MAPPING the FAULTLINES: Structural Crisis of the World-System and Turkey” 10Th of May 2012

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MAPPING the FAULTLINES: Structural Crisis of the World-System and Turkey” 10Th of May 2012 ______________________________________________________________________________ Istanbul Şehir University, Center for Modern Turkish Studies & Keele University, School of Politics, International Relations and Philosophy presents a Workshop on “MAPPING THE FAULTLINES: Structural Crisis of the World-System and Turkey” 10th of May 2012 Workshop will be conducted in English Time: May 10, 2011 - Thursday // 14.00-18:00 Venue: Istanbul Şehir University Altunizade Campus 5th Floor Meeting Hall The current global crisis is an expression of the structural changes and deep-rooted contradictions, which have occurred within the global system in the last 30 years. The present crisis has reminded us that we live in a dynamic world where empires and systems come and go according to history’s dictates. It seems that the Bretton Woods system is in eclipse, and the world is moving toward a multi-polar global structure. In the long history of global political economy, crises come and go, as do the focal points around which they form. To understand the dynamics of the current process of change we must also understand the history that gives it volume and reach. The current crisis is destined to bring about fundamental changes in the world. The world will be different when the carnage stops. The crisis will bring irreversible geopolitical consequences. We are not saying that it is all over for the USA. It is still one of the strongest countries in the world. But the reality is that the US economy and the rest of the US-centred economies of the West are fast losing ground. China, India and other significant emerging economies, including Turkey, have been strengthening considerably. What is underlying the current crisis is this historical shift: the ‘unipolar’ phase of US dominance is being replaced by a ‘multipolar’ phase, in which the US will continue to remain one of the most prominent powers, but has to share this position with China, India and the leading emerging economies as new rising global superpowers. This workshop will look at this process of Global Shift and try to assess the changing position of Turkey on the Grand Chessboard. Participant list: Prof. Bulent Gokay, Keele University Prof Vildan Serin, Fatih University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sadık Ünay, Yıldız Technical University Assist. Prof. Dr. Mesut Özcan, Center for Strategic Research of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Assist. Prof. Dr. Talha Köse, Istanbul Şehir University Assist. Prof. Dr Emre Iseri, Kadir Has University Assist. Prof. Dr. Oğuz Dilek, Zirve University Dr. Suna Gülfer Ihlamur, Marmara University Dr. Emre Erşen, Marmara University Muzaffer Şenel, Istanbul Şehir University Program Session One (14.00-15.45) 14,00-14.15 Prof. Bulent Gokay, Keele University (*keynote speech) Global Systemic Crisis and Turkey. Where Do We Go From Here? 14.15-14.30 Prof Vildan Serin, Fatih University Global Imbalances and Shifting Power To Emerging Economies: A Case Study of Turkey 14.30-15.00 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sadık Ünay, Yıldız Technical University Structural Crises of International Political Economy and Its impact on Global Power Politics 15.00-15.15 Muzaffer Şenel, Istanbul Şehir University Mapping the Faultlines of European International Order in a Global World Order 15.15- 15.45 Questions/ Comments Tea/ Coffee Break (15.45-16.00) Session Two (16.00-17.45) 16.00-16.15 Dr. Mesut Özcan, Center for Strategic Research of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Talha Köse, Istanbul Şehir University Global Transitions and Turkish Foreign Policy: Increasing Use of Non-Conventional Tools 16.15-16.30 Dr Emre Iseri, Kadir Has University Dr. Oğuz Dilek, Zirve University Turkey's Regional Powerhood in the penetrated Middle East at a time of Arab upheavals 16.30-16.45 Dr. Suna Gülfer Ihlamur, Marmara University The Missing Dimension of Turkey's New Foreign Policy in a Changing World: International Migration Policy 16.45-17.00 Dr. Emre Erşen, Marmara University Revisiting “The Grand Chessboard”: Rise of New Centres of Power in Eurasia and Its Implications for Turkish Foreign Policy 17.00-17.45 Questions/ Comments .
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