Cunninghame House, Irvine.

22 May 2014

Irvine Area Committee

You are requested to attend a Meeting of the above mentioned Committee of North Council to be held in Committee Room 1, Cunninghame House, Irvine on THURSDAY 29 MAY 2014 at 2.00 p.m. to consider the undernoted business.

Yours faithfully

Elma Murray

Chief Executive

1. Declarations of Interest Members are requested to give notice of any declarations of interest in respect of items of business on the Agenda.

2. Minutes The accuracy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 20 March 2014 will be confirmed and the Minutes signed in accordance with Paragraph 7 (1) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government () Act 1973 (copy enclosed).

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 3. Community Planning Partnership Partners

3.1 Community Planning Partnership Board: Minutes of meeting held on 6 March 2014 Submit report by the Chief Executive on the minutes of the meeting of the Community Planning Partnership Board held on 6 March 2014

3.2 Police Scotland will report on activity within the Committee's area

3.3 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Submit report by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service on activity within the Committee's area in the period from 10 March to 18 May 2014

(copies enclosed).

4. Scottish Water Re-instatement Works, Irvine Submit report by the Corporate Director (Development and Environment) on progress with the re-instatement of landscaped areas within Irvine following infrastructure works undertaken by Scottish Water (copy enclosed).

5. Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund 2013/14: Applications for Financial Assistance Submit report by the Head of Service (Community and Culture) (Education and Skills) on applications received in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme and the Local Youth Action Fund 2013/14 (copy enclosed).

6. Grants to Elderly Groups Submit report by the Head of Service (Community and Culture) (Education and Skills) on applications received in respect of the level of funding available for disbursement in the Committee's area in 2014/15 (copy enclosed).

7. Irvine Common Good Grant Disbursement Submit report by the Corporate Director (Finance and Corporate Support) on the impact on future funds of applying an annual cap on amounts disbursed by Irvine Common Good (copy enclosed).

8. Street Naming: New Residential Development at former John Galt Primary School Site, Irvine. Submit report by the Corporate Director (Development and Environment) on the naming three new streets associated with the current development works at former John Galt Primary School site, Irvine (copy enclosed)

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 2 9. Future Agenda Items Discuss items for consideration at future meetings of the Area Committee.

10. Urgent Items Any other items which the Chair considers to be urgent.

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 3 4 Irvine Area Committee

Sederunt: Joan Sturgeon (Chair) Matthew Brown Marie Burns Chair: Ian Clarkson John Easdale Ruth Maguire David O'Neill Irene Oldfather



Meeting Ended:

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 5 6 Agenda item 2 Irvine Area Committee 20 March 2014

IRVINE, 20 March 2014 - At a Meeting of the Irvine Area Committee of North Ayrshire Council at 2.00 p.m.

Present Joan Sturgeon, Matthew Brown, Marie Burns, Ian Clarkson, John Easdale, Ruth Maguire and Irene Oldfather. Also Present Inspector J. Conway (Police Scotland); Station Commander M. Gallacher (Scottish Fire and Rescue Service). In Attendance J. McHarg, Community Engagement Manager (Community Development Team) and B. Anderson, Performance/Grants Information Officer (Education and Skills); and D. McCaw, Committee Services Officer (Chief Executive's Service).

Chair Provost Sturgeon in the Chair.

1. Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest by Members in terms of Standing Order 16 and Section 5 of the Councillors Code of Conduct.

2. Minutes

The accuracy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 6 February 2014 was confirmed and the Minutes signed in accordance with Paragraph 7 (1) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.

3. Community Planning Partnership Partners

3.1 Police Scotland

Inspector Conway provided information on crimes reported and detected in the Committee's area for the period 1 February to 28 February 2014.

Members asked questions and received further information in relation to:-

 the further breakdown of figures in relation to the drugs misuse category;  whether detection rate figures for the previous year could be provided within the report for comparison purposes; and  whether the CCTV cameras in the regenerated part of Vineburgh (Seaton Terrace) are in working order.

Page 1 7 Inspector Conway undertook to (a) advise the Committee of any crime of particular note contained within the drugs misuse category; (b) investigate whether detection rate comparison figures for the previous year could be provided to future meetings for comparison purposes; and (c) to investigate whether the CCTV cameras in the Seaton Terrace area are in working order.


3.2 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

Submitted report by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service on activity within the Committee's area in the period 10 February to 9 March 2014.

Information was provided on the following:-

 no fire casualties during the reporting period;  cooking appliances being attributed as the main source of fires within homes and on the introduction of the “cook safe” initiative as a measure to address this;  accidental dwelling fires;  road traffic collisions;  false alarms and equipment faults, particularly in relation to sheltered housing units and measures to address the type and position of alarms within sheltered accommodation; and  special service activities.

Members asked a question in relation to the "cooksafe" initiative and the possibility of partnership work to link in with Community Centres who provide cooking demonstrations. Station Commander Gallacher undertook to investigate this possibility.


4. Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund: Applications for Financial Assistance

Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Education and Skills) on applications received in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme and the Local Youth Action Fund.

The Committee (a) agreed to make the following awards:-

Community Development Grants Scheme Organisation Award Cunninghame Residents Association £2,000 Fullarton Community Association £1,278 Ayrshire Healthy Living Initiative £1,200 Age Scotland £ 600

Page 2 8 Local Youth Action Fund Organisation Award Irvine Royal Academy £1,000 Girdle Toll Football Club 1999s £1,000 Fullarton Community Association £1,537.75 Irvine Sea Cadets £2,000

(b) agreed to combine the balance of funding from the Community Development Grant Scheme in the amount of £796.92 with the balance of funding from the Local Youth Action Fund in the amount of £196.18 and make an award to Redburn Management Committee of £993.10; and (c) noted that the Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund budgets for financial year 2013/14 are now fully expended.

5. Street Naming: Irvine: New Residential Development and Renumbering of Commercial Premises adjacent to Dickson Drive

Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Development and Environment) on the naming of a new street associated with the current development works at Dickson Drive, Irvine.

The Committee agreed that the new street be named 'Dickson Way'.

6. Future Agenda Items

The Committee noted that any items for the next meeting of the Area Committee should be submitted to D. McCaw or A. Pearson.

The meeting ended at 2.30 p.m.


Agenda Item 3.1 29 May 2014

Irvine Area Committee

Subject: North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP Board): Minutes of meeting held on 6 March 2014

Purpose: To submit the Minutes of the meeting of the North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP) held on 6 March 2014.

Recommendation: That the Area Committee notes the Minutes contained in Appendix 1.

1. Introduction

1.1 It was previously agreed that the Minutes of the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Board be submitted to the Area Committee for information. The key matters arising from the Minutes have been highlighted for the attention of the Committee and are detailed in paragraph 2.1.

2. Current Position

2.1 The Minutes of the meeting of the CPP Board held on 6 March 2014 are appended. Particular matters for the Area Committee's attention include the following:

Agenda Item 4

Justina Murray, Chief Officer, South West Scotland Community Justice Authority, reported on the development of the South West Scotland Community Justice Authority Area Plan 2014-17 and the redesign of community justice.

Agenda Item 5

Morna Rae, Acting Policy & Performance Officer, North Ayrshire Council submitted a report on the SOA Action Plan 2014-15. The CPP Board agreed the draft Action Plan.

11 Agenda Item 6

Marjorie Adams, Programme Manager, North Ayrshire Council provided an update on the Early Intervention and Prevention Programme.

