01 The law on legal status of MRCS was revised.

02 5400 dzud affected herders received humanitarian assistance. 03 Sixty thousand people reached with disaster prevention and preparedness training and promotion.

04 Socail welfare services were provided to 368000 people.

05 Fist aid training was provided to 67100 people.

06 Youth Movement has been expanded.

Cooperation of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), 07 the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and MRCS has been improved.

08 Fundraising campaign for Nepal was organized.

09 Financial operations become open and transparent to the public.

10 Policy documents were adopted.

11 MRCS organizational capacity has been improved by 24 percent.

12 Cooperation of State-Red Cross was enhanced.

13 MRCS joined One Billion Coalition for Community Resilience.

14 Sponsoring special members – Herders consultation meeting was organized.

15 The number of member and volunteers are increasing.

Tel: 32-33-34, Fax: 32-33-34 14210 , Е-mail: [email protected] Sukhbaatar District, Peace Street

2 livelihood forvulnerablepeople,topromote active involvement ofvolunteers,members,supporters, Within theframeworkofMRCSStrategy 2020, to ensurethesustainable developmentofthe children, youth,communityandthepublic in building healthyandnon-violentsociety our goalsaresetforthtoincreasedisaster preparedness andprevention,toimprove National Society.

MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 01 The law on legal status of MRCS was revised

4 contract was signedonthe9 The MRCS. to the to humanitarianactivities Government withrespect responsibilities ofthe contract with the government of was made to delegate some functions and Cross Society, law onlegalstatusoftheMongolianRed of therevised Following theapproval assist inthestatehumanitarianactivities”. Fundamental Principles,GenevaConventionsandtheAdditionalProtocols and topromote volunteerism andself-governancewithaimtoimplementtheStatutesofMovement, Mongolia andMRCS. is responsibleforadministeringandcoordinatingthecooperationbetweenGovernmentof Cross Cooperation”which of theNationalCouncilforState–Red members andtheprocedures Deputy PrimeMinisterofMongoliaissuedadecreeNo46on4 and thepresidentofMRCS,N.Enkhbold. th ofMay2016, by theDeputyMinisterofMongoliaTS.Oyunbaatar activities basedonprinciplesof organization thatcarriesoutits national humanitarian exempted is anon-profit and tax- “Mongolian RedCrossSociety legal statusofMRCSstates: Article 5.1 of the law on on 7 Society Cross the MongolianRed the revisedlawonlegalstatusof approved (State GreatKhural) The ParliamentofMongolia th ofMay2016,toapprove“The th ofJanuary2016.

MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY 5 REPORT 2014-2016 02 5400 dzud affected herders received humanitarian assistance

6 food parcelsandunconditionalcashgrantsfor5400herderhouseholds. Emergency Appeal,MRCShaveorganizedtwophasesofhumanitarianassistancebyproviding Through jointly calledforinternationalemergencyappeal. and IFRC losing theirlivestock.MRCS threatened thelivelihoodofover225,800Mongolianswholiveasnomadicherdsmenandare in snow,which About 90percentofthecountry’slandwascovered animals haveperished. identified asin dzud situation. Out of nearly 56 million livestock in Mongolia, over 1.1 million 21 provincesin2015-2016wintersandaccordingtotheassessmentreport17were By theorderofDeputyPrimeMinister,emergencyassessment team conductedassessment in over tugrik andfoodparcelswereprovidedto5400 1.1 million 1.6 billion animals haveperished cash grantsequivalentto herder households.

17 provinces of over Mongolian herdsmenlosttheir

were identifiedasindzudsituation country’s landwascoveredinsnow About 225,800 90 percent livestock ofthe

MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY 7 REPORT 2014-2016 Unconditional cash grants 3500 herder households from 17 provinces received 192,000 tugrugs as unconditional cash grants which is equivalent of government minimum wage rate. Using the cash assistance herder families were able to buy their essential basic needs and provided hays and fodder for their livestock.

Food and cash assistance During the second phase of the humanitarian assistance MRCS provided food parcels and un- conditional cash grants (64,000 tugrugs) to 1,600 most vulnerable herders.

Over 300 volunteers had worked to deliver humanitarian assistance During Emergency Appeal operation, MRCS collaborated with Khan Bank to deliver cash to the herders and over 300 volunteers deployed to assist the mid-level branches with monitoring during cash distribution. All the volunteers were insured through IFRC’s insurance system.

