;: "* ***• -7 f^' V;-- j*> ) T, V .'•V- iMKgzar&tai. ^^.-?V;;; ?**:,'$$. ^'^ii^I-. ||:-:?r?i^',;«^ 1 *• •* ,'•• THE CATHOLIC JOTJRMAli "Sar; for the welfare of boyhood in Ameri­ In the early days of the Church "tr promised to the service of God. He Saturday, September 12.—St. ©ay Dr. Kettell Goes there were certain holy women who ca. never lost his baptismal innocence. of Anderlecht, seeking greater pov­ bore the title of deaconesses. They The Catholic Journal I We decided then, in the interest Many Rochesterians, and this in­ Even in the austere order of which erty and closer union with God, left "of the welfare of our boys, to make cludes non-Catholics as well as Cath were ordained by the laying on ofjtee was a member, the Hermits of his bumble home in Brussels. About hands and sometimes even received iboy guidance an authentic profes olics will regret Rev. Dr. Kettel's "St. Augustine, his austerities were the year 1033, foreseeing that his Published Every Friday At the stole and chalice. But they were sion. On ditfrent occasions the com- withdrawal from the Diocese of conspicuous. He died in 131.0. end was near, he returned to Ander­ Ho. 113 North Water Street servants of the church, not ministers Imittee brought together educational Rochester to enter the Jesuit novi­ Friday, September 11.—St. Pa- lecht in his native country, and Wf Hbb Catholic Journal Publishing istB 0f national repute and worked of the altar. They were employed in tiate. phnutius, Bishop, was an Egyptian there died. As be died a light shone Company, Rochester, N. Y. 'out a detailed curriculum for a thor- assisting at the baptism of women, Dr. Kettell has been an upstand who was made Bishop of Upper round his bead and a voice was w'l •'• >-i — ough course in boy guidance. After at that time by immersion. After the ing, uncompromising defender of the Thebias after he had spent severalhear d proclaiming his eternal re­ If paper i« not received promptly investigation the curriculum was ac- deacon had annointed the baptised Holy Mother Church and our Holy years in the desert under the direc­ ward. •Ottty the office. 'eepted by the officials of Notre Dame person on the forehead, Ihe other Faith but, withal, he has couched tion of St. Anthony. He took a Report without delay change of University and established as a de- unctions in women's baptism were his attacks in such courteous yet prominent part in the Council of **<Jre6B giving both old and new. Ipartment. in the same standing as performed by the deaconess. Deacon CITr SUBSCRIBERS NOTICE convincing style that his opponents Nice, where he was was often called esses also gave' private instructions Communications elicited from au'the departments of Law^ Medicine respect and admire him as a fair into private conference with Con- Our collectors, Jerome Koesterer •athollcs accompanied in every to-™* Engineering A fund for the to women, visited them in sickness fighter and a wonderfully informed stantine the Great. He also partici­ and John J. O'Brien are now calling ^wvuva •wrav . .. o„,. „ Chair in boy guidance and twenty and in prison, kept order at the one. pated in the Council of Tyre, where on our city subscribers. Kindly be B|8 «Mace by the name of the au^five fellowships was set aside. Twen women's door and in the women's prepared for them. Pay no attention As a platform orator, Dr. Kettell he fought strenuously against the UtaM of contributor withheld «ty.two students are pursuing this part of the church, assisted the brideAArian heresy to other personB who may call on ANfaed. |course in graduate work. We thus ranked high while as an American yen. Our ageats have credentials. citizen every one knew just where at marriages, and performed other Pay no money to agents unlesshave the nucleus for the successful duties. The office had become extinct B&T have credentials signed by us continuance of our work on a large he stood. The American Legion boys ranked him as a rare comrade as in the West in the Tenth century but Wp to date. (scale. We are to have trained men well as a spiritual adviser. traces of it still linger in some of Bewittances may be made at our men who know their business. We the Eastern Rites. St. Bernard's Seminary Faculty •wn risk either by draft, express are thus to guard against the failure SAVE BEFORE •wu nw. »»"» ) ' * | often f i to those will miss Dr. Kettell also. But his that bQ£ too a len One of the fertile sources of dis­ «»ey order, post office money order|wno vmt lnto ^ ^^ work friends realize that he believes he cord between civil rulers and eccles­ «r registered letter addressed E. J.jwlUl good ,ntentlone and Htt,e el8e- is entering upon a career of wider ..