Agenda Item 8

John Burns, Chief Executive, NHS Ayrshire & Arran submitted a report on behalf of Ruth Campbell, Consultant Dietician in Public Health Nutrition, NHS Ayrshire & Arran, on the development of a draft Pan Ayrshire Health Weight Strategy.

Agenda Item 9

Damien Griffith, Partnership Analyst, North Ayrshire Council reported on progress in relation to resource mapping across the partnership.

Agenda Item 10

Carol Kirk, Corporate Director (Education & Skills), North Ayrshire Council updated on the review of Children's Services and the Inspection Improvement Plan.

Agenda Item 11

Iona Colvin, Director, North Ayrshire Health & Social Care, Partnership submitted a report on the development of a CPP Inequalities Strategy.

3. Proposals

3.1 That the Area Committee notes the CPP Board Minutes and, in particular, those matters highlighted at 2.1 above.

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 There are no financial implications arising from this report.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 There are no human resource implications arising from this report.

Legal Implications

4.3 There are no legal implications arising from this report.

12 Equality Implications

4.4 There are no equality implications arising from this report.

Environmental Implications

4.5 There are no environmental implications arising from this report.

5. Consultations

5.1 No consultations were required.

6. Conclusion

6.1 The Minutes are submitted for information with the matters arising.

ELMA MURRAY Chief Executive

Reference : MR/sm For further information please contact Morna Rae, Acting Community Planning Officer on 01294 324177 Background Papers None

13 14

North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership

CPP Board

Minutes of Meeting held on 6 March 2014


Ayrshire College Heather Dunk, Principal

Irvine Bay Urban Regeneration Company Patrick Wiggins, Chief Executive

Jobcentre Plus Etta Wright, District Manager West of Scotland

NHS John Burns, Chief Executive

North Ayrshire Council Councillor William Gibson (Chair) Councillor Anthea Dickson Councillor Alex Gallagher Councillor Ruth Maguire

Police Scotland Divisional Commander Gillian McDonald and Chief Inspector Tim Ross

Scottish Enterprise Jim Reid, Stakeholders & Networks Director

Scottish Fire and Rescue Billy Thomson, Group Manager

Skills Development Scotland Hazel Mathieson, Head of Operations, South West Region

Strathclyde Partnership for Transport Allan Comrie, Senior Transport Planner

Third Sector Interface Jim Nichols, Manager, Arran CVS

1 15

In Attendance

Carol Kirk, Corporate Director (Education and Skills), Angus O’Henley, Team Leader Economic Development, Sandra Bale, Policy and Performance Officer, Damien Griffith, Partnership Analyst, Morna Rae, Acting Policy and Performance Officer, Martyn McKeown, Committee Services Manager, John McCaig, Interim Head of Service (Community Care), Marjorie Adams, Programme Manager (Early Intervention & Prevention), and Sharna Lynn, Graduate Trainee (North Ayrshire Council); and Justina Murray, Chief Officer (Community Justice Authority).

Apologies for absence

Elma Murray, Chief Executive (North Ayrshire Council); and Martin Cheyne, Chairman (NHS Ayrshire and Arran).


Councillor Gibson in the Chair.

1. Welcome and Apologies

The Chair welcomed those present to the meeting. The Chair noted that this was Sandra Bale’s last meeting before retirement and paid tribute to Sandra for her contribution to the work of the CPP.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of meeting held on 12 December 2013 were approved.

3. Matters Arising from Minutes

Submitted note of action taken on matters arising from the last meeting.


4. South West Scotland Community Justice Authority Area Plan 2014-17/ Redesign of Community Justice

Submitted report by Justina Murray, Chief Officer, South West Scotland Community Justice Authority, which (a) sought feedback on the development of the South West Scotland Community Justice Authority Area Plan 2014-17; and (b) provided an update on the forthcoming redesign of community justice.

Scotland’s eight Community Justice Authorities (CJAs) have a statutory duty to develop local Area Plans in relation to reducing reoffending. The current Area Plans 2011-14 will end on 31 March 2014. The Scottish Government has tasked CJAs with developing new Area Plans for the period 2014-17. The current SWSCJA Area Plan is based on an Outcomes Framework. SWSCJA have worked closely with local partners to refresh this framework to form the basis for a new Area Plan.

The Scottish Government announced the outcome of its recent consultation

2 16 ‘Redesigning the Community Justice System’ in December 2013. The new proposed structure is for local strategic planning and delivery of community justice services through Community Planning Partnerships. A new national body will also be created and the duties and functions of this body are the subject of further consultation during early/ mid 2014. The new arrangement will come into effect in 2016/17.


5. SOA Action Plan 2014-15

Submitted report by Morna Rae, Acting Policy and Performance Officer, North Ayrshire Council. A revised draft of actions relating to “a Working North Ayrshire” was tabled. It was agreed that a finalised version would be circulated to the Board.


6. Early Intervention and Prevention Programme Progress: Update

Submitted report by Marjorie Adams, Programme Manager (Early Intervention & Prevention), North Ayrshire Council which advised the Partnership on progress in implementing the Early Intervention and Prevention programme for the early years and its expansion to 8-18 years olds.

The Early Intervention and Prevention programme is designed to improve the outcomes for vulnerable children in North Ayrshire and has been implemented over the last two years by CPP partners. Funding for the programme will continue into the next financial year (2014/15). A strategy for early intervention with 8-18 year olds is now being developed.

The Early Years Collaborative is driving further improvement work across early years services and there are also other new developments supporting early intervention and early identification work. A multi-agency group is being set up to consider means of improving the response by all services by examining in depth three case studies of looked after young people.

The CPP Board (a) received clarification on issues raised, (b) noted the progress in implementing the Early Intervention and Prevention programme; and (c) agreed to receive a further report on the draft strategy for 8-18 year olds at a future meeting.

7. Health Inequalities and Early Years: Call for Evidence

Submitted report by Marjorie Adams, Programme Manager (Early Intervention & Prevention), North Ayrshire Council, advising on a draft response to a call for evidence by the Scottish Parliament Health and Sport Committee on health inequalities and the early years.

An officers working group comprising representatives from NHS Ayrshire and Arran and the Council met on 18 February to consider a draft CPP response to the five specific questions raised by the Committee. The draft response was attached at Appendix 1 to the report.

3 17 The CPP Board agreed to approve the draft response at Appendix 1 as its submission to the call for evidence from the Health and Sport Committee on health inequalities and the early years.

8. Draft Ayrshire Healthy Weight Strategy

Submitted report by Ruth Campbell, Consultant Dietician in Public Health Nutrition, NHS Ayrshire and Arran on the development of a draft pan Ayrshire Healthy Weight Strategy and an associated action plan.

The draft Strategy has been developed by representatives from NHS Ayrshire & Arran, the three local authorities and the North Public Partnership Forum. The aim of the Strategy is to halt the rise in the levels of overweight and obesity among children and adults by 2024 and ultimately reduce them. To achieve this aim, an action plan has been developed comprising of seven key themes. Details were set out in the report.

Partners asked questions in respect of the information presented. The importance of each partner organisation considering how they can contribute to the implementation of the strategy and action plan was highlighted.

The CPP Board agreed (a) to endorse the draft Healthy Weight Strategy and action plan; (b) that partners consider how their organisation could contribute to the implementation of the strategy and action plan; and (c) to receive a further report at the June meeting.

Councillor Gallagher left the meeting at this point.

9. Neighbourhood Planning Pilot Resource Mapping Group

Submitted report by Damien Griffith, Partnership Analyst, North Ayrshire Council, which updated the CPP Board on progress in relation to the pilot resource mapping exercise across the Community Planning Partnership.