8 and winterwarmclothes. are providedwithportablegrassharvesterstopreparetheirhaysandfoddersforthewinter relevant ministries.Aspartofdisasterpreparednessactivityinthetargetcommunities,herders collaborating with households by vocational trainings totheherder will provide Also MRCS receiving grantsforsmallbusinesses. provinces. Basedonthemarketassessment, most vulnerablehundredherderhouseholdswillbe Dundgobi and soums ofBulgan,Uvurkhangai assessment inthemostaffected9 conducted collaborated with World Vision Mongolia andconducted“Marketassessment” training and In ordertosupportlivelihoodoftheherderfamiliesanddiversifyingincomeresourcesMRCS Helping toimrovetheincomegenerationofherderamilies 5,000 herderchildren. peer educator.Oneeducatorreached2-3 children withpsychologicalsupportandreached and asofJune2016,total1725schoolchildrenhasbeenpartthetrainingbecome with supportfromSavetheChildren Psychological first-aidtrainingoftrainerswasorganized viding psychologicalfirst-aidtoherderfamilies’childrenisoneofthemostimportantactivities. Herders whohavelosttheirlivestockalsosufferfrompsychologicalproblems.Thereforepro- Psychological first-aidtrainingorganized and submitcomplaintsconfidentially.Up-to-dateover60callswasreceived. a mediumthroughwhichaffectedpeoplecanseekinformation on theresponse,makeinquiries TERA setupincollaborationwithG-mobile,amobile-phoneoperator.Thishotlineistoserveas gagement andaccountability.ACashTransferProgramminghotlinenumberwascombinedwith mechanism usingtheTrilogyEmergencyReliefApplication(TERA)toenhancecommunity en- has establishedafeedbackandtwo-waycommunication the MRCS With supportfromIFRC, Beneficiary communication from MRCSandbecameabletoafford year wereceived humanitarianassistance gather riceandflour.Fortunately, this not abletotravel tothesoumcenter to blocked andbecameimpassible.We were sick. Duetoheavysnow,theroads were young children caughtcoldandbecame at homewithoutanyadult.Butourtwo had nochoicebuttoleaveourchildren to dawnlookingafterourlivestock.We winter, Iandmywifeworkedfrom dusk ly duringlastyear’sdzud.During power. Thiswasabigproblem especial- are stillveryyoung,weare shortinman wife andthree children. Sinceourchildren I haveafamilyoffive.livewithmy

herder Tsend-Ayush.D Erdenekhairkhan soum,Zavkhanprovince necessities. dzud affectedpeoplewithcash andbasic timely assistancethatMRCS provided assistance from MRCS.Ithinkitwasa quite afewotherherders whoreceived a great helptoourfamily. There are also parcel thatwereceived from MRCSwere came tolivewithustogether.Thefood winter, ourparents whowere livingnearby attention toourchildren duringharsh medicine. we wouldn’tbeabletobuythenecessary en’t received thecashtransfer from MRCS medicine foroursickchildren. Ifwehav- Since wecouldn’tmanagetopay

MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY 9 REPORT 2014-2016 03 Sixty thousand people reached with disaster prevention and preparedness training and promotion

10 management. andfirst-aidvolunteer A totalof735volunteershavebeentrainedonDisasterpreparedness steppe andforestfiresstrongwindstormswerereceivedhumanitarianaid. During theseperiodtotalof585disasteraffectedhouseholdswhowerebyfloods, than 270peoplehavebeenpartoftheregionalworkshops. and more to strengthenthecapacityofbranchesindisasterpreventionandpreparedness, Regional workshopsamongthemid-levelbranchmembers,volunteersandstaffswereorganized people fromdisastersandnationalemergencies. lives andlivelihoodsof activities tosave preparedness andrecovery on prevention, building Disaster management programme is aiming to develop humanitariancooperation for capacity- two times fire-fighting teamdeployed Community based equipment provided byRedCross. equipment from 6PM to the following day’s 5AM to turn off the fire using Mountain, andthevolunteerteamworkedinatimely manner there wasaforest fire thatcovered9 hectares oflandinBogd promptly andsuccessfullyput downthefire. LateroninApril, at theroof ofthehospital’s heating room. Thevolunteers acted know-how tothevolunteers. training, simulationexercise wasorganized twicetogivepractical bers were recruited andtrained asfire-fighters. Followingupthe gor province wasestablishedandatotalof15communitymem- After thevolunteerteamwassetup,there wasafire incident In 2015,thefire-fighting stationofJinstsoum,Bayankhon-

MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY 11 REPORT 2014-2016 • Through • Community based • Health and first- • In order to • Renovating flood “Community fire fighting aid training was reinforce the embankment and based disaster risk teams were conducted among traffic signs, and connecting it with reduction” project established and 1350 illegal miners speed bumps irrigation system with support equipped with in Umnugobi, in communities have improved from Australian necessary tools Gobi-Altai, and living close to livelihood of 987 Red Cross and in remote soums mining sites and people who are International of Dornod, provinces. near main roads living in Tsogt federation of Bayankhongor, which used by soum of Gobi- Red cross and Bayan-Ulgii, the mining trucks Altai province. Red crescent Zavkhan, to prevent from societies (IFRC) Umnugobi, traffic accidents winter shelters Dundgobi, in Umnugobi for livestock built Orkhon, , province, MRCS and renovated Uvurkhangai, collaborate with in the project and Khuvsgul local traffic police targeted Dornod, provinces where department Bayankhongor, there is no fire- to set up road Bayan-Ulgii, response teams, signs in the main Zavkhan, Gobi- and new fire road between Altai, Dundgobi, stations were built Khanbogd soum Umnugobi, in a total of 13 to Gashuun- Bulgan, and soums. Sukhait border Orkhon provinces point, and and reaching out Tsogttsetsii soum to 360 herders. of Umnugobi province by covering total of 245 km road.

