ISBN: 2587-1943 2018 BOOK OF ABSTRACT PROCEEDINGS CIEA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS 20-22 September 2018 / Sivas, Turkey Organized by Supported by Book of Abstract of the International Conference on Innovative Engineering Applications (CIEA’2018) Editors Prof. Dr. Hikmet Esen Prof. Dr. Niyazi Özdemir Asst. Prof. Dr. Serdar Mercan Published, 2018
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[email protected] The individual contributions in this publication and any liabilities arising from them remain the responsibility of the authors. The publisher is not responsible for possible damages, which could be a result of content derived from this publication. ISBN: 2587-1943 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Prof. Dr. Abdelkarim Mekki, King Fahd University of Petroleum Minerals, S.ARABIA Prof. Dr. Abderrahmane Bairi, University Paris Ouest LTIE-GTE, FRANCE Prof. Dr. Adem Kurt, Gazi University, TR Prof. Dr. Adrian Briggs, University of London, UK Prof. Dr. Ahmet Durgutlu, Gazi University, TR Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ziyaettin Sahin, King Fahd University, SAUDI ARABIA Prof. Dr. Ali Chamkha, Kuwait University, KUWAIT Prof. Dr. Ali Sekmen, Tennessee State University, USA Prof. Dr. Alireza A. Ardalan, Tehran University, IRAN Prof. Dr. Andrew Collop, The University of De Montfort, UK Prof. Dr. Andrzej Trytek, Rzeszow University of Technology, POLAND Prof.