Tho achievements of our army in the figured so creditably in tho Civil War all vessels on tho Atlantic coast, ex- iho next expe'dition was commanded rivers. One of these expeditions, com- ppccinl squadron was organized to ade was a matter of vital injlf Civil "War linvo been told by hundreds wore built at tho Philadelphia Navy tending from Capo Fear River to Cape by Commodoro du Pont, and rosultod manded by Commodore Foote. sailed cruise at sea in senrch of privatoors and to the Union cause, nnd Ynrd or by prominent shipbuilders on Canaveral. in of in (lie denriire - of writers and thousands of spoakors, Commanders order capture of Forts Walker and from Cairo. III., February, 1S62, and blockade runners. The result of our Confederates of supplies for tho Delaware river. These vessels in- service: Samuel F. DiilJiint, John A. Beauregard, on the const of South Car- captured Port, Henry. General Lloyd, captures yielded to Nationnl Treas- were sorely in need. h; but tho orilous dutios and grand vic- - sucli fighting the It ulso cluded famous boats as Dn'hlgrcn. olina, November 7, 18(11. Commodoro who commanded tho Confederates at ury more" than ;10,000,000. and $15,000,-00- 0 them of acquiring a single ,ia tf torics of tho Now Ironsides, Mississippi, Uatt er- Dela-w.-jv- 1 in- mi the navy have apparently been East Gulf Squadron: Included all du Pont entered the navy from Fort on ry, made a gallant defense of more paid by Great Britain for ligcrcni operations or couit icrriil s' forgotton excopt by thoao who were as, Susquehanna, Pawnee, Juniata, vossels on the coast of Florida, December 19. 1815. his position before his surrender to jury to our commerce. About 200 war poses. Tuscarora, Lancaslor, Miami, from Cape. Canaveral to Santa The next of all the pa- identified with pub- - and most important naval commander. Commodore vessels wore constantly employed .Sailors and marines of the navli that branch of the Scioto, Itasca, Watorco, Paul Jones, Dol- Rosa Island. Commanders in order of tho expeditious was commanded by Foote enlered the navy as midshipman risoned the defenses '1 trolling the rivers, acting in concert of VhWiiiS . lie service. Snugus, Sangn-mo- phin. Chicago, Ranger, i.iii vice: WilPam Merv(ine, Theodoras Commodoro Farragut, and resulted in December , 1822, and died in the ser- with the army. The extent of territory Alexandria, Ports Kunyon nffM ) Tho developmout of the and Patapsco. Bailey. Charles K. Scribling. tho capture of Ports Jackson and St. vice June 2t5, lS0:i, from the result of thus covered embraced on the Mississ- worth and along tho Potomac nil? navy during the was one of Ontsido tho navv ynrd the most West Oulf Squadron; Embraced nil Philip and the city of New Orleans, on a wound received at Fort, Donelson tho " war the ippi and its tributaries alone more than ' olunU'ers n tho '." marvels of the ago and tho navy was prominent shipbuilders of those days vessels on the Gulf, extending from April 1862. Commodoro Farragut shortly after his capture of Fori 3,GO0 miles. oMSfil " power wero Messrs. William Cramp Snii3, Grande was Hie. Ten- Henry. A a of no small magnitudo in the it Fort Pickens to tho Rio river. appointed in navy from The cargo of a blockade runner going naval battalion served undolf ,! final result, has a glorious record Neafio & Levy. John A. Dialogue John ( ommandcrs in order of service: Will nessee, December 17, .1810, and died in The blockade of the southern coast nel Harris in McDowell's ' it out usually consisted of cotton which urinv--l all in tho salvation of tho nation. Wo c.o- - Roach & Sons, Pusey it Jones and Har- lam W. MclCan, David G. Farragut, the servico, August 14, J870. was established by a proclamation is- battle oi Manassas in " commanded fabulous prices and a ready July iaM' I & Hollingswortli. com- i operatod with ho army wherever hero lan Henry K. Thatcher, Then camo another expedition sued by President. Lincoln, dated .April con- naval battle on Morris I sale. The return cargo usually ft by . was water enough to float a gunboat, Here are some interesting dolails re- Western Flotilla: Embraced all manded Commodoro Farragut. He 19, ISO The president announcod that sisted of nrms, clothing, quinine and General Gilniore in - riv- captured Morgan Gaines, he it that j while on rho high seas tho navy eov- garding the naval squadrons of the vessels operating on the Western Forts and deemed ndvisablo to i:et on foot munitions of war, for which there was of Fort Wagner. A naval bnttili cred itself with imperishablo renown. Civil War. with their formation and ers and in co operation with the army near Mobile, on August 5, SGI. This a blockade of the ports of South Caro- a great demand. The ports of shore at