Community Board MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018


Meeting to be held in the Murupara Service Centre, Civic Square, Pine Drive, Murupara at 12:00 noon




1 Membership ...... 4

2 Apologies ...... 4

3 Public Forum ...... 4

4 Confirmation of Minutes ...... 5

4.1 Minutes - Murupara Community Board 26 March 2018 ...... 5

5 Reports ...... 10

5.1 Murupara Community Board Activity Report to 30 April 2018 ...... 10

6 Chairperson and Subcommittee Reports ...... 18

6.1 Chairpersons Report – May 2018 ...... 18

7 Other Items ...... 19

7.1 Board Submission - LTP 2018-28 ...... 19

7.2 Minutes Combined Community Board 21 March 2018 ...... 23 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 1 Membership

1 Membership

Councillor A R Silcock - Chairperson

Board Member O K Hynes

Board Member B R Jenkins

Board Member M M N Jenner

Board Member A W O'Brien

Board Member T V Rangiwai

Board Member J K Te Amo - Deputy Chairperson 2 Apologies

No apologies have been received at the time of compiling the agenda. 3 Public Forum

The Board has set aside time for members of the public to speak in the public forum at the commencement of each meeting. Each speaker during the forum may speak for three minutes. Permission of the Chairperson is required for any person wishing to speak during the public forum. Applicants seeking funding from the Board are encouraged to speak in support of their application at this time.

Board Members may ask questions of the speaker but these should be confined to obtaining further information or clarification on matters raised by the speaker.

4 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 4 Confirmation of Minutes

4 Confirmation of Minutes 4.1 Minutes - Murupara Community Board 26 March 2018


Present: Councillor A R Silcock (Chairperson), Board Members O K Hynes, B R Jenkins, M M N Jenner, A W O’Brien and J K Te Amo

In Attendance: His Worship the Mayor A A Bonne, Deputy Mayor J A Turner, N Clark (Manager Solid Waste), C Ball (Manager Strategy and Community Development), T Chapman (Debt Management/Māori Land Rating Officer) and H J Storey (Governance Support Advisor)

Visitors: L Heurea, O Howden, L Jenner, J Tupe, Z Makiri, M Vercoe

Apologies: Board Member T V Rangiwai

The meeting was opened with a Karakia from J Tupe


There were no conflicts of interest noted.


2.1. Linda Heurea and Olive Howden – Murupara Kaumātua Group

Ms Howden advised that they were seeking funding for the Kaumātua programme and noted that they were putting on a lunch for the local emergency services personnel in recognition of the good work that they do in the community.

Ms Heurea noted that a member of the community had recently suffered a stroke and due to the quick response the person was making good progress and walking around the community once more.

2.2. Laurence Jenner – Motorbikes n Murupara

Refer to pages 4a-c of the tabled items.

Mr Jenner tabled a letter noting that he was sick and tired of the behaviour of people on motorbikes within the community and said that they were ripping up the parks, roadsides and lawns in the town. He said that many of the riders were underage and had no respect for anyone when on their bikes. Mr Jenner noted that when he had approached some of the riders, they had indicated that they had nowhere to go to ride their bikes and it was easier to ride through the town as the Police could not catch them.

5 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 4.1 Minutes - Murupara Community Board 26 March 2018 (Cont.)

Mr Jenner advised that he had spoken to the Police who indicated that although they do try to apprehend the riders they were often unable to do so due to being short staffed at the station. He said that the repairs to the damage caused by the riders had to be paid for by the ratepayers and emergency services had to attend call outs when riders became too careless. Mr Jenner said that it came back to the safety of the community and the people riding the bikes.

Mr Jenner suggested that a ban be placed on trial bikes riding on the road berms along the Main Road to the College and the whole of the Murupara township. He said that a place needed to be found for the riders to be able to ride safely. Mr Jenner noted that some residents were starting to take matters into their own hands and this needed to be stopped before someone got hurt.

Discussion ensued and it was noted that if a place was set aside for riding, it would need to have health and safety rules and the culprits would still continue to ride their bikes through town to get to the site.

Mr Makiri noted that his son was one of the riders and said that he did not disrespect anyone. He said that if anything unlawful needed attention he as his parent would deal with it. Mr Makiri noted that the Police had visited his home to speak with them about riding the bike through town and was told that the Police did not want to see him going “hard out” on the bike around town and advised him to ride the bike on bush tracks where it was allowed to be ridden. Mr Makiri said that putting a bylaw in place would not work as the riders would not respect it. He suggested that the Board needed to communicate with the riders and provide them with an area that they could ride as they did not have licences.

The Chief Executive of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Manawa advised that they would be interested in assisting with a solution to the issue. It was agreed that a meeting be arranged between riders and community members interested in assisting to find a solution. Mr Makiri advised that he would assist.

