Gov, Morton's Proclamation. I, therefore, call upon all men capub!» of bearing arms, and who tai lenrM their homes, to cast aside their ordircry ITl'I I -IM-Tn-i':tv Vr.iK.w MOH.V1BO, in llio 1 hinl Story pursuits and enroll themselves in th« ,,,'ok l;l.iok,ciin.«r ol • Mnifl and Ilunm Street* rank?" of tho army. Let tha farmer Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co., Michigan, leai'o his plow, the merchant his stor«, entrance on Huron Street, opposite tire Fun l,!,n. tho mechanic his workshop, the bankor JELJHTT'B, PONB his exchange, and the professional mud Editor and Publisher.. I19 office, and devote iheftiselveH td their country, and by enrolling them- j, S1.3O A YEAR IN ADVANCE, selves either in the service of th« general government or under the mili- ADVERTISING. tary law of tho State, be prepared t* Ono square (12 lines or leas) one reek, 00 cents: and AJRiBOIl, FEIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1861. TSTo. 821. •S oents ti.r e\riy insertion IhorralU-r, t«*a IBM" thl*e Vol. XVI. defend their country and their honiwa. Efiity man in the i-'tute capable of StSTaqiiar* 3 months. . .*3 I 6ll»rttr«ol. 1 .vtar ... .S'-'O : [Kroin the Ii l»toa IV.ui -ei ipl ] I declare,' muttered Daniel Carter, ' And I think you know,' he continued Prince Napoleon on the Generals, details which I send you would be in- The Advance of our Army- bearing arms should bo in the mm if complete were I not to speak also of GOrlE lO THE WAR. an old sailor, who lud the wheel 'she with a wicked look, ' what would have Washington, Aug. 16, 1801. Washington, Sept. 29. of the general government or tho State. ? i&? ;i; -•;.•.;:; those who command lb<; southern army tal:cs on dre'fully.' followed. I shouldn't have been noticed I spoko in my last letter of tho govern Detachments from Generals Iliehanl- Let personal ease and private inttrpntrf #-a- v^vfrtix'iiH-nt- unaccompanied by written orvflr- Bi' HORATIO ALG1CR, Jtt. —Genera's BeaUI'egard and Johnston. ; submit tft the overruling necesities of ' Yes, poor thing,' responded Tucker, in the fuss—I'd have got o it of the way mental element in the Uuited States, sonV, Keys', and Wudaworth's, bi g- i •.,.. -,,,,;; n-iij be puWWied until ordered out, ami as ho heard the woman's sjbs and rfrcfanS; with tlio boat, and you all would liavo General Beauregard is of French the hour, and let us show to th« \frorld, htrfftd lecordingly. My Cliaiiio lifts Rdfi'e to the war, which I have found iufinitcly inferior to adeg, and also from General Franklin's * My OlmcK* so brare unil tall; 'D'ye notice what'n eye she's gotV been in the next world iu short order.— origin, that is to say, liis familj' emigra- by the sacrifices we are willing to mulca I (.,rH\ .nivcTti-i'HK'nts, flmt lhi*ertion, 60 cont>' ] er the important mission confided to it. I division, now occupy Munson'.i Hill, ciio,''i.'i i;i-nt> I't'r iViio for ©neb jwbpt'qui nt insertion. He lcl't liia plow in the lurrow continued Carter All I can say h, I'm sorry I did not do ted from France to Canada about a it: perse n and property, thut w« arv iVlien n p;>sipoiiPTueiil to aiiwd Hinn advertisement the* shall speik to day of an element differing being in command of Col. Terry, of And flew nt his country's call, hundred tmc! fifry years since. His worthy of Our sires, mid deserve to ffhole will be cb*rgwi the RUI*W a? for Irsl insertion. ' No,' said the Comn.odore, ' only that it.' essentially from it, and to which tiie the 5th Michigan. Uariy this A. M. liny Uod in sufi-ty keep linn, father left the English colony to become retain the inheritance they have bt»- My precious boy—BiJ »H- it was swollen with tears.' It was with much difficulty that the events transpiring in Auurica at this the pickets from Gen. Su;ilh':3 division a citizen of tho , nnd queathed to us. fruuphjets. ll:m 1-bills, rculurs, Qlrilf, Ball TickeWi ' My eyes ! hut they shone, though, Commodore prevented the men from kil- moment liau suddenly given a very advanced to and now occupy Fall's Ifad nlifr varieties of 1 :n and V:\ncy Job Printing, Jjy hoai't if | ining to see lii.n, settled in New Orleans. He lliere when she stood here, luoking at the coin- ling the villain on the spot He proved great preponderance. I mean the mil- Church. Neither this nor the prece- Upon those who remuin nt home, t ^xt'oute'l <^tlnprwwyftiwwt, Ad in llio BUT S^YLK. I miss him every day; pass.' changed his religion, abjuring Protes to bo one of the enemy's officers, and he itary element, of whiah Generals Scott, ding movements met with any opposi- would urge the polemn duty of making My heart is we»T'y wrMi waiting, Tucker smiled at the man's quaint tanism and embracing Cuiholieity, BOOK HIXDTNG. Ami sick of (be \»'Z Ov\'\J- was to have a heavy reward if ho suc- McClellan and McDowell in the north tion whatever, as the rebel army had, provision for the families of those »h.'> earnestness, and without further remark which is the religion of the GeneVal and c,:rv •'"! n iih ttieOMcfets« Bafc4*wfcdlMla bonna M hen the woman came up from the The prisoner was carried o:i deck and Beauregard was a Colonel sweet assurance that his wife and n a n.'.it and dii tnlilp lniinni'r, nt petroit. priew *••>• I remember how h's faeo flushed and conipietest personification. 1 shall Washington. Upton's Hill, this side 1 hold she looked about the deck of the in tho regu'ar army when the war children, and all who are dependent iraoce to Bindery tliroi '. i .- • MUM . And how his cuk.r came, hashed to the main rigging, whore he was begin by occupying myself with the first of Fall's Church, is necessarily inclu- ll ns of schooner for a few moments, and then' broke out. He had just been appointed upon his labor for a living, will be pro- Wh< n the ft«»h ° » tha g» Sumptcr told he should rem;.iu until the vessel named Generals. ded among the poi:r.s now held by the ilMrcrtnrn. Lit the whole hind with flume. went alt There was something in lier got into port. Superintendent of tho West Point Federal forces, Tlio positions at Alun1 vided with buflicient food and cloihinff. And diirk( noil our country's uanner countenance that puzzled Carter, lie ' W hct a horrid death that villain liENEllAL SCOTT. Academy. son's and Murray Hills, afforded the Such an ass'ininee would nerve his artri \\ itli the crimspn hue ol shame. had been one of those who objected to meant for us,' uttered Carter. Tho government of his- Sta'o, Louisi- in the hour of batlle and enable him to W. N. FTEONG General Sott is a man of enormous rebels unobstructed \iew3 of all our "llother," he said, then faltered— the coffin's being brought aboard, and ' Yes he did,' raid Tucker H ilh a shud- height and corpulanee, aged absut seven ana, recalled him, made him leave the foi tiiicatiniH and other defences. There bear with the hardship* —WITH— hence heMvas not predisposed to look Federal army, and President Jefferson and privations of a soldier's life, si .L, DUXCKLEE & Co., 1 felt his mule nppent; der ty-tivo years, gouty, worn out, almost weru no signs to show that they ever ] lmtiei-d — if you are ••<• mother very favorably upon its ow.:ei\ The wo- ' He belongs to the same gang that's ended. He is Lieutenant General, a Davis immediately conferred upon him mounted any gur.s. Our troops are would bo a lasting d'sgrnco to ouf TtTIOI.'F\1 F HIV" KIT.MI. dealers in Pry Good . Car- Vou know wl}at mothei"> feel, man's eyes ran over the schooner's e'eck j people if \lm family of any soldior \\ petinjrs. flnor Oil Cloths, FeatWw, Caper Hangings. When called to yield their d-arones been a robbiu' and burnin' the poor folks' grade corresponding to that of Mnrsluil, tho rank of G. ner; l and tho commam! now to emphn'od a.s to show that they • ndnsen.'ral:.^nr;in.'ii' of Fuinisliins; Cooils, 'Jo the cnul bullet and ntei-1. with strange quickness, and Carter eyed ! houses on the eastern coast,' snid one ofand to which is attached the permanent of Jha troops at.Qhui'leston, We.know do not merely intend to temporarily oc- should want for bread or raiment whil« No 74 Woodward .Avtiine, her sharply. Soon she went to the tafthe foen command of the regular army in time of that that Corhrhfiha him the opeuj-- v their present position. the country is lull to overflowing Comet of iaroodst}, - • - I ETFOIT, Midi, My heart stood 3iill for a moment) portunity of iiruiLr ttid first cannon shot all tho necessaries of life. ijtcdaad prnnjpUy ajh-nded to-^T*. E09yl frail and looked into the stern boat, and ' Yes,' said the Commodore with a peace as well as in time of war. In the The ndvanco of Gen. Smith upon Struck with a mighty woe; which ivnl the II.ig of tljo thirly-foiir A fainl of dentil came o'er me— then she came and stood by tlio binnacle nervous twitch of tho muscles about his United States there is but one Lieutenant Full's Church from Chain Bridge was Inn time like this, we should f RAYMOND'S 1 am a mot her. y'U know— again. month General, and in perpetuity Com- stars. Ho Uombarded and took Fort accompanied by events of tlio most do- freely of our substanco for the relief of Sump ten a success which achieved him Photographic and Fine Art But 1 sternly, ch' ek>d nj weakness, ' hook out, or you will jibe the boom,' A bitter cr.rse from tho prisoner here mander-in-Chief of the nriny, a sort of plcruble charao;er. By spjr.o unuo- thoi-e whoso husbands, fathers and And firmly bade liim "Go. ' uttered the passenger. broke upon the air, and with a clenched war minister for life, whiio tho Cabinet an imrneiiso popularity. When the su- coun'ablo blunder Colonel Owen's I>• i—1 J brothers are periling their lives in GAI.LFRY Carter started, and found that tho fist the Commodore went below. officer, who has the title of Minister of eossion army formed to march on Philadelphia lligimeut, iu ihoiuirkness batlle. Nc.s. '-15 'JOT jelferson Avenno, DETROIT. Whtrcver the fight is fiercest Washington Ben''regard was invested riiotoeriiphs.Lircfizo.colnrc.l or plain,, ''m- 1 know t bat- my boy will be; mainsail was shivering, lie gave the In the morning when Commodore War, is more specially charged with the of the night, misiakiug rebels Capt. I, therefore, earnestly recommend! fcprial, Metalnotjpn. Daguerreotypes, Anilirotyi ->'. Wherever the need is sorest helm a couple of spokea aport, and then Tucker came on the deck, Seguin was in military administration. Gen. Scott, with the grade of General of Division Molt's battery, which was iu tho ad-tbiit every town, t uvnsr.ip nnd neigh- «tc «-OARD I'lCTUKLS by the Dc»B «r lhou Of lie stout Brm« of the free, — Major General Beauregard is forty- S0 1 cast his eyes again upon the woman, sight upon the starboard bow, but when trffereforo, directs all tho operations of vaucCjSUriiained by Gen Baker's Cali- borhood take efficient and systematic sand. --> May he prove as iruc to his country whose features were lighted o^tlie bin- years of ago. IIo is small, brown, thin, steps lor »he acooTnpKbhineut of thin As he has been true lo mcl he looked for the prissier he was gone. tho present war, just as in Franco tho lorniu regiment nnd Baxter's Philadel- I. O. O. F. nacle lamp \* ' Carter, where is tht^t villain I lashed Minister of War directs the armies in extremely vigorous, a!tlio::gh his J0a phia Zouaves and Colo-:el Friedman's purpose. \SnTrN'.\W l.'innfc Xo. 9. of thr- Independent My home is lonely without him, ' Thaiik'o ma'am,' said Dan ' Ha, here last night V the fie'd commanded by agcueral-in chief. tures Wear a tired expression, and hiscavalry, fired 11 full volley into the O P. MORTON", Governor of IniKaii*. W orlerof Odl Fallow* meet at tlio.rl.oilg Room, Jly heart btreft of joy— hold on ; why, bless my soul, there's a ' I'm sure I don't know where he General Scott is, or rather ha3 been—for hair has .whitened prematurely. Face, troops lust mentioned, killing nnd Ou'"b't'2,lb61. fV»-v Frfilay eTetiins:, at "M o'clock. The thought of him who ha3 left me ii." v. K.'.IDNI:^. N" '•• •'• F< SMLDIXO, ^ec v- big spider right on your hair. No—(fct Commodore, Perhaps LA'S jumped over- I repeat he has the air of a man whose physiognomy, tongue, nec.ent, every wounding large numbers. Tho Cali- Wy constant sai employ; How to Choose a Horse. But "God his been good to the mother there. Here—111—Ugh.' I board.' career is ended—a true gentleman, the thing about him is French. His bravery fornia regiment not knoiving whence S.~ G SUTL1EULAND & SON. 1 To become a good judge of hors« She shall not bh sh for her boy. This last ejaculation Dan made as he Tlie old Commodore looked fctornl} - in-manner of an English General, well edu- is great and undeniable, and everything tho firing came, relurn^d il wi'.h marked HOLESALE ANT) RETAIL Grocers »n caiss.H.s weru broken, HYSICIAN- & SURGEON- IV-;peo'iI'u 11v tender liis pro- quality a man to go into the market to A SEA SKKTCU. Shortly afterwards, the passenger went to himself, Jie has never commanded any but thelitllo abrupt, and although we'll educa- owing to ihe narrowno s of the road P fession:,] »er»ice* to the citizen* of Asm Arbor anil '•"rehnse a horse with safety, for in no ricinity. HV ODlce in Muck's Niw Building, will below, and ere long Tucker came on 'Well, well—I can't blame them. If regular army, in contrast to the militia. ted and distinguished iu hia manners Lieutenant BiiKnnt having command of Street', Ann Arbor Miih. o'lier article is there so iniic'i deceptiott During the Summer of 1814, thedeck. It was at the head of the regular army ho must sometimes offend, less by s'-ln thu firs', section ordered the g.ois to be N. B. Night calls [iromply attended to. the murderous villain's gone to his death practiced. Tl e following directions Eritisb had notonly !uid claim to all that that, in 1847, he made tho splendid cam- he says than by his manner of saying loaded with grapo aiul cannister, and ' Commodore,'said Carter, with a re- he's only met a fate which re richly de- from the Ohio Cultivator are valuable "TWITCHELL & GLASS- portion of the district of Maine l>ing paign of Mexico, landed at Vera Cruz, it. Perhaps he does> not repress with soon ha-1 them in range of tho *5p- markable decree of earnestness in hisserved Bettor far that it bo he, than as suggestions indicating tbo principal TTOKXEVS ahil Counsellors nt Law, General Life »nd of tlie Ponobscot, but Admirul marched on tho capital, which lie seized sufficient care tho manifestations of anI o.-u 1 enemy, when word was sent to \ Fire Insurance agents. Ofliee in City Hall Block, manner, ' is the '5man turned ii? yet V my noble crew were now in tho ocean's points to be studied:- on Huron St.. Ann CMtastfMU promptly made (Griffith and Sir John 0. iSheibrooke, the ' I rathpr think so,' said Tucker, look cold gravo ' after an obstinate battle, while General ardent personality which knows - liim that he was in company of frtemis; naremitted, w.1 special attention paid to oonTeyancmg. First, notice the eyes, which should hitter being then the Governor of Nova ing at the compass, Look out, look Taylor, on tho frontiers of Texas, and at worth, and to which an immense mili- All was excitement, aud n long time B. s. TwrrcHKi-L, r748tl] E. r. CLAKK be v?ei> examined. Clearness of the Scotia, had been sent witli a heavy force out, Carter! Why man alive, you're the head of American militia, won thetary success may have given a legiti- elapsed before tho actual condition of How to increase the Value of a Cow. eye is a sure indication of goodness; ~J. M. SCOTT. to take possession, and had occupied thetwo points to thosouthard of your Every one wrni owns !i cow can «•»victory of Buena Vista. General Scott, mate self confidence. lie is extremely affairs was ascertained and confidence A MBRfiTTrB & PHOTOOKI'H Aanan, in tlie rooms town of Castine, which place commanded impassioned in the defense of the cause bul this is not all—the eyeli 's, eve- course. nt ii ghinco that it would bo profitable who is a very g.illant man, has, besides, ro established. Several wero killed f\ formerly occupied by Conll.-y.overtlie store ofSperry (lie entrance of the Penobscot ri^er — which be serves; at least, hu takes less brows, and all other nppendagen must kMoore Perfect satisfaction <,'uarantci'd. so I air,' said the man, to increase the value of her, but every an excessive seli'-love; his countrymen and u large number Wounded Short!}' before the arrival of the English ' Blow care to conceal his past ion ur.der a be ai-o considered, for maay h ;ing the helm Smartly aport. ' But one cannot it'll how to do it. Wo can, have so often compared him to Napoleon Our troops vvhilo occupying the squadron Commodore Samuel Tuuker briii: calm and cold exterior than do most of « hj>si; tjm appear e'ear and b/ WINES & say, Commodore, didn't ye see nothing and we li;i;ik that wo can rnaku it equal that the comparison has ended by making grounds vacated by the enemy have •JlLffltsln Staple. Fancy Dry finods, Boots and Shoes, had been sent around to the Penobsoot his comrades of either army. To «um goblind at an early age; therefore be 'culiai- 'bout that 'oman ?' ly palpable to our readers. If a cowsome impression on him He likes to burned houses and destroyed property I) kc. k<:., MainStreet Aim Arbor. Bay to protect the American coas(ers recall tlie fact that ho has never been de up all, the South has found in him a careful to observe whether the part ' Why, Dan, you seem greatly interes is kept for butter, it would certainlv add to a considerable extent. This will be between tho eyelids and eyebrows aru MARTIN & THOMPSON. there ; and while the British sailed up to feated, and even that, in his military ca- man ot an uncommon ardor, a ceaseless uRNm-RE WAKirf.ooMs,Dfafer in all kmd« of Furniture. ted about her.' to fiar value if the butter-making prop- investigated, as Gen. McClellan ,stroi:g- swollen, for this indica'es that the eye Castine, belay with tiro vessel at Thorn reer the enemy has never takeu from him activity and indomitable power of will F J:c. New Block. Mam Street. ' So I am. CommoJoro ; and at I am erties of her milk should be improved. ly condemns, it. will nut Iftrt. When the eyes aVa aston. either a detachment or a post. — characteristics by which we recognize KISDON & HENDERSON, about the black coffin, too. Wouldn't it In siimnier or winter this can be im- Tho whereabouts of tho enomv ha at distant points^ Tlie D •well armed aid Wanned, and that she General McClellan commanded, some snrroi:nds tlie sight of the eye, should ' Pshaw ! you are as scared as a child each, Knd it is simply n question oi GENERAL JOTINSTO.V. most probable theory is that the rebels b•.; di.-'.inct, and of a pule, V. i"i -gated, A. P. MILLS, carried the true Yankee 'grit' upon her will it p iv, in manuring Hie one or feed- days ago, in Western , a province in a graveyard.' half subjected and half revolted.— General Johnston, also a pupil of are making feints of a retreat :is they cinnamon c >lor, for this is a' sure sign KU.ER in Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and decks, the enemy had received, for them, ' No, not a bit of it. Just hark a Lit ing- the otli-jr. Indian corn will ;ui i to did previous to the battle of Bull Run, I D BboMandReMj ttode Clothing, HuiW'Street Ann rather too many proofs. On the ru iruiog Charged with the duty of pacifying it, ha West Point, is u littie older than B.MIU- ( oil eye. 