THE CONDUCT of HOSTILITIES Revisiting the Law of Armed Conflict 100 Years After the 1907 Hague Conventions and 30 Years After the 1977 Additional Protocols
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INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HUMANITARIAN LAW INSTITUT INTERNATIONAL DE DROIT HUMANITAIRE ISTITUTO INTERNAZIONALE DI DIRITTO UMANITARIO THE CONDUCT OF HOSTILITIES Revisiting the Law of Armed Conflict 100 Years after the 1907 Hague Conventions and 30 Years after the 1977 Additional Protocols edited by Gian Luca Beruto Assistant to the Secretary-General with the collaboration of Ms Shirley Morren, Librarian Current Problems of International Humanitarian Law Sanremo, 6-8 September 2007 - PROCEEDINGS - 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS / REMERCIEMENTS / RINGRAZIAMENTI BRITISH RED CROSS CAMERA DI COMMERCIO DI IMPERIA CASINÒ DI SANREMO COMUNE DI SANREMO CONFARTIGIANATO DI IMPERIA CONFINDUSTRIA DI IMPERIA CROCE ROSSA ITALIANA CROIX-ROUGE MONÉGASQUE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS ITALIAN MINISTRY FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS NETHERLANDS MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS PROVINCIA DI IMPERIA SWEDISH MINISTRY FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS SWISS FEDERAL OFFICE FOR MIGRATION 2 The International Institute of Humanitarian Law is deeply grateful to the Dragan European Foundation for its precious collaboration which has led once again to the publication of the proceedings of the annual Round Table on current problems of international humanitarian law. In its efforts to expand its editorial activities the Institute has published several works in the past months, in particular, the proceedings of: “The Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and International Humanitarian Law”; “The Convention on Chemical Weapons between Disarmament and International Humanitarian Law”; “International Peace Operations and International Humanitarian Law”, organised with the financial support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The present volume further enriches the collection which was begun in 1999. It covers the records of the Round Table that took place from 6th to 8th September, 2007 in Sanremo on the theme: “The Conduct of Hostilities. Revisiting the Law of Armed Conflict 100 Years after the 1907 Hague Conventions and 30 Years after the 1977 Additional Protocol”. The subject matter has been carefully chosen. The geo-political scene in the post-Cold War period has introduced new types of conflicts. Inter-ethnic and inter-religious clashes have multiplied. New types of weapons have appeared. New treacherous threats have gained momentum beginning with international terrorism. The Armed Forces have been called to tackle tasks beyond national borders, often differing a great deal from the tasks of a traditional soldier and no longer limited to the actual conflict itself. The Hague Conventions are 100 years old. The Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions are 30 years old. Are these instruments still appropriate? How can their respect be guaranteed in the face of such unprecedented atrocities and violence? Has the time come to update the present body of norms of international humanitarian law? This Round Table has tried to find answers to these questions through serious debates, conducted in an informal atmosphere, in which political personalities, legal experts and military operators from all over the world have taken part. Ambassador Maurizio Moreno President, International Institute of Humanitarian Law 3 ORGANISING COMMITTEE COMITATO ORGANIZZATORE COMITE’ ORGANISATEUR Chair Dr. Rolph K. JENNY, Vice President, IIHL Members Dr. Stefania BALDINI, Secretary-General, IIHL Prof. Yoram DINSTEIN, Member of the Council, IIHL Dr. Philipp SPOERRI, Director for International Law and cooperation within the Movement, ICRC Prof. Frits KALSHOVEN, Honorary Member, IIHL Mr. Daniel KLINGELE, Head, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Section, Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Jean François QUEGUINER, Legal Adviser, Legal Division, ICRC Prof. Michel VEUTHEY, Acting President, IIHL 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS / TABLE DE MATIÈRES / INDICE OPENING SESSION Michel VEUTHEY Acting President of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law (IIHL) MESSAGGIO DEL PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA Giorgio NAPOLITANO WELCOME STATEMENTS Claudio BOREA Sindaco di Sanremo Gianni VERNETTI Sottosegretario di stato agli affari esteri, italia Daniel KLINGELE Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland Liesbeth LIJNZAAD Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands Massimo BARRA Presidente della Croce Rossa Italiana KEYNOTE STATEMENT Jacques FORSTER Vice-President of the International Committee of the Red Cross 5 THE CONDUCT OF HOSTILITIES FROM AN ETHICAL, HISTORICAL AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVE: INTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC OF THE ROUND TABLE From