Curriculum Vitae

1. Name Surname: Rona Aybay

2. Date of Birth: 10.05.1935

3. Title: Professor

4. Education:

Degree Field University Year Bachelor Law University Faculty 1959 of Law Master Comparative Law Columbia University Facuty 1964 of Law Doctorate Public Law Social 1966 Sciences Institut

5. Academic Titles

Title Department University Year/Period Assistant MTEU 1969 Professor Associate 1974 Professor Professor 1980

6.1 Master Theses

6.2 Doctorate Theses

7. Publications

7.1. Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI, SSCI Arts and Humanisties)

7.2. Papers Presented at International Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings

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7.3. International Books or Book Chapters

Fascism, İzlem Press, 1962, İstanbul. (With Murat Sarıca) Comparative 1962 Constitution, Istanbul University Press, 1963. The Effect of Marriage on Women's Nationality, Faculty of Social Sciences Press, 1979.

Robert Owen: One of the Pioneers of Socialism, Alfa Press, Istanbul, 1970, 2000, 2005.

Dom za Ljudska Prava Bosne i Hercegovina, 1997

Law of Citizenship, Istanbul Bilgi University Press, Istanbul, 2008. (With Nimet Özbek)

Conflict of Law In the International Area, Istanbul Bilgi University Press, Istanbul, 2008, (With Esra Dardağan)

Foreigners Law, Istanbul Bilgi University Press, Istanbul, 3th Edition, 2011.

International Judiciary, Alfa Press, Istanbul, 2013.

An Introduction to Law, Istanbul Bilgi University Press, Istanbul, 5th Edition, 2017.

Consulate in Terms of History and Law, İş Bankası Press, Istanbul, 2009.

Human Rights Law, Istanbul Bilgi University Press, Istanbul, 2015.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights and , Istanbul Bilgi University Press, 2016.

General Public Law, Near East University Press, 2017.

Public International Law, Istanbul Bilgi University Press, 2016. (With Elif Oral)

Administrative Law, in Introduction to Turkish Law ,2nd ed. Ansay&Wallace, Oceana Publications

A Gift to Gündüz Ökçün, Faculty of Social Sciences Press, 1985 (Editor)

A Gift to Murat Sarıca, 1994. (Editor)

A Gift to Gündüz Aybay, 2004. (Editor)

Page 2 of 10 An Offer to Constitution of Republic of Turkey by Union of Turkish Bar Associations, 2007, (Editors) A Gift to Halit Çelenk, 2008, 2009, 2018. (Editor)

7.4. Articles Published in National Refereed Journals

7.5. Papers Presented in National, Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings

7.6 Other Publications

Pressure Groups, Istanbul University Journal of Faculty of Law, Volume 27, Issue 1-4, 1962.

According to Article 151 of the Constitution, Seriousness Problem of Claims of Being Unconstitutional Brought Forward by Parties, Istanbul University Faculty of Law Journal Vol. 33, Issue 3-4

International Rules About The Right to Leave and the Right to Return, 70th Birthday Gift to Professor Dr. Mahmut Koloğlu, Ankara University Faculty of Law Press, 1975.

The Hause Regulations of Legislative Assemblies, The First Century of Turkish Parliament, Ankara University Faculty of Social Science Journal Special Issue, 1976.

Some Contemporary Constitutional Problems in Turkey, British Society for Middle Eastern Studies. Bulletin, Volume 4, Issue 1, 1977.

The Right to Leave and the Right to Return: The International Aspect of Freedom of Movement, Comparative Law Yearbook, 1977.

The Role and Position of Political Science in Turkey, The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations, vol.17, 1977.

European Convention on Human Rights and Turkish Positive Law ”, Human Rights Gift XXX. Year, United Nations Turkish Association Publication, 1978.

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Human Rights in Turkey: A Selected Bibliography, The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations, vol. 18, 1978. (With Mehmet Ali Kartal) Implementation of The Helsinki Final Act By A Turkish Court, The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations (Milletlerarası Münasebetler Türk Yıllığı), Vol.18, 1978.

The Notion of National Security and National Security Council, Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Social Science, Vol.33, Issue 1-2, 1978.

Separation of Women Who Have Married to a Foreigner from Turkish Citizenship, Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Social Science, Vol.33, Issue 3, 1978.

Recommendation of International Personal Status Commission on Marriage Law, 34/1-4, 1979.