'I he eyes of a hoiso That oman ain't no'oman at all !' the quantity nnd quality of thu butk-r regard, and was Ooloiibl iu the regular with the idea of drawing our troops into are new r too ljtti;e. of the 28th nf August, a messenger came to B very sensible degree, and it is sim- acquitted himself of that mission with BEAKEo cfe ABEL, Tho Commodore pronounced tho vulgar the greatest success. Of the two seces army at the period of secession. He ambuscades. Their encampments chow T!i.' head should b'iwi'( 11 tb«j i>\ es, lurgw ros'ril^, r\ Chantery. OQice in City Hall Block, over WBD»t« emphatic manner. experiment, who'her it will add to llio campaign, and enjoys iu tho United in front of Washington. fc Co's Boos Store. Ann Vr'mi- Castine to take him. Tucker knew that was taken with his whole column, tho red win in, lor 1 rgo ii'Striis betoken ' Its the truth. Commodore. I can profit of the butter-makor to buy coin 1 1 other was killed, and his troops dispersed. States a great reputation for capacity good B I !' . the British feared him, and that Sir swear to it. I p.ntended there was aat one or two cents a pound and con- John Sherbrooke had offered a large These successes, which American exag- and probity. An extreir.a receive, a . S'JPKUSUTION' OF G-It EAT Mi)S,— Y G<[ The feet and 1,-gs should be- regarded, \ TTORXEVS. Counsellors, Solicitors, and Nularies Puli- spider on her hair, and I rubbed my hand vert a portion oi it'into butter ;it twenty modesty no less great, cause a sort of i\. lie, have Books and Plata showing titles of aU lands amount for his capture geration has transformed into great vic- preat men have been superstitious. for ;i h irhn ui h bail feet U like a hoirsn n the county, and attend to cniiveyane'iigan.1. ccille. lini: agin her face. By Bam Hyde, if it want fivo cents a pound, or whatever the sadness to appear to parulyzo in him tho The courier bringing a lotter from When the Commodore received the in- market price of eorn and butter may tories, have given from day to day an with a iveak foundation, ami nill do em lude, uid lo paying taxes and school interest in ai.y as rough and bearded as a holy stone.— immense popularity to McClellan. You brilliant i.ualilies wh;cn evory one rec- England, in which the djuth of his oil >art of therftate. OBice oast si .'e of the .Square, Ann Ar- telligence, his vessel was lying at o:ie ofYou see she told mo as how I'd let thebe, and another portion of it into lid, li lie service. Tho feet shouh) be of a bor. see his name at New York on playcards, ognizes in him; but placo him in thephyfiean, Polidori, was stated, Lord middle size and tttxx) h; :h« foili.-houliJ the low wharves, where he would have to boom jibo if I didn't look out. I knowed and uno her portion of it into manure tield ol battle, and then the tn:e war- liyron remarked, "I was convinced "TAMES U. COOK, " wait nearly two hours for the tide to set for that is tho result of the chemical on. banners, in the newspaper headings, be Si if, n"l M >t Sji n ry and 'O t IP. there w:isn't Co 'oman there, so I tried with the phrase, " McClellan—two vie rior reappears in hi;n as if by enchant- something unpleasant hung over me, iSTicK OF THE PKACE. Office ncavthe Peoot, Tpailanti, him off: but he hastened to have every ohonge produced in the laboratoiy of The Hub- sh ulil be fr ;u frOin her. Ca;l somebody to tlio wheel,' and tories in one day." After this battle of ment. last night 1 expected to hear thai T thing prepared to get off as soon as pos let's go and look at the coilki.' the cow's stomach. The same iisull bL':n:sho-i 1 f all kin 'H, tho knue» Bull Hun, to whi-h I shall again refer, These are the two men who comsomebod- y I knew was dead; so it turns elrai>{lr, th•-. bat-k sinew.-s strong and M. LEWITT, M. D, sihle, for he had no desire to meet the The Commodore was wonderstruck by will follow any other kind of feeding. out.'1 Who can help being supersti- HTSICIAX k SrwiEox. Ollice at his residence, North frigate. Good pasture will produce an nbuu the President called McClelian to themand the southern army. I say "who \\. 1 biaood; tie pastern joints should side of Huron street, ord 2d house West of Division what he had heard, but, witli calm pres- command ot the conquered and demoral- command," because in truth it is pretty tion.-? Spo t believed in second-sighted P The schooner's keel had just cleared dance of milk, often aa much us the be clean and cleur ol swellings of all itreet, Ann Arbor. ence of mind which made him what he ized army. lie has, therefore, under his dillieult to say which cf the two is inIloiisseau tried whether he should he the mud, and one of the men had been cow can curry; but does it follow Unit kiod-v tiiid aMw near thto ground, for was, he sut coolly to thinking In a few orders at this moment the troops re-as- possession of tho voritu'slo chief com- damned or not by aiming .t a trei; with O. COI.I.-1EK, sent upon the wharf to east off the bow- even then it will not bu profitable to SUi'll never have the rii g bin*', F!»-hy momenta he called one of tho men aft to sembled o.i tho Potomac, from Harper's mand. Both have the suine grade, anil a sio;u>; Go-the trusted to tho chance ANCFACTtiiEi: anldea'.er in Boots and Shoes. Ex- line, when a wagon drawn by one horse feed her with sotno more leygi d horses are gmiei'iil'y sul.ji'ct to ciiiinge Block, I doora s,.mli ol Uajuard, Stebuins relieve Carter, and then ho went down Ferry to the sea. He has the title of it uppears that, either through right of of :i knife's striking tlu> water, whether Mk Wilson's jtore, Aiin Arbor, Blch. came rattling down to the spot. Tha food to increase the quantity of butter the "" aud other infiniiiue-i nf into the cabin to look after his passenger. General of Division—Major General—a si'iiioi'Hy or m conscque:ico oi u special he was to succeed in some undertaking driver, a rough looking countryman got just as it .sometimes proves profitable that ki ni aad therefore should not bo The Litter had turned in and seemed to position which corresponds to that of commission, Johnston is, in tho camp Swift placed the success of his lif,s on MCOUE & LOOMIH. out upon the wharf, and then assisted a to feed bees to enable them' to store rho-^en. be moii ig. Tucker returned to the deck General of Division having commanded, at Manassas, tho superior of Beauro I the drawing a trout ho had hooked tut \ It usDiACTURKBa an4 dealer in Boot* and Shoes, middle aged lady from tlio vehicle. The more honey ? It certainly dots appear The body should b* nt f,ood siz»>, the Vl Ylioeuix Block, Ualn strnet, one door North of and took Carter one side. or commanding, a corps of the army.— gardj and yet, notwithstanding theof thu water. lady's first inquiry was for Commodore to us that the value of a cow, feeding back R'raitrht or nea>ly so, nnd h»v» ' No noise, now, Carter; you follow There are at present only two officers of presence of Johnston at tho battle ot 1 Tucker. He was pointed out to her, and upon ordinary winter food, may be j only n Mint ! sinking below the wilhtirs; me a.s though nothing had happened.' that grade iu tho United States—Mc- bull liun, it is admitted by every one A TIIEOLOQICAT, D[sct's. to>j.—Dining M. GUliEKMAN *te CO , she stepped upon the schooner's deck and almost doubled by making that food the burrel lound. und tbo ribs como ITTHOLKSAIEand Retail dealers and manufacturers of ' Sartin,' responded J>an. ClclLiu aud the celebrated traveler known —by Beaurogard lirst, and stftel wun!- the session of a Mission Sunday School, approached him. suitable for the purpose of increasing ii) e to tho I iti j ints. Shoulderi VV ReadyMa4eClothing, Importers of Cloth-. Cttssi- The two approached tho main batch, hy Johnston—that it was Beaurogurd in tho Sixth Ward, the Sup.erji|t«»nc!, S'iEBRIKS & CO., to it. iiny per-on know tho pretty gi;ij index of fiic'ff ei+iti<im:— ULSBS in Dry Goods*, lii'ucerics, l)ru;:^ 5: Medicine^. can easily get a boat there to take me that the twine ran in beneath the West Point Academy, is a man of thir whom the.-o pi'oli-ssionul questions do A PKIXCP. Soi.t) BY A. XOVI;;)-.—The FjQoots iV: Shoe . tec.,coine r oi Main and Ann streets, wiluo (.fa biibhel ol carrots fed to a It is'iiit (b with gunpowder. Tha = up.' . lid of the coffin. He hail no doubt now ty-five years of age, very small in statue, not interest—who is content wiih Prince, of Solms was exorvtiiiu'lv oel iv the Exchange, Ann Arbor. cow to increase her value as a buttcr- common sa; position is, tli?t, during i\ ' W here is the body V asked Tucker. that there Wai mischief boxed up before with black hair and mustaches, un intel- hearing what may be told him, a:ied with a young l:irj-.', who ivaS in proclucing laboratory? Exporinioutal war, larger quantities of gunpowder nro is LAWW SO~7N & (TEEK~7 ' In the wagon,' returned the lady, at him, and he sent Carter for something ligent, open aud most agreeable counten- with seeing what may bo shown him— the ye ir of her novitiate am! about to ju'oiil upon thin point would be far used than in times of peace. Uut this, *"^ KOCBR8, 1'KOU.-:-J> fe Cdrn:]i^i'm Merciiant>, and doa- (he same time raising the corner of her that miiiht answer for a screw driver.— ance, and a simple and modest bearing.— Beauregard is tho southern Com- become a nun. IIo fancied that his .T itfrsviu WATKSLIMB, LAMI 1'I..\-IK , and 1'LASTI:K OI more worthy of agricultural prizes lj)an we understand, is not the case,—and' ii shawl to wipe -iw.iy the gathering tears The man soon returned with a stout Should 3'ou see him pass in the street in mander in-chief it is ho who gained attentions were beginninir to shake her ?Aius,nne door ila-t oi Cook's Hotel. it is to sou who can show llio largest shows how a state of war disturbs all the ' I have a small sum of money with meknife, and the Commodore set to work, Paris you would certainly take him to be tho battle, of Bull Run, find it is he'•esolnlion, and though the day of pro- sized roots; fwr by a carefuly conducted arts of peace, entering into Hheif mntvicfi V, I'.LISS, sir, and you shall be paid for your lie worked very carefully, however, at a French officer of cugineers or of artil- who will gain tho next bailie lhat will fession was near at hand, he fancied IALER iuClocks, Watches, Jeweky. am1. Fancy Goods, experiment we should bo uble to in ramifications, siud affecting thcu* rn ono trouble.' the same time keeping a bright look out lcry. be fought. (liatsho whirl I prefer him to a cloister. D at thfr sign 22. N«w Block. Ann Arhor. The kind hearted old Commodore was tho lid was very carefully lifted from its reason to complain of her ciuelty, she Russell's Letters- troops on the right bank of the Potomac. An American now in England, in wri- their price being in some way affected by not the man to refuse a favor, and though place. Ho is a man of i'orty-two years, tall and begged of him as a particular favor, a WASHINGTON, Sept. 22. ting to the Cincinnati Gazette, says : lock of his hair the war in our land. T. IB. FREEMAN. he liked not the the bother of taking the ' Great God of Heaven,' burst from The Secretary of Sta?e, in reply to large. His face is not particularly fine; ARBKH an'l Fashionable Hair Dresser, Main Street woman and her strange accompaniment But Mr. Rut-'-sell's letters, already as The Prince confirmed in his flattering In arts of peace, po\fr">ei' 5-s cwployeci B Ann Arbor, Mich. Hair Fronts and Curls kepi the lipa of the Commodore. memorial?, asking tho attention of but it is remarkably open and systematic, in ii hundred forms, aud the aggregate jonstantly on nand. on board, yet he could not refuse ; and ' By Sam Hyde !' dropped like a thun- partial as possible, havo been but theconclusion by this request, immediately government to what they call treason- thi'oii!»h its air of frankness aud kind- text on which the Times has delighted to consumption is very large, calling for on when lie told her he would do as she re- der clap from tho tongue of Don. able matter in Itussell's letter, August out off ono for her. At "tlio next visit, SCHOFF & MILLER. quested, she thanked him with many tears ness. comment. Almost daily havo the Brit he found her particularly lively and amount vastly greater than is demanded 1^ KALERS in Miscellaneous, School, and Blank Boots Stn ' God bless you, Dan !'said Tucker. 10th, to tho London Times, Kays: It If McClollan resembles one of our en- by all the armies in the world. Thesfl iJ tionery, l'iipcr Hangings, &c., Main Street Ann in her eyes. ' I hiiotced it!' uttered Dan. ish people been reminded of the decisive agreeable. "'May I nreMiine, he *nid, Arbor. has been the habit of this government arts are now affected, many of them en- Some of (ho men were sent upon the gineer officers, McDowell resembles one victories of the South—of our want of '•that you have east a fa\ orabh" look The two men stood for a moment aud to take no notice of misrepresentations, tirely suspended, and the consequence i», wharf to bring the body on board A of our infantry officers. Did I not dread both military knowledge and of courage upon myself!" " So great is my nffrction "MISS JENNIE E. LINES, " looked into the coffin. There was noobnoxious, by tlio I'ress of foivign that less powder is used than when we long buffalo robe was lifted off by the reducing to puerile shades the search for —of our ruined finances—and of ouforr you," replied" thu 'tidy, "that I have FTVEACHE& OF Piano Forte, Guitar, and Singing, being dead man there, but in the place thereof, nations. This government h':s only resemblances and assimilations, I should are in a state of peace: I desirounot' enlarging tier claim, will receive pupils ai man who drove the wagon, and beneath there were materials for the death of want of self-confidence. Ths Times isjust finished making a wig for tho the residence oi'Fnt. WTHCHELL, which being near recognized as worthy of observation, say that McDowell has the typo of a now reaping a " sensation " harvest. No We have recently spoken with two or the Union School, will be very convenient fur such sc-hol- it appeared a neat black cofiiu. Some a score. The coffin was filled with gun tho language and aotrons of exeoutivo infant Jesus out of your hair, and if you irsattending there \rhp nmy wish to pursue the study words were passed by the seamen, as they chief of baUallion of foot chasseures — 8«oaei! does a letter arrive from its come to mv profession to-morrow, you three powder-makers oil thisr subject, of ransiciu connection with other branches powder and pitch wood ! Upon a light organs of foreign States, and says the His conversation, his character aud his bore the coffin on board, which went to framework in the center were arranged ''special eoiTespoudent,"Hhau the electric will see it on tbo altar." whose opinions are all alike in- relation to Terms SIO, half to h<- paid at the middle and the bal- publication complained of, had noprinciplet s are- still superior to his appear- wires arc employed to induce tho people it Ono of them stated that a single *u«e at the close fo the term. show pretty plainly that the affair did four pistols, all cocked and primed, and arrested the attention of himself or any not exactly suit them. It may have been ance, favorable as that is. IIo is oue of to make a larger demand on its next is- BAKED TOMATOES.—A correspondent mine in Penns\ lvani.V '.rotilol consume D. DEFOREST. " the string which entered . the coffin from member of the administration. That tho honestest, truest, simplest men that prejudice on their part, but yet seamen without, communicated with the trigger sue. On my return from Scotland a fe v of the VaJfcy Spirit r>ys: "As llio more powder than all the rogimcnS* of IffHOtESALE and Retail Dealerjn Lumber, Lath, Shin- these representations stand upon the you can meet. He sustained a terrible days since, I stopped at Manchester.—tomato season is now here, I will g vo New Ehd *' gle«j Sash, Doors, Blinds, WarteT Lime, Grand River should be allowed a prejudice once iu aof each. individual authority of the persons Master, (Master Paris; and Nail1 s of :dl sizes. A full cheek at Bull llu:i, and he speaks of it The ears of the citizens of that placo you my method of bilking tomatoes. and pevfeet assortment nf the above, nnd all other while, when we consider the many stern The firs' movement of the Commodore making them; The Government of the tinds oi building material* constantly on hand at the realities they have to encounter. without bit tern ess,'without recrimination, were tingling with a dispatch rending as Many persons do not know that they How TO BIIEAK BAD FIABITS.—Undor- lowest possible rates, DO I'otroil ^1 reel, ;i few i was to call for waler, and when it wasUnited Stater, does not depend on the with ftn accent of sinceri y and an eleva- foflqws: ''America! — Another letter can be used except stewed or raw. I Etatid dearly tbo reason, and all. tho the Railroad Depot. Also operating i,-xten.sivcly in the ' Huth, my good men,' said the Com 1 Patent Cement Hoofing. brought he dashed three buckets full into good will or favor of foreign nations, tion of sentiments that do him the great- from Dr. Kusscll to the 'limes.Th e reasons why the habit is nijur'o.i?. modore, as he heard their murmured re- like them better baked, as follows:— the infernal machine, and then ho breath- but upon tlie just support of the est honor. Deprived of the supremo po tr threatened with starvation ! A Study the subject till tli«re is uo- lin-f monstrances. ' Suppose some of you Alter removing the skin by pouring VV\SIITENAW COUNTY BUM SOCIETY. ed more freely. American peopJi, That it ftwernst ocommand in consequence of that reverse, iearful socialistic movement ! Mass goring doubt in your mind; were to die away from home:—would you boiling water over them, 1 cut the large : arosrrOET of Rblea and. Tcatamenta at tlio Societj ' No, no — my men ; do nothing rashly- h'm that cen.-ure oiu/ht to fall on those ho has seen McClellan, his fellow student meetings h'ild ! The scenes of the Avoid the places and thought* tba* I iiricos 4\V. C. Voorhel .'. not wish ;hat your remains might bo cur ones in two or more pieces, and put Let me go into the cabin first You maypapers which reproduce these articles at West Point, younger than himself by French Revolution probably to be reeu- lead to temptation; ried to your parents 'I Come, hurry thorn jn a baking dish, and season by CHAPIN, WOOD & CO., follow me.' in this (•/•tintry rather than on aseveral years, inherit his honors, his posi- acted in the North ! ' us'ti"; salt, pepper, sugar and butter. Frequent the places, associate vri'fh fhtf now.' foreigner who wrote articles for remote SUCCESSOU S TO Commodore Tucker strode into the cabin tion and his growing popularity. He I need not say that 1 found a number A 1'tile flour and water should be ad poisons, indulge in tho thoughts, that The men said no more, and ere long publication. Finally, interference with walked up to the b'.rik when! his passen- has taken, without a murmur, aa inferior of resident Americans there iu an un-dot!, anil they should be baked in a hot Lad from temptation. MANU?ACT»f>« F.R8 CI the coffin was placed iu the bold., and the the press even in case of existing ir.sur- ger lay, and grasping hold of the female plaeo under him whose mission it iscomfortable state of mind. Nor aro soove- n for an hour, when they wi'l be Keep busy. Idleness i6 the st'e-igtb. woman was thown to the cabin. In less reelion, can onlv bo justified on grounds . Book., dress he dragged its wearer out upon tho to repair the misfortune attached to his jouruors unaffected by tuch announce- found delicious and healthful." of bad h.-.bits. AND- ' than half an hour the schooner was cabin floor. There was a sharp resist- of public danger. name. Well, no one doubts that Mc- cleared from the wharf and standing out ments, A gentleman, with his family, COLORED MEDIUMS, ance, and the passenger drew a pwtol; Dowell will be the most submissive, most who have been traveling on the continent When Oliver Cromwell first coin- £3T On hearing a clergyman r from the bay. The wind was light from but it was ijnickly knocked away—the .Ml»a AVIV ARItOU MICH. devoted of McClellan's .— have been staying at my boarding house. ed money, an old cavalier, looking at one '• the~world was full of change," the eastward, but Tucker had no lear ot gown was torn off, and a «irt»#cau;o forth THE ARMSTRONG GVX.— Some extra- ordinary experiments have been tried McDowell has, besides, a reputation in in this city, fearing to sail for their home of tho in w pieces, read this inscviplicn Par:ii gt-.n s:iid she could hardly the frigate now he was once out from the 1 CARDS! CARDS!! CARDS!!! frnm tlie remnants of calico and linen. the array of being a sort of Btoio nhiloso- <• XT . . \r _ - i_ on one side, "God be with us, ' pud onhsr mind to believe it, so li»Uo found iis bay. to test, tho extreme power of rcsislatiC- Hanng p»rcliaajm a Ruaauffl Korjmi DtAumro Cart Tlie fellow was assured that his whole me cuv 01 the other, ''The Ciininmiwcalth of E:u;- wny into Lor pocket. 