SCI Catalog 1.1.18
Catalog From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 (5, CCR §71810(b)(1)) Sushi Chef Institute 1123 Van Ness Avenue, Torrance, Ca. 90501 TEL: 310-782-8483 TABLE OF CONTENTS Sushi Chef Institute 1123 Van Ness Ave. Torrance, CA 90501 (310) 782-8483 1 Introduction 2 Map to School Classroom Facility 3 Organizational Chart 4 Admission Requirements 5-8 Description of Course 9-11 Instructional Clock Hour disclosure 12 Potential Career Achievements and Job Classification 13 Faculty 14 Attendance, Tardiness & Dropout Policies and Academic Requirements 15 Rules and Regulations, Probation and Dismissal Policies 16 Student Services 17 Academic Misconduct 18-19 Sexual Harassment Policy 20-21 Skill Test Evaluation 22 Federal and State Financial Aid 23-24 Schedule of Tuition and Fees 25-28 Cancellation and Refund Policies Student’s Rights Under STRF 29 Custodian of Records & Student Complaint Designee 30 a Student Complaint Procedures 31 Time Periods Covered by Catalog 32 ESL Classes 33 Library 33 Daily Class Schedule: Professional Sushi Chef course I and II 34-73 Applications, Agreements, Forms 74-91 Our print catalog is updated annually. (5, CCR §71810(a)) Catalogs are provided to prospective students or the general public via our website, in person, or mailed via USPS. (CEC §94909(a) and §94909(c)) -Brochure, School Performance Fact Sheet, Catalog, bureau’s website link, institution’s most recent annual report (submitted to bureau), can all be found on our website, under ‘About SCI.’ Items that can be accessed through our website: Sushi Chef Institute’s school catalog, school performance fact sheet, student brochure, a link to the bureau’s website, and Sushi Chef Institute’s most recent annual report.
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