Piper —Fat Still Needf d Sart Yourt THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY IpTY-SEVENTH YEAR—No. 13 Entered as Second Class Matter PubUlhed IpTY- Post Office. Westfiela. N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1946 Every Thursday. SS Pac«»-~S EsTKtty Baltz With Red Cron Overseas Anton Rovinsky Speaks Wednesday [o Fill Franklin To Play Here 69 Per Cent of Voters Cast Ballots; chool Vacancy Tomorrow Night Town, County, State All Republican Schooli Clow Until Music Club Concert Wertfield'. Mayor Elect Tuesd»y For Convention For Scholarship Fund High Majorities Bailey Heads Arnistice Dajr Has Vtricd Program Awarded All Local Ballot Miss Betty Baltz, an urmssigned The Musical Club concert will be j eher, was appointed elementary I given tomorrow evening at 8:30 in the Franklin School to p, m. in the Roosevelt Junior High GOP Candidates With 6,769 Votei lace Mrs. Edward Deacamp, a School by Anton Rovinsky, pian- and grade instructor in the ist. Mr. Rovineky'g program in- State and county rode along on Traditionally Republican . ool who tendered her re*i|ma- cludes a Beethoven Sonata, and i the nation-wide Republican gallop field gave large majorities to all i effective Nov. 1 at the Board compositions by Schumann, Bach, Tuesday, returning H, Alexander candidates of that party in Tu*». Education meeting hjld In Roo- Brahms, Debussy, Ravel, Rovin- Smith to the Senate, Clifford P. day's General Election, voted for Junior High School last sky and Albeniz. All proceeds from Case to Congress and electing Al- the proposed emergency housing iht | the concert will be used for the fred E. Driscoll, Governor. There bill and for the County Retirement JTestficld schools will be closed! club scholarship fund. were heavy majorities all along; plan, norrow to allow teachers to at-] There are no reserved sent) and the line, extending down into the Sixty-nine per cent of tho 11,279 j the meeting of the New Jer-: tickets may be purchased at the GOP candidates for State Assem- voters registered, cast ballots, act' Education Assocatlon in At- door. MISS CORA PHOEBE CLARY, bly and County Clerk and Board ting a new record for an off yw tic City tomorrow, Saturday The club will hold its November who fat the put nina y«»n fcai of Freeholders. election. The total vote was 1717. | Sunday. About 30 teachers meeting Wednesday afternoon at dirvctad th« Anaricftii Service Although thousands of voters In 1942, the last off year, 64 per n to attend, according to an an-' 2:30 p. in. in the home of Mrs.Center ipontored by the American failed to pull levers on the public cent of the voters, 6388, went to '. jnefflnent by Charles' A. Phil-1 Walter L. Day Jr., 720 Lawrence YWCA In I.Unbul, Turkey. questions, the $36,000,000 bond is- the polls. The largest turnout for rtr, superintendent of schools, i avenue. • sue for emergency housing passed any election wai in 1940, when lh Avmietice Day falling on' The subject of the meeting is by more than two to one- through- 91.8 per cent voted. In 1944, 8«.« nday, n long week-end will b,e "Music in the Home," and the pro- out the state. The County Retire- per cent, 9791, cast ballot*. In all oyed by school students and; gram will include acquaintance Cora P. Clary ment Plan was approved by about districts there wer« complaint* ""- with songs and songbooks suitable the same margin. that the registry lists were Inaccu- CHARLES P. BAILEY 'wenty-nine Weatfield students for use with all ages, participation To Speak At YW The county gave Senator Smith rate, listing names of persons dt-- I participate in tho All-State in group singing by those present, a plurality of 31,604 votes over ceased or no longer residents. The jru« and Orchestra, which will ways of enhancing the musical ex- Democratic opponent, Mayor Geo. number of these was not ascer- e a program (luring the Atlantic perience of children through sim- To Address Fellowship E. Brunner of Caniden and theBorough Backs tained, but probably was offset by '' y meeting of the teachers, Twen- ple rhythmic responses to music, state rolled up tecord breaking the election day registration of 12* four of the students are in the and a short period In which those Luncheon Wednesday margins for him, Driscoll won out veterans, by Town Clerk Charlet ' irus and five in the orchestra. present may have an opportunity in the county over Lewis G. Han-GOP Ticket Clark, which was permitted under is Janet Grimier, who will chap- to tell of ways they have found The annual World Fellowship sen, Democrat, by 28,829 votes and a recent law. ne the group, was awarded $350 of making music an enjoyable ex- Luncheon of the YWCA will be his state-wide plurality was well ! Charles P. Bailey, unopposed expenses for transportation • . . . ,, —American lied Cross Photo. perience in their homes. held' at 1 o'clock Wednesday with over the 200,000 mark, "Ki!roy"~Receive. GOP candidate for Mayor, was top I meals for the students. Camp Kilmer.—Four Red CroM firlt get together for a U»t-minute A display of song books, musical Miss Cora Phoebe Clary, who re- man in votes received with C760. [r. thllhower announced that chat In the burrtcki where they »re awaiting embarkation from Now cently returned from Iatunbul, Tho Republicans picked up six Vote For Council literature and books and music seats in the Assembly but dropped Henry G. Nulton, Ror.uMican for pupils at WestfieW.High School York. At the rkil, left to right: Norm* Anderson, Weitfield; Dorothea will be shown and a few recom- Turkey, as the speaker. Miss re-election as County Clerk was on the distinguished honor N. Peterton, S.« Cliff, L. 1., N. Y., and Oakland, Cnl.i Old- Clary directed the American Serv- one in the State Senate. The It was a foregone conclusion mended songbooks will be on sale. state's Congressional • delegation that some place in the country top man in the contested office), lup fit the end of the first mark- ham, Baltimore, Md., and Catherine Frank, South Willinglon, Conn. Mrs. Randolph Major is chair- ice Center sponsored by the Amer- with n total of 6569 votes. Clif- period and that 40 students ican YWCA there for nine years. remains unchanged, Republicans "ICilroy" would appear in the elec- man of the program. holding their 12 seats and the Dem- tion. He turned up in Afountnin- ford P. Case, Republican for ie> re members of the honor (rroup, She will talk of her unusunl expe- election to the House of Repre- Ie also reported that a total of Grade School Patrols riences in serving women of allocrats holding two, both In Hudson Bide, whore ho received one vote County. Political annlysts, who for Council. This little by-play sentatives was second with 4Go»t vacant. Despite this, G. Clifford Thomas was the heav- The Senior High basketball ject at the Benjamin Franklin he received 309 votes and Steven- test vote getter among the State iule of 16 games was an- Miss Normn P. W. Anderson of, -„ . , ,.,.-„., , of the association, and there will 266 Klmball avenue was among' School auditorium Wednesday at Tuesday evening, at the regular be vocal selections by the new Y- son 482. William Guilfoyle ie- Assembly candidate* with 6551. 10 a. m. celvotl 42 write-in volea for thoHe was followed by Charles. B. mty-nint ntore students were 125 American Red Cross workers meeting of the College Woman's Tien diroctor, Mi«s Mi»J'y Follmer. who sailed front New York recent- Several brief talks on what is Club at the Masonic Temple, a Proceeds of the luncheon;wlll h«2000th Veteran olHce. Geddes, Joseph L, Breaehtr and, ' during October than'the short skit, publicizing tfie forth' Thomas M. Mulr in that aider. i month last year. Mr. Phil- ly for assignment in done in cthei* schools will be fol- used to further the overseas activ- Albert J. Beniiiiigor, Rcpublicim, occupied conns in Europe. A relowed by a discussion period. If coming pliiy and written by Mrs.ities of the YWCA. Reservations J. H. M. Dudley was first among Hid 153 girls arc playing Paul P. Hauck, Was presented by Aided At Center defeated Austin H. Johnson, Dem- the freeholder cundidatea. I hockey and of these, six -were can^DUV tIVbUV letteI Wr a**«4to, jf«*v*BVkj her parentsj *'**• **4**,« Mr. and , time is available, motion pictures may be made by calling the office, ocrat, for Justice of the Peace 445 Mrs. Ernest Anderson tells of her of patrols in action will also be the dramatic department. Mrs. Wo. 2-1841. Frank H. Beta received ,'1277 - for the Northern Jersey Lorrimer Armstrong acted as the to 8S. _• Field Tournament, and five arrival in Welsbaden, Germany. shown, Miss Clary went to Turkey in Vincent Brennan votes in the First AVurd for Coun- The contingent was the largest Parents from all school districts "Professor" in the take-off on "Dr, Votera approved the referendum cil, Conrad M, Lewis 947 in tha chosen, to play on the Jersey I. Q." and five past presidents of 1927 when Ataturls was enforcing No. 2000 At Office increasing salaries of members of nip's team, Ho also reported sent abroad by the Red Cross since arc urged to attend, since the prob- his new decrees to bring Turkish second, Rudolph L. Tanner 1482 the end of the war. Its members the club were prompters. You tho Police Department 328 to 80In the third and C. Alsn Phillips It 74 classes, with 2,646 pupils, lem is felt to have town-wide in-Can't Take It With You, the name men and women up-to-date, She The 2000th veteran to receive and approved the emergency hous- I benefited from the visual edu- will joij n 3,50, 0 workers already terest; . has a significant story to tetl of 1092 in the fourth. All were un- h of the production scheduled for aid at the Westfield Veterans' ing bill nnd the County Retire- opposed. |ion- program at the Junior conducting programs wherever Nov. 29-30, was the quiz subject, the Turkish woman's emergence Service Ontor at 235 East Broad ment Plan. All Republican candi- School, that orthopedic exarrt- American troops are stationed and various bits about the playfrom seclusion and' of the active street appeared at the organiza- dates received substantial major- The vote hero on the emergency- pions had been completed, and throughout the world. were gleaned by the audience. Mrs. role they now play in tho Service tion's office on Monday, according ities. housing measure-was close, 2619 to- lical examinations hod been Miss Anderson, who is a camp Library Shows Center work in Istanbul where a 2108. Five of the 15 districts vot-~ John Smart was in charge of the to Mrs, Helen Bauer, secretary of The increased police pay, effec- hn in all but Lincoln and Frank- secretary, has served as a hospi- performance. board of four-fifths Moslems helps the Center. ed against tho proposition. On the » I schools. tal and camp secretary since join- to direct tho work. tive Jan. 1, is as follows: Chief of County Retirement Plan, tho vote , Illustrations Vincent Brennan, a Coast Guard ing the Red Cross in Mar., 1944. Any information loading to the So favorably were the Turkish police, from $3,000 to $3,800 a was 2902 for and 1617 against.-3 She served in New Guinea and the veteran who lives at 26 Gnllowne, year; lieutenant of police, from acquisition of two kittens for theauthorities impressed by her work was number 2000 when he applied Southwest Pacific theatre. She Book Week Display College Club play, You Can't Take that when American uviators land- ?2,700 to $3,200; patrolmen, first (Continued on Paje 6) lege Men's was a member of the Westfield It With You will be gratefully re- for aid In filing his terminal leave year, from $1,900 to $2,200; pn- chapter volunteer motor corps in In Children's Dept. ceived by the play committee, it (Continued on Paj»e 6) pay and assistuncc in straighten- trolmen, second year, from $2,020 1942. ing out his government insurance. to $2,380; patrolmen, third year, has been announced. Mrs. H. A. Vincent is one of tho sona of the Armistice Rites )kerNov/15 Previously she worked with the Original illustrations by Lois Guerin (We. 2-4143-J) and Mrs. from $2,140 to $2,520; patrolmen, Union Jack Club i.and with the Lenski and Kurt Wiese, two prom- N. A. Chase (We. 2-4622J) as- Brennan family which had' six out; fourth year, from $2,280 to $2,880; inent children's authors and illus- sure prompt return after thciv dra- Mixed Swimming of seven members in the sorvicc i patrolmen, fifth year, from $2,380 At Plaza Monday Little And Freeman British Overseas Airways Corp. trators, will be on display in the (luring the war. His sister served At the 'request of the Army and matic debut. to $2,840; patrolmen lifter the fifth children's department of the Free in the Army Nurses Corps, and year, $2,500 to $3,000. To Address Members under terms of a recent agreement, Public Library during Book Week, Aside from the missing felines, Offered At YM one brother each served in the Legion To Conduct the Red Cross is continuing in Nov. 12 to 15, and the week imme- the rehearsals for the production Army, Navy and Marine Corps. The detailed vote appears in the 'lans for the annual fall smoker peace-tthie the recreational pro- election chart on this page, Services At Monument diately following. are progressing well under the di- Co-ed Activity Set Vincent's father, Capt. Alfred the College Men's Club of West- gram it conducted during the war, rection of Richard Newton. The Brennan of the Merchant Marine, 0 to be held at the Echo Lake and has allocated $25,900,000 for Three original drawings by Lois Lenski, one from Blue Kidgo Billy, east meets at the home of Mrs. For Wednesday Nights was killed in Mar., 1945. Simple memorial services will witry Club on Friday evening, the service this year. Bird Club Hears mark the Armistice Day program her latest ill u series of regional John Collins, assistant to Mrs. Vincent Brcnnan's terminal *• 15, at 8 p. m. have been com- Bryce HacDonaW, the play chair- • of the Martin-Wallberg Post, ted. studies, have been loaned to the A mixed swim group •for adults leave pay blank was the one hun-Talk On Moths Motor Vehicle man. Fun and hard work are re-is being offered in the physical de- j American Legion, on Monday. library. Also shown will be the dred and seventy-fourth filed by • ; Services will be held at this World ?«fge E. Little, director of ath- galley proofs of the boolt, as well • ported by the cast of 10 which now partments of the local YMCA ev- the Service Center. "How many Office Moves "Moths and Butterflies" was the j War Monument in the Plaza, North ics at Rutgers University and as a special exhibit centered about! includes Mrs. K. II. Russell, Mrs. ery Wednesday evening to provide more we have actually unswcrei topic of P. T. Nnumann of Sum- j avenue and Broad street, lit 10:30 Freeman, coach of the local! the Little Red Fire Engine, the ] K. Lutkin Smith, Thomas Potts an opportunity for married or un-questions on I don't know," ! The Motor Vehicle office has id Imit in his address to the Westfield'; n. m. Members of the Legion will Bh School football team, will be newest of the famous Sir. Small - and Prcntisa Huworth in addition married couples to enjoy swim- Mrs. Bauer. "By filing I mean j moved to a now location on the Bird Club, who met nt the home of j meet nt the. Legion building at main speakers. Both of these books, | to those previously named. ming together UK U carry-over of actually fillinR in the blank (and) second floor of the building on the Mr. nnd Mrs. It. S. Tucker on Moil- 10:15 a. m. and march to the cere- •> »re interesting, forceful char- corner of North avenue and Elm Miss Lenski lust year received j The posters seen around Wost- their summer swim activities. The often supplying it), notarizinu ters and a pleasant evening's en- pool is reserved for this co-rceroa- day evening. i monies. street, opposite the Peoples Bank. the Newbcry prize, awarded an- j field publicizing the play arc made mine and getting the entire thing jammoit ia expected. The change was made Nov. 1. mmllyby the children's section of i by the art classes of the Senior tional activity each Wednesday | ready for mailing even to nddress- Mr. Nnumann illustrated his talk j Chaplain John K. Bodcl will (rive The•r! e are several other features with mounted Hpecimens of iii.see.tn j the involution, und short messages the American Library Association j High School under tho direction of evening from R:.",0 o'clock until the i insns;; the envelope—senvelopeso wwee areare sure «" ?«*«„, which will be an- Discharged Jh\s Week for the most distinguished contri-1 Miss Harriet Howard, li houh r off 10 p. m. ClCompletet | it ^foe s to the prope,u,rw „,„,,,.office!. " collected both in lh« tropics and j will be offered by Frank Pettit, l( »n«d later and which should add tuition to children's literature dur-1 Also at the Tuesday meeting, locker, showeh r nndd" towetll facilitiefiliti s j " "AH\ " to the''itisurancT'inimlici r " '™H.v, and explained their hab-1 Lcirion commander, and Rev. Mcrlo itllt fot rably to the spirit of the T-5 Joseph N. Toshi, 1803 North ing the venr. The Westfield Li- [ Betty .May from Paradise Isles of arcc provided for the participants.!; MrsMVII,, Bauer addeaddedd T "I won'wont oveeven I '' "' "'"' characteristics, jj S . Irwin. The Lcjrion firingg squaq d avenue; Sgt. George A. Smyth, Glifi brary is fortunate in being able to; tne pacific, assisted by Leo Muli- The mixed swim was imiiiRurnt-l hazard a guess. We have ult man- A question and answer period I "'ill be present at the ceremoni There is no charge for the smok- Clark street; Sp. Kichard J. Sciis1- seenre the originals for exhibit this poln and Lei Lani from Samoa, ed' as a part of the year-round pro-1 ner and types of blanks—and need followed, in which the .'IB members j and taps will bo played. The bells as has been tlie usual custom baeh, 64 Overhill street, and Capt. year. cave a program of South Sea Is- fllfollowini g a requestt ffro m i and of the club partici will toll for two minutes ut 11 " light refreshments will bo many member* {or a period when j piitcd. a, m., wlicu the service will bo r Jane M. Tanner, 835 Boulevard, land dances and music. Leis were (Continued on Pajje 6) «o after the meeting. received their discharges this week. (Continued on Paj*o 6) presented to Mrs. Tulbot Malcolm, couples interested in the sport and j conipk'ted. »»« Wcstfield club holds the dis- president; Mrs. Bryce iMnePonald, wiintinjT to continue their *wini- j ! Tlie public is invited to Hie cere- ™«n of having the second la re- vice president; Mrs. L. I!. Vanmintf beyond tlir warm sununcr I The Vote In Westfield And Mountainside I monies. number of college men in the Lcuven, program chairman; Capt. montliH, could make use of the pool I At 7:110 p. in. Mnnduy, tho an- >wl States and the smoker is "Keyboard Cavalcade" Feature \ Edward Kllsber;?. a finest; and together rather than the separate- '•I*"-1 nual Ariuistifo Day dinner of the unusual opportunity for college Fred Sturgis, another guest. ly scheduled classes for young men Mil jfi:i i Povt, abandonerl during the war, to become better acquainted and ynung women. Thouch it is 240 ?»| will be rvsuincd for LcgionnaireB At Woman s Club Monday Night After the entertainment refresh- j-- t und their quests. National esficu- only with the alumni of their not net:t-'R»ary, jn?rKons taking mi- .1217 I.'Ill" Id.". I ments were served' by the hostess, 1 inti,r, . 302 ™ W'leifc but vvith other college vantafco of thn mixed swim arc j 1IAN.HHN 271 2:17 :>:i' tives vpinniitteunian William Mc- Mario Braggiotti, brilliant pian- lira. John A. Ackcrnmn and herui'K^d to wnfiR uceonipstnii'd. ! miKri'MH— l(..,' Kinlcy will ari-nk, Kntcrtaitiment ri ist, will present his "Keyboard committee. CASIO •ill i will also he a ffuture of tho din- ". affair h open to all college The pool itself is of .xtiiiidard i v,\\ IUII;SI: 1 •" Hi Wcsttield whether menl- Cavalcade" at the guest meeting (if Mirx1 providing ample room fur I \~N Illj (7Sncr nivcu in liaiuu sif jmat torn- ts Mtrlj; ! minders of the Legion, "f the dub 01.no t f the W'Viiiin's Club Monday at 8:15 Opera Guild Members many pcoplf! to nwiin, dive, or jdny I:I-:JU>I-:S :u:i7 177 y. m. in the Roosevelt Junior High without, iiitprfrreiu'e. Tin1 iM'adcd , TIK'AfAH .11 ill !> I r. 177 [Ill ItaTII tilt III Hi in,I liil. School. To Attend Luncheon bottom sfartin^ a( a depth of '1'j j IVIX;MAN . :n "i.ii .1 wnan's Club Gives feet nt. it.-, shallow end and ci'uclu-1 A ;I 271 21 I Mli j Amvets To Discuss The program will include classic, 2 Hi 2" I For Blind 0 romantii1, cDiitemporary anil hum- j The 'Z.1 Wesllipld nirnibirs of | ally ilon-riidinj,' tn a inaviminii j J21 Low-Priced Housing | the Metropolitan Opera Guild have j depth of eight fret fur diving pur-! llerh— • ;' orous music. NTl.TON 3l!i7 ^cstfield Woman's Cldb is i been invited t(t atleiul tile Guild post's i\s ideal for the novice swim-, 221 The iipwly-fonued Ainvpt Po-ifc n a Mario Hragtiotti was born in „. r »' sole for the i blind i lunt'hpoii Friday, Nov. 'I'l at l'J:.'i0 j infr or the lenrncr. Thp u'itlor it-1 nf Westtield will meel tonight Hi hu Florence, Itu'.y, of Ammrmi par- tit Ihe Waldorf-Astoria in New | self i.H rontinuully rirciilati'd, filter-j III 7 " . :«)ay, Nov. J4 trtfn i) n.ents His family are accomplish- ,1 II17 K p. in. lit the yjlCA to hi'ld a I"" " ».n. n... at a» Einf .street, York, Hccoi'dinir to Mrs. Chinlps i rd anil sterilized l'i insure its lit-, SliH Hill tmtttri di mssion of the houbim; ed munitions. He studied lit the KOOH .lr., of Kamapo ^va>', who said | ness for usi1. j ple h Ul . 2.1'. 2*11 situation toi jounit tnuplt i in ^ '1 2B? * » ° I Sew" England Conservatory that reKt'rvations should be mad Information concflrniiur thth r mix- i 2117 I'.S Wi-tlield Article. .• .•»"•, i I fie in Hoston and at the Conservii- with her by tumornnv. rd swim period may lie obtained by | 1 he W I1AII.KV 3271 H.MI 1122 1126 I ho I'o ( rpcl-. Hint all \etfiam '"fcan,,, 'T' ' "'" r '"; "-U 'Ie Haris. In farl- he mad, Tiie Metio|'olitan's openi'iiir ni^ht cfHitni'tinir fit her ihc YMCA t>v j ,,,,.icll— | Will III" Intel f-tct' the 3277 11277 I hoi tu f of tii'ii iitisoitjil ntt(K fur Novel. With Ja.'iiui's Fray lie 1,1','Wlfi li 17 'oiii> in "Lakmu." 'I'lii! f'u't hrnad- prn^nnn arc Mr--, A. ({entity, pliys- I 122 low piiLtd housing VpinniH nto fimudrdu pinm> learn whii'h toured s TAK'.'MIi »st of thp ;:pjn;oh will br ifiil inHtviu'toi' Un' \\w VVVi'A and lu Ki'd (q ,ittciiil the nuctiiu to (lie continent. v Jiftfrnoon, Nuy. l'i, when | IvJ KWOJI, pliVbical dirt'irtur foi Ih'- I2SA Sin .'.PI 2 it 1 !i help put 'hi idt.io et !• ith ji la it Mr. Kragaioti iorvH ui It=d> Itholln" will be tieard. YMt A. IMS 33 S 121 21IH duriiiB U.e war with the Allied nrflrrn and to make othu Military Occupation C'\IIPET» .4X1) HI'IIOI.STHIIY riioloj;r!i|ilil<* \mtlR Curds of your VKS tf21 360 Sit, 193 Cl.IIANBI* IN YOVIl HOMIS. ehUrt or fftjtiily ;^rn uni'inr. T.iUrr HVi 201 389 1837 I'linrlrn O. Coolie, liilrrnvlllr In your nu-ii home li.v Jolo; A. Wolln S-II327-J. —Ally. 07 I.'nlon PI., (iuinmlt 6-00J7.—Adv. , ..._ 1585 21M MARIO BRAGG1OTTJ 10-10-tt ( VOTED . tin lOISl s-t-iut 3613 THE WESTP1ELD LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1946 MM tt B-BAMBERGER'S MWJOK DOLLAR FLOOfrOF VAUJES_WE CAN NOW DELIVER EVERYTHING TO YOUR DOOR*

that will be flooding in tomorrow and the next day and the next. Some of these items are Here they are—the values we told you to watch for. Every Hem on this page is brand new, marked down. You won't find reduced prices on everything. But you will find a tr . fresh. BUT it ims delayed in getting to us. If you've been looking for these things e THETRE HERE NOW and WE CAN NOV DELIVER THEM TO YOUR DOOR, Some mendous assortment of merchandise, and you will find dozens of money-saving buys at of this merchandise took so long in getting to us it's no.longer spot news. More of it took "One of America's Great Stores." START NOW TO MAIL OR PHONE YOUR ORDERS to long m coming that it's taking up floor space we plan to use for neiver merchandise AGAIN—we'll deliver! Write, call Teleservice, be at our doors at 9:30 tomorrow.



All the famous names in aluminum are back at Bamberger's, and all the sizes from tiny boil-two-eggs saucepans to 6-quarl covered saiicepots for an ocean- full of soup. Our shelves are studied high with this gleaming aluminum — so toss your ueary war-worn pots on the heap and come on the run, write or call Teleservire for any of the wonderful pots listed here. Orders totaling over 1.50 filled by Teleservice or mail. Ilousetvares, 7th Floor, <~. PRESTO WEAMt-EVEH ALVMISVM EXTEBMUSE ALUMINUM 1-quart open sauce p"« 65c 6-cup dri point or 1,82 PRESSURE COOKER 2-quart open sauce pan 3-quurl open sauce pan 95c If yMl mere waiting to buy your pressure cooker, 3-quart open sauce pan -J.00 5-ivay combination cooker 2.25 but twre afraid you'd have to put your name on o mile-long tilt—here'* your chance. We have scaret. 2-quart covered sauce pan .1,15 2-quart sauce pan, battelilc handle-2.95 4-quart covered sauce pot -L7S You can come in and take yours right home and use 3-quart sauce pan, bake.lile handlej$,45 6-quart covered sauce pot Jl.15 it to cook the most flavorsomc meal you've turned i-qnarl sauce pan, bahelila handh'-3.95 am in a long time. And you'll do your cooking in rt double boiler J2.25 V\ to Vi of the time you'd normally use. lVi''luart combination cooker. .1.95 4-quart murt> pot ' ' X.QH 8-inch square cake pan -6Oc S-quart Dutch oven 4.45 10-inch juice-saver pie pan —75c 10-inch heavy fry pun 4.45 6-qnArl covered sauce pot- 1.98 HOY AM. CHE* ALVMMVM covered master.. S.f!2 KIIOMEX AM.VMIXVM . NATIONAL W covered roaster 5.44 Cake cover with glass tray .1.98 17y2xI2x8V2" covered roaster 6.27 Tiun tcurmer with rack -2.65 Casserole for rooking, serving- -2.19 VVCKKVE ALVMIXIJM PRESSURE COOKER Use it for canning now (it comes complete with 2-quart open sauce pan. J35c ALUMIXIJM 5-way combination cooker .2.25 puns, wire canning basket, canning and cooking 2, 3 4-qunrt covered sauce pan set 4.15 guide), then take out the works and use it for ly^quart double boiler 1.99 riiESSJIlE p pressure-cooking whole meals. It's a big size—16 6-qunrl covered sauce pnt 9.19 quart* (it will hold 7 quart jars if you're canning), Aliimiiium broilcr'ette __lal^8 Wear-ever aluminum cooker 13,95 so ifyoithaiSf. a large family to feed or plan to put 10%-inch chicken fryer 4.40 Ekco aluminum cooker 13,95 up lolt and lots of fruit, this is the cooker for you. 5-qutirt Dutch oven 5.60 Vniversul aluminum cooker

Bamberger's has the Our 4-wheel Kar Bike is as exciting to, drive as a 1947 car, safe as a cradle appliances imi want

It has a steering ivhcel just like an automobile. (Lots easier for 3-to-7- Prince** Electric Broiler year old small fry to manage than hard-to-balance handle bars.) The Cold Weather ahend—mij ne come through with You don't have to pare down your chicken or four wheels hug the ground, cut the »u inexpensive reflector-type heater that's the nctt trim your roast to get it into this broiler—it's an best filing To n trip Soiil/i. It doesn't confine the oblong shape that's a natural for cooking. And danger of tipping and falling. The heal to a small area, but spreads it around the roam. that's not all—there's a Imilt-in, easy-to-read in* biko is sturdily constructed of steel Yoxt can pick it up, loo, and carry it from the tlicalor, high and low heat controls, cool, cool plas- throughout, has roller-hearing wheels, nursery to the hnth or where-teill-you-ga. Safe to tit: handles jar easier maneuvering. Overall size it adjustable sent, molded rubber tires use, nicely styled, complete with cord. AC-DC. 15^x9^x6%; chrome finish; AC-DC. Cord is and a V bell drive. Write, call Tele- Other heaters'2.95 to 10.50. not included in price. service. Toys, Sixth Floor. Tchurvtca and Mail Orders Filtect, Sorenlli Floor. Also Available o! Ilumbereer't tall Orange Store

*We will deliver your order as speedily as possible, but the end of the United Parcel strike. l""> llN l! a backlog of customer orders. We feel it in only fair to deliver these first. We are working "' and hope you will be patient if there, in a delay in filling your iwiv ardors. A'E OF AMERICA'S GltEAT STORES"*, I THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1946

Order Your Personal Christmas Cards

NOW! I - *•!

AW, ti/icn our selection of cards is com- plete, when you can devote time to the unhurried choice of cards that express your individuality, note is the time to order your personal Christmas cards . .. before tlie rush begins. Making your selection early from our huge assortment is a pleasure. Second Floor

• I'A'Mfiiiin'n. ' .._'-<'«

1 '••..'.••.'- 'if"''*'' ' ' " >•*'•*•••:. Make a Wish •••''"•'"I *"AA"-.','. Average, 1 ^ • • /American siie fun.' If Chen Ya , ydu're 5'- 5" or under.

; Lucky vAdn.Shse:Furs are AM • '•; 1 1 A- Devil signed to fit you without' i i| alterations ... perfectly

proportioned in shoul- Lures Luck Your Wa Wizardry ders, sleeves and length.

They're a revelation in Under A W •5?*J fit, in the smart, slender '"£ look and poise they give

Fur Coat you. The black Persian •I

"Miron Treasure"... A New All Wool Worsted lamb illustrated it ele- •'

gance personified . , .

Mandarin^ style in lady- - These luscious, lightweight woolens in "Miron Treasure" like simplicity with cape

offer the rare combination of youth, casual ease plus capi- sleeves and tight fur 55.00 Mischievous darc-dcvil red throws caution to the wimh and wristlets. voting touches in line and decor that delight the ultra sophis- plays for luck. But the. way it lasts isn't luck ... it's Chen Yu I ticate. Each one—because of its distinctive simplicity—is perfect under. Good Luck Set—Lucky Devil, 950>oo lacquer, lipstick, and Fluores- I'lua Tax cent hicijucr, l.f)5. a fur coat. Exquisitely tailored with bright jeweled buttons or seauin Other Persian Lamb Lucky Devil Singleton—Nail lac- Coats from 695.00 quer packaged separately for emblem at the hip. Black, grey, corn, brown. 8 to 18, the first time, OU«'. Lucky Devil Lip and Fingertip Third Floor Set—Lacquer ami matching Tlurd Float lipstick, 1.60. Lucky Devil Dual—Lacquer willi' Twincote, 75£ Lucky Devil Lipstick—1.00.

