July 9, 2019

ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 5:40 p.m. Present were: Ann Mehaffy, Lynette Perry, Corrine Vetger, Kate Reid, Fred Warner, Jr., Robin Nudd and guest Dean Reganess. APPROVAL OF Lynette moved to approve the June minutes as presented. Corrine MINUTES: seconded the motion. Motion carried. ELECTION OF Ann questioned if she and Corrine could serve as co-chairs. Robin OFFICERS: would check into it and let them know at next meeting. SARAH FRY PROJECT Ann reported that the pieces were being stored in the basement at UPDATE: City Hall. Ann would check with Molly to see if she had heard back on timeline for repairs to at the Corner building. ART ON LOAN: Corrine stated that she would reach out to Shawn. SHAWN PETERSON PROJECT UPDATE: VINYL WRAP Nothing new to report on the project with ODOT. UPDATE: OTHER BUSINESS: Dean Reganess was present and visited with group regarding his trade: stone . Dean is a third generation stone mason and had recently relocated to Baker City. Dean announced that he wanted to offer his help in the community and discussed creating a large community stone that could be pinned together. Dean also discussed stone benches with an estimated cost of $1200/each.

Dean mentioned that a film crew would be coming from San Antonio and thought the exposure might be good for Baker.

Corrine questioned if Dean had ideas to help the Public Arts Commission raise funds for public art. Dean mentioned that he would be willing to create a mold/casting of something that depicted Baker and it could be recreated and sold to raise funds.

Ann discussed her hopes for an opportunity for Dean to teach property owners about the preservation of historic properties. ADJOURN: The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. NEXT MEETING: August 13, 2019