İSTANBUL BİLGİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ CENTER FOR CIVIL SOCIETY STUDIES This publication is a comprehensive activity report of the work done by the Center for Civil Society Studies, Bilgi University between January 2003 and June 2016.

The project names used in the book are the ones that are in common usage.

OUR EXPERIENCE 2003 - 2016

Istanbul Bilgi University Publications 592 NGO Studies – Training Books 21

ISBN 978-605-399-486-2

1st Printing: Istanbul, June 2017

© Bilgi İletişim Grubu Yayıncılık Müzik Yapım ve Haber Ajansı Ltd. Şti. Correspondence Address: İnönü Caddesi, No: 43/A Kuştepe Şişli 34387 İstanbul Türkiye Phone: 0212 311 64 63 – 311 61 34 / Fax: 0212 216 24 15 • Certificate No: 11237

Editors Emrah Gürsel, Nurhan Yentürk, Yörük Kurtaran, Merve Seda Çevik, Özlem Ezgin Book & Cover Design Kadir Abbas Typesetting and Layout Maraton Dizgievi • www.dizgievi.com Translation Sylvia Zeybekoğlu Editing Eren Pultar Printing and Binding Mega Basım Yayın San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Cihangir Mah. Güvercin Cad. No: 3/1 Baha İş Merkezi, A Blok Kat 2 Avcılar İstanbul Türkiye Phone: 0212 412 17 00 / Fax: 0212 422 11 51 • Certificate No: 12026 OUR EXPERIENCE 2003-2016


xi Preface

xiii Foreword

xv Acknowledgements

1 INTRODUCTION 3 A Brief History 5 Units 5 i. NGO Training and Research Unit 6 ii. Youth Studies Unit 7 iii. Child Studies Unit 9 iv. Bilgi Social Incubation Center 10 v. Social Projects and NGO Management Master’s Program

A - EMPOWERMENT 15 EMPOWERMENT 17 i. Bilgi Social Incubation Center (2014 - ...) 20 ii. Purple Certificate Program (2016 - 2017) 21 iii. Things: Technology for Social Change (2015 - 2016) 22 iv. CSO Exchange Program – STDP (2015 - 2016) 23 v. Youth Life Skills Sharing Project (2014 - 2015) 23 vi. Empowering Teachers Working with Syrian Children: Research and Training Project (2014 - 2015) 24 vii. Children Have a Say Board Game and Peer Training (2008 - 2015) 25 viii. Fighting with Domestic Violence and Gender Inequality (2014) 25 ix. Children’s Rights-Oriented Critical Media Literacy Program (2013 - 2014) 25 x. Schools on the Way to Democracy in Sarıyer (2013 - 2014) 26 xi. Network: Youth and Participation Project (2012 - 2014) 29 xii. Translation and Dissemination of Compasito Project (2009 - 2014) 30 xiii. Empowering Families to Ensure the Gender Equality of Children (2012 - 2013) 31 xiv. Youth Campus for Human Rights (2012 - 2013) 32 xv. Gender Equality Research and Training Material Development Project - 1 (2011 - 2013) vi contents

32 xvi. My Rights in Drawings (2012) 33 xvii. Creative Ideas Meetings (2009 - 2010) 33 xviii. Study Visits for Youth Organizations (2009 - 2010) 34 xix. CD and Internet-based Content Production for CSO Capacity Building (2007 - 2010) 34 xx. Distant Learning-based Certificate Programs for CSOs (2005 - 2011) 36 xxi. NGO Training and Certificate Program (2003 - 2011) 38 xxii. My School is My Future (2009 - 2010) 38 xxiii. First Step to Human Right Summer Camp: I won’t do it (Rightly TV) (2009) 39 xxiv. Empowerment of Mothers Program (2008) 39 xxv. Youth and Social Rights Project (2006 - 2007)

B - MODEL GENERATION 43 MODEL GENERATION 43 i. Towards Democratic Schools (DOD): Participation Practices that Empower Students and Schools (2013 - 2015) 44 ii. Children Have a Say Radio Program (2008 - 2015) 44 iii. Living Library (2007 - 2015) 46 iv. Baykuş Youth Trainings (2007 - 2008) 47 v. All Different All Equal Radio Program (2006 - 2007)

C - ADVOCACY AND NETWORKING 51 ADVOCACY AND NETWORKING 51 i. Public Expenditures Monitoring Platform/KAHİP (2010 - ...) 53 ii. Volunteer Work in Laws and Policies (2012 - 2017) 53 iii. Young Voices Meetings (2015) 54 iv. Symposium on “The Role of Child Ombudsmanship in Implementing Children’s Rights” (2014) 54 v. Reinforcing the Participation of Civil Society in Preventing Violence Against Children (2013 - 2014) 55 vi. Constitution is my Constitution (2012) 55 vii. Young Status of Participation (November 2011 – May 2012) 56 viii. Magnifier to the Address (2010 - 2011) 57 ix. Youth Centers Network Project (2009 - 2011) 58 x. Sweden- Youth Policies Seminars - I and II (2009 - 2010) 58 xi. Think Purple (2008) 59 xii. GePGeNç Youth Festival(s) (2006 and 2008) 61 xiii. CSOs in the EU Accession Negotiations I and II (2005 - 2006) 62 xiv. Network Membership contents vii

D - LOCAL PARTICIPATION 67 LOCAL PARTICIPATION 67 i. Youth Participation via Video Projects (2011 - 2014) 69 ii. Nilüfer Park Children’s Project (2014) 69 iii. Short Wave Youth Center (2007 - 2014) 74 iv. Children’s Festivals (2007 – 2013)

E - ACADEMIC STUDIES AND PUBLICATIONS 79 ACADEMIC STUDIES AND PUBLICATIONS 80 i. Social Projects and NGO Management Master’s Program 81 ii. Courses: 81 ✓ Children and the Media 81 ✓ Child Policies 81 ✓ The Conception of Childhood throughout History 82 ✓ Social Responsibility Project 82 ✓ Ecological Social Entrepreneurship 83 ✓ Youth Policies 83 ✓ Fund Raising and Project Preparation Techniques 83 ✓ Introduction to Applied Ethics 84 ✓ Global Civil Society 84 ✓ Contemporary Issues in Environment and Ecology 85 ✓ Gender in Everyday Life 85 ✓ Ecological Literacy and Sustainability 85 ✓ Social Responsibility, Civil Society and Istanbul 86 ✓ Digital and Data Activism 86 ✓ CSO Capacity Development and Management 86 iii. Original Publications 86 ✓ Project Preparation and Budgeting Techniques for the EU and Development Agencies 87 ✓ Public Expenditures Monitoring Series 92 ✓ NGO Studies - Training Book Series 96 ✓ Network Project Publications 99 ✓ Introduction to Legislation for Youth 100 ✓ Magnifier to the Address Project Publications 101 ✓ Baykuş Youth Training Series 104 ✓ Youth Studies and Youth Policies in Turkey 104 ✓ Towards Democratic Schools Project Publications 106 iv. Translations 106 ✓ Council of Europe and European Union Youth Collaboration Training Kits 108 ✓ Network Project Translations 110 ✓ Living Library Organizer’s Guide 110 ✓ Compasito: Manual on Human Rights Education for Children viii contents

111 v. Research Publications 111 ✓ Power2Youth Research Project (2014 - 2017) 112 ✓ Status Analysis of Germany-Turkey Youth and Student Exchanges 113 ✓ Participation of Youth in the Labor Force and Youth Unemployment: Key Indicators, Policies and Approaches 113 ✓ The Experiences of Young Women in the Family-Market-State Triad: Girls that stay at home and girls that go out and work. 114 ✓ Ways of Seeking Rights from the Perspective of Children Study (2014) 114 ✓ Comparative Research Project on Youth and Media 115 ✓ Policy Recommendations for Supporting the Local Participation of Youth 115 ✓ Youth and Social Rights Report 115 ✓ University Students’ Freedom of Expression and Association 116 ✓ Housing Problems of University Students 116 ✓ The Development of Youth Policy Indicators in Turkey Based on the Problems, Needs, Desires, and Suggestions of Young People in Youth Organizations 117 ✓ Gender Perceptions of Primary School Children (2011) 117 ✓ Child Well-Being Research Project (2008 - 2010) 118 ✓ Youth Mobility Research Project 118 ✓ Youth Mobility: A Look at the European Voluntary Service 118 ✓ Monitor Report on Youth Work in Turkey 119 ✓ Istanbul Youth: Does CSO Membership Make a Difference? 119 ✓ Youth Unemployment in Turkey 119 ✓ Parents’ Perception of Gender and its Impact on Child Raising (2012-2013) 120 vi. Youth Research Fund (2015 - ...) 121 vii. Games 121 ✓ Network Board Game: A Participation Game (2014) 122 ✓ Children Have a Say Board Game (2009) 122 ✓ Why Not? Card Game (2012) 123 ✓ What if Street Card Game (2012) 123 ✓ Life is Difficult Board Game (2007)

F - INSTITUTIONAL CONSULTING AND COLLABORATION 127 INSTITUTIONAL CONSULTING AND COLLABORATION 127 ✓ Youth and Employment Focus Group Study for Esas Holding (2015) 127 ✓ Education Volunteers Foundation of Turkey (TEGV) Volunteer Participation Development Project (September 2015 - August 2016) contents ix

128 ✓ Child Friendly Local Initiative (2013 -2015) 128 ✓ Support Workshops for TEGV Volunteers (2013 - 2015) 128 ✓ Children’s Rights and Children’s Rights Workshops (2009 - 2015) 129 ✓ Youth Friendly High Schools Project (2013 - 2014) 129 ✓ Expansion of Children’s Rights Training Program (2013) 129 ✓ From Peaceful Schools to Social Peace Project (2011 and 2013) 130 ✓ Rights Stage: Children’s Rights Program (2010 - 2011) 130 ✓ Assessment of the Impact of Rights in Education Project (2008) 130 ✓ Capacity Development Training and Training of Trainers- Positive Living Association (2007) 130 ✓ Capacity Development Training for Local CSOs in Zeytinburnu/ Istanbul (2006) 131 ✓ Training Program for the Ministry of the Interior, Department of Associations Capacity Development Training for Trainers (2005) 131 ✓ Social Support for the Democracy and Human Rights Project (2005) 131 ✓ Equal Citizenship, the Participation of Disabled Individuals and Disabled Women (2005) 131 ✓ Other seminars and meeting for which support has been provided



ver the past twenty years since its founding, Istanbul Bilgi University has continuously sought to be an excellent university and to make unique and 0 positive contributions to Turkey’s university system. Shoring up our en- deavors has been our objective to deliver a sound university education with aca- demics who are top notch in their fields. One of the key aspects of being a city university is being tightly intertwined with the community and the city. This gives rise to synergetic relations that enrich thought and activities. This “process of in- tegration and mutual interaction with the social fabric,” which began on our first campus in Kuştepe, has consistently embraced the principle of “BİLGİ” (KNOWL- EDGE) throughout its expansion, regardless of its magnitude and areas encom- passed. Through the maxim “learning not for school but for life,” the BİLGİ tradi- tion has morphed into a level of social responsibility that has surpassed expecta- tions. Academic personnel, students and the other stakeholders in social proj- ects have come together in a great variety of frameworks and circumstances and forged a common mind. They have and will continue to take pride in seeing this shared mindset generate projects. Realized through the collaboration between state institutions and CSOs, these projects have nearly always resonated at the level of the EU or other international organizations and, thus, have been able to garner support. We are delighted to see that these activities have become one of the pillars of our success. This activity report outlines the social responsibility projects that Istanbul Bilgi University’s Civil Society Studies Center has carried xii preface

out thus far. I owe a sincere debt of gratitude to everyone who has been involved in these projects, especially Prof. Nurhan Yentürk, who has adeptly overseen this extremely complex process.

Respectfully, Çağrı Bağcıoğlu Chairman of the Board of Trustees Foreword

ne of the most important hallmarks of a city university is its ability to artic- ulate itself into the life of the city in all of its dimensions and to integrate 0 into the social fabric. Istanbul Bilgi University has always viewed this qual- ity as one of the crucial components of a sound education. Over time, our goal of integrating, collaborating and carrying our joint projects with the social fabric and stakeholders we started out with on our small campus in Kuştepe has far exceed- ed our expectations. This activity report covers the social responsibility activities conducted by the Civil Society Studies Center. There are still many more activities and projects we plan to carry out. As BİLGİ, we operate on the basis of the assumption that empa- thy for society and learning how to collaborate with it is not something acquired only in classrooms, amphitheaters and libraries. If university education is the last stage in preparing for professional life, then en- gaging in social responsibility activities is the most effective and productive way of becoming entwined with life, getting to know it and learning how to make it even more constructive. At various times, institutions of higher learning implement “internship” programs in various fields. They do this to enable students to engage in an environment where they can apply their theoretical knowledge. As BİLGİ, we believe that the most productive, rational and positive internship involves voluntary participation in social responsibility projects. We, therefore, encourage all our students and members of the BİLGİ community to participate in them. Every year the number xiv foreword

and quality of the participants grows, which is a major source of satisfaction and pride for us. “Universal values” actually begins with local examples, solidarity and empathy. Students, from both Turkey and abroad, take advantage of these opportunities and using them even more effectively, giving us the strength to reach our goals. I would like to applaud all of my colleagues and students who have supported us in this venture for their successful endeavors. I wholeheartedly believe that they will conduct many more, better quality projects in the future, and would like to ex- press my deep respect and appreciation to them.

Prof. Dr. Ege Yazgan Acting Rector Acknowledgements

stanbul Bilgi University aims not only at providing a university education, but also producing academic knowledge that can be used to solve social prob- I lems. However, our university does not stop at this academic knowledge- based problem solving. It is a “city university” that plays an active role in solving these problems and opening its doors to the “outside.” Our university is highly in tune with and woven into the community and sensitive to its constituents. When getting involved in these social problems, assessing them and trying to find solu- tions to them, it strives to form strong bonds with every segment of society and with civil society organizations in every area. Accordingly, seeing them as an inseparable component of its mission, Istanbul Bilgi University has institutionalized its support of them by establishing the Cen- ter for Civil Society Studies (CCSS). The center was designed as a place where civil society organizations and individual citizens can get together to plan and manage their activities, and to improve their overall ability to participate in them. The purpose of this publication is to share the work that has been carried out un- der the auspices and coordination of the Center for Civil Society Studies since 2003. We have a very large team involved in conducting our activities. This team is ac- tually only the tip of the iceberg. In addition to people who have worked with us over the long haul, there are people who volunteered professionally in our projects for shorter periods of time. We are unable to mention all of them by name here. I xvi acknowledgements

would like to express our special thanks to them and all of the participants who have contributed to our activities.

Prof. Nurhan Yentürk CCSS Director Introductıon

A BRIEF HISTORY Istanbul Bilgi University Center for Civil Society Studies (CCSS) aims at contributing to civil society development in Turkey and in the larger world. It conducts academic research into the social, economic and cultural dimensions of this development. The CCSS also holds workshops, educates, publishes, and documents. The center strives to diligently collaborate with official, private and civil society organizations (CCOs) and to actively participate in the accumulation of knowledge related to private and civil society organizations. The CCSS was set up for the purpose of placing all of the work it had been coordinat- ing since 2003 under a single umbrella. Subsequent to the application made by the Office of the Rector of Istanbul Bilgi University to the Higher Education Board, the Center was officially established in 2008, when the Center’s by-laws were published on 25 September 2008 in issue no. 27008 of Official Gazette. The center encompasses three separate units - the NGO Training and Research Unit, the Youth Studies Unit, and the Child Studies Unit. It also includes the Bilgi Incuba- tion Center and the Master’s Program in Social Projects and NGO Management. In addition, it offers courses and conducts studies related to civil society in various un- dergraduate programs. The NGO Training and Research Unit, the first of its kind set up within a university in Turkey, is designed to strengthen the role of CSOs in a plural- istic democracy and to foster the effective operation of CSOs. Underlying this objec- tive is the conviction that CSOs, particularly their grassroots organizations, are key stakeholders in the establishment of a participatory democracy. The Youth Studies Unit conducts academic research and youth studies in the field for the purpose of 4 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

making the needs of youth and youth studies in Turkey more visible, and coming up with recommendations as to how a more democratic, essentially participatory, youth policy can be made. The unit engages in various activities, including research, net- work formation, modeling and advocacy programs. The purpose of the Child Studies Unit is to get child rights enacted into law in Turkey and to promote the formation of holistic, rights-based child policies. The unit carries out work in the areas of empow- ering children, teachers and CSOs working with children, and enabling children’s voices to be heard and included in decision-making mechanisms so that awareness of children’s rights is expanded and that they are protected. The Social Projects and NGO Management Master’s Program is designed to provide academic credentials for people working in civil society or in related areas. The relatively new Bilgi Social Incu- bation Center conducts workshops for civil society initiatives working on rights in the city (e.g., CSOs, initiatives, platforms, informal groups) in order to build their institu- tional capacities by providing them with various learning opportunities.



https://www.twitter.com/bilgistcm our experience • 2003 - 2016 5

UNITS i. NGO Training and Research Unit The Istanbul Bilgi University NGO Training and Research Unit (Bilgi NGO) was found- ed in 2003 to strengthen the role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in a pluralistic democracy and to contribute to their effective operations. The first of its kind at a uni- versity in Turkey, it operates with the conviction that CSOs, especially at the grass- roots level, are key actors in the creation of a participatory democracy. Bilgi NGO con- stitutes a junction where the university and civil society can work together to improve the management and capacities of CSOs and citizen initiatives. Bilgi NGO collaborates with CSOs organized in a range of issue areas, including wom- en, children, youth, social rights, human rights and the environment, and strives to expand and strengthen their organizational capacity. In addition, it works towards in- creasing the awareness of CSOs on topics such as social rights, gender equality, par- ticipation, multiculturalism and ethics, and towards meeting their needs for support, education, and written and visual materials. It also seeks to facilitate networking be- tween CSOs and to improve the effectiveness of CSOs in central and local decision- making processes.

http://stk.bilgi.edu.tr 6 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

ii. Youth Studies Unit In Turkey, adolescence is primarily understood to be a period of transition. Young peo- ple, under the tutelage of “authorities,” make their way from childhood to an “ideal” adulthood. However, young people are not simply a means of reaching the country’s tomorrows; they have common needs that vary in time and space. They encounter difficulties in a multitude of areas, ranging from social rights like education, health and housing to freedom of thought and expression. There is a vital need for a youth policy designed to solve these problems and to address the needs of youth. In addi- tion, support must be afforded young people so they can participate actively in this process and become autonomous and equal citizens in social life. In this regard, the Youth Studies Unit (GÇB), founded through the collaboration proto- col signed by the Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG) and Istanbul Bilgi Univer- sity in November 2005, supports and implements a variety of activities developed with stakeholders involved in formulating youth policies. To this end, the young people involved in the Research Program engage in a variety of research to determine the needs of youth. Activities implemented within the scope of the Network Creation Pro- gram are designed to encourage stakeholders in the area of youth to learn from one another. As part of the Advocacy Program, efforts are being made to influence deci- sion-makers so that laws are designed and implemented to meet the needs of young people. Through the Modeling Program, models considered capable of innovatively contributing to the field of youth are being developed and implemented.


https://www.facebook.com/genclikcalismalaribirimi our experience • 2003 - 2016 7

iii. Child Studies Unit The Child Studies Unit works in the field of child rights with the aim of contributing to a world where the opinions of all children are valued and their rights are protected. Since 2007, it has been conducting research, preparing educational material, and developing and expanding educational programs on children’s rights. The unit is working towards empowering teachers, children and the staff of CSOs that work with children in order to expand awareness of the rights of children and to protect them. It also encourages listening to what children have to say and including them in deci- sion-making mechanisms. Operating at Istanbul Bilgi University through interdisci- plinary collaboration, the unit has assumed the role of facilitator in combining and mobilizing community and university resources to realize its objectives. The unit plays a part in various networks and platforms working to implement chil- dren’s rights in Turkey. Through this involvement it monitors relevant policies and contributes to their improvement.



our experience • 2003 - 2016 9

iv. Bilgi Social Incubation Center The Social Incubation Center, located on Istanbul Bilgi University’s santralistanbul Campus, was established in December 2014. It was designed as a resource center that could be used to meet the changing needs of civil society, particularly in Istan- bul. The center is engaged in activities for grassroots organizations that need assis- tance in developing their organizational capacity in a particular area. It is still the on- ly incubation center in Turkey that supports non-profit organizations. Recently, the Social Incubation Center has begun creating learning platforms where organizations and initiatives from outside of Istanbul and abroad can learn from one another. It cur- rently extends assistance to civil society in three key areas: – Making available various learning opportunities for organizational development in the areas of resource development, collaborating with volunteers, strategic orien- tation, project creation/management, network formation and advocacy to CSOs and citizen initiatives by making available office space, consultancy, and partici- pation in mentoring, workshops and training. – Supporting civil actors through workshops open to civil society and trainings spe- cially designed for organizations in order to help them become more familiar with certain topics, to raise their awareness and to improve their skills. – Formulating solutions for the need for physical space of CSOs in Istanbul, such as office space, and locations for training and meetings.


https://www.facebook.com/sosyalkulucka 10 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

v. Social Projects and NGO Management Master’s Program Despite the increasing importance of civil society, the contributions of universities in Turkey to the institutional capacity building of CSOs remain insufficient. Further- more, academic studies on civil society organizations are limited. Universities can give crucial support to strengthen the capacities of CSOs and conduct academic re- search in the field of civil society. Particularly since the 1980s, academic civil society studies, both empirical and theo- retical, have been growing. CSOs provide a large number of public services in Europe and play an active role in the formation of public policy. Nevertheless, civil society studies as an interdisciplinary area of research within the social sciences are still at an inadequate level in Turkey. Istanbul Bilgi University has been working since 2003 to meet this need, first under the auspices of the NGO Training and Research Unit, and then the Center for Civil So- ciety Studies, through publications, certificate programs and field work. Since the 2014-2015 academic year, it has aimed at meeting the need of CSOs for training hu- man resources and at contributing to high-quality academic research in this field by offering the “Social Projects and NGO Management” Master’s Program. In line with these objectives, the master’s program was organized with two options, thesis and non-thesis. Students can concentrate on Civil Society Management or Civil Society Studies. The program is run by the Center’s staff with the assistance of external specialists working in the field.

http://stcmma.bilgi.edu.tr/ our experience • 2003 - 2016 11

Board of Directors Prof. Nurhan Yentürk Youth Studies Unit (Center Director) Yörük Kurtaran (2006 - 2014) Burcu Oy (2009 - ...) Assoc. Prof. Alper Akyüz Pınar Gümüş (2015 - ...) (Assistant Center Director) Esin Demircioğlu (2010 - 2012) Prof. Lale Duruiz Fırat Şahin (2008 - 2010) (Board Member) Gülesin Nemutlu (2006 - 2009) Prof. Murat Belge Kenan Dursun (2011 - 2012) (Board Member) Murat Alemdar (2006 - 2008) Neslihan Öztürk (2006 - 2012) Yörük Kurtaran Okan Erdik (2010 - 2011) (Board Member) Serra Cankur (2008 - 2010) Staff (2003 - ...) Volkan Yılmaz (2012 - 2015) Projects Coordination: Child Studies Unit Emrah Gürsel (2016 - ...) Gözde Durmuş (2008 - ....) Özlem Ezgin (2014 - 2016) Ayşe Beyazova (2008 - 2016) NGO Training and Research Unit Melda Akbaş (2008 - 2016) Nurhan Yentürk (2003 - ...) Zeynep Kılıç (2010 - 2016) Ali Alper (2003 - ...) Şaylan Uran (2007 - 2010) İlknur Toygar Değer (2003 - ...) Social Incubation Center Laden Yurttagüler (2005 - ...) Esra Berberoğlu (2016 - ...) Devin Bahçeci (2012 - 2014) Halil Öz (2012 - ...) Kenan Dursun (2012 - 2014) Yörük Kurtaran (2014 - ...) Özlem Ezgin (2012 - 2014) Sener Ünal (2015 - 2016) Yiğit Aksakoğlu (2003 - 2007)



İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Sivil Toplum Çalışmaları Merkezi

Our Experıence A EMPOWERMENT

EMPOWERMENT One of the key objectives of the center is the empowerment of stakeholders, both le- gal entities and real persons, and meeting their needs through project-based and in- stitutional need-based programs. Within this framework, it engages in a variety of ac- tivities in Turkey, providing various forms of financial support for both short-term and long-term studies. Since 2003, the CCSS has used this program to establish direct relations with civil society and execute a range of projects. i. Bilgi Social Incubation Center (2014 - ...) As society changes, so does its needs. CSOs and citizen initiatives working on meet- ing them have begun to proliferate, particularly in urban centers. These civil initia- tives, active in a variety of areas, require novel approaches to the development of their capacities. The Social Incubation Center is the product of a new approach to addressing these varying requirements of stakeholders in civil society. The Social Incubation Center was founded in December 2014 on the santralistanbul Campus, with the support of the Open Society Foundation, the Swedish Consulate and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. It was founded as a space to extend assistance in meeting the changing needs of civil society. Initially, the Center worked with grass- roots organizations, particularly those which were non-profit, in Istanbul, operating with a rights-based perspective, and in need of help in developing their organization- al capacity. Currently, it continues to be the only incubation center in Turkey provid- ing support to non-profit organizations. The Center assists CSOs that have legal sta- tus, such as associations and foundations, as well as initiatives, collectives or groups, with or without a legal status, which work on social issues. The emphasis is on helping these organizations with organizational development. 18 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

A relatively new approach initiated by the Social Incubation Center is the creation of shared learning platforms through which organizations and initiatives from outside of Istanbul and from abroad can learn from one another. Support to civil society con- tinues in three key areas: • Within the framework of the main program, every six months, the Center makes available to a certain number of CSOs and citizen initiatives a range of resources to assist them in improving their organizational capacity in the ar- eas of resource development, collaboration with volunteers, strategy orienta- tion, project formation/management, networking and advocacy. This is made possible by providing them office space, consultancy services, mentoring and opportunities to participate in workshops and training. Needs determination meetings are held with each initiative to assess its organizational require- ments. A needs list and a schedule according to which the needs will be met are drawn up. The Center then makes support available accordingly. • The Center offers civil actors regular workshops open to civil society and spe- cially designed training for organizations. The objectives of these workshops and training programs are to inform their participants on certain topics, raise their awareness of them and develop their skills to work on them. Whenever possible, these workshops are also offered online via the Internet. Workshops are primarily offered by non-civil society stakeholders. Some of the topics of the workshops held so far are as follows: Accounting for Associations / Şule Atay (Helsinki Citizens Association) How is an Association Founded? / Emrah Gürsel (Karakutu / Blackbox Association) Social Media for CSOs / Kenan Dursun (Things Project) Monitoring and Assessment in Social Projects / Erhan Okşak Historical Development of Civil Society in Turkey / Murat Belge (Istanbul Bilgi Uni- versity Faculty of Social Science and Humanities) Grant Resources for CSOs / Laden Yurttagüler (Bilgi NGO Training and Research Unit) and Yörük Kurtaran (Social Incubation Center) Storytelling / Celil Öker (Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Communication) Organizational Management / Sener Ünal (Istanbul Bilgi University Center for the Civil Society Studies) The Concepts of Civil Society, Equality and Freedom / Ömer Laçiner (Birikim Journal) Polarization in Turkey / Bekir Ağırdır (Konda) Project Cycle / Yiğit Aksakoğlu (Bernard von Leer Foundation) and Nurhan Yentürk (Bilgi NGO Training and Research Unit) our experiment • 2003 - 2016 19

