Molecular Biology
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THE UNIVERSITY OF PERUGIA GENERAL DESCRIPTION Perugia is a hill-town situated in the centre of Italy, in a valley between Florence and Rome. Its University was founded in 1308 by a Papal “Bulla” of Pope Clemente V. The "Studium Generale" was very famous in the XIVth century. It was in fact considered one of the most important Schools in Italy. Before the Clementine “Bulla” the Grand Council of Perugia's municipality, with the 1275 and 1276 deliberations, invited the students to come to Perugia to listen to the "reading of the laws", grammar, logic and other arts. The prestige of the "Studium" in the XIV century is connected above all with the following important personages: Cino da Pistoia, Bartolo da Sassoferrato and Baldo degli Ubaldi in Juridical Studies, Gentile da Foligno, Bartolomeo da Varignana and Tommaso del Garbo in the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. The Law School was founded in Perugia by Bartolo and Baldo and continued in the XV and XVI centuries. During this time studies in Medicine were neglected: a document dated 1366 illustrates how direct observation on the cadaver was practised at that time. This tradition of anatomical studies was revived in the XVIII Century by Alessandro Pascoli. Worthy of note, as regards the teaching of Sciences, is that friar Luca Pacioli was a teacher of mathematics in the XV century and in the XVII Giuseppe Neri was a friend of Galileo. In the humanist sector, the Institution of the chairs in Greek and Hebrew should be remembered. During the second half of the XVIII Century there were a lot of political and social disorders that gave rise to enormous changes in thought and culture. Between 1799 and 1814, during the period of republican regime, the University of Perugia underwent many reforms. After the Napoleonic events, the "Consulta Straordinaria" of the Roman States introduced the system of studies practised in France, in Perugia. The "Consulta" plan organised the University into five Faculties with a Rector at the head instead of a Bishop and the Faculty Council was on the lines of the French model which, with many changes, still exists today. In 1814 Papal rule was re-established and reinforced by the 1824 “Bulla” of Pope Leone XII. With the reunification of Italy, in 1860, the General Commissary for Umbria, Gioacchino Pepoli, reorganised Perugia University. The University was declared a free University, administered by the Municipality and the Rectors who could formulate the statutes, with the approval of the Government. In 1925, the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery was completed. In 1927 the Faculty of Political Science was founded. Between 1935 and 1936, with the reunification of higher studies, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was reinstated and the Agricultural Faculty expanded by the aggregation of the Royal Institute for Agriculture which had been founded in Perugia in 1896. In the period following World War II Perugia University has developed greatly and at present there are the eleven Faculties which follow: LAW, POLITICAL SCIENCES, ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS STUDIES, LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY, ARTS, MEDICINE AND SURGERY, NATURAL, PHYSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, PHARMACY, AGRICULTURE, VETERINARY MEDICINE, ENGINEERING. Many Faculties also included many degree of first level, PhD courses and Specialization Schools. There are also many inter-facultate courses in different disciplines including the International Degree course “Job Creation Oriented Biotechnology”. HEALTH AND INSURANCE By law, Italian students are covered by a compulsory health insurance scheme administered by the regional health services. Guest students from EC countries, being included under their national health insurance scheme, are entitled to receive in Italy the health services of the A.S.L (Azienda Sanitaria Locale) by exhibiting the form issued by their Local Health Authority. Foreign students having scholarships from the Italian Government are given life, accident, and health insurance coverage for the duration of their stay in Italy. Moreover, all duly registered students, in particular ERASMUS and ECTS students, are insured against accidents which could happen at the University during experiments or practical activities indicated in the planned curriculum and carried out under the super-vision of professors, lecturers or assistants. HOW TO REACH PERUGIA Perugia can be reached by the ROMA-FLORENCE or ROMA-ANCONA railway lines. Coming from the north: (from Florence) stop at Terontola and take the TERONTOLA- PERUGIA-FOLIGNO train. For those arriving from the Adriatic, take the: ANCONA-FOLIGNO-PERUGIA line. Rapid trains leaving Roma Central Station (Stazione Termini) to Firenze or to Foligno reach Perugia after 2 hours. One can reach Perugia by car, on the Roma-Milano motorway, or on the E7 Highway which crosses Umbria. A bus line connects Roma (Stazione Tiburtina- 7.15 a. m. , 8.15 a.m.