3994 66366

1200 68000

12785 1770

direct indirect emergency beneficiaries beneficiaries assistance

13456 142800 32625

2014 2015 2016 /september/

12 emergency assistance- Portablewater • 12400 water needs. meeting theirdaily 2234 peopleby reaching upto province, and in Uvurkhangai soum in 5thbaghof kiosk wasbuilt distribution Men Reinforcingtraffic • accidents. from traffic helped toprevent Ulaanbaatar has soumto road connecting bumps inthemain signs andspeed 32625 3491 Renovationof • hospital. . such asschooland community services easy accesstolocal soum andhavean travel withintheir members tosafely community soum hashelped in Erdenesant small bridge and building flood embankment 13100

Women Family- • prepared. and bebetter from disasters how toprevent information on received households and more500 been organized trainings have preparedness 3634 Through • indirect beneficiaries direct beneficiaries indirectly. and 60000people people directly reached 12000 programme materials, DM communication education and information,

13 MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 04 Socail welfare services were provided to 368000 people.

14 to 51,342directbeneficiaries. directed atreducingpovertyinruralareaswereimplemented6aimagsandprovidedservices order toimprovelifequalityofthemostvulnerablepeople.Inaddition,welfareprogrammes care andservicefor60,223mostvulnerablepeoplein provided In 2015alone,theprogramme engage theminthecommunityactivities. Volunteers visitsbeneficiariesatleasttwotimesamonth and invitethematthecenterto with governmentandnon-governmentorganizations. programme organizestrainingsforcaretakervolunteersanddirectbeneficiariesincooperation with disabledandelderlypeople,whodonothavesomeonetocareforthem.Inaddition, provide themwithinformationabouthumanitarianservices.Inaddition,itorganizesmeetings socialization servicestovulnerablecommunitymembersand every MidLevelBranchandprovide Within the frameworkofSocialcareProgramme,therearetwowelfarecentersoperatingin MRCS with thekindnessof comfortable life Living a ince mid-levelbranch. ganized by the social care center of Sukhbaatar prov- regularly startedtakingpartintrainings that are or- proved greatly. Healsobeganthinkingpositivelyand these 3years, hishealthconditionandlivelihood im- advice andtakehimformedicalcheckup.Through month. Heappreciates theirkindnessastheygivehim wood. also provided himwithwarmclothes,coaland fire- monthly foodparcel. Moreover, occasionallyMRCS sickness. MRCSsupportshislivelihoodbyproviding when it started in 2013. He is old and he suffers from social servicestothemostvulnerable people”project lives withhisgrandchild, wholostbothofhisparents. un-Urt soum of Sukhbaatar province, Mongolia. He The MRCSvolunteers visithimminimumtwice a He becameoneofthebeneficiary“Delivery Khasbazar Chimedwasbornin1946Baru-

15 MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 Following table provides information about the number of people who received service under each activity.

64197 4680 64197 2160 5981


Home Visit Food Package Visited Care Center

93462 2250 31267

25351 18579 780 600 319 134

Socio-emotional Number of Took part in the support Volunteers vocational education prepared trainings

33019 600 258

257 519 200 378 1107 456

Number of people, who have attended Number of people trainings organized Number of direct who attended life in cooperation with beneficiaries of skill trainings government and Welfare Service. non-government organizations.

1061 525 3896

11850 131500 4007 85447

Total number of people attended training Total

7795 151408

2014 2015 2016

A total of 368.355 people beneficiaries were received social welfare service.

16 Bayanzurkh DistrictRedCrossBranch. on “PreventingandRespondingtoviolenceagainstchildrenwomen”isimplementingin Dundgobi Aimag, Mandal, Baganuur,Nalaikh district mid level branches. Inadditionproject British Red CrossSocietyisimplementinginDarkhan-Uul,Tuv,Sukhbaatar,Uvurkhangai, Project on “ProvidingSocialWelfareServiceto Most Vulnerable Group”with the Supportof mid-level branch Sukhbaatar province beneficiary of Khuyagbaatar.I, life, aperson whobecameblindforhiswholelife. us. The MRCS encourages and supports me to live a full funded bythegovernment,theyare alwayswillingtohelp am grateful toMRCSbecauseeventhough,they’re not more insocialactivitiesandtrainings. I participate wholeheartedly. Ifeelthattherural area citizensshould support forus.Thus,IalwaystheMRCS trainings. area. Regularmeetings are heldandwetakepartinmany cover. IfeelthatMRCSisoperating wellintherural the helpofMRCS,wegotnewroof coveringandouter cover becomesooldthatitwastorn.Fortunatelywith My family lives in a ger. The roof covering and the outer help ofRedCross Societyfrom thebottomofmyheart. support was helpful to mein many ways. I appreciate the I startedgettingsupportfrom theRedCross Society. The welfare supportfrom thegovernment.From 3years ago, I lostmysightfully, Ionlyget126,000tugriksof They provide notonlyinkind,butalsopsychosocial I livewithmywifeandthree children. Eventhough,