Mr Tupe also noted his support for making the town safer for all residents.

Attendance: Ms Howden and Heurea left the meeting at 12.23 pm

2.3. Maramena Vercoe – Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Manawa

Ms Vercoe noted that as part of the LTP people were being asked to commit to options for the sewerage scheme when real solutions had not been provided and considered that this was a back to front approach as people did not want to commit to something and then find later that there was to be no further consultation. Ms Vercoe said that Te Rūnanga wanted to become more involved in discussions around options and how these would impact on everyone and participate in the decision making. She advised that one of the key issues was that no wastewater be discharged into the Rangitāiki River.

The Manager Strategy and Community Development advised that the key message was about working together and engaging with the community to come up with a solution and that at this stage there was no decision on what that would be.

2.4. Zane Makiri

Mr Makiri advised that the Tangatawheuna Wealth and Resource Management Authority were the true people of Aotearoa and needed to be consulted with on any matters that concerned Murupara.

Attendance: Mr Jenner left the meeting at 12.35 pm

6 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 4.1 Minutes - Murupara Community Board 26 March 2018 (Cont.)


Refer to pages 5-8 of the agenda.


THAT the minutes of the Murupara Community Board meeting held on Monday, 8 February 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record.

Jenkins/O’Brien CARRIED


4.1. Regional Council Bus Services with the Ward

Refer to page 9 of the agenda.


THAT the information be received and approve the submissions

Jenner/Hynes CARRIED

Attendance: Board Member Jenkins was absent from the meeting between 12.48pm and 1.03pm and Board Member Hynes was absent from 1.17pm to 1.21pm


5.1. Activity Report to 28 February 2018

Refer to pages 10-23 of the agenda

The following points were noted:

It was requested that the gardens at the pool be upgraded to a better standard The opening of the toilet block would be held once the signage and design had been completed. It was suggested that the facilities be locked at night as young people would congregate in the area if they were left open The Board has submitted on the bylaw review. No Members were able to attend the Policy meeting on 5 April 2018 to present the submission Board Members Hynes and O’Brien were to provide a recommendation to the Board for the wording of the Murupara Welcome signage and Board Member Te Amo was to liaise regarding possible signage for Ruatāhuna A meeting was to be held at 6 pm on 26 March 2016 to organise this years Anzac Day commemoration. A pack howitzer gun used in the Vietnam war had been loaned to Murupara Area School for a period of time It was noted that a suitable location to display Ki Mua information was sought where the community could access it and learn about the projects planned

7 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 4.1 Minutes - Murupara Community Board 26 March 2018 (Cont.)


THAT the Activity Report to 28 February 2018 be received.

Jenkins/Te Amo CARRIED

5.2. Request for Funding – Murupara Kaumātua Group

Refer to pages 24-35 of the agenda.

It was noted that the balance of the Murupara Community Board Discretionary Fund is approximately $9,000.


1. THAT the Request for Funding – Murupara Kaumātua Group report be received; and

2. THAT $500 be allocated from the Murupara Community Board Discretionary Fund to the Murupara Kaumātua Group towards the cost of the community services lunch.

Te Amo/Jenner CARRIED


6.1. Chairperson’s Report – March 2018

Refer to pages 36-37 of the agenda.


THAT the Chairperson’s report – March 2018 be received.

Silcock/Hynes CARRIED

6.2. Delegates report on New Elected Member Training – 6 March 2018

Refer to pages 38-39 of the agenda.

Board Member O’Brien thanked the Board for allowing her to attend the training and said that it had energised her with great ideas and had set her on the right path.


THAT the Delegates report on New Elected Member Training 6 March 2018 be received.

Silcock/Te Amo CARRIED

8 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 4.1 Minutes - Murupara Community Board 26 March 2018 (Cont.)

6.3. Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whare 26 February – 26 March 2018

Refer to pages 40-41 of the agenda.


THAT the Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whare 26 February to 26 March 2018 be received.

Hynes/Te Amo CARRIED


Refer to page 42 of the agenda.

Members were requested to provide comments to Board Member Jenner for inclusion in the Board’s LTP 2018-28 submission to Council.


THAT the Murupara Community Board submit to the Council’s LTP 2018-28

Te Amo/Jenkins CARRIED


Confirmed this day of


9 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 5 Reports

5 Reports 5.1 Murupara Community Board Activity Report to 30 April 2018



Meeting Date: MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018


File Reference: A1282333


This report provides the Community Board with an update on a number of projects and activities delivered within the Murupara area during March and April 2018.

