The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3


Prof. Dr. Elif YUKSEL OKTAY Yalova University, Turkey [email protected]

Abstract: The developments in information and communication technologies have led to copious changes in human life, which in effect initiated a full-scale transformation in traditional work life. In the new-age of information there is higher demand for educated and intellectual employees; hence to ensure that new generation can manage to keep up with rapidly-transforming technological environment, national educational systems have also governments must modify their national education systems. Distance education is among such education methods that can be applied to adapt to the information age. That is due to the fact that via distance education individuals can, without facing the time and space limitations of the traditional educational method, benefit from information technologies and renew themselves in work life or acquire new skills and competencies in a completely distinctive subject. Distance education can be used not only for university students but it can also be offered to the use of employed individuals. It is thus the aim of this study to analyze the state of distance education in the work life in Turkey.

INTRODUCTION Information and communication technologies have led to copious changes in human life, which in effect initiated a full-scale transformation in traditional work life. As regards its global dimension technology management necessitates monitoring the entire set of technological developments in the world and by selecting the one most advantageous for any given organization, it calls for putting the selected option into practice via the best method. That is related to the fact that globalization has now turned all global companies into competitors. Hence organizations are, including each one of their employees, required to be open to developments and continuously support their employees who are willing to display their innovations to ensure the future success of the company. It is an undeniable truth that at the heart of scientific and technological advancement lies innovation. In the bolstering of innovation, work life trainings provided to the employee are equally vital as the formal education offered during school years.

Education and development for organizations is a concept introduced in the 1920s, but its practice as a professional domain dates to the 1940s. In the 1940s particular emphasis was rendered to select the applicable educational context and the methods to apply in the assessment of education (Turhan et al., 2012:8). In parallel with the developments in technology, traditional in-class face-to-face education has been superseded by distance education practices. Being the greatest invention of the 20th century the Internet turned into a commercial practice once Pentagon-stationed network at the end of 1970s became accessible to educational institutions in 1986 and research institutions and to commercial enterprises in 1990. Low cost of the computer and modem in the USA gave rise to the higher frequency of Internet use.

Education is decisively a critical element of all organizations but it is true that classical educational activities have led to serious losses of time and resources. Nowadays a large number of organizations that resort to information and communication technologies for their educational activities hugely benefit from the practices of distance education which also advanced parallel to the development in technology and gained a further-effective role. Through the Internet Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 1 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3

employees are supplied with interactive education and learning means a.k.a “Online Education”, “Education via Web”, “Electronic Education”, “Virtual Education” and “E-learning” that all eliminate the requirement to be physically available in any workplace environment. Via distance education practices organization gain an advantage in terms of time, space and cost and employees can practice any subject, any time, anywhere which in effect enables a deeper learning experience spread over time. It is thus the aim of this study to analyze the state of distance education in the work life in Turkey.

1.CONCEPT OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Distance education can be defined as, “any official learning process in which the educator and the learner are physically distant from one another”. Unlike traditional education it offers the learners a self-learning opportunity and is adaptable to the conditions of more flexible individuals. In distance education the objective is, by completely or partially removing the limits in providing educational service to individuals, to reach education opportunities for the use of wider masses (İsman, 2011:14). In another saying the goal in distance education is to enable mass education by benefiting from technology and to personalize learning-teaching activities, which translates to an opportunity for self-learning.

In distance education there is no requirement to be at a certain age or educational level; there is time flexibility; freedom of environment and space; communication and interaction is offered customized; production and practicing of high-standard educational tools is coordinated from the Center; learner and educator are physically separated; a vast number of individuals can receive information from their locations; self-learning educational method is systemically arranged; electronic media and personal learning tools are utilized; and lastly an educational company that involves assessment process is provided. Advantages offered via distance education system can be listed such (Yurdakul, 2011:276-277):

-Via distance education new opportunities, aside from formal and informal education means, can be provided. More comprehensive and effective educational means that can complete the defects of traditional educational practices can be devised. The transformation from selective-eliminative system to diagnostic-productive structure; from non-optional and fixed processes to flexible and optional processes becomes easier.

-Distance education can offer flexibility to the learners with respect to the learning environment and time. Learners can learn at any time or day of the week; at any date or even at holiday time; thus they are no longer required to learn within the imposed or mandated deadlines. From the viewpoint of learners the problem to catch faster learners or getting tedious due to slower learners is no longer an issue to tackle with.

-For some learners it might even offer a cure to isolation within school environment or peer groups. In a different saying, it might eliminate the risk of social isolation for some individuals.

-Via distance education practices personal autonomy and critical thinking skills can be further boosted through learning how to acquire and question effective information from various resources. Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 2 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3

- Distance education proves to be an effective tool in the democratization of education; reaching education to wider masses; allowing the citizens to benefit from the right of education in the same degree; removing the inequalities faced in educational opportunities which collectively relate to providing the individuals a fair, egalitarian, full- scale and optional, extensive and effective service.

-It may thus become feasible to transmit to a teaching system based on the needs of society- individual rather than merely considering the needs of society.

-By applying a variety of program types the multiple interests, desires, needs and expectations of learners can be met.

-For the ones who, despite being endowed with proper skills, missed normal education due to several reasons or due to existing education models and fell behind learning-teaching processes, distance education can offer the chance for aspired learning experience during any-given period of their life.

-It can offer cost-effective solutions to the problems connected to providing education service. Per person educational cost is, by many measures, comparatively lower than formal education costs.

-Being aimed but not very effectively-actualized objectives of traditional system; such as decision making, taking full responsibility for learning, problem solution, entrepreneurship and learning how to learn, can be polished. Since it is a system based on self-learning, learners may acquire higher skills of systematic study; selecting appropriate methods; self- check and self - correction.

On the other hand distance education has certain limitations which can be listed as below (Sarıabdullahoglu, Ersoy, 2008:32):

- Since the student is alone and in a distant place, s/he cannot enjoy the supportive atmosphere of classroom environment,

- Since there is no other student to compare what is learnt, the learner has no interaction with other students,

- Educational contexts or web pages must be periodically updated,

- In this form of teaching there is no face-to-face interaction or eye contact,

- If the courses not appropriate for distance education are presented via distance education, the course fails to be effective,

- Teachers cannot control students in the way it is feasible via classical education, - The high costs that might accrue depending on the technologies to use,

- The need for greater time and effort to prepare course contexts, Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 3 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3

- Complexity and challenge of planning and coordination,

- Due to misinterpretation of the capabilities of distance education the possibility of decreased teaching and learning motivation of the students and teachers alike,

- In order to make preparations for any course, teachers need longer length of time.