Port Hudson rendered vMA 1 - So loner as history rerords the names linos of operation. at Shiloh. Vicksburg. Island No. 10 was a brilliant victory, and was of great lina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mis- favor- fective servico in reducing JBI ' , to sissippi, Halifax and Nassau were that of Forts Ilenrj-- Donelson, St. Philip. Potomac Flotilla; Included all vessels and service; John Rodgers, A. II. importance the Union cause. Louisiana and Texas. By a ite points for tho arrival and departure stronghold, while a naval bnltoi Wt, .Inckson, Morgan and Fisher and of in service on tho Potomnc, Paniunlr , Kootc, C H. Davis. David D. Porter, Later came tho expedition by Ad- proclamation dated April 27 tho block-ad- of blockado runners, many of which shore at Vicksburg fired ovo?I C j Hatlcras Tnlct, Port Koyal, Island' No. Rappahannock and York Rivers and Samuel P. Lee, S. M. Ponnock. miral Porter. Tt was the largest of was extended so as to includo all shells into that city during any, wero fast steamers, constructed espec- tho tS s'. 10, Port Hudson and New Orleans, the .iacent waters. Commanders in order : Commanders in nnd rosulted in tho capture of ports as far north as . ially busiuerfs. A. naval battalion of .100 11 - Tn for that tMM American navy will bo universally hon- of service: James H. Ward. Thomas C. order of service: Charles U. Bell, Forts Fisher and Wilmington, on the the early stages of Iho war tho marines was landed l Tho blockading squadrons encoun- under Fleet t orcd, whilo the sinking of the Alabama Craven, Robert H. Wyman, Charles George F. renrson. Capo Fear river, and Wilmington, on blockade was frequently violated by Bailey at New Orleans in ActIm! ' in square will cvor bo roc- - Wilkes, Andrew II. Ilarwood, Foxhill Special Service Squadron; At sea the occasion of this victory an army foreign adventurers anxious to serve tered numerous obstacles in the per- and occupied t naval battle ex- that citv until tU ogniz.od as one of tho most brilliant nn- - Parker. and in search of privatcors. Comman- corps under General Terry the Confederates and their own inter- formance of their arduous duties, of General Butler. A B ' ests, posed as they were to storms, cyclones battalion ffl t val victories of any ago. ; Embrnced ders in order of service: Charles Admiral Porter was born at Chester, but as the war progressed addi- nucB under Major TievnoIdH soW - and en- I t From tho official records on tho sub- all vessels in servico along the Atlantic Wilkes, James Larducr. Pa., and entered tho navy February 2, tional vessels were built, chartered or the treacherous torpedo of the shore nt Port Poval. Polly 1829. died in tho Borvico purchased, thus making emy. We lost more men In this way tiJU , ,joct wo learn that thoro was a total of coast, extending from the Chosapcnko Tho naval expedition was com- Ho August the blockade other places in South first we did sink- Carolina?! t 121,95-- enlistments in tho navy during Bay to Cape Fear River, Commanders manded by Commodore Stringhnm, and 15. 1S70. nioro effective nnd resulting in the than in actual battle. The A naval battalion of 1,700 1 Pendr-r-gast- , valua-bl- o ing of Monitor by a tho Civil War, of which number New in order of service; Garrett J. resulted in tho capturo of Forts Hat- Sovcral expeditions woro fittod out capture or destruction of many the Tecumseh landed under Captain Breeze York Stato is credited with 18,000, Silas H. Stringhnm. Louis M. ters and Clark, on the const of North by tho different commandors of the blockade runnors. torpedo in Mobile Bay sent over 100 l'isher, N. C, in .Innuary, ltMt I Commo-dor- o wostern flotilla for Nearly 500 war vessels in com- of our gallant seamen in an iron cof- I,!i Massachusetts 21,000 and Pcnns3ivania (ioodsborough, Samuel P. Leo, D. D. Carolina, in August, 1861. gunboat were assisted very materially in the 12.418. Porter. Stringham entered tho navy from with tho army on tho Tennessoo, mission for operation along the Gulf fin to a" watery grave. of lhat famous stronghold tMk3r ( ' and tho upper Mississippi and coasts', i Tho greatest, part of tho vcssols which South Atlantic Squadron: Included Now York in June, 1810. Cumberland Atlantic nnd a aoparato or The strict enforcement of the block Confederates. me I:' I MEMORABLE NAVAL BATTLE IN HOW MASON AND SLSDELL WERE CAPTURED 1 . I of Perhaps the 8th of March, JS62, was back into the water. The Merriniac through her port, and then shooting Tho capture Mason and Slidell by render tho envoys, whom he acknowledged MIer majesty's government bca came straight on and in a moment; more past would aim a blow at her stom; Captnin , commanding were on board. Mason and Slldoll were mind I he