Minutes of Monthly Meeting – 12/5/2016


J Young (Chair), D Caulfied (Vice Chair), I Kerr (Secretary), A Pinkerton (Treasurer), E Brown, J Taylor, P Graham, T Howie, Cllr E Freel, Cllr E MacColl, 4 members of the public, 2 Police Officers


E Ferguson, K Bree


Minutes of the monthly meeting held on Thursday 7th April 2016 Approved – P Graham, Seconded – I Kerr


Dealt within agenda


1. Reply from Environmental Health Service to our letter with regard to dog fouling in the park and public areas in the village. The area is regularly patrolled and Enforcement Officers attended the opening of the Wee Gardens Project and provided dog bags and advice. They wish us to provide further details on exact locations, time and type of dog – this will help the officers attending the locus at the problem times. 2. E-mail to Ellenor from Cllr MacColl with response from the Head teacher, Mrs Pamela Wilson of Dunlop Primary School and ECC, to his suggestion that the recently refurbished semi-circle in Kirkland Road could be a place for the young people of the school to do something creative for the village. Mrs Wilson felt it was a good idea and she would pass the information to their ECO Committee.


POLICE The officers reported one crime over the month – a car had been vandalised (keyed paintwork) in Newmill Road. The officers also reported that they were not aware of fake £20 notes being in circulation although two had been used in the area.


The annual financial summary for 2015/16 was presented to the meeting.

Treasurers report for April – Balances as at 30th April 2016 £3,470.65 Income – Hanging baskets EAC grant £500.00 Expenditure – Insurance £82.13

EAC annual allowance for the coming year £400.00

Andrew attended a Community Council Treasurers’ information exchange at Shortlees Community Centre on 19th April.


1. Dunlop Kirk – Single storey extension to existing church building to form additional floorspace including improved ramped access to existing churchyard at front of building. 2. Leahead Farm, Dunlop – approved with conditions – addition of extra roof light, sun tunnel and erection of garage.

It was also noted that Persimmon Homes Ltd proposed Development Site at Dunlop Road, – erection of 228 dwellings together with associated roads and landscaping works has been approved with conditions.


Concerns were again raised re parking and traffic through the village. The dip over the Station Bridge in Newmill Road is still causing problems to motorists. There has been no reply as yet from Roads Alliance to our recent letter – Jack will write to Roads/Transportation.

The railway is being well used.


Andrew Pinkerton reported that he had been invited to attend an information event hosted jointly by Ayrshire College and Gamesa to promote training courses and employment opportunities to meet requirements for wind turbine engineers and technicians in SW .

Also reported that as a follow on from the meeting with Gamesa on 17th March the Community Council had been asked by Gamesa to confirm that it had adopted a neutral stance in relation to the Glenouther REP Planning Application. Noted that the Glenouther REP Planning Application was due to be determined on 13 May.


Dunlop and District Community Company had now received draft Heads of Terms from Council and these had been circulated to the Playing Field Working Group along with an initial draft of the Stage 2 Community Asset Transfer submission. Noted that the lease being offered by EAC related to the entire park area (ie including the area currently leased to Dunlop & Lugton Park Association (DLPA)) however DLPA had raised objections to this being included. Following discussion it was agreed that the Community Council support D&DCCo in its actions to achieve a solution that is in the best interests of the community as a whole.


Due to increasing numbers of schoolchildren, Dunlop Primary School and nursery, also will be extended to accommodate more pupils.


Hanging Baskets – ordered from Scotplants, also tub for Lugton, should be available week beginning 23rd May or following week. Notice Boards and Seats – Three designs for seats were viewed – recommended ground anchor kit bolted down – recyclable. Regeneration Group – Alan Porter reported Anneke Freel looking into re-instating paths and cycle paths – old railway line from Lugton to . Also costings for grant for wheelchair access to Wee Glen. Greenery needs to be taken right back to fence at side of the road.


The next Community Council Meeting will be held on Thursday 2nd June in Dunlop Village Hall

Please note that this is the AGM which will start at 7.00pm with the monthly meeting following at 7.30pm