CHINA INTERNATIONAL IMPORT EXPO National Exhibition and Convention Center Shanghai, People’s Republic of China Philippine Pavilion Hall 8.2, Booth C1-01 TABLE OF CONTENTS








30 ORGANIZERS PHILIPPINE 菲律宾基本概况 FAST FACTS 菲律宾基本概况 菲律宾共和国 OFFICIAL NAME Republic of the Philippines 总面积 拥有7641个岛屿,总面积343448平方公里 TOTAL AREA (132606平方英里) 343,448 square kilometers (132, 606 square miles) over 7,641 islands 人口 100981437(菲律宾统计局2018年7月数据) POPULATION 100,981,437 (Philippine Statistics Authority, 首都 July 2018) 马尼拉

CAPITAL 时区 City of Manila 菲律宾标准时间 (UTC+8)

LOCAL TIME 民族 Philippine Standard Time (UTC +8) 菲律宾人主要是马来族后裔,少数民族及外来后 裔有华人、西班牙人等。 PEOPLE Filipinos are predominantly of Malay descent 语言 although many have mixed ancestry such as 官方语言为他加禄语和英语,当地居民使用150 Chinese and Spanish 多种方言。

LANGUAGE 货币单位 Filipino and English are the official language, 菲律宾比索 including over 150 native language, vernacular and dialects. 政治 实行总统制。国会为最高立法机构,由参、众两 MONETARY UNIT 院组成。实行行政、立法、司法三权分立政体。 Philippine Peso 国际组织成员国资格 GOVERNMENT 菲律宾积极开展外交和经济活动,并且已获得以 Presidential (Executive Branch) with Bicameral 下国际组织的成员国资格:联合国、东南亚国家 Congress and Independent Judiciary 联盟、亚太经济合作组织、亚洲开发银行、世界 贸易组织、世界银行、国际货币基金组织、国际 MEMBERSHIP IN INTERNATIONAL 原子能机构、国际劳工组织以及各国议会联盟。 ORGANIZATIONS United Nations (UN), Association of 人均国内生产总值 Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Asia- 7236.5美元(世界银行2016年数据) Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Trade Organization (WTO), World Bank (WB), International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) , International Labor Organization (ILO), Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), with evolving diplomatic and economic engagements

GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP) PER CAPITA: 4 $ 7,236.5 (World Bank, 2016) 5 6 7 of the Manufacturing Resurgence Program WHY INVEST (MRP), the manufacturing sector is eyed to 为何投资菲律宾? generate more investments. The MRP hopes IN THE to improve human resource capability; promote 根据联合国贸易和发展会议(UNCTAD)的数 菲律宾人口年龄中位数为24岁,目前正处于 MSME development; and provide infrastructure 据,未来三年,菲律宾将成为全球最有发展前途 所谓的“人口甜蜜点”,这意味着其大部分人 PHILIPPINES? support (energy source studies, farm-to-market 的投资目的地之一。调查报告显示,在全球15 口处于适工年龄段。在菲律宾,劳动力普遍受 roads, and rural development, etc.). 个最受欢迎的投资目的地排名中,菲律宾位列第 教育程度高,英语熟练度高,有良好的服务意 The Philippines has emerged as among the Moreover, the PH is also an ideal location 十,与之前的排名相比,上升了一位。 识。同时,他们还受过良好训练,学习能力 world’s most promising destinations for foreign for foreign investors to set up manufacturing 强,能快速适应不同的文化,且有敬业精神。 investments in the next three years, according facilities as the country represents a significant 2018年,菲律宾GDP增长率为6.2%,仅次于中 to the United Nations Conference of Trade and consumer market in the ASEAN region with 国(6.6%)、越南(7.1%)和印度(7.3%) 作为东盟,尤其是东盟创始6国市场的门户, Development (UNCTAD). The country placed about 109 million population. On top of that, ,发展速度位列东盟第二,亚洲地区也同样名列 菲律宾通过自由贸易协定为投资者和企业提供 10th, and previously ranked 11th. local buyers emerged in 2016 as the most 前茅。这一成绩是在内需保持强劲、出口不断回 了一个更加广阔的市场。东盟自由贸易区总人 optimistic in the world according to the Nielsen 升以及一系列基础设施项目如期推进的向好背景 口为6.29亿,而东盟创始6国人口达到35亿( The Philippine economy is the 2nd fastest global survey of consumer confidence and 下取得的,尤其是各种基础设施项目的实施,不 占世界总人口的1/2),经济规模达22.4万亿 growing economy in the ASEAN region spending intention, mainly due to improved 仅增加了商业活动、就业机会和家庭消费,还提 美元(占世界经济总量的1/3)。 with a GDP growth of 6.2% in 2018 next to confidence about their job prospects over 高了居民收入。相对较快的GDP增速为菲律宾创 Vietnam’s 7.1%. It is also one of the highest the near term. The Philippine economy relies 造了更多的投资和就业机会。 菲律宾不断推动国内贸易自由化、投资自由 in Developing Asia as against India at 7.3% heavily upon consumption and with sales 化,以促进国内外投资者互惠互利,持续加强 and China at 6.6%. This growth is led by of consumer goods growing rapidly at a 未来,菲律宾将继续以政府的(‘Build, Build, 东盟市场准入,促进跨国行业互补。 strong domestic demand, recovery in exports 7.1-percent rate as of the year ending May Build’ program)着力大力发展现代化经济。 and implementation of planned infrastructure 2016, PH consumer spending remains robust.1 根据政府规划,2017年-2022年,菲律宾将加快 综上所述,菲律宾地理位置优越,投资政策自 projects which spur additional business 推进基础设施建设,逐渐增加基础设施支出,从 由化,劳动力年轻化又素质高,愿与全球商界 activities, create more jobs and increase Having a population with a median age of 2017年的6.7%提高到2022年的7.4%左右。在 携手创造价值。 household consumption and reduce poverty. 24 years old, the counrty is currently facing 此期间,政府预计将建设75个“建设、建设、 With a relatively fast GDP growth, more what is called a “demographic sweet spot” 建设”计划基础设施项目,总投资超过1600亿 economic opportunities are created in terms of – which means that a prominent number of 美元。随着菲律宾政府逐渐认识到基础设施部门 investments and employment. its population is of working age. The Filipino 不仅是一个企业或国家的物质基础,还是促进国 workforce is highly educated and English 家工业各部门发展的重要动力,菲律宾政府推出 The Philippines continues to modernize and Proficient, strongly customer-oriented, highly 了这项举措,旨在进一步改善国内投资环境、增 expand its economy anchored on the ‘Build, trainable with fast learning curve, adaptable 强国家综合竞争力。同时,这项举措也将有助于 Build, Build’ program of the government. The to universal cultures and with high level of 菲律宾企业和在菲外企最大限度地降低生产成 government’s plan to fast-track infrastructure commitment and loyalty. 本,提高货物和人员流动效率。 development over the next 6 years and boost infrastructure spending from 6.7 percent of As the gateway to ASEAN and ASEAN+6 工业方面,随着菲律宾制造业复兴计划 GDP in 2017 to around 7.4 percent by 2022. markets, the Philippines offers an expanded (MRP)的广泛实施,菲律宾不断加大对国内 Relevant to this, a total of 75 infrastructure market for investors and businesses through its 制造业的投资力度。制造业复兴计划旨在提高国 projects in the pipeline under the Build, Build, FTAs. The ASEAN trade bloc has a combined 内人力资源能力水平,促进中小微企业的发展, Build program of the government are expected population of 629 million, whereas ASEAN+6 提供基础设施支持(如开展能源研究,建设农场 to cost over US$160B between 2017-2022. has 3.5 billion (1/2 of the world population) and 至市场道路和促进农村发展等)。 Such initiative is designed to further improve an aggregate size of $22.4 trillion (1/3 of the world economy). the country’s investment environment and 此外,菲律宾总人口约1.09亿,是东盟地区重要 competitiveness as the government recognizes 的消费市场,也是外国投资者投资制造业设施的 Investors from other countries as well as the the role of the infrastructure sector, which is 理想地。除此之外,尼尔森全球消费者信心指数 the basic physical system of a business or Philippines can benefit mutually from the more 调查显示,2016年菲律宾国内消费者信心指数 nation, as a driver of growth to different sectors liberalized trade and investment flows, ensure 位列世界前列,主要原因在于公众对近期就业前 in the industry. This would significantly benefit continued and enhanced market access to 景的信心不断增强。菲律宾的经济增长非常依赖 both local and foreign companies in terms of ASEAN, and facilitate cross-border industrial 消费,截至2016年5月,菲律宾国内消费品销售 minimizing the costs of production and making complementation. 额增速为7.1%,消费支出保持强劲增长势头。 the movement of goods and people more efficient. Through its strategic location, liberalized investment policies, and young, educated Industry-wise, with the extensive promotion workforce, the Philippines is ready to partner and build value together with the global 8 business community. 9 10 11 TRANSPORTATION: ARTS AND CULTURE 美食:兼具中西之长 THE FUN NEVER ON THE ROAD 来到菲律宾, 菲律宾美食口味独特,融东西风味于一体,吸引 Take a ride in a Jeepney, the undisputed King 着来自全球的美食爱好者。游客可以选择传统菜 STOPS IN THE of the Road, which symbolizes the creativity, 享受无尽欢乐 肴,亦可以品尝最新捕捞的海鲜。此外,这里到 innovativeness and ingenuity of Filipinos. 处都有各种异国情调的水果,比如榴莲、山竹和 PHILIPPINES Philippine transportation culture will never be 菠萝蜜。 the same without the Kalesa, a horse-drawn 魅力无穷的旅游胜地菲律宾是一个由7000多个 The Philippines, an archipelago comprising carriage popularized during the Spanish 岛屿组成的群岛之国。除了无数自然奇观,这里 交通:沿途观赏各种文化与艺术 of more than 7,000 islands, is a tourist’s occupation. 丰富的历史文化遗产与花样繁多的热闹节庆吸引 一定要乘坐吉普尼,它是当仁不让的公路之王, enchantment. Aside from its countless natural 着来自世界各地的游客。 象征着菲律宾人的创意、创新与智慧。此外还 wonders, the country’s rich historical and FILIPINOS ARE YOUR FAMILY 有西班牙占领菲律宾期间盛行起来的卡勒萨 cultural heritage and exuberant festivals attract Community is a way of life. To Filipinos, 探索菲律宾的更多魅力 (Kalesa)马车,没有它,菲律宾的交通文化就会 tourists from all over the world. everyone is family. Through their world- 在菲律宾的河流山川之间仰望,便会看到头顶一 是完全两样了。 renowned hospitality and warm spirits, Filipinos 碧如洗的蓝天。在这个国家天堂般的岛屿之间探 DISCOVER MORE OF THE make it a point that each visitor knows that they 索,注定是一场毕生难忘的冒险。精彩纷呈的 亲如一家的菲律宾人 PHILIPPINES are a part of the family. 登山之旅,令人大开眼界的潜水圣地……无论陆 社区是一种生活方式。在菲律宾人心目中,四海 Blue is the color of the Philippines skies, 地、空中还是海洋,在这颗东方的明珠,到处都 之内皆兄弟,他们总是竭诚令所有访客感到宾至 hanging over rivers and landscapes. An Why visit the Philippines, 会有不可思议的发现。吕宋岛、维萨亚斯群岛、 如归。体验菲律宾的岛屿生活,享受阳光、沙滩 unforgettable adventure will get you exploring 棉兰老岛……不管双脚踏上哪里,你的假期都不 和大海。这将会是您一生中最难忘的假期。 the nation’s paradise-like islands. Experience you ask? The better question 会缺少乐趣。 fantastic climbs, awesome dive sites as well is: When are you visiting the 什么,你问我为什么要来菲律宾旅 as surprising finds on land, in the air or within 菲律宾的阿克兰省坐落在班奈群岛之间,长滩岛 the seas of the Pearl of the Orient. Regardless Philippines? 是它最美丽的瑰宝,快来沐浴在温暖的阳光下, 游?还是换个问题吧,你打算几时 of which island group your feet will take 享受这里的洁白沙滩吧。来到宿雾群岛,不仅可 动身啊? you—Luzon, Visayas or Mindanao—it will be 以尽情放松,恢复活力,更可以体会强烈的肾上 impossible to find your vacation lacking. 腺素冲击——南宿雾提供种种极限活动,来到 这里的奥斯洛布岛,便能与鲸鲨不期而遇,巴狄 Bask under the sun and relish the white sand 安岛则提供峡谷探险。卡莫斯特和班塔延是北宿 beaches of Boracay, one of the most prized 雾最著名的两大岛屿瑰宝,壮丽的风光带给人极 gems of Panay Island. Relax, rejuvenate and 至的宁静与愉悦。 be prepared for a dose of adrenaline rush in Cebu. Stretch your enthusiasm for extreme 要想知道巴拉望岛何以被誉为世界最佳岛屿,大 activities as South Cebu offers you whale 可来亲身体验一下,它拥有50多个海滩、迷人 shark encounters at Oslob and canyoneering 的环礁湖。之后一路向北,探访伊罗戈省的维甘 in Badian. Explore the wonder of North Cebu 古城,这里被列为联合国科教文组织世界遗产, as it gives you Camotes and Bantayan Islands, 拥有独特的殖民时期建筑物。伊富高省的巴拿 two of its most renowned islands that offer the 威水稻梯田拥有两千年的历史,是人类工程的壮 greatest tranquility and recreation. 举,委实令人惊叹。你还可以探索维萨亚斯群岛

