ASST. PROF. HİKMET TOSYALI Department of Visual Communication Design Contact:
[email protected] +90216 626 10 50 – 2734 Communication Faculty A510 Research Interest: Informatics, new communication technologies, digital communication, social media, communication research. Education: Degree Department University Year BA Computer Engineering Maltepe University 2004 MA Computer Engineering Maltepe University 2008 PhD Journalism/Informatics Marmara University 2016 Publications: Papers presented at the international scientific meetings /published in proceedings books: Tosyalı, H. (2020). Determination of Computer Literacy Levels of Faculty of Communication Students. 7th. International Communication Days: Communication Education in the Digital Age Symposium. Istanbul: Üsküdar University Communication Faculty ( Tosyalı, H., & Sütcü, C. S. (2018). Digital Transformation in Marketing Communications: Examples of Interactive Advertising Practices. International Symposium on Communication in the Digital Age (pp. 238-246). Mersin, Turkey. ( Articles published in international refereed journals: Tosyalı, H., & Aytekin, Ç. (2020). Development of Robot Journalism Application: Tweets of News Content in the Turkish Language Shared by a Bot. Journal of Information Technology Management, Special Issue, 68-88. doi: 10.22059/JITM.2020.79335 Tosyalı, H., Sütcü C.S., & Tosyalı, F. (2019). Patient Loyalty in the Hospital-Patient Relationship: The Mediating Role of Social Media. Erciyes University Faculty of Communication Journal, 6(1), 783-804. ( Articles published in national refereed journals: Uludağ, N., & Tosyalı, H. (2020). The Effect of Personal Selling on Consumer Perception in Retailing: A Research in the Stationery Sector. Gumushane University e-journal of Faculty of Communication, 8(2), 1352-1374. doi: 10.19145/e-gifder.728336 Tosyalı, H., & Öksüz, M.