As part of the implementation of the Neighbourhood Planning Approach partners agreed to participate in a pilot exercise to estimate total service expenditure for their respective organisations across the six neighbourhoods and aligned to SOA outcomes. This was outlined as an action within the Improvement Plan which formed the Partnership’s response to the 2013 Audit Scotland Report on the North Ayrshire CPP.

It is anticipated that initial results from the exercise will allow Partners to gain an understanding of the broad distribution of aggregated spend by the CPP across the six neighbourhoods. With further refinement to the analysis, the exercise has the potential to develop into an effective joint planning tool, allowing Partners to target their combined resources more effectively to areas of greatest need.

The initial response from partners has been positive with the majority submitting a breakdown of their budgets across the six neighbourhoods. The report summarised progress to date. It is proposed to convene a further meeting of the pilot resource mapping group to consider the findings from the first cut mapping of partner resources and to receive any further clarifications or submissions from partners.

4 18 The CPP Board agreed to (a) note the progress on the pilot exercise to map partner resources to neighbourhoods; and (b) note the proposals to convene partners to consider the next steps in developing the information into a viable planning tool in relation to meeting our SOA outcomes.

10. Review of Children’s Services/ Pilot Joint Inspection of Children’s Services: Inspection Improvement Plan

Submitted report by Carol Kirk, Corporate Director (Education and Skills), North Ayrshire Council which advised the Community Planning Board on progress of the review of Children’s Services and of the Inspection Improvement Plan

The CPP Board considered two reports at its meeting on 12 December 2013 - one on the review of Children’s Services and one on the Services for Children Inspection Improvement Plan. It was agreed that progress updates on the proposals contained within the reports would be reported to the next CPP Board.


11. Inequalities Strategy

Submitted report by Iona Colvin, Director, North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership which provided the CPP Board with an update on the development of the CPP Inequalities Strategy.

The CPP Board approved the development of an Inequalities Strategy in November 2013. Subsequently, a multi-agency Programme Board was convened by to discuss the Strategy.

The Programme Board has identified areas for future development and the key priorities to reduce inequalities. A working group has been formed to create the Inequalities Framework and the initial draft was discussed on 6 February and refined. The Inequalities Programme Board will meet again on 14 April 2014 and a draft framework will be presented to the CPP Board in June 2014 for approval.


12. Local Fire and Rescue Plan 2014-17

Submitted report by Jim Scott, Area Manager, Scottish Fire and Rescue which advised the CPP Board of progress of Scottish Fire and Rescue’s Local Fire and Rescue Plan for North Ayrshire for the period 2014 – 2017

A draft three year local fire and rescue plan was formally presented to North Ayrshire Council and formed part of a public consultation process to invite comment by 4th February 2014 in line with the consultation timetable established by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

A response on behalf of North Ayrshire Council has now been submitted which is now subject of review by the Fire and Rescue Service. All other comments submitted by stakeholders will also be reviewed in order to finalise the local fire and rescue plan for North Ayrshire.

5 19 In accordance with Section 41E(4) of the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 as amended by the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012, it is the intention of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to seek formal approval from North Ayrshire Council as to the proposed local fire and rescue plan for North Ayrshire for the period 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2017.


13. Chairs Reports

Submit reports from the Chairs of (a) the Safer North Ayrshire Partnership; (b) the Community Engagement Reference Group; (c) the Economic Development and Regeneration Board; (d) the Health and Social Care Partnership; and (e) Children’s Services Strategic Partnership.


14. Date of Next Meeting

12 June 2014 at 10.30 a.m.

Meeting ended at 11.50 a.m.

6 20 Tactical Assessment

Dates: 10/03/2014 - 18/05/2014 Councils: North Ayrshire Wards: Irvine East Ward, Irvine West Ward

Incident Analysis

Ward Council Ward as % of Council

Population 39728 135817 29.3% Dwellings 18036 65550 27.5% Incidents 128 381 33.6% Casualties 10 26 38.5% Fire 4 10 40% RTC 4 10 40% Other 2 6 33.3% Fatalities 0 1 % Fire 0 1 % RTC 0 0 % Other 0 0 %

Dwelling Fires: Accidental Top 10 Accidental Dwelling Fire Locations


21 Tactical Assessment

Dwelling Fires: Deliberate Top 10 Deliberate Dwelling Fire Locations

Street Incident Count MCKINLAY CRES, ., IRVINE 1 SEATON TERR, ., IRVINE 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 2

Non Domestic Fires: Accidental Top 10 Accidental Non Domestic Fire Locations

Street Incident Count SHEWALTON RD, SHEWALTON, IRVINE 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 1

Non Domestic Fires: Deliberate Top 10 Deliberate Non Domestic Fire Locations

Street Incident Count CORSEHILL MOUNT RD, ., DREGHORN 1 SEATON TERR, ., IRVINE 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 2

22 Tactical Assessment

Vehicle Fires: Accidental Top 10 Accidental Vehicle Fire Locations

Street Incident Count FIRST AVE, HEATHERHOUSE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, 1 IRVINE MOSS DR, ., IRVINE 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 2

Vehicle Fires: Deliberate Top 10 Deliberate Vehicle Fire Locations

Street Incident Count RANNOCH PL, ., IRVINE 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 1

Rubbish Fires Top 10 Rubbish Fire Locations


23 Tactical Assessment

Heath and Grass Fires Top 10 Heath and Grass Fire Locations

Street Incident Count IRVINE MOOR, ., IRVINE 4 KILWINNING RD, ., IRVINE 2 NORMAN CRES, ., IRVINE 2 OVERTOUN RD, ., SPRINGSIDE 2 #invalid, #invalid, #invalid 1 ANNICK RD, ., IRVINE 1 BEACH DR, ., IRVINE 1 BOGSIDE, ., IRVINE 1 MARINE DR, ., IRVINE 1 SCOTT RD, ., IRVINE 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 16

Derelict Buildings: Accidental Top 10 Accidental Derelict Buildings Locations

Data does not exist for the specified criteria.

Derelict Buildings: Deliberate Top 10 Deliberate Derelict Buildings Locations

Street Incident Count DOURA PL, ., IRVINE 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 1

24 Tactical Assessment

False Alarms: Malicious Top 10 Malicious False Alarm Locations

Street Incident Count CORSEHILL MOUNT RD, ., DREGHORN 5 .n/a, .n/a, IRVINE 1 BELFAST QUAY, ., IRVINE 1 BONNYTON ROW, GIRDLE TOLL, IRVINE 1 RIVERGATE, ., IRVINE 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 9

False Alarms: Good Intent Top 10 Good Intent False Alarm Locations

Street Incident Count DALRYMPLE PL, ., IRVINE 2 DICKSON DR, ., IRVINE 2 KILWINNING RD, ., IRVINE 2 #invalid, #invalid, #invalid 1 BANK ST, ., IRVINE 1 BELFAST QUAY, ., IRVINE 1 DALRYMPLE CRT, ., IRVINE 1 DUNDONALD RD, ., DREGHORN 1 GALT AVE, ., IRVINE 1 HILL ST, ., IRVINE 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 17

False Alarms: Equipment Fault Top 10 Equipment Fault False Alarm Locations


25 Tactical Assessment

Road Traffic Collisions Top 10 Road Traffic Collision Locations

Street Incident Count ANNICK RD, ., IRVINE 1 MAIN ST, ., DREGHORN 1 STANECASTLE ROUNDABOUT, ., IRVINE 1 Total Incidents in all Ward Streets 3

Water Related Incidents Top 10 Water Related Incident Locations

Data does not exist for the specified criteria.