'I "I < '.• ty]ie, the AB0C8 In the evening the lady passenger J .„„ j.ounuur Armstrong guns, pl1Cr a"reputation sought after and more tbo Brig- OIBceis prepurert to print Carda of all kinds in the plot had been diseove>"»'i -- ' ,, For all" this pp Inud' " I S"0," said he. ''God nnd tha ;it or le^s deserved by a certain number of neatest possible Btyle and ot a great reduction from came on dock, and thu C.O!Umodor£ us-! ," •> -•'" length Projectiles weighing 1,000 pounds, and 1 {-V A f >p, just re.mrned from n con- former prices, including V,r. :, ; for men of all pupils. He drinks neither Fish journals are rc.-.'p.)nsiblo. Co:nmoir,voalth axi on different sides.' &TncationsandprnfessioDii, Rail. Wedrtingj and Visitu p sured her that he should be able to land no owned that it had been his plan to extending nearly two feet beyond the West Point UneTttfli tour «'us Miked how he likid Cnls, r-tu.. t-te. Call, ji .-© us your.s orders .iml see her the nest morning Kho expressed - tea nor coffee, docs not smoke, and the r-uUw of Pompeii, "'Not very well." how it li> i Dt turnout in tli3 course of the night and mu/zia ot tho pruq, wcro irequHim.v jj^J Thought is tho wind, knowledge £3?" Truth endues man's purpose With her gratitude and satisfaction mid re- 1 ITtabHrflf soVioty and self-denial \v;;s too reply, ' they are s.o dreadfully pr •!!.],] of the ball of iv, i;i,-, which ho • • '. and i, . gpjrj wrj, ,; - frjnrt, has of the sail, and mankind the vessel. somewhat of imnratubdity. marked that before she retired she should, had left in a convenient place; ho then quite in keeping with hi» Pur.tau pnuct- out, oi repair.'' "SEWING MACHINE FOR SALE. l: 1 • , • qui like to see if her h^band's corpse was 1 JQR SALE CHEAP-* new Dr-t class Family Sewing intended to go nft, carefi:l!y unsvindin- pits t^ Kvorv heart has a secret dr.iwrr C" Tho mest missh'e.'couniiS3h:O'.'couss liars — I Jlacliiao. Warranted DO bttto* in market, 'icrms 6afe. This was of course granted, nnd the string as he went along; then to 1 one oi the men lifted off the hutch that Happiness growls at our own il'O- the spring of which,is only known, to the oso who keep sliding on t'io Tferg* T77" A 2* *?.mn iskiiy'orto hie *»*• E. B. ha?e got into tbeboi't, cut the fuJli ar.\ l I havo told you of : ! t cs K1 s i to.' be risked ia tbo owner-., ti-' iv, iii 7 th:ia b'svi sin arc to ftcir frlenelt".. inn irher,Jti)vl( ''" i- maading the lrortb'ern hafc ptilled Ercartly nporj tie-twice. sfr'angcr's ga SfcfMS' Colonel Blair's Letter to Postmaster Blair. Letter of Ex-President Buchanan- Lynch Law in Michigan. St Andrew's Church—Rev Mr Gillespie — Cnpt. Berry, late of the U. S. Front St:ckt"n's Regiment. The Rebels at Columbus, Ky. i St. Louis S.-pi. I, 1801. VW-.tclu-sl.i'. I', nn., Fr.ilttv,Uct, 4. The Lansing Ji-urnal gives a detailed A fortnight since we noticed that the steamship Columbus, was arrested in CAMI> UNION. Arlington Heights, Va. Cairo, III., Out. &.- At tho great Union Meeting at licljinan Jlraus. DBAI! JCIKJK: I wroto you ijuite luily account of a recent attempt made in Rev. G, D. GILLESIME, of Palmyra, N. NeN w YYor k on Mondayd , and sent to FFort Sept. 24, 1861. A deserter, from Pillow's army, for- • limn uur affairs here by Judge U:tm- Ilayesville, Chester county, on tbe Int Lafayette. merly a resident of northern Illinois, 1>I«, mid I am more an i more convinced Mint, the following letter from Ex- ABBOR. that County by some twelve or fifteen Y., had accepted the Rectorship of St. 5AK BKOTHEH :— disguised desperadoes, to take tho life Andrew's Church of this City, and — It is estimated that the national We an: now fully armed and equipped. arrived here last night. He reports* of the views I stated to you in tliat President Buchanan was read; Gen. A. Johnston in command at Col- ) -tier Affairs are becoming quite Wlu-atUinl, near Ijincat-tor, Penn,,flept. 28. FRIDAY MORNING. OCT. 11, 1861. of one Thomas Etch el, for alleged would soon enter upon duty. That our debl will reach 8300,000,000 by the first Qa T1,U|.,(, UlB •,,.„ wo rce(;ivoj ,)r. day ot December. umbus, with forty thousand men.—; pi.inning in the tiolihtjrn part of the DEAU SIK: I have been honored by political ("pinions. The Journal says: citizens may know something of the new They have fortified the banks of tho' Muto as Atll as the fouih. Mon vour kind invitation as Chairman of tho ,.,, ... , . , tiers to march to ihe Arsenal and draw i On the night of the 20th inst., a gang Rector we copy the following from a re river for four miles above Columbus, coining hero to give information are — Ihe secessionists have completely i ,| appropriate Committee to attend and our alms expecting an attack from the Federal- not allowed to approach Fre.riont, und address a Union Meeting of the citizens of desperadoes, numbering from twelve cent issue of tho Gotpel Mmsunjer and overrun the Territories of Arizona and Accordingly we marched and , to fifteen, provided with whips and a New Mexico. returned with gun* and—nothing else. ists. Generals Cheatam, Pillow, Polk,- I/O aWMT ill «11 — i^tl r*t. of Chester und Lancaster Counties, to Ch unit Sword : rope, started for the residence of (>u and Johnston are all at Columbus. 1 h::ve felt it iiiy duty to tell him be held at ILiyesville on tho 1st of Our readers will observe with great —Attorney General Bates is reported Saturday roorniug, tho 28th, we October. Tim I should gladly accept, Thomas Etchel, with the intention of saying that, the retention of Fremont in struck our tents to move some half mile • The army at that point is well equipped. what they say, and he throws himself hanging him. Learning on t o way regr;t the Rev. Mr. Gillespic, of Palmy- They have large bodies of cavalry. hehind the icpoltrt of his officers, who proceeding, as it does, from a much ra, is about to remove from tho Diocese. place is a public crime. to better camping ground; but hardly valued portion of my old Congressional ! that their victim had returned with his —Tho President has determined that \ . , On the 22d oi September Jeff. me Irving to prevaricate nnd sfaittld teum, late at night, from Jackson, He .stand* in the front rank of our most uxli {hcy been gt| U(;k whe|1 on]( rs wcrc Thompson had four thousand men' themselves* for n*"gl©W of duty, and ho district, but advancing years and the ^otei'trJi',nt that ttnwtilrd sheet ! devoted and most useful parish clergy. hereafter all appointments and contraits ", , ,,..... present state of my lio.dth fonder it Where bTeotktt the tot lint frills btfure us? where he had been drawing his wheit near Bclmont. His army is being fast Mill dings to them, and refuses to nee U ith Freedom s »til bentath our feet. to market, they immediately conceived RESIGNATION OF THE KHV. Mil. GILLESPIE „ , ,«, . n i II i received to march over to Virginia, via decimated l>y desertions. imp-issible. You correctly es'imate fe t'>r Hi IT f-ell. I told him he wruld not Ami Freedom's banner waning o er us! the plan of h ing in uait for him as he At a meeting of the Wardens and for the Western Department shall be ' escape ieg;>on>il)iliiy in that, way, and trio deep interest I feel, in c-mmon The gun-boat New Era arrived frotrf came—as they supposed he wjuld—to Vestry of Ziun Church, Palmyra, on tho made in the regular way. tl)0 LonS Bridge. As soon as this was St Louis last night. he would very sot n find an army "f with the citizens who will there be as-! The Detroit Conference and th3 War- sembled, in the present condition of our! tho barn, situated some six rods irom Kith day of September, 1801, pursuant — Col DcCourccy, a distinguished offi- known cheer upon cheer went up from rebtls 10,000 strong on his h..nds in At the recent session f the Detroit the house, to take care of his horses. to notice. Present—Messrs. Butterh'eld »•»• North Mi^.-ouri. threiiteri'ng St. Louis coun'rv. 'Phis is, indeed,; but our ' o ccr of. the Crimean war, has beeu appoin- the Boys, and this too. when not a single I JtU ID . Conference a series of lesolntions was Posting themselves at tho barnyard and Cuyler, Wardens, and Messrs. Ca- In thi9 City, on ihe 3d inst., LIZZIK, wife and diverting his iiUnntion, and occu- recent military reverses so far from ted Colonel of the Ohio 6«th. | cartridge had been dealt out, nor even » producing despondency in the minds adopted—aft usual—upon the State ol gate through which ho to pass, prou, Farnham, Ileiniuway, Lovctt. and -All Colonels of Cavalry in tho , . the order was giv- of GEUKGE L. Looms, it'the ^atli year of btr" pying the foicrs lie desired to use with bloody hearts they waited but a Sandfofd, Vestrymen. cartril g0 box Soou age Bffninst M-Culloch and Pillow. He of a loyal and powerful people, will tho country, and umong them the sirmy of the Potomac have beeu ordered ,f. ,, . „ , , . , short time when the unsuspecting man A communication from the Rector, tho 0:l to fal1 aud we Inovcd toward " She fm]cd, so calm onJ meek, t:ilksof the vigor he is going to use, onlv animate them to rr.oio mighty following: before the Examining Board. j '"> So softly worn, so sweetly weak, a; p^ared. As he came to the gate, he Rev. G. D. GUlespie, addressed to the Vasllln ton but I can see none of it, and I fear it exertions in sustaining a war which has -Memphis papers say that sixty-fourr ^ - The battalhon halted in So ttarless, yet so tender, kind, Rei'Jvid, That as slavery is the real was Idled to the ground by a blow from Vt-stry, resigning his office, having been to re-enforce Floyd, will turn out to be some rash and in- become inevitable by the assault of the companie—Thats havWise ebee han ssen beet fronm ordereRichmond tdo donthe estreet to thse obridgf Washingtone and tha,t anwde coulwe dwer noet And giieved for those she left behind, Confederate S ates upon Fort Stun {Her. cause, and liberty or slavery the real a club in tho hands of one of the as- read by tho clerk, aud having been the With nil the while a elicek whose bloom' considerate move adopted in haste to sassins, who immediately jumped upon Richmond for another field of service. pasinformes ovedr thathatt nightsom.e damage had been m;ike head against a formidable force For this reason, were it possible, isHuo, of tho contest, we are in favor of subject of conversation among the mem- Wn3 but a mockery of the tomb." the humane but vigorous prosecution his prostrate form. Tho ropo was bers present, eliciting the expression of — That Hurdee has fallen back to the We looked with gushing eye upon her which could no: have accumulated ex- waiving all other topics, I should con Arkansas liue. Again we moved on, and about 8 fine myself to a aflen.n and eirnest of tho war until the" irrepressible eon- quickly tied about his neck, and with earnest regrets, upon the part of ali, in lifeless form, and never have seen death pre- cept through gross and inexcusable the first murderer upon his body, he o'clock in the evening brought up in the i.t'gligetice. Oli! for one hour ot our appeal to my countrymen, and especially Hict between he two is finally settled thus being brought to act- iu reference —That MeCulloch is badly in want of sent sa fair and j^autiful a countenance ; it was dragged by the neck through the Square of the Smithsonian Institute, and seemed as though the features of the earthly dead Lyon. Mai y have beta disposed those without families, to volunteer for in the utter overthrow of tho rebellion, thereto. men. the war, and join the many thousands in the utter destruction of treason, with mud and bushes some rods to a tree, It was on motion of Mr. Cuyler. — Also that an English vessel has ar- were informed that we would pass the had assumed the image of the heavenly. We tobl,:tne Fremont for not fending r. in- where the ropo was slackened, and an warmly sympathise with the bereaved in forceincnts lo Lyon. aud thus averting ot brave and patriotic volunteers who its twin monster, secession, and, in Resolved, That we have received with ! rived at a Southern port with 50,000 night there. The most of tho Boys God's own good time, in the utter abo- other ol the murderers beat the almost the most painful regret the commuuica- j this the hour of his tribulation. the calamitirs brought on by his death, are already in the ti^ld. This is tho Enfield muskets. Probably the Bermu- threw themselves upon the grass and 1 lition of American slavery. lifVloss body of their victim into r.dges, tion from our beloved Rector, severing j COM . ::nd the abandonment of Springfield by moment t••!• action—for prompt, ener- g i da. tried to sleep Being Sergeant of the getic and nulled action—and not lor Wow, our A ethodist friends may bruising and lacerating the flesh in a the interesting tie that has so long and '< At Cnmp Ellsworth, near Washington City, his command. I; is veiy certain that terrible manner. Tho villains stopped —The violation of the blockade by if lie h:.d ser.t the regiments to Lyon the discussion of p>>aeo propositions. happily existed as pastor and people be- guard and on duty I did not try it. In Sept. 20th, of Congestion of the brain, AMOS think as they p'ease about the "real their hellish work for a moment and the Bermuda is said to have been made WATSO.V GILLKTT, aged J6 years 9 monlh3. (hat he took to Cairo, when il was sup- These we must know would be rejected tween us. fact I do not think there was much sieep cause" or the "real issue" of the war called upon their victim to hurrah for public by Lord Lyons. The deceased was n member of Company D. ] oped that place was threatened, Lyon by the States that have seceded, tiniest Resohed, That in accepting his resigna- done. The night was very cold, colder I Lincoln, which refusing to do, the rope —James D. Doty has been appointed third Regiment Michigan Infantry, and par- would have diiven McCulloeh from the we should offer to recognize their inde- in which the government is engaged; tion, as requested, which we hereby do, was put. over a limb ot the tree, and he Superintendent of Indian Affairs for believe than it was in Michigan. ticipated in the battle of Bull Run, and in Ftttte. I ear.not say whether the attack pendence, which is entirely out of the but when they resolve in favor of the we are called to perform a painful duty b* was jerked up and suspended for some Utah. the fight on the Thursday previous. He waa was seriously contemplated on Cairo question. which wo gladly would havo postponed ; Early in the morning we formed and " vigorous prosecution ol tho war until time and lot down, when the same formely ft resident of this County, tl,at tine or not; but I am dispesed to that it brings us nevertheless to recur —6ol. Taylor, a brother of " Old crossed the famous Long Bridge on to the irrepressible conflict between the questions were asked him again and he and leaves a large circle of relatives and believe that the l.y McCul- Be.tor counsel .-nay hereafter prevail, with pleasurable emotions, to his long Zack," succeeds Gibson as Commissary the " sacred soil " of Virginia. Here wj*s told to hurrah for Line In. This friends to mourn his loss. The Company locl. aid PiJ'.ow were intended to be when these people shall be convinced two—(liberty and slavery)—is finally aud faithful ministrations iu ihe Parish, General. process was repeated for the third, we found all excitement. Muuson's Hill purchased tomb stones to mark his la?t rest- hiivuifanc us and co-operate, und Lyon that the war is conducted, not for their settled in the utter abolition of Ameri- to the wisdom, zeal and ability he has —Charles Sumner has been making a fourth, and fifth times, until finally, to had been taken duriug the night. A ing place. fcViftuM have had some part of the rein-conquest or subjugation, but solely lor can slavery " we really hope that the brought to every measure to promote rabid aVplition speech at Baston. He the purpose of brir ging them back to save his life, he answered the questions number of regiments had been ordered Co*-. forcements at an}' rate, and it he had government will not feel itself bound our social, temporal, aud eternal interests, ought t^be suppressed—or sent to Fort their original position in the Union, satisfactorily, when he was again beaten and we feel it our privilege to testify to LafayJ to move forward, and among them a num- • received two regiments his victory without imparing in the slightest degree by such action, and decide to protract with whips, ppit upon and slapped in In NorthiUlct! Oct. 1st, of Consumption, would have been complete. I under- the great beuefus tho parish has derived ber of the Michigan. Everybody was ADOLPHA M. wife of JAMES E. COT, any of their eon.H'tutional rights. hostilities until the lust slave is set free. tho face as before, and drawn up therefrom, and we beg to commend his —Iiyaddition to small arms and muni- take to say if Fr. tv.ont acted on them ag in. tions tfhe Bermuda brought the rebels 18 iu high gice at the prospect of a good aged Hi years. as he does now (\ was awsly and can- Whilst, therefore, ws shall cordially VV th the Conference we have no objec- sound churchmanship, efiiuieucy iu parish hail their return under our common aud other duties, and that modest digu rifled cannon of large calibre, aud 168 battle. not speak on that lit ad) ho could not tion to tins being done " in God's own The fifteen murderers then left him pound canister guna. ROOMS TO LET. have informed himself very accurately glorious flag, and welcome them as ty with whffil he adorns the pastoral About 9 o'clock we pitched our tents f~\ pOD air)- Roc me t» let in a quiet part of the Citr, brothers, yet until that happy day shaU good time,' and in His own way, too, for dead. —The Bermuda is fitting out for the ' • .u-;ir the Umvsnlty—For partlouIan iucjuire it cf the necessities ol his position. The During this time, cries of the victim office—commanding the entire respect Vrt at this place, from which we'have a splec- the Argus l>uok Bindery. event shows that no attack was made arrive, it will bo our duty to support but we certainly think the government the entire community, aud ripening with rebel ser-ice, aud is to bo commanded by the President with all the men and broug;.t his 'vife and sister, two feeble Commodore Tatnall. did view of Washington and tho sur- o:i Cairo, nnd it was probably averted had better stand by the Constitution women to tho spot, who were greeted those whose opportunity it was to know SPECIAL NOTICE TO by tho reinforcements sent. It the same means at the command" of the country, and leave the issue to God. him best, into the sinccrcst friendship — —The government refuses to recognize rounding country. Our regiment has in a vigorous and successful prosecution A ith the most foul epithets, and loath- o XJ s T o ISJ: E :R S. or one-half the regiments had been some language, and threatened with a as lively manifestations cf right views, tho commissions issued by Gen. Fremont. just tasted a little of soldiers' life. We of tho war. Did the Conference stop to think watchful and painstaking labors and the LJ,accounts over six months must be settled at rent to Lyon, we should have had fate similar to of the husband and —W K. Strong has been appointed marched five miles and went into camp once. CM nt the office an.I pa/ up Yours, very respectfully, that this war is avowedly being prose true spirit and bearing of a minister of A welwell selected stock of Sew lioocU Cheap for tiviidly satisfactory resiil'.e. (Signed JAMKS BUCHAXAX. brother unless they returned to the Brigadier General aud chief of Fremont's without supper or tents; got up in the cuied to prevent the overthrow of the our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. house. This they retu ed to do, when staff. morning nnd marched seven more with- 88Uf MAYNARD , STKI3HI.NS & WILSOX. The views I luive giv.,-n of this matter Important Fight Near C heat Mountain. government and ihe downfall of the a lamp in tho hands of one was broken, Resolved, That deploring the loss to —The reported death of John C. are li.c'.8 becoming public opinion here, out breakfast; aud then sot a very late II. O. HARVEY. " Correspondence of tlte Cincinnati Cumunrcial. Constitution ? tha\ it is confessedly \ and they were kicked and ariven into the Diocese by the removal of our Rev. Breckiiiridgo is contradicted. and I think the govcinnent nhould Brother, he will nevertheless carry with dinner. E^PECIFCiAY offers liis servici-s to the citizen* Cheat Mountain Summit, Oct. 3 being waged to compel rebels and rebel the house by the veiled assassins. —The government fleet has not yet R of Aaa Arbur as aleackcrul Vocal ;inu instrumental know it. Probably you have inferma Tho assassins were not successful. him to his new field of labor the best We are now eueamped between Fort tion which will satisfy you that Fremont This morning at one o'lock. a portion Stales to return to their allegiance and taken possession of New Orleaus. iy PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED S* Their victim was not dead, but has wishes and prayers of this Church and Corcorau and Fort Woodhury, and sur- was n< t lo bhiitip. Ii so, the public here of Brigadier General J. J. Reynolds' yield obedience to the requirements ol people for the temporal and eternal wel- —Joseph E. Brown has been elected Hra-KKKNtKs.