17 MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 05 Fist aid training was provided to 67100 people

18 aid inaccordancewithstandards. prevent fromfatal injuries andintensify the recoveryprocesswith the properlyprovidedfirst The projectpromotedfirstaidknowledgeatthenationallevel.Itispossibletosavepeople’slife, Through ourvolunteers,wehavereached55834peoplebetween2014and2016. the communityduringaccidentsandprovidefirstaidtraining. for first aid from maintypesofnoncommunicablediseases,providing community, preventing capacity by110volunteersonpromotingcommunitybasedhealth,healthylifestylesfortarget city between2013and2015withthesupportofFinnishRedCrossSociety.Theprojectbuild project wasimplementedinChingeltei,Songinokhairkhan,Bayanzurkhdistricts of Ulaanbaatar health andfirstaid” for non-communicablediseases,injuriesandaccidents.“Communitybased aimed toimplementnationwidepreventionandresponsemeasures Health Programme MRCS 112150 320000 received healthservice Number ofpeople total 139950 70800 2014 17750 2015 received Firstaidtraining Number ofpeoplewere 67100 total 2016 26850 22500

19 MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 After looking at several organisations, which provide first aid training, we asked two coaches from Health Programme of the Mongolian Red Cross So- ciety to provide us first aid training. I attended the training to gain skills and knowledge to provide critical first aid services to save my friends and family during fatal emergencies until the arrival of professional health services. I am happy to learn about different types of first aid techniques such as resuscitation, recovery positions, putting on dressing, bandages for cuts, G.Bolor-Erdene, bruises, cold bites, burns and other life threathening injuries. The first aid Geologist, “Areva training is very important for our employees. Mongolia” company There is high risk for potential accidents and injuries on our travels and trips to the countryside, as all of our employees, whether they are geologists or nor needs to travel on regular basis. This time, over 20 people attended the training. We are planning to provide such trainings for all of our employees in the future.

As one of the main activities of the Red Cross Movement, training and awareness raising on first aid was provided at the national level and between 2014 and 2016, 29,000 people received knowledge about first aid. In addition, MRCS is working actively to promote importance of blood donors and blood products and to expand the number of voluntary non-remunerated blood donors at national level.

20 150 householdswithin the framework of the Project on “New Generation- New Opportunities”. the supportof Netherland Red CrossSociety,ventilatedimprovedlatrines (VIP) werebuiltfor facilities andpromotehealthyhabitforhygienehealthtochangebehaviours.With We organizeactivitiestopromoteWater,SanitationandHygienesafedrinkingwater Virus. people aboutEbola materials to10,000 IEC communicable diseasesandprovided for epidemic The programmeprovidedinformation and educationalsessions about prevention andawareness as aresultabout25500litersofbloodwascollected. of thecapitalcityand21aimagsaswellHQin20142015reached68394people Blood donationcampaignsandadvocacyactionsorganizedbyMidLevelBranchesof9districts blood donationcampaignstopromoteatthelocallevelonregularbasis. Mid LevelBranches have beenorganizingamongcommunity, organizations andcompanybased 25600 received blooddonor 92200 Number ofpeople total training 34100 32500 2016 2015 2014

21 MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 In 2015- 2016, “Sanitation and hygiene at rural schools and communities” project was implemented in Nalaikh distrct and Khuvsgul aimag. The outcome of this project: • 510 volunteers, 34 trainers and 20 master trainers were trained to build awareness in the community about water, sanitation and hygiene and help the community to gain healthy habits. • Provided information and education about sanitation facilities, hygiene to 16465 households through home visits, trainings and other means. • Provided information about sanitation facilities and basic health and hygiene to 7962 students in 12 soums in Khuvsgul aimag and 3768 students in 3 khoroos of Nalaikh district. • Reached total of 11731 students about with trainings and promotion about sanitation facilities and hygiene. • In the project duraction reached total of 94056 people.

Total of 18,031 people from 3606 households in 1st, 2nd and 3rd khoroos of Nalaikh Dis- trict in the Capital city gained knowledge about importance of sanitation facilities and benefit- ted from the project. In addition, basic knowledge on hygiene and health was provided to 3768 students of “Golomt” Complex School, School Number 109 and School Number 119 in the distrct, which was covered by the project.

Our school organises campaigns to promote healthy and good habit among students every quarter. In the first quarter, we have organised campaign on “Let’s learn to properly wash our hands.” Throughout the quarter, we have provided information to children about diseases caused by dirty hands and showed them step by step proper way to wash their hands. In the second quarter, we organised “Let’s wear our uniform properly” campaign. Usually, children, who are already learned about washing their hands, wash their uniforms and keep it clean. In an- other words, if the children have clean hands, they pay attention on having clean G.Munkhdelgermaa face and uniform. Encouragement and praisal of their progress motivates the chil- /School Doctor of the dren to do more. Once you know the way, it is really easy to teach children about School Number 109 of healthy habits. This quarter, we are organising campaign on “Litter Free School Nalaikh District/ Environment”. We are expressing our gratitute to children who picks up trash in the school hall and clean their classroom everyday. Our teachers aim to teach children so that they can practice healthy habit in the school, but also in their homes and maintain the same habit for their future. With cooperation of the Mongolian Red Cross, our school did not have any occurance of Hepatitis B and other communicable diseases. We also teach special classes on every Saturday to teach about healthy living. For example, we provide classes about healthy eating, exercises and general hygiene. In addition, we also provide information to parents about healthy living. Our school actively takes part in the activities organised by Nalaikh Red Cross Branch. If we establish a primary level branch at the school, we will be able to closely work together with students and parents.

