning, create visual expressions of the memory retention. When students improvesgration comprehension and studies of seasons. theirFrench astheyintegrate scapes, century, famousforhisCanadianland Canadianpainterofthe19thgreat about Cornelius DavidKrieghoff, the sciplinary studies in science. inter-di lessonsoftheholidayandgrating whileinte andfruit, depicting flowers Research hasshownthatartinte studentsareHHA currently learning Interiors by . ION PRICES! - - - Adapted fromRabbiMordecai Green’smemoirs 905-528-0039. orby calling [email protected] viapaypalto appreciated are Donations over just halfofthat. event raises mikvah fundraising mikvahis$25,000.The annual Hamilton AdasIsrael’s budget forthe facility. this utilize ing communities Currently, annualoperating the - andsurround inHamilton synagogues Allofthe accomplishment. mikvahwascompleted. ofthe construction the Kuhl’s contribution, war. the With during many extermination Jewsfrom inrescuing tal - Torontoto Dr. with JuliusKuhlwhowasinstrumen andvisited went Green $5,000. Rabbi short The wasstill building. project start to $15,000, count had reached the and Hoffman arrived money sufficient Bornstein time Bythe dollarbills. bagsfilledwith again fillingmore accompany hishouse, rabbi himto the that insisting steps, on the home. uponhis return waiting moneywould more be that rabbi the assured Lifshitz transpired, accountofwhathad Green’s hearing After Lifshitz. with meeting amikvah. construct to notsufficient butobviously start, was agreat The contribution $4,000indollarbills. give them to man proceeded older the where went Siegel’shouse Green to and MaxHoffman, agreed. inhisvoice. Green urgency Rabbi ofgreat you.” There wasasense to speak me home. I must take please “After inYiddish. he said minyan foryou“I’ve waiting Rebbe,” been him. towards got up and rushed hequickly Green Rabbi Siegal saw When steps. front on its sitting anoldergentleman, Siegal, Hershel whenhesaw on CannonStreet, oldshul the walking towards would waiting. be money home, the returned rabbi when the that Green told and then intently listened Lifshitz amikvah. challengeofestablishing daunting Synagogueandthe magnificentnewAdasIsrael the of establishing accomplishment great himofthe andtold zt”l, DovidRabbi Lifshitz Academy. University, While Yeshiva famed visiting the he met with Hebrew Hamilton York newlyestablished forthe teachers interview to winter. inthe inconvenience, particularly Toronto, to travel agreat to whichcouldbe were forced bath ritual ina themselves immerse to Those wishing butnomikvah. gations, Today, incredible ofthis beneficiary isthe community entire the Siegalwaswaiting went shul, Green to nexttime the enough, Sure backinNewYork foundhimself Afewweeks Green later, Rabbi Together Bornstein Harold with was Green Back inHamilton, New to of1962, travelled summer Green Inthe Mordechai Rabbi - congre large hadthree community 1960s, Hamilton early the In the The miracle behind the The miracle behind the Hamilton mikvah 2016-03-14 4:08PM 19 HAMILTON JEWISH NEWS • APRIL 2016 20 HAMILTON JEWISH NEWS • APRIL 2016 RONIT MESTERMAN Community na’amat have fun. who came out on a cold winter day to participants the all toappreciation warmour event, and this of ization members who contributed to the organ- and colleagues. to see spouses as well as male friends Na’amat Wellness Day, and would love male participation in the future at our w we organization, women’s a being Na’amat despite We would like to make itknown that, next round in 2017 was clearly heard. requestthe forwasexcellentand a companyher through fatigue’ sion ‘compas- and mindfulness in ings providesgroup workersocial a bytraining,and sity ment of medicine at McMaster Univer an assistant professor- of the depart some wonderful exercises. Spironello, ‘mindfulness’ andwalked usthrough provided us with a stimulating talk on energy. delicious snacks for yet further needed divert enthusiastic participants to our high energy level to madeitdifficult Hadas Gabizon.Theenthusiasm and and Pilates, led by instructorcertified introductory sessionto Tai Chi,Yoga