隐藏的奥秘,或是来到大堡,在夕阳下眺望一个 个小小的岛屿。 CULTURE: EAST MEETS WEST Due to its strategic location, the Philippines is 风景如画的大雅台亦是这个国家最受欢迎的旅游 a country that has varied cultural influences. 胜地之一,不妨前往一游。最后来到马尼拉,以 The interaction with other countries’ cultures, like the ones from China, India, Indonesia and 联合国教科文组织世界遗产圣奥古斯丁教堂和 Malaysia, provided a specific Asian influence 圣奥古斯丁博物馆来为这次旅行画上圆满的句 on the cultural heritage of the Philippines. The 号。之后还可以前往众多商场尽情购物,直到 years spent under Spanish and American rules 心满意足。 are also apparent in the country’s religion, cuisine and media. 东西交汇的文化 由于菲律宾的战略地位,这个国家受到多种不同 文化的影响。与中国、印度、印度尼西亚和马来 西亚等国在文化上的互动,为菲律宾的文化遗产 带来别样的亚洲风情。 12 13 FoodPhilippines is the country’s collective food export brand under which the Philippine participation in this year’s CIIE will be exhibiting. This brand underscores the rich and diverse heritage of the Philippine food landscape through its select group of companies from the country’s food manufacturing and related services sector. The delegation will mostly be made up of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) as part of the Philippine government’s push to further strengthen and advance this sector as an integral component of its export industries.

Under the FoodPhilippines banner, this showcase will highlight the country’s organic and healthy food products and services as it further strengthens the bilateral trade relations between the Philippines and China.

