Gov, Morton's Proclamation. I, therefore, call upon all men capub!» of bearing arms, and who tai lenrM their homes, to cast aside their ordircry ITl'I I -IM-Tn-i':tv Vr.iK.w MOH.V1BO, in llio 1 hinl Story pursuits and enroll themselves in th« ,,,'ok l;l.iok,ciin.«r ol • Mnifl and Ilunm Street* rank?" of tho army. Let tha farmer Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co., Michigan, leai'o his plow, the merchant his stor«, entrance on Huron Street, opposite tire Fun l,!,n. tho mechanic his workshop, the bankor JELJHTT'B, PONB his exchange, and the professional mud Editor and Publisher.. I19 office, and devote iheftiselveH td their country, and by enrolling them- j, S1.3O A YEAR IN ADVANCE, selves either in the service of th« general government or under the mili- ADVERTISING. tary law of tho State, be prepared t* Ono square (12 lines or leas) one reek, 00 cents: and AJRiBOIl, FEIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1861. TSTo. 821. •S oents ti.r e\riy insertion IhorralU-r, t«*a IBM" thl*e Vol. XVI. defend their country and their honiwa. Efiity man in the i-'tute capable of StSTaqiiar* 3 months. .*3 I 6ll»rttr«ol. 1 .vtar ... .S'-'O : [Kroin the Ii l»toa IV.ui -ei ipl ] I declare,' muttered Daniel Carter, ' And I think you know,' he continued Prince Napoleon on the Generals, details which I send you would be in- The Advance of our Army- bearing arms should bo in the mm if complete were I not to speak also of GOrlE lO THE WAR. an old sailor, who lud the wheel 'she with a wicked look, ' what would have Washington, Aug. 16, 1801. Washington, Sept. 29. of the general government or tho State. ? i&? ;i; -•;.•.;:; those who command lb<; southern army tal:cs on dre'fully.' followed. I shouldn't have been noticed I spoko in my last letter of tho govern Detachments from Generals Iliehanl- Let personal ease and private inttrpntrf #-a- v^vfrtix'iiH-nt- unaccompanied by written orvflr- Bi' HORATIO ALG1CR, Jtt. —Genera's BeaUI'egard and Johnston. ; submit tft the overruling necesities of ' Yes, poor thing,' responded Tucker, in the fuss—I'd have got o it of the way mental element in the Uuited States, sonV, Keys', and Wudaworth's, bi g- i •.,.. -,,,,;; n-iij be puWWied until ordered out, ami as ho heard the woman's sjbs and rfrcfanS; with tlio boat, and you all would liavo General Beauregard is of French the hour, and let us show to th« \frorld, htrfftd lecordingly. My Cliaiiio lifts Rdfi'e to the war, which I have found iufinitcly inferior to adeg, and also from General Franklin's * My OlmcK* so brare unil tall; 'D'ye notice what'n eye she's gotV been in the next world iu short order.— origin, that is to say, liis familj' emigra- by the sacrifices we are willing to mulca I (.,rH\ .nivcTti-i'HK'nts, flmt lhi*ertion, 60 cont>' ] er the important mission confided to it. I division, now occupy Munson'.i Hill, ciio,''i.'i i;i-nt> I't'r iViio for ©neb jwbpt'qui nt insertion. He lcl't liia plow in the lurrow continued Carter All I can say h, I'm sorry I did not do ted from France to Canada about a it: perse n and property, thut w« arv iVlien n p;>sipoiiPTueiil to aiiwd Hinn advertisement the* shall speik to day of an element differing being in command of Col. Terry, of And flew nt his country's call, hundred tmc! fifry years since. His worthy of Our sires, mid deserve to ffhole will be cb*rgwi the RUI*W a? for Irsl insertion. ' No,' said the Comn.odore, ' only that it.' essentially from it, and to which tiie the 5th Michigan. Uariy this A. M. liny Uod in sufi-ty keep linn, father left the English colony to become retain the inheritance they have bt»- My precious boy—BiJ »H- it was swollen with tears.' It was with much difficulty that the events transpiring in Auurica at this the pickets from Gen. Su;ilh':3 division a citizen of tho United States, nnd queathed to us. fruuphjets. ll:m 1-bills, rculurs, Qlrilf, Ball TickeWi ' My eyes ! hut they shone, though, Commodore prevented the men from kil- moment liau suddenly given a very advanced to and now occupy Fall's Ifad nlifr varieties of 1 :n and V:\ncy Job Printing, Jjy hoai't if | ining to see lii.n, settled in New Orleans. He lliere when she stood here, luoking at the coin- ling the villain on the spot He proved great preponderance. I mean the mil- Church. Neither this nor the prece- Upon those who remuin nt home, t ^xt'oute'l <^tlnprwwyftiwwt, Ad in llio BUT S^YLK. I miss him every day; pass.' changed his religion, abjuring Protes to bo one of the enemy's officers, and he itary element, of whiah Generals Scott, ding movements met with any opposi- would urge the polemn duty of making My heart is we»T'y wrMi waiting, Tucker smiled at the man's quaint tanism and embracing Cuiholieity, BOOK HIXDTNG. Ami sick of (be \»'Z Ov\'\J- was to have a heavy reward if ho suc- McClellan and McDowell in the north tion whatever, as the rebel army had, provision for the families of those »h.'