TWIRP Season’s Here; Dance to Climax Activities

The gals have gone all out on buying hunting licenses this week, and the Vol. XL VII CHICO STATE COLLEGE. CHICO. CALIF. — FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1952 \deer they're hunting are the two-legged variety. Open season on males has No. been declared and the few who haven't been bagged are on the Iota Sigma list just waiting for the huntress to appear. This is one time when hunt- \ ing without a license is perfectly legal, but without one no gal can climax the annual TWIRP dance this evening. Science Conference Opens Today -9 The girl-drag-boy dance is the j high point in the Iota Sigma fra ter- j nity year, and one of the first events I the frosh learned about when they With Dr. Geo. Beadle As Speaker I entered our halls in September. Royne McGinne’s band will make the trek from Oroville to open the Chico Stale’s now science build­ ! dance at 10:00 p. m., and the strains ing will be officially opened f th j of the last tune at 1:00 a. m. will Cast Calls for week-end when the Northern Cal­ j mead the end of another week of ifornia Science Conference is held I Birthday Party I Daisy Mae activities. there as an "open house" for all Hunting licenses are a must, too, Pioneer Day high school teachers in the area. For New Eligible for the gals who have set out to win Conference meetings will be open j the prize for the most points earned Show Continue to students and the public. Dr. for helping the fellas. The prize Vesta Holt, director of the Division Voters Thursday j this year is bigger and better, as of Natural Sciences, will chairman 1 have been the entire week’s activi- You don’t have to be a profes­ the week-end event. Chico Staters who have reached ! ties. At last year’s dance. Lois sional actor, singer or dancer to take Following the theme, “The Influ­ | their 21st birthday and have not yet j I Strong won a compact with the fra- part in the Pioneer Day Musical. If ence of Science in the M odem. registered to vote will be the _guests i ! ternity emblem when her points you can ham it, hoof it or carry a World and Its Contributions to the of the League of Women Voters at numbered in the thousands. Good tune, YOU are needed in this show. Welfare of Human Beings,” many “Your 21st Birthday Party,” to be deeds for the male clan are earned Tryouts and auditions will be held college professors from all over this | be'd Thursday evening, April 3, at I when the gals buy cokes, open doors, on the stage of the auditorium next ___state _____ will present______their ____ views_____ on I A F m e r J. Hamilton Elementary take their catches to dinner, bake Tuesday and Wednesday nights at J such subjects that cover biology, school. them those cakes we’ve been hear­ 7:3°- | botany, chemistry, geology, physics The program will be given for the I ing about, and scrub their cars till benefit of the students who have they shine. No more than 25 points The show, “Fifty Million Fresh- ' and Physical science, mathematics may be awarded at one time for a men,” is about college life in gen- iand photography, reached voting age and have as yet | not registered. The deadline for j deed of kindness to the weaker sex. eral and contains campus scenes as ! Many experts on their subjects registering has been set for April 10. Leap year and TWIRP Week have well as other bits of college in trig u e' will present their topics this week- Pro-America, the Chico M inister­ not been combined before at Chico such as “The Park," “Dorm Life” ! end. The main address is to be ial society, and the American Asso- State, and the combination has been and so on. If you have a song you j given by Dr. George W. Beadle, di­ a good one, making a double oppor­ can sing, bring the music. If you ' rector of the Kerckoff Laboratories I » tunity for the fair maidens on cam­ wot* icauread uucalines uior waltz, waiu, beuc there!were: a A i! vtof uiuiug/Biology at vttiuuiuiaCalifornia .uisuiuveInstitute uio f ____K .. ^ birthday event__. • A . pro-___¡«r pus. Dates