22 people. reached totalof350084 the healthprogramme Between 2014and2016, implementation. people duringtheproject total of92.8thousand project hasreachedto are neartheborder.The aimagswhich ), Umnogoviand Dornogobi (Erliancityin workers inDornod, drivers andfemalesex HIV/AIDS amongtruck and protectionfrom promote prevention were organizedto and advocacyactions the project,trainings In thesecondphaseof Center” wereestablishedinDarkhan-UulandDornodaimags. two “YouthDevelopment of theproject,thereare Government. Inthefirstphase Luxemburg and mostatriskpopulation”projectsupportedbyUNFPAwiththefinancialsupportof In addition,Healthprogrammeiscurrentlyimplementing“STI/HIVpreventionamongmobile 21800 2014 of HIV\AIDStraining 69600 received prevention Number people total 2015 2016 3200 15800

23 MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 06 Youth Movement has been expanded

24 and itslegalconceptsreachedtotalof56608people. on internationalhumanitarianlaw,principlesofthemovement Awareness raisingcampaigns benefitted fromtheprojectand47,071youthreceivedinformationaboutmovement. Within thefraemworkofpromotingandstreghteningyouthmovement,25,378directly

25 MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 Total of 16,925 youth directly benefitted from the capacity building trainings for prevent, respond and recover after disaster to protect people’s lives and properties. Information about the activities reached 32,683 through humanitarian centers and other media means. Disaster Preparedness Training was organised in Orkhon, -Uul, Selenge, Khentii, Dornod and Sukhbaatar aimags as well as Baganuur and Bayanzurkh districts. The training prepared 24 coaches and 120 peer trainers from the secondary schools in 6 aimags and 2 districts and reached total of 9000 children.

Training to provide first aid knowledge was provided to 22426 children and youth. Through different media types and also through our centers, we have provided basic health education to total of 40288 people.

Campaign on awareness building about HIV/AIDS and STD continued for 11 days and reached 4800 youth.

In addition total of 42,000 flyers and brochures about health, hygiene and MRCS were printed and distributed to the public.

Within the framework of cooperating with children’s organisations and foreign organisations, we have worked together with total of 18 youth and children’s organisations in Mongolia and other countries around the world.

Total of 6412 children attended the leadership and development trainings.

26 Indirectly reached– Directly reached–

(15 years old): province student inDornod Secondary school Bat-Erdene.G, 77.577 189.673 Red Cross, Iwanttobeagood exampleforchildren ofmyage. not onlylivesinMongoliabutalsotheworld.Being amemberof child whoservesthehumanity. Mywishistohelppeopleinneedwho Cross members andvolunteers. IjoinedtheMRCS inorder tobecomea to takepartinmanytrainings andactivitiesorganized bytheyouthRed Cross andgettoknowthatit isasimilartoUnitedNations.I’mglad Mongolian RedCross Society. ramdal children’s camp.Before Icamehere, Ihadonlyheard about authorities, “Bestchildren” oftheprovince and received tickettoNai- of Youth inDornodprovince. ThenIwasawarded bytheprovincial ramdal” for the second time. This year, I became the Chess champion am gladthatIbecameamemberoftheMRCSwhenwentto“Nai- beneficiaries But after coming here, I learned the fundamental principles ofRed But after coming here, Ilearnedthefundamentalprinciples When Iwasyoung,wenttothe“Nairamdal” children’s camp.I beneficiaries

27 MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 07 Cooperation of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and MRCS has been improved

28 new plansthataimedatsupporting andengagingyoungpeopleinhumanitarianactions. Members oftheEastAsiaYouth NetworkhadtheirsummitinparalleltotheLeadersmeeting andpresented actions”. Thesenationalsocieties vowedtobroadenthecollaborationwithinEastAsiaregion. The themeofthemeetingwas“Improvingregionalcooperation andinnovationininternationalhumanitarian Societies Leadersmeeting”washeldinUlaanbaatarcity,Mongolia from22-26thofJune,2015. With theinitiative of thepresidentMongolianRed Cross Society,Enkhbold. N, “East-Asia National Red Cross British, Norwegian,andJapaneseRedCrossSocieties. As anoutcome,560milliontugriksofadditionalfundwasraised withthecontributionofIFRC,ICRC,Finnish, request assistancefrompartnersonOrganizationalDevelopment issues. programme/projects, mid-levelbranchestofullycomplywith theprogrammeminimumstandards,andto The mainpurposeofthePartnershipmeetingwastoensure thecoordinationandimplementationof Norwegian, Netherland,Japanese,AustrianRedCrossand CrossSocietyofChina. Red CrossandCrescentSocieties(IFRC),InternationalCommittee oftheRedCross(ICRC),British,Finnish, “Partnership” internationalmeetingwasheldinMay2014,withtheparticipationofInternationalFederation Nalaikh districtmid-levelbranch. operations oftheMRCSHeadquarter,aswell of theMRCS,Bolormaa.N.Hewasintroducedto Cross Society,Enkhbold.NandtheSecretaryGeneral Defense, Tsolmon.TS,thePresidentofMongolianRed Minister ofForeignAffairs,Purevsuren.L, with the President ofMongolia,ElbegdorjTsahia,the president Mr.PeterMaurerheldformalmeetings an officialvisittoMongoliaforthefirsttime.ICRC Maurer made Committee oftheRedCross,Mr.Peter In April2016,thepresidentofInternational partners. defined themutualcooperationstrategywith Mongolian RedCrossSocietyisfacing,aswell lessons learnt,newchallengesandissuesthat economic, socialchangeofMongolia,reform, This year’sPartnershipmeetinghighlightedthe Standing CommitteeforStateAffairs,N.Enkhbold. Affairs, PresidentofMRCSandtheHead Parliament ofMongolia,ViceministerForeign with PrimeMinisterofMongolia,Chairmanthe The IFRCSecretaryGeneralheldofficial meetings Partnership meetingofMRCSinSeptember,2016. Mongolia andontheoccasion,hastookpartin Societies, Mr.ElhadjAsSymadeanofficialvisitto Federation ofRedCrossandCrescent The SecretaryGeneraloftheInternational