2. DISTANCE EDUCATION PRACTICES IN THE WORLD AND TURKEY Distance education practices were initially in written form (education via letter). In due course radio, television, telephone and computer took the front stage (Kaya, 2002:20). Distance education practices have a long list of methods that can essentially be categorized as one-way communication and two-way communication:

1) One-way communication a) One-way teaching via letters, b) One-way teaching via radio, c) One-way teaching via television, d) One-way teaching via computer (Internet).

2) Two-way communication a) Two-way teaching via letters, b) Two-way teaching via radio, c) Two-way teaching via television, d) Two-way teaching via computer (Internet).

One-way communication: It relates to the distribution model in which the communication in the environment where learning-teaching activities take place between teacher-student and student- student groups is one-way. In this distribution model, students and teacher cannot ask questions among one another and cannot receive immediate responses to their questions. Teaching via letters, one-way distribution, distribution model via radio or television and lastly one-way Internet model are in this group. In this model, teachers prepare web pages related to their courses and direct questions to their students on the Internet. Students are free to retrieve and study the information. To benefit from this model the only requirement for the users is to have Internet access.

Two-way communication: In this model communication between student and teacher in learning- teaching activities is two-way. In this method there are three models; two-way teleconference model, two-way television and two-way Internet-based conference models. In this system students and teachers can set a teleconference platform with one another on the Internet (Sarıabdullahoglu, Ersoy, 2008:29). In this system distance education can be performed in two ways: synchronous or asynchronous (time independent/not synchronous). In classroom environment in a synchronous presentation by making live connection (Internet, satellite), users and presenters (students and educator) get engaged in a practice through synchronous interaction. In such practice students can direct questions, discuss with one another or solve tests. Asynchronous presentation however is a WEB-based education. In such presentation, students Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 4 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3

can access WEB courses from anywhere or anytime, receive tests and partake in activities. They can practice later any course they want (Toker Gokçe, 2008:2).

These methods can be used singly or collectively with other models. For instance teaching via letters method can be used in tandem with Internet or computerized teaching method. Thanks to Communication Technologies, two-way communication system applied in classical education can be used very comfortably. To achieve that, as was indicated hereby, technologies viz. Internet, television and satellite can be utilized very comfortably (İşman, Karslı, Gündüz, 2002,

2.1. HISTORY OF DISTANCE EDUCATION IN THE GLOBE Distance education is not a novel concept. Its first introduction on global scale coincides with teaching via letters in 1728 in Sweden. In 20 March 1728 dated-issue of Boston Newspaper there was an ad about the opening of “Steno Courses”. In a Sweden- based advertisement in 1833 there was an explicit reference to teaching via letters on the agenda. The primary objective of teaching via letters at that time was to offer equal educational opportunities for each citizen (Usun, 2006:210).

Table 1: Chronological Progress of Distance Education

1700-1900 1900-1990 1990-1996 1996-……. -Teaching via -Radio -Video -Web-Based letters -Television Conference Education -Printed -Audio -Satellite -Information Materials Cassettes Technologies Technologies -Video (Video phone, Cassettes digital TV, -Computer virtual (CD, Internet ) platforms, fiber optic cables etc.) Resource: Aykanat, Seyda (2006), “İnsan Kaynakları Yönetiminde Elektronik Ortamda Öğrenme ve Örnek Bir Uygulama”, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Management, Management of Human Resources Unpublished Master’s Thesis, p. 5

Teaching via letters emerged in the mids of 19th century and spread rapidly to England, France, the USA and Germany. Among the main reasons behind the spread of distance education can be listed as geographical distance, social inequality and personal problems. People can be forced to live away from each other due to physical distance, geographical barriers or inadequate communication systems. Likewise at the end of 19th century in Chicago University (the USA) teaching via letters was kicked off when students and teachers were in different spaces (Gunawardena, McIsaac, 1996, 356). In 1856 Berlin (Germany) Charles Toussaint and Gustav Langenscheidt resorted to teaching via letters method of distance education to practice foreign language education. Due to the physical distance among Australian citizens “Teaching via letters System” was set in 1914 in this continent. Institutions practicing teaching via letters method managed to meet educational needs of people living in scarcely-populated countries such as Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 5 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3

Canada and Australia. In Diagram 1, the very first distance education practices on institution base in the whole world has been depicted.

Diagram-1 First Distance Education Practices in the World

Resource: Kaya, Zeki (2002). Uzaktan Eğitim, Pegem A Publication, Ankara, p. 30.

Reading & writing holds substantial significance in modern education. In addition audio-based radio programs and visual films as well as television courses have critical importance for education. Although several tests were conducted in distinctive countries, the first radio program in the world was broadcasted on 2 November 1920 in the USA. In the corresponding period a number of universities commenced radio broadcasts. In 1923 educational radio programs were circulated for US schools. In 1922 in England, in 1923 in France and the Soviet Union and in the interval until 1927 Argentina, Australia, Italy, Japan, Norway, New Zealand, Czechoslovakia, South Africa and a long list of countries broadcasted radio programs. In the same years educational-radio programs were released and in these programs children were instructed about farming, communication, science and several other subjects. Educational radio programs for children managed to survive by integrating music, humor, tales and news. In the subsequent years, aside from local radio station programs, “Disney” and “Sesame Street” programs were broadcasted day and night (Uşun, 2006:212-214).

The first roll film was invented in 1888 by George Eastman. A few years later Thomas Edison’s assistant William Dickson used roll films in creating 30-second animated movies. Educative power of animated films was immediately realized. In US-printed Educational Films Catalogue of year 1910, over one thousand films were listed as for rent. In 1916 Ford Motor Company released copious films on the subjects of agriculture, history, geography and life skills. Films on American History were shot in 1923 in Yale University. In 1926 Eastman Kodak Company films were shot on geography and physical sciences. Films prepared by this company were presented to Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 6 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3

over 10.000 students for testing. The results of this test were so impressive for Kodak that in the subsequent two decades the Company produced 300 films for school use.