will gather at the Me­ complete rundown of w ill | Technology. Dr. Beadle, because of j morial Hall in casual dress for an be given so you can see what parts ■ his vast knowledge and research, is j ¡ , hi h evening of dancing with the females you would like to fry out for. This an authority in the field of heredity. • Clals’ whlch Mayor Ted Merlam reveling in their domineering state. is all informal and will be a lot of | His years have been well spent on I j? °*: * voting p ro ­ The fella who asks for a dance will good fun. the staffs of Cornell. H arvarTstan- P^sented by the League of j the staffs of Cornell, Harvard, Stan Women Voters, and a discussion of be shunned; it’s the girl’s move and Barney Ide and Stan Keyawa I ford and now, the California Insti-1political activity, by S. E. Shapiro from all signs she plans to take ad­ wrote “Fifty Million Freshmen” in tute of Technology. and Robert Laughlin. - vantage of this opportunity. Added to this program will be a The evening will end with an in­ The men will sport corsages made £ sags* «issa1 « formal social hour at which tim e by their dates, and anything goes present writing for "The SSports------l| esteda ]uncheon in meetin« is p la c Dr’ e d BeadW-for Saturday. Also I new"¡"J, voters will meet with w city u offi-j . Elementary School here. Fresh g a rd e n vegetables, men,” who are featured on Jack ; rp^ „»in i I cials and will also have a chance to Comm* Concert marshmallows, gumdrops, cigarettes, Benny’s Sunday afternoon and eve The science building will be filled | Y toys, and what have you will be fea­ • I withL/iih manvmany ayhihiteexhibits, illustrating illnctratincr thn!the | y * . A „ a 5f pr^7,' ning radio program. TTBST[various subjects being being discussed.1 ent______Birthday, cakes _ and t coffee will Administrators Meet tured, but remember, girls, to leave The first cast call was held Wed- j Among them will be an entertaining “if “ ^ed, carrying out the theme of To Feature I the garlic at home. It’s your nose nesday evening and could boast only | set of modem art paintings, by G. W. j “^evening, On Chico Campus j that will be rubbing in your crea- a small turnout However, cast calls \ Prescott professor of Botany at1 Young *oung votersvo1 who attend w ill be j tion most of the evening. The Annual Spring Conference of Leo Foley and Franz Sanden are this week will probably bring in th e ' Michigan "state, describing many 11IiiTcidJlced , ^ eir Public and p a rty Pianist Monday | the Sigs who've taken charge of the needed— j -j ----- number1— of —participants u-i— -- a— n •* d i , phases ■ ^ of• - that - field.¿1- - J ■ officials and the mechanics of vot- the Northern Section of the Califor­ the rehearsal schedule will be post- j | ing will be explained. It is the pur- nia Elementary School Administra­ affair. Tickets are still available ' pose of the meeting to centralize tors' Association was held in Chico from any fraternity member. A date ed soon. CAR WASH Well over 100 students took p art j attention on more active participa-! on March 21-22, with events taking im^rovlsation^nd humorous rarira! I bureau was set UP Wednesday and tion in politics and to develop a last- ! place at the Hotel Oaks and Chico! tures on the niano will make his I tbe unlucky ones who hadn’t yet Varifty Thisi Junior Class Car Wash year s musical comedy will be given ; Donate to the Pause ing interest in the affairs of govern-; State college. j ^ ^ c T t o ^ W Jo S S S ffity dra8fied“? ment and in the men and women re- On Saturday morning, March 22, j Concert goers Monday, March 31 i heads “ * swamswamped the P Sigs to sign only twice since last year’s Friday JUNIOR PROM sponsible for government ' their names on the dotted line. Then aftern°on’s programs T h u ^ y , April 3 _ Between the activities took place in the new audi- i His name is Mario Braggiotti netted together as much as Saturday Men.s and Women.s DormS| bom torium at Chico State. Dr. Harlen I He is internationally known. He i ®aisH?00*t ov5T made evening. 