
+ INHONOR * iiWpAVY OFHEROES I French People Employ Word Torpedo Boat Destroyers , SILENT WAVERL&Y E LECTR.ICS "Sabotage" to Explain. Named for Naval Officers.

# jpjj SCARCELY TRANSLATABLE LIST NUMBERED 43 TO "50 t % r . Means That Has Resulted Tribute to Men fSew loirk, Otfober 22, 1911. >ns Violence Distinguished for From Failure to Secure Brave Deeds in Service of | DEAR MADAM: of Grievances. Redress Their Country. We want to tell some reasc why Nemo Corsets you than | are so much more durable and comfortable any PARIS, October 21..Ten stiange Eight heroes who won honors in the t but , have occurred in the French navyaccilentsservice of the American Navy have been others. You know that hey ARE, prob- r already .vithin a year, fires on shipboard, shells distinguished by the selection of their ably you don't know just why. oursting prematurely, suns exploding namps as those to be borne by new the first the best of materials are none ^ ivhile at practice, culminating in the boat destroyers, Nns. 4.'! to 50, torpedo In place, very of the battleship L.a Riberte whilesinkngat These great Americans are: inclusive. we have even had to invent mchor Stephen Cassin, who won too for the Nemo; and in Toulon harbor. distinction in 1 good The Are on l.a out near the war with Tripoli, commanded the r to them ei yard of I.iberte broke 9 new fabrics get good lough. Every he apparatus for flooding the forward Ticonderoga in the battle of Eake I i' m I means of I , matenal is accurately tested for strength, by magazine, which afterward exploded, so and was a terror to West ChamplainIndian I instruments. ! 1near that the flooding machinerv could pirates. specially devised not be used. This circumstance has John Downes. distinguished for I As know, Nemo Corsets r?ever stretch and lose seemed odd to inquirers, and even more in the Tripolitan war and latergallantly you the of the : seams are sewed in ; singular was the breaking out of tires the power Malay chiefs,breaking their That is because the a shape. is same morning on the I'atrie and on the yiias Duncan, hero of the battle of I el o such a way that there is no "give" to them. This Suffren. two other battleships. The Bake Champlain, who carried, in the I # of our own itivention which is built < inquiry will endeavor to establishofficialface of the enemy's fire, orders in a dene by machinery 1 die facts, but in the meantime sinister small boat. our own machine Now you can understand nferences are In circulation. Either there Andrew Boyd Cumming*. who, while in shops.- executive of won't i s a certain want of precaution, which is officer the Richmond with other manufacturers can't meike corsets that Admiral Farragut, was why f i theory rejected by admirers of the navy, mortally now own machines at Forts Jackson and St. Philip.wounded stretch.we invented and the only tr the accidents have been caused with George Beall Raich, who was can do the work , nallgn purpose. for special gallantry duringcommendedthe civil in existence that that'Way. war, and saved Gen. Terry from French a mlust the Have Name. capture. i Nemo Corset pass eagle-eyes John Gushing master of Again: Every Upon the latter the Aylwln, sailing no a dozen skilled in before it can supposition the old Constitution, who was wounded of less than spedtors ' accidents might have been destructivewhile maneuvering against the Guerriore The in shuts it out bv the communistic revolutionary and again mortally wounded in the battle get into its box. slightest iperfedtion incited the i propaganda carried on in the navy by against Java. from all chance of ever t,tour hands. Alexander Parker Foxhall. one of the reaching ivilian agitators, or the.'! may have been founders of th.e 'Naval Nemo Corsets outwear all others because every Nemoj! letached acts of ombit'Fred individuals! Academy, and who greatly promoted the > n rebellion and success' of Admiral Foote's operations in as much in material and i private agalpst society represents at least twice value, ill authority. Scarcely a day throughout Mississippi. )MPANY J (l.A .nmA iAn/*Ae F. LUTTRELL CC lie Andrew K. Renham. who THE France of corsets so Ill di uic saiuc year passes in without acts prevented making, as any other puv^co* simple destructi^eness affecting tlie the Brazilian rebel fleet from interfering to douible value because we such as tlie cutting