Agricultural Learning Opportunities on Hawai’i Island (Compiled by Zach Mermel, July 2008) Introduction This sheet provides various resources for residents of Hawaii Island to learn more about agriculture on Hawaii Island. Know your Farmer Alliance (KYFA) Summary KYFA is a grassroots educational and activist group of farmers, gardeners and others interested in ecological food production and local self-sufficiency on Hawai'i Island. KYFA aims to promote natural growing practices throughout Hawaii Island by lectures, seed exchanges, workshops, farm tours, demonstrations, meetings, networking and our own seasonal newsletters. Interested persons can visit the KYFA website at In East Hawaii, contact Lynn Howe or Geoff Rauch at 936-7040, or email
[email protected]. In West Hawaii, contact Nancy Redfeather at 322-2801, or email
[email protected]. Research Method Howe, Lynn and Geoff Rauch. Know Your Farmer Alliance . 2008. Accessed on July 22, 2008: <>. Hawaii Island Seed Exchange Summary The Hawaii Island Seed Exchange was established in 2003 as a way for farmers and gardeners island-wide to share saved seed, cuttings, roots, huli, and plants in order to increase food self-reliance on Hawaii Island. In recent years the Seed Exchange has been hosted at the Amy Greenwell Ethnobotanical Gardens on the Summer Solstice (June 21). Admission is free. Due to the potential danger of unknowingly spreading the “little fire ant” (Wasmannia auropunctata), none of the following are allowed at the exchange: bare rooted plants, seeds in pods or husks, leaf material, or plants in soil. For more information, contact Nancy Redfeather, Hawaii Island Seed Exchange Coordinator, at 322-2081.