ing and‘feel good’time,through an wasfollowed relaxcontrastingby a - This dancing. Bollywood and salsa kickboxing,of mix a with sweating who isabundleofenergy, we allgot professional trainer, Tracey Kornblum, catedtophysical our selves. byLed to care for others.” care of yourself so that you are stronger Sunday, Jan.24. The theme was: ”Take N WELLNESS DAY Wishing ourclients&the community A bigthank you to allourNa’amat participants all from Feedback Spironello,speaker,Valerie Our The first part of the event was dedi- JORDAN ZALTER at Templeat onSholom Anshe second annualWellness Day its held Hamilton a’amat Sales Representative a Happy Passover and individual train- individual and ould encourage ould - funding so we can continue to service this vulnerable population. vulnerable this service we to funding so cancontinue our andcontinuing program ofthis importance the forrecognizing Governmentand the ofOntario Federation Jewish Hamilton the to isvery thankful The JSS entertainment. passive to was preferable active socializing that saying declined, TV,they onourbigscreen cablestation a Russian-speaking and two days a week we When play Bingo. classess offered Two days a week wevolunteers. offer ESL and members staff by JSS prepared isserved brunch At10 ahearty andpainting. a.m. workbooks English working with cognitive competence, maintain to designed doing puzzles playing cards, from ranging activities engagedinvarious ourparticipants with The daybegins typical “Day Program.” the ournameto we changing are accomplishes actually whatourprogram andreflect Ministry the To homes. of andgetoutoftheir newvision meetpeople, the getameal, complywith time, spend We they where workshop. adayprogram isnotatraditional offerourseniors ourprogram that Fortunately, has recognized public workforce. the into Ministry the integrated needs can be special with people that so out, fazed willbe five inOntario within years allworkshops announced that This year Ministry the day. projects. workshop various working onthe The feltproductive people would onehotmealseach they getatleast that andguaranteed families their couldgetfrom they whathelp The supplemented workshop Canadianculture. about them teach to inspeakers brought and classes, ESL arranged JSS andYiddish. Russian whospoke people couldmeetother they where neededaplace seniors These meetnewneeds. to progressed Former Soviet program Union, the the from ofseniors With arrival the forseniors. a“workshop” operate to Services Social Jewish ton RONIT MESTERMAN CAROL KRAMES

More than 45 years ago the Ministry of Community and Social Services approved a grant to Hamil- approved to agrant Services andSocial ofCommunity Ministry 45years agothe than More An ESL class at Jewish Social Services JEWISH SOCIAL SERVICES Sales Representative SARIT ZALTER 905-648-6800 Ancaster Photo by Wendy Schneider 905-524-3345. jgsh.orgbyor atBoon Hazel phoning More information can be found atwww. Collection”.Museum Dennis Helene ory: From the Beth Tzedec Reuben and and How they Enhance Our Family Hist- delight us with “Stories That Objects Tell will welcome DorionLiebgottwhowill May 11 atTemple AnsheSholom.We will take placeat7:30 onWednesday, them. find such groups, if that is of interest to mandate at JGSH is to help our members lived in that particular shtetl. Part of our familyone’s that belief a than other informationno theirabout ancestors shtetl. Onecanjoinsuch agroup with same the in lived ancestors whose research, andaskquestions ofothers information,pool to members their Interest Groups (SIGs),serve to allow groups, sometimesknown asSpecial and diedinthose towns. Mostly these ies, a further tribute to those who lived worked to restore their town’s cemeter havegroups Some came. ancestors ialize the many towns from which our informal,and servewhichto memor of 2,557 in 1898. Ozarów, which had a Jewish population from come families whose others into the fold andisnow intouch with many emails,this woman was brought about her family. After the exchange of information about Ozarów and perhaps Gold hoping he could lead her to more the