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21 May 1999

Dear MrsrW6Tdeyes"and'Family;~

It was with great sadness that I learned of the death of Dr. Asrat Woldeyes. This gifted surgeon, selfless humanitarian and son of Ethiopia leaves a legacy of good work and kind deeds that will not be forgotten.

Dr. Woldeyes not only believed in the ideals of peace, human rights and pluralism as the route to democracy. He also sacrificed his freedom and health in their cause.

On behalf of the , allow me therefore to offer my heartfelt condolences to you and your family. As our thoughts and prayers go out to you in your loss, we will also cherish his memory as an example to us all.

Yours sincerely,

Kofi A. Annan

The Woldeyes Family Silver Spring '05/15/1999 22:31 381-588-5071 FREE DR fiSRAT PflGE 01

of Dr. Asrat Woldeyes mpaign To Free Dr. Asrat

MD 20910 Fax: (301)588-5071 : free_dr. [email protected] $? h^://www.free~dr-asrat.net Date: May 15V1999

fe Transmission

Amiafi gJ_L felted Nations NAY 1 5 1999 •General rs

Tel No,:

ding Cover Page): —3— pBLfVBR DfUMNG NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS. f^tWHOFTHBINDIVIDUAIVAGENCY ADDRESSED t M AY CONTAIN BOTMTTFROM UNAUTHORTZBD DISCLOSURK. DUPI .10ATION THISFAX IS STMCTIY PROHIBITED EHOErT BY 7HH ADDRtSStE OR FAX: IN ERROR. riEASE CONTACT US BY FAX & RETURN nir THANK YOU , Secretary-General, ittfinrra you that our beloved family member, Friday. May 14th, wbi1« undergoing treatment at in Philadelphia.

in advance for your loving thoughts and kind

Prfeonrrs of Conscience! 05/15/1999 22:31 301-588-5071 FREE DR ASRAT PAGE C1

Dr. Asrat Woldeyes ....

•. Asrat Woldeyes

Aii^bii.''ifeJ?Ttifek\ :|j'•&•&& profound sadness that the family of Professor ;es- his jmtireciy death. Early Friday morning, May 14lU, at lira*** doctors at the Hospital of the University of " away due to complications of his heart

by feis close family members and friends ffiSB!^ He was also visited by thousands of Ethiopians supported and encouraged him.

etftfre family and all the people who loved and

in Ethiopia according to his wishes. held next weekend (May 22"J or IV'1) in Wfflbave an opportunity to pay their last respects.

thank all who supported them during these will always be in our hearts and his legacy ian patriot.

sfeouJd be communicated through /frf ("am/>aign

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fVoldeyes of Conscience try a laving family, tens of thousands of Itn/al \r a grateful nation, &• a legacy of human tights. Ethiopian

Pioneering Surgeon/ Educator/ Opposition Leader • Former Personal Physician to His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I • Former Dean of Faculty, School of Medici ne, Addis Ababa University • Founder/President in Absentia, All Am hard Peoples7 Organization (AAPO)

Deceased, May 14th, 1999, USA * Ethiopia's most celebrated Prisoner of passed away in Philadelphia, PA, USA, on Friday, May 14th, due to complications of a heart ailment and his debilitated physical condition consequent to the lack of medical attention whil«> he served an illegal 5 & '/2 year prison term in Ethiopia. » Incarcerated at notorious Kerchele Prison, Addis Ababa, from the day of his illegal arrest by Ethiopian authorities in June 1994 to February 1998. * Hospitalized from February to December 'I*W8 a I Tikur Anbessa Hospital due to international pressure regarding a life-threatening decline in his health. * Released under duress in December 1998 to sock emergency medical treatment in the U. S. * Admitted to St. John's Episcopal Hospital, Houston, TX, for emergency treatment from December 1998 to April 1999. * Admitted to the University of Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, for emergency treatment from mid-April to the time of his demise on Ma 14th.

/fero is Free At 7xzv;/ ftestlnPeace. i \J(? " oo"


18 May 1999

Dear Senator Whelan,

It has come to my attention that you will soon be retiring from the Canadian Senate after many years of distinguished service to that body, your native as well as to the United Nations system.

As both a Senator and Canada's Minister of Agriculture, you have devoted your life to civil service. Your contributions have been countless, and every Canadian from to Newfoundland is in your debt. As a former President of the United Nations World Food Council, you worked to combat world hunger and end poverty, particularly in developing countries, and strengthened the global efforts of the United Nations to improve food security.

Once again, congratulations to you, Senator, for your many outstanding achievements improving the lives of your fellow citizens and humanity at large. Your accomplishments will provide encouragement to all who are dedicated to serve their community, their nation and the objectives of a peaceful and equitable world.