29 MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 08 Fundraising campaign for Nepal was organized

30 at theeasternprovinces–Dornod, KhentiiandSukhbaatar. assistance and alleviatesuffering of the people affectedatthe large-scale steppe fire occurred Domestically, “Rice fulloflove”fundraising campaignwasorganizedtoprovidehumanitarian a result,38milliontrugrikswasraisedanddonatedtotheIFRC. of Nepal.As to helptheaffectedpeople campaign fundraising a Cross Societyorganized Red universality ofthemovement’sfundamentalprinciples,Mongolian on thehumanityand Based

31 MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 09 Financial operations become open and transparent to the public

32 operations ofMRCS. With arequest,PricewaterhouseCoopers(PWC)conductedfinancial auditing on 2014-2015 The mainfocuswassettomakeMRCSfinancialoperationsopenandtransparentthepublic. MRCS partnershipwasadopted. policy developmentissues.Asanoutcomeoftheconsultation, recommendation toimprove In November2014,theMRCSconductedaconsultationmeetingtodiscussopenlyabout 125 180 Paid staff total 55 Women Men

33 MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 4 418 316 103 4 443 440 976

Organizational capacity 33 Middle level Income branches Expenditure

In 2015, 8 types of auditing was conducted upon MRCS’s general financial statement and other projects’ financial statements. Accountancy Rules and financial guidance for mid-level branches that is in line with the IFRC financial rules and procedures, Mongolian law of accountancy and Law of Auditing were published as standard guidebooks to be used at all levels.

Implementation auditing was conducted in the last 3 years financial statements of the “Enhancing rural society and economy” project which was funded by the European Union. As a result, financial management of MRCS improved, and financial operations started to become open and transparent to the public.

34 of conduct was organized and recommendationsweresharedwiththemid-levelbranchstaffs. of conductwasorganized During theMRCSNational consultation meeting, discussion about theimplementation of Code IFRC CodeofConduct. “MRCS CodeofConductformanagersandofficers”toensurethefullcompliancewith On the9thofOctober,2014,decreeNo202wasissuedbySecretaryGeneraltoadopt each ofthestaffs. of Conduct.Performancereviewistobemadeeachmonth,andattheendyearfor The MRCSHeadquarterstaffs, all agreed with and signedthe“ChildProtection Policy” and Code labor contractswererenewed. and Job descriptionofallthestaffswereupdated was revised. In 2014,internallaborprocedure

35 MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 10 Policy documents were adopted

36 for printandpublicationmaterialsthemid-levelbrancheswasdevelopedbyMRCS. Red CrossEmblemusageguideline and approved. Youth Movementsupportpolicy”wererevised Cross meeting, “Volunteerdevelopmentpolicy”and“Red As aresultoftheGoverningboard the cooperationofRedCrosswithlocalauthorities. development ofvolunteers,ensuringtheimplementationMRCSStatutesandimproving the membership of MRCS, promoting humanitarian activities in communities, supporting the the Governingboardonissuesofimprovingmid-levelbranchcapacity,increasing Policy directionsweregivenfrom branch sustainabledevelopmentindicator”wasapproved. The MRCSGoverningboardmeetingwasheldinDarkhan-Uulprovinceandthe“Mid-level

37 MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 11 MRCS organizational capacity has been improved by 24 percent

38 30 20 below thethresholdwasdeveloped. and only40percent the resultsinto60percentabove action forupcomingtwoyearstoreverse above thethresholdleveland60percentwereratedA,Borbelowlevel.Planof assessment. MRCSwasassessedby94attributes,fromwhich40percentratedC,D,Eor of OCAC the 1stphase conducted the 76thNationalSocietytohave became In 2014,MRCS were observed. enhanced operationsofmid-levelbranches,andincreasednumberprimarylevelbranches Moreover, and reportingofthemid-levelbrancheswereimproved. the planning,budgeting experience. Total of 27mid-levelbrancheswereassessed.AsaresulttheBOCAassessment, in whicheachmid-levelbranchwassendingafacilitatortooneanotherobserveandshare However, in 2015, thesecondBOCA assessment was conductedwith the peer-to-peerhelp, The firstBOCAassessmentwasmadeindependentlybythemid-levelbranchesin2014. annually. is beingconductedatallmid-levelbranches Capacity Assessment/BOCA/initiatedbytheIFRC, Regarding the issues of primary andmid-levelbranchdevelopment,Branch Organization 35 25 10 15 0 5 A 2014 attribute B C 2016 attribute D E

