Guide for Transmitting Tubes
UIDEfor TRANSMITTING TUBES 104 ENGINEERS EXPERIMENTERS 904citscied. SPECIAL CHART FOR TRANSMITTING TUBES 1Air-and Water -Cooled, PHOTOTUBES, CATHODE RAY AND SPECIAL TUBES 111111111111111111.11111.0 Price 35 Cents RAMO CORPORATION OF Asioncit, CAMDEN, N. J., U.*. A. Nes, POWER WHEN YOU WANT IT AS MUCH AS YOU WANT FOR THE SERVICE YOU WANT 450 WATTS INPUT- TUBE COST, $7.00 RCA -812triodesinpush-pull will take 460 watts input up to 60 Mc-an all-time high in tube economy with 64.3 watts input per dollar. RCA -812's and their high -mu companions, RCA -811'e, are the only low-pricedtubes with the Zirconium -coated an- ode. This anode, an RCA devel- opment, has very high heat dis- sipating qualities and functions asahighlyeffectivegetter. 360 WATTS INPUT-LESS THAN A WATT OF DRIVE! The RCA -813 beam transmitting tube offers real power and circuit amplification.It makes possible efficient and flexible ligh-gain stages at a cast comparable with that of equipment usingDrdi nary tube 2ombinations. 6,36) VOLTS AT 1/2 AMPERE: Single-phase full -wave, briclg? recti- fier using Lang -life 866-A/886's de- livers over three kilowatts of power to the load. RCA-866-A/866's handle high voltagesat lowinitialcost, have tremendous emission reserve, and provide longerlife.Reason are that these tubes are designed with improued filaments, have dame bulbs andnsulated plate caps. at, PUSH-PULL BEAM POWER ON 150 Mc The 811 in this tuned4ine r -f power amplifier de- livers50 watts output at 160 Mc-with a grid drive of less than one -bait watt.
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