FoodPHILIPPINES是菲律宾食品出口的集体品牌。菲律宾将以该 品牌的名义参加今年的中国国际进口博览会。该品牌从菲律宾食品 制造以及相关服务行业精选出一些公司,展现菲律宾在食品领域丰 富多样的传统和遗产。代表团将主要由微型及中小型企业组成,这 也是菲律宾政府进一步加强和推进食品行业作为其出口产业中关键 组成部分的举措之一。

此次菲律宾以FoodPhilippines品牌的名义参展将重点展示有机健 康食品产品和服务,从而进一步强化中菲双边贸易关系。


The Philippines returns to the 2nd China International Import Expo with new and returning exhibitors eager to bring forward the best that the country’s export industries have to offer.

The 2019 delegation will feature Philippine companies under the country’s food manufacturing and related services sector. These exhibitors will showcase a wide range of goods and services including -based products, fresh and processed fruits and vegetables, frozen and canned meat and seafood, snack foods and beverages.

One of the main highlights from this year’s participation is the focus on promoting healthier and more organic products in response to the rapid rise of China’s health and wellness market since 2018.

菲律宾将会继续参加第二届中国国际进口博览会,新老参展商希望带来菲 律宾出口产业最好的产品和服务。

2019年的代表团将由来自菲律宾各地的食品和饮品公司组成。参展商们将 展示丰富的产品和服务,包括椰子产品、新鲜果蔬、加工果蔬、冷冻罐装 肉和海鲜、小吃零食以及饮料。

今年菲律宾参展的一大亮点就是,将重点放在推广更健康、更有机的食品 上,从而应对自2018年以来迅速发展的中国卫生与健康市场。

16 17 PHILIPPINE PAVILION at the CHINA INTERNATIONAL IMPORT EXPO Philippine Pavilion Hall 8.2, Booth C1-01




22 PROPACK ASIA CORPORATION CENTURY PACIFIC FOOD, INC. Ms. Patricia Paylago-Porci, Corporate Secretary 公司秘书 Mr. Dennis Renner Sevilla, Export Sales & Marketing  +63 917 534 0122 出口业务销售与市场  +63 (02) 8463 1015  +63 917 571 4670 WeChat: +63 917 534 0122  +63 (02) 8633 8555  [email protected] / [email protected] WeChat: centurydennis  [email protected] Banana chips  香蕉片 Canned tuna, Canned Sardines, Canned Meat, Frozen cured meats, canned milk, powdered milk, Coconut Products 金枪鱼罐头、沙丁鱼罐头、肉罐头、冷冻腌肉、牛奶罐头、奶粉、椰子产品 AGRINURTURE, INC. Mr. Bernard A. Pae Jr., Export Sales / Logistic Manager 出口销售/物流经理 ENG SENG FOOD PRODUCTS  +63 917 826 4655 Ms. Jean Mendoza, Export and Sales Manager 出口业务与销售经理  +63 (02) 8997 2080 to 23  +63 917 134 7777  [email protected]  +63 (082) 711 6677   [email protected] Fresh Fruits & Vegetable, Canned Beverage (Coconut Water), Frozen Fruits Flavored banana chips, fresh young coconut, fresh/frozen and processed durian and Purees, Rice 风味香蕉片、新鲜椰青, 新鲜/冷冻和加工榴莲 新鲜水果和蔬菜、罐装饮料(椰子水)、冷冻水果和果泥、大米

EXCELLENT QUALITY GOODS SUPPLY CO. BENEVELLE CORPORATION Mr. Muhamad Navarro, General Manager 总经理 Mr. Jenery Lim, President  +63 995 017 8699  +63 920 929 1388  +63 (02) 5313 6704  +63 (02) 8291 6914 WeChat: wxid_nphxrtpznvk WeChat: Benevita_Organics  [email protected][email protected]   Dried Mangoes and Pineapples, Banana Chips, Cacao tablet Organic Coconut Products: 芒果干和菠萝干、香蕉片、可可片 Coconut Sugar, Coconut Syrup, Coconut , Coconut Aminos, / Coconut Spread, Coconut Chocolate Spread, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Coconut Flour, Coconut Chips, , Coconut Milk Lite, Coconut FILIFRESH INTERNATIONAL TRADING Cream Organic Banana Products: Banana Chips, Banana Flour Organic Mr. Melwyn Arrubio, President 董事长 Coffee: Highland Arabica Coffee Beans, Wild Civet Coffee Fresh Fruit:  +63 917 532 8910 Organic Fresh Young Coconut Dried Fruits: Dried Mango, Dried Green Mango,  +63 (02) 8370 0522 Dried Pineapple, Banana Chips  [email protected] 有机椰子产品:  椰子糖、椰子糖浆、椰子醋、椰子氨基酸、椰子果酱/椰子酱、椰子巧克力 Fresh cavendish banana, VCO, RBD and Banana Chips 酱、特级初榨椰子油、椰子粉、椰子片、椰奶、低脂椰奶、椰子奶油 有机香 新鲜卡文迪什香蕉、初榨椰子油、精炼椰子油和香蕉片 蕉产品:香蕉片、香蕉粉 有机咖啡:高地种植阿拉比卡咖啡豆、野生麝猫咖 啡 新鲜水果:有机新鲜椰青 干果:芒果干、绿芒果干、菠萝干、香蕉片 FISHER FARMS, INCORPORATED Ms. Katrina Kay Bulaong-Abella B-G FRUITS & NUTS MFG. CORP. Senior Export Manager - Milkfish Division 遮目鱼出口业务高级经理 Ms. Charisse Godoy, Export Director 出口业务主管  +63 (02) 8584 9719 loc. 103 | +63 (02) 7623 31 92  +63 917 800 1778  +63 917 820 42 63  +63 (02) 8637 5236  [email protected][email protected]  Mr. Ronald G. Rivero Banana Chips, Virgin Coconut Oil, Crude Coconut Oil and other Coconut Senior Export Manager - Shrimp Division 虾类出口业务高级经理 Products  +63 917 553 78 54 香蕉片、初榨椰子油、椰子原油和其他椰子产品  +63 (02) 8584 9719 | +63 (02) 7624 1574  [email protected] | [email protected]  22 23 EXHIBITOR LISTING