\r-i.. r usefulness when he becomes a mem­ iastical authorities is the so-called Kyan. Business Manager. Money Bent^g nfive accordingly, men in traln- YOU SPEND SA •*. :>® ber of the Society of Jesus so they right of Exequatur, the privilege to Kfj other way Is at the risk of mg wno wtn be able to guide those wish him well in his new field. claimed by temporal rulers to exam­ tttft person sending it. volunteer^ who have taken up, this ine Papal bulls and constitutions and This is the only sure way to save: Discontinuances.—The JOTJRNAl»'work and will take It up from time to judge as to their expediency be­ will be sent to every subscriber until to time Emil J. Esser fore permitting them to become ef­ Take a part of your wages each week and Writered stopped and all arrearages We have made a wise beginning. fective in their territories. The Holy And much depends on the wisdom «T» pa^d up. The only legal method In the passing of Emil J. Esser a See has never admited as a mater of of this beginning. We want volun­ put it in the Rochester Savings Bank, and good man is mourned. H<- was a right the contention of the State that •f stopping a paper Is by paying up teers, men who have the interests of solid, substantial business man oift is privileged To impede the execu­ spend the rest. «U arrearages. the boy at heart, men who see the the old school and his word was his tion of Papal Rescripts; but de facto importance of this great work and bond. and to prevent greater evils, it often Friday, September 4,1925. are eager to help in it, but men who Mr. Esser was a practical Catholic, has acquiesced in the exercise of the We are open Saturday evenings from 5 to have not the desire or the opportun­ so-called right. TELEPHONE MAIN 1567 ity to devote the years necessary to one of the charter members of Roch­ ester Council, Knights of Oolun'bin. 9, to enable you to carry out this suggestion. Matered as second class mall matter, become professionally equipped for it. But we will have no man as a and a hard worker in all Church In the treasury of the Cathedral at Money deposited on or before the third of leader unless he has some training. affairs. He was a loyal friend and Treves is preserved the celebrated Boy Guidance In order to obtain this trained lead­ staunch in his desire to promote the relic known as the Holy Coat, which, September is entitled to interest from the ership, we have, in <co-operatlon with welfare of a friend. tradition asserts, is identical with the To his widow, his daughters and It becomes apparent that one of other organizations, arranged in var­ Beamless coat worn by the Saviour son. who is Rev. E. Joseph Esser of first. the greatest achievements of the ious cities and camps courses In boy during His Passion. It is said that the Ilnrh»-ptt'r IMor»-iu\ Ih>- Cathnllr i.- ".(•* -1.1 Knights of Columbus will be their leadership for these volunteers. The the relic was presented to the Cathe Journal f-xU-nds slne<-re sympathy work recently inaugurated of "boy course in the cities demands thirty dral by the Empress Helena, who ac in tluir 1<)P° of Mipbai.ri UMI fatli< guidance"— hours; the course in the camps, two quired it in the Holy Land. In his comment on this phase in weeks. This summer three camps are Rochester Savings Bank his report to the recent Supreme in session under our auspices at Queer 1'nd^r the proposed city manager Convention of the K. of C. in South Bend. Indiana, Austin, Texas, Charter all public officers, as well as and at the Catholic Summer School policemen and firemen, are prohibit Dulutb, Minn.. Supreme Knight It is a peculiar political year In Corner of West Main Flaherty wisely and pertinently Cliff Haven. New York. ed from taking any part in politics New York city. One of the periodica or even contributing to the campaign •ays:— outbreaks Inside Tammany Hall is fund. and Fitzhugh Streets. It took our civilization some time on with Governor Smith and Leader .to discover the essential wisdom of When Shown Olvany striving to prevent the re educating the boy wisely, of training nomination of Mayor John F. Hylan Wll lard A. Marakle has retired as him for manhood, and future father­ Writing on "Evolution'' in the Crimination and recrimination is head of the Moose Order. .In his hood and citizenship.
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