Introduction to LHC
Introduction to LHC Aug. 25, 2015 CMSDAS @ KNU, Daegu, KOREA Inkyu Park University of Seoul Disclaimer • Language . English or Korean? Official language is English, but most of students in this classroom are Korean • Credits . Many of pictures, plots, ideas were from Frank Zimmermann’s 2015 CERN Summer school Chandra Bhat’s 2015 CMSDAS Daniel Brant’s 2010 CAS @ Varna 2015-08-25 CMSDAS - LHC primer 2 Menu del Dia • What is Particle Physics? How? . A brief history of Particle Physics • Accelerator basics . Accelerator or Collider? • LHC primer For today . Beam parameters . Luminosity, cross section, Pileup . Run history • Future accelerators . LHeC, FCC, … 2015-08-25 CMSDAS - LHC primer 3 What is Particle Physics? How? What is Particle Physics? Leon Lederman’s definition: “Particle physics is a search for the most primitive, primordial, unchanging and indestructible forms of matter and the rules by which they combine to compose all the things of the physical world. It deals with matter, energy, space, and time. The objectives of particle physics are to identify the most simple objects out of which all matter is composed and to understand the 1922- 1988 forces which cause them to interact and Leon Lederman "for the neutrino beam method combine to make more complex things.” and the demonstration of the doublet structure of the leptons through the discovery of the muon neutrino" What are the elementary building blocks? How do they interact with each others? 2015-08-25 CMSDAS - LHC primer 5 How to do Particle Physics? • To know about the elementary building blocks . Just look inside, if not possible, smash it • Then, how? .
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