telegraph pubic,ami with American shipping ir^-the rebellion AGENT TOtt U. C. DUPONI CIRCLE We can afford give you elephone wires, the derayspng of railway of 1803. and saw service against the PHONE N i762 more corsets 3.00 and than witches or tlie placing; *;.if obstacles or Chinese pirates and in the battle of Port make high-pneed ($. upward) racks. Royal. other American ns combined, Tiie French have a woftii of their own all manufacturei ' 1 'or these acts. It is Sabotage." Tlie Career of Stephen Cassin. skillful vord is transi t, As for that is y the result of scarcely a'We. although Cassin was born in comfort, simpl ikin to vandalism. In Collective Stephen correct physiolog;ical and hygienic lines, tlie first step is to'iboinplain tomovenentsthe February 16, 1783, and Philadelphiadied in designing along rovernment or the corporation, the Georgetown, D. C., August 26, 18."7. He to fit; the so that no Jk - and Reduces the corset is made figure is to "demonstrate" by processionsec>ndor entered the navy as midshipman Supports whereby w, ^ -1: i it.. i . j .1 *J or seam can Ren/e, bone or artery. It ueeung iiii'i u;e next is .- > uesiroy 21. 1800; became a FebruaryFebru- A Stout Figure £teel press upon vineyards in (he champagnesomeliing.the IS«>T; 1814: jp to master this art irovinces, tlie provision si'.ops in northern ary 12, master, September 11, The Bandlet of Lastikops takes years '"ranee or the railway ciatiors, as has captain, March .'{, 1825; reserved list, Webbing is firm enough to is to imitaite Nemo Corsets mi pened on the Western railway, September 1 "t, 1855. support, and It simply impossible tiie sulmrhan trains were usuallybeaiiscHe served with distinction in the war give ample leiiind tlieir schedule. . * to insure Corse No. 523 suct with Tripoli. In the war of 1812 he sufficiently elastic cessfully. Sell-Reducing (pictured Now those who know' the French navy the in the battle of ^ Tieonderoga commanded perfect ease. is an example of that fcicft. No fabric except inonings upon Tieonderoga, in I to woman I abdominal nirely accidental to "sabotage." amf again coming almost within my office. would like tell every man, and A marvel of figure-re^uc- stru&ed for women w.ho need pe supportcon:rfee slaves to ourselves? Cast BROS. » ry is a fading one. Tiie girls of Bel- pv»-r t lie tab"rail were both that over. KOPS . ' perseveringly think 'X « Please rintvt t.rof.vo * .1.x l.inn.Tl, .mill ri«-i l<> Hi' I . and as anil off that called fear aind see me work wrm(A5TI^DPjl J| J'l PUiUvtiU I | 11 attempted, gallantly bug-a-boo today. My resisted. I BANDLET mall profits, the effort on the eyesight successfully tj anysob- boat attack on Tripoiitan feluccas, June, ribed by some of the wealthiest men of I *!»::. are the lowest in the city. Conlpare them with what others telgium. including Count' de Merode. | As executive officer of the Bssex he irnest Solvay, "the soda king"; tiie cruised with David Porter the charge. Hainnncgh -tor of Baron Janssenmin-[ Capt. in state, Beernaert; Pacific during the war of 1812. In a boat nd Baron i'Jmpain. The boa,rd contains expedition off Gallipagos Islands lie everal professors of tiie University of April 2b, isi.'t, tliree whaleships.captured, iiamuuaii JrussHs and the queen's > secretary, M. < hie of them, the was A Georgiana, SET ngenbleek. into a cruiser of twenty guns,convcrted new been to the A terror lias added sixty men. The command of her was £ Never DR. W YETH store for -the Amer | They at HORN'S Great lany in unwary given to Commander Downes as the ^ tourist who patronizes the an jr. In her lie captured six Bssex, Slip or Drop of Montniartre. The policeestabshmentshave whaleships.'^P Gold rroww and Bridge Work. isl d isenverort a band of anarchist In 181Commander Downes served in ^ >3, M find HA. Filling* in gold, 427-429 Sevenl:h Street N.W. oiners has put in circulation over 30.00U j Commodore Decatur's squadron off i | silver, plnflnnm and poreelaln, rant s' worth of bad five-franc nieces dur- in command SOc to 81. The leader of the of the Bpervier. Algiers,He gj er lg tiie past month.. was transferred from her to the Opp. Lansburgh & Bro. Ovi Grand Dnion Tea Co. yndicate is an anarchist, Maria l.lopis, July if, 1815, and later distinguishedGuerliere, ho was condemned to death for her himself in the capture of Algerian in, in tiie revolt