Video Activism for CSOs / Ali Vatansever Erasmus+ for Youth Projects / Nilay Küme (Community Volunteers Foundation) Tools for Easy Website Design: Wordpress / Barış Yaşbala Project Budgeting / Özlem Ezgin (Community Volunteers Foundation) Civil Society and Sources of Private Sector Financing / Betül Özer (Tohum Foun- dation) The New Penal Code and the Right to Protest / Yarkın Özbalcı and Cem Sinanoğlu • The Center also helps find ways of meeting physical space requirements of CSOs in Istanbul, including office space, and meeting and training venues. CSO space needs are addressed on an appointment basis whereby CSOs in- dicate the days on which they need the space. The Legal Aid Network (Pro-Bono) that is part of Istanbul Bilgi University’s Human Rights Law Research Center assists the Social Incubation Center by matching up groups receiving help from the Center with appropriate resources on the basis of their legal problems. The Center is active in model generation and is making innovative contributions to civil society capacity development through its mentoring program. In this program, mentors with various expertise are paired with relevant CSOs or initiatives, according to their organizational needs, where they provide consultancy/coaching/mentoring. Every six months, a public invitation is made to organizations and initiatives. The Ad- visory Board chooses ten of those that respond to this call and extends to them var- ious learning resources available as part of the main program referred to above. In the November 2014 - 2016 period, such an invitation was made for three programs. Currently on the Advisory Board are Ahmet İnsel, Cengiz Çiftçi, Emel Kurma, Feray Salman, Fuat Keyman, Hakan Altınay and Neslihan Özgüneş. To date, nearly 40 CSOs have benefited from three programs operating under “Accelerated Strategic Dona- tion/Contribution System,” one of the shorter, more thematic rubrics. http://www.sosyalkulucka.bilgi.edu.tr 20 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

ii. Purple Certificate Program (2016 - 2017) The Purple Certificate Program 2016, implemented jointly by , the Istanbul Bilgi Universi- ty Center for Sociology and Education Studies, the Is- tanbul Bilgi University Child Studies Unit and the Minis- try of Education (MEB), aims to spread gender equality and awareness throughout the educational system. The gender awareness activities component of this project targeting university and junior high school students is carried out by the Child Stud- ies Unit in conjunction with Sabancı University. As part of the project, a full-day “Workshop on Gender with Games” was held in Istanbul for 33 students from Sabancı University and Istanbul Bilgi University in April 2016. The students, who vol- untarily participated in the workshop, conducted board game workshops with 113 children 9-14 years of age and 18 teachers in May - June 2016. The project is ongoing. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 21

iii. Things: Technology for Social Change (2015 - 2016) “Things” is a source of in- spiration for technology ex- perts to create sociotech- nological solutions to major social problems and thus make a difference in soci- ety. The mutual brainchild of Techsoup Europe and the Social Incubation Center, the program was held be- tween August 2015 and February 2016 with the par- ticipation of the Communi- ty Volunteers Foundation, the Entrepreneurship Foun- dation and the Center for Civil Society Studies, and the support of the Mott Foundation. CSOs, activists, and persons from different dis- ciplines interested in the use of social technology for social change were brought to- gether in a variety of workshops. In addition, various social initiatives benefited from the incubation resources furnished. Based on the theme of “CSOs and Visualization”, the project meetings involved working on subjects such as storytelling, infographics and mapping, as they relate to civil society. Face-to-face meetings and workshops were organized on social technology and so- cial change in Istanbul as well as in Ankara, Izmir, Eskişehir and Adana. Many of these workshops were broadcast over the Internet. A blog and online publications were produced for the purpose of disseminating news about social technology from the world and Turkey and initiating discussions on these topics. For further information: www.yourthings.org facebook.com/yourthingsare twitter.com/YourThingsAre 22 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

iv. CSO Exchange Program – STDP (2015 - 2016) While CSOs and citizen initiatives without legal entity have acquired expertise in the areas in which they work, they still need to expand their organizational capacity. And it is this inadequacy that is one of the obstacles to the development of civil society in Turkey. The program aims at improving the organizational continuity and capacity, and supporting the creation of means through which civil society can grow. The program was conducted between April 2015 and March 2016 with the support of the Mercator Foundation, with contributions made by Lead: Capacity Building Center for Leadership and Advocacy in Germany. The mobility of individuals and the mentor- ing support given to CSOs were used as a means of enriching the mutual learning ex- perience at various stages of the program. Working visits in Istanbul made it possible for organizations to become acquainted with other CSOs operating in comparable fields or using similar tools. They also enabled them about each other’s work cultures and to learn from one another. The study visits were made by 23 persons from eight CSOs in December 2015. Activities such as CSO visits, academic discussions, work- shops and networking were carried out throughout the program. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 23

In addition, a training program was designed for people experienced in civil society to act as mentors that would work one-on-one with CSOs. The function of the mentor- ing was to improve organizational operations, strengthen institutionalization, and make the organizations more aware of their needs, in order to ensure sustainability. The program, which was implemented in October 2015, had 23 participants and last- ed five days. The mentor pool set up subsequent to this training provided mentoring support for a period of 5-6 months to eight CSOs which were part of the program. This mentor pool is still helping organizations supported by the CCSS. The program also includes plans to expand the program internationally. The goal is to implement the international program as of 2017. v. Youth Life Skills Sharing Project (2014 - 2015) The Youth Life Skills Sharing Project, which began in November 2014 and ran until October 2015, was a joint venture of the Association for the Support of Child Protec- tion Centers (ÇOKMED) and Istanbul Bilgi University’s Child Studies Unit. The 12-week seminar program was open to students from the university’s departments of psy- chology, sociology, social services, law, and other similar ones. Its goal was to get the participants to implement their own projects after the seminar program. The 12-week seminar program, in which there were 120 volunteer participants, cov- ered such topics as children’s rights, child development, emotional abuse and holis- tic approaches to child protection. The knowledge the participants acquired through the project enabled them to generate their own projects. vi. Empowering Teachers Working with Syrian Children: Research and Training Project (2014 - 2015) The purpose of this project was to assess the problems Syrian children encounter in the educational system in Turkey from the perspective of the children and teachers. The study, which lasted from December 2014 to February 2015, was conducted at three separate schools - in Bağcılar, Kâğıthane and Beyoğlu - and involved face-to- face interviews, as well as focus groups, with four principals, 24 teachers and 25 stu- dents. Principals and teachers were asked to identify what they saw as the most pressing problems and what kind of support they thought was needed to solve them. The objective of the focus groups conducted with Syrian primary and middle school students was to understand their experiences within the Turkish educational system, the difficulties they encountered there and what kind of support they expected. Moreover, upon the request of the teachers, seminars were held on the situation of Syrian refugees and the services and resources available to them. A total of 90 teachers benefited from these seminars. 24 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

vii. Children Have a Say Board Game and Peer Training (2008 - 2015) The purpose of this project, which was held between September 2008 – August 2009, was to raise children’s awareness and appreciation of their own rights, and was successful in bringing about favorable behavioral changes in this regard. The target groups of this project were children between 12-18 years old, and their families and teachers. A children’s rights-themed game and a peer educational program for chil- dren were developed as part of the project. Following the training of trainers for the university students, the trained participants performed the dissemination trainings for the high schools students. The training tools developed reached 500 primary school children in 2009. In addition, family visits were made; workshops were held for teachers; and educational modules created for CSOs were widely disseminated. A board game called “Children Have a Say,” which aims at children between 12 and 15, was designed as part of the project. The purpose of the game is to get children to think about, discuss and learn about their own rights through examples taken from their own everyday lives. The cases in the game were revised in an interim period due to the varying violation of rights children encounter. The game, which was developed by experts with the input of children, is still being disseminated with the help of pri- mary schools, CSOs that work with children and community centers. By the end of 2015, the “Children Have a Say” board game had reached nearly 20,000 children, over 2,000 teachers and more than 250 CSOs. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 25

viii. Fighting with Domestic Violence and Gender Inequality (2014) This was a collaborative project of Birİz and the Agenda: Child! Associations held be- tween June-December 2014. The project, which received its funding from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), aimed at raising awareness in society of the gen- der equality and domestic violence, and used schools as its main means of achiev- ing this. Two schools – one each in Ankara and Istanbul – served as the implementa- tion sites of this pilot project. Materials developed with students were used at the seminars held with teachers and parents at these schools. ix. Children’s Rights-oriented Critical Media Literacy Program (2013 - 2014) This was a project jointly carried out with the İstanbul Erkek Liseliler Educational Foundation (İELEV) in 2013. Its participants were 5th grade teachers in İELEV Schools. The project aimed at putting teachers on firmer footing in the areas of media, child rights and critical media literacy. Its ultimate goal was to encourage teachers to take media literacy into consideration when preparing lessons and, as a result, to improve critical media literacy in students. The program, which continued throughout the 2013-2014 academic year, provided teachers with training in critical media literacy. In addition, Prof. Aslı Tunç, Assistant Prof. Itır Erhart, Assistant Prof. Erkan Saka, Psychological Consultant and Family and Couples Therapist Özlem Mumcuoğlu, lecturer Celil Öker, Istanbul Bilgi University Child Studies Coordinator and lecturer Ayşe Beyazova, and lecturer Ahmet Şık came together with teachers. Furthermore, they held meetings every month with teachers to discuss how they could use critical media literacy in the classroom. The critical media literacy applications the teachers developed were presented at Sabancı Uni- versity Educational Reform Initiative’s 11th Best Practices Conference. x. Schools on the Way to Democracy (2013 - 2014) This project’s objective was to contribute to the development of participatory de- mocracy at middle schools in the district of Sarıyer, Istanbul. It planned to achieve this by reviving school assemblies, which, along with local administration and par- ent-teacher associations, are an essential component of democratic school culture. The project, which began in March 2013 and ended in February 2014, was implement- ed by the ITU Development Foundation in conjunction with the private Dr. Natuk Biran Primary and Middle School, under the coordination of the Sarıyer Municipality. It in- cluded school visits, and volunteer teachers from five pilot school assemblies held various workshops. In addition, a school assembly handbook - the Guidebook for School Assemblies – was prepared for use by these teachers. 26 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

xi. Network: Youth and Participation Project (2012 - 2014) The design of the Network Project was based on the need to include people working in the areas of civil society and academia in discussions about youth, to produce in- structional material related to the topic, and to empower youth in civil society (as well as CSOs working with them). Support for the project came from the European Com- mission Turkey Delegation and the Turkish Ministry of European Union Affairs. The project was carried out as part of a consortium that includes the Helsinki Citizens’ As- sembly, the Civil Society Development Center (STGM), the Human Rights Joint Plat- form (İHOP), the Origin of Living Foundation (YADA) and the Third Sector Foundation of Turkey (TÜSEV). The aim of the Distance-learning Program (UÖP) developed and implemented within this framework was to strengthen capacities of civil society organizations (CSO) and young citizens to increase their level of participation in public debate and decision- making processes. The syllabus included modules on civil society, advocacy, rights- based work, strategy development, national and international organizations, stake- holders and power analysis, networks and networking, campaigns and planning, leg- islative advocacy, advocacy techniques and tactics, public services monitoring, public ex- penditures monitoring, communication and so- our experiment • 2003 - 2016 27

cial media use, youth policy/youth study, organizational management, and intraorga- nizational participation. Instruction in these modules was given face-to-face, in class- rooms, as well as online, via distance learning. It also included workshops and study visits to civil society stakeholders. At the end of the Distance Learning Program, par- ticipants prepared a strategy and action plan for their own organizations that dealt with specific problems and solutions they themselves identified. The program was implemented as two terms each lasting six-months. In the first term, there were 83 participants from 68 different organizations, while in the second term, there were 44 participants from 37 organizations. For the interactive Web Portal of the project, three publications were produced. The first is the “Historical Anthology of Civil Society Campaigns in Turkey” (http://sebeke. org.tr/kampanya), which examines 30 campaigns over a 20-year period between the years 1993 – 2012. The second is “My word gets heard inside the parliament “ (http:// www.sebeke.org.tr/tbmm101), which aimed to empower young citizens and youth CSOs to participate in legislative processes so that Turkish Grand National Assembly pays more attention to their needs, problems, opinions and recommendations. To achieve this, the publication provided detailed interactive learning experience about parliamentary scrutiny and law making processes. The third publication, which was designed as an interactive guide (http://sebeke.org.tr/tbmm-arastirma-komisyonu), lays out the steps required to apply to the Grand National Assembly’s research com- missions. Thus, much like the second publication, its purpose is to enable CSOs and citizens to get their voices heard by parliamentary bodies. 28 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

In the study visits organized within the scope of the Network Project, youth from 20 different CSOs visited 42 organizations in Ankara and Brussels. The board game, developed within the scope of the project, aims to facilitate discus- sions about representative democracy, participatory democracy and its impact on the formation of citizenship, among young people. The game was used as a multipur- pose learning instrument in the seminars, and was distributed to CSOs working in advocacy, participation and education. The project also produced eleven different short videos and one documentary to sup- plement learning processes it provided: A Talk by Murat Belge on Civil Society, The Status of Youth in 2012, Civil Society Ety- mology, Blueprint for Survival, Turkish Grand National Assembly 101, Public Expendi- tures Monitoring Platform (KAHİP), Youth Participation in Turkey, Turkish Grand Na- tional Assembly Petition Committee, Turkish Grand National Assembly Parliamenta- ry Question, Public and Youth Policies in Turkey, Economic and Social Status in Youth Participation, From Participation to Permanence.1 Three international academic workshops were organized in the scope of the project. In the first one, in June 2013, discussions were held about the obstacles facing young citizens in joining political parties and their relations with them. The second one, in November 2013, examined the relationship of young citizens to CSOs, as one of their important means of participation, and discussed the issues of youth and volunteer- ing. The third one, in February 2014, focused on the relationship between citizenship

1 May be accessed at www.sebeke.org.tr. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 29

and young citizens who actively use alternative means of participation/communica- tion, such as caricatures and social media instruments, and how these instruments can increase the efficacy of young citizens in decision-making processes. An international conference was convened in May 2014 with public institutions, CSO representatives and participants from academia from Turkey and Europe to share all of the outputs produced by the activities in the Network Project and the results and discussions raised by its’ research publications. In different sessions of the confer- ence, discussions were held on contemporary issues about active citizenship, partic- ipation, new forms of organizing, voluntarism and civil society. Eight studies and five translations published in the scope of the project are accessible on- line. xii. Translation and Dissemination of Compasito Project (2009 - 2014) The Compasito Dissemination Project, which was im- plemented between April 2009 - March 2010, pro- duced a translation of “Compasito,” the educational handbook of human rights prepared by the European Council for children. The first edition of “Compasito: Human Rights Educa- tion for Children” was published in March 2010 and the second edition in 2014 by Istanbul Bilgi University Pub- lications. The book, which has been disseminated to nearly 3,000 interested specialists and educators, is available for free online. Trainings were organized using the book as their basis. The objective of the trainings were to increase the knowledge and skills of participants with respect to human rights and children, and to enhance the ability of the organizations. The following trainings were provided: • Dissemination training for CSO staff, volunteers and social service specialists working with children (15-18 October 2009, Istanbul – 22 participants) • Dissemination training for school guidance counselors and psychologists (5- 7 November 2009, Istanbul – 19 participants) • Training for trainers for CSO workers, teachers and university students (6-10 November 2010, Istanbul – 24 participants) • Training for trainers on child rights for specialists working in Social Services, the Ministry of Education and the National Security Directorate (15-20 Novem- ber 2011, Diyarbakır – 26 participants) 30 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

xiii. Empowering Families to Ensure the Gender Equality of Children (2012 - 2013) The purpose of this project was to reveal the role of the family in shaping children’s perceptions of gender roles and to elicit the views of parents on this subject. To this end, it aimed at creating the infrastructure for visual material that would make it eas- ier for guidance counselors to talk with families about gender equality. The research, carried out with the support of the Istanbul province Department of Education, in- volved face-to-face interviews with 71 parents (35 fathers and 36 mothers) at schools in various districts in Istanbul. A report containing the results of the research was prepared. A three-day training workshop was held on gender equality and 35 guidance coun- selors and psychologists from different districts in Istanbul participated. Following this workshop, the participants collaborated on project activities. At the conclusion of the study, a short instruction video called “Not in our family” was prepared. The video can be accessed at http://cocuk.bilgi.edu.tr/hakkimizda/video- lar/. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 31

xiv. Youth Campus for Human Rights (2012 - 2013) This project, carried out between June 2012 and Sep- tember 2013, was organized in partnership with the Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG) and spon- sored by the Delegation of the European Union to Tur- key. The objective of the project was to develop new, different and creative tools for youth engaging in advo- cacy work. Empowered by face-to-face trainings, distance-learning programs, interim meet- ings, study and field visits, ten youth groups developed and implemented local advo- cacy projects within the scope of the Youth Campus for Human Rights. Of the two publications of the project, one served as a theoretical background and the other as a experience sharing book. 32 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

xv. Gender Equality Research and Training Material Development Project - 1 (2011 - 2013) This project aimed at raising children’s awareness in children of the different social roles and characteristics society imposes on men and women, fostering in them a critical perspective on this subject, and getting them to see that the different char- acteristics of men and women are equally valuable. A focus-group study using students and teachers at the Silahtarağa Primary School was conducted as part of the project, and supervised by Assoc. Prof. Ayten Zara. The research examined children’s perception of gender and the varying everyday life ex- periences of boys and girls. Game-based educational material for primary students was prepared using the results of the study. The games created for two different age groups had the objective of developing awareness in children of gender and reinforc- ing a perception that would achieve gender equality. A gender equality game called “What If Street” was prepared for 6-9 year olds. It was designed as a game to be played with cards depicting the daily lives of people living on the same street. The aim of the game was to get children to look beyond tradition- al gender role of men and women and to think about how gender difference is only one component of an array of individual differences. The gender equality game called “Why Not!,” prepared for children aged ten and above, aimed to empower children by providing them an opportunity where they can discuss about the sexist situations they have been encountering in different settings (e.g., home, school, private life, work, play). The children who can detect these sexist situations but do not think that they can be changed started to realize the ways in which they can be transformed into non-sexist ones, owing to the discussions in the game. The game was revised in 2014-2015, with United Nations Population Fund sup- port, within the framework of the “Fighting with Domestic Violence and Gender In- equality Project,” conducted jointly by the Birİz Association and the Agenda: Child! As- sociation. To date, more than 8,000 children have played the games as part of the efforts to promote and disseminate them. The evaluation report on the impact of the games on 300 primary and 300 middle school students, conducted between October-Decem- ber 2012, revealed that the games had succeeded in reaching their goals and that they had created an awareness and perception in children that contributed to achieving gender equality. The entire report can be read at: http://cocuk.bilgi.edu.tr. xvi. My Rights in Drawings (2012) This project involved adapting The Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Uni- versal Declaration of Human Rights into animated films and brochures in Turkish, our experiment • 2003 - 2016 33

English and Kurdish for use by children and people who work with them. In these ma- terials, the Convention and the Declaration are explained by a girl living in Turkey. The brochures and animated films can be found at: http://cocuk.bilgi.edu.tr. xvii. Creative Ideas Meetings (2009 - 2010) The purpose of these meetings was to develop the capacity of youth groups that were qualified to receive financial support in the World Bank’s Creative Development Ideas Competition and to increase their dialogue with civil society. In the scope of the Proj- ect supported by World Bank, four workshops were organized for youth and youth workers from 20 different youth groups between September 2009 - June 2010. The closing event provided opportunities for youth to meet the funding agencies. The tran- scriptions of the Youth and Gender, Youth and Employment, Youth and Disability, and Youth Work Workshop Meetings were published along with suggested reading re- sources. In addition, a video was released about the youth groups and their projects who had benefited from the creative ideas meetings. xviii. Study Visits for Youth Organizations (2009 - 2010) The project, carried out with the support of Olof Palme Center and in partnership with ABF (Arbetarnas Bildningsförbund), was designed and implemented with an objec- tive of providing opportunities for youth and youth CSOs to participate in study visits where they can get acquainted with different stakeholders in civil society and be- come familiarized with contemporary discussions raised by them. Twenty-five young people from 15 youth organizations took part in three different study visits focusing on youth work, advocacy and gender equality. In an effort to achieve an international dimension to the discussions, Swedish experts contributed to the project with the workshops they organized. The study visits contributed significantly to civil society in Turkey by introducing study visits as a method for capacity building. CCSS has adopted this method and continues to use it in its projects and civil society work. Two other important outcomes of the Cre- ative Ideas Project were the Think Purple and Magnifier to the Address projects. The aim of Think Purple was to create indicators that can be used to monitor gender equal- ity within the grassroots organization of the Community Volunteers Foundation. The objective of Magnifier to the Address was to enable recipients themselves to evaluate the services provided by public institutions to youth. A video was prepared at the conclusion of the project and shared with interested stakeholders. 34 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

xix. CD and Internet-based Content Production for CSO Capacity Building (2007 - 2010) This project consisted of training and certificate programs, which were used to prepare a set of ten training CDs to be employed in CSO capacity development. Included on these CDs were the various contents of these programs, such as in-class video record- ing, lesson notes, questions for users to test themselves, sample cases, fill-in tables, additional reading materials and a resource list. Thanks to the experience acquired in Distance-Learning programs in particular, it was possible to design the “CSO Studies- Training CD Series” as “moderator-free distant learning.” These CDs made it possible for people unable to participate in a certificate program either in Istanbul, or primarily via Distance Learning, to improve their skills.

CDs published as part of the series: 01. Civil Society and Democracy (Nurhan Yentürk) 02. Organizational Management (Yiğit Aksakoğlu) 03. Project Cycle Management I (Nurhan Yentürk) 04. Collaborating with Volunteers (Laden Yurttagüler) 05. Project Cycle Management II (Alper Akyüz) 06. Mapping and Strategy Development (Hale Akay) 07. Resource Development (Laden Yurttagüler and Yörük Kurtaran) 08. English-Turkish Concept Dictionary for NGOs (Dictionary Team: Alper Akyüz, Bur- cu Yakut-Çakar, Eren Pultar, Çiğdem Türkoğlu, Emel Kurma, Hale Akay, İdil Eser, Laden Yurttagüler, Metin Konca, Nazan Aksoy, Nurhan Yentürk and Yiğit Aksakoğlu) 09. EU, Integration and CSOs (Alper Akyüz) 10. Advocacy and Policy Influencing (Nurhan Yentürk and Yiğit Aksakoğlu) xx. Distant Learning-based Certificate Programs for CSOs (2005 - 2011) The advanced capacity building trainings were ordinarily offered face-to-face to CSOs and the program was planned and conducted as a means of reaching out to a more geographically disperse audience. At the beginning and conclusion of the hybrid train- ing program, five-day programs bringing the participants together were held in Istanbul. The courses in the program made up its key component and were taught using a web- based forum during the remaining 27 weeks. In each program, at the beginning of each term, participants came together to meet for the first time and to get to know one an- other. They took courses such as “Civil Society and CSOs” and “Communication Skills.” In addition, “Civil Society and Democracy Seminars,” in which academics participated our experiment • 2003 - 2016 35

as speakers, were held to create a pool of common concepts and language for everyone involved. The technical details of the part of the program to be conducted online were also discussed at these meetings. During the first week of the program, participants re- ceived the written, visual and electronic materials they would use during the remainder of the program. In the 2005-2006 term, 90 CSO representatives were invited to attend three simultaneous groups. Thirty CSOs participated in the program in each of the sub- sequent five terms. Approximately 180 persons working for CSOs operating in rights- based fields, either as volunteers or paid staff, took part in the program.

Certificate Program Modules: Introduction to Distance Learning Introduction to Organizational Management Volunteering and Collaborating with Volunteers Fund-raising Europe, Civil Society and CSOs Advocacy and Policy Influencing Project Cycle Management, Proposal Writing and Budgeting European Union Project Financing and Funding Procedures

The distance-learning program conducted in 2009 - 2010 and 2010 - 2011, was differ- ent from those in earlier periods in that it revolved around the theme “European Inte- gration, the EU and CSOs.” The introduction of this program lasted three days, while its closing session lasted two days. The main body of the program consisted of a 16-week web-based curriculum.

Certificate Program Modules: Introduction to Distance Learning: Civil Society and CSOs The Concept of Europe and the Idea of Integration European Citizenship and CSOs Advocacy and Policy Influencing European Institutions and EU Organizations EU Regulations and Policies EU Funding The European Dimension and Civil Dialogue The Enlargement and Negotiation Process 36 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

xxi. NGO Training and Certificate Program (2003 - 2011) The NGO Training and Certificate Program run by Bilgi University aimed at building the capacity of rights-based CSOs and citizen initiatives working in the area of rights. The program focused on building the capacity of grassroots CSOs. While helping par- ticipants improve their skill sets, the program also contributed to the development of CSOs. It was expected that after having completed the program, participants would return to their affiliated CSOs and dedicate some voluntary work. Eleven programs were carried out between the years 2003 - 2011. During the first two years, 2003 - 2005, the program was organized on a semester basis, while during the last five years, it was on a yearly basis. The programs run between 2003 - 2005 emphasized general capacity building while those in subsequent years concentrated on topics such as organizational manage- our experiment • 2003 - 2016 37

ment, advocacy and policy influencing, and integration to the European Union. Throughout the program, participants attended 150 hours of lessons and conducted group work-based practicums utilizing what they had learned in class. Nearly 350 people, each group consisting of 25-35 individuals, affiliated with CSOs working in the areas of rights, either as volunteers or paid staff, took advantage of the program.