39 MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 In August, 2016, the second phase or the progress review of OCAC assessment was conducted. The organizational capacity of MRCS increased by 24% for the last 2 years and resulted into 64% attributes above the threshold, and 36% below the threshold level. Evaluations 2014-2016

25-A 9-A 9-B 5C 2-D

29-B 11-B 1-A 10-C 7-D

14-C 9-C 3-D 2-B

10-D 6-D 4-C

12-E 3E 4C 5D

40 to exist,grow,andperform. All attributes of the organizational capacityhas been positively changed, especially for those of 2016 outcome 2014 outcome 0 3 To exist To exist 4 1 0 7 5 2 5 1 13 6 To organize To organize 14 13 12 6 11 6 0 5 8 4 To relate To relate mobilize mobilize and to and to 8 6 6 4 4 0 0 0 A 0 1 To perform To perform B 3 1 2 1 1 3 C 1 1 0 0 0 D 1 To grow To grow 5 3 0 1 1 1 E

41 MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 12 Cooperation of State- Red Cross was enhanced.

42 conditions toreceivesupportfromlocalauthoritiesandcooperatingorganizationswereset. As anoutcomeofthetrainings,State-RedCrosscooperationassessmentwasconductedand of 197delegatesfrom22mid-levelbranches. province with theattendance Zavkhan, Bulgan,KhentiiandDundgovi at Bayan-Ulgii,Khuvsgul, 2016 resilience wereheldbetweenAugustandSeptember and disasterriskreduction,improving of MRCS,improvingtheState-RedCrossCooperation,discussingrevisionStatutes Regional trainings with the purpose of defining waysof implementing the Law on legal status level branches. and Govi-Altaiprovincereceivingattendancefrom13provinces120primary Primary levelcapacity building trainingswereorganizedatUmnugovi,Bayankhongor,Orkhon provinces and9districts. Cross mid-levelbranchstaffs,volunteersandmembersof20 governmental organizations,Red Arkhangai andTuvprovinceswiththeattendanceof210peoplefromgovernmental,non- Dornogovi, Sukhbaatar, 2015 atUvs,Gobi-Altai, Selenge, was heldfromJulytoSeptember, Cross cooperationandimprovevolunteermanagement Regional trainingtoassesstheState-Red

43 MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 13 MRCS joined One Billion Coalition for Community Resilience.

44 governmental, business,mediaandotherorganizations. 26th ofSeptember,2016bypledgesigningceremonythesupportinggovernmental,non- Societies, “One billion coalition for community resilience” has been officially launched on the The globalinitiativefromtheInternationalFederationofRedCrossandCrescent presented bytheconferenceguests. assistance for thedzudaffectedherderfamilies”and“State-RedCrosscooperation”were “International humanitarian assistance for dzudaffectedherderfamilies”, “IFRC humanitarian stronger”. Speechesincluding“Policy and actions to reducedisasterriskandimproveresilience”, Agency undertheauspicesofDeputyPrimeMinisterMongoliawiththeme“Together Management conference wasconductedjointlywiththeNationalEmergency Humanitarian and theMongolianHumanitarianDay, day 2016, ontheoccasionofRCRC In May Billion Coalition for Community Resilience One

Billion Coalition for Community Resilience One

45 MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 14 Sponsoring special members – Herders consultation meeting was organized.

46 cooperate togethertoovercomedzuddisaster. provinces attendedintheregionalconsultation.Theherdersplannedtostartdisasterfundand Over than450herdersfromSelenge,Darkhan-Uul,Orkhon,Dornod,SukhbaatarandKhentii In 2016,BulganandKhentiiprovincebranchesorganizedregionalherders’consultationmeetings. Chinsukh.L: member oftheMRCS, province andaspecial soum ofKhentii A herder inGalshir activities promote humanitarian Society inorder to Mongolian RedCross a volunteerofthe Chinsukh. L:Ibecame who hasthesamegoaland aspiration. me to become a volunteer. It’s always my pleasure to work with people need. Mywishis to assisttheonesinneedand it wasthiswishthat led lian RedCross Societyinorder tohelpandsupportvulnerable peoplein lost, getfrostbites androads becomeimpassible.IjoinedtheMongo- When there isheavysnow,there are manyincidents that herders get living, whensnowstormhappensit’sourresponsibility toprotect them. and orphanchildren. Since, livestockisouronlysource ofincomefor In therural areas, there are manyunemployed people,homelesspeople member. consultation meetingconductedinGalshirsoum,Ibecame aRedCross el branch organizes members’ consultation meeting. During the 2013 to be apart of this meeting. Every year, the mid-lev- Therefore, it’sbeen2years sinceIofficiallybecame amember. I camefrom theGalshirsoumofKhentiiprovince. Iam honored consultation meeting”in2015. Herders – special member “Sponsoring its province mid-levelbranchorganized mid-level branchesandasaresult,Dundgovi of Khentii was shared andadoptedbyother and isveryexperienced.The good practice consultation meeting forthepastfewyears mid-level branchhasorganizedtheherders’ an annualevent.KhentiiprovinceRedCross consultation meeting” isbeingorganizedas “Sponsoring specialmembers–Herders generation andincreasingmembership, of fundraising,income With thepurpose