in Barcelona whichcomIb-ity vessels. . receded tiie execution of Ferrer. The Bor his ability in suppressing the > . p roceeds are probably for.the anarchist treacherous actions of the Malays against Stono, at Battery Pringle and at Tagoda, er, William H. Parker, served in the Well, It is the result of d-eadful ! ause. The coins are of unusually subtle Sale. North S. C. He was I American merchant vessels he was Edisto, advanced navy and resigned and went south. by this man: vet lie has persecutionncr\a lanufacture, composed of practically the one for efficient atid faithful Don't miss chance! Never was such an by the government and people,commended grade to as in tin- case 01 irene your extraordinary j"ame alloy as the genuine ones, and particularly with reference to the attack during the civil war. service Served in . enougn e < ircnlation They were made in 1 regularly at ^7.50 to $10, and 1 ; iiu giving one away absolutely ('apt. I>ownes bombarded the forts, set Pacific sfrition,. 1881 to 188X York as midshipman November 24, 1M7. cited as an example to American girl--' two of the company going thereBarceloa.every tire to the town ami did not leave until to hesitate before entering into marriage {EE with every order for a Sui t or Overcoat $ib or r(!'riday, returning to Paris Tuesday with Born in Canada. retired as rear admiral April 10, 1891. aim costing to he had secured the submission of the Aylwin with Europeans, or more especially » fresh supply, which they delivered died August 11, 1905. he a er. Hundreds and hundreds of men are to this sale, to people and promise of future good John Gushing Aylwin was born in for it is always sure to Englishmen, flocking lie other four, who hastened change From 1847 to 1850 he saw service with case of a different once These conduct." and saw service in the British totally temperament f d every man becomes a customer, because he realizes at tihem by making small purchases. Canada, Quebec,the East India squadron. He was "Mv husband s charge is nonsense All our are now safely under lock and key, 's Heroism. navy. Offered a warrant and promotion if in the of a ;it this is tlie of a lifetime. I am determined to the from while assisting capturewounded I did" was to naturally rebel against opportunity ut the two who brought goods he would remain in that service, because Chinese junk at Macao. From lie wished me to occupy in hi> >se received or Silas Duncan was born at piratical ticposition out this entire stock before 1 move, and 1 am s pain either warning stopped Rockaway, was w ith the of . cutting prices recent of distinguished bravery in engagements 1S5K to 1859 lie home, which was worse than that ehind to participate in the X. J., and. died 14, at ]M»l-ls»fc.\ a mere I tried everv vard of woolens in a never heard of before. September 1834, with the he and came to and Paraguay expedition; squadronservant, being slave. way you they holding anarchistic opinions French, declined, south Atlantic and to make him understand that I wanted chief. outreak,White Sulphur Springs, Va. (.now West blockading squadron, ike their ). Appointed midshipman relatives in Boston, Mass. participated in the battle of Port Royal the same freedom in my own home that At the commencement of the war of November 18tJH-1865. west all American wives possess, but Tax on Electric 1809, lie attained the rank of 7, 1861; guilf Signs. 15, November 1812 lie was asked Isaac Hull blockading squadron, blockading coast of unimaginative English created t commander March 1. 1829. by Capt. the-stolid, The municipal government has found a to go with him in the Constitution. April Texis. expression some hundreds of years Hg-> As third lieutenant of the in In December, 189,1. he was ordered to that their home is their cas*le, w In resh source of revenue in the electric Saratoga 24, 1812, he was appointed a sailing slullslor 12.50& the battle of Lake Champlain he was Brazil, in consequence of an insurrection. means that it was a man's castle, ar $15 A decree lias been issued in the . master loose thinu $ ight signs. sent in the to older the to He was commended the Secretary of we can't pry them from $10, gig gunboats by ^ taxation on the He took prominent part in the have then-foe Worth $18, $2!0 and $25. nflicting exemplary retire. The concentrated tire of the of between the the Navy in the report