Course List: TPNGO 001: Civil Society and Democracy TPNGO 002: Civil Society and Strategy Development TPNGO 101: Proposal Writing Techniques for CSOs TPNGO 102: Project Budgeting TPNGO 200: Management Skills TPNGO 201: Organizational Management for CSOs TPNGO 202: Resource Development in CSOs TPNGO 204: Collaborating with Volunteers TPNGO 205: Financial Management in CSOs TPNGO 301: Advocacy TPNGO 302: Turkish Grand National Assembly: Legislative Procedures, Political Dy- namics TPNGO 303: Public Budget Literacy and Social Budget Monitoring Training Program 38 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

TPNGO 401: Legal Framework and Human Rights for CSOs TPNGO 402: Gender TPNGO 501: European Integration, CSOs and Advocacy TPNGO 502: European Integration and Resources TPNGO 601: Communication Skills TPNGO 602: Facilitation and Training Techniques xxii. My School is my Future (2009 - 2010) The aim of this project, which was conducted in collaboration with the Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG) between the years 2009 - 2010, was “maintaining school attendance.” To this end, TOG volunteers provided lesson support to and orga- nized social activities for students in 6th, 7th and 8th grades. The volunteers, who took assignments in Düzce, Edirne, Istanbul, Tokat and Malatya, received trainings in chil- dren’s rights and working with children as a part of the Child Studies Unit project. A documentary and social advertising on the importance of attending school were prepared from the photographs and videos taken at workshops attended by 100 chil- dren from different provinces, and from the interviews with the children during the workshops. The “Guide to Making your Role of Facilitator Easier when Working with Children,” pre- pared as part of the project, contains background information related to children’s rights and rights-based topics, as well as suggestions for activities that will make it easier to work with children. The guide can be accessed online. Inspired by this work, an animated film entitled “Working with Children Guide for Young People” was prepared in 2011 in collaboration with TOG. The documentary and the animated film can be accessed at http://cocuk.bilgi.edu.tr/hakkimizda/videolar/. xxiii. First Step to Human Rights Summer Camp: I won’t do it (Rightly TV) (2009) This project was jointly conducted with Amnesty International, Turkey. Its aim was to raise awareness of children’s rights in children and adults through short films on hu- man rights and children’s rights which children would produce themselves. At the summer camp for children, participants received instruction in children’s rights, hu- man rights, scriptwriting and shooting short films. Children worked in groups with the support of volunteers and wrote their own scripts and shooting plans. They actively participated at every stage of the shooting, including use of camera and lights, acting and montage. The 20 short films made during the camp were shown at various events. The films can be accessed at https://www.youtube.com/c/bilgistcm/. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 39

xxiv. Empowerment of Mothers Program (2008) This project was carried out in February-April 2008 and November-December 2008. Its objective was to make mothers with children between the ages of 0-3 and 0-6 more knowledgeable and to improve their skills with respect to child development and communication with children. The Mother-Child Education Foundation conducted a pilot educational program for mothers and the program developed by Istanbul Bilgi University’s Department of Psychology was implemented. Mothers from both the vicinity of the university and ones working at the university participated in the program. xxv. Youth and Social Rights Project (2006 - 2007) The project was implemented with European Union support and in partnership with the Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG). The main objectives of the project was to raise awareness about social rights among young people and to empower them to defend their own rights. The board game ‘Life is Difficult’, developed in the scope of the project, was imple- mented by the young people who participated in the Training of the Trainers and Na- tional-Local Training Programs, to reach out to peers in their vicinity and facilitate discussions about social rights among them. In the game, taking into account the general conditions in the imaginary country named ‘The Land of Happiness’ (Mutlulukya), the players try to come up with a set of policy proposals in the 7 different policy domains of education, health, retirement, unemployment, housing, poverty and right to organize, in order to enable all citizens of this imaginary country to live in prosperity. The discussions held throughout the game make it possible to discuss social rights and their accessibility by different groups in a structured way. The ‘’Life is Difficult’’ game which can be played among different age groups was de- ployed under the name of ‘’Social Rights Coffee House’’ in festivals organized by univer- sities, youth festivals like Rock for Peace and various undergraduate courses on civil so- ciety conducted at Istanbul Bilgi University and received a great amount of interest. The project carried out other activities to raise awareness in the social rights arena and to highlight existing problems concerning the social rights of young people, particular- ly in Turkey. These activities include the publication of the “University Youth and Social Rights Report” and organization of a closing conference in Ankara, November 2007, with participation of young people, relevant CSOS, bureaucrats and academics. The methodology of the “Life is Difficult” game was adapted to the European Social Charter, with the support of the Council of Europe, in 2012, and was translated into English and Portuguese with the name “Enter Dignity.” It began to be used across Eu- rope in a range of educational settings with youth.2

2 See http://www.coe.int/en/web/enter/enter-dignityland for information on the Council of Euro- pe’s Enter Dignity game. B MODEL GENERATION

MODEL GENERATION The center is also involved in the generation of models that can be used by CSOs working to solve existing problems. It intends to expand its model generation func- tions in the future to encompass the many projects and studies carried out within the framework of advocacy and academic research, which are the two other crucial ar- eas in which the center is engaged. The following projects were carried out for the purpose of model generation. i. Towards Democratic Schools (DOD): Participation Practices that Empower Students and Schools (2013 - 2015) The “Towards Democratic Schools” Project was run between 15 August 2013 and February 2015 by the Child Studies Unit, in partnership with the Educational Reform Initiative, to contribute to the strengthening of demo- cratic school culture in Turkey. The project sought to fa- cilitate the full and active participation of the natural stakeholders in schools - children, teachers, parents, principles and employees - in the education process and decision-making mechanisms. To this end, it aimed at developing and disseminating “participatory school” practices by encouraging stakeholders to acquire knowledge, skill and favorable disposition towards demo- cratic citizenship and human rights. A pilot school, Eyüp Central Middle School, was selected to be part of the project, which was conducted with students in the 5th to 8th grades (approximately 750 stu- dents in the 2013-2014 academic year and another 150 students who started 5th grade in the 2014-2015 academic year), nearly 30 teachers, and indirectly, about 500 parents, school administratives and personnel. The project introduced an alternative model of participation, one that was based on need-based focus groups rather on 44 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

than the traditional student council. It set up six need-based focus groups, in which students voluntarily participated. Their aim was to get students to work together to solve school problems. These six groups actively worked between March-June 2014. Between October - December 2014 efforts were made to improve the effectiveness of the student council. Various educational programs were designed to consolidate knowledge, enhance awareness, and develop skills in the participants in order to pro- mote democratic school culture and student participation at school. The project produced five books, one poster, and a documentary prepared by the children. The documentary, “Participation: Is it like Insulation?,” can be accessed at http://cocuk.bilgi.edu.tr/hakkimizda/videolar. ii. Children Have a Say Radio Program (2008 - 2015) This project, which ran from May 2008 to May 2015, aimed at creating a model whereby children could discuss problems that concerned them, as well as more gen- eral current topics, through a rights-oriented lens, and have their voices heard by adults. The format used to achieve this was children’s radio programs. These programs were operated by children and teenagers between the ages of 11 and 18, and the Child Studies Unit team. The goal of the program was to get chil- dren to talk about children’s rights and thereby raise aware- ness in program listeners. The program ran for seven years, broadcasting every week on Açık Radyo (“Open Radio”). In the nearly 350 radio programs that were produced over this period, the children host- ed more than 400 experts from different fields. To bolster their knowledge of chil- dren’s rights and radio broadcasting, regular training, study visits and media camps were organized for the children who participated in the project. The children helped set up a website designed to share the experience of the model created: http://cocuk.bilgi.edu.tr/project/soz-kucugun-radyo-programi. iii. Living Library (2007 - 2015) The Living Library is no different than any other library in the services it provides. Readers come and choose a “book” from the library’s catalog and borrow it for a spe- cific period of time. After reading the book, they return it to the library. If they want, they can renew the book or borrow another one. There is one crucial difference between the Living Library and an ordinary library: The books at the Living Library are people and they engage in a dialogue with the readers. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 45

The idea for the Living Library (Menneske Bibliotek) first came from the Danish youth CSO “Stop Violence” (Foreningen Stop Volden). It was among the activities carried out at the Roskilde Festival 2000, which is held every year and is one of Denmark’s largest music festivals. The Copenhagen-based “Stop Violence” was a peer-led youth initiative that aimed at strengthening the role of young people in preventing youth violence through educational activities. The CSO’s project administrators set 46 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

up the first library in close collaboration with the festival and the fi- nancial support of the Roskilde Foundation. The first Living Library in Turkey was established by the Communi- ty Volunteers Foundation (TOG) in partnership with the Youth Stud- ies Unit in 2007 at the Barışarock (“Rock for Peace”) Festival. Fol- lowing this festival a Living Library was set up in 2008 at the GeP- GeNç Festival and at Barışarock, in 2009 at the Civil Voices Festival and the 28th TÜYAP Book Fair, in 2010 at the !f Istanbul Film Festi- val and the European Universities Theater Festival, in 2011 at the Sun.Day.Sky Festival, in 2012 at the !f Istanbul Film Festival and the TOG Youth Council, in 2013 at the Rock’n Coke Festival, in 2015 at the !f Istanbul Film Festival and the ERG Best Practices Confer- ence. Support was also provided to other youth organizations to set up their own libraries. Video guides on how to set up Living Libraries have been published and the Living Library Organizer’s Guide has been translated into Turkish. A book en- titled Sharing the Experience of the Living Library has been published. The videos can be accessed through the following links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8myidxuitE https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL93BE7FD171D2C111 iv. Baykuş Youth Trainings (2007 - 2008) The absence of written materials about innovative training programs needed in the field of youth work is one of the fundamental obstacles for spreading knowledge in the civil society arena. Taking this problem as its point of departure, the Baykuş Train- ing Program was designed as a model that would make up for the deficiency of written materials in youth civil arena by publishing books which describes in de- tail different methods and modules used in different trainings conducted by Youth Studies unit to empower youth and youth CSOs. In addition, it aimed at enabling youth organizations to improve their own capacities by carrying out their own train- ing. The training program got off the ground with the support of the Olof Palme Cen- ter and the Turkish National Agency (“Ulusal Ajans”), in partnership with another Swedish institution, the Arbetarnas Bildningsförbund (ABF). The following five-day training sessions were held as part of the program: • Youth Work, 3-7 July 2007 our experiment • 2003 - 2016 47

• Informal Learning in Youth Work, 16-20 July 2007 • Internet Technologies and Communication in Youth Work, 25-29 July 2007 • Language Use in International Youth Work, 27-31 August 2007 • Volunteering in Local Youth Work, 12-16 January 2008 In addition, a General Framework book providing information on all the training was published. 85 young people from 30 provinces participated in the training. After publishing the books on the training experience and sharing them with youth organizations, they were made available in digital format, too. The books contained learning goals for each training module and suggestions for how to implement the modules. Publications on two other significant subjects - Sharing the Experience of the Living Library and I have an Excuse: Sharing the Experience of New Media Activ- ism - were prepared. These publications are available at: https://issuu.com/genclik- calismalari. v. All Different All Equal Radio Program (2006 - 2007) All Different All Equal is the name of a youth campaign organized in response to a call by the Council of Eu- rope. The first one was conducted in 1995 and aimed at battling antisemitism, xenophobia and intolerance. The success of the first campaign led to a second, this one focusing on diversity, hu- man rights and participation. It was held between June 2006 - September 2007 in 47 countries. For the campaign, Istanbul Bilgi University’s Youth Studies unit designed a radio pro- gram which allowed and encouraged the individuals and organizations in the youth field who share and support the values of the campaign express themselves. The program which has the same name as the campaign, ‘’All Different All Equal’’ was prepared and facilitated by Gülesin Nemutlu and Yörük Kurtaran and hosted by Açık Radyo which broadcast it. Special attention was paid to playing a song no more than five minutes in length between each of the 25-minute programs. The program ran for 30 minutes every Tuesday during the campaign period. After the campaign ended on the European scale, the program continued to be broadcast every other week. The program lasted for a total of 36 weeks and youth workers engaging in activities con- cerning equality, human rights and participation with respect to youth, activists and young people themselves, were invited to be guests on the program. The radio pro- grams were transcribed for use in youth work in Turkey and made available on the In- ternet to anyone interested. C ADVOCACY AND NETWORKING

ADVOCACY AND NETWORKING Apart from the assistance it provides in enabling stakeholders in civil society to work together towards common ends, and thereby learn from one another, the CCSS itself also works toward boosting the impact of this synergy on public policies in particular. Consequently, it conducts a variety of activities designed to bolster the participation of civil society in decision-making processes. This section contains detailed informa- tion about the work carried out thus far towards this end. i. Public Expenditures Monitoring Platform/KAHİP (2010 - ...) The Public Expenditures Monitoring Platform aims at monitoring the conversion of taxes collected from taxpayers into decisions made in the parliament as to how they will be spent. It works to maintain the transparency of this process, to increase social welfare spending, and to promote the effective use of the taxes collected. The NGO Training and Research Unit is responsible for overseeing the functions of the plat- form’s secretariat. The Child Studies Unit and the Youth Studies Unit are members of the platform. Towards this end, since 2010, public expenditure mon- itoring workshops and camps have been held. More- over, the results of the public expenditure monitoring conducted and related recommendations have been drawn up in letter form and sent to parliamentarians. These letters have also been shared online with the public. 52 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

The platform enables rights-based CSOs to monitor the amount of public resources allocated to social welfare, to work towards influencing policy-making to increase these expenditures, and to promote public discussions on the dimensions of social spending. Among the expenditures the platform monitors are those made for health, social se- curity, social welfare and social services, children, youth, the disabled, justice, the military, and domestic security. It also keeps track of public expenditures made by the Greater Istanbul Municipality. The platform then packages its observations in the form of letters and infographics and sends them to parliamentarians. It also main- tains interactive websites. www.kahip.org our experiment • 2003 - 2016 53

ii. Volunteer Work in Laws and Policies (2012 - 2017) The project was formulated to address the need for laws and policies in the area of vol- unteer work, where they were sorely needed. While such laws and policies, aimed at es- tablishing the framework within which voluntary activities are conducted, have been passed in various other countries, they are notably lacking in Turkey. This situation can lead to arbitrary practices and the possibility of abuse. On the other hand, prospective legal regulations may also harm volunteers and organizations by creating obstacles to volunteer work. Moreover, the relationship of volunteer work to the areas of employ- ment and social policy can give rise to passionate debate. Therefore, the project con- sists of meetings, research and publications concerning the matter in hand. Members of the faculties of law at Bilgi University and other universities are scanning sources related to the status of this issue in different countries. On 19 July 2012, 15 CSO representatives and a variety of researchers attended a workshop entitled “Vol- unteering and Business Law.” This workshop was designed to determine the status of the problem in Turkey, to consider what subsequent steps need to be taken to ad- dress the issue, and to focus on the kind of research that needs to be done to guide these steps. A book on the subject is slated for publication in 2016. iii. Young Voices Meetings (2015) This project was a collaboration of the Consulate General of Sweden, the Foundation for the Advancement of Counseling in Education (YÖRET) and the Sweden Institute. Many different activities were conducted as part of it. They included roundtable meetings, forms, panels and workshops on such subjects as children’s media, gen- der, disability, discrimination, and youth culture. For its part, the Child Studies Unit carried out four activities: • Children’s Roundtable Meeting (17 November): Attending the meeting were Lilla Ak- tuellt, a Swedish news station for children, and various academics, experts and media representatives from Turkey. Participants shared, debated and evaluated their views and experiences regarding children’s access to information, freedom of expression and media aimed at children and children’s participation in media. • Children Ask: “What is Gender?” (18 November): With the assistance of three adult experts (Ceren Suntekin, Olcayto Engin, and Çiğdem Aydın) who have con- ducted studies on gender in Turkey, the attempt was made to answer questions that children between 8-10 years old had about the topic. Short films were made containing the answers given by the experts to these questions, and the com- mentaries they provided along with the answers. • LGBTI Adolescents Explain: The “Being a Student” Forum (18 November): This fo- rum was planned together with the High School LGBTI Formation with the aim of taking individual solutions and transforming them into disseminable knowledge, 54 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

and to expand the areas of support available to adolescents experiencing similar problems. LGBTI adolescents recounted the experiences they have at school to an audience consisting of friends, parents and teachers who struggle along with them. Also participating in the forum were people working in civil society, partic- ularly ones from organizations involved with the LGBTI community and children, and in the field of education. • “Children Make” Panels and Workshops: “Children Make” is a project created to give children the opportunity to express themselves on the subject of children’s rights and to join forces in the creation process. It was conducted by the Swedish Institute and the Interactive Institute for the first time in November 2014 in Bel- grade. On 11 December, a workshop for adult professionals in Turkey and a panel open to anyone interested were held with the support of consultants from the Belgrade project. On 12 December, a full day code-writing workshop was held for Syrian and Turkish nationals by local and guest specialists in the field. Support was also received from İskele 47. v. Symposium on “The Role of Child Ombudsmanship in Implementing Children’s Rights” (2014) This symposium was held in November 2014 and organized by the Swedish Consul- ate in partnership with the YÖRET Foundation. Its purpose was to celebrate children’s rights by discussing them with people who work in this area in the public realm and in civil society. Children’s ombudsmanship, which plays a key role in strengthening children’s rights, was central to the discussions. Of particular importance is having an ombudsman responsible for children’s rights within the Public Ombudsman As- sociation in Turkey to ensure that children’s rights are respected. The symposium ex- amined the Swedish experience with ombudsmanship with an eye towards creating a more effective ombudsmanship system in Turkey. The symposium, which drew 150 participants, was broken down into presentations and five working groups. Discussed in the working groups was the role of local gov- ernment, the media and CSOs in consolidating children’s ombudsmanship in Turkey. Also on the agenda was possible measures for increasing the participation of chil- dren in these mechanisms. v. Reinforcing the Participation of Civil Society in Preventing Violence Against Children (2013 - 2014) The aim of this project was to increase the capacity of CSOs and other constituents working on preventing violence towards children in Turkey. The project, which began in January 2013, comprised of a number of components. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 55

Roundtable meetings: Roundtable meetings were conducted with ten experts work- ing on children’s rights and violence towards children. Distance-learning Program: The distance-learning program was organized with 18 CSO representatives from five regions between September 2013 - January 2014. The aim of the program was to monitor violence towards children by means of “strategic mapping” and to develop national and local action plans to prevent violence. Strategic Mapping and Advocacy to Counter Violence towards Children: Within the framework of the training program, a strategic map was prepared for five different cases of violence towards children. The CSO representatives participating in this training discussed these maps at local meetings held with different CSOs. Draft ac- tion plans were also drawn up. Policy documents were created on the basis of the ac- tion plans and advocacy efforts were carried out. vi. Constitution is my Constitution (2012) Viewing the debate that began with the preparation of a new constitution in Turkey as an opportunity, the “Constitution is my Constitution” model was designed and imple- mented as a platform through which children could express their opinions and de- mands. In other words, its aim was to foster children’s “participation rights.” Con- ducted with the support of the Turkish Office of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Associa- tion and TACSO, in collaboration with the Agenda: Child! Association, the project un- dertook a number of activities. One of these was the preparation of informative and introductory material for children. Another was a workshop, and had the function of gathering opinions. This workshop was carried out with different groups of children in five provinces (Istanbul, Ankara, Diyarbakır, Izmir, Edirne). In addition, a blog was set up to share the opinions of the children and the work being done. A group of children visited the Grand National Assembly’s Constitution Reconciliation Commission and a report containing the views of the children and the activities carried out as part of this project was prepared. vii. Young Status of Participation (November 2011 – May 2012) The main objective of the Young Status of Participation Project was to increase the level of the participation of young people in the legislative processes by enhancing their knowledge about and access to different participatory mechanisms and tools in legislation. Training sessions were held, in groups of twenty, in January and Febru- ary 2012, for young people in Community Volunteers Foundation who had previously participated in rights-based projects. The objective of this trainings was to equip par- ticipants with the skills and knowledge they needed to have their voices heard at the Grand National Assembly. A monitoring and evaluation report that was prepared as- 56 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

sessed the extent to which these aims were achieved. The project also aimed to strengthen the connection between the fields of youth and legislation. A youth- friendly legislative participation handbook (“Introduction to Legislation for Young People”) was prepared, with support from YasaDer (Turkish Association for Legisla- tion). Moreover, the different tools young people prepared in the training programs (e.g., general discussion, questions, and off-the-agenda debates) were shared with parliamentarians, to be discussed at the Grand National Assembly. The project was carried out in partnership with the Community Volunteers Foundation. viii. Magnifier to the Address (2010 - 2011) Magnifier to the Address project was organized by the Community Volunteers Foun- dation (TOG) in partnership with the Youth Studies Unit and the NGO Training and Re- search Unit, and funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Following the training program in March 2010, which was implemented for youth affiliated with Community Volunteers Foundation, local monitoring youth groups were formed in 16 provinces to carry out a civil monitoring study designed to assess the status, quality, accessibility and performance of public servic- es provided to young people. In this regard, young people who participated in the project prepared shadow reports on European Union Offices at universities, Municipal City Council Youth Assemblies, Public Youth Centers, Sport, Health and Culture Directorates, and Public Dormitories of the General Directorate of Student Loans and Dormitories. Professionals used the our experiment • 2003 - 2016 57

findings obtained from the reports prepared by the young people and reorganized them within a rights-based conceptual framework under six headings: Youth Repre- sentability, the Right of Youth to Freedom of Movement and Education, the Right of Youth to Housing, University Health Services, What Kind of Youth Center, and the Right to Organize at Universities. Interim assessment meetings gave the participants in the project the opportunity to look at each other’s experiences and to empower themselves with these experiences and the perspectives put forward by the academ- ics and youth workers to make sense of their findings. The participants were also ac- tively involved in the lobbying marathon held at the end of the project in Ankara. At the last phase of the project, a comprehensive Project Report Book and a Project Guide were published, which introduce the participatory monitoring method as an advocacy model which can be practiced by youth and youth CSOs. The Project Doc- umentary, released at the end of the project, complemented the documentation phase by covering the entire process. ix. Youth Centers Network Project (2009 - 2011) One of the fundamental problems of CSO and public-run youth centers working with young people in Turkey is that they operate like course centers. Trying to meet the needs of youth at the local level, in this way, results in poor quality services. However, if these institutions were to adopt a rights-based perspective that focused on youth and fostered their participation, the services, starting at the local level, would im- prove enormously. The Youth Centers Network Project was designed to meet this type of need. Launched with a grant from the Olof Palme Center, the project was implemented with the goal of developing ways through which youth workers actively working at youth centers in Turkey and young people can learn from one another. 58 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

Two national workshops and training programs were held with 14 youth workers and 45 young people from 19 May and İğne Deliği (“Pin Hole”) Youth Centers (Samsun), Kısa Dalga (“Short Wave”) and Pembe Ev (“Pink House”) Youth Centers (Istanbul), Ga- ziantep Youth and Culture Center, Mardin Youth and Culture Center, and Batman Youth and Culture Center. Following these workshops and trainings, a study visit was organized and collaborative projects were developed where participants had oppor- tunities to work together. One of the key projects with which they came up was the GAPGeNç Festivals, carried out as part of the larger Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP). Along with these projects, which were implemented in a collaborative manner, national youth exchange programs were realized to foster youth mobility, providing opportunities to experience different cultures. The programs and projects made it possible for youth and youth organizations to share experiences. Videos were pre- pared and published to document the process. At the conclusion of the project, major positive changes were observed in the way the youth centers that were part of this network interacted with the roughly 400 young people they served. x. Sweden-Turkey Youth Policies Seminars - I and II (2009 - 2010) Stakeholders in the youth field of Turkey have only recently taken an interest in youth policies. This contrasts with the situation in many other countries where youth coun- cils have been functioning for a long time as one of the main mechanisms through which youth organizations can participate in political decision making processes. To address this shortcoming, the “Youth Policies Seminars” were organized to improve the ways in which people active in CSOs working with youth in Turkey and Sweden can learn from one another, and to foster the process carried out to establish a na- tional youth council in Turkey. These seminars got off the ground with the support of the Olof Palme Center, in collab- oration with the Swedish Youth Council. Seminars held the first year were conducted in partnership with the Youth Services Center. A total of 25 youth organizations from Is- tanbul, Ankara and Stockholm participated in 10 local and two international work- shops, where they had opportunities to exchange ideas and best practices on topics such as youth policy, advocacy, policy making and lobbying activities. A strategy doc- ument was prepared and shared with relevant stakeholders at the end of the project. xi. Think Purple (2008) ‘’Think Purple’’ which was put forward as an idea during one of the study visits Youth Studies Unit had organized, was developed as a model to raise awareness about gender equality among youth CSOs and implemented in partnership with the Com- munity Volunteers Foundation. Various indicators of young women’s participation our experiment • 2003 - 2016 59

were developed through the combined efforts of the Samsun İğne Deliği (“Pin Hole”) Youth Center, Yıldız Technical University and Community Volunteers, all of which belonged to the TOG network. The purpose behind developing these indi- cators was to collect data that could be used to evaluate gender-based discrimina- tion. In addition, a four-day study visit was implemented in Istanbul to empower youth with respect to knowledge and skills they need in the monitoring process. xii. GePGeNç Youth Festival(s) (2006 and 2008) In Turkey, there are few instances where stakeholders in the civil arena get together to work on a common goal and learn from each other in the process. One so- lution devised to address this problem was the GeP- Genç Festivals. The festivals were devised with the in- tent of highlighting how the absence of such opportu- nities for mutual learning affects civil society, especially in the area of youth work. The festivals, which were held in 2006 and 2008, with the slogans “All Different All Equal” and “Not the Other, Neighbor,” served as a model for youth organizations to come together and share their experiences. The festivals were supported by many private sector and civil society stakeholders. The festival that was held in 2006 on the Istanbul Bilgi University Dolapdere Campus was made possible by the coordination of 30 youth organizations, determined on the basis of an open invitation. 151 CSOs and public organizations working in the area of 60 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

youth participated in this event. Organized within the framework of the festival was a best practices conference, at which 31 presentations were made; a youth symposium, the first of its kind in the field, where discussions were conducted on seven presenta- tions made there; a CSO fair in which 91 CSOs participated; cultural and art activities that included dances, exhibitions, film screening and performances, and 86 workshops. The 2008 GePGeNç Festival, which took place on the university’s santralistanbul, was the first event held as part of the 2010 European Capital of Culture preparations. More than 5,000 young people attended the festival, which was coordinated by 51 youth groups/CSOs. The festival included a forum, after which a declaration was pub- lished. In addition, organized at the festival was a best practices conference, where 11 presentations were made, a CSO fair, 53 workshops, 11 exhibitions and film screen- ings, ten performances and 11 concerts. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 61

The Social Rights Coffeehouse gave young people the opportunity to discuss social rights issues. A Living Library was also organized in partnership with the Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG). 189 youth organizations took part in the various festival activities. More than 5,000 young people attended the festival. The success of the GePGeNç Festivals sparked interest and paved the way for orga- nization of the new ones such as GAPGenç Festivals, which youth community cen- ters began organizing under the Southeast Anatolia Project (GAP). The first GAP- sponsored festival was organized in May 2009 Mardin, by a committee headed by Mardin Youth and Cultural Center, and the experience of organizing a festival was shared in a manner of cooperative collaboration. For detailed information you can peruse at the GePGeNç Festival books published following the festivals, on the link at: https://issuu.com/genclikcalismalari xiii. CSOs in the EU Accession Negotiations I and II (2005 - 2006) The purpose of the project was to inform CSOs about the EU Acquis and the acces- sion process and thereby enable them to take an active role in it. It was organized as a platform where CSOs could develop policy recommendations through working groups that they themselves set up. For the duration of the project, workshops and meetings and an international study visit were held with the participating CSOs. The aim was to develop international pol- icy making and lobbying skills of participants working on the human rights of wom- en, youth policies and social rights. Seminars on fighting poverty and the right to housing were held to bolster CSOs en- gaged in rights-based work and expert foreign guests participated. The primary aim of these seminars was to share with the CSOs the knowledge and experience of peo- ple working in similar fields. Miceala Moser, from the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) and Ayşe Buğra, from the Social Policy Forum, participated in the meeting entitled “The Role of CSOs in Fighting Poverty and Social Exclusion,” which was con- ducted in partnership with the Social Policy Forum. Another meeting on The Right to Housing was held in April 2007. Speakers at the meeting, who attended as experts, included Stefanie del Zotto, from FEANTSA, which works throughout Europe on the subject of the right to housing, Başak Ekim, from the Social Policy Forum, Pınar Uy- an, from Istanbul Bilgi University, Anita Danka, from the European Roma Rights Cen- ter (ERRC), Hacer Foggo, from the Accessible Life Association, Turgut Çakar, from the Greater Kocaeli Municipality, Zelal Yalçın, from the Mor Çatı (Purple Roof Women’s Shelter), and Murat Güvenç, from Istanbul Bilgi University. In addition, a study visit was held in Brussels in September 2006 to get to know rep- resentatives at the EU level. It provided the opportunity for participants to become fa- 62 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

miliar with the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, the European Commis- sion, and umbrella CSOs based in Brussels, and to exchange knowledge and experi- ence with one another. During the visit, meetings were held with more than 20 orga- nizations and/or persons. A radio program by the name of “See what the Angel Says” was broadcast during Açık Radyo’s 2006 - 2007 and 2007 - 2008 broadcasting seasons. The program, hosted along with Başak Ekim from the Social Policy Forum, aimed at putting the concept of social rights on the agenda. Transcripts of the radio program and meet- ings can be accessed at http://abmuzakere.bilgi.edu.tr. xiv. Network Membership ✓ Rights in Education Project Working Group The Rights in Education Project was conducted by Education Reform Initiative (ERG) to engage in advocacy for rights in education. It aimed at the improvement of the legal framework related to human rights in education and the elimination of the deficiencies in how they are implemented. The conceptualization of “rights in education” takes the right to education one step further and identifies the rights of children in education.