Other Special Services* Top 10 Other Special Services* Locations


* - Excluding road traffic collisions and water related incidents

26 Tactical Assessment

Report Description

Given a date range, council and ward, this report provides demographic, incident, casualty and fatality information in tabular format. It also charts and lists the top ten street locations for a chosen list of incident types.


Agenda Item 4 29 May 2014

Irvine Area Committee

Subject: Scottish Water Re-instatement Works, Irvine

Purpose: To update the Committee on progress with the re-instatement of landscaped areas within Irvine following infrastructure works undertaken by Scottish Water.

Recommendation: That the Committee notes (a) the progress and current position in respect of the re-instatement works on the land disturbed by Scottish Water; and (b) that Streetscene will continue to monitor the re-instatement works and make arrangements with Scottish Water to have any outstanding works completed within this calendar year.

1. Introduction

1.1 At its meeting on 24 October 2013 the Committee was provided with an update on the re-instatement works carried out to the land that was disturbed following infrastructure works undertaken by Scottish Water (SW). At that time Streetscene confirmed an update would be provided to the Committee in Spring 2014.

1.2 Previously the Committee was informed that the former pitch and putt and putting green had been treated with pesticide to remove the annual weed and the grass had been fed and was now being cut on a regular basis. In addition it was confirmed that the dead trees had been removed from the land surrounding the raised inspection chamber and these would be replaced in the Autumn after leaf fall.

1.3 The Committee was also informed that there was some localised flooding on the land to the rear of Merryvale Road and Greenbank Road. At this time it was confirmed that MB&V (Scottish Water sub contractors) had indicated that the surface water evident on the grassed area at Merryvale Road was partly due to run-off from a nearby road. The Senior Manager, Roads & Transportation had been advised of the issue and it was confirmed that arrangements had been made to investigate the matter.

29 1.4 Scottish Water had confirmed that repairs to the drain ducts and bollards at the entrance to the Low Green would be carried out.

1.5 It was also confirmed that the re-instatement of the grassed area at Milgarholm which had previously been grass seeded had failed and would be resown in Spring 2014.

1.6 The Committee was also informed that SW offered to provide and install a sandstone bench and the Committee identified its preferred location within the Low Green.

1.7 In addition to the work undertaken by MB&V and SW at the Low Green it was confirmed arrangements were in place to fell a large Elm (Ulmus) which was affected by Dutch Elm Disease.

2. Current Position

2.1 Significant progress has now been made with the required re-instatement works. The grassed areas of the former pitch and putt and putting green are continuing to be cut on a regular basis which is enabling a sward of grass to establish. The newly established grassed areas will receive a feed during May which will be followed by an application of a selective herbicide to eliminate the broad-leaved weeds within the grass sward. Grass growth and sward will be monitored over the forthcoming growing season and maintained as necessary.

2.2 The trees originally planted by MB&V at the raised inspection chamber and which had died were removed and replaced in March 2014. Replanting took place at an area close by which is considered more conducive to supporting healthy growth.

2.3 The road and the gulley pots to the rear of Merryvale Road were inspected as MB&V had identified that water run-off from the road had contributed to the flooding of the area. Further to the inspection by Roads remedial work was carried out on the kerbs and gulley pots. As a result of the work carried out by Roads no water from the road or its drainage system is impacting on the grassed area to the rear of Merryvale Road. Surface water is still accumulating at this location and to the rear of Greenbank Road. A site visit has been arranged with MB&V before the end of May to discuss and agree on additional work needed at both of the above locations to improve the drainage.

2.4. The area of ground at Milgarholm which had been grass seeded and failed was due to be reseeded in Spring however due to the wet weather this was slightly delayed but has now been completed. This will be monitored to ensure a healthy growth is established.

30 2.5. The sandstone bench provided by SW was installed close to the location agreed by the Committee at the previous meeting. An opportunity was taken to repair an area of hard standing at the location identified for the bench which enabled the foundation for the bench to be installed.

2.6 Repairs have been carried out by Scottish Water on the drain ducts and bollards at the entrance to the Low Green however further damage has been caused to one of the bollards. This has been intimated to SW for further repairs to be carried out.

2.7. The repair work to the inspection hatches at the Low Green which was previously reported as being out of scope has now been carried out. As a result of completing this work the last remaining sections of Heras panel fencing left to protect the site have been removed.

2.8. The large Elm tree which had succumbed to Dutch Elm Disease has been felled and removed from site.

3. Proposals

3.1 That the Committee notes a) the progress and current position in respect of the re-instatement works on the land disturbed by Scottish Water; b) that Streetscene will continue to monitor the re-instatement works and make arrangements with Scottish Water to have any outstanding works completed within this calendar year; c) the ongoing effectiveness of all works will be monitored during this calendar year before taking any decision with regards to formal hand-over of the re-instated areas.

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 There are no implications at this time.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 There are no implications.

Legal Implications

4.3 There are no implications at this time.

Equality Implications

4.4 There are no implications

31 Environmental Implications

4.5 The re-instatement work at the Low Green will return the area to one of high amenity value.

Implication for Key Priorities

4.6 There are no implications at this time.

Community Benefit Implications

4.7 The completion of the re-instatement of the landscaped areas disturbed by Scottish Water will encourage the use of the area as recreational space.

5. Consultations

5.1 Ongoing communications and meetings have taken place with Morrison, Black & Veatch and Scottish Water concerning the provision of an acceptable standard of work to ensure that all areas of land which were disturbed are returned to an acceptable standard.

6. Conclusion

6.1 Significant progress has now been made in the re-instatement works at the Low Green, Greenbank Road and Merryvale Road. The area will continue to be monitored to ensure the ongoing effectiveness of all works during this calendar year before taking any decision with regards to formal hand-over of the re-instated areas.

CRAIG HATTON Corporate Director (Development and Environment)

Reference : RM/DW/JA For further information please contact Donald Wilson, Environment & Related Services, Streetscene Manager on 01294 225235 Background Papers None


Agenda Item 5 29 May 2014

Irvine Area Committee

Subject: Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund: Applications for Financial Assistance

Purpose: To advise the Committee of applications received in respect of the Community Development Grant Scheme and the Local Youth Action Fund.

Recommendation: That the Committee considers and determines the applications as outlined in the attached appendix.

1. Introduction

1.1 Education and Skills agreed to the allocation of the Education and Skills grants for the period 2014/15 as set out in the report. In that regard, a budget of £28,483 is available to the Irvine Area Committee in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme in financial year 2014/15.

1.2 As previously agreed the Community Development Grants budget will be released in two instalments (50% in April and 50% in September/October) with flexibility to vary the two phased instalments by up to 20%. This arrangement assists Members to monitor allocations and phase grants to cover applications for seasonal events such as galas, festivals, summer outings and Christmas events.

1.3 The sum of £16,856 is also available for disbursement from the Local Youth Action Fund in financial year 2014/15.

2. Current Position

2.1 Applications have been received within a number of categories of the Community Development Grant Scheme and the Local Youth Action Fund. Details of these applications are summarised in the attached paperwork.

2.2 The Community Development Grant Scheme has a balance of £14,241.50 for phase one of the 50% split.

2.3 The Local Youth Action Fund has a balance of £16,856 available for disbursement.

33 3. Proposals

3.1 It is proposed that the Committee considers the applications as outlined in the appendices to the report.

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 Awards will be met from the available balances.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 There are no human resource implications arising from this report.