10:00 a m to 5;00 p m M. Adams, executive dean, greeted' was the partner in m usic w ith! prSI ?, the group with the timely topic, i Jacques Fray as they formed the ,. ^«Boons w ill be the theme of “Fifty Million Freshmen” will be j 75c per Student Benjamin Orames, “What the Community Expects of j two piano team. Playing solo now, S?e decora**°^' 33 planned by th presented Friday and Saturday j $1.00 per City Residents other than the School.” Mrs. Edward T. Walk-' Braggiotti is winning new success I . *rom nights only. students Of Salvation Army, er, state president of the California; for the novelty, informality and cor-1 * e suspect the majority of the col- Congress of Parents and Teachers, i diality of his program, as well as his *efe J®* turn out to see the gals To Speak Here rallied with the topic, “What the! artistic qualities rule the evening as the topsy-turvy Schools Expect of the Community ” j He is the fourth child in a family j wee* comes to a nappy end. Scienc« Conference Commissioner Benjamin Orames, Section meetings were then held by i of eight in which all eight became i ------♦ —— — i Australian-born Salvation Army of- I various public relation groups, which | fleer who has lived and worked i n ! discussed subjects of interest to alL FRIDAY, MARCH 28, AND SATURDAY. MARCH 29 : many parts of the world, including ; Friday and Saturday evening Faculty Briefs Under the Sponsorship of the Division of Natural Sciences New Zealand, France, Egypt, N o rth events were held at the Hotel Oaks. Chico State College China, Canada and , w ill b e The conference ended with a meet- the speaker in the Little Theater j ¡ng of participants for the section The first sabbatical leave ever to FRIDAY Thursday, April 3, at 2:30 p. m. The meeting at Santa Barbara and the j be granted at Chico State will be talk is open without charge to a ll officers and directors of the north- ! taken by Dr. Vesta Holt, beginning 7:30-8:00 p. m.—Registration. Foyer of Auditorium. students and the general public. era section. ! January 1, 1953, for six months. Dr. 8:15—OPENING SESSION. Commissioner Orames, tall deep­ I Holt plans to study the science pro- Welcome to Conference Participants, Dr. Glenn Kendall, Presi­ voiced and erect, began his S alva­ i grams of general education patterns dent of the College. Presentation of Conference Theme, Dr. Vesta tion Army officership in 1899, leav­ in schools such as the University of Holt, Chairman, Division of Natural Sciences. Introduction of the ing his home in Kyneton, Australia, [ Chicago, M ichigan State, Princeton, Guest Speaker, Dr. Holt. to commence a career that has m ade Newman Club Columbia and Harvard. ADDRESS: “Living Molecules: A New Age in Science,” Dr him a true internationalist. For George W. Beadle, Director Kerckhoff Laboratories of Biology, three years he served as a chaplain Dr. Holt, who is chairman of the California Institute of Technology. in the muddy trenches of France ! division of natural sciences, came RECEPTION. Auditorium Lounge. during World War I, and also in th e Forum Series to Chico State college in 1926 from sandy terrain of the Suez Canal j Columbia university, where she re- SATURDAY area. ’ ceived her M A Later she earned 9:00-9:30—Registration and Open House. Lower floor. Science Later he was leader of the Salva­ Open to Public | her PhD. at Stanford university. Building. tion Army in North China, territo r­ She had sponsored the Delta Sig 9:30-10:30—SECTION MEETINGS. ial commander for the Western Sex instruction for our young I ! sorority for the past 25 years and I. “Our Present Concept of the Gene,” Dr. George W. Beadle; America territory, and then of Can­ people was the theme of Monday i i the Theta Epsilon sorority, which Harry Silberman, Science, Anderson High school, presiding. ada, and international secretary for evening's third in the series of Mar- j celebrated its silver anniversary this Room Sc. 120. the - and the British riage and Family Forums, sponsored ¡ week. II. “The Geology of Northern California,” Dr. Fred