In the 1920s educative films were primarily used in schools offering religious education. Researchers identify that in 1933 US elementary school teachers applied educative films in their courses. A study dated to 1954 demonstrated that three-quarter of elementary school teachers utilized films in their courses. The first periodical television program was started in England in 1936, and in the USA and the Soviet Union in 1939. In Turkey on the other hand television programs were broadcasted for the first time in 1968. The most noticeable TV program was, as mentioned above, Sesame Street that first started in 1969. In Sesame Street it was aimed to teach children friendship relations via symbolic presentations such as letters, numbers, or geometrical shapes (Kaya, 2002:141-142).

In the 1950s in the USA paper-based communication platform was applied for distance education which was particularly related to military use. Thanks to the new technological advancements discs, video cassettes, CD-ROMs, satellite broadcasting, video conferences and Internet have now grabbed vital position in distance education practices. In 1985 Phoenix University performed via Internet the first distance education practice. Distance education practices via Internet is currently the latest and most state-of-the-art distance education application but noting the fact that technological advancements progress in the blink of an eye, it is very much likely that even more advanced practices are to arise in the near future. Nowadays, spread of distance education practices via Internet enabled the unveiling of various uses of the system. Web-based education, Internet-based education and e-learning are just a few of such distance education practices via Internet (Yilmaz, Horzum, Fall 2005:113).

2.2. HISTORY OF DISTANCE EDUCATION IN TURKEY In Turkey the idea of distance education was first put on the agenda in a meeting in 1927 when educational issues were negotiated. In this particular meeting it was underlined that distance education was a benefit to raise an educated population. A distance education practice as teaching via letters was suggested but failed to be put into practice. The primary reason behind the failure to implement this suggestion was that for a nation with more than 90% illiteracy ratio then, it was against common sense, as they believed, to teach how to read without a teacher. The period between 1927-1955 corresponded to a time when in Turkey, distance education was discussed as an idea. The first distance education practices in Turkey were started by Faculty of Law Bank and Trade Law Research Institute. Within the body of Ministry of National Education distance education practices in the form of “Teaching via letters” was pilot tested on November 7th, 1960 (Kaya, 2002:30).

In 1970 Eskişehir Academy of Administrative and Commercial Sciences commenced distance education practices. In the same date, next to Armed Forces, a number of universities such as Middle East Technical University, Istanbul Technical University and Yildiz University initiated cooperative distance education practices (İsman, 2011:111). In 1974 to meet the labor force demand required by new developments; to remove student accumulation in higher education platform; to offer education-teaching services to wider masses by making use of mass communication platforms; to climb the effectiveness of teaching Higher Education Center via Letters was founded. In this center teacher-training programs were organized (Demiray, 2010:82). In 1974-1975 academic year, 50 thousand students enrolled in this Center. In 1974 Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 7 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3

Pilot Higher Teacher School also started distance education and in 1975 with the establishment of Informal Higher Teaching Institute (YAYKUR) , students who were first introduced with distance teaching in Pilot Higher Teacher School were transferred to this institution. YAYKUR was deactivated in 1979 (İsman, 2011:111-112).

In Turkish universities the first legal arrangement for open education aside from formal education was specified in article “c” item 43 of 04.11.1981 dated no. 2547 Higher Education Law. As stipulated under this article; “Higher education institutes are licensed to perform all forms of teaching and education activities via formal, informal and open education methods ( The task to conduct distance education was assigned to that was opened pursuant to no. 41 Decree Law related to the Structuring of Higher Education Institutions issued on 20 July 1982 dated and 17760 no. Official Gazette. In 1982, Anadolu University put into practice its distance education model via Open Education Faculty (Kaya, 2002:33).

Between 1982-1993 the demand for Open Education that was affiliated to Anadolu University climbed rapidly. In this period Undergraduate Program in Management and Economics was not the only option. Pursuant to the official protocol co-signed with Ministry of National Education, associate and bachelor degree education was provided to circa 200 thousand teachers. Furthermore student enrolments from TRNC (KKTC) to distance education programs were accepted. As per the protocol co-signed with the Ministry of Health two-year Nursing, Midwifery and Health Technician Associate-Degree Programs; and pursuant to the protocol co-signed with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs two-year Agriculture and Veterinary Associate Programs were opened. In 1987, named as Western Europe Project, associate and undergraduate programs were implemented for Turkish citizens residing in several European states. In 1993 Open and Distance Education System was restructured as per no. 496 Decree Law to answer the needs of modern education. Management and Economics programs were transformed to four- year Faculties of Management and Economics. As stipulated under this Decree Law, Open Education Faculty was commissioned with offering all kinds of services relevant of books, radio- TV programs, computer, academic counseling, organization, exams and all student affairs on Distance Education System. Open Education Faculty was also in charge of executing associate, four-year completion, undergraduate and all forms of certificate programs.

In the period between 1993-1997 within the body of Open Education Faculty 17 associate degree programs were opened in the departments of Social Sciences, Home Economics, Bureau Management, Public Relations. Previously organized by OSYM(Student Selection and Placement Center) Open Education exams were, as of 1996, conducted by Anadolu University. At the onset of 1998 as demanded by new technological conditions and proliferation in the needs of education system at most, there had been a further rise in the use of Internet accompanied with all the relevant communication technologies and structuring that moved distance education far beyond its classical functions and thus a new era was heralded. Open and Distance Education System bearing in its body vital features for the New Turkish Higher Education System started to be moved beyond its classical objectives as of 1998 and the system was then endowed with an effective administrative body necessitated by such transformation. Accordingly all academic, technical and administrative units of Anadolu University were modified to effectively contribute to Open and Distance Education System. On the other hand communication and coordination among the faculties operating in this system were structured with a further effective and Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 8 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3

productive state of operation. The formed project groups defined new education domains to open via Distance Education System in Turkey thus an opportunity was spared for lifelong learning. In that way intensive and widespread emphasis could be rendered to modern information and communication technologies and via devising new education programs, the new system was initiated for implementation.