✓ Prevention of Child Neglect and Abuse Platform The purpose of this platform is to advocate for the creation and development of a system that will spot the risks to all children of neglect and abuse, to work to prevent these risks and, when risks arise, to intervene. Its goals are to identify neglect and abuse risks to children, to delineate the elements of a system that spots and pre- vents risks, to recommend preventive mechanisms, to advocate for the preventive system before the institutions responsible for creating this system, to monitor the ways in which this system is set up, and to prepare reports. For further information, see: www.cocukplatformu.org

✓ Network for Commercial Sexual Exploitation Against Children This network was established to contribute to efforts to eliminate child prostitution, pornography and commercial sex trafficking in Turkey. It is the culmination of meet- ings held by the ECPAT with civil society organizations for the purpose of establish- ing a network to fight commercial child sex trafficking in Turkey. Important steps were taken at these meetings. Nevertheless, despite being supported by the ECPAT, the Turkey Network is not yet an official member of the organization. For more information, see: www.ctcs-mucadele.org our experience • 2003 - 2016 63

✓ Human Rights Education Collaborative Network The Human Rights Education Collaborative Network (İHEA) is made up of civil soci- ety organizations and university human rights centers concerned with providing hu- man rights education. The aim of the network is to foster collaboration and strength through numbers. The network, which was formed under the facilitative leadership of the Human Rights Partner Platform in September 2013, acknowledges the impor- tance of human rights education in change and transformation. Accordingly, it strives to strengthen the collaboration between CSOs, academic, public institutions, and international institutions; to improve the accessibility of human rights education (HRE) resources; to monitor and assess HRE resources in every field and at every lev- el; accordingly, to make recommendations to improve these activities; and to strengthen the structure and effectiveness of organizations that are part of the İHEA, as well as the area in which they work. For further information, see: http://ihea.net.tr/

✓ Joint Network to Prevent Violence against Children The Joint Network to Prevent Violence against Children was set up through UNICEF support. The aim of this network is to prevent violence towards children by facilitat- ing and promoting the human rights monitoring and advocacy work done by CSOs, universities and professional organizations operating on behalf of children. The Part- nership Network, which began operating after the ratification of a protocol by the partners, aims at creating an effective monitoring system to prevent violence against children. Towards this end, it plans to create monitoring indicators, strengthen the CSOs that will participate in the monitoring process and to form communication net- works between them; and to establish a data bank and communication system through which information can be shared. For further information, see: http://www.cocugasiddetionluyoruz.net/

✓ Anti-Poverty Network The Anti-Poverty Network operated under the premise that poverty cannot be ex- plained solely in terms of inadequate income, but rather as a state having political and social dimensions, and as a consequence, involves an element of exclusion. Nevertheless, it was guided by the belief that poverty can be prevented only through rights-based social policies. Therefore, it was a platform that brought together peo- ple, researchers and CSOs that shared this understanding. Working in collaboration with the European Anti-Poverty Network, the network held meetings with policymak- ers primarily interested in advocacy-related issues, as well as concerned stakehold- ers. It also released press announcements and declarations. Finally, it prepared re- ports containing policy recommendations. D LOCAL PARTICIPATION

LOCAL PARTICIPATION Istanbul Bilgi University fulfills one of the requirements of being a city university by conducting various projects for the local disadvantaged community in the vicinity of its university campuses. CCSS projects involving the neighborhoods around its san- tralistanbul, in particular, have resulted in the widespread social participation of these communities. Details concerning these projects are given below. i. Youth Participation via Video Projects (2011 - 2014) These projects were coordinated by the Youth Studies Unit in partnership with the Swedish Youth Council (LSU) and funded by the Olof Palme Center and the Swedish Consulate.

✓ I have an Excuse (October 2011 – January 2012): This project was executed in part- nership with the Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG). Its aim was to foster participation by providing a platform where youth could express their views about what it is like to be a young person in society in Turkey and talk about their values and experiences. For this purpose, two national training sessions were held-one in Turkey and one in Sweden, and one international workshop was organized. The project was put online such that the videos shot by the young people could be continuously uploaded. 68 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

✓ I have an Excuse II (2012 - 2013): In order to share with civil society the first project as a model, a handbook was designed and published and an online directory of videos was created. One international and two national workshops were orga- nized to improve youth’s skills of using video sharing as a way of disseminating news and engaging in citizen journalism, besides using it as a medium for self- expression. The two national workshops had 16 and 15 participants respectively, from 14 cities. The three main themes of the workshops were rights, activism and advocacy. They also covered new media and citizen journalism. The workshop training was based on non-formal learning methods. The international workshop took place with 16 young people, half of whom came from Sweden. The 6-day workshop also covered citizen journalism and new me- dia. All three training sessions were held in Istanbul. The educational models used in these projects, as well as how they were implemented, were published in a book with a title “I have an Excuse: The Experience of New Media Activism” as part of the Baykuş Youth Training book series. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 69

✓ Video Activism Project (2013 - 2014): A five-day study visit to Stockholm, Sweden was held with eight participants from eight different CSOs to evaluate and share the experiences obtained from the projects of the previous years. Six organiza- tions working in the fields of youth, children, LGBTI, freedom of religion and new media were visited and two workshops were conducted. To generalize the experi- ence of the previous year at the local level, the project was duplicated in six cities, which enabled young people to become familiar with new media tools. Moreover, a six-day international workshop was organized in July 2013, where the young people from previous local and national trainings had the chance of partic- ipating. The 16 workshop participants – nine from Sweden and seven from Turkey – were chosen from among people actively working at CSOs. The workshop was organized around four main themes, all related to the participation of young peo- ple and age discrimination: Participation of young people and civil society, dis- crimination, prejudices and norms, age discrimination, and the participation of youth in the Gezi protests. At the end of the workshop, the participants each shot and edited a video. These videos were then made available online. Moreover, a Video Activism Handbook and the project website were translated into English. ii. Nilüfer Park Children’s Project (2014) This project was aimed at the Syrian children that work on the street, at intersections, in the vicinity of santralistanbul. Its basic objective was to conduct psychosocial studies involving these children and to improve their literacy skills so that they could enroll in school the following semester. The project, which ran between May-November 2014, was a collaboration of Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul Bilgi University Migration Studies Unit, Istanbul Bilgi University Psychology Master’s Pro- gram, and the Child Studies Unit. Under the auspices of the project, with the support of the Beyoğlu Municipality and the Kâğıthane District Governorship, approximately 50 children received instruction in reading-writing, drawing, theater and football. iii. Short Wave Youth Center (2007 - 2014) This center targeted the needs of the youth living in neighborhoods surrounding Is- tanbul Bilgi University’s santralistanbul. Its goal was to apply an alternative model of working with youth at the local level. It was operated alongside the projects the uni- versity runs for the local community in the districts surrounding its campuses. Rooms and open spaces of santralistanbul were used for the activities carried out by the local youth center for youth between 14-18 years of age. In addition, the Youth Studies Unit’s office was made accessible to youth. The open door policy of the Uni- versity, allowing all people to use its open spaces, facilitated activities and work- shops organized on campus. Because of the continuing cooperation of the Center 70 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

with different units, particularly the Youth Studies Unit, and CSOs, the youth coming to the Center had the op- portunity of engaging in different activities. The project was not limited to the district of Eyüp; youth with similar backgrounds from different cities were brought together with the youth from Eyüp. The two groups of youth participated in various activities, which were designed to experi- ence different cultures, which in turn would serve their personal growth. Moreover, building on youth mobility, the center also served as a bridge to the partner projects of youth in different countries, especially Germany and the Netherlands. At the insti- tutional level, the center received support from Empower, the Open Society Founda- tion, the Swedish Consulate, and the US Embassy. International mobility projects particularly at the European level, were supported by the National Agency and the Turkey-Germany Youth Bridge. While in operation, the center provided a range of ac- tivities in which more than 200 young people participated annually. The Short Wave Youth Center’s activities ran not only in winter, but throughout the year. The center also supported a variety of publications, such as Local Cultural Poli- cies Handbook: Steps, Tools, and Cases (Istanbul Bilgi University) and The Young Space: Youth-Centered Change in Youth Centers (TOG), which includes chapters written by Short Wave youth workers and coordinators based on their experiences. Some of the organizations that collaborated with the Short Wave Youth Center to carry out its activities are as follows: Adana Youth with Disabilities Sports Club Youth Center, Communi- ty Volunteers, Alibeyköy High School, Alibeyköy Occupational High School, Beyoğlu Youth Center, Boğaziçi University Social Responsibility Club, Hangar Art Association, Eyüp Refhan Tümer High School, GAP Administration and associated youth and cul- tural centers, Greenpeace, Haydar Akçelik Anatolian Occupational High School for Girls, İMKB Occupational High School, Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Agency, Child Studies Unit, Istanbul Bilgi University Student Union, Küçükköy Occu- pational High School for Girls, Oğuz Canpolat High School, Positive Living Associa- tion, Community Volunteers Foundation and associated youth centers, Turkey Youth Federation (Human Rights Education for the Hearing Impaired), Kardelen High School, HAYTAP, and Maltepe Nursing Home.

Some of the center’s main activities were as follows: ✓ The aim of the workshops conducted under the heading Youth Workshops and supported by the US Embassy and Empower was to support participation of local young people and to enrich the ways in which they express themselves through our experiment • 2003 - 2016 71

the use of art. While each workshop was led by an expert in the field, youth work- ers at the center continued to assist in the development of youth both within and outside of the workshops. In 2008, 103 young people took part in theater, rhythm, magazine, dance and photography workshops lasting a total of 206 hours. In 2009, an additional 21 young people participated in practical English workshops, held in addition to the other workshops, bringing the total hours of the workshops to 245. Between the years 2009 – 2011, the emphasis was more on youth culture related themes. Rap, photography, English, dance, German, music, rhythm, video and hip hop workshops with 451 young participants were held for approximately 30 weeks. The participants in the workshops were supported to perform at various events. Most important of these events were the GePGeNç and GAPGenç Festi- vals. Other events included the Istanbul Bilgi University Culture Management De- partment’s “High School Students Discover Themselves,” the Child Studies Unit’s Children Festival, the “We do not want Nuclear Power” Protest, the Kadırga Neigh- borhood Festival, which was held as part of the Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Festivities, TOG’s Alternative Youth Week, and the youth and environment festivals organized by the Fatih Municipality. As part of İKSV’s “Full fare half fare” project, young people were directed to various cultural and art events in Istanbul. Dance, graffiti and rap workshops were held by the hip hop school. 72 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

In addition, the youth received campaign design training (September 2010), Visu- al Literacy Training (October 2010) and project and organization management training (Adana, August 2010).

✓ Within the scope of the European Voluntary Service (EVS) and Erasmus Programs, five young people from different countries worked in Short Wave, organizing activ- ities and long-term workshops. EVS volunteers from different youth organizations in Istanbul also assisted the workshops in Short Wave. The most popular of these workshops were German and English classes, and circus and hip hop-related workshops. These activities and workshops provided spaces to experience differ- ent forms of youth culture and fostered inter-cultural learning. The volunteers who made this all feasible were Elisabeth Lommatzsch, Lise Goll, Annegreth Warth, Rebecca Müller, Ahmet Sinoplu and Nurey Özer. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 73

✓ YouthBank: This small grant program was designed and implemented by youth for local young people in Eyüp. It operated in partnership with the Community Volun- teers Foundation (TOG) between the years 2012 – 2015 and was financed by the Sabancı Foundation and the Mott Foundation. A total amount of 16,000 TL was spent to support for small projects designed and implemented by young people. The core team consisted of 20 youth who were always interested in streets as public spaces and used art as a vehicle for expression. Examples of what they achieved through the program ranged from rap and dance workshops, to a rap al- bum involving the children in Sulukule, from a feminist theater play with girls from the girls’ occupational high school, which was staged in five locations, to a story- book written by the girls from the same high school, and workshops with the chil- dren from Sulukule and from the Eyüp Orphanage. The members of the core YouthBank team developed their skills in various areas, such as youth project management and reproductive health, through training. While projects designed to solve the problems of youth at the local level were supported, experiences were shared and youth exchanges were fostered through the YouthBank networks in different cities and countries.

✓ Youth Exchanges enabled young people to experience different cultures by actu- ally living in them. Routes to Transformation Youth Exchange Program designed and implemented within this scope gave young people with an interest in music the opportunity to improve their musical abilities and to engage in intercultural learning. Twenty young people participated in the first youth exchange, which was held in the Dutch city of Utrecht for 15 days in the spring of 2012. The second stage of the project was conducted for 13 days in Istanbul in the fall of the same year. By the conclusion of the project, large concerts, three each in Istanbul and Utrecht, had 74 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

been held, an album had been released and a project documentary had been pro- duced. The “Youth Cultural Capital United” youth exchange brought 15 youth from the cultural capital cities of Essen, Pecs and Istanbul to Hagen, Germany. iv. Children’s Festivals (2007 – 2013) Children’s rights festivals were held every year from 2007 to 2013. The priority of these festivals was fostering the participation of children. Their aim was to create spaces where children could discuss and generate ideas about their own rights; and thus, to create awareness of children’s rights and draw public opinion to the issue. The following festivals have been held to date:

✓ The first Children’s Rights Festival was held on 20 November 2007 with 120 chil- dren from five primary schools in Eyüp. The festival had nine culture and art work- shops that aimed at creating awareness of children’s rights. After the festival, the creative work of the children were exhibited at each school.

✓ The second Children’s Rights Festival was held on 20 November 2008. It had 240 participants from two primary schools in Eyüp. Eleven different workshops were our experiment • 2003 - 2016 75

held in the areas of culture-art and children’s rights. The artwork children had pro- duced before the festival and the photographs taken by children and young peo- ple at the Tarlabaşı Community Center and Short Wave Youth Center were exhib- ited. The Children’s Rights mural newspaper and questionnaires prepared by the Eyüp Municipality’s Children’s Assembly were used to raise awareness at the uni- versity. On 22 November 2008 Saturday, the participants of theater and art work- shop put on plays with “children’s rights” as their theme.

✓ The Children’s Rights Festival organized by ING Bank personnel was held on 20 November 2009 at the ING Bank building with 100 children attending.

✓ The 21 November 2009 Children’s Rights Festival was held on the university cam- pus with the attendance of approximately 120 children from different organiza- tions that held workshops throughout the year.

✓ A children’s festival, which was attended by approximately 100 children and 75 adults, was held on World Environment Day on 5 June 2010.

✓ A festival with the theme of children’s right to participate was held on 23 April 2011. It was held at the ING Bank building and on the university campus. Partici- pating in the festival were 120 children and 30 parents.

✓ A children’s festival having the theme “Respect for Differences” was held for chil- dren involved in the You’ve got my Hand Association and also for the children of ING Bank personnel on 24 January 2012.

✓ A children’s festival was hosted by the Consulate General of Sweden on 20 No- vember 2012 with 45 children in attendance.

✓ A children’s festival was held in 2013 in conjunction with the Roche Children’s Club for the children of Roche personnel.

✓ A children’s festival was held on 24 April 2013 for the personnel of MSD.

✓ A festival with the theme “We are Playing” was hosted by the Consulate General of Sweden with approximately 45 children from two schools. E ACADEMIC STUDIES AND PUBLICATIONS

ACADEMIC STUDIES AND PUBLICATIONS The Center for Civil Society Studies is a university division with a number of constit- uent subdivisions working with civil society. It shares the experience and knowledge it has subsequently accumulated with civil society by means of various publications. These publications have primarily covered the plethora of studies, workshops, train- ing programs and symposiums resulting from the many projects implemented over the years by the center, and now serve as a rich source of information on civil society in Turkey. Nearly all of these publications are currently available to the public via the Internet. Anyone interested in accessing them can do so for free. All publications contained in the CCSS activity report can be accessed at the follow- ing websites: http://stk.bilgi.edu.tr http://cocuk.bilgi.edu.tr http://www.genclik.bilgi.edu.tr http://www.sebeke.org.tr

Some publications can be found at www.bilgiyay.com as they were published through Istanbul Bilgi University’s publishing house. 80 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

i. Social Projects and NGO Management Master’s Program Since 2003, Istanbul Bilgi University has been working to meet the needs of civil so- ciety at various levels, first under the NGO Training and Research Unit, and then un- der the Center for Civil Society Studies, through publications, certificate programs and field studies. With the “Social Projects and NGO Management” Master’s pro- gram, which began in the 2014 - 2015 academic year, it has aimed at meeting the needs of CSOs for human resources and at contributing to rigorous academic stud- ies in this field. In line with these goals, the master’s program was set up with thesis and non-thesis options. The program is taught by faculty members on the staff of the Center for Civil Society Studies and its affiliated units. Students in the thesis program take four required courses and four electives, while those in the non-thesis program take four required courses and six electives. After successfully completing their coursework, they must defend either a thesis or a project before they are able to complete the program.

Required Courses in the Program: Civil Society Theory I and II Organizational Theory and Management Research Techniques for Civil Society Studies Project Formation and Writing Techniques

Program Electives: National and International Funding Sources for CSOs Advocacy and Policy Influencing Collaborating with Volunteers and Human Resources Management Monitoring and Evaluation Social Movements and Social Policies Innovative Practices in Civil Society I and II Students may also take courses offered in other master’s programs offered at Istan- bul Bilgi University that are in their areas of interest and/or are needed for their thesis or project. In the three years since the 2014-2015 academic year, 73 students have been ac- cepted and registered in the program. Thirty eight of the students are in the thesis program while 35 of them are in the non-thesis/project program. Roughly 40% of the students receive a scholarship derived from the program’s budget. They may also find scholarships from other institutions. The master’s program’s website: http://stcmma.bilgi.edu.tr/tr/pages/program-hak- kinda our experiment • 2003 - 2016 81

ii. Courses: Staff of the Center for Civil Society Studies teach courses in various undergraduate programs offered by the university. Through them, they share with students the expe- rience and knowledge they have acquired as part of the center. The courses they teach are offered both face-to-face in classrooms and in distance-learning format over the Internet. All of the following courses are given in various semesters at Istan- bul Bilgi University since 2006.

✓ Children and the Media While this course is open to all students, it is designed primarily for students at the Faculty of Communication. The course focuses on the transformative power of the media to promote, achieve and protect children’s rights. It aims at equipping future members of media to effectively deal with children’s rights in the media. Taught since 2009, this course discusses the child and childhood, children’s rights and the diffi- culties encountered in achieving them, the representation of children in the media and how it impacts children, children’s participation in the media, the principles of children’s rights in the media, and relevant regulations. It assesses various media in terms of children’s rights.

✓ Child Policies This course was designed to make students aware of the current debates over chil- dren’s policies in Turkey and the work by public institutions and civil society organiza- tions concerning children’s rights, and to give them the skills to look at them with a crit- ical eye. The course begins by establishing a conceptual framework that encompass- es a definition of childhood, children’s rights and right-based children’s policies. Ex- perts and civil society representatives are invited to share their experiences with the students in the class. The current status of children in Turkey and the work being done to address their needs and demands are discussed in light of the guest lecturer’s con- tributions to the subjects. The two major schools of thought regarding children’s rights namely, protective and liberal, are discussed within the context of the current child pro- tection system, children’s participation mechanisms and contributions of civil society in Turkey. Students who take the course are encouraged to become as familiar as pos- sible with civil society organizations working in the field of children’s rights. The course was first opened in the spring 2015 semester as an elective course for students in dif- ferent disciplines, to be offered in both the fall and spring semesters.

✓ The Conception of Childhood throughout History The course aims at developing in students the appreciation that childhood is an his- torically and socially constructed concept. Moreover, it seeks to inculcate in them a 82 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

sense of childhood based in the rights of the child so that they are sensitive to the rights of children in their personal lives. The course focuses on the relationship be- tween “childhood” and political power in different civilizations since Antiquity. In ad- dition to exploring the cultural elements that give rise to the phenomenon called childhood, it analyzes institutions such as the family, school, social services, justice, and the media to determine how childhood has been established in Turkey and the changes that it has undergone. The course has been offered since the 2011 - 2012 ac- ademic year.

✓ Social Responsibility Project Istanbul Bilgi University’s organizational culture has engendered two social respon- sibility project courses: GE 201 and GE 202. The objective of these courses is to raise student awareness in social issues and to encourage their involvement in them. The courses, first offered in the 2006-2007 academic year, aim at getting students to be- come engaged in social issues and finding a solution to social problems as active citizens. The courses deal with such fundamental topics as democracy, citizenship, participation, civil society organization, gender, human rights and multiculturalism. At the same time, they seek to achieve behavioral changes in students through non- formal learning methods. The courses have been designed to follow one another sequentially. In GE 201, dis- cussions are held on the topics and students prepare a project on one of them. In GE 202, students do fieldwork and implement their projects. By the end of the courses, students are expected to have developed awareness of dif- ferent social, economic and cultural environments and to plan and implement a social responsibility project all by themselves. The courses GE 201 and GE 202 have paved the way for other courses on civil society and active citizenship offered at BILGI. They have resulted in students requesting that complementary courses be opened.

✓ Ecological Social Entrepreneurship The course was a summer school offering taught in conjunction with the Buğday (“Wheat”) Association for Ecological Living. It probed some of the key problems that are currently of concern. These included ecological degradation, the destruction of nature and the extinction of species, unsafe food production, the energy crisis, eco- nomic and social crises and the unsustainable production/consumption cycle. The course aimed at holistic and on-site evaluation of ecologically compatible solutions, taking into consider their social dimensions, as well. The residential courses were held at the Çamtepe Ecological Living Center in the town of Küçükkuyu in the prov- ince of Çanakkale. The applied programs, utilizing the Kazdağ ecological farm and lecturers, experienced businessmen and artisans, enabled students to get a grasp of our experiment • 2003 - 2016 83

the cycle involving the interaction between nature and man. The students used local- ly encountered examples as their point of departure to prepare scenarios for how the problems resulting from man’s estrangement from nature could be solved. The course inculcated a holistic perspective on sustainability and compatibility with na- ture by using presentations, discussion sessions, games and role playing. Various practical exercises and technical exploratory trips were also conducted for this pur- pose. The seven-day course consisted of roughly 36 hours of class and presenta- tions, and five hours of non-class practicals.

✓ Youth Policies The Youth Policies course begins by creating a conceptual framework of youth and youth identity. The body of the course consists of an introductory discussion of youth movements in Turkey and their impacts from the perspective of different generations of youth in the republic’s history. The course evaluates current research regarding the identity, problems, needs and desires of young people living in Turkey today. It also addresses the historical development of the role of the state and the work done in civil society in the area of youth in Turkey. The last part of the course deals with youth policy formation and the criteria and mechanisms used in forming a youth policy that is rights based, democratic and participatory. Within this context, it examines youth and participation, youth and social rights, and youth and social exclusion. Among the aims of the course is to get students to become more attentive to issues concerning youth and to inculcate within them a critical eye towards youth policies, strategies and practices.

✓ Fund Raising and Project Preparation Techniques This course examines EU funds, e.g., grants, loans or contracts, and the principles governing their provision, within the framework of EU-financed projects and pro- grams, by looking at structural funds, community programs and pre-accession in- struments for candidate countries. It particularly focuses on Project Cycle Manage- ment, which is a standard procedure used in implementing EU programs and proj- ects. The object of the course is to foster a critical eye in students with respect to the economic and political impact of different types of EU funds on management and oversight. Accordingly, it also aims at conducting a theoretical and practical analysis of project stages in terms of the general rules and requirements of EU financing. Throughout the course, students work in groups to gradually prepare a project.

✓ Introduction to Applied Ethics Taught as an online course, Introduction to Applied Ethics emphasizes the situations individuals may encounter or the values-based preferences that may have to make 84 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

in their everyday lives. The students taking the course investigate and discuss such concepts as responsibility, morality and values, and apply them to hypothetical cas- es. In this way, they learn how to address ethical issues that may arise in their lives with respect to ordinary events, work, school, health-related situations, social rela- tions and other public circumstances. Cases are examined via case readings, case analyses, infographics, cartoons, videos, and interactive websites prepared by perti- nent civil society organizations. The course uses interactive and active-learning methods such as live online classes, documentary and films, forum debates, case studies and online discussions.

✓ Global Civil Society This is an introductory course on civil activism and CSOs in the world. The first part of the course focuses on the concept of civil society and related literature. The sec- ond part examines examples of civil activism and CSOs from Turkey and the world. The aim of the course is to engage in an entry-level discussion of the activities and structures of CSOs, the relations between CSOs, and the global impact they have on different issues.

✓ Contemporary Issues in Environment and Ecology This course focuses on the multidisciplinary and complex character of the environ- ment and ecology and the solutions developed to address the problems stemming from human intervention. It aims at getting students to acquire a holistic under- standing of the issues involved. It does this by examining cases they might person- ally encounter in everyday life in Europe, Turkey and Istanbul, as well as cases of common concern. The course provides an overview of the world system, the ecosys- tem and its dynamics and their impact on humans, resource use (renewable and nonrenewable), industrialism and industrial production and consumption practices, global commerce and the consumption economy, waste, energy production and use, and urbanization as causes of phenomena such as the loss of biodiversity and natu- ral habitats, global climate change, and urban environmental decay. It also looks at their impact on the health of people and the wellbeing of the natural environment, and human rights, cultural rights, gender equality, social justice and politics. Finally, the course dissects and discusses this sweeping problem using a variety of perspectives. These include the emphasis on finding technological solutions to the problem, the push for sustainable development, the reliance on environmental policies and the fostering of economic solutions. It also examines environmental and ecologi- cal issues in terms of international and national law, including at the level of the EU. It looks at voluntary initiatives such as corporate social responsibility and solutions of- our experiment • 2003 - 2016 85

fered by individuals. It highlights environmentalist, ecologist, and green movements and campaigns, and CSOs engaged in environmental work. Moreover, it takes into ac- count the economic dimension of citizenship and new social movements. In short, it employs a multidimensional approach towards developing a critical ecologist per- spective. Discussions held on the films and documentaries, case studies, role playing, and simulations are all run in an interactive manner with the help of group work and guest lecturers.

✓ Gender in Everyday Life This course begins with the proposition that concern for gender is important for un- derstanding how we live together socially and that having a sense of gender means questioning the things we have become accustomed to in our daily lives. The course is an introduction to the idea and practice of gender equality. Moreover, it aims at fos- tering an understanding of concepts such as gender, gender equality, gender dis- crimination, and full equality, and how they affect our everyday relationships in our society. Accordingly, the course looks at the terminology used in discussing these is- sues and provides a short history of its development. It focuses on how gender inter- sects with and impacts different areas of our lives, including but not excluded to law, economics, participation, and our bodies and perceptions.

✓ Ecological Literacy and Sustainability The objective of this course is to foster within students ecological literacy and sus- tainability as a way of thinking and acting, and to enable them to approach discus- sions of sustainability with an innovative, inclusive and holistic perspective, taking in- to consideration concrete examples. The course is conducted in two interrelated parts. The first part starts by exploring the period in which we live – the Human Era, and the reasons why it is referred to as such. It looks at the planet’s boundaries and constraints, sustainability discussions, ecological literacy and cases exemplifying ecological literacy. In the second part, which is conducted online, the sustainability debates are within the framework practices that have gained momentum in recent years such as the circular economy, the gift economy, voluntary simplicity, the reaf- firmation of collectives, the questioning decision-making styles, and innovative bor- rowing in everyday life. Films and documentaries, discussions, case studies, articles, websites and other interactive instruments are all conducted online in the course.

✓ Social Responsibility, Civil Society and Istanbul This course seeks to engender within students an appreciation of their social envi- ronments, human rights and other social issues. Its goal is to help them learn to be- 86 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

come responsible citizens capable of working towards the development of civil soci- ety and participatory democracy. The course discusses the concepts of multicultur- alism, citizenship, discrimination and human rights within the context of Istanbul, particularly the case of visiting Erasmus or exchange students. It encourages stu- dents to acquire experience off-campus and to engage in discussions with visiting CSOs and guest experts. The course contents are based in great measure on partic- ipation, group work, and discussions of student experiences.

✓ Digital and Data Activism This course on digital activism focuses on activism and the use of the new media as a tool. Students have the opportunity to discuss and analyze such concepts as new media, activism, data activism and crowdsourcing. The course combines theory and practice, and therefore uses readings and case studies as learning devices. It em- ploys a variety of other learning instruments, particularly digital-based ones. Guess speakers are invited to better clarify theories and cases. The course requires full par- ticipation from students and is designed particularly for persons wishing to develop ideas for activism and to implement them. This approach ensures that students have the chance of trying out their activism ideas, to get feedback and to improve them. Also, the course is designed for students from any department.