All Win Tux: Street floor

Open Thursdays Till 9

fLAlNFlEU), N. J. i! WX-1010 Four personal opinion vote wa3 vvon by To Study tne negative. MMiKH SKWIMi MA< IIIVHS. Woman's Club APAHTMBM" OH SMALL HOI SB Pay top prices f-or singer Prop-head PTA Reorganizes Tho threat to strike was recog- d*-*u*i.l hy enunlr In b^t lis-iffh- "%: -" « ana Klseirlii nmrhlniw, School Question niied as the most powerful weap- buihojd. Railway 7-3103. eall orr write: M.. Fine, aass Nor- — •• )>t-W. nf labor. Public opinion, when g. Women I wood AV«., Pl—ltllleW 6-5S8S- »»UD * aCK 111 Division Granted Write i ! A committee of six to ttudy the aroused through abuse, has the V«tc-rdi». VTife und HA not apply.. I possibilities of reorganizing the final decision, which is tiie most 1 or j furnished or ui.fur-1 irlrlnir quul I1UHI0 FOR FKT DOC- CRANFORDT PlANr?; nli-hed room». Kltchwi privileges iiL'i.ber =t» Owner leaving town. The Woodrow WKson PTA on- j WesifieM Adult School was elected The executive board of the West- good for the greatest number of cesf-ary. Kef^rem1*!* furnished. field Woman's Cub on Monday 111 v*"> »• * ^ WE. S-2&21-W." der the leadership of Mrs. Donald last night at a meeting of reprt- TflTi-I.. WEWE-. 2-4C'(M durll.ir day, WB. Wsy, has reorganized Cub Pack, sentatives of the original sponsor- wanted the petition oflh^iiowi follow- ^ iWZn^S JS. '"• tvanluipi. lO-Sl-at WANTEO—OBOD HOMES for three STENOGRAPHER attractive, houaebroken falttensj. 171, vrhich wag almost abandoned ing organizations, held in the Koo- ine members tu form an mterna- , , f selMestruction HAH,HO-U> SredM erui ntru-P work. Fertni black, anS blsLck and whlt«. Call dnriiis the war years. • tuvelt School. Members of the coin- tional relations department: ! legislation to the cause of labnr keeijins: looms \Venlfiel4 2-5816-J. 1 ^ Norman Shideler is the eubmas-i mittee are Dr. Wilbur Harkrader, Mnies. Charles E. Bingham, H. jtn e ehief element in the country's holp (offr. Ttfl. SAI'K WAKtED—Pleane state di- ter, assisted by H. Siston. H. P. i chairman, Dr. Martha Tyndall, E. Bullock, H. R. Cory, H. T. Ell- economic system, it was agreed. mensions prfia prlte wanted. Box 1 I.A1HEM—T«k» Oril*r» Mlas lift". 204, eare Leader Otfiue, Randolph Jr.. has been appointed'Frank Marik, Mrs. N. E. Loomis, wood, J. Russell Freeman. G, ______VOI >.<; H (SINKS* 1 UtI'MJ, \vt* Peaisilk Uofilery Mills. Nationally eran, lu-^d tt>nil>ly a ntnal) ttpatl- pm-inaneiit adviser, and Uobert B., all directors of the previous (school, Greet-, Ralph C. Heath, A. H. Hop- j *.. JL D.nn,..| advenlKxA predicts. Full or panCAVAI.BV BOOT!*—8Ue 8 w ntrnt. I.tvofl in TVrstfloU) all our timo. Phone or wilt* for Iriler- tail PLtil. 0-.VUH), Cgrberry, chairman, jI whose terms have not yet expired poek, N. E. Loomis. i«icn« ouqwi ti\>^ and hntft tu I«nve. ftes*t ref* anrt J iss Mi-w. Peisumiol Manager. Room Cthcr atinointment* made ut the! ' Mafian Scott and Caro-j Also Miss J. Kunkel, limes. Beu-1 erciK'tS. Pltap*' cull W13. £14' T| 230, SI Clinton St.. Newark «. MI'SICIANH W ANTEIJ to plav with ! T cl rk Weatfield Band, Inc. Trombones, .m 2 m^,rtad.v '»< - » - * 1-1. Knight, A. E. Owen, F. L.! Mrs. Edward Fink of South ave- llo Fll.l, TIMK MAID »r Ho Cornets, and French, Hurt's. Bari- Seit Ca«s IZfall The «-_•« w« an outgrowth ! Pomcro,-, II H. RlttonW .Clyde j «£ attended ^noue^t the Ho- P iit-Kt'iilly l l.i •, «•> laundry, tone Horn. Oil! at reliesrual hall, 015 North Chestnut street include!of expressed interest on the part; Schwartz, W. M. Smith, F. B. tel Astor in hew \ork Saturday, ami wife. liceK required. W Weaneftdav eveuinga, $12 Noftt) AVe., Weatfleld, N.-J. tin J Albera den mothers"com-1 of the public in continuing the ! Sutherland, E. L. Taylor, H. C. giver, by the State of. Maine Wom- ArrHS—•.•«!! »r Part Tl»e. an's Club, of which she is a mem- i'SKl IIVWIIKD nOUM 'Or Unlit mjttw; E. Bruce Wetiel, den dad. school, which had operated over a i Tate, C. H. Stnhler, J. 8. Thomas, 'hull.u<-ket>|ll!ig tiear tu bus. Went Arid Sweet Shoppe, . OFFIfK I1RSK. Chain. TnHlen, committee' and secretary; H. M. J period of four years until the war., A. J. Wier, E. S. Winter and R. ber. lituvinesii wolnin. R^fu Slli Emit Hroad St. 1'-' typewriter, mimeograph - .machine, •WK. 2-3132. ete. Must be tn good condition. Crane, cubbing to scouting; J. S.iThe last Urm was held In the faV. \ D. Tomlinson. VAITHII At Tl"» Pykll* tMurmrr. Phone WE. {»3*3ti.M. - Grim, advancement and records I of 1943. Suggestions were made! The organisation meeting was BY TKU AUI I,TK, nu ppts or cllll- Assistiint Lllirarliin with training committee !tnat jt w°"ld probably be impos-! held on Friday at the home of Mrs. Additional Cluuifie _ Adi dien. 3-. 4- ttr r>-r»oin npurtinent, nnd experience. I1O1.I.H Par ( kllrtrm'n roiinir) Hum,. furnl!>!iud or unfurnished, or 3 or —Qood condition. I shall dress W1IITK WOMAN for general house- tliem for Christmas. Please leave wi.it. i, «,.,» Uufor '• sible to hold a term before next, H. T. Ellwood, 569 Colonial ave- I looms with houfekeiPiiiK prlv- work 1 or 2 •» a v-'cek, 47 bun FOR SALE II Wlia «r»7"W tjiem at First Federal Savings & White .9 song jeaner. • ^ _h[_ comnlittec WM gWer | nue Mrs. Hugh C. Wolfe, north- liiif. or Uiirwuod dKUrlot. WE. 2- Loan ABSOC, Him Ut. vice chairman of the Interna- WILL GIVF) Two PanMfcall TK'krt> 0102-W. oKIIMi. you are pluintns THl'MPET ar R Flu) Snxopkonei I Relations Department of the remodel—%ITB. Lott will asBtsi to Army nnu Navy same for in- KXI'rOnlEM-KI) CltMllI Woman— In furmulatina* your ideas and formation leading torental of an small doll carriage; will exchange r Jersey Federation of Women's nuikku silKKf."tlontla In liftllt s witithh tba apartment far officer, wife and 1 day per v\ eek. trombone or violin.. Tel, WE. 2- e, 11 new direc-! Clubs, spoke on the subject, "The latest knowledge of modern year-old bubs'. Write Uox 8H5. WE. i-tt^. 4P48-J. „ . ... of jiilna; space—provide wor care Leader. »tV™" Onror'both'nTr' tors will be elected to fill out the! Hole of Atomic Energy in Inter- 1 drawing* — and, it 'you r AI.KSUlBI^o) Week. TAltLR SHtlPfLRIIOABD for u»e I lmndlo the whole contr&ct through l)*Vt;»ITE» 4, »•• 1, Wlb t—now I3on requires a new kind of thinking, 2U North Ave., WsstOeW E-S1SS, "'Ufa. 6-3T.12-S1. nnd typing, for sale« office, call •IIX WHITR AKB TI.PFV would attend each meeting-. I Scientists have concluded that in- i>eiBOMMOl, UOs. 4-13DT. appreciate the . handling of your Rotary Heart LHOE*TI,V XKBDBD, Mr Vflrran THE CAK«"KNTEII STEBI. CO., magazine subscriptions, new oi- B»ckT«Sc-MlNi|ht ! ternationnl control is essential to KTATIOK RADIO SHOP, and wlfa. 4-ruoin spartment, uny KKNII.WOH'ril, S, J. , . renewals; you can mall or leave ! prevent misuse of atomic energy. SH.1 lOt'TII AVE., W. ro|io«ltion entertained. Cull WE, them, at TBe.Iieader .Office, Canlfc'Iulii. Wlj l-kone WK. S-M». -2432 after 6 p. in. MSf.-ll. Far Hifk Sch~! PTA Highway Official j The •Acheson-Lilienth&.l report on ComplFle line 0t repl&csmeht Pftfta r KTI-.NOGUAFIir.lt—CLKUK, expert- for all moke Radloa-^Ouaranteed VETERAN A.\D WICK arc niont onccd, excellent opportunity, S- MISCELLANEOUS ACCOI'MTAKT HfTiT, r • control was written by a special ) radio repair. 11-7-U ilay ween, pnld vacation, free in- anxious tn start liou«ekeeu(ne in iness Bervk-B—l The annual Back to School Night f 1 ! S- or 4 -room npnrtmenl. Would u\ii'alK*t'. •OR HKALTIl- AND fllW HOWI, Spencer Kilter Jr.. New Jersey £•£ 2_.___rJ____* __ _ *.?•". _-__ be wllllnfr to dei^oriRe ut awn ex- (iKIII.N'O PIIODl'CTi. J*e.. regularly'at the Westfleld Hec- pense. Pleace 'phone Mrs. Holland 1 Moi.l-Oi. In. •••• V Tlh St.. r^^tipn. .AUsye avtillabla dally, »t WE. 3-0917. KKN1I.W0HTH, H.l. • hour*! 3 11. *n. to 7*S0 p.* m., 10 t'H. (1-2DW) p.m. to midnlgrht. Saturday and IIODLB ACiED WOMAN wnntu 3- ounuay, i p. m. to mijiilght. 220 rspalrine — nil m»v,,. Jltld Tuesday at 8:15 p. in. WnMtii now thru Z^orth JS.ve, ..(oppoaite rallroadx. Tuesday on tions Atomic Energy Commission. room apartmont furnl&hed or un- ChrlMlniiiH. Should be artlntlcally Wanning Mm Iniii'B—S-i rt~pMgrom is >o nrrunffea that par- iaruch has emphasized very TEBSi MO YOi«o DE»» WEAR. furnished. Winter nublet consid- Jlfi'-ilfinif. All wnrk'i ents may follow the daily program He (old of bis visit ered, Within 30 inllt-H of Kcivork. Inclined. Uonney'a For Boanl* A. R. Chai tn>, WtnHria j'.iS; ly that his propoula would tl;.; jo-l^ s-ls^dU^HUIjijU Write Box 203. carB Louder Offlte. Creations. 121 East Broad St. SERVICES of their children in }. ' ll-f-it I0ME NEKUEO DEfiPEBATKLV, PlIOTOGHAPIIISBS — ExiwrleMM MOlllOltM/.K minutes. PAPElRIKQ, P«iHtfHB( D«««vitttliK. H Ki !« mm fmiiv'ln"'"*!!"* mrhi-i-. only. Proccna camera man, bro- new Aiuinmui .• Ut. Frank ONF.-HOOK filMPl.IFIKI) mide ill-Intern, wet mounter. Call Prlceti reasonable, Etatixfactlon i Til*: •IOOKKKEPING sraTKMs piotl'T nr-d three si l.»l:ll A CO., reasonably. Furniture reftnishea. LIMIXC'S 11A1IK1 I*. U. Box 1-*, Hnlldil. brunt. 27 *•>. Union Ave., Call for an estimate — WE, 2- ; oil the I»TA convention at Atlantic. " ^ _oj.e t^n ^^ ^; asking the signing of an agreement; 11-7-21 CUANPOUD, K, J. 3038-M. It no answer, call eve- Otiaranteetl reiiairK on nnfit iTA.VDAHU Oil, GO. BNGIKEKH nings. 10-31-2t ,vlt!P- «„,«, u.,,i „.. .„„„ -i,.,,o „„>„ :„! not to use atomic energy for war; wants five-room furnished npart- by expert r.iillo RP.II munil' fllFlire 1 1 Mme shore routos m not to manufacture atomic IMIK-WAR KltoLI, collapsibl1 e car IIKI.IAIII..._ _.K . WOMAN for eneral Membership in the association ! - * " °" • - meRt or houfie. Near N. T. trans-, houeewor _ Also that all ttUUnij Kff'wi ITw-T* "'"" portatlon. Up to 1150. Westneld houeeworlc and laundry. Fridays, OM-i-BOOK Liming:. has reached an all time hitch of of atomic weapons be' Telephone W13. 2-0449 SIDDW.ll.liM. (iiinlrn M«H -631 member;;, Mi's. Horace Wood, FA I.I, GREETINGS — Read The BOOKKBKr curbs, dri\t i\.iy . i'oiicr<-i Thus far, no indication < WIIITU WOMAN — Cleaning and Monti unit i-uli.itt ui WeRtfleld Leader, published av- H W»»T CHBM. SI PKHVISOH Ironing, 1 or I Your (^anH tnvom*. voMtHt.exiie»H(*H, membership chairman, has an- been given ?ry Thursday afternoon, (Vet.) ftnd wife det*!re furn. or Oiiya per week. mil net liirume ng needed for Vi-ils. 1. \ IMiikin, rld, traffic density be- w. .1. Taylor, 5-C8 WeBtneW Ave.. unfurn, apt. or house. No chil- WE. 2-2877. yttuntelt mill tux returiM nt n WE. 2-83S4. the number of cars ?Unite" d St»t(*fi or will reielve two tlck-ets tv Bee dren. Parking or garage. EL. 3- Klnnce, 'memberships will be received be- to accent the program of tho other, l.ltUitn Hellman'a "The Searcbing •000, Rtn. 710; reverse charges. FTlCr. ASSISTANT, YOUMK Iml), Anyone fMin run lite Mriitein. PICK tl" Anil Urllirry ! fore the drive closes on Nov. 12. per day ptir mile. California was Wlnil" and "Ybunff Widow" High School graduate, typist, pre- g p y p although tcicntists of both coun-j ferred; good at Hgures, neat hand- Perfect for uny *>-|»e ItiinlneiN. mer- your win. nl.- Leading classrooms in meinbcr- nt the Rlalto. Theatre, West- writing; local office, five-day chitltta, hRrber«, <*arpeit4er«, itlumb- CKNTK.VI, CI.I'.VM'.KS * lrtTJ ship are: Sophomores, 2012*, Miss second in this respect. tries have agreed that 'we do noti HflUl, Tuesday, NovembeNovemer 12t12thh, INSTRUCTION .week. 8 to !i; good starting salary, erftt KnralreNp nervlfe HtntloiiMt re»- s:ii ci:%'iit.n. A\t !• Gertrude Foutz, 38 members;, jun...-. . Commissioner Miller extended an,fln J , basis ,„avai]abl( ! Bcien. by calling personally ur present excellent nuporftTtiity for capable tnurantoi tnvortiH> tnnuriiiicei tlr«U»d V. 11 \ HiH, with S3 members. Teachers ».tatc parkway project on Friday .„ f ji,i<. >» IIAUIO llKl'Allt MAN fof full tim Co«( very Riiinll. l| 1 cos MORTGAGE MONEY Mountain Ave.. Westfleld. ^hone A mrd wilt brlntf Informnrlon. grum). l'e(l i''**" ''nt'. have 100% membcrahip. of this week nt Cranford, where] WE. S-3339. H-S-4t position with plenty offopportun Hctf. inirsi1, with ntininium L itIty .for advancement in Westfielc In P. It. N.. drlvffn u n» Gov. Walter E. Edge would break !«jr •_ 11 \VU AUK nenrltlnc MortiraKfa up firm. Bt'SlNKSS ItBOOHOR SVSTKM, ground for" the new "Garden State j WejlBeW l<> iiO yearu' at low. interest rates. 'TO)."'WBT"J-J«!IS iittef.lfp'.'m. P. O. HOT 128, Wr.lfl.1,1. denoo In Westtielcl or Min Eveuaf Group To Meet No letral fees. May we review iBHSIAN LISHSO>'» F»r AJulln and 10-31-St fllilo. ; Parkway" with all due form and;f|aL « your mortgage. teenagers by graduate nf toachera 1 I eDWes college in Cologne. < Practice In MUia locally , good eftrntngM, nd- , . PaiH-rlitiiikvr and Deco- TUB WBSI'FIKl.ll Stnlw I ceremony. This project will be| ' easy conversation for thoae v/Jio vnncemeiit, good future. Phone or , rutor. Floors nniKhed. Service offers yuu 1'ubllo ^le The evening group of the Mcth- the beginnina eg of a unified state- HOME ASSURED travel. Tel. Mrs. Wing, WE. 2- write for interview, Personnel guaranteed. J. Frlasell Uoglnnn. MllniM>Kri\]>hlnK. Typms -• odlst Church will mee.t Thursday, id pavfcway system that -will ex- A debate on the subject "Re- MORTGAGE COMPANY,, 654S-J. • . ' . Manager, Room 230, 31 Cllntpn St., PU 8-0258-J. 10-31-2t stnt Conk's, Tf-iejih int w 6 • Newark 2. etc. l'hone WK. 2-3 ']•> M - Nov*—. 14 *,' at 8:15 p. m. in tho tcnd fr9m the New York border to solved : that the right to strike be 83 Summit Avc. BIMMIT, re, t. 'OHRKB TBACHI'IR "III Tutor TREE] EXPERTS—Lmmnr & CO., chapel, i Cape May and Philadelphia, with- denied the employes of public util- Phinir Summit O-1.1US High School subjects. Tel. WE,COVSTKB fcUU, tree surgery of any form. Re- .IOSFIPH PII.1,0—Hullill Mrs. John Brooks ities and other enterprises perform- Evenings: Phone Westlieia 2-0121, 2-355S-J. WestfleUI Hweet-Shoppe, moval of. trees. Trees and shrubs No Job too small. •lll speak on, out »ny. need of borrowing funds Veteran's LoansLoans^^F^ . ;H. - A. . .219, Kft|it E/oadiSt. • ll-7-4t for Sule. Covered by insurance. . nftor 7 1>. KnmU lots of storage. Sargent'* |v..i\(i or All !>r-4'rl|MloiiN 1 CTIOV SA1.F: nt the lllltirlil. Mill. Dnnp at home. ll-7-4t Local ami Long: Distance Moving ten mileM soutli of Somerville on t —all loads Insured. WE. 2-3033. P.otue 29 and one mile. eaRt of WE. S-3301-J or •VVB..2-2!)0a-M. LANUSUAPINC TkHt ]• Dl.lhutlvr. noor-iso, Aiioss n~7-4t Three Brldffea. gnturilay, Nov. sth, Rock gardens; lily pools, flre- constriictlrm Itt-pnlr work o 12:30 p. m. 1937 Terraplnne Hpilan, plnccn, terraces, patios, planned ami Inside. I.. A. Riinkln, JU»T COMI'LKTKD two-wheel larRe onim^ity utility WOMAN'S OPPORTUNITY . . . anil carried out. Specializing in 2-3334. New Flreprout stornse Wnreli«niw 1 -— household and commercial. trailer, 1937 Cord nxle Kllitabln to 4mn mid opernt* im explimlve adding beauty and convenience to Long difltnnce nntl local moving for trailer, mtuiel O. I'. John Depro H1IUI> f«ttlurlnir tuitloiiiill)- kiiinv« your grounds. Lawrence A, Ran- WE. 2-4404. Reasonable rates on tractor wtthom pugine— CreHc&nt ^vonieii^N wi'nr MpeclnHy. FrodtM Kln, WK. 2-3384. 10-31-31 ADDITIONAL SERV moving and stornge. No, 100 cracked corn fsrhuler, Hal- up tu f(HWH» yenrlj- now Iiflny 1IK.M1V P. TOWIimD, Btninl feo,l trriiul.T, Eneull enh niritfil li) prvnent wh«|i otviiem. VACUUM CI.F.ANEItS. All makes ON PAGE 28 241 XOUTH AVE., W., crusher, grain elevator*, SCVGW Cnnltiil of flOOO required ivblelt repaired and guaranteed. Bags, WBSTIdBI,I>. N. J. fOri"*'V""N, ^IM wntfrwhnel, 4fi h y»u iiltvnyM control. \V* trnfii ynu belts and brushes sold, J. G. Cfir- Aittut—Alllti Van Linen, Inc. P. nt i% ft. head—H" floor drill! nl our fxpennc. For iierMunnl rmi- do»o, Electrician, WK. 2-2037-M. LEGAL NOTICES 1S-7-U fereiii'e In your city uildrfHH ll-7-4t lpne wcldinp outfit With email F'rnuk Trevor KenMler, AilvcrttM- COI'IITNBY'N EXPRESS Trucklno tanks, 7Ti ainpero meet.. \v ', i intx Aneiicj, Colon In I Dtdff.* I'hlln. OnAIVFORO Hcfrlieratli.il Seniic— IX tllAM'KHV OF ond movlnc. Small ioba sollcltud. work bench and vlso, Hsht dovible • 7, PII, ll-7-4t Repairs on Mayflower, Crosley, Between WII-l.I Tel. WE. 2-3004. ll-7-4t clutch countershaft hand-force | Frlgldalro, Norge, Kelvlnator, STli IS pump, r." x C" uprlg-ht steam en- ;miACTICAI, NimSR WlKhen posi- Coldspot nnd other various makes. .McK N/I I At.t f;m:RTINr;s — Ilecul The pine—U h. p. vertical steum boll- j tion as nurse companion and P. W. Plartey. 223 Arbor Strsot. calk 1 West field Leader, published ev- er, Vi-h-P- horizontal steam en- j houskeeper. Cnll or write Flor- Cranfofd 6-2S30-J. 11-7-U ery Thursday afternoon. Klne. 2:!/S *raupe livo Hte.nm loco-| ence N. AJlIts, 159 KiiHt Front St., Tl 1 J. O. Stiimford, ;>39 Dudley (\ motive unnnlshml—y" Vernier cal- ; Apt. G, PialnAeld. 1 1 will rv^fltve two tlchetH m HPP lperN. 1 ii. qt. Pyrene, pot Ntove, ! WM. HINTERLEITNER Lilliitn Hellnian'H "The Searching pout himpN, aiitlqup sun, 12 Ka. H BA11V MUSIC, PAINTINO AND 4S02 1 Wind" Htid "Vonntr Widow" tshotsun, Iftrgp pair trim Kat^^, Hours 8 to fl. DECORATING I nt thp JUalto Theatre. WPH(- 20 inches din. hy ti feet long hiKh WE, 2-3S70-W. SEIIV1CU. Hy \ t (K'ld, TucKday, November 12th, prewsure air or water tanks, pair WB. 2-0337. of Oha by calling'personally or present* dlw htivroww for garden tractor. Ol.UOIil: GIRL AVAILABLE ils .Tersoy i litK proper identification at The .1. H. Gilbert, Auctlonepr, 89 North tohcr, Leader Office. Union St., Lambcrtvlile. baby sitter any time during day or evening. Tel. WE. 2-0274-M. ISRS, HnivBrv, Drlrewnrfi, Land- linm A b : THE TOWNSMAN ABROAD senping and Construction. you a o •PVCTinAl. NI'flMc. Hr>. FrnnceB ,ntvrenc0 A. Rnnbljl, 421 Elm St. reijtiir 1 petitlo D. Ollbort. former Wostllnldor. we, s-aatn. of De Excerpts From Westfteld's First Newspaper 'i'el. Crnnfurrl 6-241H-M, evenintfa. thereof 1875 1875 Av.iilnblt* for caseH. l«-31-3nndt i-il aj,' WILLIAM ItOUSlCI,, Intori n i XPEllIESfBI) «1KI, wouli] like exterior paintlnfr: nkilied mech' - ' Blinll Cranford Notes Superintendent of the Atlantic and Southern liitrt time puwition, 2 until fter linic: personal annervlsion. fall Thp I Telegraph Company. 'H"""1-: -^ferent'es furnlHhed. WE. CHanforil 6-157^-H. 11-7-41 obtiiln Our friend Miller is 'having his place Llnionlacking Co. 2-0007-W. improved, and with its walls newly whit- * * * PIANO TUNING. Aliwin J, Ilnitan, ii:hi"ovsnii.i-: Kir.vu I.AOV win 516 Hllicrest Avo., Westfleld. For- ened, presents on attractive appeaiance. As we always refrain from the use of "THE MOST OF THE BEST FOR THE LEAST" tiike cure of cbiltlron wevkdnyH; merly with K«tpy and Acolinn. It seems to be doing well, though a num- profane language, it is impossible to allude no ^evenings*; own tranKportntion. Tel. WK. 2-0902-.T. ll-7-4t bef of its frequenters have a very bud habit to at any length to the condition of the of leaving theit* ^pocketbooka home, and seem plank walk between Westfield Avenue and 1 vitKDi.mcit st. nnowv the old site of the Fan wood depot. Many I'Olt OI)I> JOIIS—llimar C<<-niiInc AL'CTIONKEII to be under the impression that its owner, [ :iml imlntlni?—Soo rt. K. SlmotiR, Liquidation of Estntea, Antloues. like a clock, runs-on "tick." of the unfortunate pedestrians of the vil- DIRECT j TO YOU—WITHOUT DETOURS | 241 Y.tiPt Broad St. Phone WE Oriental Rugs. Fine llouseliold lage are loud in their expressions of joy, at 2-5400; evenings, WE. 2-259'i-J. Purnishlngs. Itrlc-a-Brac. Have you heard of our new sensation? the departure of Winter; as they can now DIRECT TO YOU — WITHOUT DETOURS ^' I'll.me Plnlnnrld U-07M I mean the "Cranford Choral Union." If When you shop ot Union Packing, you buy from the WOMAN "VVlnlien To Carr For VtitliiK utilize short lengths of stove pipe in pro- lnfnillN or young children by day, n-7-4t I W not, you don't know what a treat you have tecting from laceration by loose and broken largect independent packing houae between Chicago itnd CAJIPENTKn — Smnll Itepnlrn in missed. The whole town is in ecstacy over here. The fine meati and poultry you gel from u» come them, and expect that in a -few years they boards that part of the human structure carpentry anil rpn- Anatomically known as the tibia, but in or- DIRECT from our own slaughterhouse with no itopi in ^iiBi^^B Jonab^^Konr^^^11-7-^ U will rival Uie ebony songsters who paid you between. Thafj why we can give you the be«t there i> a visit JI short time since. The Choral Union dinary Jersey, "shins"; still it is inconveni- tOI.OHEB WOMAN would like ent, in warm weather, to be compelled to at the lowest prices possible. weekly cleaning hy the day noKULJMAYKI1 « VAN I1KCKE, tmlnt- will give a concert in aid of the Methodist inR contrnctorn. Interio1 r null ex- carry slices of salt pork to apply to foot laundry: Tiiuaunyn ninl WCIIIIOK- terior work; eetlmiitf! cheerfully Church on the _3 inst. day.s. WE. 2- * PUT -J; 24.'» Jeru-' given. Call WE. 2-4610 or WK. wounds likely to occur front tusty nails. nulein ltd., Scotch I'lnllm) We have got a town pump, nnd it k a The Baptist Church, Rev. J. C. Buchanan, SHORT CUT nut force pumn at that. As soon an the town 1 »llAI.YAUs ut Scotch Plains, have just com- AiliIn-«» will be Impp.v. SCRIBBLEK. plct-d thn uppHcuLion of a Hampson White- I I.O«*T—niftOMIl'M itnnNou l.tgltter ' Dailyr' . . . .I'lilinnwji j Salmilay al fonlltull w;iine win, I plnrU ' hill & Co/s improved horizontal stationary inlllnlB IS. (1. llrward. Call WE irili'h-mi . K. A Kxi Scotch Plaim Nul.l.in* steam engine to their factory, fit would he MILK-FED VEAL 1b. 1 ! ! Hclvn A. .. superfluous ty wish this popular linn success, 29c I ~i—L-i'^i2!.jLi!!!l^'L !-_!!'• "'arke. .c/o Cordon, Sin Mr. G. S, Young has built a very hnnd- as Us popularity is beyond question; still n» L»«T — MAN'S ILLINOIS WATCH i U<'''S' Maiihiutan Ave., .Unknown pomu Gothic (Jottajre on the Kite of the old cifhtohnisils are in order we hope the sonorous vahir. as ,,, )1RLO1N, PORTERHOUSE and ,,,m.,| to f.It her. dejtot. Wo understand thnl it will bo oc- steam-whistle nf the factory will sound 11 lit WE. ! "iv7'nl!ii>ld. N. J- cupied by Mr, Grace, of Now York, the happy Milutc 100 years hence. :-«STT. -rt 1'ctitl , .Mounlnllidlili'. N .Hetll.'lil Avuiue ROUND STEAKS 1b. 69c . in ! Aw.. WK. •i.-'if THE WESTFIELD TRUST COMPANY i KnlKht. . iillHilHtHl EYE, BOTTOM or I FOl'MI— IIAIIV I All NMAi'. Mir,, liox 73, New fining:. Owners > N V. liy riillliiE nl Tho j . |:i: Hirst Hirer*, nl.'Mtllylriir nai Bill. Ill, N. J. ASSETS EXCEED 111.- ailvcrlln-iuci . A. M. . 1892 KIICM K. 1946 SIRLOIN ROAST Ib. ~~~-:---~ , i'ryu $15,000,000 GARAGE FOR RENT llwaus, P. r>. S111.K..V- I'o., N. J. Htolin, M. M. 32H Taylor Avi'iuw, Fifty-Four Years of Progressive Banking lilcn C'oolyn. III. LARGE EGGS wi-: 2-(ijTii.i. (Grade "A") Do fU2 Piewpfi-t Htr^fjt 77c r Broad and Elm Sts. Westfidd, N, J. DOGS FOR SALE . M. K. . U ,.»llli'l(l. -V. .1. 136 EAST BROAD ST. WESTFIELD, N. J. —T U'nto Phone WE. alon ti>. t>?pcf«!< f»ffuri*tiftt 2-1442

mail- S3:.. T«.I. It., "TI'I'I-: WKSTI j!y JOHN t 11' THE WESTFIELD LEAPEH, THURSDAY OBITUARIES Presents Views Mrs. Mary S. Lightfoot Service* tor Mrs. llaiy S. Light- On TWAStrike •oot !I2, wlio lived in Wwtfield fc»- *3 years, will be held' in Gray'd n'eral Home at 2 p. m. Satur- Jaekel Gives Pilots' Ly. Christian Science services Side Of Argument till be offered.. Interment will be the Baptist Cemetery, Plain n.CaiPtl Kobert O, Jaekel of SH7 Bill- ft ychwood rood, veteran TWA lire. IJghifont died Tuesday In pilot, told a Ltmitr reporter, "the | _ nursing home in Scotch Plains other side of the story" in the ul-; Iftcr a short illness. Born in New lots' strike of the TWA. j folk City, she lived in Westfield Captain Jaekel pointed out the| ilitll eight years aero, when she Blrline in its public statement* ro- i loved to Beverly Hills, Cal, She yarding the current labor dispute j (elurned east last spring. had been emphasising $"14,000 an-! i Jfts. Lilfhtfoot was the widow of mml salaries" and' ignoring many | iudwig* 'A. Lifhtfoot and the of the real issues over which the! lighter of Emiline Boice and Eli pilots are seriously concerned. I otwell of Plsinfield. She at- "As a matter of fact," said Cap- the Christian Science tain Jaekel, 'it would be almost im- possible for captains to earn $14,- iSiirvivine are four daughters, 000 a year even under the most de- GRIP FOOD "BUYS" [ra, Buehlah F. Ecran, Mrs, Clam Hoffman and Mrs. Gladys M. sirable conditions." You'll shop quickly and easily ... save time foencer, all of Westfield, anil MVs. "Up until the time TWA 'fur- Ether M, BeLliune of San Fran- Ioushed' some 15,000 employes, tho and energy... when you visit your AfcPSuper ico, Cal.; two sons, Clarence W. TWA piiot striI

Monuments and Markers Participate In Meeting Erected In All Cemeteries Of Education Group |«lect Barre. Vermont Cranito W. Eugene Johnson Jr. of West- STEPHENS field is a member of the delegate MONUMENT CO., assembly of the New Jersey Edu- 1755 Si. George, Avenue, cation Association, who will meet PPoslte the Rahway Cemetery for a three-day meeting in Atlan- RAHWAY, N. J. tic City this week-end. Robert L, ! Duncan, also of Westfield, will be a *«« R. Stephen.. Proprietor speaker at the convention. hw"~Office Rah. 7-217S Home Rah. 7-0752.R The Corps of Engineers at its Tears of Expertenco In the wartime peak reached 778,000 of- fiers and men.

A THOUGHTFUL WAY TO REMEMBER —is by having us erect a finely designed BARKB tombstone that will per- petuate the memory of your dear one. HEADSTONES AND MARKERS REDATED MOJWMEJWS PEARL STREET PLAINFIELD, N. J. Tel PUd. 6-2912 Open Evening! a 20ox."l/J:

Knees effective JISJl in Super Markets and Self Service Stores Only. belong to jfc» dlstlngufihsd group of funeral n called Ih, National S»/«rt«t/ Monielam.

To n»rv» nil pBOp|» honeiily and well at all llni« h a pan of our code.

w» ore maintaining cut hlch «toncfa'd« throughout "s" frying day» In order thai you may b» aMure«f Atlantic Cr Pacific Tea Co. 61 «'• beit. Chocolate Flavored 319 *.I>.Q. SVrup r Soup. ,Mlad5 ,.tr. East! Broad Stolc/sGcam For. G6ncrol Hourahold UM St.. Cora htm-t-h . Stuh- &. Spnn 2*» ilitv GJ.IU, Center We For R™., De»,,S For Uunclry cml Di,h« Chr,S« Dirt .liinkri Ponder P».8C Mnn »ro|w . . -.3a« Old »ui*h WE. 2-0143 Udulrl or Powder Vitomln Fortillt-il Vnn Brode t ouic|, S11(|, H'ntn I 2 ,•»„, 2'. Su'tflui S' Pag* Six THE .WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1846 Wil Hanawalt. Plans -were made secretary, Hichard Sensbacb. Har-! Square Dance GrOUp Community Center Hallowe'en Party for the first dance to be held In man Hartvigsen was chosen pro- Cora P. Clary tha Y gym on Nov. 23 with Fred Library Shows j gram chairman and Joseph Hurt j g p Kiecke and his orchestra. (Continued from Pkge 1) (Continued from Page 1) i and Russell Hose, members of the I recreation committee. The organ The Y Square Dance committecommittee t Tickets --fo-r ...the, series „.of. «,fivwe ed on their neutral soil and had to j Also shown will be the illustra- be interned, they were permitted | I ization will meet ihe second held its first meeting last week at I dances to be held this winter may tions done by Kurt Wiese for the hl home of the chairman, b e obtainebtidd frof m any membeb r of many privileges under the custody) latest Freddy book by Walter fourth Mondays in the chapel. of Miss Clary. Later when Amer-' Brooks, The publisher . of the ican prisoners of war, released by ] Brooks books has sent the chil- the advancing Russians from Ger-! dren's librarian a supply of the man camps began to romc down i newspapers published by the ani- the Bosnhorua from Odessa on, mals on Mr. Bean's farm with their way liuinc, Miss Clary was '• - '* , i%;^ ~ Freddy as editor. These will be given a free hand by the Turks in distributed to the enthusiastic fol- bringing clothing and food to her lowers of the Bean family. fellow countrymen. I Approximately 100 new books of . A graduate of Syracuse Univer- different types and for different sity, Miss Clary has done cradu- ' ages will be on exhibit during the ate work at Columbia and Chicago i two weeks and may be examined Universities. Her home is in Bev- \ by visitors. The children's libra- «rly Hills, Cstl. During her nine rian has prepared' lists for four months furlough she is making a i age groups of the most outstand- speaking taur of selected YWCA's.,' ing of this year's output of books, Hostesses for the luncheon are j giving author, title and a brief Mmes. NT. B. Aikins, Ernest Al- annotation. These will be given pers, Henry Burring, E. \V. Bow- to interested visitors. den, C. L. Brooke, D. H. Chandler, Many teachers have! made ap W. C. Child, E. G. Conrad, J. S. pointments to bring classes to vis- Cregar, Jules Favre, Edward Get- it the library during the two weeks. tit, D. D. Hall, F. Hardcastle, R. I'holo hy Westfleld Studios. The public is cordially invited to . S. Hoffman, J. B. Kuttler, V. F. come to the library to seethe spe- Murray, M. A. Martin, A. W. Rice, cial exhibits and to see the variety F. J. Skowronski, L. F. Sowles,, Children Enjoy Hallowe'en Party and appeal of modern children's A. A. Speth, E. K. Van Tassel, N. i books. .••','••'!•-. A. Voorhees, N. B. Walker and! J, R. Yocom. At Westfield Community Center Fireside Council Co-hoetesses; Mmes. II. W, Rob- erta, T. D. Jones, S. L. Anderson, A special program was arrang- served during an intermission pe- To Award Turkey John Carter, P. H. Oppenheimer, ed' for children at a Hallowe'en riod. Bay Hyers, Mark Kiehardson, W. party at the Westfield Community Yesterday a group of selected Fireside Council, Royal Arcan- ' Sauerbrun, C. D. Seaman, G. A. Center Thursday afternoon. Win- short features were' shown to the um, began in the year 1914 to bring Taylor, C. A. Wood, W. L. Rieder- ners in the various games were children in* an afternoon program. out at Thanksgiving time a sturdy „ «r, R. W. Dornte, H. T. Ellwood, musical chair", Janet Waynes; pie- Paul Robeson in S&ng of Freedom little "Nail Keg." Those were the J, W. Asbury. eating contest, Ronald Cooley; was shown to an adult audience days when nails and plenty of lucky number game, Ethel Brown. last night at 9 p. m. ; •'. , tough lumber were easily come by. The program of tne Center is ex- Beatrice Jones' costume was The Council used' some of that panding and reaching more people lumber to manufacture three 4- Bailey Heads judged the pprettiest and Curtis and each month. One of the objectives E Bllk inch cubes, which, for the lack of Bullock the funniest. Othi is to enrich the lives of -the people a- better name, they called "The (Continued from Page 1) er Hallowe'en games were arrang- through wholesome ' recreation. Bones." Everyone present had an ed for the fun and delight of the These programs are arranged and opportunity to stir-iip the keg and No district voted against the meas- j partfeipants* supervised by Leroy Scurry, di- tire. spatter three throws over the lino- The second district of the sec- Cider, doughnuts and candy were rector. eum. The high score won the tur- .' and ward with 1066 registered, re- key. ,'<'' placed the sixth district of the The barrel will be brought into -' first ward with 1058, as the largest play on the evening of Thursday, . district in the town, for the first Boy Missing For Daub Re-Elected Nov. 14 at the lodge hall, 114 Elm time. The first district of the third street. Orator.Arthur Kanski Jr., ward is the smallest with a regis- 5 Hours, Found Garwood Mayor has announced that the "bird" will tration of 414. not be present in person, but he Democrats polled heaviest for will come prepared to present a Three and a half year old Chip L. Thomas Daub,.' Republican, draft to the fortunate member Walter H. Van Hoesen, candidate Johnston, safe at his home on Old was re-elected to his second two- for Congress, giving him 913 votes. duly drawn to the ovder of the win- Raritan road in Scotch Plains, year term as Mayor in Tuesday's ner's favorite butcher. Scattered votes were cast for can- thinks his fellow townspeople are general election In which Garwood didates of the Socialist Labor, Na- j pretty swell. Five hundred» of voters favored by substantial ma- • tional Prohibition, Socialist and them turned out Monday night to jorities the entire Republican ticket Communist parties. search for him after his parents, as well as referenda for veterans' Court Postponed Mrs. Irene Griffin, former mem- Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson housing and the pension plan for •Recorder A. C. Nash has post- DICORATIVE LAMPS ber of the State Assembly, received reported they wore unable to lo- county employees. Of the 1,170 poned Tuesday's court session unr 16 write-in votes. Other write-ins registered vgters, 1,692 went to the til Thursday evening next week, SHED A MAGIC LIGHT , _. _ cate him at 5 o'clock. Chip was as Town Council will meet Tues- were one for Theo. O. Schropo for, founu ut 10:15 that night, asleep polls. There were three absentee ballots. day evening instead of "Monday, Mayor and for Bill White, one for j on the third tee of Shackamaxon Tlie beamy of »fil» lifhled room. Mayor and one for Senator. Country Club. Armistice Day. Daub, carrying three of the four l.tnox tamp J7» 49,9* bv Ihtwexqufaitely designed l«nj». IOM'II The youngster had been playing districts, defeated former Council- with his two dogs in the yard of man John L. Banyasz 946 to 660. New Men' find Lenox China, lund-taryedbkn.it voml, MB home during the afternoon. His running mates, Councilman Al- br«ulii*l,flonl deilaw painted by ham* OH 2000th Veteran Informed that he was missing, bert Brittain and School Trustee Madison Avc. Chapel members of the police and fire de- Michael Galiszewski defeated Hur- fine china «nd handsome loliri colon in Ihe (Continued from Fagv 1) I partments nnd' neighbors began ley B. Middleton and Vi-AUt—tr m The Men's CI»b_ of, Madison Aye- •»•»«i«/^icMiucspileiul lamp,,' £.,« „„, them all-ami never a day goes by | the search. As word spread thru Flesher Sr., for the two places to nue Chapel, was formed at a meitv •hade. that we don't sit and discuss this the township, more and more per- be filled on ihe Borough Council. ing Tuesday night with 20 charter Biirt Of our work or actually per-!sons includinK Boy Scouts, joined The re-election of Daub and Brit- members. William Brynildsen was form some phase of it." in untiI 500 wcre beating, through tain and the election of Galiszew- clocted president arid other officers rjie service Center was cstab- the thick underbrush towards the ski, who will succeed Councilman are: Vice president, Nels Peter- tuned almost a yenr and a half ago golf course William Gilbert, retiring from of- sen; treasurer, Lew Howarth and and has aided' various veterans' re-, The Plainfiehl Fire Department, fice, will enable the Republican C.rv«| w».d Column IV. quests and questions about hous-; meanwhile, had begun dragging party to continue complete control • mg, Insurance, disability claims,; Shackamuxon Lake. Then Pat andof the local governing body. employment, education and on the j Mike showed up and Nicholas Pon- jol) training, etc. It has interview-. zi0, fireman and Albert Keevil ed an average of more than a hun- took them along. As they ap. Edward Tayler Improving dred veterans a month. proached the Uc, the dogs ran to a bundle which to the searchers The condition of Edward Will- Philathalians Present ! looked like rolled up newspapers, iam Tayler, 16-year-old son of Mr. lit turned out to be Chip, sleeping and Mrs. William R. Tayler of 603 *The Ghost Train" 1 apparently comfortably, clad in Hillcrest avenue, is improved ac- ! white overalls nnd a white shirt. cording to the boy's mother. He Fanwood Philatha'.ians will pre- "c suffered no ill effects from his is expected home from Muhlenberg sent Arnold Fiilley's thriller. The "Vc nour "trip." Hospital the end of the week. j Ghost Train, tomorrow and Satoi- • Edward suffered a bruised kid- day evenings at 8:30 p. m. in the ney Friday when he was kicked in Scotch Plains High School. Elks Aux. Sponsors the side during a game of touch Directed by Barry Tait, the play Spaghetti Dinner football. c-st includes Charles Dcbell, Mrs. Robert Scott, Athol Neuman, John j The Ladies' Auxiliary of the BP Adams, Mrs. Richard Slocum, Mrs.; OE, 1585, are sponsoring a spa- St. Paul's Guild r nd r Gcor e ;, „, ,, . S C. DeBell,: ghctti dinner on Tuesday from The Woman's Guild of St. Paul's Mrs. W. Walter Austin, W. Wai- ,6:30 until 9 p. m. in the Elks Home Church will hold a special sewing tor Austin, Henry L. Jesperson III Ion Elm street meeting on Tuesday in the Guild and John K. Brigham. j The public is invited. Room of the parish house. •

MODERN ADAPTATIONS A GROUP OF FINE OF OLD PICTURE FRAMES in the 18th Century Ilirh Florentine, framm nf decorative Imporl

Inner, delicate flllgri-i- »lylr» (like ,[lr |nre »n • aentiiiirntal \slni!lnr), ongravoil eoferi are examples of l!ahn(* niture deafened for belter livi"*' ^"n •h.dow box and Dai,u«rrr«>tn,^ rfpn,d,«r: die, RtfMM* anil thr r"!1"1" Hon.! (hc.o ore MM,,,. ,,f ,h(. ,„„„)- fnmn ltcr wo have to do honor Li ch.ri.-licii pi,,. „.,„, , h piece -covered I" «" •" *" d ull b frl Rraiiln or for Chrlsmm* gift,, ralor fnhrlc. Color, are planned to - current rolor achcmci. Sof«. j Priced 1.98 to 21.95

HAHNE & CO. Fi.lur.t und Mi,,.,,, Id Flosr phone Mis. T. Schuhc. The vari-j listed in Who's Who hi tht Ko»t.\ ou, pizes will be food items, in ; She conducts art classes ill her j sonPTA keeping With the spirit o( the Har-! private studio on the Boutsvaid, i To Hold Bridge vest Festival. ! - ' Mrs. Edith Hall Red Croti Offers parents of the Wilson School Home Nuriinf C«ur»e nupils will meet on Friday night, Wins Art Award Nov. IB, at 8:15 for a Harvest Six lessons in the care of the' Home dessert bridge, an informal Mrs. EiUth Hall won first award sick are being offered by the Red! ! social evening to raise money to for her oil painting, "Gloucester Cross home nursing committee, covev the year's budget. Mrs, C. Docks" at the Millburn-Short Hills The classes will meet twice weekly, i C. Ctiftofl, chairman, &nd her com- Art Center, Inc., show held this mid complete the couiae in three, mittee, Mis, A, C. tentiox awi Mrs. ueok at the Milllmrn Retention weeks. p. g. Mabbitt, have arranged for Hall. I Registrations are now being tali- i home-made refreshments and home- Mrs. Hall has won recognition i en for the new class. The first | style hospitality. in other exhibitions, the mo»t ve- session will be he'.d Nov. 15,29, 22,1 The children, in their art work, cent of which was the Frank Ball' 2fi, 27 ami Dec, 3 Iran .'! p. m. un-1 have made the talley cards, and| award in Plainfield last ytar for • ti! 5 p. m. i her portrait "Marceliu." | The course will be given at Red; e8clt parent will have been alerted J to note his child'* contribution, i Kdurated under piivate Instruc- Cioss headquarters, 37 Kim street, j lira- Robert Haase, through the tion, Mrs, Hall hus studied un- by Mrs. Louise Smith, RN, Red der eight academicians and Sigis- Cross instructor, who has com. COMPARE room mothers, has extended a per- sonal invitation to the guests. Any inond Ivanow.iki, the Kuasian court pleted special training under the one who needs assistance in mak- painter. She is a member of the j direction of North Atlantic Area ing «P a bridge foursome should. WestfleM Art Association nnd is (Red Cross Division

ONI NII6NIOI TELLS ANOTHIR "These are Benefits that G. 0. KELLER

Tenetor, juicy GrooVA'arid M." Why pay mbre? Top-quality. Grade A and AA. Dtlicloui! Cleaner Has Brought My Family!" :•..•':'•••: • •:—ROASTS — -.-. ••••'••'.-• i- • Boneless Round ^ 58c Legs of Lamb »• 56c Chuck Roast "43c Ghuck Lamb *• 39c Rib Roast ^ - 45c Loin Chops ». 69c .•:,.; .•.•••• ;~S*IAKS.^:, :'...: . •••_ Porterhouse »> 65cRib Chops »>. 59c Sirloin »•»• 58c Stewing Lamb ">29c Round Steak ">• 60c Acme is famous for beef! Serve tasty pork roast for a change! Freih Ground Pork Loins rx ib. 53c Beef H>. 38c Fresh Hams !»»*.•_.. Economical! Delicious! Why poy more? Fresh Calas * 39c Meat Loaf 115< Frankfurters *• 47c Liverwurst 113c BOLOGNA >»42c