Yours sincerely,

K»fi A. Annan

The Honourable Senator Ottawa, UNITED NATIONS Wm$ NATIONS UNIES





Rm. S-3840C - Tel. (212) 963-8745 - Fax (212) 963-1185 REFERENCE:

20 May 1999

Dear Ms. Whelan,

On behalf of the Secretary-General, I would like to thank you for your letter dated 15 April 1999.

As requested, I am pleased to enclose a message of the Secretary-General to your father, Senator Eugene Whelan, for his retirement celebration scheduled for 9 June this year.

The Secretary-General has asked me to convey his best wishes to Senator Whelan and everyone on this special occasion.

•2 Sincerely yours,

Mitch Werner Principal Officer

Ms. , M.P. Parliament Hill Office Room 231 Edifice de la Confederation Bldg. ^', Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1A6 \ '• CANADA [145


His Excellency, Mr. Kofi Annan, Secretary General Office of the Secretary General - Room 3800 The United Nations - First Avenue and 42nd Street W-41999 New York, New York 10017 USA

Dear Mr. Secretary General : Re: Senator Whelan's Retirement

On July 11th, 1999, my father, Senator Eugene Whelan, P.C., O.C., will be rcliring from ihc Canadian Senate after a lengthy and distinguished political career.

Senator Whelan's political career began in municipal politics. After a distinguished career in municipal politics from 1945 to 1962, capped with his election as Essex County Warden, Eugene Francis Whelan moved to the federal arena. He was first elected as a Member of the Canadian Parliament in 1962 and served in this capacity until 1984. In 1972 he became Canada's Minister of Agriculture, a position which he held for 11 years. Eugene Whelan was summoned to serve in the Canadian Senate on August 9, 1996 by the Right Honourable Jean Chretien, Prime Minisler of Canada. He will continue to serve in this capacity until July 11, 1999.

1 am writing to request a greeting or message which will be presented to Senator Whelan at his ./,/ retirement celebration scheduled forjfune 91'1 of thisj/ear. //

Many have stated that the Senator is an icon of Canadian politics and 1 have enclosed his curriculum vitaeTor your perusal. Your assistance in helping us to commcmorale this special occasion would be greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at my Ottawa office. 1 look forward to your response.


Susan Whelan,'MP

Bureau du Parlement/Parliament Hill Office Bureaux de circonscription/CnustitlleTicy Offices Piece 231/Room 231 5905, rue Maiden Rd., Piece/Unit 3 jfil. rue Talbol St. Nord/North Edifice de la Confederation Bldg. LaSalle, Ontario N9H 1S6 / Essex, Ontario N8M 2C5 Ottawa, Ontario K1AOA6 (519)250-8683 I (519)776-5272 (613)992-1812 Fax:(519)250-1861 \ 1-800-663-7032 Fax:(613)995-0033 [email protected] ^-£ax: (519) 776 [email protected] [email protected] Senator Eugene F. Whelan, O.C., P.O., LL.D, P.Ag. (Hon.) Room 263, East Block Senate of Canada Ottawa, Ontario K1A OA4

Eugene Whelan was born in 1924 in Anderdon Township, , Ontario, Canada. He was raised on a farm and after attending high school and studying to be a tool and die maker, took up cash crop farming. He became active in public life at the age of 21 when he was elected to serve on a local school board and subsequently became Reeve of Anderdon Township and Warden of Essex County. He held elected positions as president and director of numerous producer and community organizations.

Eugene Whelan was first elected to the House of Commons as a member of the Liberal party in 1962 and re-elected in all subsequent federal elections until 1984, when he did not seek another term. He served as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Fisheries and Forestry from 1968 to 1970. Eugene Whelan was Chairman of the House of Commons Agriculture Committee in 1966 and 1967.

In November 1972, Eugene Whelan was appointed federal Minister of Agriculture and held that position until June 1984 except for the period from May 1979 to February 1980. As Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Whelan introduced a wide range of legislation designed to improve the quality and efficiency of food production and marketing in Canada. A strong supporter of organized marketing for producers, he proclaimed national marketing agencies for eggs, turkeys and chickens which operate under the National Farm Products Marketing Act. He increased support levels to farmers for their crops and also introduced new policies such as the permanent domestic feed grain policy to co-ordinate the transportation and stocks of feed grains and the Advance Payments for Crops Act to guarantee loans to producers requiring advance payments on their perishable crops. He created the New Crop Development Fund to stimulate and develop new crops and varieties. In 1983, he established Canagrex, a Crown corporation to promote, facilitate and engage in the export of agricultural and food products.

As Minister he was responsible for the Farm Credit Corporation, Canada's 10lh largest lending institution, and succeeded in raising the loan limits for young farmers.