✓ CSO Capacity Development and Management This course provides a platform to discuss civil society in Turkey, and the structure and function of CSOs. It examines CSOs, their organizational structures and impacts on social life from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Throughout the course, contemporary civil movements and CSOs are subject to analysis.

iii. Original Publications ✓ Project Preparation and Budgeting Techniques for the EU and Development Agencies Nurhan Yentürk, Alper Akyüz and Yiğit Aksakoğlu (2016), NGO Studies - Training Series, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications The main purpose of this book is to examine and discuss in detail “Project Cycle Management,” a process that must be followed when submitting project grant applications to EU Development Agencies. The book uses a completely hands- on approach to presenting and explaining “Project Cycle Management.” our experiment • 2003 - 2016 87

The book contains three individual case projects: SMEs, CSOs, and cooperatives. These cases are used to illustrate in a step-by-step fashion the techniques of project cycle management, including how to organize the grant application and the budget that is to accompany it. The result is a straightforward guide that organizations and institutions can use when preparing their project grant applications. Changes were made in the European Commission Logical Framework Approach to make it easier to monitor a project’s success and to carry it out. In short, the content of the books was renewed to make it a functioning and evolving tool more compatible with im- plementing a project. The changes made in June 2015 have been included in this book.

✓ Public Expenditures Monitoring Series The objective of the Public Expenditures Monitoring Series is to recommend tech- niques for monitoring public expenditures made in areas of interest to CSOs and to provide them with a monitoring format they can use for that purpose. Another aim of the series is to produce written materials that can be used by persons, CSOs or plat- forms wanting to monitor public expenditures. By using the information, techniques and data included in these handbooks, it will be possible to calculate in detail the spending public institutions have made for social security, health, social welfare, the military, education, children, youth and the disabled once their budget rationale and appendices, and annual reports have been placed online. Seven books have been published as part of this series:

● Public Expenditures Literacy Guide Nurhan Yentürk (2011), Public Expenditures Monitoring Series no. 1, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications This guide provides non-economist readers basic budget-related concepts, such as budget, income, expenditure, deficit, primary deficit, and public sector borrow- ing. It also discusses the GDP calculation method, and the concepts of real and current expenditures. In addition, the guide explains techniques such as calculating ratios and growth in order to monitor the progression of the spending that CSOs want to follow. The guide draws from Public Financial Management and Con- trol Law no. 5018, enacted on 10 December 2003, for the clas- sification of public institutions and their budgets used for monitoring the budgets of institutions in which CSOs are in- terested. The guide contains basic information for monitoring the spending in such areas as social security, health, educa- tion, military, youth, the disabled, and children. 88 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

● Multi-year Budget and Medium-term Programs Monitoring Guide Nurhan Yentürk (2011), Public Expenditures Monitoring Series no. 2, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications In Turkey, with the enactment of the Public Financial Management and Control Law in 2003, the transition was made to multi-year bud- geting. Accordingly, Medium-term Programs containing income and expense projections and payments began to be published in 2006. The transition to multi-year budgeting and the use of Medium-term Programs made it possible for civil society organizations to see and monitor how the budget payments for the forthcoming three years were planned by the various institutions in which they were interest- ed. This gave them the opportunity to make recommendations for changes and new projects, and to pressure public opinion. The purpose of this guide was to improve knowledge of how the multi-year budgeting process in Turkey worked and to contribute to clarifying the points at which CSOs can intervene. It also served to help CSOs understand how spending of the administrative agencies in the Medi- um-term Programs were determined and make recommendations based on this. Finally, it explained the monitoring techniques they could use to better prepare them for participating in the budget-making process. The guide also shed light on the multi-year budgeting process and the public agencies that impact this pro- cess, on the role of political power and the parliament, and the levels of CSO par- ticipation in this process and the methods used to achieve it.

● Military and Domestic Security Spending Monitoring Guide Nurhan Yentürk (2011), Public Expenditures Monitoring Series no. 3, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications The guide is crucial because it compares data obtained from the social expenditures monitoring guide on spending made for social protection, and this data is a vital item for monitoring by rights- based CSOs. Where available, the study gives detailed data on mil- itary spending by agencies. Where not available, it presents esti- mates of different magnitudes of spending, thereby attempting to get a sense of the scale of inadequacy. The biggest problem in monitoring military spending is the lack of transparent data. The study provides the annual progression of military spending, a com- parison with international spending, and a calculation of compo- nents. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 89

● Social Protection Expenditures Monitoring Guide Nurhan Yentürk (2011), Public Expenditures Monitoring Se- ries no. 4, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications In this study, the ESSPROS (European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics) methodology is used, to the ex- tent possible, in the calculation of spending on social pro- tection. The public administrative bodies included in the calculation are broken down into functional categories, with Central Government being the most important. Examples of the administrative bodies spending on “Social Security and Social Assistance” and “Health” are the Social Service and Child Protection, the Administration for the Disabled, and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. The coal assis- tance extended by the Treasury to poor families is also included. In addition, the spending of administrative bodies such as the Social Security Administration, the Unemployment Insurance Fund and the Social Aid and Solidarity Promotion Fund are included as part of expenditures on social protection. The study compares the social protection spending made in Turkey to that made in EU countries and creates a detailed monitoring system by separately calculat- ing the shares devoted to health, social security and social aid/services.

● Spending on the Disabled Monitoring Guide Nurhan Yentürk and Volkan Yılmaz (2012), Public Expenditures Monitoring Guide Series no. 5, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications This guide examines in detail all public expenditures made on the disabled. Included in this examination are income support, care services, cash transfers intended to help ob- tain care support, services designed to assist the disabled to acquire an occupation and find work, educational servic- es, sports activities, scholarships, and project support and institutional endeavors made in different areas. Spending for the disabled since 2006 and spending forecast for the following three years is included in the guide. The guide presents a roadmap for representatives of CSOs working in the field of the rights of the disabled, for person- nel of all public institutions and agencies providing service to the disabled, and for academics working in the area of 90 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

disability policies for monitoring public expenditures for the disabled. Since 2006, the guide has quantitatively demonstrated how policies concerning the disabled in Turkey are reflected in public expenditures. In addition to this quantitative de- scription, the guide also contains a comprehensive qualitative analysis of Tur- key’s policies towards the disabled, based on the authors’ experiences during the monitoring process while working with CSO representatives in the field of the rights of the disabled.

● CSO Guide for Monitoring Expenditures on Children Nurhan Yentürk, Ayşe Beyazova and Gözde Durmuş (2013), Public Expenditures Monitoring Series no. 6, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications The guide examines in detail public expenditures for children. Included in this analysis are social services, health and justice services aimed at children, spending related to working chil- dren, and, finally, spending on education. It includes public ex- penditures on children from 2006 to the present. The guide offers a roadmap to monitoring public expenditures on children to be used by personnel of CSOs working in the ar- ea of children’s rights and of all public institutions providing service to children. By means of this roadmap, spending on children in Turkey is calculated quantitatively. The quantita- tive results are also assessed qualitatively with the help of representatives of CSOs working in the field of children’s rights in Turkey.

● Guide for Monitoring Expenditures on Empowering Youth Nurhan Yentürk, Yörük Kurtaran and Volkan Yılmaz (2014), Public Expenditures Monitoring Series no. 7, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications The guide examines in detail public expenditures on youth. This examination in- cludes the spending on empowering youth by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Youth and Sports General Directorate/Sports General Directorate, the Higher Education Loan and Dormitory Agency (YURTKUR); the spending by the European Union Education and Youth Programs Headquarters (National Agency); the spending for youth made by the GAP, Human and Social Develop- ment Coordinatorship; the spending for youth done as part of the Ministry of De- velopment’s Social Support Program (SODES); the spending on youth employ- ment by the Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR); transfers to the Social Securi- our experiment • 2003 - 2016 91

ty Administration to encourage youth employment as part of the employment package; TÜBİTAK scholarships and spending by the Techno-Initiative Support Program; the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology; and Techno-Initiative Capital Support. The guide includes expenditures from 2006 to the present to empower youth. The guide can be used by the personnel of CSOs work- ing to empower youth and of public institutions offering service to young people to monitor public expenditures on youth. It also calculates the expenditures made on the empowerment of youth in Turkey and makes policy recommendations for such empowerment.

● Guide for Monitoring the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality’s Expenditures Nurhan Yentürk, Yakup Kadri Karabacak and Çağrı Çarıkçı (2015), Public Expendi- tures Monitoring Series no. 7, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications Before examining the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality’s (IMM) expenditures, the first part of this report contains a general analysis of the revenues and expendi- tures of local governments in Turkey, and a general comparison using various in- ternational and regional data. The second section looks at IMM spending, reve- nues, the progression of spending by IMM-affiliated in- stitutions (İETT and İSKİ) and its 26 subsidiaries, and IMM foreign debts. In addition to recommending a method for monitoring the spending of the IMM, in order to better monitor the spending of local municipalities, the guide proposes a classification technique that will better reflect local gov- ernments’ missions and responsibilities. This classifica- tion system, entitled “Classification by Purposes,” is for- mulated using the final expenditure statements that ev- ery municipality is required by law to publish. Therefore, this report not only monitors IMM expenditures but also provides citizens and CSOs a method they can use to monitor the spending of municipalities. 92 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

✓ NGO Studies - Training Book Series Seven books were published as part of the NGO Studies - Training Book Series. The overall objective of this series was to support CSOs and to help them carve out a role in the democratization of Turkey. Accordingly, its aim was to put CSOs in a position where they could more actively participate in finding solutions to the difficulties they encounter, as well as to help local, national and international administrations make the policies needed to solve problems. The books were based on the experiences ob- tained in the certificate programs conducted by the unit.

● Project Cycle Management I: Project Proposal, Writing, Monitoring and Assessment Nurhan Yentürk and Yiğit Aksakoğlu (2006), NGO Studies - Training Book Series no. 3, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications To be able to speak of a project, it must have a clearly devel- oped idea, purpose and time frame. It should clearly lay out its activities and possess a method for obtaining results. It should establish its resources and budget beforehand. Moreover, it should spell out who will execute and evaluate it. Providing the conceptual framework for and formalizing all of these stages is “Project Cycle Management.” This book covers the project proposal writing and monitoring- assessment stages of “Project Cycle Management.” The “Log- ical Framework Approach,” in particular, was used as a crucial heuristic device. The book uses practices/exercises and a wide range of case studies. It contains questions and addresses the risks that can be encountered. It also facilitates the project writing process by taking the reader step by step through a check list. All of these components are based upon the experiences of partici- pants in CSO capacity development training programs. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 93

● Introduction to Accounting, Financing and Taxation for Civil Society Organizations Metin Konca (2006), NGO Studies - Training Book Series no. 4, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications It is not easy to remember the many formalities required in accounting, finance and tax-related topics, such as “Which document do I need to keep?”, “What date should have been put on the invoice?,” “Where should I put the tax office number?” This book contains the basic information need- ed in such matters. It aims at explaining accounting by condensing it and providing examples. The frequently asked questions section at the end of the book contains the questions related to problems CSOs have experienced and the answers to them.

● Collaboration with Volunteers Laden Yurttagüler and Alper Akyüz (2006), NGO Studies - Training Book Series no. 5, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications Volunteering can be thought of as a two-way mirror. The one side reflects how individuals whose social rights have become eroded experience alienation to what they do as they are transformed into “cheap labor.” The other side re- flects them as active citizens that can demand their rights as individuals. The second reflection raises the conscious- ness of individuals and empowers them, thus enabling them to defend their social rights. Moreover, it provides the opportunity for the problems created by the existing eco- nomic and social structure and the resulting inequality to be questioned. Which side will be used is completely up to us. This book aims to initiate a discussion of the contribu- tions of volunteering to the participation of individuals in decision-making mechanisms and as manpower. The book also recommends ways of facilitating collaboration with volunteers in intra-orga- nizational coordination. 94 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

● Strategic Thinking-Strategic Development for CSOs Hale Akay (2007), NGO Studies - Training Book Series no. 6, Istanbul Bilgi Univer- sity Publications The aim of this book is to create a guide that will foster and fa- cilitate strategic thinking in CSOs. It is based on the assump- tion that strategic development should be unique to each CSO. In other words, the techniques and tools offered in this book are not intended to be copied exactly. Adapting them to the conditions and needs of every organization is essential to at- taining the goal of the book. The book first focuses on values, vision and mission, which make up the descriptive backbone of CSOs and their policies. It then discusses the problems CSOs face and the ways in which they can be solved. The book emphasizes mapping techniques, which will help CSOs create new and creative solutions and ac- tions. Finally, the book discusses the concepts of strategic planning, organization learning and learning organization.

● Project Cycle Management for CSOs II: EU Funds, Budgeting and Reporting Alper Akyüz, İdil Eser and Emel Kurma (2007), NGO Studies - Training Book Series no. 7, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications Although usually the last to be considered, resource planning and budget prep- aration is one of the important stages in project preparation. It may be an unin- spiring job for many people who deal with money, but this stage is crucial for the project’s success. The basic aim of a project and project cycle management is doing the most efficient and effective job possible with the limited resources available. Therefore, being able to make ac- curate estimates of costs from available scenarios during budget preparation will have a direct impact on the organiza- tion implementing the project. Moreover, the project’s budget is one of the most essential documents in the application as- sessment of various funding organizations, foremost among them being the European Union, and in the implementation of the project. In addition, the most important tools used in monitoring progress and results of the project, for both the organization carrying out the project and other parties inter- ested in the project, are reports. Preparing a good report has a major role in the project’s impact beyond the period of time our experiment • 2003 - 2016 95

in which the project is conducted. This book, Project Cycle Management, in- cludes procedures for budget preparation, applying to various funding organi- zations, particularly the EU, as part of finding resources, evaluation, implemen- tation, and reporting.

● EU, Integration and CSOs Alper Akyüz (2009), NGO Studies - Training Book Series no. 9, Istanbul Bilgi Univer- sity Publications The “European Union” has become a dual-edged sword for rights-based CSOs in recent years. While it has been viewed as a catalyst for positive change, with the expecta- tion that it would apply pressure to governments to make that change, there has been growing antipathy towards it. The Accession Negotiations, which began in October 2005 and are the final stage in the process of acquiring mem- bership in the EU, has given rise to increasing intimacy be- tween the two sides. The period has been characterized by a deepening of knowledge and awareness of each other. This has created the opportunity for CSOs to undergo ef- fective change, which has empowered both themselves and their target populations. This book was written to serve as a guide to CSOs and citizens in Turkey to help them carry out activities and en- gage in advocacy, and to find ways that European institutions, integration pro- cesses, and civil organizations and platforms can find common ground. At the same time, it is a stimulus for critical discussion and forms a perspective with which to view Europe and integration.

● Advocacy and Policy Influencing Nurhan Yentürk, Laden Yurttagüler, Yiğit Aksakoğlu, İrfan Neziroğlu, Habip Kocaman and Ebru Ağduk (2010), NGO Studies - Training Book Series no. 10, Istanbul Bilgi Universi- ty Publications This book discusses the relationship between CSOs and the political arena. Believing that the latter will expand with the participation of CSOs, it considers ways through which this participation can be enhanced. The book contains tools CSOs can use to contribute to the policy-making pro- 96 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

cess of central governments and to increase their capacity to initiate debate in the public sphere. It addresses topics such as advocacy and lobbying and sub- jects them to discussion. It also contains exercises and best cases of advocacy in Turkey, which helps CSOs in their preparation of advocacy strategy. The book is the first of its kind to focus on CSO participation in the legislative process via the parliament. Cases, illustrations and suggestions for CSOs are provided in the rel- evant section. The book also contains an article on how CSOs can monitor public expenditures in such areas as social services, health, social security, military, youth, and education.

✓ Network Project Publications The Network Project, which was implemented between 2012-2014 with the financial support of Turkey Delegation of the European Union and the Turkish Ministry of Euro- pean Union Affairs, aimed to strengthen the capacities of young citizens and CSOs working with youth to increase their level of participation in public debate and deci- sion-making processes. The books published as part of the project are as follows:

● Conference on Participation of Young Citizens in the New Era: Conference Papers Compilers: Nurhan Yentürk and Devin Bahçeci (2014), Network Youth Participation Project Books no. 13, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications The book consists of the proceedings at the international con- ference held to share and discuss the findings of the research done as part of the Network: Youth Participation Project. Fol- lowing the titles of the conference, it includes the transcrip- tions of the speeches and presentations, on the importance of youth participation, alternative means of participation, partic- ipation of youth in civil society, empowerment and participa- tion, and best practices in participation. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 97

● Youth Participation in Turkey Compilers: Nurhan Yentürk and Devin Bahçeci (2014), Network Youth Participation Project Books no. 3, Istanbul Bilgi Universi- ty Publications The Youth Participation in Turkey research project was con- ducted as a field study by KONDA Research and Consulting in April 2013. Up to 2,500 young citizens between the ages of 18 and 24, from 36 provinces, 203 neighborhoods and 11 student dormitories throughout the country participated in the study. This book includes the main findings of this field study, a sum- mary of which was also translated in English. The research fo- cuses on the intersection of the social, political and economic dimensions of participation, and publishing the findings as a book aims to create a discussion ground for conceptualization of youth participation in a holistic manner.

● Youth and Political Participation: Does Socioeconomic Status Make a Difference? Volkan Yılmaz and Burcu Oy (2014), Network Youth Participation Project Books no. 5, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications This study was on the main research question whether or not youth from different socio-economic backgrounds differ with respect to their per- ceptions and mechanism of political participation. It analyz- es the findings on political participation presented in the fifth chapter of the book ‘Youth Participation in Turkey’ with re- spect to socio-demographic variables presented in chapter 3. Examining the relationship between the socioeconomic status of youth and their political participation, the publica- tion presents different perspectives, based on the research findings, to explain the reasons why youth are or are not in- cluded in political decision-making processes. The research concludes that disadvantaged youth are less able to partici- pate in political mechanisms and their voices are heard less, which in turn make it more difficult to influence the political decisions in a direction to eliminate their disadvantages. This publication aims to foster the discussion about the relationship between the sta- tus young people have and their position in decision-making processes. The re- search thus aims at fueling the debates being waged over the political decision- making of young people. 98 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

● Youth Policies in Terms of Autonomy and Freedoms Laden Yurttagüler, Burcu Oy and Yörük Kurtaran (2014), Network Youth Participa- tion Project Books no. 8, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications This book consists of a compilation of three articles. The first of these discusses the extent to which young people in Tur- key are autonomous. It also points out that the demands of the young people have to be met by public services provided to them as equal citizens. The second article examines free- dom of expression and organization in universities. It con- tains recommendations, namely to eliminate all obstacles to the freedom of expression and organization of youth and to expand the boundaries of freedom to encompass all young people with different characteristics. The third article in the book looks at development in youth policies between 2009 – 2012. The study emphasizes that after the creation of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Turkey had “youth policies” that were different than in previous years and argues that it is necessary to discuss the qualitative aspects of these policies. It also points out the need for a monitoring and evaluation with respect to young people’s status as equal and free citizens, as put forth in the Youth Policy processes suggested by European Youth Forum.

● The Parliament’s Youth Discourse: 1930-1990 Laden Yurttagüler (2014), Network Youth Participation Project Books no. 7, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications This research was carried out to understand the framework within which the Turkish Grand National Assembly discussed young people and how the institution perceived them. To do this, it scanned the assembly minutes from 1930 – 1990 and analyzed the youth discourse in which parliamentarians en- gaged. The analyses show that parliamentarians and political party representatives saw young people as entities in need of protection. In addition, they instrumentalized them as part of their desire to turn them into “ideal citizens”. They did not see young people as individuals having the ability to make deci- sions about their own needs, and political, economic and so- cial conditions. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 99

● Participation of Youth and Youth Policy in Europe: A Comparative Analysis Compilers: Emre Gür and Devin Bahçeci (2014), Network Youth Participation Project Books no. 10, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications This book is an attempt to link the results from studies analyzing youth policies in Turkey with respect to partic- ipation, with different perspectives put forward in trans- lated publications in the scope of the Network Project, and focuses on concrete youth policy experiences from different countries in Europe. These are the experiences of political participation in the UK, civil participation in Germany, and social movements and participation in Finland. The book also contains the youth policy experi- ences and processes of Norway, the Czech Republic and Slovakia published by the European Council.

✓ Introduction to Legislation for Youth Başak Tuğsavul, Engin Kaya, Habip Kocaman, Özlem Ezgin and Yörük Kurtaran (2012), Community Volunteers Founda- tion Publications, Istanbul The book was published as part of the Young Status of Par- ticipation project, which was implemented by the Commu- nity Volunteers Foundation in partnership with the Youth Studies Unit and the Legislative Association. With the lan- guage it uses and its layout, the book aims at being a youth- friendly guide to legislative processes. Distributed to rele- vant youth organizations, the guide contains general over- view of how the parliament and legislative procedures work and provides tips on how citizens can acquire various kinds of information they can use and how they can monitor this information. 100 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

✓ Magnifier to the Address Project Publications At the end of the Magnifier to the Address project, which was carried out by the Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG), several books were published on how a monitoring system was set up and implemented with the participation of young peo- ple receiving public service, and what this monitoring system achieved.

● A guide was published containing information about the methodology the project used to create a civil monitoring sys- tem to keep track of public services.

● The final report provides an analysis by experts of the data gathered in 167 shadow visits to youth assemblies in 17 cities, EU offices, dormito- ries affiliated with the General Directorate of Credit and Dor- mitories, General Directorate of Youth and Sports youth cen- ters, MEDİKOs (“health centers”), and university culture and sports departments. In addition, it includes information about the project’s conceptual framework. ● Both books have been translated into English, thus inter- ested parties and international stakeholders in the area of youth civil society have access to their analysis and meth- odologies. ● Also published were reports containing information con- cerning the study visits made during the pilot project that was carried out before the actual project. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 101

✓ Baykuş Youth Training Series The Baykuş Book Series are publications about innovative training programs for youth and youth workers designed and implemented by Youth Studies Unit, and they cover the objectives and theoretical backgrounds of the programs, the detailed de- scriptions of the training modules and the evaluation results of the trainings. The books published as part of this series are the following:

● The General Framework of the Baykuş Youth Work Neslihan Öztürk and Gülesin Nemutlu (2008), Istanbul Bilgi Uni- versity Publications This was published as an introduction to the conceptual and methodological framework of the first five Baykuş training pro- grams.

● Youth Work Neslihan Öztürk and Gülesin Nemutlu (2008), Istanbul Bilgi Uni- versity Publications This book covers the sessions that paved the way for discussions on youth identity, the organization and characteristics of youth organizations, national and international stakeholders in the area of youth, youth policies and the mechanisms for influencing pol- icy. It also contains detailed recommendations of different mod- ules that have been developed for use in youth work training.

● Volunteering in Local Youth Work Neslihan Öztürk and Gülesin Nemutlu (2008), Istanbul Bilgi Uni- versity Publications The book details the training modules that facilitate discussions about youth, civil society and volunteering. It aims at providing the skills necessary to use project cycle management to plan and implement local youth work projects. 102 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

● Non-formal Learning in Youth Work Neslihan Öztürk and Gülesin Nemutlu (2008), Istanbul Bilgi University Publications This book covers sessions that foster discussions about education, learning, knowledge, different learning styles, experiential learning, non-formal learning, basic principles, methods and design of non- formal education and best practices. It describes in detail the recom- mendations for different modules developed for use in youth training in non-formal learning.

● Language Use in International Youth Work Neslihan Öztürk and Gülesin Nemutlu (2008), Istanbul Bilgi University Publications The book focuses on the training modules that lay the ground for a discussion of such concepts as the relationship between language and culture, volunteering, civil society and youth as they are under- stood in different languages. It also addresses different methods and activities for language use in youth training programs and non-formal learning environments and self-guided language learning plans. All modules are described in detail in the book.

● Internet Technologies and Communication in Youth Studies Neslihan Öztürk and Gülesin Nemutlu (2008), Istanbul Bilgi University Publications The book provides recommendations for different modules that can be used in training on subjects such as technology and the Internet and their role in communication, their facilitation of different practic- es in the field of youth, free software, and Internet sources available in the field of youth work. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 103

● Sharing the Experience of the Living Library: Living Library Organization Training Neslihan Öztürk (2011), Istanbul Bilgi University Publications This book is based on the Experience of the Living Library Train- ing that was held between 2010-2011 as part of the Living Li- brary Project, conducted in partnership with the Community Volunteers Foundation. It focuses on the training sessions ad- dressing the concepts needed for organizing the Living Library, such as human rights and discrimination, as well as those ses- sions where practical information and experience were shared.

● Sharing the Experience of I have an Excuse: New Media Activism Halil Öz (2012), Istanbul Bilgi University Publications This book is based on the training developed in partnership with the Swedish Youth Council and implemented to inculcate in youth the knowledge and skills needed to use the video for- mat to express their views, values and ideas about what it is like to be a young person in society. The book contains training modules where discussions were held on such concepts as youth, civil society, citizenship and advocacy. It also examines best practices in the areas of news production, citizen journal- ism, new media use and digital activisms. Finally, it includes exercises designed to expand knowledge and improve skills. 104 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

✓ Youth Studies and Youth Policies in Turkey Nurhan Yentürk, Yörük Kurtaran and Gülesin Nemutlu (1st Printing, 2008; 2nd Printing, 2012), Istanbul Bilgi University Publications The objective of this book is to contribute to the policymaking pro- cess as it relates to the youth living in Turkey today. The book ar- gues for the adoption of an approach engendering policies that make it possible for young people to participate in society as au- tonomous ‘young people’.

✓ Towards Democratic Schools Project Publications The “Towards Democratic Schools” project was implemented to contribute to the strengthening of democratic school culture in Turkey. It aimed at developing and spreading “participatory school” practices by enabling the natural stakeholders of schools to acquire the knowledge and skills for and a favorable disposition towards democratic citizenship. The books published as part of the project are as follows:

● Child Participation in Schools in Turkey: Situation Analysis Işık Tüzün and Yaprak Sarıışık (2015), Towards Democratic Schools Project Books no. 1, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications This publication aims at determining the extent to which the partici- pation rights in the education children receive in Turkey is actually applied in their lives, particularly in their schools. The Education Re- form Initiative (ERG), which was a partner of the project, conducted a situation analysis simultaneously with the practices implemented at the pilot school to illustrate the existing situation of participation of children in Turkey.

● Child Participation in Schools in Turkey: Current Status Report for Children H. Melda Akboğa (2015), Towards Democratic Schools Project Books no. 2, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications

This publication was prepared to present the current situation re- garding the ability of primary, middle and high school students to ex- press them through participation, e.g., freely express their views at school, and to be included in decisions made there. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 105

● Child Participation in Education: Cases from Turkey and the World Ayşe Beyazova, Gözde Durmuş and Işık Tüzün (2015), Towards Democratic Schools Project Books no. 3, Istanbul Bilgi Univer- sity Publications The book is a collection of cases from Turkey and around the world that support the legislation of the children’s right to par- ticipate. Its purpose is to serve as a guide for pilot school prac- tices in the project and to make recommendations that can be used to develop policy at the conclusion of the project.

● Participatory School Practices: Handbook for Educators A. Zeynep Kılıc (2015), Towards Democratic Schools Project Books no. 4, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications This publication contains a review of the workshops on chil- dren’s rights held with full school participation between Octo- ber 2013 – February 2015 at the Eyüp Central Junior High School in the district of Eyüp, Istanbul, as well as the assess- ments made of these workshops and the experiences of those who participated.

