Assoc Prof.Dr. Guncel Onkal Maltepe University, Tel: +90-216-6261050/2232 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Fax:+90-216-6261113 Department of Sociology, 34857
[email protected] Maltepe/ Istanbul, Turkey. Date of Birth: 22/05/1978. Date of Place: Istanbul, Turkey. Citizenship: Turkish. Gender: Male. Education: * Ph.D., Philosophy, Middle East Technical University (Ankara/Turkey), 2010. Concentrations: Philosophy of Biology, Metaphysics, Philosophical Theology Dissertation: “Reconsidering William Paley’s Natural Theology: An Analysis Argument from Design to Intelligent Design.” * M.A., Philosophy, Istanbul University (Istanbul/Turkey), 2003. Concentrations: Environmental Philosophy, 19th Century American Transcendentalism, Civil Disobedience Thesis: “The Natural Philosophy of Henry David Thoreau and his Idea of Civil Disobedience” * B.A, Philosophy, Istanbul University, (Istanbul/Turkey), 2000. Experience: *Assoc Prof.Dr. 2011-… Maltepe University, İstanbul, Turkey. Courses Given: Basic Problems and Concepts of Philosophy (in 4 sections for Sociology, Psychology, Social Service, Architecture and Nursing departments), Philosophical Problems in Natural Sciences and Technology, Environmental Ethics (grad.), Philosophy of 17th Century. * Research Assistant, 2002 – 2010 Middle East Technical University, Department of Philosophy, Ankara, Turkey. Courses Given/Assisted: Introduction to Philosophy, Philosophical Texts, Research Methods in Applied Ethics, Engineering Ethics, Environmental Philosophy. * Visiting Researcher, 2007 – 2008. Radboud University, (The Catholic University of Nijmegen), Faculty of Philosophy, Nijmegen, Netherlands. Courses: Heidegger’s Philosophy of Religion, Intercultural Philosophy, Christian Natural Theology. *-Non-Academic:- Call Center Agent, 2000-2002. Turkiye Is Bankası ( Presentations and Publications: (-all titles translated into English-) 1.