Cosmic Raysrays Willwill Hithit Eacheach Ofof Youyou Duringduring Thisthis Lecturelecture What Are Cosmic Rays?
SestoSesto Fiorentino,Fiorentino, SpringSpring--20052005 WARNINGWARNING MoreMore thanthan 100,000100,000 cosmiccosmic raysrays willwill hithit eacheach ofof youyou duringduring thisthis lecturelecture What are Cosmic Rays? Cosmic Rays (CR) are high-energy The astrophysical field of activity particles of extraterrestrial origin for particle and nuclear physics “Classical” CR are nuclei or ionized atoms ranging from a single proton up to an iron nucleus and beyond, but being mostly protons (~90%) and α particles (~9%). However the above definition is much wider and includes in fact all stable and quasistable particles: • neutrons, Secondary CR (produced by the primaries in the • antiprotons & (maybe) antinuclei, Earth’s atmosphere) consist of essentially all −12 elementary particles and nuclei (both stable and • hard gamma rays (λ < 10 cm), unstable). The most important are • electrons & positrons, • nucleons, nuclei & nucleides, • neutrinos & antineutrinos, • (hard) gammas, • esoteric particles (WIMPs, • mesons (π±,π0,K±, …, D±,…), magnetic monopoles, mini black • charged leptons (e±, µ±, τ±), holes,...). • neutrinos & antineutrinos (νe, νµ, ντ). HonorableHonorable MentionMention toto CosmicCosmic RaysRays •• OurOur planetplanet isis builtbuilt fromfrom CosmicCosmic Rays.Rays. •• CosmicCosmic RaysRays affectedaffected (and(and maybemaybe stillstill affect)affect) thethe evolutionevolution ofof thethe lifelife onon thethe EarthEarth beingbeing duringduring billionsbillions ofof yearsyears aa catalyzercatalyzer ofof mutations.mutations. ••
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