● Child Participation in Schools in Turkey: Policy and Practice Recommendations Yaprak Sarıışık (2015), Towards Democratic Schools Project Books no. 5, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications This policy note contains recommendations for policies and practices that foster the effective participation of children in decision-making mechanisms at schools, and was prepared by the project partner, the Educational Reform Initiative. 106 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

iv. Translations ✓ Council of Europe and European Union Youth Collaboration Training Kits ● T-Kit 1: Organizational Management Training Guide Original Publication: Organizational Management - T-Kit (2000), Council of Europe Publications, Strasbourg Trans. Çiğdem Türkoğlu (2006), NGO Studies - Training Book Series no. 1, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications Concepts like managers and management are quite alien to the language used by civil society organizations. This book emphasiz- es that “management” is not a practice that belongs to the world of business alone. Instead of miracle recipes, the book suggests techniques and methods that can be adapted to CSO realities and thus, improve their performance. This publication is the product of a joint action agreement be- tween the Council of Europe and the European Commission in 1988 for the training of youth workers in Europe. The aim of this agreement and its products is to encourage European citizenship and civil society by accelerating the European-wide education of youth leaders and youth workers.

● T-Kit 6: Training Essentials Original Publication: Gavan Titley (2002), Training Essentials T-Kit, Council of Eu- rope Publications, Strasbourg Trans. Hale Akay (2014), Istanbul Bilgi University Publications The book Training Essentials is the 6th in the training kit series cre- ated by a collaboration between the European Union and the Council of Europe in the area of youth. It was prepared to foster ex- tensive and effective training to empower youth in the area of rights. It was subsequently translated into Turkish. The training guide looks at the organization of a training course as a holistic enterprise – from its design and planning through its im- plementation, assessment, and evaluation of its impacts. More- over, it is meticulous in touching upon all of the actors and compo- nents of this process. The Turkish version of this book was pub- lished as part of the Network Project. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 107

● T-Kit 8: Social Inclusion Training Guide Original Publication: Social Inclusion (2004), Council of Eu- rope Publications, Strasbourg Trans. Burcu Yakut Çakar (2008), NGO Studies - Training Book Series no. 8, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications Reducing social exclusion is not simply an ethical matter re- lated to accepting the wealth of diversity. It is also an indica- tor of healthy democracies and societies. This book aims at providing CSOs, especially those that work with youth, the conceptual and applied tools and resources on social inclu- sion.

● T-Kit 9: Funding and Financial Management Training Guide Original Publication: Funding and Financial Management (2004), Council of Eu- rope Publications, Strasbourg Trans. Çiğdem Türkoğlu (2006), NGO Studies - Training Book Series no. 2, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications Rejected funding applications, missed deadlines, incorrectly spent budgets, and lost documents are not CSOs’ fate. When looking for funding, you can be better prepared than simply saying “good luck in fund-raising.” This training guide aims at providing comprehensive information to help in this preparation. The book includes many recommendations to make this job easier. It includes tips like getting to know your funding sources, and how to form successful relations with them. Moreover, it shows how to keep records and accounts related to the funding you receive. This book, like Organiza- tional Management, was published as a product of the Coun- cil of Europe and the European Commission. 108 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

✓ Network Project Translations ● Youth Policy Manual: How to Develop a National Youth Strategy? Original Publication: Finn Yrjar Denstad (2009), Youth Policy Man- ual, Council of Europe Publications, Strasbourg Trans. Hale Akay (2014), Network Youth Participation Project Books no. 1, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications This manual describing policy making processes, covers different steps of the formation of a national youth strategy and offers rec- ommendations about how to change these processes in favor of youth participation and how to structure policies within a frame- work of democratic values.

● Gender Matters Original Publication: Ed. Gavan Titley (2009), A Manual on Address- ing Gender based Violence Affecting Young People, Council of Eu- rope Publications, Strasbourg Trans. Şehnaz Kıymaz Bahçeci (2014), Network Youth Participation Project Books no. 2, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications This book was translated from the publication prepared by the Council of Europe for the purpose of empowering young people, especially young women and LGBTI youth, and persons who work in this area. Its aim is to draw attention to gender inequality and re- lated topics using both formal and non-formal education practic- es. The first section of the book contains introductory articles on gender inequality. The second section includes modules designed to be used in formal or non-formal trainings. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 109

● History of Youth Work Compilers: Yörük Kurtaran and Laden Yurttagüler, Trans. Emel Türker (2014), Network Youth Participation Project Books no. 4, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications The book History of Youth Work is a collection of translated articles from books on the history of youth studies series published as part of the partnership between the European Union and the Council of Europe in the field of youth. Its main focus is not on what youth policies are, but rather on how. Through the perspective of the emancipation of youth, the articles discuss concepts related to youth studies within an historical framework, thereby providing crucial information and experience.

● Political Participation of Young People Compilers: Volkan Yılmaz and Devin Bahçeci (2014), Network Youth Participation Project Books no. 6, Istanbul Bilgi Univer- sity Publications Consisting of the Turkish translation of 11 academic articles selected from “Revisiting Youth Political Participation,” Resituating Culture,” “Eggs in a Pan,” and “The Politics of Di- versity in Europe”, all published by the Council of Europe, this book is organized into four main sections. Its aim is to foster academic and political discussion of the political participa- tion of youth in Turkey, and to contribute to youth being con- sidered as active political subjects. Appearing in the first section of the book, entitled “General Discussions of Youth Participation,” is a collection of articles that discuss the political participation of youth in Europe and non-youth-friendly approaches of democratic institutions. The second section, entitled “European Citizenship and Debates on the Partici- pation of Youth,” contains works that explore the participation of youth from the perspective of European Citizenship. The third section, “Youth Culture and De- bates on Participation,” consists of selected articles on youth culture. The final section, “Cases of the Political Participation of Youth,” includes articles that dis- cuss the political participation of youth in Germany, the Flemish Region, and Great Britain. 110 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

● Learning Mobility and Non-formal Learning in the European Context Original Publication: Günter J. Friesenhahn (2013), Learning Mobility and Non-For- mal Learning in European Contexts: Policies, Approaches and Examples, Council of Europe Publications, Strasbourg Trans. Yusuf Ertaç Taşar (2014), Network Youth Participation Project Books no. 11, Istanbul Bilgi University Publications The purpose of this publication is to initiate discussions about mo- bility in Turkey, which has reached major levels as a result of many more people participating in mobility and exchange programs, both formal, as in the case of ERASMUS, and non-formal, such as the Youth Program. Moreover, it aims at bringing to light the rela- tionship between the citizenship perspectives of mobility, youth or- ganizations and youth participation.

✓ Living Library Organizer’s Guide Roni Abergel, Antje Rothemud, Gavan Titley vande Peter Wootsch. (2008), Community Volunteers Foundation Publications, Istanbul, Trans. Yiğit Aksakoğlu, Editor: Ayşe Beyazova This book is the translation of the Council of Europe publication Liv- ing Library Organizer’s Guide. It was enriched by technical and eval- uation reports of the Living Library Event in Rock for Peace Festival as the first experience of Living Library as an innovative human rights action in Turkey.

✓ Compasito: Manual on Human Rights Education for Children Original Publication: Nancy Flowers (2007), Compasito: Manual on Human Rights Education for Children, Council of Europe, Budapest Trans. Metin Çulhaoğlu (2010), Istanbul Bilgi University Publications This book was prepared as a training manual on human rights for children by the Council of Europe. The original was adapted and translated into Turkish as part of the Pusulacık Dissemination Proj- ect. It was first published in March 2010. The second edition was published in 2014 by Istanbul Bilgi University Publications. 3,000 copies were distributed for free to specialists and educators inter- ested in the subject. The book can also be accessed online. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 111

v. Research Publications ✓ Power2Youth Research Project (2014 - 2017) “Power2Youth: A Comprehensive Approach for Understanding the Exclusion of Youth and Prospect for Youth-Led Change in the South and East Mediterranean” is an EU- 7th Framework project that was carried out between March 2014 - February 2017. The general aim of the Power2Youth Research Project was to examine, in a holistic and comprehensive framework, the processes of social exclusion young people in countries in the South-Eastern Mediterranean region have been facing in areas of so- cial participation which are crucial for them to live in prosperity as autonomous, equal and active citizens. In this regard the project focused on youth’s civic, political and economic participation, examined them in macro, mezzo and micro levels by making use of quantitative and qualitative methods in a complementary fashion. 112 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

Three research reports published in different phases of the project, include chapters about Turkey written by the research team. They reflect the perspectives of policy makers, CSOs and youth about social exclusion youth face in social participation which is crucial for young people to live in prosperity as autonomous, equal and ac- tive citizens. The results obtained in the Turkey component of the study were pre- sented at three academic conferences and three public conferences.

The project’s partner institutions list: Istituto Affari Internazionali (Italy) University of Durham (UK) School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (UK) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France) Birzeit University (Palestine) Forskningsstiftelsen Fafo (Norway) Universite de Geneve (Switzerland) Istanbul Bilgi University (Turkey) The American University in Cairo (Egypt) The American University of Beirut (Lebanon) Universite Mohammed V-Souissi (Morroco) Observatoire National de la Jeunesse (Tunisia) www.power2youth.eu

✓ Status Analysis of Germany-Turkey Youth and Student Exchanges Annegret Warth, Pınar Gümüş, Yörük Kurtaran (2016) The study, which was financed by the German-Turkish Youth Bridge, was carried out in partnership with Johann Wolfgang Goethe University to perform a status analysis of the youth and student exchanges between the two countries. It used publicly available data and surveys to determine which civil and public organizations extend- ed financial support to these youth and student exchanges in the two countries. A map of funding sources was also prepared as part of the study. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 113

✓ Participation of Youth in the Labor Force and Youth Unemploy- ment: Key Indicators, Policies and Approaches Hale Akay (2016) Unemployment and participation in the labor force of the young population have frequently been on the agenda in Turkey in recent years. The rationale for this report was to foster deliberation over these issues, while taking into account policies currently in place and ones being planned. The report provides a general overview of youth unemployment in Turkey and sheds light on the working con- ditions of youth in the labor market and the general problems they confront when entering it. The report also examines the general perspective of the pol- icy proposals and implementations that directly target youth or have young people as the main beneficiary population even if they do not target youth directly. Particularly, the short-term policies and transition programs which are planned to be implemented in the scope of the 10th National Development Plan are covered in the report. The study also contains the views on the problems of youth employment found in the election manifestos of the political parties that entered parliament in Turkey after the two general elections in Turkey in 2015.

✓ The Experiences of Young Women in the Family-Market-State Triad: Girls who neither go to school or to work but stay at home and Girls who have grown in institutions under legal protection of state without any family connection Demet Lüküslü, Kezban Çelik, Burcu Yakut Çakar, Volkan Yılmaz and Burcu Oy (2015) This study was designed and conducted in 2013 – 2014. Its prima- ry interest was the experiences of young women who were located on the lowest echelons with respect to age and gender. As they were not the primary focus of any previous research, one of the aims of the study was to make these experiences more visible. The first article in the report gives basic information pertaining to and assessments of the living conditions of young women in Turkey based on nationally representative quantitative research conduct- ed by the Turkish Statistics Institute. Qualitative in design, the study focuses on two young groups of women that were disadvantaged both in terms of gender and youth, and differed with respect to family and education/working life characteristics. One group of women consisted of young women living in Istanbul and Samsun who neither worked outside the home nor went to school. The other group comprised young women living in Istanbul, Ankara and Gaziantep who had grown up in chil- dren’s homes, had no direct connection with their families and had no other option 114 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

but to work to earn a living. In-depth interviews were conducted with the two groups. A report consisting of three articles written on the basis of this field research was published. This report covered topics such as being a young woman in Turkey, the place of family in the life of young women, what working meant for young women, and the place social policies had in their lives.

✓ Ways of Seeking Rights from the Perspective of Children Study (2014) This study was conducted with children at Eyüp Central Junior High School for the purpose of presenting the views and recommendations of children to the Sympo- sium on the Role of Child Ombudsmanship in Achieving Children’s Rights. The aim of the study was to demonstrate the knowledge and skills children had in order to pro- tect their own rights. The special characteristic of the study was that its method and contents were developed with the participating children. The research proposal was taken to 7th grade students and a five-week workshop was conducted with 13 voluntarily participating students. In the first two weeks of the work- shop, which were devoted to the subject of research, the children learned about how to conduct research and reached a decision on the research method that was to be used. The children making up the research team decided to use a questionnaire to obtain the views of their schoolmates, and, in order to determine whether or not existing means of seeking rights were appropriate for them, to try application procedures based on tele- phone and Internet channels. At the conclusion of this research, they created a recom- mendations list based on the information they had acquired and their experiences.

✓ Comparative Research Project on Youth and Media Laden Yurttagüler and Yörük Kurtaran (2014) The research encompassed Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Greece, Koso- vo, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia and Turkey, and was conducted over the Internet, with the aim of understanding how young people, in particular, utilize the media. An Internet-based questionnaire was used to conduct an international com- parative study of youth, youth organizations and media institutions. The research was conducted in partnership with the following organizations: Metamorphosis and Youth Educational Forum (Macedonia), Eunacal Institute (Alba- nia), One World SEE (Bosnia-Herzegovina), Association of European Journalists (Bul- garia), Forum za slobodu odgoja/Forum for Freedom in Education (Croatia), United Societies of Balkans (Greece), NGO LENS (Kosovo), CEMI (Montenegro), Belgrade Open School (Serbia), Zavod Inštitut za elektronsko participacijo – INePA / Institute for Electronic Participation (Slovenia) The research findings can be accessed at www.seeyouthmedia.org. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 115

✓ Policy Recommendations for Supporting the Local Participation of Youth Burcu Oy (July - December 2013) The study, which was conducted between July and December 2013, examined the ways in which youth participated in local government and the organization of nation- al youth councils. It evaluated local public-CSO collaboration modeling generated in four municipalities in Greece. It developed a questionnaire to measure youth partici- pation and performed a pilot run. A report assessing quantitative research done on the topic of the local participation of youth in Turkey was written and presented at the closing meeting of the project held on 25 January 2013 at Peloponnese University.

✓ Youth and Social Rights Report Yiğit Aksakoğlu, Silvia Lopi, Evren Ergeç, Laden Yurttagüler, Yörük Kurtaran, Şehnaz Layıkel, Mesut Gülmez and Mustafa Sütlaş (2007) The “University Youth and Social Rights Report” was published as part of the Youth and Social Rights Project. The report identifies the social rights needs of university youth and provides perspectives of different stakeholders interested in the rela- tionship between youth and social rights based on their areas of expertise. The re- port contains sections that discuss the relationship between social rights and youth in different areas and the ideas and views of organizations and people work- ing in the field. The articles written for the report were discussed at a conference held in Ankara in November 2007 and attended by young people and pertinent CSOs, bureaucrats and academics. After obtaining feedback, the report was final- ized and published, along with the proceedings of the conference. http://abmuza- kere.bilgi.edu.tr/

✓ University Students’ Freedom of Expression and Association Demet Lüküslü (2012), Community Volunteers Foundation Publications The purpose of this publication is to outline the existing situation of the freedom of expression and association of university students. It is based on a field study consisting of 21 focus group interviews carried out with the participation of 115 young people in six provinc- es, in partnership with the Community Volunteers Foundation, be- tween April - August 2011. The focus group studies from which the findings were derived made it possible to obtain the views, feelings and experiences of young people about being a university student and the freedom of expression and organization at the university. The areas of interest that these young people were organized for 116 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

ranged from women’s organizations to ecology; from art-related organizations to the Kurdish movement; from disabled youth active in civil society to LGBTI and left wing or- ganizations. The report aimed to establish an information-based ground for rights- based policy proposals that will secure the basic rights and freedoms of young people.

✓ Housing Problems of University Students Betül Selcen Özer, Yörük Kurtaran (2010) This report was based on fieldwork designed to collect detailed data on the current housing problems of young people studying at univer- sity. It set out to identify the housing problems of youth and to come up with proposals for policies and practices that can be used by de- cision makers and rights-based youth organizations to find solutions to these problems. The report examines the data from face-to-face, questionnaire-based interviews with 425 university students from different provinces between January-March 2009. Focus group studies were conducted to obtain a thorough understanding of the relationship between the questionnaire findings and daily practices. The findings were then analyzed in order to develop rights-based and youth-friendly housing policies that will enable young people to participate as equal and autonomous citizens.

✓ The Development of Youth Policy Indicators in Turkey Based on the Problems, Needs, Desires, and Suggestions of Young People in Youth Organizations Demet Lüküslü (2010) This report assesses the findings of focus group interviews conduct- ed within the context of a project carried out between September 2009 - February 2010. The interviews were conducted with 135 young people actively participating in associations, foundations, university clubs, or youth assemblies, centers, platforms or initia- tives in seven large provinces in different regions of the country. The report aims at outlining the problems, needs, desires and recom- mendations of organized youth in Turkey. Taking into consideration the experiences, thoughts and feelings of youth obtained from the interviews conducted, the research evaluates the field of youth, youth organizations, political and ideological influences, youth em- ployment strategies, and other topics that crosscut youth and youth organizing. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 117

✓ Gender Perceptions of Primary School Children (2011) This research was conducted to uncover the perceptions of gender in primary school children and to determine the extent to which these perceptions are stereotyped and the points at which these stereotypes are flexible. It focused on the sexist prejudices children are subjected to in their lives and on how these prejudices can be eliminat- ed. The research findings form the basis upon which two educational games on gen- der equality were created. Children voluntarily participated in the study, which was conducted at a primary school in Eyüp with the support of the Eyüp Provincial De- partment of Education. The study involved students in 1st to 8th grades and their teachers. The results of the 6 month-long study were written up in a report.

✓ Child Well-Being Research Project (2008 - 2010) “Child well-being” is a concept that has been developed to understand the multidimensionality of the poverty and deprivation experienced by children. However, it encompasses not only economic factors, but also political and social ones as well. It is a concept that has become popu- lar in international studies in recent years. This research focuses on the “well-being” of children and aims to identity factors that are necessary to enable them to become free and self-sufficient individuals. More- over, it seeks to share these factors with organizations and institutions in Turkey working in the areas of children and poverty, and to develop policy recommendations in light of the data obtained. This research, entitled “Understanding Child Well-Being: Conceptu- alization, Situation Assessment, and Factor Identification,” was carried out with TÜBİTAK support by the Istanbul Bilgi University Center for Migration Research, with the participation of Boğaziçi University’s Social Policies Forum. Apart from a litera- ture review, both quantitative and qualitative research techniques are used. The quantitative part of the research consisted of a questionnaire given to 1,200 children over the age of 12 and 800 parents in 100 neighborhoods in Istanbul, which we con- sidered as a sample representative of Turkey. The qualitative part used techniques such as observation, in-depth interviews and focus group meetings with children, parents, and teachers in a neighborhood in the district of Eyüp, where the Child Stud- ies Unit is active. Thus, it was possible to monitor children in areas where children ex- perienced poverty and deprivation (neighborhood, school, health service, play- ground, etc.) and to more closely monitor the interaction between opportunities in the neighborhood and the dynamics revolving around the family/child axis. A book based on the findings of the research and entitled Childhood in an Unequal Society was published by Istanbul Bilgi University Publications. 118 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

✓ Youth Mobility Research Project Annegret Warth (2011) A preliminary data collection study was conducted, with the support of Stiftung Merca- tor, on CSOs implementing youth exchange programs between Turkey and Germany.

✓ Youth Mobility: A Look at the European Voluntary Service Binnur Aloğlu (2009) The European Commission implemented the “Youth Action Plan,” a project that offers services to expand opportunities for youth mobil- ity. One of these services is the “European Voluntary Service” (EVS). The article “Youth Mobility: A Look at the European Voluntary Ser- vice” looks at the practices of this service. It is based on face-to-face interviews done with two groups of eight young people between the ages of 22-29 who had come to Turkey from various European coun- tries or had gone from Turkey to different countries to volunteer. It used the results of these interviews to assess the length of time the youth participated in the program, the experiences they had in the country to which they traveled, and their relationship with the institu- tions at which they volunteered. Finally, it came up with recommendations for im- proving the program in light of these assessments.

✓ Monitor Report on Youth Work in Turkey Yörük Kurtaran (2009) This report is based on a monitoring study of public sector services to young people who are largely uninvolved in formal education. It fo- cuses on different policy areas that are or can be associated with youth work. The report uses as a reference the conceptual framework of the book Youth Work and Policies in Turkey, which provides an overview of the developments in youth work in Turkey between 2007 – 2009. It is within this context that the report attempts to assess the criteria for a rights-based youth policy from which youth can benefit as autonomous and equal citizens. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 119

✓ Istanbul Youth: Does CSO Membership Make a Difference? Nurhan Yentürk, Yörük Kurtaran, Şaylan Uran, Laden Yurttagüler, Alper Akyüz, Gülesin Nemutlu (2007) This report forms the basis for one of the articles in the book Youth Work and Policies, which was prepared by the Youth Studies Unit and published by Istanbul Bilgi University Publications in 2008. It takes the findings of an earlier study conducted in 2006 – “Istanbul Youth- Does Education Make a Difference?” – where face-to-face interviews were held in Istanbul with 1014 young people between the ages of 15 and 24, who were either studying or planning to study. They were broken down into two groups: one group had member- ship in a CSO while the other group did not. The report aims to determine if there were any differences between the two groups. It hoped to be able to make policy recom- mendations that would increase youth participation.

✓ Youth Unemployment in Turkey Nurhan Yentürk, Cem Başlevent (2007) This report forms the basis for one of the articles in the book Youth Work and Policies, which was prepared by the Youth Studies Unit and published by Istanbul Bilgi University Publications in 2008. It attempts to shed light on the dimensions of youth unemployment in Turkey and to determine the profile of youth who are unemployed and are not part of the labor force. It lays out the distributions of youth in various areas of employment and analyzes their place within the social security system.

✓ Parents’ Perception of Gender and its Impact on Child Raising (2012-2013) The study examines parents’ perception of gender roles and the role of the family in shaping children’s perception of gender roles. It also aims at creating the infrastruc- ture for visual educational materials that will make it easier for guidance counselors and families to discuss gender equality. The study, which was carried out with the support of the Istanbul Provincial Department of Education, conducted individual in- terviews with 71 parents at schools in various districts of Istanbul. The results were published in a report. In addition, a short educational video entitled “Not in Our Fam- ily” was prepared using the results of the study. 120 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

vi. Youth Research Fund (2015 - ...) This fund is being managed in partnership with the Community Volunteers Founda- tion (TOG). It supports academic research in the field of youth at the master’s, doc- toral, and post-doctoral levels. The priority areas of the fund are the social rights, the freedom of expression and organization, and the issue of gender as they impact youth in Turkey. Deadlines for applications of the first year of the fund was closed in October 2015. The fund was created to promote the production of academic knowledge and publi- cation in the field of youth in Turkey; to support academic studies related to the expe- riences, needs, problems and rights of different categories of youth; and to make a knowledge and evidence-base contribution to the development of democratic and rights-based youth policies by supporting research on youth. Social rights, the freedom of expression and organization, and the issue of gender as they impact youth in Turkey were designated as the priority areas for the 2015 - 2016 period and research in these areas were supported. The fund extends between 4,000-10,000 TL to academic personnel at universities (e.g., research assistant, instructor or faculty member) and researchers studying for their master’s or doctoral degrees. Information on currently supported research and researcher is as follows: our experiment • 2003 - 2016 121

• Participation of Youth in Politics in Turkey: A Study of Youth Branches of Political Parties (The Case of Izmir) - Yusuf Can Gökmen () • The Determinative Impact of Youth Income and Spending on Autonomy and Par- ticipation - Ekrem Düzen • Alevi Youth’s Rediscovery of Identity within the Context of the Gezi Protests - Gi- zem Alçınkaya (Boğaziçi University) • The Othering Processes of Young People in Turkey: Social and Political Dynamics - Elif Sandal Önal (Istanbul Bilgi University) • An Obedient Youth?: State Strategies towards the Political Integration of Youth in Post-1980 Turkey - Begüm Uzun Taşkın (Toronto University) • The Validity of the Politics of “Abiler” in the 2000s: the “Abilik” System on the Turk- ish Left - Cihan Erdal (Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar University) • The Politization of Armenian Youth - Derya Fırat (Mimar Sinan Fine Arts Univer- sity) • The Impact of History-making Event on the Organization of Youth - Tuba Emiroğlu (Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar University) • New Urban Social Movements from the Perspective of Urban Rights and Partici- pation - Ezgi Karababa Kaplan ()

vii. Games ✓ Network Board Game: A Participation Game (2014) Game Development: Gülesin Nemutlu, Bülent Somay and Ezgi Keskinsoy This board game was developed as part of the Network Project. It can be used as a vehicle for discussing participation and citizenship from different perspectives such as representative democracy and participatory democracy, and their impacts on the formation of citizenship. During the gamification process three dimensions were specified to shape the main dynamics of the game: 1) the tension between organization-based participation and is- sue-based participation; 2) the unwillingness of youth to participate in politics using traditional means; 3) the rela- tionship between the participation process and the distri- bution of accumulation of power. 122 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

Based on discussions held on the game’s main dynamics and the conceptual frame- work of youth participation, the basic mechanism of the game emerged. It was de- cided to base it on “virtue.” This can be summarized as “if you want to advance quick- ly, go alone. If you want to go far, go by seeking solidarity.”

✓ Children Have a Say Board Game (2009) Game Development: Ali Kırkar, Ayşe Beyazova, Burcu Oy, Emrah Kırımsoy, Ferhat Ma- hir Çakaloz, Gözde Durmuş, Gülesin Nemutlu, Meltem Ceylan Alibeyoğlu, Yaman Ural and Zeynep Kılıç A game entitled “Children Have a Say” was designed for 12-15 year olds as part of “Children Have a Say” project. The game aims to encourage children to consider, discuss and learn about their own rights through cases from the daily lives of children. Because of the differing rights abuses children en- counter, the cases were revised during an interim period. The game, which was developed by experts with the contributions of children, is still being disseminated through primary schools, CSOs working with children, and community centers. The game had reached nearly 20,000 children, over 2,000 teachers and more than 250 CSOs by the end of 2015.

✓ Why Not? Card Game (2012) Game Development: Bilgin Gavaz, Gülesin Nemutlu Ünal, Gözde Durmuş, Halil Öz, Melda Akbaş, Özlem Mumcuoğlu and Zeynep Kılıç The game was developed to create awareness of gender equality in children. Designed for children ten years old and above, the game aimed at getting children to understand that the seemingly fixed ideas they come to realize they have as they get older and the sexist situations which they confront in different environments (e.g., home, school, the street, private life, business, play) can be replaced by a nonsexist approach. The game does this by getting them to discuss these ideas and to give them the sense that they can do something to change how they think. The game was revised in 2014-2015 as part of the “The Struggle Waged against Gen- der Inequality and Domestic Violence” project, which was carried out together with the BirIz and Agenda: Child! with support from the United Nations Population Fund. our experiment • 2003 - 2016 123

✓ What if Street Card Game (2012) Game Development: Bilgin Gavaz, Gülesin Nemutlu Ünal, Gözde Durmuş, Halil Öz, Melda Akbaş, Özlem Mumcuoğlu and Zeynep Kılıç “What if Street” was designed as a game for 6-9 year olds to be played with cards depicting the daily lives of people living on the same street. The aim of the game is to expose children to instances of non-traditional male and female gender roles and to get them to think about how gender difference is just one of the many individual differences that exist in people. What if Street is a place where no one bothers anyone and ev- eryone respects one another. The goal is to match cards showing what couples do during the day.

