Works of Athonite Icon Painters in Bulgaria (1750-1850)
INSTITUTE OF ART STUDIES, BAS ALEXANDER KUYUMDZHIEV WORKS OF ATHONITE ICON PAINTERS IN BULGARIA (1750-1850) AUTHOR SUMMARY OF A THESIS PAPER FOR OBTAINING A DSc DEGREE Sofia 2021 INSTITUTE OF ART STUDIES, BAS ALEXANDER KUYUMDZHIEV WORKS OF ATHONITE ICON PAINTERS IN BULGARIA (1750-1850) AUTHOR SUMMARY OF A THESIS PAPER FOR OBTAINING A DSc DEGREE IN ART AND FINE ARTS, 8.1, THEORY OF ART REVIEWERS: ASSOC. PROF. BLAGOVESTA IVANOVA-TSOTSOVA, DSc PROF. ELENA POPOVA, DSc PROF. EMMANUEL MOUTAFOV, PhD Sofia 2021 2 The DSc thesis has been discussed and approved for public defense on a Medieval and National Revival Research Group meeting held on October 16, 2020 The DSc thesis consists of 371 pages: an introduction, 5 chapters, conclusion and illustrations` provenance, 1063 illustrations in the text and а bibliography of 309 Bulgarian, and 162 foreign titles. The public defense will be held on 16th March 2021, 11:00 am, at the Institute of Art Studies. Members of the scientific committee: Assoc. Prof. Angel Nikolov, PhD, Sofia University; Assoc. Prof. Blagovesta Ivanova- Tsotsova, DSc, VSU; Prof. Elena Popova, DSc, Institute of Art Studies – BAS; Prof. Emmanuel Moutafov, PhD, Institute of Art Studies – BAS; Prof. Ivan Biliarsky, DSc, Institute of Historical Studies – BAS; Corr. Mem. Prof. Ivanka Gergova DSc, Institute of Art Studies – BAS; Prof. Mariyana Tsibranska-Kostova, DSc, Institute for Bulgarian Language – BAS; Assoc. Prof. Ivan Vanev, PhD, Institute of Art Studies – BAS, substitute member; Prof. Konstantin Totev, DSc, National Archaeological Institute with Museum – BAS, substitute member. The materials are available to those who may be interested in the Administrative Services Department of the Institute of the Art Studies on 21 Krakra Str., Sofia.
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