i V • U\.d,( THE SECRETARY-GENERAL 21 May 1999 Dear MrsrW6Tdeyes"and'Family;~ It was with great sadness that I learned of the death of Dr. Asrat Woldeyes. This gifted surgeon, selfless humanitarian and son of Ethiopia leaves a legacy of good work and kind deeds that will not be forgotten. Dr. Woldeyes not only believed in the ideals of peace, human rights and pluralism as the route to democracy. He also sacrificed his freedom and health in their cause. On behalf of the United Nations, allow me therefore to offer my heartfelt condolences to you and your family. As our thoughts and prayers go out to you in your loss, we will also cherish his memory as an example to us all. Yours sincerely, Kofi A. Annan The Woldeyes Family Silver Spring '05/15/1999 22:31 381-588-5071 FREE DR fiSRAT PflGE 01 of Dr. Asrat Woldeyes mpaign To Free Dr. Asrat MD 20910 Fax: (301)588-5071 : free_dr.
[email protected] $? h^://www.free~dr-asrat.net Date: May 15V1999 fe Transmission Amiafi gJ_L felted Nations NAY 1 5 1999 •General rs Tel No,: ding Cover Page): —3— pBLfVBR DfUMNG NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS. f^tWHOFTHBINDIVIDUAIVAGENCY ADDRESSED t M AY CONTAIN BOTMTTFROM UNAUTHORTZBD DISCLOSURK. DUPI .10ATION THISFAX IS STMCTIY PROHIBITED EHOErT BY 7HH ADDRtSStE OR FAX: IN ERROR. riEASE CONTACT US BY FAX & RETURN nir THANK YOU , Secretary-General, ittfinrra you that our beloved family member, Friday. May 14th, wbi1« undergoing treatment at in Philadelphia. in advance for your loving thoughts and kind Prfeonrrs of Conscience! 05/15/1999 22:31 301-588-5071 FREE DR ASRAT PAGE C1 Dr.