30 years Bibliography of Human Rights (1947-1977), Human Rights Yearbook (1) 1979. (with Mehmet Ali Kartal)

Right to International Travel As a Human Right, Human Rights Yearbook (1), 1979.

Exchange Restrictions and Freedom to Travel Abroad, Günümüzde Yargı, Issue 36, 1979. General Assembly of International Comission on Civil Status’ (CIEC) Recommendation on Marriage Law, Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Social Science, Vol. 33, Issue 1, 1979.

Legal Arrangements for Cooperation with Foreign Capital in Yugoslavia and Bulgaria, Bulletin of International Law and Private International Law, C.1 Q.1, 1981.

Sovereignty in the Constitutional Texts, Encyclopedia of From Tanzimat to Republic of Turkey, 1982.

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Individual Application, The Council of Europe and Turkey, Journal Mülkiyeliler Birliği, Vol. 114, 1989. Extraordinary Situations and Human Rights, I. National Administrative Law Congress: Public Administration, Ankara: 1-4 May 1990.

“Nationality of Ships in Turkish Law ”. A Gift to Dr. Gündüz Ökçün, (1992) The Problem of Dual Nationality, Human Rights Yearbook, TODAIE Publication Vol. 15, 1994

Bosnia and Herzegovina Court of Human Rights, International Law and International Private Law Bulletin c.15 issue.1-2, 1995

New Institution in the Field: The Human Rights Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Netherland’s Quarterly of Human Rights,vol.15,no.4 1997

Nationality of Ships in Turkish Law, Journal of Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences c: 47 issue: 1, 1997.

It Is Against The Law That The 1402s Do Not Return To Duty!, Gift Murat Sarıca ed. With Aydın Aybay Aybay Publications, 1998.

At Which Stage Are We in the Transition Process from Subjects of Ottoman to Citizens of the Republic of Turkey, Subject to Citizen in 75 Years, Turkey Economic and Social History, AKFI Publications.

With the Light of Fifty Years of Experience in Human Rights in Turkey and in The World, Ioannina Kuçuradi Bulent Peker (ed. Prep.), Turkey 1999.

No Arbitration in the Public Service Area, Mülkiye, XXIII, 1999.

Page 5 of 10 Nationality Problems Due to Succession of States or Land Change, A Gift to Prof. Dr. Vecdi Aral, Kocaeli, 2001.

2002, Turkey's Declaration of War on Japan at the End Of the Second World War, The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations (Milletlerarası Münasebetler Türk Yıllığı) Vol.33, 2002.

Deportation as a Human Rights Problem, Maltepe University Journal of Law. 2003

Does the Law on the Right to Information Abolish the Civil Code § 1020 / II? TBB Journal Issue.53 2004

The Foreigner's Position in terms of Administrative Law and Administrative Judiciary (An Approach in terms of Human Rights Law), The Council of State and Administrative Judgment Day 135. Year, Danıştay Press, 2004

Where Europe Starts, Ends or Is Afghanistan West of Europe Knowledge and Memory, İstanbul Bilgi University Publication, Issue 2, 2004

Turkey's Declaration of War on Japan, Information and Memory, Istanbul Bilgi University Press, Issue 2.

Dual-Nationality under Turkish Law, Digesta Turcica, TBB Press, 2005.

Turkey's Declaration of War on Japan at the End of the Second World War, “The Rising Sun and the Turkish Crescent” (New Perspectives on the History of Japanese Turkish Relations) (ed. S.Esenbel,I. Chiharu) Boğaziçi Univ.Press

A Proposal for Reducing the Workload of the ECtHR: “Obligatory Conciliation” TBB Journal Issue 67, 2006.

Recognition of the State in terms of Public Law, Maltepe University Journal of Law Issue

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A Proposal of “Mandatory Conciliation” Process to be Incorporated in the Protection Mechanism of the European Convention on Human Rights, Digesta Turcica (TBB Press) 2006.

Protocol 14 and Procedural Reforms to the ECHR, Human Rights (conferences, panels and symposia) (31 January 2005 - 23 December 2005) 2007.