As of 1998 academic programs of Faculties of Management and Economics offering service through distance education method were restructured. Repetitive subjects in associate and undergraduate degree courses were corrected and contexts were revised. All books were redesigned, reprinted and republished in line with the modern developments in distance education. In parallel with the book contents, TV education programs were modernized and CD- ROMs were produced. Student quotas for Open and Distance Education System were annulled. As of 1998 academic year on Channel TRT 4, “News from our University" news show to educate and motivate students was aired during the academic term in parallel with the operational academic calendar. Under the academic commissioning of Ankara University, Faculty of Theology, Theology Associate Program was opened in 1998 ( On Channel TRT4 courses were broadcasted at certain hours and course materials were also freighted to supplement these courses. Anadolu University is among the first 10 open universities in the world.

Fırat University stationed in city of Elazig founded in its body on 2 October 1992 a local TV (FIRAT TV) to broadcast in and out of university platform the symposiums, conventions, courses and similar activities organized within the campus. In Ankara-stationed METU (Middle East Technical University-ODTÜ) IDEA (Internet-Based Asynchronous Education) launched in 1998 continued its e-learning activities on the Internet platform and asynchronously. Presently there is an E-MBA1 program, numerous in-campus courses, foreign language education and certificate programs are actively operated. The system broadcasts via IP Multicast technique on a 24MHz-capacity DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) transmitter positioned on Dexar, Türksat 1B satellite. Via a project titled as Unidersite, university-preparation courses are sold to the entire nation-scale within the distance of 1.2Mbps-3Mbps.

In İstanbul Technical University, students are required to come to computer labs inside the campus for the test of compulsory Information Course for 1800 students in sum and in a virtual test platform students take a test of randomly-selected questions from a question bank of 10.000 data.

İstanbul Bilgi University is the first university to start YOK-(Council of Higher-education) approved electronic organizational program titled as Bilgi E-MBA. This is an interactive program that provides competency in subjects ranging from marketing, entrepreneurship, finance to human resources. Available to watch via Internet from all over the globe, an official MBA diploma is granted once the program is completed successfully (Calli, Bayam, Karacadag, 2002:

Sakarya University first started its Internet-assisted teaching activities via an education interface developed in 1997 by academicians in department of informatics. Internet- assisted teaching

1 E-MBA program is a one-hundred percent internet-based online education program to offer a master's degree. Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 9 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3

activities first commenced in 2000-2001 academic year fall term as a pilot study among 150 students and a sum of 3 courses. Subsequent to the pilot study, the university offered Internet- assisted teaching to 1200 students in 10 different departments and in a short time the entire university courses were started to be shared via the Internet in this academic year (Tasbası, Aydın, May, 23-25, 2002, Eskişehir,

Parallel to a vast number of Turkish Universities, Yalova University likewise started to offer at the onset of 2012-2013 academic year Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution, Foreign Language, Basic Science Technologies and Turkish Language courses via distance education method.


3.1. SIGNIFICANCE OF EDUCATION FOR ORGANIZATIONS Because education in organizations is an adult-based education, particular importance must be attached to the learning traits of adults. Adult education is the focal point of andragogy. Compared to children, adults possess different learning traits that can be outlined as below (Turhan et al., 2012:8):

- Adults are mature and experienced individuals. In learning process they can resort to their positive and negative past experiences. Consequently it is observed that they may occasionally disagree with certain mindscapes and learning opportunities. - It is conceived that adults can personally identify their learning needs, but it is also true that since adults are under the effect of their past experiences they may face challenges in identifying their needs. They would not seek to receive education on subjects they find futile. Contents of education must be adequate to answer their questions. Educational contents must be set to solve the problems they face. - Adults seek to shoulder more responsibilities. As demanded by this responsibility they favor to partake more in design of education and demand the education to be on the same page with their personal objectives and wills. - Adults must be given an opportunity to share their experiences with peers. While learning, adults desire to interact with other learners through practices. Adults also render help to others to learn inasmuch as they also must play the role of a rich resource for learning experience. - Adults' learning rate decreases as they age, their focus of interest shifts and they usually lose their once-higher self confidence. In both work life and other phases of life where they compete with youngsters they are expected to learn under the same conditions and same rate with the younger ones. Adults would decisively not want to feel themselves petty and humiliated. - There may emerge instances in which adults' achievements may be constrained. If it is realized that they are challenged, this instance must be corrected. - Building new subjects on the topics earlier internalized by adults can facilitate their learning rate. Should learning message is transmitted without connecting to previously- learnt subjects or remain at quite a high level for the learners' capacity, adults may cope with extreme difficulty. Education designer must be cautious to present the education in smaller particles to facilitate adults' learning. Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 10 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3

- Adults entertain a good number of rigid traits and viewpoints, thus they may hold prejudices regarding the subjects they can or cannot learn.

For adults connecting and enriching their life experiences with the new concepts, generalizations and explanations play vital role in their learning experience. Therefore it is essential that organizations pay heeds to different traits of adults in their educational activities.

Table 2: The Ways Organizations Meet Educational Needs Traineeship Conferences Coaching Television Working under Supervision Co-working Based Education In-service Education Centers Intrinsic Learning Courses University Programs Distance Education Management Development Programs Internship Orientation for New Tasks or Roles Work Definitions Employment Handbooks Resource: Ozen, Ustun & Karaman, Selcuk “İşletmeler İçin bir E-Learning Sistemi Geliştirme Modeli”,

In modern age every single organization regardless of being small or large recognizes the value of education and its contribution to performance and attempt to identify the best solutions for their employees' education. Table 2 displays the ways organizations meet educational needs of their employees. As acknowledged organizations that value education and invest for the education of their employees are better at keeping up with changes and even more than that, they can, by leading the change itself, gain significant competitive advantages due to the fact that education is no longer treated on micro-level as education of the individuals only, but regarded as more comprehensive learning approach that treats the organization holistically. As reported, organizations that are filled with pride because of their huge size or market advantages and thus fail to invest in human capital can be shaken when confronted with winds of change and in due course they may lose their market advantage, reputation, profits and competitive advantages (Cınar,

Laborforce education corresponds to quite a comprehensive group of activities that aim to change the personnel with respect to various aspects. Such activities can be planned by organizations or the personnel can individually take part in such activities. Education is geared towards improving the skills of the personnel to perform their tasks better which would in effect elevate both the personnel and the organization to a better status. Therefore education can be treated with respect to all employees or as interpreted specifically, for the prospective managers of different organizations in the future, it is a process that is commonly executed in and outside the organizations and instilling numerous competencies to the personnel. Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 11 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3

