MIDATLANTIC GUIDE TO COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES February 2008 A Reference for Individuals and Groups Forming A and Sustaining Cooperative Businesses Pennsylvania Guide to Cooperative Development Resources A Reference for Individuals and Groups Engaged in Forming and Sustaining Cooperatives Developed and Published by: The Keystone Development Center 200 Trinity Road York, PA 17404 Telephone: 717-792-2163 Fax: 717-792-2573 Website: www.kdc.coop Authors: Cathy Smith and Tanya Turner Keystone Staff: Cathy Smith, Ph.D. Executive Director
[email protected] 814-687-4937 (O) 814-687-4127 (F) P.O. Box 4 Flinton, PA 16640 Judi Miller Financial and Administrative
[email protected] 717-792-2163 (T) 717-792-2573 (F) 200 Trinity Road, York, PA 17404 We gratefully acknowledge funding from both the United States Department of Agriculture (Rural Cooperative Development Grant) and the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture to support the development, publishing, and distribution of this guide. Names and organizations listed in this manual are for reference purposes only and do not constitute a recommendation or validation of expertise. Even though every effort was made to include all resources available, there may be individuals and organizations with cooperative expertise not listed. Keystone Development Center 2 February, 2008 Keystone Development Center Consultants The following consultants have our recommendation: Anthony Adonizio/Attorney at law Anthony Adonizio is an experienced Attorney at Law and has a deep background in cooperative law. Office: Camp Hill, PA. Telephone: 717-730-2052. Email:
[email protected]. Joe Dudick/Development Specialist Joe Dudick is an experienced cooperative developer who can provide director education, feasibility studies, due diligence processes and general organizational development for groups who are forming or have formed cooperatives.