— Ri-v. Mr. Riniles, Rev J!r. Chapin. t-hould know it also, in order that the recovered sufficiently to tell tho names Governor of Georgia-. rounded cm every side by encampments Kev. .Mr., aud l'rof. Fritze. for further Brigade, consisting of three Ohio regi- the Constitution ? and that to declare of five of those who thought to have fare of himself and family, whose going particular* iiguire ol Hr. Harnj at Mrs. Eastman's coi.-fidenee of the people should* not be ments—'24th, 25th, and 32d—and por- — Price has evacuated Lexington and- of soldiers. Washington can never be Washington fct., beUei-n blvialoil und University that it shall not cease until "tho utter been his murderers. They are Abijah forth from our circle adds poignancy to streets. _ * •withheld from tho Commanding Gen- tions of six Indiana regiments—7th, 9tb, our grief Yet we will cherish the hope is falling bacK. taken ; at least that is-ray opinion. It is 82uf abolition of American slavery" is L Clark, the ringieadsr, and John D. eral. I could not think, when I first 13th, 14th, 15th, and 17th — together that in fufure years we may be honored —Fremont says-he has men enough completely defended on this side by Forts AN QJtQIftdBOE FOR THE PRESEttTA- relumed hero, that any putt of the with detachments of Bracken's Indiana, ejected, would bo for the government Clark, his son, Archibald liarr, Blakely, and Frceland. Of these, by as frequent visits and remembrances and shall follow Price into Arkansas. and batteries It will cost the rebels TION uF OhDEK AND QDUT. Maine cuikl rant with him, but my ob- Robinson's Ohio, and Greenfield's Peun- to subvert the Constitution while as it may be compatible with his con- I IE iT OKDAIKJiD, by tliu Mayor, Re- all but John D. Clark are under urres . —Gov. Brown, of Georgia, has called 4ear wh«n they attack Fort Corcoran.— (•ervations havo shaken my faith s\-lvania cavalr}', and detachments of coercing peoples and States into obe- venieuce aud feelings to grant us, to the J3 ocrder nnd Aldermen of iliu Uny ot Ann to tt.e very-4<>iindation. Howe's United States, Loomis' Michigan, The names of the others he could not five regiments home from Virginia to de- Arbor: give, as they were all veiled, and he end that we may ever mutually retain a feud tLo State It is completely surrounded by a deep aud Daum's Virgiu.a artillery, number- dience lo the same ? EJECTION 1st. That no person or per-ons There is one point which I did not could only identify those whose voices grateful recollection of his ministry ditch, which is bordered by tree tops se- Tefer to in triv letter, and which I in- ing i:i all five thousand men, left Ciieat The resolution is absurd and f mati- amongst us. —Gen. Rosencrans advises the govern- keeping a grocer», saloon, billiard room, ball he heard ment that he can sustain himself against curely fastened in the ground. tilli-y. uuulion room or victualing house, or tended to remark on, and that is the Mountain Summit to make a reeonnois cal, and is calculated only to work Resoked, That a copy of the foregoing uny place ot' business wiiere wine, beur or sance in force in front of tho enemy's po- It seems that E;diel and the elder Lee and Floyd. This afternoon we were supplied with utter want of discipline in the cumps injury, or would be so calculated if not Clark had had some difficulty a few resolutions be furnished to Mr. Gillespie, Sjji.lluoUrt liquors tuo sold us a beverage, or 'round and about St. Louis. It is a sition, twelve miles distant. —He ought to have men enough to cartridge boxes and cartridges, and are ln» L'.T ui' Muii clerk, ageat servant or em- so ultra as to neutralize itself. This is years ago, which resulted in a lawsuit, and a copy transmitted to St. Andrew's ployee, shall ke* p open ihe same at any tune i/i the state ol affairs in Ford's Thirty-second Ohio was sent Church, Ann Arbor, Michigan, and that more than sustain himself— to clean them now fully equipped aud ready for the no war against slavery, and we . trust and that an unfriendly feeling existed out. Mttweeu the hours ol ten o'cl.cli in tue a; ur. :tv nigul, or belotc their " pecular institution " upon the devoted Union man. His offence seems — Maj. General Butler has been given j to run tho blockade. rebels occupied one wuck ago. Last tour o'clock, Monday morning, and lhat no be relieved of his command, and a man concealed in the bushes, who were soon person or persons o her than those just men- of ability put in his place. The sooner Presidoi.t. the Congress, the army, or the to be that he married a Southern command of the department of New | —Capt Uwight May, of tbe Michigan Tuesday night, at 12 o'clock, u*e- were routed by the Fourteenth Indiana, with Second, has returned home ou recruiting tioned in this .ecuon, sh.ill remain or cougre- it is done the better. a loss of seven killed and a larpe number law-abiding people of the law-abiding woman for a wife, and was a Democrat England. ordered to march iu thirty minutes; but gate lluiein during any part of the tiiuo who thought and said what he pleased. mentioned I have given you my opinion and the wounded and taken prisoners. Howe's Stales, but maik it down as punish- — Lieut. Col. Morton, of the Illinois before the time expired the order was battery, supported by the Thirteenth In- The assassins »rMaryland don't think it will be prevented long. offending, and eommU them for safe keeping Senator BINOHAM was born in Onon- House of Delegates. We aro encamped near the Michigan should have been, or he has failed to enemy's attention. During this interval, overrun with desperadoes, and not — Our forces on the Potomac are to the County Jail, or any othri* safe place m apply the means at his disposal. Affairs daga County, New York, in 1803. He —The Philadelphia Press asserts that Fourth, which moved the same day that •aid cily, until nine o clock the next day after the :25th Ohio and loth Iudiana ren- having civil law and civil officers. gradually advancing. The rebels have such (irr.-si, unltss that day shall be Sunday, are worse than they were two weeks dered effectual service, scouting the came to this State in 1834 and settled Freedi m of thought and speech is nearly all tho diplomatic representatives we did. Munson's Hill, the last place in which case they shall bo committed until at Washington are Southern sympathi- neither closed nor attempted a passage ago, a"d are getting worse every day, mountains upon the farm where he died. Prior to guaranteed by our constitution, and taken by the Federals, is not far from nine o'clock on Monday and then bring them wores ion increns ng, Union men driven sers. of the Potomac, and MCCLELLAN must before a magist ate for cxatninati >n. Before the close of the reconnoissance, 1810 he served several terms in the here. . Made and passed in Common Council tho out, aud the General, I fef.r, incapable must not br. subverted by violence We —It is said that Jeff. Davis arrived at sound the attack or wait indefinteliy which was most satisfactory, the enemy State Legislature, and was two sessions This is a poor country. The houses 7th day of Oct. 1861-; ot comprehending his position. H.s received heavy reinforcements from their await with interest the result of a l"gal Fairfax on Wednesday of last week, and for a fight. fr'cnt proclamation is the best thing of Speaker of the House. In 1846 he was are old and seem ready to fall down.— J. F. MILLL'R, Mayor. camp near Monterey, making their investigation. promised the army that they should soou —In Kentucky there have been a ST St. WEBSTEE, Kecorder. tlie kind that has been issued, but strength about 15,000. Although this elected to Congress, and in 1848 re-elec- be in . The country is pleasant, aud the climate should have been issued when he first few skirmishes, but no general engage- reconnoissauce partakes more of the ted. He was a candidate for nomination FOR THE LANCKRS.—Our fellow citi- —The British Steamer Bermuda has healthy, but tbe soil can not compare Hurrah fur llie Union! Deallito ils Enemies! carae. when he hid the power to enforce ment is imminent. character cf a regular engagement, than a third time, but having failed, during zen,'Louis R. Bccitoz, has been com- run the blockade at Savannah with a car- with that of Michigan. Many of the it, and the enemy no power to retaliate any previous battle in Western Virginia, —In Missouri FREMONT is in chase Now they aro substantially enforcing the "compromise" struggle of 1850, to missioned to raise a company for Col. go of arms and war stores. houses along the route were vacant, the ATTENTION! our loss is but teu killed and cloven of the rebels and when they have against Uf> tho substance ot his procla- entirely satisfy his constituents, he was RANKIN'S Regiment of Lancers, and has —Tho rebels were advised of tho re-' windows broken out. fences down, rails 100 able-bodied steady young men wounded. It is impossible to ascertain cent advance on Munson's Hill in time to picked their position there will be a mation outside of St. Louis and our the eueuiy's loss. It will not, however, shelved. In 1854 he was nominated by commenced recruiting for the same. Mr. missing, probably having nude the camp g irrisons. I want you to lay these draw off their men. Thero are yet trait- fight WANTED! FOR fall short of five hundred killed and the Free Soil Democracy for Govern- B has untiring energy, comes from a ors in high places. fires of either Rebel or Federal troops.— things to your hearts, and get ready to wounled, as our artillery did terrible ex- or, and later iu the same year when the —The Blui:-Frernont quarrel is as upu)v the remedy before it is too Into. military stock, and will make a brave and —Forts Buchanan and Breckinridge, After the war I would not give much for ecution. Their camp was situated on Republican party waa organized, also by yet undecided, and, if 's'pecial dis- Capt LR.Buchoz' To. of Lancers? tht slope of the mountain, supported by dashing officer. We wish him success. New Mexico, have been destroyed to pre- the whole State. I will wriio you again very soon. I that party. He was elected, and was re- patches" are to be lolled on, the Gov- hope I may have oetter news to give a number of guns —See his appeal to the patriotic young veut them falling into the hands of the ' The army is moving slo'-vly and surely MEN OF WASH TEN A W/ elected in 1856. At the expiration of rebels. ernment is showing a lamentable inde- you. shall be but too happy if any We captured thirteen prisoners from men of Washtcnaw, in another column. cision. The matter should be settled towards Richmond. We shall probably Most of you have known me for the last 17 years, his gubernatorial term he was elected by — fc'ort McLean and Fort Fillmore, and LOW in this hour of our country's need, I coufi- tiling occurs to restore my confidence Virginia and Arkansas regiments ; also a some way, contradictory reports of have a battle soon ; and I think it will, dcntly appeal to your patriotism in ai.linp me to raise a in Fremoi.t. I am well—better than I lot of cattle and horses. Our troops, the Legislature, at the session of 1859, same Territory, have been treacherously j Company of 10) true, brave, &ud ptea^y young men, WM. B. ASTOR, of New York, is surrendered to the rebels removal, court-martial, etc., stopped, be a different one from Bulls Run.— witling and rcatiy to stand by me in fighting the enemies have been for eight months. one aud all, did nobly The reeonnois to succeed CJIAS. E. STUART in the Sen- j and the country i,uietec i t our belGfved Union. TO r-UCH MEN 1 p.&lgo my Yourtj, nUtrclionattjly. raising a regiment to bo armed and —Gen. McKinstry commands the fifth Gen. McClellau is not going headlong in- luraur end lift; to *ee them well treated, and n vcr order (Signed) FRANK T. BI.A1R. sance proved entirely successful, affording ate of tho United States, in which body -hem to go where I would n it be really lit \-n<\. COME information relative to tlie enemy's equipped entirely at his own expense.— division of the army of the West to the matter. He will make every move ON '. you brave, patriotic boys, your time has come, his term of office commenced March 4th, give place, simply as a mat- gVVttm« the opportunity of proving the truth of nay KENTUCKY STATB WAS LOAN*.—The strength, which could not be obtuiued Capt. MCKENZIE, of Adrian, has accep- —Capt. Stauley, of the reguiur ser- tell. He is fast enclosing the rebels in wnnts, and 1 will enlist you in the most djMtbtny »nd Kentucky banks will probably take tho 1859, and would have expired March 3d, ter of history, to Col. BLAIR'S letter to euVctive corps * p RapT> _. _ s wh1 _ o_ 1ha - . d_1 Ibee _ _ u sent ther.1 e b» y egates t. o th.1 e Constitutionaf-\ . • . . • . .1l i^l_Convention. i*..» . a time and pla^e may be assigned for the examining nnd next day 3,000 Georgia, , allowing of such account, and that notice thereof may suffered in this way; third, the post- ANOTUKU REGIMENT.—lion. CUAHLES was elected. — Six of the Illinois members of General•McClellan. en route for Tortu- beg ren t • ;ill persons interest d lo said estate, in such and Virginia, troops attacked the Indian- mark is always on the letter itrelf, « hieh Congress are in the service of their a m> He told them that had Gen Mo- GKN. CKITTKNDEN.— G beholden at the Prcbat Gttko. in ' todcrates The rebels' steamers were also at Richmond. the OttvefAnn Arbor, iosnid County, and snow cause, time and trouble are both saved in con-j has a popularity throughout the State, ful. —Col. Rankin, of the Lancers, was them. All who were willing to place Ho \V!is a Lieiiteimnt Colonel of a' if anv th«re bo, why the said account should not be Lmdiiig addiiioual troops. The Monti- ducting a heavy correspondence. These! themselves in his hands should step for- j Kentucky regiment in the Mexican war, ailo«^d. • -uello poured her broadsides into them for and esp ecially in the Western portion, arrested at Toronto, Canada, on Satur- Aqi it is fuithcr On'*red that said Administratrix Hie advantages which must commend j Gov. Moore, of Louisiana, has ward three paces. Those who refused j was Aid "f (ren. Taylor nt tbe battle give notice to tbe person* interested m said estate, of the tour hours The rebels were totally de- them to genera] use. L*it UB add, that will enable him to call to his stau day last, for violation of the neutrality pendency «»f said account, and the bearing thereof, by prohibited any m-Te cotton being laws, and held to bail for examination. would proceed to Tortugas. The cutiie ,,f JLJuen-i Vista, ami g:ive the eelebru- CHiising A copy of this order to be published in the feated. (Jol. Brairted, of Georgia, wag what many do not seem to know, that dard a regiment of gallant and true men. 150 stepped forward with cheers, and ted reply to Smtn Anna when that Mioh'gan Argus.a newspaper pi'U>ted a«)d circulating n .killed; with three hundred rebel*. Our —All persons iu New Orleans subject paid County ofWuhta$av4 tire« &uscest»ve wtoJtf, they can be had, like the ordinary His headquarters will be established at shipped to New Orleans during the many were so effected that they shed I chieftnin demanded a surrender 'Gen. | previous to said d f hri I iss is !>inall, but forty Indianian" were to. military duty aro required to drill »t;tm;>, nt Ihe vnriou" post nflnti ' btoekjtde. l;l tears of hy. . I Tnvl^.r nyvcr Furrcn'l'.M>." ' *£" There is no use talking about j ICI1IGAN SOUTHERN & 'I he Latest Special l)i>patch ! LUNG & BLOOD NORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD. any oiher Sulerntu3 except D B De Laml it Aii M PBIMTLNG Co s Chemical Snleralus. It isjust the thing j vas,eriger train ,v leave Detroit and the stventl To the citizens of Ann Arbbr an* RISDON & HENDEltSOFS INFIRWI AR Y. 1 this C'uiintv.u* follows. Fish. H. 6.30 P. OCt'ORS gra. rally pr^ that Ccns,.rnpt|.,rf la 8 30 " 6-.06 " 7.50 '• Leave Toledo for Chicago at 9 TO A M..and9P. M., Vpsilanti, j ircuniljli', bqeuoiie ihey canin-t cute il tin tiiseUok; Union School Exhibition. to all who have used it. It is also uniform Ann Arbor, 8.53 0.30 5.15 " and vni Air Lin. at 9.05 A. M. D STEWART'S tut tliis •!«:('> ni t m;ikc it true. Notwithstanding the cbwn-pouring of thein . aet iu 2. Military Heroes, \,c\ Chieftains boast < f deedl in war, Witbash Valley Rail Road. AllGUS. OFFICE. inderstatKl whj one physician should ] n.ij'.'jnc<* tbat WM J- MAY.VARD, Ann Arbor. and Proprietor It has also changed f-rm, And Minstrels 'une thejr pweet guitar, AT PKTROIT— With Grand Trunk Railway, with Great Whijh is'the only perfect stove made. It will ncurable which am ttur can cute. and is now a 16 yige instead of an 8 pnge A nobler theme my heart js filled— Wi-.itern Ilailway, also, with the Detroit and Milwaukee. do more I usiness with one third leas fuel In mechajiics, wesoinetimis find that b,v n ^o»f-ffi«u->n. ft. The Language of Action, In praise ol IlKulucic's oiaichless pills. I Railroad )f superior means, by seme new in\eiilion, "f which li^. paper, the pages being just half thfi former AT NKW AtBASY .t BALBV K. R. CROSSI.VO—With Trains "The Union must and shall than any other STOVE made. From the solo use, or by the inM.r logenttj Ot.hi. £ouis STOSKUFF, Freeport.lll. . for Lafayette, New Albany and LouisvilW:. testimony given Hy the persons eize, Mr. JOBNSTONE and Mrs. ADAMS are Their cures are founil iu every land— mind, one person will maVe i r Cfl what no t ther can. • Amid Russia's snows—and A trie's saml.s ; AT CHICAGO—Wrth Chicago and Rock Island, Galenn. referred to below, on account Exactly it may be so in i tiV>i,-. And tl'is is thy MUSIC. be Preserved !" WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL announced ns Corresponding Editors. The The wondrous works—the papers fillT Mihvuuket*, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy—North of its dmabilit}' and cry reason why I have *tt«V greet surccss over all 4. Hidden Powers, Produced by HKKRICK'S matchless Pills. Weat Railway—Chicago, Alton and St. Louis, Illinois •tliers in the treatmtnL ut < t>ii; umptiind tiy hov,njr -;u t\ i :nj 'dien Inr fniisumpti. n as 5. Harnibal's Soliloquy on the Alps, This charming compound will search it out, utes slower than Toledo time. " There was a man in our fown, 6RDERS IN THE LINE OF Farmer success under the new management. And health a^ain your system fill, ^5- Patent Sleeping Cars accompany the Nitfht Fuel Saving Qualities, 10 nth'r liiysieiiili ev-jr ):;iri. :tJ;k|.,. t,old ti say that I HOKACE E. BURT, Detroit. If you fly at once to HKKKICK'S Pills. Tniins on this Route. flG^Sabbnr'/a Patent Ventila lie was so wondrous wise," :av'., a:nl con effect a care "f th.s diMiHM' t.r\ond tho i. The Man, JOHN THOMPSON, Nile*. ton and Dusters are used on all Summer Trams. reach of any other man. To prove tin- tn I^VL- >reu Arrival of Dr. Hayes' Polar Expedition. They're safe for all—both old and young— flfjr Tune and Fare the same as by any other Rai" it has proved a saving frain tlie ea-e, 1 niitrlit C'\'" V"U BjumbOTH ujou nuinber- MUSIC Their praises are on everv tongue ; Koad Route. But with all his wisdom, he wan not ao wise of certificates from nun and ^ivt-n nvtr to th« Halifax, Oct. 9. •rave, who linve beeo resci i i red in l,eelth 7. Honesty the Scholar's Best Policy, Disease, disarmed—no longer kills, ISO. 1). CAMPBELL. Oene-a\ Superintendent. as that ''other man," who when he want- Dr. Hayes, of the Polar Expedition, Since wo are blessfd with UBRHIOK S Pills. ed to buy the iy the pfcrsevering oae 01 m v r< ii.