originalemail,awoman contacted regard to that shetlare well known. In in contacts and knowledge his and grated to Canada from Ozarów, Poland me on an email chain. His family immi- member MoisheGoldrecently copied Genealogical HAZEL BOON Our last regular meeting of the season There are many groups, both formal Jewish GenealogicalSociety(JGSH) Society Jewish - - Laura WolfsonLaura [email protected]. To group. the to contact please members findoutmore TASTY welcome welcome joinin. to new are to hopes Temple members also not kidswhoare andJewish onSundayafternoons placeoncea month take LaserTag. goingto are JYGActivities they andinApril park trampoline indoor went SkyZone they to in February activities… do cooking don’t just they But kitchen! of fun in the art the mastering really kids are Baking” – the Hamantashen Fun “Seriously to chefSeanDavis, guest celebrity with ChefPizza-Making” “Iron “CupcakeWars” with year. the upthis to bumped Starting really isalso age group TempleKol from Ami. peers their inToronto, Market with placeinKensington together andwill take Strangers” to iscalled“Love program Letters Temple.Nextmonth’s atthe leadayouth service to They’ve youth Shabbat dinner, planning hadapotluck andare heldamovie night, homeless. whoare people support to inHamilton efforts needy andabout people, valueofproviding for Jewish the about them teaching students, school religious forour workshop ablanket-making ran they Inaddition, and atCampGeorge. Toronto, Erie, Cleveland, inRochester, infive weekend retreats has participated Community LAURA WOLFSON NAOMI BERNSTEIN Leeav Lipton Kehila: Where are they now? TEMPLE YOUTH PROGRAMS designed tomeasure borne telescope, high altitudeballoon- build SuperBIT, a tohelp hand-picked Astronomy. Hewas of Astrophysics and sity’s Department Toronto Univer- fromgraduated are doing now: some ofgraduates Here’s whattunities. educational oppor- our community’s years agotowiden Youth Youth JYG(Junior 8) forkidsinthe 5to programming –Grades Group This year agedTemplekids. TASTYTASTY forhighschool group nameofthe isthe Leeav Lipton Kehila opened 17 Sarah Goldberg ing atFacebook’s summer he’llbework University. This Science atMcGill ics andComputer studying Mathemat com. company, sarahtova. ica fabricdesign runs herownJuda She alsodesign. interning infashion is currently inIsrael, 100 galaxy clusters. tion around more than dark matterdistribu Brad Wiseman Amiel Kollek Sarah Goldberg Amiel Kollek The lawyers and staff at staff Ross&McBrideLLPwishtheentire and The lawyers a community is is - - - - w this fall. in Moscow this fall. of HigherEconomics Russian at the School for Soviethistoryand to pursueherpassion landed anopportunity University. She from McMaster A average inhistory ates thisyear withan wide each year. 400 picked world oneofonlyintern, ware engineering Francisco as a soft headquarters inSan Hon. David Steinberg Happy Passover. Talia Kollek gradu Talia Kollek - - - 905.529.7725. to bookatourat com orcallMichele at kehilaschool. child? Findoutmore experience foryour Steak House. Toronto’s Barbarian’s atChef Certification towards hisRed Seal andworking Program, ary Appre Advanced Culin of theGeorgeBrown an honoursgraduate Ethan Rogers Want theKehila Ethan Rogersis Barry YellinBarry


Front (l to r) Carl DeLeon, Arielle DeLeon, Hannah Byrne-Wolfson. Photo by Laura Wolfson Laura by Photo Byrne-Wolfson. Hannah DeLeon, Arielle DeLeon, Carl r) to (l Front The TASTY delegation at the Winter Kallah Regional board meeting. Rear (l to r) Matt Sampson, Shelby Frank-Davis, Frank-Davis, Shelby Sampson, Matt r) to (l Rear meeting. board Regional Kallah Winter the at delegation TASTY The - Comic book author coming to Hamilton provides analternative approach totraditional on sermonsgiven byRabbi Silverman. Hiswork explains thathisversions ofthestoriesare based Smiley Jacob. Attheendofeachhisstories, andhehasasoftspot for Beth man’s grandsons, is oneofthelateRabbi IsraelandGloriaSilver - to Beth Jacob!” he replied, “Ofcourse,Iwillcome.can’tsayno would be open to offer school visits. and HannahHagarforRoshHashanah comics in2016, The