friendly relations whlcl Hj. tho darkest day of the civil war for then requested to go on hoard the Sun long subsisted between Great 1 hor iron prow smashed through the and then tho two would closo broad- Erlti the Union cnusc. The splendid, arm of tho U. S. S. San Jacinto, on tho British Jnclnto. but positively declined, saying Hie United States, are wlillnir tn fj sides of the Cumberland, and at the side to broadside, .19 if in a death Lieu- I 6toamcr Trent, in October, 1861, came "they would only yield to farce." Hint the States naval offi , tho Potomac had dono nothing to wipo struggle. same time a shell from every gun which ar causing war between the United tenant Orcor was then called on with his committed the nsgresslon was not J of and on bo her The Mcrrimac, finding she could innrlne and armed boat's crew, who, on In compliance with any t the disaster Pull Pun; could trained crashed through that i and England. will news nnthorlt j make no impression ctTos It be coming on board, forcibly removed the his government, or If that day the Merriniac made such havoc timbers and exploded upon her decks, on tho Monitor, to naval veterans, as it will bo to tuanv that he cor piling splinters, guns, gun carriages and suddenly turned and headed for the commissioners and their secretaries from himself so authorized he greatly! jn with what was really a very formidable Minnesota, others, to know that the only roiC liv- the Trent to the San Jacinto, being cour- derstood the Instructions which r' men in one confused mass. Shortly hoping to destroy hor bo - by - ing of Captain Wilkes, afterwards Ad- teously received on the latter, vessel received. , J j wooden squadron, that until tho aven- to foro the Monitor could lend aid. A Captain who placed after the Cumberland heeled heavily n'iral Wilkes, is a resident of Salt Lake Wilkes, his cabin at "Her majesty's government ffi J tho rebel frigate camo disposal to ger, tho Monitor of Ericson, arrived, port and went; down, and when she within range of ( City. This son is Major Edmund their and did all he could trusts that when this matter Hag the Minnesota the delivered a mako them forget their troubles and feel Isil jt it was thought that the cause of the touched bottom her was still Hying latter Wilkcb and ho has been a prominent under consideration of tlu povprni over grave of ono hun- full broadside, but it produced no ef comfortable. the United Stai.-s- . that govcrnm ip Union was well nigh, if not utterly, lost. above water, the dred men. feet. Slip returned tho fire with hci Captain Molr vigorously protested of Its own ncconl offer sini rC(j. j was the following morning against what he was pleased to term a 'oul.l alone sat'sfj ) RrUlsli'1: n It that The Merriniac then hauled off and hlgh-hnnd- outrage on the British flag vl7.., the llborttlniror ,1.,. fiUr Br the Monitor engaged the Confederate steered for tho Congress. So soon as on the high seas, a certain Captain Wil- and their delivery lo y'mr lunlsnlr ' iron-cla- Merriniac, and the fate of the tho fate of tho Cumberland was seen liams who had charge of the mall on the der that th-.- ma aya-- piaic from the Congress, the jib and topsails steamer Trent liecanie very abusive and, drills. l proti-etiori- . and a ."UtuutayS i Union seemed to hang in tho balance. were sol, and with the aid of a tug with others of the crew, denounced the for the aggression wli'th .;)S hm ' The Merrimnc was completed and in bonrdlng party In language more forcible milled. the frigate was run ashoro under a than elegant. Indeed, the presence of .j "Jn my previous li tW commission one day ahead of tho Mon- heavy fire from tho stonmers. lady passengers only prevented blood- dhpair of smaller I liave Instructs jom uv cnimnari') itor, and it is to the extra labor and The Merriniac then took a position shed. majesty, to mak c. uerniuuls1 Confcd- - astern and raked the heirless frigate The Trent proceeded on Its way and Sovein.rtri.il of tile I nit-'i- l feverish haste with which the Captain ,.. orate frigate was completed and com fore and aft with shells, crushing Wilkes proceeded to loston, Mr. Seward ask for d in onh through her sides, exploding on where the commissioners and their sec- thi3 grave enrt puMl shi missioned that tho dest ruction of tho her retaries were consigned to Fort lellbcnitely . I, decks and setting her on firo in several Hotel cnsi'Jere u Cumberland and Congress is attributed, Warren, and Captain Wilkes submitted to a delay not ex orjg wn ifa - places. The ship was now de- p A new annv movement by the peniu- perfectly his report of the affair to the nnvy nt the end of tluit 'in no ktfi sula toward Pichmond was determined defenceless, her commander was killed, partment. given, or