House, Irvine.

11 February 2016

North Council

You are requested to attend a Meeting of the above mentioned Committee of Council to be held in the Council Chambers, Cunninghame House, Irvine on WEDNESDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2016 at 3.00 p.m. to consider the undernoted business.

Yours faithfully

Elma Murray

Chief Executive

1. Apologies

2. Declarations of Interest Members are requested to give notice of any declarations of interest in respect of items of business on the Agenda.

3. Previous Minutes (Page 7) The accuracy of the Minutes of (i) the ordinary meeting of the Council held on 16 December 2015 and (ii) the special meeting of the Council held on 8 February 2016 will be confirmed and the Minutes signed in accordance with Paragraph 7 (1) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government () Act 1973 (copy enclosed).

4. Provost's Report The Provost will report.

5. Leader's Report The Leader of the Council will report.

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 6. North Ayrshire Council Minute Volume (issued under separate cover) Submit for noting and approval of any recommendations contained therein, the minutes of meetings of committees of the Council held in the period 5 December 2015 to 4 February 2016.

Please note there is a recommendation to the Council contained within the Minute of the Staffing and Recruitment Committee meeting of 17 December 2015.

7. North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Board: Minutes of Meeting held on 3 December 2015 (Page 25) Submit report by the Chief Executive on the Minutes of the meeting of the North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Board held on 3 December 2015 (copy enclosed).

8. Questions In terms of Standing Order No. 12 submit:-

(a) A question by Councillor McNicol to the Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate Support and Welfare Reform in the following terms:-

"On 15th October, 2015 at Sheriff Court one of my constituents was awarded damages of £80.64 against North Ayrshire Council for repair of a coil Spring on his vehicle after having struck a pothole outside Academy, Parkhouse Road, Ardrossan on 2nd February, 2015.

Will the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Corporate Support and Housing furnish me with all costs incurred by North Ayrshire Council in defending this claim (including cost of officers time preparing papers for Zurich Insurance to defend claim, and officers time attending Kilmarnock Sheriff Court to give evidence at the hearing) and who was responsible for the edict not to pay compensation?"

(b) A question by Councillor Cullinane to the Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate Support and Welfare Reform in the following terms:-

“The £43million contract for the Campus has been awarded to Morrison Construction, a company named in the Scottish Affairs Select Committee Report as having used the Consulting Association blacklist to identify, deny employment to or terminate the jobs of trade union members.

The contract was awarded by hub West Scotland. However, as it is a North Ayrshire Council led project, can the Portfolio Holder advise me what representations, if any, they have made to hub West Scotland about Morrison Construction winning the contract and how does the award of the contract conform with this Council’s previous commitment that companies exposed as having blacklisted workers should be excluded from Council contracts?”

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 2 9. Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies Consider the undernoted nominations:-

Committee Resignation/ Nomination(s) Received for Vacancy Vacancy

Appeals Committee 3 vacancies Cllr Bruce Cllr Reid

North Ayrshire Leisure 1 vacancy, following Cllr Clarkson Limited Cllr Montgomerie's resignation

10. Designation of Polling Districts and Polling Places (Page 35) Submit report by the Chief Executive on the replacement venues for use as Polling Places for forthcoming Elections and Referenda (copy enclosed).

11. Motions

11.1 Motions to Amend Standing Orders

In terms of the meeting of the Council on 16 December 2015, submit the following Motions to amend Standing Orders:-

(a) a Motion by Councillor Bell, seconded by Councillor Cullinane in the following terms:-

"That the Council agrees to accept the following amendment to standing orders for meetings:

Amend standing order 12 to add at the end of 12.2 the words 'The Provost may also at his or her discretion, allow one other member to ask one question for further clarification of the answer.'"

(b) a Motion by Councillor Bell, seconded by Councillor Cullinane in the following terms:-

"That the Council agrees to accept the following amendment to standing orders for meetings:

Add to Standing Order 31 the following definition:-

'Present and voting' or 'present and vote' means Members casting an affirmative or negative vote. Members who abstain from voting are considered as not voting."

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 3 (c) a Motion by Councillor Hill, seconded by Councillor Bell in the following terms:-

"That the Council agreed to add a new Standing Order 23(v):

'For the avoidance of doubt this Standing Order does not apply to Questions raised under Standing Order 12. No such Question shall require the suspension of Standing Orders in order to be considered or reconsidered.'"

11.2 Other Motions

(a) a Motion by Councillor Cullinane, seconded by Councillor McNamara in the following terms:-

"At the Council meeting of 24th March 2014 I proposed a motion calling on North Ayrshire Council to become an Ethical Care Council and sign up to the UNISON Ethical Care Charter. As an amendment, which was accepted, the issue was referred to the “Living Wage and Ethical Care Working Group

A key component of the UNISON Ethical Care Charter is payment of the Living Wage to all social care workers. The final Working Group report recommended that North Ayrshire Council did not sign up to the Charter because, it was stated by officers using guidance from the Scottish Government, that the Council could not legally mandate external care providers to pay the Living Wage. That was a position that the Labour members of the Working Group challenged throughout the lifespan of the Group.

Given that the Scottish Government have performed a u-turn and now accept that a Living Wage for all care workers can be achieved, North Ayrshire Council agrees to sign up to the UNISON Ethical Care Charter."

12. Urgent items Any other items which the Provost considers to be urgent.

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 4 North Ayrshire Council

Sederunt: Joan Sturgeon (Provost) Attending: Robert Barr (Depute Provost) John Bell Matthew Brown John Bruce Marie Burns Ian Clarkson Joe Cullinane Anthea Dickson John Easdale John Ferguson Alex Gallagher Willie Gibson Tony Gurney Jean Highgate Alan Hill Apologies: John Hunter Elizabeth McLardy Grace McLean Catherine McMillan Peter McNamara Ronnie McNicol Ruth Maguire Tom Marshall Jim Montgomerie Meeting Ended: Alan Munro David O'Neill Irene Oldfather Donald Reid Robert Steel

North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 5 6 Agenda item 3.1 North Ayrshire Council 16 December 2015

IRVINE, 16 December 2015 - At a Meeting of North Ayrshire Council at 2.00 p.m.

Present Joan Sturgeon, Robert Barr, John Bell, Marie Burns, Ian Clarkson, Joe Cullinane, Anthea Dickson, John Easdale, John Ferguson, Alex Gallagher, Tony Gurney, Jean Highgate, Alan Hill, John Hunter, Ruth Maguire, Elizabeth McLardy, Grace McLean, Catherine McMillan, Peter McNamara, Ronnie McNicol, Jim Montgomerie, Alan Munro, Irene Oldfather, Donald Reid and Robert Steel.

In Attendance E. Murray, Chief Executive; K. Yeomans, Executive Director (Economy and Communities); C. Hatton, Executive Director (Place); S. Quinn, Head of Service (Schools) (Education and Youth Employment), M. Inglis, Senior Manager (Intervention Services)(Health and Social Care Partnership); A. Fraser, Head of Democratic Support, C. Andrew, Senior Manager (Legal Services), M. Gilmour, Senior Communications Officer (Media and Internal Communications) (Corporate Communications) and M. Anderson, Committee Services Team Leader (Chief Executive's Service).

Chair Provost Sturgeon in the Chair. Apologies for Absence Matthew Brown, John Bruce, Willie Gibson, Tom Marshall and David O'Neill.

1. Provost's Remarks

The Provost welcomed those present to the meeting and dealt with preliminary matters.

2. Apologies for Absence

The Provost invited intimation of apologies for absence, which were recorded.

3. Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest in terms of Standing Order 10 and Section 5 of the Councillors' Code of Conduct.

There were no declarations of the Party Whip.

Page 0 7 4. Previous Minutes

The accuracy of the Minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Council held on 4 November 2015 and the Special Meeting of the Council held on 25 November 2015 was confirmed and the Minutes signed in accordance with Paragraph 7 (1) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.

Councillor Reid requested, and received, clarification on the appropriate mechanism for highlighting corrected information which had been provided to Members after the Council meeting in connection with his question to the Cabinet Member for Place.


5. Provost's Report

The Provost reported on the following matters:-

 the Ayrshire College graduation ceremony in November 2015 and the opening of the new Student Services facilities at the college;  the Remembrance Sunday Parade and Service in Irvine, and the services which took place through North Ayrshire to remember those who have lost their lives serving their country;  attendance at two investitures of the British Empire Medal, the first in respect of Mr Peter Reilly from for his contribution to his community over a significant number of years, and the second for Mrs Evelyn Porter in Saltcoats for her contribution to the Girls Brigade over 50 years;  a letter from the Mayor of Irvine's twin town, Voisins, in response to the Provost's letter of condolence following the terror attacks in Paris in November 2015;  celebration for Irvine Age Concern's 40th anniversary in November 2015;  the recent unveiling of a plaque at the new Vennel Gardens Sheltered Housing Complex;  attendance at the St. Andrew's night event organised by Irvine Lasses Burns Club;  the West Sound Cash for Kids lunch on 5 December 2015, where a cheque for £35,000 was presented to benefit disadvantaged children in North Ayrshire;  the results of a festive appeal requesting Council staff to donate to North Ayrshire Foodbank and take part in a Christmas Jumper Day event to raise funds for Cash for Kids;

Page 1 8  copies of a Cash for Kids charity CD recorded by pupils from Dykesmains, Gateside and St. Like's Primary School, offered by the Provost to Elected Members in appreciation of Members' continued support for the Provost's fundraising appeals; and  an invitation by the Provost for Members to join her following the meeting for some festive refreshments, and her best wishes for a happy and peaceful Christmas.