Frozen milkfish (whole, marinated, & smoked), fish sausages, nuggets, MAGICMELT FOODS INC. relleno, fish loins, Frozen shrimp, HLSO, peeled & deveined (cooked & raw) Ms. Grace Demdam, Export Sales Manager 出口销售经理 Nobashi & Ebi Panko  +63 917 620 5431 冷冻遮目鱼(全条、腌制和熏制)、鱼肉香肠、鱼块、馅料  +63 (02) 8643-9001 、鱼背肉、冻虾、去头带壳虾、去壳去虾线(生、熟)拉长虾  [email protected]  Mango Flour, Mango bar, GoHealth Bar, Mango Butterscotch, Coffee with Mango flour, Canton with Mango flour, Mango By-Products, , FRUITS OF LIFE, INC. Otap, Hopia, Rosquillos, Ensaymada, , Ube Pie, Cream Cheese Ms. Maria Phoebe Dela Cruz, Operations Manager Brownie, Raisin Oatmeal, Breadsticks 运营经理 芒果粉、芒果条、GoHealth条、芒果奶油硬糖、咖啡配芒果粉、广东炒面配  +63 922 867 6009 芒果粉、芒果副产品、Biscocho面包干、Otap酥饼、Hopia馅饼、Rosquillos  +63 (02) 8372-0668 圆环饼干、Ensaymada蜗牛面包、椰子派、紫薯派、奶油芝士布朗尼、葡萄干  [email protected] 燕麦粥 、面包棒  Pasteurized Coconut Water in can-330ml & 520ml Fresh Coconut water in Pet Bottle 500ml – Frozen Fresh Coconut Water in MAGSASAKANG PROGRESIBO MARKETING COOPERATIVE Bulk Packaging – 18 liters BIB and Pail packaging - Frozen Coconut Milk, Mr. Edwin Sotto, Chairman of the Board 董事长 Coconut Cream, Coconut Puree & Coconut Meat - Frozen  +63 932 372 4240 330毫升和520毫升罐装巴氏杀菌椰子水  [email protected] 500毫升聚酯瓶装新鲜椰子水– 冷冻 Fresh cavendish banana, Natural, Organic and Health Products 散装新鲜椰子水 – 18升盒中袋和桶装 - 冷冻 新鲜卡文迪什香蕉、天然、有机和健康产品 椰奶、椰子奶油、椰果泥和椰肉 - 冷冻

MANCOCO FOOD PROCESSING INC. GSL PREMIUM FOOD EXPORT CORP. Ms. Wendeline Ng, Manager 经理 Ms. Gemmalin Perez, Sales Manager 销售经理  +63 917 630 4672  +63 917 572 9695  +63 (02) 8401 2533  +63 (049) 562-7587 [email protected] WeChat: gemjperez81 Dried mango, dried pineapple, mango juice, mango pineapple  [email protected] 芒果干、菠萝干、芒果汁、芒果菠萝  Banana chips and RBD (refined bleached deodorized) coconut oil 香蕉片和精炼椰子油 MONDE M.Y. SAN CORPORATION Ms. Shiela Camille Olfato, Export Officer 出口业务主管  +63 918 914 2162 JAMLA CORPORATION WeChat: +63 918 914 2162 Ms. Lourdes Panopio, Executive Vice President 执行副总裁  [email protected]  +63 917 810 6208   +63 (02) 8984 4174 Snacks and Biscuits  [email protected] 零食和饼干  Classic Hot Chocolate Tablea Cacao Tablets, Instant Chocolate - Chocolate Rice Porridge Mix, 3-in-1 Instant Gourmet Chocolate Mix, Tablea MONDE NISSIN CORP. de Cacao Unsweetened Rich Chocolate Tablet, Premium Choco Tablets Ms. Jannuela Victorino, Export Officer 出口业务主管 (Tablea), Instant - Chicken Rice Porridge Mix  +63 906 372 5394 经典热巧克力Tablea可可片、速食巧克力Champorado - 巧克力粥、3合  +63 (02) 7759 7507 1速食巧克力混合料、Tablea de Cacao无糖浓巧克力片、特级巧克力片 WeChat: +63 906 372 5394 (Tablea)、速食Arroz Caldo - 鸡肉粥  [email protected]  Snacks, Biscuits, Instant Noodles 零食、饼干、方便面