See for yourself what a difference of garments that have actually been dry- cleaned many times. We ask only the op- Sinitonc dry cleaning mikes! You'll be FlUt HADDOCK \ portunity to PROVE THESE CLAIMS! wild Tt- CHEESE FEATURES amazed at the sparkling,"liKe-new'look Tomato Juice ™TL 23c i FllUt FLOUNDER ilbl (MUM* INN Jumb. 44.01, colt IDEAL MUSHROOM GOUDA ib. -ill B'"» Feel and See the Amazing Spaghetti Sauced" 11c Frying OYSTERS 39« USE Tom Juice Cocktail 32c Colored Amer. »>• 66c Bo.ton MACKEREL) ^ _ CASH AND CARRY Difference...Try Our . Wolbick Impld, Jf. Rrill'< »!*•*•"'»"» lie Cream Ctieese,!!1,'.';!,,. 16c SAVE Styll, Ol. Jm JZC Dl III J MuthrMm,101*-si. con I *rV> BLUE FISH U,7 J( 20% Uflin7 ****** DIM ft Dry Cleaning Todays riCllli c»tumb.r« 14-01. L I C Edam Cheese '-61c WEAKFISH ) "**" ftliimi- °"«" Stuffed 13- Morion's Salt 2 r 15c NABISCO Romano *•** "t* 14c Wertfield Branch 24 ELM ST. UllVeS SpanUh 7V*-«. 4JC : 3ic Phone WE. 2-4381 REPMJ-TATION CIDER Grahams „£ 26c Pancake Flour 10c Vinegar °b7l6c K Gorgonzola »> 68cBeanS StyUSlrl««, # con ISC Club Crackers '^. 19c 7-o«. Vinegar "".SU 12c Ima M HAV-O-MCH "COO Utg> Swot «n • I ul Thine *' " ?7r Corn Kix K N Sharp Choose "> 59cHurlockPeas2r.'25c FLORIDFUVOREfA i NATURAUlllli L12-01. L\\* Rice Krispies t£ 12c C. ASC • G. O. KELLER, Chateau 2£ $1.22Beets w°hn..,..n 14c oMwa Corn Flakes milic Cormr SOUTH and LELANO AVENUES Grapefruit Juice N 2 Beets " ,r,,., 13c Wheatena 127 PARK AVENUE PLAINFIELD, H. i. Spinach ^5™ 20c H-0 Quick OafsT 13c VIUUMI Fltinmu S-OlOO-Otter Tawnt WXJ10O (Bo Toll) 2 ««. 25c nr" 29c /* _ ACH« whoi. K«MI |r. c V.OIII Ooldin No. I con UL Cream of Rice ^. 21c Clcanert, Dyen. Rug Cleaners, Cold Storage Blended Juice String Beans --\ 14c No Place to Go h v 2 ^ 29c tr 37c Tender, packed fresh from the vines! New pack! Pure sweet orange ond grapefruit juice blended. Buy a supply! Apple Sauce 20^« 18c SELF.RISINO The community that has a Boy Scout organization, a 2 Swansdown it^Z 15c TEA, COFFEE, COCOA OCEAN SPRAV Orange Juice 2 », 37c "r 45c 1 CIIAM-WNITE IWhin Avolblilt) Y. M. C. A. or a Community House is likely to have ASCO Pure sweet Florida orange juice packed fresh from the groves. 1 Cranberry «*«« 'cT, ' 23c Shortening UklT a low record of juvenile delinquency. These organi- Tea Balls' -14c,?5°o 35c EVERSEADY zations must have money to carry on. The Com- NUTS, CIDER DRIED FRUITS Salada Tea Balls "5; 42c Fruit Cocktail "^T 36c Hot Muffin Mix Z 22c JAMES RIVER, 4K-gi. Jor DROMEOARr IOIt-ot. 'Va. munity Chest is having its Mixed Nuts -49c Apricots wot^T 40c Tefley Tea Balls *£ 15c drive. Will you give as gen- Smithfiefd Spread 21c Gingerbread Mix 20c Peanuts ,„".„ 2 & 25c Seedless Raisins",: 13c HOLSUM H-oi. Jar 0 erously as you can? Lipton's Tea £pg 26c Campbell X' 3-29c Dried Peaches Z 38c Peanut Cruncher, 31c 5 F c Salada Tea ST 47c Clam Chowder X. 24c ALMONDS Sfttt 45c PRUNES T,o ^. --25c Peanut Butter TL 30c ! s NESCAFE ,'-;„ 34c Heinz 5oypfo n 14c COMMUNITY CIDERS 45c £ 82c Pitted Dates n^. 29c Hershey Cocoa ™ Beechnuts' t39c Krispy Crackers £. 25c •"w Tomato Soup!!; 12c CHEST l UPTON'S 2Vi-oi. Pkg. Borden HEMP 1tt 59c Noodle Soup Mix 10c Space given by ORANGES 25c ITPIIC srr.VIC Plenty of rich juice in these fine Floridas—Unmatchable value! OAKITE 2 "r.!- 19c Plenty of rich juice in the WI1BEBT NO-RUB Ivory Snow I When Avoilobla I each Floor Wax,:- 33cS; 59c Grapefruit 5c Ammonia TJB.,,,. 10C Juicy, Large Site Florida CABBAGE YA. Ib. Bleachefle Blue 2 L"; 9c Dazzle Bleach S 17c Svory Soap Oranges«<" 35c TURNIPS IWhsn Available I Blue Suds 2^: 15c OIUBI at if waitm. U14 with any Foney taup or ulsng for Itrmll Wathof, "ST 2 Stayman APPLFS" Blu-Whitellakes ""T?^ P^ 15c U. '>. No. 1 ONI Yellow £>SF Powder X". I0C lb. $|.39 Hand Clsaner X°.*' Maine ^ ^ Bag § U S No 1 best grade. The REAL, winter-keeping potatu. Buy now for winter storage. LONG LB. BAG $1.29 P»ge Eight THE WESTFIELD LEADER, •THUBSDA-Y, NOVEMBER 7, 1946 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE RATES: WATER SOPTK>E»S—Before rent- THE DEMAND lo11 GOOD HOMES SIX-HOOH WHITE * OI.OVIAL, with GIVE MAGAZINES FOR minm muur PASTBD Wane* ing or buying any softener ask CONTINUES TO BE BTItONQ. Bo- iraraiT©; $11,500. Five*room cot- makes a professional oecoia about the Peyton, completely In- Two-Cents-A-Word cause the promltience of ear office taffe with garage* $13,000, XMAS! SPECIAL XMAS out of any amateur—Bee the n stalled in your home for I13S. <21 location attracts many out of GIFT RATES ON ALLlovely patterns—only •••>•' OI1OS You can pay tor it as low as J7.97 PEARSALL townere who particularly desire an average room. per month. This la the only ap- to locate In the Wwttield area, HAROLD E. YOUNG CO., pliance we know of that will pay Minimum Charge 5Oc 135 rUNTHAL A\E. , WE, MlW MAGAZINES ARE NOW for Itself tn 1 year. we urge (hat your home he, listed • ISItO.V/.i: SCHEBW WIHK available & for sale directly with UK. IN EFFECT. WE SEND A. * A, HARDWARE CO., f 11 Ctamllcd DUCIA? Ralca for sale directly with u*. VVe !»,„.„ ,.„,,, IIWKI i IKC—so vn. In limited quantlty--repaIr »» 19.12 Nortk Are., W., or the Hoover rV".? * ii i>liciitlo». FRANKENBACH have been .iicnuful lntMaytri-i™$-S*fiF'*og**-ti!$?a%,£»ntfL ATTRACTIVE GIFT before storing—all uizMs in stocK. CKAKKOHU . CM. «-O:i01 11-7-4 CUMQDi WEDNESDAY I P. M, atisaouoie CARDS FREE OF OPEW gUNDAV inc. Ave., "We MSTKI) EXCLUSIVELY WITH IS | CI tt, 137 South CHARGE! Cl'BTOM MA UK SMP COVEM8, Xkmm W«1flel« 2-4407-4408 REALTORS IS A HOMJ3 THAT IS ii genuine I N. J. gilder cushions, bedspreads value far the f25,t&0o,0& askesi. It I SPECIAL RATES 1.1 gift Zd gift Central Hardware Co., drapes, from customer'a own ma- UlAHTICB CK.VTlitl Of SE11VKB in located in & higrhly desirable, ' terial. Fhone WE. 2-5241-M. RE&L ESTATE FOR SALE convenient section of the Nfurth 508 CBKTRAIJ AVE. 11-7-4 side. There ts a very sttntetlvQ AMERICAN GIRL, . $2.00 $1.00 2 Elm St., Wettfield 2-4700 tool int-teaa "f v , -"«• living room with an effective fire- AMERICAN HOME . 1.50 1.00 TAUI.n PADS MADE TO ORDER. PIANOS n r eIr place, a sun room II x IS, a BETTER HOMES economy. H r -J?2V * » 1 week delivery. Alwnl» B»rirsli>«, All Trpea. *7S up. Weatfleld 2-j(77,"»'*lirtb," O.M,V SKVKN Vt screened porch. lar?e bright dln- SPECIAL LETTER AND GARDENS . . 1.S0 1.50 C. C DOWMB CO. «-«• CHANPOR0 PIANO CO., il'.ir room, small solarium, a mnd- 1O5 Elm St. . WE 3 Nurtk Ann B> • CRaa, O-17M ilr^l'g ITOR TUB, »»a( bmtfimton* ytith brdr«tom«. ern kitchen, plenty of pantry CHARM 2.50 2.50 ll-7-4t itttarhed srarnfisra and oil kMl«« space and a powder room. The 2.00 baby ghowe" REYNOLDS & FRITZ t41t — making; 433 Soutli Are, CHILD LIFE . . , 3.OS loaned free fur REAf/rOHS . IS.61H0KS four betlroom« are nicely- propor- WHIICU, IV. J. 2.25 tioned, two of them averaging IS- CORONET .... Z.7S WHELAN'S KITCHEN' DESIGNED umi On Sale WndltH 3-l«t COSMOPOLITAN . 3.S0 3.50 —See the WHITEHEAD line of feel square. There are two tiled w \f« anA Mr*? P 1 RE BK1"r*:a Tilt) SELECTION 01 SCOTCH PLAINS — Another Bfre baths and exceptionally large ; l0n MT' ana Mra- r- CUE 3.00 2.00 FOR RELIABLE fine enameled steel cabinets with homes that we can offer you, til new ttlx-reom hooae with • x*-ry closets. It Is altogether a charm- I 5.00 stainless steel sink counter top—~ atirscdTe ilonv front, op«n mcrrtH ln(r home in fine condition. A'iAIN . .. SINCE THE LAST EDI- ESQUIRE 6.00 PRESCRIPTION SERVICE also factory enemaled wooden "'tfl better planned we are, but nat porvht Ant-How luvHturr and «:»• TION OP THIS PAFEK ANOTH- FLOWER GROWER . 2.50 1.50 Prescriptions called for and deliv- cabinets equipped with any i- Urftlly the miDDly is still definitely kc«t. Mm»e la well plHHned* ered. Open Sunday till 7 p. m. counter top you prefer — at TO BIY Oil TO 8KI.I. TU5T THIS Bli LISTING WAS RECEIVED FLYING 3.00 3.00 littilted, and, moreover, 194? Is HflTwrdlnir nlc* «!«*• AND SIII..D. l>. Law . 8. W.l«tmb THE) HOMB PLANNINQ CfcNTKH, forecast by the experts for a new loll uklnic »10.WW. OFFICE FIRST — WS Alt*: NOT GOOD HOUSEK'P'G 3.50 3.50 fdi.lrrril ri,«r»ocl.l». 244 North Are., Wesfneld 2-5338. hlsli in new funlflea. We Invite CONNECTED WITH ANY UST- GOURMET .... 3.S0 2.SO 10-31-lt U-7-4t you to contact us for any assist INO SYSTSSJ. WE CAN DO THE SAME FOR YOU ance you may find you need be- SKNl-UI',N(JAKU\i — With IIVIHK; IK rt)U CONTACT VS. LBAVINQ HARPERS MONTHLY 4.00 3.00 room, rilnlnK rovm, kltrheii, *•«- Yim KEQU1HBMENT8. 1.50 fore you ?imke the Important de- room, bcflrBOM and bath am flrst HERBERT B. SMITH JACK * JILL . . . 2.S0 IIBAVV minimi noon MATS— now taking orair?f™ iLz'l cision to buy or to pell. For the LADIES HOME STAIR TBEADS. Wats 16 x 24 and WHY CARRY IT? buyers we present the following floor-HH>M«* for three adilltkmal •Malta Theater RMg. 1VB AHE OBTTINQ GOOD LIST 20x30 Ins. Treads 8x18 ins. CHINES. III? «.rvl{S/? * thumbnail Bugrgeetions and we so< ki^rooniii and kalk on areoml fleer H IKfiS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE JOURNAL .... 3.00 3.00 Limited quantities FRENCH'S C«H licit further Inquiries: —-e*cellmr *«la;hberhood—nice lot B. O. Btwwarta e AUVKIITlSINti. LIFE WEEKLY , . 5.50 4.25 for HOME FURNISHINGS, 800 WErt. 2-5341 I4i< l fi^ RRM. WS.MIK Central Ave., corner 101 drove St. rler . IK 1i>(i KEOISTEH YOUR NAME LOOK 2.50 2.50 No traffic congestion; AMPLli, And Have Your Favorite I*3W — KIWII PAINTED, liear HHA\n SfZW — ttr*. WK.1-IUTC-H WITH tvl'IS llItOANIZATlON, WE MADEMOISELLE . 3.50 3.50 FABK1NG. Open Evenings until P»rochl«l. Gardens. kimee. kiRdr to •hopalRK f«rlH- Will. AllVlstg YOU WHEN McCALLS ...... 2.S0 2.50 8:30. 1'ubllc Service Iiuses NOB. BEERS, MIXERS & SODA Ha,t*a—K.tNW0Ol> — Pretty net IICH Mid M*nr tran>|>ortat(un — SOMKTIIIM1 INTBKBSTINQ IS NAT'L GEOGRAPHIC S.O0 5,00 49 and 64 stop at our doors. BED- DELIVERED. flnt-itx»r powder rmMi tiles bath SEE IT TODAY !tt:o:nKi> DtNO, FUnNITUHE. FIX1OR COV- titifi homelike. •Md Ut#|i»H th You'll love It at first slj:ht w NATURE MAGAZINE 3.00 2:00 ERINGS Since 1891 In Westneld. oil h«(t you see this deluxe foui - UK SfKflAI.IKB T1IUOUOHOUT NEWSWEEK . . . 4.25 4.25 or "Phone WE, 2-1160. III,#M»—NtAk UNCOLBT SCHOOL, new bungralow in Towniej. !» I'MtfV rol'NTV. TOO OtTKN Petcrion'f Home Beverage OMNIBOOK . . . 4.00 3.50 SPEOIAH BHIPCliT V SPENCER — IndlrM Plot 50*250. AT THE I'HESKXT TIME we have tlfui surrt)undln^s; It ita^. A'.I lll'll LISTINGS ARB SOLD BE-OPEN ROAD Service, Style ana Health gffi WMC other very desirable hemra cial features that you dw «ot »\>I!K l!i:l\rui*# Avft, tlj.Ms lUi-pootfully yours, OUTDOOR LIFE . . 2.00 1.00 siae only 38c while they last. X eratlons. Is yean" and will jrnarantee prompt, comr- WtstfU-ld S-SSJ"-«, t>;iiM<.- discontinued shape. Buy them tor ll-7-4t Mrs. Mel Ha rain* 840 v HOOMS, I Bulk., oil, teona aervlce at all tlatea. f.- FRANKLIN F. WAGNER PARENTS MAGAZ'E Z.50 1.00 prizes and gifts. MATERNITY DRESSEd St., Plainfleld. p"|| H POPULAR MECH'ICS 2,50 2.00 gd selection; all types In stock . AND NEW. Auto POPULAR TAVK11W XMAB CANOI.ES. Cute HMRBGRTg, motlo heat. Eatukltakm Sc* figures of choir boys, singing an- Hlallu Tkratre BMi, kouf Wralleld 2-1007 PHOTOGRAPHY . 3.002.00 gels, skating snowmen, hanta WELL ROTTED Cm ARTHUR N, PIERSON ll-7-4t Mnnurei and cord PHOPEHTV — VETERANS ONLY CORPORATION POPULAR SCIENCE 2.50 2.00 Claus and those masNive CaKcades ligh"jht t trutrucking: • . future value. NEW HOUSE?S nearlng completion. READER'S DIGEST . 2.7S 2.25 In red or white. Gift boxed, 75q WHEI.AN'g 2.5252J9-M- •". Attractively landscaped with tar' to ?2.00- per box. Have Fllia«. All Populnr Slica, •14,«M — OLDER HOME with via drives. Four rooms, tiled REDBOOK . . . . . 2.50 2.50 No. 1ST . iae No. «»> . Xlv CHILDIIBKi'tt SI.KIIS baths, showers, model kitchens SAT. EVE. POST . 5.00 2.50 AI.I'MIKI'M HOAHTKIIX. Just In 'churn*". with built-in cabinet*, lnluld lin- N«. IB* . S8e No. lltl . Me lived; llmltet] quantitl SEVENTEEN ... 1.80 1.S0 time for Thanksgiving Turkeys. Mo. 110 . SSe oleum; oak floors. Completely S Barpo size $6.27, medium si«e (Uantllira Llmltirt. 42 lnH. Ions. BUF S'ice white liouno. Oil. decorated. Space for extra rooms 4 H-room HOUSE Of The WEEK TIMIEE 6.50 5.00 on second floor. Fine basements, srlx $ri.44. Trivet $1.28. Open roast WHKLAN DRUG KTOIIH. HOME FUKNIHHIMJS^ air-conditioned heat. Attached ga- WOMANSHOME !>an Jl-91- Heavy chrome roaut ll-7-4t tral Ave., Westfiela. •M.T- eee one of the finished ones? Con- fully Insulated. coal. Decemt**r occ JUST. NOTE THOSE BAR. waiting for. Save burnt lingers (3 yearn) or half rotted. Also, O.E. 4-HUIINEIl ELR_._, £_%itm uiner IJ.IMK Hoom with fire- when basting your roast or tur- cinders and blue atone. Call outskirts. place, square dining room wlfh GAIN RATES WHEN YOU with deep well cooker, 1 ANDREW HAVE ft SON «I5,TM> — SIX-ROOM — Sleeping key. Separates grease from gravy. Westfleld 2-CS59 after 6 p. m. control for oven and bi •lr-%06—KIRST-FLOOH BBDROOM. ep plenty or room for tbftt heirloom An Ideal cream separator. An KT Novtk Ate. PLAINKIISLU 0-1(117 porch—steam coal. (>ara tt sideboard, good kitchen, ultra mod- ORDER TWO OR MORE 10-24-10t rod heating element'' Over 1 acre View, Speedy -poa 76x113. Lincoln SchoolraK#. t*o Ideal ntcoking gift or prize. 68c condition; $75 In New ] session. • . 10-17-U district. ern rose colored powder room: GIFTS TO THE SAME each. 1 PAIR HOYA1, I.^ICKSTEH Va«mi 206, care Lender. screened porch. ambor gla&s chicken, cups and *ir,5«0 — EiARCB CAI'K COD ONE-BOOK smni »1T,(MX| _ WELL PLASXED 8H- MAGAZINE!! MANY OF room, 2>bath house. Five rooms Mnnter lied room * with connecting MINL'TE HOI'S. Tile wonder work- saucers, pieces of pressed si ass, SO MANY or Our t'aahwnjff Established locution. BOOKKBEPIKG SYSTEMS and bath first floor. Three rooms, colored tile bath with stall THEM AT HALF PRICE! er. Madt, of Dupont sponge. suitabluitbabll e fof r giftsgiftsift .. 119 MelrosMl e AAve. days of food furbliihtal,J Complete records, easy to keep. dressing room and bath second Aluminum drainer (its most any (1 block west of Glen Ave.). found what remarkable H * VMM —. HEW, Vnr Me*. Qas Cost reasonable. A card will floor. Double garage. Steam coal shower; three other bedrooms pull. {1.59 complete, nefllls 98c Plainfleld. heat bring information. with colored tile bath. WE HANDLE EVERY MAGA- io-ai-6t table wineH ha\e both or oil. Excellent convenient loca- ZINE OR BOOK PRINTED I each. WITH the meal—that In, I BUSINESS HKCOHU SYSTKJIS, tion. HAVE! YOU A'TTENDED to your ins and tttj an accompanta «i»,neo—Moimn.v HOME:. About 1'. O. n«x ISH, MV.IIlrlil. The Third Floor has R pine pan- WHEN YOU CAN'T GET THE furs? We may still have them elled bedroom with built-in bunKs PACIFIC sn,vi!n WRAP. Back the main dlfih—that we ll-7-2t I21.00O—MODEIIN' Thr.r-l.nel 7- MAGAZINE OR BOOK YOU again. The cloth that prevents reatyled, repaired, and Hollander- you will be interested toe C Hi acres. —perfect for your young son nnd Izod for you In time. WMMa—COLONIAL—an the Boule- . room house — two batliH, stall IIIK overnight guest; nnothor bed- WANT ANY PLACE ELSE, th.n tarnish. $1.00 each. In and pick up some litentw DIETZ & SMITH shower. Air cond. Oil. POSH. 11/ room and attractive hath. U, I>HTSO\ A BON, this and other related bJ vard, 1B. Double att. garttse. (Clurk juit call us and we will tell it RKVISIIR STAIIVI.BSS STERI,. The WITFIIII li Reaitori Townahl)!.) lo you promptly! Take advan- finest cookingr ware on the mar-ISt K. Brond Kl. or 10S Centrnl Are. i I-:. iiuoAii IT, .on wKii. KP.PT HOM Oil Hen*, automatic hot water, WE. 2-1078 water Moftener; two-car garago- tage of our 13 yra. experience ket. 2-3-4-qt. Saucepanti, 1^-qt. WIJ. 2-3IIM Woodrow Wilson .School OIIRHN Bl'KGALOW. Immediate IFZ'l.fHHI—I110AIJT1KUI, DfiHlern HlK- and completely equipped office at and 2-c]t. Double Boilers, Dutch 10-31-5t possession. Four and one-half room houwe, 1 ^4 bfithn—duuble Ka- Ovens and 10" Covered Skillets. WALMT illllKAl, CUBu.lt. . •J2.3OU— PKIiriSCT HESIDENCB Th* AVhole HOII P IN In excellent 431 South Are. SERVING THE Limited Quantities. rooms, insulated. $81300. raffe. Vac. system oil. Venetian condition and very attractive. OVAI, COLONIAL nilAIIIISU Ill'CN table, wicker chairs and ( bllntlK — 'Tops an to condition. WORLD! MAY WE SERVE made of a Heavy Canvas sewed pair niahognny slflc chain « for physician. COSfVBiyiEWTLiyiEWTLYV LOCATED. Early Must be seen to be appreciated. $20,000, YOU! NO ORDER TOO SMALL! IIIAl,-A-I>»I\K Cilcklull Hhnkera in a Hit and Mlas pattern, Slzen cot with lunttreHfl, soinl i (S&Seo—UKC0LN ROAD. Colimiftl. possepossession! ' . Six rooms, den, open l^«-hi»!vrl> IJ«ey F. Rtrnoldi Cfcarlra J. Frlti garage. 114,750. And see table nf Jr, Gifti. Br i. 'pkime 2-OM5 Rn. 'pkoue 3-10O3 10-24-U MADB IN AMEIUCA STOKE, FHUIT-Or-THE-WKEK CL^B — BE PROTECTED. Fresh, tree-ripened, juicy Florida THK OOltNBR H013B, iEW HONES, limb for occu- TODAY'S SELECTIONS UASSINE'P, Crib, I'lnr Pen. folding •£» Kn.l Broait St. Marjorle Mlllen, pancy Bonn. Six roomB, colored WI3STFIKM1 a-41VI.%. orange.8 mallet] weetcly to your DEAL WITH A REALTOR. carriage, high chair. Call WE. home postpaid—10 lbs. for %\. 302 EAST BltOAD ST. tile' bath, automatic heat, good ft.%00.—\KAH TOWS & STATION 2-3302-M. >( It'a The Cream Of Tke Crop, WE, 2-1881 materials'uHed. From 114,000. to We Have III For full particulars call or write: •— 8 rooniH unii Kiinroom — Htone IT IS ALWAYS A IM.UASI 111", to Mrs. O. E,- Parker, 14 Preston COLONIAL HOHi:. recently modern U4.9O0. fireplace in living room—steam Hhow n clean, well maintained KAY'S SLENDERIZING AVe. CRunford 6-OU38. 11-7-U TIBDO SUIT—Slsc 31-15 \ laed at enst of 13,800.0(1. 7 rooms, heat. property. $7.no; long fur coat, brown. uomAW liitAn. Near new High TIfKSH TWO Are Typirnl of Rome Steam cabinet. Bwedtsh masftase, FOLDING MABV GARRIAGC!, li.QO; black suede FootWiJ tiled bathroom, modern Kitchen School site. Occupancy Dec. 1st. reducing or relaxing. PLfcl. 6- . _ . BROWN A I.I. WOOL „ cabinets, linoleum, gaa range, au* HI.1IK1.—NOI1TII PI.VIM'ini.O — vary fine liKting» wo now hnve: P|nr ]>en mill PMit. sije 18. Plain brown trousers, 3)413. practically new. I lommie hot water and heat, oil Three bedrooms, tiled bath, sleep- Very modern hnme donvenlpnt to 7470. Tol. WE. 2-54H. battery, (3.00. Westflelo ing porch. 1115,750. transportation, schools and Holite W15I.I, PI,AVMill, well conslrueted 1-1. Light brown aport coat, size burner: fill doora, windows metal ( HU.lrs Wonlrn Tei-ter-Totter and 14. Hyde Ice Hkuteu and shoes at- •reatherstrlpped, screens, porch 29—3 bedrooms and bath on .first bungHl""' having living room |:>II1H11TI1 V GlFrtrle Cellar llmlnrr tached, tilsse S. York r,3-inch bow, MISMIOS r.BEB.V WOOL I'JMOR * HIGH Section. Seven floor—entire second floor llnlshod child's large rocker, both In ox -—good condition: also blower for leopard collar, like new, flBd windows. Two-car garage, rooms In excellent condition, col- with semi-bay window, dining; ccllcnt condition. WE. 2-4823-lt. arrowa and arrow holder. Cali iluildlnsr only for Bale; must be with lovely unite of bedroom and room, Hclenco kilelifin, two good furnace (Buffalo Forge Co., Slroco WEst. 2-3712-J1. Black velveteen drew, gr "loved (rom High School »lte; J8.- ored tile bath, available no'V. liviner room — instilateil, storm bedrooruK and tiled hath and ex- typel with 1/20 h. p. motor. Fan- wlilte striped dfiess, else t: lOO.OO a* t», will consider bust 118,600. ' windows, open liorch. attached «a- pansion «piu;e upstalrH. Insula- COMB AND S10I-: . . . wood 2-7460. 2-2S77. ' . . inter. WE. 8-1732. U-7-St rage — heaiituully planted well- tion, oil air conditioned. $14700. MYHTI.H THE TURTLE, STAUTI.NO MONDAY, all pre-war -REAM OV THE CROP. ' .".,<»* kept grounds. .4HMSI1 THK rl«, HOY'S ax" IIIC'VCI.l;, good condi- items. Colonial occasional chair, NEW KUOICIIIKK 3-PC. iate occupancy. 1 block t ./a,!" V Attractive Hoinei hav- HHl IN TIIK! HIOAU. tion, recently painted. Call WB pate-leg table, breakfast aet set, miiKt MlUVCallbl school, 3- blocks to h.-'. ^hool, Wherrt chairs, nil brass bird cage on tleAve WIKTFMLD «lS5fl«.—1-HANKIIV SrilOOl, Fllx- ing; 24* livins room with fireplace, 2-oSSO-It about 6 o'clock. 1>. in., 31J«MiC '' BIXGAl.ow, only 4% yenrs old— near bus. Three nice ,, Sed- •:rict — 7-room house with very Inrrje rtlninsr room, tiled Kelenee MllvlM,i;v SCIIOOI, 1IAZAAII. stand, china and glassware, child's ±t'ience kitchen, finished In Imita- roomfl, tiled bath, mod' 'ct.sn, t.-'odern tiled bath—newly daco- kitchen und breakfast room, large NOV. 13«ll . 3 P. H. -7 P. M. nATTl:Hir.S Fnr NnlP. G volts 110.75 toys, miscellaneous articles suit- SIIIIISTMAS OIKT _„.« tion tile. Imitation tile bath, oak oil heal, insular.-" 0.I.OVKI/Y Corner Property has ltH own powder room. Other bed with SlmmonB sprint? and entrance on Longfellow Ave. CIAI, namo on your lint. j> QUICK POSSESSION; J8S00. KAITIFII, Wiii.li , I JO,| of ,'n Wilson School district—conven- features are full insulation, oll- Ueautyrest mattress, vanity 1 II ill POOL TABLE, fair; 1 ping Hourn 10:30 to 5. juicy, healthful, tree-rlpwj Mountnlnslde, SparXif , 'ivhlte ient to bus nnd shopping—4 bed- Kteum heat, double gnrnfre, and Its dresser ant! bench. All in very pone table, poor. Call WE. 2- inBeM. For full partlcnWi CEVTUALl.Y I.OCATBD 2-f»mlIy Colonial. Center htill ^*s(-ftoor excellent condition. Price »2(l,000, Kood condition. Tel. WE. 2- 1 SBT (10 voluniea) Journeys Thru or write: Parker Aiencjllf ruomH nntl 2 huths — delightful 3?G3-n. 2S71-W after 6 p. m. home with *4-acre plot, »eparate lavatory. Three bed™1 i j, colored Bttnroom fully glased — Mplendid Bookiand, tin.00. 1 net (6 vol- ton Ave. Cllanfnrd 6-0III. , steam furnaces. J-car Borage, re- tile bath, insulate! , j|r condi- en.lroriment for children. IIIOU IlOAIIIl, SIIIKII- Wlilth, used ume»l Child Craft, 510.00. 1 Reni- duced to 113,500. tioned. $19,900. HARRY H. MALLETT 2 nights, Cabinet Majestic radio, lnKton Standard No. 10 typewriter, r 9S0500—BXTIIBMBLV I'nuNui.l niul IIKAI.TOH—INSLHOlt CANOi: for Snle or l for cheap. WK. 2-260(. $5.00. Call WMtlield 2-10S2. FAI.I. CBBBTIXOS — REDKi:i> To VUJHHt—substantial IvrolV IIOAD «clli>n. Early l.ovriy—one of those comfortable JVOIITH AVK. AT Kl.5ir.lt ST. portable typewriter. Westfleld Leader, Publ 6-room home, tiled science kit- isseBsion. Well planned 7-room, 3-levei homes ju«t outttlde of town WB, WE, J-0S52-M. ii:\>\ VII.L:—1 Savage electric AI.MT lli:i>ltUOM St'lTIQ, maple ery Thursday •nfi chen, tiled bnth, Kan-heat, taxes _ bath home. Recreation room, oil with thnt country atmosphere— reducing machine, complete with bedroom suit*.', Iwrrelback chair, M7M. .1. C. Trl,,p, 3* Pa Ir only J85, yard enclosed with iron lieat, sleeping porch. 523,500. everything the moat modern — 3 MAPI.10 11 ILL FAIIMS, O-Ucinm Ktantt; $3.",; also 1 ear battery, 6-way lamp, gateleg table, kit- fence, available Quickly. bedrooms, 2 baths, pine panelled house, all electric, attached gn- lHiiek Hize. S3, In ime about 18 chen table, 2 clocks, 3 Killing SD OTIUCIIS, T«o. We invite your (illll.'S 21" HOM.I'AST I11KI-. bal- jrAA ri?i?fJ? den, open porch, oil air-condition- rnirp, one room un(lfilnhed, rtre- loon tires, good condition; $20. months; white porcelain drain- dryernt 1 Eugene permanent wave n oll CMOICR Comnierplal Properly-. 2 calls. ed — beautifully kept property plnce, insulated, weatherstrtpped, Boy'H overcoat, size 10; ?5. AVE. bnard and sink, ?3; pair North- machine. Western Electric radio. Wind" JU'tl "' P with a frontaso of 1G3 it. laiul ukliH, complete with clamps, at the Klalto Theatre, well located stores. 4 apartments, eoppor 8creenn, «lorm sash, 2-2707-J. Call WE. 3-0585. field, Tuesilay, * substantial income. Available at DIETZ & SMITH, screened porch, oil heat—.')5O-B:nl. polos and will braces SO" long, ex- 0 bargain price. tank, landscnppd lot 85x100, out- KLACK ri:HSIA.V LA Mil full length cellent condition, $ir>. Tel. WE. by calling Pf™ ?S, I CENTRAL AVE. . WE. 2-1100 K1EP A BASS, 2-2402-W. HAMIIJTON open faced Ing proper identifi Ride freshly painted. Afklnp price swagger coat, size IS or 20, rea- iiold tilled man's pocket watch, Loader Office. C. K. GARRETSON *I6,000. Call owner, WE. 2- sonable, no tax. Call WE. 2-5591. 8 years old; S50: seen by appoint- O-ltOOM 1I0M1). only 10 years old, W, 5 Room* in excellent 0S47-M. ;(;mi.\H as- BICVCLK— STABT Tour Fall "_ condition, expansion attic, oil ment; cost 196 new. Write Box now by having your ttled science kitchen, tiled bath burner, fireplace, recreation room, Realtors NEWPOHT STKAM Pl'IlNACK for a new tlrcn, good condition, 201, care Leader. •with Btall shower, oil heat, im- 43 ELM ST. . WE. 2-1S0O HOUSES, 0 Itoonm TJnph, with nale. Hut water tank and stand. WE. 2-2943-J. washed from attic to rnedlate HbKaesslon. Beautiful ^~ garaee; Jli.soo. WE. 2-MU. inside uncl out. HI attached garage, hot water heat, CIIIII •and innerHPrinB mat- WE. i'j aere plot In the hills near Sur- 60OU TWO-FAMILY In good loca- tile bath, tile kitchen. Ready for THE 1II-Y Cl.ln Is assisting Bill tress, beginner's violin, metal Wlndoiv Services. Wh prise Lake. J-ltOOM HOCSE, Comer PrOperfy, SI:ASO\EII 1-IHBPI.ACK woon—! il\ North Avi". 6 yearn old, spic and span. Fire- tion. Four rooms and bath mi inspection. Complete in one and Tufty to sell Christmas cards, case, HtanoV Boy'H brown JlnRei'tip place, oil heat, huge master bed- ni-Kt floor, tlve and bath on the month. WE. 2-3164-M. S15 Onk Sawod lo your order and deliv- If a 1H-V member calls on you length coat, like new, HIZO 12. SCOTCH' PLAIN'S second. Hardwood floors through- Ave. 9-12-lOt ered. B. \\'. Kmmons, Matawftn, plense look at the cards as they Ol'.XS. Kl.blwr Tufkl'-. room, attached garage, modern to are tjultc attractive^ Large wine preH.n. "WE. 2-11163 BRICK FRONT IH \C:.4LOW. only the Nth decree. fll.OOO. out, line modern heating plant. N. J. Phone Matawan 1-2184. between A and 6. 9 years old, tiled science kitchen Immediate possession llrst floor. with Chambers jras ranste, stuiilo Asking »11,080.00. 41 MAIIOGA-W l)u it en u Fh> tt> (lining IIOV'M llnlli.on Tire Hmrr Wimon, ;i3W Bt.NUALOW. 0 Roomii, \'.\- BADV 1ILCCV, Koldlitjt Typp, living room with fireplace, second Riilated, oil heat, nrcplace, nttach- MARTINSVILLE room chnlrn. Including 1 nrm bnike. unu»ual. EnRiandcr couch flour finished in knotty pine, oil ed garupe. space for 2 additional •^"BU\ GOOD SI^CTIOV of NVrth CJood condition: % 15, tihair.* Broadlonni I-URM, taupe— bed, KngliHh coat'h, Hllver shnvlng heat. 12x30 combination enrage rooms. $t6,500 Plainfleld. Sfven rniiius, four bed- Sou I hern slopf of the mountain, Tei. WR. 2-0841-R. 0 X I."*, 6x9. WE. 2-2479. Hland, KtnerKon lllRht table or end end workshop, til x too lot. Quick IHt.Vi; Sf. DANIELS, roniiis, new hentinR plant, pond eisfbt-room modernissccl IJ occ-iipnnry. Convenient to 2S* \VR. S-ltKUI pint, excellent condition through- tmnnllc heat, 1 !i acres, KOI-ROOUS ! unv'S MCYCI.R. practically new. 11 JI« SAW, J2.i; 7" cHvulur raw, JIlKhuny. $16,000. out. 5H.oon.tlD. v!••»•. Heduced from f22,0U(l to 1 with banket, lock and kiekstand; i J22.riO; >.; h. n. motor, SIO. WE llKSTWOOl) ACHES — 1 ot lust lin.000. lenns. Possession Nov. I $35. Call Wcstttcld 2-07',2-W, i 2-4'.l9!(-M. well hunt pre-war fi-rnnm homes- ^AKOR OLUBIt TVPK. Just m- 15th. Taxes |6."( Thursday, between 6 IS YOUR PROPERTY Pletoly done (tver and modern 12 lli.ACK Nil.K nnr,ssK«, size 12, 3 bedrooms with additional lovely J J< s H R Reallor! 1 11 worn once, !6 and ?8. WE. 2- LISTED WITH US? knotty pine room; expansion tittle, ! ir.'.iO-.J. enclosed poreh, economical air 5:^rr"ijrS' - ? ^^ Jf.. "Sftr !? .?&**£££-,*.«,. SOLID MAHOIiA.NV 111111,1111 1M,-lit FOR FIIRTIIRR INFORMATION (.'onditioned oil heat, atim-heil Kft- 0 CCl 239 Pork ' nmA^Askin ' iT^-m/m'i '"' '" i A«t"Ti*. I»t,"i»flelil R-3777 \ WE. 3-QQI9. SAI.K—Xery Sppfinl tirnup of Crepe 9-pleco i'iniiifr room set, including [ iir.<;\niii\i; TIIKBK PHOPUII- ratjc: well nltunled. Immediate possession. 1VK. 2-2027-J. ! .. . I aiOVIX*i—ninwer F»»r i.'»ml Kuriiiicu * Dresses, sizes ii to 13, reduced to table pailfl. Practk-ally new anil TIK8 CALL Oi;il WKSTPIBLU CIIKSTWOOIl. About 'i-a.-ri. idi>t, and thermostm .solid walnut hed- j !7. values to {!6.!if>, tiroup of In perfect rtindllloit. $3."i0. 1 ro^e > IlEPIIISSUKTATIVESt seven-room limiK-ilow. Hunt l'.'ll. SEASHORE FOR SALE room rocker, d*>i-k (.-hair, blrtl bath, • Wool Ilrennrv, nlgen '.I to 1SH. J7; broadloom rug, !t x 11; rfd and, •In, lined lltinilltiin — \VB. S-172T BE PROTECTED. j ivxt'clli'nt efmhtlon tlirotiBhout, lus mat- ; Realtor tt BI.M ITI1EKT ! n t-ath:", la ; WEEK END SPECIALS trenK $15. 310 Canterbury ltonU \ afli'r 7 p. 111. ! 1 IO1 CK.VTIIAt. AVI2. . WE. 2-2029 WKSTFIBI-D ! 1i1.11' i"" ; iSTeniiiKa no. i-io.-i(i. I:I.. ;-in.-,i) I'honp 2-0(121 . Kvcnlnfirn S-161.t : I N V l: ST M E N T I'ROrEllTT ' R&S AUTU STORES IIHICSS SHIIITS—2 —lo li—•:!•". sloovp. 1 wiiosrc HB:XTAI.U WII.I. atini: no Yotit fiiKis'r.MAs MlOl»^I^(; , excellent i-oml, 1 — 16 — "6 ; .' FiNVnOD. folonlnl live-room' THAN PAY Yllflt VKAIII.V t'AK- A( (Itir ltnxluir. ' BE PROTECTED. 1 COO xli TIRES Hleeve. I — 1 ,"1—.i»i sleeve. I Tux-: house In erood cnnilitliin. Modern itviNc. fiiAiifjE, on INSTUE: \.>v. I.-.IB. 1 eilo—Hize i\ loner, also shoe*— DEAL WITH A REALTOR. hath ami Uili-lH^n. open screened i Vtll'll KA.MIUKS FrTI'IIK VA- MiKlVl.KV SCHOOL P.-T. \. ] Quantities Limited Id'.iR WICBt. 2-lHi.-,B. I porch. Kte.im liciit; conl. 1-tvir; NOHTH smr:, IIMMIIII, I'ATIOS" l'T.KAKl'P. 1-:S ilY OYVX- c^nit'e. Jim. 1st occuimney, Icilt Illll^h C'll'-niul. i"i>>.i 1NC IIN'K ftp THKSK COTTA<;H:i 911,000.00 Fl'l.l SI7.K nt'.U HOME RADIOS 3 I1ATKK SPIIKAII.S—Twin Ulur. 1; J10.90O. , h l.v (ii'i; '•HAiffli.vi;. BXCLi-sivE i pair ilrtipe.H tn match, tiroen liarH- A Merc N|v-m>o>t iiorsi .,111; K. HU!K cuMiirxiTV. •; Int. ! FOR YOUR XMAS GIFT Krntlliil lloral design, Wlrl. S-OSiO. | hath ami Btciim lirnt. It TTIIArT VB Onlpt Hull < nlonlnl I tlwnor n.sklnu blff I f'O\T « hnti t 111 Hi iu tlth R. C. A.! Emerson, Zenith, •i niM Imim, tatt t cul tn \ pint 1 1 'rtlliill , itlK VICTOI114N AII.M CIIAIII, ' 1 ,1 111 ill" I irrt lt\if Farnsworth, Arvin miniatlirn blnnkpt rhi;st, nl^" l sa I (bfiti tin in nil Iiliihii. (1 1 It T. H. JUDSON, Jr. t\ t II III ItllM IIUMUllll ' »1 . InrKcr rmr-s in wiilnttt ami pine, I ml 1 A>oi in it m ** umm llt»l SI J11 I i H i m viron Priced From $19.00 BOX 11AVIIEI.I. i it I t HI i , mil - lUli I I lir>r|«>p KN3 IIOINTAIV iVI!. «""'•,*';' n t liuil watK t n tm\1 It illH 11 u i 1 t Ull P"l I 11 Mil 11] Inili.. Hwilllnt. \ ll ! . .11(1 II 1 IIIMlt ' li fllf - I r A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD WK. ^.«£2II. p 111 II pill 11] Si, mi In m lO-ft illl I h< it • lit Kill ill 1 VWlIl II any radio. Come in early' I'lllMTI ItK IIHl'AIIIS. EDWARD A CAMILLO, u 1 \ r % it t n 1 \> 1 I) I"'1. Kl I * .11 Ull 1 1 us! (II it while we have a large sel- JBi,.ti:n f\\it.\rrii <'<) vr e I l\( OI \ II 11(1111 DlKlrlil I REALTOR I'm 1 111 r it uni •><• 1 oitfls—< iiiiKirmirii On urn ection fox collar imrl ill iif. Mne ]*'•I . " t 1 lit r Ii i inn h II •n 11 Ii t» Tt3 SI lil\t «•! * it r 1 v- f.tii \VK. ti III Illl I i i i it tin Ilili Mf 1%*, or \M 0-I>3 M« « \ 11 ni t I '•»' '' " ," fill. I UIli Ull, IM111111 t 11 n 1 , TOY DEPARTMENT s Ml Kit lull I tl 1 1 t III I x—. I nn 1 , ?i7.-'- t ft \ V. a«" HOT 1 \M - 11 "_ b>ii I>IIII mi I I NOW OPEN. rnnilltlf •11. ''"inpbli 1,1.,lie in •<> V M« I not ' 1 h cln.-irlr train !'• nii'letc 11 11'no \ 1 1 "" < nllt II ml u «n I i] _ at ••MM I S Of Ml Ii ir til* 1 switi'hc S'''M [ 7 n !t wi;. •:- 5 , II !' ' , II III 1 j f n r ' i 1 I REBUILT MOTORS ••I 1 I I I 1 I 11 I t« FOR MOST CARS. PI.AY rt: With Vn 'lidded IIIBII 1.1 «1 L- I 01 MID ],,!,, i'*l ** t lion VI I IM EDITH WOERNER, \ \ fliilir. Ils'liimi.l of t h I lain I'klnpr li" fir mm < SHORE ACRES, i muM i\uii dms > lirsl nn.i.T, Ave, Eliz-I I ilm 1 11IU 1 SEAT COVERS . . . 172 Mndl « I 10 OSBORNVILLE M J llftil I \lll>» \<>\ I'l « U 11hr.H1. il !>l I.IUI (I HUM I\ III ( id! In A Practical Xmas Gift It'UAT, Mitlirnl Skilli Tilll Icn 1 mi I * It Ii 1,MM < —INSTALLED FREE. KiZ.' ll'-tl: tf.ll: < ellcilt lu I ! I!mm not ' ROOMS FOR RENT I !•»£ 1 *• 3 I I M s r \V I I tl'.u. WK. ;-:M:I. 'Illl 1)1 '•lit Mil I f I IIIN Open Mon., Fri., Sat, Eve's 111 I v. il r linn 1 11 »l s"[ 11 111 IIfU 1 1 1 i 1 11% II) r II fit t * I • • Till 9. *> \mt VUI !'r tlili In htnr* HIM 11 , 1 1 1 i 1 1 U (in In • II 1 III rl g< it Inc. 1 fir 1 1 I iU1 ki EDWARD A CAMILLO, ii -Ir I Ii I 1 I 1 1 I I 111111< rm iiooM i' j R. & S. AUTO STORES 1 pi n h 1 hi 111 ti h 1 RFALTOR rtt.it v\ ti << <• Illl il ( 1 h 11 ii i 103 E. Brond St. it 'ii i ii< U rf Kill lurnl ! HOI HI 1 01 1 f 'I I • r 1 i t r i llT tir 111 I'"0 ilid up f n r ^j V > 'II t 1 I ! *•! 1 M 1 n - West field 2-3800 In 1 1 1 fr- THOMAS O YOUNG, In « H I LO IS FOR^S1 nt- <> 1 nn 1 r X 1 Rare I tor 1! ipr \ e ne iit li- >• (1 n« rn' » unoii A < t •wr J-IUB; W THE WBSTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1946

- _ — SUS U. S. to Sit Up Niw tain him in his search, a back yard Listed By Scouts Carlbbian Quarantlnt Poll i, jtfMrfl where he can rest? . . . % As a result oi congresslonal'Iegis- And nothing quite so like the 600 Westfield Boy Scout activities for November and December be- lation the U. S. will establish an newspaper correspondents now. animal quarantine station on Swan quartered here from all corners of gan Sunday with a Den Chief island. ISO miles off the coast of | B. C«a wMtar •> UuU Him the globe to report the United No-, training course at the YMCA. A Honduras in the Caribbean sea. It i inflUh in wvm im> MML HM* ,„„ YOKK—Sentimental suck- tions General Assembly meetings | leaders round table will be con- is designed to facilitate importation ] trty,Uuk,»mr- »»«• I-M better symbolizes this town as the ducted Wednesday and a board of 'that'l am, nothing quite so sym- Capital of the World. of disease-free livestock into the : lijcs the city's tragedy to me as review is scheduled for Thursday United States for breeding purposes I C Bruxjortt /•lint em MW lost, homeless dog. at 7:30 p.m. On Wednesday, Nov. and to protect this country's live- j in 100% wool nik >«UM ta» I Saw one the other day, a thm Plainfield OPA 20, the district executive commit- stock industry from animal diseases torn. Fall thulM. 411» «. Id bewildered little brown mutt, tee will meet of foreign origin, I Mng through the thundering Office Closed Anothers leaders round-table is The quarantine station on Swim ] X—seeking among all the mil- planned for Wednesday, Dec. 11, island, a United States possession, J D. locquvi tlip- drinking wtltr In foods and nutrition at the Wyo- • complete liie xange for mine* and women . . • but undeniably doe* thing. \o ming experiment station, describes Try One of Our Lunth*on»"6r Dinner* Soon. talc* tho »oftne*> out at your handi. honey as excellent for use with canned pears and canned apples. pnough iweaters for your «l»ter«, your mothers, your cousin) GLOVESKIN Miss Thiessen based her report on it jutt tlie amwer to your wartime studies of sugar substi- dream for ttikt 10 me thing to tutes. She said that the flavor o! The Grockers remove the • lurched dried-up the honey blended well with the effect* It i* ft cream that and your aunts! Come tee tomorrow! Sporta Shop, 3rd Fl. •often* and whitens your handi fruits listed. Judges scored it as 5 OLD SHORT HILLS ROAD, MILLBURN, N. J. overnight,' and keeps them "fairly good" with plums but did pliable and youthful. not like it with peaches. Honey Tel. Millburn 6-0928 should be used in half and half com- Sold at JARVIS'S binations with sugar for good can- ning results, the food specialist said. The cost for honey is perhaps a lit- tle higher than for sugar, but the honey will save on the use of rationed sugar. Addition of a small quantity of powdered ascorbic acid adds to-the nutritive value and pre- vents darkening of canned fruit with storage, she said. 1