6. Leader's Report

The Depute Leader of the Council reported on the following matters on behalf of the Leader:-

 the opening of the new multi-million pound furnace at Ardagh Glass on 6 November 2015;  the achievements of North Ayrshire Council staff at the North Ayrshire Achieves awards;  a visit by the Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, Investments and Cities to tour the Irvine Enterprise Area and Ardrossan Harbour on 11 November 2015;  a visit on 2 December 2015 by the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Communities and Pensioners' Rights, to see some of the regeneration work in Irvine and plans to develop Ardrossan and the surrounding area, as well as discussing progress of the Ayrshire Growth Deal;  productive discussions between the Leader and Central Government over the past 6 weeks, including a meeting with the Secretary of State for Scotland and dialogue with the Minister of State for Skills;  ongoing discussions at COSLA on the Spending Review;  the Leader's appreciation of the work of Council staff in providing a first class service to Elected Members over the course of 2015;  plans for 2016, including the Council's continuing journey from "good to great", the launch of the new Learning Academy at Auchenharvie and the opening of facilities such as the new Leisure Centre in Irvine, Saltcoats Town Hall and the new mental health facility at Woodland View; and  the Leader's best wishes to all Members and their families for a happy and prosperous new year.

7. North Ayrshire Council Minute Volume (27 October to 7 December 2015 )

Submitted, for noting, the Minutes of meetings of committees of the Council held in the period 27 October to 7 December 2015.


Page 2 9 8. Questions

In terms of Standing Order No. 12 there were submitted:-

(a) A question by Councillor Barr to the Cabinet Member for Economy and Employment in the following terms:-

"Has the Portfolio Holder any knowledge of multi-million pound investment coming to North Ayrshire next year?”

Councillor Burns thanked the Member for his question and responded in the following terms:-

“North Ayrshire will see a number of multi million pound investments from the public and private sectors next year and beyond.

Investments range from significant infrastructure commitments such as the £25m redevelopment of Harbour which is due to commence on site in January 2016 and the creation of new assets such as the £42m Garnock Campus, the £53m Largs Campus and the £22m Irvine Leisure Centre and Town Centre.

The private sector is also continuing to progress significant investment and the Council is in pro-active confidential discussions with a number of companies to facilitate / accelerate these plans.

The Council is also working in partnership with East and Councils to develop proposals for an Ayrshire Growth Deal. This will see the submission of a bid to Scottish Government in March. We hope that this allows further investment and a step change in the prospects for the Ayrshire economy.”

As a supplementary question, Councillor Barr made reference to confidential discussions he had had on a potential investment and asked the Cabinet Member whether any of the significant investments to which she had referred also related to that area.

Councillor Burns responded by advising that she was not in a position to share the requested information in public at this stage, but undertook to discuss the matter separately with Councillor Barr outwith the Council meeting.

(b) A question by Councillor McNicol to the Leader of the Council in the following terms:-

"Will the Leader of the Council give members a progress update on the refurbishment of Saltcoats Town Hall and advise on when it will be officially opened?"

Councillor Hill thanked the Member for his question and responded in the following terms on behalf of the Leader:-

Page 3 10 “The majority of the construction works within the £3.8m Saltcoats Town Hall restoration project are expected to be completed by Christmas 2015. All works to the first floor (main and lesser halls) are on target to be finished by Christmas. The open plan office and customer service centre on the ground floor are largely complete, with only minor items to be completed in January. Floor finishes are currently being laid, with the majority of fixtures and fittings in place. Commissioning and testing of systems has commenced. The back-of-house staff and meeting facilities and some external lintel repairs and rendering will also be completed in January.

The majority of the scaffold will be removed by Christmas, with only small areas remaining. The contractor’s compound will be removed within the first 2 weeks of January.

The projected completion date for the works is 25 January 2016. It is anticipated that the building will be open to the public from Monday 15 February. This will include the new customer service centre, housing and registration services, alongside health and social care services.

The official opening ceremony will take place on Monday 14 March 2016.”

As a supplementary question, Councillor McNicol made reference to the history of this project and the importance of the building to the regeneration of Saltcoats, and asked if the Depute Leader would join him in congratulating officers and the workforce for hopefully delivering an on-time and on-budget project of which Saltcoats can be proud.

Councillor Hill expressed his support for the sentiment expressed.

(c) A question by Councillor Bell to the Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate Support and Welfare Reform in the following terms:-

"At a recent meeting the Cabinet agreed to further cuts to services not previously agreed by Council, and ahead of the Council budget, including a number to the Education budget which were to be subject of an Equalities Impact Assessment. Were these assessments carried out, why are these cuts to home school inclusion and other services being rushed through by the SNP group, without the opportunity for discussion with all members, given she welcomed the original budget at the meeting last year?”

Councillor Maguire thanked the Member for his question, made reference to a written response provided by Councillor Bruce as Cabinet Member for Education Attainment and Achievement in respect of the part of the question relating to Equalities Impact Assessments for Education, and responded to the remainder of the question in the following terms:-

Page 4 11 "Cabinet have not approved any additional savings, budget decisions have been taken at the appropriate time and all Councillors have been fully consulted had the opportunity to be involved.

As part of the budget process all North Ayrshire Councillors are informed of options to balance the budget. Both before and on budget day there is the opportunity to discuss and debate proposals and move alternatives.

The changes to Education which are described in the question were agreed by full Council. North Ayrshire Council's budget for 2015/16 to 2017/18 was set unopposed with no amendments at the meeting in December 2014.

At its meeting on 27 October 2015 Cabinet received a report on the “Medium Term Financial Outlook and Financial Planning”.

This report considered the current global financial environment alongside the UK Government’s July budget and the potential impact of this and the Autumn Statement on the Scottish Government and Local Government Budgets. The report also provided an update on the current assumptions around North Ayrshire’s medium term financial plan.

Given the anticipated adverse movement in the overall financial position the report noted the action which was being taken to mitigate the emerging funding gap; this included bringing forward savings which were agreed by Full Council when it set its budget for 2015/16 to 2017/18 at its meeting in December 2014.

This Cabinet report was not called in.

So there were a number of opportunities to influence this matter spanning more than a year in time - hardly a rush:

 Over the course of the budget preparations which began October 2014  On budget day itself in December 2014  When the Cabinet report bringing the savings agreed previously by full Council forward was approved in October 2015

None of these opportunities were taken up.”

In his absence, Councillor Bruce's written response was provided in the following terms:-

“At the time of the original budget proposals, that were agreed by Elected Members, an Equalities Impact Assessment initial screening was completed. The outcome of that EIA Screening:

Ref: SP-ES-15-15 Review of Business Support indicated that the proposed savings “will likely have a neutral impact”. Therefore, a full EIA would not be required.

Page 5 12 Ref: SP-ES-15-07 Restructure the Home School Inclusion Workers indicated that this savings proposal could have a potential impact in relation to age and poverty. It suggested that when new arrangements are made a full EIA would be required so that the needs of children and young people would continue to be met in partnership with other service providers.

Senior Officers from the Education and Youth Employment Directorate have been involved in a wide ranging consultation with key stakeholders as the result of bringing these savings proposals forward. The consultation will lead to the development of a revised service delivery model. It is proposed, resulting from discussions with the joint trade unions, that a full EIA should now be undertaken on the proposed new service delivery model across both areas.

The revised models were shared with the joint trade unions on Monday 15 December with staff briefings being held on Thursday 16 December 2015.”

As a supplementary question, Councillor Bell referred both to the decision of the Special Meeting of the Council on 9 December 2014 to approve options for efficiencies and also to anticipated underspends within the Council budget and that of the Scottish Government, and asked whether the Cabinet Member would agree with him that decisions on budgets should be taken in public with all Members involved, and also that the underspends cited were an example of SNP austerity.

Councillor Maguire responded by advising that she was pleased that the Member had directed Members to the Council Minute, as section (h) confirms the decision taken in respect of savings options for 16/17 and 17/18. Councillor Maguire added that it was the right and duty of Members to scrutinise decisions made by the Cabinet on behalf of North Ayrshire, but that scrutiny and politicking were two quite different things and that, with all the decades of experience in the Labour Group, people might find it hard to believe it had only now got round to examining the details of a budget it supported a year ago.

(d) A question by Councillor Reid to the Leader of the Council in the following terms:-

"The Leader of the Council it is reported recently met with Scottish Government Ministers, I am sure the A737 and the Dalry Bypass along with other Strategic transport links would have been high on the agenda of any such meetings. Can the Leader advise on the substance of these discussions to improve North Ayrshire's Transport links both on the Scottish Government's and that of the Council's network of transport links?"

Councillor Hill thanked the Member for his question and responded in the following terms on behalf of the Leader:-

“Derek Mackay MSP, the Minister for Transport and the Islands visited Arran on 8 September, and Keith Brown, Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, Investment and Cities visited North Ayrshire on 11 November.

Page 6 13 The meetings provided the opportunity for a number of priorities to be discussed with these key Scottish Government Ministers. Given their respective responsibilities, the issues discussed included major road investments, the Irvine Enterprise Area, Ardrossan Harbour and North Shore, the redevelopment of Brodick Harbour, the Islands Bill, and the Ayrshire Growth Deal.

In terms of the Elected Member’s query on Roads, the A737 and B714 routes in particular were discussed.

