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Piper —Fat Still Needf d Sart Yourt THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY IpTY-SEVENTH YEAR—No. 13 Entered as Second Class Matter PubUlhed IpTY- Post Office. Westfiela. N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1946 Every Thursday. SS Pac«»-~S EsTKtty Baltz With Red Cron Overseas Anton Rovinsky Speaks Wednesday [o Fill Franklin To Play Here 69 Per Cent of Voters Cast Ballots; chool Vacancy Tomorrow Night Town, County, State All Republican Schooli Clow Until Music Club Concert Wertfield'. Mayor Elect Tuesd»y For Convention For Scholarship Fund High Majorities Bailey Heads Arnistice Dajr Has Vtricd Program Awarded All Local Ballot Miss Betty Baltz, an urmssigned The Musical Club concert will be j eher, was appointed elementary I given tomorrow evening at 8:30 in the Franklin School to p, m. in the Roosevelt Junior High GOP Candidates With 6,769 Votei lace Mrs. Edward Deacamp, a School by Anton Rovinsky, pian- and grade instructor in the ist. Mr. Rovineky'g program in- State and county rode along on Traditionally Republican . ool who tendered her re*i|ma- cludes a Beethoven Sonata, and i the nation-wide Republican gallop field gave large majorities to all i effective Nov. 1 at the Board compositions by Schumann, Bach, Tuesday, returning H, Alexander candidates of that party in Tu*». Education meeting hjld In Roo- Brahms, Debussy, Ravel, Rovin- Smith to the Senate, Clifford P. day's General Election, voted for Junior High School last sky and Albeniz. All proceeds from Case to Congress and electing Al- the proposed emergency housing iht | the concert will be used for the fred E. Driscoll, Governor. There bill and for the County Retirement JTestficld schools will be closed! club scholarship fund. were heavy majorities all along; plan, norrow to allow teachers to at-] There are no reserved sent) and the line, extending down into the Sixty-nine per cent of tho 11,279 j the meeting of the New Jer-: tickets may be purchased at the GOP candidates for State Assem- voters registered, cast ballots, act' Education Assocatlon in At- door. MISS CORA PHOEBE CLARY, bly and County Clerk and Board ting a new record for an off yw tic City tomorrow, Saturday The club will hold its November who fat the put nina y«»n fcai of Freeholders. election. The total vote was 1717. | Sunday. About 30 teachers meeting Wednesday afternoon at dirvctad th« Anaricftii Service Although thousands of voters In 1942, the last off year, 64 per n to attend, according to an an-' 2:30 p. in. in the home of Mrs.Center ipontored by the American failed to pull levers on the public cent of the voters, 6388, went to '. jnefflnent by Charles' A. Phil-1 Walter L. Day Jr., 720 Lawrence YWCA In I.Unbul, Turkey. questions, the $36,000,000 bond is- the polls. The largest turnout for rtr, superintendent of schools, i avenue. • sue for emergency housing passed any election wai in 1940, when lh Avmietice Day falling on' The subject of the meeting is by more than two to one- through- 91.8 per cent voted. In 1944, 8«.« nday, n long week-end will b,e "Music in the Home," and the pro- out the state. The County Retire- per cent, 9791, cast ballot*. In all oyed by school students and; gram will include acquaintance Cora P. Clary ment Plan was approved by about districts there wer« complaint* ""- with songs and songbooks suitable the same margin. that the registry lists were Inaccu- CHARLES P. BAILEY 'wenty-nine Weatfield students for use with all ages, participation To Speak At YW The county gave Senator Smith rate, listing names of persons dt-- I participate in tho All-State in group singing by those present, a plurality of 31,604 votes over ceased or no longer residents. The jru« and Orchestra, which will ways of enhancing the musical ex- Democratic opponent, Mayor Geo. number of these was not ascer- e a program (luring the Atlantic perience of children through sim- To Address Fellowship E. Brunner of Caniden and theBorough Backs tained, but probably was offset by '' y meeting of the teachers, Twen- ple rhythmic responses to music, state rolled up tecord breaking the election day registration of 12* four of the students are in the and a short period In which those Luncheon Wednesday margins for him, Driscoll won out veterans, by Town Clerk Charlet ' irus and five in the orchestra. present may have an opportunity in the county over Lewis G. Han-GOP Ticket Clark, which was permitted under is Janet Grimier, who will chap- to tell of ways they have found The annual World Fellowship sen, Democrat, by 28,829 votes and a recent law. ne the group, was awarded $350 of making music an enjoyable ex- Luncheon of the YWCA will be his state-wide plurality was well ! Charles P. Bailey, unopposed expenses for transportation • . ,, —American lied Cross Photo. perience in their homes. held' at 1 o'clock Wednesday with over the 200,000 mark, "Ki!roy"~Receive. GOP candidate for Mayor, was top I meals for the students. Camp Kilmer.