any answer Is given? i upon early in March, with Fortress and, as all further resistauco was im- It was Captain Wilkes's Intention to rhat of a compliance wit" t'leJi Monroe as the base of operations. But possible, the flag of the frigate was take the Trent along with him as v. prise, of her majesty's gowru'nt, ynj but the large number of passengers on ship is Instructed to Iiup WnV de- struck, not disgraced, borno down ? tho success of 'lie new movement but with a!! ,the meniiie-- of in-- by a board who would be greatly Incon- !taU pended upon the question whether the superiority of force. Thus in a venienced thereby, prevented the ca try- repair Immediate )v ti I m . ,1 j, Union navy could command Hamilton little more than two hours, the rebel ing or "If. however, y.n h ' out his Intentions, and while his "( Poads and the Potomac. Rappahannock. ironclad had destroyed a heavy fri- lgnoranco of International law was appa- opinion that the r o 'rem nis of tr York and .Tain" for if this could gate and a large sloop, mounting to- rent, under the circumstances he de- esiy's govern T.cnt in ".i si intlhll ' piled with, ou mnv not bo done, i an gether seventy-fou- r guns, and had served credit for demonstrating that the rif.irr iVfajj rainlv advance majesty's jfoveitrn nt g -' v American navy had lost none of Its for- anJ upon Richni!'- w i timely oul of the slaughtered in "battle and drowned two mer prestige. your" post until y.-- re el j iujfj question, liven Lad it boon possible hundred and fifty of their crows, set- When the of tidal report of the capture dors." aj to land the army the peninsula, it tling forever the question whether of Mason and Slidell was received at the While the capti-r- of Viaoni would have been impossible to supply wooden vessels could contend success- navy department, tho honorable secretary dell vos. under t':e e're inxtiaucs fully of the navy sent a congratulatory !y a p!ain ' in.iticlij them without the entire control of the with an armored ship. letter violation ' : - to Captain Wilkes, cf which follow- yet Idea (! waters named, and in case of tho ne- The attempt was then de- the the rf sun mado to ing Is a copy: sarles was pei'uiii :'iy 'falfi . ccssit3' of a retreat, such as actually stroy the tirmti; Minnesota. Tho vessel was "Navy Department. Nov. 3(1. 1 SGI . people, but on ivio'int n. a't&i occurred, if the rebels had hold those aground I you J hard and the Mcrrimac could "Sir congratulate on your safe troubles at h'.re wi vv. i jij J rivers, the Union army would "have been not approach close enough to mako hor arrival, and especially do I congratulate tlon for war with Eig.er.J. Thel y annihilated. The government knew well shots effective. The two small craft you on tho great public service you have of Masrn and v.. t .cefift; q the formidable character of tho armed tried to conquer tho Minnesota, rendered tho Union in the capture of Un- mined upon. It war. hf but robe! - j frigate which was sea Nor- - 7 commissioners. Messrs. Mason and the time t'u- e ti.uM veil readv for at failed, and at p. rn. the rebel steamers Slidell have been conspicuous In con- nare n ,.nd j folk, meet, the thvse "i'iy ihj and it hnd nothing to her hauled off. spiracy to dissolve the Union, and It Is them, with a that t yiS j 'vfcpt the untried Monitor, and oven At 0 p. m. that night tho little Mon- well known that when seized by you they tMeIr country for thr ll.at was not ready for sea. And the itor arrived from New York and an- were on n mission hostile to this country. But the effect of t'ir-t-r tnpuie""w combat was fought and won by a ship chored alongside Your conduct In selling these public ene- that the Enlirh prop'e its n rati the Minnesota. The mies was by ability, not yet. accepted by the navy depart- appearance of re- marked Intelligence, as Individuals did all ihcy rnuld! the Monitor was not decision and firmness, and has the em- the north durliiT tlr ment, and the acceptance or rejection assuring to the old sea dogs after their phatic approval of upon issue- this department. war. of it depended the of the experience with the invulnerablo rebol "It Is not necessary that 1 should in The capture of tiitse emlssirh bnttle. frigate and yet the diminutive vessel this communication express an opinion our naval scrvic a meritorious,' I; I On the morning of the Sth of March was tho onlj' tiling that la' between on the course pursued In omitting to cap- nence which was at trat time pro the following Union naval force was ture the vessel which had these public of beneficial results, in developing! I them and destruction. enemies on hoard to say by at or near Fortress Monroe G further than sources the equipment ef a nuv stationed At a. in. tho Mcrrimac again ap- In- k oO bow gun with a shell that played havoc that the forbearance exercised In this to the emergency nnd .l lih inaj and Newport News: Minnesota, peared, coming down from Craney Is- stance must not be permitted consti- ;,' through the ship and set it on fire. Hor to Work of 'the various prlatvr3ft guns; Roanoke, 50 guns; Congress, 50 land. Tho Mcrrimac at first passed tho tute a precedent hereafter for Infractions in Engluncl to assist the Koutlf .