For the A737, the Ministers noted the progress made on the legal processes required to enable improvement projects along the A737 corridor. Following a Public Local Inquiry held at the end of last year and recommendations made by the Reporter, Scottish Ministers gave the go ahead for completion of statutory procedures for the A737 Dalry Bypass scheme in October. This allowed the orders to be made to legally establish the route of the Dalry Bypass and the Den on 2 December. A timescale for the implementation of the improvements is not available, this is currently being considered in light of the recent UK Government spending review and implications for the Scottish Government capital budget. Officers will continue to work with Transport Scotland officials and the Minister's office to secure the implementation of the bypass.

For the B714 between Dalry and the A78, officers have commissioned research on the improvement of the route which would reduce the level of traffic passing through , and the capacity issues currently being seen at the Pennyburn roundabout. It would link to the proposed roundabout at the west end of the Dalry Bypass. Discussions have previously taken place with Transport Scotland on this proposal and a 'Strategic Transport Appraisal Guidance part 1' study has been completed. We sought support to continue to a STAG part 2 to consider the proposal further.”

Councillor Hill added that the Council had now received from Scottish Government Trunk Road Orders and Compulsory Purchase Orders which were indicative of further progress in respect of the Dalry Bypass project.

As a supplementary question, Councillor Reid asked if the Depute Leader would join him in continuing to pursue further progress in terms of construction and options for a Dalry By-Pass.

Councillor Hill confirmed his willingness to support the Member in this regard.

(e) A question by Councillor Reid to the Cabinet Member for Place in the following terms:-

"North Ayrshire Council adopted a more rigorous policy of dealing with dog fouling, general littering and dumping of rubbish in March 2013. Can the portfolio holder advise:-

 How many complaints the council has received on the following points in each financial year 12/13, 13/14 14/15 and the year to date.  In terms of Dog fouling complaints?

Page 7 14  In terms of general littering complaints?  In terms of dumping of rubbish?

Councillor Gurney thanked the Member for his question and referred to the following information provided within his written response:-

12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 to date (14/12/15) Dog Fouling 4* 25 11 5 General litter 20* 12 12 8 Dumping of 3* 3 7 7 Rubbish Total 27* 40 30 20

*These are formal complaints only. Informal complaints were not recorded pre-2013 so the total volume in 2012 is unknown.

As a supplementary question, Councillor Reid asked whether the Cabinet Member could guarantee that the figures provided included complaints by Elected Members.

Councillor Gurney responded by indicating that he had been under the impression that the question related to complaints from the public, undertaking to add as a separate column those figures relating to Councillor complaints, and inviting Members to consider the figures in the light of the significant increase in public satisfaction with the service whereby complaints now comprised only 0.8% of service requests.

(f) A question by Councillor Reid to the Cabinet Member for Place in the following terms:-

"As already noted Council agreed a more robust approach be taken to deal with dog fouling, littering and dumping of rubbish by use of enforcement. What partnerships and procedures are in place both in the Council and out with the Council to ensure North Ayrshire is a Cleaner Place to live?"

Councillor Gurney thanked the Member for his question, and responded in the following terms:-

“The Council’s 'Litter, Fly Tipping and Dog Fouling Prevention Strategy' – built on the 3 E's- educate, enable and enforce – was approved by Cabinet in March 2014.

The aim of the strategy is to:

 change people’s hearts and minds with regards to littering, flytipping and dog fouling;  encourage a social contract with communities whereby we “all do our bit to protect and enhance the local environment” and highlight that litter, flytipping and dog fouling are socially unacceptable;  shift the emphasis from clean-up to prevention;  introduce a zero tolerance to litter, flytipping and dog fouling; and

Page 8 15  ensure a coordinated, best practice approach to litter, flytipping and dog fouling prevention and management throughout North Ayrshire.

With regard to partnerships and procedures, the following is in place:

 The Council works closely with Zero Waste Scotland (ZWS) and is currently applying for funding from ZWS for materials to help with a Council campaign to reduce litter;  The Council continues to support the Keep Scotland Beautiful (KSB) annual ‘Big Spring Clean’, in partnership with KSB and local communities;  Work is ongoing with the Ayrshire Litter Volunteering Network (ALVN). This is a network of volunteers who help clear and prevent litter in our neighbourhoods. Although the organisation is currently reviewing its operation the Council supports them with advice and materials/equipment such as litter pickers and bags. Whilst the initiative is across the whole of Ayrshire 50% of the total number of 160 volunteers are active within North Ayrshire;  The Council continues to support and enable an increasing level of business and community participation in carrying out litter picks in open spaces, parks, beaches etc. (approx. 20 groups at present);  Regular presentations are made to community groups, delivered by Streetscene Officers;  A bespoke 'Jimmy and the Green Dog' educational campaign is regularly delivered to primary schools, focussing on litter and dog fouling prevention;  Partnership working is in place between , the Traveller Services Co-ordinator and Streetscene Operations to deal effectively with illegal encampments, where fly tipping is a regular occurrence;  In addition to our planned cleaning programmes Six Rapid Response Teams are in place to remove fly tipping within 3 days of notification. 97% of incidents between 1 April and September 2015 were cleared within the 3 day target;  Partnership working is in place with Housing to carry out Environmental Visual Audits, accompanied by representatives from Tenants/Residents Associations;  The Council’s Local Environmental Audit Management System (LEAMS) score is continuously monitored to identify areas for improvement and ensure high cleanliness standards are maintained in North Ayrshire’s streets;  Over 200 Streetscene staff have been trained in the LEAMS assessment and the standards expected;  The LEAMS methodology has been customised to support litter audits in both primary and secondary schools, which are carried out by the schools’ ECO committees;  Partnership working is in place between Streetscene Officers and Waste Awareness Officers to reduce litter arising from businesses;  The Council fully implemented the ‘Fly Mapper’ system with effect from October 2015, which helps with the identification of fly tipping and informs strategy in this area;

Page 9 16  Physical barriers (for example Irvine Moor and Longford Avenue, Kilwinning) have been erected to restrict vehicular access and reduce fly tipping;  A new Fly Tipping Officer post is currently being established, which will lead on both education and enforcement in respect of fly tipping;  The number of dog fouling and litter bins continues to increase to reflect demand and address known hotspots; and  Dual bins, which encourage the deposit of both dog waste and general litter, continue to be introduced where appropriate.”

As a supplementary question, Councillor Reid noted that Streetscene staff were working hard, but observed that Community Wardens were not mentioned and asked who would be undertaking enforcement work once the Community Wardens staff were removed.

Councillor Gurney responded by praising the work done by all officers and expressing the Administration's intention to ensure enforcement work continues to be carried out, bearing in mind the financial constraints faced by the Council.

9. Ayrshire Civil Contingencies Team - Governance Arrangements

Submitted report by the Chief Executive on a review of the arrangements to oversee the Pan-Ayrshire Civic Contingencies Team in respect of funding, lead authority and the role of the Ayrshire Shares Services Joint Committee.

The Council agreed (a) to delegate all functions relating to the Ayrshire Civic Contingencies Team to the Ayrshire Shared Services Joint Committee; (b) that the Pan-Ayrshire Civic Contingencies Team moves to a Lead Authority model, with South Ayrshire Council as Lead Authority with effect from 1 April 2016; and (c) to delegate authority to the Head of Democratic Services to (i) make the required changes to the Scheme of Administration and the Scheme of Delegation and (ii) finalise and conclude a Service Agreement for the shared civil contingencies service with South and Councils.

10. Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies

The Council considered nominations received in respect of outside body vacancies.

The Council agreed (a) in the absence of a nomination from an Independent Member, to appoint Councillor Gallagher to the 1st Tier Joint Consultative Committee and Corporate Health and Safety Committee; and (b) to appoint Councillors Clarkson and Gurney as the Council's representatives on North Ayrshire CCTV Limited.

Page 10 17 11. Motions

11.1 Motions to Amend Standing Orders

In terms of Standing Order 22(a), the Chief Executive invited the Council to note that a number of Motions to vary Standing Orders had been submitted for consideration at the next Ordinary Meeting of the Council.

Thereafter, Councillor Hill, seconded by Councillor Bell proposed the removal of the Motions set out at Agenda Items 10.1(a) and 10.1(d) and their replacement with a new Motion, which was then circulated at the meeting with the agreement of the Provost. The Provost agreed to accept the alternative Motion accepted as an urgent item on the Agenda.

Accordingly, the Council agreed to note that, in terms of Standing Order 22(a), the following Motions would be considered at the next Ordinary Meeting of the Council:-

(a) a Motion by Councillor Bell, seconded by Councillor Cullinane in the following terms:-

"That the Council agrees to accept the following amendment to standing orders for meetings:

Amend standing order 12 to add at the end of 12.2 the words 'The Provost may also at his or her discretion, allow one other member to ask one question for further clarification of the answer.'"

(b) a Motion by Councillor Bell, seconded by Councillor Cullinane in the following terms:-

"That the Council agrees to accept the following amendment to standing orders for meetings:

Add to Standing Order 31 the following definition:-

'Present and voting' or 'present and vote' means Members casting an affirmative or negative vote. Members who abstain from voting are considered as not voting."

(c) a Motion by Councillor Hill, seconded by Councillor Bell in the following terms:-

"That the Council agreed to add a new Standing Order 23(v):

'For the avoidance of doubt this Standing Order does not apply to Questions raised under Standing Order 12. No such Question shall require the suspension of Standing Orders in order to be considered or reconsidered.'"