Legal Implications

4.3 There are no legal implications arising from this report.

Equality Implications

4.4 There are no equality implications arising from this report.

Environmental Implications

4.5 There are no environmental implications arising from this report.

Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 Supporting the organisations listed in the appendix to the report will assist in achieving outcomes:

Children's health and wellbeing is improved through breaking the cycle of poverty, inequality and poor outcomes:

 Children and young people are safe, healthy, active, aspiring and achieving.  The life chances of vulnerable children and young people are improved.

Adult and older people in North Ayrshire live healthier and more active lives:

 People are more active more often.  Older people are more active and independent within their own communities.  Mental wellbeing is improved.

34 North Ayrshire residents feel safer and communities are empowered:

 More residents engage in community activities and volunteering.

5. Consultations

5.1 Consultation has taken place between the applicant bodies and appropriate Officers of the Council.

6. Conclusion

6.1 Awards from the Community Development Grant Scheme assist community-based projects, including cultural, social welfare, recreational or sporting based initiatives.

6.2 Awards from the Local Youth Action Fund are made to groups supporting young people aged 12 - 25 years of age.

AUDREY SUTTON Head of Service (Community and Culture)

Reference : JMcH/BA For further information please contact James McHarg, Community Engagement Manager, Community and Culture on 01294 324424 Background Papers None

35 36 Community Development Grant Scheme Award 2014/15 Irvine

Amount Allocated 2013/14: £28,895 Amount Allocated 2014/15: £28,483

Group/Organisation Ref No. Client Group Purpose of Grant Amount Balance 50% Split CDGS £ 28,483.00 14,241.50 14,241.50

37 38 Local Youth Action Fund 2014/15 Irvine

Amount Allocated 2013/14: £16,856 Amount Allocated 2014/15: £16,856

Group/Organisation Ref No. Area Purpose of Grant Amount Balance LYAF £16,856.00 £16,856.00

39 40 Community Development Grants Scheme 2014/15 Applications from Organisations seeking Financial Assistance - Irvine Area Committee Meeting - 29 May 2014 Organisation Purpose of Grant Amount Amount Comments Requested Recommended Irvine Horticultural Costs towards the £880 £728.80 The event is an Society Marymass Flower Show important aspect of - 24 - 25 August 2014 in North Ayrshire's heritage Meeting place: the Volunteer Rooms, and this group plays a Volunteer Rooms, Irvine Irvine: fundamental role in achieving this. Established: 1953  Hall lets - £382.80  Insurance - £56 The criteria for grant Numbers attending: 6  Affiliation fees & does not normally medals - £59 support affiliation fees, Balance in bank:  Catering for judges x catering for judges or £1,273.95 (towards the 6 - £40 prizes. The group were Marymass Flower show  Schedules - £290 advised of this last year. expenses)  Prizes - £40 Therefore, any award be Past awards: Total cost of project - for: CDGS 2008/09 - £684 £1,400 (not all items are  Hall lets - £382.80 toward general running listed within this  Insurance - £56 costs. application)  Schedules - £290 CDGS 2009/10 - £600 towards general running costs. CDGS 2010/11 - £608 towards general running costs. CDGS 2011/12 - £596 towards flower show costs. CDGS 2012/13 - £608 towards general running costs. CDGS 2013/14 - £728.80 towards flower show costs. Cheviot Court Residents Support for a £900 £900 The group are putting Association programme of £500 towards the total educational visits to cost of the activities. Meeting place: Cheviot Edinburgh, Stirling and Court Residents Lounge Gretna; entry to castle; The recommended arts and crafts materials; amount will help create a Established: 12 March visitor speakers and sense of community 2014 entertainment. within the Sheltered Numbers attending: 17 Housing Unit and reduce  Coach and driver - isolation. Balance in bank: £850 £1,060.74 (club activities  Entry to Castle - Group numbers have and excursions) £150 increased and new  Arts & crafts - £200 residents are welcomed Past awards:  Visiting speakers into the group. CDGS 2012/13 - £750 and entertainment - towards activities. £200 CDGS 2013/14 - £900 towards trips and art Total cost of project - materials. £1,400

41 Local Youth Action Fund 2014/15 Applications from Organisations seeking Financial Assistance - Irvine Area Committee Meeting - 29 May 2014 Organisation Purpose of Grant Amount Amount Comments Requested Recommended Irvine Beat FM Costs towards media £2,000 £1,800 The recommended amount training for young people: takes into consideration Meeting place: 22 Portland that the group are not Place, Heatherhouse  2 PCs - £900 putting any of their own Industrial Estate, Irvine  Course material, CD, funds towards this project. training stationery and Numbers attending: 62 certificates - £1,100 They have also applied to Youth Scotland for £3,000. Balance in bank: £1,314.04 Total cost of project - (core costs, rent, electricity £5,000 (not all items are Any award will go towards: and phones) listed within this  2 PCs - £900 application)  Costs towards course Past awards: material, CD and CDGS 2010/11 - £2,000 certificates. towards fees. LYAF 2010/11 - £2,000 The group should supply towards licences. the stationery element of CDGS 2011/12 - £1,800 the application. towards equipment. CDGS 2012/13 - £1,500 towards radio equipment. CDGS 2013/14 - £716.60 towards an event. LYAF 2013/14 - £2,000 towards project costs. Irvine Sports Club Costs towards marketing £2,000 £0 The Club is in discussions purposes of the Club: with North Ayrshire Council Meeting place: Irvine regarding their wider Sports Club, Marress,  2 laptops - £500 ambitions. This application Waterside, Irvine  Marketing materials - should be considered in this £500 context rather than as an Numbers attending: 8 in  Marketing staff x 2 - individual small grant Committee £1,000 request.

Balance in bank: £6,418.49 Total cost of project - (restricted funds for £2,000 renovation and building work)

Past awards: 0

42 Community Development Grants Scheme Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: Cameron Sharp 2. Department: Education and Skills Telephone No.: 01294 551776

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: Irvine Horticultural Society

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 11 May 2014 (telephone)

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes

If NO explain why

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Yes

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - No

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - If NO explain why

10. Does the expenditure meet the Community Development Grant Funding Criteria? - Yes

43 SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Council priorities?

North Ayrshire residents feel safer and communities are empowered:  More residents engage in community activities and volunteering.

12. How will the expenditure develop the group/organisation and benefit the local community?

The project will help promote North Ayrshire to both local people and tourists alike. Apart from the health and skills development benefits, the event also has a significant tourism function.

13. How does the application show innovation or development?

Limited opportunity for innovation however the tried and trusted processes of exhibiting the produce/creations at the event are constantly being tweaked to encourage interest and inspire others.

14. Overall assessment?

On taking advice from Streetscene and taking into my own limited knowledge (non-horticultural background), I am content with the group's approach to this application and its expected outcomes.

SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

15. Amount Requested: £880 16. Group Contribution: £520

SECTION 4 - Recommendation

17. Support Application: Yes

18. Defer Application?

19. Amount recommended: £728.50

Give reasons

The event is an important aspect of North Ayrshire's heritage and this group plays a fundamental role in achieving this. The criteria for grant aid does not normally support judges teas, prizes and affilitiation fees.

Signature: Cameron Sharp Date: 13 May 2014

44 Community Development Grants Scheme Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: Mary E Scott 2. Department: Community Development Telephone No.: 01294 324440

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: Cheviot Court Residents Association

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 14 April 2014

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes

If NO explain why

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Condition of Award

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - No

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - If NO explain why

10. Does the expenditure meet the Community Development Grant Funding Criteria? - Yes

45 SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Council priorities?

Adult and older people in North Ayrshire live healthier and more active lives:  People are more active more often.  Older people are more active and independent within their communities.  Mental wellbeing is improved.