Some Observations on the Position of International Treaties in Turkish Law, Digesta Turcica (TBB Press) 2007

Protocol 14 and Procedural Reforms to the ECHR, Human Rights (conferences, panels and symposia) (31 January 2005 - 23 December 2005) 2007,

Some Observations on the Position of International Treaties in Turkish Law, Digesta Turcica, TBB Press 2007

The Place of International Treaties in Turkish Law, Journal of TBB, Issue.70, 2007

Judicial Immunity of the Foreign State According to the Case-law of the Supreme Court, Journal of TBB Issue 72, 2007.

Russia Blows to ECHR, Contemporary Law Journal, 2007/2

Srebrenica Decision of the Court of Human Rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina, International Crimes Bosnia and Herzegovina case, by Sevin Elekdag, Erhan Turbedar, Eurasian Center for Strategic Studies, 2008.

General Principles on Rights Granted to Foreigners in Turkish Law, Public Leadership in the Areas of Private Law, Public Law and Criminal Law and Individual Autonomy Symposium (ed. İlhan Ulusan, Bahri Öztürk), Seçkin Press, 2009.

Turkey and Double Citizenship, A Gift to Mumtaz Soysal, Mülkiyeliler Birliği Press, 2009.

International Courts and Criminal Liability of Individuals, A Gift to Prof. Dr. Köksal Bayraktar, Vol. 1, Journal of Faculty of Law, Issue 49, 2010.

Some General Observations on the European Convention on Human Rights and Protocol 14 Journal of TBB, Issue.88, 2010.

Page 7 of 10 Is Double Citizenship Rights in Turkish Law, Current Developments in Citizenship, Migration, Refugee and Foreigners Law, International Symposium Notices, TBB Press, 2010.

Relationship between Law and Political Sciences According to İlhan Unat, A Gift to Prof. Dr. İlhan Unat, Mülkiyeliler Birliği Press, 2012,

Classification of “Decisions" Formed within the Structure of the ECtHR, A Gift to Prof. Dr. İlhan Unat, Mülkiyeliler Birliği Press, 2012,

Is the Land Registry Open to Everyone? An Article wich is A ball of contradictions: Civil Code: 1020, Istanbul Bar Association Journal, c.87, issue March-April

Obligation to Open Disciplinary Prosecution In A Year According to do Attorneys' Act Article 141 / I, A Gift to Nur Centel, MÜHFHAD Special Issue Vol.19 Issue.2

Public Service Caharacter of Advocacy, When to Require Attorney to be Neutral Istanbul Bar Journal Vol .88, Issue July-August

Thoughts on Cahacteristic of Attorney at Law on “Public Service“ and "Self- Employment" A Gift Yıldırım Uler, Near East University Publications, Nicosia.

First Judgment on the Mass Massacre of Srebrenitza, Contemporary Law 2012/08.

International Law, Death Penalty and Turkey, Contemporary Law Journal, 2012/12

“Officer” Judges, A Gift to Teoman Ergül, TBB Press, Ankara

The Status of the Public Prosecutor in the face of the Code of Criminal Procedure § 233, Contemporary Law Journal 2014/11.

Some Observations on Presidential Decrees, Contemporary Law Journal November / December 2018

Montreux Convention and Some Current Issues, A Gift to Durmuş Tezcan, Dokuz Eylul University Journal of Faculty of Law 2019.

Some Observations on the Changings in our Written Legal Resources and Presidential Decrees with The Constitutional Amendments in July 2018, A Gift to Durmuş Tezcan, Dokuz Eylul University Journal of Faculty of Law 2019.

8. Projects directed and participated

9. Administrative designations

President at Department of Public Administration of METU

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Vice Dean at Ankara University Faculty of Social Sciences

10. Membership in scholarly institutions

Columbia Law School Alumni Assoc.

Membership of the Council of Europe Anti-Racism and Intolerance Commission

Membership of the Committee of 11 Wise Persons, established to improve the ECHR of the Council of Europe

Istanbul Bar Assoc.

11. Awards and grants

12. Courses taught over the last two academic years

Academic Hours/week Number of Term Course Name Year Theoretical Applied Students Fall Human Rights Law 3 125 2017-2018 General Public Law 3 135 Fall 3 3 135 Human Rights Law 2017-2018 Spring Human Rights Law 3 3

13. Previously worked institutions / organizations / companies

No Name Of Institution Duty Term Title 1. Bosnia and Herzogovina 02/12/1996- 01.12.2003 International Judge Court of Human Rights elected by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe 2. Near East University 03/05/2005- 01/04/2019 Prefossor of Law

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