PASCIOLCO AGRIVENTURES PIXCEL TRANSGLOBAL FOODS INC. Ms. Maura Pasciolco, General Manager 总经理 Ricardo “Ric” H. Blanca / Mr. Michael Manalang  +63 927 307 1884 Export Director 出口业务主管  +63 (042) 545 6173  +63 917 897 8965 | +63 918 925 5231 WeChat: +63 927 307 1884  +63 (02) 87061151 | +63 (02) 8706 1152  [email protected] WeChat: +63 918 925 5231   [email protected] | [email protected] Organic VCO, Organic Coconut Balsamic, Organic Coconut Aminos, Organic Fresh and Processed Fruits and Vegetables, Seafood, Condiments, Sweet Coco Sugar, Orga ic Sap Vinegar, Organic Coconut Jams, Coconut Hot Preserves, Dried & Fresh Marine Products, Coffee Jelly, Tapioca Pearl, Sauce, Organic Coco Syrup, Spiced Vinegar, Pinasarap Vinegar Florence Ube Pie, Florence Coffee Jelly, Summer 有机初榨椰子油、有机椰子蜜、有机椰子氨基酸、有机可可糖、有机树液醋、 新鲜和加工过的水果和蔬菜、海鲜、调味品、蜜饯、干鲜海产品、咖啡果冻、 有机椰子酱、椰子辣酱、有机可可糖浆、香醋、Pinasarap醋 西米、佛罗伦萨紫薯派、佛罗伦萨咖啡果冻、夏收蒸香蕉、夏收香蕉春卷、 椰子王MCT油 Harvest Steamed Banana, Summer Harvest . Coconut King MCT Oil PEARL FOODS INTERNATIONAL, INC. Mr. Joselito Moldogo, Export/Operations Manager 出口/运营经理  +63 917 123 7864 PRIMEX COCO PRODUCTS, INC.  +63 (02) 8277 1148 Ms. Bernadette Reyes, Key Accounts Manager 大客户经理 WeChat: +63 917 123 7864  +63 923 947 6414  [email protected]  +63 (02) 8656 7114  WeChat: BrendyReyes Pearl Delight Banana Chips, Cool Sip, Mango Juice with Coconut Gel Bits,  [email protected] Cool Sip SourSop Juice with Coconut Gel Bits, Pearl Delight Purple Yam Jam  and Pearl Delight Coconut Gel Processed Desiccated Coconut, Virgin Coconut Oil, Coconut Milk Powder, Pearl Delight香蕉片、Cool Sip、椰果粒芒果汁、 Coconut Flour Cool Sip 椰果粒刺果番荔枝汁、Pearl Delight紫薯果酱和 加工椰蓉、初榨椰子油、椰奶粉、椰子粉 Pearl Delight椰果粒

ROXAS SIGMA AGRIVENTURES, INC. PHIL. MORINDA CITRIFOLIA INC. Ms. Maria Estela Angeles, Export Sales Manager 出口销售经理 Mr. Rowell Manza, Head, Marketing and Sales 市场营销主管  +63 917 809 7179  +63 977 820 5002  +63 (02) 8810 8901 to 06 local 1445  +63 (049) 536-7180 WeChat: +63 917 809 7179 WeChat: RR_PhilNONI  [email protected][email protected]  Noni Juice drink Coconut Cream, Coconut Milk, Wet Centrifuge Virgin Coconut Oil, Frozen 诺丽果汁饮料 Coconut Water Concentrate 椰子奶油、椰奶、湿式离心提取初榨椰子油、冷冻浓缩椰子水

PHILIPPINE FRANCHISE ASSOCIATION Mr. Richard Sanz, President 董事长 S&W FINE FOODS INTERNATIONAL, LIMITED  +63 917 832 0732 Ms. Sharin Rebollido, Commercial Manager 商务经理  +63 (02) 8687 0365 to 676  +63 917 881 6918  [email protected] | [email protected]  +63 (02) 8856-2888 loc. 1701  WeChat: +63 917 881 6918 Food Franchises  [email protected] 食品特许经营  Fresh Pineapple and Frozen Pineapples, Assorted packaged fruits and juices 新鲜菠萝和冷冻菠萝,各种包装的水果和果汁