^lit s foi COIIMIIIII tion. SAN-FORD B. LADD, Milford. arrived here this morning, in the ffff- Put up with Knglish. SpanisL, German and ~MRS. NASH, Twelve To Twenty Dollars Jut it i.s not ri''C( ssa' y fnr me to 'In -n here, for Ihct 8. The West, (Poem,) eni-.h directions. Price 25 cents ptr box. Suga* PRINTING "act of one man doing what another i-iimt ennnot. U United States. The party are all well. Coaled See advertisement on third page. 804 nvrxrsio TEACHEB. •videnl to ati men nt comnon beiw. II ihe Consump- EDWABD A. HIDE, Ann Arbor. Corner of Fifth and Liberty Streets, nearly opposite the The cheapest and best tive wishes further [rool than this, I tun uuli nay, Two have died, namely: August Son- residence of Rev. Mr. Cornulius. 8-!0w3 jj»r year. We would refer you to the come and satisfy yurself by tri 1 oi niv sl:ill in Ihe 1IUSIC. tag, the astronomer, and Gibson Car- New Medical Discovery. following list of ure of your complait 9. The Lesson of History, CLOTHING! Doctor Carpenter will visit YpatlMlU. ami Ann Arbor, ruthers Dr. Hayes reached Smith's For the speody anl permanent euro of AT TIIK MOST during 1860-81. Ann Arbi-r, at Cook's Hoiri. M and GEO S. CODINGTON, Ann Arbor. Straits on the lGtli of August last year, Gonnorhea, Gleet, ITrethal Discharges SWORDS, PISTOLS, &c PERSONS WHO HA VE THEM IN USE: 4th of each month; il.iwi.ins llous,-, V[. ,;!:;titi, C>th t)\LMF.RS BACHKLOFRS are WCfifittg daitv, in in this marhet always jumped into and 6th of each month. remainder el' tli« t:n,e, h« 10. Defeated, Not Conquered, but could not penetrate' the Straits Gruvol, Stricture, and J. voices of MILITARY GOOD?, of roreljm nnd Ameri- ill be found at his Lung In.i: •:.u y iu I i unit lyTTii can mauulacture, all of Army and Navy Regulation pat- I'rof. Tappan, Ann Arbor. John F. Miller, Ann Arbor- JOHN D. BLAIR, Cristantine, 0. Affections' of ihe Kidneys and Bladder^ <: with his vessels, either last season or tern, v'\7:— Prof. Wood, J. Gilbert Smith '< which has been used by upwards of G U ITER MAN' & 11. Life's Mission, this. He wintered' at Port Foulke, Regulntion, Stuff, Line, Surgeons', Clnpluins', Ser I'rof. Winchell, " J. T. Aulls, " REASONABLE RATES. ELEAZER DARROW, So lenectady, N. Y. near Alexander, and, with dogs and ONE HUNDRED PHYSICIANS, Reants'.andNauil.SWOKOS ; CAVA! KY SAHRKS, for ['rof. Doug ass, " Joj-eph Watts, " in their private practice, with entire success, snperse- Officer* and Privates ; BOW1K KNIVES, fte. A:c, Some Alptwin Felch, " T. Wilkinson, MUSIC. sled, reached latitude- 81 degrees 35 riingCiTBEBP, COPAIBA, CAI*SUI,KS, or any compound hither of the ubovearc of their own inanuf;ict r.rc, inid are of NVm. R. Martin, '< Mrs S. I:enton, " superior quality, and all artPHvar ranted to >tmd govern- HEAD QUARTERS! Rich'd Hooper, " O, BnUn, BENEDICTION. minutec, May 18th, this year: ment inspection. Bon.B.F Granger," C A.Chapin, " MUSIC. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, Regulation Belts. Sashes, Pnoulder ftrnps, Wreaths, For there he knew he always got his money's J. W. \l:ivnurd, " Charles Thayer, " We have recently puroliaaod a are speedy in action, often effecting a cure in a few days. Bugles, Cannons, and other solid and crabroidere't;ilm: extract.-' that are harmless on ErA(.TLtTS,Gcll and Gilt, for Pt#ff, Captain and Lieu wish to see come in and believe. Those Ihat Mrs. O. Welch, " Wood, fitt-ilieM. the sy.-U-m, and never nauseate the stomach or impreg- tenant ; Pword Knots. Buttons, Cnxi Slinks, Lei ters acd can't ^scc CAN FEEL, and as we always maks Mr». K T. Williams," AlTOrstun Urury, " vigor of thought and expression ; and in their The Richmond Examiner of the 28th nate ^he breath ; and t«injt suirar-coated, all IHWWOUH NumberNb s ; 1'ISTOI-S & Rt.YOLVt.RS, of Colt's, our customers feel good over good bargains, V. Uiapin, » Jacob l'olhpmua, Scio. BTJGGLES Mrs. WINSLOW, delivery 6f good training, both of voice and says the privateer Stunpter coaled at taste is avoided. Ho change of diet is necessary whilst Whitney's, Smith ti& Wesson'sW' , Remington'Rits' Allen'sAll', andd C. II. Wood, " N.C.Goodale, " An esneri" n ed Sin rite nn.l 1M male 1'hysVnn, ^rvHfnte using them ; nor^does their action interfere with busi nianv other mak< rs ; all kinds of Caitlidges, Caps, they are especially invited to our anxious Joseph W. Wood, " Mr. Fellers, Sharon. to U;o attention ol m tUeri*,lur manner. Th?y were creditable to the young Trinidad on the 12th. ness pursuits. Each box contains six 3ozen I'ills. Flasks, Holsters, &c:, &c. seat, that they too may realize how "good pRICE ONE DOLLAR, The above will be sold at a small advance, for Cash, it is for thtrn to be with us," and how much m#n and the School The Nashville Union nnd jLjnerican at wholesale to dealers. Orders answered with care anil We hnve on hand a laro;e araortment of the SOOTHTNG SYRUP, and will be sent, by mail pond-paid by any advertised despatch, by Express, Collect ou delivery, fc'ei-d fci pleasure can be obtained in the enjoyment of best kinds of Cooking, Parlor and The receipts from the small admission fee of tbe 2d says that two gentlemen ar- Agent, on reeuipt of the nmney. Sold by Druggists in Circular. FOR CHILDHEN" TEETHING, paid the Band and other expenses of the oc- rived last evening from Fontress coun- Ann Arbor. PALMERS & BATCHEDERS, ROTARY CARD PEESS, ".viiiclj greatly facilitfttes the prooeitfl oi twtthin^, X,* None genuine without my signature on the wrapper S19w3 1]• r !i> n-, ; •?• ; s; <-t\\. in UrtUi pany- *' PULMOMC WAFER ," iu thi» or in any other country and Literature. This work is being published in about finxious to have their names enrolled for a RISDON" & HENDERSON. )f cuinnieii'luti' n of it; irnt.-iUK Kil'lTAliCN ' VOW TUK J-1 11-IU.M1 M' f»' Company, held its second annual meeting nl. insured. BRYAN'S PLMMONK- WAFERS cles. An additional volume will be published once in WHAT WKIIEKKDr.CLAl;!-. In^iuM uuv in ts.O<« the Court House, in the City of Ann Ar! or. Tl.e New Orleans Picayune asks the Relievo Coughs,Colds, 8*re Thruat, Hoarseness. about three months. i»h< P.' the mfn <>f rme BKYAN'.S PlLMONlC WAFKRS The New American Cyclopedia is popular without be- reports of the Serretary. Directors and Audi- tho harbor into commission, and extend >f the most J-;M-KUll-N'r;.i» and ^Kll.ll I !. M Pfc-rS Relieve Spittingof Blool, Pains iu the Chert. ing superficial, learned without beiug pedantic, compre- Head Quarters of Guiterman <& Co. 0PE1HT0R ON THE EYE AND EAK. 1 tsr, the Company aiade choice of the follow t.lic chain of foils to the Balize, and hensivf but sufficiently detailed, free from personal pique n Ni'v.- 1 n-Vn , and had b«.eu lifred witb ^L^ i-K BRYAN'S PCLMOMC WATSSB For Deafness. Bllmlness, and all defects of FAILING J«JCriK-< in ing offiotrs for the ensuing year: says the taking of Washington or occu- and party prejudice, fresh and yet accurate. It in a Sight and Hearing. Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lung Diseases. complete statement of all that is known upon every im- One of the firm, Mr. M GUITEHMAN, having 'illOUSANli OF CAST'S. BRYAN}a PLI.MONIC WAFKRS R. C. BEING A REGULAR Phyiiiciin, with TWENTY HORACE CARFESTER. of PiusfirM, President. pation of New England is of no conse- portant topic within the scope of human intelligence.— just returned from Europe with a large as- : in the neatest styles, and ns alieap ns any It not otljr r»li»Te» lliecl 1 Ifroiia pa n, but inv!e< r^t^a Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsllt, Every important article in it has been specially written D YEAK^ exclusive praclice in the treatment of dis- oiliti- house in thu 8tat«. Wo aro aUo the ^t'liiitcri anl bowels. c< rrt;i t- a«.id ty. and|{4\tti hi*" JOSHUA (T. LELAND, of Nortufidd, Vice " quence compared with the loss of New sortment of Cloths, Ca-simeres and a nice lot eases of the EYE ANL) EAR, will be found qualified to BRYAX'S PriMoxic WAFMBS for its pages by men who are authorities upon the topic [ urcd to print :nd energy ty the wholesv.suiii It wTD a m<».-t n-lnnil O. leans, and security of the cotton crop. on which they speak. They are required to bring the of fine Vestings. also a few pieces of fine give relief or elfect a cure in any case within the reach MUNNIS KFXNY of Webster, Secretary. Relieve '. .e above Complaints in Ten Minutes. of human skill relieTe subject up to the present moment; to state just how it Beaver for overcoats whi>h we will make up WRITING IN TtlK BOv7Il«, AND V.'N'n CCUC JEREMIAH D WILLIAM*, of We lister, Ami it or. BRYAN'S PLTMOXIU WAKKRS Htands 7imo. All tiie statistical information i.s from the &&~ No charge for nn exambitttlon or an opinion, Are a llessing to all Classfta and Cnnstitutiona, to oruer in the lntest style, we feel confident STURM- KJMBERLY of Webster. Dire:: or. Posit on of the Mi higan Besiments. latest reports; the geographical accounts keep pace with that we can satisfy all. or for unsuccessful services. ;m'. overcome couvulsitn*, wh?ch if n-t >[•»•«• iiv renu ^l>e:ial C^rri'.-.fjondeuce of the Detroit Free Pro,3. BUYAX'S PrLMO-MC WAFERS the latest explorations; historical matters include the DR. C.'S TKEATISB ON THK EVK AND EAR, of 300 pp.. lied , i-n-1 in ve ;i tlie I'J--- 1 II n.i LTMAM S. WOOD, of Lodi, Collector. Are adapted to Vocalists and Public .Speakers. freshest just views; the biographical notices ads ak not containing references, Testimonials, Description of Dis- POSTERS, HANDBILL*, -IK E.-T 1;: MF! v ;il '11! 1 "» u «U ti DY-KNTI .ICrtHfK.A ;NCII:I.I ii;.,- «• • Washington, Oct. 6. BRYA.V'S PULMONH- WAFKRS only of the dead but also of the living. It is a library eases, Cases, and other important matter, illustrated IIY m! ! <..\ Discussion wai raised witli regard to re- it ai ; i r T in ;.nv utlii r <:;t usf Are in a simple form, and pleasant to the taste. of tuelf with Cuts, to be had gratis, by sending Ten Ctnlfi to pay Your readers may be interested in postage. Addtess Dr. C'AHWfcLL 93 Randolph Street wtm 1.1 >;,v1n l;V(IV J- i' t'"' r vrlio h * :i cl Hi' MilTir in; lieving Z T. Chipman if Lima, wlio suffered BRYAN'S Ptriifomc Wmn A -R1DGBMENT OF THE DEBATES OF knowing the present location of the CONGRESS Being a Political History of the United STUDENTS I corner Deaborn, Chicago. 111. 1)'7C8 (roni any •i t: <• :• r n.p a nt —1 .. NOi ' 11 T a loss of $200 or more, by having his wheat Not only relieve, but effect rapid and lasting Cures. States, from the organisation of the first Federal Con- V' il H 1'IIMI' IfES >',: Tilt: • : * '•-»' Michigan regiments. BkYAx'ti PUI.MONIC WAFKRS BLANKS, (iTHI-.J -t ml h<)t*i n ] v<" r burned in the field in the slook gress in 178'- to 1856. Edftedaod compiled by Hon. THO We are happy to greet you agaTn in our The 1'irst is at Bladensburg, under Are warranted to give utlsfaoMon to every one HART UKNTON,from the Official Records of Congress. t' e relief lhat Will •• i'.l.l The Secr?tary reported six hundred ana The work will be completed in 15 royal octavo volumes City, after spending your vacation with the Great Reduction in the Price of ! i riDo. « t'f a e 0 f t"li< if I'llrc}.' Gen. Hooker; the Second, Third, and No family should be without a box of. of 750 pages each, 11 of which 'are now ready. An ad- " dear old folks' at home Be assured we Pall .lie, t ' n -> for t>•n,>; will sixty three members, with a capital stock of ;t BILL HEADS, ! TKllS < ; Fifth are nt Munson's Hill, under Gen. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers" ditional volume will be published once in three months. wish you a pleasant term', :md shall Ever be SING KB, & CO.'S \, B n- ru'.t'-ia [' ,- t'i- .' ' 1K - one million '.wo hundred and thirty-five thou- iu the house. Cloth," $3; Law Sheep, $3.50- Half Mor.. $4; Hall KIN - N' n t'.lf "ii glad to men you at the Old • !.l bvDlMli^lfi-ts UirnUOYK •t the «•• r.rl. liiehardsnn, and will move to about No traveler should be without a supply of Calf, $4.50 each. sand and five hundred dollars, ($1 235.500,) f; Standard Machines. ,i, .|jv , '3 f ', d r K-M ,., | ; " Bryan's Pulmonic Waftrd A WAY OF PUOCURTXG THE CYCLOP.EDIA OR DEBATES Prl it » ffirr «. Y. four miles fouth of Alexandria to mor- CIRCULARS, 1'. tltl N'.'i i Cl >i; I'EK ::>:': 1..'" that ninety cents on a thousand dollars in- row, probably; the Fourth is near in his pocket. Form a club of four, and remit the price of four books, Head-Quart is, rvo. 5. Well known to he the Best for Man sured, would pay a loss of one thousand dol- No person will ever object to give for and live copies will be sent at the remitter's expense for ujacturing Purpose*. F. r «Jf by F«..r'..».•Ii * Po. Fort Curi'oran, under Gen. Morrell; '• Bryan's Pulmonic Wafcis " carriage; or for ten subscribers, eleven copies will b<' lars the Sixth is at Baltimore; the Seventh, T«r«nty-nveCentH. sent at our expense for carriage. No. 1, Standard Shuttle; Machine, for- • • T he Directors reported that tlu>y had met PAMPHLETS, Ac under Gen. Lander, is thirty-five miles JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Ruchetfer, N\ Y. To Agents. 1CT Our former customers, we feel assured, merly sold at $90, reduced to §70. wilh one loss of nine hundred and fifty dol Sold by Crenville k Fuller, and all good drug-gists in No other work will so liberally reward the exertions above here, on the river; the Eighth is he United st:if :\n'\ Oanadan. of ygents. Ax AGENT WASTED IX THIS COUNTY Terms will call on us again To you who come as No. 2 of same kind of Machine, for lars, requiring an assessment upon the capital still at Meridian Hill, but is just or- made known on application to the Publishers. si rangers we would say a few words, we merly sold ui $100, reduced to §75. stock, as it then was, of one dollur and fifty Ann Arljor, March. 1859. WI02amt wish you to call nnd look nt our fine Coats, dered to Gen. Sherman's division, with -=(£» Uev THOt WEK.UT, agent at Kinne 4; Smiths SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE cents on each thousand dollars ii.sured This Punts, and Vesis we can do better by you two Prunsylvauia regiments, the Briga- IMPORTANTTO FEMALES Rook Store, Ypsilanti. lhan ai,y other li use in the Citj', nnd if you li the best Machine iu tht-- world for Family Sewing and money was collected by sending circular- to dier General has not yet been ar- call and examine our good*,and try their fits, Light Manufitciunng Purposes: (witfi Himmcr,) u.i*d each member, informing him of the amount you will purchase nowhere else. beautifully ornamented tftO. nouneed; Stockton's Kegiment is Tin; NuC. 1 and '-i Machines are of great capacity aud required, and who would reci ive it, then BOOTS * SHOES application for man .f.icturinp; purpuMht. THE brigaded with two Pennsylvania regi- Uur Nu. 3 -Macliines are Lis[» anjij.tcd to all kinds being several men in the coun y :ieting as re- ments opposite Georgetown—his pro- DON'T FAIL, TO of light aii'l hi'!iv.\ Leather \'nrk, in l arrive Tn" ceivers, to tither of whom it might be paid. mtng, Boot and tfhoe Mjikiog. Haruess^JMakinir, etc., etc. For the Speedy and Permanent Cure of Seminal visional Brig idiership was lost by the 1 lif\- art' cf ex'ra size, and with . n arm long enough to Weakness, Nocturnal and ItiumaL Emission*, that more thiu three fourths of the as-es» CALL -AT <3r. C?, higher rank of a Pennsylvania Colonel; take under it and stitch the _si/.e dashes, 'there Nervous and General Debility, Impotaicet ments were paid wiihin fifieen days from the Brodheiid's Cavalry i-i at Kalarama. is scarcely any part of aTrimmers' Buteliing that cannot and all Diseases arising fram Solitary 03 be better dona with them than by hand ; «<-, too, iho Habits or Excessive Indulgence* mailing of the eircul rs Tliey also paid a Gen. Williams-, I hear, is ordered to DR. IIOOFLAND'S saving of time find labor is ve">" great. 11K; table cf BOOK BINDERY thesi- inach.nes is 2t inches long, and theshuttle will rpllEUE are thousands of YOUKQ MF.N. M well u ^Iipnt.s small loss often dollars from anoiher fund. report to Gen. Banks. His brigade is huld six times the usual quantity'of thread. Thelarge A. AGED and OLD MEN, who art; raferiog to loMa «jxc«[it BALSAMIC CORDIAL, from the above diseases. Mam. perhaps, »re nut avran of The Auditor reported that 'lie sum on hand not yet gazetted. II; leaves tomor- For the speedy cure of machine works as fast as small oacs. their true condition, or when attbuuioa is raatly liueitcl. We would a^k lor our JLclter A Machines, the spe- For the benefit of auch, M-e herewith give a few of the mo»% last year, together with receipts for admission row morning. THE HEALTH A A U ,,LI-K OF WOMAN Coughs. Colls. Injluenza, Croup, Hoarseness, cialattention of Vest Makers and l'^ess Makers, and all common symptoms, viz; Wenkn&$» of the Hack ami I.iinl**, se who 'vant Machine.- for Ugt't manufacturingpitr~ Pain in the Head and Side, Dimn*** if Sight, D<-t< Mid »"** this year, amounted to $598.13 and Unit the Is continually in peril if she is mad enouRh to neglect MOOEE & LOOMIS Bronchitis Pneumonia, Diseases oftht Bow Uin charge of ft The Michigan regiments, you see, els an*iny from Cold, Incipient Coa poses. They embody the pridcii'k-s ui' the st.tndard before the Eyes, PaipUatvm of tfu Ifrnrt, Dtf*p*j»ia, Lots •/ expenditures for the year amounted to $563 45 or maltreat those sexual irregularities to which two- i machines, making like thJ foimd tt " fcufor- leaving a balance on hand of $34.63. at all possible) cure of Patients hgUt mauufad uring purposes as our standard ma ently or not remains to be seen. PR. CHEESKMAN'S PtLIfl, prepare I from the same Bhoea und •igu Balm.'' The company is now strong and reliable, in advanced stages of the chines are fur manufacturing purpose- iu general These remedies embrace three prescviptions: A box oJ formula which the inventor. ':ORN'EI.1U8 L. CUSSSB- latter disease. W« have alwayson hand, utiMMihG «AI (IBS.SU K TTM Pastels, a box of Nervous Tonic Pilte, and u box ot I'trH* aod the probability is great, amounting al \YiiKiin THE LAUGH COMES IN. MAN M. D., of New-fork, has for twenty years user! XT S 1 SK.N" AND COTTON TUIEKAU , On HfOUI-ri, liKjl MALIIJNS OIL in FIRST CL\SS WORKMAN, Tonic Pills, all of which liave important offiwi to perform, rPHE Balsamic Cordial is entirely a Vegetable produc- and bhould be \iaed togethur in evory t-ase. Thoir »u»ri»rj» most to a certainty, that the farmer has a succe using our machines not to buy any others. TC« j^" They diminisli the violence of RCXUM oxciteuvnt. discharge, whether arising from relaxation or suppres- ducing a combmat on so uell adttpud to tbe purples know that there are needles sold of the most inferior jj^ They immediately arrest nocturnal aud diurnal tmiSr than one tenth the expense he must pay under and said: intended, that there are but lew case« of disease which sion. They net like a charm in removing the paina that CO per cent below former prices for cash. quality at higher prices than we charge for the best. lions. SDy other before presented will not, at an early periud, succumb to its henlingand The needles sold by us are manufactured especially for LEDGERS, j^y They remove local weakness, causing tb» »rjftuu ti» "Squire, Nat Streeter shaved me accempany difficult or immoderate menstruation, and life giving properties. assume their natural tou« and vigor. our ma Lines. A bad needle may rendtr the ben machine J8(y Th«^Btr«ngthen the •eastttutiea by ovorooraius no«- M KENNY, Sec'y. dreadfully yesterday, I want to come are the only safe and reliabls remedy for Flushes, Sick Men's good Kip Boots, from $l,r,0 to $3,00 For ages, has the treatment of pulmonary diseases almost unties*. •us debility and general woaknesa. up v,:t!i bim." Headache, Pttius in the Loins, Back anrl Sides, Palpitation occupied the greater portion of ihe attention of the Our customers may rest assured that all our branch jBS^Tliev enliven the spirits, whieli arc n-nnlly duprdsae**, •efeatiflc of tbe medical world, but none acquired more bv expelling all exciting causes from tne sy.