Education offered in any given organization gains the kind of knowledge and skills essential to boost employees' performance. In sum, education aims to transform the participants of education program. The individual adapts the newly-grasped information and skills to his/her environment. In the event that the employee is newly hired, adaptation to the workplace is facilitated and learning rate is quickened. Education offered in any given organization gains the kind of knowledge and skills essential to boost employees' performance. In modern age mind-blowing transformation of technology and complexities of management-function pose the need for training employees (Aydinli, Halis, February 2004,

3.2. DISTANCE EDUCATION AND WORK LIFE IN TURKEY 3.2.1. DISTANCE EDUCATION AND WORK LIFE Practicing of “personal and organizational learning” approach in almost all platforms has given rise to “life-long continuous learning” approach that gained increased popularity and encompassed personal and professional fields likewise. As mandated by this approach increased use of technological practices in education and teaching environments introduced with itself “e- learning” concept. E-learning concept, from this perspective, ranks the first among the subjects rapidly transformed and grasping wider domains for practice each new day. Work process and activities of modern work life is dominated by a nascent, flexible and interactive approach supported via full-time electronic solutions and computer-integrated. The most common distance learning method utilized in work life is e-learning that translates to a self-learning method performed in an electronic platform, basically computer based (Erdal,

E-learning has no altering effect on the personal learning styles but rather, by presenting a resourceful and interactive platform for learning, it complements classical methods. Studies conducted within this framework indicate that e-learning methods are widely preferred, due to the scope of concept and flexible learning platform offered to users, among organizations to instill Information Technologies (IT) competency. The relevant studies also underline that e-learning methods are harnessed in providing and promoting administrative skills such as management, leadership, teammate spirit, communication, customer services, quality management alongside with gaining certain competencies related to work and interpersonal relations (Sarac, Ciftcioglu, 2010:33).

E-learning processes practiced in work life can be detailed as online and offline.  E-learning within the scope of online learning translates to learning via using corporate network body (intranet) or the Internet and this condition is defined as Web-based training/learning (Web Based Training / Learning: WBT / WBL).  E-learning within the scope of offline learning translates to e-learning via using CD- ROM and computer and this condition is defined as computer-based training/learning (Computer Based Training / Learning: CBT / CBL ).  Blended learning is defined as inclusion of multi-method learning and hybrid learning descriptions next to e-learning. In blended learning students are not dependent on one platform and are free to choose the best and most effective method for their learning. If, via E-learning, classical education methods and platforms are used in tandem to structure Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 12 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3

an effective and practical education program, blended learning concept is then put into practice.

Organizations can put into action their e-learning projects under two methods a.k.a solutions generated within the organization and outside the organization. In solutions generated within the organization the primary task is born by Department of Information Processing and this Department provides the technical substructure mandated by the very nature of projects. On the other hand as regards solutions generated outside the organization, partnership is built with an expert company. Both alternatives have their advantages and disadvantages. For the organizations with not any given Department of Information Processing establishing and furnishing a new department with personnel and software and relevant costs of investment are the key issue to pay heeds to. Additionally in certain instances some organizations may be in need of outsourcing only to actualize their e-learning projects (Erdal, ogrenme.pdf).

Both public and private sector companies, even in traditional methods, receive support from an outsider training-consultancy company for training their company personnel. In the kind of solutions that demand technical knowledge and relevant background, as in e-learning, it is rather hard to be self-sufficient. At this point providers take the stage in order to assist the demanding organizations. E-learning Providers are commercial enterprises that generate and practice e- learning solutions; assess and analyze the needs in addition to providing consultancy services. In the training of personnel, e-learning service is primarily catered by providers. The number of such companies, also termed as e-learning sellers, has increased tremendously for the last few years parallel to the rising share of market in this segment.

Providers basically hire the personnel specialized in teaching design; these companies closely track technological advancements and remain updated about the new trends, specifically in e- learning segment. Providers with excelled communication skills, capable of coaching the companies, talented enough to assess performance capabilities of current practices are adequate to compute investment/return rates. Providers are specialized in group works and project management practices and rendering assistance. In addition to such features, providers as commercial enterprises after all, required to possess all the other characteristics essential to survive in any competitive market.

E-learning providers can be categorized under three headings as content providers, technology providers and service providers. Content providers are the conventional in-class education companies and course content publishers. Technology providers are specialized establishments on e-learning tools, management systems and equipments. Service providers offer a variety of online features and tools, consultancy options, testing and certification services and services to develop special contents. Both public and private sector companies can receive only consultancy, platform structuring, content development and several other services from providers or they could purchase a complete set of e-learning solutions. In addition, in any stage of passing to learning practice, it is also feasible to receive assistance from providers (Ozen, Karaman

E‐learning may not be necessarily applicable for each employee. Employees are required to be ready for e‐learning from two aspects: From technical aspect and from the aspect of self-guided Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 13 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3

learning. As the first step, employees' basic skill deficiencies in the use of Information Technologies must be corrected to position them as basic-level users. E‐learning is employee and learning focused. Educator plays a supporter and guidance role. Employee unveils the knowledge during the process of self-learning which could occasionally be a challenging approach for adults familiar with traditional teaching methods. In self-learning, employees' motivation and motivational factors hold significant role. It has been argued that the most effective motivating factors involve self-respect, life-satisfaction, job-satisfaction and several other intrinsic factors. On the other hand learner-centered educational approach argues that employees are given significant cognitive responsibilities such as analysis, synthesis, problem-solving and creativity. Due to a variety of socio-cultural and psychological impedances, employees may not yet be fully ready to assume such responsibility. Internalizing e‐learning, kicked off as a corporate strategy, by the employees holds vital importance. During this internalization process, employee shall assume new roles such as learner individual, learner as group member and learner as an organization member. In the prevention of resistance against change that might be seen among employees, employees' "voluntary" participation to e‐learning activities plays critical role. During e‐learning process employees' must be supplied with adequate quantity and type of assistance. Such assistance systems emerge in two forms; pedagogical structuring of e‐learning platform and online-assistance throughout the entire learning process. The Management can structure a general unit for assistance services. To offer assistance e‐mail, chat, voice calls or phone calls are the potential tools to use or as another option, a comprehensive catalogue could be concocted and integrated to the system via Web. This has been used as a popular option in a wide range of public institutions and private sector companies (Acar Gurel, 26-28 May 2006:358,359, 361,362).