White Snakcioot Poisonous White snakeroot, a slender, erect, perennial herb which grows from one to five feet high, it poisonous to catllc. The leaves grow oppo- site each other and are three to five inches long, oval, pointed and have sharply toothed edgts. Each leaf has three main veins which are prominent on the undersurface } and many branches. The plant blooms in late summer, producing attractive clusters of eight to thirty small white flowers. The roots are coarsely fibrous and usually shal- low. Snakeroot grows In tho damp, rich soil of woods, swamp areas and shady ravines and in groves along streams. It also is sometimes tound on cleared hillsides nnd in orchards and orchard pastures. Animals with chronic cases ol enakeroot poisoning show a marked sluggishness and fatigue and a trembling of the muscles, following exercise. In horses the disease runs to thebar n n w! You11 scoa beau a rapid course, tho animal often dy- ing within two or three days after Yes! Drive Out ° ' " the symptoms appear. liful selection of rugs to adorn every room in your home. Our surroundings aren't glamorous at tho present. We Attractive Salads don't have any fancy fixtures (barns woren t built for To make salads attractive, take that!) BUT that's all to your advantage.—our low over- more care in arrangement. Consid- head enables us to price our rugs loomed by Alexander er the rim o£ the salad plate the frame of the picture. Place the let- Smith, Art Loom, Beattie and Magee at tho lowest pos- tuce so that the outer edges ore just i sible prices! The welcome sign is out, so drive out now ivltliln the rim—never hanging over [he edge. Foods of harmonizing and see these wonderful values! color should be used. Don't forget a few garnishes to complete the anl. ad picture. To preserve the crisp, Here Is a Partial Listing of the Values: fresh appearance of garden vegeta- $159.50 bles have them thoroughly chilled. 9x12 Lustre Wiltons $159.50 Prepare the foods for salnds a day 9x12 Royal Jacquard Wilton $105.75 in advance, and keep them in the 9x12 Figured Broadloom $59.50 refrigerator overnight. For a tex- Assorted Plain Color $39.SO ture contrast—use something crisp Colonial Hooked Plt with something soft For example, at Proportionate Saving. use celery in fish, egg end vege- table salads; use shredded cabbage or lettuce in shrimp, vegetable or fruit naiads. Fashion Centre . . . ELIZABETH BICYCLES NEW & REBUILT H ill GEORGE L. SIMON 133 Norlh,ATe., PLAINFIELD Closed Mondays...Open Thursday Nights j|f|/§ THE WESTF1ELD LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER hecrossin,; certain specimen plants, Bipeaeil Peppers formation for the 1400 students atj !new ISIST and I**'*1' W""* hav1 Green peppers sllo-wtd to Tipen or Union this year. , been produced. I,ike»i,e, natural turn red are richer in vitamins than * » - SAY IT WITH FLOWERS 1 s.'lei-tioii of the mosl beuutilul, tlu. the pepper, in the green' stage. were the With th Marilyn Muth, Wil-on College largest-loaved plant, the one with You get both vitamin A and C cians made many a.-U8c|al(i2* e J senior, will play on the All-Wilson ! the most. pc-sals. «U-., ha< resulted from green pepper—the vitamin sup- hockey team in the Middle Atlan- !in finer flower... Often a singe ply is increased U you lot the pep- i low oxide 01 lead, verdW ^ gigns of returning nor-i contributor In the cLP'rem fall H- tic State Intercollegiate IFockey ! plant is chosen uut of thousands pers ripen'. Wick. maley on the campuses, despite the j sue of Tauaytr. quarterly litunry Tournament Saturday. iuiMii thousands as the uaient plant Q>iqaaet huts, double-decker beds j magazine in (irinnell College, • • * i to secure new and better blooms. and baby carriage!", if ews oomes! where slip i« n sophomore. Private William Comrie, WHS ] \s a result of such experimenta- that the rushing season is on or i * MC was home on furlough from tion and year* of «»

[Shirley Moss, Former Jeanne Fretz Bride Mrs. William W. Turbett tnvitations Issued For Wm. J. Evert 3rd, Former Cuard /or three yean tni »ti_ Naval Cadet for an additional j Resident, Wed At Shore Of Former Flier Ranzau-Johnstone Rites Westfielder, To Wed year. He is now in the traJB«.d*S ABOUT TOWN partment of the British Miss Shirley Booth Moss, the A wedding of interest to West- Mr. and Mrs. Irvine 6. John- Airlines Corp. *~ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Gill of fielders took place in Haddonfield stone of 547 Bradford avenue have Port Chester, N. Y., announce the No wedding date hai beeat Edwafd Moss of Avon-by-the-Sea, Friday evening when Miss Jeanne issued invitations for the marriage but it will probably take place formerly of Grove street, Westfleld, engagement of thetr daughter, with SALLY Moore Fretz, daughter of Mr. and of their daughter, Margaret, to Shirley Ann Gill, of 312 Glen ave- the early spring. . was married Saturday to Albert Mrs. Charles Franklin Fret?, foi George H. Ranisau, son of Mr. and • John Mansfield, son of George nue, to William Josepph Evert,, !ird , merly of WestSeld, became the Mrs. William H. Ranjau of Mont- f M d M Willi 1 Mansfield of Bradley Qeach, bride of Kenneth Everett Ballin- vale, N. J. son of Mr. u>;d Mrs. William .1. LEADER WANT ADS **Y Mrs. George Braun, the former ment in Greenwich Village for the The ceremony took place at 11ger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman The ceremony will take place Evert, 2nd, of J8 Locust avenue, >eggv Wick, and Mrs. Harold P, winter. a, m. in the rectory of Ascension S. Bellinger of Haddonfield. Saturday, November S3, in theNew Rochellc, formerly of West- indersou, the former Jans Ful- ; ... \ ^ _^. Church, Bradley Beach, with Fa- Presbyterian Church at 8 p. m.field. erton, entertained Friday evening tMr. and Mrs. Robert C. King of ther Joseph Cosak officiating. A The ceremony took place in the Miss Gill is at present associated Flint Presbyterian Church and a with the Rev. Robert M. Skinner, rith a miscellaneous shower at theLenox avenue returned last Fri- reception followed at the Kingsley tho pastor, officiating. A recep-. with Fnwrptt Publications as sec- CROSS gnu of Peggy's parents, Mr. andday from1 a vacation spent on Arms Hotel, Asbury Park. , reception for 800 guests followed at the home of the bride's parents Won will follow at the Masonic retary to Bill Williams, editor of Irs. Howard C. Wick, for Mrs.Michigan's Upper Peninsula and The bride, given in marriage by Temple. | True—tho man's magazine. . She tobert Thomas of Grenville road. at 267 Kings Highway, SHOES at Mackinac Island, stopping at her father, wore a gown of powder The bride will be given in mar-was graduated from Port Chester IhWey will be married on Nov. 23Royal Oak to visit their two daugh- blue metallic cloth with black ac- Miss Katharine Fretz was her High School, Avcrett Junior Col- D Ralph h. Braun, at the home riage by her father, and will have ters, Marion and Dorothy, and cessories and carried white or- sister's maid of honor, and BJis& her sister-in-law, Mrs. Irvine B, lege in Danville, Va., and Attended f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John their families. chids. Mildred Morton of WestfieldV Miss Syracuse University. [. Parr of Sinclair place. Johnstone Jr., of Westfield as ma- Nee De.l Shoe tore.' Miss Jeanne Bouchard of NewJane Hall of Haddonfield, Miss ron of honor. BridesmaidBidid s wililll Mr. Evevl wns graduated from Mr. and Mrs. J. Benson Darl- York was her only attendant. She Rosemary Bond of Rochester, N. be MUa Helen Radcliff of Rich- fll.d_ ....High. School an,_.d_ contin...... - 171 £. RROADS1 Miss Arlene Metener of Cran- ington of Clark street spent last wore a pink silk dress with brown Y., and Miss Louise Shoo of Ha- mond Hill, MUs Gertrude Dilbn of ued his training in the U. S. Coaat WESTFItir jrd entertained at a miscellaneous •week-end visiting their son-in-law accessories and carried pink roses. waii were the bridesmaids. Molly Westwood, Miss Janet Colby and hower Tuesday evening for Jane and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph George Mansfield of Bradley Beach Frete, another sistw, and Gwcn Misa Helen Haysman of Westfleld. Lmelia Mills, daughter of Mr. andHavens of Valley Stream, L, I. was his brother's best man. Ruck, s cousin of the bride, weie flower girls. Thiithke William Ranzau Jr., will be his frs. Raymond P. Mills of Shacka- Mrs, Moss, mother of the bride, brother's best man and ushers will jaxon drive, who is to be matried Mrs. J. E. Dederick of East wore a black dress with gold trim- Edward West of Haddonfield be Irvine B. Johnstone Jr., broth- lov. 16 to James Thomas Hill of Broad street entertained relatives mig and a corsage of yellow roses. was best man and Richard Carncr, Cynthia Bass, Former Wac, er of the bride; Howell Radcliff of 'la'mfield. Arlene will be Jane's at a dinner at the Clara Louise The bride's traveling . costume Tyler Benner, Robert Wright and Richmond Hill; Albert MaeDonald iridesmaid. ^ in Plainfield Saturday evening. was a black suit with black acces- Harvey Searle, all of Haddonfield, Ex-Lieutenant's Bride of Yonkers end George Wetzel of Guests were her cousins, Mr. andsories. The couple left for a wed- ushered. Demarest. ' Echo Lake Country Club is re-Mrs. Fred Young from Lakewood, ding trip to New York State. The bride, escorted by her father, Miss Cynthia Ann Bass, daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colby of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wohlers of wore a gown of white satin with ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. lommg its Bridge Nights which Mrs. Mansfield, who lived in Irving avenue will give a buffet •oved so popular last year. The Cedar Grove and her brother and illusion neckline trimmed with seed Bass of 225 Watchung fork, was supper at their home for the bridal , sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. NWestfiel. d with her parents for fif-pearls, and a long train. Her long married1 to William Weatharby rst one will be held at the club teen yearB, attended Westfield party the Thursday evening pre- y, Nov. 22. Maesel of Cranforcf, veil was fastened to a band of or-Turbott, son of Mr. and Mrscedin. g the wedding, following tho -•« schools and is now employed by ange blossoms and she carried Frank S. Turbett of 818 A.venue OIRDUS j Two dances »re scheduled for the New Jersey Bell Telephone Co. rehearsal. fccho Lake members this month, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Walker of white orchids, gardenias and steph- A, Bayonne, Saturday evening at Miss Johnstone is a graduate of Fair Hill road returned recently in Asbury Park. Mr. Mansfield anotis. 8:30 o'clock in the Presbyterian NO BONES ABOUT IT i first a formal dance for adult spent over three years in the Ma- Westfleld High School and Drake ers on Nov. 9 with music by from a motor trip through New The attendants were gowned Church. Rev. Robert M. Skinner, Business College; Her fiance served STAYS UP WITHOUT STAYS York State, They picked up their rine Corps, most of the time over- alike in fall green, with off-thc- the minister, performed the cere- ; Quintones. seas, and is . now studying elec in the Army five years, participat- son, Alva Jr., at Cornell, and Miss shoulder necklines and full pleated mony, which was followed by a re- ing in the African and Italian [A Teen-Age Dance for sons and Katharine Fisher at Wells Col- tricity. ception at the Masonic Temple. Lighters • of members of high skirts. They carried arm bouquets campaigns with the rank of mas- lege and brought them home for of chrysanthemums In autumn :hool or ninth grade age will be The bride, given in marriage by ter sergeant. He is a Bales ongi- Mother "Hickory" Succ«f the Princeton-Cornell game. Their Westfielder Joins Army shades and wore matching flowers her father, wore a gown of white eld on Nov. 16 from 8:30 to 12:30. daughter, Betty, and her husband, in their hair. The flower girls wore I Leonhard will supply the mu- satin with sweetheart necklino Warren Dimmig. of Lansdale, Pa., Husband On Guam pale pink taffeta frocks and car-trimmed with seed pearls and full were also their guests for the week- ried pink snapdragons and chry- skirt ending in a long train, and Clarice M. Andrews end. HDQTS., 20TH AIR FORCE, santhemums. a tulle veil fastened to a cap of rs. Irene Weidemire of 4 Elm To Be A Bricfe et will go to Philadelphia this Their younger daughter, Eve- GUAM —Mrs. Joan Baylis Ed- On their return from a trip to lace. She carired a bouquet of stcphanotis and evcras lilies. ,;ek-end to attend the wedding of lyn, had as her guest last week munds, daughter of Mrs. Roger Bermuda, the couple will live in The engagement of Miss Clarice MILADY'S SHOP Baylis of 319 Harrison avenue, Collingswood. Tho bride attended Mrs. Charles L. Doerrcr of West- jer son, Richard C, Voasler, for- end, Miss Janeth Muller of Wood M, Andrews, S3G Carlton road, ele 167 E. BROAD ST., WESTFIELD ier Army fighter pilot, to Miss Haven, L. I., a former fellow- was recently reunited with her hus- Westfield schools and Is a graduate field was matron of honor for her mentary art supervisor in the Ko- mrme Jost. The ceremony will camper at Camp Hagan. Evelyn band, Capt. Alan C. Edmunds, of Beaver College, Mr. Ballinger sister, and Mrs. Joseph Cornwall selle Park public school system, OPEN MONDAY EVE 'TIL p ike place Saturday in the Wake- entertained several friend's at when the USAT General Bremstcr was graduated from the Unlver of Fatiwood, Mrs. John Dawkins to Harry Plynn Leary, son of Mrs. eld Presbyterian Church, Ger- luncheon before the high school arrived here with a shipment of sity of Pennsylvania and served ns ot Bnyonno and Mrs. William J. W. Leary, 4B9 W. Sixth street, hantown. football game in honor of her33 familes of Air Force personnel a major in the Army Air Corps in Cuthbort of Ogdensburg, N. Y.Plainfield, , has been announced. on Guam. Europe, were bridesmaids. They -wore pe- 1 -•- gUMt. Miss Andrews was graduated I Mr. and Mrs. John Ludlow of The third shipment to arrive riod gowns of faille, the honor at- -•«• tendant in sapphire blue »nd thofrom Dickinson High School in fourth avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Merrill of here us part of the Twentieth Air Couple Married In Jersey City and Montclalr Normal Petitt of Euclid avenue and bridesmaids in American Benuty, Nottingham place have as their Force's dependent housing pro- nnd carried white muff bouquets. School. Sho received her art cer- fcr. and Mrs. N. 0. Morton of house guests this week Mrs. Mer-gram, the families will join the 58Holy Trinity Church tificate at Rutgers University. Art |ummit avenue were among the rill's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. families already living in the mod- William F. Bass 2nd of West- committee chairman of the West- lests who attended' the wedding and Mrs. William Spencer of Losern bunsjnlow homes constructed Miss Julin De Stefnnis, dnugh field, brother of tho bride, was best fleld Art Association, she serves as former Westfielder Jeanne Angeles. in recent months under the pro-tcr of Mr. and Mrs. John DeSto man, nnd ' ushers were another head of the soeiul committed of the tz to former Army pilot Ken- -•» gram. ( fanis of E14 Central ovenuo, was brother, Walter H. Bass Jr., Chas. Rosclle Park Teachers Association. eth Ballingcr in Haddonfield Fri- Miss Helga Schmidt of North married to Emmanuel Carlino, son L. Docrror of Westfield nnd Chaa. Her fiance is a graduate of Fran- Mr? Edmunds made the long Kline Jr., of Philadelphia. I evening. Euclid avenue returned home last ocean trip frora San Francisco to of Joseph Cnrlino of Elizabeth, s Xavier High School in New -*- week from Denmark where she Guam to join her husband who isSunday afternoon In Holy Trinity The bride attended Skidmoro York City and Union Junior Col- College and served two years over- [ Capt. and Mrs. Elliott Ranney spent the summer visiting friends assigned to the 20th Fighter Wing. Church. The ceremony was per- lege. [ 4 New Providence road: Mmm- and relatives. formed by Monsignor Honry J. seas in the Wac. Mr, Turbett at- Capt. and Mrs. Edmunds were tended Admiral Farragut Acad- klnside, have gone to their apart- —s- married at Westfield in June, 1044. Wattei'Bon, the pastor, at 4: SO To Celebrate Mrs. Lyman L. Tremaine of Bak- o'clock, and was followed by emy and served three years in the Capt. Edmunds, who lists New ETO with the Fifth and Seventh er avenue entertained a bridge York City, as his home town, had reception at the YMHA in Eliza- Silver Anniversary club at her home Monday. beth. Armies as first lieutenaht. He is been a student at West Point be- now with tho Home Insurance Co. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Aim Jr., of BUDELL Mr, and Mrs. Harold C. Smith fore receiving his commission in Miss ISctty Bcrardinelli was maid of New York City. 247 Hazel avenue will celebrate of 726 Highland avenue we spend- June, 1944. of honor, nnd Miss Jeannette De After it trip through Now Eng-their twenty-fifth wedding anniver- ing "irW days at Lake Mohonk. Stefanis, sister of the bride, Miss land the couple will reside in Fan* sary on Saturday, Nov. 9. URT SCHOOL N. Y; ...'•. America Cncchone, mid Miss Car A dinner party will be held at Mr. and Mrs. John T. Nayjor wood...... Instruction by -*~ mella Do Sanctis were brides- the home of the couple on Satur- Professional Artists Miss Betty Brown, daughter of of 766 Westfield avenue have just maids. day evening. Thoeo attending will in "Who's Who In Art" Mr. and Mrs. Delbert E. Blown of returned from a week's visit at the Joseph De Leo was best man Date Chosen For he: Mr. and Mrn. frank Aim Sr., Elizabeth avenue has returned Seaside Hotel, Atlantic City. and Jim Cusano, Nick Cani(;liu of White Plains, N. Y., Mr. nnd CLASSES for ADULTS Braun-Thomas Nuptials Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Wideberfr, former Westfielders, from a trip to Michigan, where Mr. and Mrs. Victor Budell of and Joe De Loo were ushers, Miss Mrs. William Blasko and daugh- and CHILDREN Marcella Vitagliano was soloist, ters, Misses Betty and Ruth Blas- she attended homecoming at herHillcrest avenue entertained at Mrs. Shirley Parr Thomas, tho have now returned and are at home at 825 Law- • Telephone Studio: alma mater, Albion College, anddinner and bridge at their homo The brido, given in marriage by ko of Nutley, Mi', and Mrs. Ernest her father, wore a gown of white •laughter of Mr, and Mrs. John R, Achterman of Westfield, Mr. and rence Avenue, which they purchased from Mrs. Wil- Ifield 627 Fourth Ave., also visited an uncle in Travers Saturday evening. Parr of Sinclair place, will bo mar- City and her sister, Mi's. Robert satin with beaded neckline, fitted Mrs. William Pospisil of Orange, 2-3266 . Wcitfield, N. J. ried to Ralph L. Braun, son of Mr. S. Phillips in Lansing. Mrs. Knthryn Shcild of Elmbodico and full skirt and a finger- Mr. and Mrs. Willinm Hsizmuka liam H. Orr through us. 1 tip veil fastened to a beaded coro- and Mrs. George S. Braun of Har-of Maplewood and Mrs. W. Krnto- street has been visiting Mi , and' rison avenue, Saturday, Nov. 2!1 at Mrs. Jack Hauer in Scranton, Pa. net. She carried a bouquet of vil of West Orange. gladioli. her parents' homo. Rev. Robert -+— M. Skinner, minister of the Pros, Miss Estelle Aim, daughter, will Mr. and Mrs. Carman Fisher of Her attendants were all in white, byterian Church, will perform tho arrive home from Endicott Junior New Hyde Park, L. I., were recent tho honor attendant in sutin, the ceremony. lollege tomorrow evening. REYNOLDS & FRITZ guests of the former's parents, Mr. bridesmaids in satin with net The bride-elect will be attended and Mrs. John S. Fisher of Pros- skirts. They wore sequin crowns Formerly T. B. & N. F. Reynold* and carried American Beauty vos- by Mrs. George Braun, the former Gifts pect street. Peggy Wick, imd George Brnun Mrs. Ralph A. Ryan of Kimball After a wedding trip to Maine will be beat man for his brother. REALTORS — INSURORS avenue gave u luncheon at Echo Both young people arc graduates BRIDGE Lake Country Club Friday in hon-and Quebec the couple will live in Elizabeth. The bride attended of Westfield High School. Mrs. For All Occasions or of Mrs. Ralph W. Clark of Bel- Thomas was also graduated from INSTRUCTION Rialto Theatre Building videre avenue. The Clarks left Westfleld school and the bridegroom Mount Holyoke College. Mr. Braun Elizabeth schools. Monday for Lawrence, Kan., where is a graduate of the University of Classes Westfield 2-1O10 Dr. Clark has been appointed a Virginia and Harvard Law School professor at the University of Bridge Party To and is now with Belding, Ilemln- or Kansas. way and Corticeili, in New York. Benefit Church Group Private Instruction. —+— Nancy F. Reynolds Charles J. Fritz !06 Miss Eleanor Sinister nnd a BROAD BTHEBT friend, Miss Helen Ball, flew from The Church Mission of Help To Mark Anniversary WESTFIELD, N. J. New Orleans to Newark Airport Kroup of St. Paul's Church hns Mrs. Bertha McLaughlin Res. 'phone 2-0485 Res. 'phone 2-1665 JEWELERS—OPTICIANS SINCEJ «»00 Saturday morning. They will completed plans for the annual Mr. and Mrs. Donnld L. Wcilantl Westfield 2-1416 Open Bally 8 A. M. lo 0 P. M., Monitor 'til 8 P. M. spend a week with the former's bridge party to be held Wednes- of 119 East Broad street will cele- mother, Mrs. Atkins Shuster of day, Nov. 13 at 2 p. m. Teu will brate their third wedding nnni. Hort street. be served at 4 o'clock. vorimry on Saturday, Nov. 9. They -+- Members of the committee are have two children, Frank Albert Mr. ami Mrs. Ralph W. Atkin- as follows: Mm. I). C. Dougherty, and Nancy Ami. Mrs. Weilnnd son of Watchung fork have been president; Mrs. H. H. Kirkpatrick, is the former Eleanor Ccrillo of visiting their son-in-law and daugh- tickets; Mrs. Charles Coblens, dec- South Plainfield. PASTEL ter, Mr. and IVTrs. Norman Moranh orations; Mrs. V. C. Schulzc, of Stamford, Conn. prizes; Mrs. Arthur F. Bush, side Buy With Assurance of baby things; Mrs. N. F. Deny, tables; Mrs. N. C. Irion, tesi table CLEARANCE COTTONS Our years of serving in Westfield and refreshments; Mrs. C. II. Long- shore, corsmges, find Mrs. J. B. WOOL DRESSES is your assurance of fair prices, Dnilington, general chairman. Lovely new pastel Members of the young women's UP TO 1/3 OFF quality merchandise—honest deal- cottons in enndy col- evening group will serve tea and Pre-holiday Sale of Sport Jean Wood will be in charge of the ors, to take little girls ings. nniyersanes prizes. and Afternoon Dresses. to birthday parties, Now: DRESSES — SNO SUITS — COATS For Mr. iiml Mrs. Kolf T. Michelsen dancing classes and nnd sons, Konrad and Tommy of TEENS Sunday School. New York spent the week-end vis- Wee Moderns iting Mrfi. jMifhelsen's parents, Mr. JUNIORS—MISSES. and Mrs. Milton II. Phillips »£ (! o o (1 n e \v a for BROAD ST. & CENTRAL AVE. Dudley nvomie. Mothers, these dross- -*- Open Monday and Friday Until 9 P. M- Dr. and Mrs. D. •'• Ferrior an- es art: made in ever- nounce the birth nf a son, Itunald NEXT TO TUB MBRAIIY fiist cottons that will Joseph, itt All Soul's Hospital, Mor- Westfleld WE. 2-1131 and ristown, Tliuixduy, Oct. .'II. Mrs. Mt fittil 0 OVIm-It not fade or shrink, no other Qcctisiops, (Continued on Page 12) mill l''rlii;i|' MVI-III matter how often WRAIGHTS- S/G they are tubbed. DRESS SHOP Words mcufiail School of FRENCH and SPANISH SIZES y to 1-1 55 ELM ST. ADULT COURSES youbuflloivers 1 MORNINGS $6.50 to $9.9S REOPENS Gram., Lit., Conversat., , Commercial DRESS SALE THURSDAY, CHILDREN (6-14 Yrt.) $ Afternoon Groupu Open Uiiiii r Opril {/lldC .'I NOV. 7th in French. 54.50 - 7.95 .- TUTORING -- Saturday Monday & I'riilnu Savings Up To $5.00 JFrcncli-"Spani»h-"Lalin NUSXT TO THH1 UDBART Kvcningn OHte STfiEia ljeiii; WiSTPIELD /2-2S25 ECOLE FRANCAISE De WESTFIELD Wettfield WE. 24131 •JUNIOR, MISSES, WOMEN'S & HALF SIZES 045 NORTH CHESTNUT ST. . TEL. WESTFIELD Z-1969-J Miirtiinii' Hurl. Iliicntiir ^^ Twelve THE WESTWBT.n LEADER. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 7. 1946 :O;t 24, 25 and 28, IB spot.* were In addition to the movies shown j projectors j,, tf.er Hr. and Mrs. Frank J. Feely wood terrace, entertained at a Hi Fair viable. ISut on Oct. :«l the num- by special service companies an overseas, SALLY Jr., formerly of Grsndview ave- WVn S«pj.Pr patry Thursday Warm Weather •ber fell to three and on the ,«staverage »f 1,276,000 men per pca]. kllTnft]l nue, arc now in their new liom« evCTiii^ in celebratiolbi n off hhe r tenthh I To W^SmarCO Tonight rv T f a. rose to wven. These wore noted (Continued from page 11) in High Orchard. Mountainside. month Were shown motion pictures) master Corns vt'u4«^ ^i by pel tonal observation. by means of 212 unit operated I offk-ers i Aug., 184-"*3 Ferrier is the former Gwerf Shus- have been ' "A comparatively recent state- n ter of Hort street. Mr. and Mrs. Preiton H. Hadley Lirtu.Sir. undMr*y . UwisG. Call.han . _ * Due lobunspots Jr., of Faiunont avenue have us of \i.Mountai. «.,.J nnr.. avenu~ t e ;hav_ r>e r».,n«departei d undePreparationr way fos r whiv'samhe materializhave beene • ment was made, based primarily, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Suikardt of their house guest the former's by hiotootor foforr Florida, where they i »»'«>>* »*«> Wesmareoana uaher C. E. Apgar Explains • on sunspot activity, that we are; Portland, Ore., have returned home mother, Mrs. Hudley of Bellows will spe;pcn,dI thJ e winter. "> "^nty »»'••." *t «i« "Y.» It Prrience Of Gaiset i headed for warmer and oryer after a visit with Mr. and MrjFalls. , VI. will be mi old fashioned county weather ovtr a very long period ol Sir. and Mrs. Ilomer S. Baker ol • Robert M. Wilson of 657 St. Marks fair, right down to entries of pies, ar of avenue. They made the trip both A eon was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dudley court are in St. Peters cakes, and preserves by the ladies, Charles Harvey Madden of Lenox avenue burg, Flo., for a three weeks stay a midway for Dad to "try the skill'. road, astronomer and mathema- ,"?*"''"Vver 77 u.]inv. llol.niI1i.» •way* by plane. 10 1 Nov. 2 in Muhlenberg Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Swallo* of Ilia eye or the prowen of his ticiati, believes that sunspots have. -* uaiM. Dr, Campbell Robertson of .Tice -•- arm nnd gypsies from Romany who been a cause of the unusual warm , plaw, who hai been traveling in Mr. and Mrs. Thomns Gregory of South Chestnut street nre vis say they can read the future in ueather experienced this fall, i" Savings Habit England and Scotland on a busi- Jr., of (532 Dorian road are theitinE their son and daughter-ir one's palm and al) the rent design-, an Interview with the Leader, he A survey conducted by the Fed- ntafi trip, will return Monday law, Mr. and Mr*. George Swallow ed to make the local gentry forget, states that the accumulated excess parents of a son, Thomas Gregory In Charleston, S. C. eral Hesprve board Indicates thai at)

Bridge Prizes and Tallies Portrait of a Lady Who Would Like to Dine at the Park

• She 1ms just completed a Jrulileta eafori for Bufw •••»'" rib roasl! Frustration lm» rnttkil her nerves . . . 1'" Mtl »rl'° from Glamling in line ot her marketing plnces, • A *urc cure for the condition is to tell her to forpct nlmnt prcpMlng Sunday dinner . , , nnd tnnke n tMervnllon nt uio I »<*• Jeannette's Soothing mimic ... a tnperb dinner prepared by s»m" ono <••!»» • - • '" distinctive gifts liiira.HKl hoiHcwivci. Just cull lllnkc ill PL. t-'iWIS . .. hu 11 h»v» »ottr table ready ! AMERICA'S NO. 1 262 East Broad St. . Wes'.field, N. J. A few {Joan from the Rial to Theatre