Page 11 18 11.2 Motions

(a) a Motion by Councillor Gallagher, seconded by Councillor McNamara in the following terms:-

"That the Council pays tribute to ferry workers at the public sector company, Caledonian MacBrayne (CalMac), and their vital role in maintaining lifeline ferry services to our constituents on Arran and Cumbrae and other island communities; notes that the next contract for Clyde and Hebrides ferry services (CHFS) is currently out to tender and may be privatised as Serco is bidding against CalMac to take over these lifeline public services; recalls the argument made in a briefing paper from February 2015 from the STUC and the CalMac unions, RMT, TSSA, Nautilus and Unite, that the Scottish Government could have pursued legal arguments with the European Commission to exempt lifeline Scottish ferry services from regulations requiring regular tendering of public sector contracts, a process which is disruptive, expensive and biased toward private sector bidders; believes that the Council should write to the Scottish Government urging it to exercise its power to stop the current CHFS tender process in order to pursue an exemption for Scottish ferry services, and further expresses that this Council believes in supporting and promoting publicly owned and operated ferry services to Arran and Cumbrae and across Scotland."

As an amendment, Councillor Hill, seconded by Councillor Burns, moved as follows:-

"That the Council pays tribute to ferry workers at the public sector company, Caledonian MacBrayne (CalMac), and their vital role in maintaining lifeline ferry services to our constituents on Arran and Cumbrae and other island communities. This Council believes in supporting and promoting publicly owned and operated ferry services to Arran and Cumbrae and across Scotland."

Members then asked questions of the movers of the motion and amendment and, thereafter, debated the matter.

The movers of the motion and the amendment then summed up.

Councillor McLardy left the meeting at this point.

On a division and roll call vote, there voted for the amendment, Councillors Burns, Dickson, Ferguson, Gurney, Hill, Maguire, McLean, McMillan and Sturgeon, and for the motion, Councillors Barr, Bell, Clarkson, Cullinane, Easdale, Gallagher, Highgate, Hunter, McNamara, McNicol, Montgomerie, Munro, Oldfather, Reid and Steel, and the motion was declared carried.

Page 12 19 (b) a Motion by Councillor Cullinane, seconded by Councillor Gallagher in the following terms:-

"This Council notes that: i Discussions currently being conducted in secret between officials of the US and the EU concerning the possible EU-US Transnational Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) may -in addition to affecting regulations in a range of areas such as food safety, employment rights and the environment – affect the future public ownership of services in areas such as the health service and in local government. ii Recent reports on the TTIP discussions indicate that an agreement on TTIP may involve further tendering for public services by multi-national companies and allow these companies to sue elected administrations through an Investors State Dispute Settlement mechanism, an Investor Court System or a an alternative but similar system - particularly when such elected administrations take previously privatised services back into public or common ownership. iii The UK government would play a role in the approval of the outcome of the TTIP discussions through the involvement of the relevant UK Government representatives in the EU Council of Ministers. iv Many of the subject areas being considered by the TTIP discussions are areas over which local government and the Scottish Parliament has jurisdiction in Scotland.

Given the points above, this Council opposes TTIP and resolves to write to the UK and Scottish Governments urging that they also declare their opposition to TTIP."

There being no amendment, the motion was declared carried.

(c) a Motion by Councillor Cullinane, seconded by Councillor McNamara in the following terms:-

"This Council notes that outcomes for looked after and care experienced people across Scotland are lower than outcomes for their non-looked after peers.

Further notes that across Scotland 40% of looked after young people leave school with one or more qualifications at SCQF level 5 compared with 84% of non-looked after school leavers, that 74% of looked after young people leave school with one or more qualification at SCQF level 4 compared with 96% of non-looked after school leavers, that only 73% of looked after school leavers are in a positive destination nine months after leaving school compared with 92% of non-looked after school leavers and that only 7% of school leavers who are looked after transition straight to University compared to 39% of their non-looked after peers.

Page 13 20 North Ayrshire Council as a Corporate Parent, a role which is defined in the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, has many legislative and moral responsibilities to ensure we are promoting the wellbeing of this group of young people.

Council notes the work currently being undertaken to support young people who have care experience into positive destinations such as the work of the Throughcare Employment Advisor. However, despite performing better than some local authorities only 50-55% of care leavers in the area progress into a positive destination.

Council therefore resolves to affirm our desire to take proactive action to support this group of young people. Council wishes to set an aim of offering a guarantee of a positive destination; a job, paid work experience, training opportunity, Modern Apprenticeship, further or higher education course; for every looked after young person leaving school where they have not been able to secure one themselves. Council therefore asks officers to bring a report to a future meeting of the Cabinet detailing how this aim may be achieved over a period of time with details of how the Council may work with a range of partners to achieve the aim; the work already undertaken by North Ayrshire Council on this issue; and looking at other best practice examples from across the country such as Highland Council’s ‘Family Firm’ approach and Stirling Council’s job interview guarantee."

As an amendment, Councillor Dickson, seconded by Councillor Maguire, moved as follows:-

"This Council notes that outcomes for looked after and care experienced people across Scotland are lower than outcomes for their non-looked after peers.

Further notes that across Scotland 40% of looked after young people leave school with one or more qualifications at SCQF level 5 compared with 84% of non-looked after school leavers, that 74% of looked after young people leave school with one or more qualification at SCQF level 4 compared with 96% of non-looked after school leavers, that only 73% of looked after school leavers are in a positive destination nine months after leaving school compared with 92% of non-looked after school leavers and that only 7% of school leavers who are looked after transition straight to University compared to 39% of their non-looked after peers.

North Ayrshire Council as a Corporate Parent, a role which is defined in the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, has many legislative and moral responsibilities to ensure we are promoting the wellbeing of this group of young people.

Council notes the work currently being undertaken to support young people who have care experience into positive destinations such as the work of the Throughcare Employment Advisor. However, despite performing better than some local authorities only 50-55% of care leavers in the area progress into a positive destination.

Page 14 21 Council therefore resolves to re-affirm our desire to take proactive action to support this group of young people. Council already offers a 'guarantee' of a job interview in the Council where they meet the selection criteria, and interview for a Modern Apprenticeship; and fully supports every young person to reach a positive destination; a job, paid work experience, training opportunity, Modern Apprenticeship, further or higher education course; for every young person leaving school. Council therefore asks officers to bring a report to a future meeting of the Cabinet detailing how support is currently being provided and how it can be further enhanced to held our looked after children reach positive destinations, developing opportunities beyond the employability issue, to ensure we are supporting the young people who have experienced care, in a holistic way. Council may work with a range of partners to achieve this and should look at other best practice examples to inform our approach."

Councillor Cullinane accepted the terms of the amendment. There being no further amendment, the amendment was declared carried.

(d) a Motion by Councillor Bell, seconded by Councillor Cullinane in the following terms:-

"Council agrees that where, in answer to a question, a Councillor confirms that a response will be provided after the meeting, a copy of such response will be made publicly available on the Council's website alongside the agenda and minute of the meeting.

In addition where the minute of a meeting has subsequently been altered prior to approval, the amended approved minute should also be made publicly available on the Council's website alongside the agenda and original minute."

As an amendment, Councillor Gurney, seconded by Councillor Hill, moved that the words "non confidential" be inserted into paragraph one of the motion, to read "a copy of such non confidential response".

The Head of Democratic Services clarified that only those responses which contained 'exempt' information under the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 would be excluded.

On that basis, the motion was declared carried.

12. Provost's Concluding Remarks

On behalf of the Council, and at the suggestion of the Depute Provost, the Provost extended congratulations to on its success in winning the village category of The Great British High Street Competition 2015.

The Meeting ended at 3.25 p.m.

Page 15 22 Agenda item 3.2 North Ayrshire Council 8 February 2016

IRVINE, 8 February 2016 - At a Special Meeting of North Ayrshire Council at 4.00 p.m.

Present Joan Sturgeon, Robert Barr, John Bell, Matthew Brown, John Bruce, Marie Burns, Ian Clarkson, Joe Cullinane, Anthea Dickson, John Easdale, John Ferguson, Alex Gallagher, Willie Gibson, Tony Gurney, Alan Hill, John Hunter, Ruth Maguire, Tom Marshall, Grace McLean, Catherine McMillan, Peter McNamara, Jim Montgomerie, Alan Munro, David O'Neill, Donald Reid and Robert Steel.

In Attendance E. Murray, Chief Executive; L. Friel, Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Support), C. Hatton, Executive Director (Place); J. Butcher, Executive Director (Education and Youth Employment), Iona Colvin, Director (Health and Social Care Partnership); A. Fraser, Head of Democratic Support; C. Andrew, Senior Manager (Legal Services); M. Gilmour, Senior Communications Officer (Media and Internal Communications), J. Hutcheson, Communications Officer, and M. Anderson, Committee Services Team Leader (Chief Executive's Service).

Chair Provost Sturgeon in the Chair. Apologies for Absence Jean Highgate, Elizabeth McLardy, Ronnie McNicol and Irene Oldfather.

1. Provost's Remarks

The Provost welcomed those present to the meeting and dealt with preliminary matters.

2. Apologies for Absence

The Provost invited intimation of apologies for absence, which were recorded.

3. Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest in terms of Standing Order 10 and Section 5 of the Councillors' Code of Conduct.

There were no declarations of the Party Whip.

