14 ASSIGNMENT # COL07-10 Interviewing Dates: May 3-5/84 GALLUP'vvould Lilce YOUR OPINION Inferv1ewer DON't READ ALOUD

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14 ASSIGNMENT # COL07-10 Interviewing Dates: May 3-5/84 GALLUP'vvould Lilce YOUR OPINION Inferv1ewer DON't READ ALOUD ~tklAL # COL03-06 WEEK # COL 14 ASSIGNMENT # COL07-10 Interviewing dates: May 3-5/84 GALLUP'vVOULD LilCE YOUR OPINION INfERV1EWER DON'T READ ALOUD. WOHOS IN CAPITAL LETTERS I CIRCLE APrrW['nlATE NUMlJERS OR CHECK (JOXES 7'85-1 SLGGESTED INTRODUCTION. GooU d:ly, lrn from the Gallup Organiution. and I'd like 10 l:llk 10 you about a rew lopic:s on mllionaJ public ooinion and on nun.ClinC. • SECTION I - ASK EVERYONE: Should he be committed to reduClng government spencing in spite of current high unemployment 1_-__ or should he continue high government spending in order to create jobs? ASK EVERYONE: ,.:.0 1a. Have you heard or read anything about the REDUCE GOVERNMENT SPENDING-----l up-coming Liberal Convention to elect a new Sfr CONTINUE HIGH GOVERNMEN7 SPENDING--2 federal Liberal leader? NEITHER/STAY THE SAME----------------3 YE S- - - 1- J, .. DON'T KNOW-------------~---------------C NO-------2 #115 ~S 2c.~A~n~d~s~hould he lead Canada in the direction of ])K /",s... 3 of socialism, or away from socialism? IN DIRECTION OF SOCIALISM-----l·~1 AWAY FROM SOCIALISM-----------2 ASK EVERYONE: NEITHER/STAY THE SAME---------3 b. Here is a card listing some possible contenders. HAND CARD 1 DON'T KNOW--------------------4 ~ lS J:f you could verte on this , which one of these would you vote for as leader of the federal 2d. Should he be committed to expanding social Liberal Party? welfare programs, or reducing them? EXPANDING SOCIAL WELFARE PROGRAMS---l"~ REDUCING SOCIAL WELFARE PROGRA~S----2 LLOYD AXWORTHY----­ 1- J7 NEITHER/STAY THE SAME---------------3 JEAN CHRETIEN------ 2 DON'T KNOW---------------------~----4 DON JOHNSTON------­ 3 ~~ ) 5 MARK MACGUIGAN----­ 4 JOHN MUNRO--------- 5 3. Generally speaking what do you think is the least amount of money a family of four - husband ,JOHN ROBERTS------­ 6 wife and two children - n~eds each week to get JOHN TURNER-------­ 7 along on, in this community? QCl7 EUGENE WHELAN------ a ~~ Q'i7'" I t +O"P'L -' $ 00' - jj(., ;.1 ( ) DON,' T KNOW OTHER(SPECIFY) g ;.{ ~ 'i'i3:: D I<... <t <i '7 .. tv~ 4. How important to you are your r e l igious bel i e t s , DON'T KNOW/NONE/ very important, fairly important, not too CAN'T SAY----------- 0 important, not at all important? IJS ? X IF CANDiDATE NAMED 'IN OJb , ASK: VERY IMPORTANT-------l _"2,, c. If•.. (F~RSO~ NAMED IN Q.4c) were chosen as the FAIRLY IMPORTANT-------2 next leader of the Federal Liberal Party, how NOT TOO IMPORTANT----------3 likely would you be to suoport him in the next NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT---------4 federal election - very likely, quite likely, D\<.l~~ .., 5 not too likely, or not at all likely? 