12. How will the expenditure develop the group/organisation and benefit the local community?

The association members are all over 65 and for some the group is a life line providing the only opportunity for residents to come together socially and take part in a range of activities and events. Since the association has been formed it has helped provide a focus; and assisted to create a sense of community within the Sheltered Housing Unit. Group numbers have increased as new residents have been welcomed into the group and have settled into their new homes. All the members of the group are over 65 and as a consequence on a limited income. The awarding of the grant will enable the association to continue to develop their programme and by keeping their overheads down be in a position to subsidise a couple of trips out a year. In this way they hope to continue to encourage as many people as possible to continue to take part and remain active within their local communities.

13. How does the application show innovation or development?

Residents originally took part in the 20 week Older Peoples Activity Programme between September 2011 and March 2012. Due to their positive experience of the programme participants decided that they would like to continue to meet and organise their own activities within the unit. The group became constituted on the 12 March 2012, since then they have continued to meet and have developed their weekly programme to incorporate social events and the occasional bus trip out. Numbers have also risen as members encourage new residents to take part. The weekly meetings are very lively, with all decisions in regard to programming, events and outings fully discussed and agreed by everyone. As a result of growing friendships some of the ladies have also got together on Wednesday nights and have started up a Knitting Bee. After reading about the plight of the 'Newspaper Babies' in Africa, they are currently making blankets for these babies. The group is both innovative and developmental. They are a very good example of Older People coming together and taking action to address their own issues. It is a very friendly and supportive group which has helped foster a sense of community within the unit and created a culture where neighbours have become friends and now help each other.

46 14. Overall assessment?

The group formed as a result of older people identifying an un-met social need in their local area. They have a fully functioning committee and have been organising and running a weekly programme which comprises of a range of educational, recreational and social activities for 2 years. This group continues to benefit members of the local older community and helps foster a sense of community and self-help within the Sheltered Housing Unit. The Committee is very active and continues to organise fund raising activities and levies a small weekly charge towards tea/coffee, members are fully supportive of this and regularly bake and or donate raffle prizes etc. As all the members of the group are over 65 and on a limited budget the awarding of the grant will greatly assist the association to continue to develop their programme and offset the costs of their 2-day trips. It is the opinion of the writer that without the allocation of the grant the committee would greatly struggle to continue to offer the range of activities which would be to the detriment of the community. The group is a good example of older people getting together to provide "a local solution for a local issue", and should be supported.

SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

15. Amount Requested: £900 16. Group Contribution: £400

SECTION 4 - Recommendation

17. Support Application: Yes

18. Defer Application?

19. Amount recommended: £900

Give reasons

The committee have approximately £900 in the bank which is a result of fund raising and weekly subscriptions from members. Total programme costs are realistic and the committee are planning to continue to fund raise and develop their programme throughout the coming year.

The group is an example of older people getting together to provide "a local solution for a local issue". In view of this and all the other information contained in the application my recommendation would be to award the above amount to cover programme costs and offset the cost of bus hire.

Signature: Mary E Scott Date: 13 May 2014

47 48 Local Youth Action Fund Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: David Mitchell 2. Department: Community Development Telephone No.: 01294 604612

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: Irvine Beat FM

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 2 April 2014

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes

If NO explain why

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Yes

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes Is the award sought for a new youth activity, facility or service? - Yes

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - Yes

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - No If NO explain why

Care Commission registration is not applicable. I checked this with the Youth Team Manager. All trainers have been PVG checked. Registering through Youth Scotland.

49 10. Does the expenditure meet North Ayrshire Council's Single Outcome Agreement Priorities? -

If YES, which Single Outcome Agreement Priorities are being addressed?

Children's health and wellbeing is improved through breaking the cycle of poverty, inequality and poor outcomes:  Children and young people are safe, healthy, active, aspiring and achieving.  The life chances of vulnerable children and young people are improved.

SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Local Youth Action Fund Objectives?

Opportunities of employment pathways. Life chances have improved. Engaging with volunteers.

12. What youth engagement/consultation has been undertaken regarding the proposed activity, service or facility?

The group have consulted with the following:  previous trainees  the Duke of Edinburgh Support Team  Stewart Beck - Community Worker

13. What community engagement/consultation has been undertaken regarding the proposed activity, service or facility?

Consulted with ACES (a voluntary youth group).

14. Are Partnership links in place? No

No formal partnership arrangements are in place. The group will link with youth clubs in North Ayrshire in terms of gathering referrals.

50 15. Overall Assessment

Further to the original application, the group provided further information in terms of the detail of the training programme to be offered to young people. Further information was also provided in terms of the budget breakdown.

The application is more robust as a result.

Having inspected the facilities, there are no obvious issues in terms of the suitability of the venue for use as a training facility.

The group has some history of training young people from the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and a local secondary school. Thus, they have implemented training programmes for young people before with co-operation of the North Ayrshire Council Youth Work Team.

The organisation has appropriate insurance cover both in terms of equipment and public liability.

The group have secured £3,000 from Youth Scotland for the project. This will be used to fund sessional staff costs.

SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

16. Amount Requested: £2,000 17. Group Contribution: £3,000

SECTION 4 - Recommendation

18. Support Application: Yes

19. Defer Application?

20. Amount recommended: £2,000

Give reasons

The full amount is recommended. The equipment and materials to be purchased can be used to provide training after the completion of the training included in this application. The group have secured a significant contribution from Youth Scotland.

It is anticipated that the training provided would be attractive to young people.

This type of training has proved to be a highly effective way of promoting social inclusion in other local authority areas.

The application meets objectives of the Youth Action Fund and the Single Outcome Agreement.

Signature: David Mitchell Date: 13 May 2014

51 52 Local Youth Action Fund Assessment Form

1. Reporting Officer: Bobby McGhee 2. Department: Active Schools Telephone No.: 01294 468035

SECTION 1 - Details of Group/Organisation

3. Name of Group/Organisation: Irvine Sports Club

4. Date of Officer's Visit: 11 February 2014

5. Are you satisfied that the details contained in the Grant Application are accurate? - Yes

If NO give reasons

6. Is the proposal a realistic undertaking of the group? - Yes

If NO explain why

7. Does the group carry appropriate insurance for the project? - Yes

8. Does group attendance concur with the application? - Yes Is the award sought for a new youth activity, facility or service? - Yes

9. Does your organisation cater for children under the age of 16 years for more than 2 hours and more than 6 times per year? - Yes

If YES, is it registered with the Care Commission under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001? - If NO explain why

There is no care element in the activities of the club.

53 10. Does the expenditure meet North Ayrshire Council's Single Outcome Agreement Priorities? - Yes

If YES, which Single Outcome Agreement Priorities are being addressed?

Children's health and wellbeing is improved through breaking the cycle of poverty, inequality and poor outcomes:  Children and young people are safe, healthy, active, aspiring and achieving.

SECTION 2 - Criteria for Assessment

11. In which way does this application address Local Youth Action Fund Objectives?

This project will not make an impact on the objectives, however the individual sections within the club does meet:

 Increase the number of services and facilities available that provide constructive and relevant activities.  Increase in numbers of young people accessing facilities.  Young people to have a sustained interest and involvement in the activities provided.  An increase in satisfaction of young people.

12. What youth engagement/consultation has been undertaken regarding the proposed activity, service or facility?

No specific consultation with young people.

13. What community engagement/consultation has been undertaken regarding the proposed activity, service or facility?

The club participates in the Fullarton Community Futures Initiative and has links with Fullarton Parish Church.