Page 0 23 4. Financial Settlement 2016/17

Submitted report by the Chief Executive on the terms of the Finance Settlement for 2016/17 and seeking agreement of the terms of the Depute First Minister’s letter of 27 January 2016, which was attached as an appendix to the report.

The Chief Executive advised of an amendment to the North Ayrshire Integration Fund figure referred to at Sections 1.3 and 2.5.1 of the report, from £7.220m to £7.280m. Reference was also made to a letter dated 29 January 2016 from the Depute First Minister to the Leader of the Moray Council, copies of which were circulated at the meeting for Members' information.

Councillor Gibson, seconded by Councillor Hill, moved that the Council approve the recommendations set out in the report.

As an amendment, Councillor McNamara, seconded by Councillor Gallagher, moved that the Council approve the recommendations set out in the report, subject to the inclusion, within the Leader of the Council's letter to the Depute First Minister, of the following additional wording:-

"This Council is deeply concerned by the budget process which is being imposed, under threat, on the people of North Ayrshire.

Whilst agreeing under duress to your demands, we wish to record our very real concerns that, due to the required timescale and the threats under which we are operating, the elected Councillors of North Ayrshire will be unable to give this budget the full scrutiny it requires.

This lack of scrutiny undermines the democratic principles which we all, as elected politicians, have signed up to and must comply with.

In conclusion we would ask that you take our concerns seriously and, in any future relations with North Ayrshire Council, the principles of democratic scrutiny and openness are vigorously adhered to."

Members then asked questions of the movers of the motion and the amendment and, thereafter, debated the matter.

The movers of the motion and the amendment then summed up.

On a division and roll call vote, there voted for the amendment, Councillors Barr, Bell, Clarkson, Cullinane, Easdale, Gallagher, Hunter, Marshall, McNamara, Montgomerie, Munro, O'Neill, Reid and Steel, and for the motion, Councillors Brown , Bruce, Burns, Dickson, Ferguson, Gibson, Gurney, Hill, Maguire, McLean, McMillan and Sturgeon, and the amendment was declared carried.

The Meeting ended at 4.30 p.m.


Agenda Item 7 17 February 2016

North Ayrshire Council

Title: North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Board: Minutes of Meeting held on 3 December 2015

Purpose: To submit the minute of meeting of the North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership Board (CPP) held on 3 December 2015.

Recommendation: That Council notes the minutes contained in Appendix 1.

1. Executive Summary

1.1 It was previously agreed that the minutes of the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Board be submitted to North Ayrshire Council for information. The key matters arising from the minutes have been highlighted for the attention of the Committee and are detailed in paragraph 2.1.

2. Background

2.1 Minutes of the meeting of the CPP Board held on 3 December are appended. Particular matters for the Council's attention include the following:

Agenda Item 4

The Board noted the new North Ayrshire Antisocial Behaviour Strategy 2015- 2018 and commended its content.

Agenda Item 5

Craig Hatton presented the North Ayrshire Council Road Safety Plan 2015-2020 to the Board.The Board noted the Road Safety Plan and its commitment to a partnership approach.

Agenda Item 6

Audrey Sutton reported to the Board on the bid to the Scottish Government Legacy 2014 Physical Activity Fund. The links between the new mental health services in Irvine, and the review of the Mental Health Strategy and this programme were highlighted by Iona Colvin.

25 Agenda Item 7

Mark Gallagher gave an overview of the recovery oriented systems of care (ROSC) approach and the Board received a presentation on Cafe Solace.

Agenda Item 8

Patrick Wiggins presented an update on the Enterprise Area in Irvine since it was designated in 2012. It was agreed that Irvine Bay and NHS should discuss opportunities for linking into the Enterprise Area and build opportunities for research and development.

Agenda Item 10

a) Morna Rae advised of a recent letter from Audit Scotland which is a follow up to our previous audit. the letter presents a positive view and is complimentary of North Ayrshire CPP.

c) The Development day to look at reviewing the Single Outcome Agreement was well attended and a good debate and discussion was initiated.

3. Proposals

3.1 That Council notes the minutes contained in Appendix 1.

4. Implications

Financial: There are no financial implications arising from this report. Human Resources: There are no human resource implications arising from this report. Legal: There are no legal implications arising from this report. Equality: There are no equality implications arising from this report. Environmental & There are no environmental implications arising Sustainability: from this report. Key Priorities: The CPP activities detailed within this report support the Single Outcome Agreement. Community Benefits: There are no community benefit implications arising from this report.

26 5. Consultation

5.1 No consultations were required.

ELMA MURRAY Chief Executive

Reference : MR For further information please contact Morna Rae on 01294 324177. Background Papers None.

27 28

North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership

CPP Board

Minutes of Meeting held on 3 December 2015


Ayrshire College Donna Vallance, Vice Principal

Irvine Bay Urban Regeneration Company Patrick Wiggins, Chief Executive

KA Leisure Ashley Pringle, Director

NHS Ayrshire & Arran John Burns (Chief Executive) Martin Cheyne (Chair)

North Ayrshire Council Anthea Dickson, Elected Member Alex Gallagher, Elected Member Robert Steel, Elected Member Ruth Maguire, Elected Member Elma Murray, Chief Executive

Scottish Enterprise Jim Reid, Stakeholders and Networks Director

Skills Development Scotland Andrea Glass, Depute Director

Scottish Fire & Rescue Service Jim Scott, Area Manager

Police Scotland Divisional Commander Gillian MacDonald Chief Inspector Tim Ross

Third Sector Interface Jim Nichols, CEO

1 29

In Attendance

Iona Colvin (Director of North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership), Morna Rae (Community Planning Team Leader), Linda Brough (Policy & Community Planning Officer), Audrey Sutton (Head of Service-Economies and Communities, NAC) Pat Kelly, (ASB co-ordinator, NAC) Jaqueline Cameron (Principal Officer, ASB, NAC) Craig Hatton (Executive Director- Place), Angela Reid (Recovery at Work Group) Cheryl Gilmour (Alcohol and Drugs Partnership), Mark Gallagher (Alcohol and Drugs Partnership)

Apologies for absence Alan Comrie (SPT), Catriona Morton (DWP), Heather Dunk (Ayrshire College), Katie Hutton (Skills Development Scotland), John Butcher (NAC), Cllr William Gibson (NAC)


Dr Martin Cheyne in the Chair

1. Welcome and Apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting

The Minutes of the CPP Board meeting of 10 September 2015 were approved.

3. Matters Arising from Minutes

Elma Murray gave an update on the Boundary Commission Review. She advised that she had met the Commission along with the Leader of the Council, Leader of the Opposition, and Andrew Fraser. They were able to give a detailed explanation of the Locality Approach, what it is meant to achieve and why it is so important to partners. We await a final decision from the Boundary Commission.

4. Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy (ASB)

Jacqueline Cameron presented the new ASB Strategy to the Board.

The North Ayrshire Antisocial Behaviour Strategy 2015-18 is framed around the four pillars of prevention, integration, engagement and communication. Each pillar is considered in detail throughout the strategy, including the strategic aims and outcomes that will shape partners' work in relation to each one. The strategy will enable core services involved in the Safer North Ayrshire Partnership to tackle antisocial behaviour efficiently and effectively, and work to achieve the outcomes described within the strategy document and Single Outcome Agreement.

In reply to a question on anti-social behaviour conducted through social media the Board received re-assurance from NAC and Police Scotland that this incorporated within the strategy. Hate crime for example is referred to Police Scotland for investigation. 2 30

The Board noted the ASB Strategy and commended its content.

5. Road Safety Plan

Craig Hatton presented the North Ayrshire Council Road Safety Plan 2015-2020 to the Board. This plan will be used to guide road safety education and engineering priorities and commitments until 2020. It represents a partnership approach to road safety.

In North Ayrshire over the 5 year period 2009-2013, there were a total of 265 people killed or injured on our roads. This compares with 279 killed or injured during the previous 5 year period (2006-2010). While these results are ahead of the Scottish Road Safety Framework milestone casualty reduction targets set for 2010 to 2015, we need to continue to maintain this downward trend to meet the 2020 targets. The new plan sets out road safety commitments for the period 2015-2020, highlighting categories of the most vulnerable road users that are to be targeted and takes cognisance of the lessons learned in previous plans. The plan also draws upon recent initiatives that have been successful in assisting in the delivery of a reduction in road casualties.

Following questions from Board members it was confirmed that the main cause of accidents is inappropriate driver behaviour and the strategy targets this through prevention. It was also noted that local targets fit with the national target- setting.

The Board noted the Road Safety Plan and its commitment to a partnership approach.

6. Legacy 2014 Bid

Audrey Sutton reported to the Board on the bid to the Scottish Government Legacy 2014 Physical Activity Fund.

The North Physical Activity and Sport Partnership, comprising North Ayrshire Council, KA Leisure Ltd and NHS Ayrshire and Arran successfully submitted a bid to the Scottish Government Legacy 2014 Physical Activity Fund managed by Spirit 2012. £70,000 has been awarded for one year. From the funds received, £7,000 has been allocated for external evaluation of the project.

The funding will support the development of the Active North Ayrshire (ANA) community based Exercise on Referral Programme which is delivered by KA Leisure. The funds will enable a specific referral pathway for individuals with mental health issues and is titled ‘Mind and Be Active’.

The links between the new mental health services in Irvine, and the review of the Mental Health Strategy and this programme were highlighted by Iona Colvin.