OPEN THURSDAY 'TIL 9 PRRK HOTEL Coot] Footwear Since 18(17 Store Hourss Daily—9 A. M. - 6 P. M. • 7TH STREET at ARLINGTON AVENUE © Mon. and Fri. Eves—to 8:30 l>. M. PLAINFIELD VAN ARSDALE'S W. SiTiNDER. O W N 6 R-M AN A 6 E M t N T 137 West Front Street PLAINFIELD THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 7, 1946.. Baby's Liver ttmb loam i Trade Embwtn Heart Trouble Goats Absorb Shock SMI Electric Potnps Spectacle makers were among the The sale of electric pumps and At birth a baby's liver comprises Failure to eupDlv lar.bn • rlUilWi ' There are tour million Americans Electric fences control cowl, thlulnt and salt I.ek «htn rwmW • Packard Awarded Firemen Busy first professional groups to adopt horses imd hogs successfully, but water systems for faraj use Jumped one.clghtecnth oi the body's weight suffering from active heart disease, In an adult, however, Uie liver only to sprius pastures may m«tn h«««7' distinctive emblems. In France the but many mure msy be subject to hove nol worked too well with gouts Jrorn 50,000 units In 1032 to 232,000 guild of spe« bubbliltf lersey Bell Telephone Co. to com- ther on Westfield avenue, were lemorate his 25th anniversary in alao extinguished. «I«MM of tmtgy iuict for fcrtakf«t.., telephone business. The tore- or«nyiM«l. _ Monday morning firemen were ntation was made by L. H. Dar SOLD IY THE POUND — YOU' w, engineer of buildings sue ailed to the home of Dr. W. P. Holstein, J30 South Euclid ave- GIT FULL VALUK ' |Uipment for the company. J Mr. Packard graduated from nue, where insulation in the top latgers University In 1921 as an f a refrigerator had caught fire, ectrical engineer and started his imoke damage was extensive, fire' men reported. 6*25 ell system career as a tester'on ll equipment installations in Th« T«nd«r Br«id itw York City for the Western 4-H W.rfc Tkrivn SOLID, CKIS* Delicious Applet 2-25* Daily FmtiMM CinrMM*4 b» fleet™ Co. He transferred to the New Cabbage* O«ti«fl IHWCMIO WHITI *l 1 IliMleth plant of the telephone It Olitst Orpitanaci FANCY EMPERORS tb. WHiAT. jipany in 1824 and three years At the oldest orphanage In the Grapes Greening Apples 3 29* mad tiia r.er became an engineering as- United States In continuous opera MHCf tl0MAi (stant «t the company's Newark Uon U located one of Georgia's most CLEAN, FANCY Grapefruit w • 6«, »dquartera. He was named as- unusual and successful 4-H clubs. Yellow Onions A 505-acrc farm nine miles south stant enginew the same year and CARDEN TINDtR Hi. i 1943 took over his present po- of Savannah is operated by the beys Fancy Broccoli Bosc Pears »»£ 2 < 25< ion as engineer of switch board In the Bethesda Orphanage, which All-KIRPOSJ 10 Ib •cifitations, which involves prep- was established seven years alter SIUA-PM-PACKt» ition of plans for the installa- Savannah was founded, and all the Iceberg Lettuce BREAKFAST |on of switchboards in the com- boys taking part In the farm FAHCVSIUCTCD lO ,ny'3 central offices. Uvlties are 4-H members. FMSH1ENDM bunch' 2!i" Minimum Sit. fc CEM [ Mr. Packard waa active for many Last March the Bethesda 4-H Bunch Beets EGGS ;ms in Boy Scout work. He was members vhmled two acres oi fANCV . - 1 Ib. Crn. airman uf the scouts' district slash pine seedlings which they ded- Tomatoes 4 oi S pir cnton Sweet Potatoes LARGE BROWN doien Itramittce in Mctuchen, his former icated to former members who i* Gride A... selected, served In the armed forces, accord- Ho. 1 Cnd# Ib., SWttT SOUTHtRHJ Ib. in crn. t and a member of the execu- (r#ih qualitf 63 : board of the Middlesex Coun- ing to Mr. NlUschke. This tract will Yellow Turnips Fancy Yams - . of Scouts. A model railvoatl also be used to demonstrate good forestry practices to 4-H club mem ithusiast, he is a member of the bers, tational Model Railroad Associn- The Bethesda dairy herd of 71 purinu World War I, he dairy cows Is an outgrowth of 4-1- in the army and is fonner- club activities. County Agen if you art Inrtreired In lenring grand- ce commander of Fugle-Hutiimer Nitzschke said this week. In 193! TYPICAL SAFEWAY tatMng, tovory meor» every tiritt, do fhlit | ist of the American Legion at Ernest Bull, a Savannah dairyman, Buy at Safeway where all meat h guaren- 1 (rtuehen. He is also a member gave the club members two re VALUES - teed to pleaie. You b* tht judge «f | ' H. G. McCully . Chapter, Tele, tered Jersey calves and two grade ine Pioneers of America. The items listed below are Just a tcnderneii, iuicineit and flavor. calves. few examples ot how you can save Working under the supervision of . money by chapping at Safeway. Legumes Productive County Agent A. 2. Nitzschke, sev- Many more on the shelves! N Legumes increase soil fertility by en of the boys in the home have raishing nitrogen frcm the air by been declared state champions in I i action of millions of tiny bac- 4-H projects since 1038. Chopped Beef n the roots. Legumes, when Siinsweet Prune Juice «> ^ 33c L««n, freshly ground... ' under and allowed to de- Libby's Tomato Juice ^^-11 e for meat loavei and Ib. also supply badly needed 46 ms. This humus improves the Men! Her* Are Tips meat pstfias. '• psical condition of the soil, s For Proper Hat Gars Sunnydawn Tomato Juice ,." 24c more plnnt food and makes Boat hoc CASTLE CREST NoZViOQ. It takes a two-fisted man to put c Pork Sausage I earth hold moisture much bet' on his hat properly 1 And that means rcaSilcS Hal».«orSlic.dClb.rt»i can t\9 grasping the brim back and front 100& pure pork ... ' ilk. 4A with thumbs and fingers to keep Musselman's Apple Sauce VI 6e Steakt delieiomly seasoned rel1 "fT the crown and brim in shape long- F»neyu, AlyKIEl CnwnS Sptar t 2can *!*•" er, say clothing specialists. A ^ Fin* Quality No 42 | 1Q. Pushing up the crown when a hat k ,* Westfield 2-4934 Sugar Belle Peas «lond»d 5ii.i ctn I v SIRLOIN is wet is not advisable, either; the FLAKED S ot |QC Cntli AA & A creases will not fall back into their Gorton's Codfish FIBRED tin. POT ROAST Ib. -former shape. To properly dry GradeAA&A lb.| TOP and BOTTOM ROUND headgear, turn the brim up', which Campbell's Tomato Soup3- PORTERHOUSE Greco & Bros. will prevent "bellying" and buckling uj TOP Cr.d.AA&A of the brim after the hat has dried. Campbell's Vegetable Soup Ib. POT ROAST PAINTING A hat can best be kept free from Bontlots BONELESS CHUCK AND felt stains by wiping off excess hnlr Beechnut Baby Foods K. ROUND «« oil before donning a hat. Placing Grodo AA DECORATING one hat on top of another is not Beechnut Baby Foods A. ' C H U W B4 ^ A-B!«d« & Arm.. Bone In PLATE & NAVEL Ib. 713 First St., advisable either, since the oil from Caalaot Millr SHEFFIELD'SS Haddock— Fowl CRADE A- HEAVY 7 lt>45c DOG MEAL Bn.«. T... ASSORTMENT OF \ CRADE A ev#r 3H iu ib Tlerblcldal War rOSl I CHS POST CEREALS ' C €Se R® astsrs " 54* Has FULL In a study of herbicidal war, It ^ ^ - Cod Steaks • wes found young cabbage plants, Wheatles Gold Medal Cereal CRADE A - LONC ISLAND tb. J soybeans, tomatoes, sweet potatoes p 43« NUTRITIONAL and sugar beets, sprayed with 2.4- Quaker Wheat Sparkles vS 2 btore Cheese CRADE A-Under 20 Ibi. Ib. dichlot'o-phenoxyacelic . acid were EDAM TYPE 'BALANCE and a killed or stunted in growth with Quaker Quick Oats = >•">""" STEAKS Ib amounts ns low ns one-tenth of a 28 oi QA. Halibut Hecker's Cream Farina American CRADE A-20 Ibi. and evor Ib. I { RICH, MEATY pound applied to a single acre. It NtlurM STEAKS Ib was discovered that tomnto fruit 13« ib. Salmon -'FLAVOR could be prevented Irom setting by La Rosa Pastina *"•« spraying only one-tenth ot a pound Gold Medal Flour lZS£A\ 10 b 76c per acre to the flowering plants. 4bi 3 Sprayed at the fruiting stage, to- Swans Down ^V^tL ^ 33c matoes showed n reduction of yield ;WAY CITRUS"JtllCE VALUES! IN U.«O! and the fruit was misshapen. Young Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour ^ 14c [ ICONOMICAl cabbngo plants were killed when foefe up now with your favorite kinds BAGS sprayed with the growth regulator Sunmaid Seedless Raisins'^" 29c at the rate of only three-tenths It's alwoyi thrifty to spend wisely . . . and it's wise to spend now for a good IS IB. pound per acre. SufU'r beets, it was discuvcied, enn be killed with Dromedary Pitted Dates ^ 23c ttock of canned citrus juices! Estimate your family's requirements for tha as low n concentration of growth Sunsweet Apricots ** »,.38c winter months.. . have plenty of your favorite varieties stocked in your pantry regulator as five-tenths pound per M for instant use. Your Safnway has large quantities of tangy, new pack citrus nere even when the plants are 32 juices for your selection, so stock up this wee!;. Buy by the case and lave more! to 14 inches in heitilit and the roots None Sued Mince Meat ^!r43c thumb size in dintneter. A little Marvin Mince Meat 9'r X.15c more than two-tenths pound per ncre P Orange, will kill sweet potatoes at the early 8 'Ckapefruli runner stage, with tlie Siime amount 'Spaghetti Dinner w^ch ;:;*'^^ -35c inhibiting the mot yield when ap- 'Juice' plied In the plants when the vines Juice Spaghetti Dinner w^LTLc. »'26c BLEND I)' COLD, VITA HIP or FULL 0' BOLD or GOLDEN HI? cover the Ground, TOWN HOUSE or FLOniDAGOLD HAIIM BUfUIBS - Blended, rc- IBflBCS - Enjoy the lemptfng tflANDS-H9tural..flne quality Inslo si fresh, trpi-ripcnor) Itoshlns Etapclrult tn& orangis Irom lre«'rtp«ned frail... Pride of Farm Catsup »« lutes, Irani iicak-c(4lio-it?.son grtpelfiilt, tclijhUul In Ilavor. Beai Roast Peanut Butter £29i fruit. •Ph No, 2 ••% Q No. 2 1 Beverly Peanut Butter • fcn cans &"' 2 cans Pepsi-Cola tpiu«boiii«dopot;ii @ caw of ,35 cme of 5PARKUNC WATER 24 tans 24 cani_ *T6morrou)'s Breakfast- [plus buttle dopoiil] 6 boi*. ' 46 oi, 24 ox can HQ?etii Kitchi and Laundry Aid pkg. 9 LX5 case of 63 HARTLEYS Washing Powifer 1 > c-, 12 cans BLEACHES. DIODORIZES. ql. bol. 15c Cforcx DISINFECTS Quimby Siiect near 1:1m Street, Westfield, N. J. r Pace Fourteen THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1946 Bombers In WHS Returns to Win Column With Defeat of Bound Brook At Orang Area Fro Teams Giant Brave and Mighty Mite Campbell's 673 for the Onuw^/ Scores Fifth Win of Season In Grid Records Of Schedule Game* Legion posts Sunday High School Field Sets New Mark The fast stepping Newark Bob- will be an exhibit Shut-Out of Crusaders 12 0 WHS Opponents cats will face two more stiff ob- Vie Campbell's 673 series Fri- stacles in American league compe- The Westficld Hish School foot- j Brook 12. Savoye hit the center While Wcstfield was defeating tition when they face tho Wilming- ball team resumed its winning i of the line to place the oval on the day night at Recreation alleys, set The benefit game BounoT Brook Saturday, Summit, a new high three game mark for ton Bombers Friday at Wilming- "••la. •ways at the expense of a fighting' one yard marker. Two plays lat-!next on the local schedule, chalked ton, Del., and then return to thethe reunion date (or tk little band of Crusaders represent-1 er, Savoye hit the same opening i its first win this year, over Mad- this season in the Recreation Bowl- ton, Del. and then return t up ing League, topping Al Stranich's Newark Armory to meet the Eta-of the first ing Bound Brook Hii»h School at to score. The attempt for the ex jSOn snd West Orange, Ridgewood team ever Et Recreation Field Saturday by a tra point was unsuccessful. - - - 861, set last month. His 256 in Ubeth Braves, Newark, making its and Plainfield, next in order, were debut in American League play, score of 12 to 0. The frame was Sideline Chatter in the win column. Towering the nightcap was second best of the year. Despite Vic's valiant ef- has a record of one win and one m the game, witnessed by sn enthusiastic crowd The Blue Devils appeared to be Records to date: Bob Clugglsh. setback. '• of 3,500. fort however, White Flashs Io3t known as the Frank! I struck with fumbiitis in this game. SomcrviUe former The Akron Bears, leaders of the played in Orange, The local team was once again They lost the ball on four differeni two games to Vic Rogers' Texacos. ft—Westfleld—33 Kentucky- McAfee, Adam and Warren turn- western division of the American they played under uparkcd by the fine running of Bob- occasions to be recovered by thj 13—Roselle—13 star, dwarfs League, will tangle with the New-Orange AC. This by Dougherty and the slashing visitors just when their attack ap ed in double centuries for the win- 7—Regional—34 diminutive ners. ark Bombers Sunday in a benefit defeated in theac line drives of Frank Savoye, each | peared to be starting to function exhibition game for the Orange 6—No. Plainfield—25 team-mate, League leading Bonnetti Bros. Play. They were „. of whom scored a touchdown. The \ on all cylinders. G—Plainfield—34 and East Orange Legion posts at Leimer and manager 1- team appeared to be still suffering Hy Gotkin, Painters stretched their lead to The name of Miranda on the vis- 27—Flemington—7 ez-St. John's hh O HigHihh SchooShll FieldFi.l "' from a mid-season let down which iting team brought back memories Millburn three games with a sweep win over j l ® °i*"f! 2:30 p. r. must be out of their system dur- ace. Cluggish, of a brother "Chubby" Miranda 33—Bernurdsville—0 6 feet, 10 Excellent Diner. John Bonnetti Game time is ber of that '* ing the last three games of thewho ruined the Westneld team in 6—Westneld—16 had an even 600 for the three LEADER WANT ADS PAT Ciliated in professional HSJ' .. season if they expect to continue a game here a few years ago. Summit— (postponed) Inches, and games and Jerry Bonnetti and t. on the victory trail. The game 13—Glen Ridee—6 Gotkin, a Dave Stiles contributed better than i was the fifth win in six starts for The Bound Brook team looked very impressive in blocking and 6—Caldwell—8 mere 5-5, 200. Shincel had 201 in the middle * the Blue Devils. tackling but their passing attack 0—Clifford Scott—19 Mutt-ana- game for the losers. The game opened with Mekeel was pathetically weak. ROMIU Jeff com- Venneri Construction Co. held to third place with a two game win : kicking off to the Bound Brook 10 The Summit game will be the 0—Scotch Plains—6 bination of : where Mover took a reverse and 13—Somerville—13 Elizabeth's over Knickerbocker Garage added last chance for the local team to by Reynolds' 219 and Ricardo's] carried the ball to the Bound Brook smooth rough edges. The last 13—Westfield—37 basketball - 38. Fetta's pass to Bodnarchuk 25—Union—7 205 in the finale. Peterson 224,- three games of the season will de- Braves of Bilinskas 215 and Olear 214, all was goad for a first down on thetermine the rating of the local 6—Regional—7 the American -• Bound Brook 49. After two line 13—Railway—0 scored In the middle frame, helped, gridders. League. The the losers to avoid a shutout. ,;, bucks had added another first Roielle Park Braves play , down, the Crusaders made three Dougherty's running in this 12—North Plainfield—0 The second sweep of the eve- ,v' futile attempts to pass and punted game was probably his best of the 7—Linden—25 home league ning was scored by Carmen & Mi-! 4J1 • -• ^A season. His change of pace and "• out to the Westfield 34 yard stripe. 6—Butler—0 games every haels Barbers who disposed of; Mfir • '_. Rochat hit center for a one yard cut backs were excellent bits of Tuttle Bros. Gibson was the only I v open field running. 0—Westfield—21 Saturday •*' ^galn. Dougherty on a cut back 7—Rahway—0 night at the 20O bowler, scoring the even num*-| "'"' play through left guard picked up The Westfield line looked more 25^-Cranford— fumbled and Bound Brook recover- Line-ups: Summit Knickerbocker Uaragre 5 Hound' llrtMilc W> WHS at SUMMIT—2 P. M. To Loop Lead ed on their own 37. After being L..15.. .Badnarchuk Fisheh r 0—Regional—34 NYU at Lehigh Dttllltcttl Ilruil. held for downs, the visitors punted. Iv.T.. .Tolomeo Schmlta 6—Verona—20 lilies 181 20S I...C1.. .Mogrllola Eichhorn Lafayette at Rutgers Despite the loss of two games Westfielll, also hpld for downs, 1 Millburn—(postponed) ?. Bonnetti . 158 ISO l Mines Frankenbach Army, Notre Dame, NYC os. Bonnetti .... 145 137 punted to the Bound Brook 21. H.O.. . Ponerncz Edge 7—Scott—32 to Lamps last week at Recreation ohn Bonnetti . . 180 244 . The Blue Dovil line withstood the H.T.. .Ijllcarlello ...... Hemmintfer Penn at Columbia alleys, Selectors held fast to their erry Uonnettl .. ISO 202 n.R..Zorella Yocom 0—Glen Ridge—20 Virginia at Princeton "COLORS onslaught of the visitors and they Q.M...Naffy Schrnpe 26—Madison—0 lead in the Wekearny Club Bowl- Totals 851 080 li.H...Lebedi Wilson Brown at Yale 1 punted to the Westfield 45. Me-H.H...Petta \ Mckcel Wed Orange ing League. Relays downed the i:\c-elloiit Diner keel hit right tackle for a three a. Schrope .- 137 154 K.B.. .Mover Dougherty 0—Irvington—2 Keys two to one and went into a Vella 144 137 SAW ««. .Siihslltutions: Bound Brook—San- yard gain as the quarter ended. 0—Scott^-6 tie with Jacks who won a pair P. Schrone 142 137 ' After Dougherty picked up three dusky, Stagaard, Ijeary, Motyka, Uad Iii3 To color or tint irhit* ptlnts. Stir * tnull .Suk, Miranda, Iloeder, Westfleld— 0—East Orange—12 Smiths Take Lead Shincel 130 yards on a wide end run on which lliit.ecr, Hlchett, Batt. McG'Inley, from Cords, for second place. Top 201 Vuntlty Into linseed oil or turpentine, thta Hracher, Savoye, Kocnat, Mateer, 0—Kearny—6* game was posted by Quick who Ht 171 •lowly add to the paint until desired shade li he was forced out of bounds, Sa- Halvato, Herr, Mudtre, Foote, Amler- 12—Orange—20 niched. had 211 in his middle game for '.' voye fumbled and Bound Brook re- 34—Seton Hall—13 In Nabod League Bound Brook .... 0 0 0 0— 0 Jacks. Reynolds turned up a 204 covered on the Westfield 41. Held Wratflclil 0 6 0 6—12 Ridgewood While 1'hn.li for downs, the Crusaders punted Touchdowns: Dougherty, Savoye. 8—Leonia—19 Smiths' two game defeat of for Cords. Standings and scores; out to the Westfield 24. A triple 20—Teaneck—7 Hunts put the former into sole pos- Smyth „.. 136 Selectors 10 5 iHutfinpaush .... ADO Meof For Relief reverse, Dougherty to Wilson to 0—Bogota—6 session of first place in the Neigh- Relays . f) G CiunpheU 11)0 Savoye advanced the ball 29 yards !,. 40—Hawthorne—« . 9 G .laczko 174 Trinity Loses borhood Bowling League Monday ,^p ••• Caseo - to the Bound Brook 47. Wilson 14—Pompton Lakes—13 night at Recreation lanes. Matches r. 10 Totals ,, 818 854 C.f-: picked up two yards on a line drive Lumps . 11 1 It intern' Texneci Service 20—Hackcnsack—0 were a repetition of last week, 4 McAfee 150 177 through left guard. Savoye gave PUinfield Attain 120 213 To Good Counsel when Smiths won and Jotnsons Selector* 1115 •a reverse to Dougherty who cov- 26—Carterct—6 Frlno 145 170 174 and Hunts lost, setting up a tie 169 164 Paul ifis 154 17" HEATING PAD ered the remaining 45 yards be- In its third game of the season, 0—Columbia—7 Aver, ...... 121 Warren 155 204 149 hind some good blocking and ex-Holy Trinity High School's eleven 19—Bound Brook—0 between the three. Brinkman top- 168 Iloyer 132 164 141 737 870 cellent broken field running to lost to Good Counsel High of New- 32—Long Branch—7 ped with 211 in the center game H6 137 11)8 score the first touchdown of theark Sunday 13-0. Jim Clark scored 34—Somerville—6 for the winners while Hunt turned Hand leu.p . 84 84 84 3.95 day. These two plays in rapid or- Vernier! CuiiHlrurliolt C«. both tallies. After a scoreless two 27—Thomas Jefferson—6 in 207 and 205 for the losers. lteynoldH 172 H,"» A three-speed pud with two »«f ety c«* der seemed to disrupt the aggres- periods, Good Counsel recovered SavocB 166 16(1 siveness of the visitors, but they Reids, who have been down near Kausch 164 130 132 BlaKiictM 122 lilll troll. Soft, tnter-repellent •linOon Pete Stavish's punt, which was the bottom of the standings, de- Koen 158 149 157 John Hlcurdo .. 1S2 16S f cove*. Eight-foot cord. came right back to continue their blocked, giving them the ball on BeraatcEUl 145 133 98 Strunlch lflsl lr.s vicious blocking and tackling. The feated Johnsons in two games aft- Kulnn 182 165 Trinity's 32 yard stripe. A line Roosevelt Routs er losing the first, when Rhaesa Bennett 142 147 m Totals . 841 828 point after touchdown was unsuc- 103 Kiilckerli Mrlicr (iiiriijtD plunge advanced the ball to the 28 hit 201 and Jamieson 207 to aidHandicap ...... 103 140 PoterNeit cessful. and eight more crashes at the line 103 the losers to a 937 game. Gor- Totals 894 The second half was a repetition brought it to the two yard line. Cranford Juniors For Good Lookt and Plenty of V/tot dons, who showed more strength Blllnskas of the first in probably as an ex-From here Clark plunged off tackle KFJI Scoring in every period, the Roo- last week, continued their winning Wolff 163 Olear act duplicate as could be expected. for the first score. way, scoring the only sweep of the seevlt Junior High School eleven Kydcr 145 Totnla 7X0 Bound Brook kicked off to Dough- The second touchdown was scored evening over Malcolms, nlthough Johnson 121 erty who carried to the Westfield swamped the Cranford Junior High Halney 1311 late in the fourth quarter when 31-7 Friday afternoon on the lat-they just slipped over the opening Aver 157 TuMle llrnH. 35. A reverse to Wilson picked up Clark intercepted Stavish's game by a three point margin. Handicap 142 1GS five yards and Dougherty skirted pass ter'a field. It was the fifth straight 1 2« and went 35 yards to cross. win for the locals. • Brace of Malcolms won high game Totala S67 137 left end to place the ball on the Line-ups: honors with 216 in the nightcap. The first TD was scored by Al WeEtfield 43. An attempted lat- ulj Bells lost the first to Krafts and OICKOII 121 Paee ...... 1.14 eral was fumbled by Westfield and I., is., ,Hpeary McNeil Smith who ran 20 yards around then went on to claim the next Arndt 180 Jltiuon 20(1 1 J'1;??1 entl in the first Quarter. The try MartitiNon 165 again recovered by Bound Brook. . Hums . two. Smyth was high in this set- Totals .,.. 735 They made a concentrated drive for c. . ii""'"noln n I for Point failed. Midway in theto with 204 for the losers. Cnrmen'N A about 60 yards to place the ball IUI. Kennedy Orlando second period Rankin of Cranford I\OrtM mm again on the Westneld 18. This K.T.. . I'yo plunged through center and Smiley Standings and scores: Jan. Hlt-ardo . . Mb TI U.K.. .Owetin . . . Hrld! Totala SSI Oalto -Mr •was the closest the Bound Brook Q.U.. .Weher . .. Btavlxh plunged 12 yards through center w. L. rariiHni I!.II.. .I'ciuku .. ... Dnolcy team got in the. second half and F.U...Clark ... Commune and added the extra point to cive Smith M it) Cooper matched their drive to the West- 7 li—13 the home team a 1-point lead. Roo- Hunt Jtfynolil. ll"ly Tiluky 0 0 0— 0ter when Paul Monroe took the PI luck TolulH .... 709 field 18 in the first. hilo Chirk 2. Ml ..Jh-S J kick-off and went the full length ltolil . lleaney Westneld went to work in the l olm after tuui'liduwn: Clark. C.nl.HI fica 11 nut ruli of the field for the goal line. Again Kraft K. Aril! .. 1.". I fourth quarter to insure the game the extra point was missed. Neumann ... 1S2 by taking the ball on the Bound .. 14 1 Keystones Lose But In the third period Ed Lewis Nmllli JIlvkH .. . 2UB Brook 45 and by straight football Tlchcnor .. .. 171) made a nice 30 yard run to carry mi 1.18 ... 105 staged an uninterrupted march for Hold Y Loop Lead Chirk . . 161 ins IIS Beautiful $8.45 i the second touchdown. Savoye, the ball to Cranford'a four yard HrlTikinnn .. in:) .... 1,10 Hmllh . . US ... 13S Salvato and Wilson alternated in Keystones dropped a pair of line where Monroe took it over, Ilrtula . . 1 KI carrying the leather to the Bound games to Senators in the YMCA adding another point on n lino llandlcal) 11 plunge. Monroe tallied another in aci SEAT COVERS $14 95 Monday Night Bowling League, Totals 7 Hnclincr this week, cutting their lead to the final period on a 34 yard end Hunt Fan-ull . OarefttUy made of toomaterial s and precision tailored run. Lewis made the fifth score ... no three games. In the other match ... HI perfectly. Sliop early while qnantlttes last. Woodchoppcrs downed Collegians, when he intercepted nankin's pass llycrr. ... I :> II Tie In School Year's Awards and raced 40 yards to score. Frost . .. 13S winning the first and last. Martin Hunt ... Ill was high with 20;j, but several oth- Line-ups: Bowling League | Touch Team Swamps Made At Echo ers were knocking at the door, no- Wralllelil IIJIIS Criuirunl JUS Dispersion 71-0 Save COW/MM ... Sav* YourMoforl tably Twaits with 190, W. Taylor UT'."" Blue Streaks and Red Arrows f I.I;. Itelil Prizes for winners of tourna- with 1!'8 and Thomson, 199. MmitKomcry ... US are tictl for first place in the High j Westfield's Touch Football team c... firamlor ... rney School Rowling League, following ments held during the 11)40 rea- Klamiings and scores: Walker ... HO added laurels to its already bril- It.T.. II If Us . , Klliuhdd ... .1:11 matches rolled at the YMCA Sat- son at Echo Lake Country Club, w. i.. U.K.. Mtalknrnht ... i*:. s.-lln-r « yw Runner Up: W. H. Dickinson; fayette in the game (hut inaugu- 1'IVIIT,.,., Onaraatoed to gtvo qmlcker, euAcr starts v. . ^ Sceonri 1'Titfht: f'. A. .Jerome. rates IMii Middle Three ln>:,lilitji's. b*ckl liwteU thaw flna plngi... g« »wlft. sv?6 >wm The i-initoiit itching traditional Match l'lav Tournament—-Fii'^t School Harriers time! Oomo in ioday. Flight: Kaiser, O. V. Havens; S. The droppedi HortonandMcDonog Heiilly Trophy—Winner: li. h, the npc-iiir.g ni...,.t i wee!• Bg'i to , WEl linker; iiu!)in'i'-t>i>: U. H. liiglinv. i For The Boy Scouts Leader Wanf Ads Pay Plaiiilli'id nntl will meet Ilahway | 117 QUIMBY STREET * Strand, Plainfeld Nelson place; Mrs. E. P. Lsing Cnniiif I* Additional Sports -:- 6 Million For Paramount. Plainfield \-U2 Orchard street; Mrs. J, R Republican Club i Weiss, 516 Spruce »treet, Garwood; i Mrs. D. A. Norman, 148 Harruor jN. J. From Racing To Hear Officials I avenue and Mrs, G. K. Stlkd >resby Leaders Breboecks Again •U'2 Englecjoft j'CAd. j An averase uf 13.396 fans bet. I "The WestfieM Women's Repub- Match Leading League ! $1,280,195.35 each of the KI6 day* J 'lican Club are ylanning a foljow- jof horse racing at New Jersey's! I up on their discussion of local gov- Vance Addretnet Nolls, leaders of the Presbyte- Bieboeeks sweep of Halls last !thn>e tracks, bringing the total j i eminent slid will Invite members ; Newcomer'i Club jrian Bowling League and McCabes, lawn wagered to approximately of the town government as guest week, once again gave them the 1 $174,100,667, the New Jersey Kae- Jriinner ups, dropped their, matches lead in the Women's Recreation ! speakers in the near future," Mrs. H. L. Vmifa, local florist, Wan K.'iiJay night in games rolled on j ing Commission at the Freehold I Irene Gviftin, president, annoutittd Bowling League. The previousi -Raceway saw $59,S06 staked daily piest t>]ieakt'r nt thu monthly lunch- T yMCA lanes. The defeats, week, the top spot was shared with at the Meeting <"> Mcuiciuy at the eon meeting- of the WestfleU New. however, made no change in the on the trotters by an average of Falkenburgs, who last week won 1,440 persona. YWCA. U'OIHBI'B Club at the YWCA yester- Landings. Nolla dropped all thwe two from third place Smyths, No j Mtinbeis heard Mrs. Betie •Joy Mr. Vance, who was intro- jo Beriys with Skelly going to20 3bowler had as much as 200, but The Racing Commission said the ISchaefei, model atov, conduct the ! 'luced by Tlrs. D. D. Hall, projrrani for the winners anil Davidson eloa- the lead was taken by Mrs. Schulz state had received $6,167,930 from : final Uisvussion of town govevn- , ('haii'iniiii, >)>oke on the care and |,,r with 200 for th« losers. Hcit- of BreboeeUs who turned in 180 Inall racing activity in New Jersey i ment. She was ussislfit by Mrs. culluie of house plants. ins won two from McC'abes *ft- the sandwich tilt. Standings and for 1946. iJes»Je Mai'Miuan anil Mn. Marie • losing the first game. StanU- scopes: The report added that $567,600 ! Peeling. Mrs. Paul Smith, no.-qess ['hair- ami scores: in breakage money from the Gar- : man, was iiKKiRted by Mniej. N. I), 8 w T, The club is K|mnsorin« a bens- i Skully, H. Wiant, U. Cnulkins, P. V. L. BreboeekB ...... 14 10 den State track in Caniden is be- fit movie at the Uialtu Theatvu on FalkenUtrgs ...... is 11 ing held in Chancery Court pend- I uuv. i.u, 2i, zi, under the chflir- ; Coy, W. Ferraby, C. Caldwell, P. j ing dec/sign on the constitutional- | manship of lira. Alfred Dempsey. i Hohnbaum, W. Jcbbena, W. Hager- ity of 11 recently enaeted bill for r baumer, Miss A. Carlgnan, anil \i"-« r-h4 Clnitrlia and David ! Mrs. Mitlhauer, Kuuert Young in "Claudia I ... Brrboerk turning pennies in bet pay-offi"pre- 'with Dorothy McGufre and the David" wondruff 14142 HI 138 viously kept by the track opera- utuix urutueis in A Night iu Cat- ! Mrs. J. Berry, hospitality chair. Homer* 111.122 12(1 115 Kecnau Wyim ar.u Hvclyn I man, RHUouiwi't! plans l'or & club Hayden , J41 J«7 143 tors. Cecil Kollutvay in "Monsieur ablation will be srown. gcliulz ISO 149 Kcycs in "Thrill of Brusil" j dinner on Nov, 2a unil a cavil par. The cost of putting an «rmor#d'| Bboeck 108 The state, under law, receives Beaucaire" - The next meeting of the club Bb J21 121) 148 ty> on Dec. 11. Handicap 241 £41 four per cent of the total poolj at will be held in January, when g division in. the fleld in WorW W*if;i 241 Gordon, 229 Eac«, Kpi>nn» Wjmi e r n Intercollegiate Basketball - ntfll - a Htl 86 members lasTseason. League, a Christmas holiday trlji IKIV "1HJULL0F; BRAZIL" |KitWs said he also is making Schneider** 665 to Northern New York Stato to on- - IQIIimt WEISMtl.tElt ; THRU SAT. MIIIXITB StIOW SAT. Wed., Nov. 13. VDayOnly i to have exhibition matches The Westfield Elks bowling team D the Orange of Syracuse and HANGOv'EK sUUmiA "MY PAL TRIGGER" BOGART & BACALL in "BIG SLEEP" \ «me of the game's outstanding dropped all three games to Union home engagements with both the Mllllu HAIl\i:i,P,. (J,.,i. SAMIHIIS John Hodlak, Ann Baxter tfessiontds. Applications for here Sunday afternoon, despite United States Naval and Military TUES., WED., THU., FRI. "SUNDAY DINNER "EARL CARROLL'S SKETCH BOOK" rship may be filed with Verne Schneider's three double cen. Academies. The slats opens Dec. Muiirerii II'IIAIIA. Dick IIAV«i:s NEXT WEEK pols at the Park Commission. tury games (224, 218, 223) for a11. F0R_A SOLDIER" 666 series. Scores: "DO YOU LOVE ME" — TUI'IIS., *•«[., MT, — I Day Scheduled Vntdti ixmornv iii-mmi:. "MEANEST MAN Newtuirt 17fl 221 lfl.1 STRANGE'TRIANGLE til V MADISO.V 1 Tnrnuil 172 170 178 I he NEW Theatre _ IN THE WORLD" County Gridmen K Hauler 1»1 170 133 Broad Street — Elizabeth 'TILL The END Of TIME' O'Neil' 213 1S5 178 OX fiVU NTAfJH XT 11(00 GOOD THINGS TO EAT Hiinlier 173 10S 1!)3 OPKII DilLT ••*» A.M. •Amateur football players will "THE LAST RADIO TALENT QUEST •ye an opportunity to prove their 017 sm food prepared by expert chef—varisty ni Held FRI. & SAT. 2 BIG HITS CROOKED MILE" TKKIOT.H NOW ON S.ll.l'i lilitics nt the Union County Poot- Onvid»on 142 COHSKI. WII.DK, AT A 1.1, TlllOVI' •«•;« Illll that will satisfy every member of your 1 Field Bay to be held Sunday, Miner .Irnniil- CHIIV, J.I,I/III 1MIIM0I.I. OVI'Clltll \iniIMI ICS'l IIAV c Schneider 224 218 223 HI.KiC A.VU HVH Kill parly. ' 1 at 2 p. m.at Warinanoo Albiwht lf.4 127 114 CENTENNIAL SUMMER' snow ... J'k Stadium, Elizabeth. raneK 172 HI 10» MAllHllA HINT, •Events will be as follows: 100- Jyard dash for backfield men — Siov. T. X, O — •erved 12 noon til 9 Harriers Nose Out SUN thru TUES. 2 Sm».h Hit. A. trmp Hl'NNl:, Ilex IIAltltlSON I uniform, punting for distance, UBNNIS JOAV JACK "ANNA AND THE stop for just a snack or ""P kicking field goals from 3 an-Railway Runners I AIISDN ALCOHOLICS EMPIRE '. Place kicking field goals from KING OF SIAM" your favorite beverage. "TWO GUYS ANONYMOUS 2:50 — «:4d THEATRE RAHWAY ingles, and passing for distance. WestfleW High's runners defeat- FROM MILWAUKEE" SAT., 2:ir»—11:20—10:1)5 Tladi contestant must be a mem-ed the Rahway High harriers Fri- • IOV IIOCDHS FRI. THRU SUN. f of a Union County amateur or day afternoon in the closest race ANITA LOIISH. JIM BAXXOX Westfield Group "MY PAL TRIGGER" F» school team, and that team of the current season 27-28. Ed "THE DEVIL'S MASK" 1:30—7:00—10:4r 5 P" Play its home games in Union KAT., 1:00—, i:n.i—s:4."i OLD HEIDELBERG Hoos, county champion, led theWED. & THUR. 2 Rcque.t Hit. P. O. Box 121 Nty. way home, 50 yards ahead of Rah- SATUIIDAV MATINISIO OM.V RESTAURANT ra'! is no limit to the number way's Moran. It was the locals HIMPHttBV 1IOCJAHT 3 — CARTOONS — 3 "SAHARA" ROUTE 29 PAiv'Iwonn"s!7iiOT SCOTCH PLAINS Mvents jn whieh a contestant second win in the week. SUN., MON., TUES. p compete, Pull football gear Summaries: WM. POWKI.1,, JBAIV AllTIIUll N. J. Information Office — MM. 10, II, il! — ]._Hoo.s oy.), 1,1.48; !.—Moran 1st be worn by each contestant. (K ) U:»6; 3.—Ayrc» (W.). W.H7; "THE Pi.roiii. ii.iji IIU;. iiuiii, HUM; | events will be held on the grid- <.—VimKllno (ft). H:ldi r,.—SIIVH- EX-MRS. BRADFORD" Phone Humboldt 2.2821 'CLAUDIA AND DAVID' ">. including the sprinta. Su'lt- cool HI), H-Jii; e.—fntum (W.). HUN. & MON., wlrn i awards will be made to theM'27- 7.—Perrine (K.), H:3»; «.— 1:O0—4:00—7:05—10 :l).'i Uarriinco (W.), H:4G: a.~Mcliue- TliK.f., S:ri.ri—s:40 THE WONDER DOG g' three pluce winners in each imiclier TW.), H:5.'>; 10.—I*. winiin Your Favorite Meal 111.), 14:i7. 'illi- iiAH\ i THE GREAT NEW 1946 "A NIGHT IN - rilltll.MKU CO-l-liATIllI! - can be yours for the asking. We promise you a " AVALA NCHE Nona] High Cross Country Run BUN. & MON.. 2:40— fi:40—11:411 meal prepared with skill and loving attention to TUBS.. l:;i«—7:00—10:00 flavor.somo details. Spend the dining; part of an pains Unbeaten Set For November 24 i'orM I'UHIPOIIJIANCI: NAT., S|;V, MATH. evening with us ... you'll enjoy it, KELVINATORiH CK DAY, MON.. NOV. II 4 CARTOONS iona! High, who until the ill. The Union County Cross Coun- «estfield - Columbia game, try Championship will be held Nov. j STARTS WED., NOV. 13 ">e only other Union County 24 over tho 3-mile Wnvinunco Park | Ifllllll AmlriMVN, StiMlm ll'ijimrri OUR SPECIALTY course, it lias been nnnounccd by "CANYON PASSAGE" undefeated, kept its slate III Tc-l lililc..lr,r. NEXT WEEK Kg ™turday, defentinB Union the Union County Park Commis- STEAK and CHICKEN—MUSHROOM DINNERS I ', Jne Regional eleven came sion, sponsors of thc affair. En-1 Tcim Ureui'miin. llunllii (.rniivllltt AM. IIIHII.I. SHOW- tries close at the commission's of- j "Breakfast In Hollywood" r" Wiind, putting on an excit- fice, Elizabeth, Nov. 21 at noon. '< KING KONG VH!" in thc final ')eriwl t0 itti • winllinK touchdown. It Competitors must be residents ofi and SON OF KONG PEDEFLOUS' RESTAURANT Union County, There will be a; ;rophy for the winner, a silver, MOUNTAIN BOULEVARD, WATCHUNG medal* for second place ami bronze; CLOSED TUESDAYS TFX. PLAINFIELD 6-0503 |PAjlER~l7sTl;,L SHORT meilnla /or third, fourth and fifth j 1 SAVE YOUKS places. i . MUSIC . OF ALL PUBLISHERS

,. RECORDS . at *^i?urt .JIB. PORTRAITS TAKEN NOW OF ALL MAKES Ma. 2-4327—Mi. 2-8800 Enjoy Your Meals INSTRUMENTS at the FOR XMAS AND RADIOS Air Conditioned Witlc, VISIT Our Resident Photographer, Miss SALES . SERVICE New Jersey's Music W or at studio. Department Store 'U take your photograph in your home All makes of Commercial Chi-AID Chateau For Appointment Phone WE. 2-0662. j and Domestic Refrigera- n Route 29, tion Serviced. Hates Reasonable. MUSIC CENTER MOUNTAINSIDE, N. J. C. ft 330 WEST FRONT STREET LUNCHEONS — DINNERS MIIV IIH»\N A- All slur I'IIKI • »• t•• l.. n.ri*. »~* i'lIK-|.;s duel. T»»|I Kn'.y, HiU(» — I.'.1*11 I.sdi LMH f Home 1,1 *:lf. Open Every Day VI'« I.UII] I,M>, M, lllulU'l-. JARVIS Appliance Sales (k f Opan Tli/ridny Till 1 V'l.'ii IIHV Illll,,,. HIMU II,,,,,!,. r- .duyl Till f> ujiri-"!!!''!!. Hllll linliTH IIIIlMl. Music Nightly Except Mondays 54 ELM STREET 431 NORTH AVE., W. h irM WE. 2-3726 , MOUN7A1N AhiTfAlTAViy, IS9tCH f I THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1946 Convert Waste to Sugar Robert University, Connecticut, Cornell,; Creighton, Dartmouth, Davidson, College Bell Marks New Buildinf At Upsala Sawmill waste may be converted *m , JJ —»»•«! College Men Seek Delaware, Denison, Denver, De- Washh into sugar by hydrolysis and this Heads PreiS Co pauw, Dickinson, Drake, Drew- •ugar used to grow yeast Germany New Members Brothers, Drew-Teological, Drexel. j used this yeast for human food Robert S KW Emory, Florida, Franklin and when other Bources of protein wer» tain ave ' ... ™ Marshall, Georgia Tech, Gettys- eut off during World War a. SmiiZi in°'M * Drive To Augment burg, Grinncll, Grove City, Hamil- __ • _.— -di T ^nied presiden^'of"?!; ton, Illinois Tech, Illinois Univer- From no less a recognized au- Membership Begins thority than O. Max Gardner, Un- Wh.t'.TM.mma!? Publishing Co., aK^ sity, Indiana, Iowa State, Kansas, A mammal is an animal but not Nov. 3 issue of the new Kansas State, Kentucky, Knox, La- dersecretary of the Treasury, for- There is a lot of good-natured mer Governor of North Carolina all animals are mammali. Mam. The Sunday Sentinel'^ fayette, Lchigh, Louisiana State, mols are warm-blooded, vertebrate PaP» magajine. rivalry among- the rollege men in Maine, Maryland, Mass,*. Inst. and successful business man, came Weetfield these days as the Col- the statement last week that the creatures, which bear tBeir young — Tech., Missouri University, Mon- alive and teed them at their breasts. lege Men's Club membership drive tana State, Mount Union, Nebras- cost of our government today is ¥ Bets into full awing. The alumni ka, Newark College of Eng., New too great. from the different colleges are ark University, New Hampshire, Undersecretary Gardner, who each out to report the largest per- New York University, North Car- will have an important part in centage of Westfield alumni from olina State, North Dakota Agricul- shaping the Administration's tax . their particular college as mem-tural, Northeastern, Northwestern, proposals, said that "we ' cannot bers of the group at the fall smok Oberlin, Ohio U., Ohio Wesleyan, continue federal expenditures on er to be held Nov. 15 at Echo Lake Oklahoma, A. & M.. Oklahoma Uni- the basis of taking one dollar out Country Club. Ralph T. Reeve, versity, Oregon State. of every four for federal revenue," chairman of the membership com- and continued: mittee, reports that the member- Pennsylvania, Penn State, Po- "It makes little difference to the Wettfield ship drive organization is in full mono, Pratt Institute, Princeton, taxpayer which jurisdiction im-j twin);. Lists of alumni living in Purdue, Rensselaer, Rhode Island poses the greater burden—whether i Westfield have recently been ob- State, Richmond U., South Dakota it is federal, state or local. It is t 2-5161 I: tained from the following colleges: School of Mines, Stamford Univer- the sum total of the costs of all | Albion, Albania Polytechnic, Al- sity, Stevens Tech., Swarthmore, public service that ia making life ' abama, Alfred, Allegheny, Am- Syracuse, Temple, Trinity,-Tulane, difficult and hard today. fora nerst, Antiocli, Arizona, Arkansas, Union, Ursinu*. Utah State Agr., "Unnecessary activities must be Belolt, Berea College, Boston Uni- Vermont, Virginia Military, Vir- eliminated. More efficient and eco- "FRIENDLY" loan. versity, Bowdoin, Brown, Bucknell, ginia Polytechnic, Washington & nomical means must be found to 15-minute service on auto loans California, C a r 11 o n, Carnegie, Jefferson, Washington University, conduct the essential public serv- also loans on signature, furni .Case, Carson-Newman, Chattanno- Wayne, Wesleyan, Western Ke- ices." ' ga, Chicago University, Cincinnati, serve, William and Mary, Wiscon- ture, or salaries. "Citadel, Clarkson Tech, Clcmson, sin, Wittenberg, Worcester Poly- There's a "FRIENDLY" pian ." Coe, Colby, Colgate, Colorado, Colo- technic, Yale. for everyone. rado School of Mines, Colorado Alumni from these colleges are JOHN E. PITCHER, Manager. "I just get tired of them!'— Mildred G. Underwood, Chat- RELAX LISTEN ENJ0Y tanooga, Tenn., after 16th di- T C\ K! IT F • " vorce from eight different hus- bands. I \J IN I I kW Your Favorite Record. "The phony claims of pro- Fl N ANC E COMPANY •TOUCH HIS OWN" • KaMI* Ifuwanl » MaJMtta T*c iHk H»el« • Dew* 1»a ponents of government plan- 2V, (AST HR0AD5T WESTFIEID Timr Martin • Mirrarr «*e ning have been disproven on I ">•'••> s , r / c l /v r R A L AW , Vwrt4r Martin > Victor Illic M«a>r*airra " C»laia*la SSr virtually every count."—Ralph "UVMBHS ARKS KI.VI.1ifi" • B.tlj Hhoa>a • Victor «3c Tke aUforlc kcll at Vpaala Collcjie m«« rauir oner aaala tala fall 4a mark aaotker forward atcp la Hendershot, financial editor, on Tkrrr «m» • UajMtt* nan tae collc-^e^H »roj»ctrd trn*rear anllilliiir progratti. aixllepl* t'irf»tf a duna at r*uu't,,it iue uuil uu.'mir Knakle Carle • ColamMa 53e the recent eercmuiir uhen Krouad wnm broken for n clnaarooiu bBlliiliiir. The nulldlnff, four atorlea aftermath of OPA meat de- htfch, TOlll Incluile lecture r,»omH, cluiixrounia, nnd •««!£ ttstchera' ulTlce*. Old Mnln, present acadcmlu control. "ITIVE MINUTKCI MOHF," ': • T»< Hrliflu . •Victor «.1c balldln^r. will be rrnovflto! and Merve nM the college library when the bulldlnnr |iron:rniti IM completed. Taref >••• • Majcotlc «Se A belfry will foe raUeii «n It* roof to anrbor the ntaturlc brll. At preMent, the bell la hidden to pre- "It's one of the most illi- Frank Slaalra • Columbia IKle vent Ita faJilnK victim to Inter-fraternity clnwhen. Lawrence Becb, pictured above, turned over the beral of all our statutes,"— »». A. TAKE IT AWAY" • Nina; Cio.hr • !>«•<•« T»<' tlrat ahovelful of enrth durfnic the ceremony. He In the ccrent-nephew of l>r. Lara llerinnn Seek, (irorm Puliin • MalMtic «3c founder and flrat i>re«ldent of the colleire. Senator Ball, Minn., on closed- Super's Bike Shop Xnvler Cvcat • Columbia Me shop provision of Wagner Act. "OLE BUTTERMILK SKY" ...•»ana O'Nrll • Maj» »Mmr Hue • Vli'lor «Sc hand in his pocket in a manner bride."—Ralph Douglas, of "HIM M SKIKB" » nriill> UIHHIIIIDII • Columbia B8« lumbia, Duke, Harvard, Michigan signifying he possessed a gun, TRICYCLES and Rutgers. Alumni from these Downs, 111., explaining enlist- "TIIKIIE IS NO IIHKKZK." • Tommy. Dor«>- •Victor USe Keenan began running when he ment in the Army. WAGONS "THE COI-KEK SOVC" , • Frank •Inalru • Columbia SSo colleges and any others not included left the car. "WIIO'1,1. Bill MY VIOMST8" . • Dinah Skorr • Colambia BSc 4n the above list can render a real TOYS AND GAMES "MISMOIIII WAI/IK" • JOilUlc IKnvuril • Mnjeatlc 7«e service to the College Men's Club Keenan didn't stop running, say «LYJf«l» • Kilillc Howard • Mnji-.lle 7°o and to their own group of alumni police, until he reached the home Commandment* for Hunteri "FILII'INO IIAUY" ...* •••amir Karr • Victor <13« by furnishing the membership com- of Henry Schroeder, 1021 East Here are the commandments, • Tnu Jim Huaerlaiin ." Victor <18e mittee information in regard to the Broad street, from where he con- which every hunter should mem- WIIK OLD LAMP-LIGHTER" . T. Tem. T, l.r • 4 »t«t 70c alumni of their college living in tacted police. Lieut. Albert Pfirr- orize: treat every gun as 11 it ii SOIL CONDITIONING your vegetable gar- "CHOPIN'S rOl.ONAlSK" • Jo»c llurkl • Vl.dir 1,05 Westfield. man, at the police desk, sent out loaded; be sure barrel and action "JAI.OIS1K" • niwtua Pupa • Victor 1.05 an alarm to all radio cars. are clear before you fire; carry only den should be done now by tilling tke , TOP ALBUMS The College Men's Club of West- In the interim, Officer Raymond an empty gun, action open or taken field was organized in 1922 to as- down, into camp; carry gun so you ground thoroughly with a rotary tilfaf •INK SPOTS A1.1IUM8" ...... f Ink dpola •Deceit 3.M sist the Westfield High School boys W. DeWolfe, while patrolling his "TWILHillT T1JIK" • Tkrre Nuii« • Majrallc S.15 beat, noticed' a car stop in Central can control muzzle direction If you machine and spreading manure and fer- '•KING COM3 TltlO" • KIIIK Cole Trio • Capitol 3.31 to secure college educations. Over avenue. Suspecting something, De- stumble: be sure of your target be- I'CIIAIKOWJIKY 40 scholarships, including three to Wolfe questioned the driver—Coh- fore you pull trigger; never point tilizer. MTCHACKUU SlITK • Kunrnr Orn.nti.lr • Victor 4.05 Westfield boys at present in col- en—and found the Jersey City man gun at anything you don't want to lege,, have been provided from vol- shoot; don't leave a loaded gun un> COMPLETE LINE OF POPULARS—CLASSICALS— untary subscriptions on the part unable to give a satisfactory ac- , WE5TERN5—POLKAS—ITALIAN—POLISH RECORDS count of himself. About this time, attended; never climb a fence or a A. S. MANNINO & SONS] of the members and from annual Officers Martin Howarth and Paul tree with a loaded gun; don't shoot dues, which are $2 per year. Wcntlandt, who had received the at a Sat, hard surface, or the Permanent- Drivei — • Drainage — Concreting I All college men in Westfield, who alarm, arrived and revealed that surface of the water, and don't mix WE. 2-4935 WE. 2.0869-WI have attended a recognized col- Cohen was wanted on a holdup lnhrO with CMI- <*"'"«nwd«r. ,, DISC DEN lege, ate eligible for membership. charge. ?•••, It is estimated that there are ' 115 CENTER ST.—10 to 9 Daily—GARW0OD, N. J. at least 2,000 college men in West- Cohen was taken to police head- field and it is hoped that the mem- >K.(ll!(il. l J.IULh quarters, where he was identified bership drive now in progress will by Kcenan as the person who tried If You Can Add double the membership of the club. A. F. Van Horn, John A. Wallac», to pull the sticlcup. Cohen did' not A substantial increase in mem-George Webb, Harold F. Welch have any weapon when apprehend- French's for Home Furnishings bership has already been reported and Herbert Welch, Jr. ed by police. as a result of the present member- And Subtract - - Established 1891 In Westfield Producing Electricity OPEN EVENINGS TILL 8:30 ship drive. An organization of men from various colleges are hard Jersey City Man The production ot electricity by BEDDING — FURNITURE — FLOOR COVERINGS "* '"•'• ••-'ler *hi> direction of the steam plants requires from 96,000 Ybu'll add •>* FEDERAL" to your membership committee, the mem-Held Without Bail to 144,000 gallons of water for each Do Your Christinas Shopping Early. • -. ...iich are acting as divi- ton of coal used. lW sion leaders. The membership com- Benjamin Cohen of Jersey City Where to Go'- list, and sub- mittee is composed of P. Waldemar was ordered held without bail for Cooper, Ralph E. Martin and' Ralph the Grand Jury when he was ar- tract from your weekly spend- T. Reeve. The team captains are: rnigncd before Recorder A. C. j Donald McDougall, Robert L. Dun- Nash at a special session of court I can, William H. Gordon, Lloyd A. Saturday morning. He was charg- ing. I Hathaway, J. D. Jones, John K. ed with attempted holdup and rob- Moiklo, Frank W. Miller Jr., Clif- bery of a taxicab driver, Lester ford Cliftonfi Art Muller, Charles Keonan, Jersey City, Saturday U. Pittman, Dan F. Sweet, and morninp at approximately 4 a. m. Louis V. I. Wilcox. According to police, Keonan had In addition) the team workers been engaged at Journal Square, include: A. D. Bauer, Leslie F. Jersey City, to take Cohen to West- Brace, John C. Drownell, Marshall Coolcdgc, Thomas P. Ellis, Her- jbert R. Fenis, R. V. Gordon, W. This Week's i P. Harrower, Kur! C. Hood, Henry I A. Kiep Jr., Howard Ketcham, A. WANTED HANGING M. Lamberton, J. W. H. Mencke, BOYS AND GIRLS AS MODELS E. R. Merry Jr.. Richard Miller, PLAIN WALL RACKS AtiriiHtve, photogenic >-nitiiK- William II. Oakley, Thomas J. Mt<*rH mi to 17 nrc npetlpd to Potts, Walter L. Rei,l, Richard POMP IIH mnli-lN for vnrluiiM IHJ- MAGAZINE CARRIERS RuebliiiK, Preston C. Snimer, John verUMriiirnIN. K\|>erk>iu un< nevtHmnry* frWcellntt reumtt- SKIRTS PIER CABINETS S. Skelly, Robert M. Skinner, Har- rr?iti AMPLE PARKING Why buy a loftenerf 201 i;. IIHOAIl M. near with our expert dry cleaning. Public Service Buui No. 49 and 54 Stop Here ap Take advantage of ihij low-cost, tuy way to Just send them regularly to us and enjoy velvety soft •wacer wiihout work, keep them looking like new! worry, repairs, or de. prcciationl Get tie Bill BOOSTER' w f JIVING I \ iac« ... Coach & Horses at apcfKMi .Vl,i:\ IIIIIIIV, Mar. WRJLCOLD WALK INTO SOFT WATER WHY DONT NOO ASK 943 Magic Ave., EL. 2-6251 VOW? MOTHER TO 6tV6 ISERVICE COMPANY FURNITURE, PAIfJTINGS T1i<> Homo of tho VDU SOMETHING TU 24-HOUR ^- FOR IT 1111 SOUTH AVE., WEST Silver, Porcelains, Rugs, Furs "HizKlliiR Steiik" AR WESTFIELD, N. J. Flora The fiiat« ot "SIZZLING" Primp Steer AMO SEE FOR WURSBLF DRY CLEANING THE WOHDERFUL WE. 2-1253 SIRLOIN STEAK BAKOAMS THEV HAVE WOODBURY 6, LANGOQN Or FILET MIGNON In accepting your garment for 24-hour service, TO QFFES. end Onionn, French .00 lee lo return it within 24 hours WESTFIELD'S WATER Removed From Fried Idaho may rate high as drinking water Potatoes but undeniably docs things to Nprvpit ritcry T'vr. Oil ¥©U DOK'T take the softness out of your 270 PARK AVENUE Open MONDAY Eve. lo 8 P. M. hands. til", r. ii. Tin ,irifr Miii GLOVESKIN GLEN COVE, LI. Sandwir.h and Supper Menu 3 STORES TO SERVE YOU IN MONTCLAIR '* just ihc ntinwcr to your *.nd Fiom Other Saurt«i Served 7:45 P. M. dream for that something lo Al«it NOW Ht-rihfj.7 remove the starched Uricd-np Avcrion effect. |I I, „ ci-enin that y Ii, Inrli' .tuiMln>M ill • ofleitt and wl.lt, no your liantli Thiin, Fri. & Snt., Nov. 7-8-J I'niMlllir Prlrrn frinu il Minn 218 E. BROAD overnight, and liecps them ill 2 P. M. pliable anJ youthful. Saltt Conducted by A La Cartn Lunch and Sold at JARVIS'S B. r. OB£ILLY~W. A. SHYTI1 Dinner as Usual WESTFIELD, N W. II. OHS1LI.V H.IISKIi ,M.I, ll.w JIU.M1AVN THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1946 :••=. . • '•=••—— - - - • • — — . ... . , — tel super-state—with an astound-["there is a judicial precedent be- U 1*1 1 hood nlui'Alion and many other me list of American affiliates— hind which immunity for the real iTl&VOr 1 lUUlKS Teachers To Meet topics will tu discussed and differ- ibruster Hits W W will be published this month by war criminate, ihe leaders of I. G. * *J * * «*»*«»• In Atlantic City ent methods compared. LAMP SHADES MADE TO ORDER Crossroads Press. Farben and other industrial com-. "* * *"" " Principals, assistant principals, New or Rebuilt fTmn-t^ifmS^jSS^^ Mr. Ambruster has made a 40- j bines, may be continued and made Parben Industry The §2fid annual convention of librarians and every type of teach- Lamp* Repaired •nd B^WBr#4«;;;5g|S^ year study of the subject of the I secure for all time." the New? Jersey Education Society er known will meet and discuss industry and since the 1920*s hasj America's place in, Germany's among themselves current prob- Writes hade Story "I know this year you were pbKg- will meet in Atlantic City tomor- : been > attempting to get the facts I pattern was resumed after Worldjed to overcome a great handicap, row, Saturday and Sunday. Dr. lems. During the three days of ReMonabte fttcar'-," ,;? V-^.^Sttl ]n "Treason's Peace" out in the open, but his pleas were 1 War I by the action of individual,„,,„„,without„ thfhe .incentiv ,„„„,..e» ,„ „,„ ere-J. h • H Bh- , commissioner the convention, the meetings will ignored and his work obstructed. | inkers and industrialists who XHSrt£ XeTJrZ^Z ttetJobn H- B-dimrtNe,w Jersey, will be held in the various buildings ac- "The pattern for World War III Treason', JV«, went to over SMI""*1 *»«• «* «*«•"«" *?™- fact that sf many of IS boys and Iof. ,educa t>on o f ** cording to subjects or topics. publishing firms. One publuhing ra™* «»d. *» I-6. Farben and then j 4 » ^ Mayor! f""8? ">|,J« an accredlt- Local News OB Every Page duuurteis, 515 Madison avenue, for similar immunity for the guil- ed agency of our government, is pi» wts ari>« over ^ue w\i C|>^«AB > HOME FREEZERS r York. ty leaders of the German I. G. Far- undertaking the financing of Ger-highly far your ability as a leader {: First was the acquittal of Hjul- ben-Vereinigte Stahlwerke (steel) man industry—with American tax- and the confidence you had in your j Ready for Delivery ar Srhai-ht; second was the trip committee and they in you. It! also speaks highly for the entire BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAYS $ 00 0 Germany by Farben-cunnectcd group who in any way had any- I'hilc House protcsre George K. Al- to their contacts in other EXCAVATING . GRADING 125 up I er of part of the occupation cost," thing to do with the success of the! to "leseurch" the question of campaign. I »rinan lcinilustrialization with "Schacht not only anticipated taccordI SHOVEL AND BULLDOZER WORK Guaranteed 5 Yean. "merican taxpayers' money via his acquittal but he boasted that j ^'Is fy %„ f UMtair "May I ask you to convey to * ' Alts tor lUatal wnom each citizens who sacrificed of his All Makes Washers and Refrigerators a RFC. j he had been indicted solely in or-( " time that other citizens might ben- rtwin'i Piacc, a new book by dor to establish his innocence byju • .j D«. efit, the sincere thanks of the Town Serviced. Ambruster lelliiifr the inside judicial authority. I believe him.]«nOUIItain«ae rlA Council. For myself . , . 'Well Wm. A. PARKHURST i of I. G. Farben's world car- AS a reuiv said Ambrwter, j s^jrj More Member* done and thanks a lot.'" Contractor . C. VAN APPLIANCE SALES Under the direction of Mrs. H, PHONE WESTFIELD 2-1738 . P. O. BOX 334, WESTFIELD 431 NORTH AVE., W. Engleman, a three-weeks member- Save Your Waste Paper Westfield 2-3728 ship drive is being conducted by RESIDENCE! Mill Un., MOUNTAINSIDE, N. i. the Mountainside Parenf-Te&cher- For The Boy Scouts Association. Sixteen neighborhood mothers have been appointed to assist in obtaining new members. They are: Mrs. Ruth Kubach, Central ave- nue J Mrs. W. F. Haupt, Ever- icuikiou Lawiuu io»c»eat, f 1C9 green court; Mrs. G. Blythe, of I Springfield road; Mrs. Ralph E. ! lliclz, Summit road; Mrs. James Pillow-back lounge chaii, fllz Mullin, New Providence road; Mrs. Bernard Nolte Jr., Mountain ave- OF REGAL BEdVTY! nue; Mrs. Norman W. Woolley, Coles avenue; .Mrs. Malcolm ! Wright, Hillside avenue; Mrs. Her- It Paya to Co Out of Your I man Honecker, Locust avenue; | Mrs. G. B. Danenhour, New Provi- Way to Get Furs that are \ dencc load; Mrs. C. G. Salvatovi- Out oj the Ordinary! ello, Woodland avenue; Mrs. Rolfe Kristiansen, Partridge run; Mrs. E. Adler Owens, Tanager way; There must bo a reason why women will go mites out and Mrs. E. Royal ZeiUer, Oak of (heir way to choose furs «i the Flemington Fiir Tree road. Factory Salesroom. Because Flemington'Uses only the His. Joseph Chattin has been choicest pelts . . • because Flemington creates their appointed secretary of the Parent- own styles . , . because Flemington sells direct from Teucher Association to replace factory-to-you at unequalled savings! Mrs, Dorothy Hill who recently re- signed. Scurf for "Tfie Drama oj Furs"... Our NewCatalogue Girl Scouts Have NEW JERSEY'$ LARGEST Hallowe'en Party FU> MANUFACTURERS Girl Scout Troop 61 had n boy and jrirl Hallowe'en costume party 8 SPRING ST. Friday night at Girl Scout Little y, N. J. House, 231 Claik street. Miss An- OPEN DAILr TO 9 P.M. nette CarignaTi, leader of the troop, SUNDAYS TO S f.M. was assisted by Mrs. Jessie O'Mcara, assistant leader.