5. Do you believe in God? VERY LI KEL Y---l ' I t YES-----l -;1.7 QUITE LIKELY-----2 ' S~ NO--------2 NOT TOO L!KE~Y------3 DON'T KNOW-----3 NOT AT ALL LIKELY-----4 l..J '=:. ~ 'i DON'T KNOW---------------5 6. Do you bel i eve in ,1 ife after death? ~S ?!e YES-------l -;l.S' 5f'\ NO----------2 2a. Putting your own politics aside, what type of DON'T KNOW-----3 man do you think would make the best Prime Minister for Canada at this time - should he ~S 1't encourage foreign irvestment in this country or discourage it? ENCOURAGE IT- l't'f DISCOURAGE IT--------2. NEITHER/STAY THE SAME-----3 DON'T KNO~-------------------4 tVS ';5 ! 7a. Did you, yourself. haDDen to attend church or syna909ue in the last seven days? YES---l . .;.1 SA NO--------2 ~S---73 b. Is or oen i zec r e l t o t on a rel~vant part of .vour life it toe present time or not? YES l-;O NO--------2 DON'T KNOW-2----3 N:> )'1 8. I.'hat do you think is the i c ee t number of children for a family to have? 2 4 6 OR MORE . 3 I 7 -7 PI<­ ) CAN'T SAY '8~ ~5.:, -------------------~... o\J e: .-., 0 9. Generally speaking. do you think. livinc conditions for people like yourself in this country are better or worse than they were 5 years a90? BETTEF:---------l - 3..:t WORSE------------2 DON'T KNOW---------3 10. How likely do you think it is that there will be a nuclear war in your lifetime, very likely, "somewhat likely, not too likely or not at all 1ikely? Very'l ikel;------l - 5'~ .5A Somewhat .11ke1y-----2 Not too like1y--------3 Not at all 1ike1y--------4 DON'T KNOW------------------S t45 . ?<o 11. If there is a nuclear war, how likely do you think it is that you will survive, very likely,. somewhat likely. not too likely. or not at all likely? Very 1 iKely---------l - ,<I ~~ Somewhat 1fkely-------2 No~ too likely----------3 Not at all likely---------4 DON'T KNOW------------------5 b~ .~ 12.-If a "federal election were held today. which party's candidate do you think you would favor? LlBERAL~---------l'~:: OTHER PARTY(WRlTE IN) PROG.CONS--------2 ­ rt-.D.P.-----------3 6 CREDITISTE-------4 ~ONDEClbED------------7 SOCIAL CREDIT----S ~(REFUSED--------------8 NOT ELIGIBLE---------9 13 . Did you vote in the last federal election on February 18. 1980? NO----------------l·5' TOO YOUNG---------2 IF 'YES' ASK: wh,ch party did the candidate for whom you voted represent? LIBERAL----------3 OTHER PARTY (WRITE IN) PRDG.CONS.-------4 N.D.P.-----------5 __________8 -'--~ CREDITISTE-------6 S~IAL DON'T KNDW------------9 CREDIT----7 ~$/REFUSED------~--------O 8ASIC OHA INTERVIEWER: INTROOUCE THlS SECJ10N AS FOLLOWS: "Now may I ask you a few Questlons SECTION: so that I can be su,e I 1m gettIng the ,ight sample of people in thlS communi ty?" MEN: lor' you th' .al, head of th, hou~ehole? OCCUPATION OF ~O"EN: Are you the fe~al, head of the hou~ehold? SPECIFIC J08? __~~~aG~~~~~~~~~~ sA YES--.----,·~ NO-----.--2 105-3 TYPE OF COHP~NY?'~~~,"~~~2-~~~-A~~~ ASK EV(RYONE: e.ployed outside the ho.e 'ull-tl.e. part­ How .any P.ople • Including yourself are th,re 1I0t It all? 111 tft1s ftOuuftol d7 3 4 6 OR HORE I.J 5-+7 FULL.TIIIE-.--••-.-1-'.,1 I\J 5--"'t ..:::;A z ." 'ART·Tl"E--·-··------2 How •• IIY would be UIIG.r 10 yur,? .OT AT All··--···-·••·.J Sf! 0 z 3 • OR HORE • ?