Cllr Dickson commended those involved with developing the programme.

3 31

7. Alcohol and Drug Partnership- Recovery at Work Group

Mark Gallagher gave an overview of the recovery oriented systems of care (ROSC) approach. ROSC is about client centred care, looking at the whole person’s circumstances and not just treating an addiction.

Cheryl Gilmour spoke to the Board about Café Solace. This is a community resource providing low cost, good quality food and opportunity for the people of North Ayrshire. It is run by volunteers in recovery, all with appropriate training, experience and qualifications, who want to support their local community. As well as the opportunity to build social networks in a safe and welcoming place, Café Solace offers a chance to find out important information about services and supports, about what’s going on in North Ayrshire and how people might get involved. It is open every Wednesday from 5-8pm at the Church of the Nazarene in Ardrossan. Initially it was expected that 10-20 customers per night would visit but there have been 1500 customers since June 2015. A second location for another Café Solace is being considered.

Angela Reid spoke about her personal experience of the Recovery at Work group and of working in Café Solace. She commented on the team work and the skills and confidence she has developed through participation.

The Chair thanked the presenters and congratulated them on the success of this area of work.

8. Enterprise Area

Patrick Wiggins presented an update on the Enterprise Area in Irvine since it was designated in 2012. He highlighted the strong links to Glaxo Smith Kline and briefed the Board on GSK’s recent power production developments. The financial incentives and business supports in place have led to the following successes: over 100,000 sq ft of space let, 9 businesses invested in i3, over £100m capital investment, 411 permanent jobs attracted plus 534 contractors. The existing business premises are now fully occupied and they are moving to a new build programme. This is challenging due to market failure.

Following comment on the Ayrshire Growth Deal by Jim Reid it was agreed that it would be useful for a future CPP Board to receive a briefing on this.

John Burns commented that Irvine Bay and NHS Ayrshire and Arran should discuss opportunities for linking into the Enterprise Area and build on opportunities for research and development. Additionally, NHS Ayrshire and Arran may be able to provide business incubator space.

9. Locality Approach

Audrey Sutton gave an update on progress with the Locality Approach. Consultation workshops across North Ayrshire have been carried out with one still to take place in Cumbrae. There have been good levels of engagement and the comments received are currently being analysed. An update on the output of the consultation will be provided to the Board. She highlighted the award received from the Consultation Institute which recognises the effective partnership approach taken to the consultation. 4 32

10. Governance:

a. Audit Scotland Correspondence

Morna Rae advised of a recent letter from Audit Scotland which is follow up to our previous audit. The letter presents a positive view and is complimentary of North Ayrshire CPP.

b. Meetings with Chair of the CPP Morna Rae updated the Board on one-to-one meetings that the Chair of the Board had with each Board member to seek their views on how well they feel the CPP and the Board operates. They were asked for their views on the timing, frequency and content of meetings, their ability to challenge/ comment and feedback and to input generally.

The feedback from Board members was generally very positive. There was a feeling that although the agendas are busy it was dealt with well, so keeping the frequency of meetings manageable. There was also a belief that the governance and scrutiny aspects were well covered within the agenda and Board members felt able to challenge when necessary. There was also comment that the Elected Members participate well and are very informed about most agenda topics.

Suggestions for improvement include Board away days to allow people to interact and increase awareness of the remit of other organisations and holding Board meetings at partner premises.

c. Single Outcome Agreement Development

The Development Day to look at reviewing the Single Outcome Agreement was well attended and good debate and discussion was initiated though the evidence arising from consultation and the recent feedback from the People’s Panel. Four issues were agreed as being priorities or themes these included the three current SOA priorities plus children and young people.

Further work on the SOA will take place with a view to the new plan being developed by March 2015.

d. SOA Six Monthly Performance Report

Linda Brough provided an update on the performance status of the SOA action plan at 6 months. Two indicators were slightly adrift and relevant information was provided in relation to this. Generally the Board agreed that the partners are making good progress towards the annual targets.

11. Chairs’ Reports

a. Safer North Ayrshire Partnership

Tim Ross provided the SNAP Chairs report to the board. He asked that the Board note a positive improvement regarding bonfire night and a decrease in violence towards services. An update was provided on the White Ribbon Campaign to end domestic violence. He also pointed out that the road safety campaign will begin tomorrow. 5 33

b. Children’s Services Strategic Partnership

Iona Colvin provided an update and advised that following a period of development and consultation, the Children’s Services Plan will be brought to the CPP Board in March.

c. Health and Social Care Partnership

Cllr Dickson presented a report updating on the work of the Health and Social Care Partnership. The Board discussed care at home services and the increasing demands for care work.

12. Urgent and Future Agenda Items

Board members were encouraged to sign the White Ribbon Campaign pledge never to commit, condone or remain silent about men’s violence against women in all its forms. The pledge forms part of the 16 days of action against gender violence.

The next meeting of the CPP Board is 24 March 2015 at 10.30am within the Council Chambers, Cunninghame House, Irvine.


Agenda Item 10 17 February 2016

North Ayrshire Council

Title: Designation of Polling Districts and Polling Places

Purpose: To seek approval for the replacement venues for use as Polling Places for forthcoming Elections and Referenda.

Recommendation: Agree to (a) approve the Polling Scheme detailed at Appendix 2 for use in future elections; and (b) authorise the Chief Executive as Returning/Counting Officer to approve such changes to the list of proposed venues as may be necessary to meet unforeseen circumstances.

1. Executive Summary

1.1 Scottish Parliamentary Elections will take place across Scotland on Thursday 5 May 2016 between the hours of 7.00am and 10.00pm. A Referendum on the 's membership of the European Union is also scheduled to take place by the end of 2017 but a date has not yet been confirmed. Local Government Elections will also take place in May 2017.

2. Background

2.1 The proposed Polling Scheme for use in future elections is attached at Appendix 2. The main changes are as follows.

2.2 Community Centre is normally used as a Polling Place in connection with Polling District N111 accommodating 3 polling stations. Due to building works, this venue is unavailable for use for all Elections and Referenda taking place in 2016. Fullarton Community centre will again be available for use in 2017. An alternative venue has been identified at Loudoun Montgomery Primary School solely for any 2016 electoral events. The school is located near to the Fullarton Centre and is ideally situated to serve voters allocated to it. The school will remain open to pupils and segregation will be put in place to ensure the safety of the school children while ensuring ease of voting for electors.

35 2.3 Glencairn Annex, is normally used as a Polling Place in connection with Polling Districts N407 and N410 accommodating 3 polling stations. This site will no longer be available for future electoral events. A proposed alternative venue has been identified as the High Kirk Hall, Stevenston.

2.4 Both venues identified above have good accessibility, ample parking and meet the requirements for polling places as specified by the Electoral Commission.

2.5 A list of designated Polling District and Polling Places detailing the proposed replacement venues is attached at Appendix 1. The Polling Scheme for the Scottish Parliamentary Election constituencies of Cunninghame South and Cunninghame North is attached at Appendix 2.

3. Proposals

3.1 It is recommended that (a) Loudoun Montgomerie Primary School be utilised as a replacement polling place for Fullarton Community Centre for all 2016 electoral events; (b) Fullarton Community Centre be re-instated for use for electoral events from 2017 onwards; and (c) the High Kirk Hall, Stevenston be utilised as a replacement polling place for Glencairn Annex for all future electoral events.

3.2 It is further recommended that the Chief Executive, as Returning/Counting Officer, is authorised to approve such changes to the list of proposed venues as may be necessary to meet unforeseen circumstances.

4. Implications

Financial: The costs associated with hiring venues as polling places for all, except Local Government elections, are reclaimed from national Government. Human Resources: None Legal: None Equality: All polling places are assessed and checked to ensure that they are accessible to all voters. Environmental & None Sustainability: Key Priorities: The choice of Polling places which are accessible to voters can increase voter turnout and contribute to the priority of an efficient and effective Council. Community Benefits: None

36 5. Consultation

5.1 Discussions have taken place with Education and Youth Employment to minimise the impact on polling day of the operation of the schools being used as polling places.