Keep this ad. in a handy place for future reference f All Makes BENDIX Colonial * • REFRIGERATION WASHING MACHINES SERVICING AND REPAIRING SERVICING AND REPAIRING Commercial — Household Genuine Parts S CUSTOM-COVERED GROUPING AH Work Guaranteed All Work Guaranteed

Here's modern upholstered comfort for your Colonial living room! A. R. CHARTERS [four choice of seven engagingly simple upholstered pieces with legs fin- v WESTFIELD, N. J. 137 LAMBERTS MILL ROAD ished to match your mnplo furnishings. Your choice of appropriate Phone Westfield 2-4816-R covers in stripes, florals or plain colors. %$>ftMi0®tt&g#t!£t,X4t* -»m>{ Select your style and we'll tailor to your order In your choice of printed nylons, rich-looking matelasses or exclusive tapestries and deliver in 3 to 4 weeks. All pieces have super-sagless construction. "We have ct housing Budget Terms •> ,' shortage, too!"_

And it's a mighty big one! Our $150,000,000 five-year con- struction program includes 35 new buildings, 60 building additions, and about 200 building alterations. Some of this construction is under way —much of it is delayed due to the shortage of building materials. Until the space we need can be provided, we're crowding new equipment into every unused corner we can find. This isn't the way we'd normally go about our busi- Fireside chair, $112 ness. But measures like these 2-cushion Lntvion sofa, $215 Lounge diair, S98.50 are typical of many we're tak- (not illustratalj ing to shorten the time until Cliannclbnck diair, Prowi our collection «f hnna-m«do, everyone can have service who lion«l-!ini»bcil pine tables • • • wants it, and we can give better End Tablet, 922.50 CI. Cobblcr'a bcncli, service to all;'

Kulmny 7-320^ NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. TT f\f\& T> "O f\Q ST. GEORGES AVE. Highway?" MONDAY THRU SATURDAY lS\J\Ji^ J3XVvJORAIIWAY. , NEW JERSEX . ,,||HBW""""11"1 BUUDINO A ORtATIB t(llPH0NIJ«8VIC« P0« A ORBATIS NiW THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THUBSDAY, NQ Quimby street, and pretty soon we deadly months of"the whole "year, as far corrected — legally, Advice add will hive theft, «U chopped *>wn -THE WESTFIELD LEADER as the streets and highways am con- LETTERS TO THE warning did tio good. on Elm street and Mountain a*e- Onlj? legal action will corrsrt nu#.-and probably finish «P by cerned. If we will always remember EDITOR the menace and" abuse of Hallo» "abolishinff" the old Town Common that, nnd walk and drive aeeorelingly, we'en as it has developed today. and Presbyterian burying-gramm. Will our Iuw-maker3 act? If not, Some people don't want a town to we can soon make these the safest Mischief Night will they be liable fw increasing YOU month* of the year. Safety is one public live it,-they want a city of 16 Entered at the I'ost Office at Wefitfield, N. J., Editor, Leader: crime?. foot lots and 25 story buildings. •* Second Class Mailer. responsibility that is primarily up to us Stop destructive "Mljuhlef" Must we wait for more serious 0. HORACE HTt'LTS, and . Published T!mr».):iys at \y*Mfleld, N»w Jersey, crime before action is taken? If Regent Fireside cy the Westfleld Loader Filming end J'ul>!itiiins as individuals. All of the law enforce-* riighr. The unnunl warniiijfH ami Council Royal Arcanum Company. An Independent .Newspaper. ment and traffic engineering in the pluas have uuly brought cver-in- vandalism continues a war veter- Official Paper for tlie Town of Westfleld, cieasiriK damage and thefts, an with his family will leave West- M rules 12.00 « ye»r In advance. world won't correct present deadly eon- Te'.ling boys what they shouldn't fleld. Established 1890. difions if we just refuse to learn. do only gives them ideus. Preach- Aw prospective residents to be Remember This? at-id Office: SO Kim strut, Wostfleld, N. J. ing upon the dUTcrvnve between scared way from . a town which does nothing to protect itself Tel. WB. S-U07—WK. 8-44OS. destructiun and fun has proved ONE YEAR AGO useless. AH long aa "Mischief" against destructive hoodlums? A Crossed Wires night is recognized, buys Teel they tine vomlalistio reputation has al- Town approves pension plan for NATI €DITORiAL_ A balanced federal budget for 1947? are privileged and it is expected. ready taken wot. municipal employees as only 2a SSOCIATION Now you see it, now you don't. Two key Why do our lawmakers indirect- Front page, agitation started per (Sent of voters go to the polls, now may bring a law before next Mrs. Irene T. Griffin fail, to^bwt figures in the national government differ ly permit this "(unmaking" to be ticket as all'regular Republicans _To each of you we «ay: We are.hen t* inflicted upon others? Hallowe'en. "The sooner, the bet- Member;—Quulltr Weeklies of N. 1. drastically as to whether the next bud- ter," tsay police, are elected. DOR owners are fined for per- Board of Education approves serve jrou promptly — courteously. W« get will wind up in red or black. mitting their dogs to run loose. It's Investigation wilwinl prove thimis eyieviil "«;• • -» —— ,"". , ,jnwfln In a recent press conference, Presi- the older boys who find fun in de- to be more serious than some sof- the resignation* of IJ.n.el Bo**n, make loans to those of gooi credit structive vandalism. If their par- ties may suspect. Ask the police, RiniMissa EstcllWiejrane dHarlnet and .t . Mi*. ^j dent Truman predicted that the 1947 ental were fined for permitting fire department and mailmen. They THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1946 ;...wan. t,...... thei»r time„„. to! ,«be;t.« used n

SAVIVftH DRAPERIES ~ Thi> IM-I il nf n ItmiKi'lmlii ivdl ONDERFVl BEAVER-mED MUTON LAMB KtniKKlo mill NIIIVO. nlll work W I'I..- it liftivcr In order i<> Milve. llj- no nii-iniM, n miner, lie Ktrlvcn MADE TO ORDER tliill %vlfl 1M" Mt'fnris No, ln> In- Large Selection of Materials vi'sfM (V)NCI>- In IMXMIH (hat will pit) four iliiMitrK fur IMH'II (lircc Mouton takes top fur honors for waraitli 1 It il t lie pntm iiivii}( i and smartness at low cost! It takes an ex- A KIMII! IIIIJ'M work ilcnervcH nit .•v.-nli.K of HOIIII rt-h.ti.M.M,. In $9.95 A PAIR pert eye to tell it from luxurious beaver... n \nn-.v niaiorll>- nt the IH>IHI*K of IIIIH IIIIIIIIII, Ihtit rcln\n(l(Hi In lirovlili'd hy the millet. \n In- Delivery — 1-2 weeks. it's the perfect sport fur ... good-looking veMlnteiit In ciiferlllliinii'lit \n n ne»v ntilio or tlit> repnlr nt tin for dress, too. Fitted, flaring, swagger and olil Ki>t, For fill' Inli-Mi moiIMN or Mliiniiiiril tnnUvH nntf for ri'|>nlr* tuxedo styles with new sleeve effects. hy u riiilliilrlr'iitn, VIMII the C. C. DOWNE COMPANY WESTFIELD RADIO CLINIC, 105 ELM STREET 169.95* Sales & Service 517 SOUTH AVE., Westfield 2-0161

M AGNIFICENT SILVER-BLUE MUSKRAT IIII.II .I. manvi Mnid silhouettes, dramatic sleeves, and color that is sheer artistry in blending. Heating Service Masterfully fashioned from choice back of the animal skins to Rosenbaum's stfmdnrds Repairs on All Makea of durability. That's our exquisite new Oil Burners Bilver-bluo dyed muskrat which we offer at this attractive price, 29». Furnace Vacuum Cleaning Third Fashion Floor MEMO TO Thermostat Controlled Damper Regulators BRIDEGROOMS Installed Of course, you have lota of ideas about things you'll buy fur that new wife and OPEN DAILY 9:30 TO 5:30 Sales and Installation new home nf yours. But, don't forget to Saturdays 'tit 6 of Oil Burners plan an adequate savings program, too. OPEN THURSDAY 'TIL 9 Look to the years ahead —and save in an FUEL OIL. insured savings account here now./

For prompt and efficient service call NBAC WESTFIELD 2-5272


president, Jack Collins; second vice matics, science and crew. Save Your Waste Paper Things That WHS French Club Clas, 01 '45 Buys Campbell had lived the last president, Eric Oppenheinier; sec- years of his life in Westfield. For The Boy Scouts Artists To Sing Never Happen Plans Skit For Fair retary, Abigail Tucker and treas- Books As Memorial urer, Edith Oppenheimtir. Besides Nov. 28 Proclaimed InPlainfjeld Once there was a little boy who The French Club of WHS is re-the officers, others who will help The class of 1946, Westfield High 0TH would not close his eyes, hearsing a skit for the Community are: Chairman of the program School, will dedicate a memorial As Thanksgiving For fear the ghosts and goblins, Fair. The Bkit is to be included committee, Pat Wallace; chairman to Campbell Jones, a former WHS STOP " Marian Lacltas Verse student who was; killed Sept. 80 Nov. 28 has been proclaimed by would take him by surprise: in a scene of a cafe on a typical of the art committee, Nancy Har- OfJIVt UMOUr M FOH HORt 5M YEARl DAMAOtS while climbing Arethusa Falls at President Truman as Thanksgiv- It Piano Accompanist Then he never slept a wink and street in , France. Waitress- die and program vice chairman, •ertou Melhspnr h Cwnrt.td, In wrtUnt I when the daylight came, es will serve coffee and everyone Diantha White. Kay Dodge will Crawford Notch, N. H. ing Pay. In a statement of proc- «mtre«y.y.l»n.lh««, rvii, bltnkcb, dgeunj m lamation, the President said, "I call fun Iroe »o* deMee tor flvt yen, or Butt. r Mr*. E. Stanley Barrie of Plain- He was so tired and sleepy, he may dance to French music, Once take care of the music department At the suggestion of his parents, ».y. for Hit die**. .41« will protect t ue'l field will present two new singers could not play a game. inside one will nol want to leave assisted by Jane Heitkamp. Miss the money that might otherwise upon the people of this nation to ill lor flv. yeen—oely te t vim MW tnfclti ai it concert in the Hubbard School ] for there are surprises galore in Foutz and Mr. Gesner, sponsors of have been spent for flowers will be observe that day by offering thanks Olicc there was, another boy who auditorium, West Eighth and Irv- |room 116. Each member, of the the club, are directing the skit. used to buy books whwh other to God for the bounties vouchsafed would not say his prayers, French Club is doing his or her young people could use. The High us and rededieating- ourselves to irg streets, Plainfield,' Tuesday For fear he'd be too good a boy, e\ening. They are Mia van de part to make this a complete suc- School librarian will buy them, se- the preservation of the "blessings for whom nobody cures:— of liberty" envisioned by our fore- Eyn'len, alto, a singpr of renown cess, Save Your Waste Paper lecting the books that Campbell • UAIANflK in Europe, and Bob Uofland, Perhaps he thought an angel might might have enjoyed. The subjects fathers in the preamble of the Con- Latch him unawares:— The leaders of the club are: stitution." )oung and versatile new tenor. President, Donald Deer; first vice For The Boy Scouts will include such topics as inathe- BERLOU MOTHSPRAY DOANSPlli Both are radio artists, and MiaThen when he grew to man's estate, vaii der Eynden has sung in the he knew his awful fate, European concert world for 20 He was e very naughty man, and yeais. The singer will be accom then it was too late. . iJSKisd at the piano by Marian Once there was a little girl wh< ' Lackas Verso, formerly of West- sat upon a stair, -. field, a widely-known pianist. She would not dance nor sing no i • The program will include eelec play,—she'd nothing new tc >•- ttans from the works of Brahms, wea'r:— YES "" Schubert,. Giordani, Handel, Pur- Perhaps she thought they'd criti- :;• cttt, Carpenter, Wolf, Kreisler and cize, and that would not be fair: •• Donisetti. And when the other little girls bad i Mia van der Eynden was born candy, flowers and beaus, ?- in Amsterdam, Holland, where she She still was sitting on the stair, : studied at the University of Mu- and just because of clothes. '•'Slc. She has sung over the Hol- " . land and Indies Broadcasting Sys- Once a pretty maiden, did a doctoi ,- tent, and for Holland's royalty. call, ." Her concert field also Includes Ger- But when he came to sec her, sh t.' many and France. She came to was not sick at all:— :-' America to continue her success. Perhaps he was a clever man ', European critics admire her for handsome, young and tall; '•' her compelte voice control, especial- Then when she grew to woman e ly in her interpretation of the Ger- hood, the truth I do declare:— t\..m»n composer's works. She hasSrjg did not call a doctor, for h B :\ also been commended for her great wa's always there. S*'-wealth of expression. Once there was a lady who wouli 4 BIG DAYS! WED.THURS.FRI.SAT. j", ' The concert will be Bob Hof- g- land's first. Early in his youth he not cross the street, fi i»ng in church choirs and was For fear a Horse and buggy would IT member of a traveling boy's choir knock her off her feet:— s;Kin which he sang solo parts. While i it had been an auto, her though COSMETICS Jfr"ln high school he won on BOA might be complete:— ••noil fur.l.it, *tt Sii. JJ. itaire and recording contest. list- And there she stood upon the curb, s'«r tK -.osmopolitan New York and watched from early dawn E 2 for mm * 4,1* ASPIRIN TABLETS. 50* Mi31 ^'-migMine Cue carried his picture For an ancient horse and buggy 2 X- and recommended his voice, One that never came along. Affltrican Pttrofal «ik«r'«, 49c SIM |tof New York's most distinguished ANTISEPTIC it. voice critics claims his voice has Once there was a grouchy man who GARDENIA —•"•' 2 tor 50* thought that it might rain, MINERAL OIL ;-. quality, that will put him among fo« Powdtrs Cltoftilng Criami ••xall Pureleil, 50c SlM K SOLUTION 7 the top singois of the day. His Although the sun wus shining, th could might come again:— (PINT SIZE) "*•• natural tenor voice is warm and Cold Crcom, ' Finishing Cream Skin Cream 2 tor i • rich. f it had been in April, his thought MILK OF MAGNESIA 51* was not in vain:— Buy 2 Identical 50c Items ,\. .. 2 for 51c KUnio Nylon, 29c Valut Thli quality anllxpllc till. Marian Lackns Verse, who will And there he sat and fussed and THfATIICAl COLD CM«M >: 0trm» on contact when u»ed 60* I accompany both singers at the pi- L «MOII, 85c Slit T-.-•-..-.. 2 for $•< full itrengthi Slock vp nowl YOU SAVt Mel fumed and lost his chance for 2 for K «no, is a young and competent art- CO1D CKIAM, Ruall, 85c Slit ...... 3 »or See TOOTH BRUSHES. 30« fun, Seoul 'FlaihllgH, 10c Valu* \ ist. She was a student of the fa- While waiting for the thunder DIODOIANT CRIAM, RMoll, 25c Slit .. 3 f«f 2*c '• mouB Conrad Bos. Her interpre- storms that very seldom come. CAMPHOR ICI, Kktr'i, 10c SUe 3 fer lie i. tation of music and her ability to BATTERIES 7 2 for 11* CHRISTMAS " catch the singer's mood is cxccl- And thus I might go rambling on, lerJe COLOGNE Hoxall Improved, 25c Sin CARDS ;, i«nt. forever and a day, But I believe that you agree, so 1.00 Size , 2 for 1.01 TOOTHPASTE.:;. 2 tor 26« Rexall 1 Capt. John Lackas I'll be on my way ' IATH •OWDI*, Lavtndtr, 1.00 Sii Mtdford, 10c S!» GREETING 'o play life's game, and take I Completei Army Course L IAIH SAIIS, lavtndtr, 1.00 Slit CARD chance, and demonstrate 'tis 2 tor i Capt. John C. Lackas has suc- true,— WRITING TABLETS. 11< ASSORTMENT "i" cessfully completed the Officers' 'he things that never happen, Goyl 18 cordi tithographtd In four colon! 12 designs! >'< Disbursing Course conducted by should never bother you, HAIR ITEMS Stnd 36 cards this year for a penny more than 18! i the Army Finance School, aceord- ROBERT T. PEARCE Me Value 2 for 51c- ,: ing to an announcement released FOI TIC BILKAV ORIITINO CA«O ASSOMMINT - by Col. L, N. Smith, commanding NICE K 1+1* VITAMINS ' officer of the Finance Training 'ax Board Announces 21 Chrlitmoi lolderil Embossedl 12 deilgnil '. CeoUr and commandant of the Mortel't Hair Oil .„ 1.00 Value 2 for 1.01 More Assessments A HI THE ixiA ...'Aririy fihanbe' School,'4300 Good- 25c Size...... 2 for 26c <4 NICE If I + I* r fellow boulevard, St Louis 20, Mo. S The Union County Board of Tax- Tar Shampoo, Klenzo, 25c Size 2 for 26c ( REXALL REMEDIES " He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John tion has announced that addi- Pelrolsum Hair Rub, 50e Size 2 for Sic • S> A,B,D,O, .fly '.', W. Lackai of 824 Dorian road and onal assessments from new build- /-" ' Capsule* . ' ' ;;• the husband of Genevieve M. Lack- ng construction in the county, "93" Hair Vigor, 59c Size... .2 for 6Oc mm as also of 824 Dorian road. Prior j l.oo site. 2 for 1.01' rucE ir completed since Oct. 1, 1945, will Egyptian Henna, Riker's, Thiamin Chloride Tab«, 2 to his entry in the service he was esult in $92,034 more taxes, The 49eSize :....2 for SOe , assistant head, Ship Management unicipallties will receive $74,266 1 * 75c Size .:,..2fer76c Antacid Gas Tablets, 25c Size". 2 for 54e ; Dept, U. S. Merchant Marten f this amount; the county, $14,335 Yeast ft Iron Tab*, 75c Size'.. .2 far 76c Beef, Wine * Iron, ;, Academy, Kings Point,* L. I., N. Y. md the state $4,332. Multomlns, 2.50 Size. 2for 2.5 1 1.25 Pint Size,...... 2 for 1.26 unit ixl* Cod Liver Oil, High Potency, . 2 MICEtF I + I* f 1.50 Size... 2 for 1.51 Carbolic Salvo, 25c 2 Oz. Size.2 for 26c ': Ascorbic Acid Tablets, lavender Shave Lotion \ -mjut Penetrating Liniment/ t • 59c Size 2for«0< 25c Size 2 fol" 26e 7SeSize....2for7«eV Brewer's Yeast Tabs, SOe Size 2 for Sit Pile Suppositories, Jayne's, After Shave Talc, Lavender, Fanwood Stone Crushing A&DVitaminTab», 1.20Size2 for 1.21 50c Size 2for 51e 25e Size 2 for 26e Percocod Tablets, 1.00 Size. .2for 1.0 1 '-• .V Rum, 8 02.39c Size...... 2 for 40e Halibut Liver Oil Caps, Tonic, Peptena, 1.25 Pf. Size.2 for 1.26 and Quarry Company ,.azor Blades, Klenzo Double Edge, <55c Size ; 2 for 66c Headache Tablets, 25c Size. .2 for 26c 19c Value 2 for 20e •v rwisi AM UXAU nimitst nooucrt Corn Solvent, 25c Size 2 for 26c CRUSHED BLUE TRAP ROCK Shave Lotion, Rexall, 30c Size.2 for 31C Eye Drops, 25c Size 2 for 26c Talcum, Gentlemen's, 25c Size.2 for 26c STATIONERY Zine Oxide Oint., 20c Size.. .2 for 21c for Roads, Walks, Drive*, etc. OFFERS REXALL PURETEST FID TIE nice or 1+1* COLD RELIEVERS lord Baltimore 1 WHITE VELLUM , rum Peroxide of Hydrogen/ STATIONERY MICE tr 1+1* OFFICE! v TELEPHONES: 35e Size ,...... 2 for 36e 60c Value.. 2 for 61c RIALTO BUILDING, OFFlCEi VVE.tfield 2-36B4 Sodium Perborate, flavored, COUGH WESTFIELD, N. J. QUARRY. FAnwood 2-7840 Caicaile Lln«n Pound Paptr, JOe Vqlut.J far 51c THE 39c Size 2 for 40c lord iDltlnur* rina Plaid Slolion.ry, SYRUPS Witch Hazel, 40c Pint Size... .2 for 41c 75c Volo. J h, ft. Cherry Bark, Rexall, Tincture Iodine, 25c Size 2 for 26c Old Colon/ Pencils, 5c ^alue • 2 for ec 50c Size. 2 for 51c Envelope!, Pock of 2J, 10c Valut 3 for lit Zinc Stearate, 25c Size 2 for 26c Envelope!, Limn, plcg. of 50, 50c Vulut... 3 for 51 < Menth. White Pine & Tar, Correspondence Cords, Caiccdt, Rexall, SOe Size 2 for 51e REXALL LAXATIVES 50c Valu. j fer SJ< White Laid, lord Baltimore, 75c Valut...2 for 76e Rexillana, Rexall, good job Blue Graph Ink, 15c Sl» 3 far ]£C 50c Size 2 for 51c SALE MCE OF I + I.* Here's Analgesic Balm, Rexall, ., Milk of Magnesia Tabs. HOUSEHOLD HELPS 40c Size ''1\OtVt\ 25c Size 2 for 26c m ni Gargle, Rexall, Large, 50c Size.2 for 5le Orderlies, Choc. Flavored Lax., ' 1 a. l

?"."«» EPSOM SALT 35c POUnd 5 (Perm

({ tot's Listen and Laugh with YEAR Jimmy DURANTL & Garry MOORE REX AH Hundreds of girls in New Jersey have become tele- .'_ CBS-EVIRY FRI9AY NIGHT! phone ojierators this year. They're enjoying a job near home—saving more money—having more limo to enjoy it—and Ihcy'ro getting good salaries • • • with frequent mites.

) You uocd no experience to start.'I'kk up your (phone right now . . . and call "Chief Operator." BELL'S PHARMACY, t* FORMERLY UGGETTS New Jersey Boll Telephone Company S. S. EISENBERG, S. BRACCHITTA- REG. PHAR. 201 E. BROAD ST. WESTFIELD 2-0000 THE WE8TFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1046 light questions. To do this ^e ones Discusses must perfect our communcations [uman Relations system and keep the information "Enlightened management reul- flowing both ways. This will make $9 its responsibility to the indi- us aware of our problems. It may be expensive but I promise you uJuai," Thomas Roy Jones of 842 good humnn relations will thow up iehland avenue, president of A ;n your production figures," F Inc., told the delegates at the tonus! *8" conference on human (jutions of the Society for the Ad- Mountainside Court incement of Management Mr. Fines Nine Motorists jncs waa dinner speaker at the including session held at the Alle- On charges of speeding motor- heny County Soldiers arid Sailors ists were fined Thursday night in temorial Hall, Thursday, in Pitts, Police Court as follows: William Corby, Springfield, $10; William jrgh. His subject was "The In- Fritz. Lyndhurst, %%; John Stan- mgibles of Human Kelations." ko, Newark, $5; B. Harrison Hay, Mr, Jones compared a company Buck Run, Fa., $8; Charles Wells an individual. "A community Jr., Plainfleld, $10; Edward Frish, jrts great influence on a com- Union City, $10, ny and in fact tends to individ- Leslie Pinkelstein, Jersey City, YOUR FIRST IMPORTANT Jize it. It presents a distinct paid a fine of $3 for failing to keep to the Tight; Paul Hartime, Potts- Pa PURCHASE-TOGETHER- •ofile to the public and this has •?«•". , -. P"d $7 for a traffic BIDERS OF HILEY—One of the most colorful units in the entire Army is the Dragoon Eiders of the Cavalry Squadron (Horse), who isiderable effect on potential em- light violation and Laurence Gizan- t» currently Is limited to 30 students, according A business meeting and a talk paul allenrxmn •err!** NoMk.rt. H. J. Cornstalks strip of golden tresses, area, Saturday and Sunday, Nov. tries in New York State, northern to Henry L. Campbell, field study on juvenile. delinquency is slated IW Unr M l>«r». Haystacks pyramid. 16 and 27. The conference will New Jersey and northeastern director. for Saturday; Miss Gertrude Neid- l'l»l»fel* t-SSTH have a registration of about 160 Pennsylvania. •<*•' Leaving early on Dec. 20, the llnger of Montclair will present a Crimson sunsBts, flirting winds, girls and leaders. This is the first A native of Harrison, N, Y., the group's chartered bua .will reach luncheon program on Sunday. 135 e, broad st. westfield UPHOLSTERING Mellow moons appear: week-end gathering that has been new industrial manager has been the District of Columbia at 2 p. m. The association has an active Katydids,in chant proclaiming possible since the war. with Westinghouse since 1920, hav. on that day. Washington excur- membership of apptoximately 600. SLIP COVERS Harvest-time is here. The theme of the conference will ing started as a graduate student sions will occupy the remainder of MATTRESSES AND BOX be "The World We Live In," and at the company's plant at East the afternoon nnd the next dny, SPRINGS RENOVATED Nature's change of raiment man this will be the subject of Miss Pittsburgh, Pa. After that, he with a theatre party scheduled Plan OES Turkey Views with awe and fear. Muriel Jacobson of the national filled a number of sales posts there the night of Dec. 27. Points of 320 SOMERSET STREET, Only God can alternate the staff, the speaker at the Saturday and in New York before being as- historic interest will be visited on Dinner, Bazaar , < Seasons of the year! signed to the Newark office as in- Saturday and on the subsequent PLAINPIKLD, N. J. evening dinner meeting. Miss Ja- dustrial supervisor in 1938. Three —Agnes K. Strenkert cobin will also lead a discussion, day the entourage will see Luray A turkey dinner and bazaar will years later he was appointed man- Caverns, Shenandoah National be held at Masonic Temple Satur- group considering "Faith for Ac- ager, a position he has filled until Parlt, purts of Virginia and Mary- tion." Miss Hilda Parrington, now. land. They will stop Sunday night day, Nov 16 under the sponsorship health education director of the at Baltimore. of Atlas Chapter, OES. Dinner Newark YWCA, will lead a group Mr. Ptvrvy received his education will be served from 5:30 to 7i30 It's a pleasant drive... discussing "Building a Healthy Su- at tho Brunswick School, Green- On Monday, Dec. 30, the group I>. m. It's easy par/ring../ sie." Other groups will be "Our wich, Conn., and at Princeton Uni- will go to tho Naval Academy at Economic Concerns," let! by Dr. versity where he recoived his Annapolis. That evening and dur- It's a grand slort CHARMONT MACHINELESS Clara Hardin of the national staff, bachelor's degree, in 1020. Ho is ing portion of the next day, Phil- a member of the American Insti- ndelphin will be invaded. The re- and "Meet Your Neighbors," con tute of the Alining Engineers nnd REDUCING— ducted by a member of the for- turn is scheduled for early evening CAVE MEN. STARTED IT of the executive committee of the to "fulfill New Year's Eve com- SWEDISH MASSAGE f PERMANENT eign division. New York Section of the American mitments," touting Qutthruit ft«t on rocli iround th« •vining (lr«i N«W Patricia Byrnes and Betto Mott Institute of Electrical Engineers. NEW MODERN METHODS ' ilippcrad commuktri rtlw b«fer« th« fir»plic», Th« radu hi»« for the local association have For Reducing and served on the planning committee Fanwood Groups Normalizing the Body. - bKom* liMiociih O«i'. ir« th mi wA>f« jualdy thc^pini It for the conference. Mrs. Charles 5 Artists Exhibit imooth 1 1 i ltd/ tqut^ ov*l,'fduarA, 6.00 E. Morrcll of Westfield, chairman To Meet Tuesday RUT'HS BEAUTY AND pUIn or frlngtd.,. minynkn.Mbun- (,' of the work with business and in- In Montclair Museum The PTA and the Panwood Civic SLENDERIZING SALON •lint itock .:. I)IOW loom, »ol Menii dustrial girls, and Miss Winifred Five Westdeld artists are parti- iwnn op.n 'til 9 mupk WtdMtAiyi 'M Hltfiwty 1< In hliurit Debbie, t -ecutive director, are ns- Association will hold a joint meet- 2S7 Terrill Road, cipating in the state art show cel- ing In the school Tuesday evening SCOTCH PLAINS, N. J. sisting with arrangements for the ebrating American Art Week. They at 8:16 p. m. Officer Walter Brown, The loveliness of naturally curly hair is yours with get-together. Any hostess who are Virginia W. Allen, Ada Bu- traffic Bafety officer from Plainfleld, \ By Appointmsnt this manageable machineless wave. Invigorating would core to accommodate one or ciell, Hortense Budell, Jane F. will speak. Tel. Fanwood 2.8294 shampoo and personal flngerwavo included. With two girls Saturday night and for Doscher and Hazel Pinck. LET THE LEADER PRINT IT or without appointment. Sunday morning breakfast is ask- The exhibition opened Sunday ed to call the YWCA office. i BEAUTY SALON, 3rd Fl. PHONE EL. 2-2300 and will continue through Nov. 24 at the Montclair Art Museum with Girl Scout Troop the New Jersey Chapter of the . . . ELIZABETH ... American Artists Professional Elects Officers League, Girl Scout Troop !2, under the leadership of Mrs. William Upton Gay Nineties Party I J. GOERKE CO. nnd assisted by Mrs. W. C. Smith, has elected officers for the year In Fanwood Next Friday It's character that 1946-47. The officers are: Presi- A Gay Nineties pnrty will bo ., counts ^ dent, Barbara Peterson; vice pres- Kvcu Friday, Nov. 15 in Funwood ident, Georgia Lambert; scribe, School 4, under the sponsorship xhey called Mm "Mai An- Patty Grecr; treasurer, Barbara of the PTA, Soft drinks will be thony" Wayne because of Ms Hecrich nnd reporter, Peggy Wal- served and a surprise entertain- lace. incredible daring . .. but it teas HERSHEVS ment is promised. his rare, strong character that This year the girls arc planning Mrs. O. M. Gordon, chairman, to work on their games badge. is assisted by Mines. Douglas Cos- brought him success. ' The troop has volunteered to bo •mnn .J. A, Hutrhinga, It. K. Thomas Carstairs, friend of j responsible for the grounds around Scott, James Lott, Charles Hrucm- Anthony Wayne, was a man of ICE CREAM the Girl Scout Little House this iner, W. K. Newell, Misn Lois von great character, too. The fine year. I/chn, and Mis:i Elizabeth Becker. liquors he purveyed in 1788 won such wide respect artd fame, that to this day, "Carstairs rsr. 1788"—a descendant of those THE PLAINFIELD DENTAL SOCIETY liquors — is perhaps the proud- est whiskey America can boast. IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE RETURN OF 307 SOUTH AVE. DR. NICHOLAS GUIDITTA (Opp. Station Lot) FROM THE ARMED SERVICE AND RECOMMENDS THAT HIS BANQUETS, PARTIES, PICNICS, ETC. FORMER PATIENTS RETURN TO HIM. SUPPLIED CALL WESTFIELD 2-0543 OPEN SUNDAYS CHRISTMAS CARDS

Look where you wUl-you'U never beat ThU BARGAIN in good honeit heat I TM, Beading Briquet* represent juit •boot tlie biggest fuel b«rg«in on th« CHARACTER- market todny. They aro mod' «?"« .mall ri»8 of real iamou. Beadinj Hard Coal, firmly praised Into bnq- ' cew. In eizo they aro between B* and stove coaL Born 1788... Reborn 1946 Thcr offer the aJvanUM of larg* riM fuel at a biB Baving. Ideal for fur- - nace, hot wolcr healer, f'"PJ'!'x- °* T wberevcr you TIM BO1.I1 fuel. Why n"t rive tlienii « trial? Wo kmnr y«.U be pleased. That ultra luxury whiskey which many called "Carstairs 1788"...withdrawn during the war...is now CARSTAIRS StlaUisM $13.75 •»«« restored to its appreciative friends."Carstairs EST. 1788" is blended to a taste, not a price. With your first READING WORKS 1788 W» Hav» 0 Larger Ssletiion in Siotk— glorious sip of its flavor and mellowness, you will for Parfonaliiod Cardt Order Now For the Man who Cares BRIQUETS recognize why:"Thc Man who Cares says—Carstairs." THE NEW rVTREAMUNED" ECONOMY fUft BARHETT ART ART GALLERY FRAMING SUPPLIES EXHIBITION BLENDED WMKKEY 90 l'rniif, 65% Grain Neutral Spirits. R. M. ROTHFUSS 224 W. Front Sf. Plfd. 6-7797 Carstairs Bros, Distilling Co.. Inc., Baltimore, Md. "The Are Center of Plainfietd" THE WESTFIELD I£ADER, THUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1946 firl a>- veil ! ( Tvy pnisr"*, trnuH it bs, Cab Drivers Held Flemington Fur Co. Answers To marry iiiit a* vutii {,u--JLJe: j for u* !o take another' Going Abroad Kresge Shows after she 15 admitted :o thv- C S . ii one? Homes For Today For Grand Jury Celebrates Anniversary , issuance of vi>a* to OITISH f-ancc-nj .A. If ymi have sufficient eligi- Questions On GI U determined by the- StaU Dspan-j t>itity tiine u'jdtr (he GI EU1 of lYi-iur" the Kope of its al-j James Brown of S4R W. Droad It mn way back in 3921, that mtnt and military saifcnrim-. tarifk^rii* jv.r ai; sJilitie.ia! course, read/ viiy" pouutsr ltanu Plan-jrtreet, and Howard Brown, Scotch the Flemingion Fur Co. establish- Bill Of Rights not give ahj tiii* country, ! It is possible to take an additions! Romtf fur Tjday. The t.vhibi), set j Court by Recorder A. C. Nash to The sales manager at the Fle PublMtd by the trader tn «• r nvtrtti/m uith the Vitrran't | liul bUi anJ fur an inJefinitr period. Doth men were arrested a feu- ber of years. Thomas Quijfley is Tk« Vctemu* Serrln CB. •per cent dl^oint i* allowed on'fiVOTt r*c far a maternity ease Si.ste;-ii M'aie model? comprise weeks ago after an altercation at Ur, butol at 23S Eut growl r r Falea assistant, and J. liirnbaum j premiums paid in advance. If I " • J**»nm> wife up to one jesr the »how. . . an exterior and a the railroad station, as the result has charge of designing ami pro- Slrwt (MUBJ floor) i< open • - ;. (after his discharge?" ; w«Hin from 10 a. m. to ;' death should o-L-u ) tie (j n. , date of any «J- -A. The wife of a veteran nsaj- ir.tcrit.r fur each »f eight homes. diivcrs and operators. At first to mink is featured at factory sav- la I p. m., for ihe COHT«I> • venee sn-i not yet due, Mich t_ receive benefits ender the Esner- De.=;i?tis ivr the homes u-ere made arraignment in Police Court, the sency Maternity and Infant Care ings, including Persians, Beavers, *M* of (IticWfrd nlcnu i miuma will be u-turneil to the n by ci^ht of the country'* leading hearing «as continued and the Kidskins and Otters, each a mas- MARINO'S **• mk L«lp with their profc- i eficiaiY. ' j program, if th« fart u established srchiteil.-, and the plans incorpor- matter was referred to the laws IcaW !• returnini ts civilian that pregnancy existed at any time terpiece of expert craftsmanship. ian O.. "1 received readjustment al- [ ate «i;hin their structural and dec- and license and police committees liffc T1b> UUk ibcr that the veteran was an f-nlisteJ crativt- cunsideration? the best of of Town Council. While no action t* WE. 2-1601. j Joivance? for sipiiloximatetj six man in one of the four lowest pay . vr«*k5, then went tu work for sev- the particqlar regional style of was taken at a hearing before Po- grades of the aimed force?. Tiiii For many months the Girl each. lice Commissioner Charles P. Bai- | era! month*, but due to injuries re. Scouts have been nuking sure rutinjr is probably the baafr of the for Today are different | ] j. ), warned that if taxi opera- Q. "How is it that a German ceived in wrvicv, I wan forced to frequent mjsundei-sUinding by vet-; that at least some children in e f e girl esn be brought into thin conn- leave my job and enter a veterans' other countries will have a Merry in that '.hey all have reasonably tors do not place their competition trans that their wives are eligible traditional exteriors, so that they try under the'Sweetheart's Bill?"" hospital. Can J now reapply for fin- maternity care until one year Christmas. They're been collect* pn a peaceable bas.is revocation of : lhe inr/, mtndiatr and packing toys vrill fit into moit residential neigh- licences will take place. GENUINE . A. She probably can't. A recent ^adjustment allowances to as- after their discharge. far shipment overseas, where the borhood?, where cuch exteriors are . tiewa story gave the impression: ?'" •".>' family while I am hswpilal- lifts will be distributed to younr- still in the majority, and modern thst Ihijc was possible, but actually j1*™' A ou sters who. didn't have much fun j interiors which" tend to make the . fiances of GI* and veterans who - *<>• >' would not be eligible Poplar Twig Meets Crafts And Science Show ' live in Great Britain France, Gtr-| fm the readjustment allowances as Hurinr Italy, Switzerland; »"ou B'*re not receiving the poy- At Mrs. Nkfaok' . j Kvi-n the size and shBpcjif most Coming To Garden mCT)U wnen WCre • lots is taken into consideration, in : and the Scandinavian countries do! ?<"> hospitalized. | The Poplar Twig met Monday,: • nit come within the stone of that You **"«M instead file a conipen Your Child Today ; planning house? that make the The first annual National Crafts p p Nov. 4, at the home of .Mrs. H. W. '• most of outdoor living. ':.' lwlaw. . German fiances mutt under- claim with the. Veterans AdAd- Nichols of 007 Prospect street. The, and Science Show will be presented CANNEL COAL go a rigorousi , qualifyinl g screening ministratioi n fof r service-connected usual allotment of work for Muh- in the Exposition Hail of Madison ,'' by American consuls, a procedure; ouwbility os soon as possible, if lenberg Hospital was accomplish- Two-Year-Olds Square Garden during the week of 0 are not 1947 Anto Plates .:; *hlcfc usually requires about two.*' " already receiving such ed. Nov. 17 throuch 24. Exhibits will ?. month*. Each fiance must have a, compensation. For assistance in Mrs. Nichols reported on the an- Ha MARIOX F. MCDOWELL Blue On Yellow feature the newest developments IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. '•- travel certificate, birth certificate,' preparing the claim, nee a repre- Kstenaiun SpfclnlUt in Family sentotive n nual meeting of the Woman's Aux- in the'mechanical sciences, crafts '•' a statement from the hometown| > the Nearest field office iliary held at thn Plflinfteld Coun- Relation* Cnt.'ege nj Agrieiillure,', ENT0N—New Jersey's 1917 and hobbies fields. Besides these V auUiorities about her polfcc record. I °* thc State Division of Veterans TR try Club Oct. 26. The Tvig also R«ffftr» Vnirenity ]\\tm*e plates will have Bermuda activities the show will highlight J; In. addltUm,,the GI or veteran mast | Service*. welcomed a former member, Mrs. Iblue numerals on a straw'colored the newest in homemakini; hobbies, . pre«nt affidavits in duplicate at-' Q. "I am attending n'Aege un- H. E. Bloomsburg, who returned • "Cn.tj.Be is cu*y about Ba.rb.iaj baekirl.olinr|. .Motor VVehicle Com- the latest development!! in model COLONIAL COAL YARD ;r. torting to his ability to support the; der the GI Bill of Rights. When tu the organization. Ann. bhe talks about her and" , ; Arthur w. Majjee has boutitig, planes and railroads, as looks out the window lo tte if hha's; annount,e.| New Brunawick Ave., 0 well as the latest techniques in cominircoming. But the minute they BCt;*™BCt ^."";,.,,.^; ^ motorista that television, radio and photography. together they start to %lit," said :ncx t !ates muat ^ diapiayed j JIAHWAY, N. J. ; a mother rwiiUy. "What »!•»• on ^,,1, lhe front and i-eir of ve- thcm Rah way 7-1840 - • • hides and «aid thc 1947 colors had Save Your Waste Paper Cristinc is 2 years and 2 months ' been selected because they offered ago. Barbara Ann is 4 months go0(\ visibility. For The Boy Scout* younger. Cristie is bi(? far her age. . and Barbie is small boned and looks fragile, but both are henthy • Blue children »rul happy most of the time. Star What really "ails" them is thot they are 2 years old, and they have I their own special way of ucting. Route II When children of this aKc first New Direct Service To meet, they are likely to act as though they were not people but things, for they arc not old enough TIMES SQUARE yet to knuw the differenci*. Thiit ' another child who looks like a nice Now In Operation bin doll really has feelings and GILL-DOUGLAS doesn't like to be hurt is a fact Tomorrow*! Traritportation Today that mu^t be learned. .,, "These new vehicles are the nation's only completely new motor For instance, one little boy walk- coaches. You'll notice the difference the moment you step aboard one of our new Twin Coaches. You'll notice the roominess, com- ed up to unother child at a play fortable seats with footrosts, cleanliness ... the sheer beauty center and slapped him on the CHINA and GLASS CO., Inc. and thc many new safety features! cheek. This was not a real at- tack, but just the youngster's way of .getting acquainted. All that! NOW — New, Direct Operation* to New York was needed to change his approach Somerset announces an additional route between Somerrille and was to show him how to pat a New York, tTaveling over the regular Soraerville-Newark route cheek gently. (known to our passengers as No, 140 route). The now Twin Coaches will be used on this route, leaving Soni' - Grown-ups should be wntchful to erville «tS.A. SLind every hour on the hour through. 11 P. M. . ijeyent-litUe thildren of this-age JCeturninefram,NamJTork City thc coaches will leave the Ameri- TuTting each other, although can BunimiAMnpKnd Street, between 7th and 8th Avenues, natared tussling should be every houron the hour from 11 A. M., and tho last bus at 1 A. M. allowed. It is surprising how much In the morning. Announce the Opening of poking, pullinff and falling they con take. Do not let this continue !too lonjr, however, for tiredness means Irritability and tears. Somerset Bus Co. Even :it 2, younfrsters quickly Their New realize that a child either likes or MOUNTAINSIDE, N. J. HIGHWAY 29 dislikes what the other Joes. Since Weslfield 2-2030 j they -really want to play together, !or at loaiit to be neivr each other, | they soon rhariRc their wnya in cases to please their playmates. However, its not wisp tn lpnvr* two yontif; children- alone when they play. They may Ret into trouble like Criutic and Darbic. A sandbox equipped with wooden RETAIL SALES ROOM spoons and muffin tins or tin cans with Kmotth tAucs makes a grand play' place If there is a protected corner In the yard. But do not ex- pect there 2-yeur-oItls to Kive up a NEW LIFE beloved toy to a visitor. They are not old enough to • he generous. at Maybe that was the difficulty with Cristine and her guest