3.2.2. DISTANCE EDUCATION PRACTICES IN TURKEY In Turkey distance education has been widely popular for in-service trainings in public institutions and private sector companies alike. In-service training refers to the kind of training conducted so as to gain task-relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes to the employees within private and legal-entity corporations to the employees hired in return for certain wages or salaries. In-service training encompasses all kinds of learning-teaching activities that meet employed labor force's adaptation to the job, and also the emerging needs for professional development and progress. All that said, “in-service training can reasonably categorized as a sub- process of life-long learning” (Orucu et al., July 2007

Headed by the Ministry of National Education the system is popularly used in a long list of public institutions. It is also a favorite choice among multi-branch and agency sectors viz. automotive, transportation, and banking both in private and public sectors. Next to these sectors insurance, telecommunication, software, retail and pharmaceutical sectors also opt for distance education practices. A number of companies in Turkey have set within their body an education portal whilst some purchase this outsourcing service though enterprises such as Enocta to apply e-learning practices. A range of organizations choose to implement blended method. Arcelik, Koc Holding, Tofas, Turkcell and Petkim have founded their corporate portals. A range of large-scale enterprises such as Marshall and Pfizer have launched their e-learning practices ( Below is a list of private and public sector organizations and enterprises in Turkey that apply distance education practices. Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 14 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3 DISTANCE EDUCATION IN CERTAIN PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS Ministry Of National Education: As has been stated above, this public institution is one of the establishments that most frequently apply distance education in their corporate in-service training activities. Employees are occasionally provided face-to-face education or at times distance education alone and at other times, distance education is blended with face-to-face education. For the organized distance in-service training activities “” portal is used. Participants enroll in relevant distance education courses by entering their passwords to MEBBİS In-service Training Module. Year-2015 distance education activities can be listed as Fatih Project Network Substructure Seminars, Introduction to Media Literacy Course, Coaching Course, Fatih Project, and Teacher Training Course ( Aside from in-service trainings, professional trainings can also be rendered via distance education. In MEB-affiliated Professional and Technical Open Education School opportunities are provided to gain professional skills to unemployed youngsters and certify their previous educational experiences (

Universities: The facilities of data transmission and communication offered in different formats via computer and Internet technologies have popularized education via Internet in the domain of higher education. In order to keep up with the changing demands of students, universities utilize Internet primarily to offer educational services through several programs which have increased in due time (Akdemir, August 2011:71). Distance education activities at universities are performed via distance education centers. These centers are officially founded as Distance Education Research and Practice Center and commonly used as abbreviated UZEM (Distance Education Center) next to the official name of the university such as Yalova University, Distance Education Practice and Research Center: YUZEM. Above is a list of distance education practices of some universities in Turkey. In Suleyman Demirel University there is one Distance Education Vocational School of Higher Education in which courses in the departments of Computer Use, Computer Technologies, Bureau Management and Executive Assistantship and Medical Services and Techniques are offered via distance education (

As noted hereinabove courses are practiced in virtual classroom environment in distance education system. Academicians and students are free to connect to the system from any Internet service provider and partake in virtual classroom platform. In synchronous courses offered within virtual classroom platform, academicians present the courses visually and orally; use blackboards and even share the saved tests on their computer. Students can connect the course via video or computer-call; ask questions during the course, or share files. Synchronously-performed courses can be saved for further use of all students who would like to practice the saved items any time convenient (, 01.08.2015).

Ministry Of Family And Social Policies: There is a distance education center within the body of the ministry. Probationary employee basic training and interactive courses developed within the scope of Family Education Program and titled as Family Education and Communication, Finance, Media, Health and Pre-Marriage Education are presented via distance education. Through live education module, presentations can be shared as in audio and video format to offer an interactive platform for courses and meetings. Assistance is provided to 500 users ( Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 15 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3

Turkish Armed Forces (TSK): In trainings offered within the body of TSK as well, it is feasible to come across distance education practices. Within the entity of Turkish Air Force, the first attempts to set a Distance Education Center (UZEM) were initiated in year 2000. The aim of this center is to manage the trainings given/to be given to employed officers, NCOs, specialized- sergeants and civil servants via distance education method to complement continuous education; to ensure that such trainings are provided via information technology-based systems and to manage the projected distance education information systems; to concoct complementary and information technologies-based educational materials supportive of formal education activities organized within the body of Air Force Technical Schools Command ( The first attempts to form a body of Distance Education Center Command were launched in January 2003 and was approved by Air Force Command on 26 October 2004. Within the scope of approved entity, UZEM Command comprising of Computer Assisted Education Production Center Command, On-the-Job Training Documentation Branch Directorate and Distance Education Directorship started to actively operate on 1 September 2005. The new structuring of UZEM Command was, to implement revised HKT 379-13 (HKT 1-3) Air Force Command Education Doctrine with regards to October 2005-launched Continuous Education Model (SEM) Project, set on 11 November 2005 to execute the tasks assigned to the Center for the aim of rendering the projected training via distance education method. Proposed entity was approved and effectuated on 9 March 2006. UZEM Command structuring was, in the light of experiences gained from one-year practice, revised and submitted to Air Force Command. New structuring was approved and effectuated on 29 June 2007 (

Within 47 different units of Air Force Command via distance education provider (to access the contents of education); in 51 different units via 690 computers installed in computer-assisted education classrooms it is feasible for the trainees to access distance education documents. In addition via Learning Management System (ÖYS); trainees, trainers, officers and other users can, access all relevant activities from the onset of distance education to the completion, by reaching through a TSK-net connected computer and clicking ÖYS link under electronic information page of UZEM Command (

Pursuant to the amendment on the Article 12 of 25 May 1989 dated no 3563 Law on War Colleges on 26 June 2012, distance education practices were integrated ( Commander and staff officer course (KOMKARSU) training is provided within the body of War Colleges to train captains and majors in parallel with the dynamic education form of modern-age and current military, political and financial developments; to improve the officers’ in-service training levels and to boost their professional motivation. The education is a 40-week program. 20 weeks are distance education and 20 weeks are face- to-face education. NCO Senior Headquarter Services Education executed by Land Forces Education and Doctrine Command in the name of all forces to specifically train the NCOs to be assigned for the major headquarters in order to develop their qualifications for employment in headquarters; to gain the culture of unity and to boost professional motivation, a total of 34-week education program is offered. 16 weeks are distance and 18 weeks are face-to- face education (