BookofRuthforShavuot when Smileyannouncedtherelease oftwonew were genuinely entertained. questions and once thought-provoking again, of children duringtheHighHolidayprogram asked comic, The ofIsaac.The Sacrifice overflow crowd entertained. debateandthechildrenwas discussion, were thrilled by the response of the children. There shewas Armed withcopiesforaboutadozen, JonahandtheWhale.Dov Smiley’scomicbook, Beth Jacobeducationdirector, found RinaRodak, ming forthekidsduringYizkortwoyears ago, Why couldn’thesayno?BecauseDovSmiley When RodakextendedaninvitationtoSmiley, There wasgenuineexcitementatBethJacob The followingyear, Smileyreleased anew Tasked withthechallengetoprovide program JeffreyManishen clients. you If have any questionsabout many to practice areas our orservices what we canprovide you, feel free to No otherlaw offers firminthecity as Lawyers in your Corner - 905-512-4036. [email protected] orcall more information contact Rina Rodak at AllareMay 4from welcome.For 4:30-6p.m. teachers and students love. kind oflearningthatBethJacobHebrew School through This akidfriendlymedium. isexactlythe T Dov Smiley with his comic book Jonah and the Whale. orah learning; an opportunity to explore text 1 King Street,1 King 10thFloor Smiley willbespeakingatBethJacobonWed. Hamilton, ONL8P1A4 FAX: 905.526.0732 TEL: 905.526.9800 Photo of courtesy the Canadian Jewish News contact 21 HAMILTON JEWISH NEWS • APRIL 2016 22 HAMILTON JEWISH NEWS • APRIL 2016 Travel E attention was diverted from hisown from wasdiverted attention power took in1976, junta military Meyer’s seminary.only rabbinical When the America’s campsandLatin summer style synagogue,CampRamah- Conservative popular found anenormously go onto Meyer would and idealistic, Charismatic community. Jewish assimilated tina’s - Argen to Judaism ofConservative tions - institu successful most the of bringing in1959 goal Aires the with inBuenos post leader, Meyer a and civilrights accepted theologican Conservative esteemed the Heschel, Joshua Abraham ofRabbi disciple power. took A military the even before status legendary Meyer already possessed War.” “Dirty Argentina’s Marshall Rabbi of victims for the advocate outspoken and afearless rabbi, wasanAmerican side by marching their seen Often children. missing oftheir over unknown the fates protest insilent every week square, inthe PlazadeMayo, gathered ofthe Mothers world asthe known the be to to — soon ofwomen agroup themselves, to risk Atgreat were Jews. Yattah, to according ofvictims, number total centofthe 20 per and andyoung intellectuals, were students ones” disappeared of“the number ate - Adisproportion atrace. without vanished and were arrested dictatorship military ruling by country’s the threats political and 1983, deemed ofpeople thousands 1976 Between period. evoke aparticular pavement onits kerchiefs white painted butthe ofyears, hundreds throughout demonstrations pointforpolitical focal the hasbeen publicsquare, famous tina’s DirtyWar An Americanrabbi’sheroism duringArgen other. each with enced by interactions their - andinflu were shaped citizens, Jewish andits Argentina account ofhow both fascinating inYattah’s soaking captives, willing we foundourselves ence.” Ifso, “Ihave acaptive audi- us, hetold “Here,” 10 hissermons. into watches minutes attheir looking would start congregants whose pulpitrabbi jobforaformer dream wasa profession his chosen he jokedthat When asmuch, told seats. metaphorical edgeofour kept usonthe for hissubject ofknowledge depth andpassion whose storyteller isamaster —Yattah well spent inhiscompany we were time hours spent city. ofthe tours hisJewish about The five by rave reviews the December, attracted last Aires Buenos to trip oursix-day to leadingup months inthe Advisor Trip 1990s calling. late findhistrue to inthe Argentina to returning years before synagoguefornine conservative largest ofHouston’s rabbi asanassociate served inNewYork.Theological Seminary Yattah Jewish atthe received hisordination who Aires, anative ofBuenos Yattah, The Plaza de Mayo, Argentina’s most most The PlazadeMayo, Argentina’s on My