ij I1 4 1 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 8, 1909. &, A. R. SjggCTQjy ' sc li ACHIEVEMENTS OF NAVY IN TB8 CiVIL WAR BY WILLIAM smHs' 5k Tho achievements of our army in the figured so creditably in tho Civil War all vessels on tho Atlantic coast, ex- iho next expe'dition was commanded rivers. One of these expeditions, com- ppccinl squadron was organized to ade was a matter of vital injlf Civil "War linvo been told by hundreds wore built at tho Philadelphia Navy tending from Capo Fear River to Cape by Commodoro du Pont, and rosultod manded by Commodore Foote. sailed cruise at sea in senrch of privatoors and to the Union cause, nnd Ynrd or by prominent shipbuilders on Canaveral. in of in (lie denriire - of writers and thousands of spoakors, Commanders order capture of Forts Walker and from Cairo. III., February, 1S62, and blockade runners. The result of our Confederates of supplies for tho Delaware river. These vessels in- service: Samuel F. DiilJiint, John A. Beauregard, on the const of South Car- captured Port, Henry. General Lloyd, captures yielded to Nationnl Treas- were sorely in need. h; but tho orilous dutios and grand vic- - sucli fighting the It ulso cluded famous boats as Dn'hlgrcn. olina, November 7, 18(11. Commodoro who commanded tho Confederates at ury more" than ;10,000,000. and $15,000,-00- 0 them of acquiring a single ,ia tf torics of tho Now Ironsides, Mississippi, Uatt er- Dela-w.-jv- 1 in- mi the navy have apparently been East Gulf Squadron: Included all du Pont entered the navy from Fort on ry, made a gallant defense of more paid by Great Britain for ligcrcni operations or couit icrriil s' forgotton excopt by thoao who were as, Susquehanna, Pawnee, Juniata, vossels on the coast of Florida, December 19. 1815. his position before his surrender to jury to our commerce. About 200 war poses. Tuscarora, Lancaslor, Miami, from Cape. Canaveral to Santa The next of all the pa- identified with pub- - and most important naval commander. Commodore vessels wore constantly employed .Sailors and marines of the navli that branch of the Scioto, Itasca, Watorco, Paul Jones, Dol- Rosa Island. Commanders in order of tho expeditious was commanded by Foote enlered the navy as midshipman risoned the defenses '1 trolling the rivers, acting in concert of VhWiiiS . lie service. Snugus, Sangn-mo- phin. Chicago, Ranger, i.iii vice: WilPam Merv(ine, Theodoras Commodoro Farragut, and resulted in December , 1822, and died in the ser- with the army. The extent of territory Alexandria, Ports Kunyon nffM ) Tho developmout of the United States and Patapsco. Bailey. Charles K. Scribling. tho capture of Ports Jackson and St. vice June 2t5, lS0:i, from the result of thus covered embraced on the Mississ- worth and along tho Potomac nil? navy during the was one of Ontsido tho navv ynrd the most West Oulf Squadron; Embraced nil Philip and the city of New Orleans, on a wound received at Fort, Donelson tho " war the ippi and its tributaries alone more than ' olunU'ers n tho '." marvels of the ago and tho navy was prominent shipbuilders of those days vessels on the Gulf, extending from April 1862. Commodoro Farragut shortly after his capture of Fori 3,GO0 miles. oMSfil " power wero Messrs. William Cramp Snii3, Grande was Hie. Ten- Henry. A a of no small magnitudo in the it Fort Pickens to tho Rio river. appointed in navy from The cargo of a blockade runner going naval battalion served undolf ,! final result, has a glorious record Neafio & Levy. John A. Dialogue John ( ommandcrs in order of service: Will nessee, December 17, .1810, and died in The blockade of the southern coast nel Harris in McDowell's ' it out usually consisted of cotton which urinv--l all in tho salvation of tho nation. Wo c.o- - Roach & Sons, Pusey it Jones and Har- lam W. MclCan, David G. Farragut, the servico, August 14, J870. was established by a proclamation is- battle oi Manassas in " commanded fabulous prices and a ready July iaM' I & Hollingswortli. com- i operatod with ho army wherever hero lan Henry K. Thatcher, Then camo another expedition sued by President. Lincoln, dated .April con- naval battle on Morris I sale. The return cargo usually ft by . was water enough to float a gunboat, Here are some interesting dolails re- Western Flotilla: Embraced all manded Commodoro Farragut. He 19, ISO The president announcod that sisted of nrms, clothing, quinine and General Gilniore in - riv- captured Morgan Gaines, he it that j while on rho high seas tho navy eov- garding the naval squadrons of the vessels operating on the Western Forts and deemed ndvisablo to i:et on foot munitions of war, for which there was of Fort Wagner. A naval bnttili cred itself with