14. Are Partnership links in place? Yes

Irvine Sports Club and its various sections has a good working relationship with Active Schools.

15. Overall Assessment

This is a social enterprise/employability project which aims to generate greater economic activity around the club. The additional revenues generated will support the refurbishment project of the clubhouse.

Supporting paperwork (up to date bank statement and quotations for costs to be incurred) has not been provided.

SECTION 3 - Details of Proposed Expenditure

54 16. Amount Requested: £2,000 17. Group Contribution: Unspecified

SECTION 4 - Recommendation

18. Support Application: Not at this time.

19. Defer Application? Yes

The Sports Club are in discussions with North Ayrshire Council regarding their wider ambitions. This application should be considered in this context rather than as an individual small grant request.

20. Amount recommended: £0

Give reasons

As above.

Signature: Bobby McGhee Date: 14 May 2014


Agenda Item 6 29 May 2014

Irvine Area Committee

Subject: Grants to Elderly Groups

Purpose: To advise the Committee of the level of funding available for disbursement in the Committee's area in 2014/15.

Recommendation: That the Committee considers and determines the proposed funding available as outlined in the attached appendix.

1. Introduction

1.1 Traditionally grants are paid to elderly groups to fund social events such as summer outings and Christmas lunches. Grants may also be used to support other activities for the benefit of the elderly population in the area, including running costs of centres.

2. Current Position

2.1 The attached appendix sets out how the elderly grants budget has been distributed across the Area Committee based on the respective elderly populations of each area (mid point 2012 of elderly people aged 65+) and indicates how monies will be allocated.

2.2 Each recipient group is required to complete an application form setting out how they intend to utilise the funding and financial monitoring is undertaken to ensure funds are used appropriately.

3. Proposals

3.1 It is proposed that the Committee notes the allocations set out in the attached appendix.

57 4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 Awards will be made from the Area Committee's allocation from the Education and Skills grants for elderly groups budget.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 There are no human resource implications arising from this report.

Legal Implications

4.3 There are no legal implications arising from this report.

Equality Implications

4.4 There are no equality implications arising from this report.

Environmental Implications

4.5 There are no environmental implications arising from this report.

Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 The allocation of funding will contribute to the following single outcome agreements:

Adults and older people in North Ayrshire live healthier and more active lives:

People are more active more often. Health inequalities have reduced. Older people are more active and independent within their communities.

5. Consultations

5.1 Consultation has taken place between appropriate Officers of the Council.

58 6. Conclusion

6.1 The award of grants will support the activities of elderly groups within the Committee's area.

AUDREY SUTTON Head of Service (Community and Culture)

Reference : JMcH/BA For further information please contact James McHarg, Community Engagement Manager, Community and Culture on 01294 324424. Background Papers None

59 60 Total Budget = £59,530 Change this figure to total grant budget available - other figures will then automatically re-calculate DO NOT CHANGE ANY OTHER FIGURES!

Population Areas population aged >65 Grant Allocation (£) Aged 65+ (2012) as % of North Ayrshire's Elderly Population (2012) based on pro-rata allocation Broomlands/Bourtreehill 567 2.09 £1,246 Lawthorn/Girdle Toll etc 1,216 4.49 £2,673 Dreghorn 733 2.71 £1,611 Drybridge 89 0.33 £196 Springside 227 0.84 £499 Rest of Irvine 4,023 14.85 £8,843 IRVINE 6,855 25.31 £15,068

Kilwinning Burgh 1,624 6.00 £3,570 Kilwinning Landward 981 3.62 £2,156 KILWINNING 2,605 9.62 £5,726

Arran 1,472 5.44 £3,236 Stevenston 1,731 6.39 £3,805 Ardrossan 1,939 7.16 £4,262 Saltcoats 2,225 8.22 £4,891 THREE TOWNS & ARRAN 7,367 27.20 £16,194

Kilbirnie/Glengarnock 1,292 4.77 £2,840 West Kilbride 1,096 4.05 £2,409 1,344 4.96 £2,954 Dalry 1,150 4.25 £2,528 GARNOCK VALLEY & WEST KILBRIDE 4,882 18.03 £10,731

Cumbrae 465 1.72 £1,022 Largs 3,472 12.82 £7,427 Fairlie 676 2.50 £1,486 Skelmorlie 760 2.81 £1,671 NORTH COAST 5,373 19.84 £11,811

NORTH AYRSHIRE 27,082 100.00 £59,530

Source: Small Area Population Estimates Mid 2012, National Records of Scotland Produced by Steve Morley, Research Analyst, North Ayrshire CPP Team Tel 01294 324126 smorley@north‐


Agenda Item 7 29 May 2014

Irvine Area Committee

Subject: Irvine Common Good Grant Disbursement

Purpose: To advise the Committee of the impact on future funds of applying an annual cap on amounts disbursed by Irvine Common Good.

Recommendation: That the Committee considers the options available and approves any changes to the 2014/15 budgeted amount available for disbursement, if appropriate.

1. Introduction

1.1 At its meeting on 2 April 2014, North Ayrshire Council approved the 2014/15 revenue estimates for all of the Common Good Funds, including Irvine. At that time, the recommended level of disbursement to achieve a balanced budget for Irvine Common Good for 2014/15 was £69,815.

2. Current Position

2.1 Irvine Common Good generates income from interest on funds invested in North Ayrshire Council's Loans Fund and from property rentals, as follows:

Bank Street - Church of Latter Day Saints (60 year lease to 2045) Ground East Road - McConnachies (60 year lease to 2042) Woodlands Centre - North Ayrshire Council Redburn Community Centre - North Ayrshire Council East Road Car Park - North Ayrshire Council Quarry Road - North Ayrshire Council (currently under review; anticipated to be vacated this year) 36/38 Bank Street - Vacant (currently being marketed for sale)

2.2 In the current economic climate, no rent increases are anticipated in the short to medium term.

2.3 The internal interest rate estimated for 2014/15 is 1.45% (the actual rate for 2013/14 was 1.40%), increasing by 0.05% for each year of the projection.

63 2.4 Irvine Common Good incurs expenditure in relation to repairs, running costs for vacant properties and grants disbursed.

2.5 The recommended level of grants disbursed each year is calculated to result in a break even position. If there are no changes to the property portfolio, this position would result in an accumulated surplus at 31 March 2019 of £965,443. If the amount of grants disbursed was reduced, then Irvine Common Good Fund would generate a surplus year on year, which would result in the receipt of increased investment interest, marginal in the current economic climate.

2.6 The attached appendix shows two scenarios, presented for the Committee's consideration. They show the impact, over the next five years, of reducing annual disbursements from the current level of £69,815.

2.7 The first scenario shows the impact of capping disbursements at £60,000 per annum. This would result in additional interest received for Irvine Common Good Fund of approximately £1,313 by 31 March 2019. The accumulated surplus at 31 March 2019 is estimated at £1,007,663.

2.8 The second scenario shows the impact of capping disbursements at £50,000 per annum. This would result in additional interest received for Irvine Common Good Fund of approximately £2,887 by 31 March 2019. The accumulated surplus at 31 March 2019 is estimated at £1,059,237.

2.9 In reviewing the level of funds for disbursement, the committee should consider the purpose of growing the fund.

3. Proposals

3.1 That the Committee considers the options available and approves any changes to the 2014/15 budgeted amount available for disbursement, if appropriate.

4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 Any awards of grant will be met from the funds available for disbursement.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 There are no human resource implications arising from this report.

64 Legal Implications

4.3 There are no legal implications arising from this report.

Equality Implications

4.4 There are no equality implications arising from this report.

Environmental Implications

4.5 There are no environmental implications arising form this report.

Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 There are no implications for key priorities arising from this report.