husbandandIfoundYattah Argentina The Jewsof VIBRANT COMMUNITYWHOSE HISTORICAL ROOTSRUNDEEP guide. That would be Ernesto guide. That would Ernesto be tour turned rabbi a Conservative from Ilearned Jewry of Argentine history Iknow the verything about Story and photos by NO NEEDTOCRY FORA WENDY SCHNEIDER, - 1950s as a Hitler admiring antisemite, 1950s antisemite, admiring asaHitler the mediathroughout international the terms. favourable exceptionally offered dealthat atrade andsigned state, fledging inthe upanembassy set to country first wasthe Argentina Meir. Furthermore, Golda minister, prime Israeli future with lady havingatête-à-tête first ofthe graph - aphoto alongside Foundation, Peron Eva ofthe beneficiaries amongthe listed orphanageis anIsraeli district, Palermo tony Aires’ inBuenos museum Peron Evita Inthe ofIsrael. supporters stalwart They were also greetings. Hashanah Rosh bringing them depicting newsreels in community Jewish forthe affection oftheir in very publicdemonstrations couplewasengaged presidential the Nazis, former wasactively recruiting Argentina that time same atthe that fact inthe lies wellbeen documented. ColdWar the during has of Naziscientists recruitment clandestine United States’s the and notalone.Britain wascertainly Peron power. industrial Inthis, astrong into Argentina hisgoalsoftransforming further know-how andscientific to technological exploitGerman to dictator ofthe part the on itwasdriven byof Nazisthan adesire fond being about policywasless foreign however, pro-German Juan Peron’s Yattah, to According Nazi warcriminals. of welcome hundreds provided awarm to inwhichArgentina aperiod with ated - iswidelyassoci era Peron butthe Evita, balcony in famous scene ofthe site as the known many LloydWeber to Andrew fans PlazadeMayo, is overlooks the that house Peron, IsraelandtheJews communities. Jewish andsustaining his work ofstrengthening ary, continuing are 80graduates whose Semin- Rabbinical Meyer American Latin T. Marshall the lives onthrough his spirit America Latin liver throughout cancer. But by cutshort hislifetragically was dead, Tenyears later, Meyer andactivism. uality ofspirit acentre synagogueinto Jeshurun West Upper the Side’sB’nai transform to followingthe year, hewent where on NewYork to Hereturned Alfonsin. Raul honourby President highest country’s in1983,tina Meyer the wasawarded wrote. she disappeared,” the locate to tirelessly working couldgetout, they until others country, the escape hiding ing people help- railroad, underground avirtual ran weekly. prisons the andvisiting He risk, Plaza deMayo hissynagogueatgreat into ofthe welcoming Mothers the torship, - dicta the against preaching government, Meyer’s activism. impactof the describes JaneIsay author andsermons, Meyer’s speeches containing abook country. to the Inherintroduction across wasspreading that of humanrights deterioration alarming the to community While Peron was widely portrayed in While waswidelyportrayed Peron era Peron The paradox ofthe great The government elegantpink-tinged - Argen to When returned democracy “Hewasalonelyvoice the against the Hamilton Jewish News

- a distinctly Jewish feel. Jewish a distinctly mixedneighbourhood give this Hassidim Chabad ubiquitous a bygone andthe era builtduring ofsynagogues elegant facades the alongwith Once’s crowded streets, line that stores Jewish-owned textile Syrian ofthe doorposts mezuzahs onthe Andyet the immigrants. Jewish earlier neighbourhood’s the replaced mostly have andParaguay Peru Bolivia, from explainedhow immigrants Yattah sens, delicates kosher numerous quarter’s the inoneof served sandwiches pastrami Side.OverEast adeliciouslunchofhot Lower ofthe version America’s Latin it, call to likes or, asYattah Aires, of Buenos quarter Jewish isthe On-say) (pronounced aristocracy The Crypto Jewishroots oftheBuenosAires Kaddish. er’s - Mourn the inreciting dictator leading the softly funeral, Evita’s during side dictator’s by would the Blum, stand Amram Rabbi That rabbi, same advisor? affairs religious would ashis appointarabbi he asked, What antisemite, claimsotherwise. Yattah