Transportation Solid Waste Library Services Museum and Research Services Recreational Services Reserves and Open Spaces Strategy and Community Development Governance


2.1. Operational Expenditure – Current Contracts 2.1.1. Ruatāhuna Safety Improvements and Re-Metalling

Works are being undertaken on unsealed sections of Ruatāhuna Road to utilise metal from the roadside banks for use in replenishing the unsealed road surface. This has a two-fold benefit, in that the metal from the banks provides a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly material for maintaining the roads, whilst cutting back the banks increases road width and improves visibility around corners. This work is progressing well.

2.1.2. Autumn Metalling Programme

The autumn road re-metalling programme is drawing to an end. These works included a mixture of quarry material and metal extraction from adjacent rivers. The river extraction proved a very cost-effective method to re-metal Pokairoa and Ngamotu Roads. This work was carried out by Wilson Bro’s. Crossroads Construction and Hubbards Contracting carried out re-metalling on Pikowai Road and the Eastern Hills area.

10 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 5.1 Murupara Community Board Activity Report to 30 April 2018 (Cont.)

2.2. Capital Expenditure – Current Projects 2.2.1. LED Lighting Upgrade Project 2017-18

The LED accelerated renewal programme has commenced, with works being carried out in Whakatāne, , Tāneatua, Te Teko and Matatā by our lighting maintenance contractor, Broadspectrum. This work includes the replacement of defective streetlight columns. Additionally, Horizon Services has been engaged to undertake the LED installation works in Murupara. For the most part, this LED programme involves merely replacing the old lantern with a new LED lantern. However, specific lighting design has also been undertaken on high traffic volume roads – a requirement of NZTA – to ensure these roads meet the appropriate lighting standard.

The proposed date for the lights to be switched on in Murupara is 30 June 2018.

2.2.2. Guardrail Installation

Contractor: Tracks Concrete.

Guardrail work on Galatea Road above the Matahina Dam is progressing. Some of the roadside edge is too narrow to install the guardrail, so retaining structures are required. Unfortunately, the wrong sized retaining blocks were delivered to the site, which delayed the programme. The contractor and supplier have worked through this issue to enable the works to continue. The retaining work is nearing completion and the guardrail installation was due to begin in late-April/early-May.

Council is also partnering with Trustpower to install crash cushions on the legs of the gantry crane on the Matahina Dam. This work is being undertaken by ‘Combined Road and Traffic Services Ltd’. Works were expected to commence in April, but a delay in the delivery of components means this work is now expected to be completed in May.

2.3. Emergency Works 2.3.1. February and July 2016 Storm Damage Repairs

Storms damaged parts of the road network in February and July 2016. Small sites were repaired under the maintenance contract, with the balance packaged into two contracts as described below:

1. February 2016 – Matahī Valley Special Purpose Road under-slip – A section of the road slipped away and was repaired under contract by Tracks Concrete Ltd in November 2017. 2. July 2016 – Manawahe and Galatea under-slips – A contract was awarded to Grant Farms Ltd (GFL). The Manawahe Road under-slip works were completed in 2017, but works on the Galatea under-slip site have been delayed, due to the contractor losing a key staff member who was managing these works. The Galatea works recommenced in Mid-April and are due to be completed by the end of May.

All initial reinstatement works are complete, including the sealed pavement repairs and reseals. Remaining repairs to 13 under-slip sites have been scoped and surveyed and this information will form part of an options report. Upon completion and acceptance of the options report, a programme will be scheduled for detailed design, consents, procurement and construction. The current expectation is that this work will continue into the 2018/19 financial year.

11 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 5.1 Murupara Community Board Activity Report to 30 April 2018 (Cont.)

2.3.3. Horomanga Bridge

The north approach of this bridge was washed away during Cyclone Debbie. Temporary access over the breach is being been provided by a Bailey bridge, while permanent repair options are being investigated.

The option that is being progressed to design is construction of an additional bridge span. Construction is now expected to commence in the spring of 2018.

2.3.4. Galatea Road, north of Te Mahoe

The contract for the repair of this site has been awarded to Fulton Hogan. The repair includes a wall on the riverside of the under-slip and a slight retreat of the bank opposite the wall. Works are expected to be completed by the end of June.

2.3.5. Ngāi Tūhoe Unsealed Pavement Trial

The Ngāi Tūhoe-sponsored unsealed road trial sites have now been in place for over a month and, so far, are holding up well as could be expected. Monitoring will continue over the coming months to see how they perform over the longer-term.

2.4. Issues raised at previous meeting 2.4.1. Traffic and Speed Limits Bylaw

The board wanted to ensure that their submissions on the proposed Traffic and Speed Limits Bylaw had been received and considered by council. These included proposed changes to the speed limits on the main road past town and Ngāti Manawa Rd.

The submissions were received and responses have been sent. The proposed bylaw is still been drafted and will go before an upcoming council meeting.

2.4.2. Lamp-post flag brackets in Ruatāhuna

The board queried whether brackets for flags would be installed on the lamp-posts in Ruatāhuna.