~ I",).s----.S How .a1l1 would II. lIetwun 10 I 17 yu,s? "SK EVERyONE: 0 I Z 3 OR HORE I\J s-.5 Whit 1, your ••,ltal SINGLE·----•••-.l·'S AJs-+5 :51'\ • ·7J natu,1 M"RRIEO···----···2 WID/DIV/SEP ••••••--J ~re IOU. your,elf I •••lIer of I trade union. or LIYING AS IIARRIEO--·-4 t, your ftu,lIll1d/wlf. I trlde unlol1 .e~oer? Whit wa~ the 1all9uage you flr~t Ipok, 111 Childhood YES, MYSELF·········..1 .?¥ alld 'till ullder,tlnd? YES. MY SPOUSE····.-···-2 .0-·-·-·········-···--····-3 ENGLISH-.·.-.--••-.l·" /oJ~ If S~ FRENCH··-··-··-···-·-2 OTHER(SPEC!FY) 3 Whit wa' tfte yelr of "';;, .. If your 1I1rtn? Now for I queltlor on re'l;;on. Whit is your S rellglou' preference· Prote.tant, RO~ln Catholic RECORD IF: ,,\- MAIi··---··l WOMAIi---- ••••2 .7' or Jewist.? PROTESTANT ••••- ••••l-" H"NO CARD "R·: Which nUMber on tnt. Clrd correso~':~ ~6 JE'IS.'· ·-·-·······-·2 to your total Innua' fa ..11y Income from a" secr ces ~~ RO"~~ CATHOLIC··.-··-·-3 b.for. ta. GeGuct;on~? OTHER(SPECIFY) I UNOER SID.000.· •••--••·.1 $20,000 - $25,995-·•• 4 ·,t ~$/NO RELIGIOUS PRtFt~E~tt· •• -.-•• - •••-.·-.··.S SlO.DOO - $14.999--··-.·2 $30,000 - S35,9'9--··; SIS,DOO • $19.99""",,3 $IO.OOC I O~ER-- •• -.·O WhiCh of these wlS the la.t SChool that you attended? 5 A IJS!IlEFUSEO---- .........--.... -- ... ) 11""0 CAIlC "0' Old you 9rldulte fro~... llEYEl OF SCHOO.ING ATT"INEe)? RECORD IF: FARM- ••••••-.-------l . ,., RECORD 8ElO' RURAL. NON·F~R"-·_·--2 UR8"1i·······-··········3 SOV< GRr.OUt-<= sA PU8LIC/GRAOE SCIIOOL-"-'""""~" 2 SECONO"Il' SCHOO~-····---·--··-·· 3 4 UNIYERSITY.· •••••··.··.··-·-.··- 7 8 .SA POST SECONOtPY I NON'UNIVERS:'Y TIME INTERVIEW ENOEO~: __ COk"U~:ty CO.LEGt···-·--········ 5 6 C.E.G.E.P.······.·-·-·.······-·- 5 6 OTHEIl 5 6 (sHtIFT) NO FORMAL SCHOOLING-············ 9 ""6/ R[ FUSED-··.- - ••-- -'-'-------.,- - ° ;;;;':;C':;;""':::;'~~~ . TYPE OF COMP"n: 0 nr CHECK IF: ( ) STuDENT ( ) HOuSE.1FE (PLEASE PRINT) NAME OR RESPONDENT : TEL EPHONE : _ AOOR ESS : CI TY : PROV: _ OA TE Of INTERV I EW : P,OSTAL CODE : _ I HEREBY ATTEST THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND HONEST INTERVIEw -­ INTERVIEWER'S SIGNATURE: _ ---A VALIDATION CHECK WILL BE MAKE ON ALL INTERVIEWERS' WORK 485-1 CARD LLOYD AXWORTHY JEAN CHRETI EN DON JOHNSTON MARK MACGU IGAN JOHN MUNRO JOHN ROBERTS JOHN TURNER EUGENE WHELAN a L' ENQUETE ·GALL1JP .DESIRE VOTRE OPINION ENQUI:TT:Ult NE USEZ PAS i\ 11i\lfT[ VOIX LE lE.XTE· EN LETrnES MI\JU.'lCULL<; ENCERC1£Z LES NUMEIlOS A('rrtarRI[S au MARQUEZ LES CASES 1/%5-/ rR[SENTATIaN SUGGEIlEE' .t:loniC'Ur. je t"it de rorp"i~li<.J" de Gallup d )"ai.n.::nrU oOCutet ......x: >'QUS de ulrre,cn~ ~;eu SUI" ·rov;~ ruhl;q.oc nnt~le c1 "If le lTCIkciifTJ.. OEMANOEZ A TOUS: 1a. Avez-vous entendu ou l u quelque chose concernant Ie prochaln conqres Llberal pour ellre un c. Oevralt-ll entrainer Ie Canada vers Ie soclalisme nouveau Chef 11beral federal? ou 1'eloiqner du soclalisme? ..- ',,1(, SOCIALISME-------l-~f OUI----------l ENTRAINER VERS LE ELOIGNER OU SOCIALISME-----------~---2 NON-----------2 NI L'UN NI L'AUTRE/OEMEURE LA MEME------3 OEMANOEZ A TOUS: liE SAIS PAS-------------------------------4 b.
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