> earnestness, and without further remark which is the religion of the GeneVal and c,:rv •'"! n iih ttieOMcfets« B<Ait liin.lery m charge Bu' I know his country needs him, ceeded in destroying the American Com- ern army, and Beauregard and Johnston on Friday night, retired from tho whole havo or may herea'ter enter the army. And 1 coul- n"t I'iil him slny. he went down into the cabin. his family. A pupil of West Point, la, »nd nil kinds nf Plant B.'Okn made i modore and his crew. iu the southern army, r.re the highest lir.e of their positions on the line of |The soldier in the 8eld should havo tho I ... 1,1.-1 -nick. nunpUte*>afc4*wfcdlMla bonna M hen the woman came up from the The prisoner was carried o:i deck and Beauregard was a Lieutenant Colonel sweet assurance that his wife and n a n.'.it and dii tnlilp lniinni'r, nt petroit. priew *••>• I remember how h's faeo flushed and conipietest personification. 1 shall Washington. Upton's Hill, this side 1 hold she looked about the deck of the in tho regu'ar army when the war children, and all who are dependent iraoce to Bindery tliroi '. i .- • MUM . And how his cuk.r came, hashed to the main rigging, whore he was begin by occupying myself with the first of Fall's Church, is necessarily inclu- ll ns of schooner for a few moments, and then' broke out. He had just been appointed upon his labor for a living, will be pro- Wh< n the ft«»h ° » tha g» Sumptcr told he should rem;.iu until the vessel named Generals. ded among the poi:r.s now held by the ilMrcrtnrn. Lit the whole hind with flume. went alt There was something in lier got into port. Superintendent of tho West Point Federal forces, Tlio positions at Alun1 vided with buflicient food and cloihinff. And diirk( noil our country's uanner countenance that puzzled Carter, lie ' W hct a horrid death that villain liENEllAL SCOTT. Academy. son's and Murray Hills, afforded the Such an ass'ininee would nerve his artri \\ itli the crimspn hue ol shame. had been one of those who objected to meant for us,' uttered Carter. Tho government of his- Sta'o, Louisi- in the hour of batlle and enable him to W. N. FTEONG General Sott is a man of enormous rebels unobstructed \iew3 of all our "llother," he said, then faltered— the coffin's being brought aboard, and ' Yes he did,' raid Tucker H ilh a shud- height and corpulanee, aged absut seven ana, recalled him, made him leave the foi tiiicatiniH and other defences. There bear with ciir-erfuliie.is the hardship* —WITH— hence heMvas not predisposed to look Federal army, and President Jefferson and privations of a soldier's life, si .L, DUXCKLEE & Co., 1 felt his mule nppent; der ty-tivo years, gouty, worn out, almost weru no signs to show that they ever ] lmtiei-d — if you are ••<• mother very favorably upon its ow.:ei\ The wo- ' He belongs to the same gang that's ended. He is Lieutenant General, a Davis immediately conferred upon him mounted any gur.s. Our troops are would bo a lasting d'sgrnco to ouf TtTIOI.'F\1 F HIV" KIT.MI. dealers in Pry Good . Car- Vou know wl}at mothei"> feel, man's eyes ran over the schooner's e'eck j people if \lm family of any soldior \\ petinjrs. flnor Oil Cloths, FeatWw, Caper Hangings. When called to yield their d-arones been a robbiu' and burnin' the poor folks' grade corresponding to that of Mnrsluil, tho rank of G. ner; l and tho commam! now to emphn'od a.s to show that they • ndnsen.'ral:.^nr;in.'ii' of Fuinisliins; Cooils, 'Jo the cnul bullet and ntei-1. with strange quickness, and Carter eyed ! houses on the eastern coast,' snid one ofand to which is attached the permanent of Jha troops at.Qhui'leston, We.know do not merely intend to temporarily oc- should want for bread or raiment whil« No 74 Woodward .Avtiine, her sharply.
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