( guns: St. Lawrence sailing frigate, 12 second shell blew up tho tug boat of neutral obligations. I frigate and the Monitor out of range, Dragon, lying alongside. am respectfully mad efforts to destroy the I'nlo'n. '( guns; Cumberland, sloop. 24 guns. At seven-tics- . yours, . and Slidell have long since pais aifd upon her return the Minnesota In tho meantime there had boon no citizen of Zion sinco tho early "Secretary .' 12:4S p. m. the Merriniac, accompanied opened upon sig- of the Navy. the presence of n Judge froiii her, at tho same time "Captain beTj !f two dola3' on tho part of tho Monitor, and Charles Wilkes, commanding righteous decision th iv can by gunboats, rounded Scwall's nalling tho Monitor to attack. Lieu- L". S. S. Point and were clcarty discerned by the by tho time tho Merrimnc had fired The following story of the capture San Jacinto, Boston. Mass." peal, hut t!:e exctMnenl amJj tenant Worden placed tho Monitor ex- shell, on of Mason and Slidell was writteu by The news of the of Mason demonstrations attending their Minnesota. Tho Minnesota got under her third the littlo craft was arrest and by actly . between the Minnesota and her tho spot and throwing Comrade William Simmons, past com Slidell was received throughout the loyal still remembered those connect way and the Roanoke, whose machinery herself between navv time. 5- enemy and steered directly for the the two compelled the Mcrrimac to mandcr National Association of Naval north with feelings of intense satisfac- the at that was disabled, was taken in tow bv two rebel frigate. Tho slowed tion and the course adopted by Captain The United Stales steamship S tugs, rapidly-a- Merriniac change her position. The Merriniac, in Veterans and Naval Post 400, depart- clnto was a second-clas- s frlsate.y steam and proceeded as down and trained her forward guns on Wilkes generally approved. Congress, possible toward Newport. News, where changing her position, grounded, and ment of Pennsylvania, G. A. R.. late U. which was then in session, seemed to ISIS, bark rigged, with screw p! what seemed more a i Iho Cumberland and Congress were, like buo' than a while in this position the Minnesota S. N., historiun and ship's writer for share In the general rejoicing and passed and carried eight guns, wllli a P the man-of-wa- The rebel officers two hundred sixty mon, and, vessels at which the rebel steamers were could continued to attack her with every gun Naval Veteran Legion ot Philadelphia. a resolution on the subject, of which the and ( riot measure her power or effectiveness. bring to no Says Mr. Simmons: following Is a copy: in honor of the battle of SanT. M aiming. she could bear, but with Tex. She was tho llngshlp nf v! ' Put the phot of rebol missed "Resolved. That the president of the At a little past 2 p. m. the the more effect than before. Ttalloy of East Gull the Mcrrimac mark and tho Monitor Avent on un- Whon tho Confederate government was United States be requested to present to Theodoras the " approached the Congress within grapc- - When tho Merriniac again floatod Inaugurated at Montgomery. Alu., In ISfil, Captain Chnrles Wilkes a gold medal, ron, stationed nt Key West. Fln.j, touched. Then she answered, and the would-b- 04. where she participated In thoi shot distance. There was a shot from solid clear, she steamed down the bay, pur- tho question of having the e with suitable emblems and devices, in the. shot smote tho huge frig- Confederacy represented abroad received testimony of the high sense entertained of some very valuable prizes. In i one of dreaded foe's bow guns and sued by the Monitor. Suddenly the 1S6-I- outi - ate with a blow that mado her shud- early consideration. extensive com- by congress of his good In the yellow fever broke 1113- breath ceased an a and full speed Tho conduct. oi instant till der from stem to stem. A broadside Mcrrimac turued, ran mercial relationship existing between promptly arresting the rebel commission- the crew and quite a number storm of grapo swept over the deck. A camo from the rebels, most into the Monitor, as if determined to England, France, and the southern states, ers. J. M. Mason and John Slidell." died. Tho vessel was then sigh of camo but of tho On north, going as