✓ Life is Difficult Board Game (2007) Developed as part of the Youth and Social Rights Project, this game takes place in an imaginary country by the name of Mutlulukya (“The Land of Happiness”). Its aim is to discuss and then identify the priorities in seven policy areas for citi- zen’s prosperity – education, health, retirement, unemploy- ment, organization, poverty and housing - along with the jus- tifications for them. The players are then expected to assess, in light of these dis- cussions, social rights and the accessibility of social rights among people with dif- ferent characteristics. The game can be played with different age groups. The “Life is Difficult” game was played and received great interest at university festivals un- der the name of “Social Rights Café,” at festivals such as Rock for Peace, and in various undergraduate courses on civil society at Istanbul Bilgi University. The methodology of the “Life is Difficult” game was adapted to comply with the Eu- ropean Social Charter and translated into English and Portuguese as Enter Dignity in 2012 with the support of the Council of Europe. It has begun to be used in various ed- ucational settings in Europe. For further information, see, www.coe.int/en/web/enter/enter-dignityland- F INSTITUTIONAL CONSULTING AND COLLABORATION 126 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies INSTITUTIONAL CONSULTING AND COLLABORATION The Center for Civil Society Studies shares its experience with various institutions by conducting workshops, presentations and research to meet their needs. This is not limited to the civil society, but also consists of collaborations with the private sector and local governments. Through the synergy of civil society, university and private sector it therefore aims at closing a significant deficit.

✓ Youth and Employment Focus Group Study for Esas Holding (2015) A focus group study was conducted for Esas Sosyal, a division of Esas Holding, to get the views of university graduates on the transition from school to work and to under- stand their expectations, needs and the difficulties they encountered with respect to this transition. The study consisted of six focus groups made up of 26 young people in five cities in October-November 2014. The data necessary for Esas Sosyal’s work were collected and interpreted. The study was carried out by Uğur Elhan.

✓ Education Volunteers Foundation of Turkey (TEGV) Volunteer Participation Development Project (September 2015 - August 2016) TEGV conducted a project that consisted of awareness-raising workshops for its staff, which were held at three major meetings in August 2015, February 2016 and Septem- ber 2016. The purpose of these workshops was to foster greater participation of its vol- unteers in the works of the organization and to organize the volunteers in an endeav- or to meet TEGV’s organizational needs, especially at the local level. Three one-day pi- lot workshops involving local volunteers and personnel were held initially in three prov- inces. Their aim was to see how greater participation could be achieved. More than 150 personnel and 50 volunteers participated over the course of the project. 128 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

✓ Child Friendly Local Initiative (2013 -2015) The “Child Friendly Local Initiative” project was carried out as part of the Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education Grant Program. It served to implement chil- dren’s rights in an educational setting by raising awareness in children of the exis- tence of children’s rights and empowering them for the protection of their rights. The project was carried out in partnership with the Sarıyer Municipality, the Istanbul Bilgi University Child Studies Unit and ITU Development Foundation Schools Dr. Natuk Birkan Private Primary and Junior High Schools, and Child Studies Unit train- ers gave training to instructors at SAGEM (Sariyer Municipality Youth Education Cen- ter) and teachers at various schools in the district by Child Studies Unit trainers. The participants then conducted children’s rights workshops with the children at the schools where they teach.

✓ Support Workshops for TEGV Volunteers (2013 - 2015) The project was conducted as part of TEGV’s Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Grant Program between August 2013 - February 2015. Its aim was to contrib- ute to the knowledge of children’s rights, discrimination, gender and peace in volun- teers who work with children at TEGV activity centers and in the instructors who strive to empower the volunteers, and to increase their skill in sharing this knowledge with children. Istanbul Bilgi University Child Studies Unit helped organize workshops where instructors and volunteers were informed about children’s rights. The work- shops were conducted with instructors who then went on to share what they had learned with volunteers, thus reinforcing their transmission skills.

✓ Children’s Rights and Children’s Rights Workshops (2009 - 2015) One or two-day workshops were held on children’s rights and working with children in collaboration with different institutions: • Children’s rights workshops for the Eyüp Municipality Children’s Assembly. 2008 • “Children’s rights and working with children” workshops were held for Istanbul Bil- gi University students who would advise high school students as part of the proj- ect “High School Students are Participating in 2010.” 2009 • “Children’s rights and working with children” workshops were held for volunteers in the Community Volunteers Foundation’s Bayer Science Ambassadors project. 2011 • A children’s rights workshop was held for students in the Child Development De- partment of the Plato College of Higher Education. 2011 • A children’s rights workshop was held for volunteers and instructors at the “You’ve got my Hand Association.” 2011 our experiment • 2003 - 2016 129

• A workshop on “Children Have a Say” and the propagation of children’s rights” was held. It was supported by the Civil Society Development Center in collabora- tion with the Denizli Foster Family Association. 2013 • A children’s rights workshop was held for people working with Syrian and Turkish children at the Kırıkhan Community Center opened in Hatay. 2014 • Children’s rights training was held as part of the Another School is Possible Asso- ciation’s Another Teacher is Possible Project. 2015

✓ Youth Friendly High Schools Project (2013 - 2014) This project was implemented by the Çelikel Educational Foundation between August 2013 – August 2014. Its aim was to provide democratic citizenship and human rights education in high schools and to form a partnership between the schools and fami- lies. The schools involved in the project were Ataşehir Anatolian High School, Ümrani- ye Anatolian High School, and Ümraniye 75th Year Commercial High School. Within the framework of the project, the Child Studies Unit prepared a teacher’s handbook on de- mocracy and human rights education, based on innovative and participatory meth- ods. Teacher training focusing on human rights education for youth was held at the three schools, with 60 teachers participating. The teachers applied what they learned by working with high school students. The teachers were monitored and mentored during their trial runs. Moreover, consultancy was afforded to revive the activities of the human rights clubs at the three high schools and to make them more vigorous.

✓ Expansion of Children’s Rights Training Program (2013) This program was run by the International Youth Leaders Academy with the partici- pation of educators from different provinces around Turkey. It provided training in children, children’s rights and children’s rights education. In addition, the “Children Have a Say” board game was shown to the participants, who played the game in their own locations, thus contributing to its assessment.

✓ From Peaceful Schools to Social Peace Project (2011 and 2013) The “From Peaceful Schools to Social Peace Project” was executed twice by YÖRET in 39 districts in Istanbul in different schools. Each time, the Child Studies Unit ran 10- day formation training modules on “Children’s Rights and Democratic Participation” and “Respect for Differences and Gender Equality” for guidance counselors and psy- chologists working at around 80 schools. Moreover, background information and ac- tivities related to the topics were prepared for the handbooks used in the project. 130 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

✓ Rights Stage: Children’s Rights Program (2010 - 2011) The “Rights Stage” training program for children was prepared in cooperation with the Terakki Foundation Schools to increase the prevalence of a culture that respects children’s rights. It was implemented in the 2010-2011 academic year by volunteer teachers acting as facilitators. An Educational Handbook was prepared for the facilitators of the Terakki Children’s Rights Program, which was designed for three different age groups. Six children’s rights clubs, called “Rights Stage,” which children at Terakki Foundation Schools be- tween 1st and 8th grades could voluntarily join, were formed. After the children that joined the clubs received children’s rights training, they planned and implemented various projects and activities to disseminate what they had learned to the school. The training program that was prepared after the completion of the project was held every year through the “Rights Stage” clubs upon the request of volunteer students.

✓ Assessment of the Impact of Rights in Education Project (2008) The Rights in Education Project was conducted by the Education Reform Initiative (ERG) with support from the European Union. Its aim was to raise awareness in chil- dren of rights in an educational setting and to measure the impact of educational materials prepared for children. Educational programs employing materials related to children’s rights in education were developed. These materials involved the use of the Internet, educational manuals and informal learning methods. They were subsequently put into practice and evaluat- ed. 395 students aged 10-14 from two different school participated in the project.

✓ Capacity Development Training and Instructor Training of Trainers-Positive Living Association (2007) The training was carried out in Istanbul for the Positive Living Association (PLA). The NGO Training and Research Unit assumed responsibility for designing, implementing and assessing the “Capacity Development Training and Training of Trainers” pro- gram. Thirty volunteers and personnel of the PLA received training in the following topics: “Introduction to Civil Society and CSOs,” “CSOs and Volunteering,” “Commu- nication Skills,” “Advocacy and Policies,” “Organizational Management,” “Human Re- source Development,” and “Instruction and Facilitation Skills.”

✓ Capacity Building Training for Local CSOs in Zeytinburnu/ Istanbul (2006) The training was organized by the Zeytinburnu Municipality. The NGO Training and Research Unit assisted in designing the training program, selecting and training the our experiment • 2003 - 2016 131

instructors, and assessing the program. Representatives of 30 CSOs in Zeytinburnu received trainings in the following topics: Introduction to Civil Society and CSOs, CSOs and Volunteering, European Integration and NGOs, and Strategy Development and Strategic Management.

✓ Training Program for the Ministry of the Interior, Department of Associations, Capacity Building Training for Trainers (2005) Capacity building training was given to specialists working at the Ministry of Interior’s Department of Associations, in partnership with the British Embassy, the UK’s Inter- national NGO Training and Research Center (INTRAC) and the NGO Training and Re- search Center.

✓ Social Support for the Democracy and Human Rights Project (2005) The project was implemented by the Kadıköy Municipality and funded by EIDHR (Eu- ropean Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights) Macro Projects. The NGO Training and Research Unit was responsible for designing the training program and for creating the module “Capacity Building for Local CSOs.” The training took place in Kadıköy with 200 CSO representatives.

✓ Equal Citizenship, the Participation of Disabled Individuals and Disabled Women (2005) The project was carried out by the Kocaeli Branch of the Turkish Association of the Disabled. The NGO Training and Research Unit was responsible for designing the training program and creating the capacity building module. The project was funded by the Local Initiatives Fund within the framework of the EU Civil Society Develop- ment Program.

✓ Other seminars and meetings for which support has been provided • Organizational Management Seminar, Positive Living Association, September 2010 • “EU Funds” course, Istanbul Bilgi University, EU Institute EU Certificate Program, 8 January 2011 • “EU Financial Resources and Project Preparation Certificate Program,” Istanbul Bilgi University, EU Institute and CCSS, 31 January-4 February 2011 • “Teamwork Seminar,” Natural Sciences Center Yakacık College Teacher Training, 16 August 2011 • Conference on “Volunteering and Empowerment,” Istanbul 2010 European Capi- tal of Culture, 2010 • Seminar on “Volunteering,” Nilüfer Municipality, Bursa, 2011 132 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

• Seminar on “The Free University,” Community Volunteers Foundation’s Youth Council, 2011 • Moderation of the meeting on “How much can youth speak on behalf of them- selves,” which was part of the study conducted on “Forms of Political Participa- tion of Turkish Youth,” TÜSES Foundation, 2011 • Seminar for women on “Gender and Participation”, Federation of Caucasus Asso- ciations, 2011 • Seminar on the “Networking in the Civil Arena,” Olof Palme Center, 2011 • “Gender Instructor Training,” Community Volunteers Foundation, 2011 • Presentation on “Youth Volunteering with the Perspective of Citizenship – Identity Participation” at the four-day conference on “Youth Volunteering in the Changing Europe,” and the inclusion of the presentation in the booklet published after the conference, 24-28 November 2011 • Presentation on the “Advocacy in the Civil Field,” Olof Palme Center and the Civil Society Development Center, 23 - 25 September 2011 • European Social Policy module in the Masters in Advanced European and Inter- national Studies Program, Centre International de Formation Europeenne, 2011 • The presentation “A Critical Look at Service-Providing CSOs: The Relationship be- tween Social Services and Volunteering,” given at the international conference “Rethinking Social Services: Human Rights and Social Services”, held at Mimar Sinan University, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Association and the Istanbul branch of the Association of Social Services Specialists, 2011 • The presentation “Social Responsibility Project and Youth,” given at the Color Wheel Project, Young Life Foundation, 2011 • The presentation “Social Responsibility Practices at Istanbul Bilgi University,” giv- en at the “Active Citizenship and Social Responsibility Symposium” at , 23 November 2011 • Seminar on “The European Union and CSOs,” EU Certificate Program for Afyon Governorship personnel, Istanbul Bilgi University EU Institute, 16 September 2011 • Panel on “Volunteering,” at the opening conference for the “Voluntary Turkey So- cial Participation and Change” project, Turkey National Agency, 27 October 2011 • “EU Funds” seminar (12 hours), CIFE-Bilgi European Studies Master’s Program, 19-21 December 2011 • “EU Funds” seminar, EU Certificate Program, Istanbul Bilgi University EU Insti- tute, 14 January 2012 • Seminar on “E-Learning Methodologies and Technologies in CSO Training,” TEMA Foundation, 28 February 2012 • Seminar on “CSOs and Networks,” Community and Legal Studies Foundation, March 2012 • Seminar on “Project Evaluation in Social Work,” Summer School, Open Society In- stitute, 26 July 2012 • The presentation “The Experience of Public Expenditure Monitoring Platform,” Open Government Partnership, Second European Outreach and Support Meet- ing, TACSO, Dubrovnik - Croatia, 3-6 October 2012 our experiment • 2003 - 2016 133

• Community Development Grant Program Application Evaluation Jury, Sabancı Foundation, February-May 2013 • Moderation of the needs assessment meeting held with the participants in the Community Development Grant Program, Sabancı Foundation, 17 October 2012 • Needs Assessment Meeting, Center for Civil Society Studies, 18 September 2012 • Organizational management consultancy, Positive Living Association, 4 Septem- ber 2012 • Specialist at the 10th Development Plan, Commission and Working Group on Youth, 14-15 September 2012 • Consultancy on Civil Society Capacity Building in Turkey, Counterpart Interna- tional, 19 September 2012 • Training on Fund-raising and Volunteering, Community Development Associa- tion, Trabzon, 2012 • Gender Equality Training for Trainers, Community Volunteers Foundation, 5-12 August 2012 • Training for women on participating in the decision-making and policy-making processes of CSOs, Greater Bursa Municipality, 28 May 2013 • Training in Volunteering, LİSTAG and Lambda Istanbul, 17-18 July 2013 • Seminar on “Ecology-Economy Models,” Life School, Buğday Association, Küçük- kuyu/Çanakkale, 2-7 July 2013 • Joint Research in the Future of Civil Society, Turkey Third Sector Foundation, June-November 2013 • Seminar on “European Union Funds,” EU Certificate Program, EU Institute, 12 January 2013 • Training on “Campaigning and Activism,” Green Policy School, Green Thought As- sociation, 8-9 December 2012 • Seminar on “Ecological Sustainability,” Yıldız Technical University, Urban and Re- gional Planning Department, 12 October 2012 • “Consultancy in Distance-Learning Education,” Green Policy School, Green Thought Association, September-December 2012 • The meaning process and rights-based organization of CSO personnel, Sosyal-İş Union, Istanbul, 18 June 2014 • The Nature and Causes of the Ecological Crisis, and the Response of Civil Move- ments, Buğday Association, Küçükkuyu/Çanakkale, 14 August 2014 • Seminar on advocacy in “Women-Friendly Budgeting”, Eskişehir Municipality, 11 January 2014 • Jury membership for the Community Projects Grant Program, Sabancı Founda- tion, March-April 2014 • Ankara evaluation meeting, Think Civil, 30 April 2014 • Presentation on “Youth, Autonomy and Uncertainty,” at the “Humanizing Securi- ty: Istanbul Regional Conference, 31 January – 1 February 2014 • “Volunteering and the Concept of Citizenship,” in Volunteering in Turkey: Discov- ering the Role and Contributions of Volunteering, United Nations Volunteers pro- gram Turkey Publications, 2013 G PROJECT INDEXES AND CSOS WITH WHICH WE HAVE WORKED

PROJECT INDEXES This section has been prepared as a handy overview of the projects conducted to date. It includes summary information on all of CCSS’s projects, for which details are given in the other sections of this activity report. The sequence of the information is as follows: project name, the organization conducting it, the dates it was conducted, the share of the total budget coming from Istanbul Bilgi University, financial support- ers and in-kind donors, and partners.

The following projects have been listed according to completion dates. More detailed information may be found in the relevant sections of the activity report.

Public Expenditures Monitoring Platform NGO Training and Research Unit (2010 - ...) Budget: Funded by platform member CSOs. Participants / Organizations: 68 CSOs p. 51 138 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

Power2Youth Research Project Youth Studies Unit and NGO Training and Research Unit (March 2014 - February 2017) Budget: 228,129 EUR Sponsor: EU 7th Framework Program Stakeholders/Collaborating Institutions: Istituto Affari Internazional, University of Durham, Institut Francais du Proche Orient, Institut de Recherce Interdisciplinaire sur les Enjeux Sociaux, School of Oriental and African Studies – University of London, Birzeit University, Forskningsstiftelsen Fafo, Universite de Geneve, The American University in Cairo, American University of Beirut, Universite Mohammed V-Souissi, Observatoire National de la Jeunesse p. 111

Social Incubation Thematic Program I Social Incubation Center (April-June 2016) Carried out with own resources. p. 9

Social Incubation Main Program II Social Incubation Center (October 2015 - May 2016) Budget: 197,200 SEK Sponsors: Consulate General of Sweden and Istanbul Bilgi University p. 9

Civil Society Exchange Program - STDP Social Incubation Center (March 2015 – April 2016) Budget: 185,000 EUR Sponsor: Stiftung Mercator Stakeholders: Lead – Capacity Building Center for Leadership and Advocacy (Men- toring education) p. 22 our experiment • 2003 - 2016 139

Status of Youth and Student Exchanges between Germany and Turkey Youth Studies Unit (June 2015 - March 2016) Budget: 4,000 EUR Sponsor: Youth Bridge Turkey-Germany Stakeholders/ Collaborating Institutions: Johann Wolfgang Goethe University p. 112

Things: Technology for Social Change Social Incubation Center (August 2015 - February 2016) Partner: Techsoup Europe Budget: 5,000 USD Sponsor: Fundacja TechSoupe Stakeholders / Collaborating Institutions: Turkish Entrepreneurship Foundation, Civil Society Development Association, and the Community Volunteers Foundation p. 21

Youth Research Fund Community Volunteers Foundation and the Youth Studies Unit (September 2015 - ...) Budget: 100,000 TL The fund was founded through the institutions’ own resources. p. 120

Social Incubation Main Program I Social Incubation Center (November 2014 - August 2015) Budget: 150,000 TL, 366,660 SEK and in-kind support Sponsors: Open Society Foundation, Consulate General of Sweden, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Association and Istanbul Bilgi University p. 17 140 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

Young Voices Meetings Child Studies Unit (2015) Budget: 50,715 TL Sponsor: Consulate General of Sweden Stakeholders / Collaborating Institutions: YÖRET, Swedish Institute p. 53

Youth Life Skills Sharing Project Association for the Support of Child Protection Centers (ÇOKMED) (November 2014 - October 2015) Partner: Child Studies Unit Sponsors: Consulate General of the Netherlands p. 23

Empowering Teachers working with Syrian Children: Research and Training Project Child Studies Unit (December 2014 - February 2015) Budget: 13,863 TL Sponsor: Consulate General of Canada p. 23

Towards Democratic Schools: Participation Practices that Empower Students and Schools Child Studies Unit (2013 - 2015) Budget: 110,737 EUR Sponsors: European Union and the Republic of Turkey Collaborating Institutions / Stakeholders: Sabancı University Education Reform Ini- tiative, Eyüp Central Middle School p. 43 our experiment • 2003 - 2016 141

Child Friendly Local Initiative ITU Development Foundation Natuk Birkan Primary and Middle Schools (2013 - 2015) Partner: Child Studies Unit Budget: 22,568 TL Sponsors: European Union and the Republic of Turkey Stakeholders /Collaborating Institution: Sarıyer Municipality p. 128

Support Workshops for TEGV Volunteers Education Volunteers Foundation of Turkey (TEGV) Partner: Child Studies Unit August 2013 - February 2015 Budget: 8,100 TL Sponsors: European Union and the Republic of Turkey Collaborating Institutions / Stakeholders: Istanbul Bilgi University Sociology and Ed- ucation Studies Center, Hope Foundation, Sabancı University Gender and Women’s Studies Forum p. 128

YouthBank Project Community Volunteers Foundation (2012 - 2015) Partner: Youth Studies Unit Budget: 16,000 TL Sponsors: Sabancı Foundation, Mott Foundation p. 73 142 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

Children’s Rights and Children’s Rights Training Workshops Child Studies Unit (2009 - 2015) Budget: 7,000 TL Sponsors: ING Bank (My School is my Future Project), Support for Living (Kırıkhan Community Center), Civil Society Development Center Stakeholders / Collaborating Institutions: Community Volunteers Foundation, Yuva Association, Plato College of Higher Education, Denizli Foster Family Association, You’ve got my Hand Association, Istanbul Bilgi University Culture Management, Art Management, and Stage and Performing Arts Management Programs p. 128

Radio Program: Children Have a Say Child Studies Unit (May 2008 - May 2015) Budget: 48,350 TL Sponsors: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Association (2013 and 2014) p. 44

Nilüfer Park Children’s Project Child Studies Unit (May - September 2014) Stakeholders/Collaborating Institutions: Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Architec- ture, Istanbul Bilgi University Center for Migration Research, Istanbul Bilgi University Psychology Master’s Program, Beyoğlu Municipality, Kâğıthane District, NEF p. 69

Fighting with Domestic Violence and Gender Inequality Child Studies Unit (June - December 2014) Budget: 28,650 TL Sponsor: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Stakeholders/Collaborating Institutions: Birİz, Agenda: Child! Association p. 25 our experiment • 2003 - 2016 143

Symposium on the Role of Child Ombudsmanship in Implementing Children’s Rights Child Studies Unit (2014) Sponsor: Consulate General of Sweden Stakeholders / Collaborating Institutions: YÖRET Foundation p. 54

Ways of Seeking Justice from the Perspective of Children Child Studies Unit (2014) Budget: 7,000 TL Sponsor: Consulate General of Sweden Stakeholders / Collaborating Institutions: Eyüp Central Middle School p. 114

Video Activism Project I Youth Studies Unit (2013 - 2014) Budget: 148,716 TL Sponsor: Consulate General of Sweden p. 69

Youth Friendly High School Project Çelikel Education Foundation (August 2013 – August 2014) Partner: Child Studies Unit Budget: 53,100 TL Sponsors: European Union and the Republic of Turkey p. 129

Video Activism Project II Youth Studies Unit (2013 - 2014) Budget: 70,295.35 TL Sponsor: Olof Palme Center p. 69 144 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

Schools on the Way to Democracy in Sarıyer Sarıyer Municipality (March 2013 - February 2014) Partner: Child Studies Unit Budget: 12,974 TL Sponsor: Consulate General of the Netherlands Stakeholders/ Collaborating Institutions: ITU Development Foundation Dr. Natuk Bi- ran Primary and Middle Schools p. 25

Reinforcing the Participation of Civil Society in Preventing Violence Against Children Agenda: Child! Association (January 2013 - June 2014) Partner: Child Studies Unit Budget: 13,525 TL Sponsor: European Union Turkey Delegation p. 54

Children’s Rights-oriented Critical Media Literacy Program Child Studies Unit (September 2013 - June 2014) Budget: 9,900 TL Stakeholders/Collaborating Institution: Istanbul Erkek Lisesi (Istanbul High School) Foundation (İELEV) p. 25

The Experiences of Young Women in the Family-Market-State Triad Youth Studies Unit (June 2013 - March 2014) Budget: 8,000 EUR Sponsor: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung p. 113 our experiment • 2003 - 2016 145

Comparative Research Project on Youth and Media Youth Studies Unit (September 2013 - February 2014) Budget: 27,994 TL Sponsor: Global Open Society Foundation Stakeholders / Collaborating Institutions: Metamorphosis and Youth Educational Fo- rum (Macedonia), Eunacal Institute (Albania), One World SEE (Bosnia-Herzegovina), Association of European Journalists (Bulgaria), Forum za slobodu odgoja/Forum for Freedom in Education (Croatia), United Societies of Balkans (Greece), NGO LENS (Kosovo), CEMI (Montenegro), Belgrade Open School (Serbia), Zavod Inštitut za elek- tronsko participacijo – INePA / Institute for Electronic Participation (Slovenia) p. 114

Network: Youth and Participation Project NGO Training and Research Unit and Youth Studies Unit (2012 - 2014) Budget: 678,000 EUR Sponsors: European Union and the Republic of Turkey Ministry for EU Affairs p. 26

NGO Studies-Training Books, Public Expenditures Monitoring Series NGO Training and Research Unit (2011 - 2014) Budget: 30,500 TL Sponsor: Open Society Foundation p. 87

Policy Recommendations for Supporting the Local Participation of Youth Peloponnese University Department of Political Science (July - December 2013) Partner: Youth Studies Unit Budget: 2,000 EUR Sponsor: Greek Youth in Action National Authority Collaborating Institutions / Stakeholders: Community Volunteers Foundation p. 115 146 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

I have an Excuse II Youth Studies Unit (2012 - 2013) Budget: 136,900 TL Sponsor: Olof Palme Center Collaborating Institutions / Stakeholders: Swedish Youth Council (LSU) p. 67

Empowering Families to Ensure Gender Equality for Children Child Studies Unit (2012 - 2013) Budget: 36,770 EUR Sponsor: Consulate General of Sweden Stakeholders / Collaborating Institution: Istanbul Province Department of National Education p. 30

Youth Campus for Human Rights Community Volunteers Foundation (June 2012-September 2013) Partner: NGO Training and Research Unit Budget: 149,987 EUR Sponsor: European Union Turkey Delegation p. 31

From Peaceful Schools to Social Peace Project YÖRET (2011 and 2013) Partner: Child Studies Unit Sponsor: Consulate General of Sweden p. 129 our experiment • 2003 - 2016 147

Children’s Festivals Child Studies Unit (2007 - 2013) Budget: 38,950 TL Sponsors: ING Bank (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012), Roche (2013), MSD (2013), Consulate General of Sweden (2012, 2013) Stakeholders / Collaborating Institutions: Eyüp District Office of National Education, Eyüp Municipality Children’s Assembly, Tarlabaşı Community Center, Short Wave Youth Center, Mavi Kalem (Blue Pen) Association, Ağaçlı Children and Youth Center, 75th Year Children and Youth Center, Nature Association, You’ve got my Hand Asso- ciation, Story Club, Community Volunteers Foundation p. 74

Constitution is my Constitution Child Studies Unit (2012) Budget: 14,500 TL Sponsors: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Association Turkey Representative and TACSO Stakeholders / Collaborating Institutions: Agenda: Child! Association p. 55

Youth Exchange Youth Studies Unit (April - December 2012) Budget: 8,938 EUR Sponsors: The General Consulate of the Netherlands, the Netherlands National Agency, Roots and Routes, Vrede van Utrecht and Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie, Is- tanbul Bilgi University p. 73 148 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

I have an Excuse I Youth Studies Unit (2011 - 2012) Budget: 106,773 TL Sponsor: Olof Palme Center Collaborating Institutions / Stakeholders: Swedish Youth Council (LSU), Community Volunteers Foundation p. 68

Young Status of Participation Community Volunteers Foundation (November 2011-May 2012) Partner: Youth Studies Unit Budget: 35,000 USD Sponsors: British Council, The Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation Collaborating Institutions / Stakeholders: Legislation Association (YASADER) p. 55

Freedom of Expression and Association in Universities Study Community Volunteers Foundation (March 2011 - January 2012) Partner: Youth Studies Unit Budget: 20,000 TL Sponsors: Youth Studies Unit, Community Volunteers Foundation and GFK Turkey p. 98

Short Wave Youth Center Youth Studies Unit (2008 - 2012) Budget: 75,000 USD Sponsor: Empower Foundation p. 69 our experiment • 2003 - 2016 149

Gender Equality Research and Training Material Development Project - 1 Child Studies Unit (2011) Budget: 54,667 TL Sponsor: Consulate General of Sweden p. 32

Gender Perceptions in Primary School Children Child Studies Unit (2011) Sponsor: Consulate General of Sweden Stakeholders / Collaborating Institutions: Eyüp District Office of the Ministry of Edu- cation p. 117