Neumann, Dominions at the army’s interna­ by the Chico State Newman dub. ■ The sabbatical leave was granted Geology, Chico State College. Room SM-117. tional headquarters in London. | Dr. Holt at a meeting of the presi­ III. “Some Demonstrations in Elementary Physics,” Mr. Ed­ Dr. Donald J. Casey presented his; dent’s cabinet on Tuesday morning, theme, “The Doctor Speaks on Sex,' MARIO BRAGGIOTTI ward Guilford, and Mr. Frank Bjorklund, Physics, Chico State and was followed by Rev. Bernard March 18. College. Room Sc. 118. German Student J. Manion, assistant pastor of St musicians, painters or writers. Their Ur. Ralph H. Pryor, assistant pro- IV. Science and Society. Dr. Noel Mottershead, Philosophy, John the Baptist Catholic church,! father Isodore Braggiotti was a I lessor of business at Chico State col- Chico State college; Mr. Alfred Tisch, Business Manager, Mills Visits Groups Here who gave “The Priest Speaks on noted voice teacher; their mother! lege, has been invited for the third Orchards, Hamilton City, presiding. Room SM-208. ______Sex." The reproductive system and the beautiful Lily Schlesinger of j consecutive year to join the faculty 10:30-11:15—RECESS. Coffee Hour and Open House. The Westminster club, the Pres- ! function in both male and female . i of the summer session at New Mex- 11:15-12:15—SECTION MEETINGS. byterian student group, this week was discussed, and a frank talk on Braggiotti spent his time in Bos-,, *®° Highlands^ university in Las V. “Bacteria as Weapons in Warfare,” Dr. Allan Douglas, has sponsored the visit of Edzard jsa? was given, showing the two ton and in his youth. He i ” ****• . **• conduct Biology, Chico State college; George McDougal, Trinity Union Obendiek of Wuppertal, Germany, viewpoints. . started the study of piano in the! administration and super- High school, presiding. Room Sc. 120. to our campus. j The series will end Monday eve- [ New England Conservatory of Mu-1vulonvision 01of business education and VI. Engaging Demonstrations of Some Basic Chemical Princi­ ning when “Life Together” will be j sic. A t 17 he entered the Con- j ^ ( h ods of teaching business sub­ ples, Using Available Materials and Equipment Dr. H. Courtney Obendiek has studied at Wupper­ Benedict and Dr. Norman Lofgren, Chemistry, Chico State col­ tal Teachers Train in g college, G o t­ file theme brought out in the discus-! servatory and at this time met Jec

Gatherings Jean "Tabby” Livingston a n d j The National Association of Man­ I Clyde Phelps, who are both gradu-1 Cardinal Key... ufacturers has announced the estab- _ ,| alcate students at Chico...... State, last i , _ . _ ,, ...... * lishment of the N.A.M.’s President’s Spring came just when we or- j week announced their encasement 1 9ar.dp^*,Key Nat*®,Jal Scholarship award, which will be dered it and everything else seems! T h . , . . * . Honor society last Friday were Glo- given annually to a sophomore stu- to be w o rk i^ o u t th e same way Manly^Carlson^Ber- dent who is preparing to be a all the Greek leUergalsand fellows f 'l^ k m n ^ b e P o t^ o r n in ^ 1 ^ W 0“ * W Dimauro, Mary ^ c h e r l h e S p will pro-I on the Chico State campus. We are „Stockton before coming to Chico., Louise Inman, Janet Long, Elaine , vide $1,200 during the student’s jun- sncozing now with our nose between Clyde Phelps received his bach- j f^nuiips, Coral Selburg, Ramona I jor and senior years, our paws but just you wait ’til Pio-1 fIor degree in January. He trans-: st™ng and Beverly Volpato. i Reauirements ar_ ¿,at the sturimt neer Week rolls around again! -erred ^ Chico State from the Uni-| The Cardinal Key initiatory din-1 be A ^ ^ i cUize^* nlann^np^ IOT* s t c m i versity of Alaska, near Fairbanks. i ner was held a week ago Thursday ** *“ ^ IOTA SIGMA ; _. . . _ * evening Earh npw mpmh»p»»«L the teaching profession; that The Iota Sig fraternity has de-1, palF' P*a" to be married | qujre(j L wear a rpfj i. _ H j he do satisfactory work, and that he vised a clever m eans of diverting “ Juna- also 1An1terJd to secure teach- was feSifon^d o !wiu return to the same school for iiirur attontirtnattention from midterms---- - _th e1 •1112 *nS jobs10^s min Alaska in Spntpmhpr.September. | Cardinal Key and Blue Key a re P ip J10^01* anc* senior years. Nomi- annual Twirps T w irl. Pledging to j T*1^ do not. however, intend £ to the two principal honor organiza-! nati?