for ns the Labrailo relief that it was no shot went over the submerged bat- crush her. She struck a glancing blow was of such a character that It was the arrival of the San Jacinto In worse. Keeping on her course, the little and little vessol glided out from doomed essentially requisite to have Boston, Captain Wilkes and his gallant After being rcpnlred at Portsmoul tery, while some struck the turret and the crew wero yard, the San Jacinto was again" I . Mcrrimac passod tho Congress, head her and then fired wrhile tho properly accredited envoys at these handsomely entertained and fell back harmlessly. rap- beneath cRccep-tlon- to sea In pursuit of privateers nnj ing for tho Cumberland. The Congress Still nioro The shot places ns soon as possible. It. was con- offered the freedom of the city. s idly tho rebels fired broadside after ships were almost in contact. sidered that such a course wojild add dig- and orations followed each other In uile runners. While cruising Int - delivered her broadside, - Islands, shd but her heav- broadside, pausing till the smoke seemed to crush in her armor, but the nity even to a bad cause, and be other- quick succession, nnd n general rejoicing chilly of the Bahama l iest shot glanced harmlessly from tho off extent of the damage was never known. wise productive of bencllolal results. seomod to prevail among nil classes of some hidden rocks near Greoo cleared to see whether their little Key. on night of January 1, 1? l v side of the mailed monster,' which was antagonist had gono to At this short; range the rebels once more John M. Mason and John Slidell were people. But meantime the news had the the bottom; but duly gov- Europe, re- proved a total loss. The crew wu sheathed with railroad iron. Tho re-- concent fire on the Monitor's nppolnted by the Montgomery reached and produced there a over finding her unharmed and ac- rated their ernment as representatives to sult contrary to what was anticipated on however, and resetted by the) trn lire of the Mcrrimac crashed turret, it was all in vain. London nnd tl ' tively pouring shot into tho but respectively. this side. States steamer Tallapoosa, , through the sido frigate's and rnrls, Similar action trail of the Congress, armor, bending and starting it and Again the Mcrrimac, as a last, des relative to other countries was purposely When the Trent reached Us destination Key West, where they were I' , spreading death and destruction on shaking her huge frame. pcrato effort, started for tho Minne- deferred until tho success of the Confed- and reported the facts, the wildest excite- to tho United States ship Magnpj ' every side. Cnpt. ontcrcdth l( close-rang- sota, off a eracy would bo assured, an eyont which ment prevailed, especially In military and Charles Wilkes I After somo time spent, in e the Monitor hnvimr hauled nildshinnian-.'JM- i On toward Cumberland Mer- - always seemed remote and never oc- naval circles. Troops were Immediately ed Slates navy as the the fighting, both ships began to little to cool her guns. Suddenly, how- I. April 2$, 182 I ' rimac steered. "When maneuver curred, for It represented a cause found- dispatched to Canada, and extensive pre- ISIS; . within range the to obtain if possible somo advantage. ever, the rebel ships, including the two ed on of parations made for war mandcr, Julv ID, 1SI3: captajn, I, former opened on - the cornerstone human slnvery. with the United JK the Confederate ves- consorts, changed their course and In- hor M. 1S55; retired list, Decoin only to First the Monitor would dash straight conceived In sin and brought forth In States. The British Hon wns thoroughly W se'i 6C0 her shot fall smitten at tho frigate as if to send a shot headed for Norfolk, the Merriniac ap- iquity. A blockade of tho coast having aroused, as was also the government of 1S01; rear admiral on tho rctujHS pearing to be in somo manner severely In the meantime been ostnhlishcd by the France, both powers strongly protesting August 6, lSGrt : died February Smi national government, the question of how against the capture of Mason and Slidell "liarth In all ages with love cr0?3j disabled. It wns afterward admitted would-b- e on high 1 in the envoys should get to sea tho seas and under a neutral : RU8N WROUGHT BY i that attempting to sink the Monitor was a perplexing question. Finally 'the flag. Lord Lyons, who was British min- The heroes whose valor our natJRi Hi TORPEDOES hor iron prow was broken, and she steamer Theodora, at Charloston. S. C ister In the United Stales at that time, save. Jj sprung a leak, compelling her to put was selected, and with an experienced pi- was instructed to demand the relense of As leader In glory on hand or cam December 12, 1862 back into