City of Munich Department of Labor and Economic Development Sector information July 2018 Retail in Munich - Retail in Munich – Shopping at its best 1 - Healthy business drives purchasing power 2 - Munich's retail landscape: facts and figures 3 - Retail space 3 - Retail sales 3 - Purchasing power 3 - Purchasing power and retail sales indices in Germany 3 - Pedestrian footfall in 2017 4 - Retail rents 4 - Top rents in Munich's prime retail locations, 2017 4 - Online trading 5 - Dynamic development 6 - Major shopping malls in the city 8 - City center 8 - Shopping malls in Munich 8 - Local government's node strategy – an effective tool to control and cultivate growth 10 - Key players in the city center 11 - Further information 12 Retail in Munich – Shopping at its best Variety is the name of the game when you shop in Munich. Famous for its attract- ive offerings, the local retail community covers every price bracket and leaves nothing to be desired. Is designer fashion your thing? Or would you prefer something that makes an indi- vidual statement? Fancy a stroll through the pedestrian zone? Or how about a spot of window-shopping among the luxury boutiques on the Maximilianstrasse, Theat- inerstrasse or Brienner Strasse ? Munich's historic old town center and the various outlying urban districts cater to literally every taste. Small, traditional stores rub shoulders with international retail chains. Selective specialty retailers jostle for position with well-stocked department stores. Eye-catching designer outlets are Published by: City of Munich, Department of Labor and Economic Development Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße 15, 80331 Munich, Germany, Responsible for contents: Britta Buck, Phone +49 (0)89 233-22608, Fax +49 (0)89 233-27966, mailto:
[email protected] City of Munich Department of Labor and Economic Development July 2018 veritable oases for the individualist.