-u-m. of the Heart Nervous Trc'mors, Hysterics, Spasms, Offices* are furnished with the " genuine aciicle " RECORDS, The annuol session of the Board "State your case," said D . Men's good Thick Boots, from 2,00 to 3,00eminence in \un treatment frf these diseases, than the In case of small purchase^, the m nej may b.1 &(nt in J&5~By their iuvigoratiu^ MopartiM tliCi- rcitor* tft* Rroken Sleep and other unpleasant and dangerous effects celebrated 1'ruKsian, I!r. Iiootlawl, the orignatoi of the patient to his natural health and vigor of manhood. of Supervisors will commence on Monday "Waal, 1 asked him how much he postage -stamps, or bank notes. J86S" They cure when all other means luiv« (kind. of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions In Balsamic Cordbil. His life was devoted to the produc- Correspondents will pleas* write their names dirUirct- next. In addition to the usual duties the Board tion of remedies that would stand unrivalled. How 49* They contain no Menmrg, no Opium, nor sayuilHt: would ask me for a horse to go to the worst cases of Fluor Albus or Whites, they effect a Men's good Calf Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 ly. It is all mp'Tlaut we should, in eatii case, JOURNAL?, that can in anv event prove tojonoas. will hare to re-district the County into well I,e has succeeded, the American people are able to know the 1'oat Office, County, and Srate, J$g" They are eaay and pleasant tu use, mid v. ill not inter- Dedham. He said three dollars. I speedv cure. judge: and we positively assert, that no preparations ^®* A.I persons requiring information about S<-«my fere with the patient's osnal bustows or pleMuru. Representative districts. took tho horse and went. When I Boy's Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75thai have BWf been plsieed b -fonj them, have conferred Machines their size, prices, working capacities, and the f$SF They can be used without suspicion, or aoowledgaaf To WIVES and MATRONS. the same amouni of benefits OB suffering humanity, or best methods ot purchasing, can obtain it by sending tu «ven a roym-inate. oaiifl* back, I paid him three dollars, DS.CHEE^EMAN'S I'll.1.S are "ITs-ed as the only safe have elicited so many ommendUh-ris irom all classes HOTEL REGISTER?, and That they may come within tlie reach M fill, we Imve n.i''a Ladiis' Gaiters, from 44 to 1 25 us, or any of our B-anch OHices fur a copy of tho price of the Putfets at $L box. and tlie rill< at .^ At the meeting of the Common means of renewing interrupted menstruation, but. of society, as the remedies of Dr. Hoofiand prepared bv 1 and lie said ho wanted another three Dr. C. M.,Ia. which tho client immediattly acted Hants what the Plague and Yrtluio Fiver are to those selves. Tlie public have been swnnlledb) spurious ma- Ciono^.—Theao Pills shonld tt t b»»n»o4 citizen who has the interest of our City at tendency of the medicine to restors the seiual functions to ol other countries;; but I can awr confidentlcnfidently thathatt they chines made in imitation of ours. T.e. mcl;vl in tlnm. during pregnancy, as atitca/riag* will Le tin upon as follows: Fancy Balmorals to Infants' Creeping usher in diseae f tllii d tlit consequence. a normal condition, that even the reproductive power isease of gre:iterlcnnijjlicity and mortality from the iron casiing to the smallest peice, is ot pour heart. See officia' copy in another column. He went to Streeter and said, "How Shoos. than these latter." I.ADIKS who, from ill-hear*^. (WormltT, of nature cannot resist it. %4j.«H1y. Their makers have not the means to do their or any other humane and rea , deem it uM«s> much will you charge me for a horse to work weil. They arehkl away in secret places, whde it OF ALL KINDS, JC3ST* N. Porter, of Company D, Explicit directions stating when, and when they should *\Vc arc also Manufacturing all ldnds of would be ivn[)osfcible. to have at their command the prop- ring danger to liealtl- M , by the OH nf M. I> go to Salum?" not be used, with each Box,—the Price Oue Dollar each Entirely Vegetable. ]Vo Alcoholicer mechanical appliances. It is only by doing a prent Craux's French 1'rczcnticc Price, by mail, £i &»>* First Michigan Regim nt, take.i prisoner at two stamps. , , , . Box, rdntaining 00 PilU. busines8,and having extensive manufacturing establish- Streets- replied—"three dollars." Preparation. ments, lhat trood machines can be made nt moderat- These Powders can only be obtained by aadrcssmj Bull's Sun, and lately transferred from Hi h- A valuable I'a nphlet. to be bad free of the Agents. WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. General Agents, as below. prlces. The best designed machines, BADLY MADE, are Send for Dr. GATKS'S Pricatc Modkal Trtutm vn St mond to Castle Piuckney, died recently at "Harness him up." Pills sent by mail promptly, by enclosing price to any DT5. II OFLAND'S alwavfl liable to get out of order, and are sun* lo cost' Diaeatcs, TBICE TE* CUTS. Client went to Salem, came back by Agent. Sold by Druggisis general y. CTi,i:miATi.r> consideriible trouble and money to keep them in repafat RULED TO ANY PATTERN Address, the latter place. He vraa a resident of R. B. HDTCmKOe, Proprietor. Mens Fine French Calf 13oo*s The qualities to be looked lor in a Machine are : car H. O. MILLER * CO., Gsneral A?^s, Manchester in this County railroad, and went to Streeter, saying: 20 Ceddr-St.. New York. tainty of correct action at nil rates of speed, simplicity UuiITUlt S For Pale by MAYN'ARD STEBBINS k WILSON, and Pegged and Sewed. GERMAN BITTERS of construction, great durability, andrapidhy of ope- "Here's your money," paying him GBENVILLE & PULLER. For i'n\ by MAYKAUD, STKBLl.N'i, £3T W. H."PHILLIPS, 77this city, three dollars. I'rc]iaryd by ration, with the least labor. Machines to combine thene So give us a call beforo purchasing elsowhere, as we are DR C. M. JACKSON h CO., Philadelphia, Pa. euentf&l qualities, [must be made of tltebe»tiiie aland And Manufactured in BEST STYLE r.b WI1 t-O has received a Lieutenant's commission in 'Where is my h rse?" says Streeter. MOTHERS READ THIS. Will effectually cure I.iyEK COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, fini>h' d to perftction. \Vt> have the way and incans, on Arn Arlior, Mich. bouflrt nut to be undersold. (^REPAIRING DONE a grand scale, to do this. Col. RAXKIN'S Lancers, and will forthwith "He is at Salem," says client, "I only The following is an extract trom a letter written by ON SHul'.T NOTICK.«SST jAL"NDICE,Clifonic or Xeivous Debility, Diseases ol tliu the pastor of a Baptist Church to the "Journal and Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered The purchasers of mnchines, whose daily brood it may concern, will find that those havirgthe abovequalities New York Prices, enter upon the service of recruiting. hired him to go to Salem ! " Messenger," Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in Liver or Stomach, mOK L. MULEIPS favor ol that world renowned medicine—MRS. WI.VS- MiXVRE & LOOMIS Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood not only work well at rapid as well ns slow rates cf Streetor, who wan well known as a speed,|but last longer in thp finest possible working order. LOW'S >OOTUING SYRUP FOB CBnnwsxTaerBESQ: Main St,, Ann Arbor, Mich. 820tf to lbe Hear, Ac'dity of the Stomach, N'ausea, Heart • We see an advertisement in your columns of Mrs. burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or weight in the Stum Our machines, as made by us, will earn mnre money Wheat has beeu literally pour practical joker, acknowledged tho with less labor tli:m any others whether in imitation HAIR INVIG0KVT01 Winslow's Soothing .Syrup. Now we never said a word acli, tour Eructation>, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit v ing in since our last issue, and the streets ad grain and paid the penalty. in favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head. Hurried and o.' oursornot. Iu fact, taey are ehea rer than any other Periodicals of all kinds AN EFFK' T:\ E, SAFK AM) Ki ON •OIK :,\I. C( Mroi:N jacent to the depot have been jammed full of we feel compelled to say to your readers, thai this i.s no CHOICE NEW GOODSDifficul! t Breathing Fluttering at the Heart, Choking macliinesas a gift. I. M.^INGEH it CO., FOB RESTORING ORAV ILtlff '" '!^ iwfcidai color w.:h- ; 458 Broadway New York. JJ23T* Dress plainly—the thinnest humbug—WE HAVE TKIED IT, AND KXOW ITTOHEALI.IT or Sutfocat ug MfifcfctfOQS when in a lying posture, Dim ouL Uyeiny, anl |HTWIII» the (tair frvui turning ^v.\y. wagons from morning until night, and num- CLAIMS. It is, probably, one of the most successful ness of Vision. Dots of webs before the sight, Ftver and ffi?- Detroit Office, 78 Griswold Street, opponite the soap baubles wear the gaudiest colors. FOB 1 RKVENTIXf; [UUMK- ;•;:•' ,v: :-:;.i rt,wU*a fS*r« bering the loads as they com* has necessarily medicines of the day, because it is one of the Dest. Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Ye\- Post Office. 8ll1f is the Ipitst fiirtwk- */t riUliiy nr r: ru;>* vHii\ c antr^jr And those of your readers who have babies can't do it lowness of tl'ierikiu and Kyes. Pain in the Site, Back, BOUND IN ANY STYLE. been resorted to, to secure each man his lurn M. II. GOODRICH, rttftteioia'x, GF" A youth's lovo is more passionate better than to 1 y in a supply." : SCtrftF ANfi I'AXf)IirlT, R)'.' :i\\ cuta- See advertisement iu another column Agentf Ann Arbor. At times over one hundred loads have been —a virgin's love more idolatrous. Cheap for Cash. nt'ous sJAtctioaa of the ^co ii>. in waiting. Up to Wednesday prices had FOR BEAUTIFYING TUK 1K\IH, i»npmiirpt<> it .in m- Important to Ladies, roprietor in calling the attention of the public Old Books Eo^Bound. (••(K:I !!"••! glittft mid britliu nc soft auuiiikj rang.d from 90 to 98 cents, but on that day Douth and to-morrow are never Dr. JOHN" 1IAKYKY, having for upward* of twerty to thia preparation, doe.* so with a feeing cf the utmost in its texture arid eaa^ing it tu eurj rc;t.lily. years devoted his professional tine exclusively to the confidence in Hi virtues and adaptation to the diseases LD FRIENDS ^^gf Tha groat eeieltrltv au4 tte i IUMI:MI<1 for tltii they fell off, and yesterday the market opened here—they are either not come or gone. 1 treatment of JPemtvle Difficulties, and h»*" for which it is recommended. unequal!; ; prej ••••cv Uic projuietvi tli!it ou* at 87 for Red and 92 for White. succeeded in tnmwnadfl of east's m removing the afflicted It Is no new and mitried article, but onf that has IN TIIE RIGHT PLACE. trial iN'iuly ueu1iilcftl it« tu sound health, has BOW entire confidence ID offering BACH $c PIERSON stood the testof a twelve years'trial before the Amer- All Work warranted to give entire svpCciurqitaUtieri oytii • :.;> uUwer i n [)ui*ti< .. al i ra«*u* TH£ 3VC -A. E, I£ JB T S_ Herrick's Sugar Coated Pills- tttuaft. U cleartses tbe lioart MI-' scalp In m tinvdn-ff an publicly bis ican people, and its reputation and sate are unrivalled satisfaction. The Circuit Court. OKFJCE OK TUB Uicaail Atoi <, ) "GREAT AMERICAN REMEDY," by any similar preparation extant. The testimony THEBEST FAMILY Ca other ctUnneni'f dmenms. Cuunert i\w bail to gTi H 1 i> A.WN AUBOR,' October 11, 18dl } Have just opened a iu its lavor given by the most prominent and well-known thartic in the world, vuiantly,aod givustt » l'lcb^AOtt, glnsFj and Kcjtib^jip. The Fall term of the Circuit Court will The following are the selhn'; prices ooll the principal Physicians and individuals in all parts of the country is used 1 j« nty vcjii s I v peartrncv, aud alai)where 'lie ba!r is ',-••-. f;,n g »4id 11 in- open on Ihe 22d ingt., and as but very lit articles of produce offereed in our market immense, and a car ful porural of the Almanac, pub- live millions of persons £. B. POND, Prop r. iiin^, it will jive sii^'Li.1 tii :i :..l u •! tn Ike rout*, «hd Wheat red bu. CHR0N0-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS lished annually by the Proprietors, and to be had gratis annually : always ^ivt resume the jjro»~Ui to iho*:" t-; wliich 1:OVH bectiR* :t FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK tie business has been done at recent terma, white hu. ... Wiiich bftve never yet failed ( Lbe directions of any of their AgenLS. cannot but satisfy the most l&tfefMtton , contain b.iM, cnusfng It \o } >Uf n /'c« latest period nJ uf.- .- tcber* Alfred D Parsons Saline. " white, • in all cases of DKBIUTY ORNKBVOCS PROSTRATION, HYS- Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent " red, 1,0 lbs, Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingre- 6ve boxes for 1 dollar the bair lias rluui^ed it^ <• ,mr. the u>p o(fk< Ifvl^rjii r Frederick Pease, Tptilaoti City. t; - 2 fit TERICS, PALPITATIONS, &C, k, which are the forerunners Fulldirections wit heath will witUJcoi-tJtinty ri^trt ii to ,'ts 4rigH#l hu* ri\ii'ji it white, of more serious disease. ^3=. These. Pills are perfectly embracing dients and effects,! yet kuow oi no sufficient reason why 1 William L Dutcher, Dcxt. r. Bye (tour, . 3,0.0 a man may not testily to the benefit he believes himself a dark, glossy h«; .(iraiH .'. \ - :i ; . >., jur f. :• i \ <• :- r*% - 2,2b harmless on the constitution, and may bt taken by the tun] -d Hair I*.v•.- r''«:•;i • ^ > • tt Ii partu iibn \y t^jpwn^ripnH^rf, Benjamin F. Ohamberlin. Webster Corn .Meal ... most delicate femdlc without causing digress; at tbe saruti to have received from any simple preparation, iu the Buckwheat flour, l,S0 hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of TAIUHAMK, T-KON COVNTY, I h&viiig La agr*-cfihU- Anun%r4«; »nd t'ie frtv«1 r«ciliti< s it EgL-kid M. Cole Superior. time they ACT LIKK A. CHARM l y strengthening, invigora- Dry Goods, Groceries, Florida, July 17,1860. J FALL & WINTER GOODS nitonls iu 4ru*ing tinilt>*ir. wh eb] when caumt «itli tlie Bean.s, . . 75 I'fiO ting, and rest'ring the system to a health? conrtil'on, others. Patiiak. Wall, Northfiuld. Flax Seerl, lb, - I do this the more readily in regard to i:Hoofland's To DR. IIEEBICK, Albany, N Y —My Dear Doetoi :—T lnvijtonttoi" I'-TI he dressed iii ;my retjuirea ftum so an (13 and by bringing on the monthly period with regularity, 5 wriie this to infnim you of the wonderful effect of your NOW RECEIVING AT to present* Ms j Jr.ot*, wh.-'ht-r \titHn UT ID f-urlr— lirrre Henry Ii Jones Ik-xter Timothy Feed bu. 2,25 3110 no matter from what cause ttoebstracttoiu BO iiri^e German Bitters,' prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, ot this i Inir .-ieed, bu. .... and city, because I was prejudiced against them for years, Sugar Coated Tills on my elder d*oghW. Fci three the sreftt demand for it ly tii!* iadiej* ;l^ J» sttmtinrd toit&t He\iben U elliiian. Freedom. - 4,00 4,50 Tli-y should, however, not be taken during the first years she has been nfnic ted with a billious derangement orticie \\)i\c]\ nonv mi-lit in be Vi'lf&n&t, tt« tic juice James McLaren, Lima. Hay, ton, .... 6,00 8,00 throe or four months of pregnancy, thoujrh safe at any under the impression that they were chiefly an alcohol- Wood, per cord, - ... ic mixture. 1 am indebted to ray fiiend Robert Shoe- of the tjitem. sadly latporfog her health, which has places it wit-bin tke racS of i.11, being; James Kennedy, Nonhfield. - 2,003 00 other time, as miscarriage would bo the result. EVERYTHING A FAMILY WANTS, been steadly failing coring lhatperiod. When in New C H. MIILEN v Co' Cranberries, bu 1,00 Kach box contains CO Pills. Price One Dollar, and maker, Eh-q.,for the removal of this prejudice by proper ON hY T W ENT V- FIV E CE\ T9 Thomas Harm, Noithrield. tests,and for encouragement to try them, when suffer- York in April last, a friend advised me to test your pill. Heel, hind (jr. 04 05 when desired will be sent by mail prepaid by any a Having the fullest confidence in th.- judgment ol my i>.t*r bmtl*", to be lift) ^t oil rospectaUv a/u^tMh' ao4 James H Bacon. Superior, " fore qr. 03 04 tised Agent, on receipt of the money ing from great and long continued debiliiy. The use of AVING to pny CASH for no?i-l.y all kinds three bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the friend, I obtained a supply of Messrs, Barnes \ Park, Hiram Mason, Webster Pork dressed cwt. - 5,00 6,00 t^old by Druggists in Ann Arbor Druggist?, Park Row, New York. On returning home, L MJLLEB wouW call ili^ nttention n'f TV vex?* *nd Mutu.n, lb. J. BRYAN, Rochester, X. Y., General Agent. present year, was followed by evident relief, and resto- H of Goods linrohnsed in Ni\v York, we Guard in n> to lbe n<*e of hii in1, igura \ux, n. oil.-*' where Langford Sutherland. Pittsfield. Oi lit ration to a degree L! bodily and mental vigor which I had we |Ceased all other treatment, and administered your Turkeys, lb. • 07 08 H. & L. 81MONKAU, Detroit, Wholesale Agent fo Tills, one each tight. The improvement in her feelings, are necessarily obliged toi'tstriot our credit the children*' Hair inclines tn )te .\--U. []•,• u*t of it Theron H Tooker, Ypsilanci City. CUickens. Michigan. 806tf They were Bought for Cash, not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired system here. Consequently we shall ofivr our layfl ilie fuutiilmicn rr • m't. i< i is Gvrus M siarkw Webster. Potatoes, per bo. Behoof Houses in the City o*f Ann Arbor, in quantities Mll.I,L.iibeinironTiio .M,-,- M.;M.W r; A^O, ] , Mil-J 1 1 S S) 25 WILL BE SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. DK. C, AL JACKSON—Respected Friend: Having for a I remain, dear sir, wilh many 1 hanks, al a verj- small advance on the cost v John Smith, Korthfi^lij Onions, per ba. 3 - 1,0 62from 10 to 100 Cords, are solicited by the fchool Hoard. Your obed.'ent son1 ant, HAli! lXVH^niU''t'R, N . • N n long lime been acq-uuted with the virtues of thy Ba'- Whole* ••]•: byaU Oirrttiin-i. Turnips, . . . . 20 E. W. HORtMN, lr O. H MILLEN t»'(i* v I>nvid Henning, Ypsilanti City. dried, t 1,00 Ann Arbor, Sept. 26. If fl . 8Mw3 For several jean I hava never beun without it in my Heriick's Kid Strengthening Plasters Teaches, dried, lb. 15 I sl*otk*lrcto i rwenl tn tlie Ai I - I family It alsogives me pleasure lo state that I have euro in five hours, pains and weakness of the breast, The Eev. WM. TAY^R, the eel- EEAL ESTA'JE FOR SAJ.E i used it with entire success in the. txeatment of Bowel side and back, and Rheumatic Complaints iu an equally Taken Up. New & Improved fir&taxitanocus ECIALNOTIC E 3 • Complaint*. Thy fritni truly, short ppriod o-f timu. t^proad on beautiful whit* lamb ebrated Californift street preacher, who la- acres of land with a well of pood water, and a JOHN U. WHITALL, Ekin, their use Buhjects the wearer to no ineonveniece, iMEIN'TO the enclosure td (bo subscriber, m ilir bored in San Francisco many years before the 200 spring,«tWM house, barn and new .*heds, Fifth Mo. !7,1853, Race Street, above 4th, Phiia. an^ each one will we..r from one week to throe months. C 13th cf Sept,, in the township of Pexter. tnvoc Liquid Hair Bye ET Refer to the advertiemont of HOOF- an'I good rrehtYd, ;ind < ne imii'liTil ana fifty acrei These medicines are for sale by all respectable Drug- Plift 18% cenls. miles west of Dexter Village on thp Flank Ro&rl ;t yt>kv whirb Tifter > pars of «si«nfi \ I of O«n-6ueis a blank with white stripe across' tbe brought to perfeotloii. It dye* h'-cll . i- in "\>" ip:+- n\'v erection of any church, aDd with great suc- LANDS GERMAN BITTEHS, in another proved. The farm is situat -d m tbe towu of Pcin, and BACH &, PIERSON. gists wni dealers in med'.cines ID the United States, Brit* Hoiiick'R EtufaT Coated Fills and Kid PlssUrs «rp fo\A : south of Mr Boydca's pining, audfuur and a half mile& ibh Provinces, and Wef-t Indies, at 7ft cents per bo^le — oy Drngftstn aui Merchants in all parts of the United shoulders, and some white on the hilly ; the f-tbei- a without iujviry to Ul« •' d fteee, preached to ft large audience in the M. column. These Bitters are the best remedy ixom Ann. Arbor. Be sure and get the genuine, with the signature of C. M. States, Canada and .