ELMA MURRAY Chief Executive

Reference : For further information please contact Diane McCaw, Election Co-ordinator on 01294 324133. Background Papers None

37 38 Polling Districts and Polling Places

Cunninghame South

Ward Polling Place Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Polling District

1 Castlepark 4 Castlepark Irvine KA12 9LQ N101, Community Centre Road N104 & N113

1 Redburn Centre Dickson Drive Irvine KA12 9EW N102 & N103

1 Vineburgh Centre Quarry Road Irvine KA12 0PY N105, N106 & N108

1 St Mark's Primary Clark Drive Irvine KA12 0NS N107 School

1 Volunteer Rooms 19 High Street Irvine KA12 0BA N109 & N110

1 Loudoun Ayr Road Irvine KA12 8DF N111 Montgomery PS (replacing Fullarton Community Centre for 2016)

1 4 Main Street Drybridge KA11 5BY N112 Community Centre

2 Primary Burns Irvine KA11 1AQ N201 & School Crescent N203

2 Littlestane Littlestane Irvine KA11 2EX N202 Community Centre Road

2 Towerlands Towerlands Irvine KA11 1PY N204 & Community Centre Farm Road N206

2 Springside Overtoun Springside Irvine KA11 3BG N205 Community Centre Road

2 Elderbank Primary St Kilda Bank Irvine KA11 1LA N207, School N208 & N209

2 Townend Community 15 Townfoot Irvine KA11 4EQ N210 Centre


2 Lanfine Community Lanfine Irvine KA11 1BT N211 & Centre Terrace N212

3 William Love Moncur Road Kilwinning KA13 7LD N301 & Memorial Hall N308

3 Woodwynd Hall David Gage Kilwinning KA13 7AP N302 Street

3 Mansefield Trinity West Doura Kilwinning KA13 6DY N303 Church Way

3 Cranberry Moss Cambusdoon Pennyburn Kilwinning KA13 6SL N304 Community Centre Place

3 Nethermains Nethermains Kilwinning KA13 6EU N305 & Community Centre Road N306

3 Dirran's Pavillion Dirrans Kilwinning KA13 7PH N307 Terrace

4 Hayock's Community Hyslop Road Stevenson KA20 4HS N406 Centre

4 High Kirk Hall 19 Schoolwell Stevenston KA20 3DL N407 & (replacing Glencairn Street N410 Annex)

4 Ardeer Community Shore Road Ardeer Stevenston KA20 3NB N408 Centre


Cunninghame North

Ward Polling Place Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Polling District 4 Dykesmains Primary Simpson Saltcoats KA21 6EY N401 School Drive

4 Argyle Community Campbell Saltcoats KA21 5AF N403 & Centre Avenue N405

4 Focus Community Primrose Saltcoats KA21 6LH N404 Learning Centre Place 4 - N409 CS

5 St Peter's Primary South Isle Ardrossan KA22 7PX N501 & School Road N506

5 Whitlees Community Carrick Place Ardrossan KA22 7DT N502 Centre

5 St Anthony's Primary Dykesmains Saltcoats KA21 6DE N503 School Road 4 N402

5 Ardrossan Civic 150 Ardrossan KA22 8EP N504, Centre Street N505 & N507

5 Corrie and Corrie KA27 N508 Hall

5 Hall Shiskine Isle of Arran KA27 N509

5 Brodick Hall Brodick Isle of Arran KA27 8DL N510

5 Primary Lamlash Isle of Arran KA27 8NP N511 School

5 Hall Whiting Bay Isle of Arran KA27 N512

5 Kilmory Hall Kilmory Isle of Arran KA27 N513

5 Village Lochranza Isle of Arran KA27 N514 & Hall N515


6 West Kilbride Corse Street West KA23 9AX N601 Community Centre Kilbride

6 Dalry Primary School Sharon Street Dalry KA24 5DR N602, N603, N604, N606 & N607

6 Barrmill Community Barrmill KA15 1HW N605 Centre

7 Bridgend Community Bridgend KA25 6DJ N701 Centre

7 St Bridget's Primary Hagthorn Kilbirnie KA25 6EJ N702 School Avenue

7 Kilbirnie Auld Kirk Kirkland Kilbirnie KA25 N703 & Hall Road N705

7 Community 45/47 Kings Beith KA15 2BQ N704 Centre Road

7 Beith Parish Church Barrmill Road Beith KA15 N706, Hall N707 & N708

8 Skelmorlie Skelmorlie PA17 5AQ N801 Community Centre Castle Road

8 Barrfields Pavilion 40 Greenock Largs KA30 N802 & Road N803

8 Largs Academy Flatt Road Largs KA30 9JX N804 Sports Hall

8 Dunn Memorial Hall Church Street Largs KA30 N805 & N806

8 Fairlie Village Hall Main Road Fairlie KA29 N807

8 DA Hall, Millport Millport Isle of KA28 1NN N808 Cumbrae


Ward Polling Place Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Polling Station Ballot Box Ref Street Splits District Number

1 Castlepark Community Centre 4 Castlepark Road Irvine KA12 9LQ N101 1 1 Bogside to Kidsneuk Gardens 1 N101 2 2 Kilwinning Road to Maree Place 1 N101 3 3 Morar Place to Tay Place Other Electors N104 Bartonholm Gardens to Racecourse Place - Full Register N113 Nethermains, Kilwinning - Full Register

1 Redburn Centre Dickson Drive Irvine KA12 9EW N102 1 4 Arran Place to Hunter Drive (odd nos) 1 N102 2 5 Hunter Drive (even nos) to Steps Road N103 Anderson Drive to Dick Terrace 1 N103 3 6 Dickson Drive to Smith Avenue

1 Vineburgh Centre Quarry Road Irvine KA12 0PY N105 1 7 Barr Crescent to Oaklands Avenue 1 N105 2 8 Old Caley Road to Winton Place N106 Ashgrove to Donaldson Drive 1 N106 3 9 Duntonknoll to Ranken Crescent 1 N106 4 10 Ranken Drive to Woodlands Avenue and Other Electors N108 Academy Gardens to Williamfield Park - Full Register

1 St Mark's Primary School Clark Drive Irvine KA12 0NS N107 1 11 Allan Square to Dalrymple Drive 1 N107 2 12 Dalrymple Place to Thornhouse Avenue and Other Electors

1 Volunteer Rooms 19 High Street Irvine KA12 0BA N109 1 13 Academy Court to Wilson Avenue - Full Register 1 N110 2 14 Adams Walk to Greenfield Drive 1 N110 3 15 Gullane Court to Sillars Meadow 1 N110 4 16 Slate Mill Gardens to Whyte Avenue and Other Electors

1 Loudoun Montgomery PS Ayr Road Irvine KA12 8DF N111 1 17 Auchengate to Doon Court (replacing Fullarton Community Centre for 2016) 1 N111 2 18 Dublin Quay to Lugton Court 1 N111 3 19 McKinley Crescent to Waterside and Other Electors

1 Drybridge Community Centre 4 Main Street Drybridge KA11 5BY N112 1 20 Auchengate to Shewalton Road and Other Electors - Full Register

2 Stanecastle Primary School Burns Crescent Irvine KA11 1AQ N201 1 21 Altonhead Drive to Haddington Gardens 2 N201 2 22 Hepburn Way to The Grange 2 N201 3 23 The Paddock to Townhead of Lambroughton and Other Electors N203 Bensely Avenue to Braeside 2 N203 4 24 Burns Crescent to Sourlie Terrace 2 N203 5 25 Southook Row to Willow Gardens and Other Electors

2 Littlestane Community Centre Littlestane Road Irvine KA11 2EX N202 1 26 Annandale Way to Lanfine Terrace 2 N202 2 27 Lanfine Way to Ladyacre Court and Other Electors

2 Towerlands Community Centre Towerlands Farm Irvine KA11 1PY N204 1 28 Alder Green to Drumelzier Court Road 2 N204 2 29 Earncraig Green to Moorfoot Way 2 N204 3 30 Nevis Way to Wyvis Place N206 Bencleuch Place to Cairnsgarroch Way 2 N206 4 31 Cairnsmore Way to Sidlaw Foot

2 Springside Community Centre Overtoun Road Springside Irvine KA11 3BG N205 1 32 Cottage to Greenside Avenue 2 N205 2 33 Greenside Terrace to Warwickdale

2 Elderbank Primary School St Kilda Bank Broomlands Irvine KA11 1LA N207 1 34 Broomlands Gate to Mull Terrace 2 N207 2 35 Court to Stronsay Way N208 Barra Crescent to Gigha Terrace and Other Electors - Full Register N209 Pladda Avenue to St Kilda Place and Other Electors - Full Register

2 Townend Community Centre 15 Townfoot Dreghorn Irvine KA11 4EQ N210 1 36 Annick Drive to Dundonald Road (odd numbers 9 to 117) 2 N210 2 37 Dundonald Road (even numbers 2 to 68) to Lismore Way 2 N210 3 38 MacRobert Avenue to Mount View 2 N210 4 39 Muirhall Place to Wood Grove and Other Electors

2 Lanfine Community Centre Lanfine Terrace Girdle Toll Irvine KA11 1BT N211 1 40 Aberlour Place to Springfield Gardens - Full Register 2 N212 2 41 Archers Avenue to Regalia View - Full Register

3 William Love Memorial Hall Moncur Road Kilwinning KA13 7LD N301 1 42 High Lugtonridge to Woodgreen and Other Electors - Full Register N308 Lochibo Road to Churchill Avenue 3 N308 2 43 Corsehill to Keir Hardie Crescent (odd nos)

3 N308 3 44 Keir Hardie Crescent (even nos) to Windyhall

3 Woodwynd Hall David Gage Street Kilwinning KA13 7AP N302 1 45 Alexandra Gardens to Cartleburn Gardens 3 N302 2 46 Claremont Crescent to Hamilton Street 3 N302 3 47 Heronswood to Park Avenue 3 N302 4 48 Park Lane to Woodwynd and Other Electors

3 Mansefield Trinity Church West Doura Way Kilwinning KA13 6DY N303 1 49 Abbey View to Broomhill Court

43 Ward Polling Place Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Polling Station Ballot Box Ref Street Splits District Number

3 N303 2 50 Bruntsfield Avenue to Duddingston Avenue

3 N303 3 51 Eden Court to Hoylake Square 3 N303 4 52 James Clements Close to Meadow Way 3 N303 5 53 Moncur Court to Prestonfield Avenue (odd nos) 3 N303 6 54 Prestonfield Avenue (even nos) to Lochcraigs and Other Electors

3 Cranberry Moss Community Cambusdoon Place Pennyburn Kilwinning KA13 6SL N304 1 55 Ardmillan to Garrallan Centre 3 N304 2 56 Glenapp Court to Segton Avenue 3 N304 3 57 Skelmorlie Place to Winton Avenue and Other Electors