imperishablo renown. Civil War. with their formation and ers and in co operation with the army near Mobile, on August 5, SGI. This a blockade of the ports of South Caro- a great demand. The ports of shore at Port Hudson rendered vMA 1 - So loner as history rerords the names linos of operation. at Shiloh. Vicksburg. Island No. 10 was a brilliant victory, and was of great lina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mis- favor- fective servico in reducing JBI ' , to sissippi, Halifax and Nassau were that of Forts Ilenrj-- Donelson, St. Philip. Potomac Flotilla; Included all vessels and service; John Rodgers, A. II. importance the Union cause. Louisiana and Texas. By a ite points for tho arrival and departure stronghold, while a naval bnltoi Wt, .Inckson, Morgan and Fisher and of in service on tho Potomnc, Paniunlr , Kootc, C H. Davis. David D. Porter, Later came tho expedition by Ad- proclamation dated April 27 tho block-ad- of blockado runners, many of which shore at Vicksburg fired ovo?I C j Hatlcras Tnlct, Port Koyal, Island' No. Rappahannock and York Rivers and Samuel P. Lee, S. M. Ponnock. miral Porter. Tt was the largest of was extended so as to includo all shells into that city during any, wero fast steamers, constructed espec- tho tS s'. 10, Port Hudson and New Orleans, the .iacent waters. Commanders in order Pacific Squadron: Commanders in nnd rosulted in tho capture of ports as far north as Virginia. ially busiuerfs. A. naval battalion of .100 11 - Tn for that tMM American navy will bo universally hon- of service: James H. Ward. Thomas C. order of service: Charles U. Bell, Forts Fisher and Wilmington, on the the early stages of Iho war tho marines was landed l Tho blockading squadrons encoun- under Fleet t orcd, whilo the sinking of the Alabama Craven, Robert H. Wyman, Charles George F. renrson. Capo Fear river, and Wilmington, on blockade was frequently violated by Bailey at New Orleans in ActIm! ' in square will cvor bo roc- - Wilkes, Andrew II. Ilarwood, Foxhill Special Service Squadron; At sea the occasion of this victory an army foreign adventurers anxious to serve tered numerous obstacles in the per- and occupied t naval battle ex- that citv until tU ogniz.od as one of tho most brilliant nn- - Parker. and in search of privatcors. Comman- corps under General Terry the Confederates and their own inter- formance of their arduous duties, of General Butler. A B ' ests, posed as they were to storms, cyclones battalion ffl t val victories of any ago. North Atlantic Squadron; Embrnced ders in order of service: Charles Admiral Porter was born at Chester, but as the war progressed addi- nucB under Major TievnoIdH soW - and en- I t From tho official records on tho sub- all vessels in servico along the Atlantic Wilkes, James Larducr. Pa., and entered tho navy February 2, tional vessels were built, chartered or the treacherous torpedo of the shore nt Port Poval. Polly 1829. died in tho Borvico purchased, thus making emy. We lost more men In this way tiJU , ,joct wo learn that thoro was a total of coast, extending from the Chosapcnko Tho naval expedition was com- Ho August the blockade other places in South first we did sink- Carolina?! t 121,95-- enlistments in tho navy during Bay to Cape Fear River, Commanders manded by Commodore Stringhnm, and 15. 1S70. nioro effective nnd resulting in the than in actual battle. The A naval battalion of 1,700 1 Pendr-r-gast- , valua-bl- o ing of Monitor by a tho Civil War, of which number New in order of service; Garrett J. resulted in tho capturo of Forts Hat- Sovcral expeditions woro fittod out capture or destruction of many the Tecumseh landed under Captain Breeze York Stato is credited with 18,000, Silas H. Stringhnm. Louis M. ters and Clark, on the const of North by tho different commandors of the blockade runnors. torpedo in Mobile Bay sent over 100 l'isher, N. C, in .Innuary, ltMt I Commo-dor- o wostern flotilla for Nearly 500 war vessels in com- of our gallant seamen in an iron cof- I,!i Massachusetts 21,000 and Pcnns3ivania (ioodsborough, Samuel P. Leo, D. D. Carolina, in August, 1861. gunboat were assisted very materially in the 12.418. Porter. Stringham entered tho navy from with tho army on tho Tennessoo, mission for operation along the Gulf fin to a" watery grave. of lhat famous stronghold tMk3r ( ' and tho upper Mississippi and coasts', i Tho greatest, part of tho vcssols which South Atlantic Squadron: Included Now York in June, 1810. Cumberland Atlantic nnd a aoparato or The strict enforcement of the block Confederates. me I:' I MEMORABLE NAVAL BATTLE IN HAMPTON ROADS HOW MASON AND SLSDELL WERE CAPTURED 1 .
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