Community Benefit Implications

4.7 Grants will be disbursed to people or groups within the community who meet the specified criteria.

5. Consultations

5.1 No consultation has taken place in the preparation of this report.

6. Conclusion

6.1 The Committee is asked to consider the options and agree on a revised level of disbursements for 2014/15, if appropriate.

LAURA FRIEL Corporate Director (Finance and Corporate Support)

Reference : For further information please contact Christine McCourt, Team Manager (Financial Management) on 01294 324546. Background Papers North Ayrshire Council 2 April 2014: Revenue Estimates 2014/15 - Common Good and Trusts

65 66 Appendix

Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed SCENARIO 1: £60,000 DISBURSEMENT CAP Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 £ £ £ £ £

Projected Common Good Balance Brought Forward at 1 April 965,443 975,258 982,449 990,236 998,635

INCOME Property Rentals - Woodlands Centre (Education & Skills) 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 36/38 Bank Street, Irvine (currently vacant) - - - - - Bank Street (Church of Latter Day Saints) 11,500 11,500 11,500 11,500 11,500 Redburn Community Centre (Education & Skills) 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Fairground (Marymass) 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 Ground East Road (McConnachies) 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 Bartonholm Amenity site (owned by NAC) - - - - - East Road Car Park 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 Quarry Road Depot (Streetscene) 3,000 - - - - 69,250 69,250 66,250 66,250 66,250 66,250

Other Income - Food Franchise (Marymass) 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Loans Fund Interest (on cash balances) 13,765 14,141 14,737 15,349 15,978 15,265 15,265 15,641 16,237 16,849 17,478

TOTAL INCOME FOR THE YEAR 84,515 81,891 82,487 83,099 83,728

EXPENDITURE Property Costs General Repairs 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Property Insurances 450 450 450 450 450 Rates on vacant property - 36 Bank Street (10% relief) 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Electricity 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Other Property Costs 200 200 200 200 200 13,650 13,650 13,650 13,650 13,650 13,650

Others Administration - Charge from Finance 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050

SUB TOTAL OF EXPENDITURE 14,700 14,700 14,700 14,700 14,700

SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR BEFORE GRANTS 69,815 67,191 67,787 68,399 69,028

Available for Disbursement 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000


COMMON GOOD BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD AT 31 March 975,258 982,449 990,236 998,635 1,007,663

Total Increased Interest £ - £ 142 £ 255 £ 384 £ 531 £ 1,313 Increased Balance at 2018/19 42,220£

67 Appendix

Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed SCENARIO 2: £50,000 DISBURSEMENT CAP Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 £ £ £ £ £

Projected Common Good Balance Brought Forward at 1 April 965,443 985,258 1,002,594 1,020,683 1,039,554

INCOME Property Rentals - Woodlands Centre (Education & Skills) 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 36/38 Bank Street, Irvine (currently vacant) - - - - - Bank Street (Church of Latter Day Saints) 11,500 11,500 11,500 11,500 11,500 Redburn Community Centre (Education & Skills) 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Fairground (Marymass) 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 Ground East Road (McConnachies) 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 Bartonholm Amenity site (owned by NAC) - - - - - East Road Car Park 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 Quarry Road Depot (Streetscene) 3,000 - - - - 69,250 69,250 66,250 66,250 66,250 66,250

Other Income - Food Franchise (Marymass) 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Loans Fund Interest (on cash balances) 13,765 14,286 15,039 15,821 16,633 15,265 15,265 15,786 16,539 17,321 18,133

TOTAL INCOME FOR THE YEAR 84,515 82,036 82,789 83,571 84,383

EXPENDITURE Property Costs General Repairs 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Property Insurances 450 450 450 450 450 Rates on vacant property - 36 Bank Street (10% relief) 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Electricity 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Other Property Costs 200 200 200 200 200 13,650 13,650 13,650 13,650 13,650 13,650

Others Administration - Charge from Finance 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050

SUB TOTAL OF EXPENDITURE 14,700 14,700 14,700 14,700 14,700

SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR BEFORE GRANTS 69,815 67,336 68,089 68,871 69,683

Available for Disbursement 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000

FINAL SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR INCLUDING GRANTS 19,815 17,336 18,089 18,871 19,683

COMMON GOOD BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD AT 31 March 985,258 1,002,594 1,020,683 1,039,554 1,059,237

Total Increased Interest £ - £ 287 £ 557 £ 856 £ 1,186 £ 2,887 Increased Balance at 2018/19 93,794£


Agenda Item 8 29 May 2014

Irvine Area Committee

Subject: Street Naming: New Residential Development at former John Galt Primary School Site, Irvine

Purpose: To seek the agreement of the Committee to name three new streets associated with the current development works at former John Galt Primary School site, Irvine.

Recommendation: That the Committee approves three street names for the above development with reference to the list of suggestions at Appendix 1.

1. Introduction

1.1 The Council has a responsibility to provide street names for new developments under Section 97 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982. In determining suitable names, it is important to ensure that they do not give rise to confusion, particularly for the postal and emergency services.

2. Current Position

2.1 A new development, comprising 80 new houses, is currently under construction by North Ayrshire Council Housing Services on the site of the former John Galt Primary School. The development layout contains three new streets, and will connect to the existing road at Tollerton Drive (see layout at Appendix 2).

2.2 Local elected Members and Housing Services have been consulted regarding suggestions for new street names for the development. There has been some consensus to retain a connection with John Galt, a prominent former Irvine resident, in relation to the new street names for the site.

3. Proposals

3.1 That the Committee select the new street names, with reference to the list of suggestions at Appendix 1, for the above development. Any alternative suggestions may need to be checked first for suitability.

69 4. Implications

Financial Implications

4.1 None.

Human Resource Implications

4.2 None.

Legal Implications

4.3 The Council has a statutory duty to provide street names and house numbers to new developments.

Equality Implications

4.4 None.

Environmental Implications

4.5 None.

Implications for Key Priorities

4.6 None.

Community Benefit Implications

4.7 None.

5. Consultations

5.1 Consultation has taken place with the developer and local elected Members on potential new street names, as detailed with this report.

70 6. Conclusion

6.1 Several suggestions have been put forward from the developer and local elected Members for three new street names for the redevelopment of the former John Galt Primary School in Irvine. The Committee are invited to select three suitable new street names with reference to the list at Appendix 1.

CRAIG HATTON Corporate Director (Development and Environment)

Reference : BMcL For further information please contact Brian McLemon, Technician (Development Plans) on (01294) 324767. Background Papers None

71 72 Appendix 1

Suggestions for new street names for the new residential development at the former John Galt Primary School site.

Suggestion Comment

Trindlemoss The name ‘Trindlemoss’ has been allocated for use for streets within a parcel of land at Montgomerie Park, Irvine for future development. This could lead to confusion in the future.

‘John Galt’ or ‘Galt’ Wynd, No issues with this suggestion. Drive etc.

Ontario Mews – For the Ontario is the province in Canada where the towns that small street outlined in John Galt designed are located. No issues with this yellow comprising 3 suggestion. properties

Guelph Road - For the Guelph was the first town designed by John Galt in the street outlined in green early 1800s. No issues with this suggestion. facing the site of the old quarry.

Goderich Wynd – For the Goderich was the 2nd town designed by Galt and lies on larger street outlined in the banks of Lake Huron. Goderich town was named after purple. Lord Goderich, a former prime minister and chancellor of the UK. No issues with this suggestion.

73 74 75