-4 p.m., 6 p.m., 7 p.m.) with Perugia (P.zza Italia) in about two hours. There is an airport, the S. Egidio Regional Airport, 12 km. from Perugia - tel. 0756929447. Two flights connect Perugia to Milan daily and vice versa except during weekends. Leonardo Da Vinci Airport at Fiumicino (Rome) is 230 km. from Perugia. Daily connections to and from Perugia are available by coach ACAP-SULGA line (6.33 a.m. and 8 a.m., 9a.m.) - (tel. 0755009641). The Galileo Galilei Airport of Pisa is about 230 km. from Perugia. The Miramare Airport of Rimini is about 223 km from Perugia. USEFUL ADDRESSES (telephone code number for Perugia is :075. The University of Perugia Office for International Relations Libraries: the Central University library (a State Address: Piazza Università, 1 Address: Piazza Università,1 Institution) is located in the central building of the 06100 PERUGIA - ITALIA 06100 PERUGIA - ITALIA University of Perugia - P.zza dell'Università n. 1 Tel. 0039/075/5851 Tel. 0039/0755852093 tel. 5852140. It was founded in 1780 (ex Biblioteca degli Fax 0039/075/5852067 Tel. 0039/0755852176 Olivetani), holds more than 300.000 books and 900 Internet address: Fax 0039/0755852081 magazines. The Medical University library is located in the E-mail:[email protected] building of "Accademia Anatomico Chirurgica" - Via del A.D.I.S.U. ( Agenzia per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario: Giochetto, Perugia - Tel. 5735665. Address: Via Benedetta,14 Police Station (Questura di Perugia): Italian Language courses for Foreigners: Tel. 0039/0754691 Address: Via Cortonese,157 Address: Università Italiana per Stranieri - Palazzo Tel. (+) 39/07550621 Gallenga. P.zza Fortebraccio 4, 06100 Perugia Emergency telephone (police, ambulance etc.): 113 Tel. (+)39/07557461 - Fax 0755732014. Local Health Service: (Azienda Sanitaria Locale) First Aid Medical Service: Ospedale Policlinico Address: Via dei Filosofi, 9 - Perugia Sport and recreation: C.U.S. (Centro Universitario Monteluce Tel. (+)39/0755781 Sportivo) provides opportunities for many competitive Address: Via Bonacci Brunamonti Red Cross: (Croce Rossa) activities (athletics, rugby, canoe, volleyball, karate, judo, Tel. (+)39/0755781 Address: Via Bonacci Brunamonti bowling) or at non-competitive levels (football, 5 a side Tel. (+) 39/0 75/5781 football, basket, tennis, swimming). Information: Via Tuderte 10 - P.O. Box 69 - 06100 Perugia - tel. 07532120 - Fax 07530955. ♦ Bookshops: scientific and medical books (Italian or English) can be purchased at several shops in the historical centre of the town. ♦ Tourist Information Service: Piazza IV Novembre - 06100 Perugia tel. 0755041 - Fax 075504283. ♦ Local Newspapers: Corriere dell'Umbria (daily) Other information about Umbria can be found in special pages of national newspapers such as Messaggero, Nazione, etc. ""JJoobb CCrreeaattiioonn OOrriieenntteedd BBiiootteecchhnnoollooggyy"" IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall FFiirrsstt LLeevveell DDeeggrreeee PPrrooggrraamm ooff tthhee CCoouurrsseess WORK PLAN OF THE FIRST YEAR 2002/2003 1st semester Timetable 2nd semester Timetable General Inorganic Chemistry 16th – 30th September Biochemistry 3rd – 26th February Organic Chemistry 1st – 18th October Cell Biol. & General Histology 27th February – 17th March Computer Biostatistic 21st – 31st October Biophysics 18th – 28th March Physics 4th – 22nd November Plant and Human Physiology 31st March – 21st April Bioethics 25th November – 3rd December Instrumental Analysis 10th April – 2nd May Current Topic 4th – 13th December Current Topic 5th – 9th May Christmas Holiday 16th December – 10th January Examination 13th – 31st January Examination 12th –16th May Stages * 01 June – 30 August *STAGES OF 3 MONTHS: EACH STUDENT WILL RECEIVE THE AMOUNT OF 1.000 EURO FROM THE LOCAL AUTHORITY OF PROVINCE OF PERUGIA WORK PLAN OF THE SECOND YEAR 2002/2003 3° semester Timetable 4° semester Timetable Immunology 16-30 September Pharmacology & Toxicology 03-14 February Cell Culture 01-04 October Biotechnological Processes 17-28 February Molecular Biology 07-25 October Molecular & Genetic Diagnostics 03-17 March Genetics 28 October-15 November Current Topic 18-21 March Microbiology and Virology 18 November – 06 December Pharmaceutical Biotechnology & 24 March- 04 April Drug Engineering- optional Current Topics 09-13 December Animal Biotechnology & 24 March- 04 April Christmas Holiday 16 December Tissue Engineering- optional Examination 13-31 January Plant Biotechnology – optional 07-18 April Food Processing – optional 07-18 April Bioprocess & Bioengineering Fundamentals- optional 07-18 April Examinations 10-15 May Stages * 01 June – 30 August *STAGES