Rights Stage: Children’s Rights Program Child Studies Unit (2010 - 2011) Budget: 79,860 TL Sponsor and Collaborating Institution: Terakki Foundation Schools p. 130

Magnifier to the Address Community Volunteers Foundation (2010 - 2011) Partner: NGO Training and Research Unit and Youth Studies Unit Budget: 130,000 EUR Sponsors: European Union Turkey Delegation and NED p. 56

Youth Mobility Youth Studies Unit (2010 - 2011) Budget: 11,575 TL Sponsor: Stiftung Mercator p. 118 150 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

Youth Centers Network Project Youth Studies Unit (2009 - 2011) Budget: 67,000 TL Sponsors: ABF - Arbetarnas Bildningsförbund and the Olof Palme Center p. 57

European Voluntary Service Youth Studies Unit (2009 - 2011) Budget: 33,747 TL Sponsor: Central Office of EU Youth Programs (Ulusal Ajans/National Agency) p. 72

Living Library Youth Studies Unit (2009 - 2011) Budget: 26,058 TL Sponsor: Council of Europe p. 44

Translation and Dissemination of Compasito Child Studies Unit (2009 - 2011) Budget: 79,525 TL Sponsors: Council of Europe, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Association, Consulate General of Canada Stakeholders / Collaborating Institution: Diyarbakır Governorship Provincial Depart- ment of Social Services p. 29

Distance-Learning-Based Certificate Programs for CSOs NGO Training and Research Unit (2005 - 2011) Budget: 110,871 EUR and 17,427 GBP Sponsors: Open Society Foundation, ACT Hollanda, the British Embassy p. 34 our experiment • 2003 - 2016 151

NGO Training and Certificate Program NGO Training and Research Unit (2003 - 2011) Budget: 407,939 USD Sponsors: Open Society Foundation, ACT Hollanda p. 36

My School is my Future Project Community Volunteers Foundation (2009 - 2010) Partner: Child Studies Unit Budget: 132,584 TL Sponsor: ING Bank p. 38

First Step to Human Rights Summer Camp: I won’t do it (Rightly TV) Amnesty International Turkey (2010) Partner: Child Studies Unit Stakeholders / Collaborating Institutions: Maltepe University Human Rights Center, Marmara Education Foundation, Maltepe University Faculty of Fine Arts and Maltepe University Faculty of Communication p. 38

Full fare half fare Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (2010) Partner: Youth Studies Unit Budget: 3,754 TL Sponsor: Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts p. 71 152 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

Sweden-Turkey Youth Policies Seminar II Youth Studies Unit (2009 - 2010) Budget: 64,436 TL Sponsors: The Olof Palme Center Stakeholders / Collaborating Institutions: Swedish Youth Council (LSU) p. 58

Sweden-Turkey Youth Policies Seminars I Youth Studies Unit (2009 - 2010) Budget: 44,349 TL Sponsors: The Olof Palme Center, Swedish Youth Council Stakeholders / Collaborating Institutions: Swedish Youth Council (LSU) p. 58

Study Visits for Youth Organizations Youth Studies Unit (2009 - 2010) Budget: 59,416 TL Sponsors: ABF (Arbetarnas Bildningsförbund) and the Olof Palme Center p. 33

Creative Ideas Meetings Coordinator: Youth Studies Unit (September 2009 - June 2010) Budget: 9,360 TL Sponsor: World Bank p. 33

The Development of Youth Policy Indicators in Turkey Youth Studies Unit (September 2009 - February 2010) Budget: 20,000 TL Sponsor: Istanbul Bilgi University Research Fund p. 116 our experience • 2003 - 2016 153

Child Well-Being Research Project Istanbul Bilgi University Center for Migration Research (October 2008-June 2010) Partner: Child Studies Unit Budget: 27,000 TL Sponsor: TÜBİTAK Stakeholders / Collaborating Institutions: Boğaziçi University Social Policies Forum p. 117

CD and Internet-based Content Production for CSO Capacity Development NGO Training and Research Unit (2007 - 2010) Budget: 30,000 USD Sponsors: Open Society Foundation, ACT Hollanda, British Embassy p. 34

Children Have a Say Board Game and Peer Training Child Studies Unit (September 2008 - August 2009) Budget: 55,178 TL Sponsors: American Embassy, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Istanbul Bilgi University, Con- sulate General of the Netherlands p. 24

Empowerment of Mothers Program Child Studies Unit (February - April 2008 and November - December 2008) Collaborating Institutions / Stakeholders: Mother Child Foundation (AÇEV), Istanbul Bilgi University Department of Psychology, Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Law p. 39 154 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

Assesment of the Impact of Rights in Education Education Reform Initiative (September-November 2008) Partner: Child Studies Unit Budget: 14,400 TL Sponsor: Europe Delegation Collaborating Institutions / Stakeholders: Silahtarağa Primary School, Emniyettepe Primary School, ERA Research Company p. 130

GePGeNç Festival 2008 Youth Studies Unit (2008) Budget: 410,591 TL Sponsors: Eyüp Municipality, Open Society Foundation, Youth for Habitat Associa- tion, Istanbul 2010 Capital of Culture Agency, Romanian Cultural Center, UNFPA, Is- tanbul Bilgi University, Pozitif, Babylon, Metro Turizm p. 59

Baykuş Youth Trainings Youth Studies Unit (2007 - 2008) Budget: 53,624 TL Sponsors: ABF - Arbetarnas Bildningsförbund and the Olof Palme Center p. 46

Capacity Building Training and Trainings of Trainers Positive Living Association (2007) Partner: NGO Training and Research Unit Budget: 6,320 EUR Sponsor: UNAIDS p. 130 our experiment • 2003 - 2016 155

Youth and Social Rights Community Volunteers Foundation (2006 - 2007) Partner: NGO Training and Research Unit and Youth Studies Unit Budget: 98,709 EUR Sponsor: European Union Turkey Delegation p. 39

Capacity Building Training for Local CSOs in Zeytinburnu/Istanbul Zeytinburnu Municipality (2006) Partner: NGO Research and Training Unit Budget: 1,250 EUR Sponsor: Zeytinburnu Municipality p. 130

GePGeNç Festival 2006 Youth Studies Unit (2006) Budget: 96,438 TL Sponsors: Open Society Foundation, British Council, Istanbul Bilgi University, UNDP, UNFPA, Fortis Bank, Coca Cola, Department of Youth Services, Ulusal Ajans (Nation- al Agency), UNICEF, Altivi p. 59

CSOs in the EU Accession Negotiations I and II NGO Training and Research Unit (2005 - 2006) Budget: 19,744 TL Sponsor: Heinrich Böll Stiftung Association p. 61 156 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

Training Program for the Ministry of Interior Department of Associations, Capacity Building Training for Trainers Ministry of Interior Department of Associations (2005) Partner: NGO Training and Research Unit and Youth Studies Unit Budget: 10,504 EUR Sponsor: British Embassy Collaborating Institutions / Stakeholders: Ministry of the Interior, INTRAC (United Kingdom) p. 131

Social Support for Democracy and Human Rights Project Kadıköy Municipality (2005) Partner: NGO Training and Research Unit Budget: 3,900 EUR Sponsor: Europe Delegation p. 131

Equal Citizenship, the Participation of Disabled Individuals and Disabled Women Kocaeli Branch of the Turkish Association of the Disabled (2005) Partner: NGO Training and Research Unit Budget: 5,000 EUR Sponsor: EU Civil Society Development Program p. 131 our experiment • 2003 - 2016 157

CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS WITH WHICH WE HAVE COLLABORATED This section contains an alphabetic listing of all the CSOs and civil initiatives that have either participated in or benefited from the projects we carried out between 2003 – 2016. It also contains high schools, universities and other public institutions that have benefited from our work.

17 August Aid Volunteers Association Alibeyköy Technical High School and 19 May Youth Center Industrial High School Accessible Life Association All Colors Youth Association of Ex- Açık Radyo (“Open Radio”) European Voluntary Service Volunteers (TREX) Adana Association of Business Women Amargi Women’s Cooperative Adana Güçbirliği Foundation Youth Committee Amnesty International Adana Street Children’s Association Anafatma Women’s Solidarity Association Adana Women’s Counseling and Solidarity Anatolian Culture Center and Shelter Association Anatolian Culture and Education (AKDAM) Foundation (AKEV) Adana Youth with Disabilities Sports Club Anatolian Health Volunteers Adapazarı Çark Rotary Club Anatolian Modern Education Foundation Add Color to Life Association (ANAÇEV) Amasya - Merzifon Branch Aegean Association Anatolian Nature and Culture Documentaries Association Aegean Culture, Environment and Peace Association Animal Rights Federation (HAYTAP) Aegean Initiative and Social Progress Ankara European Student Union Association Ankara Photographers Association (AFSAD) Aegean Nature Conservation Association Ankara SBF-Der (Ankara University AEGEE-Ankara Faculty of Political Science Magazine) AEGEE-Bolu Ankara Science High School Alumnae Association AEGEE-Hatay Ankara University Union of Community AEGEE-Istanbul Volunteers AEGEE-Izmir Antalya Commodity Exchange AEGEE-Mersin Architecture for Everyone AFS Volunteers Association ASHOKA Agenda: Child! Association Association for Children who have lost AIESEC Turkey Social Support Systems International Relations Association for Disabled People Istanbul Branch Office Branch Alevi-Bektashi Federation Association for Ecological Life and Ali İsmail Korkmaz Foundation (ALİKEV) Combating Drought in Central Anatolia Alibeyköy High School (ANADOĞA) 158 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

Association for Monitoring Gender Association for the Support of Women Equality Candidates (KA-DER) - Trabzon Association for People with Disabilities Association of Documentary Filmmakers Youth Board Association of Research-Based Association for Social Assistance and Pharmaceutical Companies (AİFD) Solidarity with Migrants (GÖÇDER) Association of Social Sciences for Health Association for Solidarity with Asylum Association of Visually Disabled Seekers and Migrants (SGDD) Association of Youth Theaters Association for Solidarity with Families of Ataköy Soroptimist Club Prisoners Atatürk University Community Volunteers Association for Solidarity with Freedom- Club Deprived Juveniles (ÖZGEDER) Atölye Istanbul Association for Supporting Contemporary Autism Association Life Bahçeşehir Branch Avanos Potters’ Association Association for Supporting Contemporary Life Izmir Branch Avrasya Community Association for the Aid and Solidarity with Bandırma Community Volunteers Friends and Families of Detainees and Bapob (Germany) Convicted Prisoners Bartın Young Businessmen and Association for the Defense of the Rights Executives Association of Patients and their Relatives (HAYAD) Bartın Youth Assistance and Solidarity Association for the Defense of the Rights Association (BAGED) of Patients and their Relatives Bartın Youth Exchange and Sports Club Erzurum Branch Başak Culture and Art Foundation Association for the Protection and Basic Needs Association (Tider) Development of the Rights of Başka-der Seasonal Agricultural Workers Başkent Women’s Platform Association for the Protection of Children Batman Women’s Solidarity Center Working on the Street Batman Youth and Culture Center Association for the Protection of the Nature of the Munzur Valley Beyoğlu Municipality Local Civil Society Task Force Center Association for the Protection of the Rights of SSPE Patients and their Beyoğlu Municipality Youth Center Families BildirirİZ Association for the Struggle against Bilgi University Community Volunteers Sexual Violence Social Responsibility Association for the Support of Child Projects Protection Centers (ÇOKMED) Birİz Association Association for the Support of Women Bird Research Association Candidates (KA-DER) - Istanbul Black Sea Conservation Federation Association for the Support of Women Black Sea Culture, Mutual Assistance and Candidates (KA-DER) - Izmir Solidarity Association Cultural Assistance and Solidarity Association our experiment • 2003 - 2016 159

Boğaziçi Performing Arts Group Civil Dialogue Association Boğaziçi University “Mentoring” Program Civil Disaster Relief and Coordination Boğaziçi University Social Policy Forum Association Boğaziçi University Social Services Club Civil Society Development Association (BÜSOS) Civil Society Development Association - Boğaziçi Young People’s Association Erzurum Bolu Environmental Association Civil Society Development Center - Adana BoMoVu Local Support Center Bostaniçi Women’s Cooperative Civil Society Development Team Bozkır Environmental Association Civil Society in the Penal System Association Buğday (Wheat) Association for Ecological Living Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Association (KLİMİK) Buldan Environmental Protection Forum Co-opinion Bursa City Council Coder Dojo Turkey Çanakkale Local Agenda 21 Coming to Terms Association Çankaya University Community Volunteers Community of Young Doctors Worldwide Capacity Development Association Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG) Cappadocia Sustainable Development and Youth Association Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK) and Technical Carma Education Center Çatak Köyü Solidarity and Culture Conservation of Nature Foundation (WWF- Association (ÇATAK-DER) Turkey) Çelikel Education Foundation Consumers Association Cem Foundation Count me in, too, for the Climate Center for Cultural Research and Çözüm Alanı/Solution Space Combating Cultural Discrimination (KARKAM) Çukurova Association for the Disabled (ÇÖZDER) Çerkez Language and Literature Association Cultural Awareness Foundation Chamber of Agricultural Engineers Culture City Foundation Chamber of Environmental Engineers Dance with Cancer Association Istanbul Branch Datça Environment and Tourism Chamber of Geophysical Engineers Association (DAÇEV) Chamber of Urban Planners Konya Branch Defense Lawyers Association Change Leaders Association Demography Association Çiğli Evka 2 Women’s Cultural Association Denizli Association of Foster Parents Cihangir Beautification Association Development Initiative Group Cooperative CIMO (Finland) Dialogue for a Common Future Association Circ-Us Dicle Fırat Culture and Art Center 160 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

Different Individuals Education and Exchange Association Counselling Association Eyüp IMKB Commercial-Technical High Diyarbakır Art Center School Diyarbakır City Council Youth Assembly Eyüp Municipality Youth Assembly Diyarbakır Çıra Culture and Art Association Eyüp Refhan Tümer High School Diyarbakır Promotion, Culture and Families of LGBTIs (LİSTAG) Solidarity Foundation Federation of Caucasian Associations Diyarbakır Psychosocial Research Federation of Consumer Associations Institute Association (TÜDEF) Diyarbakır Ray of Hope Women’s Firefighters Union of Turkey Cooperative Foundation for Advancement of Diyarbakır Women’s Resource and Action Counseling in Education (YÖRET) Center (DİKASUM) Foundation for Children with Leukemia Doğa Association (Partner of BirdLife (LÖSEV) International) Foundation for Social Research, Culture Dokuz Eylül University Community and Art (TAKSAV) Kadıköy Branch Volunteers Foundation for Supporting Contemporary Dut Ağacı Social Science Research and Life Solidarity Association Foundation for the Development of Civil Düzce Beautification and Development Society (DÜZDER) Foundation for the Disabled Eastern Black Sea Youth Association Foundation for the Protection and Ecological Research Association Promotion of the Environment and Economists Platform Cultural Heritage (ÇEKÜL) Ecosystem Protection and Nature Lovers Foundation for the Support of Women’s Education Reform Initiative Work (KEDEV) Ege University Community Volunteers Foundation for Women’s Solidarity - Student Group Ankara Ege University Sociology Club Free Citizen Initiative Environmental Conservation and Outdoor Free Colors Association Sports Association (DOĞADER) Freedom to the Earth Environmental Law Association From my Master International Office GAF (Youth Research Fund) Istanbul Bilgi ERG (Education Reform Initiative) University ESYO Eskişehir Local Civil Formation GAP Regional Development EU Studies Center Administration Euro-Mediterranean Youth Association Gazhane Environment, Culture and Business Cooperative European Cultural Association Gaziantep Youth and Culture Center European Union Research Association Gençtur European Union Studies Club our experiment • 2003 - 2016 161

Geyre Foundation - Aphrodisias Human Rights Association Aydın Branch Excavations Human Rights Association Bursa Branch Give Voice to the City Human Rights Association Diyarbakır Global Environment Organization (GEO) Branch Go to Istanbul Human Rights in Mental Health Initiative Gola Culture, Art and Ecology Association (RUSİHAK) Golden Horn Junior Green Crescent Club Human Settlements Association (İYD) Gölköy Anatolian High School Project Group Humanist Group Association for Rights- Greater Istanbul Municipality Center for Based Policies the Physically Disabled IDA (Communication Consultancies Green Crescent Junior Association of Turkey) Greenpeace Mediterranean Office Ideal Career Association Group Voley IN VIA Köln (Germany) Grup Mitoloji Independent Living Group Grup TUZ Independent Research, Information and Communication Association (BABİL) Günyüzü Women’s Solidarity Cooperative Initiative against Thought Crime Güzeltepe Women’s Solidarity, Education and Culture Center International Advocacy Association Habitat Development and Governance International Catholic Migration Association Commission Hangar Art Association International Children’s Center (ICC) Hay Gin Women’s Platform International Transparency Association Haydar Akçelik Anatolian Occupational International Youth Activities Center and Girl’s Occupational High School International Youth Leaders Academy Hazar Education, Culture and Solidarity IPS Communication Foundation Association Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Hazar Strategy Institute (HASEN) Agency Health and Education Foundation (İNSEV) Istanbul Association of Women and Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly (HYD) Women’s Organizations (İKADDER) Hope for Children with Cancer Foundation Istanbul Bar Association Information (KAÇUV) Technology Law Center Hope Foundation for Children Istanbul Bar Association Women’s Rights Enforcement Hope Mountaineering and Nature Sports Association Istanbul Bilgi University Center for Migration Research Hrant Dink Foundation Istanbul Bilgi University Cultural Policies Human Resource Development and Management Research Center Foundation (İKGV) Istanbul Bilgi University EU Institute Human Rights Association (İHD) Istanbul Bilgi University Human Rights Human Rights Association Adıyaman Law Center Branch 162 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

Istanbul Bilgi University Legal Research Jean Monnet Fellows Association Group Junior Achievement Foundation Istanbul Bilgi University Student Union Junior Leaders Association Istanbul Bilgi University- Center for Civil KA-MER Women’s Consultation and Society Studies Solidarity Center - Adıyaman Istanbul Chamber of Industry KA-MER Women’s Consultation and Istanbul for All Initiative Solidarity Center - Diyarbakır Istanbul Foundation KA-MER Women’s Consultation and Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts Solidarity Center – Bingöl (İKSV) KA-MER Women’s Consultation and Istanbul Göztepe Rotary Club Solidarity Center– Kars Istanbul High School (“İstanbul Erkek KA-MER Women’s Consultation and Lisesi”) Foundation Solidarity Center– Kızıltepe Istanbul Idea Research Institute (İSFAM) KA-MER Women’s Consultation and Istanbul Kurdish Institute Solidarity Center– Mardin Istanbul METU Alumnae Association Kadıköy City Council Istanbul Photography and Cinema Kaos GL Association - Izmir Amateurs Association (İFSAK) Kaos GL Association (Kaos Gay and Istanbul Social Ecology Platform Lesbian Association) Istanbul Social Forum Karakutu (Black Box) Association Istanbul Visually Impaired Sports Club Kardelen High School Association Kars Women Entrepreneurs Association ITU Development Foundation Kartal Solidarity Association for the ITU Volunteering Club Physically Disabled Izmir Bar Association Kilis Women’s Development Association Izmir Culture Platform Initiative Kiron Open Higher Education Izmir Development Agency Kırşehir High School Teen Scouting Unit Izmir Province Environmental Protection Knowledge, Communication, Art, Education and Culture Youth Club Izmir Women’s Solidarity Association Kocaeli Community Volunteers Izmit Intellectually Disabled Skill Development Association Kocaeli Culture, Art and Education Association Izmit Local Agenda 21 Cooperative Kocaeli Firefighters Association İğne Deliği (“Pin Hole”) Youth Center Kocaeli Students Association İmece Ecovillage for Natural Life and Ecological Solutions Koruncuk Foundation for Children in Need of Protection İris Equality Monitoring Group Küçükköy Girls Vocational High School İskenderun Environmental Protection Association Kulp Local Initiatives Association İsmail Beşikçi Foundation Kulp Youth Initiative İstiklal and Hacıahmet Neighborhoods Küre Mountains Ecotourism (KED) Environmental Protection Association Kütahya Youth Association our experiment • 2003 - 2016 163

LambdaIstanbul LGBTT Solidarity Narlıdere Association for the Protection Association and Support of the Intellectually Laz Institute Disabled Learning by Living Center (YAŞÖM) Needs Map Legislation Association (YASADER) Neighborhood Disaster Volunteers Let’s Group Association (MAGDER) Life Cooperative for Women, Environment, Neighborhood Disaster Volunteers Culture and Business (YAKA-KOOP) Association (MAGDER) – Kocaeli Life, Health and Social Services Nesin Foundation Foundation Nevsehir Women’s Association Living with Diabetes Association New Person Youth Club and Folklore Machine Tools Industrialists and Research Society Businessmen Association (TİAD) Nilüfer City Council Maltepe Nursing Home Nilüfer City Council Youth Assembly Mardin ÇATOM (Multipurpose Community O Daha Çocuk (“He’s Still a Child”) Center) Campaign Mardin Women’s Education and Obstacle-Free Art Association Employment Support Association Obstacle-Free Living and Youth Mardin Youth and Culture Association Association Mardin Youth and Culture Center Oğuz Canpolat High School Marmara Education Foundation Olympic Youth Center Community Onar Association Volunteers One Step Further Association Marmaris City Council Osmangazi University Community Martı Association Volunteers Mavi Kalem Social Aid and Solidarity Other Side Theater Group Association Participatory Youth Group Initiative MCD Youth Club Peloponnese University Department of Mesopotamian Culture Center Political Science METU Psychology Group People’s Houses Migration and Humanitarian Assistance Personal Development Platform (KİGEP) Foundation Photography Foundation Mor Çatı (Purple Roof) Women’s Shelter Pink House Youth Center Foundation Pir Sultan Abdal Cultural Association Mother Child Education Foundation Platform for Soldiers’ Rights (AÇEV) Political Horizon Movement Mudanya City Council Porsuk River Philosophical Society Muhit Positive Living Association Muş Civil Youth Assembly Prof. Fahrettin Kerim Gökay Foundation My Rights in Traffic Association Professions’ Community Solidarity Network 164 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

PS: Europe Social Policies, Gender Identity and Sexual Punta Youth and Sports Club Orientation Studies Association Rainbow Women’s Association (SPoD) Ray of Hope Women’s Cooperative Social Policy Collective Recycling Group Social Responsibility Association Rüstü Akın Foundation Social Rights Association Sabancı Foundation Social Service Specialists Association (SHUD) Sabancı University Gender Club Social Service Specialists Association Sabancı University Social Sensitivity (SHUD) Istanbul Branch Projects Social Service Specialists Association Safe Living Association (SHUD) Izmir Branch Sagala Sun Social Service Specialists Association Sakarya Caucasian Cultural Association (SHUD) Kocaeli Branch Samsun Association of Entrepreneurs and Social Service Specialists Association Businessmen (SHUD) Konya Branch Samsun Youth Center Social Service Specialists Association Sanlıurfa Youth and Culture Center (SHUD) Trabzon Branch Sarıyer High School Alumnae Association Social Solidarity Association Schizophrenia Association Society of Doctors for the Environment Schizophrenia Friends Association Society of the Right to Health Movement Science Center Foundation Street Children Association Science Heroes Association Student Steel Construction Club SELİS Women’s Consultancy Center Sulukule Volunteers Association Semiha Sakir Foundation Support to Life Humanitarian Aid Siirt Development Association Association Six Points Foundation of the Blind Sustainova Sustainability Consultancy Skill Development Platform Sweden Youth Council Social and Cultural Life Development Tarlabası Community Support Association Association (SKYGD) Tayf Youth Initiative Social and Legal Research Foundation TEMA Junior Ankara (TOHAV) TEMA Thrace Agricultural Cooperative Social Change Association Terakki Foundation Social Democracy Foundation (SODEV) The Association for Human Rights and Social Democracy Foundation Youth Solidarity for the Oppressed Platform (MAZLUMDER) Social Development and Gender Equality The Association of Children Under the Center (SOGEP) Same Roof (ÇAÇA) Social Development Association The Educational Volunteers Foundation of Social Initiative Association Turkey (TEGV) our experiment • 2003 - 2016 165

The History Foundation Turkish Education Association Batman The Rule of Law Initiative Branch The Street is Ours Association Turkish Ethical Values Center (TEDMER) The Turkish Foundation for Combatting Turkish Federation of the Blind Soil Erosion, for Reforestation, and the Turkish Historical Homes Conservation Protection of Natural Habitats (TEMA) Association Third Sector Foundation of Turkey (TÜSEV) Turkish Human Rights Foundation Tiram Youth Culture and Art Association Diyarbakır Representative Office Tohum Autism Foundation Turkish Librarians’ Association Istanbul Tosya Association for the Physically Branch Disabled Turkish Medical Students’ International Tosya Youth Agenda Association Committee Trabzon City Council Turkish Red Crescent Trabzon Mothers Association Turkish Red Crescent Düzce Branch Transfer (Germany) Turkish Red Crescent Izmir Branch Transparency Association Turkish Spastic Children Foundation Troya Youth Environmental Association Turkish University Newspaper Initiative Tunceli Youth Center Turkish Women’s Union Turkey Beyazay Association Turkish Women’s Union Amasya Branch Turkey Environmental Conservation and Tuvana Foundation for the Education of Greening Association (TÜRÇEK) Children (TOÇEV) Turkey Environmental Conservation and Uludağ University Community Volunteers Greening Association (TÜRÇEK) Youth UNICEF - Bursa Volunteers Committee Urban Dialogues Turkey Human Rights Foundation Urfa Living Space Women’s Solidarity Turkey Informatics Association Association Turkey Informatics Foundation Validebağ Volunteers Association Turkey Youth Federation Van Conservation, Tourism Development Turkey-Europe Foundation and Social Assistance Association (VATDO-DER) Turkey-European Union Young Generation Initiative Van Women’s Association Turkish Association for People with Van YG21 Disabilities Vocational Training and Small Industry Turkish Association of Handicapped Support Foundation People Kocaeli Branch Voices of Young Life Turkish Autism Support and Education Vote and Beyond (TODEV) Western Black Sea Ecotourism and Turkish Cinema Artists’ Association Environment Association (BAKED) Turkish Confederation of Disabled People Women Entrepreneurs of Turkey Turkish Economic and Social Studies Association (KAGİDER) Foundation (TESEV) 166 istanbul bilgi university - center for civil society studies

Women Healthcare Workers Solidarity Young Europeans Association Association Young Life Foundation Women’s Commission of the Diyarbakır Young Denizliler Association Bar Association Young Peace Initiative Association Women’s Education and Psychological Youth A.R.T. Counseling Center (EPİ-DEM) Youth Accord Association Women’s Human Rights - New Solutions Youth Agenda Association Foundation Youth Approaches to Health Association Women’s Labor and Employment Initiative (KEİG) Youth Association for the Future Women’s Solidarity Association Youth Cultural Center Women’s Solidarity Foundation (KADAV) Youth Development Association Women’s Solidarity Foundation (KADAV) Youth Employment Association (GİDER) - Izmit Youth for Understanding Turkey Worker Rights Association Youth Initiative for Art and Social WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities Development Turkey Youth Initiative for Human Rights Yalova Local Agenda 21 Youth Organizations Forum Yaşasın (“Thumbs Up”) Youth Association Youth Platform Yeniden Society for Health and Education Youth Re-autonomy Foundation YenidenBiz (Us Again) Youth Re-autonomy Foundation Ankara Yenidoğan Culture and Solidarity Branch Association Youth Social Development Program YG-21 Cizre Youth Assembly Yozgat Association for Tourism and the Yıldız Technical University Social Conservation of the Environment and Responsibility Club Cultural Values Yön (Direction) Association Yuva Association You’ve got my Hand Association Yuvam Akarca Residences Beautification, Mutual Assistance and Solidarity Young Accumulation Association Association (Yuvam-Der) Young Anatolian Leaders