the 1907 Hague Conventions to the Additional Protocols of 1977 and beyond – Historical Evolution of the Law on the Conduct of Hostilities Philip SPOERRI, Director for International Law and Cooperation within the Movement, ICRC Le droit de La Haye, la neutralité et le transit ferroviaire par la Suisse pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale Roland HAUDENSCHILD, Secrétariat Général, Bibliothèque Militaire Fédérale et Service Historique, Suisse COMBATANTS AND MILITARY OBJECTIVES VERSUS CIVILIAN PERSONS AND OBJECTS The Notions of Combatant, Armed Group, Civilians, and Civilian Population in International Armed Conflicts Kenneth WATKIN, Judge Advocate General of the Canadian Forces The Notions of Civilians and Fighters in Non-International Armed Conflicts Jann K. KLEFFNER, Assistant Professor of International Law, University of Amsterdam Civilian Direct Participation in Hostilities under International Humanitarian Law Nils MELZER, Legal Adviser, ICRC Military Objectives Hays PARKS, Associate Deputy General Counsel, United States Department of Defense The Definition of Military Objectives Knut DÖRMANN, Head of the Legal Division, ICRC 6 METHODS AND MEANS OF WARFARE Human Shielding from the Attacker’s Perspective Michael N. SCHMITT, Stockton Professor of International Law, United States Naval War College The Principle of the Prohibition of Superfluous Injury or Unnecessary Suffering Théo BOUTROUCHE, Faculty of Law, University of Geneva Weapons causing Post-Conflict Effects on Civilians Ronald BETTAUER, Deputy Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State Mines, Cluster Bombs, Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Knut DÖRMANN, Head of the Legal Division, ICRC Discussion on Means and Methods of Warfare likely to cause Superfluous Injury and Unnecessary Suffering Erwin DAHINDEN, Director of International Relations of the Swiss Armed Forces, Member of the IIHL Council THE CONDUCT OF HOSTILITIES AND SPECIAL PROTECTION REGIMES The conduct of hostilities and their impact on humanitarian assistance Arne DAHL, Judge Advocate General of the Norwegian Armed Forces IMPLEMENTING THE LAW ON THE CONDUCT OF HOSTILITIES Implementation of the Law on the Conduct of Hostilities by Armed Forces: A View from the Inside Charles GARRAWAY, Lt. Colonel (ret.), Member IIHL, United Kingdom Compensation for the Victims of Chemical Warfare in Iraq and Iran Liesbeth ZEGVELD, Leiden University, Netherlands 7 CONCLUSION OF THE ROUND TABLE The Contemporary Challenges to the Law on the Conduct of Hostilities Dr. Philip SPOERRI, Director for International Law and Cooperation within the Movement, ICRC Considerazioni finali Giovanni Lorenzo FORCIERI, Sotto Segretario di Statto, Ministero di Difesa, Italia Closing Remarks Michel VEUTHEY, Acting President, IIHL 8 OPENING SESSION 9 Michel VEUTHEY Acting President International Institute of Humanitarian Law (IIHL) Monsieur le Secrétaire d’Etat, Excellences, Monsieur le Président du CICR, Monsieur le Maire, Chers Amis, A l’ouverture de cette Table Ronde marquant le 100e anniversaire de la Conférence de la Paix de La Haye et le 30e anniversaire des Protocoles additionnels aux Conventions de 1949, permettez-moi de vous souhaiter la bienvenue et de vous remercier tous d’être venus à Sanremo pour participer à cette 30e Table Ronde et débattre d’un sujet d’une grande actualité. Je voudrais d’abord brièvement rendre hommage au Professeur Patrnogic. Comme vous le savez tous, il était né en 1921 à Belgrade. Il est décédé à Genève le 6 mai de cette année. Il a été un des co-fondateurs de cet Institut et son animateur jusqu’à la fin de sa vie. Au nom de l’Institut, je souhaiterais ici lui rendre hommage et exprimer toute notre sympathie à sa famille. Je vous invite maintenant à vous lever pour une minute de silence ou de prière à la mémoire du Professeur Patrnogic. Merci. Je voudrais aussi saluer deux autres fondateurs de l’Institut présents parmi nous, le Professeur Hingorani, de l’Inde, et le Dr. Ugo Genesio, de Sanremo. Dans cette salle, nous avons parmi les plus grands experts humanitaires, juridiques et militaires. Nous aurons certainement un débat juridique de très haut niveau, grâce aux efforts du Dr. Rolph Jenny, Vice-Président de l’Institut et Président du Comité d’organisation de cette Table Ronde, ainsi que du CICR, en tant que co-organisateur de cette Table Ronde, en particulier du Dr. Philipp Spoerri, Directeur, Jean-François Quéguiner, Conseiller juridique, et des autres Membres de ce Comité, le Professeur Yoram Dinstein, le Professeur Frits Kalshoven, M. Daniel Klingele, Chef de la section des droits de l’homme et du droit international humanitaire de la Direction du Droit International du Département Fédéral 10 suisse des Affaires étrangères, sans oublier notre Secrétaire Générale, la Dottoressa Stefania Baldini. Nous sommes quelque 300 participants. Merci à vous toutes et tous d’être ici. Nous voudrions, autant que possible, pouvoir engager un dialogue. Je lance donc un appel aux modérateurs, aux orateurs, et aux intervenants dans les discussions pour limiter leurs interventions dans