Republican Cuba: a Preliminary Political Evaluation
REPUBLICAN CUBA: A PRELIMINARY POLITICAL EVALUATION Alfred G. Cuzán1 In La Democracia Republicana en Cuba, 1940–1952, Inspired by those efforts, here I offer a preliminary, Rodríguez Arechavaleta (2017, 21) laments that Cu- partial evaluation of the nearly half-century long Cu- ban history has been “caricatured, simplified, and ban Republic.3 It is partial, in that I evaluate only the stereotyped” in an official teleology that sees the rev- electoral system, assessing it in terms of competitive- olution of 1959 and the Castro regime that followed ness, comparing Cuba both contemporaneously with two of its peers, Chile and Costa Rica, and across a as its natural or inevitable outcome. Two decades larger set of democracies from around the region and earlier, Ameringer (2000, 1), had observed that histo- the world4. It is preliminary because it is my first, th rians studying 20 century Cuba “generally divide it tentative foray into the republican era, all my previ- into three periods: the Plattist Republic, 1902–33, ous writings on Cuba having been concerned with the era of Fulgencio Batista, 1934–58, and the rule the Castro regime.5 Like a student pilot who may of Fidel Castro.” Ameringer noted that overlooked in need several approaches to the runway before landing that survey is a period of democratic governance that his aircraft safely, it will no doubt require me to revis- ran from 1940 to 1952, “the Auténtico Years.” Both it this subject more than once to get it right. authors then proceeded to set the record straight, ex- DATA ANALYSIS amining that era with particular care.
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