“s "* *® be made by college his fraternity are Jerry Keyawa, Imake their home permanently m I tions on our campus today 1 Presidents before April 1 and win- Dick Jenkins, A lan McKee, Neil | Alaska- I To attain distinction by becoming ne” . announc®d **»? ¡2 » Lark, Everett Broth Bob "Bruho” a member you must be an upper? I v w“ «ers wtil be invited to New Gababout Arnell. Gene Carleon. A1 Shelton. classmen who has made good schol-!York “ d t*»®» wU1 receive official the guys Jack Benson, A1 Carpenter, Carl Louise Johnson j arship averages and has taken part j recognition. BEACH PARTY: and all because Phelps and Tim Forester. Pvt. Aus­ I in campus leadership and activities, i LAW SCHOLARSHIP of Christa Neuhaueier. Heard about tin Clarke, home on leave from Fort ------«------, STANFORD UNIVERSITY—Stan - What are those strange devices the beach party held recently in thé Ord, visited the meeting. Tells Engagement ford Law School scholarship, for [ SllJff J? * * * “ S ^ uth women's lounge of the library? ALPHA CHI Kappa Delta Pi. entering student« will h» aworHoH ! Some say they are telephone entering students will be awarded connections between the two dorms. SOMEbody tipped over the ashtray. New president of Alpha Chi sor- Louise Johnson, Chico State col- __Kappa. H ______Delta Pi,| Alpha Nu chap-!°n a competitive__ | _____ .BM basis to students______& “ ^ “uke ag^didST RiSnor'hS Hear tell that blonde grad G. E. R. orlty, Gloria Bulzbach. presided lege freshman,. . _ . announced I her en-1 ter, r, had a business and social meet- i who make application before April ^ id^ w L^efoSd b^Eva^ seen running through the halls is over the Tuesday night meeting gagement to BBob j ~Sexton of Willows. mg March 20, at which the educa- *t was announced recently by Act- not being pursued just because it’s wherein plans for th e Pledge Dance at a farewell party for her brother j tion students’ duplication system in£ Dean Samuel D. Thurman, Jr. I L_e *“ t ‘“if matter, TWIRP Week. That Ed. 140 gal is were made and members decided to last Saturday. was discussed at length and nt looks The scholarships for 1952-53 carry | run out oi dimes. hot on his hec1" help in all efforts of beautifying the The engagement announcement Sas though duplication facilities will I stipends up to $1.200. Why does Far Western boxing HELLOS AGAIN—Seems like we I creek. An overnight camping trip was made by h er stepfather, Orrin I Possibly be here in 1952-53. Applications and detailed infor­ champ Harry Bemacchi blush when devote a good part of this column was scheduled for May 30-31. AX Zumwalt, of Orland. Louise was The pledge ceremony will be held mation about the scholarships may anyone mentions clippings? to the kids who carried books here members of C ardinal Key, Elaine graduated from Elk Creek High I April 1, for the incoming member- be obtained by writing the Dean of O. T. McAfee's cheerful face is last year. Don Wuitenberg is back Phillips. Gloria Bulzbach and Ra- schooljast year and entered Chico' ship, in Bidwell Hall. Those affect- the School of Law, Stanford Univer- j missed at South Hall these days, for the week, all six-foot-six of him. mona Strang,, were congratulated. State in the falL Wedding plans 1 ^ w ill receive a notice in the near sity, Stanford, California. ‘ What is talcing up all your time. And Austin rates another mention.! The meeting adjourned with a I were not announced. ! future. To be eligible for the scholarships,Mac? Good to see Bardetie Cofer home : c°ffee hour with the Delta Psi Delta ------o ______L_ Formal initiation will be held on candidates must have completed at j Is Everett Brott really charging for a few days, air force