47 MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 15 The number of member and volunteers are increasing.

48 and standards. following theIFRCpolicy revised andupdated Development Policywas The Volunteer doubled from2013. membership feewas In 2014,paymentof registered inRMS. of 1200volunteerswere registered. In2014,total mid-level branchesare standards andallthe compliance withtheIFRC introduced toMRCSin System (RMS)was Resource Management organizations werecollaboratedand86newbrandedactivitiesservicesinitiated. by themid-levelbranches,354 organized Cross promotionactivities/campaigns a resultofRed The Youthmembersincreasedby10500,and600newgroupsclubswereestablished.As sponsoring specialmembersincreasedby1821. members increasedby17076,humanitarianmemberorganization249and As aresultoftheMRCS’spolicyandmeasurestakentoincreasemembership,in2014 103776 381064 hours forMRCS Volunteers Women worked Men 277288

49 MONGOLIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY REPORT 2014-2016 2015-2016 Membership of MRCS increased by 1350, humanitarian member organizations by 82 and the registered volunteers increased by 2354 respectively.

The 2354 volunteers from all levels were trained in trainings conducted by disaster management, social care, health promotion and youth movement programmes of the MRCS. Over 182 volunteer leaders from mid-level branches participated in 6 centralized trainings.

Today our humanitarian organization expanded to having 128827 members, 7000 trained volunteers, 703 primary level branches, 33 mid-level branches, 55406 junior Red Cross members, 17025 Red Cross Youth members, and 29800 honorable donors.

I graduated the Medical high school of Gobi-Altai province and started working in The General Hospital of right away. After working in the hospital, I realized that my profession as a nurse and being a humanitarian work volunteer are exactly the same. I have started working as a volunteer since then. In 2008, we provided support to people who need help in their everyday activities. During the activity, I nursed Mrs. Doldor who became bedridden due to a blood stroke. I took care of Mrs. Dolgor who could hardly speak and move for a month just as she was my own mother. Tsetsegmaa. L: A volunteer I am glad my hardwork payed off and that she became able to walk should know how to support once again. Our first priority is to encourage them mentally. Some people psychosocially people become healthy again just with the help of psychosocial support. An infectious disease Also, helping them to keep up with the latest news and reading books faculty nurse of The for them helps a lot. Helping them to reach what they couldn’t, taking General Hospital in Uvs them to a place where they couldn’t go cheers them up. Every little province, Volunteer group kindness reach the heart of the other person. leader of mid-level branch, Tsetsegmaa. L:

50 Acknowledgement

It has already been 31 months since the last General Assembly conducted in 2014, 2016 respectively and organizational capacity of the Mongolian Red Cross Society. This booklet presents the was strengthened by 24 percent. compiled activities organized from the Mongolian Red Cross The mid-level branch sustainable development indicator, an Society. important document to support the mid-level branch capacity In the past, we have been through both the successes and failures. building was approved by the MRCS Governing board. Regardless of the hardships, we succeeded in implementing our The organizational structure of the Headquarter was reformed goals. and operational transparency was ensured. The Mongolian Red Cross Society’s law on legal status was The Resource Mobilization System of the International Federation revised, the status of MRCS changed into a humanitarian of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies was adopted and is organization and the auxiliary role of MRCS to the government in being implemented by MRCS. humanitarian issues were legalized. The number of members, supporters, humanitarian member The State-Red Cross cooperation was enhanced, and the national organizations, children and youth Red Cross members increased and local cooperation councils were established. drastically and the operational capacity was enhanced. In the framework of broadening humanitarian diplomatic Measures are being taken and international auditing company relations, the President of the International Committee of the is collaborated to improve the financial management of MRCS. Red Cross, Mr. Peter Maurer and the Secretary General of the MRCS has worked towards forming adequate working space and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, ensuring proper working conditions for the mid-level branches. Mr. Elhadj As Sy made official visits to Mongolia for the first time and opened a new page for cooperation. “Mongolian Red Cross International Youth Camp” is being constructed with the support of Republic of Korea National Red International Partnership meeting was organized biannually Cross. in 2014 and 2016 respectively, and contributed in broadening effective international mutual cooperation of MRCS with other The foundation for our accomplishments are the support of our partners including British, Australian, Finnish, Netherlands, members, supporters, primary and mid-level branch, International Norwegian, Japanese, Taiwanese Red Cross, Red Cross Society Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International of China, Republic of Korea National Red Cross, Qatar and Iran Committee of the Red Cross, National Societies, Parliament Red Crescent Societies. of Mongolia, Government of Mongolia, governmental, non- governmental organizations, UN and other international We have good cooperation with other international, non- organizations. governmental organizations operating in Mongolia including UN Development program, Disaster risk reduction program, UNICEF, The President of the MRCS and the Governing board always UN Population Fund, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, World supports and directs our operations at the policy level. Vision Mongolia and Save the Children Japan. Hereby, I express my sincerest gratitude to our partners. MRCS organizational capacity assessment /OCAC/ was Together for Humanity

Secretary General of Mongolian Red Cross Society Bolormaa.N Together for humanity

14210 Ulaanbaatar, Sukhbaatar District, Peace Street Tel: 32-33-34, Fax: 32-33-34 Е-mail: [email protected] 52