Police Department: Via E-learning system set within the body of Directorate of Education Office and effectuated on 25/08/2011 dated no 28036 Official Gazette, as per Regulation of Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 16 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3

Branches on Police Department Class, Branch courses and tests; police department relevant training; office program trainings are offered and surveys can be applied to the personnel and via the structured digital library, it is feasible to share e-books (pdf, word) and course videos ( dstksb/Sayfalar/uzaktan egitim.aspx). DISTANCE EDUCATION PRACTICES IN PRIVATE SECTOR A number of major companies in private sector have established academies to transform their corporate experience/accumulation, organizational culture and values to education and information management. In some of the courses offered in the academies, distance education practices have been used. Below is explained some specimen companies.

Turkcell: Turkcell, a Technology and Communication Company in Turkey, launched its very first e-learning practices in 1999 and among all corporate companies in Turkey it became one of the first companies that offered to its employee's e-learning solutions. Next to e-learning, the company opened a virtual classroom platform in 2005, a mobile education platform in 2008, a self-learning platform in 2009 for the use of its employees and provided richer distance education solutions. Structured in 2006, Turkcell Academy has now turned into an information and development center adding further value to business world by providing development solutions to mobile-connected employees, agencies, business partners, suppliers, clients and students in addition to all interested parties. Having reached over 50.000 people, Turkcell Academy now offers opportunities for education and development. By means of distance education practices, the system removes space and time limits and enables continuous development for the personnel. Furthermore, by saving money and time, efficiency in development activities can be pushed to higher levels.

Via Turkcell Academy Virtual Classroom Application, which is another distance education tool, employees stationed in different spaces can partake in educational activities or conferences on the web. The presentations in which interaction is promoted are offered in virtual classroom platform to the access of wide masses and thereby information-share becomes further effective. In that way it becomes feasible for the employees located in different geographical regions of Turkey to take part in the education from their computers. Aside from all these educational channels Academy Portal offers a number of self-learning tools to the employees to meet their personal needs and aspirations for personal development. In line with the advancements in the Internet and social media, the Academy presents to its employees Web-based personal development tools (self-learning tools) that they can access to reach the best practices, reports, videos etc. relevant of the subjects they need. The use of platforms such as Virtual Library (Getabstract), video portal, Harvard Custom Portal and Harvard Manage Mentor is also on the rise (Turhan et al., 2012:193).

KOC Group: Despite the analogies between the education and development processes practiced within the body of affiliated companies of the Group, there are still minor divergences among some companies. Nonetheless, the majority of group companies use KocAkademi to substructure their education and planning works. KocAkademi is an education, development, learning and sharing platform in which activities that can improve the development Koç Group employees are planned and practiced on the basis of group-company-employee needs. It is in itself a technology- based substructure. KocAkademi is a self-learning and performance-assistance system in addition to being a learning-platform that entails in its body rich self-learning resources. Among these Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 17 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3

learning resources are e-trainings, articles and OPAL. OPAL is one form of learning and information-assistance platform. Employees can access these learning resources anywhere, anytime. In order to develop themselves in the long term and to overcome work-life problems they are free to resort to these resources. Thousands of articles and hundreds of electronic trainings and identical learning packages in KocAkademi can easily be accessed from anywhere in the world. E-learning options in specific topics in particular can be put into use very fast and can be practiced successfully (Turhan et al., 2012:193).

Yapi Kredi Bank: Yapı Kredi Banking Academy was set for the aim of training the best bankers of the sector. The focal points of the Academy can be listed as personal development, leadership, banking, finance and social responsibility. Distance education is one of the most commonly- applied methods in the trainings. Via distance education it is much easier to offer trainings to the employees from the branches in different regions of Turkey, and it is aimed to warrant the continuity of a system that can standardize individuals’ continuous knowledge and skill levels and integrate development as a major component of life (Onen, June 2009).

Yapi Kredi Insurance Company: IRIS Project as another distance education practice of Yapı Kredi Insurance Company merged with ( arsivi/allianz-sigorta-ve-yapi-kredi-sigorta-guclerini-birlestirdi) Allianz Insurance Company on 30 September 2014 is also a vital practice. The corporate software (IRIS) that was put into use to ensure that substructure of information technologies is compatible with ever-changing technologies was then communicated to the employees, agencies and brokers via e-learning system. Through contributions of software developers, process managers and employees from the departments of Fire, Transport, Auto-Accident, Non-auto Accident, Engineering, Damages and Financing an efficient team work was formed and e-learning education designs were set in which a simulated and audio instruction of 2400 steps to explain the application of live system was placed. E-learning modules were customized as per user profiles (agency, broker, personnel) to offer within distinctive educational packs.

Subsequent to completing the designs, pilot practice was conducted among agencies selected for agency classroom trainings and by considering the agencies that missed the classroom trainings due to compelling reasons and also for the use of newly-hired agencies, essential complementary planning was organized. Before commencing agency trainings, IRIS Practice screen training was offered for General Directorate technical personnel and all regional personnel. To ensure that Regional Personnel employed in distinctive branches are competent enough to use application screens, training programs that include all branches were designed. Next, for each branch a synchronous screen practice training was presented on a daily base. For the personnel employed in elementary insurance branch in departments such as Sales Management and Call Center, a distinctive e-learning module was designed and offered to the use of relevant employees. Prior to the application stage, brief information on the program that simultaneously executed classroom education and e-learning model is as displayed in the table below. The saved amount of classroom education time in the first stage with the implementation of this project has been computed as 21.120 person/hour. Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 18 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3

Table 3: Yapı Kredi Insurance Company IRIS Project, E-learning Classroom Education Data with respect to Participant Types (2012)

Participant Type Number of Education Type Participants Agent 743 11.188 Broker 27 301 Personnel 301 1.652.9 Total 1071 13.041.9