Field Artillery traces its back-| f OR OLD ground to Gustavun Adolphua of- Sweden (15B4-1632) and to Napol-i eon Bonapavto, an early artillery 1770 St. Georges Avenue exponent. RAHWAY, N. J. FORDS (opposite Franklin School)

due to colds me eased, sticky phlegm loosened Up, Get our low Price Irritated Upper breathing passages arc mothed and relieved, by rubbing Vicks DINNERWARE CUT CRYSTAL STEMWARE VapoRub on throat, chest and back at bedtime. Blessed relief as VapoRub E. M. Kwowlej • Crooksville PENETRATES to upper bronchial 9 D. Ci. Sloan Gaglian for Complete Overhaul! tubes with its special mediciral vapors, Taytoi-, Smith • Cnnohsburg STIMULATES chest and back sur- and Taylor • SteubenvilJe •' You found out during the war thai Fords are built face like a warming poultice. Often by morning most of thc mis- to "take it." But isn't it about lime to give your ery of the cold is, gone! Remember— Ford a new lease on life? Bring it fo us for: ONLTVAPOROB Gives You thbspc- dal double action. It's timc-tcstcd home proved... tli« best-known home THERES j remed:y for reltev- Colored ART GLASSWARE DECORATED LAMPS i ing miseries of 0 Fenton 1. Ford Futtcry-Troined Mechanics I children's colds. VISJH! Westntoreland Brite-Lite 2. Ford-Approved Serviee Methods 3. Genuine Ford Parts 4. Spoclol Ford Equipment CHINA Decorative ITEMS POTf ERY SELECTIONS IN YOUR FUTURE 0 Pnncetdn Grindley O Le Pere a) Roseville Whether your Ford needs a complete overhaul or just a © Nancy Fort Steuben Brush © Hull fune-up, you'll find thai this four-point advantage 0 Nelson McCoy puts us far in the load for superior time-saving work , thai saves dollars for you. Open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Daily, Including Saturday There's no plme like "HOMi" far ford Service Sundays 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. WESTFIELD MOTOR SALES CO., INC. 319 North Ave. E., Westfield THE WESTFIELP LEAPEB, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1946

Safety Education MagasiM an ar-j | discharge from the Army. tide "Children on the Streets" During his service time, Mr. ] THE CAMERA CORNER Asks School says "Motor vehicle accidents kill- Nevius Honored Westfielder Wins ed 2,300 school-age children in , tino was in charge of nick Safety Patrols 1946 . . . three-fifths of the chil- For War Service Pigeon Trophies in tho 282nd Signal Pigeon Co.: The Camera Club- dren, 5 to 14 years, WSled in traf- attached to the First Army. fic accidents were pedestrians; an The week-end show, in Ben Franklin Mother eighth were bicyclists, and the re- Walter I, Nevius of 705 Boule- Samuel A. Matino of 655 Down- birds from all over the ' How To Form It mainder were chiefly occupants of vard has received a decoration for er street won three trophies Sun- States were entered, featured Report! Wide Study cars . . . the 6-14 year-olds are exceptional civilian service per- day at the 66th annual convention ing claases, show and ' homilC' There's an old saving that U • ••- guilty of many traffic violations. formed during the war from the pigeon show, sponsored by the Sea- , classes. Trophies were also award.'S Americans met on a deeert island, A study of safety patrols has . . . a third of the killed and in- War Department. The presenta- < ed for best young and old ma' tion was made by Maj. Gen. Alden board Homing Pigeon Club at As- jhrv would promptly form • club, been made by Mrs. R. Dahlstrom jured pedestrians in the age group bury Park. ' and best young and old tied officers and hold a convention. in connection with the safety com- were crossing between intersec- H. Waitt, chief, Chemical Corps, Photographer. ,re by no meant c»- mittee program of the Benjamin tions included: 2 per cent who were at tho N. Y. Chemical Corps Pro- .,,i,it from this admirable nations! Franklin School. Mrs, Dahlst^m crossing with the signal; 7 per curement District, 111 East 16th trait, lo judge from the thousands of told a Leader reporter: cent crossing against signal; 11 street, Manhattan. The citation 200-mile record male clnss and the camera duba now flourishing and 'Westficld has & wonderful school per cent crossing where there wa£ read: • /; best young male bird in show. from the letters of reader, who want no signal; and 1 per cent crossing The two birds entered in these U know bow to form their own clubs. system but as a newcomer I imme- "For exceptional service from Save Your Wait* Ptftr diately saw lack of guards for diagonally." Mar., 1843 to Aug., 1945, in the classes are the only two pigeons No foolproof method has ever children's safety. At the start of direction of construction of Camp Mr. Matino has raised since his For The Boy Sco«ti been worked out for organising a the year there were several bad Among the niajoi" safety recom- Detrich, Md., and Vigo Plant, camera club. It depends on your local intersections without school zone mendations for elementary schools situation, on what you want from the made at the National Safety Con- Chemical Warfare Service, Terre club end on the potential leadership. markings, ond I particularly no- Haute, Ind. His achievements in ticed that there were no patrols ference last May, Mrs-.Dahlutrom Cut the following suggestions have concluded, were: The school en- a new field of biological and safety worked successfully for others and and not even iron policemen in evi- engineering reflects credit on him dence. vironment should Ije safe. Cours- may for y°«s es of study should emphasises traf- and on the Chemical Corps." (Sign- The First Meeting "There was and is one lone po- fic safety and provide day-by-day ed) Robert P. Patterson, Secretary Hold an informal meeting of tliote liceman on the worat corner of Ben instruction based on immediate of War. Inicreslcd. Elect a temporary chair- Franklin School at rush times. needs and local situations. Pupil During the war, Mr. Nevius man and then discuss objectives, fi- After some activity by the PTA, organizations, such as safety coun- served for eight months as chief nanres and meeting places or dub the school zone markings are be- cils and patrols, should be utilized engineer, alcohol solvents section. headquarters. Appoint • Committee ginning to appear and there are to teach traffic safety. The safety War Production Board, and for 32 on Organization to proceed with or- canizalion details! prepare a con- a few iron policemen around— activities of the school should be months as chief, engineer and plan- stitution ond by-laws s arrange • meet- chained to posts!" co-ordinated with those of the com- ning branch, special projects divi- is nearer than you think ing place i pick a date and place for Police and school authorities munity. sion, Chemical Corps, For 22 years an organization meeting and invite seem to want to co-operate on all he was chief engineer for Commer- all local photographers who are po- measures for the good of the com- cial Solvents Corp. He also served tential members. ' munity, Mrs. Dahlstrom said, but Sweet Potato lender for one year as consultant for A lot of advance preparation Since the skin of the sweet potato Merck and Co. Mr. Nevius is it seems that no one has taken the ORDER YOUR should be done for the second meet- initiative. "Perhaps the war at- Is BO tender, it should never be ex- member of the American Chemical inc If possible, set up an interesting posed to the sun any more than U Society; American Institute of program to follow the formal organi- titude of 'doing without' had some- CHRISTMAS CARDS cation. But first, read «nd adopt the thing to do with it but now that needed for picking up and placing Chemical Engineers; Newcomcn should be shelved," she added. In the basket Thirty minutes at Society of England. constitution and by-laws of the new bright sunshine will fun scald the club, elect permanent officers, decide PICTURE OF THE WEEK. A lot of element* went into Ihis "Traffic is increasing and we must on membership dues and approve an dramatic shot of band rehearul' far the homecoming game—• low progress to keep u» with it." potatoes. LEADER WANT A.DS PAY outline of the year's program. camera angle; a red filter to dramatize while uniforms in bright sun- Mrs. Dahlstrom is in favor of Perhaps this is all too formal and light and against "a clear, blue akyi good composition In the parallel school patrols, believing that in 'knsinrsslike for you, especially if tinea of the trombones and baton! and a reflector inst to the left of the camera to lighten shadows In Ihe pretty drum major's face. It waa training youngsters, both adults SUGGESTIONS [your club is to be a email one of a and children will profit. dozen or so members. In that case uljen'.on Supreme film. To stop the action, Ihe exposure waa 1/200 MIKH II NNI j-.hese suggestions are in order: second al f5.6. "Chief Schreiber," Bhe said, "has given us the assurance that police IHIA>>IX TtlUWH NMf An Informat Camera Club i Get jour group together, a con- Photo Forum would not be withdrawn if. pa- THRIFTY, TOO WATHMAN TANMTI PINI 'genial group that speaks the same trols are used. We need and should MtM Mil MINT (language — photography. The meet- have more police for school protec- i. / have several very grainy nega* To keep exposed film pack from ItTIDMOOK lings will be held in rotation, per- tines which I can't duplicate. I getting fogged or light-struck, keep tion. Patrols like to look up to the this idea of giving photographs for Christmas. haps twice a month, in the homes of haven*t been able to get of single Ihe box it came in and wrap Ihe police and they do need supervi- DIIK IITI Itkn members. No nominating com- One sitting, enough pnotographs to take care of talislactory print from them. What expoud pack in the foil before sion." IUXI0N WAUITI mittee, no officers are necessary- The can 1 do about it?. replacing it in the box. The stress should be on training all your relatives and friends . . , and there you 'member at whoso house the meeting ANSWER: Graininess once obtained of putvols, with the slogan "Learn MCTUU KAMI* jl> lirld will be president for the in a negative cannot be decreased. inight. He will send out the notices, Note la Camera Fani safety by doing safety," she Bug- are. Nothing left but the wrapping and we'll even Olft ITATIONHY . However, satisfactory prints can Bested. The walkers too learn by I arrange the program and provide the be obtained by doing one of the The Camera Corner Is de- take care of that and mail for you, properly packed, jeats for a half hour of social activity Iwo following things: (1) Make a signed for your benefit. Do you doing and ure guided by the pa- jnflcr the photographic meeting. print on a soft semi-matte paper know a lot of ihe questions but trols who learn by directing (not those which must go out of town. The host of the evening bears the such as Brovira Velvet and then not all the answers? Send your in the street) provided that they nxpemo in his turn. If any extraor. ropy it submerged in water (2) questions la The Camera Corner, themselves have received adequate And it's far less expensive 1 A FINE SELECTION FOUND ONLY IM d'mury expense turns up, simply chip Make a print and then have it re- Grand Central Annex, P. O. Uox instruction, Safety problems are limit sroiHs. u ALBUMS run o» in a few dollars equally without fuss. touched by hand or air brusli 73, New York, N. Y. They will thus brought home to parents who Make Your Appointment .Now. However, it might be a good idea to methods. be answered in The Fholo sometimes fail to teach safety pre- DISTINCTIVE CAKDJ, have ll corresponding secretary with Forum or by mail. cautions at home," Mrs. Dahlstrom MIHBIH' ^ a permanent address for receiving A TIP IN TIME Would you like to submit your said. mail and prints. A rubber ear syringe 1» a handy own favorite photo for analysis TW?f; suggestions are necessarily gadget for blowing dust from the inThc Camera Corner ? Sendyour Some parents object to the idea sketchy. For more complete informa- lens surface and hard-to-reach cor- best glossy print of it (no nega- of letting their children stand out Westfield Studios tion and for help in building your ner* inside your camera. tives) with technical data, such in all sorts of weather, she added, program, you can t do better than by as camera, film, lighting and but thought that with adequate writing to Camera Cluh Division, Compose your picture carefully. Line filter used, to the above address. protection, standing at a street cor- yp Portrait and Ccunmercial Photographeri Photo Rrunhic Society of America, up your subject in your view finder If accepted for use, we will pay ner is no worse than walking in all 144 IAST WONT ST. Franklin Institute, Philadelphia 3, and "hold it there" while making the you five dollars. kinds of weather. "There should 232 E. BRDAD ST. . TEL. WE. 2-0239 MAINFiIlD, N. J. Pennsylvania. exposure.' always be enough substitutes to take the place of anyone indls- .highway ceremony tomorrow when tlon ol the stato down lo Gape prised, however," she said. hway Ceremony Governor' 'IValter E. Edge turns May. lV* •' Some people argue that the County Tomorrow the first spade of earth starting Last week the chief executive of- grade school children are too young, ficiated at similar exercises in con- but if we give our children rcspon the construction of New Jersey's sibility und then train and super- initial Parkway system to extend nection -with the stute of the state's TRENTON—Union County will first Freeway at Woodbridge in vise them, we take great steps to- the scone of another historic eventually from the northern sec- Middlesex County. ward milking better citteenn of • An invitation is extended to the them, Mis. Dahlstrom declared. If, public to be present next week at as a recent Leader article on high, the launching of the Parkway proj- way safely said, 6070 of the cas- ect which wiil take place ut '2 ualties on highways are walkers, o'clock in the afternoon nt the then we may as well start train- junction of Centennial avenue und j ing early, she said. (One school in Stiles street on the boundary line' Plainfield uses fifth graders.) between Cranford and Clark Town- Some people say thut the chil- THJAWAItt ? ship. dren will want to direct traffic, but The site is two und eight-tenth I Mrs. Dahlstrom does not think that miles from Route 25 intersection | it is true if the children arc proper- with Stiles street near the General j ly trained. There is some evidence •.-•> Motors plant in Linden and one, that if older children are taking care of younger ones, there is loss You're sure to find some mile from the iioulc 28 junction with Centennial avenue in Cran- teasing and molestation of the good shots that you'd like ford. younger ones, she added. to have this Armistice State Highway Commissioner In a study of safety patrols thru- Spencer Miller Jr., will preside out the United States, she found Day. Pictures that could over the ceremonies incident to the that San Diego, Cal., put in pa- ground breaking. trols ten years ago because they is THE MOST be entered in national BEAUTIFUL or felt that three children dead and ALL OWL*. amateur photographic 27 injured WHS too high a price to Judge Hallenbeck pay for crossing streets on the way rr is . contest. But, first ... be lo school. A Warren Township ALSO A Plans Memorial school has placed a patrol on a MASTER ' sure to come to the school bus because the previous FtSHtRMAM. WESTFIELD STUDIOS Judge Bert C. Hallenbeck of Tex- year a child had been killed. Re- as City, Tex., formerly of W'f-t.- cently, Mrs. Dahlstrom said, she for the right camera and field, is ii principal figure in tho heard of a child in Muhlenberg correct photo aupplica. dedication of an Eternal Light Hospitul who had been run down shaft in Texas City, where the me- by n woman motorist who pnssod morial to the war dead will be a school bus on the wrong side, erected Sunday. In the September issue of the A bronze plaque on the atone shaft bears the names of all the servicemen who gave their lives j in World War II. An epitaph writ- ten by Judge HnHenbeek appears i on a bronze plaque attached to the shaft. PORTRAIT & COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS Judge Hallenbeek is the father vjvttLolA. rts-aa 2-0239 of the memorial project. ' 232ieso/iD mm ^toW miintiD,New jtgstv WHS Latin Club Elects Officers At the first meeting of WHS Latin Club, tho following officers were elected: President, Carol San- Sure she Is I Because punctuality is Rule No. 1 with a Then, take equipment—the sturdy tracks, the glapt ford; vice president, Margie Reeh; railroad like the Jersey Central. steam locomotives, the smooth, powerful electric secretary, Bonnie Bunting and i ftelmiiiii Millinery treasurer, Paul Piict. The win- • But did you ever stop to think what's back of that motors—these must be designed to stand the wear ning caropuign speakers were: Au-', punctuality—what planning it takes to make your and tear of hard, cvery-day usage. Skilled technicians 115 W. FRONT ST. PLA1NF1ELD, N. J. drey White, Betty Williamson, j train arrive right on time? Give a thought to it now; are responsible for these and it's largely due to their Grctcheu LoeKch and Bob Ellis. and remember, next time you see the old faithful 8:12 thought and craftsmanship that your trnin arrives on If you !>!<• lha linlirubulnllon rounding the bend just when she should, that she's time, gets you at your destination on time, and is Specializing in of clat(«ling diihcl and taut- there because of the careful thought and efficient Benninger Named out criel 10 lha siih-coinmittce of social now-; Moiur of fcitl, II'. fairly ihe varying needs of the different communities, and your conductor punches. And on the Jersey Central, FUR HATS itaapsd In the tavern tradition icn in the New Jersey department,' •-for 209 ynori. the changing traffic demands every hour of the day planning will continue to play its part in giving out American I.egiun. Tin.1 minuunee-' Our Winter Crowns Bui If yow Hs your dining is*a task only expert management can perform. patrons hetter and still better service. merit was marie by Dr. Sacmiicl i room «r+»*'a(l1y cUnn, your of Beauty Lnvenmn of Trim;; River, Uiite com. i toocl whpleioma ond appotii- ing, end your music tolf and ; eratin aho 1 2y5 traim d $w»el-~you may want lo vhll OUR RECORD ! " "t S " "''y> tbejeney Central, us. loti of n!ca ptoptrf do. during Ihe first 9 months nj 1946, was ~94-9% on time. r r or Important Vitamin Glut tAURCHf. Bring in y"" ""'" l" "'"' Vitamin E, the to-called antl- I trrial. If'c malm up any »/>«/'« sterility vitamin, recently lias been I I. MONT IT. AT CAKK shown to net ns a regulator of SCOTCH P1AIN5 vow srlcct. muscle metabolism, and its absence JERSEY CENTRAL LINES can result in severe muscle disor- 'The Liberty Line" ••OPEN THURSDAY EVE TILL 9 P. Mi ders. THE WESTHELD LEADER. TffUBSPAV, KQVEMBEB 7. 1846 : pn e-' s'"" 'vli'h will '*" s-'^ °" ! Casualties among trie First T.ipii-] The lar^e« sum was realized en the ssle* a/.d St. Paul's Cborch Notes Church Of :. i5. Kehtatsals wili be held j tenants in the V. S. First Army •' inhUllutnin, j| the luncheon. Under tfa« leader- h KrIJay evening fio'» 8 to ajwt-«! equal to the total casualtiesiGenera! Jj .'>., ship of Mi,. Waller E. Dval ti,t ( QMfurrh Adtutifrs 7:30 a. JB.. Half "Ai:*:r. a»-l r." l.= the , ;vi. in Hit-* choir of all other officer graJcs. i acrts. (.hiirmtn of cuumiitiecs -.v&rked .-i;l;t.t for Sunday. n:w.t ze*k.;;;;y sad efficiently. Saturday., . Nov. 1« »t 7 p. m. j Herbert I. Frapwt-i!, 641 Forest Ttur* ^ i:ZO a. n:.. Holy Com- Ccli.n'Tei:: -If by one n-.a»« of- Saturday SigU Supper Club The JunJ'jr Pilgrim F*How.\hip ir.iU!iM>. itbii tgi b*en changed • ftn™ death reipn«d uy_on«; mu^li, „ Presby. Circles • ave&uc. u-ii: meet at 3 o'clock at ihe {'sr- have u covered dish ish Yjfjte en Sjndsj- afternoon. from 10 a. in.1 ' ao« ttey wdcbieceive 'to™!-; in tbz~ «xud hall. All young mar- There itiil be a devotional serv- Si.no*}-. S a. m.. H;>Jy Ccmissn- ar.« of grate and of the g.n ui . CIMlo|e, are inviu-d to come and I Rev. Doefe To Speak ion- <<:ZS a- m, church sehool; 11 riefeleoc""-- •h"" "'™ '" IlfKi " • --••*••• Meet At Home U-p, Lustr.efs m^tuig and 5 Chrial.1* (Roi SPARKLING! 'At Lutheran Church tiori . priorii . The acting aSkers ?• *;• ™i™.t PW« and Mraon by one. — — ,..- j ,owshi.4 Circles of the Pr^lyterlan Wom- are: Katherine Th<™w, pro-ram K» U* rteior, Kev. Fr*d«H* B1.U. ' instruction clashes • Sernion. Passages from the J 'SPOTLESS! ns's AiSOLjitUat wiil mett Thurs- The Lutheran educator, the Eev. Dirk Meinen, worship will I* held Sat- King Jamts veriioii at the Bibie.fay Day day, Nov. 14 st 1:15 p. in. with Prof. Arthur Doege, presi^lcrit of chairman and Jane liayjse*, tr«a^- urday rj-.-rnines at !0:J0 s. rn- 'iiidudr: '(rf«J«« Nnv 1£ ti« fc-Uowir.g h C' 7CS C ars The Volunteers of America will ir ti * '" ' i Sunday at 10:43 a. ,n. The ucca- Sunday eveveniiiin r at S p. ill. t-n Mondsy evtriin^?. • ^^ ^v t}_e obt-Jit"r,cc of one sfta.J sinet S Brernl!r 1 conduct their annual "Have A A terse 1. * ".V" „ '* ri""! . sioB which bringngsx thithiss leadeleader ooff ticnaticnall sstrvic* iiy ; maty be ir.ade ri;.'bl«ius-" (Rom. Heart" tug dsy on Saturday, Nov. mih Mrs. M. H. Wood, 140 St. youth and former Lr. fi. Array Hayces and the d:sea~-:icn 5:19). Ccirelative pa£sa?es from Paul's street; Jlra. Clark B. Ly Pre$byteriaB 16, U> help raise funds fGr desti- description of Chaplain to Westfieid is the anni- Edith OppcTthcimcr. "Science ar«i ilcallli with Key toi tute mothers witli children and oth- the Scriptures" by Mary Baker] _.. H. de Beau-.'wtnaty at the birthday of Dr. The annual meeting of the New 9:30: . m., Bible school with de- er unfertunatec in care of the or- your clothes after champ Z4 Wtippoomill way, of. Martin Luther, vho was born Xuv. Jersey Association of Con^rega- s from nursery to sdult. ,• ir.clade: J-onnUjjuioc; >«- Ray Hyer's-io, 14M. Dr. Docgc will speak of tional Christian Churches will be -,™ harmony anil immoralityilf«"'»»«"»- The Volunteers of i Norton Bible class for of rear, are ir.tact. We should i America was founded 46 years ago they're beautified ir.il! ars. Hiltan K. MeKinney,. thc influence of Dr. Luther's re- held at the First Congregational teacher, Mrs. Robert C. •MI smca 114 1-uieo.n road; Mr*. W. Mar-: covery and publication of the Bible Church in Imngton tomorrow. look away froiii the opposite sup- j by General Balhnrton and Mrs. iSep'i 'Triang-Je Bible position that man is created mate-! Maude Booth, by vin's with Mrs Van C. Mekeel, 30 ana its plain leaching upon the BegUtration at 6:30 vfill be follow- I^ITE-.ZI'C leader, i Stondeigh park. Subsequent bUtorj- of the world ed by * derotkmiil sereice led by; ^' riaily, and turn our gaze to thej The "touch of human kindness" a worship ser?-j spiritual record of creation." (p. I is a phrase often used to describe Brown & Keller's Also Mrs. Gor'Jen Jludge's group' and especially upon the life and Rev. Don Ivan Patch. The bssi-Ij^ R' with Mrs. Walter E. Johnson Jr., i hopes of the present time. ness session will include reports' | the particular kind of welfare work superior cleaning SIS Clark street: Mrs. J. IV. Par- j The Reformation rally at whii'h on rdigiotix education, -missions, I done by Mrs. Maude Booth. She has devoted nearly a lifetime of jon's with Mrs. R.G. Hanatn, 64131 President Dotg-e will speak will social aetiom, the women's associa- Oorothy1 Staob wiU lead Ceorge G.: faring together not only the Lutb-''011 an|4 tha ssiperintendent. At first Methodist Notes service to the cause of destitute methods. hVli? ^u ? Il«I.J; bring together not onjy the Luth Jd the superintedent At ube j^fe,, oonn the hnrt'g wjta Mrs. C Harry Kal- ran rwidenti of W'cstneW but also. 11:30 the Her. William W. Patton ; families of prisoners and other e EwniBy Doer8 3:45 a. m., Nursery and church efforts in behalf of paroled or dis- nt i »nm* K jlst, 621 Shackamaajn drive; Mr»., ot a .number of neighboring com-! "ill present a report on the latest { ,.£* * _ ag, WE. 24)066 c, E. Society. charged rnen from penal institu- Clifford G. Wolfcinr'i with Mrs. G. = munities as well. The lay leaders. developments in the merger nego-! . ' aJZL.p m school cla^-es for all ages; 9:55 a. T m., adult and young adult Bible tions. Most such cases come to the organization through wardens •ml 31m. C. H. Yoder's with Mrs.! tend personal invitations on a wide! tiooal and the Eeform^-Evangeli-j F- •__."•_•-*' classes; Christian Citizenship For- jce Merle S. Irwin witt um, subject, "What. If Russia or chaplains, Protestant or Catho- scale. ical Church. As address will The Test of Deeds." Stands Pat1;; 10:45 a. m., nursery p, 1 Concoriia will be represented^"" at the la^teon by George A nursery group is held in the and second session of the begin- lic and is state-wide in its service. not only by it* president but aUo!D", ^j^ president of the New- parish house cfurin? the 11 o'clock ners department; 11 a. m., nsorn- t>y the students of the school from; ^ v p church service. Children from two irj£ worship, sermon by the pastor, In years up may be left in the care ; Ibis vicinity. This school, conduct. n the afternoon Miss Hetai Ken- John Wesley Lord, "The Church ed by the Lutheran Church, con-!y« ™ ^^ J? «« b«rt*day of of competent persons while their and World Order." isists of a prepatory division for!^e Anwncan Missionary Associa- parents attend chord). ELECTRIQM. 1 A ai cI dtseus >n 1 5:45 p. in.. Intermediate Youth ;boys-and a junior coBeje for toy.If"" ". P \ ^ J" } *f: The mid-week services are held Fellou&hip in social hall; 6:45 p. ana si™, une year ago Dr. Uoege I . v..1m" whic"""^*«,h Be. vV W'•. FredericjrV.• k i Wednesday eveninge*eaj s at 8 p. m. in A d lls n e d m., Senior Youth Fellowship pot- retiin«d to the *ohoc*rnooli aiieafter a; i .vs ,,' ?; - _* \Olm .„Leww and Key. Ith e p pathh\ouee. luck supper at home of Mary Jane leave of absence in which he served : ^I*i. Hurst W|I! An intermediates'communicants' Grim, 15 Canterbury lane; 8 p. m., as chaplain. His particular field, Christian Mission in a post-war class is heldI in the parUh house on Sunday Evening Fellowshipp at the wai spiritual work among tbe!w.orId- An «*««»• will foUoW by Thursday afternoons at 2:46 p . mm. 200 E Ddl Mrs the paf£onage, 200 E. Dudley avenue. INANCIAL IY1A.TTE« KNEE-HIGH ! Army disciplinary and delinquency !! Netherland- Bernardins on eth deKantee subjectr :o"Hof w Douglas Merrill will talk about caaes. SOCKS FOR GIRLS ) It Feels to Live Through an Occu- Branch Mills Chapel the island of Saipan. pation." In the Fellowhip hour Wednesday, mid-week study,,en- Securing o mortgogt loan to hm* Yes! We do have knee Methodist Women there will be sound recordings on 9:45 a. rn,, Regular Sunday titled, "Prayer and Personality" Fessenden Academy, "Your A. M. topic for meditation: "How Pray- fcuy • horn* it an important f socks in girls sizes! Made 1 morning worship service led by of wool and cotton, they The Woman's Society of Chris- A." anrf the "Vermont Project. Rev. M. Allen Kimble. er Changes the Man Who Prays," PROMPT—EXPERT jnaHir w* csn transact to yovr irtf tian Service will meet Thursday, Following the dinner, Dr. Alber Thursday, Nov. 14 at 10:30 a. m. vatiifodion. Our facilliies provi* • are warm and absorbent Nov. 14, at 10:30 a. m. Mrs. D. Stauffacher will speak on "The The Woman's Society of Christian RADIO . WASHER . . . lastex knit "stay up" Balph W. Atkinson will preside at Church in Our One World of Many Madison Ave. Chapel Notes Service will meet in the chapel. REFRIGERATOR wtd-rounded-oul tops . . , reinforced toee the niornlng session. Peoples." The sounTT picture, The Luncheon will be served at 12:30 an by Circle 8, with Mrs. Earl Skin- 11 a. m., Rev. II. Allen Kimble j ft*"* J *fa™oon session on Pastel cotton half socks ner as chairman. will preach at the morning wor- I™18' REPAIRS •n at provtn by our 20 yeors itrfo First Baptist Church At 8:15 p. m., the evening group too in sizes 4 to 7 '/& • Dr. Claude Sanorbrei, who has ship service. C. I. hern* loon applicanN ore.hvM j of the WSCS will meet in the Tel. WEit. 2-2388 taught and studied in Burma for 9:30 a. m., the Bible school In Red and Brown. . several yean, will address the aft- chapel. Mrs. John Brook will be >» conuilt with ui.f ,^. with classes for all ages. The Wil- Grace Church Notes the speaker. Also at 8 p. m., offi- SIZES 4 to 71/2. ernoon meeting at 1:30 p. m. His son Bible Class for women is con- subject will be India. cial board meeting. CENTRAL APPLLM ducted by Mrs. Roy Deer. The Moderately Priced 69c A vocal duet will be given by Rev. Franklin Dyrness of Quar- Friday, Nov. 15 at 8 p. m., the Men's Bible Class is conducted by ryville, Pa., will preach at both Sanctuary Choir extends an invita- iimu. Lowell Douglas and How-Rev. A. Ray Petty. PANKLIN lOR'GAOE & HUE INSURANC ard Bonnet. morning and evening services. tion to all singers interested to! 601-603 CENTRAL AVE. 11 a. m., morning worship. Bev, On Nov. 14 a congregational join in the presentation of Handel's j NEXT TO THE LIBRARY Petty wOI preach on "Greatest Vic- meeting will be held after the mid- Congregational Notes tory of Greatest Loss." There is week service to hear the report of | Wutfiefd . WE. 2-1131 a nursery class for small children the pulpit committee. The bazaar held last Friday at attnis time. alll • O'clock I A . > m *—- - f _ . * 1 the Congregational Church was 6 p. m., Vesper service conduct- very successful. A considerable ed by the Wilson Bible class. The Wiflow Grove Chapel speaker will be Miss Fkrrence Row- land, who returned this year from Sunday, 11 a. m. James Ed- South India, where she has been niundson, student pastor, will speak an evangelical and educational mis- on the topic, "Uncertain Future." R. MANNING) & SONS sionary of the Women's American on the topic, "Uncertain Future." Baptist Foreign Mission Society Sunday school, 0:30 a. rn. Weitfield 2-5488 since 1929. 7 p. m.. Youth Fellowship. Rev. EXCAVATING — GRADING Petty will lead the discussion on "World Order." 25 yems FILL DIRT — TOPSOIL Monday at 7:45 p. m. there will be another session of the teachers training school sponsored by the The Unfailing PERMANENT DRIVEWAYS Westfield Council of Churches. Tuesday, 8 p. m., meeting of the board of trustees. Cure for Strife Wednesday, 6 p. m., World Wide Guild pot-luck supper. The girls FORD will make posters for the World) and Lack Mission Crusade and do White I cross work. At 8 p. m. there is the regular mid-week prayer serv-j That "as ye would ice, followed by a meeting of thej that men should do to missionary committee. you, do ye also to them" Tharsday, 8 p. m., choir re- is not mere moral coun- DEALER! hearsal. sel but an intimation of On Tuesday, Nov. 12, there will inescapable natural law be a.Harvet Home Day at the —law which- unfailing- Anniversaries mean we are growing older but Harmonizer j Baptist Home for the Aged in ly enriches all who ob- j Newark. Luncheon is served be- serve it — becomes un- it is a pleasure to grow old as a Ford dealer. JUST OUT! A brand new booklet j tween 11:30 and 1 o'clock. All 1 \ those who would like to go are mistakable in Christian Our years of association with the Ford Motor j aaked to call Mrs. Bloomsburg, We. Science. on correct I 2-2805-M. Everyone is urged to Company have been rich in memories and | bring to church on Sunday con- Anyone at any time friendship, resulting from close contact with color harmony! i tributions of fruit, vegetables, can- j can improve his posi- ] ned goods, groceries, or money, all I tion, can improve his the outstanding American of our time- j of which are urgently needed to! health if that is his Henry Ford. | supply the table at the home. need, or any other ; These contributions will be grate- Through the manufacturing genius of Mr. j fully received and will be taken to aspect of his experience the home by members of the man- —can find peace and Remember back when you used to come in for a Ford we have been privileged to offer our ager board of the church. full satisfaction — by first look at the new Ford models—before the better understanding war? Well, thereil come a time when we will customers low cost automobile transportation and use of the law set again telephone you to drop in and, "See the and economical^ervice. Whatever business i Redeemer Lutheran forth in these words of new Fords!" the Founder of Christi- * * " * success we have had is secondary to the oppor- i Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Rcmemberwhat asensation Henry Ford'sModel-A j Bible study for all ages, from prc- anity. was back in 19271 And how it opened new hori- tunity it has given us to know and become ; school children in the beginneris zons to every motorist buying low cost personal- warm business and personal friends with so S department to the hi(,'h school stu- This great fact and ized transportation. I re.f- SCIENCE and HEALTH | ident of Coneorilia I'repariitory borly way. Please consider this a personal HARMONIZE ONE ROOM WITH ANOTHER! , School and Junior College, Ilronx- with j ville, N, Y. Pastor Walter Heun-, invitation to stop by and see us. We appre- COMBINE COLORS IN WALLPAPERS, RUGS, DRAPERIES! i ing will conduct tli« liturgical .nerv- Key to the Scriptures i '"'' . . i by Mury Maker EtUly ciate your loyalty and patronage which have Now—an authoritative new booklet thit assures A book for everyone built our business and this is our way of say- ^ k you charming, color-coordinnted roomsl i At *l:'!0 p. m. u joint reforma-' ! tiun Kcrvice for the Lutheran j to understand and use. ing a friendly "thank you". y Written by Jean McLuin, Imperial's decorating | cliurchcs of New Jerwy will bu hdilj authority, it's full of exciting ideas on home styling— j in thu auditorium of the Aluttinl! $2,50 and Up. 1 Dcnelit Life Insurnnco Co. at 300j contains 8 authentic Color Harmony charts. j Broadway, Newark. The festival I Give your homo colorful new charm—up-to-date I s]iniikcr will'he the lti;v. Prof. O-j CHRISTIAN SCIENCE fashion appeal—quickly, easily, confidently! ; wald Hoffniiin of Conconlia Col-j READING ROOM, i li'Ke, llrunxvillo, N. Y. LOCHI! 116 Quimby St. Get Tour Copy In Our Showroom Today—2Sf! Luthr-raiiH will attend in lartcej numbers.. I On Wedno-iPiliiy, Nov. l.'l, nt n\ Westfield Paint & Hardware Co. ! P. in. the ollieini iiiw-lini' of the I This Itendinj; ItiHim h open 233 NORTH AVE., W. i clmrch iticnibci'sliip will lie held.! to Hie [julilic for the rtudy', | llotti men (md women me invited.! ut the Whip, the work, (if Mary Tel. WE, 2-3000 | Vital (ilie.stiiiiis offiii'lin;,' the wor-i linker Kddy, rim! other Chris- IMPERIAL ! ship ni),| work of the chin-eh, the! ! Jilikeeii nnd expansion of the phys-j tian .S'jienct! literature, without WESTFIELD MOTOR SALES CO. cbarfri:, iinil for the ptirclittiic Distributor of... ; ieal plant nnd the oruutihwd m'i.«-j WALLPAPERS | siomiry eirort. of tin, l,,cul elmn-ij of theKy publication.*. 319 NORTH AVENUE WESTFIELD | will Im (llBeiisKP.1. Ctinlnmin:! t Charles J. HtiebHny. Ji WESTETCLP LEADER. THfKSDAV NOVEMBER 7. 1946 Dig dahlias, gladiolus and oth- Your Garden This Week er summer 'roots after the first by Frmd D. O>man geneial killings frost. If yoa think the ground won't freeze, give them County Aencullural Agent a week to ten days to ripen before Taylor's Ready to digging. It ha& been the writer's This is garden cleanup time.!weed seed*. The nitrogen can beexperience that these roots usually Remove weeds and either put them! in the form of wilfate ot ammonia keep better if they are allowed to into ••the compost pile or destroy or eysnamide. [ripen in this manner. them- Several weeds esrry insects Your Every Need W some plant diseases, (to it is Or you might try 2, 4-D for de- Dahlias should be dried in the letter to get rid of them. stroying weed seeds. In experi- open air four or five hours after ments this year, ground suspected they are dug, but don't expose to At the same time, be sure to talte of being -needy was sprayed di- the air until they begin to shrivel. — JUST RECEIVED — She tops off plants in you-r peren- rectly with the weed killer. The Very often if soil sticks (*<> CHINA TABLE LAMPS AND SHADES ual borders, as they are practieal- method is said to kill the weed -root, particularly around the y flashed now. Thi» applies par- seeds without liarming- the ground crown,. you'd better not shake it icularly to phlox and other plants as the 2, 4-D will be leached out off, as this will help protect the uch as delphiniums which have by spring. stems or clown, where all the buds • disease!, and will earry over me. Your Youngstown Kitchen * or adults of insects or red Use according to directions, but irtes. be careful not to spray it around Pack light away into dry mate- shrubs and perennials. rial such as poultry litter, flax re- By MiKns If you get these tops out of the •Finish your transplanting as fuse, or something similar, in a r'ay and put them into a cornpont eoon as youn can. Get ready to basket or box. Cut off the tops ije, which is preferable, or burn harvest dahlias and gladiolus, and don't try to divide the roots Howell or Arvin ban, you will puacticaHy clean up which ean be done as soon as weuntil next spring. Some garden- V. S. ARMY'S SUPER-TANK IS A VERITABLE MOBILE FOKT—This monster wespon, demon- CHROME KITCHEN FURNITURE ;J be source of infestation for next have a severe forst to kill 'the taps. ers keep their roots successfully etmted recently at tht Aberdeen (Md.) proving grounds, weigh* 100,000 tons. It moves on doubl« air. If they go into the compost Dahlias and cannas usually keep in several layers of paper. The treads, each 13 inches wide, .end mounts a high velocity 105-millimeter cannon «nd a 60-callbre machine ije, add some lime and nitrogen. better if, you delay digging until main thing is to keep them from ran. It is operated by a crew of four men. WEAREVER PRESSURE COOKERS, By adding lime at the rate of 40about two weeks. after (rost has drying out, especially if your cel- j 50 pounds tit ti ton ,of «pmpoet killed the tops. lar- is heated and dry, A root eel- nd nitrogen at the same rate, you It's time to harvest dahlias, glad- ler is best, o£ course. Red Cross Membership Step-On Garbage Cans—Mixen—Ahunjnuwrart HI cause a heating effect which iolus and other summer roots which Dahlia roots will keep perfectly Soph Hi-Y Mountainside To ill destroy practically all, of the are not hardy, and to get the har- if you wax them* This is not hard Strewed At AiwmWy Metal Waste Baskets—Metal Bread foxes ares of the funeus and many dier material ready for winter. to do. Wash them clean of soil, dry in the air, and then dip quick- In 2 Chapters During the High School- assem- Fete Veterans and Other Kitchenware, ly in melted parafin. Do it as bly held list week the importance rapidly as possible. You can keep The Sophomore Hi-Y held its101 becoming a member of the Red COME IN AND LOOK AROUND the paraffin in a liquid condition organization meeting recently at i Cross was brought to the attention Welcome Home Dance easily. Fill a pail half full of the YMCA to divide the Hi-Y into!of the students. Julie Bubb, pres- Set For November 29 AT OUR LINE OF NEW water and hold the temperature at two chapters and then elect oft!-] Ident of the council, urged every- NEW! JUSTIN! RADIOS AND S1WALL APPLIANCES. about 160 to 180 degrees. Par- cevs for the separate chapters. I one' to bring his minimum of ten A Welcome Home Dance for re- IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON affin floating on the water will be Donald H. Babeock, boys' work see-1 cents entitling "him to member- turned servicemen will be held un- about right to give a thin coating ALL ITEMS.. retary, presided until officers •were ship in the organisation. ' Dona- der the sponsorship, of the Moun- PYREX to the roots. elected. tions (jo toward the ranking of over- tainside Civic Council Friday, Nov. The same treatment will work The following officers were elect-' seas gift boxes. • 29 in the Masonic, Temple, West- well with cannas which sometimes ed for the Sophomore ttl-Y Blue In the latter port of the pro-field. 6-CUP PERCOLATORS are hard to keep. Chapter: Richard Wheeler, presi- gram, Jeyvy DyBavt introduced the General chairman of f,he affair STATION RADIO SHOP Gladiolus will not dry out toodent; Brock -Brower, vice presi- Characters taking ,part in the Mask is John Ferguson. Assisting him 333 SOUTH AVE. W., much over winter unless they arc dent; Sttort Hulse, secretary;.Rob- and Mime pluy What «lAfe which are Henry Sevcovlc, Mrs. Gilbert stored In a hot, dry place. But ert Arnold', treasurer; John Ar- was presented Nov. 1 and 2.. Four Pittenger, Mrs. Elmer Hoffarth, Fall Cleaning Needs WE. -2-4660 We.tfield, N. J. it's important tn get them fairly muntrout, chaplain; Frank Patton, scenes were enacted,' all taking Roy Mlnton, Mrs. Rolfe Kristian- wofl dried out before storing. Aft- council representative, place in the principal'l s officeffi . ThThe son, William II. Hlldehrandt, Rev. er digging, dry them In an airy first showed Dick Ooykondall as Milton Achey, Mra. Joseph Her- AU Leading Cleaneri, Waxei and Polishes ' plifce for two weeks, when you can shey, Mra. j. H. Knzitiar, Her- separate the old root from the man Hpnecker, Mrs. H, C. Weber Mops — Brooms'— Dust Cloths — Gloves conn. Then clean nnd store in and Louise Jenningn; hall nnd bpxes or paper bags, not too many bund, Hermon Honcckar ntid Fran- to each container, and they gen- ces Peterson; invitations, Mrs. Pit- erally will keep without much tenger und Mrs. HoffixrtVi; refresh- trouble. ments, Henry Sevcovlc, Mrs. Web- Electric Heaters •• Oil Heaters A short business meeting follow- In the third, Honry was having er, Mrs, Kristiansen and Mr, IIII- If you arc planning to store ed the election of officers, Among eome of the rarer bulbs such as a little trouble with his girl, Kay debrandt; publicity, Mm. HofTiirth. the things discussed were privi- Dodge and the fourth scene showed Amaryllis, Crinium, Tigridia and Veterans whose addresses have Fireplace Equipment Montbretia, you had better dig leges to HI-Y memberB, Hi-Y coun- Henry talking seriously with the cil and the resolution to help in principal, Sniuly Parry. changed in recent months ore ask- and put them away immediately the sellinj of Christmas cards for ed to uutify Gilbert Pittenger, Wu. in ' dry material. Tigrldiii and 2-4270, or Mrs. Elmer Hoffarth, Montbretia must be kept a little on Bill White. Temporary sophomore committee for the New Year's Eve We. 2-2240-M, so that invitations TOY DEPARTMENT NOW OPEN YOUR OLD ... the damp side, but not wet, as WHS Service Club may be sent to them. they tend to dry out in storage. Hi-Y dance was appointed, -which Outlines Duties : • TYPEWRITERS You should hnve a good cellar or included Bob Fleischman and Bll FULL LINE OF LIONEL TRAINS Toye, Terry Brooke, Bob Arnold fairly dry soil in which to store The WHS Service Olub held its . • ADDING MACHINES these. Stuart Hulse. There w.is a totai Frank J. Robertson of 28 boys present. first big meeting Friday. The spon- • CASH REGISTERS I Tuberoses should not be exposed sor, Miss Alice Pellon, opened the Retires After 42 Years UNPAINTEO (to too much frost. Blootn buda Those elected to the Blue Chavi- meeting anil the secretary, Peggy • CALCULATORS 1 are formed on the past summer's teT were: R. Wheeler, B. Brower, Holberg, rend the minutes of the Frank J. Robertson of 20 Stone- BOOKCASES AND CHESTS OF DRAWERS D growth, and if they are chilled too I. Blnekwood, B. Arnold, J. Arman- organization mooting. This was lolgh park, treasurer of the Bar- —All Sizei HIGHEST PRICES PAID ! much the bloom bud is killed. Har- trout, D. Moss, S. Campbell, S followed by a discussion of the re- bar Asphalt Corp., with offices in vest them after the first light frost, Hulse, B. Toye, T. Brooke, F. Tato sponsibilities of a. Sol-vice Club New York and plant in Perth Am- or even before, T. Tayler, V. Pntton, R. Schwnbo, member. Students take turns sit- boy, was retired Friday after serv- REPAIRS ON ALL.. 1AKES OF WE DELIVER. PHONE WESTFItxD 2-1500-1501. , "tethj;,.further details on daL- A. Forester and I. Robertson. ting in the main building and an- ing the corporation. 42 years. OFFICE -t Si. Those elected' to the White Chap nex office. They direct visitors and write for Bulletin C 258 to A*i,, ,tcr were: S, Edwards, A. Wnsh- Mr. Hobortaon is a nntive of cultural Ag-ent, Court House, Eliz- try to help them in evevy way pos- Philadelphia. He wart graduated burn, R. Boery, B. MeKim, li iyl abeth 4, N. J. Fleischmun, R. Peck, Jr., H, Mor- ible. from the Whnrlon School of Fi- ing, P. MaeCowntt, C. Jnrstko, I! The following members were of the University of THOMPSON Hunter, K. Clotworthy, H. Lunger, elected to serve on the nominatiniti g ^ylvunia and for a time was secre- tary to the editor of a Philadel-1 TAYLOR'S . . . Home Beautiful . . , T. Dnvis, P. Torgerson, S. Wilrax committee: Seniors, Florence Jes- "Wetlfield't Oldeit & Largeil Hirdw.ro A Hou»w*ru StoiV' Specializing In Fine D. Longlcy, J. Mullen and A, Wnii- see and Shirley Perritt; juniors, phlu newspaper, before entering TYPEWRITERS, Inc. amaker. Peggy Conlin and Marjorio Reeh; the employ of the Barber firm Interior Painting Only. sophomores, Despy Alvanos and June 6, 1904, as a stenographer, 125-129 ELM STREET . WESTFIELD, N. J. 1187 NORTH AVE. PI. 6-0644 PLAINFIELD, N. J. Nnncy Sturmor. The names of the He was elected assistant treasurer Opp. R. R. Station FRANK PALMER Save Your Waste Paper Service Club Council members are: in 1910 and has served as treas- We Pick Vp mill Deliver Prune Westfield 2-0665-M Seniors, Eleanor Swart and Marure- r since 1929. For The Boy Scouts gie Morton; juniors, Podgy Hol- Mr. Robertson has lived hero berg and Virginia Willimx; soph- about itfh yyears, , removingg from omores, Wulter Muenuliiy and Philadelphia, wherh e he ))« a mem- XMAS CARDS Maryuna Cnrlson. ber of the Lulu Country Club nnd After committees had been chos- is prominent in banking and credit en and Eleanor Swart hail spoken circles. about the Community Fair, the From Your meeting ittijournod. /S rfk 90 Attend Party SNAPSHOTS Ruth Tubby Writes Approximately 1)0 persona at- tended n card party held Friday The kind of cards your friends will put In "Children's Religion" ni^Hl i» tho Mountainside School! in their albums for life. A group of four articles which by tht* borough fire department, i You've probably figured your present car won't have to appear under the heading "He- Frwl Wagner, chturmati, was as-' last much longer. (tinted by Walter Haupt and Her-1 ORDER EARLV. sources for Teachers" in the Sep-man Honecker. I'rcreoeds will be We hope you're right. For our part, we're doing our tember issue of Chili)rrn'n Religion, includes one by Miss ttuth P. Tub- used for the benefit c/f the Fire De- best to get those grand new Packards to our customers. This home quiz iy of Westficld, of the Mnntclair partment, library stuff, entitled "Inspiration JARVIS •You know the situation con help you catch little troubles from the Printed Pago." This liscusSGH books ami magazines 54 ELM STREET But, like every other motor car manufacturer, Packard Is before they become big ones I which cnii bo of help to Sunday still struggling with pacts and materials shortages. school teachers or others interest- Wei-Don This year, the industry as a whole has been1 able to ed in the religious trnining of chil- build only 44% of its output for the same period in 1941. 1. ENGINE: Is smoke coming out dren. Concrete The other three articles in Hie Packard has done better than that, but we'd like to of the exhaust? Are you using more 1 group arc entitled "Heramrcos, Corporation put in a word of caution: oil than you used to? If "Yes," bet- ter hav.e your piston rings looked at. I Within Oneself," "Kesotirees in the; li may be some lime yet before you £e/ behind the Community," and "Spiritual He- TRANSIT MIXED ubeel of your new car. OK • Needs Attention Q Rouices Derived from the Observa- tion of Life." CONCRETE WE NOW •Don'f take a chancel for Roads, Walks, Drives, 2. CLUTCH: Can you push the pedal The peak daily tnillic handled Foundations, Etc. Make sure your present car keeps rolling. Test your car down 1" to V/z" before the clutch I liy the Sijiiiai Corps Army com- HAVE with this easy quiz. starts to release? If the distance is | iniinicatinns .service was approxi- OFFICE: i niatcly fifty million wonlfi pt-r day. If you find any of these symptoms, bring your car in less than that, better have it adjusted. R1ALTO BUILDING, for a quick check-up. A DELUXE Needs Attention LI WESTFIELD, N. J. lots of cars are lasting longer and running better OK • Phono lid. Brook 9-0475-R because our expert mechanics are trained to nip trouble TELEPHONES: MIKE'S OFFICE: WE.Ifield 2-44.• the sales g TBEKTON—Fifty persons were '• Begin Work OB Toys : is aE*d fsr pLsJantbropic work. killed in New Jersey traffic acci- YOUR CAREER Far Christmas Bazaar ! The Thrift Shop, originally spon- dent* doling September, a decrease j i sored by ti« Women't tlnb uider of 18 per cent under tbe previous j 5kinf*r of See Seont ship II The Wenfald Service Lea«rae. the directfon of Mrs- Perry JOMS month. Motor Vehicle ConusisskaM Wcscfield sre among the delegation er Arthur W, S!jLgeg e has mmutatse-j WE ARE OFFERING feeld iU monthly meeting on Tuts- : for the benefit of tbe District Kort- L Tb A d of leaders representing the Wat- day. Oct. 29, at the borne of Mn.!»>IJ Association, was later tarned «L Tbe August death toil was 61. | •&ng Area Council of tbe Boy Arthur Bictel, 210 Welii twest.: «*r *° «*« ^J"^ The Fatalities during tbe first steel iSeeats of America when the 25th Co-hostesses were Mrs. Frank Par" months of this year totaled $03 asj i anniversary of tbe organixation of A 3-YEAR and Mrs. Alfred Meyer. many residents and anycompare^ with 407 last year and j : Region 2 of the Boy Scouts, »a>- miscellaneous articles are always 665 in 19419411. ThTbe 96 ddeathh s i n ex-i : prising- the states of New York SIrr. Margaret Jonts, cess of last year represent an in-f of the Mental Hygiene Society iaod New Jersey, is obserred to-. •rease of 24 per seat. TMs year's* i morrow Bight at tie Hotel Astor COURSE Union Coocty, ?ue5t speaker, iecrease under 1941 u 162 deaths, j an account of the society's 1 IB New Yortaty. end activities, j Chrirtasas bazaar. Toys are mend, j or 24 per cent. j f Sea Seoirt James Jackson of in iinreing to qualified ed asd repaired by the league' A comparative record of total j (Ship 77, WestfieW, is one of two Mr*. Charles Patterson; raeiE-j ss well as by the West- j fatalities covering the Erst nine I scoots chosen to go to New York high school graduate!. berehip chairman, introduced and j members of I months shows Uatso County with i ito receive Silver Star awards for welcomed the following new memI- which have given their whole- i 27 fatalities in 194$, a total of 29 j I unit achievements in membership 330 beds. _ bers to the league: Mrs. Georste hearted co-operation- Articles will in 1945 and 36 in 1941. {growth, program enrichment, ef- Metere. Mrs. Stanley Von Lane, be picked op by calling the Thrift : Mr*. B. F. Kenney, iln. Frank The over-all pedestrian picture New Jersey St«« Police Photo ificient operation, trained leader- Shop, We, 2-2530. shows considerable improvement' j ship and adequate budgeting. The School of Nursing is accredit- Keteham, Mr*. Walter Robinson, #•, •• atomic Umt JU mm Idt tkU cm,. Tlur *ir« uruck m Mm. j An all-day meeting is planned, j Mrs. Barry Meglaughlin, Mrs. Ken- this year over last. Whereas thef tmd »«. killed Imummir. Immflgmtlim ty Suit rdOa dbdmmi '*« ed by the New Jersey State Board neth Davidson and Mrs. Harrey first nine months of 1945 found! wild drimUmf pmrtj, —d M driting mkitm M* thiason. Save YOM Watte Paper pedestrians representing hi2. perj mmJtr ttm imfmmmtm •/ tmtejricmiml burner. lfmttom*i Gmmrwmlhm of Examiners of Nones and by The Service League expressed For The Boy SconU cent of total fatalities, this year; Bmnmm mrnnu ikmt drinking drirm mi* 3 u 4 tiam mm mttUmmt mnm* i Now old Parson .Brown, he sez, sez [ the Board of Regents of the Uni- tbe percentage is down to 49.5. The j m mhtm llmtr mmmm mm mUmnmU j he < 1941 percentage of pedestrian) ~ " i "If I rode the 8:09 regularly, \ versity of the State of New York. deaths in the same period was 46. the state of ennui. Siace tbe speech- \ I'd get me some shin guards, and i es are musts, and the entertain- j carry a cane, When You Say ment -a grim platform fellow, the j To help get me a seat on that dog- WATCH REPAIRING No Notices Maied only answer is streamlining the) goned train." NEXT CLASS WILL BE ADMITTED That, Smile dinner. I ONE WEEK SERVICE ON CLEANING JOBS. For Auto Inspection About Republietsnt and fiaihoadi j And old Parson Brown, he sez, sez FEBRUARY 1st. It was alleged during tbe past) he < PROMPT SERVICE ALWAYS. TRENTON — Motor Vehicle Bjr HENBY KOSTKOS Commissioner Arthur W. Hagee gubernatorial campaign that a;"Women folk's got just as much) About Bantput Dinner*— vote for the Republican candidate! right as me i has reminded motorists that no no- was a vote for the railroad inter-!To ride back and forth from New! Write Director of Nurses > tices wiU be mailed for the second Add to the list of much needed ests. If true, this may explain j York every day, ! V. ROSSNAGEL fear inspection which has been in inventions the Streamlined Ban- why there's standing room only for But darned if I'm gonna get out'n I ^progress since Sept. 1. Cars are quet Dinner. Well toast with ice y g y SIS NORTH AVE-, W. ! due in the testing lane sis months an increasing number of Jersey thei- -r way!- * water the gastrosomieal genius Central's commuters. That this Muhlenberg Hospital WE. 2-4253-M who 6rst devises dishes that can be inspection period sticker. road, with the war emergency past "And further," sez Parson is stat-| senred anj eaten in one-fourth the and the recipient of a rate in- ing his 'plaint, I PLAINFUXD, NEW JERSEY, crease, deliberately flaunts its pub- "These women ain't nearly so I !ic-bc-dsmrK'd attitude is a reflec- weak, they ain't— j for the second inspection during consomme, dehydrated sliced tur- tion on the sheepishness and iner- September and October and those As they want men to think, 'cause j key laid over a soggy mass of tia of those who use the trains. when that train pulls in. The ONLY j which have not been presented for dough called dressing, tasteless Crowded conditions will contin- j They push, and they kick, and they j ! the second inspection are delin- brick ice cream and cold coffee. ne, and commuters who pay at the j clamor like sin. . 1 Mcicl-Scal Storm Windows and Screens Jqaent. This need was apparent not only rate of 62 cents a day for the 18 j j days in November that they travel [ "That's why I'd buy shin guards! WE BUY wiln to New York to •work, should be j atl(j carry a eanej • Obtainable entitled to a seat in o grit free! if j had to ride every day on THA.T RAGS —IRON —PAPER Require ABSOLUTELY no caulkin . J ten era of untampered economy, coach, with no insolence from the train!' r conductors. If yonVe travelled on "A COMMUTER" POSITIVELY Eliminate Draft.. the Long Island Railroad recently (a female one, at that!) display the second i you'll see an unpleasant example | SCRAP METAL riod sticker will be denied registra- i less remedied. (With apologies to Mr. Pearce) tion, he said. If on these occasions the guests of what your daily trips may be jo r -pierce," as the case may be. Highest Prices Paid! could eat it and beat it, the suffer- like on the Jersey Central unless • • DON'T WAIT—INSULATE: NOWI ing would not be so acute. But there's strong action to reinstate Our «nsin«ers will »how you how you can iruulate Bennett To Speak the banquet dinner is only the be-the trains and adidl the coaches j Save IOUT Waite Paper HIGH POINT SALVAGE, k\ j ginning. From there on out foU that were removed under the pre- your attic and/or sidewaJla with CAREY ROCK- To Madison Co-op lows the entertainment. It is this text of the war emergency. No For The Boy Scouts ROaelle 4-2200 1 WOOL to five you huge savings in fuel and added 'feature of the evening that.com- business, not even a monopoly 20 Market Street KENILWORTH, N. J.1 -Lmof COMFORT. Mrs. Charles Thaeler, chairman pfctes ththe reddening of the epider- blessed by every politician in the h land, can long hold oat against the of the public relations committee, • mis on the of anatomy hah s announcedd thatht DrD . H. T. BBon- most ciosely relatcd to thhe dindii i pressure of public opinion. Bent The Cold Weather ! nett, president of the Westfield Co- room chair. An hour and a half op, will be guest speaker at the,of gating plus a Kke time inter. In th« First Army approximate- NOW call—Kearny 2-668-M, or membership meeUng to be held on al for speeches by distinguished ly 93% of all officer casualties oc- Bergen 34400 V Toesdayy, Nov. 19 at the Madison gaguestsests, and the cavortingB of fe- curred in four arms; Infantry, from... YMCA. males billed as 'Exotic and Tanta- Armored Infantry, Armored Cav- m afli 4 tom tmW ftsv As* staff ^ a^ ^v '" '" ^** %j M %FfV T^ mmm ~'m^ mm* mmt ^ ^i^ mmt mm, «• Friends aha* neighboring'co-op* lizing Terpsichoreans," is indeed a alry-and Field Artillery. The of^ EA«TeH« HOUK l.MttlMTIO.V CO. orators are welcome. j stiff penalty to pay for the honor 6cer casualties in Infantry Divi- 1S1* B»ultx»r4, Jrnrr CUT 5, s. J. j of being listed as among those sions were equal to twice the total THE WITHOUT OUMCMTIO.V PLEASE HAVE YOUR ENGINEER present. of the other arms mentioned above. CALL CONCERNING Benefit Recital Baseball has its seventh inning RIDGE n ALUSIIK-U1I STOI1M WINDOWS AND ECnEENS Total pay earned by the troops of the V. S. First Army in com- n CAREY 11UCKWOOL 1S8ULAT1OK bat during the period Aug. 1, 1944 PLAINF1ELD S£?9HE£ to Jan. 31, 194S was $166,540,622- that gOe3 no and on beyond .25, The recital will benefit St Luke's I AME Zion Church windows. Rev. T. E. Blackmon is pastor. i LUGGAGE REPAIRING • LEATHER JACKETS • HANDLES - ZIPPERS Trnnka Repaired Zipper. All Type. Inntollrd and llepolrrd THANK YOU!... RUSKIN LUGGAGE REPAIR SHOP Called tor and Delivered 13a VOIIT1I AVB. One I-llKbl fp Announcing Our Exclusive Franchise PLAI.VVIEI.I) I'lfd. 0-BJttU People of WESTFII of for the overwhelming amount of business in our first year in Badger and Leader WE ABE area. HOW BEADY We humbly thank you for making: this the Best in onr Retail Stores. Water Softeners FOB MEW OFFERING BUSINESS To show our appreciation .... THE MOST COMPLETE SELECTION OF MODELS AND SIZES OF WATER SOFT- ENERS IN THE BUSINESS. CALL For ONE DAY ONLY OUR MODERATE PRICED MODELS PLFD. 6- ARE INSTALLED FOR AS LITTLE AS 5820 FRIDAY $12510°0 (Monthly Payments At Low Ai $5.84 with NO down payment.) WE WASH EVERYTHING IN