There is no plan to install such brackets and there are no current budgets to cover the costs of these.


3.1. Murupara

The Murupara Transfer Station is also operated by Waste Management NZ Ltd, under the solid waste services contract. No money is currently collected from the public or small contractors delivering refuse or construction and demolition waste. Waste Management NZ Ltd has now employed local residents to staff the transfer station.

12 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 5.1 Murupara Community Board Activity Report to 30 April 2018 (Cont.)


4.1. Murupara Library and Service Centre

Usage of the free internet through APNK (Aotearoa Peoples Network Kaharoa) has remained consistently popular, with over 560 people using the PCs in the Centre during March and over 470 people using the Wi-Fi on their own devices. Whakatāne staff continue to explore how a regular digital learning session can be offered in the Murupara community, in partnership with other agencies like Eastbay REAP.

Over 390 items were borrowed and returned during March; a decrease of 19% compared with the same period in 2017. Staff are currently exchanging the adult fiction collection with fresh reading material.

Public Programmes

The weekly Ika Boo session for children under 5 years old restarted in February with tamariki and whanau from He Maungarongo Kōhanga Reo taking full advantage of the activity. We hope to see more attendance from other educational groups next term.

The “Circus” themed autumn school holiday programme was conducted from 16-27 April 2018. Activities included crafts with Eastbay REAP and in-house circus competitions, sports with manuhiri (visitors) from the Catholic Church Youth group, Anzac Day poppies and storytelling.


5.1. Museum and Arts Colouring Book Project

The Museum and Arts Team is working with Council’s Ki Mua Coordinator, several community groups, and Whakatāne-born artist Ross Murray, to plan and deliver a colouring book for Year 1 students. The book will be provided free to each incoming primary student. The contents will feature history, heritage, people and environment, as well as interpretive text about each page subject. A project sponsor has been secured and the project is expected to be completed by end of 2018.


6.1. Murupara Swimming Pool

Murupara had 2,475 visits in March - an increase of 42% on the same month in 2017. It is expected that the facility will record 16,000 visits, which will be four-times higher than the 2017 season. This increase is due to providing more activities, additional marketing and better utilisation of the facility by school groups. A water safety programme has been completed with the Murupara Area School.

13 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 5.1 Murupara Community Board Activity Report to 30 April 2018 (Cont.)


7.1. Vegetation Control & Litter Control

The grass growth across the District is slowing due to the cooler weather, which has enabled the mowing crew to catch up following the recent rampant growth. Chemical edging has been completed in Ōhope and rural areas, with staff now concentrating on Whakatāne. The Civic Gardeners have continued to assist with mechanical edging across the District.

7.2. Cycle Trail Extension

MBIE have confirmed funding of $74,090 for the development of Business Case to extend the Mōtū Trails ‘Great Ride’ from Ōpōtiki to Whakatāne Airport. This will be a collaborative project between Whakatāne and Ōpōtiki District Councils and the Mōtū Trails Charitable Trust. Consultants engaged to prepare the Business Case will engage with a range of stakeholders to assess route options and business development opportunities. The working title for the project is Western Coastal Extension Cycle Trail.

Once complete, the Business Case will undergo a cost benefit assessment by MBIE. Subject to the outcome of this assessment, the project may be selected to advance to an application for co-funding for its implementation. Indications are that Council would be required to make a 50% contribution to this cost. Currently there is no budget directly allocated for the project.

7.3. Walking and Cycling Steering Group

In April, the Council supported the establishment of a Walking and Cycling Steering Group. The Steering Group held its inaugural meeting in mid-April with representation consisting of a Councillor and staff members. The Steering Group has objectives to guide initiatives that will improve walking and cycling infrastructure throughout the District. The three main projects the Steering Group will oversee are:

Western Coastal Extension; Review of the Walking and Cycling Strategy 2007; and Review of the Walking and Cycling Implementation Plan 2013.

7.4. Annual Bedding

Staff have commenced with the removal of summer annuals and the preparation and replanting of winter annual displays across the District.

7.5. Murupara Playground Relocation

Staff have now completed refurbishment and relocation of the main Murupara playground to the old hall site. A combined blessing for the playground and the new Permaloo toilet block on the Millennium Reserve was held on Tuesday 17 April.

7.6. Issues raised at previous meeting 7.6.1. Swimming Pool Gardens

The board requested that swimming pool gardens be up-graded.

These works will be scheduled during July/August.

14 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 5.1 Murupara Community Board Activity Report to 30 April 2018 (Cont.)

7.6.2. New Permaloo Toilet

The board wished to know who would undertake the cleaning of the toilets. The toilets will be cleaned by OCS cleaning contractors.

The board asked whether the toilets will be locked at night. The toilets will be locked at night.