of imm for vigor- which they always done, of was at August lb, 1812, engagementous of American interests it must be correct. hirty-three classifications electric ^iemy directed the gig, but failed Constitution and the Guerriere. He was protection always in to prevent delivery of his orders to the the revolution in Brazil, and given f% i. igns. Tiie principle difference highly commended by Capt. Hull for his I during a Man's Castle. of commander of the Allen. He was credit for the great benefit derived from Home is not the number lights asiessment and lost his skill in handling and maneuvering the his action in the of but the amount of discomfort wounded, however, severelyright constitution aurmg uie ngni. tie was protecting rights "Home, perforce, still remains a man s alogether,arm. He received the thanks of Congress in shoulder merchant vessels and American cause the The terrors wounded the while standing castle, woman's place therein to lie what hey eye- winking for his gallant conduct, and was ready to board. ests. inter| uvercoais ind dazzlers bruising and for a pension in 1846. he chooses. So, if a woman starts oir complicated recommendedHe commanded the forecastle division ^Wort!i $20, $25 and $30. the optic nerve must pay in inlamingFrom 1K1S to 1824 lie saw active service 'in the action between the Constitution with the idea of changing all this. the to the annoyance they may causepro>ortionon the Independence, Hornet, Cruerriere, and the Java. December 29, 1»12, and husband gets cruel." and and at the New York ' new shade. ami effect.b\ odt he while tiie soft and beautifu Cyane Ferret was commended for his bravery and Miss Hevman declared she would star: Every pattern long public, naval station. in action. he 4 of some varieties of out-of-door Severely wounded,coolness WIFE SUED by her friend throughout the present dif stock in the citv. ights AMERICAN biggest Browns, grays, blues, black died from the effects of the wound denied ever intei are assessed. Takes Part in Civil War. I c ill ties. She having kind of mixture, (ict and a--k other lightly ilumination 28. 1812. tionally acted as the go-between betwe. every samples tailors While the 'if Europe are In his Hull ofJanuary ' diplomats Andrew Boyd Cummings was born in journal Capt. speaks him Mrs. Foster and Mr. Reecham, and de would and remember to maintain the of the world as "a officer of j- they charge, peace tryingPhiladelphia, June 22, 1830, and died at young great: promise," clared she believed Mrs. Foster innocent jndaunted by the outbreak of hostilities and in the report of his death calls him FOR DIVORCE BYARTIST of any wrong * A Fit to Your Satisfaction Before i Accept Your Money. jet ween Turkey and Italy, the dancing New Orleans, March 18, 1803. Appointed "a dauntless soul erect, who smiled on nasters, in conclave here, have been midshipman April, 1847, he was death." what is to be danced this season,deeding advanced through the different Lieut. Aylwins father was Thomas Permits Issued. tmnnrlant decisions were arrived at. The successively a Building until he became lieutenant merchant of Boston, who lertAylwin,the Mrs. S. Foster Warns professors were unanimously of tlie grades United States at the commencement of George The following building permits were that the ilance of fhe ballroomopinionis in July, 1862. commanderthe war of the revolution. His uncle was yesterday: issued I tending more and more toward simplicity, He participated in the civil war. William Cushing, justice of the Supreme Our Girls To Frank to erect two-stTjr 637 Leonard, more a stroll than a the passage of Forts Jackson and St. Court. Against A md is now rhythmis During brick residence at 2li» 3d street sout - [HORN tanee. Formerly, they say, the dancers Philip and the capture of New Orleansi Marrying of the drawing room vied with those of lie was executive officer of the Hero of Many Battles. Englishmen. west; architects, I. T. Hatton & Co , and E. T estimated cost, tiie theater in "gavottes" Richmond.Foxhall Alexander Parker was builder, Mundy; Afterward came the more In the subsequent engagement with the born in Uiich closed during September was one "sarabandes." New York and died at $3,500. kind of eontradance. but still a step batteries at Port Hudson he fell city August 5, 1821, to erect f tin* most successful in the history of difficult