Resource: Tecimen, Cem (10.08.2012), “E-öğrenme Hayata Değer Katmaktadır ve eğitim ve gelişim Uygulamalarının Tamamlayıcı Bir Parçası Haline Gelmiştir”, Information Age Journal (Bilgi Cağı Dergisi),

This particular distance education practice enabled the company to gain the benefits hereinafter (Tecimen, 10.08.2012, -Access to a substantially-large participant group in a short time, -Educating substantially-large masses in a short time, -A functional measurement and evaluation system and ability to monitor participants’ activities, -The opportunities of the users to receive education anytime and anywhere with no working-hour limitations, -Continuous access to the trainers and field-specialists through e-mails and forums, - Repeated accessibility to knowledge, -Savings on educational costs, -Thanks to the provided means, sustainability of distance education, -Rapid transfer of technological developments, -Enabling the equal educational opportunities to all participants. ING Bank: ING Bank is owned by Dutch ING Group operating in finance sector. It is headquartered in the Netherlands and the bank is Turkey-branch of the Group. Possessing a wide network of branches and employees in different cities, ING Bank presents to its employees a comprehensive e-learning catalogue to meet their educational needs quickly, timely and properly related to professional and also personal development domains. Online education is the platform that offers trainings on newly-launched products and campaigns.

Within the body of ING Bank-a multinational organization- there is an exclusive e-education platform designed by ING Global specifically for the use of all countries. Via this platform employees can select the e-trainings they want and by gaining a global perspective in this way, they have a chance to improve themselves in professional and personal development domains. Company directors report that the benefits of e-learning systems for their company are; “time and cost saving”, “accessing global trainings independent of time and space” and “transferring to the employees the right information in the right time” ( basinbultenleri_15_09_2010.asp). Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 19 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3

Ulker Company Group: The Group employing 41.000 workers ( applies distance education practices in corporate in-service trainings. For the employees demanding an approved-education option, Directorate of Education provides the name of web site address and user name –password information to enter the system. During the time intervals that the personnel participate in approved and informed trainings, s/he is counted as on official absence of leave. If the personnel, despite receiving an invitation letter for any training, miss courses without informing the instructors or not having a valid excuse for absence and fail to notify the Directorate of Education minimum 1 week earlier, this employee is counted as “unexcused absentee”, but for serious personal problems or certifiable health problems (Sahin, Guclu, 2010:256-257).

Turkish Airlines (THY): THY signed a contract in 2008 with enokta to the end of minimizing the high costs related to trainings and to increase quality level. With this practice employees can now receive audio and visual education in any place distant from their workplaces. These trainings briefly include courses on entrepreneurship, aviation, communication on the phone, computer skills, leadership, first aid etc. After these trainings the personnel is tested and the successful ones are rewarded with certificates of achievement. In line with year- 2010 activity report of THY, the contributions of distance education to the companies were taken into account and procurement and preparation processes of 125 e-learning training were completed and 345.000 training activities were thus opened. By means of this opportunity, each year approximately 15 thousand employees benefit from e-learning education service(şirket /faaliyet.../tr-thy2010.pdf). Within the body of Turkish Airlines Aviation Academy founded as an affiliation of Turkish Airlines, Turkish Airlines A.O. being in the first place, trainings are provided to domestic and foreign aviation companies, maintenance centers, courier companies, travel agents, universities, employees from other airline companies, airport companies, civil aviation sector companies and several other legal entities, foundations and establishments ( Distance education is offered on Turkish Airlines Aviation Academy Distance Education Portal. Turkish Airlines personnel can access the portal by entering website whilst visitors outside Turkish Airlines can access the portal by entering website.

CONCLUSION Chinese proverb; “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” is a well-worded message summarizing the importance of education in human life. Education is an irreplaceable need in all moments of human life, and the same need is equally perceived by organizations. To elevate the organizational performances of employees, help them keep up with the new developments, solving organizational problems, career planning are the targets of the education offered in the organizations.

Nonetheless since speed has become an imperative issue in the increasingly-loaded business world, organizations that manage to access information in the shortest time and without failing work processes and put into use before their competitors will rise as leaders. On that account organizations put greater investments to educate their employees continuously. That is the way learner organizations are formed and on the basis of this formation lies self-learning. Target masses of the Education and Development activities held in the organizations are widely Copyright © The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning 20 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, July 2016 Volume 4, Issue 3

populated. These activities are not merely designed for employees; all directors, employees, agencies, suppliers, family members, solution partners, clients, university students and concerned parties can also benefit from the services offered. Information and Communication Technologies are also utilized while offering education services. In addition to face-to-face education, distance education practices are also applied. As distance education options; e-learning, virtual classroom practices, discussion forums, blogs, mobile education and social media are some of applied technological systems (Turhan et al., 2012:202).

Modern technologies are effective in providing distance education, but the world is still in a preparation phase to become full-ready for this practice. The reason of not being full-ready yet is related to both sub-structural and educational defects. Defects in the substructure of distance education can be listed as gaps in the legislation, absence of promotions in this domain, insufficient R&D investments, failure to form a public opinion and failure to raise awareness on the issue among decision makers.

Distance education provides several advantages to both organizations and organization personnel being educated. Employees can, compared to the ones receiving traditional classroom education, be more flexible in terms of time and space. Since they will not be forced to leave home to receive education they will neither feel pressure because of workload nor will fail to self improve due to the pressure to complete assigned tasks. As they will have the opportunity to access knowledge without time or space limitations, they can rehearse whichever subject they prefer on their own terms. As employees will be aware of the fact each employee is granted with the same opportunities they will be further committed to their organization. Distance education indeed offers time and space flexibility which in fact enables the employees to resume their work-tasks and organizational costs would fall in turn.

In education institutions educators conducting employee and distance education activities would no longer lose time in classroom environment which would spare them sufficient amount of time to continue academic activities or the kind of activities they are expected to finish. One point to take notice in distance education is that whether it is required to conduct practical studies in the aftermath of theoretical education. It is demanded from organizations to project that possibility beforehand. Provided that employees have a busy work schedule they may be unwilling to partake in distance education activities. To prevent the emergence of this conflict during e- education periods all barriers including heavy workloads to block the educational process must be eliminated so that employees would be more than willing to participate in the trainings. The main reason is that any forced participation would simply fall too short to achieve the objective targets.

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