The board asked whether a sign can be installed on the toilets with contact details for servicing. No sign will be installed as the toilets will be inspected twice daily when they are locked and unlocked and when serviced daily by the contractor.


8.1. Asbestos Management Plan

The Council has finalised an Asbestos Management Plan for all Council-owned buildings, in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work (Asbestos) Amendment Regulations.

The plan includes information about:

1. The identification of asbestos or ACM in Council Buildings; 2. Decisions, and reasons for decisions, about the management of the risk arising from asbestos at the workplace; and 3. Procedures for detailing incidents or emergencies involving asbestos or ACM at the workplace.

Copies of the Council’s plan will be distributed to our service providers and contractors.

8.2. Ministry of Tourism Fund Grant – Gateway Project

The installation of the new Permaloo toilets at Murupara and Te Teko is complete.

8.3. Issues raised at previous meeting

The board advised they would like more urgency on dealing with the burned-out buildings.

15 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 5.1 Murupara Community Board Activity Report to 30 April 2018 (Cont.)

Final costs for demolition of the buildings have now been obtained and the timeframes depend on the availability of specialist contractors for asbestos removal.


9.1. Long Term Plan Development

Consultation on the Long Term Plan 2018-28 has been the focus of the last month, with numerous engagement channels utilised to help engage the community in the three key questions identified through the Consultation Document.

Numerous hui and events were attended; live Facebook Q&A videos were trialled; large billboards were installed; newspaper, radio and social media raised awareness and sought feedback; and the Consultation Document was delivered to households across the District.

Specific events included:

Murupara Community Board Hui, Chamber of Commerce Breakfast, Mayor’s Morning Tea (Galatea), Whakatāne High School Interact Club, Youth Council workshop, Murupara Night Market, Ngāti Awa Hui, Ki Mua GreenPrint workshop, Ōhope Craft Market, Neighbours Day Event, Heart to Heart Expo.

At the time of writing, it is estimated that Council has received 184 formal submissions. With about half received via the online submission form. The majority of submitters took the opportunity to respond to the three questions Council posed through the Consultation Document, with many also taking the opportunity to raise other topics of interest.

Key dates for the project are as follows:

Date Meeting

14 May 2018 Submission Hearings

22-24 May 2018 Deliberations

28 June 2018 LTP Adoption

9.2. Healthy Homes Project, Murupara

Year two funding has been confirmed for the Healthy Homes Project by BayTrust, but at a reduced level. The Local Steering Group has arranged for Te Ika Whenua Hauora, a local health provider, to lead this programme in Murupara. Four properties have been insulated and the next Community Day is scheduled for 26 April.

9.3. Future Leaders

The Future Leaders programme is an initiative of Inspiring Stories. The programme aims to support young people aged 17–25 in rural and provincial communities to develop their social entrepreneurship and leadership capability, and make a difference in their backyards.

In previous years, this programme has been open to two young people in our District. This year, registrations were open for 55 young people across the Whakatāne District. Unfortunately, attempts to recruit that number of young people have not been successful therefore, we have agreed with

16 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 5.1 Murupara Community Board Activity Report to 30 April 2018 (Cont.)

the provider to lower the target to 25 youth. Fourteen young people have registered to date and the discussions with Inspiring Stories indicate ten other young people (potentially the Youth Council) will be included in the national gathering ‘Festival for the Future’. The cost of the original proposal to Council was $10,000 and applications were made to Community Boards to help fund that programme. With the revised proposal of 25 young people taking part, the cost has reduced to $5,000 and funds will no longer be sought from all Community Boards.


10.1. Māori Wards Poll

Voting papers and information packs have been sent to all registered electors. Voting will be open through until midday on 19 May 2018. Preliminary results are expected to be available later that day and the Electoral Officer will provide an official declaration of the outcome on 21 May 2018.


THAT the Murupara Community Board Activity Report to 30 April 2018 be received.

Report Authorisation

Report writer: Nigel Clarke Manager Solid Waste

Final Approval: Tomasz Krawczyk General Manager Infrastructure

17 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 6 Chairperson and Subcommittee Reports

6 Chairperson and Subcommittee Reports 6.1 Chairpersons Report – May 2018



Meeting Date: MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018


File Reference: A1284499


The report is to provide information on the activities undertaken and events attended since the last meeting.


21 March 2018 Combined Community Board meeting Chairperson and Board Members Rangiwai and Te Amo

29 March 2018 Mayor’s Morning Ta – Galatea Chairperson

10 April 2018 Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Manawa meeting Chairperson

14 April 2018 Opening - Te Kura Tangata at Chairperson, Board Member Te Ruatāhuna Amo

17 April 2018 Opening – Public Toilets and Chairperson. Board Members Playground Mike Naude - General Jenner, Rangiwai, Te Amo Manager Community Services

24 April 2018 Opening – Electric Vehicle Charger, Chairperson, Board Member Jenner Murupara

25 April 2018 Anzac Day – Tipapa Marae, Galatea Chairperson, Board Member Cemetery, Murupara Area School O’Brien


3.1. LTP Submissions

Only two submitters from the Galatea-Murupara area that wished to present their submission to the Council. These will be heard at the Extraordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday, 15 May 2018 at Whakatāne along with other submitters from throughout the district. Board Member Jenner will present the submission on behalf of the Board.

