ij I1 4 1 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 8, 1909. &, A. R. SjggCTQjy ' sc li ACHIEVEMENTS OF NAVY IN TB8 CiVIL WAR BY WILLIAM smHs' 5k Tho achievements of our army in the figured so creditably in tho Civil War all vessels on tho Atlantic coast, ex- iho next expe'dition was commanded rivers. One of these expeditions, com- ppccinl squadron was organized to ade was a matter of vital injlf Civil "War linvo been told by hundreds wore built at tho Philadelphia Navy tending from Capo Fear River to Cape by Commodoro du Pont, and rosultod manded by Commodore Foote. sailed cruise at sea in senrch of privatoors and to the Union cause, nnd Ynrd or by prominent shipbuilders on Canaveral. in of in (lie denriire - of writers and thousands of spoakors, Commanders order capture of Forts Walker and from Cairo. III., February, 1S62, and blockade runners. The result of our Confederates of supplies for tho Delaware river. These vessels in- service: Samuel F. DiilJiint, John A. Beauregard, on the const of South Car- captured Port, Henry. General Lloyd, captures yielded to Nationnl Treas- were sorely in need. h; but tho orilous dutios and grand vic- - sucli fighting the It ulso cluded famous boats as Dn'hlgrcn. olina, November 7, 18(11. Commodoro who commanded tho Confederates at ury more" than ;10,000,000. and $15,000,-00- 0 them of acquiring a single ,ia tf torics of tho Now Ironsides, Mississippi, Uatt er- Dela-w.-jv- 1 in- mi the navy have apparently been East Gulf Squadron: Included all du Pont entered the navy from Fort on ry, made a gallant defense of more paid by Great Britain for ligcrcni operations or couit icrriil s' forgotton excopt by thoao who were as, Susquehanna, Pawnee, Juniata, vossels on the coast of Florida, December 19.
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