wounded while the men at Special Cablegram to The Star. To the Stone Straw Company. lie in the direction of simplicity. Then the cheering mortallyAnnapolis, Md. June 10, 1879. He was resort. waltz, and, these later years, the Boston their guns. He was removed to New appointed from Virginia. March 11, 1839. LOXDON, October 21..The divorce suit two-story brick warehouse at 51-33 4t ' ARSON IN John ccatur . i of the civil he with A'ehster and many other notables the Porter in a During co-operated . time the Argentine dances appear to be Admiral said letter written which Thomas Beecham, the opera S. Hart: builder, J M Radon > long ago spent their summers at Capon, both 'with dancers and at that time: the Army of the Potomac, built Fort Raymond unl the most In favor, as is :* ... cluster of mineral springs which of the "He was a gallant officer, and too goodt- Dahlgren and drilled 2,000 seamen, is named corespondent,impresario,timated cost, $3,7<»h nade Hie teachers. As M. Deport. president tv. resort famous was discovered of says, these dances a man to lose." the success of Admiral attracting much attention in London. It To H. D. Fulmer, t<> erect four Blaze Which md over a BALL Academy Dancing, promoting thereby JOOT 13 developed century ago by SUPERIOR 7»M to 7<'7 Admiral vsroic: story brick Destroved i Capon are the most appropriate for the i-arragiu H. Foote's operations in the is. the second in the last few months in dwellings. J- horge Washington, when lie was "Poor was a loss, botii Andrew builder. 11 D. Fuhwer: the of ballroom. Cummings great While attached to the Mis1 which American wives figure strenortheast;- : through northern necksurveying The three dances which are expected to to the country and to his family." sissippi. cost, SlO,r*iO. estimated Springs Hostelry Thought Cirg nia tor laird Fairfax of Greenway navy yard he was ordered, after the the other being the case of Irene To A. Kruebl, to repair ' the this winter are the Washington conspicuously, August 4 'outt. be most popular American street Beats Ohio State by mazurka, a laiuis XV Distinguished for Gallantry. battle of Bull Run, to Fort. Osgood, the novelist, against brick residence at 17«r.i 7th twostorv For * long time the state of West Simply modern Ellsworth, K. to and the Argentine five-step. with 250 seamen and Robert Sherrard. Mrs. Foster was northwest; contractor, William Be Incendiary. < intruded the springs, but laterVirginia w?altzminuetGeorge Beall Balcb was born in marines, to protect estimated coat, A - .. » Maude Tripp, a daughter of iT.t. ni iiam H. J^aie took charge, built It From Almost January 3, 1821, was appointed1 it from the attack of Gen. Beauregard, formerly Francis H. Jackson, to rei»air threeIlaiper; hotel, and Outplaying Tennessee Tripp of Richmond. Va. j To i: large cottages other FOES ORGANIZE! midshipman December 30, 1837, retired asi By his vigorous action he aitled in Harrisonstory brick mill at 13th street and Ohio and throngh his skill. tastestructures.and LIQUOR Another American girl whose nane is \V. P. Hps lavisii rear admiral January 3, 1883, and died ing the men from their demoralizationrally1 avenue northwest: contractyr. t.. dit ire of al Di- nich Tb«* Star. 1 exp' time and money the Every Standpoint. 1908.* after the defeat at Bull Run. mentioned prominently in the testimony comb & Co.; estimated cost. $3,nop place became renowned. 1'pon the death April 10, ! to two-store WINfHKSTKR. Ya . (K for State-Wide Prohibition was From 18f Sale h. s Mr. Campaign In 1X40 and 1847 he actively September, alleged go-between Mrs. Foster Caj.-U soo-in-law. s the and brick dwelling at 2Hr> Wyoming av. no.-; The fire which destroyed the large became and a in operations afloat and ashore frequently and Reeoham is Catharine of proprietor, only Nelson.few, in West engaged the enemy. On one at Heyman contractor, J H. lane; estimated cost, story hotel. Mannom's store and four* years ugo s said to ha\e sole Virginia. with the army, during the war with occasion, engaged a the becotne ANN ARBOR, Mich., October 21.. Tlic Star. the head of a detachment of soldiers and Sacramento, who is well known owner of ti e resort. Special Dispatch to notably at first attack on Aivorado, $1,000. , post office at the historic* Capon Sprir gs defeated Ohio State's Mexico,' two in both New York and Mrs. Mr. Nelson came to