—Four Red CroM firlt get together for a U»t-minute A display of song books, musical Miss Cora Phoebe Clary, who re- man in votes received with C760. [r. thllhower announced that chat In the burrtcki where they »re awaiting embarkation from Now cently returned from Iatunbul, Tho Republicans picked up six Vote For Council literature and books and music seats in the Assembly but dropped Henry G. Nulton, Ror.uMican for pupils at WestfieW.High School York. At the rkil, left to right: Norm* Anderson, Weitfield; Dorothea will be shown and a few recom- Turkey, as the speaker. Miss re-election as County Clerk was on the distinguished honor N. Peterton, S.« Cliff, L. 1., N. Y., and Oakland, Cnl.i Florence Old- Clary directed the American Serv- one in the State Senate. The It was a foregone conclusion mended songbooks will be on sale. state's Congressional • delegation that some place in the country top man in the contested office), lup fit the end of the first mark- ham, Baltimore, Md., and Catherine Frank, South Willinglon, Conn. Mrs. Randolph Major is chair- ice Center sponsored by the Amer- with n total of 6569 votes. Clif- period and that 40 students ican YWCA there for nine years. remains unchanged, Republicans "ICilroy" would appear in the elec- man of the program. holding their 12 seats and the Dem- tion. He turned up in Afountnin- ford P. Case, Republican for ie> re members of the honor (rroup, She will talk of her unusunl expe- election to the House of Repre- Ie also reported that a total of Grade School Patrols riences in serving women of allocrats holding two, both In Hudson Bide, whore ho received one vote County. Political annlysts, who for Council. This little by-play sentatives was second with 4G<SS parents attended Paient- Norma Anderson nationalities at the Center, which and Alfred E. Drlncoll, GOP can- ichers meetings during the Will Be Considered College Club Has was a small oasis of peace in asaw Hague's majorities in hitf coun- was as nothing, however, to the ith, Approximately 2,294 par- ty for Democratic candidates sliced confused Council race in the bor-didate for Governor, was third with wur-torn world, 0681. H. Alexander Smith, run* s arc enrolled in the association, Serves Overseas Because there seems to bo re- heavily compared to other el ough. On the ballot were William h the Senior High School hav- newed interest in school patrols, Mrs. H, M. Mitchell, world fel- tlons, predicted that he in on his ning for re-election to the Senate ' Quiz Program Stevenson of Birch hill and Fabian on the Republican ticket, palled the largest membership of 523, the Benjamin Franklin PTA study lowship chairman, will preside, way out as controller of the party. E. Vincent, formerly of Summit owed by the Junior High School Red Cross Worker group under the leadership of Mrs. Rev. Frederick Blatz will offer the 0603 votes, eighth in numbei re- Nov. 29-30Piay invocation, Mrs. L. H. Leggett Jr., Only Elizabeth, Linden and Win- road. , The latter, however, moved ceived. h 450. Stationed In Germany F. S. Blifford is sponsoring an field went Democratic, which they to Chicago before the election, leav- open meeting to discuss the sub- will speak briefly of the spiritual Under Rehearsal challenge of the world-wide work traditionally are, ing the i>o»t vacant. Despite this, G. Clifford Thomas was the heav- The Senior High basketball ject at the Benjamin Franklin he received 309 votes and Steven- test vote getter among the State iule of 16 games was an- Miss Normn P. W. Anderson of, -„ . , ,.,.-„., , of the association, and there will 266 Klmball avenue was among' School auditorium Wednesday at Tuesday evening, at the regular be vocal selections by the new Y- son 482. William Guilfoyle ie- Assembly candidate* with 6551. 10 a. m. celvotl 42 write-in volea for thoHe was followed by Charles. B. mty-nint ntore students were 125 American Red Cross workers meeting of the College Woman's Tien diroctor, Mi«s Mi»J'y Follmer. who sailed front New York recent- Several brief talks on what is Club at the Masonic Temple, a Proceeds of the luncheon;wlll h«2000th Veteran olHce. Geddes, Joseph L, Breaehtr and, ' during October than'the short skit, publicizing tfie forth' Thomas M. Mulr in that aider. i month last year.