18 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 7 Other Items

3.2. Playground and Public Toilets Opening and

Appreciation must go to Basil Iraia, Father Paul Walsh visiting from Rome and Father Mark Walls from Wellington for carrying out the blessing of the playground and public toilets on 17 April 2018. This was well attended by the public and a big thank you to the lifeguards for operating the barbecue.

3.3. Electric Vehicle Charger

Thanks to Jimmy Goldsmith for carrying out the blessing for the facility.


THAT the Chairperson’s Report – May 2018 be received.

Report Authorisation

Final Approval: Alison Silcock Chairperson

7 Other Items

7.1 Board Submission - LTP 2018-28

19 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 7.1 Board Submission - LTP 2018-28 (Cont.)

Long Term Plan 2018­28 ­ Have your say from Jenner, Mem organisation: Murupara Community Board


Have your say on the Whakatane District Council Long Term Plan - Mahere Roanga 2018-28

Privacy Statement

Please note:

In accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, your submission may be made available to the public. Your contact details and demographic information will not be made available to the public. Demographic information is optional only and is collected to improve our engagement processes.

Submitter Details First Name: Mem Last Name: Jenner Organisation: Murupara Community Board Street: 52 Oregon Drive Suburb: City: Murupara Country: PostCode: 3025 Daytime Phone: 021712905 eMail: [email protected]

Wishes to be heard: Yes I do NOT wish to speak in support of my submission and ask that the following submission be fully considered.

Preferred hearing location: 14-16 May Whakatane 14-16 May Murupara Evening Hearing

Hearing Needs: Wheelchair Access Age * 15 or under 16-25 26-39 40-65 65+ Gender * Ethnicity * New Zealand European/European Maori Pacific Island peoples Asian Other

Correspondence to: Submitter Agent Both

Created by Whakatane Online Submissions Page 1 of 3

20 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 7.1 Board Submission - LTP 2018-28 (Cont.)

Long Term Plan 2018­28 ­ Have your say from Jenner, Mem organisation: Murupara Community Board


1. What is a fair way of funding expensive future upgrades for Murupara's water and wastewater systems?

OPTION 1: Equalise the costs of Murupara water and wastewater from 2018/19 (Council's preferred option). OPTION 2: Do not equalise the costs of Murupara water and wastewater (the current approach). OPTION 3: Equalise Murupara water and wastewater over a number of years.


2. Should we put more money towards tourism and events?

OPTION 1: Put an additional $150,000 towards tourism and events (Council's preferred option). OPTION 2: Keep tourism and events funding the same at $872,000 per year (the current approach). OPTION 3: Increase tourism and events funding by more than $150,000.

Comments The Murupara Community Board does not mind supporting Option 1 if the extra money is going to the wider district. We also feel that money should be spent to support small businesses, than support big companies that are already succeeding. Feel that this area is not considered in terms of being inclusive in the Whakatane District Council.

3. Are we getting the priorities right?

OPTION 1: The Council needs to deliver more for our communities even if this mean an increase in rates and debt - if this is your preferred option, what do you think we should do more of? OPTION 2: The proposed balance between the level of Council services and the cost to the community is about right. OPTION 3: The focus should be on reducing rates and debt even if this means cutting back more services and projects - if this is your preferred option, what do you think we should do less of?

The Murupara Community Board feels that alot of rates and debt could be reduced if the Council uses sensible consultation options and not follow the main stream of expensive consultants to look at ways to improve council services to communities. Spending in this area could be decreased and the use of trends and evidence to back up solutions can be found for less money. However it depends on whether the Council is willing to consider this.


General comments:

Are there any further aspects of the Whakatane District Council's Long Term Plan 2018-28 that you would like to comments on? If you are making comments on a specific document please note the name and page that your submission refers to.

Created by Whakatane Online Submissions Page 2 of 3

21 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 7.1 Board Submission - LTP 2018-28 (Cont.)