uniform' fraternity. _ . ^ j _ ' April 18 at the Hotel Oaks. least three years of approved aca- admission to people wishing to enter andau- i theta sigma upsilon I r acuity, ¡Student T he social part of the evening was demic work in college or have ob-1 his room? A very interesting can- Wedding bells rang recently for During the Theta Sigma Upsilon, ¡' highlighted by A1 Schlueter, direc­ tamed the bachelor of arts degree. ”T can picture seems to be the center Harriet Huniiey and we’re all set to , meeting Pat Ingraham and Joann | r « | i Tmirnamont tor of physical education In the The scholarships will be awarded of attention, wish her much happiness. The fella , Ettl were made co-chairmen of the " U u 1 U U i lldlllclll Chico city schools. His topic was without regard to the state in which I Speaking of rooms, what is the «is from her home town but we’re i annual Senior Farewell held by the j m n . ^ j “M eat for Thought,” which gave the the applicants reside or intend to | pink creation Everett Murphy has looking forward to meeting him! ' sorority. Marilyn Carlson was se- I 0 u6Q rlf1 NOOII I members present an excellent in- reside after graduation. Applicants turned his room into? Whatever the We hear the bachelors of Chico ; lected as a delegate fo r the conven- O M V V U I sight into specific problems and will be given equal consideration purpose is, it sounds interesting! State are having a party tonight to ! tion in August.| A go-to-church Sun- | overall effects of physical education. whether it is the intention of the Bucky Strong was rather uncere- console each other at their lack of! lay is planned for March 30. The Blue Key announces the s ta rt' A fter the talk and short discussion, iAdividual student to prepare for j moniously dumped out of his room invites to the TWERP dance . . . DELTA SIGS of their annual Faculty - vs._____ Student!B B i the members______adjourned|______for____ refresh- private practice or to enter some when a former tenant returned for some of them even turned the gals ! The Delta Sigma Eosilon memhers IGoli Tournament Plans are now | ments and round-table chatting. other career. | a visit Maybe Austin will let you Because the scholarships are re- j have his private suite at Fort Ord, ?S t' ; ' V M°Ve WC crasn oi.v 11A arter sour !i h«Mnew ■ pledges. The girls «went r i tos ! sThe s Blue s Key each year ««»>11 sponsors n ------_ . — r™ newable each successive year, pro- j Bucky. festivities. Joanne Hansen’s h om e for cocktails, this affair, with the winning group Delta Gamma MU . . . vided the student maintains a satis- Tony Dukas has finally found his Corsages, umm . . . some of last j partook of salads at the home of having their name on the cup dis- j Members of Chico State's honor- factory scholastic record, a student calling. He is cast as the Latin lover years creations were really on the Betty DUlard and Dardy Harris, played in tiie rotunda. All students \ ary music fraternity. Delta Gamma may be awarded a total stipend of j in the forthcoming Variety Show. up and up. Remember the gal who | relished their main course at the interested in playing are to contact i Mu, convened last evening at the $3,600 during his three years in the j Bells have been ringing in South threw a pack of cigarettes into hers? j home of Mrs. Guy Kibbee and fin- Garth Dunning. The faculty leader: home of Jim Standard for an infor- Stanford Law school. ; Hall lately as the residents get a Then there was Dona Morgan s. j ished off their meal w ith dessert at ISJ?r'.j°mf r mal meeting and program in honor YOUTH FOUNDATION [ taste of what it’s like to be smoth- complete with a worm in the center i the House u,of James, Coordinating this group will be i of three new members initiated Scholarships to th e American | ered with attention. Twirp week. ofnrur, the leave J n things. , . ,1 CSUa---- Carter was appointed head andJpformation may be early this month. Youth Foundation Leadership Train- | you know. WHO was the gal who turned up 0f the dessert party which is to be ?btained. from J11*11’.as weU as the. The three are Luella Lofgren, ing camp at Shelby, Michigan, for j South Hall threw a big wing-ding at Dave Harp and Don Smith’s. held in honor of a national dfficer. iW0 caPtains. Startmg date for the Arvel Allread and Mary Lou Ober?t. the summer of 1952 are being offered for the North Hall girls last night apartment Tuesday eve to provide Audrey Schlossin w ill assist in the tournament will be soon after Eas-1 Following discussion of routine to college freshmen by the Danforth ' From all reports the affair- was a their supper and take Dave on a I planning ter vacation. | business, refreshments were served Foundation. The camp has a non- big success. Why don’t we do this town tour and trip to the local ci-1 p. _ _ denominational religious emphasis ; more often? nema? Out for points, of course! I : ently^-ecord ed “Manhattan to ^ Tower,” ^ . in its two week program. Interested Victor Pierce has Anally succeed QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Why Pl KaPpa Sigma members were FEATURING 1 swim at Five Mile when it’s so much s“rprlsad with the n ew s of the mar- | a musical narrative of New York i students should see John Narciso, j ed in beating Joe Rukavina at ping- better on the Riviera? Why, indeed! " ag e° f member H a rn e tt Huntley to City written by Gordon Jenkins. | whose office is in the Tower. I pong. Congrats, kids! Anybody gotta private plane, or F*“ “ =Indo° of A?**?™: ^ cara- shall we be happy with cars and ! nfn proceeded to the Optimo the good ole (and mighty cold these I ^ ^ a \ Str t0 r Ah,?n‘ I I days) waters of the dam. Some 0f ! new Pi Kap pledges. After j r the fellas dove in Wednesday eve- 016 °™ner Pioneer Day activities. rung . . . and got out again just as were discussed. fast We suspect it’ll be quite a LAMBDA P I while before they venture into their A formal initiation of the new i swim trunks again! members of Lambda Pi fraternity Cute couple: Tom McCampbell was held Friday evening and was! -TIME! and secretary Clala Chapla. Seen followed by a dinner-dance at the | together at recent functions having Green Lantern Lodge in Paradise, j BETTY LANE a heckuva good time. On Tuesday evening plans were laid | South Hall, we hear, gave the for Pioneer Day. O th e r items d is-; SHOPS North Hall gals an all-out open cussed were creek beautification, 232 Broadway Phone 124 house last night “Come into my spring .socials and the sale of student | parlor,” was the byword. What par­ directories. A1 F riebel and Tom ; lor? Jones received swats fo r being “too j We hear Jack Marcus wasn’t efficient.” Yah? twirped because he can’t see danc­ CHI TAU ing . . . waste of time, as far as Chi Tau welcomed its six new J Vecino Theatre he’s concerned. Course he means we members at the regular meeting NINTH and ESPLANADE should all stay home and bury our held Tuesday night. The calendar ' little noses in our big books instead! for the next two months was dis­ Chico California ------«------cussed. Pioneer W eek and student Phone 1862-W body elections were discussed and! STARTS SATURDAY committees were appointed. Charlie I.A. Corner. Cotton, Jim Nason, B ob Fosen and Elbe Stafford all received swats, j Decision Before Dawn By K. G. DUNBAR and Dean Dixon and Bob Weckerle re­ with Richard Basehart and M. C. DODGE ceived round robins fo r certain un- | Gary Merrill The members of the Industrial orthodox conduct d u rin g Hell Week. | Arts club weft entertained last The meeting was closed with the' ALSO SELECTED SHORTS Thursday at the regular meeting usual singing of the C h i Tau song, j with a very interesting talk by Ster­ ling Gerard. Sterling related a few of his experiences in the Canadian ENJOY SNOOKER AND BILLIARDS AT army which proved very humorous and yet eventful. The ACADEMY As a result of this talk, the mem­ ALSO FOUNTAIN SERVICE AND SANDWICHES bers were able to add another word Mr. a n d Mr». Ivan Newton. Proprietors to their vocabuJarv. “pally-ass.” If you are curious as to the definition, 130 Main . Phone 3622 either join the Canadian army or ask Sterling. Tomorrow night the I.A. members and their wives will get together for the second semi-annual IA. social, this being to gri acquainted with the new members. Jjizabeth Arden —We need your head in our business! The pA eA eidi Campus Barber Shop ____ 138 BROADWAY a Precious Pair LIGHT LUNCHES to HOMEMADE CANDIES FOUNTAIN SERVICE smooth • JAN Til N Price’s Candies 146 Broadway Telephone 164 dry skin