3 Nethermains Community Centre Nethermains Road Kilwinning KA13 6EU N305 1 58 Abbeygate to Vaults Lane - Full Register

N306 Abbot's Avenue to Byrehill Avenue 3 N306 2 59 David's Crescent to Stobbs Terrace

3 Dirran's Pavillion Dirrans Terrace Kilwinning KA13 7PH N307 1 60 Bartonholm Terrace to Woodmill - Full Register

4 Hayock's Community Centre Hyslop Road Stevenson KA20 4HS N406 1 61 Alexander Avenue to Craigdene Drive 4 N406 2 62 Donaldson Avenue to Hamilton Crescent 4 N406 3 63 Hawkhill Drive to Lesley Place 4 N406 4 64 Lochlie Place to Wheatley Road and Other Electors

4 High Kirk Hall 19 Schoolwell Street Stevenston KA20 3DL N407 1 65 Land of Campbell to Highfield Drive 4 N407 2 66 Hillcrest Drive to West Park Court 4 N410 3 67 Alexander Place to Townhead Street and Other Electors - Full Register

4 Ardeer Community Centre Shore Road Ardeer Stevenston KA20 3NB N408 1 68 Ardeer Lane to Golf Avenue 4 N408 2 69 Limekiln Road to Warner Street and Other Electors


Ward Polling Place Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Polling Station Ballot Box Ref Street Splits District Number

4 Dykesmains Primary School Simpson Drive Saltcoats KA21 6EY N401 1 70 Allan Gardens to Farmhill Place 4 N401 2 71 Fleming Crescent to Windmill Wynd and Other Electors

4 Argyle Community Centre Campbell Avenue Saltcoats KA21 5AF N403 1 72 Adair Avenue to Christie Gardens 4 N403 2 73 Donaldson Avenue to O'Connor Court 4 N403 3 74 Owen Kelly Place to Winton Street and Other Electors N405 Argyle Road to Canal Court 4 N405 4 75 Canel Street to High Road (even nos 200-254)

4 N405 5 76 High Road (even nos 152-198) to Raise Street

4 N405 6 77 Rennie Place to Wyllie Road and Other Electors

4 Focus Community Learning Centre Primrose Place Saltcoats KA21 6LH N404 1 78 Abbotsford Place to Talisman Walk - Full Register 4 - CS N409 2 79 - CS BOX Middlepart to Sinclair Street - Full Register

5 St Peter's Primary School South Isle Road Ardrossan KA22 7PX N501 1 80 Afton Place to Clyde Terrace 5 N501 2 81 Dalry Road to Rashley Square 5 N501 3 82 St Andrews Road to White Craig Road and Other Electors N506 Ardneil Court to Dalry Road 5 N506 4 83 Dasher Gardens to South Isle Road and Other Electors

5 Whitlees Community Centre Carrick Place Ardrossan KA22 7DT N502 1 84 Ailsa Gardens to MacDowall Place 5 N502 2 85 McKellar Avenue to Whitlees Crescent

5 St Anthony's Primary School Dykesmains Road Saltcoats KA21 6DE N503 1 86 Greenacres to Auchanshangan Drive 5 N503 2 87 Barga Gardens to Meiklelaught Place 5 N503 3 88 Mid Dykes Road to Three Sisters Court and Other Electors 4 N402 Adams Avenue to Dykes Place 4 N402 4 89 Dykesmains Road to St Medans Place and Other Electors

5 Ardrossan Civic Centre 150 Glasgow Street Ardrossan KA22 8EP N504 1 90 Barr Street to Montgomerie Pier Road

5 N504 2 91 Montgomerie Street to Young Street and Other Electors N505 Anderson Terrace to Bath Villas 5 N505 3 92 Bridgepark to Caledonia Road 5 N507 4 93 Aitken Place to Witches Linn - Full Register

5 Corrie and Sannox Hall Corrie Isle of Arran KA27 N508 1 94 North Sannox to The Steading- Full Register

5 Shiskine Hall Shiskine Isle of Arran KA27 N509 1 95 Bailemargaidh to Woodside - Full Register

5 Brodick Hall Brodick Isle of Arran KA27 8DL N510 1 96 Alma Park to West Mayish - Full Register

5 Lamlash Primary School Lamlash Isle of Arran KA27 8NP N511 1 97 Arranton to Whiterock - Full Register

5 Whiting Bay Hall Whiting Bay Isle of Arran KA27 N512 1 98 Holy Isle to Whiting Bay and Other Electors - Full Register

5 Kilmory Hall Kilmory Isle of Arran KA27 N513 1 99 Dippin to Whitefield and Other Electors - Full Register

5 Lochranza Village Hall Lochranza Isle of Arran KA27 N514 1 100 Bein Bharrain Terrace to Woodside - Full Register N515 Balarie to The Row and Other Electors - Full Register

6 West Kilbride Community Centre Corse Street West Kilbride KA23 9AX N601 1 101 Crawford Lodge to Merlewood Road,

6 N601 2 102 Pantonville Road to Bushglen 6 N601 3 103 Caldwell Road to Glen View 6 N601 4 104 Glenside Crescent to Kirkton Avenue 6 N601 5 105 Law to Road 6 N601 6 106 Ritchie Street to Yonderton Place and Other Electors

6 Dalry Primary School Sharon Street Dalry KA24 5DR N602 1 107 Aitken Street to Glen Court 6 N602 2 108 Greenhirst to Munnock 6 N602 3 109 Munnoch Reservoir to St Andrews Gardens

6 N602 4 110 St Margarets Avenue to West Thirdpart 6 N602 5 111 Westpark Wynd to Wingfaulds Avenue and Other Electors N603 Barcosh, Beith to Tennox, Kilbirnie - Full Register N604 Kersland Mill, Beith to Beith Road, - Full Register N607 Coalhill, Ardrossan to Muirlaught, Saltcoats - Full Register 6 N606 6 112 Assyfaulds to Giffen 6 N606 7 113 Glencart to Wheatiefaulds and Other Electors

6 Barrmill Community Centre Barrmill KA15 1HW N605 1 114 Balgray Road to South Biggart and Other Electors - Full Register

7 Bridgend Community Centre Bridgend Kilbirnie KA25 6DJ N701 1 115 Camphill House to Dennyholm Wynd 7 N701 2 116 Dipple Court to Knoxville Road

45 Ward Polling Place Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Polling Station Ballot Box Ref Street Splits District Number

7 N701 3 117 Ladeside Gardens to Milton Road 7 N701 4 118 Montgomery Court to Whiteridden and Other Electors

7 St Bridget's Primary School Hagthorn Avenue Kilbirnie KA25 6EJ N702 1 119 Alexander Fleming Avenue to Greenside Avenue 7 N702 2 120 Hagthorn Avenue to The Dykes and Other Electors

7 Kilbirnie Auld Kirk Hall Kirkland Road Kilbirnie KA25 N703 1 121 Balgray Road to Holmhead 7 N703 2 122 Kirkland Road to Westfield and Other Electors

N705 Beith Road to Smith Avenue - Full Register

7 Beith Community Centre 45/47 Kings Road Beith KA15 2BQ N704 1 123 Acacia Drive to Bellman's Close 7 N704 2 124 Blackthorn Avenue to King's Court 7 N704 3 125 King's Road to Mid Road 7 N704 4 126 Morrishill Drive to Crawfield, and Other Electors

7 Beith Parish Church Hall Barrmill Road Beith KA15 N706 1 127 Full Register N707 Balfour Avenue to De Morville Place 7 N707 2 128 Denholm Way to St Andrews Place 7 N708 3 129 Aitken Drive, Beith to Whitehouse, and Other Electors to Full Register

8 Skelmorlie Community Centre Skelmorlie Castle Skelmorlie PA17 5AQ N801 1 130 Constablewood to Montgomerie Terrace Road 8 N801 2 131 Paddockdyke to Winton Drive and Other Electors

8 Barrfields Pavilion 40 Greenock Road Largs KA30 N802 1 132 Acheson Gardens to Hollywood 8 N802 2 133 Holmwood to Woodbank Gardens and Other Electors 8 N803 3 134 Aubery Crescent to Glenburn Crescent 8 N803 4 135 Greenock Road to Seamore Street and Other Electors

8 Largs Academy Sports Hall Flatt Road Largs KA30 9JX N804 1 136 Alexander Avenue to Clark Gardens 8 N804 2 137 Eastern Avenue to Halkshill House 8 N804 3 138 Harper Crescent to Millburn Gardens 8 N804 4 139 Moorburn Road to Seamore Street 8 N804 5 140 Silverdale Gardens to Woodcroft Avenue and Other Electors

8 Dunn Memorial Hall Church Street Largs KA30 N805 1 141 Aitken Street to St Colm's Place 8 N805 2 142 St Columba Court to Wilson Street and Other Electors N806 Acre Avenue to Cathcart Road 8 N806 3 143 Charles Street to Irvine Road 8 N806 4 144 John Street to Whinhill Avenue and Other Electors

8 Fairlie Village Hall Main Road Fairlie KA29 N807 1 145 Blairpark to Kelburn Avenue 8 N807 2 146 Kelburn Terrace to Poteath Bank and Other Electors

8 DA Hall, Millport Millport Isle of KA28 1NN N808 1 147 Balloch Bay to Glasgow Street Cumbrae 8 N808 2 148 Golf Road to Woodlands Street