^outh America, and may be obtained pule rid. Raid oxen between, 8 or 0 years >!d The E. Churcb pf this City, en Vcdn«fchiy-ey.r. known for the jure of Lite* Complaint and JULIA MURRAY. Arbor, Oct , 1861. 820tf JACKSON OU th* writer oi eech botue; ail Q'.htrt are bv calling for tb^m I"' ti?:r full name. o»n«r is requested to csll. fir chartref, iirvi »*lte th'ui •"**? VUKRAY. eo'intafnU PrinripiHifflr* d\\i MjnufactoT7,418 Arch ' I -*<•-. VV>. I. V. HERRICE, t <"r 3-^-a.v. lATKId I IVAT PRICE O*TLY nrrr ctorrs. P! di ftlfl ? D .'r-r, Tfj-t I? J»Ji: s ,s,- Phi A!bjnv-; y. V. DEPOT, fiB UB¥ %& AS. Y T Moi-t F255E! FIRE! L> i'AHALL,;:,,(:L> SCX "• Xl.,ai aty-sixtl) Any of Vusust, A. D. is" D i" • mill v :iiic i in.', will you order, vvitjli you* Byntcro *lc- : ••-•'- • KinifJli-y, A.lminlatrntor, witlithe ji^urance Company mtlgci), n:i• I yoiVr liclin^s nu- conilorlablc? Theao syinp- ivHUitMioxcil, (if 11,,. c,i t< uf tnu sniil OerlriKle Fletcli- 1 should so lu-.c H' diiil \ui»." X J • toins arc otton tire prelude to ••"• >>y »ii-;.i. :, •••,; in,.nt, rtroriled serous Ft-riuus illnesfi. Som« fit of Iho racp .,i .1,,,. ,,,., ,.,. ,,,- „ ,:,] njl»rtg»(j« Au;rnst27(H, A. CAPITALS SU —AT Tin:— ( I). 1M;1. .| I..,, ,,V|,,, I; ,\. >i.. !, which (io;ni:t thp powpr •' \V!i i- ! :i; > !.•, ne, y< a t.-;ki> e-j nm:\tld I \\r\. 1IAVK AC.U* 111-IMJiMSHI-l. Dl.'K STORE VTiTII sickness is creeping iiyo" )' >". ; v , II the moot .|.i,n,,,,i Stock ol In tliisCrty, :in> ii'iw bftltigoffered tit tlifl niitl slioul'l In- iiYHtcil uy a " SiiiC (rtirhlnnl In sun! M.irii-:'.:-.. btxtmv ojx-ratlve; Wi II my l'i:. 'j' Hi witlTiig ; timely nea of the dgtitj nem- liavinR ti'.M litntltutd] IM IHW In tilth l UOWj ill) ;l^ \iitna Store, CHEAP. CLOCK, WATCIL & civ. ']':i\o A\eV*s I'ilN, and ••or 1l.-ilil.t.,...;nr . TRONU, let Clio HuWa iin>%'e vu iftiob- l "Mil in!i;!,-i:r- to become ilup ilincon. N'otice ix r " IIV !• Lhw, •'• •.ii sing out. el nr, D Mf'•" Htf*)*rrjl,i.r ivotifd^ny to thr cirizPT nt Ai-n Ar. :f"it in lienlth Rgflip. ll.rivfnr,. '„,•;.'.'. jircn tlwt sni.l .Vi.]t«af;o will be lore- t Btinuii^to (he fnnctioDa '•i'i-f.., Iiv :. Kale ol Eltfi \!.. •I.::I:I. pr^mUes to-wlt • All Like t ,i»—' qnnd S and :u i::s-,' ' Ann Arbor. Mir:li.2'>. V» o.js huii'.'i! n.'ider \YI\\H; prki's, I hur. i pdrli'viUr. ami !;••• -v-t of'-Wnihtf-nnvi of tbe body into vigorom ac- 11m WAS ori r ':••••• n nnv one eatabl^>hniwt i; < '< on' • tn iteiM»rall, li!i-iiI hhho hmjusj t IMPOIMPOHl'EH KUU I.I •lint .-'.itiiii trad or purcie ol tand Lmn kn.l dikclibei! " t 'li (J ink's, y i >, i li w -ik • p ipa li i s! air tivity, piiniy th*i nygttm from : 1IM- .-!..'• . Il «,• , UKCTirv ]r...,i rcuiii IM I. IJnvs, in-' '- -,-. n^roeileing nn tho iroul line ot pjn t elii>ut like t-liat, dpar (>!en»e ' And s'i'J ui prfcti (hid will make hard • obstructiiuis i>blcli uiako Mam !11 CBK i«Ti-:a limn 1 AMI I 11' 'I i ft: ill ftB'CC l:n I ! :i i iho Connecticut Mutual Life In- pon (ln-iiL.sL-tvt!s ;HKI tlio sijri'oiii.uhig organs, pro - j.«'.rini: 'lcl w\th I'fi-. norllif neof sttM lot ^ c,Fti b#> hifuchl Wi'51 Ot ttr-w \otk C tv • : i;. -two Ivel ilu nefrom, f t)i« tvul (r,1 of B«i4 The i.i'Xi ci n't! :;:•>! y- ti hnyi! u, giro 3 irai so > Company. for the People Open l-'-f" '"yii'ii'-T Wntrhes limn 90 to •«!' Wliiltj in thin coihlitimi, opnryweil by the dormtgeraontf^ ICI Ih Iventy-tiro ^pet; thence euvpamllel * tio tTo Lever (1.) * do H to 31 ti!;<; Ayer*H I'ill-', :unl Bee Itnw (Hiccfly they restore tlio ! Accumulated Capital, - $3,500,000. n:l'i \-T« I •! •. r ••••! Iiv,-i,iv tn.i l,.,t tlien-froni, t" Main «»low ;is enn bo foun.! iii lh« 1'nii :i [lumina Ckfc ^?b ~ ('a OyHnHi 'T do do i> to si fypliti};orh,wtltli hfinfn. ' Wiial Ifftriioainl «6n|ipar%bt In •-'n I' nr sf roeprn'rVfTO f at pnljlfc renifue at 'w, Ati'y. fivari !y rtfer n-<\ U "V\7" A 20 tu I5U tin i Iriviiil nml omnium nmipUinL is alka ti uo ill iiuniy Court II i'.w, in Ann Arb'irni s.nj Omntv on thtsevfiith S 10,000 for I ... • 11 of Life or for a torm pf I 1 ave HUO me of tin: il'i-ji BcntBd :ni'l ii;iiiy,cr*nis clHtompors, Tho Banio (Youi-y mi'u, iletir, it, don't lore von?) \ Rfc NOW Oi'KNINO, C1UM.T FKO1I IT lii.l-IIHi- (javof December next atniion. ' rears, on the in is sivora " t IcxiwN tbom. Curmeil by sliuilar ol)struc; r 3 1 A.\t> Mitnu{«cturrm,a N'ew aud Complute tftouk pi y " ,\.|; , . . ,.a,,;niy i« pun .. inutiialand the policy We want mnl cU'i ni-i'i s ol 11 it' iiaiiual ruiictinns of tho Ai'.inJni.str.a.,]- with U'iU ftn^extidwf QcuuudeFletehtf . • • • '•" '•"•' "' '"<» "~- ' bivss— "" ~ .' " """"' ' ; ,,„,.( u » 'coniml.'i'.i^ the in«BreS in the tottl nioitt of LAW cSi MEDICAL COU.NTIKS ? y. tln-v firo riqttdly, anil many of IRoH m surely, curoil • •'•<• - '• 1. Them, i:i'\v, I'm elos<) l>efo?e you, their promiuuu ON I.I'.'i. :'• IJ< il-::, ,; ircd, by taking) \MER CAN WATCHES, h,v tlt&rtHMM BIWvKR. Nnn-' who Itnow Iho vii hn-s Bl UOM K. '.V. Molio.vii Attorney. a noto for one half tiie waring Interest »i ^i.-. ml will mnke I wblch I will son Irr 531. Kvcry v\«t<'h warranted to Pills, win iH'Kk-ut lo niti»;.>y liiem alien Buffering fruui Date!, Ann • ib- r, Aog 28%, A. V. >S6I. " Trveur arm#—W 11, ii .].>. s look p-:v cent, p*r auo&ra. MitCfllmtOUt lior.lta. And th"ii- f.un.crous questions nnsvcml. ' perform well, or l)u- mun.'y ;rtuu*ted. tllO *li iOrdtffifl 'ii •••' ''Mr •. Blank Books, Cloche, Still* in -nis iV.'nii N-:uiin^ ciiics, auJ tio.n otlior well known pal/tic per- ftgir^e [Foreclosure. KOIIS, 1 V'c hold our arms "til jus: I kc tLis. lirciil Sacrifices on Aiiyihi!i« STORE?'—Because Qoltd P^ns, 'i*-' •"' widfl in (H« payment offtlio In driil wiUuu' t :,c rale. Miisicallnstriimi i;tn «];.) ."jtringej jR'flnt a Ttffwar&hig Skrchant *y£t. Louis, ff;b.4 , 1S5C. D n : fgflge executed iff Cutlery, &•<•.. Dn. Avi:n: YDIII- rills nn ftteffcifagbn ot'tif\ tJmt U [ >£liza Botrffbrrf, dm- r :ui'I it. fact n variety ofevpfyhlnii Uirt?*11y V<-p» JV .!i» groat laluoilii-IiiPi 'I'll-.- luite ctii^l my Ii:tk> ibiu^bter we.bare to oWnki .;, not c\ceiiting K •• NVw s:iy, ' Salute your c"c-r. " eltirncan !»'• -t: i:ht '"or h<« !n>xi urn* ly of iilccrmis Bnii'i njHiii her ritunlH nut] fei*! that lufl pruveil toi. tlio fir-t day of .h;ty. ,\. T) 1'-:,:, nn-1 n-c-onk-d iii the • '•Oli, Ohitrlxa 1\> shumo, how can vou ? ! P. I LLS, ' naw, in liber Irf&umUo i r > i. UBC raotbor tma Irtfeo IODK gi'ior- ii V' ).f> c • '•'.•' refer- " r.1;^, oi the second day of I thought thai you WIT. at a me I rick, <>i,co Ui II i ' "1« '" ously anilo'tetl H itii l>lotch&i UM I |I1HI]II^H I II tier «kfn ami 1 OLD-NOTKS ATs'D ACCOUNTS O W N I* It I C R S ! in livr lialr. ATter our cfiH'l wui cuied, alio also trictl J*ily, A. 1 i nmttei paft8 o'clock; A. Utl Ycm tiervid cheating man you. ' i • •• nli coataiDAd in tuis .:-. •:- l.V.Preat. Prnpi trtor of I h-irt Hhttrirlishrai nt hoe just ymir 1'iLN, ami lliity Imvo cured ]vr, Person* huvini'.'ii.viliinir M this wll O'A I) r ' i!i-'\ aftld no suit or pro- GcrR. t'mein . v. •• rardiallr inv ll'.] i'n'iii die Eis'.irii OitlCf«rilli the 1 J k>fES C. WATSON, Aa recover ! " or-* r. il .irni.-," without 00 ¥ •• •••• ticularsapply to by .s;rm*. As i 1 ••':' •••!. r <•••.•:•.< Land blcsH'd; "H.'l Ihon Most Attractive btvok of (),>,. Wonl in tifattd to beinjt now ciaiifted to be tJtii.i so'lly—" Aa you wc:e ' Yonr Pilla aro the prihraJ of pHrgw. Tholr oxccHint r .ti. NofiepiH th«r4IWfe hereby eivtn, that the POCKET CUTLEKY! We nrt-JM< |iarnil to imiltr any rryuiir^ nnfin*; or cool-' said mnrtcnpc will be forccl* .-«':I!«< of the mort- ibfl to th<» lr:uW-, nnrt more tc toer.lUn'l OXMHUU our Goods dm) Prices. Wo al»' mill!, in u. vi'tv certain ami elTt-ntuJil in Ihefr iictlAn on tlio , pwtein '• •• • • . /. r Iht' rnrirr \' fitrli. • .:-• fOllluWHi tu-wil ; lining ft LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. • ttc the attention ixv.vels, wlii< h ihjikeH then, iitvultiabto to m in tho daily STAPLE AND FANCY - v. l.i i:,ii iii^ 1 I < locks »nd Je,wHry t,~ j part of tho nor tii en t -j ;J;' rN-r <>f -,-c: .. (vwentj^nw it Small Tres3. lh" ctmntry. Ireal it] nt »f d^eiute. t usaal. iii-o t'lf IMKII- RINGS, BftOOCII^, in tonrosbip No. two souih ol' range No. six t-Rst, be- • . •. I ' ' • nil thai eiin i'oung Atr.eiit-a is in s ;cfi baste to or Huy'lii.-ig d'.qirt'tJ, fr nn f "jilif ruin (Jold on shurt no- IIcadacJic,Si< f U( nilnr r,Foul Stoniacli* : .H):ir; ui:in, woman or ehiUl slmll 'i Bpffh nf ,i poiiJt «if irtvr. Accumulated Jan, 1880, 81,767, Prompt Payir.g Customers H»». ^0fi[r8Tln« iu ;ili'i.j i . ' . reulize ri'sulta ho can't ivaii fur trees . faltourd />, • i a line through tue'e'entro of Huron street in n*»* fclll! iiiii[:ruch. of Ann iArbflrufbrMftSrt, thencer-innin? east un- W* |io • Itioa wiiica will enable us to Pr.\u liitf>. A vi;»: I oTfMnl (inswor you io/ia< complnlntfl to grow in the rri!u;-;:i way.. He \\a:i:.s tocnmeaAd Wr» their »nppl!es fnt IVe Winter. Totliosi RY GOODS! J r. \V>.TTH til it ,-tr M's the ca«t li.ic nl' suH section, tlieuce went our sloir.i';.-. at tlio I h:\viicnrel with y*nn- I'ills Imttor liian t.. myallflifit tve to tra.n.-port luiyo soys of tiio ioi-est ! MORRIS FRANKLIN, Pretident, ll.i~hfiil .j:,er- tii..L are afraid iu call, We s:iv to tliL-m.'.ak. Ann Vrbor, J«n, a«th'S5!>. /1-lw trn- titit with a pittffaUii mttttciiie. I |dnce grent dffpelii" linii pafnllel w :h Milfl lino and sfre?t until it sinkes law* Comoro doiii'C on an oQittftibd catliartio in mv dully context with : .:i April lMr>, tlience north tV J 0. KENDALL, Vice President, Possible Figures. over brought to l of tlic ^l 1 into l.'is now p);l'ce by somo po;t of dk l •. :m-l !• li".;n•: :IH I il:> lli ir vu.ii- l'ill»allurd us the s:iiil FU'.UT' - land about tlnit"Cn roi^s until it strike* Wo patent madiineiy, *o :i« in no . FLIN\ l-Jfi^N, Actuary ppiW READY PAYtatauMll«d>iiBce best wfl h.iv..., l ofcoilrstj tali(d rfiuin highly. . i*et, thence north by s:ti fir^ot twenty •' .-i prnfli itp obr good;, bd t Your T*713:33 y5L. • four ruiis I50. the otnth-vest corner (if blovfe Uo. 2bo» i is Everybody pleased with his Stock? HORACE WATERS, IVrMnnno. I'a.. Mnv 1. )8W. I'aire .^c ' rfti-by'fl addition to'the village ol Ann Arbbr Cash Sales will Admit of Low DR. J. P. ATRR. Sir: T hijvy been mpdutedly cured of t..«. *: 1 < - - • <• ot by (hi* n'Ttli l no df said Kectkm t> th* $109,000 DEPOSITED irtthontlonat Ifitttfi gfor higher pric<«,ci>me in, A G E N T the worst hnit-vt,.- aity bmly rnu ln^ro '»y a itose or two 1 Bull raou'of uliat eoriBtitutds a re. I'.vt I unrth oa-vt corner of paid section, Ilu-nct R'.ntli nn th* of yum- rill's, it Kcenii to urlso Irtrtn u funl atuniiich, 4 Reeann-t MB-SIHOB iwe more beatftitaf, qy t 3 3.3 15 r o ;i il w a j , \' <• \v Y o r li voge!:ib!i' slnif.'.iivc, S:IKI;1 or 1 irue; ho FIGURES. which they clennw wt OJICQ, Kut line <>!" s.i ii? section nlmut forty roils lo tbe place o . priMfl 1.'••>•»••]• I•••••• 'i :il itny other stoio in the eOQDtj. • 1 four acre*. »r some part thereof, 1 mil/ vr.> hare onsnjfpn 'h • service" ol JAltES F. sTATJUXG. Publisher 6f9Ia l<- aiKlMiisi^ Hooks YOIIM witli^iviit jwiwct, V.T>. \Y. lMtKlU,F, kff<)W8 ii.'Jo i>f the ptauaiiro whicte it •) II.NI tlie Cou«t House in the- city of Ann hercforoArr prepnred to fartii~h AM) DBA1 BR IX : 0<>!IH.'S f;\:in watching tlj» S\e;ii!\" tlovcl- 3 Ctrrt <>/SUunicr Cluri>n. ,Yi!>'-ri<:i ti.e n 111J» I'IIV of November Dfxt, at noon. ^\^ ^3 S3 "FZ "X ST . Visi/i/rg, Wedding and all other Cards o!i] seorcw, and tlic Why has he always Something New and Cheap Pifinos, \feTodcons, Aloxnnclro Organs Hillons Disorders — I.Ivcr Complaints* ' KJ.IZA LOT.-FOUD, Mortgagee. C'\ nst'iit and growth of a small treet, tO SJiQIO? 1\">H Dr. ThcmUre. ISclI, pfjfrja Yuri: C.(i/. 31 =55 40 written to order, with neatness and Organ Accordcoho, Mattiu's celebra- jCogust 14th, A. 1) ,1S61. 813td . , , , * f > ' Not only are your Tills Hdnih-nidy nt)itpted to Mu-ir pnr- from year to \>ji\r. X.>, no, ho wants Bccnns-ph-i 'i;isa :Vi.-:i 1 rotirn.* t'-'i with one « f the lar- ted und other Guitars, Violins, dispatch, hi/ mai' or otherwise. gest I 'i v <•••••.Is ;ii-.:-i-> in Nftw Voili, who ia ci'pttnui !;• posu a« »n apartont. 1 tit I find (heir bciltiQcItil onV-cts upon to .'cap up !;i grand achievoriienta •;{ • v the Liver wry maikpil imli-iil. They huvM in mv prac- 1 rtjyti ffOy /?"ffr cheap hiirEmins'nnd I Tenor Viol?, Yiolincullu.s, Mor.tgago 1 ;-':xtii-.i.s, Nos. iiinu'iin The " . "iamannod by agoo*! •crotju tice provod otTectttal for llio euro of b.lintts om- once,- he w:-,:;t.< a tot ol big ire"-, iti}& 1 1 at s.i^h pricos as will »ilcc up all lowsclowscs It is har.ll; !• --.:• . fVi»ro time id liii;'- JindftitliUwny 1 EFAULT having been made in the condition of a •..i'! ftlwavi! In louutl on '. liayoafd, r anrje*, Clpri Misttp. Tuping Foiks.Pipe^ »maB trees. Uo to tho oy-vp. field, nr to \y ;IM.\ .^ruii-»nn:r.i prrniiun ; sub. .e- Iv'eiiicMilior tiie "Empiro Book Storo." 1);.IMI:T:.!KNT OF illH INTI:HI0R, > Office in W.i slit en aw <'<,\int\, in Liber 2*i of Mortgages* quell! to Janfiary 1. ISftO We have Elverything! NEW CHEAP and DESIUABLE ;i:-.iiil:iiiiiiii'i>, \'iolin Bow*, best Ital- Wusldiigton, 1). C, 7th F«l».. 1850. / at page 736, on the day of it« date at twenty-five rain iho nursery, and select :i gooj speoimen JAMES R. Vv'E.iJSTEU & Co Sin: I imvG itSfipd ynur I'iils in my g6»cral and hospital il eight o'ciock.p, ra by 'Vhlchatfffult tli« power Intoresl accrued up to Jan. 1, 1SC0, !uea se much Chm er ihan resl? : [lfit ec1 up l> 1,708.34 ian Strings, B;iss Instruments practice over Hiuee y«n iiiftda LUemfMifl cannot hvsituto to :i nti ! -ii'.-' .':.•_-.' oecame operative. anJ r-f ultnost iiny good tree-—S P "" H:i.y thuy aro tlio bost <;iihiutic wo e;upfuy. Tljtir rcgil- : i'ff Agents, 26,44 i. 19 for Bunds, Piano Stools, *eJiuglia\ing been instituted nt lair tore- Beeauwhe hftsn boyer in tliQcit£ ullitbetlme tota i latiiig ncHon on (lie Hvftr Is quick bw»l doddodi conse- •ii* morfgnga or any part beech, or maple, ot lulip, or he ml •!:. % \ *tf& +\ 11 L\ I ^ /it. I ftdvahtnge of tfio cmitinunl change ol t'n mir:..-, KD I and covers, and nil queutly they are ftii iidiuiuil'lo reniL-ily toi- flemugeweuti and tho sum of one hundred and CICTPH dol- Take ono or itiore r;f eitch, three or M CARS^ETIXG, CRObKERY in that '.v:iv t.nv.- hi of th it organ. Indeed, 1 frnvo KCIvoU 71311' .. ! insurance, an'd further Sums lo become due Uitaii. iraterufllly youre, i\l,o.\/,o liAJ.L, .ii. 1)., Xotxe IPfherefiire herebj given4tb*i stud ninrt^ape will 1 AT THE :. I:•/;•; :0LD .WD 1 [nsttruuiertts. l'/ir/sician n/the ijarin'e HospuaL fjprim d DM each ."itii . Save all the roots DRY GOODS, j 3CJO^7 in thu I'. S-", lierttni'fi ! I «Uscribi-d sit lollowfi, to-Wit' I.yint; and belufz in the city MEDIINES, 1 ffimn br. .,'. O'. U.ixn, nf Chicago. carrying them lioiim doa't bung thorn RELIABLE & LOTHIKt | Why does he sell Ladies' and Childrens' Shoes so aiid Moiicrn SchooT, and nil kin* .-* of EIMI of Ann Ariio;-, bcijiKiflvp ro ; ieoep, rout and branch, but treat C. II. MILLEN GLOEPJES, mad; ilusic paper, and all kinis nf Music liold tlioiu in esteem us uiic v\' tlie best iifHii lunta 1 have extend tto th of »ai0 block oast an! west, I Shoemaker*? wet Wund. 'J liolr nlteratire eflbct Upon the liver makes EMPOPJUM:; ft • udfee, atrrceabl; to the rec»r led plat of the Tillage ol Ann Ar- them with il;e utmost tendarne«j. Pro :,• for tlin WlowinK flmt claw oompnnief: PAINTS, them an u.welknt lonifily. wlu-n given In Rnittll doses for i • tin•]••<• f. at ]>ublicveiif"uo,at the Court (IONS I.VSt'ItAXCF. COMP»*T, 1 bilious ttystfittry uiul it-'itrr!iQ'fi. 'J h< ir snear-coaliog paro largo holos,.)!! rioh soil, and set • in* bnys hi^ stodk i'i vos lanr . of ilioemakers, o! Alt luLowes t P rice s f NV-* Vork Ci'j.-.Cnpi^il :•:. 1 Sjltplus, Sl,Mflji>00. PHCENI:8Z B X, O C I£ , OILS, makes tin ;:i y< i v itccepti^lo ami convcuiuiit fur tliu usd House in th. cry of Ann Arbor on the fifth day of Octo tho«) eut Mi itiat ti'.cy will aro.v vigoi*- the manufacturer!*, fully *i€ per eent cheaper Ihuti tin- New Pianos,, of wumou uud uhiKht'ii. IILT, next at noon, C|fVPi:iK UsUKAXCE MAIN STREET. N.MV Yirk Jobbers -t^ll tliefn:, and nrticli better »-, i . thai WILLIAM S. MAYXAPD, Mortgagee. •in^ly. t'iip tho ends (;l* the branches of Butford.- 'Capital andSurtftei; ;W(i'H)0. .Tully. kdop. 'ibi.s couryj entibleh him to sell H At 817ft, S200» 922S, SC50, nnJ up to S^OO. Pecoiid sin, Impurity of tlio Blood. K. W. BrfQK.GAN, .H'v. CAPS, bettor • Datta, Jislv Erth. A.B. 1SC1. SCSttf j>i~t a little, but. do this so as !;> [wosoive CONTISENTAI, I\SLUA>CK COMPANY, -o $60, *T5,SIQO, and up to $'JOU; Hocon^ I. Frew Ixn.J. i'. lli.ncs, Vdsltn- of Advent Churc'i, ISoslvn. 1 DR. ATKR: T hnvo:ise?l Your WITS wflli extrnordinanr iliu original .-•-;, mmetfy. or New Yorkaty.—Copit land surplus, J100.000. BOOTS, Lo ^^:' L UcxnndreOrgaiWj with ::v,- -r..],... $ioo, nf'nfistf-i", $18'fi tfufl S225; thirtoeiiMtopR. 5: 5", I Bucceus in my family ami nuiong I nm rallyd to visit ThrWJHir.rlers of the nctt profitu in this Company it. Gaiter for 35 Cents. J Sale. Now, walch these, irec---, from yoor t<> SHOES ops. $820 AD I $873; A liberal (li«eouj t In dirt'reaft. To tvgiilittu lT!e urgnns of digestion and than ot!i . and a better FOXEO GATTE1' purify the bluoil, they arc Hie very bent remedy l Imve Y VIRTUE of a decretal nr«!cr m.v!o nn«l entered in (Is policy hpl hasjn^t n»ftirned frntn the Eastern Citii targi •. ini-n, < Kureheii. Subbatta Set)ool«, ^eminnril s c\i kn-nvn, jind 1 can coutidriilly reconinieiid th•>' thr blond, breeze! ILiW graeetul in every part the ^tato, at prices tower th:in was ever heard <-i John Hewett, "f Cnrth»g< . Sen York, who has had Michigan, on the 10th dai of October, JSC1. at 10 o'clock Of Conway, M: . OBS •• parts. ; . • . -,: -, ^ us follow*;— ' JuUN 0. MEACUAU, W.D. in the forenoon^ alt the lollpifine described land situated : ! :;;;.! lisa nitrite! Can uijyih.ih^ innie "A friend i>1 ' nie tn purchase -x piano 'or CoiiNtlpnt Ion, CoKlivencns, Supjut •<*•< ion.:,i the v .; 1 •.;•• <•!' Dejter, M'chigan, viz : Ix>t nnjnbet 8150.000 00 Why is his Ten so much- brit'r for the price her. rfhe likes the one you mid me in DefeatScr, 1853. eleren (ti) of block number one (l); also a sirip twrn- «;'om|ili toly fill otlo'a eye! SIIMIII as they Oapitnl paid up, (U5tQ MAYX.UU), SltDBIXS & WOSO Itlicumittism, Gout, Al'Cf\ and i thluM 1 *y9 ParnJysi.s, Fits, etc. :y four C-'4) feet in width on tbe westerly side. o( lot are, ihuy aro perfect in form, an.l Assets (Gash), 269,963 12 can intro luce one <>r two umro; they will by more popu< number ten, along the Ifiie on mU\ lot, twelve ro*fc» From Dr. J. I*. \'any!t}it, Ciitwtla. plifinlj predict v\hat they will bti whu;-. Liabilities- - 16,440 03 Rccausehe takeigreat care in selecting IT, and grreshic th:iiJ BOJ oilier in. Too miiqh cjinitot bo wiid of your. Tills for tlio cure of int'ruiinj, to cunvi-y A ; f '}> of land twenty-four feet by custoinot» the 6ensH< Of ii veal good 75 cent '•We have two dt' U:\iers' PUtQOS in use in onrPeni.* GMtivetisgs. ]f others of our frntonifty have found ilu-m 1 w. Ive i'»i< on the wv-tTly side ol lot teu in block ono •'nil SJJ'OA a. Ago will only enlarge iheir Jas. S Whitney, nary, one <>f which hauJbeeoneverely tested for three as efflcucioufl oa I liAve, they chotild j"in me in prot-laiin- tu said village. D. C. fleers. IMIOADCLOTIIS, TEA FOR 50 -CENTS. rears, and wo ran testify to their Rood quality and dum' GKO G. BILL. bti!!;, and bring them noaro:" tho tims O 1... •• *.r >_ .'• • A . *»* * 1 • V • InjS it fur tin' benefit of tho ninltitudefl who sufU-r from Seeretary. President. UEI ijiiii v."—Wood .'c Grezory, Mount Carroll. IIf. .-.,.., • in CThancery of s;iid C\ urt. »>f their decay. Id not "sweet sixteen" It iaa \Tur zt taf pot tlie pro^eulior of o^hera llutt are ivorae. 