Long Term Plan 2018­28 ­ Have your say from Jenner, Mem organisation: Murupara Community Board Comments The Murupara Community Board acknowledge and thank the Whakatane District for the following work within the Galatea Murupara Ward. 1. The prompt repairing of the Ruatrahuna Roads and beyond. 2. The bright and well seen Disability Carparks in Murupara. 3. Replacing the Heap Pump in the Murupara Swimming Pool and allowing an uninterrupted comfortable end of swimming season with acceptable water temperatures. 4. The playground is a big attraction now, and utilised well by many children and families. 5. Taking the lawn mowing contract in house, the town looks well presented and residents are happy. First time no complaints. Submissions: Local Roads: a. Nearly 2 years to install safety barriers south of the Matahina Dam. b. Horomanga Bridge needs to be fixed, has happened 2 times to many. c. Continue to maintain the fottpath in . Well used by local residents. d. STOP sign on the Galatea/Pokairoa Road on the Pokairoa Road - this will allow turning traffic to continue around the corner and as most traffic coming off Pokairoa are coming off the metal road they are automatically slowing, therefore giving turning traffic the rightway around. e. Cemtery Road / Galatea Road, Council facility therefore needs to have Council standard. Unacceptable dusty roads with unmowed lawns. No shade and rubbish not emptied weekly. #Internment cost is the same as Whakatane!!! f. Pukehou Road - Waiohau. With the Marae upgrade, the dust on the roadway is a hazard. Likely damage to wharekai chillers and food preparation areas. Traffic usage is increasing with the Marae upgrade, the Rugby Club, Urupa, Dairy Farm and forestry and quarry off Pukehou Road. Toilet: a. We ask for the toilet located on Pine Drive be moved to the Civic Centre behind the playground. Murupara Civic Centre - Green Space Development: a. We look forward to the development of this area creating a community hub and 'play' area with planting of trees and seating. Gardens at swimming. Aniwhenua Reserve: a. Support Hollys Playground Group to install disability acessible play equipment. b. Have the Fling fox slow down earlier than have a huge bang when young children literally fly off the end. c. The aspirations of a schoolboy from Galatea to design and fundraise to build a skatepark. d. Dog bylaw - add signage, 'no dogs' in the areas recognised by the triangle road - Black Road to the ramp includes toilets, playground and shelter. Signage: Dogs must be on lead, in all other areas of the reserve. e. Community Recreational Walk & Cycling circumnavigating Lake Aniwaniwa as part of the projected plan to create trail from Napier/Taupo Highway to Thornton following the River. f. Support Ngati Manawa & Whakatane District Council partnership to build walking track north of Murupara along the . g. With increased traffic truning into Galatea Road / Black Road - their is poor visibility. Need to modify corner opposite Black Road, improve signage to minimise potential risks to drivers who are unaware of the sharpness of this part of the road, especially for those travelling from Whakatane who need to do a right hand turn into Black Road and cars who will continue around the corner on Galatea Road. Murupara Water: a. Listened to No to chlorine b. Support equalised water and waste water for Murupara c. Support installation backflow prevention d. Ensure our drinking water is safe Community Hall: a. Residents disappointed in the limited use of the hall - school restrictions are not working for residents b. Floor has not been upgrade, previous reports mentioned waiting on funding for flooring. Murupara Alleyways: a. Boundaries need to be clarified for owners so fencelines can be moved

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22 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 7.2 Minutes Combined Community Board 21 March 2018

7.2 Minutes Combined Community Board 21 March 2018


Present: C Chambers (Chairperson), G E Bourk, G L Dennis, Councillor A R Silcock, N T Delahunty, A M Clark, C T Stevenson, K Boreham, T V Rangiwai, C L Hamill, J B Manning, L A Ruiterman, H McLean, D S Yalden, J K Te Amo

In Attendance: His Worship the Mayor A A Bonne, C Ball (Manager Strategy and Community Development), K Farr (Management Accountant), J Finlay (Manager Capital Projects), R Mackay (Strategic Co-ordinator – Kia Mua Whakatāne) and S M French (Governance Support Advisor)

Visitors: Nil

Apologies: M M N Jenner, M J Hanna, Councillor van Beek, M A Robert, A W O'Brien, Councillor A V Iles, G Chater, E Harvey and K M Byrne

The meeting was opened with a Karakia by Board Member H McLean


Refer to pages 5-8 of the agenda.


THAT the minutes of the Combine Community Board meeting held on Thursday, 23 February 2017 be confirmed as a true and correct record.

Chambers/Silcock CARRIED


Refer to page 48 of the agenda.

2.1. Murupara Community Board

Councillor Silcock advised that the two recently elected Board Members had attended the Local Government Hui in Wellington. She reported that the Board had recently granted $6,500.00 towards the cost of inflatable toys for the Murupara Swimming Pool and concluded that the Board had made submissions to the Traffic and Speed Limits Bylaw and to BOPRC Long Term Plan.

23 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 7.2 Minutes Combined Community Board 21 March 2018 (Cont.)