Israeli embassy and Jewish community centre inside Buenos Aires’ Metropolitcan Cathedral. Tour guide Ernesto Yattah standing before the memorial to and victims of terrorist Holocaust survivors bombings at the The Living Words of Rabbi Marshall T. Meyer FromJane Isay’s introduction to You Are My Witness, Plaza de Mayo into The neighbourhood ofOnce The neighbourhood voice against the “He was a lonely his synagogue.” Mothers of the welcoming the government ... - of Buenos Aires’s Franciscan convent. Franciscan Aires’s of Buenos 16th benefactors among the century names discovery ofSephardic student’s Yale aJewish to thanks discovered, wasonlyrecently globalsilver trade the akeyplayer into in empire Spanish the of fringes onthe outpost an insignificant from Aires Buenos intransforming tians” ofplaces. improbable most —inthe Aires Buenos foundintoday’s be canindeed Their descendants Argentina. Jewsof first the Jews, Crypto Portuguese 16th to connection century geneaological any isthere population, Jewish tina’s - nowhere amongArgen But presence. century.20th Chabad alarge There isalso ofthe beginning atthe Argentina to grated Jewswhoimmi- andMorroccan Syrian from descended Sephardic, centare per Fifteen Jews. asConservative or identify unaffiliated either are majority Ashkenazi city. inthe elsewhere secular The mostly 240,000,reside approximately numbering The painted white kerchiefs on the Plaza de Mayo The played role by “NewChris Jewish Aires, JewsofBuenos ofthe Most - Golda Meir in a meeting with Eva Peron Second World War, Book a copyofthe the during synagoguedestroyed a Berlin of ruins the from rescued ofEsther Book the isapagefrom mural enclosed glass displayed inthe texts ofJewish ments - frag Among the people. Jewish the with reconciliation towards church Catholic by taken Argentina’s steps remarkable isapowerful ofthe symbol Centre), ity Commun- Jewish Central the Argentina: Israelita Mututal (forAsociación AMIA andthe Embassy Israel atthe attacks ist 1990s inthe murdered terror and those victims Holocaust to memorial the cino, - Quarra Antonio Cardinal of Argentina, in1997Inaugurated by archbishop the Cathedral. Metropolitan Aires Buenos atthe memorial Holocaust the seeing ence, we without couldn’tleave city the insist onYattah’s but, church, Catholic a inside Aires ofBuenos tour Jewish The thePopeand the Jews Cardinal, Jews. Crypto Portuguese the with families Catholic established most oldest, Aires’s Buenos connected research genealogical decadethat last the until itwasn’t that complete, was so integration their Within ageneration disappearance. complete their ledto that exactthing wasthe Aires find inBuenos would Crypto-Jews that and prosperity safety,novel. the Ironically acceptance mystery any couldrival bestselling that astory with attention held usinrapt Yattah , from ahead ofinquisitors onestep stay to trying merchants Jewish monksandprosperous Franciscan Jewish Weaving by populated Crypto- atale Israelita Argentina: the Central Jewish Community Centre.) (On-say) inOnce scene A typical to ,home new ofthe home isalsothe It Mututal AMIA(Asociación ofLubavitch buildingofthe ahighconcentration Jewish ofsynagogues, andkindergartens. concentrations largest andthe Hassidim schools One doesn’t expect to wrap upa wrap to expect One doesn’t Source: Public Domain - - late 19th century that has recently been been hasrecently 19th that late century inthe immigrants Jewish ous European synagoguebuilt by prosper majestic a TemploLibertad, have atthe alook to street the we crossed Instead, tions. ongoingrenova- was cancelleddueto tour the that discovering onourarrival we —until —orso thought Theatre Colon famous ofthe language tour anEnglish- catch to enoughtime us just would give Aires final dayinBuenos visittotheJewishmuseum An unplanned madeithappen. guys” Argentinian “three himthat to sense And itmadeperfect itallstarted. placewhere moment inthe a such hadshared religions Abrahamic three ofthe representatives that time first the Yattah, said Itwas, effect. symbolic Western ofthe Wallin front hadstunning menembracing three ofthe photograph the