SAN MIGUEL FOODS TRANS OCEAN FOOD PRODUCTS, INC. Ms. Robbin Mae Cabling, Unit Sales Manager 区域销售经理 Ms. Grace See, President 董事长  +63 917 511 6711  +63 917 885 8731  +63 (2) 5317 5000  +63 (02) 8288 7044 WeChat: robbinmae WeChat: +63 0917 885 8731  [email protected][email protected]   Canned Goods, Ice Cream, Biscuits and Coffee Coconut Gel (), Sugar Palm Fruit (Kaong), Coconut Sport 罐头食品、冰淇淋、饼干和咖啡 Strings (), Tapioca Pearl (Sago),Mix Fruit & Beans (Halo-Halo), Nanay Rosa Fish Sauce Condiment, Balayan Condiment, Milkfish in oil classic condiment 8oz., Milkfish in oil spicy condiment, Bottled Tuyo in oil SEE’S INTERNATIONAL FOOD MFG. CORP. classic condiment, Sauteed Shrimp Fry Regular Condiment, Sauteed Shrimp Ms. Helen See, Export Manager 出口业务经理 Fry Sweet Condiment, Sauteed Shrimp Fry Spicy Condiment  +63 928 504 7031 椰果(Nata De Coco)、糖水棕榈果(Kaong)、椰果串(Macapuno)、  +63 (02) 8912 2777 西米(Sago)、水果和豆类混合饮品(Halo-Halo)、Nanay Rosa鱼露调味 WeChat: +63 928 504 7031 品、Bagoong Balayan调味品、8盎司经典调味遮目鱼、辣味遮目鱼、经典调  [email protected] 味瓶装Tuyo鱼干、家常味炒虾、甜味炒虾、辣味炒虾  Banana Chips 香蕉片 TROPICANA FOOD PRODUCTS, INC. Mr. Sing Tiu, Corporate Secretary 公司秘书  +63 917 725 7122 SL AGRIFOOD/AGRITECH CORPORATION  +63 (049) 562 0089 Ms. Liza Guinto. Vice President for Exports 出口商品副总裁 WeChat: +63 917 725 7122  +63 917 636 2490  [email protected]  +63 (02) 8813 7828 loc. 537  WeChat: lizaguinto Organic coconut mct, organic virgin coconut oil, organic coconut milk powder,  [email protected] organic choco mct bar, all-natural virgin coconut oil personal care products  有机MCT椰子油、有机初榨椰子油、有机椰奶粉、有机巧克力MCT棒、纯天 Fresh Fruits (Fresh Cavendish Banana, Pineapple), Snack Food (Brown Rice 然椰子油个人护理产品 Puff, Banana chips), Premium Rice 新鲜水果(新鲜卡文迪什香蕉、菠萝)、零食(糙米泡芙、香蕉片)、优质 大米 W.L. FOOD PRODUCTS Mr. Charles Lim, Executive Assistant to the President 总裁行政助理  +63 917 622 9841 TEAM ASIA CORPORATION  +63 (02) 8985 0140 Mr. Tang Jinbing, Managing Director 常务董事 WeChat: chuckolim  +63 977 883 1888  [email protected]  +63 (02) 8723 4460 to 64  WeChat: coconutph Corn Bits Corn Snack, Muncher Green Peas, Tattoos Corn Chips, Yaahoo  [email protected] Biscuits, Panda Biscuits and Cookies, Yaahoo Sandwich, Muncher D’Patata  Chips, EC Flakes, EC Twin Lion, Samis 3in1 Coffee, Sulit Milk, Drinky All day, Virgin Coconut Oil, RBD Coconut Oil, Lip Balm, MCT Oil, Coconut Multi- 24/7 Orange Powdered Drink, Yaahoo Power Crackers, Black-O Effects Oil, Virgin coconut oil by-products: powder, cocoa spread, honey/ Corn Bits玉米味零食、Muncher豌豆、Tattoos玉米片、Yaahoo饼干、熊 nectar, sugar, ketogenic creamer, mouth freshener, nasal spray, skin ointment, 猫饼干、Yaahoo三明治、Muncher D’Patata薯片、EC薄片、EC Twin soap-cleansing oil Lion、Samis三合一咖啡、Sulit牛奶、Drinky All day饮料、24 / 7橙味固体饮 初榨椰子油、精炼椰子油 | 新产品:觉芙润唇膏、MCT油、多效椰子油、天然 料、Yahoo Power 饼干、Black-O 椰子油副产品:粉、可可酱、蜂蜜/花蜜、糖、生酮奶精、口腔清新剂、鼻用 喷雾、皮肤药膏、肥皂、卸妆油

28 29 CITEM undertakes design for export initiatives: CITEM负责设计出口活动方案,包括: ORGANIZERS •Brand Building; 品牌建设; 主要组织机构 •Export Coaching; 出口指导; •Product/Merchandise Development; 产品/商品开发; •Young Designer Development; 培育年轻设计师; •Local-International Designer Collaboration; and 地方-国际设计师合作; •Permanent Showroom. 永久性展示厅。

The Philippine Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is the 地址 primary government agency of the Philippines with the dual mission of Golden Shell Pavilion, Roxas Boulevard corner facilitating the creation of a business environment wherein participants could compete, flourish, and succeed and, at the same time, ensuring Senator Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Pasay City consumer welfare. 1300 Philippines  电话 菲律宾贸工部(DTI)是菲律宾 重要的政府部门,肩负着双重使命,一方面打造 (+63.2) 831.2201 Local 204 / 238 / 228 便利化的投资环境,使经济活动的参与者能够在菲律宾投资兴业,取得成功。另  传真 一方面,通过促进贸易投资,增加消费者福利。 (+63.2) 832.3965 / 834.0177  电子邮件 [email protected] 地址  网址 361 Trade and Industry Building, Senator Gil. J. Puyat Avenue, Makati City, 1200 Philippines  电话 (+63.2) 751.0384  传真 (+63.2) 895.6487