1 bfllefe cw* T?. P TOMS. Coraplninant's Solicitor. iVan-So; IJorte»T«ten, U>T two yearn ptat?,«:. HavinI havge ule,fonu! oneod ilf a you \rv\, I ^ ^T': ^'^"'^^ir:"^ i**?** more chiirming thin tii; wrinklod ur.d DOE6KIXS, & ttvctia* toortgiuate in the liter,but JToar Villa aflect that Dated,Sept .0, lbCl. SITtd cine superiox Instn. '. Awwzb 0>B.\V, Organ and euro the fllooaflQ. Principal Timoktyn Hflfhts Srmmory. toothlerts o\5togenqri:in? 1 8.WHITNEY, L . BOhMANBOOMAN,, W. KLL1OTT.. YESTINGS. Where should yon $n to get ynur CLOTHS ar.t "Tlie Piano I recoived from you continues to gire rat* JEVvm Un, i:. Stoat, Physidan and Midwife, Ihston. Chancery Sale. , D iMlaar have them Cut or Mtide? Isfaotion. ! r< gfar I it a« one of the bent infttrumenta En the He who (tots.out hti'go trees u com-WAIT BKMENT IOSIAH ALMS. A. II BU" I.EK I find ono or two larjro dnses of your Tills, token nt llio PTATE OF Mif'Himv, mv. C: riiT COUKT FOR THK 1 nhicP.'! 'A '••'•> U ' ' '' ''•'• f"'7- F W. [I. liiGKINSON, W T. CLAPi',.p..C. ROGBR *. r I. - • > • s i To tlin RAN"VI it STORE, where Che People's Banner It proper Mnjotnve excellent pmuiol^cs of the vtihtmi teem- x I eil'Jtl to tup off ut ieasl the lower FALL AND V\'1XTEE WEAR! : "The Melodeon has safely ai ••• -• I ' -'l obl«cii 11 vmt Tur^TV OF f .'.SMTKNAW, kHz;: A l'cjkijl.s vfi. Sirbr:ih Per- unfinloii for the Per>pto ftgft(M], (/••it when wliollyor partfally euppreasoiTt and also very khv—In Chai d rj ; branches, to enable llio top ones to live. Routh Btdo of Public Square, a Few doors wc^t oT Cook's f.r. 1..11- libeml discount." Rev. J. M. MCCOH^IC];, effectual lo rh.tiixc tbo tlmmnJt ainl wW worms. They \uti Arhor llff "' C In pursuance o» ;t decrefal of the Circuit Ourt of the . ting and making t" order, in the latest am are so Hindi tlio h«n pby.siu wo liavo tbat I recomuieBd Count ftfWashlenaw, In Chano>ry. made in the above The ivots aro so mutilated in digging •)- !-. wKi.i.s. L. JAMI i. noroj, besrt Htj lea, together with u su^rior assort meat of pi no was «luly .rcn-ivo'l. Ifrnmp In exceileni no other to my patients. A. P. MIFiLS. : . 1, and IK very rauch :< loiited by my :: imeroa* . the second 'lay ol Deeenber. A. P. eighteen them up, that nearly all 'ho branches T. O.R.OOODR1CH hundred and Rfly nine, and .1 further order of this Court ;i j.\.>lKS. PT Jun= IS, I8fil. % 7ftfitf Accrp< mv tlmnkd For your prompt ties J."— From tht /lev. Dr. ?f«wt.-estnft?te Mtth<\disl Fpls. Churclt. have to he ui limed up arid Bhiirterii.-d W. KM GUT. A-.^r.t, lli<:A J) Y MA DE C IO THING! !», Brarfjoed do. Pa. 111:1 iii.- on the sixth day ,<>t KebrGftry, A. J) eighteen hun- J PUI.ASEI Ilor.-v. f-iivaniMili.Cla.. Jan. 6, 1850. rtred and sixty-one, « iii bo doH, under the direction <»f *'Your pi:: no JI'I iScs us \v<>tl. Il is tlio bo*¥ one En our IT.fttro.itKn SIR: 1 slmuld be ungrateful fur llio relief in, Co restipro the balance <^f things.— A.HP. A.rhor. Michtgnn. the Qircuft Curt Conuins-HiTut i\-r the Cimnty of Ws^ta- PATIFTFL November Istjl859 co'nnty.' — 'In IM : A. LATHAM, Camp^eflttm, Ca. your skill Imi brought mo if I iliil not re|*ort my cmo to 1 TRUNKS CAftPEI RAGS, tniBSEU.AS, and teoaw. ;ii public auction,at ibfi wuth f-r front dnor of • But 8iu;!i ;v tree,.so uianx 1 in run: nTid ill-] PEORIA MARINE& FIRE THE Ufa ••\Vti :u<- very much nWigefl to fiit 1 ayinp sen' you. A.cohlsettled in my UmbHaiid brpitRht y fife! LAKw | g iOCK OF GOODS tin* south-oa>t quarter of -section fifteen, and the w<-st one of tho HEAVIEST, S.VFKST a-i 1 BEST Insoranae "Wt? ca:i •ijieiik ••f ! • ;'K* Horace W-iters [•;• ; SEKATE CitAMnnt, T^aton Itongo, Ln., 5 T>ec. 1P55. half of the north-eaal quarter of section ;wenty-two, in They will ere loii^r outstrip the the U.S. In- r'. -jasonable teriDK, and »1 n mv 1:1,0 ilircci from ! :;o«py>rA-lK>fng the very !l:n->i PR. AYEU: I linvc bnii entirely cured, by your Pills,ol I one Routh, of rnnffe seven east, or so much nf» pay promptly, fhote Is no bettw Fire Insuraqc OF FASHION, "— Chrtetia 1 Intiinfiencer. stumps you set out ut llio same Una;.— Jihenmntic Gout—a painful disease, that had afflict •! mo tlicrcof as m:iv ]»' necassary t> *>ati>;y the amount due . :iv. • Waters pianos are ouiltnf the W-t n* New Votk. H;)"[''n, :) for years. VINCKNT SMDKLL. upon • aid decree, together wilh interest and costs. Set them on y<-ur lawn and pleasure HIP subtCTibi r '1 • "r r • himself, tbfti lii- lonj? expftrl^noc nio^i Phoroughly r\opwon©o oiaterial. We btie po doi bi • r-.• ,^\.;! 1 u; i'1 • him lo give lb« ar.ii liie thai bayfrscan -1 • =s - well,perhaps better, ;tt thlithan at ^ of tlie Pilli In murket contain jrerrurv, |) S TWTTCHELt, ground Throw away your pruning Money Wanted. 1 .• - toal] «li" may ixusl liimin tin way "i map- any other bouse in the Dnion.* —Advocate and JotirwU, tilmli, iiI;li(ni^H n Tiiliuil-le remedy in skilful IwUdB. it Cir Court Com. for the County ot Wajahttn&w 0. HAWKINS. Solicitor !< r Complainant and Assigneo e;tw,a:id let them workout their own 1 isu-iit.s id orJ'.r. waters' pianos anil nifrlniteon:! chaUea^fe oompariAin diinpei-ons in a |nililie pill, from tliu dreadful conse- Manufacturers! Ann Arbor May .0. (881. YV sJ o will LeudMou e y 1 {OOti WM. WAGNEK. witb tl»flneitmadflanywhore in tlio country.''—fJonu que.nees thai frequently fclh'W its InoHlltlonn nae. These ideal. It" ywi ifiteiisro at nil, iWt it be 1 liavo ju..i r«.'ueivi'tl ;t !.i. ,'-• an.l tft>]j .-electedassortnu-i! contain im mercury or mineral subfttnnco whatever. Tlioabovp Mile is adjourned until the 15th day of No- r AM ;•.'•;':-:::i; '"Y .-':;VKI'.AI. I'KRSOffS tu obtain Journnt vember next, iii the same hoar,and place. only with your thumb and fingoK— fir them at '•Horace Waters' PInno FortfiK nre ofrolT.rlch an^l Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Never le:tr their Wanton ways They CLOCKS, U'AH:iJK^, . . .ii.l |»-iWM-fnl — JV. Y. M'isir.a) Revicr*. Dated, Julj 6th", IS l [>. s. IWITCHEIX. Ten For Coat I lterest, (Or More.) XIo for th% e M^mincth '•Our friends will find at Mr. Waters' st< re Lbe very Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEE &, CO., Lowell, Masi, Circuit Court Com. Washtonaw Co., Mich will attain near to perfection, it' vua Cabinet v - v.i\- ^T H? "W EL R Y. ortmeni of Music and of Pianos to be fouji ! i; K..r :uiv ono irilling to lend, 1 rain al once invest n,, \hc Tni.f'1 Suite*,*»nd we urjte our mutbern and western will only ''let well alone "—Am ncan icomboreS n* in* nt REAL 1 STATE SJLfER & PLATED WAKE, frieml* ^ eive him a call whenever they go tu Now Mayuard, Stebbms & W-ison. Agriculturist. anjsumt of money.and see that HiBiule ami si-tiuity York."—Graham** Magazine Ann Arbor Marble Works. •iro ALL KIGOT. MAETiN & THOMPSON, Musical Instrumonts, , rHhl.KY 6 I 0. . I ,;tn iT. C?- The borronor paying kO e«pense», including re- Warehouse 333 Broadway, N\ Y. J II BLRB1LL, Travellin H AVE FCSf OPENED IX THEIR new ami Table ard Pocket Cutlery 3 la WaiitS. 1 i AS on luinil a Hoe assortment of American and Tlicy will often grow there, however B1 e g a n t War c-R o o m t GOLD PENS, Patcnlfd Improved Yoke Sa b b a t h S c h o o 1 Bell. r.AST SIDE OF llAIN'STl'.F.l.I1, Rifle Factory! •well the walk may have boon m.ulo General Land Agency And :i gront variety of Yniikoe»3, Parms l">r Saltl PATENTED KOV. 1st, isr>9 (Inn- Among tbetaamy beautiful turn's ami hvm- B O N U top soil (in which the seeds and routs ( of wefdd chiefly aboutwij to the • Of /arlouh iizct. t rom :', tc 130*1 tfcrei'acJ i ;'*ome of Gold, silver, Steel, and Plated, A New Style of S trtj warranted to Fit maj be found:—"1 mi; lit to love my^poother;" * 0.1*11 •>t iood is»nvinthl»ronnly.) Morrthaii be a KnoiI child. Indeed Twill." These and eight otYiers II E A of six or eight inches, fill upjthe onvity with By -:i iii'k: the above measnrefl per mail pc from th*1 Bell.wpTfl .-uncrat tiieSmn'nv Sohool Anntver- A. J. SUTHERLAND .?(» Dwellux llou»«« ant c ii i»-rr>-';t i!t '.four Dew sly!., of Shirt, nml rctiiin ,...••, ..I the W: '•'• * hurat al the .'.'• < •• to any part r»l the United States, at Sl'J, TOM with small stones or brijks, and then oHl(;ity,fr9"i< "' la-jiircc' '.o lourtbousant lo - i'i t:iin- M..-:M-.V •;*; ! t.::u>-;'.nI I fjAS- ' -:r «hn mt!;f New BIoek-rHn- PER S C O PI 0 GLASS lthPi:ourlH"U«e oj t.oiecond A superior article, and a gre:it Tariety of itrticle.s in the ;; per hundred; postage 4c Bl*gwntly bound. '"*»{» RBII'MWO I-OTS! A'.. Importera and Dealers ia MEN'S FORWSHISCI tloor, when l:e i- prrjijiM c to < • r fii;ishini» oflf with fiue gravel. Here, Amnlcth^rHrm? fircthf KishcpntHrm I.1G0 tcroe, i •i gilt,'J6c S-'n | I'M Itlwsjbeen nitroiluoc.i . .t a-Tcteo, Malmgany Rose Wood, V.'nl- ^>V, Wfaoleaale tr.i.3r unppliH on llio a«nil terms. as will be readily seen, is little food for ter rarm, in OreenOa*. th* Placefarm, a i nat, Plain and Uarblo Topped "CHEAP for CASH. iuto manv of the Public @c-bool8. Guns, Pistols, Ammunition BALLOU BROTHERS, The e i- published in Birtall'pnmbbfs entitled Annt ( •) acres thcBlandonsnalflnksftrnn, In Web»t<*j r>T>t I)'- hayszig

  • l FlaskSi PCJJICS Game Bags, and in all their varieties, and :n a W'KKMAVMKE manner. If • .i:ii(" J!:I. nviUon; price t'2 & ? > ] " m t rr will soon nccuinnlafe on tha t h.). «rm.. In />.nr Ubor:J.Klngsley'4form; I" 8, ParHcuIrr nt'ioi tioit paid t-i tlio Having had coasMenv^lB experience in the business MAHOGASY, bundrad No. 6 will aoon \# i.«ucil—copmeuccnwnt o EVLTV otlior article in btH Line. he Hatters hllbMll that hfl will be able to j.leant eu; tao •,.{» uivo weedn a fiot-hold Ami I another book. Also, Revival Jin-;.' Booki^No;Tft 2. vJn the 'n i»ifrnason&blf !.rmf- ,*« 00 fill '•.i n(if u all who may favor me with their or^'erp. Ilia prices 1 1,1.,M K «•••!.vi T, LOOMIS & THXPP, a Baker P and Buek'i farmi lnSyl»an. Hotthf i x ;•- ,,.,,- ii.o. |.-.-i;,,-,. lc. More Iha.i M0.IIM live best way to keep a walk clra: ., is | • I'ANtY 4Kl> of ail kin'lri of fine WqlchM, such an of tlio nbftvo books bum been iasued the pafll tha«« in«l many o'.bora can bo lividod to suit t>> fcoep thu hoe busy all through tho COTTAGE CRAIBS, Successors to eighteen mooths, run1, the dfinand israpidlj Inci the A dad t :i t Im DP«J L'O VV AS TIIE LOWEST. purchaser! &c, &c, &c., Making & Setting New Jewels, 8e.isou. extirpating every weed as soon Published bv tnn=e wishiuc: any thing io my line are respee.tfullj rl>o.,..Ian PJNIGfCS, STAFFS and CYI.IXDF.US, nlso Cliapin & Loomift.anrtCliapin, Tripp & Loom if HORACE WATERS', Acrent, in'!t«d to call D. C. IlATCHtl.lir.H. aa it aji|)-,.a:s. Whore there is a gtvat Ooglnt SIIBRORJ, nUUEAUS,SECRETARIES, Cmnplete fuU cept ohhafodVoiid made tooi> Ann Arhor. Hay CO. ISfl. SOltf OUU SETS, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY, ^]II•^,^'.\.• i:i- of 1,-inmi.'- Jte Tripp.having purebn extent <>f w:iiks. s')nio pofsons i sp ,t W. ii O R Q A N , Agent for ^ the entire tewsi of the former compan:*s refuse salt, scattering it over the "ravel, INCLUDING LATEST STYLKS, Neatly Repaireil and warranted. continue the bu> at the old ntamls, ft'here they bi- ready, on the^horlr^l l noticeti, to 61flit 1al ll uv>V d i si i:i \U< Publiced by Horaco Waters ~D. L, WOOD & CO.. onee a in ii.ill. This answers for (i I I.ifelnsuranceC.miiianT, N™ »"••'• C. BLISS. lino ol City Cheap Lumber ti>ne, but a smart fain or two converts . latfdAmota, - - ; - »'""50'000 August 08, 18I3P. \o, 33 3 Broadway New York. the leaainst Life Insurance Company In {h» U.S. Castings and Machinery, n B-.k into a man'.Wd, whioh gives tho Knickerbocker I. :<• Insurance Com] any, New iork, Vpcu3.**K»nd Words can never me-'' Tf.e Angels toW with * in the most vroriunanlike manner, nml on as libera » 1 • "Wilds of fno \VrS*:"' "IKoujrhta of God;' —« Unit cl*M «"/«&>— U-ruwj-onsnimblc. terms ;>^ any other shop In the State.Among the v.-irv 1 1 7 weeds a fresh start. Nc Giva ice back my Mountain Home;* ".Bay fUteams;" HATE JU*T OPENED A Kimli.l.hl' CoiMiiuny, ^}.°"• 3VC-A.T TRESSES GO O oas artick-siii.ui.ii:!*-: urt'il by us, we would onumerat^ a Sash, Doors />7/»" *, Piaster Paris .vnthalmBiesnrplui, Of tho best quality nul hiflferenl Material In Fact . Cockllobln;" "I'm witn tbt-e 8tiil; Petnames;" In KOIDO gardens, tho fullijjjiag mix- m Marine .* Fire Iniurance Co., r«">nn I.I. "Thert^a rio darilnR like mine:" ''Small Jtne Let Grand River Planter^ Water . No. 1 Ftre-lnsuranocCo«. llicy Have Everything with which to furnish ii ture is o>ed with cood effect: Ten ' l'AiU.'ii:, " or of thetfi'" rm lenvingtnee in SbrroTp;" "Blrfiof STEAM Beauty ;MUlTome pf onr ImH;" "flrave <.f Rosabel,'1 and time, Nails of all sizes, gallons of water, twenty pounds of BOUDOIR, of all klii'ls; Mill Glaring and l-'ixiurvM, mujd«:ttu] 'Wake, lady, wakt,,' price 2ftc each. 1 q Glasx, Paint and Put- sin IN ft rocM. WLNES & KNIGHT cast, all the #ari«u<-j.rr, and sprinkle it on the weeds ment. TljUt and machine work culled lor by Earmer* and last- "rBHsoviarrifl Doniolls Mniurtca; ••Real.- Ins PojjtaV "Crinolind Waltz." nnd "I-fincers* Qua AVING Increased hit faciUtiee lor flo.ig buhl- through a eotiKMnu sprindingr-pot. As No. 2, Franklin Block, medu\nics (nthis section of ill*- couo ry, neft&.and onNrgcd his Yard and Stock,ia pro FURlSriTUIlE drille "-:-5i.-.':r- pireof Retch»fc Quadrille;*'a H STOCK OF it is very Otllistie, it should not be o"w dftnrp an.l "•iin- mbernianQuadrille," 36cea«h. «d tn>'parr^nl sea'ibai with ct« hes. largest'li the most complete assottineot of nitisut be sold and will be sold nt 1 i en ffti cst ieaaot.**ij *u>ck cverin tlsis mirttt to of n\\ Hi.- raflou 3 patterns, ii]^ in sizesiuid prices, will be ^(any ,,i • I :'-'i I 1 not i!inlri-t:ikr>t n t'rii:i,ioiili! f pub In- by •ay ing distinetio'n. It ia claimed for (hiBooks s and Stationery, Cu.ME AS1; si'Ui. Xb«ya4m have a Thankful for r.irmcr patron.ige to tlie nw firms."• « Piano*:, ^llclnrlpoiis and Organs, .hut th**"-vii' • u"j nUewhere,(nt nrliule, tint where weeds have boon PERFUMERIES, UEARSK CARRIAGE, wouli! solicit » onntinuanwfrmn oM frienrls,nncl alrir.l we nn-siune tbat oilicri- wiliselJaslo w aetliry can Seasonable Goods, tinue subdued by it, they wLil n 't. ap- AnA :vrc nl-.vjiyn ivndy to ,XIIT-III1 lo tlio burinJ of 1 lic bv all n'lshlng mranytliing incur Rneof bi Tho Horace WatersTf'IanoRan^ Moloileon?, for depth, TAXCY GOODS, deal! in tboCtt] andadjoiniugcountry. Ware-Roomse^aS STOCK: OF GOODS LOOUIS .^ TKIPlH juirity oi toue ami tflirabjUiJy,,are unsurnasse*!. Prices Ann Arbor,M.iv 18th, 1S59, SSTtl vr-i-v law •'ocond t!:nvl Pianos n,nd MeIiS'deon!>'froni'$-5 to All knids of Timber, .Joists, jiear again the .•••atre year. Tliis may si:it> of iliiiu stp.'», betweou^ashingtoDand Liberty SSTtl SI 5*0. Music and Musicil Instruction* "of ftll kinds, at the I Scantling, Pine, VVbitowaod > Ba*»woodfc Hem bo true, but we would not throw away WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, (J. U: MAUTIN'. etii73fti ('»-!*• THOiU'SOK ID consequence of the lowest prices. K1ORA< K WATERS, A .• Qt, For tho SPRING i SUMMER Titde •' 1861 the hoe quite yot.— American Agricul- UP N'o. 3fiS n-ni'^iiy.V. V. Planed and Matched Pine, White wood llansrsterfcr's Block. TsM.'^t^MAIS;—'-The Horact) \Tat»rn Pianos are known turist. SHADES,, an among the.very be-f wliicli they are ollVr LOW£K EVS.Il! Irviii"'s Works—Kation.'il Edition BUG(iY AXLB8 and TOXGUES, ing offer the question?" said the miniate". STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. At the Lowest Possible Hates. we have been enabled to purchase many kind Fr^ncli China TM St't*, Prom £t "0 (>> 1S 0Q llox tnU Body i.Mi'ibi:r.M:.|>]r!,oj:Timh«r, Ulckory. I ;, nch Chlnii D IUVT .-.-'y. fmm M) < 0 to 30 00! rfiHIS Pine Edition of Lho Worka of WArnixOTO^ In The Bchoo.'miiHter only bowed res- I i.•.,,•!! c-i.II.• i-i.-!,(r»m j;50iMo2'i00 s ^illbepub peetfullv, and the examination begun Krciuli Ohina ilinncr «•(» from 25 DO lo 70 00 StmcCliina DinnerSet^ttem 6 60 1" 10 m Oak, iish, Bim, Beech, Ever offered in this Market! ihi!i;i !'• • -I-IV in 8 50 to ft0 0of Goods at our own prices. We can sell moat Boautiful UliiMOobtets, 2 00 prdo&q GREAT INDUCEMENTS A little boy h-iil repeated tho filth .siiint. elilna dtnnor w is from 8 50 to 20 '.0 (.la H fcCefoseiieLnro|i H from . to Pfl SUBSCRIBERS ONLY commandment—Honor thy father and ami tl.ey would suggest totliosc In pursuit cfanytbhwfi KeroMmelAdnpii cnmptotA from 37jito<»2J4 Hhible Ucru-ciir i-'iinjir- fioni ". | • • • In Monthly Volumes Price $1.50 M:u hit. l\in>»n" lamps couiiilitc iroin fO to 1009 Fluid i,Miii'S Orom 16 to 5" JPIaster Pa.ris, and Plaster thy mother—and he was desired to I.'liii.l i!M>p> Hum 18 to G2Ji kinds of DRESS G00D3 for Keroscm- Oil, g I quality, 8«c per gallon Pti \ able on Delivery. To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers. explain it. SANTA CLA US' LINE mps of all kinds altered and repaired. All other G al Uvmeapanding prices, Beautifully Priniii! on heavy •unvrrlno p:iper, of th< ol illkiotU. 3>X£».il..'S of all slznt, &c, Sec. Ay- Lampfl of all kinds altered and iepnf] il, very bo.-t* quality, arid subAtantiaU; buund in ho.iv; "Yesterday I showed some strange p(>.>j):>v> Store, 790U A. Ds FOJIEST. SASIL DOO/iS.ib BLINDS, ns that they can securu a i l.j.;ivi!5. Thankful for p t favors they -will be ever gentlemen over the mountain. The O"Eacli Volowe illustratefl with Vignette; •nadeby htiriid to ordei ns low* as factory pricee. on Summer Hill Nursery. ^ THAN WAS I'AID FOR. THE SAME tfafl shortest notice by the best of workmen, and Bhnrp stones cut my feet, and the Double Christmas Present ! NEW REMEDIES FOR on Stool and Wood, .rj gentlemen saw they were bleeding1, and Knickerbocker's N\-w Vork. Best Seasoned Lumber. ready to show their Goods and by fair and THEODORE K. DuBOIS, S V KR vi A TO KIMKEA Sketch Book, Cloth. Blllf oi'H1 latcrlptton in tho above building line they (java mo some money to buyby purchasing from thfnii!oek,iM each purchaser gets KIND OF GOODS in New Yorh OWARD ASSOCIATION, run,.MI i.riiiA. A ne ColurauuA, :: vol<«. furniRl ed'Hithf! -«h ir'rgtcn notice 1" r phoes. I fiave i' to my mother, for she nil ,ulililiim:il present of Jcwi-lry, &c., lOPRIETOROF PHR T vlv.M* mi.I, M*iNr::Y, AKX H -nern'ept *%."tftatio*i eitablWrd bv npcdal nut- irw, iinuv bri.lgO Hall, liberal dealing'hope to receive their fullshur* FArbor, -Mi-• "• i., i.-> Dow r-mly ioiOg e\ponenco in sfkrtii.^r 9hrfi5^,etc., will bp Blind f i*om ilie bosl Knstern Nnri(prie*i, Oliver (ii'.ilsmiih, Building Mnleii-ils goods foi this i:i:iiket. aud stricl^ttention to the wjin^s and lii - pcraomvl Alt* ution will be gtVen to tiie select ion VAt-UAHLK P.KP0I-T-* on Snpnna'orrbfca; and oih^r Mahomet ii vu!a. of Customers, Tnaje entttle tii(.;n to a llberalsbare n^ unit lil'ur.jf ilu! -:imt'. Hkvlng b«en regularly >d\a • 1 Or- HI-. : 1 n• 1 "ii t'if NT.'.V RKM- (ir.-^n.i •• i. OonslHiitiv onhandal \\\ lowest possible!rates West side of public square. Patron ti»e N*ui'.-iT> bosmesStiM is contMcni that witk prompt EOIES emplnyed In the IMsreasai y*f*oen1 In icaled leit >t Alharfthra, A man's own cood-breedin? is the Ann Arb< r. !'P-. 5; '.'"'O. 777tf andcl'iai-Mttcriiinn, aii'l strict- honcsiv and in'ctrritv, ho We invite tlie attention of all to an inspejtion i ^nveioprs, nr^-nf cbuff*. T»oor fhr« stamps for Wolferfs Roost, Call and be Convinced. best security against other people's ill wi.l be Able tn itfon to cveiy one conli'iinp r p eacceptable. Addrew, Dr. J. SKIM.IV Life of Washington, 5 vole. A fev rod* «*W* P'"1!l & &• Depot or. Oval l»ictiu-e FiiViiiGS tbelr orders tn bim, Tn\. ll.fw.inl Association, No 2 S. Ninth St., Phil.-.. Salmagundi. Ann ArboJ April 1861. manners. AM limners nr 1-Vuit groweri will rlo well to give hima dlli. In. 1;/MS. ThlsMiHon will be sold BiarsrvmtT to ?!nb«criber! Detroit Stwt.Avn Arbor, Mich. c:tll befbtaordtriBB Mirongb iitfttr bftttiaa. nn.l will be jcreatly >;i!perT.'r to ntiv ever bef*re issued,- M. SIZES, STYI.fS and TRICES just reocWed nnd 1 1 of our stock. furiile cluajiiU • : l in" ( i y :in«. eft, i! »i whichtbPTwerf rcc^iv^d axaHd»hv*rt«l S^-liii3 Moy 10, 18G1. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 115 Va Mt Stref t, y»» Tcrl in the Patoat Cement Roofing.