it Coronet" IVORY SOAP SAYS ABOUT HARD WATER: Wise Women ... 100% WOOL COATS "In three items alone, increased use of SOAP, »end their laundry to us for quality work and larger PLUMBING bills, and .shorter life of prompt pick-up and delivery rervice. Ali Quality LINENS . . . RIDGE HARD WATER COSTS THE AVERAGE FAMILY MRS. FAUCETFS LAUNDRY, $100 EACH YEAR." 326 LEIAND AVENUE PIAINFIELD, N. J.

BRANCH STOIE: 104 BEPOt BA»K. WHY RENT A SOFTENER?- „,,„„„,„„ Values to 49.00 YOU CAN OWN YOUR OWN IN LONGER LASTING Open Every Evening Till 8:30 P. M- 3 YEARS. Wednesday — Thursday — Friday and Saturday PERMANENT DRIVEWAYS Open Monday and Tuesday, 9:30 to 6 P. M. Black or Grey Sione Fin ill, GRADING < LAWN SEEDING LEADER DRAINS — CONCRETING — STONE WALLS TUTTLfrBROS A. S. MANNINO & SONS : THE In Dimness Siace 1912 ', RIDGE 11S PARK STREET, Plione i INPLAINFIELD „, i N I WE. 2-4935 I 116 E. FRONT ST. Entrance Next to Hanewald a l» THE WESTFIELP LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1946 The latter can be made with semi- Where World Court Hold* Its Meetings Joyable, proved profitable to 50 of During combat &*_#. Favorite Poods sweet chocolate and syrup And those present. A huge assortment! t\"""L Cw»«l Army supply elements i most Union County cooks know! 8 Westfiel Jers of gTocenus wa distributed agjPI&llf NOV. 16 ; how to use regular cream for whip.! a 3,600 tuna of Supply- From New Jersey ping by adding gelatin, The cof-i door prizes in drawings conducted accelerated action* reached i fee custard sauce was a n*w dis- In Merck Club by J. W. Winer, Colonia. Nota- A meeting of the WHS Librarbryy 7,000 tons daily. . ble among the items were half Counciil Mivded r thh e Bpcjisorshihip of MARY »'. ARMSTRONG covery for me, but I can now iee- onniiend it. ] Eight Wcstfleld lesidcnts wm, hams, smoked turkey end assorted iss Marian Scott wns held Wed- County Home Agent among the ISO members of the "lle cheese. esdny, Oct. 23. Plans wwe made Hev Jersey cookery supplies Shephtid's Pie Haliwny-New York Qhapters of th• I.-e! The arrangements for this meet- or the Community Fair which will WESTFIELDS W many »» interesting dish for the 1 tablespoon butter Merck Quarter Century Club *ho ing at the Elizabeth Elks club be at the High School Nov. 16. A m»y nt* M h »» *tlukta enjoyment of people everywhere. '£ thill slices onion, minced held thriv eighth annual dinner were provided by the retiring ex- ommittee was chosen by Lois Doft- but unj.^i.bl( y dam tUtf And a search of cookbooks for diiih- % tablespoon flour | meeting recently. Attendance at ecu tive comuiilU'u under the chair- ihlsoii, president of thu organiza- Uke the •Dflnnt out •( ts eliiuacterislic ui' the different 1 cup broth and lamb gravy mixed i the dinner represented over 3600 manship of II. E. Jamioson of 469 ion, to supervise the project. Mem- h states finds not only many dishes Salt and pepper j years of service in I lie tine chem- Beechwout! place. bers serving on this committee are: CLOVE3KIN ihat are common in New Jersey 1 teaspoon chopped parsley I ical induttiy. The following me WettfleM Jloiittna Dustin, Maty PfafT, Ter- U jmt tba answer •• 1* dled to other states, but also 3 cups mashed potatoes I member* of the Merck Quarter y Molloy, Phyllis Colyer and Mar- dream for that *om*Wft«- The club, composed of veteran remove tht •farcliw the Garden State the uc- 2 cups cold roust lamb, cut in me- omploj cs of Merck Si Co., Inc., with Century Club: George E. Ander- garet Mathews. source of numerous ex- illutn-sizfd piece? son, 1008 Boutin-aid; Dr. \V. II. Plans wci'o also discussed for effect. It b "a CL 25 yenn service or over, was found- Ensrels, 17 Uennctt place; K. N. •oftciu *nd vrttttm* »«» I cellent recipes. Saute onion in butter, add flour ed in 1113'J with 128 members. the foil meeting of the New Jersey ovornifhl, *ni • bMP* M Funk, 417 Colonial avenue; II. E. Stnti) School Library Council Asso- pliable mui youthful. Those that seem to offer the most and cook over \ery low heat 3 min- Present membership total's over Jamlcson, 4E9 Ktm-hwood place; H. help with present day food jnpb- utes. Pom- i,, broth mixed with 2L>0. Additional chapters in Bt. ciation of which Westh'eld will have] P, l.ukena, 375 Wychwocd road; charge. 1 Sold *t JAllVIS'B ]ema include boiled chicken with whatevet muvy is left from roast Louis und Philadelphia hold an- George E. Mvniching. B28 Cedar caper sauce, shepherd's pie, scal- lamb; udd salt and pepper and nual meetings in those cities. A terrace; R. J. Strong, 474 Chan- loped turnips, and ice box pudding. paisley, and cook ;i minutus. Turn new chapter will be chartered dur- ing the coming yeai embracing em- ning avenue and John Veljlnvd, ployes of the company's subsidiary, (508 Hilk'ient avenue. Merck & Co., Limited, Montreal, YOU PAY NO MO IE Canadu. FEDERAL RECOtJNITION FOR NO UNITS Three, new members, including The War Department recently rot IMC! 1ESS0IS At John Weljlard of 008 Hillcrest grunted federal recognition to 1)3 avenue, were Inducted into tho club National Guard units, 20 of which during tho meeting. New members are In the First Army (Now York, I ne rtut r«K« u I iw rtkgue, cipiUl ol i"ie N«therUnd>, it now previously inducted during the year New- Jersey, Delaware, New Eng- the p«rm»n«nt hexlqutrtcri of the lnt«rn>tionil Court of Jutlica. were introduced at the dinner. land) iiiea. All but two of the The entertainment feature of 20 unit!) nre Air Corps establish- In ment and hent just below boil- the (.'veiling, us welt as being en- ments. ing iioint. Line n buttered baklnK Social Security Card (Jish with mushed potatoes, pour Not Identification iiiininiiniH^^ In meat and gravy and cover with moshiij potatoes, linko in '125° F. Recent reports of stores, banks oven just lonK enough to color the and credit houses hnving accepted potatoes. Serves G. ' social security account number ScMoped Turnijm cards n3 good identification for For Your You actually tavtponty beauicyoa Teel and cut in eighths 3 bunch- cashing checks today brought learn ihe.new dtliCM in a fraction of es of small white turnips. Cover warning fiom Leonard P. Sawvel, the usual time. jwlth boilini; water, to which has manager of the Ellitnboth office of been added BjwilU'st possible pinch the Social Security Administration, Bum Mi,, «My I UlIM of soda, and cook, uncuvcu'd, 3 which services Union und Somer- Shopping Convenience Arthur Mutrajr'i amailng Magic minutes. Druln, mid fvevh boiling set counties, that a social security Step H'IVCJ you the ihortcut to mat- waler, and continue to cook 1G min- card has no snfe value for such tery of all the new Kepi. His talented iutca or until tender. Drain thoi- identification. experts quickly bring out your hat- jouglily uiu! mush well with u i'oilt. He pointed out that H social se uial pace and tente of rhyihm— Arid Vi cup cream, 1 teaspoon but- curity card is issued to anyone who THE make you fun to dance with and * ter and salt to taste. Put into a upplii's and indiculcs his need for plcasuic to watch. shallow baking dish, dust with sift- It. No identification is required Naw C«iU»M*-r

Insulate now before winter seis in. Top- NEEDED! quality Rock Wool Insulation keeps the heat In, your home, saves you njohey on cold> weather fuel bills, and makes your horns as much at 15° cooler during hot weather. Both expert workmanship and materials are fully guaranteed. And you don't hove fo pay a penny until Nov. 1 j Call us today; we'll estimate the cost of Insulating your home. Estimation obligates you in no Way.

' MANY METAL SEAL ALUMINUM MONTHS COMBINATION WINDOWS i Ifc'i «aty to buy the i fameui WEATHER- 1 3 BENEFITS FROM ONE UNIT 1 VANE storm an eh. icreen combination doora and windows. • EASY TO INSTALL STORM SASH No money down . . # many months to pay. • EASY TO INSTALL SCREENS • PERMANENT YEAR 'ROUND WEATHER STRIPPING muum SAVE TIME, LABOR AND t WEATHER.VANE . . . easily changeable from Innlde. STORAGE SPACE I WEATHEB-VAIME . . . lolldly con. • tructed of Calif Of nl.i Redwood. Bring your home up-to-cfola and Install it with ihom I WEATHER-VANE . . . >ave« up to . 36% fuel btltB. completely naw Aluminum Combination Window*. I WEATHER-VANE . . . Weather Tattet Isti than 30 teconeff to iwllch from Storm treated, they never need painting, Saili la Siroeni. Hnvs mffitlent ventilation during f WEATHER.VANE . . . constructed with exclusive SHilo-Stri.). rain, wind and dint itormi. Will lav* up 10 30% fuel cotlt. <»MI'I,i;i'U STOCK III' COMHIW- TUt\ i»OOIIN. I'l-IM.A ltOf, S('I(ICI':VH FOR tUll FACTS MAIL COUPON TODAY .—- Audrey Thomas ,IMI WKATIIHH mill'HUII. UN- SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. Continuously Entertaining JURY SCREEN & 400 WESr FRONT ST. PIA.INFIEIO, M, I. WEATHERSTRIP CO. INSULATED BRICK SIDING Send reprflienlaliva for fre» eitfmul* or) 4SBEST0S WAVEY BUTT SHINSLB Nightly and Sunday Afternoons t.l Iniulallon O 5t»im Smh fl Roofing 42 FRANKLIN AVE., JOB GUARANTEED D Siding APPLIED BY EXPERTS WEST ORANGE, N. J. For Your Pleasure At ... Suill to weather any norm. Woi'lunamhip guargnlsst! hy Sean' famoui NAME — .„...„-. ,„ -.,..,„... rity __,„_ ...„.,. Protect your homo wilh Ssun' fireproof top quality smart .foefetng wav«y- niieiantee, Plions or wri'o todu/. V/s'il iund reproton!u!iv» la quota liutt Atbettoi Shinglot. Sov8 on your fuet 1'iff. Put on by expert wotk* JIMNIC MUSIC BAR you a camptato ptUe without obligation on your part. ADDRESS. BIST TIMB TO CAU mon tint! gunrantoeil by Ssan, Mann 400 WEST FRONT STREET 316 NORTH AVE. DUNELLEN, N. J. Satisfaction Guaranteed uv Your Money Back PLAINFIEID, NEW JERSiy PlAINFiElD 6-3611 City

1 Opposite Railroad Plaza Twenty-Eight THE WESTFTELD LEADEB, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 7. 1946 SFiraTWwUy; fcctb ROY Oirf A*k» Care T*ws of 5_- t lbs | c-t L'iicm Svtit *f -Vt« V sisest cf i&e tfestStid fire • MAGEM dent* to taks tntm pimstiB&i injuries siiiisiBBd srfcen *£* ItATlO wiitl brush ind gm*» Sres was is- ICES eoe amidcr !**!!• cry* s*rTH SINGER SEWING CENTER, £ tbe sencwRess of tbt iiizze before lire. 21: Else T. PUIXITELD ltd irons Jsiir i. uu 10 JEE* J BARON'S THE ringing the alarm. l***%«ii! fee aud!£t*3 &£4 »£Ate4 1 Three tff Thursday's fires «cur- tern eira mi between \?.:'atl &ad 3 p. m_, and winje-ws WATCH Eim*r S:r»«. for ad} Arc tef-sresn 7:18 p. m. and 9:58: Wfllj *isp60E» -WE. p. TO. :i-T-4L \. KOIiXlEU STORE THAT STARTED ELBtTBICtl. C0»T»ACTOR—Wlr- Inr lor llfflsl and power. Job; roperly attended. Howard • OCSB WlmiXA. fiOEWELL ft XICHOU JR, f.unltear, 160} Columbus Jtv«. Tet. c^£. l>f*QT bell* acl ch&zn tit K Ero£<£ St- W^ft^f'O. A". J iuHe4 and r*palre*i. l^as TMEK BEHSICE— fromplete Insurance cvvtragt HIES. WE 2G4H-J. CH.VSCCBV OP .teir JEHSEI Tel. JS-lainfleW #-»*«»- 1J. TBOIBLE IS B4DIO I To ««.•» LOW PRICES IN IF T - -- - — tor 4epeEa-;aoH!t MAKSHAXJ- 1>AVEXPORT- . call. I By rirto« of a» ordtr of tht (I A»PH»1,T TILe lor S«r*«Usa tTATiOJT umo »HOr, Coiirt of Ciusctrr of tbr Eut, , • Boomg, oftlees utd Indnstrli! lo- Are. W-_ . \. l^» J«f«r »a«« pa thtfce, iTth d> H-I-« of S>p>t «t In Inaullatlotl service. Llnolsuni rturein Sink Tops witJi &tftlsl£S3 steel TBEKS REIOVED. inM * I4u. < is petitionei r tud >on are deftndAnt. trim Installed* 5 ytar» «p*ri«!c«- lB«ar«i 1»< j Ten are feenbr r«aalr*d to answer Central Alt Pboue WH 1- , Ih* p*UHc.£i of pctittalur on or (xt- WESTFIELD AND VICINITY IKLD BLOC. iPECIAl.TIE* H5!-M. ll-?*« i ton the «th day of Dectmbcr Beet. C1I *M* *•«•- WiriltU WE. Z-1SST, Evtalass Bak. T 11M f ll?tt IIver»3;#r asd Tom. BRING YOUR NEXT Tile a flped&itjr. l>ated: September t'tli, tS<« «PECL«.ITIE* JOHX W. OCKPORD. COMPAXrr , KIKUHnoiMliatY Ad aiGEand ComratrcisK L CR. ! Soltcltor ot Petitioner. SI I ««alk «n. wnlltU SS .jcBraat] Sqoare, WE. S-1MT, K»ala«« Rak. T-1 *-IIS#. til Ce»t*aal*l Ait. Ctan- i Jereer Cltt; K..i 11-7-U fort H-'~**jl»-lJ-4t PRESCRIPTION TO BARON'S CBfER.lL JOBBIVG—So lob tooijTOTICB •That tbe l«t intermediate __„ f of the *o*»erib«r. Guardian of the and estate of EMILY W. AND COMPARE OUR PRICES

EYES EXAMINED Friday, tie «th day at December. S-SI«B next at *:!8 A- M. HOBERT B. MACCORMACK. 1 Pound FURNfTURE REPAIRING IateI>ate4d October 23rd., ISIS. DOS MAXWELMAXWEL . »BIWI »-«?• WIIXIAM M. BEURD, Proetor, 50c Dr. Morton N. Mann Moaatala -AT*. Few |U« LORD CHARLES ISOTICB or SETTMSMEVT. j NOTICE IS HERKBT GIVES, NYLON OPTOMETRIST LEGAL NOTICES I That the final accoant of tbe sub* BRUSHLESS I striber. Administrator of th» «stst« ,. «. „..-„ • of MAnT T. MAKEN'GHI, intestate. TOOTH BRUSH 227 EAST BROAD ST. . WE5TFIELD Take tltat in accordance | deceased, will be audited and stated 9c wlih a re*o! MILK OF »T.*TB OP SEW JEHSET I Br virtue of an order by the JDEFAHTMEXT OP *T».1B 1 Court of Chancerr of the State of With Coupon Only 14c t New Jersey made on the duy *.f f-EflTIFK ATT: OP DIS»(l[,rrlOS i the date hereof, in a disc wherein L __ MAGNESIA 17c To All to «h(tm t&ese presents inay Jerome Berke and Martha Berfce are come. Oreetinic: comp!atnantplnat K and you and other* •5FHEBEAS5. It appear* to my Kit- are defendants• - - , yon ar« required to Isfactlim. by flavtath day of December, next, or u&animott* consent of EH w^ockhoJii- ; fn deiault thereof euch decree may er«. depoilied in my office, that j •>• mad Ble aralniil l It t 1yao ba«1 th uteA Chaniu u- THE NEW JERSET COMPANY, "^Uf.he _'?,1i *'^ _^ !'!"? . ." i ' ONLY 5 MORE INC^ a corporation of this HtateC ,T a". ! amended bill of com Steaks and Chops whose principal office is eitoated at plaint filed to foreclose the right CIGARETTES LOWEST PRICES ALWAYS Complete Plate Dinners To Take Out. AT BARON'S CENTRAL SHOPPING DAYS AT CHESTERFIELD . WE ARE CLOSED WEDNESDAYS. OLD GOLD . . BARON'S FOR THAT DtonlBllon aalo which wa« recorded in the B HARSH. S«cretftry of" State of Sinty L^Slv^iM^In SSSk LUCKIES . . . the State of New Jersey, Do Hereby g f MortK*p*ji for'"nlon Toun- Certify that the Kaid corporation j 143ty pag o e 5SC " * " "' "" FREE BENDIX which *ald certificate • PHILLIP MORRIS did, on the Twenty-third day of i of_ tax. sale «r»R conveyed to the - Per October. 1946, file in my office a ' complainants on June 21. 154j, a* duly executed and attested consent evidenced by the rerordins of *iaid ' H. TARREYTON Carton Tel. We.tf.eld 2-2173 in writing to the dissolution of said certificate on July 10, 1313, In Hook i WASHING MACHINE AND 25 OTHER VAL- corporation, eiecuted liy all the 16* of AsuIfrnmeniH of Mortgage* \ FtfickhoJrlers thereof, which Bald for In ion County, page 2T&, and RALEIGH 1 UABLE GIFTS. TICKETS ARE GIVEN FRK Inlon County, psue 27S. and consent and the record of the pro- Mariano Zizolfo. or your heirs. ceedings aforesaid are now on file ydeviKee» and personal represtnta- PALL MALL . . . In my said office as provided by law. dtives, are made a party defendant WITH EACH 50c PURCHASE. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, becauseae e yoyuu are the owner nnff rec I have hereto wot my hand and ordd off thth e premisei s in questioi n and ^ WITH THIS COUPON ONLY affixed my official seal, at you Lena Zizolfo, are made a r'any - DRAWING AT ,RIALTO, NOV. 13tl Westheld Diner Trenton, thin Twenty-third defendant because you have or: day of October. A. I>. one claim to have a right of dower in 1 thousand nine hundred and said lands. ! 213 E. Broad St., next to John Franks forty-six. SSEVIMT *• KLV. Seal of the Secretary Bolicltorft at <"omiVD B. MA11SU, •Westfleld, N. J. I Secretary of fctato. October 10, llMS. : 10-31-3t 10-17-eK under nalli or affirmation their claims iind ilemandK aitaiiiHt 15 16 17 18 19 tho ...»t,-iti of »iil. f'S. ¥rftS biulcMs, not Juit a aldt-Uju. Coxa* «« KKii m .St.. id. .v. .!. j * ^ IN FOg OLD MODEL CARS blued wlttx our long «xperienoo,' 31J tJbis often enablw ui to m«ka a y CITRATES Xoftu that othen voa't or cuiX TO: no.ME.VlCO Cl.TI!t;KKl,IX) AST. WM. WARGA „&- And we try to mal» tss loan rour, \ KNNEIIA CITKa-Elj/,. r l|15 HH Park l«r. Pl« 6-1763 Drue' NATIONWIM 1 nj. Tti»'« WIT * out ot • W— WITK. AM. ISIOVANSI DEJIii:. I'I..*I\K1KI.II >tw OIL CASH CREDIT C««D aik for a loan at 'PcntmaV, gat rilOASD ANNA UK V,M;r,u, ||/a — OPKV I1A11.V TII.I. A p. M. r — AND Aa otcsMt •) hfunot •Mltbl Don't borrow unnsceuarll;, but II Wll'E, THEIli IIKU-.A I/KVISKK« Su»d3>. till J p. M. y»» li a Coih O.dll Co.J wM • cub loan BOJVM a tnonsj problom, A.VI»_I'Eltifr>NAL IIKW'.KSENTA'- wfclcli you Ktn 8tf Imnwdlat* doa't baaltau to »M -rtrtomu1—ti» CARBONATES 19c fnh fn any •m.rgmcv—*wti^)Mf Ity viVtuo of an Oti.'.r •< II..! - c Company that UkM to tj "Too". i.Vjiirl cjf Ch.-inn-ry or N<--.v -!*r'' -- 26 lPint el him* or wtilk Inmtiilt—al 400 omatod rifuml •«««h Cftait I* tssit* 1 _?m«»ttf FINANCE CO* ('utru •tinvt ret ni^, yoi are: crrfnln lonnw I *0K PLA1NF1ISLD •v -.( J.f Chester West SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. 4 9 WATCHUNG AVENUE "J^ her, U4'i. iiixi, ;:ill <-f • UNION BUILDINO plaint will b" Us. Bo. en Monthly Ealo, a^% en Balam> f Contractor & Builder B-J7B0 OPES rVENISOS BY AFPOIHTMENT (l;itc

9 Remodeling Bathrooms, Kitchens, Playroom*.

HETEBED SERVrCE 0 Roofing, Siding, Ga- FUEL OIL rages and Driveways. iMTEPHOHf ! 2-4684-M Estimates Furnished. Financing Arranged. 772 Prospect St. 'Phone Wedfield 2-2208 Wa Rewsrve the Right to Umit Quantity OIL BURNER AND STOKEK SERVICE.