globalantisemitism, andrising ISIS of brutality shocking the Middle East, the violencethroughout unprecedented of Atatime papaldelegation. ofthe part be to leaderOmarAbboud and Muslim Skorka Abraham Rabbi Argentinians Land inMay2014, heinvited fellow Holy the to trip onhishistoric embark world stage. the to and Muslims Catholics Jews, between reconciliation of spirit hewould the bring predecessor, by modeled his path not onlywalkthe would Francis, world asPope the to elder brothers.” our with andfraternity reconciliation of path same me,willwalkthe succeed to momentcomes whenthe Bergoglio, Jorge Monsignor archbishop coadjutor words. these WallenbergRaoul contains Foundation, International founderofthe Tenembaum, Baruch friend hisgood to death cardinal’s the before two months just by Quarracino writen letter aframed mural the Beneath bombing. AMIA the recovered from embassy, fables ofYiddish andabook Israeli ofthe ruins of Samuelfoundinthe A late afternoon flight homeonour flight afternoon A late to When wasabout Francis Pope known Bergoglio, Jorge Monsignor “I have my nodoubtthat current - leading up to his Bar Mitzvah that Treguer Treguer that hisBarMitzvah leading upto community.Jewish year the Itwas during the to connection little upwith grew major, who Treguer, a20-year-old history him. about more learn to was curious andI we captivating, that foundmost ish andSpan- English between explanations his alternated wayheseamlessly and the ofknowledge,guide’s eloquence,depth itwasouryoung But pampas. Argentine Gauchosofthe Jewish famous of the forebears the Jews, Russian for persecuted deHirsch Maurice Baron philanthropist Jewish upby German set the colonies agricultural the to connected were items interest Ofparticular Argentina. to tion - migra ofJewish history depictthe that ofartifacts collection small museum’s the of onatour onlyparticipants couple the my husbandandIaSpanish-speaking That left forego. to opted time same the at whoarrived couples Israeli choice the a price, admission the includedwith tour ofaguided advantage take to choosing The was second oneofourbest. Aires would dayinBuenos that makeourlast morning oftwo that first wasthe decision That spontaneous breakfast. a leisurely having itopened hourbefore the spend we anearby dinerwhere could spotted aswe Why welay within. thought, not, museum aJewish that ing indicating adjacentbuild- onthe sign asmall missed we almost doors, elegantwooden its MagenDavidabove prominent at the Gazingup monument. made anational An exhibit at the Jewish museum of Buenos Aires. His name, I later learned, isFede learned, His name,Ilater we can all strive to emulate. emulate. to we canallstrive —something values andlives its history knows that its Acommunity celebrate: to Jewry, Argentine ismuch of today’s there he wrote. usapart,” cantear wallsthat the destroy isto people non-Jewish working with communities. andMuslim Catholic the with initiatives outreach successful museum’s the about learn whenthey surprise with react abroad Jewsfrom isseeing satisfaction ofhisgreatest source the revealed that age of18, the since docent Treguer Treguer. Apart-time about ing details interest homerevealed more return Paraguay. via Argentina, to journey and perilous inGermany, raid of anAlliedbombing Warsaw unlikelysurvival the Ghetto, from escape miraculous grandmother’s his specifically, surrounding details the history, hisfamily delvinginto began Aires JewishtoursofBuenos Ernesto Yattah’s GO YOU IF on Plaza Libertad. +54/11-4123-0832.on PlazaLibertad. tad 769 betweenCórdoba andViamonte, Liber- tour includedwithpriceofadmission. Fridays: Guided to 7p.m.; 11 to5p.m. a.m. Hours:Monday toThursdays,11tion. a.m. to thepublicwithproper passportidentifica Buenos Aires.Admissionisgenerallyopen related toArgentina’sJewishcommunityin thesmallmuseumdisplaysItems Libertad, Templo of thegorgeousByzantine-style Housed insidetheadministrative offices Jewish MuseumofBuenosAires JudíodeBuenosAiresMuseo Email: [email protected] ++54(11) 4811-0108; Argentinia’s Jewishcommunity. 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