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•* ,'•• THE CATHOLIC JOTJRMAli "Sar; for the welfare of boyhood in Ameri­ In the early days of the Church "tr promised to the service of God. He Saturday, September 12.—St. ©ay Dr. Kettell Goes there were certain holy women who ca. never lost his baptismal innocence. of Anderlecht, seeking greater pov­ bore the title of deaconesses. They The Catholic Journal I We decided then, in the interest Many Rochesterians, and this in­ Even in the austere order of which erty and closer union with God, left "of the welfare of our boys, to make cludes non-Catholics as well as Cath were ordained by the laying on ofjtee was a member, the Hermits of his bumble home in Brussels. About hands and sometimes even received iboy guidance an authentic profes olics will regret Rev. Dr. Kettel's "St. Augustine, his austerities were the year 1033, foreseeing that his Published Every Friday At the stole and chalice. But they were sion. On ditfrent occasions the com- withdrawal from the of conspicuous. He died in 131.0. end was near, he returned to Ander­ Ho. 113 North Water Street servants of the church, not ministers Imittee brought together educational Rochester to enter the Jesuit novi­ Friday, September 11.—St. Pa- lecht in his native country, and Wf Hbb Catholic Journal Publishing istB 0f national repute and worked of the . They were employed in tiate. phnutius, Bishop, was an Egyptian there died. As be died a light shone Company, Rochester, N. Y. 'out a detailed curriculum for a thor- assisting at the baptism of women, Dr. Kettell has been an upstand who was made Bishop of Upper round his bead and a voice was w'l •'• >-i — ough course in boy guidance. After at that time by immersion. After the ing, uncompromising defender of the Thebias after he had spent severalhear d proclaiming his eternal re­ If paper i« not received promptly investigation the curriculum was ac- deacon had annointed the baptised Holy Mother Church and our Holy years in the desert under the direc­ ward. •Ottty the office. 'eepted by the of Notre Dame person on the forehead, Ihe other Faith but, withal, he has couched tion of St. Anthony. He took a Report without delay change of University and established as a de- unctions in women's baptism were his attacks in such courteous yet prominent part in the Council of **

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