JAMES KINPIO Rich Orange Skin Cream and For Your Sweet— Moisture O il help dry, neg­ Our new Jantzen Swimsuits have just arrived.. Tooth, heart, self lected skin to satin texture, Come in and see them!!! as they soothe, smooth, and restore pliancy! *2.25 BENOIT’S plus lUM SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN $12.95 to $17.95 TO ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT BOXES FINE CANDIES FROZEN FRENCH CUSTARD “CONFECTION CORNER” 500 Broadway Chico. Calif. 7 9 C . G â e n S i 7 f t . öd& i & ß * . Across from Post Office «ITM UW IM 1WI • EMI— im riM II ESTA BUSH CD «a7a e CHICO. CALIFORNIA PACÍ: FOUR THE WILDCAt — CHICO. CALIFORNIA ...... -...... — ■■ —■ ' ______FRIDAY.______MARCH___IR] M. ljjj Track Team Is Host to Placer and Shasta Junior Today Tennis Team Baseballers Battle Wildcats Split Green Chico Squad Wins Openers Opening Games Alumni Tomorrow Making a clean sweep of the ten­ nis matches with Placer J. C. last Friday, and Shasta J. C. last Tues- Coach Roy Bohlor’s Chico Stale ¡Opens 1952 Slate By R o n H o r n e I day, Coach Paul Smith’s crew looks basoballers opened their 1952 sea­ | in fine shape and is notably one of son last week on a so-so note, Chico State baseball bugs will get a chance to see an all-Chico I the best tennis teams turned out in splitting four games with Placer By W a r n e r S e a r g e a n t band of baseballers here tomorrow afternoon as the Wildcats host Chico State college history. College and Travis Air Base right Chico State's cinder squad makes its 1952 debut here this the Chico State alumni in a single game. The tilt will get under Smith changed his lineup around down the middle. afternoon at 3:00 as they host Shasta J. C. and Placer college way at 2:00 p. m. I ——after the— _ Placer ----- match ——— —as George | The 'Cats showed good power at track squads in a triangular meet. With only four veterans re­ Langen played with Smith in dou- i the plate in their seasonal openers, Ten Alumni had revealed their intent to play at this writing. kies against Shasta. All of the men collecting 20 runs. But shoddy pitch- turning to the cinderpaths for the locals this year, the outlook as —---- — 4 with others expected to do likewise far as the 'Cats’ strength is concerned is a big question mark. m g y | , before game time. Those on the ros- had little trouble with their oppon- ing and spotty defensive play per- ents. Not once was a third set re- mitted them Just two wins in the ♦ V eterans returning from last Men s Intramural ¡?r. f?r aurLTlud1?c?en1 F*™er- quired to decide the match in sin- four games. year’s third place Far Western Con- _ , j Dale Larrabee, Frank Skoglund, Lou gles. The box score shows as follows: _ _ ...... , I A nniC T m i r n a m n n f Mozzini, Irwin Lazzarus, Bob Wei- I ierence squad are Bob Given, field iCllllia 1 UUI liailicill din, Johnny Johnson, Jerry Kubli, Chico State vs. Placer J. C. , lo^ ort summarles °n the tllts *>1- Feminine Fan Fare ! event man; Jim Nason, hurdler- Bob ______Marion Benedetti and Jack Hock- Singtes matches, j piaCel. rallied for eight runs in Weckerle, last year’s F.W.C. cham- | ing. Farmer, who teamed with George Langen (C) def. Jerry the sixth and seventh frames to 1 pion 880 man, and Vem Clary a The men's Intramural Tennis tour­ Martynse (P) 6-3: 6-0. Individual Sports Day to Ba Hold I javelin thrower. nament has been drawn up and is t lefty Bush Dalrymple to form a Leo Kcechi

ALL NEEDS MoiitUaria Where . . . Paradise Pines FOR When . . . Every Saturday Night . . . ALL SPORTSMEN 9:00 Till 2:00 A. M. 128 Broadway Phone 359