Norfolk. As she never ven- lot ran the blockade on the night of Oc- the prisoners In nn oftlclal communlca-tlon- . The name of a sailor lllustrlptj United States November 27, 1864 1 United States out. except to bo tober 11, 801 . having xn board Messrs. of which the following Is a copv: ironclad Cairo sunk in twelve minutes transport Greyhound, destroyed by a tured again, blown up Mason Slidell, pri- by rebels, conclusion is hor and their families and , by "conl" torpedo in river." the the that vate secretaries. The Theodora reached stationary torpedoes in the Yazoo the James ' December 8, 1864 armor and frame were so much shaken OFFICERS TIiYIMG SQUADRON. Nassau on the 13th, where It was Intend- river. First vessel destroyed by tar- - United States ed to gunboat Narcissus destroyed by a sub- by the heavy shot that she was deemed take a steamer for Liverpool, but pedoes, in tho Civil war or unseaworthy destroyed. as the vessels of that lino would touch any other marino mino in Mobile bay. and Nov York, CONFEDERATE RAMS, AND H(f ' tugs, 42; training sailing ships, re- nt tho envoys determined to h war. Decombcr 9, 1864 Thus ended what was, at that time, 5; go by ' United States most; ceiving ships, 9; unserviceable for sea- some other route, and the Theo- July 22. 1863 United States ironclad steamers Otsego and Bazey destroyed tho remarkable naval action of dora started for Havana, reaehlng there BY WILLIAM SIMMONS, Lnte U. gunboat Baron modern times. Considered as a going purposes, 10. Under construction on 17th. On D8SPOSED OF 3 DcKalb sunk in fifteen in tho Roanoke rivor. battle or tho his arrival there Captain minutes by submarino mine in January 15, 1865 between an ironclad and wooden ves- authorized: Battleships (first class), Lock wood of the Theodora was presented Yazoo United States 6; torpedo boat destroyers, 15; subma- with u new flag bv II ( sels, the result was ono one Confederate the south- river. Monitor Patapsco completely destroyed frigate, 2, ern sympathizers February 17, 1864 sloop-of-wa- r de- rines, 15; gunboat, 1; colliers, 7; tugs, of that Cuban city. The Merrimac 3 United States by a barrel torpedo in tho attack on nnd ono steam tug Here the envoys on Tho Alboiuarlc 'K 3 The achievements of the navy in the embarked the Si frigate Ilonsatonic sunk at Charleston. Charleston, sinking in a few stroyed; 250 men slaughtered in tho steamer Captain Molr, Was originally a United A. minutes, wnr Spain is of too to Trent, and sailed Statos war Wns in 1862, near P3nbo32! 'I submarine boat was used oixty-tw- o mon fight or drowned; another nenr-l- y with recent date from Havana, 7, 1SC1. vessel built and she ran and officers wero frigate more mcro November The and was seized by tho Confed- on river, N. C, , into the hole mado by her torpedo, go- - drowned. dismantled: require than mention at this Trent was a British mall and passenger tho Ifoanoke ay another frigate injured time. The encircling of the globe erates nt Norfolk Navy vnrd in April, destroyed W. B. Cjgij 1UR down TVlth fcll Hl'ip. March 1. 1865 and the ironclad disnbled. last steamer running from Vera Cruz, Ha- 1SG1. In bv Lieutenant United States steamer apparently year of the Hoot under command of vana and St. Thomas to Southampton, action with tlfe littlo Moni- United navv, October 28M AP"1 3,' 1864 United - Moon George- The Monitor, snmci,ron-ela- d States States trans- Harvest destroyed near lighting the "Fighting Evans was another England, carrying tho English mall. tor, at Hampton Roads. Vn.. March 9, value" was $80,000 Port Maplo Leaf sunk by floating tor-- town. for nearly twice tho time, four Bob" navy department 1802, the ram was disabled Its estimated , pedo achievement of which the nation The Jiavlng meantime and was h in St. John 's River, Fla, March 4, 1865 hours, not; a man was killed, she ma' learned of escape of Sli- blown up Ealeigh 1 United States trans- herself well bo proud. the Mason and by her commander, .losiah The AW11 5 1864 United States armor- - port Thorno destroyed by a was uninjured nnd tho rebel dell, had dispatched the United States m4 Hl c submarine broadsido The two dozen naval chaplains rank Tatual, May .11, ISG2. of 1' t ship hastport sunk in Rod Rivor by mine in Capo Fear river. ironclad wns - defeated and so badly steamship San Jacinto, Copt. Charles Was blown up in front Mi '1 as captains, commanders, lieutenant Wilkes, to Intercept Tho Manassas I'V'' submarino mine. March 12, 1865 gun- she to them. The Trent April 2, lSllo, by the United States crinpled that had be destroyed. commanders, or , according was met by Iho San In Ba- Was originally a Mississippi l,init(J ill i 1S64 United States gunboat boat Althea The fight Jacinto the rivor