EXPORT MARKETING BUREAU The Center for International Trade Expositions and Missions 地址 (CITEM) is the export promotions arm of the Philippine Department of 1-2F DTI International Building, 375 Sen. Gil Puyat Ave. Makati City, PHILIPPINES Trade and Industry (DTI).  电话 +632 4563300 CITEM is committed to develop, nurture, and promote globally  传真 competitive small and medium enterprises (SMEs), exporters, +632899011 designers, and manufacturers by implementing an integrated approach  to export marketing, in partnership with other government and private 电子邮件 entities. [email protected]  网址 For three decades, CITEM has established the country’s image as the premier destination for quality export products and services. It Contact: Senen M. Perlada, Director continues to set the highest standards of creativity, excellence and innovation to achieve export competitiveness in the international market.

菲律宾国际贸易展览及活动中心(CITEM)是菲律宾贸工部推广菲律宾出口的臂 膀。

CITEM致力培养中小企业、出口商、设计师及制造商的发展,通过整合政府及私 营部门资源开拓出口市场,促进提升其国际竞争能力。

过去30年里CITEM致力树立菲律宾国家形象,将其打造为高质量产品及服务出口 的首选目的地。未来,CITEM将继续以高标准追求卓越和创新,实现提升菲律宾 在国际市场的出口竞争力。

作为出口市场的原动机,CITEM负责安排出口导向性活动,参加海外贸易展览 会,组织在菲律宾国内及主要海外市场的重要的活动及推广。

30 31 The Foreign Trade Service Corps (FTSC), as part of the Philippine Department of Agriculture Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), is tasked to promote Philippine Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1100 trade and investment worldwide as well as connect trading businesses of  (632) 925-3795; 920-2216 local companies and foreign investors with their counterparts.  (632) 926-6434  [email protected] 外贸服务集团是菲律宾贸工部的其中一个部门,职能是联系菲律宾公司 和外国投资者在全球推广菲律宾贸易投资事宜。

Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. (PHILEXPORT) The Philippine Trade and Investment Centers (PTIC) in Beijing, International Trade Center, (ITC) Complex, Roxas Boulevard cor Sen. Guangzhou, and Shanghai are part of the Trade and Investment Gil Puyat Avenue, Pasay City 1300 Philippines PHILIPPINE Promotions Group under the supervision of the Foreign Trade Service TRADE AND  (632) 230-5555 INVESTMENT Corps of the Philippine Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).  CENTER 632) 831-0231  [email protected] 菲律宾贸易投资中心(PTIC)  设在北京、广州和上海的菲律宾贸易投资中心是贸易投资促进工作组的一 部分,由菲律宾贸工部的外国贸易服务集团监管。 Philippine Trade and Investment Center - BEIJING Room 1703, Tower C, Ocean International Center 60 Dongsihuanzhonglu, CBD East Beijing Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100025 People’s Republic of China  +86.10.85865817  +86.10.85865975  [email protected]

菲律宾贸易投资中心(PTIC)—北京 地址:北京市朝阳区东CBD,秀水中路60号,海洋国际中心,C楼,1703号办公室 电话:+86.10.85865817 传真:+86.10.85865975 邮件: [email protected]

Philippine Trade and Investment Center - GUANGZHOU Room 713, Guangdong International Hotel 339 Huanshi Donglu, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510098 People’s Republic of China  +86.20.83316331 / 83316332  +86.20.83312391  [email protected]

菲律宾贸易投资中心(PTIC)—广州 地址:广东省广州市环市东路339号广东国际大酒店713室,510098。 电话:+86.20.83316331 / 83316332 传真:+86.20.83312391 邮件: [email protected]

Philippine Trade and Investment Center – SHANGHAI 3rd Floor, MetroBank Plaza 116- Yan’an West Road Shanghai, 200052 People’s Republic of China  +86.21.62367297 / 62367577  +86.21.62367576  [email protected]

菲律宾贸易投资中心(PTIC)—上海 地址:上海市长宁区延安西路1160号首信银都广场301室,200052 电话:+86.21.62367297 / 62367577 传真:+86.21.62367576 32 电邮: [email protected] 33 THE PHILIPPINES AS CORAL REEF CULTURAL SUSTAINABILITY Bangkota is the ancient Tagalog word for PERMEABILITY coral reef – the world’s biggest organism made up of the world’s smallest organisms. CONNECTIVITY

The Filipinos, like the coral reef, grow into colonies; spread out all over the world *, connected by Travel, Migration and Technology.

*There are over two million Overseas Filipinos; 679, 819 Filipinos live in The United Arab Emirates of which 450,000 are in Dubai. 2018 Survey on Overseas Filipinos (SOF)


Philippines Expo 2020 Secretariat Email: [email protected]



Center for International Trade Expositions and Missions Golden Shell Pavilion, Roxas Boulevard corner Senator Gil Puyat Avenue 1300 Pasay City, Philippines i (+632) 8312201 Y (+632) 8323965 / 8340177 to 78 z [email protected] a