2.2. Rangitāiki Community Board

Chairperson Stevenson reported the Board and the community continued to be busy with flood recovery. In other areas, the Board had made submissions to the BOPRC Long Term Plan, were mindful of the Matatā plan change and were supporting Otakiri residents regarding the proposed water bottling plant. She said the new public toilets at Te Teko were complete and the Board was working to resolve the issue regarding the appearance of the Edgecumbe bridge. Ms Stevenson advised the current CCTV project for Edgecumbe had been initiated by the Board and she concluded the board had provided funding support for the 2018 Mataatua Kapa Haka Festival.

2.3. Tāneatua Community Board

Chairperson Yalden noted that, via the Boards discretionary fund allocation, the Board had supported the Tāneatua School with travel and sports fees, assisted with maintenance cost for the Nukuhou North Settlers hall and supported Tāneatua Christmas in the Park.

2.4. Whakatāne/Ōhope Community Board

Chairperson Chambers reported the Board had reviewed their Strategic Plan and reinforced that the main aim continued to be community involvement.

The Board had supported a number of projects and events via their discretionary funds. Ms Chambers noted the importance of feedback and advertising the Boards involvement and gave a good example of a recipient recently who gave back to the community by speaking at the Young Achievers Awards.

Ms Chambers raised a concern that some applicants for funding appeared to be double-dipping; having received WDC grants, were then being topped up by Community Board funding.

The Board had made submissions to the Whakatāne District Reserves Management Plan, the Traffic and Speed Limits Bylaw, and made a brief submission to the BOPRC Long Term Plan in support of both the preferred options to continue third party funding of infrastructure assets and the change to public transport funding.


Refer to page 38 of the agenda and pages 38a-f of the tabled items.

A power point presentation was provided which outlined an overview of Kia Mua activities and where the project was heading.

Manager Strategy and Community Development noted the project was initiated in February 2017 and to ensure the project was on track, the six project objectives had been reviewed. She reported that community engagement had been achieved with 18600 comments and ideas received from 2901 participants from a diverse cross section of our district and that with the created vision and priorities, this would help with external funding applications.

The Strategic Co-ordinator – Kia Mua Whakatāne was introduced and continued with the presentation. The following points were noted:

A number of new community groups had been activated. Kia Mua had supported a number of existing groups. Kia Mua were enabling community initiatives and events.

24 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 7.2 Minutes Combined Community Board 21 March 2018 (Cont.)

Feedback from Kia Mua had fed through Council processes and into the Long Term Plan 2018-28.

Attendance: J Te Amo entered the meeting and T Rangiwai left the meeting at 4:20 pm. T Rangiwai re-entered the meeting at 4:32 pm.

Manager Strategy and Community Development noted with support from the Community Boards people further afield in the district could be reached, to give them the opportunity to come forward with ideas and help make things happen.


Refer to pages 39-47 of the agenda.

Manager Strategy and Community Development reminded members five bylaws were currently out for consultation and she encouraged the Community Boards to review and make any submissions and talk to their community about them.

A suggestion was made that the finalised bylaws should have the appropriate level of visibility and in particular around the holiday season the freedom camping and liquor ban bylaws be advertised.


Refer to pages 9-37 of the agenda.

Manager Strategy and Community Development explained that Council’s key priorities, work plan and proposed budgets were in a draft state and this information was presented to the community through the Long Term Plan 2018-28 consultation document. The consultation period commenced on Friday 23 March 2018 and closed on Monday 23 April 2018.

Attendance: J Te Amo left the meeting at 4:48 pm. H McLean and Te Waiti left the meeting at 5:00 pm

An overview of the Consultation document was given and the following points were noted:

Equalisation of water and wastewater schemes was explained. Correction: Consultation document Page 8 – graph legend; Option 1 should be Preferred option and Option 2 should be status quo. A concern was raised that an increase to the tourism and events budget would be paid for through rates yet it was felt the businesses benefited from the tourist spend. However, it was noted that the required increased services did impact the ratepayer (for example, waste collection). It was explained that NZTA funded 100% to maintain the special purpose roads to current levels however to upgrade the level of service required additional funding. A request was made from Tāneatua Community Board for a copy of the Fact Sheets. A request was made from Rangitāiki Community Board for a detailed breakdown of the drivers behind the Matatā rates increase.

Attendance: Chairperson Yalden, left the meeting at 5:12 pm.

Manager Strategy and Community Development concluded by encouraging all Community Boards for submissions and to get the message out into their communities.

25 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 7.2 Minutes Combined Community Board 21 March 2018 (Cont.)

Members spent time in their Community Board groups to workshop ideas how to engage their communities, what resources would be needed, timeframes and how could Council support these ideas.

Members were thanked for their participation and were advised the workshop ideas would be circulated back to them.


Confirmed this day of


26 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 14 MAY 2018 Murupara Community Board - AGENDA 7.2 Minutes Combined Community Board 21 March 2018 (Cont.)