...12 -2-

In addition to many domestic accomplishments, Mr. Whelan has also been active internationally. He attended the World Parliamentarians' Conference in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1963, and Lima, Peru in 1968. He led the Canadian Delegation to the Organization for Economic C6-operation and Development (OECD) ministerial meetings in Paris, France in 1973 and 1982. In 1978, as one of the OECD Vice- Chairman in Paris, he presided over discussions on world food policy. Eugene Whelan is an active supporter of the World Food Program and led the Canadian Delegation to the United Nations Pledging Conference in New York in 1972, 1976, 1978, 1980 and 1982.

Mr. Whelan led the Canadian Delegation to the biennial Food and Agriculture Organization Conferences in 1975, 1977, 1981 and 1983. He headed Canada's delegation to Mexico in 1976 for the meeting of the International Group for Agricultural Development. In addition, he hosted many important international conferences in Canada.

Over the years, Mr. Whelan represented the Canadian government on numerous bilateral missions to , Asia, the Far East, North and Latin America, Australia and New Zealand. He visited the People's Republic of China in 1980 and signed a Memorandum of Understanding on agricultural co-operation. In 1981 he traveled to the where he signed, on behalf of Canada, a five-year agreement for co- operation in agriculture. In 1983 he hosted the then minister of Agriculture for the USSR, , on his first trip.to North America before becoming General Secretary of the Soviet Union.

Mr. Whelan represented Canada in 1974 at the founding conference of the World Food Council (WFC) and attended all the ministerial sessions for the subsequent ten years except one. In June 1983, Eugene Whelan was elected President of the World Food Council for a two-year term and in that position held the highest elected office of any Canadian in the United Nations system. As President, Mr. Whelan co-ordinated the efforts of the WFC member countries to improve the food security situation of developing countries and overcome food production constraints in low income countries with food shortages.

In June 1984, Eugene F. Whelan was appointed as Canada's first Ambassador to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) in Rome. However, when the government changed in September, the appointment was rescinded and the Ambassadorship and post cancelled.

Mr. Whelan's career in public life has been acknowledged in many ways. In 1976 he was made an Honorary. Colonel of the 21st (Windsor) Service Battalion. On October 1, 1989 he retired from that position\and was awarded with the Canadian Forces Decoration for his many years of dedicated service. • - ./3 -3-

Mr. Whelan will continue work with the military as a Member of their Senate. In October 1983, Mr. Whelan received an Honorary Doctorate of Law from the in recognition of his valuable contributions as a public servant at the community level, as a Member of Parliament for 22 years and as Minister of Agriculture for nearly 12 years. In recognition of his commitment, leadership and contributions to agriculture on a national and world level and to his service to his community, the Ontario Institute of Agrologists conferred an Honorary Life Membership to Eugene F. Whelan, P.Ag. (Hon.) in March 1986. On August 2, 1987 the Honourable Eugene F. Whelan, was also presented with an Honorary Life Membership by the Agricultural Institute of Canada. He has also been honoured for his dedication and leadership to many international organizations and programs dealing with food policy. On June 25, 1986 the Windsor/Detroit International Freedom Festival awarded its coveted Freedom Award to Mr. Whelan for outstanding contributions to the cause of freedom and peace, national and/or international friendship and co-operation. On December 26, 1987, the Governor General of Canada informed Mr. Whelan that he had been appointed as an Officer of the , an award which recognizes outstanding achievement, honouring those who have given service to Canada, to their fellow citizens or to humanity at large.

Guided by a strong belief that we should share our knowledge and farming methods with our less fortunate neighbours in the developing world, upon leaving politics, Mr. Whelan established his own business called Agricultural International Development Associates of Canada (AIDAC). Eugene Whelan is well known for his closeness to and understanding of the nation's farmers, his commitment to their problems and aspirations, and his perspective and strong advocacy of the scope and importance of agriculture within government. Because he has traveled so extensively at home and abroad, and continues to support the improvement of food resources the world over, Eugene Whelan is known to many as "The Great Canadian Farmer".

Eugene Whelan was summoned to serve in the Canadian Senate on August 9, 1999 by the Right Honourable Jean Chretien, . He will continue to serve in this capacity until July 11, 1999. Senator Whelan is currently serving as Deputy-Chair of the Agriculture and Forestry Committee, as well as sitting as a member of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee. He also serves as a member of the Boreal Forest Sub-committee. Senator Whelan was very active on the issue of rbST (Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin), and was instrumental in educating the public and parliamentarians alike of its harm to animals and risk to humans.

Senator Eugene Francis Whelan has been married to Elizabeth Whelan, daughter of Frank and Katherine Pollinger, for almost 40 years. They have three daughters: Theresa Anne, Susan Elizabeth and Catherine Frances.