Senimes, on the approach n2Hj destroyed by a submarino with tho Mcrrimac rendered to how long they have been in the serv- hama channel, near the Pnnndor grand tugboat and was destroyed in net ion Commodore Jonos destroyed in James mine m Balkeloy it possible to tho light, on 8. gunboats under Admiral Portcr.'wjj i'r an river. undortako expedition ice. Those on sea dutv receive from November and tho following with Farragut 's fleet bolow New Or- ,'1 River by electric torpedo. March 2S. 1865 United StateB Moni- to Richmond by tho peninsula, and Interesting account of what transpired - 1SGi $2200 to a year; "while those on leans, April 24, 1862. Stonewall j H ,rMay United States transport tor Milwaukee destroyed by a sub- whon McClollnn's army was wns furnished the writer by an officer of The H H. A. "Wood destroj'od once near laud duty get from $2000 to $'1000. tho vessel: by latter The i submarino marine mino in Blakcly river. Richmond, its destruction would have to Arkansas Was built in France for the W H J Ml mi no in St. John's River. March 29. 1865 Their function is similar that of the About .11 a. m. the lookout aloft report- Was built on the Yazoo 1S61 United States moni-- ' boen certain if the rebols hnd com- army chaplains, and one of the most river in orates in 1SG4, and wns cnEttUm M June 10, 1S64 United States trans-- tor Osago dcstroyod.by a tor- ed a steamer from the Westward, and and was destroyed in action with the Li'B port Aiico Wood destroyed drifting manded James river and the ndjaccnt solemn duties is to go about among the shortly afterward she was visible from United States war vessels sonVMi by submn pedo in Blakcly river. wat ors. United Stales steamer Essex, Captain suit Cuba, T'"'e niino in St. John's fiver. crew when a ship is clearing for action the dock Called all hands to quarters W. D, of her at Havana, 5BJ Hiil'I 1. 1865 gun-Dq- Porter, near Baton Rouge, La sold to August 5, 1S64 API United States Today the United States has one of and obtain from each man a note con- and llrod a shot across hor bow. She JSOo. The vessel was VV 1 United Stntos Moui Rodolph destroyed by a most hoisted the English flag: We ran up the August G, 1S152. ' $400,000. rl.'l tor Tecumsoh, sunk in Mobilo submarine tho modern navies afloat. A sum- taining 'his "last message" to bo sent eminent of Japan for bay, tho mine in Balkely rivor. mary of tho navy as pres- Stars and Stripes, and llrcd another shot The Atlanta jl "hip disappearing almost instantaneous- - April 13 it stands at to his family ut homo in case ho is which brought tho steamer to a stop. On 1865 United gun- I Was formerly Webb and Slates ent follows: Battleships' (first and sec- killed in lie engagement. running alongside, Captnin "Wllkca a blockade runner named The j9l L'.): y' Ptain seventy of her boat Ida destroyed by Bubmarino mine ond, class). 27; armored hailed the Fingal, nnd was J 3 crow were lost. cruisers, 10; Tho ranking naval chaplain now is her and said ho would send a boat on captured by the Was commanded by Charles in Balkely river. cruisers, (first class), 5; (sec- board. Tho second cutter was dispatched monitors Weehawken and in Hi: October 27, 1864 Only Union tor-- April 1'4, 1S65 cruisers David Howard Tribou, stationed nt the, Nahasct and sailed from Shrevoport, United States gun- ond class), 7; cruisers (third class), 16; naval in Philadelphia. Thcro In charge of Lieutenant Fairfax and Iho Warsnw Sound, Ga., June 17. 1SG2; pedo success of tho Civil war Cush- - boat Sciota home arc In charge of its 1S155. She was captured aud f destroyed by submarine torpodo boat destroyers, 16; torpedo chaplain-captain- s third eulter Lieutenant estimated value was $H50,0M.' joiK, ?i ang's destruction of tho ram Albcr- - boat in Mobile bay. but three other on tho Greer. arroved near New Orlcniis, ijSJWfc 1 mnrlo Plymouth, N. boats, 36; Bubmarincs, 12; monitors, 10; active list: Frank Thompson at Ports- Tho Tennessoo ISC5. sent nOHL rioar C, with the May 12, 1865 United Slates trans- wooden 1; On 'running alongsldo the packet. Lieu, 24, Her crew were j' Wood and Lay disconnecting spar tor-- cruisers, guubuats, 38; trans- mouth navy yard; RoHwell R. Roos, at Fairfax on "Was built in 1S6H at Solum, Ala., and n port R. B. Hamilton destroyed by o ports, 7; Bupply ships, tennnt was tlrst board, and confined in Fort Warren "ntll,,B 7. pedo. 7: hospital ship, the Norfolk yard, and Carroll Q. Wrurht, briefly stated his objoct Captain was captured in action with were mlue in Mobile bay. ; Molr Farragut's of tho war, when they aiWMjfc 1; colliers. 15; converted yachts, at tho Philadelphia yard. to siiow passonger sur- - llcot in refused his list or Mobilo Bay August o, 1SG4. return to their homes- - 5BL