Michigan I'nlversity W. October 111.The and at Vera Cruz and the surrender oi marines, with howitzers. Commander Europe. pianist resort last night i< thought to Winchester early KEYSER, Va., Parker marched into and drove mother of the still ^.BUir.nter last evening on business, and had not been foot ball eleven today, 19 to O. Michigan, for the of the San Juan d'I'lloa. Virginia Tripp, defendant, ^ have- been of inc-ndiary origin. The campaign adoption 1851 to 1855 he was on withi Fitzhugh, with a force of over UK) in Belgrave Square, near the home in County. in town nor- than half an hour when after lading nearly outplayed in the first in Brum duty residesRegistration closed at Capon several w< eks ago. the prohibition amendments statewideWest the Asiatic and commanded the airy, out of Matthews Court House,cav- of Foster, but Mrs Foster is sa'd to : to 1 be Star. seator. informed that build n«s werehewas a rush squadron Special Uiipatek quarter, came back with terrific he took of. her on tiie there when ti e n i-.-rning. Situated in mountains Virginia was started at Keyset- yesterday advance post in a tight between rebels which possession have' quarreled with mother #n. an<; only people right the and held the the three as 25. 1806, OAKIAXD, Md , October 21.The and with no tire advantage during the of a committee to and imperialists at Shanghai, China. He Commissioned captain, July of the suit, and has taken refugeaccount i: Tjroke out were Mrs. W H. Sale nd protect'on, there was with organization Br\ nual registration of voters in Garrett tit eg to do but stand a- de and see closing periods. was wounded during the action. for "good service during the rebellion," with Miss Heyman at her residence, Mrs. Charles F. Nelson o. the have charge of the fight in Mineral in 1872. A of ' her daUhlHrr, entiia go in loss first score came in the In November. 1801, he was executive he became commodore code Square, where she received a anstoncounty shows an increase ol thirty-seven, place up simple. The is Michigan's early of William McDonald was ,** Winchester, mother-in-law and u fe of to #loo,i!oo, upon which there Is county, composed of the Sabine. He was highly signals for steam tactics his devising. newspaper correspondent at the close of Titere were newly registered 252, while second period. Wells carrying a forward officerIn 1873-6 he was chief signal officer of the She looked and' the A number of villagers about $4i;. fleets, under Admiral Augustus L. Case, She said: party is said to have been very active pretty place-kick from the flO-yard line. Committeemen were also On duty breakdown. *.* Capon Springs iS situated about Directors' treasurer. in squadron, 1801-1805, he was speclalljr that assembled for instruction it* the "My case is only an addition to a long, in getting the vote registered. Garrett is \\ iiu Designations Reported. Later in the quarter, C'onkling intercepted for each magisterial district. waters in 1874. and and the sma! Nvcu miles west of he-*.* , twenty,and named distinguished for gallantry in action iri Florida December, wretched list of bright American girls la heavy republican county Rlt'llMONl), V'a.. October -1. .Frederick an Ohio punt behind Ohio's goal line. of the founders of the United that the are toe heart of the mountain secta. The meeting yesterday was presided command of a boat attack and for takingc was "one who have married Englishmen, only to increase shews republicans in t-y ,s SY. Va. For man. over Harry possession Tybee of Han -hire county, was i was of the Naval of voters. " it\ have resigned from the Chesapeake The fourth was and bar, and addressed by T. M. at Stono, July 10, 1803, ir superintendent after the ceremony. in the number , quarter nip tuck, county engagement immediately l» s been a favorite a*nm* rin which lie was in 1.878. y hi n ! Ohio dire toiate, it was reported here but Michigan's superior weight and Hare, spperintendent of the West the repulse of Confederate attacks. Gen to appointed Academy, of i ,r ,:i . was for years a contributor Is Persecuted. ..pie Mineral as 1 lie many She .. are for I jcy numbers d.:y. I ial confirmation wa.s (jtittlly asserted themselves. generalshipan,d Anti-Saloon league. VirginiaTerry complimented him .having savec Says If work read the watt -" the command from to ami magazine® and/ you'wanf . r Yoo 'i'h< : ;s